Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

J55. An unrecognized hero meets enemies.


While traveling, the hero meets characters who, without recognizing him, say they are expecting someone (saying his name) to kill; he himself easily kills them or turns them into animals.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Adygi (Temirgoyevtsy) [Khymysh marries a girl from the Spanish family; she promises to leave him if he calls her a little misfortune; once she hesitated to cook, Khamysh broke their promise, the Spanish daughter left, gave birth to Pataraz; Pshi Maruk killed Khamysh; the sledges took P., gave birth to Zhokoyan; fearing that the combined blood of the ispov and sledges would destroy the sledges, the elders advise destroy P.; J. leaves him, the shepherds pick him up; P. grows up, accidentally meets M., who, without recognizing P., says that he went to temper a sword blunted by Khamysh's body; P. asks him to look at the sword; the horse prevents P. from taking his sword by the blade; P. takes the handle, kills M.]: Aliyeva et al. 1974:275-278; Georgians [Amiran is the son of Sulkalmakh and Darejan, his older brothers Badri (looks like a girl) and Usip ( looks like a crystal fortress); his godfather is Jesus Christ; A. finds the deceased Tsamtsum, Usip's grandson; he killed all the giants, he could not; the brothers meet this maiden, he replies that he is going to devour Tsamtsuma, Usip's grandson; A. kills him, he manages to talk about the girl Kamar overseas; white, red, black worms crawl out of his three heads, turn into dragons; black swallows A., brothers cut off his tail, A. cuts it from the inside, comes out bald; Igry made his hair; K. A. breaks the cup, all the dishes fly to the sky to her father; the chase; A. kills everyone by hitting Father K. in the legs, but his brothers died, he kills himself; the mouse licks the blood, K. kills the mouse, the mouse heals him , K. revives A. with the same grass; A. wins everyone, calls Jesus Christ; he offers him to pull a stake out of the ground; he turns into a tree to heaven, A. is attached to him; the raven delivers him every day bread and wine; the dog tries to lick the chain; on Good Thursday morning, all blacksmiths hit the anvil three times with hammers, the chain is restored; A. will be free on Judgment Day]: Janashvili 1903:158-167.

Iran - Central Asia. Baluchi [the king sends the vizier for the forgotten rosary; that is long gone; sends his son Sha-Trasan 'a; he sees the vizier with the king's wife, takes the rosary; the vizier is in time to go back earlier, suggests difficult tasks for the king for Sh.; the old man teaches what to do; 1) build a city (the old man creates); 2) a tree of laughter and crying; the buzlanga has a process on his leg, S. hides in a hole, grabs a buzlanga for the process; lets go, for which other buzlangs bring a tree; 3) a tree of forty songs; S. rushes to suck a buzlanga woman's breast; she tells her sons that this is their new brother; their puppy leads him to the buzlanga, who kidnapped their bride; S. kills him with a sword, gives the girl to his named brothers, who bring wood; 4) a girl from Green City; S. meets buzlangi, constantly baking and eating bread; he says that he is accumulating strength to overcome S.; S. says that he knows S., wins buzlangs, takes it with him; the other throws a sling from country to country; I do this so that S. does not run away from me; same; third listens to what is being done in another country to prevent S. from running away from him; the same; the fourth walks from country to country: the same; S. bridges the ants over the ditch, they promise to help; Skorokhod (fourth buzlangi) delivers S. to the girl, he kisses the sleeping woman; the next night the girl cuts her finger so as not to fall asleep, talks about her father's conditions; 1) separate the millet from the wheat (ants separate); 2) eat a lot of bread and meat (the first companion eats); 3) overtake the royal speedboat; the companion went to bed, the listener learned about the danger, the slinger throws a stone in time, waking up the sleeper; on the way home, S. puts his sword between himself and his wife; at home, the king himself gives him the girl he has received; 5) get a horse with forty foals; the old man orders to throw camel hair into the well; the horse cannot drink, promises to fulfill Sh. he and his men sit on her foals; when the king, the vizier and others sit, the foals fly into the air, ask whether to throw the riders into the mountains or into the water; into the water; they throw them on the mountains]: Zarubin 1932, No. 9:104-121.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Tuvans [see motif K24A; the lake has dried up; Aji Surji Bakshi, who lived in the cave, told Tung Karatta Khan's servants to watch; five ducks flew in, the lake was filled with water; one turned to Sambai-Dagin, she is caught with an arcana; she tells her to build a house out of calico; on the instructions of the AU, the servants threw a golden lasso over the mountains, caught goats to feed SD; TC enters the house, SD says that she is the wife of seven Tayanji Kuls; TC exchanges her from them for his 108 wives and all their cattle; Jyusun Khan is at war; TC tells his wife to wear a winged coat, give the other to his mother, fly away; TC became a rat, gnawed through the enemy's bows and armor; Jyusun Khan offers a fight; their powers are equal, they have become friends; SD flew to her father Ter-Khan, Tayanji-kul blew it up Iron House; KH, becoming a thin boy, meets a huge Raven on the way, then a huge Wolf; they answer that they are going to peck the eyes of the horse KX, there is a KX horse; KH beats them, breaks off their legs and nose to the current one quantities; Aza replies that he is going to kill and eat the TC itself; TC has powdered it, spiders, horseflies, mosquitoes have formed from it; see the K27 motive; TC carries out Ter-Khan's difficult assignments, steals from him the sun and moon, which now shine on people]: Potanin 1883, No. 110:373-379; Buryats [(Western Decembrist N.A. Bestuzhev in the 1850s); Ubugun goes to look for a wife; consistently meets three people, each of whom, without recognizing the hero, replies that they are trying their hand to face W. (the first tore the bark with his fingernail, the second drank the lake, the third raised the cliff); each one takes turns cooking; a gray-haired old man with a huge beard eats everything, beats the cook, everyone is silent about what happened; W. hangs the old man by the beard; he breaks down, leaving his jaw, hides into the abyss; the companions lower W. on his belt, he sees three beauties crying over his deceased father, W.'s companions pick them up, throw them off, throw them off belt; in a huge nest, one chick cries (a flying serpent will eat it today), the second sings (tomorrow), the third laughs (it will be eaten later than anyone else); W. kills a snake, tells the bird to prepare meat, raises W. on the ground; the last piece of W. cuts it off from the thigh, the bird expectorates it, puts it back; W. takes beauties, executes traitors]: Eliasov 1973, No. 8:78-81.

