J56. The test of the sons .
A son or sons come to see their father. He tests them to see if they are really his children.
Bantu-speaking Africa. Luba, Bena Piana [for helping a pregnant woman pick up a bunch of brushwood and put it on her head in the Tshilumi-Tshikulu forest, she promises to marry her future daughter or the boy to be eaten; the children tell TT that their names are all Kabutondo (the woman's son's name); the mother tells them to come tomorrow, her son will have a green leaf behind his ear; K. tells all boys to put the leaves behind ear; mother says she will send her son to climb the palm tree; K. tells TT to close his eyes, open the bag, he will jump there; drops the top of the palm tree, TT carries it away thinking that K. is in the bag; 10 boys with K. decide to go to god Fidi Mukulu; K. tells the spider to build a bridge over the river; elephants make their way through the forest; the dog eats a mountain of excrement that blocks the path; FM closes the boys in the house sets fire - if they are his children, they won't burn; K. tells the antelope to dig its way out; boys escape, FM recognizes them as their people, builds a village for them]: Frobenius 1983:122-124; mongo [ Chief Lonkundo married Ilankaka, who is pregnant and wants to eat only forest rat meat; they put up a hut in the woods; servants bring rats, each time I. eats half, leaves half in reserve in smokehouse; someone eats rats; L. spends the night with his wife, feels that her womb is empty at night, hears a rough smokehouse, someone prevents the fire from being lit; L. and I. and all the people barricaded themselves in the village; The son who came out of I.'s womb immediately becomes an adult young man, comes to the village; on the way he receives a magic bell from the bird; with its help he finds out that they want to poison him; L. does not believe that the young man is his son; as a sign of correctness, he drinks poison, is unharmed; L. recognizes him as a son, gives the name Ilelangonda]: Belcher 2005:201-204.
Malaysia-Indonesia. Ngaju [Ranjung Mahatala Langit told a man and his wife to descend from heaven to earth ("to the banks of the river of peace" {the usual formula}); the man became chief, and Djangga married their daughter (Month, Chief people on the moon), visits his wife every new moon; she is pregnant, at this time sex is limited, he is offended, says that the earth smells bad, leaves, leaving seven arrows for the son who will be born; he must He will tie seven silver bamboos, climb them, release darts from the sarbakan into the sky, they will form a chain, it will turn into a vine, and he will climb it to the gates of heaven; D. himself rose in the same way Thus; due to the fact that the father left his pregnant wife (this is taboo), a half son (vertically) was born, his name is Silai; the mother tells us who his father is, advises to go to his father's brother Sun first; S. comes to the orangutan leader, he sends ravens to the chief; he asks for a boa constrictor to eat on the way; S. sits on a crow, throws pieces into his beak, he brings him to the gates of heaven; on the way S. saves drowning ants, fish left in a drying pond, a deer entangled in vines, a monkey stuck between branches, a crocodile lost on land frees a firefly from the web; Uncle C . the chief of the sun (Djangkarau Matanandau) brings him to the lunar village; the month calls S. a geek, a liar; offers tests; 1) separate water, oil, ash, sand (ants, fish mixed in the vessel) share); 2) pave a path to the forest garden without scratching (S. goes back and forth on a deer's back); 3) climb a tall tree (a monkey dressed as S. climbs); 4) win boat races ( the crocodile pulls the boat S.); 5) go to the bed in a dark house at night, where he, Month, sleeps (firefly shows); Month recognizes S. as son; cuts four times, cooks, sculpts again; for the first time S. black dwarf, then red, then rooster, then strongman, handsome; he is the ancestor of those Ngaju with lighter skin]: Schärer 1966:124-135.
Northeast. Seneca: Converse 1908 in Turner 1978 [In the sky, the Great Chief pulls a tree, sends a pregnant woman down; birds pick her up without letting her fall into the sea; Muskrat brings clay from the bottom to paw; clay is placed on the Turtle, the earth grows; the woman gives birth to twins; the evil one comes out under her arm; she dies giving birth to good; the good makes the sun out of her face, the moon and the star from her chest, gives it to the Earth body; makes mountains, straight rivers; goes across the sea to his father, who asks how high he can reach; the son reaches the sky; how much he can lift, raises the mountain; the father recognizes him as a son, gives two bundles, with birds led by an eagle, animals led by a deer; a son returns after swimming across the sea; an evil brother makes rivers winding, creates storms, sea monsters, predators, reptiles; brothers fight, the good takes the evil into the underworld]: 36-39; Hewitt 1903 [the heavenly leader suspects his wife of infidelity, pushes her into the abyss with her little daughter; she falls on the Turtle; sprinkles the earth on the shell, which she holds in her hands, the earth grows; her daughter is pregnant with the Wind; gives birth to twins; the youngest goes through the mother's navel, killing her; the eldest comes to his father Wind; he invites him to run around land with his two other sons; then gives him a bag with all the animals]: 221-238.
