J42. Parted waters.
The character creates a dry passage along the bottom of the reservoir, and after it passes, the waters close again.
Hottentots (nama), kawirondo, gusia, fipa, baya, chagga, nyoro, maragoli, pangwa, ronga, yao, ngoni, mbole, ila, louis, bukushu, subia, mambundu, kimbundu, konde, zulu, suto , Xhosa, Ashanti, Loma, Hausa, Mosi, Ekoi or Niang, Krachi, Bambara, Mende, Biafada, Dan, Kono, Kpelle, Mofu-Gudur, Moru, Zande, Joluo, Masai, Amhara, Sidamo, Bilin, Somalis, Kabila, Arabs of Algeria, Tunisia , Spaniards, Italians, French (Upper Brittany), Ancient Egypt, Old Testament, Malekula, Tanna, Marshall Islands (Ujae), Tibetans (Amdo, Ham), Mustang, Rai, Angami, Punjabi, Sindhi, Gujarati (Kathiavar), Kumaoni, Bengalis, Sinhalese, Telugu, Tamils, Gondas, Puyuma, Paywan, Romanians, Moldovans, Serbs, Bulgarians (Rhodopes), Greeks, Czechs, Russians (Pskov, Voronezh), Northern Ukrainians (Chernigov), Belarusians, Urums, Nogais, Avars, Laki, Georgians, Armenians, Avesta, Rushans, Vakhans, Yazgulyams, Kafirs (Kati), Eastern Sami, Swedes, Danes, Lithuanians, Udmurts, Tatars, Bashkirs, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Dungans (Guizhou), Telengits, Khakas, Tuvans, Mongols, Dagurs, Evens (Olsky District), Central Yakuts, Thompson, Miami, Sheyen, Arikara, Wichita, Alabama, Koasati, Viyot, Northern Payutes, Goshiyute, Warrau.
SW Africa. Hottentots: Baumann 1936 (nama) [mythological hero, the sorcerer Heitsi-Eibib asks "his great-grandfather" the river to part before him, but close over the heads of his pursuers; this is what happens]: 262; Zhukov , Kotlyar 1976, No. 53.1 [Heitsee-Abip runs away from enemies; asks the river to part and then close; goes dry; when enemies follow, the waters close, the enemies sink]: 122-123; (cf. Hottentots [a woman marries an Elephant; her two brothers secretly come to visit her; then she asks her mother-in-law, then her husband, if at least one ram has been slaughtered for her all the time; those they are surprised, but they slaughter a ram; a woman asks how Elephants sleep (how they breathe if sleep is deep or sensitive); tells a cow, sheep and goat to voice all night as if there are many animals; leaves with her brothers and cattle; The elephant chases; the fugitives ask the rock to part; the rock lets them through and disperses again; closes when the Elephant enters]: Bleeck in Koropchevsky 1874:23-24, in Pozdnyakov 1990:153-155; Schmidt 2007 , No. 21 (nama) [the girl was married to people who jumped over the bushes; when they saw that she was all scratched and could not jump as cleverly, those people cut her knees and migrated; she packed her bag thorns and bones, crawled towards the house; a lion followed her trail; she threw thorns - a field of thorns, the lion wanders for a long time; bones are a field of bones, a lion gnaws at them, wasts time; at the request of a woman, a mountain opens in front of her, closes behind her; the lion also asks, the mountain opens and slams shut, crushing it; at home, people try to insert the leg bones of bulls and other animals into the woman, after all she begins to walk; her mother sends her back to her husband, accompanied by her younger sister, tells her to quietly collect the gallbladders of the slaughtered animals; after leaving her sister to the old camp (allegedly, she forgot there her powder-box), the woman smokes bubbles above the fire, giving the bile special strength; holes bubbles in every hut, runs away with her sister; each of those people, after saying even a word, fell dead; remained grandfather, grandmother, cow, calf, dog, because they were silent; but the old man spoke about food, the old woman exclaimed, the dog barked, etc., everyone died]: 64-68).
Bantu-speaking Africa. Kavirondo [a man who has stolen cattle tells the river's waters to part, crosses it dry; the waters close behind him again]: Lindblom 1926:158 in Baumann 1936:260; goose [four girls agreed to go with the young man; one noticed that he had a second pair of eyes on the back of his head under his hair; returned from the road back; the same second girl, the third; the last Nyagemi reaches her husband's village and gives birth to him child; brother visits her, husband's relatives eat him; mother N. eats him; husband complains about his throat, N. asks him to open his mouth, throws a hot pebble there, her husband dies; she locks her in the house cannibal children, sets fire to the house; leaves, carrying his child; on the way they meet cannibals, the child asks them for meat, his ear is cut off; N. asks the river to disperse, crosses the dry; over cannibals- the waters are closed with pursuers; N. and the cannibal child are thrown into the river; comes home]: Vinogradov 1984, No. G 18:145-148; fipa [fleeing enemies, the leader tells the river to part, goes dry]: Fraser 1918 (2): 461 in Baumann 1936:260; baia [with word or rod people separate the waters of the river and cross it]: Baumann 1936:260; chagga [girl runs away from cannibals hyenas, hits with a wand to the river, the waters diverge; when hyenas come running, they converge again, they sink]: Baumann 1936:260; nyoro [people walk dry with their livestock across the river, the waters close behind them again]: Baumann 1936:261; ronga: Junod s.a., No. 16 [the chief's daughters go for clay; the eldest Chichinguane tells the youngest to go down to the hole, tells her to throw clay at her; the dog digs it up; she comes to the river, a big catfish invites her to enter his mouth; there are people in the fish's belly, fields, abundance; when she goes to get water, the next oldest sister cannot put a jug on her head; swallowed, she comes out of the water, helps; the girl tells her mother, she grabs C., she slips out, returns to the water; then she returns herself, everyone is happy except C.; C. suggests that she cut off tree branches above the river; does not allow her to grab a shiny beetle, carried away by a bird; sisters cut down a tree, the girl swims, then goes in search of a beetle, finds cannibals in the village, takes the beetle and treasures, runs away; with her another sister (she was also on tree?) ; girls ask the waters of the river to part, close over their pursuers; at home, the father cuts off the head of C. and her maids]: 134-139; Knappert 1977, No. 17 [Chief Makenyi's daughters (from different wives) go for clay; the older sisters ask Chichinguane to go down to the hole, leave it there; the water in the river rises, the huge Chipfalamfula fish invites C. to enter her mouth; there are people in the fish's belly, fields, abundance; now for water C.'s younger half-sister is forced to go; she cannot put the jug on her head; C. comes out of the water, helps; the girl tells her mother, she grabs C., she slips out, comes back into the water, asks the fish to let it go to land, she gives a magic wand as a gift; at home, C. rips off the fish scales, they turn into silver; other girls go for brushwood, ask C. and her sister climb a tree, cut off the lower branches, leave; cannibals come, try to cut down a tree, C. overgrows the felling with his wand; girls go down, run away, ask the river to part; when cannibals in the middle, the waters close, the cannibals drown; the sisters take jewelry in the ogre's cave, marry the chief]: 58-63; yao [a man from the west hits Lake Niasse with a silver scepter, it varies; hits waters, they diverge in front of it]: Baumann 1936:261; Ngoni: Baumann 1936 [To cross the pond, Chief Chetusa hit it with a stick, the waters dispersed]: 261; Werner 1933 [ when the Ngoni were moving, the chief touched the Zambezi waters with a rod and they parted]: 97; maragoli [the peasant plowed the plot and burned the grass that had been uprooted; a bird flew in: who was plowing my field father, let it be as before; the field is overgrown again; the peasant sacrificed a sheep to his ancestors, but it did not help: every time the field overgrows again; then he began to guard and grabbed the bird; it asked her not kill: she will give him uvudugi (something edible and sweet) instead of excrement; soon all the pots in the house are full of uvudugi; one day the adults left, telling the girl to remove the manure; she called the other children promising to feed them something extraordinary; took the bird and began to crush it; everyone was full; the bird flew away; the brother went in search; helped the old woman collect firewood; she brought it home, began to hide it from her own 8 daughters; when he became a strong boy, she showed that he began to herd cattle; he drove them to his homeland; asked the river to part; when the best animals crossed, he closed the waters so that the sick and thin ones would drown; the bird reported this to the old woman and her people; they ran to the river: how did they cross? the guy told the waters to part, and when the pursuers went on a dry bottom, the waters closed and the pursuers drowned; then towards the old man: where are you driving my cattle: the guy tells the "wasps of his father" to attack old man; the bull roared, wasps flew out of him and bit the old man to death; the sister heard her brother's voice from afar, but the mother did not believe her and killed her with a stick, and then saw her son herself; the brother told the animals step over my sister's body and she came to life]: Kavaji 2005, No. 4:202-207; mbole [Lofokefoke is the youngest of seven brothers, has magical powers, fights humans and animals; when he crosses the river Lomami, the waters part before him; killed trying to destroy all the hippos in this river]: Scheub 2000:128; silt [mother provokes her son to kidnap cattle, separates the river water twice with a rod to escaped persecution; son and wife eat meat themselves, he only brings bones to his mother; then she gives it to his pursuers]: Smith, Dale 1920:415 (quoted in Baumann 1936:261); louis, mambundu [as by the silt]: Baumann 1936:261; bukushu [old one-legged one-armed Dikithi leads his people to a new place; steals cattle; hitting the waters of the river with guinea fowl, forces them to part, transfers the cattle to on the other side, kills animals, eats all the meat himself; in the morning people find empty cauldrons; the Kadimba trickster hare attaches fireflies to his pants; the next night D. thinks K.'s eyes are open, afraid to eat meat; D. kills his mother-in-law Kakurukathi, decides to return to where he used to live; K. comes to life, chases after him, wanting to cut off D. testicles; D. kills her many times (with fire, locusts, lions, birds, eventually she burns); descends from the tree where he hid, makes a whistle out of K.'s leg bone; his father wants a whistle for himself, K. kills him; tells the red bird to rip open the old man's stomach, from there they go out humans and animals form a community]: Scheub 2000:37-38; subia [wild man Sikulokobuzuka lures cattle with the sound of a flute; one of his three wives hits the water, she breaks up; he gives her only hooves; then she doesn't help him anymore]: Jacottet 1901 (3), No. 40 in Baumann 1936:261; umbundu [every time the wife of a cattle thief hits the river with a handkerchief, the waters diverge; the husband goes across the river, brings cattle, calls his wife; when she learns that her husband does not share meat with her, but with other women, the wife suggests that he ask them to separate the waters; cattle owners catch up with him at the shore and kill him]: Bell 1922, No. 22: 149-150; kimbundu [girl runs away from cannibal house, separates river waters, crosses dry land]: Baumann 1936:261; conde [voice tells a woman to throw her child into the water to wade across the river; the water goes away, it dries; her husband tells her not to return until she finds a child; she meets a lion, a leopard, a crocodile, and other animals, does what they ask; an old woman shows her lots of cute babies, a woman takes one; a rival does everything wrong, gets sick, maimed]: Werner 1933:96; Zulu: Snegirev 1937:76-79 [pigeons took the girl away Situngusobenhle, their leader Jubatente married her, she gave birth to three sons; when they went hunting with their father and other men, they pretended to be sick, returned and ran away with their mother; the sea in front they parted; to the soldiers J. S. threw the rope, told him to grab it, promised to transport it, cut off the rope, they drowned; at home S. saw that the monster had swallowed everyone to Kukumadev, it was like a mountain; S. cut his stomach, a rooster came out, then man, then bull, goat, sheep, then others], 83-86 [Langalasenhla ("Sun of the West") took the people of Langalasenzantsi ("The Sun of the East"); they went, chasing 10 bulls, crossed 10 rivers, throwing a bull at each the waters parted; the boy was the first to meet, who replied that he was Langalasenzantsi's son, who asked his mother to be brought in; she ordered him to be sheltered under the guise of a stranger; Langalasenhla saw him, told the soldiers to hit him with spears, his spears pierced the ground three times; Langalasenhla allowed the people to be taken away, but soon set off in pursuit with his army; Langalasenzantsi told the waters to part with a rod; he also stopped the waters when the warriors came, the waters closed again, all the enemies drowned]; the braid [the woman left her little daughter in the garden, two birds took her to the land of cannibals, whose one leg is longer than the other; one of them took her, raised her, married her, she gave birth to one normal child, and the other ugly one with one leg shorter than the other; cannibals decide to kill the woman and this child so that people do not breed stronger than them; one warns a woman; her mother's son, with one half of an iron body, goes to look for his sister; hits the river with an iron rod, crosses the dry; meets his sister; she tells him to smear himself with clay, affect servant of the cannibal chief; brother, sister and her child run away, spreading the sister's hair in different directions; they respond to cannibals from different sides; they cross the river dry, and then the brother fills it with water; brother throws a rope to cannibals, lets go in the middle of the river, they sink; the rest eat the one who warned the woman]: McCall Theal 1882:120-124; suto [there is a motive for the separated waters of the river]: Baumann 1936: 262.
West Africa. Ashanti [eight sisters go looking for husbands, do not want to take their younger brother Kwasi Gyinamoa with them; he goes; hitting his cow's tail with his whip, tells the three-jet waters to part ( white, red, black) rivers; in an empty city, an old woman took off her head, put her head on her knees, looked for insects in her hair; when she sees them, she puts her head in place; gives girls her eight husbands sons; at night, KG sees the old woman's teeth turn red to eat the girls; promises to fall asleep if the old woman brings him water in a leaky calebass; outweighs the amulets from the old woman's sons on her sisters; at night, an old woman burns her sons' necks with her teeth; those who come run away; an old woman in the form of a young girl comes to their village; promises to marry someone who pierces her calebass with an arrow; this is done by KG, but his uncle marries; at night, an imaginary girl takes his eyes out, takes him away; knowing that the old woman's granddaughter is pregnant, GK comes disguised as a pregnant woman, says that her husband has fallen, lost his eyes; the old woman gives replacing the eyes of Uncle GK, GK inserts them back to him; bathes with other children, the old woman takes him away; leaves him in the vessel at home to cook, goes for spices; KG knocks with pebbles, the old woman's granddaughter believes that these are nuts, she wants it too, opens the vessel, the KG kills her, puts her skin on, puts the meat to cook; KG and the old woman eat the brew; the old woman adorns her imaginary granddaughter with gold jewelry; KG runs away, gives jewelry to her relatives; the old woman is chasing; the rustle is still heard along the trail, this is the old woman chasing KG]: Rattray 1930:221-227; scrap [mother reproaches the twins Zine and Sele that because of her their strength is breaking the dishes, it would be better to return the sister, kidnapped by the evil spirit of Nyanwole; they come for her, Z. creates a harp, N. dances, the brothers run away, put a stone on the road, it turns into a hill; N. runs home for a knife, cuts the hill in half; they spit, a river forms, N. runs after the ax again, cuts the river, crosses (dry); the brothers create fire, N. cuts it; Z. turns into a dog, she bit N.; brothers return for their sister, bring them home]: Schwab 1947:459; ijo [the great goddess Woyengi descends from heaven, sitting on a stone, sculpting human figures from the ground, everyone asks if he wants to be man or woman, to have wealth, children, etc., or spiritual strength, what illness to die from; an Ogboinba woman receives great strength, but she does not have children and her friend has many of them; O. goes to look for V. ask children; along the way she consistently meets powerful characters; everyone advises her to return, because it is impossible to reach V.; she goes, immediately returns, offers to compete in magic strength; opponents cannot take away her powers, and she takes their powers and kills them; revives some, but does not give up strength; the first character is the owner of the Isembi forest, the second is the owner of the city of Egbe on the seashore; she has to cross the Sea; first the water rises, reaches her waist, then the Sea dries up; O. crosses it dry, fills it again with water; the next defeated characters are Turtle; god Yasi; Rooster (she burns his city); comes to the Iroko tree, near which V. created people; V. says O. that he knows about her arrival; {cliff; the last page of text in the copy of the book is missing}]: Beier 1966:23-42; Hausa: Jablow 1961 [Three friends named King of Fighters, King of Riflemen, King of Prayers come to marry the girls; taking wives on the way back see that the river has overflowed; King of Prayers prayerfully spreads the waters, brings his wife dry; Tsar Strelkov shoots a series of arrows, runs across them, holding his wife, behind him arrows fall into the water; the Tsar of Fighters jumped across the river with his wife]: 101-102; Tremearne 1913, No. 56 [the king goes on a campaign, there is a river on the way, he promises a daughter to the water spirits if they let him in; the waters part, the king's army crosses to the other side, returns victorious, the river flows again; the river overflows, the king tells her that the daughter is still a girl, we must wait; the elder wife refuses, the youngest gives her daughter; she is left on the bank, river spirits take her as a wife to the river king; because of this, her younger sister is laughed at; the girl plants a pumpkin, walks along the stem, he leads her to the river, she rushes into the water, gets to her sister; the older sister's husband finds her, lets her return back, brings two baskets with her; when she approaches the house, she opens them, the cattle and people go out; the king's other daughter also wants to get rich, also plants pumpkin, goes under water, refuses to hide, but the underwater king does not speak to her; she does not take a small basket, as she was told, but a large one; a lame horse, a blind donkey and a slave come out of it]: 307-314; mosi [father with three sons demonstrate their magical powers; one separates the river's water with a rod]: Frobenius, Atlantis, 8:266 in Baumann 1936:262; ekoi or niang [Atikawt is a great hunter; after learning that elephants they poison crops, he decided to exterminate elephants until none of them tramples the fields anymore; elephants are sorcerers, optionally taking the form of humans and elephants; sent a downpour to prevent A. from returning from the forest home; A. came to the house of the mistress of the forest Ada; her lame girl warned not to touch the food that would be served; if Ada snores like a storm, she was awake; and if like thunder, she fell asleep; girl gave two plants; the juice of one will open the door, the juice of the other will dry the river to cross to the other side; as it happened, Ada stopped in front of the river; the next day she took the form of a girl and came to the city where A. lived; he fell in love with her; but one of his wives was a sorceress and realized that it was Ada; A. did not believe it; his wife told A.'s two dogs to take care of their owner; Ada took a hot one out of her stomach an iron pin and prepared to pierce A. at night, but the dogs were ready to rush at her; she said she could not be in the same room with the dogs and A. chained them on the veranda; Ada again took out a rod, but the dogs broke through the window; then Ada led A. to the fruit tree and asked her to climb; made the tree tall; armed warriors jumped out of her belly and began to cut down the tree; A. call the dogs; the wife cut the chains, the dogs were thrown to help; the tree fell, but not to the ground, but to another; the warriors began to cut down the second tree, but then dogs ran up, tore Hell and its warriors]: Kunze 1990:116- 124; terns [three stopped on the river bank, they can't swim; one said he has sandals to cross the river dry in; the second has a saber with which he will cut the waters to a dry path has formed; the third thread - if you throw it, they will all cross the river; which of them is the strongest sorcerer?] : Cardinall 1931:201; mende: Migeod 1908, No. 4 in Baumann 1936 [a young man saves a sister who has become a demon's wife; they flee, he dries up the river in the way]: 262; Westermann 1921b [ the text is confusing, first about a woman with a child who is taken and married by a forest ogre; then it is no longer about the child, but about the woman's younger brother and the son and daughter of the ogre himself; it is clear that when a woman and a boy run away, a boy tells the river to dry out, they cross the dry land, the boy tells them to be separated from the ogre by fire; when an ogre comes to the village to return his wife, people burn him]: 450-451); biafada [three young men must cross the river; one shot with a gun, flew over on a bullet, the other hit the water with a sword, the water spread, he crossed dry; the third crossed on a wineskin; the latter is the most skillful, because everyone has a wineskin]: Mendelssohn 197:96; gyula [the motive for crossing the river dry]: Closel, Villamur 1902:44 in Hutton 1914:493; given [the chief has 12 wives; one is childless and unloved, she was put in a hut on a pile of garbage; she was covered with melons and pumpkins; then she is 12 years pregnant; other wives despise her, do not want to help her collect firewood; finally, Gueu's son tells his mother to give birth to him; he was born in a shirt, walks and talks; tells his father to put his mother's hut in the center; all the bows break in his hands, he ordered himself to make an iron one; brings an elephant from hunting; father He is afraid of G. and, in order to get rid of him, says that there is someone stronger; it happens; G. promises to bring his hair to bandage his own; on the way there he asks the monkeys, the river, the leader for directions baby villages (they all have umbilical cords); everyone warns that sometimes no one has returned from everyone, he has a mountain of skulls of those he killed, a giant who turns rocks into dust, and his wife; his wife Sometimes G. likes it, she helps him; lets him throw three pebbles while fleeing; an amulet Sometimes happens to be a vessel of water, he does not touch it; therefore, let G. hide under it, and touch it to everything in the house; they also went to the river (marigot); Everyone came, smells G. everywhere, but did not look under the vessel of water; everyone's wife sometimes combed his hair the day before and gave G. what she combed out; G. runs; everyone has magic words that make the runner wait, but G. has others that make the pursuer not chase; then G. consistently throws three pebbles, appear mountain, river, thorny forest; Everyone passes through them (the river water parts), but by this time G. reaches his village; in a dream he finds out that he should have a dog; has seven dogs; a year later Everyone sometimes took the image of a beauty, she came to G.; says that she does not eat chicken, but dog meat; G. promises to feed her in the morning, and her mother replies that she knows who has come: it all happens; at night the monster took on its form, but G. became invisible; in the morning, the beauty promises to leave on the eighth day (to eat all the dogs in 7 days); G. warned her not to break her bones; leaving on the morning of the eighth day with the beauty, G . teaches the mother to revive dogs and lower them when she sees a red cloud at sunrise; while Everyone is gone to take his form, G. climbed the tree; everyone sometimes makes the tree bend, and G. straighten up again; each of the dogs that come running swallows everything happens, but it immediately comes out of her ass; G. tells the seventh dog to sit backwards on the ground, everyone sometimes could not get out and died; therefore dogs sit backwards on the ground]: Tiémoko 2019:24-36; scrap [mother reproaches twins Zine and Sele that because of their strength they break dishes, it would be better to return a sister kidnapped by the evil spirit of Nyanwole; they come for her, Z. creates a harp, N. dances, brothers run away, put a stone on the road, it turns into a hill; N. runs home for a knife, cuts the hill in half; they spit, a river forms, N. runs for it again with an ax, cuts the river, crosses (dry); brothers create fire, N. cuts it; Z. turns into a dog, she bit N.; brothers return for their sister, bring home]: Schwab 1947:459; kono [the girl wants a groom without any scars on her body; every time she sends a fly to examine the applicant, they all have scars caused during initiation; the monster goes to the girl, takes smooth skin along the way an earthworm has a centipede complexion, grass hair on her head; the fly reports that the groom is perfect, the girl leaves with him; the youngest of her six brothers follows her in the form of a lizard; on the way, a monster distributes what he has occupied, does terrible things; crosses the river dry, throwing black powder into the water; the younger brother picks up the powder that has woken up on the ground, follows; they also overcome a fallen tree, a mountain ; in a monster village, they all have a head like an iron bell, their feet are flat, they eat meat raw; in the morning they are woken up by a rooster with 7 heads; their brother throws him grains, runs away with his sister, overcoming obstacles with using the same powder; brother and sister spend the night in a tree, monsters, without noticing them, make a fire nearby; a young man throws fruit at him, sparks burn one monster, he accuses the other, everyone starts fighting ; brother and sister come home]: Holas 1975:158-168; kpelle [a crocodile kidnaps a woman; her husband hides the skin removed by the crocodile; gives it back in exchange for a means to divide the waters of the river; returns his wife]: Westermann 1921:521 in Baumann 1936:262; bambara [three boys and three girls crossed a shallow river and when they returned they saw it overflow; one young man swam across the shallow river as a girl on a piece of wood, the second took all the water of the river into his purse, the third cut the water with a knife, went dry]: Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976, No. 168:421; eve [the motive for crossing the river dry]: Spieth 1906:728 in Hutton 1914:493-494; mofu-gudur [in the absence of her husband, the wife does not feed his younger brother; one day she cooks a good dinner, calls a young man; he does not believe in her kindness, calls friends for dinner, does not eat himself, hides her portion in a calebass; an enraged woman makes herself into a mess as if she was raped, complains to her husband; he waits for her brother, overwhelms him; the young man tells how it was, calls friends to witnesses, shows a calebass with untouched food, leaves; he is joined by the daughter of darkness, the daughter of the moon, the daughter of the spirit of the waters (she creates a dry corridor across the river for the right to join), the daughter of the sun (the heat moderates) ; in the forest, these women create a wealthy household; they are surprised that the young man does not sleep with them; he hides his impotence, runs away, meets an old woman; she consistently shows him 4 boxes of penises: old men , children, adults, young men; tells him to take from the latter, attaches him a new penis, tells him to meet her first, he does it; she tells him to bring him his first child born, she will eat it as a reward for this penis; he and his wife bring the child; as soon as the old woman brings the knife to his neck, the child laughs; the old woman decides not to cut it, returns it to parents; Djalo tells people that their leader is not real , and the real one lives in the forest; people come there, they are well fed, and the mountain leader does not feed well; he calls the young man, demands 1) to split the round stone into two equal parts (the daughter of darkness splits); 2) separate sesame seeds and sand (wives tell ants); 3) bring a long, even spear (wives give); 4) identify the leader's last wife and beloved horse; the daughter of darkness comes to the leader disguised as an old woman, finds out which the beloved wife's handkerchief is gray; the answers are correct, the old leader is killed, a young man is chosen; wives are told to always leave them the liver of killed animals; the servant persuades them to give them simple meat; wives command Everything disappears, the young man can only hide his skin; he apologizes, his wives return everything, now he listens to them]: Sorin-Barreteau 2001, No. 25:200-226.
