Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

J50. An attempt to resurrect the deceased.


The father or mother of twin heroes dies or is killed. An attempt to revive the deceased fails.

The Midwest. Ojibwa [Bears kill the girl's parents and her younger brother; she raises him; he kills the Bears, finds a phalanx of a finger and a lock of parents' hair in their belly; begins to revive them; the sister hears their voices, unfolds the bundle ahead of time, and recovery fails; therefore, the dead cannot be revived]: Désveaux 1984:60-61.

California. Pomo: Barrett 1933 [see motif J52; A bear kills the parents of two reindeer boys (a boy and a girl in No. 89); they run away, the Bear chases them, dies while crossing the river; children come to the Sun; their mother's ghost is his wife; they bring their mother back to this world; she disappears as soon as her feet touch the ground], No. 87-89:331-334, 343-344, 348-349; Curtis 1976 (14) (central pomo) [Hawk quarrels with his wife Partridge, leaves; gets to four Kilak brothers (monstrous birds); agrees to a duel on bows, is killed; his grandfather Coyote leads his people; Kingfisher kills a duel of three Kilaks, the fourth is finished off by the others; the Hawk is revived; his little son plays with a hoop, he rolls into the sea; the Hawk decides that since he was dead, he cannot stay alive goes across the sea to the land of the dead]: 172-173; (cf. Eastern Pomo [The hawk is not loyal to the Partridge Wife, she decides to leave him; weaves a basket with patterns symbolizing the water world; children with food she sends her to the cave; she sits in the basket herself, swims on the lake; seeing the patterns, water creatures do not touch her; she goes ashore, the flying monster Gilak takes her away; his sister is a ritual drum, she has teeth in vagina, with which she devours women brought by her brother and thrown into the hole in the roof, spits out bones; in the passage leading to the house from the side, there are two bears and two rattlesnakes; Gadfly also guards ( Bumble-Fly); one day he fell asleep, G. pulled out one eye for him as punishment; brother G. forgot to set a trap at the entrance, G. tore off one leg; hawk's wife G. did not throw his sister to eat, but led him through the door for himself; Hawk flew to G.'s house, killed two bears and two snakes, but was trapped, broke his spine, G.'s marriage threw it into Sister G.'s vagina, who ate him; Hawk's grandfather asked two Flint Brothers and two Bluebirds brothers go with him; packed Hawk's bones in a bag, blinded bears and snakes with smoke, trapped a stone; Coyote and his four companions and two Brothers-G. began to guess ( dice); G. shot Flint, the arrow bounced; Bluebird shot G.'s second toe, killed him; then they killed Brother G., fed them a toothy vagina; began dancing the drum, smashing him; the Coyote revived the Hawk; they wanted to burn down the house, but Bumble-Fly asked to leave him; everyone comes back, but people smell dead, the Hawk decides to leave, his brother with him; the Coyote goes to the fork, and then Hawk's trail goes one path, his brother's trail takes another; the Coyote throws up his stick, it falls, divides him into two Coyotes; they follow two paths (the text ends)]: Angulo, Freeland 1928:244-249); mivok [The falcon asks two sorcerers (a woodpecker like a bird) to revive his father; they make his eyes out of flowers and bones from reeds; the father is still half dead; the Falcon sends him to live on the bottom of the sea in the world south of ours]: Barrett 1919, No. 7:13-14; Merriam 1993:179-189; serrano [two sisters go east, the eldest carries a vessel of water; does not give the youngest, she dies of thirst; the eldest gives birth to twins Tsatukotani (elder) and Parakonix; Bear, Wolf, Vulture, Eagle say they are their fathers; the real father is the Sun; boys secretly come out of their cradles to hunt; mother talks to them about an eagle's nest on a rock; they rise up as fluffs, take two eagles; quarrel over who will take the larger eagle; the eagles die; the mother of the boys revives them; the young men take reeds out of the sea; make flutes; The youngest's play is heard on the other side of the world; Vulture's two daughters walk from there to this sound; on the Coyote Road, the Hawk say they played; the older sister believes the youngest tells us to move on; the sisters spend night with brothers, leaving in the morning; brothers follow them soon; mother knows they will die; Vulture sends his son named Tcaikakat to find out who has come; light from the bodies of young men kills Tc.; Vulture Calls his warriors, the Hawk manages to kill the twins; their bones are powdered, their long bones are used to play; the younger sister gives birth to a son Kwexomári; he also shines; she lies to her father that she gave birth girl; K. plays with his uncle, who says that he did not kill his father and uncle; K. finds the bones of his father and uncle, begins to revive them; they say that this is impossible, remain dead; plays with the Coyote; throws bones, the earth splits, everyone dies except mother K.; with her he visits his grandmother; carries his mother across the sea, drowns]: Benedict 1926, No. 3:2-7.

