Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

J44. The collapsed bridge. . (.74.)

The hero lures the enemy to a shaky bridge. The enemy falls into the water, into the abyss (see motive J46). See motive J52.

British, Keva, San Cristobal, Bori, Loda, Sangikhe, Russians (Arkhangelsk), Slovaks, Lacks, Georgians, Northwestern, Central and Northeastern (Verkhoyan) Yakuts, Evenks Baikal, Orochi, Udege, Nivhi, Nuniwak, Central Yupik, Northern Alaska Inupiate (Kotzebue, Noatak), Koyukon, Kuchin, Tanaina, Southern Tutchoni, Helmet, Chipewayan, Bellacula, Quarry, Shuswap, Thompson, okanagon, quinolt, puget sound, lower chinook, ne perse, snohomish, skagit, cous, kalapuya, takelma, clamate, katlamet, clackamas, wishram, yakima, menominee, ojibwa, steppe crees, montagnier, seneca, mikmak, penobscot, sarsi, assiniboine, crowe, osage, sheyen, arapaho, skidi pawnee, comanche, tonkawa, yurok, kato, shinkyon, lassik, maidu, yuki, coastal yuki, pomo (kashaya), vintu, monache, goshiute, northern payute, northern and eastern shoshoni, western apache, diegueño (ipai), papago, tiva (Taos), popoluka, kamsa and ingano, warrau, carinha na Orinoco, wawai, oyampi, napo, saparo, shuar, aguaruna, uitoto, ocaina, bora, barasana, kabiyari, tatuyo, makuna, chikuna, katawishi, urubu, tenetehara, amuesha, siriono, chiriguano, guarazu, nambiquara, iranche, bororo, kaingang, toba, apapokuwa, kaigua, mbia, chiripa, araucana, (selknam ). Muesha, Siriono, Chiriguano, Guarazu, went to heaven, became the Sun's coronuresis river, ran across it; when the beast ran, the

Western Europe Bridge. The British [Jack digs a trap hole, the giant fails, he finishes him off; another giant takes sleeping D. to him; follows his brother, D. makes loops, goes down to the door, hangs giants; frees three girls; spends the night with a double-headed giant, puts a log on the bed instead of himself, the giant hits him with a club, D. complains that the rat hit its tail at night; pretends to eat a lot, lowering pudding into a bag under his clothes; cuts it with a knife, the pudding falls out; the giant cuts his stomach with a knife, dies; tells the three-headed giant that a thousand warriors are coming to him; he gives for his imaginary salvation he has an invisible jacket, speeders, a magic sword, an omniscient hat; with their help he defeats other giants; saws the bridge supports, the stalker giant falls into the ditch, D. finishes him off; the giant Galligantua turned the Duke's daughter into a doe; D. blows a horn, turns into birds and animals; marries the Duke's daughter]: Kharitonov 2008:191-197.

Melanesia. Keva [Ipirinyu lives with his father; he dies, asks I. not to go to the site for long; I. returns when his father is already dead; his spirit enters the head of a slaughtered pig; his head pursues I.; at the river, M. asks a young man on the other side for help; he throws a reed, it crosses it; when he crosses his head, the young man removes the reed, his head is carried away by the river; his head walks, returns when he is already dead; his spirit enters the head of a slaughtered swi, the father of a young man is an ogre; the young man dresses I. like a man, the cannibal calls both his sons; people from different villages are going to kill the ogre; he turns into possum, climbs a hole; throws his son and I. into a tree, they turn into birds of paradise]: LeRoy 1985, No. 79:238-240; San Cristobal [The month was an enemy of people, shining like the Sun, on earth It is unbearably hot; the Sun gnawed at the trees with its teeth, made a bridge across the sea, invited the Month to follow it; the bridge fell apart, the Month fell into the water, became cold; there was a lot of water, many trees, night appeared]: Fox 1924:338.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Bori [Tani married Doini-Alye, daughter of the Sun; their two sons see their mother sitting on bunk beds above the hearth, on the platform, on the roof; each time she replies that their father did not repair the bunk beds, etc.; from the roof flies to her father; brothers follow her; help Forest Birds, Wild Cats, Wild Cats, Wild Boars, Old Woman in their work, they show the way; the Old Man drives them into a tree, cuts it; the brothers jump on others, the Squirrel hides them in his quiver; when the Old Man crosses the river across the bridge, Belka advises you to jump on it, the bridge collapses, the old man sinks; the Old Man's wife caught his bones, crushed him, blew; the dust that got into the water became leeches, caught in the forest - with all kinds of insects]: Elwin 1958a, No. 1:307-309; duffle [Appa Pili (rakshas) lured two children into a cage, saying that he brought bananas inside, brought them home; put them to cook; the children let them go the bubbles, pretending that the water was boiling; they jumped out, stopped cooking the AP children, put the dog in their place, ran away; AP began to eat what was cooked, the AP woman smelled her own; the children ran to the river, climbed a tree; the youngest admitted that they had climbed the vine; the Up man climbed, told his wife to beat whoever fell with an ax; the older brother cut off the vine, AP fell, his wife killed him with an ax, drank blood, then I understood the mistake, began to cut down a tree; the children told him to fall on the top of his head across the river, ran away, the tree was carried away by the river; AP asked the spirit of the river for help, he reached out like a bridge; when it was in the middle of the river, the spirit pulled back his hand, AP drowned]: Bori 1995:54-57; apatani [people put the ogre under lock and key; he asks the sisters Biinyi and Biine to release him; Biinyi replies that he must go feed the chickens, pigs; Biine releases; the cannibal tells his sisters to get into the basket, brings them to him, turning into different animals along the way; tells his sisters to get into the cauldron; Biinyi makes sounds like the water is already boiling, Biine says this is not true; the ogre and his wife go to the granary, the sisters get out, put the cannibals in the cauldron; Biine yells to the cannibals that they are going to eat their son; the sisters run away, ask The grasshopper mantis hide them, he hides them in the ground; the cannibal turns into a dog, sniffs; the sisters run on, climb a tree; Biine admits that they have climbed the vine; Biinyi asks for help a white chicken who throws her sickle, she cuts off a vine, the cannibal breaks, his wife cuts off his penis and testicles; cuts down a tree; stupid Biine tells it to fall down the slope (if it were up, it would be easier it would be to hide behind the mountain); sisters resort to the river; Popi Sa (the embodiment of wisdom) lets them across the bridge, brings it down when a living cannibal steps on it; the water takes him away, he turns into dangerous spirit; sisters return home; their parents and older brother ask for feathers, fly away; sisters go to look for them; a snotty boy tells him to wipe him off, says that the disappeared can be seen through bamboo shoot; sisters see parents and brother; Biine slides on chicken manure, falls under the house, the manure eater spirit eats it]: Blackburn 2008, No. 1:59-63.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Loda (Halmahera) [two women went fishing, one pushed the other into the water, crushed it with a horn, dismembered it, brought the meat home; answers the son and daughter of the victim that she is cooking fish, tells watch the brew; the mother's flesh says from the cauldron that she is their breasts, their mother; the returning woman says that the mother stayed to smoke the fish, tells her to watch over her own child; the children fried it on frying pan, ran; the bird pointed the log to cross the river infested with crocodiles; when the children passed, cut the log with its beak; the stalker failed, was eaten by crocodiles; the bird tells me to follow the road to the right, the children turn left to the cannibal Kine-kine-boro; he has a basket behind him, with a man upside down; the children called K. grandfather, came to his house; in the morning they loaded the boat with food and valuables, they sailed away; K. saw a sail in the distance from the tree, threw his hair like a lasso; the children had difficulty cutting their hair, the tree sprung, K. fell on his wife below, both exploded]: Baarda 1904, No. 12:438-441 ( retelling in Dixon 1916:229-231); Sangihe Islands [Inang-i-Bake took the princess away, who was unwinding the thread along the way; the girl's two brothers came for her, told the witch's daughter they wanted to be hired in workers; she asked to slaughter a pig (i.e. a girl); they stabbed her, one ran away with her sister, the other sawed the bridge; the witch's son found his sister's finger in food, rushed across the bridge, the bridge fell through, he drowned ]: Adriani 1893:52 f in Dixon 1916:227-229.

Central Europe. Russians (Arkhangelskaya, Pomors) [the old man found 9 eggs in the forest, gathered them in a mitten to pick them up on the way back, but there are no more eggs; the old woman is angry; the same 19 eggs; when 33, he took it home, and they fell and crashed, 33 fellows appeared; my father had nothing to mow, they went to mow the royal protected meadows; the tsar took them for himself, giving the old man a lot of bread; someone steals hay; only Ivan does not sleep; he came out of the sea a golden-maned mare with 33 foals, I. saddled one foal; he teaches him to catch his mother (roll over him when the mare runs up to him and grab her); the night is bright with the golden mane; the king lets the brothers marry, each with one of those horses; one grandmother has 9 daughters, the second has 19, the third has 33; Ivan's mare teaches to go with the youngest, to quilt her until she gives flint, lash and magic shawl; mare: the old woman will put the brides to bed, they will wear white hats and you wear black hats; you must change them; the sword will roll and cut off their heads under black hats; then you have to run; the old woman is chasing on a chariot of fire; Ivan waved his handkerchief - the bridge; when the old woman waved again on the bridge, the bridge disappeared, the old woman fell into the sea and drowned; the brothers think that Ivan killed their brides out of envy, rushed at him, but the mare drove them away; Ivan became the king's groom, the other grooms are jealous; they say to the king that Ivan ran to get him a princess; the mare brings him to the garden, chipped in with an apple tree, the princess comes up, Ivan grabs her, they they gallop to the king; the princess demands to get the wedding dress first; when the princess is gone, her father took the dress to the cathedral for the funeral service; the mare lured people out of the cathedral, Ivan grabbed the dress and galloped off; the princess: rejuvenate, you have to jump into a cauldron of milk, then with boiling water, then with cold water; Tsar: let Ivan be the first; the mare cooled the boiling water for Ivan, and the tsar cooked; the princess married Ivan]: Razumova, Senkina 1987:183-193; Russians (no place of recording) [when dying, Ivan Tsarevich's (I.) parents order his three sisters to be the first to marry; these are Sokol, Orel, Raven; I. goes to visit sisters, meets Marya Morevna (M.), marries; she does not tell him to look into the closet; I. looks, there Koschey (K.) is in chains, asks for a drink; I. gives him water, he breaks his chains, takes M.; I. meets his sons-in-law, leaves him they are a silver spoon, a fork, a snuffbox; I. takes M. away; K.'s horse tells him that we will have time to sow wheat, squeeze it, bake bread, we will still catch up; K. forgives I. twice, cuts them into pieces on the third, puts them in a barrel, throws it into the sea; the Eagle pulls it out, the Falcon and the Raven bring living and dead water, revive I.; M. learns that K.'s horse is from the mare on which Baba Yaga flies around the world every day; gives the handkerchief to cross the fiery the river; I. does not touch chicks, honey, lion cubs; Baba Yaga tells mares to herd three times; birds, bees, lioness drive those who have run away; the bee tells them to ride off on a lousy foal; I. makes a bridge with a handkerchief; Baba Yaga pursues, the bridge collapses, she dies; I.'s horse kills K., I. burns the body with his hoof; I. and M.'s wedding]: Afanasiev 1958 (1), No. 159:376-382; Slovaks [widower neighbor persuades the widower's daughter to persuade the widower's daughter to persuade the widower's daughter to persuade marry her; begins to tyrant her stepdaughter; she leaves, fulfills all the requests that are addressed to her (turns the bridge over, removes the lice from the dog, shakes the pear, takes the goby to the meadow, shovels fire from the stove); comes to Baba Yaga; she tells me to sweep 11 rooms, not to look into the 12th; she looks, there are tubs with gold, silver, copper, she plunges into gold, she becomes gilded herself, runs away; Baba Yaga chases with iron scallops, a stove, a pear, a goby interfere with her, the bridge fails, she falls into the water; her stepmother sends her own daughter; she does not comply with requests, Baba Yaga catches up with her, rips her off she is gilded and dressed, she returns naked; stepdaughter marries Mr.]: Bogatyrev 1955:141-149.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Lucky [Aimisey's girlfriend climbed a pear, a witch asks her to throw pears to her; shakes a tree, A. falls into the witch's basket; at home her three daughters Ahrazhat, Khhaja, Mallajay feeds her mother with halva so that she does not eat Aimisey; the witch starts sharpening the knife, all four girls run away; they cross the river on a pole; the witch steps on a pole, falls, drowns; girls getting married]: Kapiyeva 1991:271-273; Georgians: Chikovani 1986:94-98 [brother and sister run away from an evil stepmother to an old woman; she asks the young man to get a branch from Dariachanga's garden, then the whole garden will be transported here; on the way, the mother of the virgins says that D. turns everyone into stone; the young man brings a branch, the garden behind him; the old woman offers to get D. herself; the young man knocks on D., she turns him into stone; his the dog comes running to his sister, she makes him turn stones into people, D. marries her brother; the stepmother invites the king to take D. himself; he tells the young man to level the mountain across the sea; D. makes a bridge across the sea from his braid, invites the king and viziers to step on him, throws them into the sea, they drown], 284-294 [hunter Dargelan hears a woman scream, climbs a rock, Dali, he stayed with her; his lame wife climbed on the rock, cut off D.'s braids; she said that she would not live now, asked that their son Amiran be removed from her womb; if he stayed in her womb until the deadline, he would have defeated God; the child should be kept in three months veal tripe, then leave him on the bank of the Yamana River; the angel baptized him, put a dagger in his leg, said that no one would defeat him on the ground; A. got up from the cradle, beat Jaman's servants, who laughed at him; I. took him as a friend to his sons Usibi and Badri; all three grew up bullying people; they advise better revenge on the offender, because I. lost an eye; mother does not want to speak, brothers hot khachapuri was put on her chest; dev wanted to take W. and B., I. gave his eye in return; dev locks his brothers in his place; his sister is chained in a corner; falling asleep, promises to eat A.; sister teaches her to give her a chain she will pull the deva's sword stored in oil for her (A. himself will not get him out of the oil), let A. put it to the neck of the sleeping maiden; A. killed the deva; breaking his oath, did not release him, but killed his sister; the brothers meet the deva who knocks his hair, the spindle is a millstone; he swallows A.; W. cuts off his tail; the brothers shout to Amiran that his dagger is in his leg; A. stabs the deva from the inside; does not want to go out through his mouth or ass makes a hole in his side; one of his eyes remains inside the deva; he tells him to anoint his eye socket with a piece of his liver and lung, the eye recovers; A. laid the deva's side with a wooden flap, ordered him to return I.'s eye; the eye is in the box on the pole, the brothers return it to Yaman; the devas offer Amiran to get Ketu, the daughter of Keklutz the king, she is in a tower suspended from the sky; the deva makes a bridge across the sea from her spit, A. swears that she will take her with him; the brothers crossed when the woman was in the middle of the bridge, A. cut the braid, the woman fell into the sea; so A. broke his oath for the second time; Andreob is being taken to bury the dead, alive they would not have taken it; one leg hung from the arba, plows the earth, A. threw it on the arba; Andreob asks for a hand, A. gives a rock, Andreob squeezes it with his hand; Andreob asks A. to take his son with him, he took it; fearing that he would become too strong, killed; so he broke his oath for the third time; A. cut off the chains of the tower, Ketu and he fell in love with each other; K. teaches how to find a gap in her father's armor, A. cuts off his head ; Ketu revives W. and B., who were killed by her father; A. even fought with God; he chained him to an iron pole; Kursh's dog is chained to him; both drag a pole, are about to tear it out; every year God sends a bird; it will sit on a pole, A. will swing, a pole hits, it enters the ground again; Kursha is an Orbi eagle puppy; she has one puppy with her chicks every spring; Kursha has eagle wings on her sides; God chained him together with A., because he destroyed many tours; the Svans cry for Kursh].