Sudan-East Africa. Moru [Hyena-Muyambago married Koba, whose younger sister is Ngyuli, Bangola's elder; M. wants sister-in-law to visit them, K. is afraid that he will eat them; N. allows them to be scratched praises M., receives beautiful bracelets from him; K. tells her to run, leaving honey and flour on the road, does not stop at the tree to make a new skirt out of leaves; asks the river to part, promises not to eat fish; the river has closed after it; M. answers the river that he likes to eat fish, the river does not let him through, he stops chasing it; B. envies that N. has returned with gifts, goes by herself, scolds M., drinks honey herself and eats flour, loses time making a skirt, hides in a tree; M. makes a smoky fire, B. falls, M. brings his wife her meat under the guise of monkey meat; meat from the cauldron says she is B.; K. makes a hole, M. fails, K. throws hot stones from above, pours boiling water; takes children who love her more with him]: Evans Pritchard, Mynors 1941, No. 35:82-83 (translated into Katznelson 1968:300-305); zande [King Mabende was attacked by enemies; their army was on the other side of the Uelle River; to attack enemies; the sorcerer Dengbagine hit the water with his bracelet's bells, the waters parted, and M.'s warriors moved to the other side; then D. hit again and the waters came together; the same when M.'s army returned back; people were afraid of D.'s strength, M. agreed to execute him; D. asked to tie a stone to him and throw it into the water; but he had his bells with him; people heard drums sound from under the water; D. took to the sky, throwing his bells, which went into the ground]: Scheub 2000:36-37; joluo [various animals marry Awuor; each time the groom picks up and eats a red fruit that has fallen from a tree; laughs at mother A. when younger sister A. calls her mother one-eyed and one-legged, offers to dance and fall; reports A. , she orders to drive the groom away; Hyenas kill Zebras, put on their skins, do not eat fruit, do not laugh at the old woman; A. agrees to marry; at her husband's house finds out that she has come to the Hyenas; gives birth to many children; mother secretly comes to visit her; A. tells her to throw the sesame bird on the way back, not to listen to her singing; the bird bites sesame, falls silent, the old woman has time to return; for the second time asks the bird to sing more, Hyenas they catch up with her; A. bring her mother's meat; A. asks the children which of them are her children and who are the father's children; locks her fathers in a hut, sets fire, runs with her children; asks the water to part by the river; when Hyenas come up, ask the river to part again and then close the waters; Hyenas drown]: K'Okiri 1970:75-102; Masai (larusa) [girl runs away from the ogre; throws a pearl into the river, the waters diverge, the girl runs through; then the waters converge again]: Baumann 1936:261; Amhara: Gankin 1979, No. 70 [Bilcho is an adopted son; stepmother tells his daughter to push him into a jug, cook him; he collides himself The stepmother's daughter cooks, puts on her clothes, feeds her stepmother meat, runs away; the stepmother yells to people to hold him, B. explains that she asks for beans, chickpeas, peas, barley and wheat; tells monkeys to give him edible roots; one monkey says they are asked to detain B.; he throws them the fruits they have collected, runs away; asks God to drain the river; on the other side asks to fill it again; the stepmother asks how he crossed; closed his eyes, put his hand behind his back, tied a yoke to his neck, crossed on one leg; his stepmother does so, drowns; during the dry season, a tree grew in this place; the goat ate leaves, began to speak; the shepherd stabbed her, began to speak her meat and skin; they covered the sieve with a leather cape, burned the sieve, ash asks the thieves to smear it on their faces, calls the owners, the thieves were caught]: 87-89; Ethiopian 2002 [shepherd Bǝ l日 beats others; he was pushed into a hole, covered with earth; he has two golden needles with him; he dug a course with them and went out in the land of cannibals; sleeps with a woman; hears her telling his daughter cook; the daughter asks B. to shave her head, cut her nails, see if the water boils; he demands that the girl did it first; pushes her into the cauldron, cooks, puts on her clothes; the mother ate her daughter, B. He told her about this, scattered flaxseed, the cannibal rushed in pursuit, slipped; asks 1) diggers, 2) people who collect beans to detain the fugitive, they hear hard, ask B. again, he says that the woman asks him to let him go; feed him beans and let him go; then the monkeys, one of them heard the cannibal, the monkeys chased, but stayed in the field to eat sugar cane; B. asks God to separate the waters of the lake, runs dry, the waters behind him close; he tells the cannibal that he crossed the lake with one eye out, cut off her leg and arm; she did so, drowned]: 44-46; sidamo [Hārbigonā people flee from the Kavenna people who are about to exterminate them; at the request of the elders, the Lighta River dries up in front of them and fills up again with water when they approach the shore pursuers; therefore, they sacrifice a sheep or a bull in front of the river road if possible]: Hamer 2008:207; bilin [the girl went to get water; when she returned, her mother says that she is not her mother, but mother-in-law, father is not father, but father-in-law, etc.; brother says he is her husband; she sharpened her razor, stabbed her brother, ran away with seven friends; along the way she refuses meat, jewelry, gives everything to her friends, says that she is the murderer of her brother; they come to the ogre's house; the old woman tells them to run; by the river the girl says that if she did evil, let the water take her away, and if not, let the waters break; the waters parted, his friends crossed dry to the other side; the cannibal asks how they crossed; the girls tell him to tie a white stone to his feet; the cannibal drowned; because of the rain, the girls climbed the tree under it King Dschaga's son stopped with seven companions; his brother's murderer pulled the animal's skin over his head to look like a monk; the youngest friend wrote, the girls were noticed; the prince took the imaginary monk as a servant; when the girl was secretly swimming, a dumb servant saw her, but could not tell her master; the interpreter told the prince to hang a cow's skin in the door; if a girl saw her and said wuhir, I must say: be mine a monk; if hetekay says, be my wife; she said hetekay, the prince married her, they have seven sons]: Reinisch 1883, No. 51:178-183; Somalis [parents have daughter Falaad and son Baricade ( "white ass"); the mother sends them to her parent for fire; the imaginary grandmother asks them to go into the house, the children hesitate to come back; the mother goes by herself, enters the house, where the cannibal Dhegdheer eats her; the husband asks his wife's relatives send him a woman to run the household; the same cannibal comes and eats him; the children find the remains of their father in the pot; hear the cannibal going and eat them, run away; D. tells them to be pierced into their feet to be bitten by a snake; F. stabs her leg, D. grabs her, the girl replies that she wants to catch her brother for her, D. lets her go; B. is bitten by a snake, he replies what he wants catch his sister, also released; the children ask the sea to let them in, the sea parted, promising to drown them if they stain the bottom; the children pass, and D. violates the ban, the waters close, she sinks]: Hanghe 1988, No. 4 : 118-122.
North Africa. Kabila: Taos-Amrush 1974 [a young man wants to marry a girl with a face white as snow and red as blood; this is the daughter of the cannibal Ceriel; the girl hides him; when C. falls asleep and the cattle she has swallowed begins to moo and bleat in her stomach, lovers run away; the girl tells the prickly fence and the river to part, calls both honey-sugar; C. pursues, scolds both, cannot cross the river, the daughter curses; the young man is carried away by an eagle, he shouts to the girl to kill the black maid, put on her skin; in the form of a black woman, the daughter of C. tells the young man's father that he was taken away by an eagle; the father leaves a stabbed chick on the mountain, eagles flock, the father beats the one who took the son, brings the son, heals him; he convinces his father to marry him to a black woman, removes her skin, she is beautiful; the young man's younger brother tells him to marry a dog, requires her to take off her skin, the dog bite it]: 213-218; Arezki 2010 []: 49-67; Frobenius 1921a, No. 22 [huge Chtaphlaräith is invisible, people only feel his breath; if it blows on a person, he would turn into stone; the rabbit had hair behind her ear; when she lay down by the fire, it began to smolder, she threw it out of the hole, C. appeared out of it; flew with the wind, saw the wedding, turned the men into stones, the bride took her to his rocks; the girl refused to live with him, he started hitting her in the morning and evening; the same with many girls; he placed his soul (that hair) in an egg, an egg in a wild chicken, a chicken in a camel (since then camels hump); the soul of daughter C. was in the rocks, people began to approach them, the daughter fell ill; then C. placed her soul with his own in a stone at the bottom of the sea; to do this, he hit the water with a rod, the sea temporarily retreated; the fairy tale says how a young man destroyed C.'s soul, but this is just a fairy tale, C.'s breath is still felt]: 105-107; 1922a, No. 4 [Chief's son (Agelith) is smart, but not busy, in bad company; black woman: Your father could be the new chief, or better yet you, but you're wasting his money; the young man vows to return to the rich, leaves, ends up in the country of Wuarssen (devas); the deva has three daughters, the youngest's fingernail the little finger gives advice, and the deva's wife has all her nails like this; the dev tells the young man 1) to sow the field, harvest the fruit in the evening; the eldest, middle daughter refuses to bring lunch to the young man, the youngest brings it, they eat and they make love, with a magic wand she creates a garden, a young man bears fruit; 2) bring water from the sea to the spring with a sieve so that the bottom of the sea is exposed, the sand dries, bring dry sand (the same, young man pours sand on the deva's head); 3) get an eagle's nest with chicks in the evening, it's on a steep cliff; the deva's wife hides a magic wand; the daughter tells me to chop it into pieces, throw it against a rock, they will turn into the stairs, get the nest, fold the pieces, smoke it with incense, it will come to life; the young man does so, forgets his toe; Dev promises to give him his youngest daughter if the young man identifies her among the sisters; he recognizes by missing finger; at night, the girl tells you to run, take the worst looking horse, the young man takes the good one, the devil catches up; she turns 1) the horse into a hut, herself into a melon, the young man into an old man; 2) the horse on the road himself in the basket, the young man in the worker; the devil does not recognize, returns; the third time the deva's wife catches up; the girl creates a board, they swim across the sea on it; mother: if your husband is kissed by relatives, he He will forget you; on the other side, a young man finds gold, his wife creates a palace; he goes to visit his parents, bring gold as he swore; the father becomes the leader; the son is kissed by his mother's sister, he forgets his wife; she comes, buys a coffee shop, everyone goes to the beautiful woman; she consistently promises the night to the boy's two friends and him if everyone pays 500 coins and does a little job while she sleeps; 1) close the window (the window closes, the hand sticks, so all night; 2) pour water from the jug (as soon as you touch the jug and it is empty); 3) close the door; the young man breaks the door, recognizes his wife; everyone is happy; after the death of the father, the son becomes chief]: 30-48; Dermenghem 1945 [the old man bought 7 apples for 7 daughters-in-law, ate half of one apple on the way; that daughter-in-law, who got half, gave birth to a boy named Amar half, the rest are normal boys; the brothers went hunting; caught two lions; the good gennia offered them black milk (supposedly, her goat is afraid to graze, because there is a predator all around, eats coals near the hearth), brought to themselves; the brothers left the lions to protect the ginnia, went to clear the forest of predators, spent the night with the ceriel cannibal; she ate horses and six brothers; A. asks her to bring him water first with a sieve, ran away; calls the river a river of oil and honey, it opens a dry bottom, A. crosses, the river flows again; ceriel calls the river with swear words, tells the dog to drink it; the dog bursts, the river continues to flow; the sheikh teaches ceriel calls the river a river of oil and honey; the river parts, ceriel crosses, A. climbs a tree; ceriel cuts the trunk with an ax all day, casts a spell in the evening, goes to rest, the trunk in the morning intact again; the sheikh teaches: I must say, "in the name of God"; she does so, by morning the notch does not overgrow; A. asks for permission to shout 7 times; lions hear, come running, eating ceriel; A. warns drops of her blood did not touch the ground; one lion dropped a drop, but another caught it in the air]: 63-67; Algerian Arabs: Bellarmi 1990 [leaving seven daughters at home, the father went on Hajj; The daughter should be guarded by the dog Zniber; the cannibal asks to be unlocked, calls herself the girls' aunt, Z. replies that she will not let her in; then six sisters fulfill all her requests, the youngest does not believe her, but is powerless influence the sisters; the dog is tied; killed; burned; only the fang remains, he continues to answer the cannibal and she is afraid of him; but when the fang is thrown into the river, the cannibal was unlocked; the youngest asks how the "aunt" sleeps ( lets air out of her ass so that the house shakes); tries to convince the sisters to run, they don't listen, she runs away alone; asks the moon what's going on; she answers every time which of the cannibal sisters eats now; when the cannibal begins to pursue, the girl calls the river honey and sugar, which parted; the cannibal calls the river dung and frog, almost drowned; the girl asks the snake to cover her; hides in his cave; a serpent sprays poison in the face of a cannibal, killing her]: 73-79; Filleul de Pétigny 1951 [the Sultan has seven daughters; he refuses grooms; an old woman taught girls to send their father a watermelon from 7 with silver knives stuck in it; the vizier explained: princesses want to marry; the Sultan gave each a golden apple, told all men to go outside the palace window; 6 princesses threw apples to noble people, the seventh to a poor logger; the Sultan married his daughters; a prince of another country hid under the guise of a lumberjack; the angel conveyed Allah's command to him: to experience 7 years of humiliation either in his youth or in old age; the prince chose the former; gave the country to the vizier and became a lumberjack; the prince has a ring with jinn servants; he tells them to create a palace, receives other sons-in-law in it for a week, and then becomes a lumberjack again; sultan got sick, he needs an embalming apple and revitalizing water; his older sons-in-law left, got nothing; the prince on a green horse in green clothes arrived unrecognized, gave his sons-in-law water and an apple, cut off in return earlobes; now the sultan wants lioness milk in a lion leather wineskin; the prince on a white horse in white clothes put his seal on the shoulder of each of his son-in-law; the angel announced to the prince that the test date expired; people are coming to the city to find their king; the lumberjack prince appeared in royal; showed the Sultan the earlobes of his elder sons-in-law and his seal on their shoulders; the Sultan recognized them as slaves to the prince; on the way to his the state prince, his wife and entourage approached the stormy river; the prince threw a handful of land, the water dried up, the people crossed to the other side; the prince waved his hand, a passage formed in the mountain; (and others miracles); at home, the prince forgave his older sons-in-law, appointed them vizier, pasha, etc.]: 170-190; Tunisia [Once upon a time there was a widow, she had a daughter, Hasna, she raised her and died. Before her death, she bequeathed her to find an enchanted merchant living across the 7 seas. The daughter went looking for him. On her way, she came across a stone like a mirror. There was a staircase under the rock, and a girl, Aisha, was downstairs. She was an orphan and was raised by a ghoul. Aisha asked Gulya how to find the bewitched merchant. You need to swim across 7 seas with a ghoul's staff, go through 4 countries: birds with a gulya wineskin on their heads filled with water, spikes in ghoul shoes, ants - you need to know the size of the piece and throw it to them, guli - in gulya's clothes. It passed 4 countries, then 7 seas with a staff, from which the waters parted in different directions. She reached the shack, went into it and saw a young man sleeping. She came out of the shack, met an old man, and he told her that the sleeping young man was an enchanted merchant. He promised to marry the girl he saw when he woke up. Hasna went back to the shack, but a black girl was already sitting there. Hasna was upset, came out of the shack and cried, she gathered her tears in a jug and came back, and the black woman was dying of hunger and thirst. Hasna gave her a jug of water, and the black woman gave her seat. A few days later, the merchant woke up and they started talking. Hasna told him her story, and he told her his story. One merchant envied his success and bewitched him for a year of sleep. Then the merchant promised to marry the girl he saw when he woke up. They returned to their country, got married and lived happily ever after]: Al-Aribi 2009, No. 10 in Korovkina MS; Ancient Egypt [the fairy tale "Pharaoh and the Wizards"; Pharaoh Khufu is gloomy, asks his sons to cheer up him; the elder Hephren tells how the magician Ubaone created a tiny crocodile in the bowl to catch a thief who regularly visited the house; the thief found himself in the mouth of a crocodile, W. told him to let him go; the middle son Baufren tells how Khufu Snefru's father told girls to wear beautiful robes and jewelry, row in a boat, sing funny songs; one dropped her turquoise pendant; sage Jajaemnanh made water to disperse, the beauty picked up a pendant, the waters came together; the youngest son Dedefgor brought the sorcerer Jeji, who cut off the head of a goose, a duck, a bull, his head grew, the dead came to life; Pharaoh is happy, laughs; Jeji predicts that after Chephren, the son of the priestess Rajejet will reign; Pharaoh tries to board a ship to kill R., but Jedi proved to him that he cannot resist the will of the gods]: Machintsev 1993:110- 124.