Southeast USA. Chirokee [a young man comes to Thunder; he puts him on sharp thorns, they do no harm; heals his ulcers by digesting him in boiling water; gives him strength to defeat the Player]: Kilpatrick, Kilpatrick 1966, No. 10:393- 397; Mooney 1900:311-315; yuchi [Red Copper offered to compete in shooting on a rolling wheel, caught up, cut, took blood; the grandmother tells Thunder's son that before going to Red Copper, you should visit the father; at the father's house, the young man sees a young woman calling Thunder; he replies that if the young man is his son, let him sit inside the rock for four days, then walk above the ground; on the fourth day the rock explodes, the young man goes out, walks above the ground with thunder and clouds; the father and sister recognize him, the sister splits the clouds with an ax, the sky clears up; catching up with the young man and touching him, Red Copper does not cut him, but melts by itself, only one head remains; Red Copper offers to play ball, puts its head on the line; Red Copper is helped by all creatures on earth, the son of Thunder is everyone who flies; to win, Red Copper needs Throw the ball into the water and Thunder's son into the sky's gate; every time flying creatures are ready to drive the ball into the sky, the Rabbit tells it to get hot, they drop the ball; the Bat pushes the ball up; first The crocodile, then the Trout grabs the ball, it sinks; the furious Eagle grabs the Crocodile, throws it; Red Copper won back its head]: Wagner 1931, No. 17:71-77.
Big Pool. Southern Utah [every morning a girl lies down with her legs apart towards the rising sun; she gives birth to twins from the Sun; they go to visit her father; an old bat woman carries them to the house of the Sun; wife The sun is angry; the Sun denies that it had connections with other women, suggests that the boys' father is the Month; quarrels with the Month, knocks out his eye; since then, the Month has been dim; the Sun cooks twins in boiling water, they are safe; he recognizes them as his sons; they return to their mother]: Lowie 1924, No. 48:76-77.
The Great Southwest. Yavapai: Gifford 1933a (SV yavapai): 349-364 [people lived underground at the bottom of a deep dip; there was a pine tree ("dog-tail tree") wrapped in a vine; people climbed it to the ground, theirs the chief is Hanyiko' (Frog); his shaman daughter made him sick; before he died, he ordered him to be burned and watched for the stars; when two stars appear in the east before sunrise, they will adorn him feather head; in 2 months 5 stars will appear - this is his right hand; in 3 months it will be cold, his whole body will be visible; the red star will celebrate 4 months; corn will grow on his grave; when the corpse they burn, everyone goes around the fire, but the Coyote jumps over the short Badger, grabs, carries, eats his heart; before that, people said that the deceased would be reborn in four days; Coyote: let him die forever; H. died forever; Coyote agreed; his daughter died, people refused to change their minds; it snowed; people: the mountains were covered with cornmeal; Coyote: snow; so the snow does not consist of corn torment; when it rained, the dry tree did not get wet; Coyote: let it get wet; because Coyote took possession of H.'s heart, water poured out of the hole from which people came to the ground; people placed all kinds of things the seeds and the girl into the hollowed out pine tree trunk were sealed; after the flood, the girl went out, the others died; she lay down so that water dripped into her vagina, the sun was shining on her; conceived and gave birth to a girl; she grew up, her mother put her in the same place, but the Water and Sun did not want to get along with her daughter; then the mother covered her with her body and the daughter became pregnant; her son Skatakaamcha; his mother took the eagle and fed her chicks; he interrupted the partridge's leg; when he repaired it, she told about the fate of his mother; S. decided to kill the monstrous bull (bison?) ; The badger dug an underground passage under him, S. stabbed the monster with a hot knife, killed him; put on a blood-filled stomach; the eagle brought it to the nest; the eagles say that the prey is alive, the eagle does not believe; the eagle flew away, the eagle flew in, S. killed her with a hatchet; told the eagles to remain silent; killed the eagle when it returned; threw the eagles out of the nest; made the rock half as low, but no more; The Bat lowered it in the basket ; he opened his eyes, they fell, the Bat was injured, S. cured her; came to his grandmother, who was crying; he threw eagle feathers at her, said he killed both eagles; married; The Wind stole his wife; Spider warns that Wind offers to compete, kills losers; S. beat him in a ball and ring game; won a competition whose hair is longer; Wind stabbed S. 4 times without causing harm; S. killed him with a knife; threw one hand to the east, the other to the south, one leg to the west, the other to the north: let the wind blow from different directions; S. brought his wife back; grandmother: there is a bad Chewasistesikkaamcha; S. came to him into the