Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

J52A. The antagonist is a bear. .

A bear or bear insidiously kills its companion, neighbor, etc., which is associated with a herbivorous animal or a weaker predator. The victim's children take revenge by killing the murderer's children or fleeing. See J52, J54 motives.

Tibetans (incl. Sikkim), Tibetans (Amdo), Lavrung, Northern and Eastern Khanty, Southern and Northern Mansi, Shuswap, Thompson, Lillouet, Halkomel, Comox, Snohomish, Skagit, Koulitz, Koos, Kalapuya, Takelma, Klamath, Kato, Lassik, shinkion, yuki, yana, pomo, maidu, pomo, wappo, vintu, mountain mivok, coastal mivok, chukchansi yokutz, monache, salinan, tubatulabal, northern payut, northern shoshoni, goshiyute, teva (Taos).

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans [the rabbit and bear live side by side, each with a son; the rabbit was better at digging up rhizomes; the bear was jealous and killed her; the rabbit's son saw the bear and her son its mother cooked and ate it; when the bear was away, she plunged a red-hot arrow into the bear's ear, took a bag of roots and ran away; the tiger hid it in his ear; the bear began to ask about the rabbit, but the tiger threatened to kill her herself; she left; the tiger hears the ring chewing something; he says he is eating his own eyes; he gave the tiger a spine, he liked it; he agreed to have the rabbit blind him , but then let him take care of him; invited the tiger to go to bed on the edge of the cliff; made a fire; the tiger moved away and fell into the abyss; the hare to the shepherd: a dead tiger below; a she-wolf: the shepherd left the herd unattended; crow: fly to peck out the eyes of the cubs, the she-wolf went to slaughter the sheep; after doing so much evil, the rabbit fled to another country]: Shelton 1925, No. 35:141-143; Tibetans (Sikkim) [Bear kills Hare]; Tibetans (Amdo) [Bear Kills Rabbit]: Tshe dbang rdo rje et al. 2007:127; Lavrung [Bear Kills Rabbit]: G.yu lha 2011:369-373, 375-381

Western Siberia. Eastern Khanty (b. Wah) [Lisa and Hare live together, both have children; Lisa offers sledding down the mountain, goes first against desire, Lisa runs over, breaks her back; Hare's son and daughter see Lisa feeding them meat the mothers of their children, offers to eat their children Bunnies; they run, throw a comb, whetstone, flint, they turn into a thicket, a mountain, a fire; the fox lags behind; while the sister eats cloudberries, the brother falls into the ground; (more the sister is called the woman Moses); hits the stump, from there the Por woman jumps out, offers to swim; puts on M.'s rich fur clothes, gives M. her measles; in the city of M. succeeds pick up the arrow of the son of an Urban Village Old Man, P. has to take the arrow of Tonton-Old Man's son (Tonton-Oika is a poor man, servant, or cunning); respectively, they marry; P. weaves a rope, who was enough to wrap half the city, M. - the whole city three times; M. comes to the place where his brother disappeared; there is a house, a bear enters, takes off his skin - this is his brother; sends his sister a herd of deer]: Lukina 1990, No. 28:101 -104; northern Khanty: Aksyanova et al. 2005, No. 1 (son) [Porne has a daughter, Moshne has a daughter and son; P. calls M. to roll down the mountain, puts a knife on the mountain, carries the corpse home, eats; promises her daughter that she will eat children M.; children M. run away, throw a firestone (fire to the sky), a comb (forest), a sharpener (river); P. cannot cross it; contrary to the ban, the brother drinks from a puddle, sinks into the ground, his sister has time grab only his eye; touches a rotten birch stump, a new P. comes out from under it; offers to swim, puts on the girl's clothes, gives her hers; both come to the house, P. marries his son Voshan-Kurtan- old man, young M. for Tonton's son, old man; daughters-in-law go home; where his brother is gone, M. sees the house, there is a woman; brother comes, M. gives him his eye; when sending his sister home, brother tells him not to look back; she looked around when her eyes fell, those deer were gone, the rest were following her; argish P. was not carried by deer, but by fish, she lets them go into the lake; at night P. puts a nail in her husband's ear, he dies; M. hears P. He sings this, says; the nail is removed, the man comes to life, P. was torn to pieces by deer]: 236-239; Nikolaeva 1999, No. 1 (Obdorsk) [Mos woman and Por woman live together, each has a daughter and a son; in the spring P. leads M. to drink water, drowns in the river, gets fresh, brings meat home; daughter M. tells her younger brother that their mother was eaten; hears P. promises her children that they will get young fat, not old; daughter M. takes an iron flint, a whetstone, a comb, a brother, runs away, leaving two birds under the canopy so that P. thinks that the children are there; P. chases children; M.'s daughter throws a comb (thicket), a whetstone (rock), a flint ( wall of fire, P. stops persecution); magpie, crow tells children not to spend the night in the forest; brother feels bad, sister is preparing for the night, brother died; sister buried him, moved on, from the larch stump daughter P. jumped out; they went together, saw a white and black sleigh, a white and black man; a white arrow fell next to M.'s daughter, a black arrow next to P.'s daughter; P.'s daughter wants to become a white wife, promises to give birth to golden children, but black did not let her in; both gave birth to a son; daughter P. says that M.'s son has eyes and ears on the back of his head; white looks - there is a golden child; they took daughter P. to the forest, threw her in fire; daughter M. went to the tree where she buried her brother; there is a beautiful house, the brother went out to meet her in fur clothes; everything is fine]: 133-137; southern and northern Mansi [Porne (associated with bear) kills Mosne (the Khanty associates it with a hare)].

