Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

J54B. Mother's enemy and brother's ally.


The antagonist's son and hero are half-brothers or half-brothers (uncle and nephew; brothers). When an antagonist tries to kill a hero, the antagonist's son takes the hero's side.

Hausa, Soninke, Masai, Tibetans (Spiti), Meitei, Bengalis, Northern Ukrainians, Urums, Kalmyks, Adygs, Abazins, Dargins, Tajiks, Mountain Tajiks, Uzbeks, Bukhara Arabs, Yagnobs, Shugnans, Yazgulyam residents, Kazakhs.

West Africa. Hausa [the man has two wives, each with a son, one is dead, the stepmother hates his stepson, and the half-brothers are friendly; the sorcerer advises the stepmother to take her stepson to the forest, ask him to climb a tree, poke out the young man's eyes; brother finds the crippled, heals his eyes, the brothers live in the forest, get rich; the stepmother comes to them, his own son hacked her]: Okhotina 1962:285-286; soninka [the tsar is predicted that his beloved wife will give birth to a son who will kill him; he sends his wife to the fields; the counselors dream: this woman's son will be a better king than the current one; they persuaded him to return his wife; she gave birth to a son, but her king He sent it again; the baby was taken away by a lioness, raised with a lion cub; he realized that the lioness wanted to eat the young man, killed his mother, they went on a journey together; the lion pretended to attack the girl, and the young man, drove the lion away; he was married to a girl; the lion died, the young man stabbed himself out of grief, and the falcon revived them; gave gold to the slaves, they killed the king, the young man became king]: Monteil 1905:126-135.

Sudan - East Africa. Masai [each of the two wives has a son, one is dead, the half-brothers are friendly, but the stepmother wants to get rid of her stepson; she dug a hole in the house, sent her stepson to bring a knife to cut his hair, the boy fell into the hole, the stepmother covered the hole with a stone; the brother hears the voice of the one who fell into the hole, frees his brother; killed his mother with a spear]: Arnold 1984:119-120 (=Kipury 1983, No. 30:111-110).

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans (Spiti) [the king and his wife are childless; they turned to the goddess; she promised the birth of a courageous and kind son; he was named Dhondova; three years later the queen died; the new wife of the low origin; son Chungo Doyon was born; half-brothers are friendly, but stepmother is afraid that the throne will pass to her stepson; went to all four directions of the world and heard people of different ages say everywhere that the throne would pass to D.; persuaded her husband to promise the throne to his youngest son and send the elder into exile; but the youngest went with him; on the way, BH died and turned into a monkey; D. came to a monk who recognized he has a son from a previous life; neighbors are jealous of the art that D. treats horses; decided to push him into the lake; the monk hid him in the horn of Ibex, but he was threatened and D. went out; he was taken to local princess Lechewalden; tied their hair together, but D. cut off his hair and jumped into the lake himself; being the reincarnation of God, he revived everyone (drowned?) in the lake and went out with them; went to the monk; came with him and his people to the waterfall, took his monkey brother {who became human?} , became the princess's husband and king; they all came to their parents; stepmother fell into the ground out of shame; younger brother took possession of his father]: Orton 2016:2-3; Meitei [the collected work Funga Wari, Vol. 3 by N. Bemni Singha; the king has two wives, the youngest is Rakshasi, she has a son Nabakumae, and the eldest has Surjakumar; when the king left, Rakshasi began to secretly abuse people; N. told S.; the brothers went study fencing; mother S. brought milk with her: if she turns red, she dies; milk turned red; mother N. appeared in the guise of Rakshasi; N. tells her brother to climb the tree; when everyone returns home, mother invites N. to eat his father; he pretends to ask what she would do when his mother eats everyone and dies on her own; rakshasi: my soul is in onions, which are in the seventh layer of the earth; the brothers began to dig and found onions they broke the bow, the Rakshasi died; the king is back, all is well]: Oinam et al. s.a.