house, slowly throws food away for fear of being poisoned; killed C. with a knife; Bear's arrow reeds; S. invites him to marry his grandmother; he gave reeds; believes that the best tips are coal ; S. killed him with flint; the tree for the ends of the arrows at the Owl; S. and offered him his grandmother as his wife; she found the heart of the Owl, it was on the sole; S. shot there, killed the Owl; an bow tree in the canyon with converging and diverging walls; S. put a deer horn between them; went east to his father the Sun; the Sun's wife warns that the Sun will try to kill S. in the steam room; but S. is not afraid of the heat; the Sun recognized his son, let him choose a horse; a man at the cliff pushes passers-by with his foot; he grew up with his back to the rock; S. lets a chanterelle first, it dodges; then a rattlesnake, the man is afraid of it; S. disconnected him with an ax from the cliff, threw it into the abyss; below 6-7 women devour the fallen; S. threw that man's stomach into the fire, he burst into the eyes of the women, S. hacked them; there was a boy, he ran to the cave, S. did not I managed to get it, left the snakes to guard, but they fell asleep; the boy left, creating new ones like him; grandmother: you can't handle them], 402-412 (Western yavapai) [people live underground; younger brother invites the elder to illuminate the world; he makes a disc, smears ocher, hangs it, but the younger one makes a disc of white lime, smears ocher; it gets light but too hot; the younger brother asks the eldest to raise the sky with a reed pole, he did it; at night, the elder brother touches the genitals of his two daughters; they hide on the shore under the willow, where he relieves himself, and swallow his bowel movements; he begins to lose strength, tells him to be cremated after death; people sent the Coyote for fire, at which time they lit a fire, standing around; the Badger was lower than the others, the Coyote jumped over him, took his heart and ate it; the burnt heart had to lay the ground, cultivated plants would grow; and so only one corn stalk would grow; the best cobs went to the Hopi and Navajo, and the worst yavapai; people decided to get to the upper world; the hummingbird found a hole in the sky; under the guidance of their younger brother, they planted a pine tree and a vine that wrapped around it; they climbed up, but the old man and his two granddaughters stayed; when they got to the ground, from water poured in the holes; the flood was caused by those two daughters of the older brother who turned into frogs; people hollowed out a pine tree, put food inside the girl and sealed it; only the girl survived, the rest drowned; she lay down with her vagina under the rays of the sun and under drops of water, conceived, gave birth to a daughter; she grew up, tried to repeat everything, but the Sun and Water recognized their daughter, conception did not occur; then the mother covered her daughter's body with her body, the Sun and Water did not notice the substitution; the daughter gave birth to a son Matinyaupakaamcha; the eagle took her to its nest and ate it, M. stayed with her grandmother; interrupted the bird's leg with a stone; she: if you'll cure him, I'll say something; when he finds out that the old woman is not his mother, but his grandmother, killed the eagle, on the advice of his grandmother, by heating the tip of his spear; the grandmother sends him to kill the bison (ox); the badger and the gopher dug an underground passage under lying bison; the mouse plucked the hair from where the heart was, explaining that its children were cold; M. pierced the bison from below; he plunged his horn into the underground passage, but M. dodged; made a cape out of the skin, and under it bison blood; allowed the eagle to grab itself; blood gushed, the bison decided that M. was killed; the chicks see that the prey was alive, but the eagle did not believe; when it flew away, M. found out where the eagle would fly; becoming a lizard, smeared with resin the place where the male and female sit; killed the eagle; told the chicks to remain silent, otherwise they would kill; The Bat lowered M. in the basket, ordering them to close their eyes; he opened, they fell, M. broke the Bat's bones, but cured her; M. looked into the grandmother's house through a hole in the roof; called her; grandmother: the wind was whistling; when he saw her grandson, she began to dance with joy; the bald eagle took M. to an island on the lake; there were already many prisoners there; M . ordered the prisoners to eat crushed flint to the eagles and hide, digging an underground passage; the eagles died; the crane stretches its leg across the lake; people cross it like a bridge; children fall into the water, turn into ducks; M. decides to make a bow; the grandmother warns of dangers every time where to look for bow materials; onion wood where the canyon walls converge and diverge; M. shoved between they have a deer horn, took out the material; reeds for arrows owned by Owl; M.: I propose marriage to my grandmother; Owl is glad, he gave reeds himself; when Owl came, M. told his grandmother to find out where