Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

J51. A piece is missing, E33.


The character is dismembered or eaten; he is revived from his remains, but because one of the bones was broken, swallowed, or carried away (or a drop of blood or a piece of flesh is lost), revival is not succeeds, or the character remains defective in something.

Ancient Egypt, Kabiles, Spaniards, Basques, Portuguese, Italians (Liguria, Milan), Bretons, French (Upper Brittany, Lorraine, Dauphinay), Walloons, Ladins, Irish, Scots, British, Germans (Switzerland, Swabia, Austria), Rengma, Telugu, Ancient Greece (Kalmyks), Abkhazians, Ossetians, Chechens, Avars, Georgians, Armenians, Turkmens, Shugnans, Kafirs, Dards and Burish, Swedes, Norwegians, Scandinavians, Bashkirs, Oirats, Chukchi, Asian Eskimos, Tagish, Inner Tlingits, Eyak, Tlingits, Haida, Bellacula, Uvikino, Quakiutl, Quarry, Chilkotin, Squamish, Lilluet, Halkomel, Upper Chehalis, Winnebago, Eastern Ojibwa (timagami), Fox, Montagne, Omaha, Ponca, Osage, Iowa, Chumash, Masateki, Letuama, Ufaina, Macuna, Desana, Yurakare, Chorote, Matako, Puelche, Southern Tehuelche.

North Africa. Ancient Egypt [Heliopolis version; Osiris is the eldest son of the god of the earth Geb and the goddess of heaven Nut; king of Egypt, taught people agriculture and gardening, as well as magic; his brother wishing rule for himself and get Osiris's sister Isis; arranged a feast, invited everyone to go to the chest (whoever is in time, he will give it to him); the chest was made to O.'s standards; when O. lay down, S.'s servants clogged the lid, they threw the chest into the river; the chest was carried by the current to Phoenicia; the tree grew, enclosing the chest in its trunk; the local king made a column of the palace out of wood; I. came to Phoenicia and began to take care of the little to the king's son, placing him in the fire to make him immortal; the boy's mother saw, screamed, and the spell broke; frightened I., the Phoenician queen gave her a column; taking out the chest from it, I. screamed the queen's child died from this cry; in Egypt, I. hid the chest in reeds; S. found him, cut O.'s corpse into pieces; I. and her sister Nephthys collected them; the phallus was eaten by lepidot fish (so the Egyptians do not eat it ; Cancer 1993:99); I. made a clay phallus; becoming a female kite, she conceived the son of Horus from the deceased Osiris; the sisters embalmed O.'s body - this is the first mummy; I. gave birth to H., hid it in the swamps; he was bitten by a snake (S. may be in the guise of a snake), but God Toth neutralized the poison; to gain magical powers, I. needs to know the secret name of God Ra; she sent a snake to sting Ra and cured it only when he told her his name; S. began to fight with O., pulled out his eye and cut him apart; He found parts, united, returned to Choir; this is a symbol of power, life - Waajet's Eye; T. let the dead O. swallow the Eye; O. resurrects, but must become king of the afterlife; like O., the dead are resurrected in the afterlife, and nature is on earth every year; H. overthrows Seth many times, but he manages to heal his wounds; who to give the Eye of Waget (i.e. who to give the Eye of Waget (i.e. who to be king of Egypt), decides nine gods; the great goddess Nate (wars, hunting, mother of crocodiles) decided in favor of H.; but Ra doubts H.'s abilities, insulted, stops the trial; Hathor appears before his father naked, he forgets the grudge; S. threatens to take up arms against the gods; agrees that the trial continues, but without I.; the gods gather on the island, prohibit the carrier Anti from transporting women; I. accepts the appearance of an old woman, bribes the carrier with a golden ring; the gods beat Anti; since then, in villages where Anti is revered, it is forbidden to have gold; Choir and Seth fight as hippos; I. throws a harpoon accidentally gets into the Choir; the second time she comes to S.; she feels sorry for Seth, she unhooks the harpoon; The choir furiously cuts off his mother's head (she was soon reborn); S. finds Hora, pulls his eyes out of them lotuses germinate; Hathor pours gazelle milk into Hora's eye sockets, who sees the light; Seth pretends to make peace with Choir, tries to rape him himself; Choir collects Seth's seed in the palm of his hand, shows I.; she cuts off her son's desecrated hand, pours Choir seed over the salad; Seth eats lettuce; at the call of the gods, Seth's seed responds from the swamp, and Choir's seed from Seth's womb; the seed came out on Seth's forehead in the form of a golden disc; The choir put this disc on his head like a crown; Seth offers a competition on stone rooks; the choir makes a rook out of wood, covers it with plaster; Seth's stone rook sinks, but Seth in the form the hippopotamus was also drowned by Horus's boat; the gods decide to ask O.'s opinion; he writes from the underworld that he will steal the heart of anyone who does evil; the gods award Egypt to Horus; Ra takes Seth to rattle in the sky; var. : Seth gets Lower Egypt, Choir to Upper, but under the rule of Horus then unites the whole country; Var. : Choir, Anubis, and Toth tied Seth up and turned him into the seat on which Osiris sits; var. : The gods burned Seth, Anubis carved his sign in his skin; the demons rushed to avenge Seth, but Anubis (=Choir) cut off their heads; their blood gave rise to a red mineral; var. : Seth hid a box with two Wajet Okes inside; Anubis=Choir in the form of a snake stole it; vines sprouted from Wajet]: Mathieu 1956:95-119; Machintsev 1993:59-99; Cancer 2006:; kabila: Frobenius 1922a, No. 4 [Chief's son (Agelith) is smart but unbusy, in bad company; black woman: your father could be the new chief, or better yet you, but you're wasting his money; the young man swears return rich, leaves, enters the country of Wuarssen (devas); the deva has three daughters, the youngest's fingernail on the little finger gives advice, and the deva's wife has all her nails like this; dev tells the young man 1) to sow the field, in the evening harvest fruit; the eldest, middle daughter refuses to bring dinner to the young man, the youngest brings, they eat and make love, she creates a garden with a magic wand, the young man brings fruit to the deva; 2) bring sieve water from the sea to the spring so that the bottom of the sea is exposed, the sand dries, bring dry sand (the same, the young man pours sand on the deva's head); 3) get an eagle's nest with chicks in the evening, it's on a steep cliff; the deva's wife hides the magic wand; the daughter tells me to chop it to pieces, throw it against a rock, they will turn into a ladder, get a nest, fold the pieces, smoke it with incense, she will come to life; the young man does so forgets his toe; Dev promises to give him his youngest daughter if the young man identifies her among the sisters; he recognizes her by the missing finger; at night the girl tells him to run, take the worst looking horse, the young man takes good, dev catches up; she turns 1) a horse into a hut, herself into a melon, a young man into an old man; 2) a horse on the road, herself into a basket, a young man into an employee; dev does not recognize, returns; for the third time the deva's wife catches up; a girl creates a board, they swim across the sea on it; mother: if your husband is kissed by relatives, he will forget you; on the other side, a young man finds gold, his wife creates a palace; he goes to visit parents, bring gold as he swore; father becomes chief; son is kissed by his mother's sister, he forgets his wife; she comes, buys a coffee shop, everyone goes to the beautiful woman; she consistently promises a night for two the boy's friends and him, if everyone pays 500 coins and does a little job while she sleeps; 1) close the window (the window closes, the hand sticks, so all night; 2) pour water from the jug (worth it touch the jug and it is empty); 3) close the door; the young man breaks the door, recognizes his wife; everyone is happy; after the death of his father, the son becomes the chief]: 30-48; Dermenghem 1945 [the Sultan has two wives; when one has given birth , another persuaded an old woman to replace babies with kittens; the sultan sent the woman in labor to live in a stable; the babies were thrown into the sea in a box, the fisherman caught them; the boy was named El Goul Amelloul ("big white") the girl Hadezzine ("the limit of beauty"); E. built a palace and laid out a garden; the old woman recognized them, advised them to get the Singing Bird, then the Golden Tree; E. brings both times; marry the daughter of the ghoul king; the youngest of the 7 daughters of the gulya agrees; the ghoul requires 1) to uproot the forest in a day, to set up a garden, to collect mature figs (the girl does everything with a magic wand); 2) bring a bag of feathers (the girl calls the birds); 3) climb a rock and tell me what you saw there; girl: you have to dismember her body into pieces, throw them against a steep wall, they will turn into steps; E. did it, brought 3 eggs from the cliff; collected pieces in the bag, the girl came to life, but she lacks an ear; she tells her to run, let E. take the thin horse; the ghoul pursues, the girl turned herself, E. and the horse into pieces of wood, the ghoul passed by, the fugitives returned to H.; the Sultan and all the people came; the angel told the whole truth; the sultan returned his wife, the fisherman was made a vizier, the other wife and old woman were tied to the tails of horses; everything is fine]: 49-55.