The Great Southwest. A father. Mojave [only the father's boneless flesh appears]: Kroeber 1948, No. 1:17; 1972, No. 17:97; Diegueño (ipai): Dubois 1904 [connecting his father's bones, unable to attach a leg]: 240; 1906 [like a mojave; father and uncle]: 160; papago [the souls of father and uncle appear but fall apart again]: Densmore 1929:71; yuma [the hero decides not to be resurrected]: Desmore 1932:54; tiva (Isleta) [cf. J4B motive; mother tells her sons that the Sun killed their father; they bring his head back from heaven; almost revive the father; contrary to the ban, the mother spies, the father dies again]: Parsons 1932, No. 12c: 390-392.

Mesoamerica Tarasca [Cupantzieeri (Sol despojado de los cabellos {"The sun that was scalped off?} , or perhaps more precisely Apantzieeri ("ballplayer") goes to play ball with Ahchuri-hirepe (La noche que apresura, "Fast Coming Night"), loses, sacrificed by him in Xacona ("House of the Night"); after his His son Sira-Tatáperi is born, and while hunting, he is going to shoot an iguana with a bow; she asks not to kill her, talks about his father's fate; S. finds, digs up his father's corpse, carries it on the back; on the way to meet them, a flock of quails (codornizes) takes off, he puts the corpse on the ground to shoot birds, the corpse turns into a deer with a tail and mane (crines a la cerviz), runs to the right, perhaps there where did those who later came from (Spaniards) later come from]: Relación 1989:259 (paraphrase and interpretation in Corona Núñez 1957:20-22 [by Seler, the name Sira-Tatáperi means "main root or a trunk from which people sprouted like side shoots"; in Cuitzeo, Michoacán, they still play with a burning, smoldering ball of dry root magey; the picture from the codex (fig.1) shows a ball court framed by stars and two players apparently playing with the sun]; German translation in Krickeberg 1928:169); tepeua [turns by breaking the ban on opening his eyes while his son carries it]: Williams García 1972:91; Totonaki (Chicotepec) [the man played the violin; the Thunders sent a messenger to appear to him; let him say who allowed him to play, they don't like it; he offered to sit in a chair and then compete in the run; at a distance he saw pajaro de primavera lying upside down; not wanting to step on him, the man hesitated and lost the competition; he was killed and buried; his wife remained pregnant; the Thunders summoned her and, under threat of death, forced her to miscarry, the baby was buried in the yard of the house from where they managed the village (town hall); 8 days later, at this place a corn shoot grew, the cob ripened on it; the thunders called a woman and told her to pick it up; she ground the grain, cooked a tamale; it turned out to be bitter and she threw it into the river; downstream an old woman I heard crying and picked up the baby; brought it home, her husband is also happy; the boy grew up quickly, calls the couple parents; asks where the father goes; old woman: take care of animals {I mean fish, but She is more often referred to as animals}; these animals lay motionless; kingfisher and other birds that eat fish came to eat them; the young man asked for permission to go with his father; started shooting at kingfishers and kill them; promised that now the fish ("animals") would multiply; next time he went alone, started shooting fish in the head, they had fins, a tail in the back; tomorrow or the day after tomorrow they would appear children of God {i.e. people}, they will need animals {that is, there must be many fish and should not be concentrated in one place}; the fish has moved {i.e. blurred}; the next day the young man came again with his father; he: how can we catch it now; then the young man gave his father a net; people would need it; the young man came to the crocodile, he wanted to eat it; the young man asked him to open his mouth to climb into it, cut off his tongue and said that he would now be called a crocodile; when the lightning flashes, they would read you {that is, the crocodile's tongue is lightning}; the young man told the old woman he knew he had a real mother, and his real father was killed; the young man came when his mother sadly hummed and made clay pots; hiding in a tree, he smashed the pot with arrows; she began to swear; he went out to her told her not to swear and called herself a son; sat on her knees and spoiled her; told the whole story about his father's death and his