Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

J47A. Bob to the Sky, ATU 328A, 804A.


Bob or another plant with edible fruits grows to the sky, the character climbs it.

Catalans, Italians (Tuscany, Romagna), Corsicans, French (Upper Brittany, Normandy, Lorraine), Bretons, Flemish, British, Germans (Grimms, Austria), Chinese, Hungarians, Bulgarians, Greeks, Russians (Tersky Bereg, Arkhangelsk, Karelia, Vologda, Pskov, Novgorod, Kostroma, Moscow, Ryazan, Smolensk (?) , Voronezh, Tambov), Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Galicia, Podolia, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kherson, Poltava, Kharkiv), Belarusians, Swedes, Finns, Karelians, Latvians, Lithuanians, Estonians, Setus, Livonians, Veps, Eastern Sami, Kazan Tatars, Udmurts, Komi, Japanese.

Southern Europe. Catalans: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 328 [the hero rises to heaven on a beanstalk, comes to the ogre's house; deceives him of money and valuables, goes down; finally lures the ogre into a chest and brings it to the ground], 555 (everywhere, including Mallorca and Minorca) [the fisherman caught but released the fish; or the man climbed the beanstalk {and climbed into the sky}; to man promised by {fish and probably St. Peter or God} fulfillment of desires; his wife demands more every time, as a result, everything is lost]: 80, 121-122; Italians [1) Romagna; bob grew to heaven, man climbed to collect pods; God gave a magic donkey, a magic table, a frying pan {poêle - there are other meanings of the word} that hits the right person; 2) Tuscany, Pitré, no. 29; the boy planted a bean, he grew to the sky; St. Peter consistently gives him a magic table, a donkey that litters with gold, a baton]: Pitré in Cosquin 1887:172-173; the Corsicans [the poor man went looking for happiness, saw a chestnut to the sky, climbed to the gates of paradise; St. Peter did not let him in, but gave him a magic tablecloth; it was replaced at the inn; then St. Peter gave a donkey littering with gold; and he was replaced; then St. Peter gave a baton; she beat the inn owner and he returned everything]: Ortoli 1883, No. 23:171-178.

Western Europe. French: Cosquin 1887, No. 56 (Lorraine) [the old man planted beans, one bean grew to the sky; the old man climbed and came to heaven; asked God not to work, he gave him a tablecloth- magic ("disposable"); next time he gave it a larger size, there was enough food for a longer period; the third time God gave a donkey who litters gold, on condition not to tell anyone; she told her belle-soere (apparently brother's sister); her husband replaced a donkey; then God gave a baton that hits itself; the donkey had to be returned]: 168-171; Cosquin 1887 (Normandy) [a man named Misère ("Poverty") meets the Lord and St. Peter, asks for alms; the Lord gives him a bean; he plants him in the hearth; the bean grows through the chimney to the sky, M. climbs the stem, there is St. Peter; he promises that M. will always have food and food at home; M.'s wife demands that he go to heaven again and again and turn to St. Peter with increasing demands; as a result, M. is as poor as at the beginning]: 173; the French (Haute-Brittany) [the poor old man has only one bean; the old man asks him to grow to heaven; that grows at night, and two days later he rose to the sky; the old man climbed it to the gates of paradise, asked St. Peter; he gave a donkey that defecates with coins; the old man talked about it in the tavern, the donkey was replaced; the same was a magic tablecloth; for the third time St. Peter gave a baton; she beat the old man and his wife, but he guessed to tell her to stop; in the tavern he let her on the innkeeper, who had to return the stolen goods]: Sebillot 1880, No. 12:82-88 (=Lopyreva 1959, No. 13:34-38; the same text is retold in Cosquin 1887:172 and in Sébillot 1894, No. 19:181-182, which is not about an old man, but about a lark); Flemish [a man planted a bean, he grew to the sky; climbing there, the man received from St. Peter is a goat who