his heart was; in the sole legs; M. shot there, killed Owl; the grandmother straightened her vulva with an arrow; when M. looked, the arrow broke; where the flint for the tips, sparks fly out; M. covered himself with a turtle shell, took out flint; wood for the front of the arrows owned by the Bear; M. called him to marry his grandmother; said he was making charcoal tips; The bear believed, shot M. with a coal arrow with a tip, and M. killed him with an arrow with a flintlock tip; grandmother: cut the deer in a clearing, not under a tree; M. began to cut under a tree; a naked woman came down from the tree, chased M. to get along with him; the grandmother hid it under the hearth; but the woman began to write there, M. got out; M. made penises out of blue stone, quartz, lava and clay, used it every single night, breaking off women's vaginal teeth; she became his wife; she was actually a bear; offered to drive game at him; he hung his clothes on a pole; three or four bears rushed at her, M. killed them, pulled out their fangs and claws; Spider told M. that the Wind took his wife away; let M. compete with him outside, not in his cave; who would chase the ball faster; M. won all the prisoners and the life of the Wind; who has longer hair, M. won again, killed The winds were a club; they spent the night in the Wind Cave; the wife became snakes in front of the entrance, M. jumped over them; M. went to look for his father, the Sun; spent the night with people who wanted to kill him; closed him for the night eyes with pebbles ("glass eyes"), the owners think that he is awake; the wife of the Sun to her husband: your son has come; he wants to test the visitor, invites him to the steam room; M. all gives up a couple and says it's cold, The sun believes he is his son; M. tamed the horse, went home; the Sun and the Cloud began to argue over him; each painted one half of his body; M. returned east to the Sun, and the grandmother went west to the Sun, and the grandmother went west to ocean]; Navajo [twins walk between crushing rocks along the way (see motif I22); when they come to the Sun, they smoke a huge pipe; unharmed in a hot steam room]: Buxton 1923 [a woman has White-bead- woman has two children; she tells them that their father is a hill; they don't believe; The wind says Nayezesegoni was conceived by the Sun; they go to the Sun; the wind teaches what to say to the guards (puma, two bears, a snake, lightning), they miss; the Sun's wife hides those who come in the cloud; the Sun finds, offers a steam room, heats iron instead of stones; someone dug a hole, the children hid in it, did not burn; the next three The informant does not remember the tests; the Sun gives a poisonous decoction, the Wind teaches to neutralize it with the help of a caterpillar; the Sun recognizes children as its own, dresses like two other children in its home; those who came asked help against monsters; the Sun gave them lightning arrows, sent them to the ground with lightning; with the help of the Wind, N. dodges the Giant's blows, knocks down the Giant's armor himself, kills, returns to his mother; she getting younger; N. kills a horned animal; mountain sheep]: 298-302; Goddard 1933 [smokes a poisonous pipe]: 142; Haile 1938 [+ thrown on obsidian knives]: 103-107; Johly, B'yash 1958 [+ thrown at obsidian knives; spending a frosty night on the roof of the Sun House]: 19; Klah 1960 [as in Johly, B'yash]: 13; Matthews 1994 [+ thrown on obsidian knives, shell spikes and turquoise]: 110-112; Stevenson 1912 [ without the motive of crushing rocks and smoking a pipe; the twins are thrown on a sharp knife, then locked in the steam room; get a zipper and a flintlock knife to fight monsters on the ground]: 279-280; O'Bryan 1956:80; Western Apaches: Goddard 1918 (San Carlos) [Black Tornado rubbed his chest, rolled a lump out of skin scales, made it into earth, placed it on 4 supports; made coyotes and birds, destroyed it with a flood; woman (at hicarilla she is Earth) became pregnant from the Sun, gave birth to a girl; she got pregnant from water, gave birth to a boy; he has membranes on his fingers, no hair, ears, etc.; grandmother does not want to say where his father is; Spider showed how get to the Sun (on its web); the Sun's wife tries in vain to hide it; the Sun lets him smoke a pipe, tries to burn it, his son is unharmed, the Sun has recognized him; the Sun's relatives give him to his son quite human appearance, placed in a hot steam room; the Sun brought obsidian clothes with him, the grandmother made a bow and arrows; he consistently asks her about dangerous creatures; 1) sitting by the cliff pushes passers-by down; the young man first sent a fox to that, then killed him with a club; 2) killed the killer with his gaze; 3) the grandmother tells not to cut the deer under the tree, the grandson cuts; the girl sitting on the tree calls him husband; she has a toothy womb; he runs, throws a scar, mountains grow (the same as hicarilla); his grandmother hides him in a hole near the hearth; the girl finds him; he says he is ready to sleep with her only in a house on bed; while she is running after a tree, he makes penises out