appearance; he was a corncob; he assured her that he would not be killed; he opened his father's house and there there were all the violins, guitars, drums and flutes; he started playing the violin, the Thunders heard it, sent messengers for him; he volunteered to go; when {people} come, you will be called rain/thunderstorm clouds, for tomorrow or the day after tomorrow God will increase the number of his children {i.e. people}; and they agreed to be under his control, to be clouds, not who they were; they were given their horses, white clouds, and they were given them machetes; and they will produce lightning, scream (thunder) and pour water; in the morning, clouds appeared in the east, rained, a thunderstorm began; while running, he did not look at the person lying down and was the first to run; The second test: eat a lot of corn porridge; he arranged with Aguti to gnaw a hole in the bottom of the porridge vessel; the porridge flowed out, and the Thunders believed that the young man had eaten everything; then he took out Father from the grave to revive; but he should not be afraid; but when he heard the rustle of a fallen leaf, the father was frightened and turned into a deer; now people will eat you, hunters will kill you; this young man is Wonder Man ]: Aschmann 1977; mountain totonaki [see J4B motif; girl rejects grooms; musician turns into a flea, penetrates her with clothes attached to her; becomes a man at night; plays the violin; four Thunders hear a game, tell him to shoot him; a woman gives birth to a boy, he dies; she buries him, corn grows on the grave; a woman makes bread from green cobs; he is bitter, she throws it into the river; it is eaten by fish, the Turtle carries a piece on his back; the piece turns into a boy; when he grows up, it leaves him on the shore; the young man summons his father from the grave, carries it on his back, tells him not to be afraid; falls leaf, father gets scared, turns into a deer, runs away]: Ichon 1969, No. III-6:66; Veracruz Nahuatl [died again when his wife cried when she saw him]: González Cruz 1984:225; mountain guards [like Nahuatl]: Elson 1947:212-214; quiche [see J4 motif; father and uncle appear but cannot speak normally, left by heroes in Xibalba]: Popol Vuch 1959:79; chorti ( synopsis of several versions) [the hero is Kumix Angel ("little angel, little brother", hereinafter K.) lives with his four older brothers; he has a cut on his leg; when he swims, fish come off eating his blood and flesh; his brothers rubbed it on a stone, threw it into the water, it foamed like a vine that poisons fish; the brothers disgust realize that the fish they eat has been fed up with K.'s body; or K. himself turns into a fish; when the brothers leave, K. revives and cries on the shore; the old cannibal K'ech'uj takes him home; var.: she takes the bloody foam on the water for her own miscarriage; K. hunts birds and deer, but K'ech'uj secretly gives meat to her lover; after learning that K'ech'uj and her partner are not his parents, K. kills both; K. hides in the guitar that the hummingbird took to heaven, meets his mother there; all of her the property was taken by the Bronze King; K. turns several remaining beans and corn grains into abundant supplies, rebuilds the house built by his uncle San Lorenzo (SL) and where K.'s mother lives; arranges the ritual of feeding his father's brothers, i.e. four-way winds; causes SL with the power of a drum; deceives his father's tools (sword, drum, flute, ring, cloth) that they owned monkey, battleship, crocodile; defeats and kills the Bronze King (sometimes with lightning); hitting the drum and hitting with a sword (thunderstorm), creates a milpa; older brothers create a mountain to also climb the sky and see the mother; eagles begin to descend from the sky, threatening people's existence; K. destroys the mountain with lightning; the older brothers are told to hide their heads, but they stick them out and are blinded; their tears are light November rain; K. turns them into frogs - "rain priests" at four ends of the world; K. finds his father's grave; when he tries to revive him, a flock of partridges distracts him and revival fails; One version (Girard 1995:404), K. rises to heaven and becomes the sun]: Braakhuis, Hull 2014:452-454.

Honduras-Panama. Kuhn [see motif J16; whenever heroes go to kill a pigeon to feed a resurrected mother, she turns into an animal and breaks up]: Chapin 1989:42; Holmer 1951:155.

