Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

J52. Children are killing children in avenging their parents.

. (.35.) .43.44.48.-.50.72.

A character with more pronounced predator habits insidiously kills another who is associated with a herbivore or a weaker predator. The victim's children take revenge by killing the murderer's children.

Kalenjin (marakvet), Tibetans (incl. Sikkim, Amdo), Lavrung, Numfoor, Loda, Tobelo, Sangihe Islands, Salary Islands, (Mansi), Shuswap, Thompson, Lillouet, Comox, Halkomel, Snohomish, Skagit, Upper Chehalis, Cowlitz, Clackamas, Katlamet, Cous, Kalapuya, takelma, klamat, menominee, yurok, shasta, kato, lassik, yuki, shinkyon, yana, pomo, vintu, maidu, nisenan, mountain miwok, coastal miwok, chukchansi yokutz, salinan, monache, serrano, northern payut, northern shoshoni, goshiyute, western keres (Akoma, Laguna), tiva (Isleta, Taos), teva, chamacoco, matako.

Sudan - East Africa. Kalenjin (marakvet) [Zebra and Slonikha are friends, each with a child; during the drought, they dug two holes nearby from which they drank water; once Slonikha saw Zebra and Zebrenk drink water from her pits and killed Zebra; Zebrenok ran home, killed Elephant, ran to his relatives; asks baboons, then antelopes to cover him, calling them mothers; they are afraid of Elephants, refuse to help; monkeys they agree, raise the Zebra to the tree; offer the Elephant to pick her up; they lift her up and throw it three times, pretending that they have little strength; the third time the Elephant broke all her bones and died; monkeys escorted Zebrenka to his relatives]: Chesaina 1997:66-68.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans [the rabbit and bear live side by side, each with a son; the rabbit was better at digging up rhizomes; the bear was jealous and killed her; the rabbit's son saw the bear and her son its mother cooked and ate it; when the bear was away, she plunged a red-hot arrow into the bear's ear, took a bag of roots and ran away; the tiger hid it in his ear; the bear began to ask about the rabbit, but the tiger threatened to kill her herself; she left; the tiger hears the rabbit chewing something; he says he is eating his own eyes; he gave the tiger a spine, he liked it; he agreed to have his rabbit dazzled, but then let him take care of him; invited the tiger to go to bed on the edge of the cliff; made a fire; the tiger moved away and fell into the abyss; the hare to the shepherd: a dead tiger below; a she-wolf: the shepherd left the herd without supervision; crow: fly to peck out the eyes of the cubs, the she-wolf went to slaughter the sheep; after doing so much evil, the rabbit fled to another country]: Shelton 1925, No. 35:141-143; Tibetans (Sikkim) [The Hare and the Bear they live side by side, both have a son; they dig up wild potatoes together; the Hare digs up large ones, the Bear demands them for herself; the third tuber does not give them away, the Bear kills her, brings her tubers home; The hare asks the digging tubers where his mother is; the last one in the field says that the Bear killed her; the Hare asks the Bear to hold the upper millstone while he licks the lower millstone (as if it were delicious); The bear also wants to lick the millstones, the Bunny releases the upper millstone from its paws, cooks soup from the crushed Bear; the returning Bear eats it, calls her son, the Bunny throws his head at her, runs away, asks the digger to hide the tubers, he hides it in a bag; then asks the Tiger, who hides it in his ear, is going to eat it later; kills the Stalker Bear; the hare says that he eats his eyes, gives The tiger likes the tuber; suggests that the Tiger eat his own; the hare runs away, the blind Tiger falls into the abyss]: Krapivina 2001:135-143; Tibetans (Amdo): Kajihama 2004, No. 21 [rabbit and a yeti woman lives together, digs wild tubers, both have a son; a yeti takes the largest tubers from a rabbit; the latter does not want to give it back, the yeti kills her; rabbits report this to the rabbit; that invites the son of the yeti to lift the millstone, licks the flour under him; the son of the yeti also wants flour, the rabbit crushed him to death with a millstone; runs away; the shepherd hides him among the sheep, but at the sight of a fire-breathing yeti, he tells him run further; also a herd; the wild yak hides in his nostril, pierces the yeti to death with horns; the rabbit does not want to go out, the yak blows him out; the rabbit promises to praise the yak; calls his nostril golden; hiding in a hole, screams that he has crap there; yak tries to butt his hole, dislocated his back and dies; the rabbit stays with a married couple; they ask how he can herd their cattle, take care of to the child; he first gives absurd answers, then says how he will caress the baby; cooked him, hangs his intestines, puts a pigeon in bed; returning parents ate their child; rabbit every day comes and screams about it; they smeared the stone with glue, the rabbit stuck; asks if they want to kill him kindly (crush his head with a stone) or maliciously: make a fire around, dust his ears, hit each other on both sides with sticks; they want maliciously; the dust got into the couple's eyes, they killed each other with sticks, the glue melted from the fire, the rabbit ran away; but the tail came off, so the rabbits are short ]: 82-88; Tshe dbang rdo rje et al. 2007 [The Bear and Rabbit have a son each; they both went to dig for edible roots; the Bear dug up half of the basket, went to bed, the Rabbit dug up two baskets; The Bear decided to take them away; the Rabbit took one, ran; the Bear caught up with her, killed her; told the Rabbit to bring a basket of roots, otherwise she would kill her, like his mother; he told the Bear that the roots were at the bottom of the cave; The bear cub digs a hole so deep that it can't get out; the bear looks for him, falls on him, presses him to death; she dies in a hole herself; the rabbit has lived a happy life]: 127; lavrung: G.yu lha 2011:369-373 [Black Bear and Rabbit each have a daughter; both go to dig for edible roots; one day the Bear returns alone; replies to Rabbit's daughter that she will eat her if she doesn't stop her ask where her mother is; she overhears the Bear talking to her daughter, realizes that the Bear killed the Rabbit; invites the Bear's daughter to shoot at each other, puts a stone on her chest , and that one is paper; an arrow bounces off Rabbit's daughter's chest, kills the Bear's daughter; Rabbit's daughter runs; the shepherd hides her in the sheep's ear; she throws ash in the face of the Bear who arrives in time, runs on; then but with a horse; then she hides in the Tiger's ear, he swallows the Bear; Rabbit's daughter chews the roots, replies to the Tiger that he eats her eye; gives the spine, then takes out the Tiger's eye, who says that his eye is not so tasty, asks him to take the second one out; asks him to drive him slowly along a bumpy road and fast along a smooth road; Rabbit's daughter brings Tiger to the edge of the cliff, makes a fire, asks him to move, the Tiger falls, crashes; comes into the house, tells the owners that a tiger lies under the mountain, promises to look after the baby and the cows; kills them, fills the baby with ash, cows with straw; the hostess spanks the baby, tries milk the cows, they fall apart; Rabbit's daughter invites the hostess to stand with a stone at the top of the stairs, the owner with a bow below, throw a stone at her and shoot at the signal; they kill each other], 375-381 [ The Bear and the Rabbit go to dig roots; the Bear eats them immediately, the Rabbit collects them; the Bear suggests looking for insects from the Rabbit, she warns not to touch the dark growth on her head, in her life is on him; the Bear pulls it out, cuts his body, cooks it at home; Rabbit's daughter spies; invites the Bear's daughter to play while standing under a threshing stone; throws him at her, runs away; when she sees dead daughter, Bear chases; yak shepherds hide Rabbit in yak's nose; big yak butts Bear, she runs away in blood; Rabbit's daughter first tells Yak that his eyes and nose are golden, then what crappy; runs away through a hole in the wall, Yak gets stuck; Rabbit's daughter invites a woman to watch over her child, let her and her husband go to get a yak carcass; cooks the baby's legs, arms, puts her head to bed as if the baby is sleeping; the spouses eat the baby's meat; the husband smears the stone with glue, the Rabbit daughter sticks; asks to pour ash into her ear before death, catches the person's eye, runs away]; (cf. Sichuan Tibetans [The hare undertakes to watch the Bear's children; kills them, runs away, hides in the shepherd's bag; then in the Tiger's ear; the Tiger kills the Bear; the hare eats juma, gives them to the Tiger, says they are eyes; The tiger allows him to pick his eyes out, the Hare feeds him with juma, then with his own eyes; they lie down at the abyss for the night, the Hare asks the Tiger to move, he falls into the abyss, grabs his teeth tree; The hare advises calling for help by saying "a"; The tiger unclenches his teeth, breaks; continuing to deceive the people he meets (see the Kazakh version), the Hare laughs, his mouth burst]: Potanin 1914:430-432).