Southern Europe. Spaniards: Malinovskaya 2002 [childless king and queen want a child, even if the Devil gets it in 20 years; the young man grows up, loses his soul to the Devil, goes to him; the old woman advises hide the clothes of Blancaflor, the youngest of the Devil's three bathing daughters, pigeon girls; the other old woman, the mistress of the birds, sends to her Moon Sister, she to the Sun Brother; only the Limp Eagle is summoned take her to the Castle Where There Is No Return, tells her to feed her meat on the way; the meat runs out, the Queen is ready to cut off from himself, but the Eagle still arrives; The devil tells 1) to process the plot in a day, bake it from harvest bread; 2) grow grapes; B. does everything; 3) bring the ring dropped by his grandmother into the sea; B. tells her to kill, collect blood in a jug, throw her body into the sea; the young man sheds a drop of blood; B. goes out from the sea, carrying a ring, she lacks the edge of her little finger; 4) recognize B. among the sisters; the girls put her little finger in the crack, B. has a scar; B. tells the Queen to take a bad horse, a rusty sword, to run; leaves responsible for saliva, puts two wineskins on the bed; the devil pierces them, thinks he has killed his daughter and son-in-law; the Queen has taken a good horse, a steel sword, the Devil catches up with them; B. throws a comb (forest), salt (mountain) ); the horse is made a chapel, B. a statue, the husband a hermit; the devil does not recognize them, at home the wife explains that they were fugitives; the Queen leaves B. at the source, comes home, is hugged by an old nanny, he forgets B.; prepares to marry another; B. is hired as a maid, asks for a stone of sorrow, a dagger of love; the Devil sells them to the Queen; B. asks them if she helped the Queen; those confirm, the Queen recalls B.; the dagger tells B. to plunge it into her heart, the Queen stops him; the wedding]: 268-276; Camarena, Chevalier 1995, No. 313C (Salamanca) [Lisardo young man plays cards and always loses; the demon offers a condition: he will always win, but in 5 years he will go to the castle Go Don't Come Back (PN); in 5 years he goes, asks the eagle for directions, he refers to another who is older, it brings to the castle, tells the PN of the three bathing daughters of the PN, who is a saint, her name is Blancaflor, to hide the clothes; he hides and returns clothes, the girl promises to help; PN tells 1) scatter a bag of rice in the forest, bring it safe the next day (B. does everything); 2) arrange a field on the site of the forest, collect wheat, bake bread, all in a day (the same); 3) the same - vineyard, wine; 4) get the ring lost by his great-grandmother from the river; B. tells her to cut it, put it in a vessel without spilling a drop of blood, throw it into the river; in the evening he brings the ring, says that a drop has been shed, but from his little finger; 5) tame the horse; this is the PN himself, his wife and daughters, B. will be on the right, not hit on the right side; 6) three daughters will stretch out their arms, and L. is blindfolded, you must choose the bride's hand; B. can be recognized by the missing the phalanx of the little finger; B. tells you to leave the spits responsible for them, choose a skinny oath Thought, not a plump Wind; L. does the opposite; the father chases, B. throws a comb (thicket), a handkerchief (lastral), a garter (river); PN comes back every time, his wife sends him again; B. turns the horse into a vegetable garden, L. into a peasant, herself into a lettuce bed; a chapel, a hermit, an icon; the PN's wife decides not to chase herself, but to make L . forgot B. if he kisses someone; B. warns, but some old woman kissed him from behind, L. forgot B.; she comes and stays under the guise of a prostitute; L. comes to her three times before the wedding, but she every time he tells him to do something (like serve coffee), and he freezes until morning; at the wedding, he tells two dolls to pretend to be themselves and L., they tell me everything, L. remembers marrying B .]: 85-95; the Basques [the young man is lost; a certain Castillo Branco tells him to come to him to carry out his assignments, then he will compensate for the lost; the young man goes to the animal house, the deer refers to the lion; the lion tells cook carcasses of four bulls, carries a young man on his back, eats carcasses on the way; KB has two devil daughters and one of divine nature; KB requires 1) to cut down the forest in a day, plow, etc. - grind the flour, bake bread (KB's daughter performs); 2) pacify three horses (he and his two eldest daughters, the youngest helps); 3) get the youngest daughter's ring from the bottom of the sea; she teaches her body to pieces, fill it without spilling, blood to the bottle, throw it into the sea; the bottle returned with a ring; you have to pour blood on the pieces of the body; the girl came to life, but the young man shed a drop, so his little finger is not enough; KB gave money, promised his daughter, let him choose blindfolded; the young man felt the girls' hands, chose the one with no little finger; got a wife; they were running, the wife left the spits responsible for her; left a wineskin in bed; KB asked while saliva did not dry out; broke into the room, pierced the bed, mistook the wine for blood; then chased a horse as fast as a thought, and the young had a horse like the wind; asks the reapers, they answer that the young have passed 9 months ago; the KB decides that if so, he will catch up; when he sees the chase, the girl becomes a field of bow, the young man digs bulbs; next time the horse goes to church, himself in the image, the young man into the priest; the KB returned than]: Barandiaran 1962a, No. 4:17-25; Basques [a poor young man leaves home, is hired by Tartaro; he tells one of the three pigeon girls who will fly to the lake to hide the feather clothes; return for the promise to help; the dove maiden tells you to go to hire her father; he demands 1) uproot the oak grove, sow, harvest, bake bread; the dove maiden tells her crest to do everything; 2) get the lost ring out of the river; the dove maiden tells her father to ask her father for a rusty sword, chop it to pieces, throw it into the river, comes out whole and with a ring; the young man has lost her little finger, she pretends to slammed the door at him; 3) tame a horse with three foals (this is the owner with three daughters, you have to beat them with a club, and you just have to pretend to be beaten); in the morning the owner and daughters look beaten; 4) choose a wife with with his eyes closed (she does not have a little finger and she will give her hand twice); the young man gets a wife, she tells him to run, leaves the spit to answer for himself; the father chases, the daughter throws the comb (fog, hail), throws again - the river, the father is drowning; on the border of the land of Christians, the wife tells me to go get a priest to baptize her, not to kiss anyone, otherwise her husband will forget her; the old aunt kisses him; the wife creates an inn, the husband with two friends come in; she promises to spend the night with everyone; asks the first to brush his hair first, otherwise he has powder in his hair since childhood, she does not like the smell; the guy combs his hair until the morning; tells his comrades that it was beautiful; the second wife asks to wash her feet first; the third is her husband, she tells him to turn off the lights and he tries to do it unsuccessfully until morning; her comb gives magical power to the woman; she opens husband; he brings the priest; everything is fine]: Webster 1879:120-130; the Portuguese [the prince goes to hell, he gives him difficult assignments; 1) plant a vine in the morning, wine is ready in the evening; 2) get a ring from the bottom of the sea, for this you need to dismember the girl; 3) sow wheat in the morning, bake bread in the evening; 4) tame the horse (that's the devil himself); 5) build a palace in a day; 6) dismantle mixed seeds; something else; he denies that the girl helped him; must identify the girl among several identical ones (only by hand; the girl is missing a finger, so he recognizes her); the spouses run, the wife leaves the saliva responsible for herself; the wineskin is left in bed; the young man chooses a fat horse, he is like the wind, he should have chosen a skinny one, he is like a thought; the horse turns into a church, the girl in an image, a young man as a hermit; a garden, a salad (flowers) and a gardener; a river, a boat, a boatman; throwing objects: ash (fog occurs), needles or pine needles (thorny thickets), salt or water (sea), sand (hill); the devil's wife cast a spell: after kissing his mother or grandmother against his will, the hero forgets his wife; she attracts his attention (many options), he recognizes her]: Cardigos 2006, No. 313:68-69; Corsicans [the prince lost cards; when he lost his soul, the sorcerer returned his money and crew, but ordered him to arrive at the Seven Golden Mountains a year and a day later; the old woman teaches him to seek help from the sorcerer's youngest daughters; he gives tasks: demolish the mountain in a day and sow wheat in this place (according to the girl, everything happens instantly); get the ring that the sorcerer dropped in the Red Sea; the girl tells her to be slaughtered near the shore seas, collect all the blood in the basin, pour it into the sea; because one drop fell to the ground, the girl, bringing the ring, returned from the sea later and was left without a little finger; the sorcerer tells you to tame the horse; girl: the horse is himself , the saddle is her, the stirrups are her two sisters, you must hit the horse on the head with an iron stick; the sorcerer promises a daughter as a wife, but the young man must choose a bride with his eyes closed; girl: feel your hand, she is not wearing little finger; after the wedding, the wife tells you to run; one horse is like the wind, the other is like breathing, you must take the one who is half asleep; the young man took the cheerful; the first two times the sisters chase, the young man's wife throws the bottle with cologne (river), comb (thorny thickets), the stalker returns; the sorcerer himself rides, the wife throws soap, the sorcerer is unable to climb the slippery mountain; the spouses escape, feast]: Massignon 1984, No. 102:227-233; Italians: Andrews 1892 (Liguria), No. 8 [a timid young man leaves home only with his mother; to stir him up, his mother gave him money and sent him to town; he lost all his property parents, afraid to return, went to the forest; the old man gave him money to win back everything, but for this the young man must come to him over the highest mountain; after winning back what he had lost and went home, the young man went to look for the old man; pigeons in the hut, they took the young man to the old man; the first task is to cut down the forest in a day, plow the field, grow wheat and bake bread; the old man's daughter gives a box of powder; if you ask for powder, that's it will be fulfilled; the second task is to tame the horse; girl: it will be the old man himself, you have to beat the horse with a stick; third: get a ring with a diamond dropped into the lake; the girl tells you to chop it into small pieces and throw it into the lake, but not a single drop of blood should spill on the ground; therefore, the girl did not revive immediately and the tip of her little finger is not enough; the old man tells me to identify with her tied through the eyes of an assistant among her sisters; the young man feels his hands, chooses the one with a defective little finger; the hermit married them; at night, the wife tells them to take the books and ride away; the old man found one forgotten by the fugitives the book and sets off in pursuit; the wife creates a river; the old man cannot cross it and tells the young man to forget his wife as soon as someone hugs him at home; the mother hugged him; the forgotten wife becomes a cook in the inn; the father marries the young man to another girl; the forgotten one must cook everything, but she does nothing; at the last moment, the food appears on the table; the forgotten one asks the young man to give her his wedding ring, throws it at a vessel of water; takes a pigeon, cuts it into pieces, throws it into the water; half an hour later, an wild pigeon brings a ring from the bottom of the vessel; the young man remembered everything; the judge decided that he should stay with his first wife], 34 [y fisherman three sons; the catch is scarce; there is a place where there are many fish, but the father forbids his sons to go there, because the hell is there; the youngest son has gone, the hell took him to him, asks difficult tasks; 1) scoop out the lake with a basket; tells the youngest daughter to take lunch to the worker; when she sees the young man, she tells her ring to dry the lake; 2) get the eggs out of the nest on a high cliff, and the stepladder is only a meter high; the girl tells the ring to get eggs; 3) get the ring from the bottom of the well, if he does, he will marry one of the seven daughters; the girl tells you to cut it into pieces and throw it into the well; he forgot to throw the bone from the little finger on his leg; the girl took out the ring and was whole again, but her little finger was not enough; she said that on this basis the young man would be able to identify her among her sisters; and that he should spend the night outside the room window because he should spend the night in the room window. the father will throw a millstone on his bed; in the morning the young man says to the line that a rat fell on him at night; the young man identified his youngest daughter as a trait; the girl tells him to run and take the skinniest oath in the stable; but the young man took a well-fed horse; the girl says this is the worst, but now it's too late to change; hell chases, the girl turns the horse into a chapel, the young man into a priest and herself into a servant; hell does not recognize them, the wife is a devil calls him a fool, sends him again; a rose bush, a hunter, a bird; a river, a fisherman, an eel; they manage to cross the border of the line, he gets only the back half of the horse; everything is fine]: 34-42, 155-160; Calvino 1980, No. 22 (Milan) [{there is no corresponding episode, but an episode identified by a hand that does not have a finger clearly indicates the existence of a variant that is close to Spanish and others Romanesque}; a brief retelling of the beginning in Crane 1885:72-76; a young man wins billiards against a man who calls himself the Sun King, the bet is his daughter; the young man goes in search; the old man says three daughters The Sun King comes to swim in the lake; the young man hides one of them's clothes, promises to return him for promising to deliver him to their father; the young fell in love with each other and the girl taught: when the father demands Identify the bride with her eyes closed, you have to feel her hands: she will miss one finger; on the night after the wedding, the wife tells the young man that her father is going to kill him; they run, father-in-law sends soldiers in pursuit; the wife throws the comb; he turns into a forest where a man and a woman uproot stumps; when asked if they saw the fugitives, the workers say that as soon as they uproot a full load, they will go home; the Sun King tells the returnees they were the fugitives; the next crest abandoned turns into a vegetable garden where a man and a woman dig radishes (same thing); the third crest is a church and two servants; { apparently, there was a sequel; p. 720: The aborted ending is my own}]: 65-67; ladins [a man took a cow to the mountains and spent the night in a hut; at night he woke up from the noise; it was the night people who slaughtered and ate his cow; he was also invited; he cut off a piece, fried it and ate it; in the morning the cow is intact, the only thing he ate is missing]: Jecklin 1874:1.

