Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

J41C. Tests before meeting an antagonist.


The character is going to fight a dangerous opponent. Along the way, he is offered tasks that he performs. This is a sign that he will also master the enemy. Usually, the same tasks were previously offered to another character who failed to complete them and was defeated by an opponent.

Kordofan, Kabily, Maldives, Tingyan, Chinese (Jilin), Romanians, Russians (Terek coast, Arkhangelsk coast), northern Ukrainians (Chernigov), Eastern Ukrainians (Poltava), Abkhazians, Ossetians, Nogais, Turks, Persians, Lutsi, Chuvash, Tubalars, Ulchi, Udege, Kamayura.

Sudan - East Africa. Kordofan (ethnicity is not specified; F. attributed this text to those borrowed from the Berbers {which ones? in Kordofan?}) [The king refuses his daughter's suitors; when he died, Ghoul came and took her away; her younger brothers Ahmet and Hasan grew up; playing with the other boys, A. threw a piece of wood and broke the old woman's jug; she advised him it is better to return the sister kidnapped by the ghoul; A. asked his mother to boil water for washing; bent her head to the cauldron: if you do not tell us about his sister, she put her in boiling water; the mother admitted that her sister was kidnapped by Ghoul Ibrahim; when leaving, A. left Hasan a ring: if he starts to squeeze his finger, he is in trouble; A. drove up to the well; an old man next to the fig tree; he tells Ahmet to collect water himself; he is unable to lift his wineskin from the well; old man: so you can't win either; but if you still want to go, follow the ram, lead to a ghoul; your sister asks you to leave; the ghoul who came shook hands with A. - she hung powerlessly; invited her to the garden, ordered to go ahead, pushed them into a hole in which all the prisoners; as needed, the ghoul eats them; the ring on H.'s finger clenched; he went after A.; with H. everything was the same as A.; the mother realized that she had ridden a donkey thirsty, drank donkey urine, became pregnant; the baby says from her womb that Gulya will win; runs right after birth; his name is Wudan Dahasch ("Donkey Ear"; VD); they came to town; salesman oils and the honey seller tried to laugh at the baby, but he hit them so much that no one else laughed; asked his mother for a stick; consistently breaks two wooden, iron; satisfied with a huge iron club; VD beats people with it; the vizier advises the king to tell VD to herd goats and sheep in the garden where Gul Madina lives (in the local language, the steering wheel, not the ghoul); he will kill him; M. suggests dividing garden and live in peace; VD safely grazes the herd in the garden several times and bears fruit to the king; one day M. sleeps; VD covered him with brushwood and set him on fire; he died; VD cut off his head, hid it under a rock; everyone speaks that he defeated M., but only VD knows where the head is; the vizier offers another way to get rid of VD; two gulas live in the river, do not provide water, you have to take bad water from the well; two gulya have agreed turn into beautiful women; VD heard this; brought women to the city, ordered them to become ghouls; the people, the king, the vizier were horrified; VD burned the skin of the guli, they became girls forever; VD left them in his care mothers; when the king offers to shower VD with mercies, but he (as several times before) only asks for permission to continue to frighten people with his iron club; he does not kill or injure people, but only knocks people down off the feet; the vizier proposes to send VD to the mighty neighboring king with a load of manure and a letter asking him to kill VD; VD broke his club and ordered the blacksmiths to forge an even heavier and stronger one; on the ship he was surprised why are the bags light, found manure, threw it into the Nile, burned a letter and wrote another asking to honor VD; VD was solemnly received to the sound of musical instruments; at night all residents together and the king went to the fortress; VD brought it down with his club, all the people died; brought pipes and so on to his king: allegedly, another king called valuable gifts manure, so he killed him and brought valuable tools; VD came to his mother and she finally told him about the fate of his sister and brothers; VD went to the king to ask for a horse; vizier: if anyone kills VD, only this ghoul; when he reached the old man at the well, VD easily raised his wineskin with water and bent over the fig tree to give the old man figs; tells his sister that he will free the brothers; he shook hands with the gulya so much that his fingers bleed; in the garden, VD forced the ghoul to bend over the hole, hit on the back with a club, cut it into pieces; the prisoners got out of the hole; in the city they were frightened to see the crowd approaching; then they realized that this VD was leading the released; the king gave VD his daughter and throne; VD's sister went beyond son of a king]: Frobenius 1923, No. 25:273-277.