Subarctic. Helmet [The hare comes to the Bear's parking lot, asks why he sharpens his stakes; To kill the Hare; The hare asks to show how to act with a stake, kills the Bear with it]: Teit 1917a, No. 21: 468.

NW Coast. Quakiutl: Boas 1910, No. 16 [people know Kanekilah is coming; everyone is busy preparing the weapon they are going to kill him with; unrecognized K. asks for a closer look at this weapon; uses it to transform a character; Deer: Sharp these shells to slaughter the Kanekilah Organizer; Kanekilah turns him into a deer, sprinkled with crushed shells; from spears Minks, the Raccoon makes their tails; makes four blind women sighted, turns them into ducks; a man and a woman have genitals on their foreheads, K. puts them in the groin; leaves a person with many mouths on his body only one mouth; turns the Oldest into stone; turns the Perch into perch], 21 [Omeal (Ancient Leader, Raven) convenes people for a holiday (birds, some plants and animals); paints everyone ; in a hurry, so some birds are black or white; his boat has been set on fire, he angrily tells everyone to scatter on the ground; The deer is the last to be turned into an animal]: 201-209, 287-297; 1935 [birds are invited to holiday; the crow is rubbed with coal, the seagull with clay; those who run away from the tide become land birds, covered with the wave become sea birds]: 139; chickpeas [people know that the Converter is coming; everyone is busy preparing the weapon with which he is going to kill him; unrecognized P. asks for a closer look at the corresponding item; uses it to transform the character]: Boas 1895, No. 1 [two Transducers descend from heaven], 19 (neveti) [Kanigilak meets an old man sharpening two shells; he replies that when K. comes, he will cut off his head; K. asks to show the shells, puts it in his head, he turns into a deer, shells into horns; another person paints a stick with rings; When K. comes, I'll kill him with a stick; K. puts a stick in his ass, turning him into a raccoon, a stick into a tail]: 98, 200-201; 1916, No. 6 [converter - Young man made of snot, see motif L38; spear to tail: otter, raccoon, beaver, marten; two stone hammers in paws: bear; two shells to horn knives: deer], 910-911; Clutesi 1967 [The deer sharpens two shells to make knives; replies to the unrecognized Transformer that he will kill the Transformer with them; he asks for shells, puts the Deer on his head, turns it into deer, shells in ears]: 93-97; Sapir, Swadesh 1939, No. 10 [tail club: beaver; knife in ears: deer; spear to tail: otter, raccoon, wolf, mink; claws (weapons) Puma, Eagle in the claws of a puma, eagle]: 46-51; poppies [one episode only; Quati: I'll sharpen these shells to slaughter whoever comes to change our appearance; The converter turns him into a deer]: Densmore 1939:213.

The coast is the Plateau. Quarry [see motive B6, L1; brother and sister stay alone, get married; their young son kills people by taking their tongues out to sleep; two girls were in ritual isolation, escaping; pushing a child into fire, his ashes turn into mosquitoes; one conceives from a stone; dies because her child is too heavy and hard; the other conceives from a pen, gives birth to Ahlnuk and his three brothers ( Ahlnuk, Tachandalkan, Taslas and one more); they kill a big snake that drowned people; kill two grizzlies that did not give people water; A. asks the person what he is doing; I cut out a club to kill A.; A. touches his lips with his finger, he falls dead; brothers come to people who are going to cut a woman to extract the child; A. teaches childbirth; a man harpoons his fish pointed tibia; A. turns into salmon, man misses, breaks bone against stone; sharpens again; A. makes him a normal leg, gives him a jail (the origin of the jail)]: Jenness 1934, No. 6:129-136; lillouette [four brothers and Nork meet a man making a spear; I want to kill the world's transformers; they turn him into a fish with a small mouth (he whistled at work)]: Teit 1912b, No. 1:295; quileout [Quatee goes when meeting different people; everyone sharpens their weapons, says they are going to kill the world transducer; he praises weapons, turns encountered in deer (knife - ears), beaver (club - tail), otter (spear - tail)]: Andrade 1931, No. 27:83-85; Clark 1953:122-124; Farrand, Mayer 1919 [Kweeti travels; first meets White a man, telling him to have only one wife; Beaver sharpens the stone tip, replies that he is waiting for K. to kill him; K. puts a point to his ass, turns it into a tail; the deer sharpens the shells, replies that K. is waiting, he makes ears out of his shells; on the Kvitz River, K. spits on his hands, throws mud pellets into the river, they turn into Quetzush Indians (made of mud); Indians Hoch walk in their arms with their nets between their legs; K. puts them on their feet; in Kvileuti turns wolves into people, tells them to fish; in Osette creates Indians from two dogs; in Nii Bay he teaches people how to fish]: Farrand 1902, No. 1:83-85; comox [Kumsnō'otl ("our big brother") has descended from the sky; a man has mouths all over his body, laughing like a hundred people, K. turned him into stone; a cod sorcerer in cod ; the monstrous octopus swallows everyone; K. covered himself with hot stones, the octopus rushed at him, burned himself; K. cut it into pieces, scattered it, they turned into current octopuses; paints the crow makes birds black (see motif B82); makes water flow in the strait in different directions at high tide, and not always in one direction; The deer sharpens two shells, replies that it waits for when K. will come, he will kill him; K. asks for shells, pierces the deer into the head, turns the shells into horns, the Deer into a deer (last episode in section XIX.1.25:428)]: Boas 2002, No. VIII.1:177-180; chalkomel (cowichan) [Kels descends to earth; travels, turning people into animals (crows, seagulls, blue jay, etc.) and stones; man sharpens shells; replies that he makes tips to Kill K. with a spear; he turns him into a deer, his shells into ears; a group of people fry fish in the sun; K. teaches them to make fire by friction]: Boas 1895, No. 1:45-47; chalkomel (StSeélis) [four The sons of the Black Bear, their name QeQals, travel accompanied by Norka, turning the people they meet into stones; the man replies that he is sharpening the bone to deal with Q; they stabbed it into his head instead of ears, turned it into a deer; there were big waves in one place, Q. turned them into rocks, they're still visible]: Hill-Tout 1904b: 360-362; snookually [Doquibel meets the Deer; I'm making a spear Kill Doquibel! ; he turns him into a deer]: Haeberlin 1924, No. 6:379; Puget Sound [next Month is kidnapped by Salmon; grows up from fish, returns to humans; meets various animal people along the way, turns them all into animals (fishermen into ducks; people on the beach into oysters, etc.); some say they are waiting for someone to turn people into animals to kill him; one makes a spear for this, he turned into a deer; a weasel man brags that he cannot be killed; turned into a kemen, a stick, then a weasel]: Ballard 1929:74-78; lkungen (lummi) [the young man replies to Shelas that he is preparing a weapon pierce Shelas; he takes a weapon to see, pierces the young man's wrists, turns him into a deer]: Stern 1934:109; upper chehalis [Jesus (Swade or Month) meets Beaver; I make a knife to kill Jesus; asks him for a knife, makes him a tail, turns it into a beaver; turns an old man into a deer]: Adamson 1934:119; coutene [people kill a hero, he comes to life; meets the Crane, asks what he is doing; I drag a tree to close the path so that the hero does not find a way; kills the Crane and his wife, who oppressed his nephew Drake]: Boas 1918, No. 55:121- 127; Klamath [Antelope trusts the Frog's son; his name is Swaya; the frog swims further down the river with him; kidnaps and adopts; someone tells the young man that the Frog is not his mother; he kills daughters Frogs; goes in search of his mother; meets Louse, asks what she is doing; Waiting for S. (obviously to attack him); Show me how; Louse pressed his finger; same episode with Flea, Ant and others; Dragonflies are all men, S. turns some into women, so they began to breed; one says his wife is pregnant, asks what to do; S. teaches; Gmokamč tells S. that his mother is an antelope; but he forgets and kills her; five blind Pelican brothers are frying fish; S. steals one from each; but then he caught fish for them]: Barker 1963, No. 5:51-57.