South Asia. Bengalis [a pious but poor and stupid brahmana goes to the palace on the wrong road, goes to Rakshasi; she says that she is his first wife, gives him a generous gift, asks him to bring his second wife; Seeing that her husband has returned rich, a woman goes with him; sees Rakshasi eating an antelope with raw materials; a woman feels that Rakshasi's jaws extend from earth to sky; she gives her son Champa Dal her milk - if he blushes, his father dies, if he blushes even more, so does she; Rakshasi swallows both, BH jumps away; Sahasra Dal, the son of Rakshasi from the brahmana, saves his half-brother, kills his mother- Rakshasi, joins the BH; they come to a city where residents leave a person in the temple every night to be eaten by another rakshasi; they go instead of the victim; SD kills Rakshasi, gets the daughter of the king and half the kingdom; BH lives with him; the maid is a rakshasi in disguise; BH sees her eating food; to get rid of him, the maid complains that he is encroaching on her honor; the Queen Mother orders him to be sent away; he comes to a distant country; Princess Keshavati sleeps there, BH touches her with a golden stick, she comes to life; the Rakshasi has eaten everyone; every morning Rakshasi touches the princess with a silver stick, she loses consciousness before her returns; K. finds out that Rakshasi's life is in two bees at the bottom of the reservoir; BH kills them, all Rakshasi are dying; K. bathes, her swam hair finds SD; wants to find an owner; Queen Mother sends a maid- Rakshasi, she lures K. to the ship, takes her away; ChD comes, tells her story; SD orders the maid to be placed in a hole, covered with thorns, buried alive]: Day 1914, No. 4:64-92.