wastes money; a goat was replaced in the inn; next time, a magic tablecloth (the same); then a bag containing batons that attack people; a goat and a tablecloth had to be returned]: Cosquin 1887:172; the British [poor widow tells son Jack to sell the cow; the buyer gives 5 beans for it: they will grow to the sky; the mother throws the fruit out the window; they grew up overnight to the sky; Jack went up there, went to the giantess, who gave him food and hid it in the stove; convinced the giant that it smelled not of human, but of boiled rhinos; the giant counted gold and fell asleep; Jack took it away one bag of gold and brought it to his mother; Jack climbed again, convinced the giantess that the thief was not him, took the chicken that lays golden eggs; the third time he hid in a lara of flour, took away the golden harp; Jack carried it, but she started calling the owner; the giant climbed down after Jack, but the boy's mother managed to cut the stem; Jack seems to have married a princess]: Shustova 1994:347-354 (=Kharitonov 2008:191-197); Germans [the fisherman caught the flounder, she said that she was an enchanted prince, asking to let go; the fisherman let go; Ilsebil's wife sends back to ask for a new hut; then a stone castle; to become queen; Empress; Pope; every time the sea gets darker, a storm begins; after I. wanted to become God and command the moon and sun, the fish says that the fisherman should return to his old hut]: Grimm, Grimm 2002, No. 19:65-73 (=Grimm, Grimm 1987:61-67); Germans (Austria): Uther 2004 (1), No. 328A: 217-218.

China - Korea. Chinese [Wan San plays the flute; Qi-jie, the seventh daughter of a heavenly elder, hears the game, goes down to earth with his deer; goes beyond the Sun; father takes her back; the deer tells the Sun to sow gaoliang, leave the thick stem, climb it into the sky; the elder tells me to 1) open the wall, 2) sew a rope out of bran, 3) get a heavenly drum; sisters C. complete two tasks, send them for the drum to monkeys; the Sun is coated with clay, the monkeys take it for a bodysuit, leave it, the sun carries the drum, the monkeys chase; the Sun throws a hatchet (river), flint (mountain), needle (sharp rocks, monkeys) stop chasing); the elder hits the drum, the Sun withstands the thunder, the Sun hits - the old man falls dead; the Sun with his wife, her sisters and deer go down to live on the ground]: Riftin 1972:126-134 (=2007:124-131).

The Balkans. Bulgarians [entry 1; bob sprouted in the house of an old man and an old woman, broke through the roof, rose to the sky; the old man sat at him, holding a bag with the old woman in his teeth; the old woman fell, the old man reached the sky]: Daskalova- Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 804A: 283; Hungarians: Uther 2004 (1), No. 328A: 217-218; Greeks: Cosquin 1887 [the old man only has a carob tree; it grows to the sky; he climbs for pods; in the sky Winter and Summer argue about which one is better; the old man replies that both are beautiful; they are happy, they give a pot that gives you what you want; the old man's son falls in love with the princess; the king sets the condition: build by morning palace; the pot performs, the young man gets the princess; the king replaces the pot; the old man rises again to Winter and Summer; they give a rope with a baton; the rope binds the king, the baton hits, he returns pot]: 173; Megas 2012, No. 555 [the fisherman catches a (goldfish) and lets go (for promising to fulfill his wishes); he asks for food, then a house; or he does not ask for anything, but listens to his wife; he should not speak wife, where does the luxurious house come from; either an old man or an old woman climbs into heaven by a grown cabbage stalk and the old man who is there fulfills his wishes; the wife wants a palace, wealth, and become a queen, Papess, mistress of the sea, God; after that, the fish either the heavenly old man takes everything away; or the wife insists and the husband tells us where the wealth comes from; then it disappears]: 234.