Eastern Siberia. Northwestern Yakuts: Gurvich 1977 [the old man and the old woman only caught four fish; decided to eat the fish themselves, take their two daughters into the forest and leave them; the father went with them to pick berries, hung his fur coat on a stump, left himself; the children ate berries, began to play with a stone instead of a doll; then they left the doll and dishes, began to pick berries again; when they returned, the dishes were filled with boiled fish; sisters hid and saw that this doll was working; ran away; suddenly there was fire behind them; the eldest threw the comb, it became a stone mountain; the fire stopped; a strong wind began, the youngest threw a thread, an impenetrable forest formed; suddenly a man ran after them, but the girls had already reached the old Dalah Bridge; she threw her leg across the river and they crossed over to her; when the pursuer ran on the leg, the old woman removed her leg and he drowned; the girls stayed with the old woman]: 174; Ergis 1964, No. 66 (Deer) [the poor old man takes his three daughters to the forest, leaves old Doha on a stump; girls they found a farce, one picks up an iron child; when they return, they see that fish porridge is cooking in the pot; the youngest does not eat, hides, becoming a needle, sees how the child turns into an iron man; in next time the middle, older sisters hide; the sisters put the potted child in the fire, run away; he chases them with a hot pot; the old woman stretches her leg across the river, they cross; she asks the abaasa if her leg is rough, he replies that very much, she throws it off, he drowns; the daughter of an abaasa with an eye on her forehead, cuts wood with one hand, one leg; catches and locks the girls; becoming needles, they they get out, but the eldest tells her lungs, her stomach to swell; the sisters pull her head off, put her head off; put her head on a tree, her head cries; on the birch tree, the same; at the pine tree, she laughs; since then, the coffin has been made of pine ]: 245-246; central Yakuts (Bayagantai ulus) [two orphans went to pick berries; the eldest found a black stone, the youngest white stone (var.: the youngest wants to take white, the eldest suggests taking a black one; There is only one stone, shaped like a person); the girls live in a hunting lodge, put the stone in a stone cradle, the stone turns into a child; when they return, they find baked fish; youngest peeks, becoming a piece of bark; the child tells objects to move by themselves, promises to eat both sisters, pulls fish out of his mouth, bakes fish, returns to the cradle; the eldest eats fish, the youngest quietly puts her in her bosom; the sisters cover the child with a hot slide, run away; the old woman stretches her leg across the river, the sisters cross it; when the abaas crosses, the old woman removes her leg, he drowns; sisters come abaas with one arm and one leg; prisoners are hidden in her iron yurt; she locks the girls in a closet; the youngest becomes the size of sawdust from a needle, jumps out; the eldest sticks her head, swells, her sister pulls, tears off her head, carries it with her; hangs it on larch, her head cries; on a birch tree, the same; on a tree broken by lightning, the head calms down; in a silver yurt a frog lives, asks his younger sister to sew a dress for her husband; before her husband arrives, he hides the girl in a bag; the husband realizes that it was not a frog, finds a girl; invites both wives to go to their relatives for gifts; The frog brings worms, leeches; the girl in the place of the tree where she left her sister's head finds a living sister, a yurt, cattle; the sister married the son of Thunder; hides the youngest; the son of Thunder finds her, gives cattle; on the way home he presses frog worms, leeches and frogs; the husband tells his wives to lie on the roof; the frog put a piece of moss, froze to death; the husband stayed with the girl]: Vitashevsky 1912, No. I.1: 459-465; Yakuts (place of recording?) : Sivtsev, Efremov 1990 [poor parents go with their two daughters to pick berries, leave them in the forest; they find a hut, black stone and an iron cradle; the younger sister suspects that this is an Abaasa child; at home, the stone turns into a baby; sisters find baked crucian carp near the house; the youngest hides in the cracks with a needle, sees how the baby turns into a giant, commands the fire to ignite, the fish to bake; the eldest the sister hides, sees the same thing; they throw a pot of boiling water over the child, run; the youngest throws a needle (thicket), a thimble (forest), a handkerchief (a cliff to the sky); by the river, the sisters ask old woman Talas-Talas ("walkways") throw a bridge; she stretches out both legs, the girls cross; the abaas says she is busy; stretches out one leg, cleans it, it drowns]: 64-71; northeastern (Verkhoyan) Yakuts [a whirlwind flew in, the guy lost his deer; he came to an old woman, became a worker; her son The Whirlwind boy does not tell me to open the silver coffin; he opens, there is a kidnapped girl; the old woman gives a comb and beads; hearing the chase, the guy throws a comb, it turns into a stone, the whirlwind stops; by the sea he throws beads - the bridge; when the pursuer is in the middle of the bridge, the bridge disappears, the Whirlwind sinks; the guy lives with the old woman, she gives a horse for him; she finds a girl he saved in the city; she tells the tsar to release him]: Ergis 1964, No. 54:183-184; Evenki of the Baikal region [migrating, parents throw away the girl's toys; she returns for with them, she sees the Bear; he asks her to make a spit to fry the liver; she runs, asks the Woodpecker to transport it across the river; tells the Bear that it has crossed its gut; the bear stretches its gut, throws an end to the girl, walks on her like a rope; the girl cuts off her intestine, the Bear falls into the water, sings that his gut will become willow bark, blood will become red clay, her ribs are refuges, the radial bones will become axes, the skin will become axes places where moss grows; the girl decides that so be the case; goes to the river that separates her from her parents' parking lot; father, mother, brother refuse to transport her because she has not searched in their heads before, not prepared insoles, did not play; the dog agrees to transport her, but the girl turns to her older sister; she says that her bucket is broken; the girl tells the rock to squeeze her sister, crosses the river on the rock, carries the rest of her sister leaves her on a hummock, the sister laughs; the girl comes to the Frog, who asks her to become her husband's wife with her; the man takes the girl as his wife]: Voskoboynikov 1967, No. 14:45 -50.

Amur - Sakhalin. The Orochi [six sisters live in heaven, the seventh eldest in the house; sisters come to her, the youngest smears her ass with charcoal, camlates; the eldest laughs, others see a human being on her teeth; they run away on skis; The eldest does not have skis, she tells her younger sister to break her ties on her skis, eats her; so with five sisters; the sixth throws a comb, then a stone, they turn into a thicket, into a cliff; the girl asks the old woman carry her across the river; she stretches her leg like a bridge; the same goes for the stalker, but the old woman throws her into the water; she wants her head to become a marsh hummock, her hair to be marsh grass, her bones - a river blockage, her eyes with beads, blood with a red stone, pus with a blue stone, all her ashes with a gnat; the old woman hides the girl from her seven wolf sons; the girl looks in her head, puts her to sleep, turns into a kuksha, flies away; lets a man catch himself, takes on his true form, marries, gives birth to a son; warns her husband that seven wolves will come; he does not believe, goes hunting; wolves they eat a child, a woman hides in a tree; wolves knock him down, she moves to another; sends a crow for her husband; the same with the second and third trees; on the third, a woman sends an eagle for her husband, with the fourth is a crow; the husband kills wolves with arrows; the mother of wolves comes, she is given the meat of her children under the guise of elk meat; when she comes home and notices that she has brought the heads of her sons, she choked]: Aurora, Lebedeva 1966 , No. 56:204-206; Udege people [older sister goes for firewood; Zangdalafu enters the house; head - marsh bump, hair with smoke, eyes - green beads, tick hands, fingers, legs- skewers, abdomen - blacksmith's bells, buttocks - shielded stones in the blacksmith's furnace, scrotum - bells, penis file; scoops up a bowl of ash, blows the winds, the hidden one does not laugh, D. leaves; the next day, the older sister stays, laughs; D. looks for lice from her, asks her to pick it up, pulls it out, puts a sewing in her hands, a tube in her mouth, takes her heart away; the youngest comes running to mother D., who gives her heart , she revives her sister; both return to D.'s mother, ask him to put her son to sleep in a leather; the girls crumple him, he sleeps; they run to the river, ask for a good man to transport him; he throws a bridge, the youngest hides in his pants, the eldest in the hallway; when D. crosses, well done, turns the bridge over, D. drowns; tells the intestines to become reaches, the testicles to scratch (?) , tibia bones (?) - drowns, ass - decay; well done married sisters, the old woman became their mother]: Kormushin 1998, No. 1:104-108; nivkhi [seven sisters find a cradle with a baby in the forest; some suspected it was milk, others persuaded them to take the cradle; the baby jumped out of the cradle, chased the sisters, caught up with six sisters one by one, cut out their hearts with a knife; the youngest asks for help from the old man on the other side of the river; he tells him to throw burdock on his knee; his leg lengthens, the girl runs across it to the other side; the child hit the knee with burdock only the third time; in the middle of the river, the old man pulled his leg, threw off the child into the water; the girl spends the night in the dugout, sees a man next to her in the morning; he leaves in wolves, tells her not to give up his robe; a woman comes, starts tickling her, she has to give her a robe, she throws it in fire; the heroine runs away in fear, the old woman hides her; when she returns, the owner sees what happened, chases his wife on wolves; the old woman shows the way to the village, the woman comes there, stays with people]: Bereznitsky 2002, No. 7:111-112; 2003, No. 35:133-134.

The Arctic. Nunivak Island [a man sends his son to his grandfather and grandmother to bring them new parks; a grandfather says who took him to the park; on the way, two people try to kill a young man; a cannibal chases him with a knife; he draws a line, a river appears; advises the cannibal to put the knife as a bridge, volunteers to hold it; the cannibal falls into the river, carries her away; he takes her knife; the man offers to race, the winner throws the loser into the water; the young man wins, kills the man's wife, takes the park; on the way back he kills all the villains; when he cuts off the heads of those two men, their heads jump, but he gouges them out eyes; getting married at home]: Lantis 1946, No. 10:278-280; central Yupik (Nunapitchuk, lower reaches of Kuskoquim) [Yaqutgiarcaq ("Birdie") is the eldest of three children, she has a younger sister and brother; sister says parents call them, they leave in a boat, but N. collects cranberries; when the sisters go to the river, the parents have already sailed away; they eat the fish head they have thrown; their father's skewer replies that the parents have gone to such a side; sisters come to the dugout, there is an old woman in it, she asks to look in her head; her lice are voles and mice, she bites through them; N. says they need to pee; the old woman suggests doing it's in her pot, hand, ears, mouth, N. replies every time that they don't do this; the old woman ties a rope to them, lets them out of the dugout; the sisters tie a rope to the stump, run to the river; ask for two Cranes stretch their legs across the river, for which they will paint them ocher; cranes stretch their legs, children cross them; answer the cannibal running on all fours who crossed on two shells (clam sells), two pieces of birch bark, on a blade of grass divided in half; each time the cannibal falls into the water; the sisters ask the Cranes to stretch out their legs, then remove them when the cannibal is in the middle of the river; cannibal sinks, mice spit up; sisters paint Cranes legs black, forehead red, body blue clay; sisters come home; parents cry, don't believe when son says sisters are back; sisters come in into a house that used to be partridges, owls into owls (hawk owls), now preying on partridges]: Fienup-Riordan, Kaplan 2007:13-29; Northern Alaska Inupiate: Curtis 1976 (20) (Kotzebue) [mother I was fishing, left the baby without attention for the whole day; at night he bit off her chest; people are running across the river; the foreman forgot the knife, the quick-footed orphan agrees to run after him, grabs a knife, runs away from a monstrous baby; a man puts a spear across the river, drops the baby when he steps on him; since then, fish of the same species have the shape of a baby]: 259-260; Frost 1971 (Kotzebue) [ the mother left the baby without attention for the whole day; at night he bit off her chest; people run across the river; the foreman forgot the knife, the quick-footed orphan agrees to run after him, grabs a knife, runs away from the monstrous baby; a person puts a log across the river, throws off the baby when he steps on him; a siren head appears out of the water; says that he takes the baby for himself, that anyone who tries to swim across this body of water, they will die; people regularly disappeared there; so they sacrificed many items, they no longer drowned]: 53-61; Hall 1975, No. PM79 (Noatak) [husband and wife forget to grease the baby's lips ; at night he devours his parents; the woman's parents and other villagers run; the old man forgets the knife, promises his daughter to the one who will bring it; one person agrees; grabs a knife, the baby is next, closer; two trees lie like a bridge over a river; a person runs across to the other side; when a baby is on the bridge, people destroy it; the baby is swallowed by sheefish fish; since then, these fish have a hill under their jaw, in it that baby]: 291-293; Lynch 1995 (Kotzebue) [the mother forgot to feed the baby; at night he bit off her chest; people run across the lake with a log through the water; one person forgot the jasper knife, the orphan agrees run after him, grabs a knife, runs away from the monstrous baby; manages to shove a log, the baby falls into the water; he is picked up by a woman who is a fish below; hunters die in this lake; then they bring him victims, after that people do not disappear; people establish a new village, this is the current village of Kotzebue; an orphan becomes a good hunter]: 27-30.

Subarctic. Koyukon [contrary to the rule, a menstruating girl leaves her little sister in the cradle for the night; goes out to the potlach participants; a baby girl kills everyone by sucking her heart sleeping and lungs, chases her sister; she crosses a river on a log; the stalker asks how the sister crossed; she shows the log, pushes it when the pursuer steps on it; the cannibal girl swallows a pike, it turns into a pike's liver; a girl comes to an empty village, gropes into the house in the dark, stumbles upon an ogre who has eaten all the inhabitants, runs away; he comes to her fire, eats up a murdered child; she sticks an awl near his head so as not to fall asleep; in the morning she puts hot coals in his shoes, mittens and park; goes for firewood, ties the rope that the cannibal tied to her to the fir; runs away; a cannibal comes up, he is cold without clothes, she hits him from behind and from the front, a blackbird and a snipe fly out, people don't eat them; a man comes up to her, says that his first wife is angry (she is a she-wolf) and he It would be better to visit her here; builds her a house; kills an angry wife, brings the girl to him; they have a son; the husband finds his wife murdered, finds only someone's footprints on a log, which means that the murderer has descended from heaven; makes arrows by splitting fir, making a chain of arrows, it turns into fir to the sky; he climbs into the sky, gives three old women ear pendants, who tell us where the killers went; kills murderers, tears off old women's pendants along with their ears, goes down to the ground, cuts down fir; his son says that he became friends with his older brother, a son from his first wife, who went to live separately when his father brought new; wolf son leaves]: Attla 1983:173-211; Kuchin [a woman raises a baby found under a tree; he turns out to be an ogre, devours children; Giateaquaint lays two trees as a bridge across the river; asks the Raven not to let the cannibal jump when he steps on the bridge; brings down the bridge, the ogre is swallowed by a big fish; now he is the bone that every fish has in the throat]: McKennan 1965:112- 113; tanaina [The raven makes a fragile bridge over the abyss; tells animals that everyone who crosses to the other side becomes human; when all animals step on the bridge, he tells them to jump, to fly; the bridge collapses, animals break, the Raven bites their eyes]: Vaudrin 1969:41-42; southern tutchoni [two sisters sleep outside; one wants a blue star as her husband, the other a red star; wake up in the sky, their husbands are Stars; sisters make a rope out of straps, go down, find themselves on top of a tree; a moron (usually Wolverine) lowers them, takes them as wives; brings rotten things from hunting tree instead of meat; sisters run away; Crane stretches its legs like a bridge; sisters cross the river asking the Crane to bend its legs when Wolverine goes; Wolverine sinks; sisters come to mother]: McClelland 1987:311-312; helmet: Teit 1917a, No. 13 [two sisters admire the stars; one wants a red husband, the other white; they wake up in the sky, one under a red blanket, the other under a white blanket; husbands are good hunters; sisters dig a hole through the sky, go down a rope, find themselves on top of a tree; Moose, Wolf and others refuse to help; Wolverine lowers them; they promise to get along with him if he will bring venison; they run; he catches them; they push him into the river; the bird stretches out his legs like a bridge over the river; the sisters cross it; the Wolverine reaches the middle, the bird removes his leg, the Wolverine falls, drowns; sisters go home; then become beavers]: 457-457; Moore 1999 [two sisters look at the stars; one wants a blue star to be husband, the other wants a red star; wake up in the sky with their husbands ; they dig a hole, weave a rope, go down from the sky to the top of the tree; animal people pass by, Wolverine is the last, lets the girls down; while he hunts, they run away; ask for a long-legged bird (snail yellow-legged, Tringa flavipes, less yellow legs) stretch his leg through the canyon, cross to the other side; Wolverine pursues, calls Ulita "skin leg", he throws him into the river]: 358-167; chipewayan [a man sees his wife coming to a tree, calling her husband, copulating with snakes that have crawled out; he calls snakes in her voice, kills her, lets his wife eat their boiled blood; she runs to the tree, returns, attacks her husband; he cuts off her head, runs away; asks a grasshopper to transport him across the river; she stretches her leg like a bridge; her head pursues her husband, asks her to stretch her leg for her as well; The Grasshopper drops the Head into the water, the Head disappears]: Petitot 1886, No. 14:407-410.