Guiana. Oyampy: Grenand 1982, No. 5 [see J9 motif; Yaneya leaves; pregnant wife follows him; twins from her womb show her way; ask for flowers to pick; she gets bitten by a wasp; she refuses collect, the twins fall silent; the woman goes to the Jaguars, the Yaguariha eats her; the Mayamayali and Wayamakale twins (from poppy - monkey?) jump on a tree; Jaguariha calls them back; A dove hunting talks about his mother's death; M. and Y. lure the Jaguars to the bridge, create piranhas in the river; V. cuts off the vine ahead of time, two jaguars they save themselves, the rest are eaten by piranhas; M. almost revives his mother, V. hugs her ahead of time, she falls apart; by the sea, their father cuts down a tree, chips turn into fish; the father tests his sons, M. does not He withstands; the father tells him that he is not his son, but the Monkey; makes a parrot out of his skin, monkeys out of flesh; in the morning the father rises to heaven], 6 [the mother breaks up when the youngest of two sons rushes hug her]: 69-72, 76.

NW Amazon. Carijona [a woman takes Jaguar as a lover, allows him to kill her husband; when she is two years old, her son Months asks his mother how his father died; Missing in the woods; boy wanders through the woods, Forest says he did not kill his father; Fell off a tree; boy jumped off a tree, fell slowly; Earth; Didn't kill; - Drowned while fishing; boy swims in a hollow over rapids, Water: She did not kill; the boy took a hummingbird egg, from which his younger brother Tukuchimobi (hummingbird egg first) was born; he is the Sun, smarter than the Month on the third day; the Month brings a lot of meat, but his mother gives everything to Jaguar; brothers kill birds to tell them about their father's death; the woodpecker who hammered the tree in which the Jaguar and the Night Monkey lived told; brothers revive dead birds; spy on how a mother dressed as a girl brings food, calls Jaguar, knocking a vine on wood, copulates; when she leaves, the brothers call Jaguar with the same signal, kill him with poisoned arrows; T. made his fangs necklace, wears it for war; when the necklace is worn by the Month, the hunters have a lot of prey; the mother takes a palm larva as lovers, the brothers burn the palm tree, the larva dies; the mother causes T.'s eye disease (then but after the murder of Jaguar); the forest chicken screams about it; T. tells all the birds to voice, finds a chicken by voice, brings it to its mother to fry; she witches to pour out of the bone broken while eating water flooded the earth with a flood; T., with the help of a magical calebass, stops the flood; tells her mother to drop her milk into a pot of ash, from which a fruit tree grows; animals come to the tree, among them Night Monkey; she has a horn from Father T.'s skull around her neck; brothers ambush the Monkey, but her mother creates a snake that steals her father's skull; therefore, he could not be resurrected; see motive E9]: Schindler 1979 , No. 1:21-39; the summer [of the deceased (this is the Month) is trying to revive his father and other people; the sixth finger is missing, people have not had it since]: Palma 1984:36-38; ufaina [the deceased (this is the Month) His father and other people are trying to revive him; the sixth finger is missing, people have not had it since]: Hildebrand 1975:348; macuna: Århem et al. 2004 [Month (Makañi ñamigaü -" Night sun"), due to the absence of women, copulated with plants; his leg began to swell; to cure him, his sister Meneriyo offered to meet her on the condition that this would not happen again; but he began to come to her secretly at night; becoming pregnant, M. smeared her lover's face with her genipa to find out who was coming to her; he could not wash off the paint, drowned himself in the river; the father sent the owls to look for his son, they did not find it; found The Ayawa brothers, the sixth finger was missing; A. began to laugh with the stories of all the animals; the toad did not laugh (apparently, the finger was in her throat), so people do not have a sixth finger between their thumb and forefinger; Bakonea (naughty little brother) ridiculed the Month, so the elder was only able to revive him for the fourth time; he was placed at the mouth of the Amazon, collected dust from his body, and turned into midges biting, when the moon was in the sky; entering Maloka, M. did not greet his revived brother, but asked the Monkey what he ate; Months said that caimo fruits; M. tried to pick it off, the branch sprung, threw it to heaven; then their father went to live in another boy, put the figure of an old woman at a fork in the roads; if M. laughs at her, the old woman would send her to the path where the feather of the utu bird leads to the cannibal shaman ~Gã s; if not, then on the path to her father's house, where the guacamayo feather; the mochilero bird saw M.'s reflection in a water vessel, found M., cleared her body of flies, brought a rope to go