Southern Europe. Spaniards [the older brother went to look for work; the owner tells the sheep to be herded not in the meadow, but in the stone wasteland; the guy brought the sheep to the meadow, they did not eat anything; the owner suggests choosing gold as payment, silver or God's mercy; he chose gold; he did not return home, but built a palace and married; the same with his middle brother; the younger one let the sheep into the wasteland, they became fat; drove the sheep, there were two fighting stones in front ; they stopped and let him and the sheep pass; saw an old woman knocking figs off the tree, promised to knock him down; went to the bloody river; it dried up, the guy crossed to the other side with the sheep, and then the river was filled with blood again; the owner gives explanations; the colliding stones: the older brothers of the young man; the old woman - Envy; the blood in the river: the envy of the brothers; the young man chose the mercy of God as a reward; received also a piece of bread; bit off - no smaller; brought bread to his father and it never ran out; they were visited by that owner and San Juan; when leaving, the owner left the cross; the young man ran after him, but the owner ordered him to leave the cross himself; the older brothers accused the younger of theft, bribed the judge, the young man is going to hang; he asked for that cross to be brought to him, turned to him, the older brothers died immediately, and the younger one healed happily with father]: Camarena, Chevalier 1995, No. 471:349-353; Italians (Piedmont; 717-718: Calvino added the old lady's motif; in the original, the assistant is the enchanted queen) [pear owner wood sends 4 baskets of pears to the king every year; once there were not enough pears and a man hid his little daughter under pears; in the palace they noticed that someone was eating pears, they found a girl, called Perina ("Pear "); she grew up, everyone likes it, the maids are jealous, they tell the king that P. bragged about getting the witch's treasures; P. walked past an apple tree, a peach tree, reached a pear tree and climbed on it to sleep; in the morning an old woman under a pear asks where P. is going, gives fat, bread and millet; P. comes to three women who wiped the oven with their hair; gave them millet for this purpose; gives them bread to the dogs; goes to the blood-red river; the old woman taught me to say: "Wonderful red water, I'm in a hurry and I'll try you"; the waters parted, P. crossed to the other side; the door to the palace constantly opens and slams shut, P. greased it , passed, grabbed the treasure box, ran; the witch tells the doors to slam shut, the river to drown P., the dogs to grab, the stove to burn; the door, the river, the dogs, the women at the stove praise P. and refuse her prevent; on the way, P. opened the box, the chicken and the golden chickens ran away; P. reached the pear tree, where the old woman placed the runaway back; advised me to ask the king for a chest of coals as a reward, what's in the basement; they brought her a chest, a prince jumped out of it, married P.]: Calvino 1980, No. 11:35-37.
Western Europe. The French (Haute-Brittany) [two women were giving birth from church in the evening, lost their way, came to the ogre; his wife hid them in chests in the barn; one gave birth to a boy Pierre, the other the girl Françoise; the cannibal found them but did not eat them; when P. grew up, the cannibal sent him to cut the forest with a wooden ax; F. went to bring him lunch; the woman gave her a magic wand; on her order, the trees fell; the same when Pierre was told to fill the pool with water, carrying the water with a pen; F. overheard that they wanted to cook and eat them; put the ogre's son in P.'s place, told the wand to leave the house; the children ran away , the cannibal ate his son, chased the children; F. tells the magic wand to divide the waters of the river to dry; when the cannibal ran after him, the waters closed and he drowned; P. F. came to Christians, grew up, P. got married and F. got married]: Sébillot 1894, No. 4:49-51.
Western Asia. Old Testament [Jews, led by Moses, flee Egypt; Pharaoh sends an army in pursuit; the sea diverges before the Jews; closes over Pharaoh's chariots]: Exodus 14; Old Covenant [As soon as those carrying the ark entered Jordan, the water flowing from above stopped and became a wall, and the sea flowing into the sea went away and dried up; And when the priests carrying the ark of the Lord's covenant left Jordan , as soon as their feet set foot on land, the water of Jordan rushed to its place]: Joshua, 3, 14-16; 4, 18.
Melanesia. Malekula [an old man on the island of Vao died, buried with bracelets and other jewelry; when his spirit reached Atchim Island, two women saw him, decided to marry him, and went followed him into a cave across the river, whose waters dispersed when he touched them with a stick (these sticks are specially placed in burials); one woman guessed it was just a spirit, but they continued follow; at Pinalum he took off his funeral mats; all three lit the lights on the shore, a carrier sailed, told the dead from Vao to meet theirs; in the evening, when crickets were chirping, the bones of the dead gathered, became human, danced; when Venus appeared in the morning, their heads fell off; the women wanted to go back; the deceased came to life, took them away, pushing the waters of the rivers with a rod; the woman's houses died, but their revived, they talked about what they saw]: Layard 1942:229-230; Tanna: Bonnemaison 1987 [the first ancestors of kapiel stones did not know fire, reed roots, ferns and wild fruits were prepared for in the sun; Kooman sat in a shelter to shoot pigeons; the dove sat on his arrow, became a Penoa woman; K. brought her into the house; his mother was convinced that her daughter-in-law was not a spirit because her face was painted; P. refused eat dried rhizomes, said she had a middle name Naunum ("food"); in the morning she went across the sea to her country for cultivated plants; when she went, the water parted, closed again; came back, bringing yams, tarot, bananas, coconuts, breadfruit, chickens, sugarcane and hot coals, she cooked chicken and yams on fire; mother and son set up a vegetable garden, gave plants to their neighbors; one day P. and K. went to visit leaving her daughter in her grandmother's care; the girl burst into tears, her grandmother put her on her knees, and she peed herself, the old woman scolded her; P. felt it, took her daughter, went across the parted sea to unknown island; K. became a rock in shallow water; the daughter then returned, her descendants of K.]: 87-89; Humphreys 1926 [the man wanted to shoot a bird in a tree; she became a Masineruk woman, he took her to wives; gave yams, before that people ate only wild fruits; they have a child; she and her husband went to another village for a holiday, leaving the child to her husband's mother; returning back, M. felt that her mother-in-law was beating the child; taking him, she rushed to the shore, the waters in front of her parted, she went dry; when her husband tried to follow him, the waters came together; he became a rock that looked like a human figure]: 94-95.
Micronesia-Polynesia. Marshall Islands (Ujae) [Two pregnant women agreed that if one had a son and the other a daughter, they would marry; shortly before giving birth, both were abducted; one went to Eb Island and gave birth a daughter, the other on Woja Island, gave birth to a son; the boy was put in a basket, he was accidentally carried into the ocean, the basket sailed to Abe, the local chief reluctantly gave the boy to his wife, who gave birth to a girl; a boy named Kika, the chief does not love him, does not allow him to feed him, his named sister feeds him secretly; K. decides to find real parents, his named sister refuses to part with him; he flies across the strait, tells the girl to throw sand on the water, the waters part, she goes dry, then the waters close; so several times until she reaches Woja Island; only the youngest boy gives K. a stick to play ; he throws her, she flies far away, falls into the eye of the leader's wife, mother K.; the leader tells everyone to put a finger in the eye of his wife, whose size is the culprit; K. and his named sister are the last to be brought; K.'s finger comes up, the chief orders to prepare the execution; women hear a bird ask K. who his parents are, he says the name of the leader and his wife; this is told to the chief; the parents are happy that the son has been found] : Kelin 2003:170-177.
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans (Amdo) [a mare gave birth to a boy, an old woman adopted him; with two friends he hides from the rain in a cave; they see three turtles fly in, become girls, pray, again flew away; the same day, August 15, the following year; two years later, the young men grabbed and destroyed the pigeon bodies, took the girls as wives; the wives withered; the young men watched the kite fly in, became a copper-billed witch, she drank the girls' blood, flew away, the mare's son managed to injure her with an arrow; the young men are following the bloody trail, the companions let the mare's son down, cut off the rope, the garuda picked him up; a local shepherd says that a witch was wounded by an arrow; another shepherd herds many goats; he is the son of a witch; replies that in order to tie goats, you must tell them to "Contact"; to transport them across the river, you must Tell the river to retreat up and down, go dry; after bringing goats, he will lick the wound on his mother's back caused by the mare's son; the mare's son offers to remove his lice; the son of a witch: my neck is black a mole, my mother's strength is in him, be careful; the second part of my mother's life is at home in a needle in a salt bag; a mare's son crushed a mole {and apparently killed a shepherd}, put on his clothes, took his yak tongue with him; ordered the waters part, contact the goats; the witch takes him for a son, asks him to lick the wound; he explains that his tongue is hard because he did not drink water today; breaks the needle, the witch dies; leaving the witch's house, the son the mare killed a snake that was about to eat the Garuda chick; the chick explains to its mother that the man saved him; the mare's son asks to be brought to the ground; the garuda asks to prepare 100 bird carcasses and 100 wineskins with water; carries a mare's son across the sea; he forgives companions, reigns, everything is fine]: Kajihama 2004, No. 28:117-123; Tibetans (Ham) [one leader's daughter and another's son love each other, but mother girls are against this marriage; when meeting a girl, a young man hits the river with a scourge, the waters diverge, he crosses to the other side; the mother asks her daughter why she came back late; the daughter replies that because it was difficult to gather mounds in the pasture; the mother tells the servants to level all the mounds; the next time the same (the cows are lost in the rocks, the mother tells them to break the rocks into small pieces); the third time ( lost their way among the trees - to cut down trees); daughter washes her hair, mother noticed her men's pendant; sent her eldest son to kill her lover; he moistened the arrow with crow blood; the mother showed the arrow to the monk he guessed it; the same with the middle son (magpie blood); the youngest son, under threat of death, wounded his lover in the leg; the girl asks the wounded, he replies that if black appears on the third day, not white the cloud, then he died; black appeared; the girl rushed into the funeral fire; the girl's mother wants to separate the bones of lovers; the young man was afraid of snakes during his lifetime, and the girl was afraid of frogs; they brought a snake and a frog, the bones are divided, buried on opposite banks of the river; two trees have grown, intertwined with branches; the mother told them to be cut down; two bushes, on them a bird, they whistle; the mother tells her son to shoot birds; lovers have decided: he will go to the land of tea, she will go to the land of salt; they meet when people drink tea and salt]: Lhamo 2012:219-223; Mustang [the king and queen are old; the minister understands the language animals, hears one raven telling another about a flower that restores youth; two older princes go their own way, the youngest go their own way; comes to a village where a woman has one eye laughs ( because she sees a young man), another cries (she will eat the monster, otherwise he will eat everyone); the prince goes instead of her, kills the monster with an arrow; in the next village the same (a tiger who ate people) ; in the third, Princess Pati Lava died, she was left on a hill under a tree; the prince climbs a tree, taking a yak horn with him; a sadhu comes out of the tree, revives the princess with a white yak tail, kills in black; after he revives the princess, the prince drops his horn at him, the sadhu runs away in horror, the king gives the princess to the prince; she explains that the flower that returns youth across the river gives a rod that can be used separate the waters and iron shoes; the young man crosses the river dry, the waters behind him close; the princess hides him in the pearl house, gives him flowers of youth; demons come, smell a man, promise to find him in the morning; prince makes them sleep too long; leave in the morning; the prince and princess go away, cross the river dry; rejuvenate the parents of three princesses whom the prince met on his way to the flower of youth are taken princesses; meet older brothers; the elder throws the youngest into the lake, picks up the flower; Paty Lava saw it, revives the prince with a white yak tail; the older brother cannot rejuvenate his parents; the youngest comes and rejuvenates, gives the princess to his older brothers, they are made ministers, he himself is king, his wives are Pati Lava and the princess of the flower of youth; everything is fine, everything bears fruit]: Kretschmar 1985:23-29; rai [Salewaceo's wife's six brothers knew how to turn into tigers, bears and other animals, they hunted like that; he was afraid of them; he returned home to his wife; the brothers thought he might be treating them badly sister, killed him; his sister took revenge by placing poison in the lake in which the brothers were sinking, they lost their ability to metamorphoses; then the brothers decided to kill their cousin (their father's brother's son) take possession of his wife; they lowered the stairs down the cliff to the bee nest, sent him for honey; he asked for all their clothes, moistened them with honey, hid them in the cave, climbed into them himself; when the brothers threw them away stairs, the man stayed in the cave for several years, eating honey, which he soaked in his garments; once he saw a monkey, grabbed his tail, she pulled it upstairs; at home, the brothers bother his wife abandoned, asking all the time if her husband had returned; he secretly returns, his wife fed him, he killed his fourth brother, they are fleeing with his wife; he separates the waters of the lake, crosses the dry ; tells the brothers that it is possible to cross the lake with as many clothes as possible; brothers come back, get dressed, clothes immediately pull them down, they drowned]: Allen 2011:175-180; angami [two orphans they hunt birds; the cannibal comes to eat bird heads; invites brothers to her place, crosses the river with an amulet (a charm); the eldest sleeps outside, the youngest in the house; hears how the cannibal's husband offers to eat the boys, she replies that they should get fat; the elder brother does not believe, but when he sleeps in the house instead of the youngest, he hears the same; the brothers run, the younger takes an amulet with him; the brothers cross the river dry; A cannibal who has lost her amulet cannot cross the river]: Hutton 1914, No. 17:492-493.
South Asia. Punjabi [while hunting in the forest, the king sees a portrait of a beautiful woman; a faithful vizier goes to look for her; at night, the king notices a radiance; it is a serpent crawling out of a well who puts a precious stone on the grass; The king covers the stone with ash, the serpent dies; going down into the well, the king finds the beautiful woman whose portrait he saw, takes her as his wife; she loses her shoe in the river, the laundress finds it, brings it to another king; he sends an old woman, she lures the beautiful woman into a boat, takes her away, steals a gem; the kidnapped woman promises to marry the king in three months; the vizier finds her; the cat and the mongoose, with the help of rats, find and carry her away a stone from an old woman's house; the vizier and the kidnapped come running to the river, the stone separates the waters, they cross the dry; the husband of the rescued woman brought by the vizier offers two swords or two horses; the old woman chooses horses it is torn apart, tied to them; on the way home, the vizier hears birds talking warning of dangers for the king; prevents them (kills a white horse that would kill the king; does not give drinking from the spring; removes the gate that would press down those who entered; kills a snake in the couple's bedroom; a drop of snake blood falls on the queen's cheek, the vizier washes her, the king thinks he is encroaching on his wife's honor; the vizier is all says, turns into stone; in a dream, the king learns that his son's blood will revive the transformed; accidentally scratches his son's hand with a sword, blood falls on the stone, the sight comes to life]: King 1926, No. 14:84-89; Sindhi [the king has a pig tooth with which he can drain the bottom of the river, collect treasures there, and when he returns, the river continues to flow; his daughters Momul is all the most beautiful, and Somal is smarter; M. ingenuously gives his tooth to the anchorite, he pulls out treasures, leaves; S. offers to extract treasures in a different way; builds an underground labyrinth with lions and traps in it; M.'s grooms are invited to go through it , they die, their property is taken away; Prince Hamir comes with three viziers, of whom Rano is the smartest; H. returns in fear; K. solves riddles, is not afraid to go through the water stream - he is just an appearance ; M. becomes his lover; H. is jealous; amazed at R.'s mind, forgives him; R.'s father and wife try unsuccessfully to prevent him from going to M.; S. is jealous of his sister, puts on men's clothes, lies next to M.; R . believes that M. has a lover; M. comes to him disguised as a beggar, exposed; builds a fire and burns himself, R. rushes after him]: Kincaid 1922, No. 3:21-35; Kumaoni [(episode in the long story ); the king promises seven brothers to play their weddings; to cross the Kali River, the brothers drive a pole into it, the upper river flows up, the bottom down, the army crosses to the other side]: Minaev 1966:148; Gujarati (Kathiavar) [the king finds a 12-year-old girl Varudi, who is the incarnation of a goddess; he must cross his army to Sindh; V. orders the army to go into the water, the sea parts, the army goes dry from Gujarat to Sindh (this story is popular in Gujarat); on his return, the king builds a temple for the goddess]: Tambs-Lyche 1991:71-72; the Tamils [the childless king removed his wife, took a new one; turned to the god Paramêsvara, who gave a mango, told him to give it to his wife; the new one drank the juice, threw away the seed, gave birth to two boys; the maid heard everything, gave the seed to the first wife; she swallowed it, two as well to a maid; the maid also gave birth to a boy, and the first wife to a turtle; at night, the son leaves the shell and eats cooked food; the mother traced and broke the shell; the son explained that he could not appear in in true form, tells him to smear it with soot, keep it in a chest; P. sends Narada to give the Turtle Prince (IF) the knowledge necessary for life and reign; the king tells his sons (he knows only two, from second wife) to bring him a princess from the mountains in the north; the HR accompanies them under the guise of a peasant; they drink from the river, and the HR knows that this is the water the princess used to wash; he carried himself across the river without soaking legs, and then carried the princes; the princess sees everything, marries the HR; he tells his wife everything, asks him to look for him if he does not return in 4 weeks; elsewhere, the princess's messenger gives a cake and asks for him back with wood, leaves and oil; the IF pulls out and gives the sesame stem; it was a test, the princess marries the PC (the same as the first princess); the third princess lets travelers write commentary on the philosophical book; PSH writes, gets the princess, the brothers leave without him; the princess teaches the PSH to grab the vine, she will raise her to the top to the mountain princess, she should be called the mother; PS led mountain princess, returned for a forgotten weapon, the brothers cut off the vine, it fell and crashed; the brothers bring the princess to the king, she asks to postpone the wedding for six months; three wives find the remains of the PS, one of them collects, the other connects, the third revives them with living water; he brings them to his mother; to find out if PS has come to life, the mountain princess demands a golden lotus from the king from across the sea (only PS can get it); PSH , still in the form of a peasant in soot, promises the brothers to get a lotus; the third wife gives pebbles: if you throw it into the sea, the waters will part and close behind (so overcome the 7 seas); gave a note, PS gave her Rakshasa, that king, the king tore off the lotus, sent the crocodile to carry the PS, the PS brought it to his third wife, the lotus was given to the brothers, the mountain princess understood everything; orders the king's first wife, PSH and him, to be invited to the wedding three wives; PSH appears regal; the mountain princess tells everything; princes are forgiven]: Natesa Sastri 1886:54-78; the Sinhales [Kannahi's husband is unjustly executed, she goes to him searches; the carrier says that the king forbid him to transport K. to the other side; K. turns to heaven and earth, throws a ring into the water; the waters part, she crosses dry; the boatman's family is amazed by the black smallpox; he repents, K. heals the sick]: Krasnodembskaya 1982:90; Bengalis [daughters of a minister, merchant and priest are friends with the daughter of a poor woman because she is extremely beautiful; the minister's daughter says that he will make her husband a cloth that does not get dirty or old; merchant: the fuel in the hearth will never turn to ash; cooked rice will remain, no matter how much it is eaten; the daughter of a poor woman; will give birth to a daughter a beautiful woman and a son with a moon in his forehead and stars on his hands; the king is looking for a seventh wife, because his six wives are childless; takes the daughter of a poor woman; I leave, leaves her a golden bell to ring when they start fights; six wives persuade her to call twice; both times the king immediately appears; says that he will not come again, since she called him in vain; the midwife replaces the children with puppies; the king orders his wife to be dressed in leather , she must drive crows and dogs at the market; the midwife slips a vessel with the children to the potter to put it in the oven along with the unburned pots; but in the morning the potter and his wife find the cooked for firing vessels already burned, one of them has children; the potter tells neighbors that his wife gave birth to children; when the children are 12 years old, the potter dies, his wife has made sati; the young man hunts, the king sees the moon in on his forehead; his wives tell the midwife to settle the matter; she persuades her sister to send her brother to bring a flower from across the sea; the young man brings rakshasi deer and rhinos, she and her husband are grateful, taught to go through thickets and across the sea; the thickets part, the waters of the sea diverge, the young man goes dry; finds a beauty, takes gold and silver sticks; when she wakes up, the girl says that Rakshasi, leaving, puts her to sleep with these sticks; the young man hides; the seven-headed Rakshasi says that her death in a pond in a box in a bee and a drone, only a young man with the moon on his forehead could reach them; the young man presses the bees, all the rakshasa die; together with the girl and flowers he returns to his sister; the girl tells the king the whole story because she knows her; six wives are buried alive, the rest of the heroes are happy]: Day 1914, No. 19:236-256; gondas [the Raja is outraged that the young man hunts birds in his possessions, tells him to bring the Golden Bird; the mother encourages the young man; the dove, the boar, given {Dano - demons} tell him to marry their daughter, promise help; Dano-father-in-law flew with the young man to the sea, ordered him to cover himself with tree trunks so as not to burst, drank the sea, the young man went dry, brought a bird cage from the other side, Dano released the water, the sea again full; the young man returned with three wives and two Golden Birds; gave one to the Raja; he demands a pair; the young man gave the other; the Raja tells us to dig a giant pond and fill it with water; pigeons for six months they covered the sun with their wings, the wild boars dug a pond; the Raja sent an army, they swallowed it, the Raja gave the young man a daughter and kingdom]: Elwin 1944:13-17; South India (apparently Telugu) [retreating from Muslims , Kapus and Balijas approached the widely overflowing Pennaro River; those who followed Malas sacrificed the child to the goddess, the waters parted, and the fugitives crossed the river (E. Thurston. Castes and Tribes of Southern Indian. 1909, vol.4:344)]: Hutton 1914:493; Tamils [when leaving, the mother left seven pies for her seven daughters; the youngest one ate two; the youngest began to cry, and her sisters drove it away; on the way, a rose bush asks to water it, a millstone to put one on top of the other, a cow and a calf to give him a drink, a mare with a calf to put it side by side, the sea gently spread it with your hands and walk dry; the girl came to an old woman, worked for her housework, grew up, she wanted to marry her; on the way back, the sea gave her pearls, a mare a foal, a cow a calf, a millstone, a rose bush roses; she brought everything home; when she saw this, the sisters kicked out the one who ate two pies; she did not comply with a single request and came back empty-handed]: Blackburn 2005, No. 22.