NW Coast. Bellacula [a girl steps into bear crap, scolds bears; a man comes up, tells her to relieve her need; she puts copper jewelry under her; he doesn't believe, he really demands says her excrement smells worse than any animal; takes her as his wife; he is the son of a Black Bears chief; gives her lamb, then says it was human; winter goes by like one night; in spring the husband says that his wife's brother will shoot him, tells him to make a blanket out of his skin; the brother goes in front, the sister is called to carry the skin, becomes a bear if he wants; in the village he asks for bone needles, every time says that the old one is broken; the younger sister sees her inserting needles into her skin's jaw instead of her teeth; the woman turns into a bear, kills her mother, tortures her sister (something sexy, Latin); takes out her heart and lungs, hides it in his hands; brother comes, younger sister tells the Bear to shoot in the palm of her hand, she falls dead; brother and sister run, put a log through a deep ravine; Bear comes to life, chases, falls off a log; brother and sister come to the village; Toadstool and Loon send a boat for the Bear, tell crayfish and worms to bite her, she falls into the river, crayfish and worms eat her; brother tells my sister should take one road, go the other by himself, if the roads come together, they will get married; that's what happened]: Boas 1898:111-114.

The coast is the Plateau. Most often, the Crane stretches its leg to the fugitives like a bridge across the river; when its pursuer steps on it, she falls into the water. Quarry [the little boy does not want to sleep, cries; when the others fell asleep, Owl [male character} came, tore off pieces of bear fat hanging from her belts, put the boy in her ear and carried it away; In the morning, the father went to look for the child, asks all the birds, they say they don't know, he shoots at each arrow with a blunt tip; hazel grouse {or partridge; grouse} promises to say if a person paints the red corners of his eyes; he first smeared red dust, the hazel grouse was dissatisfied; then with cinnabar; hazel grouse tells him to look in a dense spruce forest {more precisely in the fir thickets}; the father saw a son in the water polishing arrow shaft; tried to grab; then looked up: son in the Owl's nest; replaced his son with hemp and took him away; the owl came back, cried; led all the birds to war to return the child; they put them through a bridge made of hogweed stem; all the birds crossed, and then the muskrat gnawed at it; when the Owl stepped on the bridge, the birds advised, when they reached the middle, to stomp properly; the bridge broke, the Owl rushed down with the flow; the old man and the old woman caught her, dried her and asked her where the wet place was left on her body; Owl: under their arms; they poked hot smut there and told Owl to be an owl, hunt only rabbits]: Munro 1946:104-107; shuswap: Teit 1909a, No. 25 [two girls are traveling in search of a husband; sleeping outside, wanting a bright star as their husbands; they are in bed with an old man with sore eyes; they they run away, but he is again in front of them; feeds meat but does not eat it himself; does not copulate with them; they find that he eats human beings, fattens them to eat; run away, create an abyss with the log through her; the cannibal steps on him, falls into the abyss], 49 [the young man marries the daughter of the Red Hood; he places his son-in-law in caves with 1) bears, 2) excrement, 3) needles, 4) ice; thanks to his wife's charms, the young man every time he goes out alive; runs with his wife; father-in-law pursues the fugitives on horseback with a zipper; they throw red, green, white, black blankets; they turn into viscous clay, thickets of cedar dwarf, Sklz trail, prickly artisan; fugitives turn his hair into a bridge across the lake, tell him to break when the Red Hood is in the middle; it sinks]: 687-689, 727-729; Thompson: Teit 1917b, No. 12 [The Bald Eagle sees a girl by the river; turns her penis into a log on which she crosses; does not let her ashore until she agrees to call him husband; she goes to her relatives sees the battlefield of birds, finds her husband's head and bones there; her head is decomposed, she pees on her; her head pursues her; she asks the Crane to stretch his leg across the river like a bridge; goes to the other side, the Head The crane dumps into the water; it does not sink, continues to chase; the woman climbs a tree; when she goes down, the Head jumps into her genitals; she gives birth to two eggs, they roll everywhere behind her; you can see them image of a bald eagle; her sisters throw eggs into the fire, they burst; extract the woman's head, break them into pieces, burn them]: 25; okanagon: Teit 1917c, No. 10 [Coyote mocks A bear, he chases him; the Coyote asks the Woodworm to drill a log across the stream; he crosses to the other side; the Bear asks how he crossed; On a log; The bear steps, the log breaks, he falls into the water]: 80; Hill-Tout 1911 [the young man looks for a personal manita, dips spruce branches in the lake, the drops from them turn into dentalium beads; notices that his two younger sisters are peeking advises parents to leave, taking their property, putting out the fire; the girls find an empty camp, the dog digs the ground by the stone; under the stone there is a passage to the lower world, people can be seen descending; the brother agrees to take the sisters, if they close their eyes; they open their eyes three times, each time they find themselves on the ground again; their brother advises them to go to their grandmother, not to touch unfamiliar food on the way; by the Chaika River, a ford points, smeared with blood from the nose, the old deer skin makes it seem like new; offers fat, the younger sister tries, gets pregnant, gives birth to a son on the way, goes to the Seagull; Lynx sends the Rabbit to give the eldest a piece of fat; the does not eat it cautiously; The rabbit lies under a log, sees the girl's genitals, she hits him with a stick, Lynx asks why the Rabbit covers his bloody nose; the grandmother hides her granddaughter from the men of the village, Lynx urinates through the roof, splashes fall into the girl's mouth, she gives birth to a son; the grandmother gathers men for a party, everyone passes the child to each other, the Owl takes him away; the young man grows up, finds him, runs with him on a log across the river, telling woodworms to sharpen the log; the owl stalker falls into the water, crayfish drown it; the young man swims in the lake, turns into a loon]: 154-158; quinalt [the storm takes three hunters seals; East Wind, then West Wind feed them snakes and lizards; they let this food through empty pipes, eat their own; two hunters are killed; the harpoon is chased by the South Wind; the Thunder reaches out for his leg across the bay after he called him father-in-law; when Yu.V. arrives, Thunder makes his leg thin; Y.V. drags his boat with him, hurts Thunder, he removes his leg, Yu.V. sinks; his wife tells him The harpoon does not watch her father hunt whales; the harpoon watches, the Thunder drops the whale; lets his son-in-law go home in the spring]: Farrand 1902, No. 11:116-120; Puget Sound [cannibal Snail pursues man; the crane carries him in a boat; stretches his leg, the cannibal walks along it; he removes his leg, the cannibal sinks]: Ballard 1929:109; the lower chinook [the youngest of five brothers feels he will come Glutton; brothers run, dig a hole in the ground, tell their female to show the monster the other way; but he catches up, eats four brothers; the fifth runs to the river; the Thunder stretches out its long leg like a bridge when a person calls him not grandfather, uncle, but father-in-law; warns him not to touch his leg with a stick; when a monster crosses, he touches, Thunder bends his leg, the monster falls, is carried to the sea, turns into Noise surf during a storm; a man marries Thunder's daughter; he does not tell you to watch him catch whales; a man watches, a whale leaves the Thunder net; a man's wife gives birth to two boys; Thunder demands from his son-in-law 1) bring wolves (then bears; grizzly bears) with whom Thunder played as a child (son-in-law blows, they bite his father-in-law), 2) help split the log (father-in-law takes out the wedge, pinches his son-in-law, he tears the log), 3) bring metas shot by powerful people (son-in-law steals meth at night, chased with torches; Thunder's daughter tells the children to beat their grandfather; thunder urinates, it rains, the torches go out); the son-in-law goes out, lives with two old mice; loses a shooting competition to locals; his hair is cut off, hung in a chimney; his children come with their meth and arrows; win; turn the local leader into sturgeon, his messenger in a blue jay; revive her father]: Boas 1894a, No. 2:31-36; ne perse [the girl does not want to bring water to her mother; she attaches feathers to her hands, flies away; her husband turns into a bow; a girl and her little brother meet the Bear; they turn into two worms, she puts them in the basket; they crawl away, the cubs find an empty basket; the children ask their grandfather Long-legged (a crane?) transport them across the river; he stretches his leg like a bridge; the bear is afraid to step on it, asks for a boat; the long-legged overturns the boat in the middle of the river, the Bear sinks]: Phinney 1934:434-437; snohomish [Grizzly chases Black Bear's two sons; The crane warns not to step on her knee; she steps, falls into the water, continues to chase]; skagit [like a snohomish; Brown Bear]; cous [like a snohomish; the fugities' uncle stretches his leg across the river; when the Grizzly runs after them, collides her water, finishes it off with a spear]; Kalapuya [Grizzly kills the Brown Bear, chases her daughters; the Crane stretches its leg like a bridge; the Bear's daughters cross the river; the Crane warns him not to step on his knee; the Grizzly steps, he pulls his leg back, the Grizzly falls into the water]; takelma [Grizzly and Black Bear are sisters, both have two daughters; Grizzly kills Bear; Bear's daughters drown Grizzly daughters, run away; Crane stretches its leg across the river, turns her into a boat or a bridge, the Bear's daughters cross to the other side; the Grizzly scratches the Crane's leg, the Crane pushes it into the water, it sinks]; the clamate [The bear chases the Antelope's children; the Crane collides; she sinks]; catlamet [like clackamas; Malinovka and Yagodka (Salmon-berry); the first has five daughters, the second has sons]; clackamas [like a snohomish; Grizzly drowns, later comes to life]; Vishram [the old cannibal Tuh -Tuh -Nah puts two boys in the basket, carries them to her cave; by the river they scream that her children are burning; she throws the basket, runs home; they they put stones in the basket; the old man stretches his leg like a bridge, the boys cross to the other side; the cannibal follows, steps on the old man's knee, he throws it into the water; downstream she grabs old fisherman, comes ashore; Coyote sees her and gets scared; (text cut off)]: Hines 1998, No. 42:175-177; yakima [Eagle is son of Coyote; two sisters Amushy óy (seashell) Monetaria) and Wuxinshy áy (Abalone sink) live on an island in the sea; their grandmother sends them to marry Eagle; they must go in the morning, but V. insists on going in the evening; The eagle wants to sleep, hits coming by the nose, they run away; then they find sea shells where blood has dripped, realizes that they are his girls, follows; the old Heron refuses to stretch his leg like a bridge to the island; five Ducks they go looking for the Eagle, see that the Heron insults him, spits on him; the Wolf, the Grizzly, the Hawk, the Snake, the Salmon are coming to the rescue; the Coyote swims on Salmon, drowns; they clean the Eagle's clothes, he takes off, kills the Heron; the Lososi brothers make the bridge; V. goes first, Salmon correctly believes that the Eagle does not need her, throws her off, she sinks; A. moves from the island to the mainland; whoever gets V. from the bottom will marry her; no one Maybe the Coyote brags he got it, but his tail is above the water; the turtle pulls out; says he doesn't need a wife, asks for beautiful clothes; he is given (the patterns on his shell); since then, the woman has been following the man don't have to be aggressive]: Beavert 1974:3-8.

The Midwest. Menominee: Bloomfield 1930, No. 110 [Deer and Moose live together, go for berries, both have two children; Deer is fat, Moose kills her, brings meat home; puts the Deer in a bag, hangs in the chimney, says that their mother is left to pick berries; the mother's meat, while frying, shouts to her eldest son that she was killed; the elder Deer kills Moose, puts them on stakes, leaves each other standing against a friend, putting pieces of venison in his teeth; runs, taking his brother; Moose scolds the children; chases the Deer; they ask the Old Heron to transport them across the river; the Heron asks him to look in his head, gnaw them louse; Deer gnaws cranberries; Heron stretches its beak like a bridge across the river; Moose calls the Heron dirty, refuses to gnaw the louse; the Heron turns its beak, the Moose drowns (to this point pp.493-497); boys come to the sea; an old man arrives in a dolblenka, asks the elder to see what is in his eye, takes him away, his younger brother stays on the shore; the old man gives his daughter to the young man as his wife; the wife teaches how to stay alive; father-in-law and son-in-law hang moccasins to dry in the winter forest; the son-in-law replaces them, the father-in-law throws their own into the fire; the son-in-law comes home first, and their wife and his wife return to where they left their younger brother; the eldest meets the younger one when he carries the bear; he is now a strong man; the brothers stay together]: 493-501; Hoffman 1896 [the old woman throws the ball, the boy follows him, comes to her; she tells him fast to gain strength; gives a ball that will carry him across the river; sends him to steal gold and the magic bridge from the Villain; the boy crosses the river, turns into a weak child in the Villain's house; the boiling pot does not harm him; he pours boiling water over the Villain's maid, burns down his house; steals the magic bridge, puts it across the river; the Villain and the Water Spirits step on him; he removes the bridge, his opponents fall into the water, die]: 223-228; Skinner, Satterlee 1915, No. II14 [see motive F34; a woman has a bear lover; her husband kills her, buries her under the hearth; goes into the ground, tells her sons to run, take a sharpener and an awl; a dead mother chases her sons, screams that she wants to breastfeed her youngest; an abandoned sharpener turns into a mountain, an awl into many awls; a crane asks to take out his lice; these are toads; a young man bites through cranberries; two Cranes stretch their necks like a bridge; the mother disgust refuses to bite through toads; cranes remove their necks, they sink; see motif K27]: 364-366; ojibwa (? ; the origin of the text is not specified, but it mentions Lake. Upper) [two brothers finally decide to tell their father that a lover has been coming to their mother for many years; the father kills her, buries her in the ashes of the hearth; the mother's skull pursues her sons; the crane puts its neck like bridge over the waterfall; tells you not to step on a sore spot at the back of his head; young men cross, the Skull steps on the back of the Crane's head, which dumps the Skull into the water; the brains turn into sturgeon caviar ( the origin of sturgeon)]: Schoolcraft 1999:237-239; Steppe Cree [see motif L5; wife cheats on her husband, he cuts off her head; tells the eldest son to take the youngest on his back and run; gives them an awl, flint , a beaver's tooth; runs away to heaven, her Body chases him; her head chases sons running west; objects they throw turn into a barbed fence, a mountain (a huge worm gnaws through the gorge for the Head) , a wall of fire, a river; two old bitch men stretch their necks like a bridge, brothers cross it; their heads step, causing pain, they throw it into the river; the elder brother throws a stone at it, the Head turns into sturgeon]: Ahenakew 1929:309-313