Western Europe. The Bretons [the poor farmhand saw dwarfs dancing in the moonlight at night; when hungry, they made a fire and then slaughtered, fried and ate his cow; he came up and asked for a slice; they They promised to resurrect the cow, let only the boy spend the night with them; in the morning he saw the cow whole, except for the piece he...]: Sydow 1910:84; French (Dauphine): Joisten 1991, No. 1.1 [Jean lost, a man meets him, gives him a talisman that allows him to always win, tells him to be on Black Mountain in three months; Jean is getting rich, but neither his mother nor other old people know where Black Mountain is; he comes to an old man, he calls birds, knows only crows, brings Jean to an old woman by the mountain, who teaches him to be modest in everything, there are three girls, one leads to the house; the owner waited for Jean, tells 1) to cut down oaks, prepare firewood, collect a bouquet of flowers; Jean cut down only three trees; the owner's daughter tells him to fall asleep, everything is fulfilled (the girl's mother tells her husband every time that his daughter betrays him); 2) cultivate the land, harvest vegetables, fruits, flowers (same); 3) get two eggs from the top of the pyramidal mountain from the goldfinch's nest; it's impossible to climb, Jean slides back; the girl tells you to throw her into a boiling pot, collect bones, make a ladder out of them, then the bones back into the cauldron, she will come out whole; as it happened, Jean took out two eggs; the girl lacks a little finger on her left leg (Jean forgot the bone upstairs); 4) identify the bride among her two sisters in a dark room; Jean identified by finding the missing little finger; the bride tells her not to go to bed (a millstone will fall on the young), but to run with a thin skate; Jean takes a fat one; the girl's father easily catches up with them on a thin horse; the daughter turns 1) the horse into a laundry platform (lavoir), Jean in goulot, herself into a cardaline who sang, replied that she did not see anyone, the girl's father returned, his wife explained that they were fugitives; 2) the horse into the river, Jean in the ship, himself as a carrier; replies that he would transport herself only for money, the father returned; the day came, the Devil lost his strength; Jean s the bride came to the Holy Land; the girl must wait three years to enter there, for she is the daughter of the Devil; she told Jean to go to her mother but not to hug any woman; his mother and others hugged him when he fell asleep, he forgot his wife; she comes beautiful, promises the night to the one who pays 3,000 francs; the first person who comes sticks to the door, sticks off in the morning; the second to the night pot; the third Jean, the girl says she is his wife, he remembers her; wedding], 1.2 [about the same as (1.1); the girl's name is Marie Petassole, the hero's name is Pierre]: 21-29, 29-40; the French (Haute-Brittany, 1879) [boy {rather a boy} collected there is brushwood in the forest; the master gave him money on the condition that in a month he would come to the same place; a month later the young man did not find a master, and there were three girls on the pond: in white, gray and blue clothes; the one in white sent me to the master and taught me to refuse when he offered food: I should serve you, not you; the gentleman is happy; in the morning he gives me a lead ax, a paper saw and a wheelbarrow made of oak leaves; it is necessary in a day cut down the forest and stack logs; a girl in white gives a magic wand, by her wave everything comes true; the next day: there should be an orchard and a duck pond on the site of the hill (same); next: get the dove from the top of a marble tower with steep walls; girl: cut me to pieces, cook me in a cauldron and make a step out of each bone; the young man did not put the little finger of his left foot in the cauldron; when went down, the girl was safe, the young man admitted that he had hidden his little finger and she allowed him to keep it; when the master offered to choose a bride among three sisters, the bride taught the young man to recognize her absence little finger; after the wedding, the gentleman hung the newlyweds bed over the hole; asks three times: son-in-law, are you sleeping? the wife will tell her not to answer for a third time, and then race away on a horse named Little Wind; then the master asks her daughter; the third time she did not answer, ran away, and the master and wife cut off the ropes; Having caught up with the young man, his wife reproaches him: you have saddled the Big Wind, now someone will die; chase; the wife has turned the horse into a garden, herself and the young man into gardeners; the gentleman and his wife ask if they have seen the fugitives; in answer: three pears for su; - That's not it! - Four for soo! next time: the church, the altar and the priest; he mumbles when asked by the persecutors: Dominus vobiscum; for the third time the river, the boat and the carrier; -Just transported them; the gentleman and his wife got into the boat, she sank and they drowned; the couple rode home safely]: Sébillot 1880, No. 31:197-205; the French (Haute-Brittany, 1879) [the man lost cards to Bluebeard; he said that now he must serve with him for 7 years and until he finds him, he does not fall asleep day or night; the man goes in search; he meets three old women consistently; the first has not seen people for 100 years, the second for 40, the third knows where the SB lives: we must cross three seas: red, white and blue; when three SB daughters arrive to swim, we must steal the garter; three ducks have arrived and become girls; the man hid the garter alone , she promised to deliver him to her father, but did not keep her promise; the same with the second; the old woman teaches her to take an oath; the third swore and took the man to her father's kingdom; the Security Council orders to scoop out the pond with a thimble; hide a monstrous amount of wool; get eggs from a bird's nest in a tall tree without stairs; the SB daughter tells me to cut it into pieces to make a ladder; then it was not enough little finger; SB tells the bride to be identified among her sisters; the man identified by the missing little finger; the wife's sisters want to kill the man out of jealousy; the wife tells him to break the egg in which he is enclosed on SB's chest life]: Sébillot 1894, No. 1:167-168; French (Haute-Bretagne, 1885) [in the absence of his father, the son spent all the money; a young man invited him to come to the Chateau de Gold a year and day later Gore - there he will receive unlimited money; the young man agreed, unaware that he was talking to the devil; a year and a day later, the young man went to look for a castle; in front of him was a deep old man with a vegetable garden (jardin) on his head; when he found out where he was going, the old man did not eat it, but gave a note on a cabbage leaf to his older brother, who has two vegetable gardens on his head; this one wrote on a cabbage leaf to the oldest, who has bread on his head a field with reapers, and shepherds herd cows; this old man decided not to eat the young man, since he brought him a cabbage leaf from his brother - therefore he is alive; shows the way to the castle; three girls are swimming; the young man hides the blue the dress and returns it to the owner only after she hugged it; in the castle, the devil asks what the young man likes; when he finds out that the lumberjack tells him to cut down the forest with a glass ax; the girl does everything with using his magic wand; create a castle with a river and boats; get an egg from the tower; a young man cuts a girl to pieces and creates a ladder from her bones; forgot about the little finger; finds the bride after the missing little finger when the hell tells the young man to do it blindfolded; boy and girl ride away on a white horse; he jumped over the tower for the third time - otherwise he would not have rode away; wife pursues the devil; girl throws bouchon d'écurie - a horse turns into a church, a girl into a priest, a young man into a singing boy; next time he throws a scraper: a vegetable garden, a carrot, a gardener; then a comb - a river, a duck, drake; then there is holy land, there is no road line; the girl created a castle, and the young man went to his parents; she did not order anyone to hug, he broke the ban and forgot her; brings friends to the girl; one of them is ready pay 200 francs per night; she asks to close the door and he stood at the door until morning; the same with the second; when the young man goes to bed with his wife, he remembers everything]: Sébillot 1894, No. 2:169-170; French (Lorraine) [Jean gets to hell; his daughter Green Pen helps her father complete his father's difficult errands; get it (where?) the spire for the castle to be built; to do this, he dismembers the girl, and when he reassembles him, his little finger is missing; he must identify the bride among several girls; finds her missing little finger]: Hartland 1891:293; Walloons: Laport 1932, No. 313 [the young man lost cards, decided to drown himself; someone helps him recoup on the condition that in a year and 6 weeks the young man will come to Mille Castle de Plomb; the young man came to the old man, the animals obey him; the pig carried him, he violated the ban on speaking, fell into the sea, swam to the shore; the giant is subordinate to the bird; he tells the eagle to take the young man; by On the way, the supply of food is running out, the young man cut off a piece of his caviar; by the pond he sees the three daughters of the castle owner bathing, steals the youngest's clothes, returning him for promising to become his wife; the owner says that the young man must redeem his soul, and to do this 1) get the ring from the bottom of the well; to do this, he cuts that girl in half, the upper part dives and brings the ring, connects to the bottom; because a drop of blood was lost, one finger is missing; 2) squeeze, grind wheat from a huge field in a day; 3) create a sea with all kinds of fish (the girl helps to perform); you need to recognize the bride three times under the veil among her sisters; young man recognizes by the missing finger; wedding; young people flee; turn into peasants; into a chapel and St. A virgin; a girl creates the sea, her father drowns in it; the young man's family does not recognize his wife, she disappears, he forgets her; she serves in a cabaret; the first person who wants to stay with her asks for a glass of water, he remains in this position and is released only in the morning; the same with the second; the third is her husband, he recognizes his wife; their wedding again], *313D [the poor young man goes to the castle of the seven mountains; the king of fish, the king of insects, the king of birds replies that they do not know where it is; the young man is led there by a swallow; he falls in love with the youngest of three girls; the king agrees to marry if the young man fulfills errands; build a feather castle over the pond ; knock down an oak grove with one blow; get the ring from the bottom of the well; the girl is dissected in two, pulls out the ring, connected, but the finger on her left leg is not enough; the young man wants to visit his parents; the girl does not tells him to hug his mother, he hugged him, forgot his bride; at the inn, the girl makes a date for men (see No. 313); her husband is third, he