The Midwest. Ojibwa (southeastern Ontario) [Manabozo injures a Minito Leo, an old frog goes to treat him; without knowing M., says that Minito is going to catch M.; M. kills her, puts on her skin when he comes to the minito, drives the arrow deeper into the body of the wounded, killing him; the water rushes after M., he climbs a tree, makes a raft; tells Beaver, Otter, Muskrat to dive; those one for others float up unconscious; between the fingers of the Muskrat M. finds grains of earth, makes land; sends the Ferret to find out if it is big; the first time the Ferret returns, the second time does not return, which means that the land is great ]: Radin, Reagan 1928, No. 2:62; kickapoo [see motif K1K; the chief has two wives; one does not love the other's son; he shot a bird; a woman puts it between her legs to scratch it; complains to her husband, that the young man wanted to rape her; her husband tells everyone to sail across the sea, leaving his son alone; two blind old men sing: This is how I will hit the Abandoned; the young man ties ropes to another place, on which they go to the water; old people fall, blame each other, fight; a young man invites them to attack him from both sides; they kill each other]: Jones 1915, No. 10:75-89.

Northeast. Montagnier [see motif M53; Mesh companions Wolf; he says he dreamed that he could not chase the Caribbean by swimming across the lake; M. insists that the Wolf swim; Wolf disappears; The bird says that during the day, lake stones raise the Wolf to the island and pull him back at night; M. rewards the Bird with fish; hides in the hollow of a tree on the island; when the stones fall asleep, he hits them with a spear, runs away with the Wolf; The frog goes to heal the wounded stones; M. asks her what she does, kills, pulls her skin; whistles, pours cold water on the stones, the stones do not recover, but die; M. meets women, they say they sew bags for the bodies of the stones that M. killed; he kills them themselves, gives them to their daughters; they find mothers inside their bodies; see motif L33, racing against Boulder]: Savard 1979, No. 7:28-30 ; mikmaq [Gluscap's uncle The Turtle drags a whale that is too big, dies; Gluscap revives him; he calls animal people, says he is the leader; Gluscap comes disguised old women; asks Dicobraz and Toad what they think of killing Gluscap; they swear, he leaves them without noses]: Leland 1968:108.

Plains. Iowa [Khashuga and his brother are hunters; brother disappears after going to get water; Woodpecker tells H., how the Horned Water Pumas killed him, the skin was hung in the doorway; all the animals, fish and birds; he, Woodpecker, got only a fingernail; for the message, H. paints a woodpecker; turns into a stump on the shore; Chief Pum and his wife go ashore to warm up; H. wounds them with arrows; remaining unrecognized, meets Bobrikha, Otter, Toad, Squirrels, Shells; everyone says how animals will kill H.; he kills them himself; now their tails, etc. are used in the witch doctor's ritual; Vulture goes to heal Puma; H. kills him, puts on his skin; does not heal, but kills Poom with sharp sticks; other Cougars send Snake to find out if X. is a doctor; H. feeds her with the meat of the dead; runs away, carrying her brother's skin; revives him shooting up above the skin; brother turns into an eagle; H. rises to heaven]: Skinner 1925, No. 10:468-472; wichita [deer takes Young Boy Chief; his sister goes looking for him; old man kills deer; brother and sister return home, he flies with their arrows, she flies on a ball and a play stick; he consistently meets animal people who think he is dead; asks the Turkeys why they laughing; Young Boy Chief is dead; throws a handful of ash at Turkeys, their heads turn grey; Red Bird is crying; when Young Boy Chief was alive, I had food; he gives her wild grapes; Deer - like Turkeys, he makes them big eyes and ears; Opossum is like a bird; he gives it persimmon fruits for food]: Dorsey 1904a, No. 32:218-224.