Northeast. Montagnier [Surchikha does not tell her two sons that the flowers have already bloomed, she eats the greens herself; they notice flowers on her teeth, come out of the hole; they do not respond to her call; but Atshen hears and kills her; goes looking for her children; Porcupine hides them in a hole, shows another way out; when A. tries to pluck him, he pierces needles into his face; Chevalier solitaire (Crane?) stretches out his legs like a bridge over the river, Surchata crosses; when A. crosses, he removes his legs, A. falls into the water; continues to pursue; Orlan transports Surchat across the lake; dives, transporting A.; A. tells Chaika to take him in his boat; says that the boat stinks; Seagull explains that because of the fish, offers A. to bow above the water, cuts off his head; the Seagull makes Surchatam low boats that are better, than humans]: Savard 1979, No. 4:18-20; Seneca [a spark burns a woman's finger; she puts it in her mouth, feels blood, eats her arms and legs; tells the dog to warn her husband and others that she now a cannibal; the husband turns the dog into a rotten hollow; gives the old man fish and peanuts by the river; he stretches his neck like a bridge; the husband crosses the river, runs to his aunts; the wife eats the brain out her bones, puts pebbles inside, her bones rattle when she chases her husband; she scolds the carrier, he turns his neck, she falls into the river; aquatic creatures devour her; her stomach remains; her aunts they catch it and crumble it, finally killing the cannibal; the survivor marries the granddaughter of a little woman; she beats her granddaughter; takes her son-in-law to the island to hunt, swims away; in the evening the water rises, the man climbs a tree; asks the Morning Star to speed up the dawn, he accelerates, the water falls; the mother-in-law comes to look at his son-in-law's bones; he sails away in the boat himself; the Morning Star does not accelerate dawn, water creatures eat the old woman; a man lives peacefully with her granddaughter]: Curtin, Hewitt 1918, No. 100:464-469 (=Curtin 2001:76-81); mikmaq: Parsons 1925, No. 5 [two sisters go into a teepee with talking bones; the eldest pees on the cervical vertebra; S. sucks it, leaving only bones; the youngest runs; Kigwaju hides it in her hair; the girl moves on, S. chases her again; the crane asks her how she likes parts of it bodies; she praises them; he puts his neck like a bridge over the river, the girl crosses; S. says the Crane has a crooked neck; he throws it into the water]: 66-68; Speck 1915b [Badger sees three girls in a tree; they tie their ribbons; agree to stay with him if he unties the ribbons; run away while he is busy doing so; the Heron stretches his neck for them like a bridge over the river; cleans when the Badger steps; he swims down along the river]: 67-68; Whitehead 1988 [A marten sees women bathing in the forest, hides one of them's clothes, marries him; Tia'm who lives next to him does the same, but does not hit a woman lightly at the entrance to his house with a rod, and hits her in a big way, killing her; Marten gets a second wife, teaches T. how to do it; T. envies that Marten has two wives and he has one; Marten's wives are leaving, these are the Affectionate Sisters, the eldest has magical powers; they look at the stars, the eldest wants a bright husband, the youngest wants a red star; both wake up in the sky, the eldest husband is young, the youngest wants an old man; he does not tell you to move the flat the stone in front of the teepee; the sisters dig the tubers, the youngest moves the stone, they see the ground, their home; husbands let them come back; they must cover themselves with a cloak, lie down until they hear the voice of the chikadi, then red squirrels, then striped; the youngest looked out when she heard a red squirrel, they were on top of a pine tree; Wolverine, Bear, Moose, Tia'm, Marten pass by; Wolverine returns; older sister leaves on hairline in the tree; while Wolverine climbs after him, the sisters build a teepee; the eldest leaves a porcupine, flint flakes, a wasp's nest, thorny bushes responsible for them; Wolverine is scratched, bitten; by the river sisters praise the beauty of the Heron's legs and neck, who stretches his neck to them like a bridge; Wolverine blasphemes his legs and neck, the Heron shakes him off in the middle of the river; by the sea, the wigwam, it has three neck bones of an elk, the youngest on them pees; someone approaches, the eldest hides the youngest in his hair, takes the form of a man; Blood Sucking enters; the imaginary man explains that he smells a woman because he slept with woman; sisters cross the river again around the Heron's neck; the cannibal could not, returned; then see motive M30]: 168-179; penobscot [the cannibal Kivakveskwe fattens the young man to eat him later; he considers her a sister; the rabbit tells him the story; the young man pretends to be asleep, sees K.'s face for the first time; she has no lips, she chewed them off with her teeth; he runs to the river; the old heron shows off his beautiful with his legs and neck, the young man asserts; the Heron stretches his leg like a bridge over the river, the young man crosses it; K. says that Heron's legs are in crap, the neck is crooked; when K. reaches the middle of the river, the Heron throws it into water; the young man runs to Porcupine, agrees that he has a beautiful hole; K. says that Porcupine's hole is in crap; Porcupine opens the door to his house, pierces K. with needles; the young man runs to his grandfather; he tells how K. kidnapped him when he was a baby; fights in K.; the dog tears K. apart]: Speck 1935b, No. 25:66-69.

Plains. Sarsi [the man has a wife and two sons; he combs his wife, paints her face, but every time she goes for brushwood and comes back, her hair is tangled, the paint is blurred, the clothes are dirty; he watches, sees her approach a rotten tree, knocks, says that she has come, snakes crawl out, wrap around her body; the husband tells his sons about this, tells them to run, goes to the tree, calls the snakes in the same way with a signal, kills with a stick, throws her bodies into the ravine, one escaped, but lost her tail; the wife finds only one snake, comes back, her husband cuts off her head, she falls into a tipi, her body outside, her husband runs away to in the opposite direction than the sons; they ran to the river, asked the water monster to transport them; he invited them to eat its parasites; they were frogs; the brothers snapped the seeds from which they had necklaces, the monster is happy, lay down like a bridge, the brothers crossed to the other side; the mother's head chased, saw through the frog, spat in disgust, the monster invited her to cross the river, threw her head into the water drowned; the brothers saw the raft, put a board from there, offered to take food, the elder stepped, threw him on the fruit, sailed; he shouted to the youngest not to go anywhere, wait for him; he returned, but the brother turned into wolf; they hunt together; the wolf rushed after the deer into the river, something dragged him under the water; the old man brought his older brother to the river, where there are fish on the shore; they started shooting at them, injuring the leader; the shaman frog goes, saying that she was called to treat the wounded fish chief; the old man killed him, dressed like him, went down to the fish, found the wolf's skin, revived it, he returned to the shore; the old man told everyone to close their eyes until he was heal the leader, killed everyone, returned to shore; other fish caused a flood; the old man on the raft tells the animals to dive; only the Muskrat dived, surfaced dead; the old man took grains of earth from under his claws and teeth, revived the Muskrat; this is how she dived four times; the old man invited the animals to run around a lump of earth, only the Wolf and the Otter agreed; the earth grew, they came back old, the Old Man rejuvenated them; so three times, after the fourth they did not return, the land is great]: Dzana-gu 1921, No. 4:6-8; assiniboine: Lowie 1909a, No. 4 [the chief defecates with beads; little girls find them; the chief's brother advises leaving the children some, because owning beads can harm adults; a good old woman hangs moss that indicates the direction in which the tribe left, but the children do not notice it; they come to the cannibal; she kills everyone except one girl and her younger brother; a bison's skull advises them to run across the river; two swans connect their necks like a bridge; a girl looks for lice from them, bites, says it's delicious; a stalker cannibal says that lice stink; swans raise their necks, the cannibal drowns; the children meet their tribe, but the chief tells them to be tied to a tree and leave; a good old woman leaves her dog, which frees the children; after the bath children become adults; brother magically catches bison; kills a bear, a giant; an old woman comes to live with them], 22 [husband sees his wife knocking on a stump, calling a snake lover; kills all snakes, cooks soup from their blood, feeds his wife; she finds dead snakes; the husband tells his six sons and daughter to run; when the wife looks into the house, cuts off her head; the head catches up with the children, gathers them in tipi, tells her not look at her as she processes the skin of an elk killed by one of her sons; one looks, her head chases the children; the awl, the flint, the stone they throw turn into many awls, into fire, into a mountain; two Cranes lay their necks like a bridge across the river; children cross; Cranes push their head into the water; she continues to chase; children play ball and go up to the sky, turn into the Big Dipper; the head can't jump to the sky]: 140-145, 177-178; Crowe [seven brothers and younger sister live together; older brothers disappear one by one; the youngest comes to the young man, who reports that his The brothers are kept by an old woman, her strength is in her digging stick; the owner of the next house gives the young man yellow, black, blue, red arrows; the young man shoots them, rushes after them; a good old woman gives a pemmican, explains what to do; by the river, a young man feeds a pemmican to a dog, which takes it to the other side; he picks up the brothers, they feed the dog again, cross, arrive home with the last arrow; the old woman -the stalker puts a digging stick across the river; when it comes to the middle, the brothers turn it over, it falls into the water; the brothers think about what to turn into so that the old woman does not catch up with them; every time the sister says that her mother uses this item; trees (for firewood), water (to soak the skins), stones (to make skin scrapers); they decide to become what the ends of the pipes indicate; - But the stars they're falling! - We'll join hands and not fall; they turn into Big Dipper; the star at the handle of the bucket is a sister with a puppy]: McCleary 1997:69-71; Osage [one of the four sisters goes to fetch water; every day she finds a carcass of an animal (skunk, raccoon, deer) on the shore; sees that the Puma is bringing them; the sisters run away, putting their antlers in the hearth to be responsible for them; the cougar chases the sisters; one of them stomps with her foot, a gorge appears; she puts a perch through it; the cougar steps, falls, disappears into the gorge]: Dorsey 1904c, No. 15:18-19; Sheena [husband cuts off the head of an unfaithful wife; head pursues her son and daughter; the girl throws yellow, white, red porcupine needles; they successively turn into three types of thorny bushes; draws a furrow with a digger; at this point a gorge appears; puts the digger is like a bridge; when the Head crosses it, the daughter pushes the digger; the head falls, the chasm closes behind her; see motif K43; the girl creates bears, they kill her father]; arpaho [1) husband cuts off the head of the wife, who has taken the crocodile as a lover; feeds her son and daughter with meat; the mother's head chases the children; they put a log across the river, turn it over, the head falls into the water, disappears; to the children The father comes; the girl creates a cougar and a jaguar, they eat it; 2) a skull jumps out of the ice-hole, chases Nihansan; he wants a plain with loose sand, a thicket, a mountain to appear behind him, abyss; puts a pole across the abyss; pushes the pole, the skull falls into the abyss, the ground behind it closes]; throw off the pawnee [unfaithful husband cuts off his wife's head; head chases son and daughter; two Cranes they stretch their legs like a bridge over a pond; children run across; the Cranes's head is pushed into the water, it sinks]); the Comanches [while the children are playing, the parents migrate; the Coyote tells them to remain silent passing by the Owl; the boy cries, the sister has to bring him to the Owl; the frog is responsible for them when they run away; the crane stretches its leg like a bridge across the river, tells the girl to bite through his lice, don't spit in disgust; Owl spits in the middle of the river, falls, swims out; children ask Bison for help; he throws Owl on the moon; he has been seen there ever since]: Barnard, 88-93 in Archer 2000:143-148; Saint Clair 1909b, No. 12:275; tonkawa [the hunter cannot get game; cuts off his leg, lets his wife cook; she runs; the crane stretches her neck across the river like a bridge; jerks off when on the bridge steps one-legged; it reaches the shore; see motif L3]: Hoijer 1972, No. 18:62-67.

California. Except for a monk; a bear chases two reindeer; a long-legged bird stretches its neck or leg like a bridge; cleans up when the Bear tries to cross the river. Yurok: Kroeber 1976 [The crane stretches its leg, the old woman drowns], No. A8, A9:62-63; Sapir 1928, No. 10 [Puma has two wives, Black Bear and Brown Bear, they are sisters; Black has a boy and a girl, The Grizzly is a girl; leaving the Grizzly to collect acorns, the Black Bear warns the children that if she does not return, Grizzly killed her; her mother did not return, Grizzly said she was late somewhere; children The Black Bear invited the Grizzly girl to climb into a toy house in the sand, brought it down, cooked meat like venison, gave a Grizzly, shouted what she was eating, ran away; climbed a tree, the Grizzly became to dig it in, they climbed to another, ran to the river, asked the old man to help them cross, he stretched his legs across the river like a bridge; when the Grizzly went, the old man removed his leg, the Grizzly drowned; the children The Black Bear began to live with their aunt]: 259-260; kato [neck; Bear drowns]; lassik [like a kato]; Maidu [leg; Bear drowns]; synkion [leg; Bear gets ashore]; yuki [neck, bear gets ashore]; screw [leg; Bear falls into the river; killed by hot stones]; kashaya pomo [Bear and Deer are widows; go to collect nuts; Bear asks Olenikha to show her neck; bites and kills her; gives the eldest of the Deer Brothers his mother's meat; the crow prevents him from eating; the deer strangle the Cubs with smoke in the hole; the Heron uncle stretches his neck across the river; The river takes the bear into the sea]: Oswalt 1964, No. 5:57-65; a propeller [a woman's rolling head eats people; a man makes a bridge, pushes it; a pike swallows a stalker]; coastal yuki [ Bears kill all people; the Frog saves the baby; he grows up, the Coyote advises him to take revenge; he comes to the feast, cuts the Bears in half; the chief chases him; the Heron stretches his neck across the river, the young man crosses; when the Bear crosses, the Heron pushes him into the water; he gets ashore; Spiders kill him by scratching his eyes]: Gifford 1937, No. 27:143-146; monak [young man feeds a bear with the meat of her cubs; bears chase him; his older brother stretches his leg across the stream; the bear drowns, the bear swims out; the current ones are her descendants]: Gifford 1923, No. 10, 23 [The bear is chasing two deer; the caterpillar turns into a bridge over the river; the deer cross, the Caterpillar pushes the Bear into the water, she sinks]: 334, 357-359.

Big Pool. Northern Payutes: Kelly 1938, No. 27 [The bear and the Deer go to dig the roots; sit down to clean themselves up; (to rumple their skins); The bear bites Deer's neck, brings her fat home; The youngest deer feels the mother's taste; when the Bear leaves to pick up the remaining meat, two Reindeer invite the two Cubs to play while locking each other in a smoky room; they strangle them with smoke to death, they put them on stakes (so that the Bear thinks they are standing outside the house), run away; ask the Crane to stretch its legs across the river, cross them to the other side; ask to drown the pursuer; when the Bear reaches the middle of the river, she leans down for a drink, falls, drowns; the bears tell the Crane's wife that they don't eat fish, but pine needles; that's why deer now live in the forest]: 431-432; Steward 1936, No. 28 (Owens -Veli) [Kiao'nu always wins, tortures and maims losers; made the Bear and the Raven lame; the boy Tuhuki'ni sees his mother's bow, arrows, playing hoop, etc.; the mother claims that this is her property; he realizes that these are the things of his murdered father; he comes to his father's sister, who says that K. is digging holes where rivals fall; Aunt Frog and Woodpecker went with the young man; the Crane held out his leg to them like a bridge across the river, ordered not to sit on the cape offered to him by K.; T. does not eat poisoned food, does not sleep (so as not to be killed in his sleep), does not take the daughter K. offered to him; plays with his own ball; wives T. and K. sit by the fire; The frog pours water on T.'s wife and K.'s wife is hot; with the help of Woodpecker, T. plays better; Gopher digs holes in K.'s way, the Woodpecker drives his ball into the hollow; T. wins; burns the Player and his wife, The bear and the Raven regain their eyes and claws; kill people K.]: 388-396; gosiyute [The bear chases two deer; the long-legged bird stretches its leg like a bridge, pushes the Bear into the water is sinking]; the northern shoshones [after following the roots, the Bear invites Olenikha to look in her head, curls her neck; the bears eat deer fat, say it to two Deer; they they offer to play in the steam room, strangle the Cubs with smoke, paint with red paint, put the corpses so that they look alive; run; spend the night in the hollow; the Bear falls asleep by the hollow; the deer run to the river; their grandfather mother Blue Bald Head (Crane?) stretches her leg, they cross to the other side; the Bear steps on her knee, the Crane throws her off; she swims for a long time, gets ashore, her hair is peeled off]: Lowie 1909b, No. 9:253-254; oriental shoshoni [the cannibal stole Dove's two children; the eagle hung the game on the tree; while the cannibal was climbing after it, the Eagle freed the Pigeon's children; she and her children come running to the river; the crane stretches out its leg like a bridge, Dove with they cross with children; when an ogre steps on this bridge, the Crane removes his leg, the ogre falls into the water, swims out, chases the fugitives again; on the next river, Chickady invites the Dove to get into his nose, sneezes the fugitives to the other side; the ogre sneezes into the middle of the river, he swims out again; Laska dug a hole for the fugitives, they passed it; the cannibal dug another one, he dug a way out himself, pursues again ; The Eagle let the Dove throw a piece of fat, a scar, feathers behind him; they turn into a ravine, a cliff, a fog; the badger lures the ogre into a hole, throws hot stones there, closes the exit; the cannibal dies]: Saint Clair 1909b, No. 8:270-272.