Malaysia-Indonesia. Loda (Halmahera) [two wives of one husband went fishing, one pushed the other into the water, crushed it with a horn, dismembered it, brought the meat home; answers the son and daughter of the victim that she was cooking fish, tells me to watch the brew; the mother's flesh says from the cauldron that she is their breasts, their mother; the returning woman says that the mother stayed to smoke fish, tells her to watch over her own child; the children fried he ran in a frying pan; the bird told the log to cross the river infested with crocodiles; when the children passed, cut the log with its beak; the stalker failed, was eaten by crocodiles; the bird tells me to walk along on the way to the right, the children turn left to the cannibal Kine-kine-boro; he has a basket behind him, with a man upside down; the children called K. grandfather, came to his house; in the morning they loaded the boat with food and valuables, sailed away; K. saw a sail in the distance from the tree, threw his hair like a lasso; the children had difficulty cutting their hair, the tree sprung, K. fell on his wife below, both exploded]: Baarda 1904, No. 12: 438-441 (retelling in Dixon 1916:229-231); Numfoor, Sangihe Islands, Tobelo [like lod]: Dixon 1916:338 (note 39); Seram [{is this the end of the same story??} ; two orphans run away from the cannibal; ask the fruits to answer for them; ask the rock to open and let them in; the cannibal gnaws on the rock, dies]: Jensen 1939:145.

Turkestan. Salars (Altiyuli, Xunhua-Salar Autonomous County) [the hare and the she-wolf went to get the sweet root; the she-wolf dug up and ate it, and left the hare for the bunny; when they returned home, The she-wolf had nothing to carry with her, so she ate the hare and took her sweet root; the hare decided to take revenge; called the wolf cub to play, invited him to fight; stuck a knife in the ground, threw it at he was a wolf cub and ran away; the she-wolf went in pursuit; the hare met the shepherd, who agreed to hide him among the sheep; the she-wolf demanded to tell us where the hare; the shepherd sharpened the sickle, the she-wolf ran away; the hare I met a deer, praised it for its beauty; he hid the hare in his nose and then killed the she-wolf; the hare climbed into a hole in the ground and insulted the deer; the deer hurt himself furiously; the hare cut off a piece reindeer meat, became related to a fox and a wolf; they consulted, chose the hare as their older brother; he suggested: "Wolf, fox, the salesman came from there. I'll pretend to be lame. [Wanting to] catch me, the salesman will put his chest [on the ground] and chase me. When he runs, grab the chest and run!" ; doing so, they got the chest; the hare handed the fox a drum: "Take this home. Play behind the kids' ears one morning. They're going to grow up fast day by day!" , and gave the wolf a pair of boots: "Take this away. Put them on, go to the mountains, creak [them]. All the sheep will run to you"; the fox played the drum - the children were scared and died; the wolf put on his boots - the sheep ran away; the fox and the wolf wanted to eat the hare; he pretended to be sick and closed his eyes; said that ate his eyes; the wolf said, "Take my eye out, I'll eat it!" ; the hare pulled out and sprinkled it with sugar; the wolf ate it, ordered the second one to be pulled out; the hare pulled out, the wolf said that this eye is not as tasty as the first one; the hare: "You're already full!" ; the same with the fox; the hare brought the wolf and fox to the edge of the cliff; made a fire there, threw it first at the fox, then at the wolf; they stepped back and fell off the cliff]: Tenishev 1964, No. 22:50-53.

(Wed. Western Siberia. Mansi (South Mansi - Kondinsky District) [Mosh-ne has a boy and a girl, and Por-ne too; both go to tear grass for insoles, P. offers to roll down the mountain, kills M. by driving along it with iron skiing; M.'s children see their mother's intestines; run to her sister; P. does not tell another Por-ne to kill M.'s children, she will kill herself when she returns; she accidentally kills P.'s children, thinks they are M.'s children, and M.'s children are hiding; they run, throw a comb (forest), a bar (a stone mountain), matches (fire); three P. jumped out from under the stump, one of them became friends with M.'s children; M.'s son pricked his finger with an awl, he was buried; girl P. bent down to drink, the girl M. began to drown her, she had to give her sable clothes; P. sits in a sledge drawn by black ones, went beyond the mayor (Usyn-Oyr-Oika), M. went into a sledge with white deer, went beyond Tonton-oika; went to remember her brother, found him alive with his wife, they gave a lot of deer; P. hid the sun, the Hare promises that the sun will appear, it has returned]: Kuzakova 1994:110-112).