California. Maidu [The Coyote wants people to be mortal, the Creator of the Earth wants them to last forever; puts the Coyote inside the tree as punishment; the Woodpecker makes a hole; the Coyote asks to expand it, the Woodpecker is frightened, flies away; Gopher advises Coyote to go out in the fog, he does (tree episode: 27-39); rain, flood; NW agrees to give Coyote a woman if he does not move at night; puts two on its sides flutes; at night, Coyote copulates with women, they disappear in the morning; NW wants a person to name a boy or girl, and in the morning they eat and walk; to make childbirth easy, women only copulate after marriage, putting the dead in the water to come back to life; Coyote wants childbirth to be difficult, for some children to die, so that the dead cannot be revived; tells his son to bring water, he is bitten by him rattlesnake, he died; Coyote asks for a change of mind, NW refuses (discussing people's fate: 51-55); NW wanders, killing evil ones; Urine woman kills passers-by with her urine, NW is unharmed; Raven and his younger brother sharpening knives to kill NW; he asks let me see whose knife is better; killed them (traveling Converter: 55-61); came to their grandmother, put their bodies in the fire to bake, pulling out their penises, lay down himself stoves with a log; she is on the log with a knife, but he's gone, only appearance; he trapped her, killed her; killed a Grizzly woman; everything burns; he asks everyone if they will protect them from the heat; the water will boil, the stone is hot , the tree burns, spurge when the fire goes away, I'll stay standing; it hid under the milkweed; NW made the sugar pine tree low, and the Coyote wrote it became tall]: Dixon 1912, No. 2:27-69.