The Great Southwest. Western Apaches (San Carlos): Goddard 1918:69-70 [two sisters hear the flute playing; go looking for a flutist; meet Red Bird, Partridge, Dove, Road-runner consistently; each claims that he was playing, but his voice sounds different; came to two young men who lived with their grandmother; lived with them for a while; they were disturbed by the fire kindled by their grandmother, they returned home, offering the young men one day to visit; young men came, stopped nearby; people from the girls' camp killed one, the other flew back to his grandmother with a feather; the girls followed him, they were chased; Grandma Heron stretches out her leg like a bridge across the river, the young man and the girls cross; the pursuers fall when the Heron removes his leg, they turn into ducks; the young man lives with two wives], 71-72 [two sisters hear the sound of the flute, walk at them; on the way they meet Woodrat, Gopher, Dove, Red Bird; each answers that he did not play; the girl finds two young men, then comes back, the youngest is pregnant; the brothers come to them (the episode of their death is not described); the younger sister gives birth to a boy; he shot Partridge; she asks her to be cured, for which she says that his mother's relatives ate her husband; at home, the mother shows him his father's hand; the young man leaves wormhole; mother, her sister, and their mother follow; by the river, a young man tells a Duck woman that he is being chased by human murderers; The duck stretches its leg like a bridge; like stalkers in the middle of the river, Duck removes his leg, they fall into the water]; papago [the hero considers his mother and her sister partially responsible for the death of his father and uncle, lures women to the bridge over the sea and brings it down; both women turn into birds]: Desmore 1929:76-77; diegueños (ipay) [like papago, but the motivation for revenge is clearly not expressed]: Dubois 1904 [puts onions across the lake, asks the mother to walk across this bridge; takes it out, mother drowns]: 241; 1906 [burns the mother, brings down the bridge over the pond under her sister]: 161; tiva (Taos) [the dog swallows beads; two girls and their brother find them in her litter; while they are strung, people migrate; children come to the old cannibal woman (as in 23); the frog tells the boy what wood and water the old woman needs; gives him a brush, a mirror, an awl; abandoned objects turn into thickets, thorns, ice; the old woman continues to chase; the crane by the river offers to remove his lice; the boy deceives him, crunching his moose tooth, the old woman replies that she does not eat lice; children cross the river; when the old woman reaches the middle, the Crane folds her legs, she falls into the water; continues to pursue; Bear, Bison, Puma, Elk, Deer, Antelope, Wolf, Coyote can't help, killed by an old woman; Little Bison shakes an old woman with horns, throws her in the sun; children come to people; they hit the dog, leave; the dog keeps the fire for children; the boy becomes a good hunter, and the departed starve; return to abandoned]: Parsons 1940a, No. 27:81-82.

Mesoamerica Half [hunger, only the Rabbit has corn; the Cockroach asks for it, the Rabbit tells him to wait; the Rooster comes for food, the Rabbit tells him to see the food where the Cockroach hides; the same successively (one eats the other) with Coyote, Jaguar; Jaguar kills Hunter; Rabbit Hunter: corn on the other side; Hunter crosses the river on a rotten log, falls through, is eaten by a Crocodile; The rabbit asks the Crocodile to carry it back; the crocodile wants to eat it; the rabbit says it's better to take the leaf as a plate; jumps ashore, runs away]: Münch 1983a: 293-294.

The Northern Andes. Ingano (San Andres, Zap. S.H. Levinsohn; mostly European motives) [after his wife's death, the father took an angry woman; she smears soup for the children's clothes, says they have already eaten; promises to leave if her husband doesn't get rid of the children; he leads them cultivate the plot and plant plants there; leaves quietly, leaving the calebasses hanging from a tree, they knock, the children think their father is working; when they run out of food and the fire goes out, the children climb at the tree, they see smoke, come to the house; rats say that there is a witch; the first time they quietly carried away the fire; the second time the girl laughed, the witch caught them, began to fatten them; the rat sticks its tail the witch thinks that the children are still skinny; then decides to cook them anyway; rats help throw a pot of boiling water over her; severed breasts turn into two dogs - Faster than the Wind and Jairo; the rest they burn, but the witch still revives and haunts the children, tells them to return their breasts; the man by the river makes a "Voy a extenderme" bridge - {see McDowell 1989 is a rainbow man}); when a witch crosses, he removes the bridge, she falls into the water, she is swallowed by a snake; brother and sister have come to people; one person wants to take possession of his sister, kill his brother; they run again, dogs hunt for them; tied at the bridge princess sacrificed to a six-headed snake, dogs kill a snake; princess advises cutting off tongues as proof; after her wedding with a young man, dogs turned into doves, disappeared into the sky]: Weber, Meier 2008:21-36; kamsa, ingano [stepmother kicks boy and girl out of the house; cannibal fattens them; Ant advises pouring boiling water over her, running; cannibal chases them, keeping them in hands his guts; a man dressed in a rainbow kushma agrees to lie down on a bridge over the river in exchange for the girl to lie down with him; the same episode with the cannibal; but when she reaches the middle of the river, the rainbow disappears; the cannibal falls, sinks]: McDowell 1989:116-117

Guiana. Warrau [monkey hunter slept in the woods; Musimo's forest spirit walks through the woods, screaming, Hoo Hoo Hoo! Approaching the hunter's hut, he says to eat it; he replies that if M. sees him, he will die of fear; M. suggests that the hunter stick out his finger to make sure he is terrible; the hunter shows him the finger of the killed monkey; so he takes turns showing all his fingers, then the monkey's head; M. faints, then leaves in fear; the hunter climbs a tree; a lot of mussimo come, cut the hut with knives, they find only a monkey carcass inside; it is said that the monkey is dead, but the hunter was alive, spoke; they notice it on a tree; their axes and machetes break against the barrel, the gun does not shoot; one calls his relative Jotomo Jaburu, who knows how to climb trees with his feet forward; he climbs, the hunter kills him with an arrow, the spirits devour Hotomo, believing that they are eating a person; they think that H. is licking blood on a tree; they identify him head; spirits leave, leaving a trap under the tree, the hunter falls into it; smears himself with crap, the spirits decide that the game has rotted; in the morning the hunter leaves, sees the skull, puts an arrow in his eye socket; the skull jumps on his eye socket his neck, refuses to get off, promises to eat, the hunter promises to hunt for him; asks him to get down while he relieves his need, his crap stinks unbearably; his arrow is stuck in a tree, he climbs after it; quietly moves to another, runs away, crosses the river; the skull chases, asks how the person crossed, he says he's on the vine; when the skull is in the middle of the river, the hunter shakes vine, skull falls, sinks; poisonous ants rise to the surface]: García 1993, No. 93:299-302; carinha (Orinoco) [the man is jealous of his wife, she leaves; he comes to her father, lies down in hammock; his son finds him dead; tobacco grows on the grave; the young man hides the wings of doves that have arrived; pigeons take him to heaven; there the old man and the old woman tell me 1) make a stone bench decorated copies of the heads of the old man and the old woman; 2) dry the pond; 3) make a bridge; everything is done by an assistant spirit; reports that these old man and old woman killed the young man's father; when the young man knocked down the trunk to make a bridge, the chips turned into piranhas; the old man and the old woman stepped on the bridge, he fell, they were eaten by piranhas, their heads remain; the old woman's head rose to heaven, became the Morning Star; tells the daughters to avenge her; they gave the young man a drink, picked her up sleeping high on a tree; the eagle asks how he got here; a vine appears from the eagle's bowel movements, a man descends it; the eagle wanted to kill him, but he hid in the water, returned to his mother, gave her raising an eagle chick; he grew up, began to bring deer and fish to the woman; she organized a clearing party; people came to help, one asked the eagle to bring him an old woman, the other a young one; so the eagle began to drag people; in one village they made a trap, a bait girl was caught, killed; a woman came, an avenger feather fell on her chest: all his fibers turned into diseases; the woman blew on them, they are scattered around the world]: Civrieux 1974:104-108; waiwai [hunters eat a harpy eagle, at night the forest spirit comes screaming: You ate an eagle's liver! Some wake up, poke the rest on the cheeks with smut, they run away, becoming kibihee (some animal, hunting object); so they have a white spot on their cheeks; Kurum-yenna (people- Vultures) play flutes, inviting them to dance in their village; Kworo-yenna (Parrot People) and other Birds come and take local girls; some of the current waiwai bands descend from them; when they parted home, became real birds; Kamara-yenna (Jaguar people) came to the river; turtles formed a bridge, the Jaguars walked along it; Kurum Yenna asked the turtles to destroy the bridge; the Jaguars were eaten by a giant piranha , the boy escaped, part of his foot was bitten off; Kurum Yenna kept him with him; a woman married to a red mako (Kworo-yenna); she keeps the Petalï anaconda in a fenced place in the river; feeds her meat, which her husband brings; but she gives her ish agouti, and she eats the meat of large animals herself; someone told the anaconda about this; when the woman called her, the anaconda jumped out and swallowed it and swam away; the shaman husband caught an otter, went with them to catch up with P.; aquatic people answer every time that P. had just swam; they come to the place where P.; otters surround her, these places are now the whirlpools of Mapuera waterfalls; otters P. jumped down the throat, collected the woman's bones, went out carrying them out through the anaconda's ass; when they returned home, they washed the old woman's hands and feet, collected water in a vessel, poured them into the river, the fish began to die; grabbed two fish, lifted it to the sky so that he would then have something to eat; P. began to jump out, people shot her, cut it in half, began to drag her ashore, the tail jumped back into the water, the current ones come from him anacondas; all bird people bathed in the blood of the anaconda, became birds; it rained, some hid in hiding, others did not; so some birds remained red, others had only a few red feathers; those who were bathed in bile turned yellow, and those who were then caught in the rain turned blue; birds tried on wings and tails; animal people also became animals; women who married remained human, the rest became birds and animals; the old woman has become various plants from which fish poison is made]: Fock 1963:62-66; oyampy [twins lure jaguars to the bridge, create piranhas in the river; one of The brothers hurried to swing the bridge, two jaguars escaped; the rest were eaten by piranhas]: Grenand 1982, No. 5 [see J9 motif; Yaneia leaves; pregnant wife follows him; twins from her womb tell her way; asked to pick flowers; she is bitten by a wasp; she refuses to collect, the twins fall silent; a woman gets to the Jaguars, Yaguariha eats her; the Mayamayali and Wayamakale twins (from poppy seeds - monkey?) jump on a tree; Jaguariha calls them back; A dove hunting talks about his mother's death; M. and Y. lure the Jaguars to the bridge, create piranhas in the river; V. cuts off the vine ahead of time, two jaguars they save themselves, the rest are eaten by piranhas; M. almost revives his mother, V. hugs her ahead of time, she falls apart; by the sea, their father cuts down a tree, chips turn into fish; the father tests his sons, M. does not He withstands; the father tells him that he is not his son, but the Monkey; makes a parrot out of his skin, monkeys out of flesh; in the morning the father rises to heaven], 6:67-72, 76.