Taiwan - Philippines. Paywan [Tjuku is the leader's daughter, an orphan, lives with her aunt Kalikali; she sees C. with her lover Pulaluyan, he is from a simple family; C. has a favorite water vessel, K. goes with him to to the source, where the enemies want to kill her, she promises to lure them C.; says C. that she forgot the vessel, tells her to wear a beautiful dress after it; C. is captured, the leader of the enemies suggests not to kill her, because she wants marry; while everyone chews betel, C. disappears (by magic), sees at home that K. burned what she was weaving; K. pretends to be sick, C. puts her to sleep, goes to the mouth of the river to drown; sitting on a stone, betel chews, throwing the upper parts of the nuts into the water; they are picked up by the Spider to weave threads; with the promise of betel and threats, C. makes him make a road for her (by magic) into the sea; goes to the sea dry, water they part in front of her, close behind her; in the sea, C. weaves in a glass house under a banyan; P. comes to look for C., notices her saliva on a stone; contrary to C.'s ban, the Spider opens the way for P. to C.; P. comes to C., they talk, C. falls asleep, he takes her house to the village with a song; they leave K., marry; K. suffers from thirst and hunger with his children, comes to C., she refuses to help]: Egli 1989, No. 73:196-207; Puyuma [Asiver came to the old Kalokal in the western village of Sempoliv to invite him to return to his native village of Katipol; he did not want to, because the residents of S. he is better than his parents and siblings, he does not need to work in the fields, he has beautiful nails; V. went back, stopped in his sister Maagit's village on the way; she wore a precious necklace a bead; he stole it, swallowed it; M. accused him of stealing, he denied everything; M. asked the residents to grab and beat V.; he ran to the river, hit the water with an onion, the waters parted, V. crossed to the other side, The waters came together after him; people said that V. was obviously not human; after that he was given a new name Kaapiat; he stayed at Pariwan and brought bethel from them to Katipol]: Schröder 1981:166-171.
The Balkans. Romanians [a widow's daughter herds sheep, she has a dog; a witch's son herds sheep here; a girl dressed as a young man; an imaginary young man has made friends with a witch's son, happens to be in his house; a witch's son suspects that this is a girl; his mother does not believe it, but offers tests; 1) put a flower under the pillow for the night (if the girl wilts); the dog tells you to put the flower on the pillow and only hide it under the pillow in the morning the flower is fresher than it was; 2) go swimming together; the dog disturbs the sheep, the imaginary young man runs to the herd without swimming; after that, the girl went to the sea, divided the waters with her shepherd's staff, switched to on the other side, the waters closed before the witch's son could follow her; the witch built a ship for her son with goods, her son sold them on the other side, the girl came to the ship, he sailed away; then she threw a ring into the sea and said that she would remain silent until the ring was found; the witch decides to get rid of her daughter-in-law, sends her sister for a sword {apparently a weaving sword} and thread; husband teaches to put the first piece of food under her tongue; the witch's sister is surprised that the one who came is not dumb; she slaughtered a rooster for her, she ate it with a piece under her tongue; the witch's sister says that she has no sword or thread, sends to another sister (the same one, she slaughtered a lamb); the third sister lets a human hand eat; the girl throws her under the hearth, the witch calls out her hand, she answers from under the hearth; next time the girl hides her hand under her clothes, she replies that she is under the girl's heart; the witch gives a sword and thread, demands her hand back, the girl gives them; the second and first witches demand back a lamb, a rooster; the girl belches them alive, because she she put a piece under her tongue; the fishermen caught the fish that had swallowed the ring; the husband, holding the ring in his hand, touches his wife with a hand stained in fish blood; she turned into a swallow with a red breast and red a speck under her beak; her husband tried to grab her tail, pulled out her feathers, so the swallow has a split tail]: Gaster 1915, No. 87:267-272; Moldovans [Fat-Frumos is a strong guy; stepmother tells to the husband to get rid of it; the father sent him to herd the cattle, gave him an ash cake; the white bull tells him to get food and drink from his horn; the stepmother takes turns sending three daughters; the eldest, middle, fall asleep , the youngest talks about everything; the stepmother was sick: you have to bathe in the blood of a white bull; the bull teaches FF to pretend to catch him and carry him away, putting him on his back; they stopped in the forest; deer tells them to get out: this is his domain; the bull refuses, they fight, the deer threw the bull on the ground so that the horns fall off; FF took them, knocked them, the cattle began to come out of their antlers - you can't drive them back; lame the wolf drove for permission to eat FF when he becomes the groom; FF wants to marry, people promise to drive the wolf away; while the best man was talking to the wolf who came, FF ran away, was sheltered by Baba Zhgiver, then Baba Khadyra, then Baba Byrkosha, each brought a dog with her; Byrkosha gave another ring and a handkerchief; he waved, the waters of the river parted, FF crossed dry; on the other side, a girl, FF, did not know that she was the wolf's sister; she persuaded her to trust her with a ring and a handkerchief, with their help let the wolf cross the river; the wolf hid in a hole in front of the doorstep, but the third dog lay down, pressing him down; the next day under the bed (same); under the table; the wolf's sister persuaded her to leave the dogs, locked them in the cellar; FF climbed a tree from the wolf, called the dogs; threw one bast to the wolf, the wolf gnawed them, began to gnaw on the trunk; the dogs heard, broke them the door, they ran, tore the wolf; FF returned the handkerchief and ring to Baba Birkoshe, returned to continue the wedding]: Botezat 1981:305-316; the Serbs [the wolf with an iron head wants to eat the shepherd Peter; that persuaded him to wait until he married; the wolf agrees; came to the wedding; when he saw the wolf, P. ran and ran all day; asked the mother of the sun to hide him; she left him overnight and do the towel: if wave, the waters will part, and then close again; went dry across the river, closed the waters behind him, went on; but the wolf finally swam across the river; P. ran to the mother of the month's house; in the morning she gave it inexhaustible bread; the wolf is catching up again; P. waved his towel - the path opened at the thicket; waved again - the trees clamped the wolf; he began to nibble on them; P. lay down, and when he woke up, a lion, a bear and a lynx nearby; he fed them bread; took them with him; paved the way again in the forest and locked it behind him; P. came to the mother of the wolves and asked her to be her shepherd; lured P.'s handkerchief, went into the thicket and freed her a son who was clamped by trees; but now Peter is guarded by his animals; when the wolf hid in the hole and his mother covered it with branches, the animals lay down just in this place and the wolf could not rush to P.; then the wolf asked his mother to persuade Peter to leave the animals at home; the wolf rushed to P., who climbed the tree; the wolf gnaws at him; P. throws his shoes to him and screams three times; first he hears the lynx, then the bear, finally lion; the door is locked, but they crawled under the wall; they tore the wolf to pieces; then P. let the animals at the wolf's mother, and they tore her up; taking the gold and rams, P. returned home]: Eschker 1992, No. 18:100-106; Serbs [when a woman gave birth, God sent Peter and Nikola to monitor the birth; when he learned that a boy was born, God said that it would be better if the baby hadn't been born; at the wedding, the groom would ride a horse through the river, the horse in front would wave its tail on the water, the water would flood the groom's face and he would drown; Peter and Nikola advised their father to arrange a wedding on the hill, but the father did not pay attention to their words because he did not know who is in front of him; his wife remembered; when the wedding day came, the groom's father, at his wife's request, called Peter and Nikola, but they did not appear; the wedding was arranged by the river; when the guests arrived, Peter waved his hand and the river parted; but when the wedding train went back, the Petra River did not listen; everything happened according to a prediction; the angel asked the father of the deceased if he agreed to give his son half of his life; he refused; same mother, siblings; and wife agreed; husband came to life]: Eschker 1992, No. 39:188-190; Bulgarians (Middle Rhodopes) [in July 2009, legends about how the waters of the river and the sea were recorded they disperse when a stick is thrown at them, similar to the motive for crossing the Danube with a magic pipe whose waters diverge or freeze]: Khristozova et al. 2009; Greeks [father loves two the eldest sons, they are warriors; the mother is the youngest, he is all with books; the father has gone blind, asks to bring land from a distant kingdom; the brothers reach the fork; the youngest says that he will pick up the one who goes to the right the wind, straight, will burn the flame, and whoever to the left will not return at all; the brothers put the ring under the stone, the eldest goes right, the middle goes straight, the youngest to the left; the elders come back, pick up the rings, stay on inn; to the left in three castles, three dragonesses, each with 39 dragon children; the youngest says first that he is her missing son, became young because people made him work; dragoness, then sons other dragons believe; they also believe; they say that between the sea and the mountains there is a monster with a head to heaven and a stomach on the ground; a young man kills him by piercing his belly with a spear; comes to a country where they sleep and they are awake for six months; collects medicinal land, takes gold fly swatters from the king, queen, princesses; changes rings with the most beautiful princess; returns; the sons of dragonesses understand that he is a man is chased; the young man gets stuck in a quagmire, a rose falls from his hat, the quagmire dries up; after passing, he throws a second rose, the quagmire gets wet again, the pursuers cannot pass; the young man finds brothers, they impoverished; they push the youngest into a dry well, take a bag of soil, but she does not heal his father, i.e. the younger brother hid the healing brother on his body; the shepherd pulled him out; he returns, heals his father's eyes; brothers they say that the youngest stole their land, the father believes; the king who owns the land with his daughters come, expose the deception; the youngest marries the younger princess; asks the father not to hang his elders; gets the throne]: Megas 1978, No. 20:25-37.
Central Europe. Czechs [poor Tunda was hired for a hundred gold a month; there is no job; at the end of his term, the master takes him to the sea, hits the water with a twig, the waters part, they go dry to the castle, T. climbs through the window, master tells you to throw money, i.e. refuses, the window shrinks, closes; someone black shows 99 corpses of those whom the master lured earlier; because T. did not take the money, black leaves him to watch a pair of horses and goat; T. asks for cards, then his wife; tells him to snatch three feathers from one of the three swans who will come to swim; the swan turns into a girl; T. asks for permission to see her parents, the owner allows, but does not advise; at home, T. opens the chest he has brought, the wife grabs her feathers, flies away; T. returns, the goat takes him to the pond where the swans swim; the witch sends her daughter Amalka, that T. puts him to sleep every time, the swans do not wake up, they fly further and further; in the last castle, the princess (this is T.'s wife) throws the ring, T. catches it three times with her sword, each time she leaves; the princess finds, the spouses unite; T. cuts it down the heads of the black lord and the goat, who turn into king and queen]: Bogolyubova, Talova 2000:307-317; the Czechs [the king dreams that he will recover if he releases three princesses on the Black Island; otherwise he will die; 12 sons draw lots: 6 will remain, 6 will go in search; among the last Boyislav, others hate him; they come to the island, B. goes ashore, raises the slab, there is an entrance to the ground; three horses rode around him; an outwardly thin horse greets him, teaches him what to do; there will be three castles, each princess, sharing a meal with each, but not kissing or talking; come back, and then bring the princesses and leave them to the brothers; they took the princesses, B. left on the island; horse: if they took you with them, they would kill you; the horse tells you to find an apple tree and pick 4 fruits, but not more; tells throw the first apple into the sea, opened a dry passage to the Red Island; they drove along it, the waters closed behind them; the local king has an ugly daughter, but B. must say that he came to see marry her, you just have to see her father first; take only a long rope from the king as a gift, then wrap it around a horse; the second apple is the road to Green Island; the same, but the princess is more beautiful; tablecloth as a gift; the third apple goes to White Island, the princess is beautiful; there is a candle in her chambers; while it burns, she is sleeping; you must pick up the candle without letting it go out; if it goes out, run; B. left a note to the princess; the wind blew out a candle at the gates of the city; the horse tells you to throw the last apple, they reached the prince's country; horse: your father ordered you to be executed; B. does not believe, captured, sentenced to hanged; a loyal warrior persuaded the king not to execute her son shameful execution, B. was thrown to lions; but friendly; the awakened princess of the White Island found a note, came with an army; by this time 11 brothers they cast lots on who to marry three princesses; they are silent (threatened) and behave strangely; the king sends his eldest son to meet the leader of the army; he does not know anything about the candle, his princess decapitated; so with all 11 brothers; found out that B. was alive; the princess and he met; the horse told him to cut off his head, he turned into a prince; he was bewitched by a witch, because he refused to marry her daughter; one of the freed princesses of the Black Island - his beloved; feast]: Curtin 1890:274-294; Russians (Pskov) [the tsar lodged his daughter in the castle without entrance or exit, only one window to the sea; daughter stolen; soldier Protupey, the Warrant Officer, promised to find; the king gave two others as assistants; they came by boat to the island, there was a house, they took turns cooking; Nemal came, asked for food, the cook refused, N. hit cooks, ate everything; the brothers returned from hunting, decided that the cook was dead; the same with the second; when it was PP's turn, he kindly invites N. to eat; N. creates food and drinks, PP does not drink, pours under the table; N. is drunk; { apparently, PP killed him}; PP found the princess, she gave the ring; the companions took the princess, sailed away; PP ate the flower - the road across the sea; ate another - waves again; ate the third - the road again; PP came to the wedding, the impostor was beheaded]: Ploshchuk 2004, No. 22:89-91; Russians (Voronezhskaya, until 1938, Bogucharsky District [the queen grieves that she has no children. The old man gives her a bottle to drink, promises that she will give birth to a daughter "white face, rosy like a red apple", but warns that she cannot be released until the age of 17, otherwise trouble will occur. The king builds a tower for his daughter, surrounds her with a moat and does not let go. Before reaching the required age, the princess is released into the garden, she approaches the sea and ("does not notice how") gets on the ship. In the realm of far away, the king "thinner than a straw, growing to the ceiling" puts the princess in a castle, locks her with three keys. The king promises the hand of his daughter and half his kingdom to whoever finds her. The soldier asks for a ship and assistants (royal generals) and goes to look for the king's daughter. In its third year, the ship lands on the coast of the Kingdom of Far Away. A soldier with two generals go in search of the princess, one general remains to cook porridge. In the afternoon, the king comes and asks for a treat, but the general refuses, the king pushes the general, eats all the porridge. The same is repeated the next day, when another general remains to cook the porridge. The soldier cooks porridge on the third day, agrees to treat the king, provided that he takes only one spoonful and takes one sip. The king scoops up the porridge with too much spoon, chokes and dies. The soldier takes the keys to three locks (copper, silver and gold) from the king's pocket, frees the princess, she gives him her ring, and he drops it unnoticed. They come to the shore, the soldier returns to the tower behind the ring, while the generals take the princess away, saying that they saved her. The soldier sees that he has been deceived, walks into a forest hut, talks about his grief to a humpbacked old woman, and she puts him to bed. In the morning he gives a sword and a horse. The soldier raises his sword over the sea and the water parted, and on horseback he quickly arrives in his kingdom. The princess is married to a general. The horse advises the soldier to get into one ear and get out through the other, the soldier listens, does a good job, comes to the royal feast, the princess recognizes her ring on his finger and asks his parents not rush the wedding. The horse tells the soldier what to do: ask the princess to put the ring on a high pole and announce that whoever gets it will be her husband. The soldier pulls out the ring and the princess tells her who her true deliverer is. Generals are driven away, princess and soldier get married]: Tonkov 1949, No. 12:190-194; northern Ukrainians (Chernigov, Nezhinsky district) [The king, queen and one daughter died, leaving the second daughter and son; when the father died, he buried them to hide them from the snake; the serpent flew in, asking the pomelo, pokers, hooks, axes, shelves where the king is hid the children; everyone replies that the king or queen was kind to them; he will drown (bury the heat, take the pots out of the oven, chop them, etc.) and put them (put them), so I stand (lie); but the snake insists that the chisel shows signs of work (wrinkles); it agrees and tells you to go out, throw it behind you and dig it where it falls; the snake dug up the children and carried them into its hole; on the way, Olenka invites you to look for the snake lice; the snake fell asleep, Ivan cries; the bumblebee puts the children on his back, carries him away, but the snake caught up and returned; next time the goby offers to help; carries children, the snake catches up; the goby tells I. to climb into him right ear, get out of his left ear, he has a scallop and a handkerchief in his head; I. waved his scallop - a thicket, a handkerchief - the sea parted and the goby ran dry; the serpent was afraid, built a house for himself and stayed in it; brother his sister and his sister came to another house; the goby tells him to slaughter him, hang his legs in different places; in the morning they appeared dogs Protyus and Nedvyus, a sword and a gun; his sister went to the river to wash, snakes from another the shore asks to get a handkerchief and wave to cross it; O. told I. that she wanted to wash the handkerchief, waved, the sea parted, the snake passed; O. agreed to pretend to be sick, ask the animal milk; when I. comes up, the serpent turned into a needle, telling O. to stick it into the wall, otherwise the dogs would tear it; the dogs caught up with the hare, she let her milk, gave a bunny; the same with the fox, the she-wolf, a bear, a lioness, a tigress; the serpent offered to send I. to the mill so that the animals would remain locked behind 12 doors; when I. left the mill, the doors closed; I.'s houses asked permission before he died climb the ash tree; magpie: don't go down, the dog's three doors have already gnawed; dogs have come running, tore O. and the snake]: Malinka 1902, No. 16:277-282; Belarusians (d. Petrashi, cr. Eph. Grigoriev) [The Tsar lived with his son. The son got married, his son was born, and he died. The grandfather and grandson are left. My grandson became 7-8 years old and his grandfather sent him to school. The grandson studied and studied and began to teach the principal. The director says to his grandfather that his grandson goes to Jewish women at night. The director let merchant sons who studied at the same school take on his grandson. They surrounded him, and he was in them with clods of earth, and whoever he falls into is in the spirit. My grandfather decided to send his grandson to the immortal king. I wrote him a letter and sealed it. The grandson needs a mace with him. They make one out of 100 pounds of iron for him. He is so small, says his grandson. My grandfather threw another 100 pounds of iron - they made a mace of two hundred pounds. The boy threw it, drank tea, the mace flew back and split against his knee. Another 50 pounds are added - the grandson throws a mace, which comes back and only bends against his knee. The grandson thanks his grandfather, takes the letter, the mace and leaves. Comes to the sea. It hits the sea with a mace, passes through it. He appears to the immortal king. The king prints out a letter and it says to kill his grandson. The king feels sorry for the boy. He writes a letter to his grandfather. And at the very walls, caps hang 500 pounds each. He gives his grandson such a hat - "a hotel to his grandfather", thinks that his grandson will not carry such a burden. And the grandson puts it on his head, takes the letter and goes back. The sea hits again, and it's dry where it hits. He comes to his grandfather − "Grandpa, the immortal king sent you a gift!" − puts a hat on his grandfather's head, he is crushed and dies. The grandson was afraid that his grandfather had ruined, took a mace and went home. He goes, meets a man with white peas in his box. "Pea, throw peas - let's go around the world." He throws that peas, they go together. They come to the pond. They meet Barbel there. They're trying to persuade him to abandon his pond. He quits, the three of us go. They're coming to town. There is no one there - everyone was eaten by the immortal king. They see that the bathhouse is being heated. We were ready to see who would wash in that bathhouse. Three swallows are arriving. They took off their dresses, turned into girls and went to the bathhouse. The grandson asks Gorokhovik to lock the doors in the bathhouse. The older sister in the bathhouse tells the younger sister to open the door. The youngest hits the door with her knee, Gorokhovik flies 15 miles away. Three sisters turn to swallows again and fly away. The next day Gorokhovik returns with the door, installs it back and returns to his comrades. The same story repeats itself: the bathhouse is drowned, the girl swallows arrive, the Barbel supports the door, the middle sister hits her with a knee, the Barbel flies off 5 miles away, returns. On the third day, Knight Davidonovich (grandson) supports the doors. Her older sister hits her with her knee, but the door only flies up, opening the entrance to the bathhouse. And we caught girls there. Everyone got his equal: Gorokhovik was the youngest, the Barbel was middle, and Knight Davidonovich was the eldest. And the eldest wanted to take the Filthy Serpent ("sweet smok") away. The next morning, he summons the Filthy Serpent "to fire". Lots of people are coming. The younger sister advises Gorokhovik to collect stones with which he will beat everyone, but the Snake tells him not to touch, or the Pea will disappear. That's what he did. After beating them all, he met the Serpent, they bowed in front of each other and parted. The next day, the same thing happens with Barbel (he defeats everyone not with stones, but with a mustache). On the third day, it's the same with Knight Davidonovich (he has a mace), but he does not heed his wife's advice and fights with the Serpent. He hits him three times with a mace, the Serpent is alive, and even jumps to Lixander Vidonovich, hits him on the forehead, and he falls asleep. The serpent grabs his wife and flies away. And his friends stay in town with their wives. Lixander Davidonovich has been lying in that place for a year with his mace. One grandmother felt sorry for him for two hundred years, turned over him, and he got up. She said that his wife, the Filthy Serpent, was dragged across the seas, and told him to buy two greyhound dogs and two drakes at the bazaar and go overseas. That's what he did. He comes to the sea, hits it with a mace, goes to the other side. He meets a shepherd, asks where to look for the Serpent. The shepherd points him to the palace and says that the Serpent leaves home every other day. The next morning, Lixander Davidonovich comes to the palace, the Serpent is not there, he meets his wife. She feeds him, gives him water, hides him in a chest, and he tells her to find out where the Snake's soul is. The Serpent arrives: "I feel it smells like the Russian spirit!" His wife convinces him that it was him who was flying around the world, grabbing, imagining him. Sit down at the table and she asks him where his soul is. The serpent laughs, says it's in a broom. The next day he leaves, and she decorated that broom with flowers and put it on his bed. He comes back, senses the Russian spirit, his wife dissuades him, he sees a broom on his bed, laughs at the "idiot woman" - how is it possible to have a soul in a broom! She's crying, she wants to know the truth. He points to her a white goat - his soul is supposedly in him. The next morning the Serpent flies away, the wife dresses the goat in gold and ties it to the table. The serpent comes back, throws the goat away. He sees that his wife "deeply feels sorry for him." At night, she asks him again, and he finally talks about a white stone in the middle of the sea, a duck in a stone, an egg in a duck, and a candle in that egg. If you blow out a candle, get the spirit out of it! The next morning, the Serpent flies away again, and Lixander Davidonovich crawls out of the chest. He goes to the sea and sees a white stone. He goes to him, clearing the sea with a mace. He reached the stone, hit it with a mace three times, and a duck flew out. He put a drake on her, they threw it on the water. The greyhounds swam, caught a duck and brought it to him. He tore the duck and took out the egg. He comes to the palace. The Filthy Serpent has already fallen ill. But he had a whip of three cowhides. When he sees Lixandr Davidonovich, wants to hit him with a whip, and he pulls out an egg and hits it - the egg crumbles, and then the Snake has a spirit out. Liksander Davidonovich and his wife cut his body to pieces and burned him, but they stayed in the palace themselves]: Romanov 1901, No. 13:117−123 (the same episode of water cutting by a club in Romanov 1901, No. 15: 130−146).
