Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

J5. Brothers as victims .

Two or more brothers (friends) play the role of the victim. The avenger hero is the son of one of them, or the son of their mother or sister, born or arose after their death. See motive J4.

Santals, Marathi, Megrelians, Nenets, Northern Khanty, Shuswap, Klallam, Quinolt, Flethead, Alsea, Kus, Winnebago, Onondaga, Seneca, Teton, Santi, Iowa, Wichita, Yokutz, Chukchansi Yokutz, serrano, havasupai, western apache, diegueño (ipay), maricopa, mojave, papago, quiche.

South Asia. Santala [seven brothers live in the forest; a Bonga girl secretly cooks, leaves seven servings; the first time only the younger brother risks eating (eats all seven servings), the second time the younger brother and the next , then three; on the fourth day, the elder brother guards, does not notice the girl; the brothers guard by seniority, only the youngest sees her; timidly agrees to marry; she gets wives and his brothers; gives birth boy; hermit Jhades asks for her cord to tie his hair; leaves, she follows him, leaving her child and husband; seven brothers catch up with them, J. turns them into stones; the boy grows up, the others catch up with them, J. turns them into stones; the boy grows up, others call him faultless; his aunts tell him the truth, he goes to J.'s country; asks for the way from various shepherds, from Yuyuba (Zizyphus Jujuba Lam.), the squirrel gives the last instruction; a grateful young man runs his fingers over her body, leaving stripes; in the garden J., an old woman makes flower garlands for the new queen; the young man hides the ring left by his mother in a garland, she recognizes him; the son tells mother to find out where the soul J.; J. replies that in two types of pumpkins; a young man cuts a vine to no avail; in a sword (burning manure on a heap is the same); in two cranes on a poplar in the middle of the sea; a young man passes three women, a bench sticks to one, straw to the other's hair, and a rice grinder to the third; the young man promises to find out how to free themselves; a crocodile with a bloated stomach transports him across the sea to the poplar for promising to find out how can he recover; the cranes say that the first woman should invite the traveler to sit down (she did not do this), the second to clean the others' hair from the garbage, the third to allow the poor to grind rice in her mortar; the young man broke the cranes's wings and legs, J.'s limbs also broke; the crocodile moved back, his stomach fell; in J.'s house, the young man twisted the cranes necks; freed his mother; carried the heads of the cranes, J.'s head was rolling then she fell into the blacksmith's furnace when the young man threw crane heads there; revived his father and uncle]: Bodding 1929, No. 72:47-81; Marathi [rani died leaving seven daughters; the youngest Balna is smarter than others ; the vizier's widow comes to get fire every time, throws dirt into the food; the Raja watches, summons the culprit, who persuaded her to marry her; tyrannites stepdaughters; a tree has grown on their mother's grave, sisters they feed on fruits; the stepmother pretends to be sick, tells them to uproot the tree, make a decoction; the pond at the grave is filled with bread; the stepmother tells him to fall asleep, kill his stepdaughters, bring their eyes; the Raja takes her daughters into the forest, brings deer eyes to his wife; seven princes see seven sisters, marry; first the youngest, then the rest disappear; B. gives birth to a son; the wizard Punchkin comes to the palace, turns B. takes the dog away; the boy grows up, goes to look for his father's parents and brothers; finds P.'s castle, where his mother has been locked up for 12 years; his father and uncles are turned into trees and stones; the gardener disguises the young man as his daughter; her ordered to carry water for B.; the son shows the ring, the mother recognizes it; he asks to know what P.'s soul is; B. pretends to be almost ready to marry P., he says that his life in a parrot is under with clay vessels, demons are around; a young man kills a snake that regularly eagles; a grateful eagle gives them to him; they bring the young man to the vessels, he grabs the parrot, flies away again, the demons did not have time attack; the young man returns the eagles, comes to P., orders them to revive those turned into trees and stones first, then tears off the parrot's wings, legs and head; P. died, everything is fine]: Frere 1868, No. 1:1-17.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Megrelia [three Marganiev brothers leave successively, each telling him to wait for him for 3 years; they do not return; the youngest's wife gave birth to a son, Jimsha; he grew up, threw a stone into the woman's jug and broke it; woman: you would better know where your father and uncles were; mother and aunts denied everything; D. broke the woman's jug again, she repeated what she had said; mother had to let D. go; he caught up, took Black as his companions the rider; he still strives to steal the cattle and return; we reached the Lom-Tariel herd; there are black, white and red horses, they try to escape, but the evil stallion does not let them in; D. hacked down a stallion, then three brothers, drove them away by a herd, then sheep and oxen; gave everything to Black, keeping only his father's and uncle's horses; Black gave him his daughter, D. promised to come in 3 years; killed other suitors at the races; wedding; after the death of Black, D. inherited his kingdom; three apples fell from the sky: one to the audience, the other to me, the third to the silent passing]: Gachava et al. 1890:16-22.