North Africa. Kabila [Wuarssen takes the sister of three brothers; two older adults, who come for her, cannot eat the food offered, voarssen throws them into a vessel in the barn; the youngest has grown quickly, is strong, kills the kidnapper, sends his sister and brothers home; goes on a journey, meets and companions a long-legged, long-bearded man pulling trees; in the forest they take turns cooking, the lion comes, everything eats; little brother stays, kills a lion, others are frightened to see a lion's head; younger brother leaves alone]: Frobenius 1922a, No. 7:66-70.

South Asia. Maldives [Māmeli Daita has 4 daughters and 3 sons; they brought their mother 7 breadfruit and asked them to cook for their return; she began to cook and slowly ate everything herself; told the children that the huge Māgola Mādūni bird sat on a grain grater and spoiled it so much that there was no way to peel it off, so she did not have time to cook the fruits and threw them away; the children asked their mother make them bows and go kill MM; along the way they meet people who bend a palm tree to get fresh coconuts; pick up an entire well to drink water like a jug; they pick up each one in a bundle of 42 palm leaves to cover the roof; they eat fish, throw seeds into the water, they turn back into fish and swim away; all these people ask where Mameli Dite's children are going; they answer every time that since they know they are MD children, they should know where they are going; people respond: if you can bend a palm tree (etc.), defeat the bird (but they can't); the old man at the fork in the road sends on the left road; a bird sits at a fork in the Ashoka indica tree; each of the MD children shoots and misses, the bird swallows everyone; when they learn about this, MD cries; wrapped one tear in a tarot sheet, put it in box, a rustle was heard, a tear turned into a boy, his name was Tear; he immediately grew up, asked for a bow and went to kill MM; along the way the same meetings, but each time the boy does what was suggested; killed the bird with seven arrows, brought its mother, cut it, inside the living brothers and sisters play lemons (or rather limes); everyone went swimming in the pool and the tear blurred in the water - it was just a tear]: Romero- Frias 2012, No. 61:230-238.

Taiwan - Philippines. Tingian [Aponibolinaen says he wants oranges from Gavigaven's garden (he has six heads); her husband Aponitolau asks, she calls a different garden each time; he bears fruit, tears it up; after hearing the truth, Aponitalau goes to G.; all the omens are bad; the spider leader carries him across the rampart to the village of G.; G. demands to eat the buffalo carcass (ants, flies eat) ; G. offers to climb for fruit, the tree has knife branches, A. is cut; before death he sends home a spear with strung fruits; the wife gives birth to a son Kanag; K. goes to G., all the omens are good; G. throws an ax, K. stands at him; blows down five G.'s heads with a spear; revives his father from the remains, who is unable to cut off the sixth head, K. cuts it off himself]: Rybkin 1975, No. 37:93-102.

China - Korea. The Chinese (Jilin; the place of recording is not specified, but Changbaishan is there) [boas lived on Mount Changbaishan; Liu Yong-jun ("Liu Forever Beautiful") asks his mother about her father; she replies that his grandfather five of the brothers destroyed the boas, their king and queen remained; the grandfather hit the male boa with an arrow, but the female managed to spray poison on him, revived her husband; when he died, the grandfather told his son to fight the Boas only after how he learns to shoot two arrows at the same time; son trains, cannot fire two arrows, dies like a grandfather; LIU has learned to fire two arrows; he is warned of the dangers of Birch (is in appearance old man), Raven (old woman), Vine (boy), boy (ginseng root guarded by Boas), Frog, Bird; he does not drink water from the river (poison), does not lie down on a wicker bed in a cave (it is made of snakes), on a board on a bare tree (tree - snake, fork - mouth, board - tongue); he sleeps on Fish's back in the river; hits both Snakes with two arrows at once; gets ginseng, snake eyes (pearls); boas have turned into two mountain ranges, scree stones turned red because of their blood]: Riftin 1972:279-293 (quail in 1993:342-356).