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Urums ("Greeks g. Mariupol"; judging by fragments of the original texts and other lexical materials available in the notes, these are urums, not rumei) [episode of the legend of musician Ashik-Garib: to cross a deep river, AG began to play a song in saaz; started singing twice, but the river did not part; when he sang for the third and last time, he played with such enthusiasm that the river parted; AG and his family were safe moved to the other side]: Markov 1892, No. 1:5; Nogais [the old man picked up the bull, threw the ground; decided that he was strong, went to fight with Elmavyz Shylpuvyr Shylpyk; shepherds offer to dress and The old man cannot cut the skin into pieces; the same applies to herds, shepherds; ShSH's mother tries to hide the old man, but the SHSH killed him; the wife of the murdered man gave birth to sons named Alsuvdir and Soyun-Ali; they play with children, They broke someone's arm, their mother advises them to break the hand of their father's killer; they ask their mother to fry corn, put her hand on a hot pot, she has to talk about her father; along the way carry out shepherds' assignments, etc.; they easily kill ShSH and his friend; SA goes home kindly, and A. comes to the shepherd, asks; he herds the herds of Khan living on the other side of the sea; says," Part up, sea!" , goes over, then says, "Close up, sea!" ; licks the feet of the khan's three daughters with his tongue; A. kills the shepherd, puts on his clothes, comes under his guise, strokes the girls' feet with a cow's tongue; one day asks the girls for a comb, only the youngest gives it; A. puts her golden hair in the comb, returns the comb; the youngest falls in love with A.; the gardener gives Khan's eldest daughter rotten apples, the middle daughter is half rotten, the youngest is good; the wise men say that It's time to marry the daughters (the eldest has already faded); the khan tells his daughters to throw an apple at the grooms; the elders throw khans at the sons, the youngest at the shepherd; A. tells us who he is; wedding; A.'s mother is blind by tears, and when I saw him again, I saw the light]: Nogai 1979, No. 22:116-120; Avars [son refuses to lie down with Halun, his father's chosen father, promises to marry Queen Gunzari, whose portrait is father showed; beauties in bird clothes fly to swim in the lake, the young man sits on G.'s clothes; she promises to marry him, but must first fly home; when the young man comes to the appointed place, H. tells the servant to stick a needle into his clothes, the young man falls asleep, G. flies away, telling the servant that his master should cut the stake and bolt; this is the servant and H., the young man kills the servant, drives H. away; goes with the vizier to look for G.; they stay in the house; the young man is sleeping, the vizier hears the conversation between the old owner and the girl; by the seashore under a brushwood stone, you have to hit her on the water, part the sea, get to G.'s palace; who will give it the story to another, petrifies; the same on the way back, the young man will die from a stallion and a snake; the vizier kills the stallion, the snake, licks a blood stain from G.'s cheek; the young man thinks that the vizier kisses her, promising to execute her the vizier, makes him tell the truth, the vizier becomes stony; G. gives birth to a son, kills him, smears him with the blood of a petrified vizier, both come to life]: Saidov, Dalgat 1965:198-207; Lucky: Kapiyeva 1974 [stepmother tyrannite stepdaughter; red-headed cow Zaza gives that honey from the right horn, oil from the left horn; stepmother gives her stepdaughter a spin of hair, the whirlwind took the wool, Z. says where to find what was taken away; greet people who they harvest corals, gold, pearls, they will show the way to the mistress of the Chassages winds; take bones from horses, give dogs, dogs to horses; drink from the river, praise the sweetness of the water, the waters will part; C. will offer to shake up her house, you need to clean it up; tear her dress, ruffle her hair - you have to dirty her hair, comb it; C. pours the girl out of a jug, her hair turns gold; the girl pulls the wool from under C. pillows, runs away; everyone lets her through, the river gives shoes with golden heels; the stepmother sends her own daughter to herd a cow, she is rude to everyone, calls the water dirty, gives bones to cows, hay to dogs, turned everything in C.'s house upside down, she splashes water into her face, it is covered with warts; her stepmother orders Z. to be slaughtered, she tells her bones to be buried under an apple tree; buried bones give a beautiful outfit to go to the wedding ; one slipper fell into the stream, the khan picked it up, ordered him to be tried on, found the owner, ordered him to be brought to the palace to marry him; on the way, her stepmother does not give her water, pushes her into the well, gives her shoes his own daughter, Khan had to marry her; the merchants pulled the girl out, she became a turtle; the gardener hears her telling the trees in the khan's garden to dry up; the khan catches her, she turns into a true bride; Khan expels stepmother and her daughter]: 24-35; Khalilov 1976, No. 46 (village. Tabakhlu, 1836) [the same in a shorter translation in Khalilov, Osmanov 1989:54-62; the red cow tells the hungry stepdaughter to suck her horns, honey flows from the right, oil flows from the left; the wind blows away the wool, the stepmother tells her to find her and return; the cow teaches people who grind pearls, gold, corals to go to everyone, wish everyone the best, ask themselves, they will show the way to the wind Chassage; horses will have bones in front of them, hay in front of dogs, hay must change; call the muddy river oily, take a sip; Wind Chassage, Air Asiyat should ask for wool back; she will ask you to scrape the rooms, they must be whitewashed, cleaned; pull out your hair, tear them clothes - comb, wash; that's how it happened; the girl put her finger into the river, it turned silver, the river missed her {apparently parted}; the same was a bloody river, the girl called it honey, her finger became gold; C. poured golden water on her head, her hair turned golden; C. offered to sleep on a golden bed, wants to make the girl a daughter, hides her wool under her head; the girl pulled her out, ran; the old woman tells everyone to grab her, calls the river bloody, but they only give the girl even more; the stepmother plants her own daughter to spin hair next to the cow; the wind blows away the wool, but the cow teaches the wrong way ; the girl scolds the people she meets, gives bones to horses, hay to dogs, her fingers are covered with ulcers from the water of the muddy river; she tears her hair and clothes; she pours dirty liquid on her head, her face and body become covered with ulcers and boils; the cow was slaughtered, the stepdaughter buried her bones; asked them for beautiful shoes and clothes to go to the wedding; one shoe swam away along the river; the prince found it, he was just right for his stepdaughter, the prince took her to his place wife; stepmother and daughter also went; the bride is thirsty, the stepmother gives her a drink, taking her eyes out; throws her into the well, dresses her daughter in her dress; the merchants pulled the girl out of the well, she turned into a canary; when she flew into the prince's garden, she asks the gardener to say hello to the prince and let the tree dry up; the prince sees that many trees have dried up; the canary was caught, the false wife told her slaughter, a tree has grown out of blood; dates fall on the prince, his wife is scratched by thorns; his wife orders to make a cradle for her child out of wood; the old woman's son picked up the chips, threw it behind the chest; they turned into a girl when she cries (?) , when she laughs, pearls, silver and gold horseshoes fall from under her feet; the cradle squeezed the child to death; the old woman's son fattens a lousy horse in the palace; the girl turns it into a painted horse; the king comes to see him, falls in love with a girl; girls are going to tell fairy tales, a true bride tells her own; stepmother and her daughter are tied to horses; wedding]: 109 -119); Georgians (Kakheti) [when dying, the father tells his son to pass off three sisters as the first to marry; three strangers come, take the girls away; the king makes the young man chief of the army, he is at the head of the army chases the Field Maiden, gets lost; consistently gets to his sisters, they are married to Eagle, Pashkunji {mythical bird}, Gveleshapi {snake}; everyone gives a horse, the Eagle's horse jumps on one, Pashkunji jumps on one, Pashkunji on two, Gveleshapi for three plow harnesses, but the maiden is ahead each time; the devils fight for a flying carpet, a staircase comb, a sharpener, a drinking sea; the young man fires arrows - the cro will be the first to bring, he will receive magic objects; he flies on the carpet to catch up with the Field Maiden; devils after him, the young man threw the comb, a staircase appeared on the rock, he passed the rock; threw the sharpener, rushed along the dry bottom of the sea, grabbed the edge the Field Maiden's dresses, but she herself disappeared into her father's house; her father gave them to him]: Chikovani 1975, No. 5:27-30 (Kurdovanidze 1988 (2), No. 49-56; =Chikovani 1986:169-176); Armenians [=Khachatryants 1933:217-228; Tsar blind, he will be healed by a handful of earth from where his horse has not set foot; the elder brings apples that have ripened on a tree that was dry the day before, the king replies that he went there for the afternoon; the middle one brings treasures from a hill of precious stones (the king was there too); the youngest hears in a dream a command to ask his father for his horse, sword, ring; the horse warns not to pick up a golden pen; he picks up, gives it to someone else the king, who tells him to bring all the bird; the horse brings the peri bird to the place where the peri bird comes to swim, teaches her to grab it when it throws off its feathers; she explains to the king that she is a virgin, asks her maid to be rescued from The Red Maiden; the king sends the prince; on the advice of the horse, he sends his father's sword towards the sea, the waters diverge, the young man crosses the sea dry, kills the deva, brings the girl; the bird tells the king to bring 40 mares from the Red Sea, he sends the prince to bathe in their milk; the horse explains that 39 mares are his mother and sisters, he is the 40th in the family, teaches how to tame his mother, others follow her; teaches how to milk milk, put a ring in it, bathe, take out the ring; the king also bathes and cooks; the prince reigns in his place, marries a peri bird; she explains that his father is blind because he tried to catch her ; the prince, his wife and mares come to his father, his wife anointed his eyes with her blood, he saw the light and handed over the throne to his son]: Harutyunyan 1986:20-28.
Iran - Central Asia. Avesta (hymn to Ardvi-Sura) [warrior Vistarush asks Ardvi-Sura Anahita to help him cross the Vitankhuhati River dry (not identified); Ardvi-Sura separates its waters, V. crosses dry]: Steblin- Kamensky 1993:40; Rushantsy [a slave leads horses to water, sees the reflection of three doves; they say that anyone who reports us to King Komiron will petrify; Comiron is surprised why horses are thin, slave asks him to see for himself; K. shoots the little finger of one of the doves, hands the kingdom over to a slave, goes to the desert; takes out a splinter from the tigress, and both cubs give them a hair by a thread to call for help; changes clothes with a bald shepherd, asks him how to behave; by the river he says "In the name of King Peri, let this river part; the waters diverge, K. crosses with the herd; each of the three peri commands rub her legs to the shepherd; two fingers are intact (K. scratches their feet with a cow's tongue), the third does not have enough little finger, K. puts it; when choosing husbands, the older sister throws a skullcap over the judge's head, the middle is an elder, the youngest is a pleshivets; Peri's father tells the pleshivets to bring a hundred camel bales of gold, he brings; orders to kill him, his servants spare him; the father sends the young to live in the stable; only K. hunts, gives meat to other sons-in-law, stigmatizing them on their heads and butts; older daughters bring meat to her father-in-law, it is bitter, the youngest brings legs and heads, they are tasty; leaves a piece of manure on the plate; the father moves them to the front room; the bald man plays polo with a gold stick, a golden ball; the father-in-law offers a reward, he takes his people, i.e. branded older sons-in-law; the older sisters understand that handsome and bald are one person; father-in-law gives him the throne]: Scribe 1954, No. 6:48-54; Wakhans [the cat tells the sheep that today it will be slaughtered and it will eat its fat tail; the sheep asks the cat to bring a knife, she cuts off her fat tail herself, Koshla opened the door, the sheep went to Mount Kof, gave birth to a herd of sheep and a boy May-Zman ("son of a sheep"); tells him to go to people; the Ministry of Health meets, wins, takes Chinorboz as companions (" plane playing with millstones), Kuboza ("playing with mountains"), Khdorgboza ("playing with millstones"); companions come to an empty house, food is ready; they take turns guarding; they come out of a crack in a pole the girl washes, paints the rest, puts the food on, turns into a needle, goes back; the rest stains his face with mud without anyone noticing; when the Ministry of Health remains, he sprinkles salt on the cut grabs a girl, her companions agree to take her as his wife; the Ministry of Health tells his wife to watch the fire; she dropped a red bead, thought the coals were turning red and they were out; she sees smoke over a pile of stones, comes, there are Barzangi; tells you to sprinkle the road with fried lice, then the dung in the hearth will catch fire; on the trail he comes riding a goat, sticks needles into the bread, tells the girl to dance on them, she hurts her legs, he drinks blood; companions take turns guarding, everyone is afraid; the Ministry of Health hits Barzanga with a dagger, kills 5 heads of Barzanga, the sixth under a stone, the seventh has run away, returns with an army; the Ministry of Health burns the hairs of the mother sheep, who heals his wounds and wounds satellites; the Ministry of Health tells him to lower him into the hole under the stone, where the sixth head disappeared (the satellites tried, but could not); below is the Barzanga shepherd; the Ministry of Health asks him how to count the cattle (hit the tree, how many leaves did not crumble, so many sheep were gone), how to cross the river (say "chuck", the waters will part), where is the soul of our grandfather, i.e. Barzanga (in a staff, if you break on his knee, he will die), grandmothers (in stones with which salt is crushed; hit each other, the wick will flash, blow it out), the shepherd himself (in a large lice at the back of his head); the Ministry of Health suggests cleaning the shepherd's head, presses the louse, "pulls on himself the demand that was on the shepherd's head"; under the guise of a shepherd, crosses the river; the grandmother asks to bring a sheep, a goat, he brings a ram, a goat; says that he has confused everything in the sun; breaks the staff, blows out wick; sends cattle upstairs to companions; tells them to drag themselves, but do not tie themselves; they cut off the rope; a forest has grown out of a thorn in the leg of a Simurg bird; the Ministry of Health frees Simurg; her children think that the man wants to kill her, she explains everything; he tries to raise the Ministry of Health to the ground, there were not enough supplies, he throws the meat out of her hand, but she comes back; the next day, from her foot, they reach the ground, Simurg regurgitates, puts back pieces of meat to the Ministry of Health; gives two feathers - turning them into an old man and a young man; disguised as an old man, he comes to his companions, becomes young, kills them with a dagger; lives with his wife]: Grunberg, Steblin- Kamensky 1976, No. 12:153-163; Yazgulyam [the servant complains to the king that every day three doves say that whoever does not tell the king about them hurts his teeth, head, etc.; the servant is a little alive and horses they are losing weight; the king puts on his servant's clothes, goes by himself, shoots off his little finger, goes after the doves, takes out a splinter to the tigress, the cubs promise to help him; Bald herds the cattle of the royal daughters; explains what should be said to make the waters of the river disperse and come together again; rubs those girls' legs at night; the king drowns the shepherd, pulls a goat bubble to look like Bald; the older sisters rub their heels in bovine tongue, they think that Bald's hands are coarsened; the youngest is put his little finger torn off; the eldest daughters put flowers on the heads of the son of Kadiy and the son of the vizier, the youngest to the head of Bald; the king tries to destroy him in vain (drowns him, hangs him upside down); tells him to bring 40 camels with gold (tigers bring him); older sons-in-law cannot get anything hunting, tigers hunt for Bald, he gives meat, stamps the elder sons-in-law; tripe soup is the sweetest, but it contains manure; the tsar moves his daughter and Pleshiv from the stable to the house; playing ball Bald appears in his true form; shows the stigma ; receives the throne]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 19:213-223; kafirs (kati; western in 1968 in Kabul from a native of villages. Kulem) [the man had three daughters and a son; daughters married diva brothers; the man fell ill, gave his son all the keys to the house and did not give the key to one room alone; when the father fell asleep, the young man pulled out from the key to that room was out of his pocket and opened it; there was a millstone; the young man looked through his hole and saw a beautiful woman; she said: "At one time, your father missed [me], now you're in in turn, you will miss me"; the young man came to his father, who sent him in search; the young man met his sister's maid at the spring; threw a ring into her jug; when the maid poured water on her hands to the hostess, the ring fell into the pelvis; the sister, recognizing his brother's ring, sent him for him; fed him and hid him under the house; the divas returned in the evening; the children began to repeat that the mother's brother was in the basement; the mother was angry, pulled her brother by the hair; the divas stabbed a goat for him; the next day the young man left; met his second sister's maid at the spring; the situation repeated; the same: with the third sister; the young man met a witch who was the sister of the divas; gave her a note from one of her brothers; she recognized the handwriting, let the young man go; the situation repeated with the second and third witches; the young man met the shepherd and asked him where Paradise is the shadow of the sun {the name of the beauty}; the shepherd gave him a staff: "When you reach the river, raise your staff and point to the water; [water] will part and you will go to the other side. You'll leave and you'll be in front of the gate. Dice are thrown in front of the donkey and hay is placed in front of the wolf. You throw the hay to the donkey and the dice to the wolf. It has two poles. Put the one on the right to the left, the one on the left to the right. When you enter the house, pick up the beds spread out, and spread out the collected beds. This house is the house of Paradise - the shadow of the sun"; the young man did as the shepherd told him; R. saw the young man, he asked her where the diva's soul was; R. replied that he did not know; in the evening the diva came and fell asleep; R., on the advice of the young man, took it children in the thicket of thorns; the divas asked why the children were crying; R. said they were asking where their father's soul was; unable to withstand crying, the diva said: "My soul is in one parrot, and a parrot - in a cage. This cage is in a large cauldron, and the cauldron is buried in a hut on the summer." In the morning, the divas flew away, and R. and the young man went to the summer and began to dig; they pulled out the cauldron, it had a cage, and the cage a parrot; the young man tore off his legs, wings and head; the diva fell apart; the young man took R. to his home, his father had a feast]: Grunberg 1980, No. 4:141-145.