down; rope turned into a certain kind of vine; finding no one, M. asked the old woman where her father had gone, laughed at her; she sent her on the path to ~Gãs; then see motive J15]: 484-488; Trupp 1977 [ Menery Yo, daughter of Father Peace, sees her brother Umakanö (Month) make a vagina in the sand and inserts his penis into it (this is where papaya and cotton grow); she invites her brother into her hammock, for this to be the first and last time; but he continues to come to her; she smears paint on his face; he cannot wash off the paint, he is drowned in shame; he is revived and thrown into the sky; the sixth is missing a finger, since then people have not had it; M. gets to the Jaguars, eaten, her son Umawadö (Rainbow) avenges her]: 50-56, 63; barasana [see motive J16; Month (Muihu), son of Meni, at night she comes to her sister (her name is Ménery-I, Mya), she became pregnant; spread black paint, smeared his face; identified him in the morning; since then there have been spots on the moon; the month has drowned in shame; his body has rotted shore; The Bat ate his flesh, since then he became an ogre; Meni sent a shaman owl to look for his son, he did not find him (owls have big eyes since then); Adiab's three brothers (creators) found bones Muihu; they told the ants to put them together, stuck them with tobacco leaves, creating a new body; Muihu came to life, but fell apart again when middle A. said that M. slept with Mya; A. revived him again; ME did not recognize him; he had a monkey with him, he asked MYA to get her kaimo fruit from the top of the tree to eat; made the tree tall, ME stayed in the upper world; mochilero looked for it, saw reflection; I was bitten by a wasp, a mochilero killed a wasp, brought ME water, a anklet; weaved a rope to go down; the rope broke, I fell, returned home; Muihu told her to bring water, but the filled vessel dried immediately; while she tried to fill it, Meni and Muihu left; at the Menya fork, he left a vessel decorated with turkey feathers that looked like a man ; Meni told him to show ME the right way if ME came crying, and false if laughing; I laughed while I was far away, and when she went to the vessel, she cried; the vessel showed the way to the Jaguars; ME came to the Possumiha; she asked her to lie in her son's hammock, but he smelled badly, and I moved on; the Jaguars had their mother Oako, Menya's sister; the Jaguars returned from work on the site, they were carrying axes; the Jaguar saw Mia hiding in a vessel in the mirror; she spat out of disgust; the youngest of the Jaguars agreed to dance with her; starting with his fingers, he ate her; the giblets were given to her mother; she carried them to the river to wash them, the boy Warimí Sué jumped out of the womb into the water; the Jaguars tried to catch him; he became a frog; they ate a frog, but in fact he went down the river to where Menya's sons live; bathed with them; the boys did not know who he was; he did not go into the house; painted or ate butterflies; their fathers told them to lure V.; the big girl was buried in the sand, others wrote from above; butterflies flew; V. began to paint, the girl grabbed him; V. became a little boy, began to cry; Meni thought it was the child of his eldest daughter; passed from one daughter to another, but V. stopped crying only on the youngest's lap; he was blown, painted with red paint (since then they have been doing this to babies); V. quickly grew into a ten-year-old boy; Menya said to him that his mother ate jaguars; V. came to Maloka Jaguars, became a baby again; the jaguar who ate Menery-I touched V., licked his finger, it turned out to be bitter; V. saw this Jaguar regurgitate his blood mother; V. turned the Jaguars into different animals (tapir, paka, etc.), they eat each other; the Jaguars played a sounding calebass made from the head of mother V., her voice is heard, my son; V. put instead of himself, a log into the hammock, the Jaguar ate it; in the morning, the Jaguars played with Mya's skull again, V. threw it into the forest; told the water gauges to collect the husks of the miriti palm nuts, threw it into the water, it turned into piranhas; The tapira with whom he went to collect miriti, V. pushed it into the water, the piranhas ate it; V. made a bridge, the Jaguars walked along it, V. rocked it, the Jaguars fell, the piranhas ate them; the eater held one paw above the water, left with one paw; Jaguar house W. sjeg]: Torres Laborde 1969:31-45; baniva [the wife of a male victim tries to revive it]: Saake 1968:269.