Western Siberia. The Nenets [seven brothers go hunting in the forest; the old man suggests tying him with grass to a tree, tears his fetters; he ties them with a chain himself, cuts off their heads; the mother finds only bloody shavings, she turns into a child; Chips find an old man; the old man suggests cutting off the head of someone who eats meat more slowly; The chips hide a part; hides the chain; the old man ties him with grass, he chains him, kills; the old man disappears, Chips follow the trail; sleeps with his daughter, changes places, the old man kills his daughter; Chips kill the old man's wife; offers to take a measure, the old man lies down on the board, Chips kill him]: Tonkov 1936:132-136; the northern Khanty (Sugut-Kurt on the Malaya Ob) [seven stone-eyed heroes come; each of the seven sons of old Lampaska, old man Vampaska, asks his father for him shell; he does not give, his son dies, his scalp is thrown on a tree; the younger daughter-in-law gives birth to a boy, he grows up quickly, notices scalps on the tree, goes to take revenge; on the way he hits the person who comes out to meet him three times a bear; he turns into his grandfather, offers a shell, the young man rejects him; then he gives a ball of thread; when he comes to the sea, the young man throws a ball, crosses the bridge to the other side; stone-eyed heroes they promise him a sister as his wife, lock him in a stone house, set him on fire; the young man's heavenly father lowers his shell and sword, the young man kills the heroes, throws their scalps on a tree, brings his wife home]: Lukina 1990 , NO. 35:136-141.

The coast is the Plateau. Shuswap [Grizzly kills four hunting brothers; their sister cries, her snot turns into Stone Boy out of snot; he kills Grizzly with arrows; uncle jumps quivers, uncles come to life] : Teit 1909a, No. 34:707-709; clallam (Lekuñen) [in the woods, a girl asks a handsome man where he got the chewing gum; he leads her along the way, she throws the threads of her blanket breaks off branches; in the ogre's house, falls on a slippery floor; replies that she has 10 brothers; brothers follow her footsteps one after another, each slides and falls, the ogre pulls out, swallows his heart; mother The dead are raised by a new son out of his snot, his name Smútuksen; he puts on hardwood armor, throws clay on the slippery floor, kills an ogre, pulls out swallowed hearts, revives brothers , breaks the cannibal's self-propelled boat, kills the Guardian Crane, who warned the owner about coming; S. quarrels with his older brother, whose arrow hit the duck; brother calls him snot; S. goes into the house, turns into snoops again; brothers follow her footsteps one by one, each slides and falls, the cannibal pulls out, swallows]: Hill-Tout 1907:334-336; quinalt [girl dreams of mighty Sepaka ; she comes to his house; mushrooms hang from the rafters; when S. speaks, the mushrooms echo; they are his wives; now he has a real wife and he throws them away; a woman gives birth to a two-headed boy, then a normal girl; her five brothers come to her one by one, S. kills them; a woman throws flint into the fire; a shrapnel hits her little daughter, who immediately gives birth to a boy; a woman pretends that she gave birth herself; Flint finds her uncle's corpses cut in half; kills S. and a double-headed boy; he, his little mother and grandmother return to people]: Farrand 1902, No. 14:124-125; flethead [five Warm Winds brothers killed by five Cold Winds brothers; the youngest son of the dead learns to swim in cold water, raise mountains; defeats the Cold Winds; snow melts; in spring winner goes further