Big Pool. Northern Payutes: Curtis 1976 (15) [Tavúu hunts rabbits, comes to a girl, sleeps with her; paints red eyes, hangs stones above the door; the girl's brothers come back, afraid of him; then they come in, take his rabbit away; he turns into a Rabbit, watches them fight to beat him; ties him by his hair, burns him at night; the girl refuses to go with him; he pricks her with a finger on the anus, throws it into the fire; the sun goes down before T. has time to get the rabbit he ran after; together with his younger brother (Little Rabbit), they go east; the sun rises, the arrows burn, T. He fires a fire drill instead of an arrow, breaks the Sun, throws bile into the sky, this is the new sun; it now walks not in the mountains, but across the sky; an avalanche of fire haunts the brothers; they are not saved by stone, wood, they hide under a cactus that only burns thorns; T. sleeps at Vulture; swaps places with his son, at night Vulture holes his son's head; T. suggests shooting each other at friend; Vulture misses, T. kills him; the old woman replies that she is weaving the basket to put those who killed the Sun in it; T. invites her to try on the basket, climb into it, rips open the old woman with a knife; Other women are weaving water baskets to have supplies when the Sun Killers arrive and we hide; Show me! They entered the house, he burned them; people were swaying on the branches of the tree; the brothers also began to swing, told the branches to fly into the sky, the swaying ones crashed; people built a house under the rock; T.: why? - Hide from the Sun's killers; - Show me; everyone went in, the rock collapsed, crushing everyone; the brothers turned into big and small rabbits]: 143-147; Lowie 1924, No. 10 [the day is too short; The rabbit asks his maternal grandmother to give him food on the road, goes to the Sun; when they see the Rabbit, the Squirrels say that it is not clear who is going; the Rabbit kills them with an arrow; comes to the North Wind house in his absence, He hangs stones above the entrance, paints his eyes red; the people of the North Wind come in, get scared, rush away, hitting the rocks; he is given rabbit skins, he removes the stones; he is given the worst meat, but it turns out to be the best; they rush at him, he kills everyone, only the youngest hides somewhere, has become the new North Wind; The Raven (?) scrapes his claws, says he will kill Rabbit with them when he arrives; Rabbit sleeps in his house, swaps places with Raven's son, who kills his son with his claws at night; Rabbit invites him to shoot each other at friend; hangs his skin as a target, but he is unharmed; kills the Raven with the last arrow; Louse says he will kill someone from the west; Rabbit throws a lump of grass into his stomach; hears Louse say he will kill You can only crush it completely; The rabbit presses but does not find a finger; tells you to be lice; shoots at the Sun, the arrows burn, hits the Sun with a fire drill; removes bile from the corpse, throws it into the sky, the new sun will go higher and the day will take longer; the rabbit goes home, behind him is fire, he hides in the badger's hole, his neck burns; the same is in the stump; when under the cactus, he escapes from the fire; comes to his grandmother, that calls him husband; he copulates with her, marries her]: 224-228; Powell 1971 [days are too short, people don't have time to hunt; Tā-vu (Little Rabbit) goes east to kill the Sun; his arrows burn in the air; it wets the latter with tears, it hits the Sun; T. gutts it, throws bile into the sky, it turns into a new Sun, which is higher, so the day is longer; the Sun haunts T., he hides in a hole, in a tree, in wet clay, but the Sun burns it every time; only under a thorny tree (apparently a cactus} that does not burn, T. escapes; the squirrel on the rock laughs at T., who pulls it out from under the stone , tears to pieces; people attack T., he takes off and hangs his skin, they shoot at it without causing harm to T.; he comes to their house, paints his face with red stripes, people who come are horrified run away; for a promise to wash off the paint, the old woman gives him her daughter; the hunters who come fry rabbits, and T. a piece of their tail; their meat is lean and a piece of tail is a fat rabbit; people rush to T., but he leaves his skin to them and runs away; burns the attackers in their house; his wife cries, he throws her into the fire too; these people were Red Ants; Chief Lice says that the Killer T is coming; T. kills with a stone him and many of his people; Vulture says that T. is coming, he will kill him with his claw; unrecognized T. comes, says he has not seen T. anywhere; at night he changes places with Vulture's son, he kills his son; T. invites Vulture to shoot at each other, takes off the skin, arrows hit it without causing harm to T.; with the last fifth arrow, T. kills Vulture; burns the corpses of him and his son; the chipmunks mock over T.; he comes unrecognized, tears their leader apart, kills everyone else; the old woman feeds T. cold porridge; he asks to warm him in a bag over the fire; she also asks to warm her, he burns her; at home some want the day to be always and ask T. to go fight the Sun again; T. objects because people should sleep with their wives and dream; people talk in dreams; in the morning T. tells who to bring water to whom firewood, etc.; says people should only eat once a day; it is believed that a dream speaker speaks to T.]: 227-229; Steward 1936, No. 10 (Owens Vely) [The sun is too hot; The rabbit goes east to the ocean; smears the Sun with bile to cool it; the heat scorched it, the marks on the skin are still visible], 11 [The sun is too hot; the rabbit comes, knocks it down with an arrow; covering it with a thin slice of liver, making it less bright ]: 371, 371-372; panamint [while the Rabbit is sleeping, the Sun counts his vertebrae; The rabbit goes to kill him; asks different bushes how they burn; one replies that he only has leaves burning; under with him the Rabbit digs a hole; the arrows fired into the Sun burn; the Rabbit hits him with a fire drill; the earth heats up, the Rabbit hides in its hole, only the neck is burned; when the earth cools down, the Rabbit does new things the sun is from the heart of the old, a month from his kidney; Squirrels scream that the Rabbit killed the Sun, hide under a rock; The rabbit breaks the rock, kills the Squirrels with a stick; comes to the children, cooks porridge from seeds, feeds children; offers to climb the juniper; bends over and lets it go, the children fly off and crash to death; people rush to kill the Rabbit, he hides under a rock, runs away; the old woman weaves waterproof basket; The rabbit gets inside; then offers the old woman to climb, braids the hole, rolls down the mountain, the old woman dies; the old woman cleans the prickly pear fruits from small thorns; they do not fall into the Rabbit eyes; he blows into the eyes of an old woman, she goes blind and dies from thorns; two women throw a rock on the Rabbit, he is alive; he throws it on them, they die; he comes into the house, paints his face red, people are frightened; at night she burns everyone with the house, pulls one woman out; she tries to burn it when he climbs under a rock, he is unharmed; burns her under a rock; Mountain Sheep says that the Rabbit that killed the Sun is coming ; he throws them the potion to smell, ask them to throw them back, they fall off the cliff after them, break; at home, Rabbit's mother says that the rock crushed his food; he throws the rock, pulls out the seeds]: Zigmond 1980, No. 72:233-236; Western Shoshones: Smith 1993 [The sun is close to the ground, unbearable heat; every day he kicks Rabbit's back with his hot stick, the spots are still visible; The rabbit makes a bow, arrows with poisoned with flint tips; goes east to the sea; The sun comes out of the water, cleans its head from lice on a tree on an island; the arrows fired burn; the rabbit hits the Sun with a quiver stick, which it wets with its saliva; hides in a hole, burned, stains remain; causes the North Wind to cool the earth with snow and hail; in the dark, it pulls the corpse of the Sun out of the water, refreshes; throws the gallbladder into the sky, it becomes the new sun, the kidneys become the Month; gives names to 12 months starting in July; tells the Sun to shine during the day, the Month at night; the sea will be salty because the Sun is in it fell; hot springs are the tears of the Sun when he was killed; the old woman replies to the unrecognized Rabbit what awaits the Rabbit, who kills people by killing the Sun; offers to jump over the fire without having time to push there is a Rabbit, he pushes it down, burns it; another old woman says that when the Rabbit comes, she will place it in a vessel that weaves it and crush it; he gets inside, not crushed; when the old woman climbs, presses her to death; the third old woman replies that she will bring down a hanging stone on the Rabbit; the rabbit offers to try, remains alive, the old woman is crushed; he comes to the field; the sister sends younger brothers shoot rabbits that spoil crops there; The rabbit deflects their arrows, comes to the house where the sister paints her face with red paint, the brothers do not dare to enter; in the evening he washes off the paint, the brothers come in, everyone they fry rabbits; at night they tie their brothers' hair, rape their sister to death, burn everyone in the house; Marmots laugh at the Rabbit; he makes a fire at all holes, strangles Surkov with smoke to death; comes to his two aunts; puts one of the Sun's buds in the place where they kept their food; they call him a tribe, he is happy; the Sun's bud turns into a rock; the Rabbit moves it, gets food; two Wild Cats sit by the fire; their fire is white stone, there is no other, and it is dangerous to take firewood; the Rabbit tells them to take it, the Tree rushes at them, but the Rabbit throws the Sun's bud at him, it freezes; he tells the wood to serve as fuel, not rush at people; the same with water, now it's fashionable to drink it; the Rabbit meets two Sky Boys; they feed him something white, hard and tasty; you have to lie face to the sky, sing, food will come down from the sky; The rabbit is frightened, throws the Sun's kidney into the descending food, tells the food to be on earth, be a sugar-bearing plant; The boys flew to heaven; they did not become stars, but live in a heavenly hole; The rabbit saw two girls, became a little boy, they picked him up; at night he feels their breasts; the next night he becomes a man, copulates with them; during the day he turns the swamp over with people, they die; girls come back, he copulates with them until their insides come out of their mouths; turns into a rabbit]: 167-178; Steward 1943b: 278-281 (Elko, Nevada) [the sky is too low, the Sun is too hot; Rabbit and his brother Sand Rabbit went east to kill the Sun; brother does not listen to Rabbit, digs a hole straight, not with turns; Rabbit's arrows burn in the air, but he hits the Sun with sedge bark (sage) bark); The sun fell, the earth caught fire, the brother burns, the Rabbit only had a burnt neck and limbs; The rabbit wanted to make a new Sun out of the old gallbladder, but it had green spots, so he made the moon out of it, and the new sun out of the Sun's bladder; pushed the sky higher with its head, put the sun there; on the way home, the Rabbit comes to people without a mouth; they breathe in the smell of fat with their noses over the fire ; he cut one's mouth with flint, the others cut through themselves, spoke; two hunters can't hit Rabbit with arrows; at home he takes paint from his sister, paints his face, comes to the girls' house; them The brothers come in, they are frightened; the sisters ask them to erase the paint; the brothers come in, everyone roasts the rabbits, the fat from the others goes to the one the Rabbit roasts; the Rabbit ties the young men's hair, burns it in the house, pulls their sisters out; they accuse him, he also throws them into the fire; the old woman weaves the water basket; the Rabbit braids it inside the basket, rolls it, she dies; the girls on the rock laugh at the Rabbit; he makes a fire around them, turns them into marmots that people will fry; kills snowbirds; tells Coyote that he pulled out and threw his pubic hair, which became oatmeal; Coyote turns a few of his hairs into oatmeal; wants more, pulls out his insides, dies; envious of two girls, the Rabbit turns into a little boy, picked up; at night he feels the girls' breasts, wants milk; In the morning he takes a digger, digs a ditch, turns a layer of earth over with the camp, everyone dies; Rattlesnakes shoot Rabbit, he turns them into rattlesnakes; two boys say that water and trees They rush at them; the Rabbit shoots; willows rush at them, don't give sugar from their trunks; the Rabbit makes everything usable; these boys were Hummingbirds, they politely addressed the Rabbit, he liked it]; southern payut (Shivvitz) [The rabbit notices that his shadow has become short and his skin is all pierced; decides to take revenge on the Sun; comes to two boys, asks him to light a fire; they are afraid that trees (wood) will take their parents away; the rabbit sends them for firewood, but the trees go to them; the rabbit tells them to go to it, throws the magic stone, which falls apart in small ones; now it is safe make a fire; makes the seeds available; before that they have been crushed by a boulder; promises boys not to suffer if the ground catches fire; meets girls, tells them to blow chaff in his eyes, blows towards him; now he blows into their eyes, they die; the man makes an arrow, replies that the Rabbit is coming, he will kill him; the Rabbit offers to put a hot stone on each other's chest; protected by another stone, kills that person; the woman makes (obviously weaves) a basket vessel, says that the Rabbit goes and kills people; suggests weaving so that they take turns inside baskets; easy to get out, walled up the woman in the basket, kills her; the girls on the rock laugh; he throws his pebble at them; asks them to throw them back; they all fall after and break; eats up the Coyote field; the villagers kill a lot of rabbits, but not the Rabbit; he hides in a hole, everyone climbs after him, he gets out, collapses the ground on the hidden ones, they die; the bear digs a hole, says he will hide in her from the Rabbit; The Rabbit offers to hide one by one, kills the Bear; all trees say that they will burn in a fire, but the shrubs will only burn from above; The rabbit breaks the Sun with a stone, hides in a hole ; the trees are burning, the Rabbit runs farther and farther, makes a hole under the bush; gradually burns; when his eyes burst, the water spills, cools the ground; the Rabbit's body gathers again; he comes to those boys to their brothers, they're safe]: Lowie 1924, No. 15:142-147; Utah: Lowie 1924, No. 33 (Southern Utah) [The rabbit walked around killing people; he had two cedar cone necklaces (?) ; The bear replies that he is digging a hole to hide from the Rabbit; The rabbit offers to try, puts an arrow in the hole, the Bear attacks it, dies; fills a scarecrow, drags it like a dog; rolls it drops of sweat in two balloons, throws a woman with children on the rock to smell; tells them to throw it back, they fall after them, break; two boys turn to the Rabbit, calling him the Inverted Quiver; this is the name which he likes, he killed those who called him Rabbit; boys say that their mother crushed the Rock; the Rabbit moves the rock; ask them to make a fire; they say that the trees prick them; the rabbit hits them cedars, says that now even children and women will be able to use them as fuel; the same applies to water; now the water does not fall in a wave on those who want to take it; the Sun calls the Rabbit Rabbit, who in rabies; the Spider masks it with its web; arrows burn before reaching the Sun; the Rabbit beats off a piece of the Sun with a club, the earth lights up; the tree, the stone, the river respond that it will burn, burst from the heat, it will boil; one grass says it will only burn from above; The rabbit dug a hole under it, only his neck is burned; The rabbit comes out, all its dicks are gradually burning; at night the Sun sent snow, the earth has cooled down; the Sun turned the Rabbit into a rabbit, now even children will hunt him]: 59-62; Powell 1881 [as in 1971]: 52-56; 1971 (Moapa) [Ta-woats sleeps with his back to the sun, burns; goes revenge; kills along the way various people (animals) waiting for him to arrive but do not recognize him; all the trees say they are burning, the smallest hides T. under his roots; T. breaks the Sun to pieces, the world lights up; T. goes out to the unfrozen earth burns; his tears cool the earth; since then the sun has been rising and setting]: 78-80; Smith 1992 (White River) [The sun was hotter than it is now; the Cottontail went east; he had two names, the simple one is Tawuc, and another; when the grass (weed) called him with a simple name, he hit him with a club for it; he met the Bear, who replied that he was digging a shelter; he heard that T. was coming and killing people, we must hide; the Rabbit asks to show hits him; says that the Bear will probably stick his nose out to look at it; the Bear sticks out, the Rabbit hits him with a club; meets two boys; they say that they have there is no mother; Boulder did not want her to collect roots, and crushed her; they say that they are afraid to make a fire and drink water, for they frighten with sparks and splashes; the rabbit tells them to light a fire, sparks burn faces for boys; The rabbit hits the bush, says that from now on even old women will be able to use the bushes as fuel; the same with water, hits it, now everyone uses it; the boys turned to the Rabbit, calling him good the name; the Rabbit is happy; the Boulder rolls, revives the mother of the boys; now it is the Gorlin family; The Rabbit is waiting for the Sun in ambush, but he passes by; the Rabbit asks the Spider to cover it with a web; the Sun beats with a club, the world lights up; The rabbit runs, asks who will hide it; the trees say they will burn, but the bushes (rabbitbrush) say that the fire will come from above, they will not suffer; The rabbit digs a hole under bushes, escapes; there are dark spots behind his ears where the fire burned him; today's black stones were burned in that fire; this story was told the night after the children fell asleep]: 54-57.