of white stone, sand, resin, wax; knocked out her teeth with a stone, she cries in the morning; 4) kill a horned beast; gopher dug a hole under a lying beast, raised her hair , where the heart is, the young man pierced the monster with an obsidian point; 5) hung a bag of blood and manure over himself, let the bird carry himself away; thrown on a rock, the bird saw splashes, thought he was dead; three chicks threw it away, asked the fourth one how his parents would arrive; they arrived with the rain; he killed everyone, left their parents and chicks in different parts of the world; the Raven gave him his clothes, he went down, returned to his grandmother]: 7-19 , 36-37 [placed in water, not fire]; 1919 (White Mountain), 96-97 [the sons of the Sun have membranes on their fingers, no hair, ears, etc.; the Sun gives the twins a completely human appearance, placed in a hot steam room; heavenly fire/lightning doesn't harm twins], 116-117 [as in Goddard 1918:10; along the way, a caterpillar helps the hero pass over crush rocks]; Hopi: Fewkes 1895 [woman conceives twins - A young man (Tuyu, aka P üüko ñhoya) from the sun's ray and Echo (Palu ñhoya) from a stream of water; brothers destroy monsters (see motif J60); they go to visit the Sun Father; the rocks at the entrance to heaven move and then diverge; an old man sits on a rocky cornice near the abyss into the lower world by the path; collides passers, straightening his legs; Gemini they bounce, magically make him sit quietly; the same with other guards - the Bear, the Puma, the Snake; the Sun puts the twins in the oven, they are unharmed, he recognizes them as sons]: 132-137; Malotki, Gary 2001, No. 24 [a girl conceives from water and sunlight, gives birth to twins older Pöqangwhoya and younger Palöngawhoya; they go to look for their father, the Old Spider Woman brings them to the Sun; he is theirs experiences; 1) smoke a huge pipe (the gopher inserts reeds into their ass, removes smoke out through its hole); 2) sit in a hot steam room (The Spider gives a means to moderate the fever); 3) sit on the fire ( the same); 4) stand the night without sleep (The Spider puts sticks in their eyes so that their eyelids do not close); The sun gives them bows and arrows, takes them on a day trip, stops to rest at noon; brothers descend to the ground on the rainbow; arrows kill the So'yoko monster dressed in quartz with arrows, cover his scarecrow]: 224-235; Mullett 1993:54-61 [Spider has two grandchildren: Puukonhoya ("young man") and Palunhoya ("echo"); their father Tawa (The Sun) gave them a lightning weapon; they killed her giant Tcaveyo; decide to go west to see their father; the Spider warns of guards on the way to his house, gives her a magic remedy; An old man is sitting on the edge of the abyss, trying to push the twins into the abyss; they spit out the Spider's remedy on him, his legs pressed against his chin, they passed by; they also pacified the snake, the bear and puma; the sky is beating against the ground; the twins spit, the rock froze for a second, they slipped through; they came to the turquoise kiva of their father and mother; their mother greeted them; the sun came, threw them into the hot furnace; when they opened it, they alive; he recognized them as his children]; Stephens 1929, No. 4 [the twins are unharmed after spending the night on a cold top; catch and bring in hot metal (flint?) balls], 7 [in a steam oven], 8 [pass under the moving sky to the outside world; unharmed in a flint furnace]: 11-13, 15, 18-19; oriental ceres: Benedict 1931 (Cochiti): 24-25 [The sun took in wife girl, brought home; his parents gave her a turquoise chair; he brought her back; she had two sons, the eldest Bluebird and the youngest Turquoise; they ask who their father is, the mother replies that the Sun, tells them to go look for him; the Sun tests them; they are unharmed in a room with snakes; with deer; under obsidian knives; the Sun teaches the elder to put a fluff on his head at dawn, then a tail feather parrot, stop halfway to noon and wait for someone to provide sacred food, pollen; similar stops at noon and halfway to sunset; at sunset, you will see two lying on the horizon monsters, we must go down boldly; Bluebird was frightened, the Sun did not go down that night; then the younger brother pushed the elder into the monster's jaws, the sun went down; Turquoise boldly passed by the monster; returned to his father; Sun parents recognize Turquoise as the son of the Sun], 26-31 [Yellow Woman lay down to rest in the sun, became pregnant by the Sun; he asks to send her son to him; old Spider turns him and herself into eagles, she returns, he enters the house of the Sun; the Sun explains how to go his way; when water snakes attack in the west, there is no need to be afraid; but the son is frightened; the father comes up and plunged into the water with him; the Sun tells the son to kill the deer, take it to his mother, then return; he now lives with his father]; Western ceres: Boas 1928a: 251 (Akoma) [one young man in a room with bees; with bears], 252 (Cochiti) [ The twins are unharmed in the fire; in a room with cougars; with bears; with wolves; with