The Balkans. The Romanians [one hundred of the widow's sons went to plow; the damn dragons first stole the older sister, then the rest 99, making a furrow (not to the brothers' field, but) to their house; the brothers went in search; came to cow shepherds; they warned that the brothers would defeat the dragon if they could eat 99 roasted oxen, 99 bread ovens and 99 barrels of wine; they could not; the horse shepherd said they would win dragons, only if a stallion with 99 hearts were tamed, they could not; the dragon killed them all; their mother swallowed a pea, gave birth to Pea Veselice; playing with the children, he learned about the fate of his siblings; so get her mother to confess, put {something hot on her chest? Grundbalken; on the way he ate 99 roasted oxen, 99 bread ovens, drank 99 barrels of wine, drove to death a stallion with 99 hearts; his older sister recognized him when he saw his scarves and beads; before killing him the dragon, learned from him how to revive his siblings; on the way home, the brothers tied Pea to a tree; he escaped, got home and then went to see the world; saw a man at his bedside dying sisters; he indicated where to look for the Beauty of the World; Pea forced the owl to return the stolen hearts and killed him, returned his hearts; crossed the bloody river; saw the Beauty of the World swimming in a milk lake; he stole her clothes, but broke the advice not to look back and turned into a deer with 99 horns; with an old man hit him with a sword and he became human again; next time he did everything right, but did not give way to Titicot and he killed him]: Bîrlea 1966:404-406.