Central Europe. Russians (Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Kostroma, Voronezh, Tambov), Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Galicia, Podolia, Ivano-Frankivsk), Belarusians [Peas to the sky : old people find a pea, plant it, it grows to the sky and gives a huge harvest (the old man puts the old woman in a bag, climbs the pea stalk into the sky; the bag falls, the old woman breaks)]: SUS 1979, No. 1960G: 379; Russians (Tersky Bereg) [grandmother dropped a pea underground, it sprouted through the house and to the sky; grandmother sat in a bag, grandfather took it in his teeth, climbed; grandmother: I want to pee; grandfather: suck in a bag; unclenched his teeth, the bag fell, the grandmother broke; the grandfather lamented; the fox offered to wash and bury the old woman, ate her]: Balashov 1970, No. 71:310-311; Afanasiev 1958, No. 18 (Arkhangelskaya, Shenkursky y.) [the old man put a head of cabbage in the underground, the stem pierced the whole house, grew up to the sky; the old man climbed there, millstones were grinding pies, shangi, pots of porridge in the sky; after sleeping, he went down and told the old woman; she also wants to to go to heaven; the old man put her in a bag, took it in his teeth, climbed; when the old woman asks for the third time, "how far away", the old man replies, "Not far away"; the bag fell out; the old man went down, opened it, "and in a bag one bone even came across"; the old man is looking for a mourner, the fox volunteered, tells her to bring her oil in the bath and not look; the first time he replies that the old woman "moves", then "sits"; on the third once she runs away; ate both the old woman and the oil], 21 (the recording is not specified) [the old man's daughter dropped the bean, he grew to the sky; the old man put the old woman in a bag, climbed into the sky, dropped the bag; began to cry for the dead old woman; rejected the Bear, took Lisa; she ate the deceased, ran away]: 29-30, 33-34; Russians (Karelian Pomorie, Sumy Posad) [a pea fell underground, sprouted through the house, to the sky; the old man planted the old woman got into the bag and climbed; the old woman moved, fell, killed; the grandfather went to look for a mourner; asks the people he meets how she cries; rejects the wolf, the dog, the cuckoo, the cow; takes the fox ("Smile Poles, Smile Poles, the old woman was kind, she was spinning and rolling around, digging swabs through the bed"); ate the old woman and ran away]: Razumova, Senkina 1974, No. 52:261-263; Russians (Vologodskaya) [parents, dying, left their son and daughter three peas; peas rolled under the floor, rose to the sky; the sister put her brother to sleep, climbed up; (in the sky) a mill baking pies and pancakes, she brought them to her brother; the third time the brother does not fall asleep and goes with her sister; a giant mill tries to grab her sister; a girl runs from corner to corner; a miller orders the mill to be with three, then two, from one angle; catches the girl in the last in the corner, leads to her land; the girl forbids her brother to drink from three puddles, or he will become a horse, a cow, a sheep; the brother drinks from the fourth puddle, becomes a goat; the miller forbids his wife to leave while he is hunts; Baba Yaga called her, tied her to a bush by the river, replaced her with her daughter; she offers to slaughter the kid; the kid asks her to go to the river to wash; the miller comes with him; unties his wife; Baba's daughter- yagi were shot at the gate]: Smirnov 1917, No. 43:218-220; Russians (Arkhangelskaya, Pomors) [a pea fell underground, sprouted through the house to heaven; the old man put the old woman in a bag, took it in his teeth and climbs; old woman: soon? old man: soon; the bag fell, the old woman broke; the old man goes to make money, asks the people he meets how to drink; rejects the cat (meow, meow), the dog (oh, oh), takes the fox (Uly, poles, yes old woman/The old woman was good/The old woman was spun the pain, the balls were tight. /And she was gone; {it must be assumed that the fox ate the old woman, but it is not directly said}]: Razumova, Senkina 1987:17 -18; Russians (Novgorod) [the cockerel found a bobbin, a pea chicken; brought it into the house; grew to the floor, the man and the woman cut through the floor; grew to the ceiling; cut through the ceiling; rose to the sky; old man made a ladder; climbed with bags; the woman decided to return; fell, broke into small