The coast is the Plateau. Shuswap [Grizzly and Bobrikha live in the same house, both have two sons; when digging roots, both look in each other's heads, hinting that each lice look like a mistress; offended by Grizzly kills Bobrikha, brings her severed breasts home; the elder Bobrenok sees her frying them; Grizzly advises her children to feed the Beavers satisfactorily and drown them in the lake; her children eat too much themselves, the Beavers themselves they drown; leave the grilled body of the elder on the trail; the Skylark tells the Grizzly that she is eating her son; the beavers hide on the rock above the river; the Grizzly climbs after them; they push the stairs away, the Grizzly falls into the river dies]: Teit 1909a, No. 21, 62 [Grizzly is the eldest, Bobricha is the youngest wife of the Woodpecker]: 681-683, 753; Thompson: Boas 1895, No. 2 [from the Grizzly and the Black Bear, Woodpecker has four sons; Grizzly killed her husband and The Black Bear; her children fled, the transporter drowned the pursuer; Qoeqtlk-OTL, the youngest of four brothers; turned into salmon, let the giant choke himself, took the harpoon; the brothers came to him the dugout, they said they found the harpoon, gave it away; Q. lay down by the fire, and his older brother threw his beaver hat into the fire; the river overflowed, but the place where K. lay was not flooded; the elders took wives; died by a bear; K . turned into a dog, tore the bear, the villagers, revived the brothers, then they turned into stones]: 16-17 (translated from comm. Boas 2002:84-86); Hanna, Henry 1996 [Grizzly marries a (Black) Bear; both have four children; the Grizzly looks for his wife in her head, kills her; tells his children to bake the Cubs; they kill them themselves, bake them the youngest, left where the Grizzly eats; he realizes that he has eaten his son; chases the Cubs; quarrels with the Squirrel, grabs her on the back, white marks remain; the Cubs grandfather transports them across the river; transporting them A grizzly makes a hole in the boat; aquatic creatures grab a Grizzly through it, eat it; a monster sits by the river, biting women in the back of the head; one of the Bear Brothers turns into salmon, lets himself harpoon snacks in the forest, takes the jail away; The monster goes home; the brothers return the prison to him; survives the flood]: 67-71; Hill-Tout 1899 [The woodpecker marries the Grizzly and the Black Bear, loves only the second one, each three sons each; the Grizzly tells his sons to feed the Bear's sons with liquid broth; they will weaken from it, drown them, fry the youngest for her; the bear tells her sons to feed the Grizzly sons with a thick broth to make them overweight; the Grizzly leads the Bear to dig the roots, offers to remove the lice, bites off her head; meets the Woodpecker, kills him in the same way; the Grizzly sons drown, sons The bears roasted the youngest's corpse for his mother; the bird tells her that she ate her son; when the Grizzly catches up, the brothers climb a tree, throw wood dust in her eyes, wasps and ants on her chest, run away; while Groundhog teases the Grizzly, Groundhog's brother transports the brothers across the river; carrying the Grizzly, he puts her on a hole in the bottom of the boat, tells the fish to bite her, they tear her insides out, she dies; younger Sqaktktquaclt's brother (S.) turns into a hummingbird, flies into the ass of an elk, flies out of his mouth, an elk dies; S. drinks a lake, kills beavers with a stick; the eldest two come to a man ready to cut his wife's belly, to extract a child; every wife gives birth to a girl, she grows up, a man marries her, kills her to get a girl, etc.; S. helps give birth to a boy, the woman will continue to give birth; Coyote brags who eats a man, S. invites him to regurgitate it, closes his eyes, but spies; Coyote regurgitates the grass, the young man turns him into a coyote; two women hold salmon behind the pond; S. throws it into the water a wooden bowl, it breaks the dam; his brother opens five boxes of women, releasing into the world their weapons - wind, smoke, wasps, mosquitoes; women turn into two rocks; brothers enter the house, the elder finds in bed a piece of wood, throws a piece of wood into the fire; a trace of a human figure remains in the ash; the owner enters, looks for a wife, cries when he sees the trail; S. carves two women out of poplar and alder, revives; one white and the other redskinned; S. gives them to the owner of the house; the one-legged cannibal pierces the shadows of those passing along the shore with a harpoon, passers-by die; S. turns into trout, harpoons, carries a harpoon; turns one-legged into blue jay (grabbed him by the hair, the jay now has a tuft); his wife is in a partridge (mountain grouse); S. lies down in the basket, takes red and white clay in his mouth, the eagle takes the basket, throws it, takes clay for blood and brain, brings S. to the chicks; S. grabs chicks, descends on them from a cliff, puts their skins on his brothers, turns into a dog himself, placing stone knives under his skin, comes to the village, where all animals are dogs; defeats everyone, revives them, turns those people into ants, dog animals into ordinary animals; The seal overturns boats with tornadoes, S. turns them into seals]: 195-216; Teit 1898, № XXII [a man marries a Grizzly and a Black Bear; each gives birth to three or four sons; a jealous Grizzly asks her husband to help carry the dug up roots; says he has a lot of insects in his head, kills, biting the neck; calling the Black Bear to look for her husband, kills in the same way; the youngest son of the Black Bear notices that the Grizzly roasts first their father's genitals, then their mother's breasts; Grizzly tells his children drown the Black Bear's sons, they drown them themselves; the Skylark tells her that she is eating her fried baby; the Black Bears run away, climb a tree; ask the Grizzly to open their mouths; they throw them at her not younger brother, and an old female with ants; Grandpa Cubs transport them across the river in a boat; tells the Grizzly to sit on the bottom of the boat to plug the hole; fish eat her insides; Coyote finds her corpse, roasts meat ]: 69-71; lillouette [like Thompson; both wives have four daughters]: Teit 1912b, No. 19:322-323; Hallkomel: Hill-Tout 1904b [Magpie has Grizzly's wife and Black Bear, each with four son; Grizzly invites her husband to look in his head, kills (further like Thompson in Folk-lore 1899, vol. 10, N 2)]: 360-362; Thompson, Egesdal 2008 [Grizzly's older sister has a daughter, younger Black Bear daughter (WC), son and young son; World Cup daughter notices her mother's chest in her aunt's cauldron; Grizzly replies that the World Cup will come later; World Cup children lead Grizzly children to swim, they drown (grizzlies can't swim); children The World Cup runs away with a rotten tree in the Grizzly children's bed, as if someone is sleeping there; they climb a spruce tree, the Grizzly comes running, the World Cup children say that her children are with him, ask her to open their eyes, dazzle her, leaving behind what they scraped off the bark of the spruce; the man carried them across the river in a boat; carrying the Grizzly, he overturned the boat, and the Grizzly drowned; the older brother threw the younger brother's hat into the fire; he cried, the water in the river began to rise; brother and sister ran away, the youngest stayed, the fire remained under the water; when he saw the fisherman, the youngest became a fish, bit off (tore it off?) hook; when he becomes a man, he comes to the fisherman, he complains that the hook is missing, the boy says he has found it; stays with the fisherman; finds a piece of wood in his bed with a hole in the female, throws it into the fire; the fisherman says that his wife went out and burned down; that he is the first man, and the creator forgot to make him a wife; the boy cuts down two women, from birch and alder; the fisherman replies that he wants alder, it is his color ( i.e. with red juice); the boy finished the woman, the first man got a wife]: 258-261; comox (chatloltk) [The Grizzly asks the Black Bear to take out her lice; these are frogs, they fall to the ground The bear says that knots fall from the tree (should she eat imaginary lice?) ; The Grizzly kills the Bear, cuts off, cooks her breasts, gives the Bear's sons to eat; they recognize their mother's meat, kill the Grizzly children, leave them standing by the chest as if they are getting food from there; they run away, climb on tree; ask Grizzly to open her mouth, throw wood dust in her face; Grizzly runs away]: Boas 1895, No. 9:81; snohomish [Grizzly woman kills Black Bear; Bear's two sons kill two Grizzly sons; run up the river to their grandfather; give an arrow Echo, a fruit Tree, a Log that prevent the pursuer; the crane stretches its leg across the river, warns him not to step on knee; Grizzly steps, falls into the water, continues chasing; the boys' grandfather presses her, slamming the door of his stone house shut]: Haeberlin 1924, No. 31:422-425; skagit [Grizzly and Brown Bear Married for the Woodpecker; The bear brings ripe berries, the Grizzly green; the bear warns her husband that the Grizzly will kill her by looking for her in her head; the Bear's youngest son sees the Grizzly frying his mother's breast; Woodpecker makes sons from the Bear arrows with flint arrows, from the Grizzly with coal tips; the former kill the latter (this is not a game); the woodpecker gives them berries, feathers, spears to pay bushes, tinder for spruce, Crane; flies away from the Grizzly, taking a baby; bribed bushes let the Bear's children in, but prevent the Grizzly from escaping; the Crane stretches its leg like a bridge; the Bear's sons cross to the other side, give the Crane a spear ; he pretends to have a pain in his leg; twitches when the Grizzly steps on her, throwing her into the river; she swims out; runs to Flint, the Bear's father, with whom his grandchildren are hiding; he suggests she enters the house backwards; the blade cuts her in half; her sons fly into the forest to their woodpecker father; the baby turns into red feathers on his head]: Hilbert 1985:130-136; upper chehalis [Bear and The cougar is the wife of the Woodpecker, each with five sons; the Bear collects ripe blackberries, the Puma collects red blackberries; invites the Bear to look in each other's heads; the Puma has lizards in her hair, she eats them; on the fourth day sucks the Bear's blood, bites off her head on the fifth; the Bear's children see the Puma roasting their mother's breasts; the Woodpecker gives them strong arrows and the Puma's children fragile arrows; the bears kill children with their arrows Cougars; Woodpecker sends the Cubs to their grandmother, tells them to follow the path where the paint is red; they go the other way, get to the Wolf, run away, come to their grandmother; she tells the Puma to enter the house backwards, the door slams shut cuts the Puma in half; the corpse is burned]: Adamson 1934, No. 26:43-46; colitz [The bear and the Grizzly are wives of one husband; the first has five daughters, the second has five sons; the bear bears many berries, Grizzly - not enough; lies like the Bear has lice, pretends to bite through them, kills her, takes her berries; the father tells his daughters to run; they kill and fry the Grizzly sons; she eats them; stalks the girls; asks his father of the Hot Stone to kill them; he kills four, takes the fifth as his wife; the man takes her away; digs a well; the five brothers of the Hot Stones come to drink; the man pushes them into a well, they drown]: Adamson 1934:211-213; clackamas [Black Bear and Grizzly both have five sons; Grizzly asks to look in her head; there are frogs, the Grizzly eats them; looks for the Bear, bites her, devours; the stove brings their breasts home; the little bear cub notices them; the bears kill and cook the Grizzly sons; one body is left standing with a smiling mouth; the Grizzly eats his children; chases the Cubs; The crane stretches its leg across the river, warns not to step on the kneecap; the bears cross, the Grizzly scolds the Crane, steps on his knee; he removes his leg, it drowns; crows bite her vagina, she comes to life; paints her face with vaginal blood; goes and asks various trees what it looks like; depending on the answer, determines what their properties will be]: Jacobs 1958, No. 15:141-156; katlamet [ Malinovka and Yagodka (Salmon-berry) sisters; the first has five daughters, the second has sons; sisters go for berries, Malinovka looks for Berry in his head, wants to eat it; Yagodka warns sons what they need run if eaten; the youngest sees Malinovka throwing Berries into the fire; the brothers invite Malinovka's children to play in the steam room, suffocate them with heat; arrange the corpses as if they are alive and smiling; they run through an underground year; Malinovka first asks the dog where the children have run, then finds a way; the crane carries the brothers across the river; stretches his legs like a bridge; when Malinovka steps to a bottleneck, throws her into the water; the crow pecks out her genitals; she comes to life, paints her stomach with blood; asks different trees if she is coloring; Willow, Poplar, Fir, Tuya answer no; Alder, Cedar, Spruce, two types of Maple, yes; it makes the wood of the former useless, the latter valuable]: Boas 1901a, No. 15:118-128; cous [Grizzly and Black Bear are Puma's wives; Grizzly asks the Bear to take it out she has lice; she undertakes to take it out herself, bites her, eats her; the Bear's children followed and threw the Grizzly children into the boiling pot; they run; the Grizzly eats her children; rushes in pursuit; the uncle of the Bear's children stretches his leg across the river; children cross, he pushes the Grizzly into the water, kills with a spear]: Jacobs 1940, No. 13:152-155; Kalapuya: Jacobs 1945, No. 7 [The Grizzly and the Brown Bear have five daughters each; The bear tells her that the Grizzly wants to kill her; if her basket falls, she is dead; the Grizzly gnaws at the Bear's neck when looking in her head; eats her; the Bear's children fight against the Grizzly children, they kill them, they fry them; tell five rotten people to swim in the water; they run away; the Grizzly thinks her children are swimming, eating fried ones; the fly tells her that she ate her children; the crane stretches its leg across the river; The bears cross it like a bridge; the Crane does not tell the Grizzly to step on his knee; she steps, he removes his leg, it falls into the water], 7 [The Wild Cat brings salmon, does not tell the Coyote where it catches; he pushes him, the salmon fall, the Wild Cat picks them up, the Coyote kills him; tells his five children to start a fire, jokingly fight the five daughters of the Wild Cat, push them into the fire; they push them into the fire themselves little Coyotes; the Coyote eats his children and the Wild Cat's children run away; the Coyote stalks them, but they kill him]: 115-119, 360-363; Takelma [Grizzly and Black Bear are sisters, both with two daughters; both pick nuts, the Grizzly invites the Bear to take out her insects, bites her harder each time; she tells her daughters to drown the Grizzly daughters when the Grizzly kills her; the Bear's daughters drown and they fry the Grizzly daughters, run away; the Grizzly eats their daughters' liver; the crane stretches its leg across the river, turns it into a boat or bridge, the Bear's daughters cross the river; the Grizzly scratches her leg A crane, he pushes her into the water, she sinks]: Sapir 1909, No. 13:117-123; Klamath [The Grizzly woman has two sons, the Antelope also has two; the Grizzly digs fewer roots than the Antelope; tells her as if she has fleas or lice; biting through seeds to produce a distinctive sound; gives Antelope's sons mother's meat; they strangle the Grizzly sons with smoke in the house; leave their painted corpses standing as if they were laughing; Forget to warn the awl not to tell the Grizzly they ran away; the crane stretches its leg; pushes the Grizzly River into the water; finishes it off in the water with an arrow]: Barker 1963, No. 1:7-13; Gatschet 1890:118-123.