recognizes his wife and reunites with her]: 43-44, 44-45; Irish : Curtin 1975:1-14 [The young son of the King of Ireland meets Lake Léin, a giant in the forest; he offers to play cards, the young man wins two estates; the next time, a hundred bulls in golden horns and silver hooves; on the third day she loses her head; comes to an old woman with her teeth sticking out of her mouth; she washes his feet, feeds him, gives him a rolling ball, he will lead to her middle sister, she sends him to the eldest, who says that there are 700 iron stakes around the giant's castle with their heads set, the latter is free, telling the giant's three bathing daughters, who has yellow on her chest, to hide the clothes lily (others are white and blue); the young man returns his clothes for promising to save him; the giant will invite the young man to sleep in a water pool, the Yellow Lily (WL) removes him each time, puts it back in front of awakening the giant; feeds, the young man should not eat the meat that the giant gives him; the giant suggests 1) finding a pin lost by the giant's great-grandmother in a 500-horse stable that has not been peeled for 700 years (JL cleans, finds); 2) make a roof of bird feathers above the stable so that everyone is different (LL does); 3) get an egg from a crow's nest at the top of a giant tree, or rather a smooth pole; ZhL tells Kill her, peel the bones from the meat, make a ladder out of her bones, then collect all the bones back; the young man does everything but forgets to take the last bone, the JL respawns, but she lacks the little finger of her leg; the giant lets the young man go; at home, the soothsayer advises the king to marry his son to the daughter of the King of Denmark; they come to the wedding, the giant with the LC also comes; the JL turns two grains into a pair of pigeons; the male bites the female, pushes her off the table, she says he did not do this when she helped him clean the stable; the same applies to other episodes; the young man remembers JL, takes her as his wife, the King of Denmark and his daughter are guests at this wedding], 15-25 [Coluath O'Hara, king of the Desmond region, has three daughters; in the absence of a father, the eldest envelops herself in a veil of darkness, wants a handsome man as her husband; he immediately arrives at a golden carriage drawn by two white and two black horses takes her away; the middle daughter also arrives in a carriage with four black horses; the youngest wants the best white dog in the world, he comes with a servant in a carriage drawn by four white horses; the husbands of older sisters are people during the day and seals at night, the youngest's husband is a dog during the day, handsome at night; when he leaves, he tells his wife not to shed tears if a child will be born and something will happen to him; she gives birth to a son, he is carried away by a crow; the same with the second; when a daughter gives birth, a tear drips into the mother's scarf; the husband returns, scolds his wife for it; daughters and husbands they come to their father; the mother spies, sees a handsome man with two older seals, the youngest; throws a dog's skin into the fire; the husband says that if he spent three days in his father-in-law's house, he would remain human, and now must leave; the wife follows; in the first house she meets the first kidnapped son, the old woman gives scissors that turn rags into a golden dress; in the second, the second, gets a comb that turns lousy hair with golden curls; in the third, a daughter, she has no eye, the mother pulls out a handkerchief, not a tear in it, but her daughter's eye, the girl finds it; the hostess blows a whistle calling on all the birds; the husband pulls out a reed, goes to the lower world, he must become the husband of the Queen of the Land of Youth (Tir na N-og), who bewitched him; the wife pulls out another, follows him; the woman turns the rags of her daughter henwife (poultry house?) in a luxurious dress; she reports to the queen; the queen demands scissors, the dog's wife asks for a night with her husband for them, gets it, but the husband sleeps; the same is the second night (tidies up henwife's daughter's hair, gives it comb); the dog's wife whistles on the whistle, all the birds fly in, including the bird of song and new tales; the dog's wife asks the bird how to kill the queen; she says that there is a ram in the holly, in he has a duck, an egg in it, only the queen's husband can cut down a holly; the dog's wife hides a fox in a box, a hawk in the other; spends the night in exchange for a whistle, leaves a letter to the servant for her husband; he wakes up, cuts the holly , the fox grabs the ram, the hawk the duck, the egg breaks, the queen dies; the former dog and his wife remain to rule the country Tir na N-og]; Scots: Campbell 1890 (1), No. 2 [translated to Shustova 1995:363 -373; the sparrow and the mouse quarreled over the grain; the war of birds and animals began; the Queen of Tetertyne came when the battle was over, the Raven and the Serpent remained; the Queen killed the Serpent when it was ready kill the Raven in a duel; the grateful Raven puts him on his back and carries him across valleys and lakes to his first, second, third sisters, the third becomes a young man (he was cursed); gives a bag, tells him not open on the way; a young man opens, a palace with a garden appears; a giant puts everything back for promising to give his son, who will be born when he is seven years old; the young man becomes king, marries, through a giant is behind the son for seven years; the boy's mother gives her son a cook instead of her son; the giant asks what his father would do if he received a rod; he replies that he would drive dogs away from treats and cats; the king has to give his promised son; the young man grows up in a giant's house, who offers him a choice of one of two daughters; the young man demands a third, Red-haired Mary; the giant demands 1) clean the barn (M. does everything), 2) cover the house with bird feathers (the same), 3) get magpies out of the nest on a pine tree and cook them (M. cuts off his fingers and toes, they turn into steps of the stairs, the young man pulls out eggs, fingers grow, except for the little finger, which the young man did not touch when he climbed); 4) recognize the bride among her sisters (she does not have a little finger); M. tells her to run, leaving apple slices to answer; M. tells her to get it from the mare's ear, throw behind 1) a branch of thorns (thorny thickets; the giant runs home for an ax, then carries the axe back, because the crow promises to steal the ax), 2) a pebble (mountain, the giant runs home for with a pickaxe and a hammer), 3) a bottle of water (the lake, the giant is drowning); M. tells the house not to kiss anyone, the young man is kissed by a dog, he forgets M.; M. hides in a tree, the shoemaker's wife and daughter see her reflection, they take it for their own, refuse to carry water, since they are so beautiful; the shoemaker takes M. into the house, says that the Queen is getting married, takes M. with him to a feast; two pigeons fly out of her glass, they say the story of M.; the Queen marries M.], 43 [the new queen tyrants the daughter of the deceased, sends sheep to herd, but does not feed her; surprised that the stepdaughter is alive; asks the poultry house to find out; she sends her daughter, her girlfriend puts her to sleep, but the third eye on the back of her head when she falls asleep sees a sharp gray sheep bringing meat to her stepdaughter; the queen tells the sheep to be slaughtered; she tells her stepdaughter to collect her bones, wrap it in her skin, she will be reborn; the stepdaughter forgot to put her hooves, the sheep became limp, but began to bring meat again; the prince fell in love with his stepdaughter, the poultry house's daughter spied, the queen sent her own daughter to herd the sheep, and the stepdaughter left to work in the kitchen; the prince gave her stepdaughter gold shoes; she secretly went to church for the service, leaving before her stepmother; for the third time, the prince chased her, found her lost shoe; told everyone try on; the poultry house cut off the Queen's daughter's toes to make her shoes fit; during the wedding, the bird began to scream that the shoes were blood and the beautiful legs were in the corner behind the hearth; the prince marries stepdaughter]: 25-38, 300-303; Scots [the saint supervised the construction of the cathedral in Ulster; he had a cow that the workers ate every day, put the bones in their skin, and in the morning the cow again intact; once he saw his cow on three legs; one of the workers admitted that he had crushed a bone to eat his brain; for this, his descendants are punished: if one of them climbs the wall, they will fall and will crash]: Kennedy 1875:128-129; the British [when she dies, the queen tells her daughter that a red calf will take care of her; the king takes a new wife with three ugly daughters, she does not feed her stepdaughter she sits on ash in the kitchen, she is called Rushen Coatie; the calf tells her to take food out of her ear; the stepmother tells her daughter to spy, asks her husband to slaughter the calf; the dead calf tells her to collect it all bones under the stone, will fulfill wishes; but there is no one tibia; everyone goes to church; the calf runs up, limping, brings rich clothes, explains what to say so that dinner can be prepared by himself; but RC must get home before others; when sisters come back, they talk about an unknown beauty; next time RC loses a crystal shoe; prince tells us to try everything on; stepmother cut off the fingers and heel of one of her daughters, the prince took her to the palace, but the raven began to shout about it; when he saw blood dripping from her shoe, the prince took the liar back; the shoe jumped out of his pocket prince and put on RC's leg; wedding]: Jacobs 1894:163-168; Germans [1) S.513, Switzerland, Eifisch Valley: a shepherd sees spirits killing a deer at midnight, having a feast; offering a piece to a shepherd; in the morning they put all the bones on their skin, the deer comes to life, but the piece eaten by the shepherd is missing; 2) S.513, Bern district): a shepherd comes to the dwarfs and reproaches them for taking the best calf from his herd; dwarfs apologize, give the shepherd a piece of calf meat they eat; in the morning the shepherd sees a live calf, all that is missing is a piece he has eaten; 3) S. 515, Swabians: Nachvolk came on a fasting day, scored the best cow, had a feast; the children living in the house also had to eat, but did not lose their bones; after the feast, they did not find one bone; the rest were put in their skin, the cow came to life; 4) Tyrol: the hunter sees three wild women cook wild chamois meat; he is invited to participate in the meal but keep the bones; he accidentally swallowed one; on the way home he noticed a chamois limping on his back leg; three years later, her shot, she was missing that bone]: Schmidt 1952:512-521.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Rengma [the man died; in a dream, the shaman went to the spirit village, where they had already dismembered the body and were about to cook meat; the shaman collected all the parts, returned, revived the man; but the chin is one spirit I managed to eat it; the shaman replaced it with a goat's chin, so the old people have a goatbeard]: Mills 1937:167.