Central Europe. Russians (Tersky Bereg) [Tsarevna Elena went for a walk in the garden with her nannies; she was taken away by Voron Voronovich, Klekot Klekotovich, Semigorodovich (VV); three brothers were left; the eldest shot her grandmother- in the back of the window; she began to swear - he took her sister away at the very BB; he came to the hut on chicken legs: turn your eyes to the forest, the gate to me; Baba Yaga tells me to leave the horse and go for the ball; the second woman -yaga gives an egg: it rolls, follow it; the third is a ring, rolled to his sister's house; BB eats much more than brother E., calls to the bathhouse, hits death with an iron rod; the same with middle brother Ivan; the youngest Arapulko drank from the bottle given by baba yaga, then ate more than BB; in the bathhouse he grabbed BB and cut off his head; the sister sent the crow for living and dead water, revived the brothers' bones; the same water restored sight to blind parents]: Balashov 1970, No. 7:56-64; Russians (Arkhangelskaya, p. Kuloy, 1921) [Tsar Carthaus goes for a walk in an open field, the horse is caught knee-deep with his hooves, K. comes to the white tent, the horse eats wheat next to him; K. thinks: since the horse does not allow him horse to wheat, then he will not defeat the hero whose horse; he enters the tent, there is a sleeping hero, K. falls asleep next to him, does not want to beat the sleeping one. The girl wakes up, scolds K., they go to the field to fight, the hero wins, K. asks to leave a mark, but not to kill him. The hero gouges out his eyes and puts him on his horse, who brings the owner home. K. tells his sons about the hero, the sons go to her, first the eldest two (Fedor and Vasiley), then Ivan the Fool. Blessing, my father measured I. with his hands - two arshins, big, can ride. I. does not meet anyone on the way for a long time, drives up to a crossroads, reads, "save yourself to the right, lose your horse", to the left, on the contrary, goes to the right. He drives up to the house, meets him, feeds him, drinks him, leads him to the bed, he is the first to throw her - she falls into a hole, she is torn apart below. There are 33 fellows sitting in the pit, including Ivan's older brothers. They advise cutting the belt out of cowhide and lowering it into the hole, I. pulls it out one at a time. Brothers eat a cow, everyone takes their goods and a horse, and burns the house. I. goes on, and the brothers return home to their father. Ivan comes to the hut, the old woman feeds and drinks him, he asks him to be guided to his "mind", in response to politeness, she gives her "thin" horse, Ivan rides it to her sister, drops his glove on the way, the horse replies that during this time he rode two hundred miles. The old woman's sister also gives a horse, Ivan rides it to his third sister, drops his hat, and the horse slips three hundred miles. The third one tells you how to get to the hero, gives Ivan his clothes and a bayunka cat. I. goes to the hero instead of the old woman, bows and keeps silent so that she does not recognize her voice. There is a sleeping hero in the lady, he copulates with her, leaves an inscription on his forehead, scoops up living and dead water and leaves. The horse jumps over the city wall and hits it with its hoof. The hero sees the inscription "for your ridicule back", understands what happened, chases I. She asks the old woman about the passers-by, she replies that I. goes slowly, it is not difficult to catch up, sends the girl to the bathhouse. The next old woman has the same thing, after the third hero she began to catch up, I. threw flint, a mountain appears, the girl began to beg her to stay with her, I. refuses. The hero brings sawflies and walks through the mountain. I. throws a flint - a fire, the hero again asks to take her, promises to be a submissive wife. He refuses, she promises to marry him by spring. I. comes home, with the help of dead and living water, the brothers restore their father's eyesight, walks in taverns and drinks. A hero arrives with her youths on three ships (yellow, blue, blue), Fedor and Vasilya come to her, she does not recognize them. They send I. to figure out why the ships are near the city, he gets on the ship, the hero puts him to sleep and takes him with his youths to him. They are getting married]: Ozarovskaya 2009, No. 36:312-319; Northern Ukrainians (Chernigov, Nezhinsky U.) [The widow has two sons and two daughters, they were kidnapped by a snake; a pea is rolling, she swallowed it, and Katigoroshka gave birth to them on the same day; three days later he goes to the blacksmith and tells them to tie a mace of 25 pounds; he threw it up, put his knee up, it broke; the same with a mace of 35 pounds; a mace of 50 pounds came up: it fell on his head, but did not break; on the way, shepherds of sheep, pigs, oxen offer to eat a ram in one sitting, pig, ox; if he can, let him go to the snake, but not, let him return; K. eats easily; iron house, on the porch the serpent's sister beats lice; K. ran out on the porch, the snake ran out with a 40-pound club; they began to drive each other in stone; K. drove a snake; K.: Where are the brothers? sister snake: hanging on poles; K. took them out alive; on the way back they cook food by a huge birch tree; K. fell asleep; the brothers chained him to a birch tree: the snake killed us and would kill us; K. woke up, pulled out a birch tree, caught up with the brothers, put the birch tree on the cart; brothers: throw it away; he threw it away; the same with aspen; then the brothers wanted to kill him with a mace, but could not lift it]: Malinka 1902, No. 25:297-300; Eastern Ukrainians (Poltavskaya, Romensky district) [Two Kondrati brothers go out into the field without a cauldron, ask their sister to bring them to the field, to which they will leave a trail of the house - pinches, the snake shifts them and changes direction to their house, the girl enters house, a snake locks her inside. The brothers go to free their sister, on the way they meet an old man grazing oxen, who advises killing and eating 30 oxen to free the girl, the brothers cannot kill, the old shepherd advises killing and eating sheep 200 sheep, they can't eat, baba herds ducklings and Peta advises killing and eating 200 ducklings, they can't eat them. They come to the snake, "Beat Chi Meritza?" The brothers are hit by a snake, nothing happens, it puts them on the bone, knees in the ground and kills them. Kondratyev's brother "Cinko-Klenko" grows up at a wonderful speed, forges a chain of 20 fathoms and cannot kill 40 bulls with it on the way, orders a chain of 40, then 50 fathoms, kills and eats bulls, 200 sheep and 200 ducklings (kills with a woman). The serpent hits Cinko-Clinco, who does not move, the snake hits the bone into the ground, then knee-deep, then dies. He finds gold with his sister in cellars and lives richly and happily with her]: Gnedich 1916, No. 1485:16-17.