The Midwest. Menominee [Olenikha and Moose live together, go for berries, both have two children; The deer is fat, the Moose kills her, brings the meat home; puts the Deer in a bag, hangs it in the chimney, says that their mother is left to pick berries; the mother's meat, while it is frying, shouts to the eldest son that she has been killed; the elder Deer kills Moose, puts them on stakes, leaves them standing against each other with their teeth pieces of venison; runs, taking his brother; Moose scolds the children; chases the Deer; they ask the Old Heron to transport them across the river; the Heron asks him to look in his head, gnaw a louse; the deer gnaws cranberries; The Heron stretches its beak like a bridge over the river; the Moose calls the Heron dirty, refuses to gnaw the louse; the Heron turns its beak, the Moose drowns (up to here pp.493-497); boys come to the sea; the old man arrives in a hollow, asks the elder to see what is in his eye, takes him away, the younger brother stays on the shore; the old man gives his daughter to the young man; the wife teaches how to stay alive; father-in-law and son-in-law in in the winter forest, they hang moccasins to dry; the son-in-law replaces them, the father-in-law throws his own into the fire; the son-in-law comes home first, and his wife they return to where they left their younger brother; the elder meets the youngest, when he carries a bear; he is now a strong man; brothers stay together]: Bloomfield 1928, No. 110:493-501.

California. Usually, the Bear kills Olenikha when she takes out her insects; two deer run away; usually the bird stretches its leg or neck like a bridge over the river; children cross to the other side; when to the bridge The Bear steps, the bird pushes her into the water. Yurok [Puma has two wives, Black Bear and Brown Bear, who are sisters; Black has a boy and a girl, Grizzly has a girl; when leaving the Grizzly to collect acorns, the Black Bear warns the children that If she doesn't come back, then Grizzly killed her; her mother didn't come back, Grizzly said she was late somewhere; Black Bear's children invited the Grizzly girl to climb into a toy house in the sand, brought it down they cooked meat like venison, gave them a Grizzly, shouted that she was eating, ran away; they climbed a tree, the Grizzly started digging it up, they climbed onto another, ran to the river, asked the old man to help them cross, he stretched his legs across the river like a bridge; when the Grizzly went, the old man removed his leg, the Grizzly drowned; the Black Bear's children began to live with his aunt]: Sapir 1928, No. 10:259-260; shasta [hunting for squirrel, the Coyote asks the Raccoon to put his hand in the hole, grabs it on the other side, tears it off; he dies; the Coyote brings home his meat; one of the sons of the Coyote tells the truth to the sons of the Raccoon; they kill the rest of the Coyote's children (not specified how) run with their informant; the fugitives turn into Pleiades, Coyote can't be caught]: Curtis 1976 (13) [(my copy skipped the beginning); Coyote kills Raccoon; the eldest of the Raccoon's sons sees his father's face in a bundle brought by Coyote; the sons of the Raccoon kill the sons of the Coyote, bake them, run away; the Coyote thinks he eats raccoons, recognizes the youngest son; Raccoons climb on the tree, the youngest falls into the mouth of the Coyote; the rest reach the sky, turn into the Pleiades; the star behind them is the Coyote Stalker]: 202-203; Dixon 1910a, No. 26:30-31; Farrand 1915, No. 11 [Coyote and Raccoon live together, each with four sons; at the festival, the Coyote liked two girls, but they went with the Raccoon; on the way home, Coyote invited the Raccoon to put his hand in the hollow to drive the squirrel out; he pulled the hand with the other sides, tore it off, the Raccoon died; the Coyote brought the meat home, the youngest son got less than he wanted, was offended, told the Raccoon's children everything; they killed the three sons of the Coyote, left them asleep; ran away , telling all things in the house not to say where they had gone; forgot to warn Zola; Coyote asked, ash rose to the sky, Coyote saw five boys in the distance, called them, could not catch up; they turned into Pleiades; the fifth little red star is the son of Coyote; (Miller 1997:139-140: The Pleiades don't have such a star, there is a bright red Aldebaran nearby)]: 220-221; kato [Bear and Deer - Blue Jay's eldest and youngest wives; both go after the clover, the Bear begs to look for Olenikha's head; throws grains of sand into Deer's hair, biting through them and making a characteristic sound; kills her; a boy and a girl deer find their mother's eyes in a clover basket; they bake cubs in an empty deck, give meat to their mother, saying they're skunks; the bear drowns when the Crane removes her neck]: Goddard 1909, No. 17:221-222; Lassik [like a kato; Hawk's two wives; a bear brings a Deer's head and puts it into the fire; reindeer girls hear their eyes burst; mother's hair tells them to run]: Goddard 1906, No. 2:135-136; Yuki [The bear is Olenikha's mother; Deer's husband The deer brings birds to his son and daughter, gives giblets to his mother-in-law; the mother-in-law took out the caught birds, left one partridge in the trap; Deer leaned down after her, his mother-in-law killed him; called her daughter to collect clover, asked her to look in her head, then looked for her daughter in her head, bit her off; put the eyes of Olenikha and Deer in acorn porridge, gave The deer; they recognized their eyes; invited the Bears to play in the steam room, closed the smoke hole; put sticks to them, turning them into skunks; ran to the sea and asked Grandfather Crane transport them across the sea; he stretched out his neck; when the Bear came, he removed her neck, she fell into the sea but swam out; Coyote, Rabbit, Fox and others killed her on the shore with stones, turned her into a bear]: Foster 1941 : 236-237; (cf. wappo [The deer husband and the bear wife go for acorns; the deer climbs the oak tree, the bear eats the acorns that have been thrown; the deer asks what they will bring home then; the bear says he is hers insults, demands that he cry, devours him, hides his head in a basket under clover, brings him home; says that her husband was killed by enemies; his reindeer sister mourns; brings deer to his children (this is the eldest and younger brothers) clover; The bear tells her to take her to the place where the clover grows; Olenikha predicts the children that the Bear will kill her (the murder itself is not described); Deer are placed in different places charcoal stirring sticks, run away; sticks are responsible for them; Gopher woman says that the children have run away; children ask the Crane to stretch his neck like a bridge, cross the river; when the Bear runs up, the Crane cleans his neck; brothers spend the night at the Crane's steam room; the youngest sees the light, goes to the world of the dead, where their mother is; they go to suck her breasts, die, are