Llanos. Sicuani [Purna puts peaks, two female sisters steal fish from the sky; P. points an arrow, she injures the youngest; P. heals her, rises with both to heaven; they warn him not slip on the mat, otherwise their father will eat it; Huemuéni's father-in-law (a snake) orders to clear the area; P.'s younger brother comes in the form of a paki, killed, eaten, P. revives him; next time in the image capybaras; P. finds some fat from the capybara eaten, makes two eggs, from which ferocious chicks hatch; P. raises one in the forest, he turns into a condor capable of lifting logs; P. lures his father-in-law into the forest to eat ants; the condor rushes at him, but only injures him; a year later he manages to pick him up and carry him away; mother-in-law tries to poison his son-in-law by throwing garbage from the roof into his food; puts piranhas in the bosom of his daughter; P. puts his wife in the river, throws timbo; piranhas swim out and die; the latter remains, causes menstruation; at this time you can't copulate; mother-in-law entered the river, piranhas ate her; the eldest daughter turns her mother's jaw into a digging stick, chases P.; in the first village, when asked by P., people say that they are waiting to kill P.; he turns them into wasps; in the other, into snakes; in the third, into biting ones ants; Kahuyáli man makes a boat, the stalker does not believe he is not P., cuts off his leg; he throws his leg into the river, it turns into a catfish; P. hides in a tree in the form of a mako, takes away from wife digger, turns his wife into a duck; K. creates several birds screaming that he has no leg; he is brought home]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 6:39-49.