Western Amazon. Napo: Foletti Castegnaro 1985, No. 1a [the girl is pregnant, although there are no people around; she realized that her brother, who rose to heaven, became the Month; the parents were gone; the girl asked the parrot to take her to people; the eagle ate all three parrots; she asked about the path of the twins in her stomach; they asked me to pick a flower; she was bitten by a wasp, she hit her stomach, the twins fell silent; she came to Jaguar house; the old woman hid it under the pot, her saliva dripped, the Jaguars jumped to get the woman, Puka Puma ("Red Jaguar") took it out; the old woman asked for giblets, went to wash, found two She raised children; these are Cuillur and Duciru; they asked them to make bows and arrows; they began to take out the lice from the grandmother, killed her, cooked her, took her jaw to the forest; her name is Jaguars, her jaw replies that it cuts wood; The brothers told the Jaguars that they ate their mother, turned into a hummingbird, flew away; they brought down the bridge with the jaguars, the pregnant female escaped; the brothers decided to cross the sea across which the bridge was on the back of the caiman; the elder does not tell the youngest to tell Cayman that his eyes are bulging; the youngest said Cayman bit off his leg; the elder dried the pond, killed Cayman, put his brother's leg back; the elder made boats, shooting at trees; the youngest broke the boat, now it is difficult to make them; the brothers made a chain of arrows, went to heaven, became the Pleiades; there is also the caiman jaw and the basket in which their mother carried parrots], 1b [the woman got lost, went to the Jaguars; her grandmother hid her under the roof, the Jaguars were found, eaten, the children from the womb were given to their grandmother; they were Kuilyur and Dushira, children of the Month; they carried water, firewood, tired of working; they did so that the chakra became huge, the grandmother could not go out, they took her out; they made a bridge, shoved it when the jaguars stepped on it, the pregnant female escaped; they came to the Jaguar chief, began to play guitar; Jaguar sat down in a chair, started playing himself; the brothers closed the door, turned the house into a rock; now Mundupuma lives inside Cerro Galeras; they killed the grandmother of the jaguars, filled her skin with worms, gave meat to her sons; the Jaguars found out the twins turned into birds, flew away]: 55-60, 63-64; Mercier 1979:34; Oberem 1957 (quiho) [the sorcerer turned into a cougar, ate people; brought a pregnant woman, left himself, she hid on the platform; spat, he noticed killed her, found two boys in her womb, put her in her bag; the sorcerer's wife wanted to raise them; the cannibal hawk took the bag to the top of the volcano, could not open it; Vulture asked the sorcerer's wife to take the bag back ; the young men quickly became 15 years old, a third joined them; dug a cave in the mountain; called a sorcerer, asked for a little more work, walled up; now mundo-puma (world cougar) lives in the Galeras Ridge; if You can hear a buzzing sound, he calls other cougars; they bring him food; he asks why game and not human; to kill the cougars, the young men put a log through the stream; the cougars followed them, the young men threw off the log, one pregnant female has escaped, she is today's cougars; two boys again; they killed a hawk and a cannibal snake; they are petrified and will come to life at the end of the world; see the B2A motif (the sorcerer's wife turns into mother earth, causes earthquakes)]: 183-184; 1963 [as in 1957]: 34-35; Ortíz de Villalba 1989, No. 47 [a woman comes to the Jaguar house; their mother Puma hides her but the woman spits, Puma Pintado does not find her, Puma Rojo finds, kills; their mother asks for eggs, which hatch two Cuillur boys (stars); takes her grandmother to the plot to harvest, the plot becomes huge, the grandmother is lost on it, became a toad, since then she has been screaming, uah-ua; the brothers made a bridge of rotten trees, invited the Jaguars to walk along it, the bridge collapsed, the jaguars died, but the pregnant female survived]: 90-91; napo or canelo [see motif A31; the girl became pregnant with her brother; he went to heaven, became a month; she became an ilucu bird (nightjar? ; but then the story continues; the same below with the mother of the jaguars, who became a toad but continues to act as before) has left home; the Cuillor (younger) and Docero twins from her womb show the way; ask her to pick a flower, then a leaf, a fruit; when she picked the fruit, she was bitten by a wasp; she clapped her stomach because of you; the twins fell silent; the parrot on her shoulder began to point the road, but he was carried away by a falcon; the woman came to the mother of the jaguars; she hid her under the roof, warned her not to spit; the jaguars came, she spat, the eldest climbed, did not find it, the youngest found the woman, they spit her they were torn to pieces, the twins were given to their mother (tender meat), but they asked them not to eat; the mother of the jaguars hid them, a month later they had already grown up; the old woman asked them to prepare firewood; they collected a huge pile, told pull from below, the old woman filled up the firewood; the next time she asked for water, they directed the river, when the old woman opened the door, the water carried her; the twins told the old woman to collect corn in the middle fields, made it endless; she can't find her way back; the voice of the toad "ooh" can be heard; since then, where corn grows, the toad unculu screams; the brothers brought the old woman home; the elder brother tells the younger not throw the leftovers wrapped in leaves into the water; he threw them away, they turned into a stingray, and when he started fishing, the stingray plunged his thorn into it; the mother of the jaguars asked them to make a bridge over the river for them; brothers turned into birds, made clubs, came back; the elder told the youngest to cut off the bridge at the signal, but he said there was no need for a signal; when all the jaguars stepped on the bridge, the elder cut off his end, and the youngest he fiddled for a long time and a pregnant jaguariha ran away; her traces are still visible on the river rocks; the brothers told the Old Jaguar about their adventures; he asked them to set traps and the brothers caught almost all birds and animals; the Old Jaguar decided to eat them; his brothers killed him, took out his spine, filled him with ash, put insects in his eyes; shouted that the jaguar wanted to eat them; the old mother of jaguars ran, hit the scarecrow with a stick, the ash blinded her, the brothers washed her eyes; the ancient Jaguar devoured everyone; the brothers made a room inside Mount Galera, put a lot of food and musical instruments there, they lured Jaguar with a game; he started playing himself, did not notice how the brothers came out; they told the hole to close; the Jaguar started rushing, one leg was left outside; there was still a roar; other jaguars brought him food; a huge harpy eagle devoured everyone; Cuillor hid in a rubber bag; the eagle could not tear it, threw it on the clouds; C. does not know how to go down; the old man Uchitican says he is also from the ground; ordered sit on his back, close his eyes, open him after the second whistle, flew; but C. opened after the first one, fell into the forest; Docero went to look for him; began to pick edible mushrooms from the trunk; scream from the trunk {apparently mushrooms are C.'s ears, but it's not directly said}; the woodpecker cut the hole; for this D. gave him a red handkerchief over his head; C. made glue, the eagle stuck, D. broke his wing with a blow of the club; the brothers turned him into stone; it is visible now - it looks like an eagle with a broken wing; a huge anaconda devoured people; the brothers made a trap, persuaded them to climb into it, turned the anaconda into stone; the thunder killed many; the brothers found him sleeping on a tree branch; they cut his neck with an ax, told him to petrify; there are thunderstones in this place now; the evil frog spirit ("devil") took the form of a mother, told the children to dance; the brothers hid, told him to become a stone; the brothers asked the caiman to transport them across the sea; when the first one sailed, he answered the caiman every time that it smelled like fragrant flowers; when he jumped ashore, he said that he was like a caiman; But when the Cayman took the second one, but he had time to bite off the young man's leg; the bees pasted his leg with wax; the brothers made a fire, the smoke rose to the sky, became a staircase, and the brothers climbed into heaven; C. became as a morning star, and D. as an evening star]: Orr, Hudelson 1971, No. 2-15:7-49; saparo [see motif J9; the girl smears her lover's face with genipa juice; he turns out to be her brother; out of shame he rises to heaven turns into a Month; a woman comes to the Jaguar Mother; her children kill her; two boys are in the womb, Jaguariha raised them; going to dig cassava, they killed the Jaguar Father, filled his skin with earth, ash, crackling insects (grasshoppers?) ; they told the old woman that they were afraid of him; she came up, heard a noise (grasshoppers cracking), hit her husband with a stick; Jaguarich's ash began to suffocate; the brothers ripped off her scalp, both heads (her and hers) husband) cooked; after becoming hummingbirds, they ask the jaguars if their parents' heads were tasty; when they went hunting, the jaguars usually crossed the river by log; the hummingbird brothers asked the termite to gnaw on the log; when the jaguars stepped on him, the older brother threw his spear, the log collapsed, the jaguars were eaten by the caimans; the youngest threw it unsuccessfully, the pregnant sister of the jaguars escaped; Taita-Dios told the brothers not to kill her, otherwise someone will scare children]: Reinburg 1921:11-14; shuar: Barrueco 1988 [A monkey throws a vine across the abyss, inviting the cannibals Ivia to cross to the other side, where a tree with fruits awaits them; when all I. steps on the bridge, the Monkey cuts off the vine, they fall; the monkey eats their brains]: 45; Karsten 1919:339; 1935, No. 8:525; Pelizzaro 1961, No. 7, 17:5, 11; 1990 [Iwia's cannibal dogs are jaguars, they for him like his own children; a woman got lost in the forest, a pet parrot showed her where the fruit was; the parrot was eaten by eagles; she came to his wife Iwia, who wants to pass her off as the youngest son, a Shiáshia jaguar, hides under the roof; a woman spits on the meat that S. eats, he finds her, marries her; I.'s wife warns not to bite through the lice, gives a coal to bite it, making a sound; one day she forgets, bites through louse, S. kills his wife, I.'s wife keeps two eggs that were in the uterus; they were born Yánkuam' and Stars; when they grew up, Y.'s wife told them about their mother's fate; they collapsed the bridge over which The jaguars went across the abyss, but S. escaped because he was walking first, and the little Yaa (stars) could not stop him; therefore, there are jaguars in the forest; the large Yampinkia jaguar was pushed into the abyss by Yanquam; brothers threw darts into the sky, climbed them into the sky, became stars, and Yanquam became Venus]: 38-40 (=1993:35-39); 1993:52-53; Rueda 1987, No. 19 [mother de los Yawá (jaguars) found two eggs, including Yánkuam and Yá hatched; she brought them up in secret, they became strong young men; when the jaguars returned from hunting and stepped on the bridge, the brothers brought it down, went down into the ravine, and began to kill the jaguars; but there were too many; so the brothers took to heaven, throwing Wáchi ("peach palm flower") flowers behind them; Yanquam became the Morning Star and Ya another star], 58:109, 249-251; aguaruna [people climbed from the ogre Willow into a tree; he cut it with a stone ax; the monkey Machin sent I. to swim, replaced his ax with an unusable fake, put it back chipped chips, felling the thicket; hit the trunk so that I. could hear blows; told people to go down, threw a real ax into the river; I. broke the fake; began to dive, M. moved the ax deeper into the river, I. did not was able to dry it; I. pulled his waist and mutilated his penis; M. invited everyone I. to go pick fruits from a tree on the other side of the ravine; when everyone stepped onto the bridge of vines, he brought it down; all I. died]: Chumap Lucía, García-Rendueles 1977 (2), No. 84:666-668

NW Amazon. Uitoto: Preuss 1921, No. 10, 19:93-94, 108, 342-343; Okaina [A month got together with her sister; the mother noticed her daughter's pregnancy, the father (his name "Light, Clarity") squeezed the fetus out of her abdomen, ordered at night, smear her lover's face with genipa juice to find out who goes to her; it turned out that her brother ran to heaven, became a Month, put on jewelry so that his father would not notice his soiled face; the younger sister asked whoever smeared his face admitted that his older sister; the younger one asked me to take her to heaven; the month told him not to look down; everyone below was screaming, the girl was afraid of screaming, looked down, fell, turned toayo {apparently with a nightjar}, now sings on the full moon; the father drove away (again) the eldest daughter, who had become pregnant, she gave birth, came to the old woman's house; she painted her body to protect her from animal bravo (otter or jaguar); when swimming, the paint washed off, the fierce beast ate the woman; the boy was raised by an old woman; at the age of 5 he was discovered (le revelaron) that his father was a Month, and his mother was eaten by a fierce beast; the boy went to the forest to play with with a cancer shell (huesos de cangrejo), so he made the first fire; trained by throwing darts at tree trunks; met a fierce beast; he invited him to play together, was going to eat; the boy made a bridge across the river, ran across it; when the beast ran, the bridge collapsed, the beast was killed; the boy went to look for his father; the Month sent him feathers and ornaments; the son made them a crown and wings, went up to heaven, became By the Sun]: Girard 1958:137-139; bora [see J15 motif; a girl gets pregnant with her brother, her parents leave her; she comes to a woman with a crooked leg; she sends her to the "cannibal of this road" who will show the way to her parents; she shows, but the woman gets to a person with faces from different sides (por todos lados); he puts her in the basket, brings her home to eat; his wife replaces her with pumpkin, helps to run, shows the way; the ogre tries to eat the pumpkin, then cooks his wife's blood; sends his hook for the fugitive, but she puts it in the branch; two Lizards throw a rope for her across the river ; when an ogre enters this bridge, they cut off the rope, it falls into the water, is eaten by a caiman]: Anderson de Thiesen 1975:7-19; Barasana: S.Hugh-Jones 1979, No. 4E: 278-279; Torres Laborde 1969 [cf. motive J16; Month (Muihu), Meni's son, comes to his sister at night (her name is Méneri-Ya, Mya), she became pregnant; spread black paint, smeared his face; identified him in the morning; since then on the moon stains; The month drowned in shame; his body rotted on the shore; the Bat ate his flesh, since then he became an ogre; Menya sent a shaman owl to look for his son, he did not find it (since then owls have big eyes); Adiab's three brothers (creators) found Muihu's bones; told the ants to put them together, stuck them with tobacco leaves, creating a new body; Muihu came to life, but fell apart again when middle A. said that M. slept with ME; A. revived him again; I did not recognize him; he had a monkey with him, he asked ME to get her a kaimo fruit from the top of the tree to eat; made the tree tall, I stayed in upper world; the mochilero bird began to look for it, saw a reflection; I was bitten by a wasp, a mochilero killed a wasp, brought ME water, a anklet; weaved a rope to go down; the rope broke off, ME fell and returned home; Muihu told her to bring water, but the filled vessel dried immediately; while she tried to fill it, Meni and Muihu left; at the fork in Meni left a vessel decorated with turkey feathers looked like a man; Meni told him to show ME the right way if I came crying, and false if laughing; I laughed while I was far away, and when she went to the vessel, she cried; the vessel showed the way to the Jaguars; I came to the Opossumicha; she asked her to lie in her son's hammock, but he smelled badly, I moved on; the Jaguars had their mother at home Oako is Menya's sister; the Jaguars returned from work at the site, carrying axes; Jaguar saw Mya hiding in a vessel in the mirror; she spat out of disgust; the youngest Jaguar agreed to dance with her ; starting with his fingers, he ate it; the giblets were given to his mother; she carried them to the river, the boy Warimí Sué jumped from the uterus into the water; the Jaguars tried to catch him; he became a frog; they ate a frog , but in fact he went down the river to where Menya's sons live; bathed with them; the boys did not know who he was; he did not go into the house; painted or ate butterflies; their fathers told them to lure V. ; the big girl was buried in the sand, others wrote from above; butterflies flew; V. began to paint and the girl grabbed him; V. became a little boy, began to cry; Menya thought it was a child his eldest daughter; passed from one daughter to another, but V. stopped crying only on the youngest's lap; he was blown, painted with red paint (since then they have been doing this to babies); V. quickly grew up to be a ten-year-old boy; Meni told him that his mother had eaten jaguars; V. came to Maloka Jaguarov, became a baby again; the jaguar who ate Menery-I touched V., licked his finger, it turned out bitterly; V. saw this Jaguar regurgitate his mother's blood; V. turned the Jaguars into different animals (tapir, paka, etc.), they ate each other; the Jaguars played a sounding calebass made from the head of W. , you can hear her voice, my Son; V. put a log in his hammock, the Jaguar ate it; in the morning, the Jaguars played me again with my skull, V. threw him into the forest; told the water gauges to collect palm husks miriti, threw it into the water, she turned into piranha; Tapira, with whom he went to collect miriti, V. pushed it into the water, the piranhas ate it; V. made a bridge, the Jaguars walked along it, V. swung it, the Jaguars fell, piranhas ate them; the eater of Mia held one paw above the water, was left with one leg; Jaguar's house V. sjeg]: 31-45; Kabiyari [Month, Jejechu's son, began to come to his sister Meneriyo; she She smeared his face with a genip to find out who his lover was; in the morning, the Month could not wash himself, died; he was resurrected from his bones; when asked if he knew that M. was his sister, he broke up again, restored again; M. climbed a tree, it grew to the sky, she went down a rope; got to the Jaguars; their grandmother hid it under the roof; the Jaguars returned from the site, found M. because she looked down; the grandmother took giblets , found the boy Mujnuyi in them (a name common to several brothers in other texts, see motif B7); he slipped into the water, became a fish; at the mouth of the river he began playing on the beach with Jejechu's daughters; they buried one in the sand, hands out, wrote, butterflies flew, M. came to play with them, the girl grabbed him; he immediately became a baby; grew up in five days, shot flies, then birds, asks how his mother died; J. replies that she was bitten by a snake (M. lets herself be bitten, alive); burned down, fell from a tree, ate a jaguar, drowned; every time M. shows that this is not the case; now he has the name Pitche; he comes to the Chawine Jaguars his mother killed him; finds his mother's head; the jaguars licked his head, it is bitter (the pitchi tree on his head is bitter); P. placed his mother's head on the other side of the river, made a bridge there; the jaguar stepped on him, he collapsed, the fish ate them, one escaped, his heel was bitten off; then see motif K1]: Correa 1989, No. 3:53-67; macuna: Århem et al. 2004 [see motif J15; Meneriyo turned onto the path leading to the ogre ~Gãs; he kills her with a dance rod; G.'s mother saved her baby Ryãkomakü (her son from her Month-Brother) by releasing him into the river; R. goes ashore to play, painted butterflies (they were white); Mawão's three daughters buried one of them in the sand, wrote on the sand, butterflies flew, R. approached them, the girl grabbed him; he stopped crying in the younger one's arms; he grew up in a day; W. had to take him to G.'s house, talk about his mother's death; W. tied him with bitter leaves; G. licked, it turned out to be bitter; in the forest G. became a jaguar, but R. became a lizard, escaped; at night R. put a deck in his hammock, G. attacked it; in the afternoon, G. and his brothers threw M.'s head like a ball, and R. gave a lighter calebass; if R. did not throw his head over the maloka, he would be eaten; R. carried force from his mother's head to the calebass, threw his ball; since then, children have not been allowed to throw the ball over the maloka (it's like throwing their mother's head); R. threw garbage into the backwater, puño fish have appeared ( Serrasalmus rhombeus) and piranhas; he created a fruit tree on the shore, fish constipation like a bridge to it; when G. and his men went, R. told the bridge to fall apart; piranhas ate everyone, but G. only ate their legs, he rose to heaven; W. invited R. to burn the site from the middle, lit it himself along the edges; R. became a fish in a pit of water, waited out the fire; W. sent R. for Thunder's daughter; R. replaced Thunder's lightning club with a wooden one fake; R. brought G.'s daughter to W., telling her to be unfaithful; she took the Pisces Chief as her lover; knocked on the calebass on the water, calling him; the bird told W.; W. killed his lover with an arrow, cut off his penis, gave his wife under the guise of a fish; told her what she ate, turned her into a dolphin; fish began to fight W., he defeated them, took to heaven; in the morning W. appears in the form of a rainbow]: 484-494; Trupp 1977 [jaguars eat woman; baby Ri Hako Makö jumps from her womb into the river, he is caught by the sisters of Umawadö, a rainbow snake; he kills jaguars; W. heals an escaped jaguar, tries to kill R.; 1) sets fire to a felled jaguar The vegetation, sending R. there, turns into a fish, jumps into the water; 2) tells Thunder's daughter to be brought; W. finds Thunder sleeping, replaces Thunder's club with his own, kills Thunder, comes with his daughter to W.]: 50-56; tatuyo: Bidou 1972:66; chikuna [nu'tapa got angry with his wife, tied her to a tree, hornets bit her genitals; cancan (Ibycter americanus) untied her, she threw her into her husband's nest was hornets, they bit his knee from a tumor, gave birth to Dyoi and Epi and their two sisters; N. was in the forest in the form of a deer, he was torn to pieces by a jaguar; D. and E. made piranha, smeared the log with slippery juice, whose jaguar crossed the river, fell, piranhas tore him to pieces; the brothers took his father out of his womb, revived him]: Nimuendaju 1952:123.