Baltoscandia. Eastern Sami [Mändash the virgin (deer woman) has a son, Mändash, a boy; asked his mother to bring him a bride; the road goes across a river of blood, there are waves from the lungs, liver stones ; the old man's eldest daughter has difficulty wading her; eats the grease insoles in her mother-in-law's shoes, puts hay, hits the deer on the nose; mother-in-law turns her into stone; the same with the middle sister; the youngest is good dries insoles, dries the bloody river with alder bark powder, ties red cloth into the deer's ears; once her children soaked their beds; mother-in-law took everyone to the tundra in the guise of wild deer, wife Mändash also became a vazhenka]: Czarnoluski 1962:84-93; Swedes: Stier 1971, No. 3 [three princes hunt; when they arrive at the hut, they hear three girls talking; when the older brother is married, his mind will be clouded, he will throw himself at his father with a knife, but the youngest will take his hand; and when the youngest is married, a polar bear will come for him; this is what happened; the king has appointed 300 warriors to protect the younger son, the bear killed all but one, promised to come the next night; out of 600 warriors, two remained; the third, out of 900, three; the bear promised to return in a year; the prince decided to leave to avoid death warriors; came to the first girl, who told the maid to feed the dog Hundshön, she fought off the bear; the hostess gave the prince a dog, a rod and a ball; the prince hit the water with a rod, water parted, he crossed the river, followed the ball to the second girl, that Hundstark dog, two dogs fought off the bear together; the third Hundschlund fought off three, he promised come a year later; sisters blew the prince a whistle to call dogs; prince came to another country, married a princess; someone sings across the lake, promises to teach the prince's wife; she takes his rod, hits the water, white the bear goes dry, but the dogs tore it; the wife found the bear's tooth, went to show the prince, dropped it on the sleeper, he died; they did not bury the coffin; the dogs took turns guarding; the first two fall asleep, Hundschlund sees an old man sprinkling one of the coffins, the one lying in it comes to life; Hundschlund hardly begged to sprinkle the prince's coffin, he has come to life; he moved on with the dogs; the giant asks to send dogs for He throws water over each chain, is going to kill the prince; he asks for permission to blow the whistle, the dogs have fallen off, killed the giant; the prince takes the treasure, returns to his first wife; dogs tell them to cut each one into three parts, turn into princes themselves], 8 [the king is lost; a white bear comes out to him three times, offering to take him out on the road if he gives him someone who is at home the first to meet him halfway; the third time the king agrees in the hope that a dog will come out; but the daughter came out; the next day, Prince Willius sailed on ships in the guise of a polar bear, took the princess away; when the princess has already given birth to six children, the king met a polar bear while hunting, asked him to tell her daughter that he was married; the princess decided to visit her father, although her husband asked to do so after the birth of the seventh child; stepmother advised her to light the fire at night to look at her husband; drops of candle wax fell on him, he woke up, said that after the seventh was born they would come to live with her father and he no longer would take the form of a bear; and now he will go beyond the Sun and Earth; a wife with six children and a seventh in her arms went to look for him; a century-old bear mistress sends a bear to take them to her 200-year-old sister, the mistress of lions, and she sends a lion to take them to her 300-year-old sister; she is the owner of falcons, lives with a robber; at night she pretends to have dreams, tells them to her husband, and as a result finds out how get to where Prince Willius lives with the Sun Woman; a falcon takes a woman with her children there; you have to throw a stone into the sea, it gives up; the Sun tells the princess that today is her engagement with the prince, puts them in a chicken coop; the princess turns it into a rich room, starts spinning; The sun sees gold spinning accessories, buys them for permission for the princess to spend the night with Vilius; gives him a sleepy potion twice, on the third night he pours it out; at a feast, V. asks the Sun what to do with someone who tried to separate friends; she replies that he should be put in a barrel with Gvo1zdy and roll; V. put the Sun in a barrel of nails]: 15-21, 43-53; Danes [the fisherman can't catch anything; finally pulls out the talking fish; she tells its giblets and scales to throw it on a garbage dump, bury your head under a stone through which water flows down; let the wife eat the back, but the fisherman himself should not eat; save the rest and, when the boys are 7 years old, give the mare, dog and female cat, they give birth to foals, puppies, chicks; when boys are 15, dig 2 swords and 2 knives from under the stone; from now on, the fisherman's field will yield such crops that there will be no need to fish; sowing on the brothers went on a journey of their horses, taking swords, knives, dogs and cats; at the fork they parted, stabbing a tree: whoever rusts is in trouble; the elder came to a city where mourning: the king must give his only daughter to a sea monster with 9 heads; whoever kills him will receive the princess and inherit the throne; the Red Knight promises to do so; when the princess is brought ashore, the KR saw the monster and ran into the forest; the young man let a cat, a dog and a horse on the monster, and cut off three heads, cut off his tongues and hid it; KK brought his heads to the city and claimed victory for himself; the next day, 6 (same); on the third day, all 9 heads grew, but the young man cut them all down, the monster died; the princess put her ring on the young man's finger; he said he should see his brother and return in a year; the KR did not see what happens, and decided for the monster to win and eat the princess; the KR brought the princess and heads, attributed the victory to himself; the young man found his younger brother's knife unrusty, went to look for it, but did not find it; returned, when the princess married the Kyrgyz Republic; sent a cat, the princess recognized him, the cat grabbed a goblet of wine and brought it to the young man; he gave it a drink to the hotel owner, and he sent his dog to the princess; the same, the dog took away the food basket; the young man came by himself, showed his tongues; the princess called him savior; the Kyrgyz Republic is hanged on the tree he was sitting on, fearing a dragon; on the first three nights he flies up to the marriage window rooster and screams; the young man decided that his brother was in trouble, went after the rooster, got lost in the fog; an old woman came up, asked for help to carry a heavy bag on horseback; hit the water with a stick, the sea parted and they went dry, and there was water around, in front and behind; they went out to the mountain, the old woman opened the door, there was an iron room with a huge stove; the old woman pulled out her hair, told her to throw them on her horse, the dog, the cat and the sword, they petrified {or rather immobilized}; said that she was the mother of the dragon, and threw her hair at the young man; the younger brother saw that the knife was rusted, went in search of the elder; he was mistaken for him; at night he put a sword in bed between himself and the princess; that rooster appeared; the same as his older brother, but he threw the witch's hair into the fire; told her to revive her brother and his animals (she sprinkled them with water from bottle) and take her back across the sea; then they cut off her head; on the way home, her younger brother told the elder about the night with his wife; he pierced him with a sword; he came furiously to the Queen; she asks why he put a sword between them last night; when he heard this, he galloped to the place where he killed his brother; wanted to stab him on his corpse, but his younger brother's cat just brought the bottle and poured it on him liquid; he came to life; the brothers divided the kingdom, and the youngest married another princess]: Grundtvig 1878:276-326; Lithuanians [199 options; after the death of their father, 7 sons drank the estate, hired laborers; someone steals mowed hay; only the youngest Jonas manages to catch a mare with seven stallions; J. got the most inconspicuous; decide to marry the 7 daughters of the Bone Woman who is on the island; the horse teaches Y. to wave a handkerchief, the waters have parted; tells them to exchange blankets with the girls at night; the saber cuts off their heads; the skate tells them to run; the sea has parted and closed behind, the bone woman cannot cross; the skate does not tell you to pick up the pen, J. picked it up; the brothers, out of envy, tell the king that 1) Y. can also get a bird; a bird from the Bone Woman; J. became a cat, the bone woman brought him into the house, he took the bird cage ; 2) a sword that cuts and defeats attacking enemies herself; J. became a bird, the bone woman brought it into the house, she took her sword away; 3) the sea maiden (while she was at the ball, the moon and sun could not be seen for three days); the horse teaches put a table of wine on the shore, the maiden came out of the water, got drunk, fell; maiden to the king: I'll go out when you're handsome, you have to swim in boiling milk; J. jumped and became handsome, the king disappeared into milk; J. married a virgin, became king]: Kerbelite 2014, No. 154:401-408 (=2021:352-357).
Volga - Perm. Udmurts [=Klabukov 1948, No. 38:108-114; the man died, the son Muzeim remains, the widow is pregnant, has given birth to a son Marsalim; the mother tells the Museum not to ride a red horse, not to climb the mountain; he violates the ban, kills a three-headed snake on the mountain, frees 40 girls and 40 boys, locked another snake underground with a stone; the liberated are building a village, the Museum lives in it, taking her mother; she drops a comb underground; the serpent advises to poison Muzeim, then he will become his mother's husband; Marsalim hears, changed plates; next time he washed off the poison poured by his mother on Muzeim's head; cuts off the snake's head hidden in a chest; Museum comes to life; goes to marry the daughter of the Fire King, leaves Marsalima a ring; stops at her fiancée on the way; the old woman gives 3 apples; the bull will come to the river to drink, drink everything water, you have to roll an apple, go dry; that's what happened; the Museum throws the second apple, the road becomes smooth; the third one throws it into the washbasin, climbs the tree himself; the daughter of the Fire King saw an apple , told me to get down; the princess must be defeated; she throws up all the suitors, Muzeima picked it up, but locked it; Marsalim's ring turned black, he comes to Muzeim's fiancée, she takes him for her fiancé , he accidentally left a mark on her eyebrows; he comes to an old woman, kills her sons, makes her show the way; the Fire King is the same as with the Museum, but Marsalim throws up and picks up the princess himself; marries after Muzeima is released and fattened; on the way back they pick up Muzeim's fiancée; compete in archery; Museum shot Marsalima's little finger; he says sin is atoned for: these He injured his fiancée's eyebrow with his little finger]: Kralina 1960, No. 69:192-198; Tatars [40 brothers want to marry 40 sisters; on the way back, Azhdaha surrounded the newlyweds with his body, demanded older brother; tells him to get the daughter of the padishah; the young man meets, takes the Batyr Name (pulls out oaks) and Tash-Batyr (throws up boulders) as companions; they cannot cross the lake; the girl drank it, they crossed, she regurgitated the water back, went with them; the padishah offers competitions; I. wins the wrestler, T. wins the runners (throws sand into their eyes), the girl drank 40 barrels of turpentine; the young man gets the princess, companions with him they say goodbye, T. gives a sword, he hacked Azhdakha with them]: Zamaletdinov 2008a, No. 49:217-222; the Bashkirs [when the boy is 6 years old, his mother's abscess burst on her left hand, a girl came out; immediately all the mares threw out ; in a dream, the brother saw his sister turn into fire and flew away; the next day he took her from his mother, hit the fire, ordered her to be killed; the parents refused; the son left in a thin foal, which turned into a mighty horse; on the way he extinguished the burning bush; there was a snake in it, led her to her father, told her to ask for a lame goat as a reward; the serpent tells her to be slaughtered, put her feet to her feet, her head to her head and wish what do you want; in the morning around the palace and the farm with workers, the wife is in bed; the king is enviable, sent to bring a golden bunny; the wife teaches how to create a bridge across the sea, catch a bunny; the husband caught and did not give it to the king; he tells the girl to be brought from the bottom of the ninth sea; the wife gave a paper: hit the seas, the water would split in two; the man brought the girl, made the second wife; the king orders to bring food with net; the eldest the wife was the queen of birds and reptiles, she called everyone, no one knows; the old frog was the last to come, says that eating with no exist, but she does not know where; they went, the frog jumped into the water; well done house and hid; some man came in; Sarbyay! Serve food; the invisible brings everything; when he is gone, the person invites S. to the table; he agrees to go with him; tells you to poke the house with a stick, it will turn into an egg, put it in your pocket and go home; king tells them to go to their deceased parents; wives took her husband away from the fire; tell the king to bury gold under the king's threshold; tell the king that his parents are in paradise calling to them, talking about gold; the king found gold, ordered to burn himself, the man became king; decided to visit his parents, his wife gave tulpara; at home the old woman, his sister; asks if the brother came on a three-legged, two-legged, one-legged horse, and came on foot; rushes at him, he asks for a break, she ties him by the leg with a rope, he tied the rope, ran to his horse; aspen fell in the way of the old woman and turned into a mountain; well done, he returned to his wives]: Bessonov 1941, No. 28:160-166.
Turkestan. Kazakhs: Daurenbekov 1979 [Kendebay grew up as a hero, came out of a foal, which he took from the womb of a mare killed by a wolf, named Kergul; the boy tells how enemies took him prisoner parents; K. lives with a boy; 6 swans arrive, the boy answers them that he is K., they beat him with their wings; K. changes into his clothes, swans fly in, K. manages to grab one by the leg, his hand remains women's shoes; goes in search of the boy's parents; the horse says that the devil's khan lives on the river island, his daughter's swans; the key to Zindan, where the boy's parents are, is at the bottom of the sea; it is necessary to change clothes with a slave herding the khan's cows; burn Kerguly's hair - he will come to the rescue; in the evening, the cows stop by the river; the youngest daughter of the khan asks why the shepherd does not tell, as always, the river to disperse; K. tells him to go dry; the winged foals of the khan's mare disappear after birth; he tells two sons to guard the tenth foal; K. sees a cloud carrying the foal, grabs a foal by the golden tail, he comes off; the khan sends his sons and K. (imaginary shepherd) for a foal; K. burns a hair, Kergula takes it to the island across the Sea of Fire; there are 10 foals, one of them without a tail, drinking water from a golden gutter; on poplar, a two-headed nest Samruk birds, it will arrive in 6 days; during this time, you have to go around the sea (foals can't fly over it), take a gutter, the foals will follow him; on the way, K. kills a seven-headed giant, a huge lion, a witch, hides a giant's eyes, a lion's fangs, a witch's head in a bag, shows the khan; the grateful khan frees the boy's parents, marries K. to his youngest daughter; explains that he set everything up to K. destroyed monsters]: 79-86 (=Tursunov 1983:131-138; about the same in Sidelnikov 1962:49-58); Stamboliev 1896, No. 9 (Transcaspian Region, Fort Alexandrovsky) [Tsar is widowed; Shakurat's eldest son is 16 years old , younger Shakur, 14; the new wife slandered the younger stepson, the king ordered the guards to kill him; the guards felt sorry for Shakur, gave a piece of gold, soaked his shirt with the blood of a ram; he met Shakurat, who ordered tell his father that he was also dead; Shakura was bitten by a snake; Shakurat left gold with him and a note asking him to bury the deceased; he himself came to the city where the serpent ate people; Shakurat agreed with the snake that he he will only take a young man and a girl every year; the worshipers found the dead Shakur and revived him; he gave them gold, came to the old people, their daughter should be given to the snake tomorrow; he tells him to dress him up as a girl and leave him where the serpent would appear tomorrow; the serpent swallowed Shakur, who cut him from the inside with a dagger, went outside, lost his senses; the nobles buried the body of the imaginary girl, attributed the snake to themselves; the old people Shakur was accidentally found half-alive and revived; the nobles found out everything, sold Shakur to the caravans; they had to cross the sea, they wanted to sacrifice Shakur; Shakur begged them to leave him on the shore cut off his little finger and threw it into the sea, the waters parted, the caravans dried to the other side; Shakur was gifted; he bought a chest, a girl was inside; she told Shakur to describe her life and leave her a note; the caravans envied, took the girl, Shakura was thrown into the sea in the chest; he was caught by one king, made Shakur an heir; the caravans sold the girl to King Shakurat; he read the recording of Shakur's life; Shakurat sent ambassadors, found Shakur; caravans and nobles were punished; the brothers found his father deprived of the throne; he was freed from the spell of his witch wife, put him back on the throne; everything is fine ]: 68-76; Kyrgyz [Khan of Osh has sons Shakir and Shakiret and a daughter, his wife died; Khan remarried; his new wife began to molest Shakir and offered to poison his father; Shakir hit her in response; the woman accused Shakir himself of offering to poison his father and marry her; Shakiret suggests that the guards kill better than him; they released both brothers and brought Khan their shirts soaked in blood a hare; Shakireta was bitten by a snake; Shakir thought he was dead, left gold to the one who would bury him and a note; came to a city where the dragon wanted to eat everyone; Shakir came to the dragon and spoke to him on a snake the language he learned from the mullo; the dragon agreed to leave in 6 months if a ram and a girl were brought to him every month; Shakiret's body found the elder, revived him; Shakiret came to the elderly, whose daughter must eat the dragon; wearing a woman's dress, went instead of her; cut the dragon with two sabers, but lost consciousness; the horsemen brought the dragon's head to the Khan and said that the heroes were them; the khan appointed them judges; the girl found Shakiret alive, brought him to his parents; the judges saw him, led him to the river to execute; the caravans bought him to sacrifice the river for the opportunity to cross; Shakiret lowered a finger in the water, cast a spell, a ford opened in the river; the caravans left Shakiret with them; he bought a chest, there was a girl in it; the caravans took her away and sold her to Khan, i.e. Shakira, and Shakireta they threw him into the river in a chest; Shakir understood everything, ordered him to look for a chest in the river; he was caught by a fisherman, gave Shakir to another khan, who decided to transfer power to Shakir; the brothers, now both khans, found a sister; stepmother tied to a horse's tail]: Brudny, Eshmambetov 1981:69-80; Dungans (Guizhou) [there was no fire, people ate raw food; many animals died after the volcanic eruption; people tasted roasted meat, they wanted to get fire; a man named Adang went to look for fire; in exchange for permission to nest under the roofs of houses, the swallow explained that it was necessary to go to Mount of Fire at the foot of the Western Sky; a wild horse allowed me to ride it in exchange for a promise to take care of the horses when they were domestic; there is a river in front of the mountain, they swam, the water is hot, A. began to eat boiled fish; the horse explains that the river you can cross by pointing an ax at it, a dry passage forms in the water; an ax in the cave where the dragon is; you have to lure the dragon, run away from it in a circle, he will get confused, at this time take an ax; when you see a thunder the ax in the hands of A., the dragon was frightened, explained that there was a recess in the butt, the fire should be hidden in it; A. ran dry, grabbed the coals, returned, the river flowed again; A. brought coals to people; this ax was the same sickle with flint inserts; coals - cream bags]: Shujang Li, Luckert 1994:97-101.