The coast is the Plateau. Shuswap [Grizzly kills Bobriha]; Thompson [Grizzly kills Black Bear]; lillouette [Grizzly kills Black Bear]; Hallcomel [Grizzly kills Black Bear]; comox (chatloltk) [Grizzly kills Black Bear]; snohomish [Grizzly kills Black Bear]; skagit [Grizzly kills Brown Bear]; colitz [Grizzly kills Black Bear] ]; cous [Grizzly kills Black Bear]; kalapuya [Grizzly kills Brown Bear]; takelma [Grizzly kills Black Bear]; clamate [Bear kills Antelope].

California. The bear kills Olenikha. Kato; lassik; shinkyon; yuki; yana; pomo; maidu; pomo [The partridge is the sister of the Hawk Brothers (they are the Sun and the Month); her husband is the Deer and the owner deer, their two sons are Squirrels; the Bear lives with them; she chased the Deer, he hid in an oak hollow, the hole is overgrown; the bear returned home, sat down to talk to the Partridge, killed her and ate it; The Lark told the Squirrels about this; they found their father, but could not free him from the hollow; he advised them to ask the Bear for a sun basket, throw it into the water, say they dropped it by accident, Bear will run after her, run at this time; they ask the Growth on the Oak, the Spider not to say that they saw them; the Knat Knat crane stretches its neck to them like a bridge over the river, they find their crying mother, or rather her spirit; Bear hits Growth, gets stuck, loses time, gets stuck in the web; KK invites her to go backwards; she suspects that another Totokus crane wants to kill her with a hot stone; still agrees get into his boat; he kills the Bear by hitting her with a hot stone; the sons moved the mother, who became a rock, to the place she wanted to go]: Clark, Williams 1954:88-93; wappo [Deer husband and wife- They go for acorns as a bear; a deer climbs an oak tree, a bear eats dropped acorns; a deer asks what they will bring home then; the bear says he insults her, demands that he cry, devours him, hides his head in a basket under clover, brings him home; says that her husband was killed by enemies; his reindeer sister mourns; brings clover to her reindeer children (older and younger brothers); Bear tells her to take her to the place where the clover grows; Olenikha predicts the children that the Bear will kill her (the murder itself is not described); the deer place sticks in different places to stir the coals, run away; sticks are responsible for them; the Gopher woman says that the children have run away; the children ask the Crane to stretch his neck like a bridge, cross the river; when the Bear runs up, the Crane removes his neck; the brothers spend the night at the Crane's steam room; the youngest sees the light, goes to the world of the dead, where their mother is; they go to suck her breasts, die, cremated]: Radin 1924, No. 8:47-49; propeller; mountain mivok; coastal mivok ; Chukchansi yokutz; monache; salinan; tubatulabal [pregnant Olenikha eats clover; Bear kills her; mother of the victim finds drops of blood on the grass; from which they arise boy; grows up in a grandmother's house; climbs a rock; throws his red-hot arrow straightener into the Bear's mouth; the bear dies; then the young man kills the cannibal]: Voegelin 1935, No. 14:211-213.

Big Pool. The bear kills Olenikha. Northern Payutes; Northern Shoshones; Goshiyute.

The Great Southwest. Teva (Taos) [Bear kills Deer].