Central Amazon. Katawishi? (Lake Teffe) [Yuwaruna's black jaguar wife tried to seduce her husband's brothers; they killed her on the shore, the boy from his womb rushed into the river; one of her husband's three unmarried sisters saw a boy by the water who combed his moths; could not catch it; the father asked his daughters to bury them in the sand, leaving their hands ready; grabbed, the boy cried; does not listen to soothing songs; falls silent when the Owl sings, When you will grow up, you will avenge the mother killed by the jaguars; the grandfather hides from his grandson where his uncles are; the grandson pulls out his grandfather's gray hair, makes a rope, she reaches for his grandfather, he finds out that his uncle is not far away; The uncle sets fire to the house, cuts off the head of the sleeping grandfather, cooks; when the daughters of the victim open the pot, the boy kills them with a club; some uncles did not burn; the boy made a bridge over the river, said that to escape from the flood on a mountain on the other side; the uncles went, the boy brought down the bridge, they drowned; said that he would go up to the sky, he was the Rainbow; whoever does not want to die must answer; at midnight people slept, answered A lizard, a snake, a spider, a cockroach, a scorpion, a crab, a tree that sheds its bark every year; humans don't shed their skin and die]: Tastevin 1925:188-190.

Eastern Amazon. See motive J9; a pregnant woman goes to the Jaguars, they eat her, throw the children into boiling water, they jump out; the Jaguar grandmother adopts them, they learn about their mother's death, decide to kill the Jaguars. Urubu: Huxley 1956 [Mair, in the form of a bird, flies over a rotten fruit; a woman comes out of the fetus, he takes her as a wife; she does not believe that her husband's yams, cassava, etc. are ripe in same day; angry M. leaves; the wife follows in his footsteps, the unborn son from the womb shows the way; after spending the night in the house of the Possum, the woman conceives a second son; Mair's son is offended by his mother, falls silent; the woman comes to the village of Jaguars; the old woman hides her under a vessel, the Jaguars find her, eat her; the children are thrown into boiling water, they jump out; the grandmother adopts them; the brothers cut trees into the river, they turn into piranhas and crocodiles; an island is made on the river, fruit trees are built on it, a bridge is built to the island; when the Jaguars cross the bridge for fruit, the brothers cut the bridge, the Jaguars are eaten by aquatic creatures; because the son of the Possum hesitated, two were saved; brothers come to M. , he gives them bows and arrows; offended by their mother, the brothers throw them into the forest, they turn into snakes; Meir wants to know if his children are in front of him; 1) take the bait off the hook Anyang 'a; Mair's son takes off the bait, then pulls the forest to laugh; Opossum's son takes the hook in his mouth, is caught, eaten; in the form of an ant, Mair's son collects his bones, revives him; 2) go to Grandfather Wind; he is not at home, Mair's son tickles his wife, her husband hears her laughter, blows, a tree falls on the brothers; Opossum's son dies, revives his brother; 3) walk between two converging and diverging gratin stones; Mair's son passes, the Son of the Possum is crushed, revived by his brother; M. realizes that the youngest of the brothers is not his son, he tells him to go back between the stones; the son of Possum is crushed again; Mair's son rises to heaven in anger, taking the stones with him; from now on produces thunder; Opossum's son goes up to his brother]: 217-220; Ribeiro 2002:180-182 [a worm got out of the tree, turned into a woman; she reached a fork; the path to Mair was thorny and overgrown, Mukura is good, she went for a good thing, got pregnant with Mukura {then it is clear that the woman was already pregnant with Maira before that}; the woman went for a walk, she was torn to pieces by a jaguar, Maira's son, followed by her son The Mukurs jumped out of the womb, rushed into the river; four days later they got out of the water - Maira's son, a 9-year-old, Mukura, a 7-year-old boy; tried unsuccessfully to kill a machete jaguar; jumped into the water again, Maira's son came out 14 years old, Mukura 10 years old, but the jaguar could not be killed again; Maira's son created a river, laid the vine as a bridge; the brothers stood at opposite ends, cut off the vine when the jaguar walked along it, not let him get out of the water, cut him down, kill him; the hurricane knocked down the forest, lifted the brothers into the air, Mukura's son hit him hard; they came to Meira, his son said that they were both his sons; the brothers went along the road stones began to fall, Mukura's son was crushed; Maira's son became angry with his father, went on, creating stones in the middle of the river, where he is now unknown; on a full moon, Maira rises to heaven, then descends; when thunder, lightning strikes Maira's ground], 210-215 [Maïra put his penis into the crack as he passed the tree, because he did not have a wife; the tree was swollen, a pregnant woman came out of it, and the baby was in her womb spoke, pointing the way to his father; asked his mother to pick flowers for him; one day she reached for a flower, she was bitten by a snake, she slapped her stomach, reproached her son; he fell silent; she came into the house Mukura (i.e. opossum); he offered to spend the night with him; it was raining at night, Mukura was perforating the roof over the hammock by a woman who was forced to lie in his hammock; in the morning he told him to go from the fork to the left, but she turned right, went to a jaguar village; the jaguar wives told her to leave as soon as possible, but she stayed; she was hidden under a vessel; the jaguars turned the vessel over; Maira's son turned his mother into an animal, it ran away, him they caught up, killed; two embryos were given to an old woman; she began to fry them, but burned her hands; the embryos turned into agouti; the old woman began to raise them; the jaguars wanted to eat them; they became boys, ran away they went to look for Maira, stayed with him; Maira's son offered to steal the fishing hook of a forest demon; Maira's son bit off and took it away; Mukura's son was caught in the guise of a piranha; the demon ate her, threw away the bones; Maira's son turned into ants, they collected bones, Mukura's son came to life; Mukura's son safely took the hook away from another forest spirit; Maira praised them; the brothers turned into hummingbirds, flew, set fire to the forest beard the demon, his head burned down; the brothers killed the hummingbird {real}, found a man in his stomach; when they approached a wide river, they started shooting arrows one at the tail of the other, they turned into a bridge, they crossed it to on the other side, many bakers killed there; called the jaguars to pick up the meat; when they crossed the bridge with arrows, the brothers destroyed it; all the jaguars drowned because they were carrying a load of meat]; tenetehara: Nimuendaju 1915 [throw cassava pests into the water, which turn into piranhas and water snakes; throw pigs to teach them meat; make a bridge over the river in the form of a chain of arrows; show the Jaguaram fruits growing across the river; Jaguars cross the bridge for fruit; brothers tell the banks to disperse, the river turns into a sea; (var: cut the end of the bridge); Jaguars fall into the water, eaten]: 282-285; Wagley, Galvã o 1949, No. 14 [they build a bridge over a dry swamp, fill the swamp with water, throw straw fans into the water to fan the fire, they turn into piranhas; they throw a monkey to see how fast it is they will eat it; invite the Jaguars to fish, step on the bridge, bring it down; the Jaguars are eaten by piranhas]: 137-140.

Montagna - Jurua. Amouesha: Santos-Granero 1991, No. 3 [During the ancient Yompor Pret sun, women gave birth to rotten trees, lizards, or hairy monkeys; the priest ordered that brother and sister be raised in a special home; when she went to get water, the sister found two flowers, hid them on her body, became pregnant; the priest admitted that by the will of the supreme god, not from her brother; the mother of the Jaguars Patonell killed her; the twins from her womb threw themselves into the water, them raised fish (catfish, Loricariidae); they play, no one can catch them; the lizard said he would catch them, but he was ridiculed; he left, the priest told him to call him back, he agreed for the fifth time; The twins were caught, but they didn't grow up; P. said she would grow up, she has a lot of meat; they get dirty for themselves all the time, P. washes them; tells them not to touch her cassava beer; she finds them drunk every time, they answer that their sister bee was preparing the drink; one day P.'s sons returned without prey, offered to cook the twins; they gave P. a drink themselves, cooked it, scattered parts of her body in different places; hid under the roof; parts of the body respond to the jaguars from different sides, tell them to eat the brew as if they were twins; the brothers shouted to them what they were eating; the Puma and Ocelot did not eat, understood; the jaguars found the mother's head in the cauldron; set fire to the house, the twins jumped across the lake, made a bridge out of vines; the jaguars walked along it, they brought it down, one pregnant jaguariha escaped; the twins became adults, went up to heaven, brother became the Sun, sister became the Moon], 3a [ excerpt (sister went to get water, Patonell ate her, twins jumped into the water; became Sun and Moon]: 54-57, 258-259; Tello 1923a [were brother Yatash and sister Yachur, lizards (all creatures then were either Jaguars or lizards); after going for fruits, Yachur found flowers, hid them in her bosom; when she returned home, a thunderstorm began; after a lightning strike, the flowers disappeared, and Yachur conceived; after the thunderstorm, a rainbow appeared, decorated with those flowers; everyone thought Yachur was pregnant with her brother, they wanted to kill Yatasha; the old kuraka said she was pregnant with lightning, would give birth to the Sun and the Month; on the way to the spring, Yachur met a jaguariha Patonille; she ate it; water flowed out of Yachur's belly, formed a river; the twins born swam along it, hid under water; Yatash is accused of not following his sister; he found out where the Sun and the Month have hid; everyone is unsuccessfully trying to catch the twins, only Yatasha succeeds; P. takes them up; they annoy her with their pranks; she boils water to cook them; asks her to look for them in my head so that the boys would not run away; P. fell asleep, the brothers threw her into the cauldron, cut her, scattered the pieces, hid themselves on the roof, already young men; jaguar relatives met for a meal, called P., pieces they answer from different sides; the jaguars find the boys, set fire to the hut, they run across the river; the jaguars build the bridge, the brothers brought it down, almost all the jaguars drowned]: 128-130 (retelling in Kühne 1967:311-314).

Bolivia - Guaporé. Siriono: Calífano 1977:107-112; Holmberg 1969:118; Priest, Priest 1980 [While the Month was hunting, Jaguar began to remove lice from his son's hair, could not resist eating it; The month asks everyone they don't say, he consistently turns them into animals; hit the Turtle, since then it has a cracked shell, a dent in her stomach; guajojo painted his face black, hit a stump, now these birds are sitting on stumps; Porcupine twisted his neck and paws, placed thorns on his back; drove monkeys and ants into trees, did not allow them to go down; scattered animals, they no longer live together; shot her turtledove since then the skin on her neck was wrinkled; she said that Jaguar killed the son of the Month; Months apologized for shooting her; people saw the Jaguara and his female across the river; called him to cross the river along a long reed stalk (tacuara); when the male is in the middle, people swung the bridge, the Jaguar fell, was eaten by piranhas; the pregnant female escaped, new jaguars from her; The month, grieving for her son, joined the reeds, and climbed this staircase to heaven ; if she hadn't gone to heaven, there would be no night]: 8-11; chiriguano [the woman did not let her daughter out of the house to isolate her from men; Rei (like Aguara-tunpa, Lisa) asked her to marry, her mother refused; he told his brother Tatú-tunpa (Battleship) about this; he dug a hole under the girl, became pregnant, then went to her; the mother heard a conversation, found that her daughter was pregnant; the daughter was gone; the child from her the womb shows the way to her father, asks him to pick flowers; when the calebas is full of flowers, the mother is angry why there are so many of them; the son falls silent, does not show the way, the woman comes to the mother of the jaguars; she hid it, the jaguar sons came, one asked his mother to take out his fleas, the woman's milk dripped on him, the Jaguar found her, the jaguars ate her, gave her giblets to her mother; she hid the twins, they shot her pigeons, told their sons that she caught birds in snare; Jaguars do not believe, the old woman shows the twins, says she gave birth to them herself; pigeons explain to the twins that the jaguars ate their mother; twins they bear fruit to the jaguars, they say they were found across the river; the Jaguars agreed to cross on a reed boat; the youngest pulled ahead of time, the boat sailed down, everyone drowned, but one pregnant woman escaped; the brothers started shooting at the sky, made a chain of arrows; the jaguar managed to eat the younger one; the eldest returned, revived him with drops of blood; the eldest became the Sun, the youngest became the Month; sometimes the Yawarowi jaguar eats The month; when the new moon, the Month draws women's blood; when three days are not visible, it is with the Sun]: Metraux 1932:158-165; guarazu [the elder Yanerykiy (Y1) and the youngest Yaneryvy (Y2) from the womb of a Yanehi woman They tell her where to go; they ask her to pick a flower every now and then, she gets angry, claps her stomach, at a fork in the trails they refuse to show her the way; she comes to the Jaguars; their grandmother hides her under the roof; all jaguars believe, the latter finds and kills a woman; Jaguars try to cook twins, they jump to the edge of the vessel; the grandmother advises raising boys; they hunt, bring the Jaguars a lot of meat; Y1 creates a river, puts a log bridge, tells Y2 to tell the Jaguars that across the river el chuchío (something edible); brothers bring down the bridge, one pregnant woman is saved, the brothers smear her with clay (stains on the skin), they turn it into a jaguariha, from her current ones; houses throw the grandmother of the jaguars to each other like a ball; she runs, turns into jochi (aguti?) ; because she lived with jaguars, she also has a patchy skin; because she was an old woman, she has only two teeth; she collects her mother's bones, Y1 tells the partridges to revive her; they fly over her three times, reviving her; Y2 each time rushes to hug her prematurely, revived turns into bones again; brothers go west to heaven, turn into stars (unidentified)]: Riester 1977, No. 9:241-242.

Southern Amazon. Nambiquara [only Ne.àlusu owns cassava; one group of hunters goes to him for another; on the way they meet the evil spirit Haiêhru (Pentatomideo, an insect that gives off badly smelling liquid); he kills them by peeing in their eyes, roasts their meat; only 9 boys and 8 girls are left in Maloka; H. feeds them with animal meat; they ask for dad vento (Anolis punctatus) get a piece of meat that H. himself eats; this is a human ear; children open Calebas H., find their fathers' jewelry inside; dig a trap hole; H. fails, they finish him off with arrows; they say to his wife, that her husband asks her to bring him food; they make a shaky bridge over the river; when she steps on him, two boys knock him over, the cannibal falls into the water; they finish her off with arrows; come to N. the fog over the water is the crushed human meat that the cannibal had; the children began to think where to go now - underground, under water? Ne.àlusu heard them, invited them to clear the plot; the children did not cut down the trees, but wrapped them in a vine, knocked them all down at once, quickly returned; N. decided that they were playing off; the children were offended, smashed vessels with chicha, left; began to rise to heaven - boys in front, girls behind (girls behind so that boys would not see their genitals); in the sky they turn into Pleiades (var.: Southern Cross), honeycombs that they took it with them - into the Coal Bag; Inambu (Crypturus sp.) and the lizard Papa Vento (Anolis punctatus) climb too, but they are frightened, children turn them into birds and animals, boys cut off their inamba tail]: Pereira 1983, No. 46:65-77 (=1973:24-28); Iranian: Pereira 1985, No. 21 [husband, wife and little daughter go for honey; expanding the hollow, the husband injures himself with an ax, turns into the spirit of Ajna; the woman grabs her daughter, runs; Anaconda bridges the lake, the other snakes form a rope to hold on, the woman crosses; when A. crosses, Anaconda throws him into the water; snakes kill him, Anaconda swallows], 25 [the forest spirit Mamsey and his wife call the man and his wife to the forest, kill, fry meat; bring it to two sons animals killed along with the meat; brothers find the mother's ear; they do a trap pit, they make a fire at the bottom, M. - the man falls through, dies; they make a shaky bridge over the river; they tell M. the woman that someone took her husband, left something for her on the other side of the river; they destroy the bridge, when M. steps on it; it falls into the water, turns into a buriti palm]: 110-112, 122-125; bororo [Meri's sun decided that there were too many people, offered to cross the bridge, brought it down; Only Akarúio Bokodóri escaped; he had crooked legs, he went to the river when everyone had drowned; in the village he began to sing and beat the drums, revived the drowned; those who fell into the whirlpools had hair wavy, and straight into calm water; AB left those who brought him gifts, not killed those who brought him]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1983, No. 31:75-76.