pieces; the grandfather goes to the forest to make a coffin; the wolf meets him, offers to voice; ate half of the woman; then the fox ate more; bear; so the woman was eaten, there was nothing to bury; the grandfather climbed into heaven, there was a goat; he ate everything; the goat left the goat to guard; the grandfather threw the goat down; then the second one; threw the goat; sent beans, peas; climbed down, the step broke, the grandfather crashed]: Vlasova, Zhekulina 2001, No. 13:31-32; Russians (Pskov) [the crust found a pea, the grandfather and woman put it in the bathhouse, she broke through the ceiling, grew to the sky; the grandfather climbed, the woman followed, holding the rope in her teeth; wanted to ask something, released the rope, fell, broke; the grandfather first thought that she was laughing; buried it; he climbed to the sky himself, there were candy tables, gingerbread spoons, honey drinks; he broke off everything, tried it; it flowed down his mustache - it didn't get into his mouth]: Ploshchuk 2004, No. 20:87; Russians (Pskov) [the chicken found a pea, the cockerel found a bean; the grandfather and woman ate the pea in half, and the bean was put under the floor; the bean sprouted through the house, grew up to the sky; the grandfather climbed into the sky, and there was everything you want from food and drink; goats came, the grandfather hid under the trough, the goats feel the "non-Russian spirit"; they left a one-eyed goat to guard; "! Sleep, peephole!" ; next time - two-eyed; "Sleep the peephole, sleep the other one!" ; the third time he had three eyes, the grandfather forgot to put his third eye to sleep; the goats began to beat him, the grandfather promised to bring them his wife; the woman sat in his grandfather's pants, the grandfather climbed, his pants broke, the woman fell out and crashed; the grandfather went to look for a mourner; rejected the wolf, the bear (I don't like the voice), took the fox (like the voice)); the fox gnawed all the bones and disappeared]: Ploshchuk 2004, No. 21:87-89; (cf. Russians (Kostroma) [the old people grew peas in the pipe, the old man went down the pipe and ate peas; the old woman wanted to eat; the old man put her in a bag, took it in his teeth and stood on the stairs; she kept asking how long; the old man answered, dropped the bag, the old woman died; the fox offers to go to the bathhouse and "do" (voice for the deceased); gnawed the old woman's bones, says "Open it!" ; the old man opened, the fox grabbed him and dragged him into the forest]: Zimin 1920:73-74); Russians (Moscow) [a pea fell into the underground, sprouted through the house; grandfather climbed, there was a hut; went down for his grandmother, planted I climbed into my pants, the button came off, my grandmother fell]: Vedernikova, Samorodova 1998, No. 110:257; (cf. Russians (Ryazan) [an old man lived with an old woman; the old woman wanted a magpie; the old man suggests going to shoot forty from the oak tree together; the oak stood by the river; the old man invites the old woman to sit in a bag, beret bag in his teeth, carries, climbs an oak tree and drags an old woman in a bag; asks how far away; old man: far away; asks a second time; the third time the old man wants to say what is close; dropped the old woman; she falls into the river , drowns]: Khudyakov 1964, No. 32:109-110); Russians (according to a native of Smolensk province) [the old man and the old woman ate peas, one pea rolled, sprouted through the floor and roof to the sky; the old woman climbed, there is a hut in the sky, cake walls, a pancake stove, cheese tables, gingerbread shops with butter, cottage cheese and honey; the old woman ate, hid under the stove; three goats came, did not find an old woman, a goat with two eyes left to guard; old woman: sleep, peephole, sleep, other, close, ear, close, other; the goat fell asleep, the old woman ate again and hid; the next time the goats left the one with three eyes and ears; the old woman put everyone to sleep; then they left a goat with four; the old woman forgot about the fourth eye and ear; the goats still let the old woman go and gave food with them, but not with a leg more; at home, the old woman praised the hut to her husband; all three climbed: he, she and his granddaughter; the old man coughed, the stem broke off, they fell and no one else saw them]: Chudinsky 1864, No. 9:54-58; Russians (Tambov, Kirsanovsky U., 1890) [Blind the old woman drops grain into the underground, it