Western Amazon. The month travels, turning people they meet along the way into various animals; many, not knowing who is in front of them, declare their intention to kill the Month. Siona [He lived with Tapir's two daughters for a month; led them to a juansoco palm tree, they ate fruit, got drunk; they had animals like fish in their vulvas, the Month took them out, threw them into the river, they became fish; united with both women, wanted to put pieces of a fragrant vine; the bird frightened him with her scream, he climbed back into the tree; the girls woke up, the eldest kicked the trunk, it grew tall; the monkey ate the fruit and fell asleep; saliva flowed from her mouth, became a vine, N. went down it; shot the turkey, put thorns in it, told his father-in-law to pick it up, he pricked his leg; turned into a tapir, sank into the ground; he is the Father of Earth, moving, causes earthquakes; The month has come to a village where people drank chicha, beat drums; you do like pigs; they turned into pigs; What will we be Got it? He answered; other people made spears - you'll be cerrillos; etc. (turned groups of people into monkeys, bears, pauhil birds, turkeys, etc. - depending on their clothes and colors, the color of the feathers); menstruating women - in red monkeys]: Chaves 1958:134-136; sekoya [like Zion]: Cipolletti 1988, No. 1, 2:32-35; Koreguahe [like Zion]: Jimenez 1989, No. 19, 41:37, 91; Maihuna [like Zion]: Bellier 1991b, No. 21, 22:249-258

NW Amazon. Makuna [see motive C2; The sloth went for fruit, telling his daughter to poison the gods (i.e. four Ayawa brothers led by the elder Ayawa bükü) with manioc poison; bayukaya brother, she sang about this; the brothers heard, found out everything; asked Sloth's daughter where her father was, to find out from him, where to get bird feathers for hats; B. gave Sloth's children a cake with manioc poison, they died; came to a tree from the top of which Sloth threw fruit directly into the basket; the brothers closed the basket, the fruits began to fall to the ground, the Sloth had to go down; elder A. wanted him to cry to the ground, but B. thought they would kill him anyway; the Sloth began to go back; the brothers threw fruits that turned into ant nests, but the Sloth climbed upstairs, grabbed the rays of the Sun, it became dark; he began to write, world began to pour boiling water; the brothers first hid from boiling water under tree mushrooms, then became worms in mushrooms; the tree grew above the flood; the brothers told the monkey to taste water, the water was hot, hand the monkeys remained white; the pauhil put the end of the tail into the water, it is now white; the flowers on the tree were women, they grew up, they had children, they blew gas on some fruits, now they stink; brothers they throw fruit at the Sloth unsuccessfully, only the elder A. hit his hand, now the sloths have only two fingers; others have a tail, he falls into the water, becomes a different kind of sloth, he appears if someone dies; the body became the current sloths; dawn; then they came to Kuayo (madremonte); he saw everything, ate people, waited for the gods to come with his wife, he and his wife considered themselves masters of the world; before the last Brothers A. blew into the horns of Yurupari with a turn, but stopped; K. waited for them for a long time, decided that they would not come, lay down with his wife; then A. blew stone tobacco on him (a powerful magical remedy); K. became a block of stone, It seems like lying with a woman; this example teaches shamans not to have sexual intercourse until the end of the session; then A. came to Siji, trapped in the river; A. did not come downstream, and from above, they did not recognize them, they said they wanted to kill A. themselves; the four sons of S. took them to the trap to see if A. had fallen into it, A. pushed them into her themselves; Maloka S. was a rock, A. found a door into it , discovered; answered that they were fleeing from A., that S.'s children died in a trap; S. became a bird, flew there, since then this bird heralds death; Bokanea (the youngest, irresponsible brother among four A.) did not saw that S.'s rod was decorated with ulcers and boils, not with song, strength and life; stole it, covered it with scab; A. came to the Possum (Oa); he was also kept waiting, appeared when he met his wife, turned into stone; killed the eagle Gakü; the bird Rase, collected its feathers; using them as bait, caught the tucunaté fish swallowed B., took B. out of his belly; B. turned into a worm in the fruit, a tapir ate the fruit; the brothers followed in the footsteps and piles of tapir excrement; killed him, took B.; contrary to the warning of the elder A., B. brought a snake, began to grow; she bit B. while bathing, he died, she sailed away; deceased B. said people would always die from a snake bite, older A. said they wouldn't; brothers became frogs to lure that snake]: Århem et al. 2004:458-470; tarian [people Yaipihkana beat Diroá {os Diroá - two or more} of them to death; traveled from one place to another, various characters from among J. ate D. {an insect is mentioned; no further animal species have been identified}; no one should have thrown away even a part of D.'s bodies; grandfather D. Yatoem also ate, threw a bone, she went horsefly, fell into the water, turned into fish; there was a thunder; I said it meant they would die; my grandfather did not admit that he left it; Grandma D. caught the fish, I put them in a bag of pepper, began to smoke, but they were alive; they were mischievous, my grandfather threw them into the river with the pestle, they came back; my grandfather can't do anything with them; my grandmother tried to burn them, they don't burn; they went to clear the area, the grandfather sent poisonous spiders, one bit, D. {the brothers' name is also Diroa as in the previous incarnation} pretended to die, immediately came to life; the grandfather sent ants, D. drove them away; equipped the axes with piranha and jaguar teeth, and the trees immediately fell from the blows ; cleared the whole plot; his grandfather set him on fire, D. hid inside the tree, the grandfather is sure they burned down, returned home, D. is already there; continued to be mischievous; went to kill those who ate their fathers; met Wahto, he made a paddle to kill D., did not recognize D., replied that he was waiting for D. to hit them with an oar; they asked them to show how he would hit; they hit him themselves, killed him; then the same with the Bat, Battleship and others {not identified}; Ya'koro said that he and his children did not eat D., D. did not kill him; both D. sailed in a boat with his grandfather, although he did not want to take them; threw the hook, pulled out the anaconda, cut them apart, they turned into different fish (so several times in different places); brought fish for the dabukuri festival; at the festival, one D. came out, two identical ones came back; two came out, four returned; etc., it became many D.; Y. women began to disappear one by one; D.'s jewelry was made from the claws and fangs of predators, these jewelry devoured women; the old woman tried to bite D., but they were like steel, or bitter, or other unpleasant taste; in exchange for the fish brought to D., Y. gave them the meat of birds and animals; D. ate, threw a seed, it turned into an animal or bird of the appropriate species; so when something bad happens, animals and birds come close to the house; D. went to heaven to Grandfather Thunder for a club to kill I., but he gave a weak one; D. tried it on wild boars, they were only stunned; good Thunder put him under his head; D. put him to sleep, changed his club; Y. guarded the birds, D. put them to sleep, killed all I. with lightning and thunder; (episode with unrecognized D. on p. 28-29)]: Moreira, Moreira 1994:26-32; yagua [see J4A motive; the man is married to the Night Monkey; the wife makes masato (an alcoholic drink), sends her husband to hunt night monkeys; her brothers are waiting there, they kill him themselves; everyone eats it, drinks it masato; meat is given to his young son, he is also planned to be killed; or the son is born after the death of his father; kills monkeys; brings the mother of her father and brothers killed by him; leaves animals and thorns behind; the mother throws a magic lasso, but attracts only what is left behind (or the son tears the noose); the Sloth catches fish, saying "monkey food on the hook of the father's bones"; the fish immediately bites; the young man asks for repeats the trick; presses the Sloth into a tree, tears off his fingers, turns him into a sloth; four Trogons (birds) make battle loops (garrotes) to kill the young man (they talk about it); he asks for him see if they kill them, blood turns into trogons]: Powlison 1959:9-11; 1972a: 78-79; 1993:80-96 (the episode with the transformation of enemies, No. 8-9:88-91).