Central Europe. Northern Ukrainians (Chernihiv Oblast, Konotop District) {the end is crumpled, with obvious passes} [the queen remained a widow, she has a son Mytut; they went to the forest, M. noticed a light, there was a house of 8,000 robbers; M. killed everyone, began to live with his mother; snakes went to his mother, they they survived the child, left him under the oak tree, M. found him, brought him to his mother; said that he would be his brother, the name Netuta; the king would give his daughter to the one who would defeat the snake; the serpent whistled - the silver bridge became 12 miles, and M. whistled - the golden bridge; M. cut off the snake's head and tongue, received the princess; they began to live in the robbers' house, and N. became a prince for teaching (?) M. kill the snake]: Malinka 1902, No. 18:277-282.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Urums ("Greeks g. Mariupol"; judging by fragments of the original texts and other lexical materials available in the notes, these are urums, not rumei) [the widow's son beat the padishah's son and the vizier's son in the bones; the vizier's son hit the widow's son; he gave back, but missed and killed the padishah's son; the padishah wanted to execute the widow's son, but the dignitaries dissuaded him (minors cannot be executed) and advised him to send the murderer to the forest, to who lives the monster; the padishah did so; the widow's son came to the forest, straightened the bulls from the arba, went to buy firewood; when he returned, he saw that one of the bulls had only his head left; went into the thicket dragged the monster from there, harnessed it into the arba and went to the padishah; the padishah hid under the sofa and told the widow's son to leave his kingdom; the widow's son and his mother found a palace in the forest owned by the 40s the head of the serpent; the widow's son waved a piece of dagger and cut off 39 heads; the serpent asked to cut off the last one, but the widow's son dragged him into the back room and piled a millstone on him; a few years later, The widow found this room; the serpent said, "Who's there? If you are older than me, then be my mother, if you are middle-aged, be my wife, and if you are smaller than me, be my sister"; the widow opened the door, brought the snake a fragment of a dagger; the serpent licked its heads grew up again; he and the widow began to live together in secret from her son; they had a child; the widow put him on the road; the eldest son saw the child, brought it home and let his mother feed; the child grew up and became make a snake hiss; the widow gave her eldest son poisoned dumplings, but the youngest warned him of the danger; the eldest son killed both the mother and the snake; before going in search of his wife, he stuck him in the ceiling a dagger and said to his brother: "If honey flows through the dagger, it means that my journey is safe; if blood flows, it will be a sign that I am in danger"; the eldest son arrived to the city, stayed with an old woman; she said: there is a well near the city, the owner of which is a 6-headed serpent; every year he is given lot by lot; this year the lot fell on the royal daughter, tomorrow hers they will be taken to the well; the eldest son killed a snake, saved the king's daughter and married her; one morning he saw two suns in the sky; the wife explained: a padishah lives in the west, he has a beautiful daughter, this is her hair so they are burning; the eldest son went to that beautiful woman; she was sitting on the balcony, he went into the garden and began to eat fruit there; because of this, he was exhausted; the padishah threw him into the cellar; the younger brother noticed that the dagger was coming from the dagger blood, and rushed to search; did not eat fruit in the garden and grabbed the padishah by the beard; he let his older brother go; he returned to his former wife, and the youngest married a beautiful woman]: Markov 1892, No. 5:24-30; Kalmyks [Juruk is the son of Khara-batyr; warns his father not to go to the mountain; he is driving, mortally wounded by an enemy arrow; D. leaves; grandfather in a quarter, a three-quarter beard warns that he has gone she will meet manguses to the left; the girl let them get drunk from the golden bowl, did not let them out of the silver bowl, disappeared; D. looks into the crack of a yurt without doors, there are Black Mousse and grandmother on the throne; tells me to guess riddles; 1) why the wind is from the east and then from the west: two giants blow from the towers in the west and east); 2) the wife gave birth to twins, which of the brothers is the oldest: the second one who came out of the yurt, because the youngest comes out of the yurt first; 3) which animal the dog will say that they are the same bone: the fox; Black Moose did not solve D.'s riddles, he cut off his head; looks from above into his mother's kibitka, who counts the last cakes, D. threw her a sheep bubble of butter; went in, said he had killed Black Musa; tells his mother not to go to the mountain; she goes, sees the head and body of Black Musa; refuses to take him as a son or brother, takes him by her husband; he teaches how to connect his head with with his body, remove the stone with which he was crushed; from him, the woman gave birth to a son Aldarya, threw him on the road, D. picked him up; Black Moose offers lime to D., let his mother pretend to be sick; D. brought a liver and Black Camel's buds, the bird's golden egg (fell into the sea, but the pike brought it); D. lay down and lost his strength, Black Moose wanted to break his back, but A. managed to feed the golden testicle; D. regained strength; they threw Musa into a hole, his mother was tied to a horse and allowed into the steppe; D. went to marry Alachi Khan's daughter; he offered to play chess, won, D. was thrown into the dungeon; A. saw that D.'s arrow turned black; came beat Alachi Khan; ordered the khan's daughter to put a braid into the dungeon, D. climbed the spit, took the khan's daughter as his wife; she says that Khan Tsagan-beard has a daughter, Kuji-Bral, they swore to go out with her marry together; to get one, you have to get three apples; Aldarya won the race, killed 25-headed Musa, threw an arrow into the cloud so that she returned, got Tsagan Beard's daughter]: Egorov 1978:60-73; Adygi (bzhedugi) [serf millet goes to look for gold for him, disappears; a grown son offends his son Psha, his mother tells him to find out better where his father is; the boy asks his mother to cook corn broth, puts her hand in the hot, making her talk about her father; pshi gives a horse and a sword; the young man finds a golden castle, defeats seven seven-headed bastards; brings his mother there; one damn thing is alive, the mother of the young man pulls him out of the hole when he promises to be her husband; gives birth to a son with him, the young man picks him up without knowing that he is a damn son; in martial arts, the young man defeats the bastard, and the son of the damn, being loyal to his brother, kills father with a gun; tells his brother everything; the young man ties his mother to 12 horses; the younger brother's hearth goes out, he goes to the wilds for fire; they let him go for the promise to get the daughter of the Nogai Khan for them; he promises to open a small gate for them, kills one at a time, cuts off their ears; gets Khan's daughter to marry her older brother]: Huth 1987:185-200; Abazins [the widow's son hunted, went into another's home, one of them He sits in the hole where his brothers had thrown him; the young man killed six other people who had come one by one, found out from the man sitting in the hole where the treasures were, his mother brought him, ordered not to open one door; the woman opened it, pulled out the frost, when he promised to be her husband; gave birth to a son, threw him on the trail, the young man found him, called him brother; he grew up, heard his mother and frost going to kill the young man, told him; the young man and the young man became to fight, the boy gave water to his brother, not his father, who killed the other man by driving him into the ground up to the neck; they drove his mother away]: Tugov 1985, No. 50:144-146; Dargins [father killed daughters; son saved the newborn, left her, she grew up right away; they began to live in the house of seven days, they came, the young man killed them; her sister saved one wounded man, began to live with him; gave birth to a baby, threw it to her brother, who brought it to her; the boy grew up, warned his uncle not to eat the porridge poisoned by his sister, not to drink water, not to wear shirts; the brother almost died when he touched the poisoned gate, but the boy brought him medicine; the brother killed his sister and Azhdaha; calls sister's son younger brother; when leaving, orders to come to the rescue if a green flower opens, not a red flower; kills the seven-headed Azhdah who closed the water, gets a girl for it; defeats the hero - wife's cousin, marries her younger brother]: Ganiyeva 2011, No. 275-278.