cremated]: Radin 1924, No. 8:47-49); northern yana [a Grizzly woman wants a Deer to cut off a piece of her flesh for her; then she looks in her head, gnaws her neck, eats many of Olenikha's relatives, but does not find her two children; Deer invite Grizzly children to smoke each other as a joke, strangle Grizzly children with smoke, cover the corpses with blankets, run away; flee on the rock, making it tall; Grizzly gnaws on the rock, dies; Deer turn it spine to a grizzly bear]: Sapir 1910, No. 24:207-208; synkyon [reindeer brother and sister strangle cubs with smoke in a hole or hollow; The crane stretches its leg; the bear falls into the water, returns]: Kroeber 1919, No. 11:349, 351; Pomo: Barrett 1933, No. 87 [The falcon brings better game to his Deer Wife and worse to his Mother Bear; the Bear is chasing him; his grandfather tree opens the trunk, he hides in it; the bear calls Olenikha to collect clover; asks her to look for snakes in her hair; there are snakes; then she looks for Olenikha herself, bites off her head; feeds her two sons with her meat; the Lark says that they eat their mother; they strangle the Bear's two daughters in the steam room (they staged a fanning contest and they died of the heat); they run away; the older brother spits, creating a pond behind them (like three times); the crane stretches their neck like bridge; when the Bear steps on it, he shakes her into the water; throws a hot stone into her mouth, she dies], 88 [as in (87); The deer is the son of the Bear, the husband of the Wild Cat; the Bear kills her son; I'm not happy that the Cat does not bite through the snake, the lizard, that she finds in her hair; the reindeer brothers withstood the fanning contest in the steam room because their grandfather Putrid-man poured cold water on them, and the bear's daughters died from the heat; Olenikha's children run successively in four directions; then Rot throws them on feathers to the sky; the Crane throws the Bear into the water, she drowns], 89 [as in (88); Olenikha's husband killed by the Bear is Thunder; they have a boy and a girl], 90 [as in (87); both parents are Deer; the Woodpecker (Yellowhammer) throws a hot stone into the Bear's mouth as she crosses the river up her neck Crane]: 327-331, 334-342, 344-348, 350-354; Oswalt 1964, No. 5 (porridge) [Bear and Deer are widows; go to pick nuts; Bear asks Deer to show her neck; bites and kills her; gives her eldest The reindeer brothers are their mother's meat; the crow warns not to eat it; the deer invite the bears to play; first they will climb the mountain and they will smoke them; when they shout that's enough, that's enough; then let the cubs climb; the cubs did so, and the deer strangled them to death with smoke; the deer flee; the heron uncle stretches his neck across the river, the deer cross the river; the river to the bear takes her to sea]: 57-65; screw [Grizzly woman and Deer collect clover together; Grizzly invites Olenikha to look in her head, kills; later tells her daughter that the reindeer boys have grown up, you have to eat them; they kill the Grizzly's daughter, feed her meat, run away; the old man- (bird?) stretches her leg through the stream; the bear falls into the water; the old man throws a hot stone into her mouth; she dies]: Dubois, Demetracopoulou 1931, No. 36:352-354; Maidu: Beck et al. 2001 [Deer warns his daughters that if the Grizzly kills her, they must go to their Crane Grandmother; while collecting greens, Grizzly invites Olenikha to look in her head, gnaws her neck; tells the Reindeer that their mother sick, will come later; Deer and Grizzly daughters play, covering each other in a smoky cave; Deer smoke Grizzly daughters to death, bake, put meat pieces and heads with limbs separately; tell everyone objects are silent, forget about the pine needle, run away; the Grizzly eats the meat of her daughters, discovers heads; the needle shows the way to the Grizzly, the deer climb the rock, throw a hot stone into the Grizzly's mouth, they come to the Crane; when they wake up, the Grizzly asks the Crane to stretch her leg across the river; in the middle of the river, Zhuravlikha throws the Grizzly into the water (she allegedly scratched her leg with her claws; Women Water Beetles ate Grizzly; the Milky Way is the Crane's leg stretching across the river, and at the same time the river itself; two stars are Deer, in front of them their mother, then playing Grizzly daughters; the Horned Owl looks at the rock going into a heavenly river]: 83-86; Dixon 1902, No. 9:79-80 [reindeer brother and sister find their mother's meat in a clover basket; they kill cubs in the steam room; they climb a rock, it grows up; throw it into their mouths The bears are a red-hot stone; their grandfather Crane (?) stretches her leg through the stream; the bear drowns], 80-81 [same; a hot stone kills the Bear], 81-83 [reindeer boys find their mother's head in the basket; cook a bear cub; throw it into the Bear's mouth a red-hot stone when she swims across the river; she dies; a spider takes them to heaven; they meet their mother there; they are thirsty; the mother goes to get water, sinks]; nicenan: Powell 1877 [Bear and The deer went for the clover; the bear said she saw a louse on Olenikha's head, Olenikha leaned down, the Bear pulled out her eyes and put it in her basket; Olenikha's children noticed their mother's eyes in the basket; they lured the cubs into the cave, lit a fire at the entrance, they were baked; the bear ate them furiously, chased the deer; they climbed onto the rock, dropped the hot stone, and the Bear died; they threw stones in different directions, acorns and berries appeared; the elder brother punched a hole in the sky with an arrow, put up a ladder; the youngest was afraid to climb; then the elder let him smoke a pipe so that there was no ground apparently; both climbed into the sky, saw their mother by the pond, recognized her by her empty eye sockets; the elder brother was a deer, the youngest was a woodpecker (Sphyrapicus varins); the brothers did not like the blind mother, they went to wheel, fell into the pond, drowned]: 341-343; Uldall, Shipley 1966, No. 2 [Olenikha is her husband's sister (brother's wife?) The bears; they go for the clover, the Deer invites the Bear to look for insects, the Bear kills her; two reindeer boys find their mother's head in the basket; bake the bear cub in the hole, run, telling the stump to answer for themselves; when they climb a rock, they throw a hot stone into the Bear's mouth, she dies, they fry and eat it; their mother's brother came to give him a bone, she fell, turned into a bear, ran away; the mother's brother takes them to heaven; there they roll the ball, find the mother in the house, suck her breasts; at night the youngest asks for water, the mother goes to fetch water, falls into a hole, dies; now the brothers produce thunder and lightning]: 21-25; mountain mivok: Gifford 1917 [The bear invites her sister Olenikha to collect the clover; offers to look in her head, gnaws through her neck, eats it, brings the