grows through the floor, ceiling and roof, blooms, the old woman asks her husband to carry it in a bag to the ceiling to listen to the birds singing, he picks it up. She asks me to pick it up again, he drops the bag, she falls. He thinks she's laughing but she's dead. He is looking for a mourner ("screamer"), meets a wolf, and invites him]: Smirnov 1917, No. 251:672-672; Ukrainians (Kherson) []: Yastrebov 1894, No. 34:176-178; Belarusians [at grandfather and woman with a pea fell on the table, sprouted, the grandfather dismantled the roof, the stem grew to the sky; the woman sent her grandfather to see what was in the sky; he climbed in, hid in the hut, where the stove, benches, a table of butter and cottage cheese; the grandfather ate and hid; goats returned; the next day they left one-eyed guard; grandfather: sleep a peephole; then double-eyed, the grandfather put her to sleep; when three-eyed, the grandfather forgot the third eye; the goats wanted to hurt the old man, but then they ordered them to herd and milk them]: Vasilenok 1958:53-54; Ukrainians (Poltava) [Grandfather and woman drop a pea on the floor, she rolls under the floor, grows first to the floor, then to the ceiling, the grandfather decides cut it, the pea grows to the sky. A pod grows out of a pea, and God pulls it out. The grandfather is angry, goes up to God, demands compensation - silver "posted" (?) and the net ("dragged") of gold gets it. He meets grooms, who ask them to exchange silver and gold for a horse, and he changes. Then the ploughmen exchange the horse for an ox, after a series of exchanges they change the duck for a needle, climbs over the fence and loses it. The old woman asks what he is looking for, is happy that he has returned himself, they live happily]: Samsonova 1912:314-317; Russians (Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Voronezh, Ryazan), Ukrainians ( Kharkiv), Belarusians [Heavenly hut: a man (old man) climbs into the sky on a pea stalk or rises to heaven on a stump, finds himself in a heavenly hut, takes refuge from wonderful goats; wife (old woman) follows him, crashes or gives herself to goats, or returns safely to earth]: SUS 1979, No. 218B*: 87.

Baltoscandia. The Swedes [a fisherman caught a goldfish that promised to fulfill his wishes if he let it go; or beans or cabbage grow to the sky, a person goes up there and fulfills St. Peter; the fisherman's wife wants a good home first, then more and more; when she demands to turn her into God the Father, everything she gets lost]: Liungman 1961, No. 555:161; Lithuanians [girl dropped a bobbin, she grew up to the sky, the girl climbed it, there is an old man God; asks to heat the hot bath; the girl went down, heated it not too hot, returned; God orders him to be lowered to the ground, taking it for leg and hand and throwing (gently carried out); tear off clothes (carefully take off); soar with a worn broom (silk broom); wash with liquid manure (running water); cover with rags (dressed nicely); raise to heaven - abandoned (carries cautiously); the girl lived without profanity, went to church, went to heaven after her death; on the other hand, the same thing, but she literally followed all the instructions and went to hell]: Kerbelite 2014, No. 106:259-262; Latvians: Aris 1971 [stepmother tells her stepdaughter to pick up beans from ash, is left alone, grew up to the sky; stepdaughter climbed it into the sky; there the old man asks to heat the bathhouse at least with horse bones, pour slurry, take the tail of a dead horse with a broom, drag it to the bathhouse by the legs; she does everything not as they say, but well; the old man gives her a smaller casket, there are jewelry; her own daughter fulfills all requests literally, takes a large casket, the flame from there burned her and her mother]: 211-213; Aris, Medne 1977, no.