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Telengites (b. Chuya) [current spirits are called kairakans out of respect; kairakan used to be a great shaman, "jaan kam", Sarah Tyrmash; he dried the crossing as he passed through the river, and after passing, the water again flowed]: Potanin 1883, No. 77:328; Khakas [the elderly have a son (he is younger) and a daughter Altyn-Tan; the old man is dead, his mother is also preparing to die and tells them not to go to Mount Ah-Tag in front, not to extinguish the fire - You can't light it up again; but brother and sister went; only AT went up to the top, there was a house with a black woman in it; AT asked for fire, but she asked to go into the house first; AT did not go in, ran away; when the children ran across the taiga, they were chased by Hara-Khashta, black, with a long beard and huge eyes; brother and sister reached the old woman's yurt; she replies that she will not be able to resist the Aina, refers to the middle sister, she to the eldest; this eldest gives AT a golden shawl: if you wave, the waters of the river will part, you can cross to the other side; brother and sister have crossed, XX could not cross and returned; brother and sister put up a house; the boy is learning to hunt, asks his sister what the animals are called; three geese are flying and shouting: there is a baby on the other side of the river, you have to pick it up, he will be an assistant; AT went to the other side but the child turned into the 20th century and made her a wife; began to live with her at her house, where her brother did; XX gave the boy the name: Adygchy-Ool; the white dog overheard XX telling AT to put fang in his brother's soup ; he will pierce the boy's throat; we will eat him and his dogs; the white and blue dog agree to pretend to fight: the cauldron will be knocked over and the fang will fall to the ground; when the fang falls to the ground, it caught fire; in next time XX and AT agreed to bring his brother to a house in the woods, where XX would be waiting for him to kill; the boy managed to climb onto the roof and called the dogs; they jumped out of the ground, bitten to death XX; blue dog : We'll tie AT to the wall, let the bowl be white under the right eye, blue on the left; if AT feels sorry for her brother, her tears will fill the white bowl, and if XX, the blue one; then Adygchi-Ool with the dogs came to the aal; old people they took him to their son; one day the cattle stopped mooning, people began to scream; the dogs ran away and brought blue and white wolf skin; the old people are happy - these wolves destroyed cattle; Khan gave AO his only daughter; When they came to see AT, only tears from her left eye filled the cup (i.e. she grieved for the demon); AO brought her home; she gave him a poisonous araki and he died; dogs dragged her body to the mountain; blue ran for a reviving potion; brought arrows in her ear, but she had arrows in her sides, she died; white revived both her and her owner; Altyn-Tan was tied to the tails of three mares]: Torokova, Sychenko 2014, No. 16:321- 335; Tuvans [before his death, Father Myoge Bayan-Dalay (DB) sent him for Lama Koldu-Burgan; he came and began to read sacred books, but the camp was surrounded by enemies - brothers Ak-Khan and Kadin-Kara; BD's horse tells him to aim higher, because the brothers will jump, but the DB did not listen, the arrow flew by; he himself did not jump, was killed; his pregnant wife Sai-Kuu fled to the steppe, gave birth to a son Kara-Kogel; through He has been walking and talking for three days; asks his mother about animals, from small to large, easily kills them with stones; his mother taught them how to bow and shoot; KK brought 6 bears at once; his mother does not tell me to go to sacred mountain; he went, the mountain is moving, it is a giant maral that eats the forest like grass; KK hit a vulnerable place on the forehead, where animal hair is; ripped open the belly of the maral, and many people came out alive; KK made a home out of the skin of this maral; his mother sent the KK to meet his grandfather Aldyn-Aas; he is going to marry Manchin-ege-Khan's daughter; people without an ear; without an arm; without a leg; they answer that they were attacked by two eagles; two birds of Khan-Hereti; two lions; this was when they went to Manchin-ege-Khan; AA gives the DB a name that the mother only vaguely said: Kara-Kogel, riding the Arzilan-Kyskyl horse; this horse has There are no cracks between the ribs; AA remains with KK's mother, and is sent to Myncheung-ege-han; BD's father married her to him at one time, gave him steel bars and scissors; KK fired an arrow to cross the sea, she scattered the passage between the waters (pp. 111-112) at the khan of the competition, the winner will be his daughter; the son of the moon, the son of heaven, the son of the sun participate; the KK arrow passed through the needle eye, through the hole of the shoulder blade, set fire to a bunch of firewood, etc., but he threw a lasso over it and returned it; compete to run from a place where heaven meets the ground; the strongmen sent fairies instead of them; they gave KK a drink - he fell poisoned dead; the horse ran away, pushed the jug away, the winds revived the KK, he overtook the old women, dragged those who wanted to hold him with hooks; jumps, those old women on horseback, the horse tells me not to look back; AA turned around, saw his mother's chest, fell to her, fell poisoned; the horse woke him up, he overtook the old women; fight the strongman for 90 days; in winter only hoarfrost creaked under his feet, in summer the dew rustled; AA his overcame and buried him in a hole; fighting a strongman from which sparks fall; AA beat him with an icy fur coat, threw him into the sea; defeat a bull, AA threw a bull for a stone scree; fighting three bears; in winter frost creaked under their feet, the dew rustled in the summer; all three KK threw against the rocks; these strongmen are from the lower world, they licked the arrow, vowing not to attack again; horse: they will demand me for the bride, don't give me up iron fetters; but Malchin-ege Khan took the horse along with his fetters; they gave the KK a drink at the feast, he was attacked by heroes; the KK shouted: Earth is my mother, Heaven is my father, where are you? Stones fell from the sky, destroyed half of the Khan's squad; his wife brought the KK to her, and in the morning he called out again to Earth and Heaven, asking them to be benevolent; the sun shone, half of those killed came to life; broken The KK melted the bronze bowl and poured it again; the KK horse almost died of thirst and hunger, but the khan's little son let him go and drink him; the horse was offended by the KK for giving it along with the fetters, but then forgave; after visiting his looted camp, KK saw the remains of a long-dead man; this is his father; KK smeared his bones with drugs, the body revived; hit the whip with a golden handle and jumped over - man got up, but could not speak; from the book, Sudur KK learned that the magic mouse had carried the vocal cords across 7 layers of earth, 9 layers of dust; KK became an ermine, caught up, killed the mouse, returned the ligaments, put it in his father's mouth; The DB came to life, but the KK told him to look after the house, and went to take revenge; learned from the shepherds that life was hard under the new owners; invited Ak-Khan and Kadyn-Kara to shoot at each other the way they shot with his father; their arrow bounced off the KK's chest and crumbled, his arrow pierced both at once; the KK returned the people to their original place of nomadic]: Grebnev 1960:87-141; Mongols: Beningsen 1912 [at the eldest sisters son Ihe-Alim, the youngest has Baga-Alim; I. went to see the world; tamed the piebald horse; the black old man warns that the ten-headed Mangyt-Khai is ahead; the horse tells him to cut his belt out of his back, make a reliable bowstring, shoot an arrow; M. slipped past her; the humpback old woman crawled up, asking for meat, swallowed I. and her horse; she was M.; I. cut her heart in her stomach and went outside; the gray shepherd replies that he is herding the herd of Irbisyn Khan; warns of dangers on the way to that; a bird, on one side of which there is a murderous heat, on the other hand, frost; I.: lukewarm; fresh; the horse carried through a sea of fire; two mountains in front are the bow of Khirzdir Batura; his arrow hit I. to death; his horse, becoming a dragon, flew to heaven; the mother of the gods Angir-Shara-Emegen and Otkon-Tengir revived him; they said that H.'s soul, on average, three poplars behind his house; I. summoned his horse from the sky and hit the middle poplar with an arrow; killed Irbisyn Khan, killing the ram in which his soul was; followed the widow of the victim; she by sea; the shepherd replies that he drives 10,000 calves across the sea, telling him to "part", and then it closes again; tells them to "get attached" and they become attached; I. killed the shepherd, did everything as he came to to I.'s widow, she accepted him, he began to rule the kingdom]: 81-86; Mikhailov 1962:126-128 [Khan's maid gave birth to Zhivaa-Tsagaan in the eighth year of pregnancy; when the Khan's elephant went mad, J. killed him; the khan exiled he was sent to the edge of his estate, where he had previously sent someone who could swallow everything and the fastest runner; they met and accompanied a keen and drinking sea; each one took turns cooking; they came out of the sea cyclops, eats everything; when J.'s turn, he beat the Cyclops; his brothers finished him off, and four fairies who supported the wounded were married; J.'s wife - Oyun, her slipper fell into the sea, the demon found, said Khan, Khan tells O. to steal; J.'s soul in the casket; the demon teaches O. to steal the casket, throws it into the sea, takes O.; the companions helped: one saw J., the other ran to him, the third drank the sea, put the casket in J.'s finger, he came to life; under the guise of beggars, friends came to the khan, J. stabbed him, took O., the All-swallowing drank the sea again, they were dry; when they were chased, the sea came together, the pursuers drowned], 142-147 [Mongolian and Chinese are friends; one has a son Ih-Alim ("Many Berries", he brought a lot of berries when he picked), and the other has Baga-Alim ("Few Berries"); the Chinese woman died; the evil spirit of Shulam persuaded a Mongolian woman to find out who one of the young men is her son; she pretended to lose consciousness, her sons put her on the bed, she pricked B. Alim with a pin, who has a mole; this is a sign that B. is her son; since then she has become give I. leftovers; the young men have left home; on the seashore they ask the shepherd; he grazes the khan's cattle, who is overseas; I must say "Sea, part" and it gives up; tie some of the cattle at home, some get excited; then "I eat husam (burnt foams), drink haram (boiled water with milk), go to bed"; I. threw the shepherd into the sea, dressed in his rags, came to the khan under his guise; pretends to be stupid from the smell of onions (he does not know where husam and haram; they explained to him); the khan has six daughters, I. went to the seventh; the khan gave them a yurt; the hangarid bird takes the foal of the khan's mare every year; six the sons-in-law overslept, I. knocked down the bird's feathers and a piece of the foal's tail with an arrow; I. went to look for a thin foal, which became a mighty horse; I. caught a bird, drove a herd; the horse does not tell the brothers not to sit in the yurt on the litter, do not drink tea; but the brothers forcibly poured a few drops into I.'s mouth, threw it into the pit, covered it with a stone; three years later, the hangarid and the horse moved the stone, the horse lowered its tail, I. returned, the khan ordered six sons-in-law to be tied to the tails of horses]; Dagurs [the couple has seven daughters, two of them are blind; the father leads them to collect wild grapes, leaves them blind; by evening they understand that their baskets have no bottom; in the morning they hear chirping, they climb a tree, there is something round and soft, they eat it, they begin to see the light; when they wash in the stream, they see better; they come to a golden and silver well ; after getting drunk from there, they fully regain their sight; after eating fruits from golden and silver trees, they become pregnant; they come to an empty house full of supplies; the son of the eldest Aletannenbo, the youngest is Mengongnenbo; young men grow up, meet an old man, who says where to find flying horses; they tame horses, return to their mothers; a demon comes out of the ground; threatens mother A. that he will eat her if she is good treat M.; since then she has been feeding M. with garbage; M. leaves, exchanging arrows with A.: if he rusts, the owner is dead; on the way M., the same demon, M. hits him with an arrow; by the river, a Tuoku shepherd herds sheep Rich Su; they must be driven across the river, saying, "If the river stops for a moment, then I won't be angry"; at Su's house, he licks his wife's feet in the evenings, they give him a cow cake; M. puts on clothes T., sends the horse to graze, pretends to have forgotten the words that make the waters of the river disperse; Mrs. Su utters them herself; the imaginary T. shouts to her from the other room that he eats up the cake with measles; strokes her feet with the cow's tongue cut off; says that his tongue is hardened with herbs; the mistress tells him to drink oil; he cuts off the dog's tongue, Su is happy, goes to bed; the six daughters of rich Su are married, the seventh youngest is not; he will pass her off as someone who bends an iron rod; only the imaginary T. bends; Su has to give her daughter; he is ill, he will be cured by bile and bear meat; M. in his true form gets, returns on horseback , sees his older sons-in-law; they ask to sell them a bear; he burns their butts with a hot copper cauldron; but these Su's son-in-law brought by his sons-in-law are no better; the imaginary T. kept part for himself, cooked, father-in-law recovered; his sons-in-law dug a hole, invited M. to the races, M. and his horse fell into a hole; the horse flew to the sky to the Jasper Emperor, his daughter lowered her braids, M. got out of them; M. recovered from her potions ; sees that A.'s arrow is rusting; with his wife on horseback she rushes home; the heavenly maiden also descends to him - her father drove her away for helping a mortal; she cured A., married him; and A.'s mother died earlier]: Bender, Su Huana 1984:110-125.
Eastern Siberia. Evens (Olsky District of Magadan Oblast) [a man does not kill a duck, it promises to help; his dog tells you to see what is crawling on it; cut it into six parts; a man presses a flea, the dog immediately dies, he cuts it, these parts are eaten by two bears, two wolves, two foxes, become helpers; Cholare, with one hand, one leg, one eye in his forehead, asks the man's sister how she crosses the river; girl: her brother has a handkerchief, he will wave - land will form; C. asks to steal a handkerchief; she steals, C. crosses, marries; persuades him to send her brother to barns for yucola; barn doors do not open it, bears, wolves, foxes are sitting in the barns; when a person returns, he sees C.; he tells him to wash himself in the bathhouse first, then he will eat him; the animals tell him to call C. himself to the bathhouse; tear him apart a person burns the remains, leaves his sister tied to a tree, two cauldrons under her eyes; if the right one is full, then she mourns her brother, if the left is C.; leaves, marries; when the ropes are rotten, sister C. picks up his teeth, comes to his brother, puts his teeth in bed; he dies; the sister offers to burn the deceased, the wife offers to leave the coffin in the tree, bury the animals nearby; foxes, the bear break through the way out, the duck pushes the coffin off the tree, the wolf brings living water, the rest lick the owner's wound, he comes to life]: Novikova 1987:66-69 (=1958:60-65); central Yakuts (Zhuleysky Nasleg of the Tattinsky Ulus) [V Myuljun Byögyo, a hero, lives in the middle world and has two ayyi wives. As a result of his sacred ritual of expelling juniper, both legs have ceased to function knee-deep, and he walks with two silver crutches. Archie was committed against him as punishment for his obstinate character. For his obstinacy, he was moved from the Upper World to the Middle World and cursed by his parents, Kyung Toyong, and mother Kyun Natagaljin. He is destined to live only to be fifty-six years old. When this term expires, he digs his own grave, predicting that both of his wives will give birth to a hero son. The first will be called Elik Bootur, the second - Nygyl Bootur. Then he says goodbye to his wives, goes to the prepared grave, dies. Boys grow up fast, discovering extraordinary age strength. The elder has a calm character, and the younger one is violent and ruthless. Their mothers kick them out of the house with a poker, because when they play, they cause disorder and destruction, especially the younger one. On the first day, they run around all their native places. On the way, the youngest asks what the objects encountered are called, and the elder explains. The elder behaves calmly, and the youngest breaks trees and kills cattle. On the second day of their journey, they are already far from home; they see a bear in the forest. The eldest gets scared, the youngest grabs the bear in an armful, brings him home, scares everyone. His mothers order him to take the bear to the forest right away. He carries it away, throws it into a hole squeezed out by his feet and fills him with a stone. When he gets home, he gets hit with sticks. After a while, the older brother asks the mothers to give them both names. Mothers are given the names their father gave them. The kids are happy. They ask them to provide them with heroic clothes. Mothers also comply with their request. The eldest son chooses clothes for himself, but the youngest is not enough, so he only takes a knife in the pile. Despite the mothers' warning, the brothers go on foot to pick up their intended horses. The road is blocked by an impassable iron thicket. There are a lot of human bones lying around. The older brother gets scared, cries, asks his brother to come home, the younger brother shames him, moves forward. Despite the fact that he is naked, paving the way with his arms and legs, and his older brother follows him. When the thicket passed, there was not a scratch on the younger brother's body, and the older brother, despite his clothes, was all scratched. He is dissatisfied that his brother did not save him. Going further, they see forty bulls killed by their younger brother. Bulls' meat is roasted on horns, and their skin is used by the younger brother to make all the necessary clothes for himself, from a horn hat to shoes. Ten bulls are eaten by the elder brother, and the youngest by thirty. Then an impassable stone rock blocks the road, and on it stands a hero of the Upper World, dressed in silver. At the foot of the mountain and on its slope lie even more bones and corpses of dead heroes. Hero Kyungül Dokhsun, son of Tomoroon Toyona and Habaraan Hotun, as the strongest of the heroes of the Upper World, was appointed by Yuryung Aar Toyon to protect this pass to the Upper World. The elder brother, seeing the bones and corpses, cries again, and the younger brother negotiates with the hero, who orders them to clean up late. Nygyl Bootur does not obey. climbs the mountain. The hero of the Upper World strikes him with a special whip. Nygyl Bootur dodges and, clutching the hero's whip and one hand, pulls him down. So they wait for each other for three days. Finally, Nygyl Booturu manages to grab the hero of the Upper World by the second hand and pull him down. Then the hero of the Upper World declares that he was predicted that he would be defeated by the hero of the Middle World Nygyl Bootur. Having learned that the winner is Nygyl Bootur, the hero of the Upper World invites him to be friends forever. Nygyl Bootur agrees. They kiss three times and break up. Continuing their journey, the brothers approach the Sea of Fire. The elder is crying again. Nygyl Bootur gets on one knee and asks the spirit of the sea to let them pass through. The sea worries for three days, then the flame goes out. Finally, the sea is divided in two, and travelers cross it on a dry bottom. From behind, the voice of Alyp Seoreon-Nuyohei Wot Usuutum, the spirit mistress of the sea, sounds, demanding that she be fed in gratitude. Nygyl Bootur kills the hostess's spirit with a heavy stone thrown into her open mouth. On the way, the brothers see two horses intended for them grazing on the seashore, sit on them, and go home. On the way, they decide to test whose horse is faster. The younger brother's horse is the first to rest his chest against the sacred tree of his native places. When they get home, they sleep for three days. Obeying what he saw in his dream, Elik Bootur goes to look for a bride. It travels for a long time, recognizing summer by rain, winter by snow, spring by slush, autumn by frost. Finally, she comes to Togoruya Baai Toyon and Tolona Baai Hotun. He finds himself on the ysyah, to which the heroes of three worlds have gathered. Heroes are also contenders for the hands of the owners' daughter Syrkyabalaan Kuo. When Elik Bootur comes to the owners and declares his desire to marry their daughter, elderly parents ask the boys and girls who serve them to raise their eyelids. They look at the groom, they are satisfied. My daughter's name. Young people are also happy with each other. Old people announce that they will give their daughter off as a hero who won the competition. Elik Bootur goes to the meeting place, where the heroes of the three worlds stand ready to shoot and look up. In the sky, between the clouds, there is a golden ball on a rope, containing kut and sur Syrkyabalaan Kuo. She was supposed to be the wife of someone who would hit a gold ball with a well-aimed shot. All the heroes miss. Elik Bootur greets the heroes, reproaches them for bad shooting, says that they should go home, but first invites them to watch him shoot. When the gold ball appears from behind the cloud for the second time, Elik Bootur shatters it into four pieces with an arrow. Before he knows it, Abaasa hero Habydal Hara arrives in the form of a dragon, grabs one quarter of the golden ball and disappears. Elik Bootur hides what's left of the balloon in his pocket. After that, the heroes go home. Elik Bootur returns to his hosts. He is received with honors and is put to bed with his daughter for the night. The next morning, the servants report that a strong wind was blowing at night, hail was falling from the sky and covered the whole earth. This is a sign of the arrival of the hero Abaasa. Habydal Hara arrives on the cloud and demands to give Syrkyabalaan Kuo for him. The battle between Elik Bootur and the Abaasa who arrived ends with the victory of the hero Ayya. Elik Bootur decides to finish off the enemy, but it turns out that he is sitting on a log, and the Abaasa hero has disappeared. The next day, he arrives to avenge the defeated hero of Abaasa Kyuluk Syuyodek, who kills Elik Bootur with an enchanted whip, breaking his skull. Elik Bootur's horse throws the owner's body on his back and brings him to his younger brother. He washes his brother's body, covers it with his saliva, and the dead man is resurrected. Nygyl Bootur leaves Elik Bootur at home, goes to avenge his older brother and bring his wife. Kills Kyulyuk Shuyodeka and brings home his brother's wife. She's going to look for a bride for herself. Approaches the pass from the Middle World to the Upper World. There he is met by a witch who has turned into a fairy-tale bird. This is Wot Kukhalyisa, the sister of Abaasa hero Tallan Suoruna. Nygyl Bootur grabs the bird by both legs, steps on one leg and tears the bird in two. She scatters the witch's ashes. Then he has to fight with the brother of the witch he killed, who, by order of Yuryung Aar Toyon, is in shackles in the dungeon for his incredible strength and destruction of all three worlds. Out of revenge through witchcraft, he is freed from his shackles. They fight for nine days and cause great destruction even in the Upper World. The heavenly messengers, three brothers of the hero Kyung Chuollut, stop this fight. They again shackle the Abaasa heroes and lower them into the dungeon, and tie Nygyl Bootur to the top of Mount Ejinge Mangan. When Nygyl Bootur begs for forgiveness three days later, the same ambassadors of the Upper World release him and order Yuryung Aar Toyona to choose one of two things: or fight with his opponent for outside the Upper and Middle Worlds, or arrange your future without fighting him. Nygyl Bootur calls his horse, sits on it, and goes east. He meets Kyryytynay Tykaaray, the younger sister of Aiyy hero Ogo Tuigun. Offers to marry him. Kyrytynay Tykaaray replies that she is destined by the deities to marry only someone who will defeat her and her brother by force. Nygyl Bootur defeats the girl in martial arts, and does not fight with the girl's brother with her consent. Wow Tuigun is happy, he marries Nygyl Bootur and blesses the newlyweds. When a husband and wife drive up to a mountain that rests on the sky with its peak, Abaasa hero Timir Tisiktey catches up with them and demands that Nygyl Bootur give him Kyryytynay Tykaaray. Nygyl Bootur disagrees. Heroes join the battle. The battle lasts nine days. By the end of the ninth day, the heroes are exhausted and, resting on each other with their foreheads, take a break. Kyryytynay Tykaaray laughs at the heroes for their weakness, mocks that they fight like boys, even their clothes are still intact. She removes her husband, fights with the hero of Abaasa herself. They have been fighting for three days. The Abaasa hero weakens and, anticipating his death, asks to save his life, for which he promises to be a loyal servant. But a woman kills him and scatters his ashes. Continuing the journey, the husband and wife drive up to the white Mount Sabydal, which rests on the sky. There is a battle with the hero of the Abaasa of the Southern Sky, who demands that Nygyl Bootur give him his wife. The hero Abaasa is attacked by her husband and wife together. The battle lasts nine days. Nygyl Bootur and Kiriytynay Tykaaray kill the enemy, burn the corpse, and scatter the ashes over the sea. On a stretch of 90 roads, at the crossroads of 80 passes and 70 countries, they find themselves at the fabulously wide Kieng Chiski-Ytym River. Aan Duuray, an 8-headed abaasa hero, arrives from the west on a bull harnessed into an iron sleigh. He is an avenger for the murdered Abaasa heroes. Husband and wife immediately turn to birds: the wife to the fairy bird Koi Kyyl, and the husband to the falcon. They throw themselves from above at the enemy, taking off all 8 goals. The corpse and his bull are buried in the ground, and they move on. They come to their native country and see that Elik Bootur has equipped a residential building for them with all services and necessary items. They are greeted with honors by two mothers and brother and wife. On the occasion of the arrival of Nygyl Bootur and Kiriytynay Tykaaray, a large ysyah was arranged with food and games. This is how they still live in complete contentment]: Yemelyanov 1980, No. 34 (olonkho "Elik Bootur and Nygyl Bootur"): 139-144.