north]: Edmonds, Clark 1989:26-28; alsea [brothers (no number specified) from one side of the river go to play with brothers living on the other side; killed, of the whole family remain grandmother and boy; he trains to become invulnerable to a knife; finds a playkit in the steam room owned by his father and uncle (uncles); plays; he is attacked, he cuts off attacking heads; the youngest of them turns into a hawk]: Frachtenberg 1920, No. 12:137-159; cous [enemies kill five brothers, their wives and children; one of them's pregnant wife hid, but suffocated from the smoke; the mother of the dead (this is an old Spider) pulled the boy out of her belly, raised him; made him a bow and arrow; one day an arrow hit the door of the dugout, where he found five sets of bows and arrows; his grandmother told the boy about the death of his parents; offered to hit her with a stick, then hit him, he was not hit; his grandmother gave him a set of gambling sticks and a quiver with with arrows and bows; Spider's grandson came to play with his father's murderers; they decided to kill him, he only flew to the side like a feather, blew off the attackers with a club; one ran, Spider's grandson threw that quiver he chewed on the runner and all the women and children of the enemies; Spider's grandson found the bodies of his father, mother, uncle, aunts, moistened them with water, they came to life; then another woman came to him, then another, he married them]: Frachtenberg 1913, No. 11:59-71.

The Midwest. Winnebago [The hare is the youngest of ten brothers, he is always left at home; the girl promises to marry the winner in the run; the hare overtakes the Turtle, wins; gives the woman to his older brother Kunu; the Hare's hair becomes long and red, his new name is Red Horn; small grimacing faces appear on his ears; he wins the competition to see who eats faster and more; his fighting Comrade - Thunderbird; they travel with him in the clouds; he marries an orphan; together with his brothers and relatives he competes with giants, loses to them in the fight; giants kill everyone; after death His two sons are born to Red Horn; the eldest is born to his wife (he also has faces on his ears), the youngest is from a giantess (he has faces on his chest); the brothers take out the skulls of Red Horn, Thunder, Turtles planted in giants on poles; they kill giants with screams and arrows; spare a girl and a boy, throw them across the sea (giants live there now); revive the father and his brothers; put the bones of those killed by giants in their dwellings, all revive; they go with their friends to the edge of the earth, where the sky beats noisily against it; they slip into the crack and then back, blowing moose bubbles (it is not clear how this helped); they bring from the outside world Iron men, burn them to death at the stake]: Radin 1931:143-162.

Northeast. Onondaga [four separate groups of monsters and cannibals kill the boy's four uncles; his grandmother is afraid he'll be killed too; he cuts off the heads of the Stone Giant and the Big Cauldron, revives two uncle; his dog bites another dog that eats flesh on the legs of a third uncle; a young man heals an uncle; people in the village pour broth into the mouth of the fourth uncle's drooping skin, the broth turns into beads; a bat, a hawk, a mouse help steal the skin; a young man cuts off the chief's head; residents play football with it, thinking it's a young man's head; he revives his fourth uncle]: Beauchamp 1888-1889:261-270; seneca [cf. J6 motive; the elder's wife blinds six brothers; their sister's son restores their sight]: Curtin, Hewitt 1918, No. 18:75-81.