*327A* [The old man overcomes the witch. An old man climbs into heaven by bean. There he finds a cheese oven and butter cakes. The old man eats them. The witch sends her three daughters - one-eyed, two-eyed and three-eyed - to guard the stove. The old man puts the first two daughters to sleep. The third does not fall asleep, the witch catches the old man and throws him into a mortar to crush him. The old man asks to let him go and promises that his wife has a beautiful canvas for the witch. When he goes down, he cuts down the bean, the witches break, the old man gets cheese and butter]: 278; Estonians (southwestern Estonia, Tõstamaa) [husband and wife decide to go to heaven, planted peas and beans , they grew to the sky; the husband climbed the bean stem, the wife climbed the pea stalk; halfway the wife laughed and fell, and the husband reached the sky; there were houses and everything inside was made of sugar; the man bit off here and there, hid under the stove; seven goats came, the one-eyed man remained guarded, the man began to sing, "Sleep, peephole!" , the goat fell asleep, did not notice anything; the same with the two-eyed goat, the man put both eyes to sleep; when the three-eyed man forgot about the third, the goat saw him, the goats rushed and pushed him out of the sky; he fell on his wife, both came to life and are still living well]: Järv et al. 2015:57-58; setu: Järv et al. 2015 [a boy lived with his grandmother, planted a bob in the bathhouse, he grew up to the sky; grandmother climbed, fell, crashed; the boy climbed to heaven to bring coffin boards; towards him the bear offers himself to mourners, the boy tells him to sing, the bear growls, the boy: not good; the same wolf, fox; liked the hare's voice; hare gave him boards, both climbed down; the hare cut off the bean with his claws, both fell to the ground]: 62-63; Normann, Tampere 1989 [the boy lived with his mother, planted a bean, in five days he grew to the sky; the boy climbed into the sky, came to a house where a sugar oven, bread walls, pancake benches, etc.; the boy tried everything and went to bed; 7 goats came; when they left, they left a one-eyed goat to guard - who was in the house; boy sings "sleep, peephole", the goat fell asleep; next time the two-eyed goat is the same ("sleep, peephole, sleep, other)"; the same with a four-, five-, six-eyed goat; when seven-eyed, the boy forgot to put his seventh eye to sleep, got out of the stove, the goat caught him; the goats allowed him to go down and return with his mother; he put her in a bag and climbed, but the bean's stem was already dry and had to come back]: 119-123; livs [bob told the old man not to eat it, but to plant it; he planted it in a pot on the window; on the third day, the bean grew to the sky; the old man climbed into heaven; there the angels were grinding money; agreed to give him a mill; to work on it it should only be once a day, and more often, instead of money, you will get only dust; the old man is rich; the mill is gone; the old man's rooster screams who stole it; he grinded constantly, filled the basement with money, and when went down to look, there was only dust in the basement; the rooster came, began to demand the mill, threw himself to the cows; at night he opened the door, the wolf came in and picked up the cows; the next night he was thrown to the horses; the same; thrown into well - drank all the water; poured water into the oven; both the mill and the rooster had to be returned]: Löwis of Menar 1927, No. 90:290-293; Veps: Onegin, Zaitseva 1996, No. 45 [parents died; boy with they found a pea as a girl, began to roll, she rolled into the crack, sprouted all over the house to the sky; the boy climbed the stem, there was a hut, spinning; it told her to stop and stand at his door, to the forest windows; in the underground, Baba Yaga grinds flour, milk and porridge on the table, the boy ate them, drank them, wrote them and pumped them into the dishes where they were, went home; the next time he climbed the stem with his sister; baba yaga grabbed them and was about to fry them; the girl, then the boy says they don't know how to sit on the shovel; baba yaga showed that the children put it in the oven, ran away; baba yaga is still sitting in the stove], 99 [for orphans there is no food, they find a pea, it falls into the basement, grows through holes in the floor, ceiling, roof, grows to the sky; the girl climbs the stem into the heavenly hut, obediently performs the hostess's tasks, in the reward goes to a magic millstone ("pies appear on one side, kolobs on the other"); the master takes away the millstones from the children, and the rooster annoys everything with shouts: "Give it back, master, the millstone!" justice triumphs]: 163, 209; Karelians: Onegin 2010, No. 19 (Kalevalsky district) [=Conca 1972:104-110; boy and girl were orphaned, ate what was in the house; sister found rye a seed, planted it in the field; the next morning my brother sees that the stem is like a tree, ears from the root, the top to the sky; climbed the stem; walked across the sky, there is a hut, in the underground an