badgers; carrying a sun disk across the sky, the youngest is afraid to dive into the sea]; Miller 1965, No. 38 (Akoma) [unfulfilled duties of the sun; twins in a room with cougars; wolves; lynxes; bees; on hot coals]: 249-257; Lewis 1965, No. 38 (Akoma) [mother and daughter live alone; daughter goes to collect pignon nuts, meets her Sunny Young Man, gives them two nuts, she gets pregnant, gives birth to twins Masewi and Uyuyay; the grandmother makes them onions, they kill rabbits, then deer, bear; they go east to look for their father; the Spider shows the way her son hides behind M.'s ear, gives him instructions; the Sunny Young brothers advise him to check his sons by putting them in a room with cougars (lions), wolves, lynxes, bees; the twins are unharmed, ate bees and honey; they were planted on hot coals, they became handsome, they were recognized; the Sun Father gave them new bows and arrows; gave them a stick that kills and revives; the twins have returned home]: 249-259; Gunn 1917 (Sia) [ The Yellow Woman gets pregnant by the Sun, gives birth to twins; the mother tells them who their father is; their grandmother Spider gives them a bow and arrow; weaves the web like a bridge over the river; in the center there is a hole leading to the Sun's house; that tests sons; 1) a turquoise steam room (they cool it by spitting out its shells); 2) locked in a room with moose, bison, deer, antelope; 3) in another with bears, cougars, rattlesnakes; The sun gives them bows and arrows, hunting sticks for rabbits (you can't throw them before reaching home); mother and father warn them not to go to dangerous places, the twins go; the cougar throws those who follow with arrow poles, they throw it off themselves; the bear guards the arrow feathers; they kill the bear, pull the scarecrow on a rope, scaring the mother; they turn around in the skin of a dead deer, let the eagle carry themselves away; they kill eagles, throw them out of the nest; kill eagles that have arrived; marmot plants a seed by the cliff, a pignon pine grows, they descend it; the giantess puts them in a basket, carries them behind her back, they grab a tree , run away; she catches them again; sends them at home for fuel; eats their excrement thinking that she is eating their meat; they push her into the fire themselves; they fire lightning arrows; the mole digs under the antelope; the twins they pierce it from below; they tell antelopes to eat grass, not people; the mole is promised giblets]: 43-52 in Boas 1928a: 251-252; Stevenson 1894 (Sia) [twins in a hot steam room; in a room with a moose, a deer, antelope, bison; with bears, cougars; with snakes]: 43-44; Stirling 1942 (Akoma) [as in Miller]: 94; Tiwa (Isleta) [The sun puts boys in the oven for the night; recognizes as its children]: Parsons 1932c , No. 13 [a girl rejects her suitors; her father locks her in a cellar; she conceives from a ray of sunshine; kicked out of the house, comes to an old woman, gives birth to twins; a young man coming out of the lake tells them that their father is the Sun ; one of them sends the other in an arrow to the center of the world, follows him; the Spider picks up the arrow; teaches the twins what to do; three doves fly to the lake at sunrise, take off their feathers, and turn into girls ; brothers take the youngest's clothes; return them when she says where their father lives], 14 [a virgin gives birth to two boys; people tell them to be thrown into the spring; she leaves only the older one; calls Wind, The Sun, the Month as potential fathers; men come together, the baby must identify the father; he crawls towards the sun; both he and his brother thrown into the spring grow up; brother comes to him, invites them to go to their father, the Sun; the Spider shows them the way; the Sun makes them his helpers; the rainbow is a bow in the hand of the elder; the youngest is a rainbow sky at sunset]: 392-403; pima [a beautiful mat maker rejects suitors; gets pregnant from a raindrop dropped by the Cloud; summons all men; her twin sons must get to their father's knees; they reject everyone; mother tells them that their father is Cloud; they come to him; unharmed in the pouring rain; send lightning to imitate their father; recognized by them; when they return home, they stop on the sides of the road, avoiding meeting with Coyote; turn into mesquite trees]: Russel 1908:239-240; Western yawapai [people live underground; younger brother invites the elder to illuminate the world; he makes a disc, smears ocher, hangs, but the light is twilight; the younger one makes a disc of white lime, smears ocher; it gets light but too hot; the younger brother asks the older brother to raise the sky with a reed pole, he did it; at night the older brother touches the genitals of his two daughters; they hide on the shore under the willow, where he relieves himself, and swallow his bowel movements; he begins to lose strength, tells him to be cremated after death; people sent Coyote for with fire, at which time they lit a fire, standing around; the badger was lower than the others, the Coyote jumped over him, took his heart away and ate it; land had to be laid on