liver to the bottom of the basket ; the youngest of two reindeer sisters finds a liver under the clover; the sisters leave the basket and awls to answer for them, run away; their grandfather is Long-legged (crane?) stretches out his leg; the Bear falls into the river, but continues to pursue; another grandfather, Olenyat, the Lizard, invites the Bear to climb onto the roof of his house, open her mouth and close her eyes, throws two in her mouth hot stones; she falls, dies; the lizard took off her skin, cut it in half, gave most of it to her older sister, the deer, the younger; the girls began to run, dragging these pieces that produced thunder; the Lizard sent them to heaven, they are Thunder], 2 [Bear lice are frogs; the deer throws them away, the Bear is unhappy, the deer says it's falling leaves (obviously it is assumed that the Deer must bite through "insects")], 13 [short version; Deer strangle the Cubs with smoke in a hole; without crossing the river; the lizard is Aunt Olenyat; the text ends with her throwing into the Bear's mouth A hot stone, she dies]: 286-292, 333-334; Kroeber 1907a, No. 10 [two Deer Brothers strangle the Grizzly children in the steam room; they hide in their grandfather's steam room; he throws a hot stone in the Bear's ass, burning it from within; Deer rise to heaven, become Thunders]: 203-204; Merriam 1993 [Deer is Grizzly's husband's sister; she has two sons, the Grizzly has one; the Grizzly invites her to look in her head kills, brings her liver home; deer find and recognize her; playing with him, strangle the Bear cub in a hole with smoke, put it as if he were sleeping; they ran to the other side of the river; the Grizzly asks how they got there; Backwards; the Grizzly goes backwards, the Deer roll a hot stone on her; they make a belt out of her skin, climb into the sky; there they meet her mother; she drowns in a spring; they go back; so deer live on the ground, not in the sky]: 103-109; Wilson 1922 [a deer with two reindeer came to visit a bear with a bear cub; went with her to pick berries, she killed her; the deer saw the bear bring their mother's liver; invited the bear cub to play, taking turns climbing into the cave, there is a fire in front of her, blowing smoke into it until the cave says it was enough; strangled the bear cub with smoke; ran to his grandfather; he taught him how to heat the stones and roll them down the mountain; when the bear chased, the stones killed her; the grandfather made several proposals to his grandchildren regarding their future fate, but they agreed, only when he invited them to live in heaven; lit a fire to take them to heaven; they began to dance around the fire and accidentally spilled water; together with the ferry they ascended into the sky, where they now live with their descendants; lightning is sparks from under their hooves; short sharp peals of thunder are the youngest deer running, and the deaf rolling ones are the eldest]: 87-89; central mountain mivok [Grizzly kills Olenikha, locks him in the house of her two sons, intending to kill them too; they close the house from the inside, the Woodpecker brings them fire, they heat the stones; the Grizzly climbs through the chimney, they tell her to go down with her back so as not to break her neck; burned on hot stones]: Merriam 1993:111-112; coastal mivok [The bear invited Olenikha to look in her hair, gnawed her neck, ate it; two Deer noticed a piece of venison in the house; when the Bear left, they killed two bears with clubs, put them in the steam room on both sides of the chimney; ran away; crossing the river, asking the Bear not to talk about them; climbed the sequoia, heated it there stones; the bear found the dead Cubs, rushed in pursuit; asked the Deer how they got in; they said they were upside down; they killed the Bear by throwing hot stones in her anus; they saw her mother in the sky; the eldest shot, the mother caught the arrow, pulled her son out; the youngest shot, followed the arrow into the sky; the mother told the children how the Bear killed her]: Kelly 1978, No. 20:36-37; Chukchansi yokutz ( short summary) [a Grizzly bear kills a Deer by taking out her insects; two reindeer boys kill two Tubs in the steam room; run to her grandfather; he kills the Grizzly, throwing a hot one in her anus stone; boys make so much noise that they must go to live in heaven, became Thunders]: Gayton, Newman 1940, No. 130:96; salinan [{record is bad; in particular the informant, author or both call the Bear in male gende, he; not sure it's not the Bear}; The bear looks in Olenikha's head; she asks why he doesn't bite through the lice, he replies that he does not eat toads; when Deer looks for the Bear in his head, he kills her; takes a boy ("elf") out of his womb; he grows up in a cave, finds his Rainbow Grandmother; she does not tell her to fight Thunder; he runs away from Thunder, kills and bakes two bears; lets the Bear eat, Oatmeal screams that the Bear is eating its children]: Mason 1918:116; monk [The bear kills the Deer by taking out her insects; Deer kill the Tubs in the steam room; flee to the lower world, the hole is closed With a pestle; the bear follows them; the caterpillar turns into a bridge across the river; pushes it when the Bear tries to follow the deer; the bear drowns]: Gifford 1923, No. 23:357-359m.

Big Pool. Northern Payut [Bear and Deer go to dig roots; sit down to clean themselves up; (to rumple their skins); Bear bites Deer's neck, brings her fat home; Younger Deer feels the mother's taste; when the Bear leaves to pick up the remaining meat, two Deer invite the two Cubs to play while locking each other in a smoky room; strangle them with smoke to death, put them on stakes ( so that the Bear thinks that they are standing outside the house), run away; ask the Crane to stretch her legs across the river, cross them to the other side; ask the pursuer to drown; when the Bear reaches the middle rivers, she leans to drink, falls, sinks; the bears respond to the Crane's wife that they do not eat fish, but pine needles; so deer are now living in the forest]: Kelly 1938, No. 27:431-432; northern shoshones [ after going for the roots, the Bear invites Olenikha to look in her head, curls her neck; the bears eat deer fat, talk about it to two Deer; they offer to play in the steam room, strangle the Cubs smoke, paint with red paint, place the corpses so that they look alive; run; spend the night in a hollow; The bear falls asleep by the hollow; the deer run to the river; their maternal grandfather Blue Bald Head (Crane?) stretches out her legs, they cross to the other side; the bear steps on her knee, the Crane throws her off; she swims for a long time, gets ashore, her hair is peeled off]: Lowie 1909b, No. 9:253-254; gosiyute [The bear kills Olenikha; the deer strangle the Bear cubs in the cave; they run; the crane stretches its leg through the stream; removes her leg when the Bear steps on her; she drowns; the crane tells the Deer to go to the mountains and eat grass, that's why there are so many deer]: Smith 1993:37-38.