South Asia. Telugu [Adijambuvu is considered the great-grandfather of the Madigas and was created 6 months before the beginning of the world (i.e. before the arrival of the Aryans); Rama consulted A. on all matters; at that time there was Kamadheni's cow (" a cow of abundance"); a boy named Vellamanu herded her and she gave a lot of milk that the gods drank; but V. also wanted to try it; to do this, he pretended to be sick, took a vessel from which the gods drank milk, poured water into it and drank it; {smelling the taste of milk,} V. thought that the cow's meat should taste even better; realizing that someone wanted its meat, the cow died; then the gods asked A. to divide the carcass in 4 parts; he himself, Brahma, Vishka and Shiva, received a quarter each to bring back, then the cow would be reborn; but V. cut off the piece and began to cook; when the water boiled, it poured over the edge and one piece fell into the fire; V. blew on it and put it to cook again; when Mrs. A. began to put pieces of the cow's flesh together, what V. blew on did not grow; the cow revived, but the skin hung on it; It used to have 2 heads, 4 horns, 8 legs and 2 tails, but now it is what cows now look like; after that, A. lost its high position]: Rauschenbusch-Clough 1988:13-15.

The Balkans. Ancient Greece. The king of southern Phrygia Tantalus, wanting to test the omniscience of the gods, stabbed his son Pelops and served his meat to the invited gods. Only Demeter, upset about the disappearance of her daughter (option: Thetis), ate Pelops's shoulder. The gods reassembled Pelops from pieces and made his shoulder out of ivory. So his descendants had a white spot on their shoulder (Apol.:179); Hygin 2000, No. 83:103.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. (Wed. Kalmyks [Sharvada hunts, he has an Alya-Sonkhor falcon, two horses, dogs Hasar and Basar, sees a black man at the bottom of the hole, refuses to pull him out; tells his mother to take a knife if he goes collect a dung; the mother sees that man, refuses to pull her out when he offers her to become her son, younger brother, daughter; pulls her out when she offers to become her old man; S., a black man, enters rushes at him, his mother throws millet under his feet, he falls, he was cut to pieces, thrown into the lake; the falcon flew to heaven to the sisters Sh., who collected the pieces, the little finger was not enough, X. and B. found their little finger in ash; S. came to life, killed a black man, threw pieces into the lake]: Basangova 2002:97-98); Abkhazians [(according to T. Ochiauri, 1915, Christian East, pp.107-108); as in other Caucasian versions; gods feast; instead of a lost bone, an animal is inserted with a stick or knife]: Dzidziguri 1971:10-11; Ossetians: Baranov 1900, No. 7 [Avsaty is the patron saint of hunting; every born deer is cut, cooked whole, asks guests to eat meat, but not break bones; folds the bones in the right order, whips, the bones are covered with meat and with his skin, the deer runs away; the hunter Zambulat fell asleep in the forest; hears A. calling the saints to eat a deer; Kady-Rukhs (the tree owner) leads D.; D. hid one rib; A. planed a new one from a branch; soon D. killed a deer, one rib turned out to be wooden]: 63-66; Miller 1882 [(mentions the same legend with reference to his publication in the Collection, section 3, No. 9)]: 245; Chechens: Dalgat 1972:205-206 [three brothers got lost hunting, entered the cave of three one-eyed giantesses, mother and daughters; the mother sent her daughters to pick up game, they brought chamois; ordered the bones to be piled; one hunter hid his shoulder blade; after eating the giantess carved the missing shoulder blade from the chamois; ordered the bones to be piled up; one hunter hid his shoulder blade; after eating a tree, the giantess revived the chamois; all night the giantesses danced in the moon; in the morning When leaving the forest, the hunters killed a chamois, it had a wooden shovel], 266 [After dinner, the women began to collect bones and see one shoulder blade missing. Without saying a word to the brothers, they took a piece of wood, turned it into another shovel, chamois bones, and with them put a wooden spatula in her skin and shouted: "Chamois! come back to the woods!" The chamois came to life and, having jumped out of the cave, disappeared into the forest], 268-270 [(Magomayev 1897:13); the sledge's wife took the prince as a lover; as if jokingly invites her husband to try his power; he tears iron and steel chains, unable to break the silk rope; he lies tied under the bed of lovers; when they fall asleep, asks his young son to bring him a sword, cuts fetters, kills lovers, leaves with his son at home; the deer he killed comes to life, tells him to go to Ali's sledge and hear a more amazing story from him; A. and his eight brothers ended up in the cave of a one-eyed giant; he cooked the brothers, A. ran away; leaving son A ., the sledge comes to that giant; the giant's goat tells the sledge to tie itself under his belly for the night; at night, the giant wants to kill the sledge, but does not find it; in the morning, the sledge defeats the giant, makes him revive brothers A.; marries sister A.], 271-273 [(Western 1960); the hunter cut out the liver, lung and heart of the killed deer, which came to life and ran away; the hunter's daughter said what happened to Timar, who was burned side, more amazing; T. tells how they met a nart-ersthöy with six brothers, who sent them to his house, fried six and ate them, T. himself remained undercooked, ran away; the hero of the story was stronger Nart Ersthoy, forced him to revive the dead, married sister T.; she said she turned into that deer to find a way to revive her brothers; her liver, lung and heart are still hurting]; Avars [the hunter came to visit the boudoals (from the Arab. budua); they treated him to venison, told him not to break his bones; he hid the rib; not wanting to embarrass the guest, the boudouals replaced the rib with a wooden one, wrapped everything in skin, shook him, the deer came to life and ran away]: Khalidova 1984:169; Georgians: Dzidziguri 1971, No. 7 (Khevsuri) [the hunter killed, began to fry the tour, he came to life and ran away, shouting that Batir's story should be surprised; B. told how he feasted with the devils, the bones were collected in a pile; B. hid the shoulder blade, the devils cut the wooden one, the tour came to life; later B. killed Toura with a wooden shovel; the second adventure: the daughter-in-law, warmed with a whip, turned B. into a dog; as a dog , B. dealt with the wolf pack, then became human again], 8 (mountain Tusheti) [the hunter spent the night in the crevice; the devils invited the Lord of the Rocks to a feast with the guest; the shoulder blade of one of the tours eaten the hunter threw it into the river; the devils replaced it with a wooden one, revived the tours; the next day, the hunter killed the tour with a wooden shovel]: 82-83, 84-85; Surguladze 2004 [Gakhua Megrelauri's soul left the body, followed for the deities on their campaign to the country of kajas (evil humanoid creatures); after victory, the soul did not want to enter the body (it was covered with worms, it smelled bad; var.: the mouse gnawed out a piece of flesh); the gods forced the soul to enter the body, it came to life; the mark of the mouse wound remained on the shoulder]: 205; Armenians: Ganalanyan [An angel came to visit Abraham, who stabbed a calf; a cow is looking for a calf; an angel tells bring him the skin and bones he had eaten, the tibia was not found; the angel revived the calf; later Abraham found the tibia, brought it to the angel; he ordered it to be buried in the garden, grapes grew]: 1979, No. 232:101; Schmidt 1952 [forest spirits eat a bull, invite a hunter to a meal, who hides a rib; instead of a rib, the perfume takes a chestnut branch, puts the bones in its skin, and the bull comes to life]: 526.

Iran - Central Asia. Shugnantsy [(zap. B. Lashkarbekov, according to Tokhir Kalandarov, a Shugnant, doctoral student at the Institute of Ethnology of the Russian Academy of Sciences); in one village, in honor of the arrival of Ismaili missionary Nosir Khusrav, a ram was sacrificed; after a meal, NH asked to bring him all the bones of the ram he had eaten; when the bones were laid out, there was no one; NH replaced it with a wooden one, said a prayer, the ram came to life]: Lashkarbekov, personal report, 2005; kafirs [ mountain goats (markhor) belong to fairies; hunters kill only those that fairies have already killed, eaten and revived with their bones in their skin; fairies surrounded one hunter, rubbed his eyes with powder, and then he was able to follow them into the cliff; at the entrance, instead of dogs, there was a bear on one side and a leopard on the other, but the fairies told them to let the man in; he was invited to eat a dead goat; to the horror of the fairies, he split the femur; repaired it himself, connecting the halves with a twig; then the bones were collected in skin, thrown out of the house, the goat came to life, ran away; the man returned home; others killed the goat, man distributed meat, found his hip, talked about what happened]: Degener 2001:331-333; dardas, Burishi: Yettmar 1986:235 [ratash giants reconnect the bones of the killed stone goats and revive them; Gilgit associates this belief with peri], 258 [peri kill and eat animals, then put them in their skin, the animal becomes alive, now given to the hunter for killing and consumption; bones should have been handled with care, then thrown into the water], 259 [1) the hunter is invited to peri for lunch, but does not comply with the requirement not to squeeze or throw away the bones; when resurrecting an animal, the peri replace the missing bone with a piece of wood; the hunter then finds this piece of wood in his prey; 2) (Hunza, Burish); demons (fetters) stole and slaughtered a goat, invited him to a meal the owner; he hid the rib, which was replaced by a piece of wood; when he returned home, he saw his animal, in which he stabbed it again and found a piece of wood]; the burishi [the man went to look for the missing goat, I came back in the dark, saw pfeet (Pfūts, spirits) dancing around the fire, started dancing with them; after eating, they collected bones in goat skin; one rib was not enough, because the man hid it; they they made a wooden one, shook the skin, the goat came to life, ran away; it was the missing man's goat; the Pfeet went to the pft wedding, the man returned home, found his goat there, stabbed him, she had a wooden one rib; from pft he brought a melody for the flute, it's called "pft melody"]: Lorimer 1935, No. 20:235; Turkmens [seven hunting brothers tell a pregnant mother to hang a doll at the gate, if a daughter is born; evil neighbors replace her with a bow and arrow; brothers do not return; born Ak-Pamyk does not know that she has brothers; neighbors tell her to squeeze her mother's hand when she takes hot grains wheat, the mother talks about the brothers, gives a rolling cake that shows the way; AP cleans up the brothers in the cave; the youngest does not fall asleep, enough AP, she tells me who she is; eats the berry promised to the cat, that the fire blows out; AP comes to the diva for the fire; he gives, when he comes, kills the brothers; the old woman says that only the milk of the cannibal camel Ak-Maya will revive them; her camel helps AP, sucks, pouring them into a wineskin ; AM chases AP, which splashes some of the milk, forms the Milky Way; AP revives the brothers, but the youngest does not have enough shoulder blades; brothers are married, wives hate AP, they pour lead into her ears, she is dumb and deaf; she is sent on a camel to look for a husband; she is married by a prince, and a vizier's son takes a camel; advises the prince to look for a second wife; the son pushes AP, lead falls out of her; when he learns that his wife recovered, the prince sent a new one back; Uncle Bayram meets AP's son; she sends bags of scorpions to the brothers' wives, they die]: Sokali et al. 1955:69-81.