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Yurakare [(episode with a cheek on p. 211); Sararuma, or Aima Sunye, burns the world; one person escapes by hiding in a hole; S. gives him all the seeds, from which the forest immediately grows; a man marries; his daughter falls in love with the Ole tree, it turns into a man; while hunting, W. tore a jaguar; his wife collected parts of her body, W. came to life, he did not have enough cheek; W. sees his reflection, is ashamed, leaves, tells me to go home without looking back; the wife breaks the ban, goes to the Jaguars; they tell them to take out their poisonous ants and eat them; the mother of the Jaguars gives her pumpkin seeds to pretend as if eating; the chief Jaguar, with a second pair of eyes on the back of his head, notices a deception, kills a woman; the Jaguar mother finds a boy Tiree in her womb, hides her in a pot; he considers her his mother; hunts behind the pack, she tells him the truth; T. kills all the Jaguars except the four-eyed; he asks the trees, the Sun, the Stars, the Moon to cover him; the moon covers, his silhouette is visible on the lunar disk; from the big nail T. makes his toe brother Karu; the bird calls them to visit; K. overturns the pot of chicha, it floods the ground, K. sinks; T. revives him from the remains; both marry forest turkeys, each A son and daughter are born; the girls' breasts were first under the eyes, T. gives them their current appearance; son K. dies; T. says he will be resurrected, warns that K. should not eat him; peanuts have grown on the grave, K. he pulled out the bush, ate the fruit; so he ate his son, since then people have been mortal; T. tells K. to eat the duck; this is his son again; K. regurgitates what he ate, parrots, toucans, and other birds fly out; T. and K. go to see Jaguariha, her lips are covered in blood; she has eaten a man killed by a snake; they peel off her head, turn it into uruba, tell her to eat carrion; the snake makes a hole in the ground; T. tells the stork to kill her; they come out of the hole people of different tribes (not Yurakare); if T. wishes, arrows fall from the sky, people start fighting; T. goes west, taking a lot of people with him; old people become young again there]: Orbigny 1844:210-214; Guarazu [older Yanerykiy (Y1) and younger Yaneryvy (Y2) from Yanehi's womb tell her where to go; they ask her to pick a flower every now and then, she gets angry, claps her stomach, at a fork in the trails they refuse to show her the way; she comes to the Jaguars; their grandmother hides her under the roof; all the jaguars believe, the latter finds and kills a woman; the Jaguars try to cook the twins, they jump to the edge vessel; grandmother advises raising boys; they hunt, bring the Jaguars a lot of meat; Y1 creates a river, puts a log bridge, tells Y2 to tell the Jaguars that beyond the el chuchío river (something edible); brothers they bring down the bridge, one pregnant woman escapes, the brothers smear her with clay (stains on the skin), turn her into a jaguariha, the current ones from her; houses throw the grandmother of the jaguars to each other like a ball; she runs, turns into jochi (agouti?) ; because she lived with jaguars, she also has a patchy skin; because she was an old woman, she has only two teeth; she collects her mother's bones, Y1 tells the partridges to revive her; they fly over her three times, reviving her; Y2 each time rushes to hug her prematurely, revived turns into bones again; brothers go west to heaven, turn into stars (unidentified)]: Riester 1977, No. 9:241-242.

Southern Amazon. The mother is dying again. Vaura [her sister and jaguar husband don't want her resurrected]: Schultz 1966:32; Kalapalo [younger son pushes her into the chest]: Baldus 1958:58; Carvahlo 1951:23 in Carneiro 1989:31 (note 123); kuikuro: Carneiro 1989 [Kuantïnï decided to visit the sky where all animals are; he was surrounded by jaguars in the forest; their chief, the black jaguar Nitsuengï, agreed not to kill him when K. promised him two his daughters; N. put K. on his bow, untwisted it, threw it from the sky to the ground; K.'s daughters refused to go to the jaguar and K. carved the girls out of wood; out of 8 left in hammocks, 6 came to life; made his hair first from buriti fibers, then pineapple fibers - got very wet; then from algae; made teeth from chips (black), piranha teeth (ate too fast), seeds; tried different fibers for the triangle on the pubis; cut out the vaginas himself; told tifigu trees (people at the time) to have sex; the penises are scratched; then he lined the vaginas with cotton - good; Owl told the eldest of the girls, Itsanitsegu, that their father was going to send them to a jaguar; the battleship told the girls about the difficulties of the journey, in return demanded permission to get together with one of them; forgot his penis in the village and while he was running after him, the girls left; he blew, spreading witchcraft to make them die on the way; then meeting the kingfisher, he gave fish, had sex with one of the girls, she put in a tampon so as not to get pregnant; the same with the howler monkey, gave fried fish ; the seagull offered fried oysters, the girls refused, so the seagull could not get along with them; another species of kingfisher; the girl who stayed with him asked him to throw the necklace over his back so as not to