Plains. Teton (oglala): Walker 1983:94-99 [four brothers go missing; their sister swallows a stone, gives birth to a Young Stone, talks about his uncles; old women give him feathers of various birds, a turtle; Bisons calls him to play ball; birds (arising from feathers) serve him as a ball; when opponents drive the ball into the water, he chases the turtle ball; old Bisonicha asks to shoot it, he kills it; puts his uncle's bones in in the steam room, they come to life; as a stone, they crush the buffalo girls; the old Bison sharpens his horns; replies that he wants to kill the Stone Boy; he kills him himself; this is how he kills four Bisons, then many others; Bisons admit defeat], 140-146 [the eldest of the four brothers pricked his toe; a girl, their sister, was born from an abscess; the Stone Boy receives speeding moccasins and magic clothes as a gift; finds knife, ax, arrowhead, uncle's hammer; breaks Rolling Rock; a monstrous woman says that the Living Stone is her master; the young man replies that it is his father; the woman turns into an old man; it he crushed the young man's uncle; the young man revives his uncle, presses the old man; from which salt water flows (the origin of salt springs and lakes)]; santi [an orphan girl comes to four brothers, becomes them sister; a witch kills brothers one by one; a girl takes a white pebble, he turns into a stone boy; he kicks a witch, kills; revives his uncles in the steam room]: McLaughlin 1990:179-197; iowa [the youngest of ten brothers comes out of the steam room handsome; his ear pendants are living human heads; his friends Turtle and Hawk; giants race against people, always win, kill losers; To-who-ho-head pendants (TPG) wins, kills giants; Bears play lacrose with people on ice, kill losers; TPG runs, followed by the Bear; one of the pendants makes faces, sticks out her tongue; The bear laughs, loses; the Bears lose, the TPG and his friends kill them; other giants come to fight; instead of the Tortoise Strongman, the Hawk enters the fight, defeated; giants cut off the heads of him, TPG, the Turtle; the sons of TPG and Hawk grow up to learn from their mothers about the fate of their fathers; the son of TPG is like him, but he has a living head on his chest; young men turn into cobwebs They find out where giants keep their trophy heads; TPG shows giants that he is shaking him, he grumbles blood; the same thing happens to giants, they die; young men take their fathers's heads, revive their fathers; the Turtle goes to live in the water]: Skinner 1925, No. 6:456-458; wichita [ballplayer kills losers; four brothers and their father die one by one; brothers' old mother bathes, gets pregnant; her grown son goes to play, plays with his ball; kills an opponent by throwing hail from the sky while playing; burns a corpse; victims rise from the fire, turn into hawks]: Dorsey 1904a, No. 39:247-251.

California. Yokutz [the girl collects clover; her mother tells her not to go far; she goes, the Grizzly eats her; the mother finds blood on the leaves, brings her home, a boy emerges from the blood; she makes arrows for him; each time he brings bigger game; she shows him the closet where his (father?)'s battle bows and arrows lie i) relatives (killed by a grizzly?) ; he takes them, goes east; sends all the grizzlies one by one; when his mother's killer comes out, he kills him with an arrow; puts his skin on a stone, where the grandmother takes water into the stream; she gets scared, runs home, fills the basket with urine on the way; the grandson says that such water is not good, and the stream is just a scarecrow]: Kroeber 1907a, No. 34:225-227; Chukchansi yokuts [Sokol and his friend Falcon go to north play ball with people killing losers; losing, killed; grandmother tells grandson Sokolenko how his father died; he follows in his footsteps; he marries Duck on the way; players laugh at him show two dead bodies hanging on a tree; they give out a scream from time to time; the Falcon uses his own collarbone instead of a ball; wins by overcoming all traps; throws enemies into the fire; revives father and his friend]: Rogers, Gayton 1944, No. 15:200-202; serrano [two sisters go east, the eldest carries a vessel of water; does not give the youngest, she dies of thirst; the eldest gives birth to twins Tsatukotani (elder) and Parakonix; Bear, Wolf, Vulture, Eagle say they are their fathers; the real father is the Sun; boys secretly come out of their cradles to hunt; mother tells them about an eagle's nest on rock; they rise as fluffs, take two eagles; quarrel over who will take the larger eagle; eagles die; the mother of the boys revives them; the young men take reeds out of the sea; make flutes; the younger one plays can be heard on the other side of the world; Vulture's two daughters walk from there to this sound; on the Coyote Road, the Hawk say they played; the older sister believes the youngest tells me to move on; the sisters spend the night with brothers leave in the morning; brothers follow them soon; mother knows they will die; Vulture sends his son named Tcaikakat to find out who has come; light from the bodies of young men kills Tc.; Vulture calls his warriors, the Hawk manages to kill the twins; their bones are crushed into powder, long bones are used to play; the younger sister gives birth to a son Kwexomári; he also shines; she lies to her father that she gave birth to a girl; K. plays with his uncle, who says he did not kill his father and uncle; K. finds the bones of his father and uncle, begins to revive them; they say it's impossible, stay dead; plays with Coyote; throws dice, ground Everyone splits, dies, except mother K.; with her he visits his grandmother; carries his mother across the sea, drowns]: Benedict 1926, No. 3:2-7.