Baltoscandia. Swedes (Westerjotland) [{obviously like the Kabiles; the demon gives the young man difficult assignments that the demon's daughter helps him complete); one of them is to get griffin eggs from the cliff; for this purpose, the girl tells you to dismember it into pieces, make steps out of them, and when you go down, reassemble it; the young man did it, but his little finger is missing]: Liungman 196:59; Norwegians: Christiansen 1959:84 [owner { the sorcerer} suspects that his daughter is helping the hero and is convinced that she is right when she sees that she is missing a finger - going down a tree and stepping on the girl's fingers like crossbars of stairs, the hero breaks one of them], 103-104 [one of the hero's tasks is to climb a tall tree whose trunk has no branches, get eggs from under the bird and bring them without crushing them; to do this, the hero makes a ladder from girl's fingers and toes; failing to touch one step in his descent, he gives uncontrollable evidence of her assistance]; Scandinavians: Younger Edda 1963:35 [Everyone is fed boar meat in Valhalla Sahrimnir. By evening he was safe again], 40-41 [Eku-Tor in his goat-drawn chariot and Loki set off and spent the night with one man; Thor stabbed and cooked his goats, and the owner and son and daughter invited them to dinner; ordered the bones to be thrown on their skins; Tialvi, the master's son, split his femur and picked up his brain; in the morning Thor revived the goats, but one limped; Thor was angry about killing them all, but agreed take the owner's children Tyalvi and Ryskva as a ransom; they now follow him; on their way to the land of giants, Thor and his companions entered the forest, reached a house; heard a rumble at night; in the morning they see that a giant is lying next to him and snores; Thor is surrounded by the Belt of Power, the giant woke up and said his name is Scrumir (bragger?) ; the house with the extension in which they spent the night was his Scrumir mitten; S. asked for travel companions, took a bag of food; fell asleep at rest, and Thor could not untie a single knot and open the bag; hit S. Mjollner on the head; he: didn't the leaf fall? At night, Thor hits the giant on the head with a hammer and hears: has the acorn fallen? In the morning he hit his temple, the hammer went deep. - Didn't the knot fall? It's time to go, Utgard is coming soon, there are lots of people there and bigger than me].

Volga - Perm. The Bashkirs [the boy was at a perfume meeting; hid the edge of the cow they had slaughtered; after the feast, the spirits folded the cow's bones, replacing the missing rib with a wooden one; the cow was revived; in the village the boy spoke about what he saw; the owner stabbed a cow with a wooden edge in it]: Baishev 1895:31-32 in Chursin 1956:83.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. The Oirats (probably Kukunor Olets) [a book version of The Heceriade, printed in 1716 in Beijing in woodcut and similar in language to the southern Oirat dialects: Zuru (Geser) and his two half-brothers, Tsasa-Shikir and Rounsa, went to pasture; Zuru: "We herd so many cattle, but we walk completely hungry: let's slaughter and eat at least one calf!" ; Rounsa: "Shall we slaughter and eat it? Why, father and mother are scolding us!" ; Zuru: "I'm taking responsibility, Zasa, catch a calf!" ; Zasa caught; Zuru stabbed the calf and skinned it in the form of a bag; when they ate meat, bones were thrown into this leather bag; Zuru pulled the bag's tail and waved his hand three times; the calf came to life and ran to the herd; the brothers returned home, went into the yurt; Zuru started eating, and Zasa and Rounsa stayed standing; the mother asked why they did not eat; Zaza and Rusna said that Zuru fed them a calf; Sanlong, named Father Zuru, rushed at him with a whip; then counted the calves: everyone was there; the next day, Zuru stabbed his calf again; Rounsa hid his tail in his bosom; when they ate meat, they threw it bones in a bag; Zuru waved his hand three times and the revived calf ran into the herd; at home Rounsa said, "Let's eat the tail from the calf that our younger brother Zuru stabbed to death"; pulled out his tail from his bosom buried it in ash; S. rushed to Zuru with a whip; then counted the calves: everyone was there, but one had his tail cut off; S. returned to the yurt, began to quilt Rounsa and accuse him of defamation]: Kozin 1935:49-50 (German translation in Schmidt 1839:22-24).

SV Asia. Chukchi (reindeer) [the raven Kurkil finds a baby seal, brings it to his wife Mitina to be their son; the seal goes to look for a bride; some girls cut it for him his back, hot coals are poured into the wound; one takes him as her husband; he comes to his aunts; one of them cuts him into pieces, shamanite; the pieces join together, the Seal turns into a handsome young man; he lacks one buttock; aunts make it out of clay; he brings his wife home]: Bogoras 1928, No. 45:420-423.

The Arctic. Asian Eskimos: Menovshchikov 1985, No. 8 [The Seagull calls all his daughters Mamana; tells his wife to kill and cook her eldest; keeps her skin, the girl comes to life; when the Seagull visits the Raven , he does the same to his daughter; she does not come to life]: 35-36; Rubtsova, Vakhtin 2019, No. 3 [same; when a crow's wife kills her daughter, blood drips to the ground (this should not be allowed), the skin is torn, the meat is not prepared]: 66-70.

Subarctic. Tagish, inner tlingits [boy says salmon is spoiled; chasing a seagull, ends up in salmon land; he is told to throw all bones into the water when he eats fish; eaten are reborn as children; one boy is missing an eye; an earthly boy finds a lost eye, throws him into the water, the salmon boy is healthy again; an earthly boy in salmon guise is caught by his parents; identified by them by copper jewelry; the shaman restores his human appearance]: Cruickshank 1992:75-78.