interfere time of copulation; poured sperm on him, taking out her tampon; since then, this kingfisher has white spots and necklace marks on its back; the girls sent the most beautiful one to the tree to shed buriti leaves; I. turned the stumps of their nails into biting flies; because of their bites, the tree that climbed the tree fell, the leaves pierced it, others buried it; the deer refused to copulate, although I. wanted it; she gave him salt and since then, deer die quickly from the wound; on a slippery path, one slipped, fell and died; K. warned the girls not to drink from the poisonous river; one drank, died, was buried; the tapir cut down trees, warned of a fork - if you go the wrong path, you will get to the wolf's village; I. told one girl to get along with him, his thick penis split her; I. hit him in anger, since then the tapirs have a narrow ass; When they saw that the split one was made of wood, the remaining two girls were upset, which means that they were sent to the jaguar; Tyra (Tayra barbara) gave honey, but it was strong, the girls began to cough; he was with him got together, the cough stopped; at the fork in Itsanitsegu went left to the wolf village, and Anafukuagu went to the right, to the village of the jaguar; I. climbed a tree above the river; the wife of the wolf seriema saw the reflection, decided that it was her own, began to brag about beauty; then she realized; threw a stump of her nail, it became a fly, she bit the series, she dropped the calebass with water, she crashed; the same again; then called her husband; I. went behind the wolf, thinking it was a jaguar; a fish fell out of his ass, he said that the fish was in the shell of the necklace; the wolf's mother greeted I., but she realized that she was mistaken: she was treated to fruit, i.e. food wolves; from her sister, Jaguar N. found out that I. was in the wolf's village; took her; gave her potions to drink, she regurgitated the fish, got rid of the wolf's pregnancy; when I., 8 months old, N. hid her under the roof, ordered do not spit if his mother Kafisatïgo comes and lets the winds go; I. spat the cotton seeds, Kafisatigo decided that, out of disgust, she threw her claw at her, which cut off her head; sister I. raised anxiety; N. said it was his third wife killed by his mother; Agouti told the girls' father, who sent an ant into I.'s vagina, the ant said there were two boys in the womb; Quantini put them in the basket; they They grew up quickly; the wild dog gave them the names Taoguiñï and Aulukumá; the grasshopper gives them the names Sun (Giti) and Month (Nune); A. asked the Sun to dig peanuts in the partridge's garden; she in revenge said that A. was the Sun's aunt, and his mother killed her mother-in-law; the brothers took her mother's body from the roof of the house, where they put it to dry; the Sun sent a fly in her nose, she came to life, he spoke to her, but she cried and died again; digging animals dug up the grave, I. buried; The sun told the bird to eat wasps, the hawk to eat snakes, the anteater the poisonous ants, the tapir to trample the thorns; the road to mother N. opened; brothers came to her disguised as young children; she began to tell her how she killed I.; the Sun killed her; evil butterfly spirits flew out of her body; the month looked out from behind the tree, his nose was torn off; the Sun attached it, but Now that the moon is in profile, you can see that there is no nose; Quantini gave A. to eat the ashes of bamboo, she gave birth to a zhurun, suya, and other wild Indians; took the opossumiha child, N. said it was hers, he was happy; but the opossumich took him; the wild Indians killed all the jaguars; the Sun saved his father and aunt by placing them in the sky, and in order for them to have what to eat, he also placed tapir and deer (now constellations on the Milky Way); After making a life for wild Indians, the Sun rose to heaven]: 4-14; Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973 [Kuatungue went to make a net for fibers; he was surrounded by jaguars; he promised one daughter, who let him go; he has two daughters, but he carved six girls out of wood; tried different hair fibers; first piranha teeth, they eat too fast, then from seeds; made pubic triangles (trees didn't want give fibers for this); when they heard an owl scream, the girls asked their father what was going on; he told the whole story; on the way, one got drunk from a poisonous river, died; the kingfisher showed the way, for which he met with one of girls; Tyra gave one honey, she began to cough, he got along with her; the tapir showed the way, got together with the girl, she split, they realized it was wooden; the battleship showed the way, went to get the means to be erection, girls ran away, he said they would die on the way; one slipped in the river, hit, died; a deer warned of a fork; one climbed a palm tree for leaves, the other turned stumps nails into flies, they bit the one who climbed, she