The Great Southwest. Western ceres: Boas 1928a (Akoma) [The she-wolf (she has a son and daughter) calls Olenikha (she has two twins; it's not clear if she has two sisters or brother and sister) to collect piñon nuts; asks how her children are became spotted; Olenikha says she locked them in the room, making a fire in it; while collecting nuts, the Bear killed Olenikha, brought home her meat, gave the reindeer her udder, said that her mother would come later; a man told them that their mother had been killed, advised them to kill the cubs, flee to Wu'nimatse, where their mother is now; the reindeer were offered to make two cubs in a spotted way, about which Olenikha said to the Wolf; they lock the Cubs in the house, strangle them with smoke; put the corpses as if the wolf cub was going to shoot his sister, who had swept the floor; they ran west; the old turtle transports them to back across the river; The she-wolf pushes her son, the corpse falls, she realizes that the children are dead; the Turtle is transporting it; in Wu'nimatse, the Deer invites the Wolf to go down and take the deer; the Moose kills her with horns]: 180- 183, 273-274 [summary]; Parsons 1931 (Laguna) [Coyoticha goes with Antelope to collect cactus fruit; taking out her lice, kills her; gives her meat to her two children; the meat tells them to strangle the Coyotician children with smoke in the house. follow her mother in Venimac (the lake where the Katsina live, where the dead go); Coyoticha descends to W. ze Antelope's children; many antelopes below take her to the horns and throw her back]: 137; tiva: Parsons 1932c, No. 16 (Isleta) [The she-wolf kills the Deer, offering her hair to her hair; the deer roast it, it tells them it is their mother; Deer strangle the Cubs, promising to do it their eyes are as beautiful as theirs; Jackbirds hide the Deer in the ball, play football, the Wolf runs past; the Beaver carries the Deer across the river first, then the Wolf; the Big Deer kill A she-wolf, they cook it; one Deer drops a drop of broth; many wolves emerge from it; (quail in Hodge 1933:12-14)]: 403-404; 1940a, No. 52 (Taos) [Olenikha warns her children that the Bear can kill her, they should not eat the meat she brought; that they should go east to their child and grandmother; the Bear offers to take out insects, kills Olenikha; she previously advised the Bear to smoke her bears so that they are covered in beautiful spots; when they see their mother's meat, the Deer ran away; the Bear found dead cubs; by the Beaver River, she asks the Deer to remove his lice; these are frogs; from a deer boy a necklace made of bear teeth, a girl bites them like she is biting frogs; a beaver carries the Deer across the river; the bear also crossed, came to the Deer, who cared for her to death]: 109-111; teva: Espinosa 1936a, No. 30 (San Juan) [like a ceres; The Wolf invites the Deer to look in her head; the cubs are lured into a burning house, promising that they will become spotted; the wolf is boiled, the deer drops a drop decoction; The she-wolf revives, devours many deer]: 97; Parsons 1926, No. 60 (Taos) [Coyoticha (hereinafter: The Wolf) asks Deer how to make her four children beautiful spots on their skin; believes that children you have to smoke, they die; the Wolf invites Olenikha to look in her head, bites her neck, brings meat home; pieces of meat tell Olenikha's two sons not to eat them, to run; the Beaver transports the Deer across the river; He throws the Wolf into the water, she swims out; the older brother carries the younger brother, runs to his father; two Deer kill the Wolf; her meat is cooked; drops of broth fall to the ground, the Wolf revives; since then, wolves they kill deer]: 155-157; 1940, No. 52 (Taos) [The bear and the Deer hunt together; the bear suggests looking in each other's heads; Olenikha realizes that she is going to eat it, teaches her son and daughter, what they will have to do; when asked by the Bear, she says that children should be smoked to make them have beautiful spots; the Bear smokes the Cubs to death; bites Deer in the neck, brings its meat to her children ; they don't eat, they run away; Beaver promises to transport them across the river if they look for them in his head; there are frogs; the girl clicks, biting her brother's bear fangs necklace; transporting children across another river horned serpent (?) Pakealaana; children resort to adult Deer; they tear the Bear to pieces with their horns]: 109-111.

Chaco. The victim's children call the Jaguar's sons to hunt, kill them by setting fire to the bushes; they feed the Jaguar meat. Chamacoco: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987a, No. 101 [Maned Wolf (GW; species not precisely established: Chrysocyon branchyrus or one of the species belonging to the Cerdocyon families, Dusicyon or Lycalopex) is a good gatherer, fisherman and hunter; the Jaguar (GW calls him "big brother") returns empty-handed - the game runs away when they see him; Jaguar found a place full of tubers aquatic plants, decided to lure GW there; GW's wife saw Jaguar carry tubers and send her husband; Jaguar lured GW deeper, hit and drowned him, took his bag of tubers; told GW's four sons that their the father went home before him; they started playing with Jaguar's sons and noticed their father's bag; they lured Yaguar's children to hunt guinea pigs by setting fire around their holes; the Yaguar children found themselves in a ring fire and died; at home they mixed guinea pig meat with the meat of the Jaguar's children and let him eat it; told their rabbit maid to tell Jaguar when he finished eating, whose meat he ate; he is chasing her, she turns into a rabbit; there is a mark on the back - the mark of a spear thrown by the Jaguar; the Jaguar set fire to the thickets, but the Rabbit Girl ran away], 102 [Maned Wolf (GW) collects more honey and finds better ones tubers than Jaguar; the Jaguar tried in vain to scare him, and GW frightened him; he cried out but said that it was the horsefly that bit him on the penis; while collecting the tubers of aquatic plants, the Jaguar drowned GW; the sons of GW noticed on Jaguar's feet, his father's sandals; bakers imitating traces, called Jaguar's children to hunt; set fire to the vegetation and they burned down; the GW children mixed their meat with bakers meat, let the Jaguara eat; asked the woman The rabbit tell Jaguar what he ate; he chased her, but she ran away], 103 [Jaguar and Maned Wolf (GW) are friends, both have two sons; the Jaguar brings small tubers and the GW brings big ones; the Jaguar lured GW bend down for a tuber (there's only a piece of wood) and kill him; GW's sons spotted their father's basket at Jaguar; reproduced the traces of wild pigs, brought Jaguar's sons there, set fire to the vegetation, and they died; them bakers mixed meat with meat; asked Jaguar Hare's servant to give him this meat and then report what he ate; the Jaguar threw his spear and since then there is a bald patch on the Hare's back; the hare became a hare; (the end is confused: in in particular, an adult GW successfully frightens Jaguar, but does not get scared himself)]: 403-410, 411-415, 416-419; matako [Deer make a chain of arrows, run to heaven]: Calífano 1974 [A deer marries a daughter Jaguar; deceives his father-in-law, but in the end he kills him; brings his daughter a piece of his meat; she recognizes her husband; two sons of the Deer lure Jaguar's children into dry grass, set them on fire, they die; give meat to Jaguar disguised as a boar; report it, run, make a chain of arrows, climb into the sky; the Jaguar climbs after, the chain breaks, it breaks]: 49; Wilbert, Simoneau 1982a, No. 2 [Metraux 1939:16; Deer marries Jaguar's daughter; Jaguariha's mother-in-law kills a deer son-in-law, brings her daughter a piece of his meat; she recognizes her husband; two sons of a deer kill Jaguar's children, feed him meat; when they run away, they shout about it; he chases after them, they shoot at the sky, making a chain of arrows; they go up to heaven, turn into the Pleiades; their mother follows them, turns into the Southern Cross (saying that we are talking about stars not far from the Pleiades, which appear in the morning of mid-September; that is, it is not the Southern Cross)], 3 [The Deer has three sons; he went for honey, disappeared; the boys are crying; the eldest came to Jaguar's house and found a Jaguar in his bag the father's head, identified by his face painting; the Jaguar lies that he and the Deer both hunted wild boars, the Deer has not yet come; the deer offer Jaguar's two sons to set fire to the thickets to drive out the frogs (children They ate their jaguars); set fire from all sides, Jaguars burn; Deer turn their bodies into boar bodies, give them to Jaguar; shout that he eats his children; shoot at the sky, climb a chain of arrows; when the Jaguar climbs, the elder breaks the chain, the Jaguar falls on sharp stakes; the deer turn into a constellation of Gemini (large, small and large red stars)], 4 [Jaguariha quarrels with a cougar woman, kills her; the murdered woman's children call the murderer's children to hunt, set fire to the grass, they die; the corpse of one is wrapped in goat skin, let their mother eat; they make a chain of arrows, rise to the sky, become a constellation ; when Jaguariha climbs, the chain is broken, Jaguariha breaks]: 38-39, 40-42, 43-44.