Bolivia - Guaporé. Eseeha [Docuei'ai (guazo, small deer) was the first to cut down the forest on the site, and told the Anteaters (aná, oso bandera) to work; they saw that D.'s site was small, cut down the forest around; when D . on their property, the Anteaters set fire to their own; D.'s cries were heard by his father Edósiquiana (the owner of animals, now translated as "devil"), who saved his son, but he has since had dark skin and little hair; E. moved D. to where the Anteater's mother lived; D. asks why the pot was on fire; Boil the deer; D. asked her to show her how she would do it, pushed it into boiling water; almost ate it when they arrived Anteaters; he fell into their trap, stuck with all his limbs and head, since then they have been flat, thin; became a deer; the Vultures thought D. was dead; when Condor pecked his heart, D. came to life, grabbed Vultures, began to torment, since then they have their current appearance; let go of their daughter for promising the biggest; he brought his daughters, D. chose the one he liked; became a deer, still lives in the forest; his wife ( Vulture's daughter) went to look for another husband; Pucarara's snake, she had no teeth, asked to insert a thorn, bit the girl to death; the girl's sister {practically, it's herself} escaped, the snake behind her, the man hides it in his daquidei, killed the snake, cut the current snakes out of pieces; the husband turned into an animal, the wife is pregnant, left, went to the Jaguars; Jaguariha tells her brother that a girl has come pig; the one who came hid under a tacuara (basket?) , her tooth ornament clapped, the Jaguar found her, ate it, the baby fell out of her ass, got to her grandmother, she put it in a calebass; the boy grew up instantly, the grandmother told me to be careful not to eat it like a mother ; the arrows did not harm Jaguar, he killed him with a gun]: Verna 1985:69-71; chimane [Dohichi, Micha are brothers; their sister Dobose invites them to heaven to drink their third brother Tsun 'a (sun) to leave it at its zenith and keep people awake; this fails; D. and M. throw a balsa raft down, it grows, forms the ground; they cry, their tears give rise to a vine; D. goes down, M.'s vine breaks, he falls, breaks; D. glues him together, but puts his head to his ass; D. and M. come to the frog women; D. took one, M. raped everyone at night, they urinate blood in the morning ; M. digs a tunnel east to the edge of the world, now the dead are going there; D. pretends to be dead, covered with worms; the Frogs have thrown him into the river; he has turned them into frogs, worms into fish; goes to look for M.; along the way, he turns people into animals - arachnids, howlers, capuchins; asks parrots for feathers, they give them with care that he will not imitate their voices; D. violates the ban, parrots take away feathers, he falls on a tree, it grows tall; the caterpillar lowers it on its back; when the ground is near, it makes it fall, it breaks its back; gets to the place where the sky beats against the ground; inserting a log, slips into Misha's world; steals one of his wives, she is pregnant; meets people on the way about to kill the one who kidnapped M.'s wife; D. turns them into reeds for arrows, bamboo, palm trees for making bows and tips; they climb the Manika River; the wife gives birth, D. turns her and the baby into salt; wants to establish a village in the center of the world, sends birds to explore; They come back, reporting that the center is further in the mountains; D. founded a village in the Andes (Var.: La Paz); left a footprint on the stone, this is a sign that salt is here]: Daillant 1995:163-164.

Southern Amazon. Kayabi [Tujarare travels, meets various animal people; asks everyone if they have heard of this traveler; everyone replies yes, that they are afraid of him, some they promise to kill him; T. says that he also heard that he is dangerous; then turns the interlocutor into an animal, deforming his body; 1) guatá monkeys; 2) black monkeys; 3) jaguars; 4) making arrows kill a traveler - in surucua (Trigonideo); 5) women collecting peppers - in mutum birds (they have red beaks); 6) at a deer (threw garbage in his eyes); 7) a howler monkey; 8) a couple of spouses at night monkeys; 9) in caimana]: Pereira 1995, No. 5:48-51.

Araguaia. Tapirape [Petura meets an anteater who made a club kill him; P. put it in his ass (became his tail); put a stick in his nostrils (became his face); P. met the Turtle, asked where her house; she did not have it; P. made her bark a shell that she now wears; so she walks slowly and is easy to catch; Nanda cleared the area (this is now savanna), working with a steel ax and a machete; P. began to help; worked faster with clay machetes and an ax; Nandu agreed to change with him; P. gave steel guns to tapirape]: Wagley 1977:177-178.