fell, ran into a leaf, died; at the fork, two sisters climbed a tree; seriema - the wolf's wife saw the reflection, decided that she was beautiful; they turned nail stumps in flies, they bit the series, she dropped the calebas, she crashed; so twice; the series called her husband; the older sister, made from the bottom of the trunk, followed the wolf's path, the youngest along the path jaguar; the jaguar took the wolf that had come to the wolf; she turned around, the wolf's mother's head fell off; the jaguar gave her potions to remove the wolf's fruit; she became pregnant with a jaguar; spat a cotton seed, the jaguariha decided that contempt for her, cut off her head with a claw; her sister picked up the boys Rit (Sun) and Une (Month); the jaguar resettled her mother, surrounding the place with snakes, wasps, thorns, put the body of the victim on the roof of the house; brothers grew up, stole partridge peanuts, she told them about their mother's death; the bird ate the wasps, the snake hawk, the tapir trampled the thorns, the brothers killed the grandmother by tying stones to her feet and trampling her; set fire to her house, hers the body exploded, the moon's nose was torn off, now it's flat; Rit told the jaguar to eat capybaras, not people; the mother was removed from the roof, she was barely alive, Rit hugged her, squeezed her, she was completely dead; the digging animals dug up grave; Rith told his father to prepare lots of bows and clubs; told her aunt to give birth in the forest, who gave birth to wild Indians, Rith gave them weapons; the aunt told her husband that she had given birth to a possum child, but the opossumicha took him away; the wild Indians killed the jaguars, and threw his father and aunt Rith into heaven on a bow; Rit divided the tribes; then Rit and Une went to Morena]: 72-88; kamayura [sons hug a lot her]: Münzel 1973:31, 39.

Southern Brazil. Like an oyampy; when she rushes to suckle. Mbia: Cadogán 1959:77; Cadogán, Lopez Austin 1970:80; Chiripa: Bartolomé 197:23-26; Caigua: Telémaco Borba 1908 (West in Paraná in Tibagy in 1874): 62-69 in Frič 1912:480-482, in Koch-Grünberg 1921:213-215, in Metraux 1932:138-139 [the husband told his wife to sow corn, immediately sent it for the cobs, she did not believe that they were ripe in a day, did not go; husband He sent it again, said that their unborn son wanted to eat; the wife replied that the son was not from him; the husband left, the wife went to look for him; the son asked to pick flowers and fruits for him from the womb; the woman was bitten by a wasp, she slapped her son, hitting herself in the stomach, her son stopped showing the way; she came to the mother of the Iary jaguars; she hid her under a vessel (cernidor), the last jaguar smelled the woman, ate her, I. asked an embryo, there are twins; they jump off the pan, jump out of the mortar, I. kept them alive; senior Derekey, asked I. to make him a bow and arrow to hunt birds; younger Derevuy only cries; the red macaw told Derekey about his mother's fate; the brothers found her bones in the excrement of the jaguars, Derekay revived her, but Derevy rushed to suck his breast, her mother broke up; Derekay kicked the rotten in anger a tree, it turned into bees and honey; the tree ate on it, stopped crying; having tied up the jaguars, the brothers went to look for their father, came to Ahan, Derevuy married his daughter; ran away from him; they called their father from the tree, he responded from heaven; the eldest chose the day, became the sun, the youngest became night, became a month; went to bed with his aunt, she smeared his face with genipa juice, since then there have been spots on the moon; Guarani come from his son Tree (from his marriage to daughter Ahan) and his aunt's daughter]; Hanke 1956:225-226; Nyandeva [Ñanderú told his wife to go pick corn; she got angry, N. left, she decided to follow; hers Two sons replied that they did not know where the father had gone; he turned three times in the house and three times when he went outside, and the wife turned outside only twice; the children from the mother's belly began to ask for flowers; the mother was bitten by a bee; she got angry, hit herself in the stomach; came to the jaguars, where their toothless grandmother was; the jaguars ate the woman, the grandmother asked for children (they are soft); she could not crush them in a mortar, kept them alive; they they hunt parrots with a sling; the parrot tells the story of the mother; the eldest revived the mother, the youngest rushed to suck, the mother broke up again; the brothers killed the grandmother; put a log across the river, made a river wide; the jaguars stepped onto the bridge, the bridge extended to fit everyone; the youngest swung too early, one pregnant jaguariha escaped; the trunk, falling into the water, turned into fish; the elder began to copulate with daughter of Diablo (the informant did not remember further)]: Novaes da Mota 1992:58-62.