The Great Southwest. Two brothers. Havasupai [a mother tells her two sons that there is no arrow cane in the well with converging walls; they put a pole in it, the walls have stopped, they brought reeds; they spy on their mother straightens his arrows with them in his vagina; the arrow immediately broke; the owl gave a hard tree for the tips, began to live with their mother; they told him to fry his gut with meat, she burst, Owl went blind, brothers he was killed; the Bear's tip stones; he gave, lives with their mother; the young man made a coal tip, offered to shoot the Bear; replaced it with a stone tip, killed the Bear; the brothers hid in deer skin; the eagle carried them to the rock, the eagles scream that the prey is alive; the brothers consistently kill all eight eagles, then the eagles, tell the rock to fall, go down; they play the flutes before going to bed, two girls go from the south to the sound; Lizard: I played; they don't believe, they come to the brothers, their mother says they will ruin their hunting luck; the younger brother gets together with the girl, the older one refused; the girls left before the mother wakes up; the eldest unsuccessfully wants to stop the younger brother; the younger brother loses his hunting luck; both went to the girls, left two hairs tight if they burst and bleed - trouble; the younger sister is ready to give birth; the eldest calls the Kite to kill the brothers, who cuts off their heads, carries them to his cliff; the boy born sees men playing; the mother and aunt say that they fed him from his father's skull; his aunt replied that the Kite lived on a rock, told them not to go there; the boy followed the feather, killed Kite, told the women to stand in a row, threw a piece of wood from the nest at them , killed; killed his mother, sister, all women with a stick at home; came to my grandmother; she told him to go east, to the west herself; You'll visit me (clouds across the sky); she lives by the sea herself]: Smithson, Euler 1994:54- 61; Western Apaches (San Carlos): Goddard 1918:69-70 [two sisters hear the flute playing; go to look for a flutist; consistently meet Red Bird, Partridge, Dove, Road-Runner; each claims that he was playing, but his voice sounds different; they came to two young men who lived with their grandmother; they lived with them for a while; they were disturbed by the fire kindled by their grandmother, they returned home, offering the young men one day to visit; young men came, stopped nearby; people from the girls' camp killed one, the other flew back to his grandmother with a feather; the girls followed him, they were chased; Grandma Heron stretches out her leg like a bridge across the river, the young man and the girls cross; the pursuers fall when the Heron removes his leg, they turn into ducks; the young man lives with two wives], 71-72 [two sisters hear the sound of the flute, walk at them; on the way they meet Woodrat, Gopher, Pigeon, Red Bird; each answers that he did not play; the girl finds two young men, then comes back, the youngest is pregnant; the brothers come to them (the episode of their death is not described); the younger sister gives birth to a boy; he shot Partridge; she asks her to be cured, for which she says that his mother's relatives ate her husband; at home, the mother shows him his father's hand; the young man leaves wormhole; mother, her sister, and their mother follow; by the river, a young man tells a Duck woman that he is being chased by human murderers; The duck stretches its leg like a bridge; like stalkers in the middle of the river, Duck removes her leg, they fall into the water]; diegueño (ipay) [the hero's mother and her sister do nothing to save his father and uncle]: Dubois 1904 [two sisters come to swim, gopher swims after the youngest, she gets pregnant, gives birth to twins; Coyote, Canary prepares paternity, woman drives them away; twins secretly get up from their mother's cradle, kill partridges; mother turns into a stump, waits for them; they they turn to her, calling Mother Earth; killing bigger game; the mother asks them to bring eagles; first they bring an owl, a vulture; the youngest climbs a rock, falls, crashes, his elder comes to life; throws off eagles, pacifying snakes around the nest; the youngest gives the elder a black eagle, takes a white eagle; each sends them to another storm, both eagles die; the mother revives them; the elder preys a tree surrounded by water and predators, the mother makes flutes out of it; hearing the game, girls from the north, west, south come; brothers reject them; receive Vulture's two daughters who have