the burnt heart, cultivated plants would grow; and only one corn stalk grew; the best cobs went to the Hopi and Navajo, and the worst were yavapai; people decided to escape to the upper world; the hummingbird found a hole in the sky; under the guidance of their younger brother, they planted a pine tree and a vine that wrapped around it; they climbed up, but the old man and his two granddaughters stayed; when they got to the ground, water poured out of the hole; the flood was caused by the two daughters of the older brother who turned into frogs; people hollowed out a pine tree, put the girl and food supplies inside, sealed it; only the girl escaped, the others drowned; she lay down with her vagina under the rays of the sun and under the drops of water, conceived, gave birth to a daughter; she grew up, tried to repeat everything, but the Sun and Water recognized their daughter, conception did not occur; then the mother covered her daughter's body with her body, the Sun and Water did not notice the substitution; daughter gave birth to a son Matinyaupakaamcha; the eagle took her to its nest and ate it, M. stayed with his grandmother; killed the bird's leg with a stone; she: if you cure it, I'll say something; when I found out that the old woman was not his mother, but his grandmother, killed him the eagle, on the advice of the grandmother, heated the tip of the spear; the grandmother sends to kill the bison (ox); the badger and the gopher dug an underground passage under the lying bison; the mouse plucked the hair from where the heart was, explaining that her the children are freezing; M. pierced the bison from below; he plunged his horn into the underground passage, but M. dodged; made a cape out of his skin, and under it, bison blood; allowed the eagle to grab himself; blood gushed, the bison thought that M. killed; the chicks see that the prey is alive, but the eagle does not believe; when it flew away, M. found out where the eagle would fly; becoming a lizard, he smeared the places where the male and female sit with resin; killed the eagle; told the chicks to remain silent, otherwise will kill; The Bat lowered M. in the basket, telling him to close his eyes; he opened, they fell, M. broke the Bat's bones, but cured it; M. looked into the grandmother's house through a hole in the roof; called her; grandmother: the wind whistles; when she saw her grandson, she began to dance with joy; the bald eagle took M. to an island on the lake; there were already many prisoners there; M. ordered the prisoners to eat crushed flint in the eagles and hide, pulling underground passage; eagles are dead; The crane stretches its leg across the lake; people cross it like a bridge; children fall into the water, turn into ducks; M. decides to make a bow; the grandmother warns every time about dangers where to look for bow materials; bow wood where the canyon walls converge and diverge; M. put a deer horn between them, took out material; reeds for arrows owned by Owl; M.: I propose marriage to my grandmother; Owl is glad, he gave reeds himself; when Owl came, M. told his grandmother to find out where his heart was; in the sole of his foot; M. shot there, killed the Owl; the grandmother straightened her vulva with an arrow; when M. looked, the arrow broke; where is the flint for the tips, sparks fly out of there; M. covered himself with a turtle shell, took out flint; wood for the front of the arrows owned by the Bear; M. called him to marry his grandmother; said he was making tips out of coal; the bear believed, shot M. with a charcoal tip arrow, and M. at him with a flintlock arrow, killed him; grandmother: Cut the deer in a clearing, not under a tree; M. began to carve under a tree; a naked woman came down from the tree, chased M. to meet him; the grandmother hid it under the hearth; but the woman stood there to write, M. got out; M. made penises out of blue stone, quartz, lava and clay, used it every single night, breaking off the woman's vaginal teeth; she became his wife; in fact, she was a bear; she offered to drive game at him; he hung his clothes on a pole; three or four bears rushed at her, M. killed them, pulled out their fangs and claws; Spider told M. that the Wind took his wife away; let M. compete with him outside, not in his cave; who will chase the ball faster; M. won all the prisoners and the life of the Wind; who has longer hair - M. won again, killed the Wind with a club; they spent the night in the Wind Cave; his wife became snakes in front of the entrance, M. He jumped over them; M. went to look for his father Sun; on the way he spent the night with people who wanted to kill him; at night he closed his eyes with pebbles ("glass eyes"), the owners think he was awake; the wife of the Sun husband: your son has come; he wants to test the person who has come, invites him to the steam room; M. still gives a couple and says that it is cold, the Sun believes that he is his son; M. tamed the horse, went home; The Sun and the Cloud of Steel argue about him; everyone painted one half of his body; M. returned east to the Sun, and his grandmother went west into the ocean]: Gifford 1933a: 402-412.