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Abkhazians [Sledges go where no man has ever set foot. They are discouraged by an old man they meet. He offers to shoot at a tree. It's like iron - you can't knock down a single leaf. They come to the forest, where neither sunlight nor wind can penetrate. They make a fire. They hear a scream. This is what an ugly old woman is screaming. Her eyebrows hang down to the ground, her mouth to her ears, and her feet are turned back. Protecting her from dogs, her brothers lead her to the fire. The old woman asks to let her warm up and eat, persuades her to tie the dogs and gives her two long hairs out of her eyebrows. When sledges tie dogs, the old woman sucks meat, dogs, and then brothers in one fell swoop. Sasirkva learns from Sataney Guasha that the brothers went to places where no man has set foot. He rides Bzou's horse with his hound Khudysh (Belosheya). He meets an old man, listens, knocks down a tree branch with an arrow. An ugly old woman screams with mouth to ear, legs and eyebrows turned to the ground. Sasrykva pretends to tie a dog at her request. The old woman sucks meat again in one fell swoop. The thin man pounces on her, Sasrykva puts a sword to her throat. All ninety-nine brothers come out of their mouths, the last being the mocker Gutsakya. Sasirkva cuts off the old woman's head, but she grows to her neck again and again until Gutsakya sprinkles warm ash on her chopped neck. Nart Sit admits that Sasrikva, although younger, surpassed them with courage]: Inal-ipa et al. 1962:155-159; Ossetians [the widow's seven sons are going to face off against the giant; on the way, shepherds gave them a ladle of milk, they could not drink even half; they cannot separate two fighting bulls; catch horses in a herd; the giant's wife sees that the brothers are not going straight, but are looking for a ford - an easy life for her husband; pears and apples cannot be knocked down in the giant's yard with arrows; Watzilla sends a swallow to ask the widow if she wants 7 new sons instead of the missing ones, or one, but by force like 7; the widow chose one; gave birth to a boy named Late; he breaks the jug of the old witch's daughter three times; the girl tells him to find his brothers' murderers better; his mother gives him his father's weapon and horse harness, and the horse is head over heels in manure; Z. took a weapon, washed his horse, galloped to the giant; on the way he drank a ladle of milk, separated bulls, caught horses, went straight across the river, shakes apple trees, pears, arrows, swords and bows fall from them; eats meat, a giant throws the bones; drove the giant up to his shoulders into the ground and cut off his head; his wife confesses that it is necessary to cut her husband's little finger, from there brothers appear; on the way back they dug a hole, Z. fell into it, they they threw earth and stones at him; the horse asks the fox, wolf, bear to dig up Z., promises everyone their back leg, but they did not eat the horse; the eagle promises his eyes, for which he pulled Z. out of the hole, but did not peck at the horse's eyes; at home, Z. put an arrow up: let him hit the guilty; the arrow split into 7 parts and hit the brothers; mother found a good bride for Z.]: Britaev, Kaloev 1959:118-131; Nogais [the old man picked up the bull, threw the ground; decided that he was strong, went to fight with Elmavyz Shylpuvyr Shylpyk; the shepherds offer to cut and cut the skin into pieces, the old man cannot; the same with herds, shepherds; ShSH's mother tries to hide the old man, but the SHH killed him; the wife of the murdered man gave birth to sons named Alsuvdir and Soyun-Ali; they play with children, broke someone's arm, his mother advises him to break his arm better father's killer; they ask their mother to fry corn, put her hand on a hot pot, she is forced to talk about her father; on the way they carry out shepherds' tasks, etc.; they easily kill SHSH and his friend; SA He goes home kindly, and A. comes to the shepherd and asks; he herds the herds of the khan, who lives on the other side of the sea; says, "Part up, sea!" , goes over, then says, "Close up, sea!" ; licks the feet of the khan's three daughters with his tongue; A. kills the shepherd, puts on his clothes, comes under his guise, strokes the girls' feet with a cow's tongue; one day asks the girls for a comb, only the youngest gives it; A. puts her golden hair in the comb, returns the comb; the youngest falls in love with A.; the gardener gives Khan's eldest daughter rotten apples, the middle daughter is half rotten, the youngest is good; the wise men say that It's time to marry the daughters (the eldest has already faded); the khan tells his daughters to throw an apple at the grooms; the elders throw khans at the sons, the youngest at the shepherd; A. tells us who he is; wedding; A.'s mother is blind by tears, and when I saw him again, I saw the light]: Nogai 1979, No. 22:116-120; Turks [the woman has a daughter and three sons, the youngest was riding in ash; the older brothers ask the mother to send them a sister to bring them dinner; she went the wrong way and came to the three-legged deva and his three-headed wife; the deva's wife asks the girl to light the fire, the dev swallows her; the older brother goes to look for the girl; in the bakery he can't eat everything the bread offered, drink all the wine, crosses the river on an iron bridge, not a wooden bridge, eats sweet rather than sour apples; with him the same as with a girl; with the middle brother the same as with the elder; the youngest ordered a club from the blacksmith, threw it up, caught it with a finger, it crashed; ordered a new one; ate everything in the tavern; walked across a wooden bridge, ate sour apples; dev threw his club, the guy put his little finger, she crashed; he killed the deva with his club; refused to hit a second time; ripped the deva's belly, released his brothers and sister alive; killed the deva's wife; the brothers went to the well, began to let the elder go to the well, began to let the elder go to collect water, he screamed - it's hot; the same average; the youngest was let down, there were three beauties and a deva, the guy killed the deva with a club; sent the girls upstairs; the youngest gave a box, in it flint to call an Arab, he would follow orders; white and black sheep will come to the pool; if you sit on black, he will carry him down seven layers of earth; the guy accidentally sat on black; called an Arab - one lip on the ground, the other in the sky; the guy ordered to bring he is a merchant's clothes, hired as an apprentice in a shop; dev gives water to the city once a year, for which he demands a girl, the turn of the padishah's daughter; the guy killed a deva, got the daughter of a padishah; told him to wait for him for 7 years - he will bring another love from above; the snake crawls to the nest, the guy kills the snake with a mace, the birds told their mother that the boy who fell asleep saved them; the bird agrees to take him to the ground, let him cook meat and water; the bird carries it out to the ground, brings him back with his girlfriend; there was not enough meat, the guy cut off a piece from his thigh, the bird put it back; wedding with two wives]: Dmitriev 1967, No. 2:39-48.