Iran - Central Asia. Tajiks (Ganchi, Ferghana Valley) [mother and youngest son fell behind, and five eldest sons came to the seven-headed diva; he swallowed them, threw their heads into the hole; when the mother and youngest son came, he defeated the diva, threw him into the hole himself; told his mother not to pour water into it from washing her hair; the cat brought 40 keys, in one room there was a wind horse and a whirlwind horse; the mother pours water, the diva came to life; for him pull it out, you need a wind horse; a young man rides it; a diva advises a woman to ask her son to take a whirlwind horse; the woman pulled out the diva, gave birth to a child from him; the diva left him on the road, the young man found him, picked him up; that grew up quickly; the young man saw him alive, they fought for a long time; the mother poured millet under her son's feet, he slipped, the diva knocked him down, but the diva's son killed him and his mother; the brothers were left alone; the elder went travel with his sword behind; every day a girl and two sheep are given to the dragon; a young man killed a dragon, left to cut out a strip of his skin, and the padishah's daughter returned to her father; the drunkard said that he killed the dragon , the padishah gives it to a drunkard; a young man has arrived; no one can lift a strip of dragon skin, only a young man picked it up and threw it on the floor; the drunkard was thrown into prison, the girl was given to the young man; the wife says that her friend Makhtob (moonlight) and she swore to marry her brothers; the young man went to look for her; she is the daughter of a strongman Korunbay; he defeated the young man and threw him into prison; the younger brother saw his elder sword drip pus; went in search; he was mistaken for the elder, but he refused to go to bed with the padishah's daughter; killed K., married M.; the brothers met, the youngest tells the eldest to shoot his finger: he pushed his wife away with them the elder, so the finger is sinful; both brothers are happy with their wives]: Amonov 196:68-79; mountain Tajiks [one wife has two sons, the other has one son; after the father's death, the older brothers took the land the youngest; the youngest sees smoke rising from the house, then 41 divas come out; the guy enters the house, brings a gold bar from there to his mother; sharpened it, taking a bar from a neighbor, there are pieces left on the bar gold, the older brothers began to ask where the younger one got him; went to the divas house, did not notice that the 41st divas stayed at home, he killed them; his younger brother defeated him, pushed him into a hole, killed the other divas one by one ; when leaving, he told his mother not to step on the garbage outside the door; she stepped, saw a diva in a hole, agreed to release him when he called himself her husband; gave birth to a son, put him on the road, his human son himself brought it; the divas son grew up, heard divas and mother agree to kill a human son; the divas decided to turn into a snake, sting the young man; the young divas carried his brother on the back, the divas stung his own son, but he did not die; the same for the second time; the third time the old woman locked the young man in the room where the diva hid; the diva's son broke the door, helped his brother kill the diva and mother; the brothers healed together]: Rosenfeld, Rychkova 1990, No. 3: 39-41; Uzbeks [only the last wife of bai gave birth to a son; by the time it was time to do that on the occasion of circumcision, bai became impoverished; friends went to war against him; the son is strong, moved his mother, father and all the property; the father died; the divas came to dig up the grave; the young man chased him, he disappeared into the cave; at the entrance the young man found a baby; this is his mother's son from a diva, his mother has long been in contact with him, hides in a chest; the young man found him, killed him, made a belt out of leather, left; stayed with the robbers; the diva's son grew up, found his brother; the young man left him two bowls of pilaf, which he would know if he was in trouble; left; came to the city where the dragon devours people, it is the turn of the ruler's daughter; the dragon is surprised that the young man is not afraid; tells him to show his hair; the young man shows the donkey tail torn off; the dragon runs away in horror; the bald man attributes victory for himself; but only someone who transplants 40 tall trees from the forest into the garden in a day, ties a pumpkin snuffbox to the top of one and knocks it down with an arrow; the young man fulfilled the condition, married daughters of a padishah; two moons have risen; one is a reflection of the face of the daughter of a padishah of another country; she is a batyr woman; the young man began to fight her, but she won and was thrown into Zindan; the diva's son sees that in one In a bowl, the pilaf turned into blood and in another bowl into pus; he came to the young man's wife, she thought that her husband had returned, so they looked alike; he defeated the hero, married her, and the released young man returned to his wife]: Afzalov et al. 1972:502-508; Bukhara Arabs [the old woman and son went to herd a cow, went into the yard; 40 divas are sleeping in the house; the young man untied two horses; the divas go out one by one, the young man all killed, thrown into the well, left alone half-alive; the young man told his mother not to look into the well; she wanted a husband; the old woman throws clods of land into the well while the diva says she will be her youngest, eldest brother, father; pulled it out when he promised to be husband; gave birth to a child with him, left him on the road, her son picked it up, brought it; the boy grew up in 10 days at the age of 10; warns his older brother