come from the east; when sisters go to the sound of the flute, Rattlesnake, Raccoon, Long-eared Owl pretend to be flutists, but they play poorly; the mother of the twins tells them not to react to the girls, then they will leave; the mother asks the girls about degrees of kinship, they answer when she says, My daughters-in-law; only the older brother does not give in to affection; in the morning the sisters go home to their father; the older brother reluctantly agrees to the younger brother's request follow them; the mother tries to hold them back by sending hail, they deceive her, leaving the herbal scarecrows; on the way, the elder intends to drown the youngest and return, but he is on the alert; the brothers fly in with shooting stars to his wives' house; the Coyote sent by Vulture, the Hawks, the Bear are afraid, the Vulture kills the brothers himself, his people eat them; the youngest's wife gives birth to a son, passes him off as a daughter; his mother's mother says his father eaten; grandfather is unable to kill him; he kills his mother's mother dancing with his father's bones with an arrow; sees people playing ball with their father and uncle's heel bones; during another game, everyone enters the split a rock, a young man slams it shut, all his father's murderers die; his grandfather, aunt, mother and maternal uncle remain, who was kind to him; he hears his father's voice, but cannot revive him from his bones; he goes to his grandmother on to his father; puts onions like a bridge over the lake; when his mother enters, he removes the bridge, she sinks; he comes to his blind grandmother, cleans his house, burns it; puts it on his back, flies to the mountains on north; that's where they live; he's Chaup (shooting star)]: 217-242; 1906 [hero lets his mother burn alive; aunt regrets that all relatives died]: 147-164; mojave: Bourke 1889 [two girls come to the First Woman's two sons; sleep with them, come back; their fathers kill boys; one girl gives birth to a son, pretends to be a daughter; the boy's aunt tells him his fate father and uncle; he hides the rain, hunger begins, the murderers of the sons of the First Woman die; the First Woman goes overseas; the grandson follows her, bringing his mother and aunt with him; he flies for his arrow; women do not they can fly like this; he turns them into curlews]: 186-188; Kroeber 1972, No. 18 [two sisters go in search of the two brothers they heard playing the flute; they are the first to meet Gopher; he tries to play , it turns out bad; tries in vain to pass off a puddle of their urine as water spilled by people; sisters understand deception, move on; bypass other false contenders (Hawk, Lizard, Woodpecker); the mother of the boys does not believe that the sisters are virgins; her sisters put her to sleep, go to bed with young men; the older brother abstains from copulation, the youngest does not; loses hunting luck; girls return to their father; brothers come to him; the mother tries to prevent it, the young men create a tornado, he takes her home; the girls' father turns into a monstrous falcon, kills brothers; his people (also birds) mock the bodies; one bird brings the blood of their murdered mother; she goes to sea, becomes the "old woman of the West"; the younger sister gives birth to a boy, she lies that a girl has been born; the boy sees people playing with the kneecap of his victim father; cries, his tears flood the ground with a flood, everyone drowns; he takes his mother and aunt, leads them west; they can't cross the Colorado River, they turn into snipes; he now lives with his grandmother in the ocean]: 100- 109; maricopa [girl gets pregnant by Gopher {apparently he inserts his penis while she is sitting on the ground}; gives birth to twins; different animals bring firewood, each claims to be a father; she accepts only a gift from Gopher; while the mother is away, one of the babies kills the quail; the mother throws the bird away, thinking that one of the animals brought it; then eats, realizes that the twins can hunt; those each time they report bigger game in fear and then kill it; after catching a deer, they make the carcass small, bring it home; the mother revives and releases the deer; the twins follow it; the mother turns into a pole, the brothers want to shoot at him, his mother becomes human again; the brothers follow the eagles; the youngest picks up feathers that have fallen from the cliff, the elder takes them away from him; the youngest, becoming a snake, climbs to the nest and falls; the eldest goes up to the nest with a feather, brings two eagles; the youngest modestly takes a chick