Iran - Central Asia. Persians [the dervish gives three Shah's wives an apple along with the seeds; she forgot to eat one polablock; each gave birth, but the forgotten child Nimekun ("half"); the brothers went for with firewood, N. followed him; he was tied to a tree, leaving him to die; he uprooted the tree and brought his mother to make a barbecue skewer; next time he was pushed into a hole and crushed with a stove; N. her picked it up and brought it to the palace; the brothers went to Mazandaran, where the shah of divas, he does not pay tribute to their father; on the way, the shepherds offer them to separate the goats - the brothers cannot; camels - the same; the old woman offers They cannot eat the turi trough; when the brothers approach, the Shah asks his daughters how they eat carrots; the fruits in the garden (quietly, carefully); the brothers were thrown into prison; N. rode a rooster; scattered goats, camels, ate turya, greedily ate carrots and fruits; killed the diva, freed the brothers, but burned their seat with a seal; ordered the Shah's daughters to indicate where the treasury was; the brothers lowered him into the pit to be there leave it, but he quietly sat in an empty chest; the brothers said that they had killed the Shah diva; N. came out of the chest, the shah handed him the throne; diva N. gave two daughters to his brothers, took the third for himself]: Osmanov 1987:153- 163.

Baltoscandia. Lutsie (Western 1893) [the family has two sons and a daughter; mustababa (must "black", est.) took the girl; the brothers went in search; shepherds: you will be able to kill all the sheep at once, free your sister; brothers: slaughter everyone, it takes a week; the same applies to the shepherds of cows; horses; they say that the sister is married to Big Yuda; they came to their sister, the BU hung them from a tree; the sister put a block under her feet; the mother cried, from peas grew in tears, the only pea in the pod; she ate it, gave birth to it 9 months later; the boy is a strongman, grew up quickly; asks if there were siblings; ordered a five-pound iron club from the blacksmith, threw it up, a day later she fell, he put his finger up, the club split; the 10-pound one bent; the 15-pound one remained intact, good; killed all the sheep; cows; horses at once; horse shepherds tell her to do iron hand, heat it, put the BU in the face; The pea ate, drank more than the BU; drove the BU three times into the ground, on copper, silver, gold fields; BU drove him to the waist, and he killed him up to the throat; folded BYU palaces and treasures in a ball, put it in his pocket; freed the captured girl, married him; began to live again, they still live now]: Annom et al. 2018:101-105.