SE Brazil. Kaingang [water flooded the ground, Mount Krinjijinbe remained; people from the Kaingang, Kayurukre and Kame groups swam, holding smoldering smut in their teeth to keep the fire; kayyurukre and kame drowned and penetrated inside the mountain, they began to live there; the kaingang climbed the mountain, some on the trees on the mountain; the Sarakura birds began to sing, brought baskets of soil, poured them on the water, and came to their aid ducks; a plain arose; those who climbed trees became monkeys; they began to pour the ground from the east, so the rivers flow westward to Parana; kayyurukre and kame climbed to the surface from different sides of the mountain; kame their legs were injured, they were swollen, now their legs were big and kaiyurukre's legs were small; the shaman Kaiyurukre made jaguars out of coal and ash; when he made tapirs, there was only ash left; told them to eat meat; tapir ears they were small, the tapirs were asked again, the shaman was already sculpting another animal, telling them to eat leaves and grass; by morning the shaman did not have time to finish the anteater, so he had no teeth; Kaiyurukre made good ones animals, including bees, and Kame are bad so that they could defeat Kaiyurukre's created: cougars, venomous snakes, wasps; after learning that jaguars were eating humans, Kaiyurukre and Kame threw a log across the river; when The jaguars stepped onto the bridge, the Kame pushed the log; got scared, let the parts go; Kayyurukre, Kame and Kaingang set rules for exchanging marriage partners]: Borba 1904:57f in Koch-Grünberg 1921, No. 77:209-212 (Russian per. Siebert 1972:134-137; French retelling by Ploetz, Metraux 1930:212-213).

Chaco. Toba [girls approach the abyss; there is a lot of food on the other side; A carrier (bird) builds a bridge, warns not to walk on a shaky log; girls step on a log, fall into the abyss; a stork builds a new bridge, burns the path to it - the Milky Way]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982b, No. 9:50-51

Southern Brazil. Apapokuwa [Nyanderuvusu (Our Great Father) makes a clay bowl, tells Nyandera Mbaekuaa (Our Father Who Knows Everything) to open it, underneath it to Nyandez (Our Great Mother) ); tells NM to try it; Niandesa conceives one son from N., the other from NA; N. sends her to bring corn from a field sown on the same day; she does not believe that the corn is ripe, says to her husband that he wears not his son, but his son NA; N. leaves, leaves a wooden cross at the crossroads; Nyandesu is following the trail; the son asks to pick flowers for him from the womb; she is bitten by a wasp, she reproaches her son; he angry, shows the way to the Jaguars at the crossroads; the Jaguar grandmother hides her under a vessel; Jaguars come, finds women alone; the grandmother asks babies for herself; they do not cook in boiling water, do not fry on coals, jump out of the mortar; the grandmother adopts them; they grow up immediately; Nyanderykei is the eldest, son of Nyanderuvusu; they shoot Jacques, who tells about the fate of their mother; it's the same says the parrot; brothers cry, wash away tears from their faces; Nyanderykei revives the mother from her bones; the younger brother rushes to suck, the mother dies again; since then, women's breasts are not so beautiful; brothers create fruits to lure the Jaguars; show a small trap; Jaguars climb into it one by one, fall into the abyss; brothers send their grandmother and other female Jaguars for fruit to the other side of the stream; the banks of the stream diverge, the Jaguarikh devour aquatic creatures; the younger brother is afraid, a rope is tied to the shore; the banks stop parting, one pregnant jaguariha is saved; brothers kill forest demons Anya; Nyanderuvusu takes them home; now Nyanderykei holds the ground support at its zenith]: Nimuendaju 1914:393-399; chiripa [Ñanderú Guazú came from the west, placed land on a wooden cross (palo cruzado); with him Ñanderú Mbae Kua; they found the first woman under a clay pot, both met her; NG went to the plot, came back, told his wife to go pick corn ; she did not believe that the harvest was ripe for her; NG got angry, left, promised to forgive his wife if she found her way; from his mother's womb, their son Kuarahy (the future sun) showed her the way; asked her to collect flowers, the woman was bitten by a wasp, she scolded K., he fell silent; the woman came to the old woman, who hid her under a pot from her nephews Añag; she herself told them they killed and ate the woman; the old woman asked her to eat fruit from the womb, but not to cook it, not to bake it; K. considered the old woman to be her mother, shot butterflies, called them by the names of birds, since then the birds have names; the old woman does not tell her to hunt Blue Woe; K. goes there, finds his mother's bones, mixing them with cornmeal makes himself a brother Yacy (next month); brothers kill birds, NG sent them a parrot, who told them about his mother's fate; then K. blew on dead birds, revived them; when A. killed his mother, K. was stained with her blood, so at every solar eclipse; K. revived his mother from bones, but I. came too early, she crumbled again; so people mortal; an Inambu bird flew out of her bones; seeing that her mother could not be revived, K. made an agouti out of her bones; the brothers killed many A., luring them into traps; they created a fruit tree, a bridge to it across the river, piranhas and caimans; J. rocked the bridge too early, all A. and the old woman died, but one pregnant female escaped, jaguars from her; K. gave Y. power over cultivated plants and crops; K. created honey, but I. asked to leave some of the hollows empty; the urubu vultures had fire; K. was afraid to approach them himself, created a cururu toad, which swallowed the coals, brought them, regurgitated; K. made sugar cane, Y. imitated , a snake came out; K. created animals, and Añag was a way to hunt them; A. told K. to get off the tree, hit him with a stick, carried them in a bag, putting the koati on top of the dead; put the basket on the ground, K. ran away, putting up a rotten tree; A.'s daughters did not find game in the basket; A. returned, mistook the tree for K., knocked down, it became a deer, ran away; K. climbed the tree, A. saw its reflection in the water; Owl said where K.; A. climbed after K., who created wasps, they bit A. to death; K. and Y. saw A. fishing; K. bit off and took the hook, Y. got caught; A. caught him in the form of a bagre (the first fish); K. asked for bones, Y. (moon phases); the brothers came to Saria (this is also Añag); Y. said that he had many sisters, A. asked them to marry, Y. ordered K. to ask permission; he told A. to bring fish for his wives, gave the girl, from his feet which the fish is dying; A. began to beat the girl, she turned into a timbo vine; K. gave A. a crown of feathers, it caught fire, A. burned down; a partridge flew out of his stomach, the ashes turned into mosquitoes; I. got together with a married woman; on a full moon, the Month copulates with girls, causing menstruation; K. did Venus; after copulation, Y. tells Venus to wash it, so it rains on the new moon; K. and Y. did a chain of arrows to go to heaven to my father; I wanted to climb first to become the sun, but K. was the first to climb himself]: Bartolomé 1977:16-40 (the episode with feathers at the fork at p.18-19); caigua: Telé maco Borba 1908 (West at Parana in Tibagy in 1874): 62-69 in Frič 1912:480-482, in Koch-Grünberg 1921:213-215, in Metraux 1932:138-139 [the husband told his wife to sow corn, immediately sent it for on the cobs, she did not believe that she was ripe in a day, did not go; the husband sent again, said that their unborn son wanted to eat; the wife replied that the son was not from him; the husband left, the wife went to look for him; the son from asked him to pick flowers and fruits for him; the woman was bitten by a wasp, she slapped her son, hitting her stomach, her son stopped showing the way; she came to the mother of the Iary jaguars; she hid her under a vessel ( cernidor), the last of the jaguars smelled a woman, ate her, I. asked for an embryo, there were twins; they jump off the pan, jump out of the mortar, I. kept them alive; senior Derekey, asked I. to make him a bow and arrow to hunt birds; the younger Derevuy only cries; the red macaw told Derekey about his mother's fate; the brothers found her bones in the excrement of the jaguars, Derekay revived her, but The village rushed to suck, the mother fell apart; Derekay kicked the rotten tree in anger, it turned into bees and honey; the tree ate it, stopped crying; having tied up the jaguars, the brothers went to look for their father, came to Ahan, Derevuy married his daughter; ran away from him; his father was called from the tree, who responded from heaven; the eldest chose the day, became the sun, the youngest became night, became a month; went down to bed with his aunt, she smeared him face with genipa juice, since then spots on the moon; Guarani come from Derevuya's son and his aunt's daughter]; Hanke 1956:225-226; Strelnikov 1930 [pregnant wife does not believe that corn planted in the morning, pumpkins are already ripe; still goes to the garden; at this time the husband goes to heaven; the son from the womb indicates where the father went; the woman sees the feathers of a large white bird on the path; the son confirms that the father passed here; the son asks to pick flowers for him; the woman is bitten by a wasp, she hits her stomach, punishes her son; the son falls silent; the woman goes to the Jaguars; the old Jaguariha hides her, the Jaguar finds her, eats her; Jaguariha asks unborn twins; the eldest is Nyanderike's; they are not fried, they can't be crushed in a mortar; Jaguariha adopts them; does not tell them to hunt on the other side; they shoot Jacques, the parrot; Jacques says they are fools, the Parrot talks about the death of his mother; the brothers fail to catch Jaguariha with a loop; her name is to eat fruits on the other side of the stream, put a pole across the stream; turn the pole over, Jaguariha falls into a stream that turns into a sea; brothers make their mother; they kill Anya's spirits]: 306-308; Samaniego 1968 [Rama Dad leaves his wife; she is pregnant with Pai Quara twins (Sun) and Yvangus (Month); RP tells the PC that if that son is his, he finds him; the woman goes to look for her husband, sends her to the Jaguars at the fork in the PC; they kill her, throw the twins into boiling water, those unharmed; grow up, lead the Jaguars across the river to the fruit tree; bring them to the bridge; Y. destroys it ahead of time, one pregnant jaguariha escapes; the rest turn into caimans and other aquatic animals ; Grandma Jaguarav falls into a trap set by the twins; they burn her, the ashes turn into mosquitoes; the Sun leaves Months waiting, comes to the mother]: 419-421; mbia [into a partridge trap an owl falls; a girl takes it for herself, becomes pregnant with her; the owl turns out to be the supreme deity of Pa-pa Miri; he goes to heaven, a woman promises to come to him with a son who will be born; a son from the womb shows her the way, asks her to pick a flower; she is bitten by a wasp, they quarrel, her son falls silent; a woman comes to the creatures of Mbae-ypi, an old woman hides her under a pot; the youngest of the grandchildren finds and kills a woman; a child (Pa-i, Sun) cannot be killed, he is thrown away, he grows up, lives with an old woman, hunts, makes a brother out of a leaf (next Month); the parrot tells them about the fate of his mother, brothers release all the birds they catch; Pa-i makes a trap; confident in their invulnerability, Mbae-ypi take turns entering it, dying; to kill their women, Pa-i creates a fruit tree across the river, throws pieces of bark into the water, they turn into predatory creatures; makes a bridge; brothers must swing it according to the sign of Pa-i; he signaled prematurely, one pregnant woman escaped , jaguars come from her, the rest fell off the bridge, eaten by aquatic predators; Pa-i resurrects her mother from her bones three times, but the brother rushes to suck her breast every time, the mother dies again; Pa-i scatters bones in the forest, from which paka rodents emerge; when a hunter kills Paku, the Sun does not come out for a long time, because it repents that he left his wife alone (i.e. Pa-pa Miri is identified with the sun, like his son); Charia is fishing. Brother Pa-i dives, caught as a fish, fried, eaten; C. Pa-i gives it a taste, he revives his brother from bones (these death and resurrection are lunar eclipses); C. kills koati, then shoots Pa-i, puts it in the basket, carries it to his daughters; Pa -and leaves stone and sewage instead, runs away; the girls do not find the promised game in the basket; Brother Pa-i comes to his aunt at night; to identify her lover, she smears paint on his face; Pa-i makes a chain of arrows, his brothers climb it to heaven, become the Sun and the Month; the moon sickle is a bow in Brother Pa-i's hands; his face remains stained; he tries to wash them off, goes rain; when Pa-i's son enters the river, the fish dies and can be collected; C. asks Pa-i to lend him the boy, hits him on the head, throws him into the water; Pa-i fights Charia, their strengths are equal (solar eclipses); Pa-i gives C. a feather crown; wearing it, C. burns, mosquitoes, horseflies, gadflies appear from the ashes, a partridge from the entrails, the mistress of the fire, the soul will turn into an evil spirit; contrary to the prohibition of Pa-i, daughter of C. looks at his father's remains, dies; people have died ever since]: Cadogán 1958 [comments]: 89; 1959:70-83; Cadogán, Lopez Austin 1970:74-85; Nyandeva [Ñanderú told his wife go pick corn; she got angry, N. left, she decided to follow; her two sons replied that they did not know where their father had gone; he turned three times in the house and three times when he went outside, and his wife outside turned only twice; the children from the mother's belly began to ask for flowers; the mother was bitten by a bee; she got angry, hit herself in the stomach; came to the jaguars, where their toothless grandmother was; the jaguars ate the woman, the grandmother asked for children (they are soft); could not crush them in a mortar, kept them alive; they hunt parrots with a sling; the parrot tells about the fate of the mother; the eldest revived the mother, the youngest rushed to suck chest, mother broke up again; brothers killed grandmother; put a log across the river, made the river wide; the jaguars stepped onto the bridge, the bridge extended to fit everyone; the youngest swung too early, alone the pregnant jaguariha escaped; the trunk, falling into the water, turned into fish; the eldest began to copulate with his daughter Diablo (the informant did not remember further)]: Novaes da Mota 1992:58-62.

The Southern Cone. The Araucans [Spaniards chase the Mapuches; they are building a bridge over the abyss; they pray that it will collapse when enemies step on it; the Spanish fall into the abyss, they die]: Kuramochi, Nass 1991:208; Selknam: Cojazzi in Lothrop 1928 [Kuanip (Coan-yi-pej) was conceived in the ground, his mother was a red mountain, his father was Kayel; they wanted to kill him, but he turned around and the attackers froze; he lived in the depths of the island the cannibal Siaskel; asked K. to give him two sons, born to sister S. - Kokersé, to help hunt; K. lent him for two years; when he came two years later, the children replied that S. was eating man and crap, and his sister makes the roof of the house out of human skin; K. threw flint, ordered fire no longer to come out of it; told them to leave S.; the boys ran to the river, K. brought their banks closer together, and when S. ran up, pulled him apart, S. fell into the water; when he got out, he said that he had lost his strength in the water, let them step on his back, otherwise he could not stand upright; K. told his sons to step, making their legs sharp, C . cut into three parts; two flies, zi-i-i and doi-doi, flew out of the dying man's eyes; K. ordered the birds to surround Sister S.'s house, sing loudly so that she would not hear anything; people caught her processing human skin, his head was cut off; K. became a red star, his wife and two sons were the Southern Cross]: 101; Wilbert 1975a, No. 12 [the cannibal Čáskels took two boys, Sasán, their uncle Kwá nyip, forced them to slaughter the corpses; K. ordered them to run; brought the banks of the river closer, Sasan jumped over, and in front of C. pushed him apart, he fell into the water, could not get out for a long time; asked to massage his back; K. pressed his foot , breaking C.'s back, died; the twins knocked his eyes out of his sling, the splashes fell on the water - green stains; a gadfly flew out of his eye socket, attracted by rotten meat and excrement; C. stayed with K.]: 39-43).