with dim plumage; on the way home, the brothers suffer from thirst, the mother sends them rain, the eagles die from this; brothers they bury eagles, break their bows in the mountain; the mother pierces an arrow into the ground, pulls the eagles alive; says that there are arrow reeds in the east; brothers shoot Coyote for testing; they go to the bottom for reeds seas; the youngest dives, can't reach it; the elder dives to the path, four beavers guard her, they let him through; he brings two reeds, his mother turns them into flutes, directing them to four directions of the world; tells play at dawn; two sisters hear a sound, go north to it; various male animals say they played, they can't play, sisters laugh at them; the mother of twins does not immediately let the girls into the house, watching the sons; the youngest puts her to sleep, copulates with the youngest; the eldest sends insects in vain to provoke the elder; the girls return home; the youngest wants to follow them, the eldest wants to follow them, the eldest agrees; they leave arrows with beads - if they fall, they die; sisters play dice at home, brothers enter through a hole in the roof; the girls' father hears laughter; tells Coyote to kill the young men, but he becomes their friend; a kite flies into a smoke hole, kills the brothers with a club; the girls' father promises to kill the youngest child if a boy is born; she lies that a girl was born; the boy climbs on a tree, his grandfather sees his genitals; he tries to fry him in vain, he kills his grandfather with an arrow; his mother and aunt say that his grandfather killed his father and uncle; he comes to his mother; they go to look for her brother, they do not find it; he turns into a comet, it's a Morning Star]: Spier 1933:417-419 in Bahr 1998:39-41; Papago [Acorn Eater is Big Brother's sister; refuses Puma and Jaguar, Hawk and Eagle; her brother advises her to marry Gopher; Gopher magically fertilizes her, she gives birth to twins; Coyote and other men claim paternity; her mother collects them, but the children do not crawl to anyone; everyone is separated, Coyote stayed, said that he was the grandfather of the twins; they grew up, went to ruin the eagle's nest on the rock; the eldest turned into a snake, crawled to the middle, fell, died; the youngest revived him, became a ball of feathers, the wind raised he went down to the nest, they came down with two eagles; the brothers are arguing about who to take the smaller chick, the eldest has to take the smaller one; it snowed, the eagles froze, the brothers burned them, the mother revived them from the remaining fluff, told the youngest to take the smaller chick; the Coyote made himself a good bow, and the mother to her sons were bad, she was in a hurry; became a deer to teach them how to hunt; the mother told them to bring bamboo from the lake; lies around the bamboo lightning snake; the youngest managed to get there, the mother made flutes out of bamboo for her sons; in the east lived the Brown Vulture; his two daughters go to the sound of the flute; on the way Owl, Barn Owl, Hawk, another bird is served voice to prove that they played but are rejected; girls come to the brothers' mother; she feeds them but does not let them into the house; the younger one broke his flute, after that the older one also stopped playing; sisters return to their father, the youngest is expecting a child; after the wives left, the brothers lost their luck; they came to their wives, the Hawk destroyed their strength and the father killed and ate them; promised to eat the youngest daughter's child if a boy will be born; but he is blind, he was told that a girl was born; then he tries but cannot kill his grandson; his mother sends him to his grandmother; the young man lit the fires, and images of father and uncle appeared in front of them, but here But they began to fall apart; they said that his grandfather killed them; the young man came to his mother; he was swallowed by a water monster, but he collected sharp stones in advance, cut the monster's womb, went out; the grandmother made it out bamboo four playing sticks; a young man comes to his cannibal grandfather, bamboo falls on the old man's head, kills (var.: the bet is life, the young man wins); the young man brings his scalp to his grandmother, she dances; she goes for the sea; the young man comes to his mother and aunt; goes to his grandmother, mother and aunt behind him; he made a bridge when they are in the middle, he brought it down; they turned into birds that walk on the sea beach; the young man steles to live with grandmother]: Densmore 1929:54-79.