that the divas want him kill; the diva attacked, the mother poured millet under his son's feet, the diva knocked him down, but the diva's son killed both him and his mother; the young man was afraid that his brother could kill him, went on a journey; the brother ordered to plant two reeds stem: if the departed person is in trouble, blood and pus flow; the young man met a girl given to be eaten by a dragon; taking a sword, entered the dragon's mouth, came out of the ass, cutting the dragon; cut a belt out of the dragon's back memory; the emir's daughter throws an apple at him, the emir puts them in a stable; the son-in-law puts manure in the food he has prepared for the emir; explains that it is dark in the stable; they are moved to the barn; into the house; the elder sons-in-law have nothing caught by hunting; the youngest gives them game, puts a seal on their backs; asks the emir to return his two slaves to him; everyone is convinced that the emir's son-in-law has a seal on their backs; now the young man is the emir's recognized son-in-law; sees two moons; wife: the one in the west is Chulpan-Sulyuk, she shines like the moon; the young man goes to get it; her diva brother defeats him, pulls out his eyes; the boy's brother (i.e. the son of his mother's lover) comes to his wife, does not tell him touch in bed; Brother C. wins, makes his eyes return; the emir's son-in-law returns from C., gets the throne; they have reached the object of desire, and you will also reach it]: Vinnikov 1969, No. 12:84-88; Yagnobtsy [ after the death of the father, three brothers remain; two are killed by robbers, the elder kills the robbers one by one; tells the mother not to wash her hair in that corner; she washes, the robber comes to life, takes the mother as a mistress; they have a son; the mother smears poison the threshold to poison the eldest son, the youngest carries the brother across the threshold; prevents the poisoned pilaf from eating; talks about the machinations of the mother and her lover; the older brother kills them, leaves; if pigeons come, put gunpowder in a gun, then trouble with him; he comes to the dragon, he gives him pilaf, then they fight, the dragon kills him; the younger brother comes, kills the dragon, revives the elder, releases captive birds]: Andreev, Peshereva 1957, No. 2:27-31; Shugnans [the tsar died, his son and daughter were driven away; they began to live in ruins, the sister heard a voice, freed the diva; sister and brother found Jamshid's treasury, his sister lodged a diva there; gives birth to a son with him, the diva advises to leave the baby on the road and then pick him up as a stranger; the boy is extremely strong, loves his uncle; the fire is out, boy comes to seven divas, raises a huge cauldron, takes fire; divas ask for help to get seven princesses; the boy takes turns killing the divas who come out, lets the princesses go; hears the diva's mistress asking him kill her brother; shot the diva himself; after defeating the strongman, he got the princess, gave her to her uncle]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 24:250-258; Yazgulyam [at night the daughter gets up, eats all the food, puts it in the cauldron dung; the mother tells her husband to take the girl and her brother to the forest; the father hangs a snuffbox on the willow so that the children think that he is still sitting in a tree, going home unnoticed; the children come to the diva, the boy kills him, Buries under the floor; they live in a diva's house, her brother tells her sister to pour dirty water out the door; she pours it on the floor, hears the voice of the diva; she pulls it out after the diva promises to be not her sister, mother, brother, and husband; sister gives birth to a boy, divas offers to put him on the road for his brother to pick him up; the boy grows up, hears divas and mistress agree to kill her brother, the divas will become snake; the boy asks his uncle to take him to the back, prevents the diva from biting him; the next day, the div-snake hides under the threshold, the boy undertakes to carry his uncle himself; the snake climbs into the boot, the boy changes boots with an uncle, hits her toe; rata, a diva will become a snake; an atom, and a husband; c; the father hangs on Ivory Coast, the snake crawls out, turns into an eagle, attacks, the boy hurts her; the divas and his mistress agree to poison both, the boy changes food, they die themselves; the nephew decides to go right, uncle to the left; the uncle stops by the old woman, sees that half the world is having fun, half the world is crying; the old woman explains that today it is the king's turn to give his daughter to the dragon {obviously those whose turn did not come are having fun}; the uncle cuts off all seven heads of the dragon, gets the king's daughter; the dragon's brother kills him; the nephew sees blood on left by uncle Pule, comes, puts the sword between himself and his uncle's wife (both outwardly indistinguishable, the woman takes him for her husband); makes the dragon revive the dead, both kill the dragon together; the uncle kills nephew, when he learns that he slept in his house; the wife puts a spinning wheel between herself and her husband; the husband understands everything, revives his nephew; makes him king]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 25:258-266.

Turkestan. Kazakhs [Khan has a son Kuleken, he wants more sons, if a daughter is born, promises to kill; K. does not allow murderers to see his newborn sister, runs away with her; she grows up; the father sends an army, K. sneezes, the army is defeated; the sister picks up the wounded, makes him a secret lover; the brother leaves the born son in the way, he picks him up; when the lover and sister are going to kill K., the boy stops father, K. kills sister and lover]: Daurenbekov 1979:223-224.