The coast is the Plateau. Thompson [enemies killed (burned) everyone, the old woman and her grandson, the wolf boy (B), remained; went for revenge; V. dragged his grandmother in the deck; there was a huge lake ahead; the grandmother took off her belt and hit them on the water; the waters parted, and when they passed, they closed again; if there was an obstacle ahead, the grandmother says V. raise her eyelashes, her gaze makes the obstacles disappear; this is how they overcame the lake, mountain, forest and abyss; two years later, V. returned with two wives, two children, a grandmother and wealth; everyone was swimming inside a log, and V. sat on top and it moved fast; V. is the ancestor of the people of Lytton]: Teit 1917b, No. 22b: 38.
The Midwest. Miami (drunken) [White Loon and White Wing (girl) love each other; the girl's mother wants to give her for a good Black Beaver hunter; lovers run; three old women give one after another they have a stone, a thorn, a cactus thorn; they turn into a mountain, a barbed fence, thickets; by the river, the spirit makes a scoop for the fugitives through the waters, behind them the waters close; the girl's father leaves, the mother continues the persecution; in the village she is shown calf blood, saying it is her daughter's blood; the old woman gives a pen, it turns her lovers into a pair of ducks, they fly away]: Baker 1931:189-190.
Plains. Sheyen [the waters of the river part before the fugitive]: Dorsey 1905 (Publ. Field Col. mus., Anthr. Ser., v. 9:37) in Hutton 1914:494; Arikara: Dorsey 1904d, No. 3 [giants lived on earth, Nesaru destroyed them with a flood; gathered people with animals in a small underground cave; these people were cornfish grains; one grain N. in the sky turned into a woman, Mother Corn, sent her to bring people to the ground; The Mole, the Badger, the Long-nosed Mouse take turns digging, making their way out; The mole is blind to the light, stayed in ground; Badger had a black stripe on his face, black paws; Mother Corn led people west; there was an abyss ahead, the Kingfisher covered it with stones, some people remained, became kingfishers; the Owl paved the path through the forest, knocking down the trees on the fly with its wings; the Loon flew across the lake, dividing its waters, people were dry, some came back and became divers; some did not have time to cross before the waters came together, stayed on the other side; while Mother Corn went to heaven, people began to play, kill the losers; she came back, said that N. was dissatisfied, ordered to choose a leader, taught me how to scalp; the Dog came , said that Tornado and Tornado forgot her; Tornado will cause disease, then dogs must be sacrificed; Mother Corn: don't forget to smoke to the heavenly gods in four ways], 4 [people in the underground cave; Mother Corn told the Mole, Badger, Gopher, the long-nosed Mouse to dig a hole to the surface of the earth; The mole went blind to the light, Badger had black legs, Gopher had a stripe face; everyone went west to the ways were abyss; the Kingfisher filled it, some people decided to stay as worms; the owl paved the way through the forest; the Loon flew through the lake, people went dry between the waters; some drank, became fish; others became loons; The partridge killed, sacrificed a wild cat; Mother Corn praised, for the spotted ones must be sacrificed, the spots represent stars; the Red Star, the Yellow Star, The Great Black Meteorite Star (rising in the east) gave a smoking pipe; The partridge flew off successively, let the gods SE, SW, SV, Zenith (Nesaru) smoke; The tornado hit Mother Corn, she regurgitated red, yellow, black, white corn; The tornado brought diseases; The dog said it would stay with people as a watchman, its meat was delicious, its fat was healing against ulcers; Mother Corn gave corn, taught rituals], 5 [Mother Corn takes people out of an underground cave; Mole or Long-nosed Mouse, Skunk, Badger dig a way out; everyone goes west to the water barrier; Fish swims, waters part, people pass dry, the waters close behind them; the Owl makes its way through the forest, the Kingfisher through the abyss; the horns of the giant bison reach the sky; the Mole, the Skunk, the Badger dig holes, the Fish rushes down the Bison's throat when he He comes to drink, cuts him from the inside with his fins, he runs, falls into holes, dies; his skin is grass, his horns are trees with bark, there is a sunflower on his nose, he looks like Mother Earth; his blood is glass, has become stones, they are used to make smoking pipes; his meat has been divided into sacred bundles; everyone goes further west; animals decide to separate from humans], 6 [giants lived on earth, Nesaru destroyed them with heat, turning them into stones; created little people, wanted to destroy them by the flood, but the animals hid them in an underground cave; Bears, Moles, Mice, Foxes dug an exit to the ground; The mole went blind to the light, the Bear widened the hole; a woman who came from a grain of corn told a man that they were on an island in the waters; people under the ground were corn grains, now they have become human; the man became a pike, made his way in the water, the woman too; they tired, some people fell into the water, became fish; The mouse led people through the darkness, the rest in the forest turned into owls; there was a failure, the Bear laid steps, people passed; The tornado paved the way through the forest, although they forgot to call it; people dressed the corn grain as a woman, threw it into the river, said that Mother would swim to the island we came from; one day an old woman came and left corn], 7 [people were underground; Long-nosed Mouse, Mole, Badger, Fox felt sorry for them, dug a way out to the ground, people went out, went west; Badger blocked the abyss from the earthquake, people passed; Loon flew across the river, dividing waters, people passed, waters came together, some people stayed on the other side; Mother Corn said that Black Wind was angry because he was not invited, brought people under the cedar; Black Meteoric Star ) stands firmly, his one leg is cedar, the other is a stone; the Black Wind carried away only a part of the people; the Bear made steps through the mountains; the Dog came, his meat is delicious, his father is the Sun, he gave the animals the ability give strength to healers], 8 [Mother Corn came to people in red clothes with 5 moons and a star; these are images of the gods who sent her; she promised to get people out of the ground; Badger dug a hole, from The sun's head and front legs turned black; people went west; Owl Barn barn paved a path through the forest; Tornado left diseases, and the Owl gave roots and herbs to heal them; Cut-Nose came to kill people, his horns, it seemed to the sky; people ran, stopped at the abyss; the bird, the Badger could not, the Mole brought down the edges of the abyss, people crossed to the other side; in front of them is a space of water and ice; of all the birds, only Loon paved the way by pushing water and ice to the sides, people passed; Mother Corn disappeared, leaving a grain of corn under her blanket; the Awaho people were the last to come out of the ground, taught other rituals; Nesaru killed the first people, they were bad, but he kept the corn kernels underground, and they became new people], 11 [people came out of the ground, all animals except the bison were with them; they were led by the Mother; they were left out of the lake the Cut-Nose monster and bisons cooperated from under it, start killing people; people created gorges behind them, escaped from the buffalo; The tornado scattered, killed some people, Mother ordered him to be honored by smoking; The bison, led by Cut-Nose, reappeared; the Owl, the Badger failed, the Coyote and the Hound made their way through the forest; Dogs could not make their way through the water, the Loons could; the waters opened, people passed, leaving buffalo on the other side; Kingfisher, Mole failed, Badger brought down the edges of the abyss, people passed, escaped the buffalo; Awaho ("Left Behind") was the last to get the most complete knowledge of rituals]: 12-17, 18-23, 23-25, 27-30, 31-32, 32-35, 37-39; wichita [The vulture lives in a hot and dark space on the far side of the sun; covered with sharp flints; takes a person to island, throws into a nest in a tree; a person throws two chicks out of the nest, embodying bad weather, leaves the other two embodying good weather; gets off a tree, hits the water with a string; it breaks up, he returns home; Vulture attacks again, hero kills him]: Dorsey 1904a, #16:122-123.
Southeast USA. Alabama: Swanton 1929, No. 20 [two (or four) men decide to go to heaven (west); they come to Sharp buttocks, they dig cover, expect ducks, geese, and white cranes to attack; The battle begins, people beat and fry birds; they come to an old woman, she gives them some pumpkin, the food does not run out; she gives them a scoop of pumpkin, they scoop up water in deep water, splash water on both sides, water they diverge, they pass along the bottom, the waters close behind them again; the man gave them cigarettes, the other gave them the bark to their feet; in tobacco smoke they passed the fighting, with bark on their feet, snakes on the path; the old woman told them to bypass the village of Dogs and the village of Girls; you can look at the dogs, you have to pass by the girls in spite of them; on the way, travelers saw many people walking; came to the Sitting- upstairs; he gave them a melon, told them not to bite through the seeds, collected them back in their peel, the melon was whole again; he poured boiling water over them, which seemed only warm water, scraped them, the dirt came off, their bodies became light; he pulled back the lid, they saw their house downstairs; when they woke up, they were at home with God-given corn, melon and bean seeds], 21 [the woman died, her children were crying, two men went for her, reached a place where the sky rises and falls; one ran, becoming a cougar, the other a bear; the old woman gave them a scoop, they went to the river, scooped up water, splashed around, the waters spread, they went dry; the man gave them an ear, told them to throw them at the woman they had come for, also gave them a bottle; the woman was dancing, they had a hard time hitting her on the cob, she fell, they put her in a bottle, they brought it to the ground; woke up near the house in the morning, heard a scream from the bottle, opened it; the woman said they did not revive it properly, disappeared], 22 [the woman died leaving a child, two the men went to get it back; the old woman gave them pumpkin to eat, they ate, but the pumpkin did not run out; they came to a place where dwarfs fought ducks and geese; spent the night with another old woman, she gave everyone a pumpkin scoop water from the rivers and go so on; let the bark be tied to her legs to pass the place where the snakes were; another woman gave tobacco, they lit a cigarette, hiding in clouds of smoke from people who fought; they came to at the edge of the sky, he went up and down; one slipped by a cougar, the other as a wild cat; in the sky, a man warned women about the city, they would try to stop them; they passed without stopping; God gave them the melon, ordered not to gnaw the seeds, peeled it again, the melon was reborn; God pushed back the lid, they saw their house below; gave pieces of cobs, they threw them at the dancing woman, she fell, they put her in a vessel, closed the lid; woke up at home in the morning; the woman in the vessel moaned, saying they had killed her; they opened the lid a little, she disappeared, returned to heaven; they came for her again, God I gave it again, they lost it again; if they hadn't turned the lid off, people would have come back after death]: 139-141, 141-142, 142-143; koasati [a woman dies, her two brothers follow her to heaven; the sky descended, one jumped on it, it rose; then the same with the second brother; the old woman showed them the path; they reached the place where the snakes tied elm bark to their feet, passed; the man gave them cigarettes, people are fighting on clubs, the brothers lit a cigarette, everything was shrouded in smoke, they passed; another woman gave a scoop, they went to the river, scooped up and poured some water, the water split, they dried up, followed them the waters came together again; they came to God (Never-dying), he cut the melon, gave half of them to eat, told them not to bite through the seeds, put the seeds and peel back; pushed something away, they saw in the hole the land where their home is; on the fourth day they put their sister in a vessel, covered it with a lid, went back (apparently they were immediately on the ground); the sister from the vessel began to say that she was suffering there; they opened it a little the lid, everything was quiet, the vessel was empty]: Swanton 1929, No. 26:189-190.
California. Villot [the flood flooded everything but the top of Banker Hill; brother and sister escaped in a basket that was swimming; the water came down, only the racuna survived; the basket was leaking and the brother asked where; the sister is silent; when he called her his wife, she answered; but he did not like it, he left her and she went in search; to cross the river, she threw a handful of sand, the water dispersed, she crossed dry; at the big tipi hangs a vessel with bones in it; she put them in her basket, went on; crossed the river again, throwing a handful of sand; the basket became heavy, she looked - her living brother was in it; brother: I'll stay here and you go on; we'll never meet again]: Teeter 1964, No. 16:153-155.
Big Pool. Northern Payutes: Lowie 1924, No. 2 [over the mountain in the Coyote and Wolf stone house; a woman invited Coyote to copulate but ran to her house on the island; Coyote put his penis where she urinated; made a dry passage in the waters of the lake; in the house the girl's mother, she has a toothy bosom; on the walls there are quivers of those who have bitten off their penis; in the evening, the daughter brought swans from the hunt; the old woman closed the door so that the Coyote would not leave, only a hole in the roof in the finger; the old woman fell asleep, the Coyote put his finger in her daughter's vagina, she bit him; the Coyote got out through the hole in the roof, brought a penis-sized stone, put his teeth in the girl's vagina fell out, he took them out with a stick; the same with an old woman; had sex with a girl; went hunting with her, killed swans, and the girl could no longer hunt (she used to bite off swans' necks with her vagina); old woman she placed a water vessel between the heads of her daughter and the Coyote; it had children in it; told Coyote and his wife to go home, not to open the vessel on the way; Coyote opened, most of the children ran away, there was some paviozo left (= Coyote's wife created trout for her children in the lake, took it as needed; when she went to buy firewood, Coyote dug the edge of the lake, the water and the fish flowed out - let people fish in the rivers! The woman came back, cried, died; if it were not for the Coyote, she would have created lakes like this everywhere], 3a [Coyote put the top on the river; a woman appeared, the Coyote could not catch up with her, she sat down to urinate; The next day, the Coyote dressed beautifully, came to the lake, the woman's house on the island; the Coyote threw a stone - there was a dry road in the water; the girl's mother was in the house; the daughter brought ducks from the hunt, began to eat their vagina, crunching her bones; when they lay down, the girl's vulva almost bit off Coyote's penis; the mother closed the exit from the house; the Coyote got out the chimney, brought a stone penis, broke off the girl's vaginal teeth, took them out with willow with a stick; got together with the girl; in the morning she told him to go hunting, because she could no longer kill ducks with a vulva; Coyote and his wife went to his house, his wife carried the vessel, Coyote opened it along the way, from there people jumped out; there was another girl in the other house; the fish told Coyote to lie down when she went out to urinate, he inserted his penis into her, she gave birth, the baby was playing in the water, drowned; everyone was in mourning, but the baby ran to Coyote's house alive, the basket was full of pignon nuts; Coyote ate]: 209-212, 216-217; goshiute: Smith 1993:11-14 [see M60b motif; the girl comes to marry the Wolf (Wolf created earth); Coyote replies that he does not know anyone with this name, but his older brother called him Wolf; the girl brings the imaginary Wolf to her house; does not let him go to the source, because the real Wolf will not want to drink; Coyote drinks greedily; the wife tells her not to throw away duck bones; puts them under herself, eats them with her vulva; this girl, a Goose, flew to the island, told her mother that she brought the Coyote, not the Wolf; she appears in front of the Coyote a dry path in the water, he crosses to the island; the girl's mother also gnaws on the bones with her vulva; the Coyote puts the cervical vertebrae of a mountain sheep into his wife's vagina, her teeth have fallen out, the wife is pregnant; the mother-in-law asks her too (same mother-in-law is happy, also pregnant); both are pregnant in the morning, not in the evening; mother-in-law puts in the basket all the babies born by both women in a year, gives Coyote, tells them not to open it on the way; the basket is getting heavier The coyote opens, the basket turns into a rock with a spring, the children run away; the Coyote gives names to the tribes], 41-42 [the old woman sent her daughter to the Wolf; the Coyote replied that the Wolf lives in that house, unnoticed got there; on the way she wants to have sex, the girl refuses; brings Coyote to the island, he does not know how to get back; the wife replies to the mother that the Coyote will also come down; the mother throws ash on the water, creating sushi jumper; Coyote breaks both women's vaginal teeth by sticking a mountain ram bone into her vagina; both pregnant; mother-in-law gives Coyote a basket, sounds inside, tells them not to open it on the way; Coyote opened beautiful people ran away, second-rate remained - gossiyut].
Guiana. Varrau [beginning see motif L44, text (185); a shaman climbs a tree in the forest, the spirits gathered began to cut it, their axes and arrows break; they call the spirit Muse ("the one who sees") M. could not climb; then even more powerful Webuoni; a bird sits on his forehead (she eats scorpions); V. clutched a broken arrow between his heels, climbed his legs forward; the shaman stabbed this arrow in his ass shouts to the spirits to catch prey, runs away himself; the perfume eats V., then everyone makes excuses as if he did not eat; half-spirit (vertically?) scoops up the river with the skin of his scrotum; the shaman fires an arrow at it, he grabs it, puts it in a hollow; the shaman gives him a cigarette, he lights it with his fiery hand, he likes it, he takes the shaman as a friend; half-spirit roasts a crocodile, a shark, tells you to bring a pot, a plate, the shaman sees only snakes there; half-spirit brought a pot, a plate; two jaguars came at night, half-spirit killed them easily; half-spirit gives the shaman caught fish in a small bag, sent him across the river when the bird sings "dry, dry"; the man sees only a deep river, comes back; half-spirit carried it half dry, turned back; the man barely had time run to the other side, the river was filled with water again; the shaman reached a house, hung up a hammock; the spirit came out, cut off his calf, blew a whistle; did not like it, made the second one out of the other caviar; told the man where to go; on the way he meets jaguars with 1, 2, 3, 4 heads and tails; returned home]: Wilbert 1970, No. 186:418-423; (cf. García 1993, No. 91 [people had a pet monkey; returning in the evenings, they notice a mess; one spies, seeing a monkey turn into a woman, making manioc cakes starch, and then throws them, crumbles them; a man talks to her, takes her as a wife; in a palm grove, a man responds to a frog's cry that she will also become his wife; she became a woman, went out to him; Monkey gave birth to children, and the Frog remained childless; they got into a fight, the Frog left, became a frog again; the husband beat the Monkey for this; she took the property and children, went into the palm grove, climbed the tree; they they threw off pieces of starch and crabs soaked in urine; the frog told the two banks of the river to meet, the Monkey and the children crossed to the other side; when the husband wanted to follow them, the Frog again spread the banks; someone moved him across the river, pointed the direction; the man cried so much that he became a jaguar, made fangs out of his axes, claws out of knives]: 288-291; Wilbert 1970, No. 169 [married sisters, they have younger brother; they leave him moriche palm flour at home, he processes it like a woman; someone stole flour while it was dry; a monkey came down from the tree, became a woman, he grabbed her, she turned into woman, he is happy with her; her husband's sisters call her a monkey, they say that she does not work well, they scold her son; she takes her son, leaves, her husband follows her, she screams three times, the riverbanks converge, she crosses the river, neither did my husband; he did not have time at the second river; the termite told the man that the water was shallow; he crossed many rivers; he sees an old man scooping water with a basket, so he catches fish; makes a platform out of poles fry fish; sends a man for palm starch, for a pot; he sees only a snake, a jaguar; the old man brings starch, a pot; at night jaguars come, the man hardly wakes the old man up by hitting him with a club; in the morning, the old man put all the fish and meat in a small bag, ordered not to open it on the way; the man opened it, everything fell out; the second time the person accidentally dropped the bag; the old man said that now people you'll have a hard time getting grilled fish], 170 [when no one is home, pet monkeys turn into a woman, cooks manioc cakes, then scatters them on the floor; a man waits for her, marries; one day he hears a frog teasing his "short penis"; he replies that she will also be his wife; the Frog comes in the guise of a young woman; barren, and the Monkey has two sons; the Monkey reproached the Frog with infertility, she returned to the pond; the man punished the Monkey; she left, climbed the tree with her children; the tree has grown; they throw cakes moistened with urine to the man; they run through the trees, cross the river three times, telling the shores to come together; a person runs along the shore, the last time he does not have time to cross the river; he cries and turns into a jaguar, his ax is his fangs, his machete is his claws], 171 [= (170); after making cakes, he eats them himself; a man throws his skin into the fire]: 364-367, 371-374, 375-376).