Volga - Perm. Chuvashi [the whirlwind takes the girl Kulina; the elder brother Etrigan goes looking, and on the way the shepherds ask if he can eat a cow, a horse; his sister is married to Shaitan, who offers to eat a pig, horse, bull; E. can't, Shaitan kills him; the same with his younger brother Utrigan; a drop of blood floated along the river, the brothers' mother swallowed it with water, gave birth to a boy Kachikrush; he works as a farmhand, eats for 77 loaves, three bulls; after learning about the fate of the brothers, he follows his sister, eats what the shepherds offer on the way, then Shaitan; kills him, brings his sister home]: Eisin 1993:266-261.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Tubalars (black Tatars; western Adrianov) [Aksar-Atty Altyn-Tana has no children; goes to Kara-Muke Kara-dor-Atta to take away his wife; cannot wear a heavy chain mail; killed, Kara-Muke comes to kill him son; the more the baby hits the stone, the faster he grows; this is Altyn-Chobe, he throws the father's murderer to his wife in his bosom; the mother gives him his father's horse; (followed by a long story about his marriage and exploits)]: Potanin 1883, No. 174:566-577.

Amur - Sakhalin. Ulchi [Geentey has a pregnant wife; he wants to go see Salamage, who feeds on iron; his wife sews boots, each half a moose, they are big for him; on the way he meets an old woman, cannot, like her, support the rock with one hand, pour millet with the other; she cannot swallow the tubers of old Kanda-Mafa; S.'s mother chews hot iron, spits it in his face scorches him; S. freshens the bear faster than G.; sticks needles into his tongue, carries crows to frighten him; G.'s born son asks his mother about his father; boots are just right for him, on the way to S. performs all tasks ( spits iron in the face of mother S., etc.); competes with S. running along the edges of sabers, horns; S. dies, son G. finds, frees his father, brings home]: Aurora 1981, No. 2:130; Udege { probably the same source, but in different editions}: Mozhaev 1955 [Geenta decides to fight giant Solomkoy; his arrow does not fly over seven passes, but for one; he cannot fall with the foot of willow rides, which the fisherman offers him; S.'s mother puts a hot poker in his mouth, he is burned; cannot eat the bear faster than S.; S. sews up G.'s lips, hangs a bell from his nose, puts a bell in barn; the hunter tells his son G. that his father was killed by S.; the son performs all tasks, spits a hot iron in the old woman's face, she turns into a stump; fights S., throws him off a cliff; brings his father in his bag home]: 37-42; Woskoboynikov, Menovshchikov 1951 [Geentheus has a pregnant wife; he wants to go see Selamage, who feeds on iron; his wife sews boots, each half a moose skins, they are big for him; on the way he meets an old woman, he cannot, like her, support the rock with one hand and pour millet with the other; he cannot swallow the tubers of the old man Kanda-Mafa; S.'s mother chews hot iron, spits in his face, scorches him; S. freshens the bear faster than G.; sticks needles into his tongue, carries crows to frighten him; G.'s born son asks his mother about his father; boots are just right for him, on the way to S. performs all tasks (spits iron in the face of mother S., etc.); competes with S. running along the edges of sabers, spits iron in the face of S., son G. finds, frees his father, brings home]: 392-398 ( baked in Sanghi 1989:264-269).

Southern Amazon. Kamayura [a man quarreled with his wife and left; consistently approaches three types of trees, wants to be like them; each replies that he cannot; comes to birds; he is given feathers, especially the harpy eagle's feathers ask to shake; the second time one feather falls; he misses trying to dive and grab a rock; the birds say their enemy is Avatsiú, who has already killed many birds, and he is likely to be killed too; he will attack A., but he is killed himself; the birds ask his son for help; not a single feather falls, he lifts A. into the air, throws it; all the birds smear A.'s blood, finding the current votes]: Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973:174-180.