Mesoamerica Quiche [brothers Hun-Hun-Ahpu and Vukub-Hun-Ahpu are invited to play ball in Shibalba; when they go down to the lower world, they cross the river of blood and the river of pus, but do not drink from them; at the intersection of red, black, white and yellow roads, they choose black; welcome wooden images of Lord Sh., and not themselves; sit on a hot bench; sacrificed; the head of the XXA is hung on pumpkin tree; Shkik, the daughter of one of the rulers of S., comes to the tree, becomes pregnant from the saliva of the head of XHA; the father sends the Owl to kill her, she brings him a clot of red juice in the shape of her heart; Sh. comes to mother XXA, gives birth to twins Hun-Ahpu and Shbalanka; old woman's sons Hun-Batz and Hung Chowen put them in an anthill, on a thistle, but they are unharmed; HA and S. ask for HB and HC get the birds they shot from the top of the tree; tell the tree to rise tall; turn those who have climbed into monkeys; they could live with their grandmother (and turn into people again) if she did not laugh when she saw their grimaces; after the third attempt, the monkeys run away forever into the forest; the brothers tell the ax and hoe to clear the garden themselves; at night, all birds and forest animals restore vegetation; brothers they guard, cut off the tails of a rabbit and a deer; they want to kill the Mouse; she reports that the grandmother is hiding their father and uncle's ball accessories from them; sending the grandmother to get water and telling the insect to hole it a jug, they send the Mouse to gnaw through the rope, for which a package with a ball, gloves, etc. is hung from the roof; Lords S. hear the brothers play, call them to play; the grandmother sends Louse to tell his grandchildren this invitation; Toad swallows Louse, Snake Toad, Falcon Snake, brings an invitation; brothers cross rivers of blood and pus, pass a crossroads, send a mosquito to bite all Lords Sh. asks another who stung him by name; the mosquito gives names to the young men, warns that the first figures are wooden; the twins do not sit on a hot bench; 1) spend the night in the House of Darkness, illuminating it with red parrot feathers and placing fireflies at the ends of the cigars (thus fulfilling the requirement to return the splints and cigars intact); 2) win the game with their own ball; 3) spend the night in The House of Knives (they promise the meat of all animals); 4) they bring flowers of four colors protected by two Swallows (they send ants to cut them off; Lords S. punish the Swallows by tearing their mouths); 5) spend the night in the House of Ice (pine branches are burned); 6) in the Jaguar House (dice are thrown to them); 7) in the House of Fire (they don't burn); 8) in the House of Bats with sharp blades; brothers hide in their windpipes; HA peeks out , his head is cut off, hung on the ball court; Sh. replaces his brother's head with a turtle; while playing, Lords Sheeb chase the rabbit, mistaking him for a ball; at this point, Shb returns his head brother; lords Sheba tell the brothers to rush into the underground furnace; their bones are ground, thrown into the water; at the bottom, the young men were born again from powder; they come to the lords of Sheb under the guise of poor old people, they cut each other a friend to pieces and resurrect them; Vladyka Sheb ask them to jokingly sacrifice; brothers kill them, but do not resurrect them; brothers find XXA, but he is weak, babbles something vague; he is left in Shib; brothers they rise to the sky, one gets the Sun, the other gets the Month]: Popol-Wuh 1959:32-78.