NW Coast. Eyak [the wife is angry with her husband, who goes to marry the daughter of Calm Weather's daughter; marries the youngest; the eldest buys it from her sister for herself in exchange for dental shells; with this new wife, the man returns to the first; violates the ban on talking to her, the new wife returns to her father; the husband follows her, drowns; the father sends the slave to find the drowned; he rips open bellies to several fish, finds human bones in Dog Fish's stomach; the kneecap is missing, the father-in-law cannot revive it; then he puts his slave's kneecap on him, and he makes a kneecap out shells; lively marries Good Weather's youngest daughter]: Birket-Smith, Laguna 1938, No. 17:300-304 (=Johnson 1978:44-46; translated into Romanova 1938, No. 12:54-56); Tlingit: Garfield, Forrest 1961 [the mother feeds her son only dried salmon; the seagull drags him into the water, he enters the country of salmon; loses a pebble that must be kept in her mouth to always be full; a friend tells him to kill the child with a stick , fry and eat, throw the bones into the water; he loses one bone from his head, the chief's son is sick in the morning; finds a bone, throws it into the water, the chief's son recovers; the boy brings salmon home; the mother catches salmon, cuts, finds their son's copper ornament under his skin; parents put salmon on the roof, he turns into a boy again, tells his story]: 146-147; Smelcer 1992 [mother tells Yoloa throw salmon bones into the water; he does not throw everything; Salmons disappear, take J. with them; their leader is sick because some of the bones are not enough; J. returns to people with salmon, his mother catches him, finds out by a necklace around his neck; a shaman turns him back into a human; he teaches people salmon fishing rituals; finds missing bones, there are a lot of salmon]: 15-17; Hyda (Skidgate) [ Salmon take the boy in a boat to their country; on the shore he eats salmon caviar; children say it's their bowel movements; in the chief's house he sees a woman whose bottom body is petrified; she tells him to burn bones salmon after eating; the chief's son and another salmon man fall ill; a young man finds seeds that he forgot to burn, burns, the sick recover; salmon come back with him; the path lies under the edge the sky, which rises and falls; the boat is crushed, some of the sailors are saved; the mother recognizes her son in the form of a salmon by the necklace hanging on him; cuts off his head, puts his body on the roof, it turns into a human; he becomes a shaman; a year later he kills salmon; it's his own soul, he dies]: Swanton 1905:7-15; haida (Masset) [young man lives with his grandmother; she gathers for littoral mollusks, every day he finds herring under a certain stone, each time in more numbers; the young man makes himself a shamanic costume and a tambourine; heals the patient; makes his house bigger; walks by sea marry the daughter of the Many-Ledges rock; the Heron gives him a witchcraft; you can't enter the rock house; he turns into a knot on the shore, the Rock's daughter picks him up, shows him to her father; he throws him into the fire ; at night, the young man comes to life from ash, takes the daughter of the Rock as his wife; the father-in-law orders 1) to bring the bark of the tree (it burns, the young man uses his means, brings; the same in other cases); 2) puts his son-in-law in a box of hot with stones, he is unharmed; 3) kill an eagle; 4) a seal, 5) an octopus; the father-in-law is desperate, his assistants are destroyed; the young man brings his wife home, both walk by sea; the wife warns not to answer other women ; he answers, the water she drinks becomes dirty; she goes to her father; he follows, she looks at him, he falls through the water; father-in-law pulls out his bones, his hips are missing; his wife revives it, but one leg is shorter]: Swanton 1908a, No. 18:417-426; uvikino (Awi'ky'ēnoq) [Kuēkuaqā'o( Raven?) tells his sisters to make mats serving salmon meat, sails in a self-propelled boat to Salmon Country; there he tells his sister to quietly hole local boats; the chief feeds guests salmon, telling him do not break or throw bones into the fire; one girl's nose is bleeding, the leader realizes that K. hid the nasal bone, takes the bone, the girl recovers; K. pretends to be insulted, swims away, intentionally leaving one of his mats; the chief sends his daughter to give the mat to the departing guests; when the girl enters the water, K. grabs it, sails away; the chief sends unperforated boats in pursuit; K. drops his mats, pursuers pick them up, fight over them; K. arrives home at Rivers Inlet; there are salmon there ever since]: Boas 1895, No. XX.1.5:210 (=2002:446-447); Quakiutl: Boas 1895, No. 5a [Yaqstatl boy ate a duck, it became a frog in his stomach; when his mother was cooking, the frog jumped out of Y.'s mouth and ate everything; his parents left him, sailed away with all the good things, but the youngest the brother jumped out of the boat, stayed with the elder; cooked the salmon, let the frogs jump out, ran away; ate the fish, the frogs rushed after the brothers; I threw the clothes on the stump, the frogs mistook them for me, stayed there; the brothers sailed to the island; someone steals salmon from the top; brother guarded her, fell asleep twice; I. himself guarded the third; Zonokva put her hand behind the fish, I shot her in the chest, she ran away; on the trail of Y. came to the lake; daughter J. came for water, mistook Y. for a shaman, asked her mother to be healed; the arrow Y. is invisible to others; I took out the arrow, received my daughter Z. as payment; found my brother at home dead; collected bones, the collarbone was not enough, he made it out of wood, revived his brother], 14 [The inventor descends into the sea; breaks off the blade of the wedge with which the slave cuts wood; repairs it himself; slave: Daughter Chief Salmon bites the genitals of the grooms, we must take a stone; The inventor hides in a piece of wood, the leader's daughter takes it, they copulate (without details); Salmon eat salmon, throw bones at water; The inventor hides one; the reborn Salmon Man does not have enough pin to stab the blanket; The inventor and his wife sail in a boat, leads salmon into rivers]: 148-149, 169-175; 1916, No. 189 [The raven comes to the Salmon Chief; he kills his two sons; they turn into salmon; when the bones are thrown into the water, the boys are reborn; the deer hides one bone from the chest of one of boys lack the pin with which his cape was fastened; Ravens and animals carry baby salmon in a boat moving with a magic paddle; Salmon catch up with them, Deer kills them; Raven distributes salmon along rivers]: 579; bellacula: Boas 1895, No. 9 [the husband drove his wife away to get a new one, the sons went to the forest; found a top, built a house; the eldest caught salmon, the youngest dried them in the house; a woman came in the cape of an eagle covered in fluff; sucked all the fish with her mouth, left; the youngest did not say anything to the elder; the next time he admitted that it was not him who ate, but the woman; on the third day, the eldest hid, shot a woman in the chest, followed a trail of blood and eagle fluff to the sky; sprinkled eagle fluff on her head by the lake, made sure that others did not see his arrows; two girls went out of the house to get water for sick mother; Thunderbird, crane, black and brown bears could not cure her; the young man quietly took out his arrows, got one daughter as his wife; returned with her, found his brother's bones, birds took her ankle away; wife revived him with living water; he remained lame; when he returned to his father, the brothers forced him to return their mother, drive his new wife away; the heavenly wife told her husband not to smile at the sight of his former lovers; he went for with water, smiled, brought blood-colored water; the wife disappeared]: 253-256; 1898, No. 5 [gutting salmon, the leader's wife finds a boy in one, brings up with her son, both grow up immediately; Salmon brother tells scream as he approaches his hut by the shore; the human brother forgets, sees a half-alive salmon on the floor; then a boat arrives, a man sails with it; they sail through the countries of Smelt, Herring, Candlefish; in the country Salmon are jumped into a house whose door slams shut every now and then; Salmons eat seaweed, offer a boy and girl to a man; when thrown into the water, they turn into salmon; the owners tell them to preserve the bones and giblets, throw into the water; children are reborn, but the boy is limping, the girl has no eye; an eye and bone are found, thrown into the water, the children recover; Salmon's daughter does not tell her to go to bed with her; a man sticks a stone , breaks vaginal teeth; she gives birth to a son and daughter; in the form of salmon everyone returns to the human world; caught, man and wife take the form of human beings; man teaches how to throw fish bones into water; wife and children return to salmon; a man rises to the sky with a feather, marries the daughters of the Sun; see motif K27]: 73-83; McIlwraith 1948 (1): 85-87 [The raven makes salmon out of wood, they don't live; swims across the sea into the country salmon; the chief throws his daughter into the water, she turns into salmon; the raven eats it, hides a bone in his mouth; salmon comes to life from the bones, but swims without a goal; 1) The raven is forced to return the bone; the girl comes to life, he takes it to the Bellacula River; 2) The raven takes the bone, puts it in wooden fish at home, which turns into real salmon], 664-665 [the young man was carried away on an ice floe to the salmon country; the leader tells him to throw it into the water a boy and a girl; they turn into salmon; he eats them, throws bones into the water; a revived girl is blind in one eye; a young man drops a piece of boiled eye, finds it, throws it into the water, girl He recovers; in the guise of salmon, the young man comes to people along with other salmon; his father catches him, he becomes human again; he becomes a shaman].

The coast is the Plateau. Quarry [see motif K27; when he returns from the sky, a young man swims down the river on an ice floe into the country of salmon; an old woman teaches him to kill a girl; she turns into salmon, he eats it; we must burn it all skin and bones; it does not burn the eye; the girl is reborn, her eye hurts; the old woman tells her to cook and eat her eye, the girl recovers; this is how the young man eats salmon children, they are reborn every time; Sails home in the form of a salmon; his father catches him, he turns into a human again]: Jenness 1934, No. 1:109-110; chilcotin [the boy is carried on an ice floe down the river to the salmon country; the old woman tells him kill and bake a local boy who is actually salmon; after eating, an earthly boy throws bones into the water, the salmon boy comes to life; he is blind because his eyes have fallen to the ground; the old woman finds them, gives them to him swallow, he sees again; an earthly boy in salmon guise comes home, caught by his father, regains his human form; goes to the Sun that killed his brothers; see motive K27]: Farrand 1900, No. 10: 24-25; squamish [five brothers enter salmon land; a local chief sends two boys and two girls into the water; they turn into salmon, cook them and serve them to their brothers; one hides the seeds; Salmon boys are reborn but one is blind, the other has no nose or cheek; people have been throwing salmon bones into the water ever since]: Hill-Tout 1899 in Clark 1960:30-32; lillouette [the hunter casually cuts mountain rams; their leader tells two women in the form of goats to lure him, become women again, bring him to their house at the bottom of the lake; they teach him to fresh carefully, throw all the bones into the water; one day he hides two bones; sees a person with a bleeding nose and another numb; returns bones, sick people recover; Sheep people try to understand how he shoots, but he covers the bow of hollow clothes, so animals do not shoot; during a month of mating, he turns into a ram; in autumn he feels a point around the house, returns with two sons born to his wives; boys become good hunters]: Hill Tout 1905:191-197; chalkomel (Skaúlits) [three people were sailing in a boat, saw children playing in the water; they brought them to the village; they were fed sturgeon; people realized that the locals turn into sturgeons, they are killed, their bones are thrown into the river, they are reborn; they hide the bone, a young man with a mutilated face came; they returned the bone]: Hill Tout 1904b: 365; upper chehalis [brother The spear catches fish and eats alone, and his sister collects the fern rhizomes and when she brings them, the brother comes to eat them; realizing that she is deceived, the sister leaves; where the sky meets the ground, she marries Salmon, she has a child; the spear comes there; the old man calls the elk, kills, takes the carcass out of the skin with his legs, tells the moose to leave, the elk (i.e. the skin with legs) leaves; the sister's sister's sister Spear (her name is the End of the World) gives him a fraction of berries, but there are a lot of them, you can't eat everything; at dusk, salmon people come into the house dancing, each holding an object for catching or cooking fish; for example, 5 types of salmon; The end of the World killed Sister Spear's child, cooked it, ordered not to throw away the bones; then the bones were covered with a handkerchief, the baby came to life; like this every day; on the fifth day, the Spear hid his cheek bone with meat; the child did not managed to revive, he died; his sister told him to leave; he came to the house of Thunder, who allowed the Spear to take his daughter; his father-in-law teaches the Spear to become Thunder, he fails, he is afraid that he will be killed, leaves; marries in another house, she can't get up in the morning, a board sticks to her back; the old woman separates her, tells her to leave - these are Resin People; The spear comes to the old man, he warns: when you meet another old man, you must climb a dry spruce, its bark will fall on it, otherwise it will eat it; that old man is killed by bark, the Spear burned it; the giant offers his daughter, asks for help to defeat another who breaks its peaks; the giants of steel fight, Spear killed both; comes to a blind old woman, blows in her eyes, she saw the light; warned to shoot first when Puma meets; Spear killed, burned Puma; Wild Rhubarb screams that they will kill the Spear, but They don't recognize him; he turned them into wild rhubarb; his sister is waiting for the Spear at home; it has turned into a flower that blooms in May, the children play with it; the sister has also become something]: Adamson 1934, No. 45:87-94.

The Midwest. Winnebago [Beavers offer the Hare to eat one of their children, asking them not to break bones or tear their tendons; he accidentally vomits one; a child who comes back to life cries]: Radin 1956, No. 19:82-83; timagami Ojibwa [people kill Beaver's children, throw bones into water; children come to life but one is sick because he has lost a bone]: Speck 1915d, No. 20:71-72; fox: Jones 1907, No. 1 [Visakia comes to Beaver; he kills one of his children, serves meat to V.; V. hides his kitten; Bobrikha throws the bones into the water; Beaver revives, cries, he lacks a finger; V. returns the kitten; since then, one of beaver claws of an unusual shape; at home V. kills one of his children; he does not come to life from his bones; the Beaver revives him], 2 [as in (1); V. lives with his grandmother; without an episode of unsuccessful imitation]: 229-239.

Northeast. Montagnier [see M38A motif; The beaver kills his son, cooks his meat, tells Wolverine to keep his bones; she hides the kitten; the Beaver demands the kitten back, the son comes to life; Wolverine makes himself a flat tail, builds a beaver hut, kills his son; he can't revive him anymore.