old woman grinds grain, she has one eye, she put it on the shelf; Skans come out of her mouth, pies out of her hand, wickets and pancakes from the millstone; the boy filled the bag with it, went down to his sister; the next day he brought two bags; the sister asked me to take it too; the girl laughed, the old woman heard, took her eye, decided to fry the children; tells the boy to sit on a shovel; he says he can't, the old woman shows, he pushed her into the oven, took a millstone, she and her sister They came down, now they have a lot of food; the king found out, took the millstone; the rooster screams about it; the king orders the rooster to be fried, ate it, he screams from his stomach; agrees to get out of the king's ass when he returns millstones]: 217-219; Makarov 1963, No. 33 (Tver Karelians) [the old woman suggests sowing peas underground; the stem is growing, the old people sawed the floor and ceiling, the peas have grown to the sky; the old man climbed, planting the old woman on back; she fell, crashed; the old man is looking for a mourner, asks everyone how he will cry; rejects the wolf, the dog; the hare liked the song, the old man took it]: 48-49; Finns: Uther 2004 (1), No. 804A: 448; Eastern Sami [a mushroom grew on the ceiling of the barn; the old man climbed after him - there was a staircase up; the forest was long, I got to the mushroom, there was a house in it, a woman in the house, invited me to dinner; the old man went down, told his wife, put it in a bag, carried it, dropped it from half the stairs, the old woman was killed; the old man was looking for a mourner; met a fox, asked her to show how she would sing; he did not like it, met a hare; took the hare into mourners, but the fox ate the old woman at that time, made himself a necklace from vertebrae; the old man cried out of grief and died; so only bones were left from the old people]: Yermolov 1959:76-78.

Volga - Perm. The Udmurts [the old woman asked her husband to sow peas; he grew up in the hallway, up to the ceiling, through the roof, to the clouds; they climbed upstairs with a bag; the old woman asked her husband to push clouds into the bag, fell, crashed; an old man fell behind her]: Wichmann 1901, No. 42:149; Komi [the woman has a boy and a girl; her mother died, they buried her in the cellar, found a bean, divided it in half; half of the brother rolled to the target , sprouted; sister climbed it {into heaven?} , went into the house, where the millstone grinds flour himself; she took the flour, came back; the brother asked him to do everything too; the sister does not want to: he will laugh; it happened; the old man heard, woke up, but brother and sister had time throw the millstones out the window and jumped out themselves, brought the millstones to them; the king recognized and ordered them to be taken away; the rooster promised to return it; under the king's window he shouted for the king to give the millstones; the king ordered him to be thrown into a hot bathhouse; a rooster filled it with water he had previously drunk; the tsar had to give the millstone]: Wichmann 1916, No. 29:87-89; Kazan Tatars [the old man and old woman had a pea rolled into the underground and sprouted ; broke through the ceiling, went to the sky; the old man decided to climb into the sky, the old woman asks her to take it; the old man put the old woman in a bag, took the bag in his teeth, climbed; when the sky is already near, the old woman asks if there is much more left; the third time the old man answers; the bag falls, the old man also fell, both crashed to death]: Zamaletdinov 2009, No. 146:475.

Japan. Japanese: Ikeda 1971, No. 328 (version 3, Honshu) [boy changes cow for beans; mother throws beans away; beans grow to the sky overnight; boy climbs them, comes to the ogre's house, who once- then he ate his father; an old servant hides the boy in the closet; in the evening the ogre brings a golden chicken, tells it to rush, it lays golden eggs; in the morning the old man gives the chicken to the boy; the boy also steals samisen; goes down, the cannibal follows, the boy cuts the beanstalk, the cannibal fell and crashed], 804A (version 1, south of Tohoku) [old people found a bean, planted it, it grew to the sky; the husband rises to the upper world, finds there good food and brings it to his wife; next time she wants to go with him; he puts her in a bag that he holds in her teeth; she asks how far away, he answers, both fall and break]: 90, 186- 187.