Plains. Omaha, ponka [see M38A motif; Iktnike comes to Beaver; he kills one of his children, serves his meat; asks not to break bones; I. breaks his finger; the beaver comes to life since then Beavers seem to have one finger broken]: Dorsey 1890:557-558; Osage [The bear invited the Wolf to visit; kills his four children, tells the Wolf not to swallow bones; he swallows a rib, a kneecap, wrist, ankle; children respawn lame; when the Bear comes to Wolf, he also kills children; they don't respawn]: Dorsey 1904c, No. 8:13; iowa [every morning a woman finds it at the door venison; spies, sees a man with a second person on the back of his head; he carries meat, wanting to marry her four daughters; the woman hides them in the grave, and pretends to mourn their death with her husband; The two-faced mourns at the grave, hears voices, tears her sisters off, takes her in a boat; three call him husband, he throws them overboard; the youngest calls them brother, he brings her home; dives, brings her for her water puma baby games; aquatic animals and monsters seek to return the child, send a flood; Two-faced fights underwater, dies; girl throws baby into the water, the water falls; the girl comes to Bobrikha; she kills one of her daughters, feeds the girl, tells her not to break her bones; the girl bites through the bone of her little finger; Bobrikha's daughter comes to life, cries because of a broken finger; the girl returns to parents]: Skinner 1925, No. 11:472-474.

California. Momoy (Datura meteloides) tells her daughter not to stay long while swimming; she lingers, a Bear comes to her, first as a human, then a bear; when she becomes pregnant, he is hers kills; M. revives his grandson from a drop of blood; a boy hunts larger animals; his grandmother made him a small bow first, then a real bow; talks about the death of his mother; a young man kills a Bear with arrows; puts the corpse by the river as if the Bear is drinking; the grandmother is frightened, the grandson explains what is going on; the grandmother does not tell me to go over the hill; the young man walks, sees the village, stays there, takes his wife; the Coyote does this that he is starting to lose (apparently, a ball game is on the court), has lost his property and his wife; decides to leave, Coyote goes with him; he flies north to Huasna (he may take the form of a fly), the Coyote runs; then road to heaven, Coyote leads a young man; in the house of the Sun they are greeted by two daughters of the Sun wearing rattlesnake skirts; guests were given a deer but told not to break bones; Coyote accidentally broke his leg bone; daughter of the Sun threw bones into the water, the deer came to life, but the leg is not enough; the Coyote wants to drink; there is blood, pus, snot, body fluid in four vessels; he does not drink, he is given sweet juice; and the young man drinks from every vessel; the daughter of the Sun : when the father comes, there will be fog, wind, then he will throw stones into the house; brings the dead people, the Coyote eats them; the Coyote asks the Sun to allow him to go across the sky instead of him; carries the torch too low, the ground burns; does not return for a long time; the Sun takes his torch away; the Coyote decides to return to earth; asks the ogre eagle Slo? w bring him down; he stretches his wing down; the Coyote runs on it, jumps ahead of time, crashes to the ground; comes to life; the grandson stays with the daughters of the Sun forever]: Blackburn 1975, No. 18:126-134.

Mesoamerica Masateki [the cannibal woman had the fire; all the animals came to her party, only the rabbit refused; the month was more stupid than the sun and was eaten at the festival; the dog stole the bones, gave it to the sun; the head of the month was in a pot; the animals tried to force the woman to dance, but she did not want to, she was afraid that the month would be stolen from her; but the possum amused her so much that she started dancing and the dog took her away the pot from months; and the possum has reached the fire and carried away the fire on its tail; since then its tail is bald; the month and the sun are brothers; the sun has revived the months, but a piece of bone is gone, so the moon is pale; earlier The month was brighter than the sun, and now the sun is brighter; the cannibal is chasing the sun to select the month; sometimes she catches, but the sun is slowly getting away from her]: Portal 1986:56-57.

NW Amazon. See J50A motif. He goes to his sister secretly for a month; exposed; out of shame he goes to the forest, dies; relatives revive him from his bones, but cannot find the sixth finger; since then people have not had it. Letuama [The month is the son of the Sun; there are no women around but his sister; first he inserts his penis into the holes in the pieces of wood, then begins to go to his sister; she smears him with her genip, he dies of shame; his they restore from bones, but one finger is missing, frogs have eaten; now people have not six but five fingers; The month is ashamed of its father and always lags behind the Sun]: Palma 1984:36-39; macuna: Å rhem et al. 2004 [The month (Makañi ñamigaü - "Night Sun") copulated with plants in the absence of women; his leg began to swell; to heal him, his sister Meneriyo offered to meet her on the condition that this would not happen again; but he began to secretly come to her at night; becoming pregnant, M. smeared her lover's face with her genipa to find out who was coming to her; he could not wash off paint, drowned himself in the river; the father sent the owls to look for his son, they did not find it; the Ayawa brothers found, the sixth finger was missing; A. began to laugh with the stories of all the animals; the toad did not laugh (apparently, her finger was in throat), so people don't have a sixth between their thumb and forefinger; Bakonea (naughty little brother) ridiculed the Month, so the elder was only able to revive him for the fourth time; he was placed at the mouth The Amazons collected dust from his body, it turned into midges biting when the moon was in the sky; when he entered Maloka, M. did not greet his brother who had come to life, but asked the Monkey what he ate; the Month said that with caimo fruits; M. tried to pick it off, the branch sprung, threw it into the sky; then their father went to live in another little girl, put the figure of an old woman at a fork in the roads; if M. laughed at her, the old woman will send her on a path where the utu bird feather leading to the cannibal shaman ~Gãs; if not, on the path to her father's house, where the guacamayo feather; the mochilero bird saw M.'s reflection in the water vessel, found M., cleared her body of flies, brought the rope to go down; the rope turned into a certain kind of vine; finding no one, M. asked the old woman where her father had gone, laughed at her; she sent her on the path to ~Gãs; see further motif J15]: 484-488; Trupp 1977 [Menery Yo, daughter of the Father of Peace, sees her brother Umakanö (Month) making a vagina in the sand and inserting his penis into it (this is where papayas grow and cotton); she invites her brother into her hammock, but for the first and last time; but he continues to come to her; she paints his face; he cannot wash off the paint, he drowns in shame; he is revived and thrown into heaven; the sixth finger is missing, people have not had it since; M. goes to the Jaguars, eaten, her son Umawadö (Rainbow) avenges her; the colors of the Rainbow are his feather crown]: 50 -56, 63; desana [Balí bó has all the food; his wife is a howler monkey; the eldest son Doé (Evening Star), the youngest is Abé (Month); the month began to sleep with his wife D.; D. killed buried him, did not tell his father and wife; BB became a japu bird, began to fly over four women, asked for food; heard from them how the Month was killed; BB found it, revived it, but his penis was cut off; made a new one tree mushroom "moon penis"; The month came into the house, his brother sang, the Month ran into the forest; all the animals and birds came to cry with BB; all cultivated plants disappeared; BB went south to look for a new wife, the old left with D.; rejected agouti, tapira (skinny legs, yellow eyes), stayed with the father of two daughters; he was given a tasteless cake made from forest fruits; he gave them manioc, drawing a circle, and created a cassava field; the sisters violated the ban on watching DD create everything, cassava got a peel; a weed grew out of the eldest's urine; the eldest gave birth to the Evening Star, the youngest the Morning Star; BB told Morning to go after D. brought, D. brought cassava to people]: Kumu, Kenhiri 1980:141-147.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Yurakare [(episode with a cheek on p. 211); Sararuma, or Aima Sunye, burns the world; one person escapes by hiding in a hole; S. gives him all the seeds, from which the forest immediately grows; a man marries; his daughter falls in love with the Ole tree, it turns into a man; while hunting, W. tore a jaguar; his wife collected parts of her body, W. came to life, he did not have enough cheek; W. sees his reflection, is ashamed, leaves, tells me to go home without looking back; the wife breaks the ban, goes to the Jaguars; they tell them to take out their poisonous ants and eat them; the mother of the Jaguars gives her pumpkin seeds to pretend as if eating; the chief Jaguar, with a second pair of eyes on the back of his head, notices a deception, kills a woman; the Jaguar mother finds a boy Tiree in her womb, hides her in a pot; he considers her his mother; hunts behind the pack, she tells him the truth; T. kills all the Jaguars except the four-eyed; he asks the trees, the Sun, the Stars, the Moon to cover him; the moon covers, his silhouette is visible on the lunar disk; from the big nail T. makes his toe brother Karu; the bird calls them to visit; K. overturns the pot of chicha, it floods the ground, K. sinks; T. revives him from the remains; both marry forest turkeys, each A son and daughter are born; the girls' breasts were first under the eyes, T. gives them their current appearance; son K. dies; T. says he will be resurrected, warns that K. should not eat him; peanuts have grown on the grave, K. he pulled out the bush, ate the fruit; so he ate his son, since then people have been mortal; T. tells K. to eat the duck; this is his son again; K. regurgitates what he ate, parrots, toucans, and other birds fly out; T. and K. go to see Jaguariha, her lips are covered in blood; she has eaten a man killed by a snake; they peel off her head, turn it into uruba, tell her to eat carrion; the snake makes a hole in the ground; T. tells the stork to kill her; they come out of the hole people of different tribes (not Yurakare); T. wishes, arrows fall from the sky, people start fighting; T. goes west, taking many people with him; old people become young again there]: Orbigny 1844:210-214.

Chaco. Chorote [a man who has risen to heaven is pecked by vultures; his star wife collects his pieces, one eye is missing; makes her husband a new one]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1985, No. 136 [vulture's son had time swallow the eye; new from the fruit], 137 [the star extracts swallowed pieces from the vultures but does not find the eye; inserts the pigeon's eye]: 256, 260-261; matako [The sun dived into the river, turned into big yellow dorado fish; people throw spears at it, they pierce it but do no harm; The sun takes away spears; A month tries to repeat the trick, killed, cooked, eaten; The sun turned into a dog, came to the village, collected and carried away the bones of the Month; something is missing; the Sun finds the heart, then the gallbladder, revives the Month; but since then it has been yellow]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982a, No. 10:51.

The Southern Cone. Puelche [two black birds carry away the son of the Sun; the Sun takes the form of a dead guanaco, the birds come down to peck at him; the Month takes the form of a dead nanda; moves ahead of time, scaring off birds; The sun manages to grab one; removes her son's bones from her belly; but two bones remain in the belly of another bird, the son could not be revived]: Lehmann-Nitsche 1919:183-184; South Tehuelches [Elal forbids sex until the next morning, when he finishes the world order; the Sea Lion copulated with his wife and died; The cockroach pulled a small bone out of his throat to prevent E. from reviving it; The cockroach wanted so that people die and there are fewer of them, otherwise they will trample all cockroaches]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984b, No. 63, 64:106-107.