Llanos. Sicuani [while Furnánibali was playing the flute, young Fara stole his wife, who contracted gonorrhea from him; F. carved his new wife out of sassafras wood, but she had vaginas and could not eat; F. called the animals to help; The monkey only broke his penis, now it's short; only Fox managed to pierce the woman; F. tries to make people (without a woman, inserting his penis into the holes), but they work only animals; then he created four eggs; from them came Kajúvali, Tsamani, Ivinai, Tsaparao Duva (apparently the first anthropomorphic characters; they stayed on earth; EV is a girl); his mother-in-law F. became pregnant behind his mind, Matsuldani was born; F. checks if it was his son; 1) throws him into the river three times, but he falls ashore each time; 2) shoots him, he catches an arrow; 3) shoots him in the eye from wind gun, arrow deviates; recognizes son; further on the spread of fish, about the emergence of European things]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 39:178-181.
Guiana. Oyampy [see motif J9; Yaneia leaves; pregnant wife follows him; twins from her womb show her way; ask her to pick flowers; she gets bitten by a wasp; she refuses to collect, twins stop talking; a woman goes to the Jaguars, Jaguariha eats her; the Mayamayali and Wayamakale twins (is poppy a monkey?) jump on a tree; Jaguariha calls them back; A dove hunting talks about his mother's death; M. and Y. lure the Jaguars to the bridge, create piranhas in the river; V. cuts off the vine ahead of time, two jaguars they save themselves, the rest are eaten by piranhas; M. almost revives his mother, V. hugs her ahead of time, she falls apart; by the sea, their father cuts down a tree, chips turn into fish; the father tests his sons, M. does not He withstands; the father tells him that he is not his son, but the Monkey; makes a parrot out of his skin, monkeys out of flesh; in the morning the father rises to heaven]: Grenada 1982, No. 5:69-72.
Eastern Amazon. Twins come to a heavenly deity; the youngest is not his son; he dies or shows weakness in his trials; the elder revives him, helps him; if not otherwise: both are recognized as a deity. Kuñarima is the son of Kumafyari (=Marušawa, from morubišaba, "chief"); the beginning is not recorded; M.'s wife, Kamādu, came to Mukura's opossum, who climbed onto the roof above her hammock (and, apparently he conceived a second son, Aruβiata); as punishment for the twins breaking the water vessels from which rivers flowed out, M. decided to burn the brothers, fired behind them, but when they slept, the fire too stood; K. extinguished the fire with a feather panicle; then M. told the brothers to maintain the pan on which M.'s wife fried manioc flour; A. turned white and said that he could no longer stand it, but K. spat on him, he turned red again; they went swimming, A. could not dive because the water around him was boiling; K. blew, his brother cooled down; the brothers went hunting birds, M. warned to fear Awa; A. decided to be the first try to take the hook away from Av, became a fish, Ava and his friend caught it, fried it; K. became a wasp, collected blood and giblets, revived his brother; he himself became a fish, bit off, took the hook; the stork harpoons the fish with its beak; A. became a fish, the Stork harpooned it, ate it, K. revived it (like the previous episode); K. became a fish, dodged, Stork's beak got stuck in a tree, K. cut it off, brought it to his father, he, like other trophies of his sons, gave it to his wife; an old woman with a sharp leg sits by the path, asks passers-by to take out the sand flea, pierces him with her foot; A. is pierced, the old woman fried him, ate him, his brother collected blood, revived him; when the old woman asked him to take out the flea and struck, he dodged, his leg was stuck in a tree, he cut it off, brought it to his father; the brothers came to Adji ("wild"), they do not have an anus, they defecate through their mouths; K. showed how to defecate, they also wanted to themselves anus; K. began to pierce their anuses, killing them; A. did it less well, those placed on the stakes began to scream, others ran away; the brothers fried the dead, brought meat to his father; M. was happy, ate meat with his sons, gave a hammock for each]: Nimuendaju 1920:1016-1022; juruna [Sinaá's father is a giant jaguar; like S. himself, he sees a pair of eyes on the back of his head; he conceived S. by sticking his penis into the hole where S.'s mother urinated; y S. has three sons, the youngest is not his, their mother conceived him with an animal; S. tests his sons, wanting to make sure that they are his children; there is no water, the pigeon juriti brought it, once did not bring it; the eldest son decided to go break a container of water; S. warned that there was a dangerous fish in the water; the youngest son broke it, but did not bounce to the side, the fish swallowed it, his legs were sticking out of his mouth, the fish was rushing with a stream of water; the brothers were running, dams are made, the stream blows them away; the last one was not demolished, the elder brother snatched the youngest out of the mouth of the fish, revived it; he lost his memory, he had to be taught everything again; S. warned his sons to be careful with the stork Jabiru; the brothers decide to grab his beak; the youngest turns into a fish, swims up, is swallowed; the elder turned into a fly, collected blood from his beak, revived the youngest from it; he became a fish himself, swam, became human, broke off his beak, brought it to his father; S. warns that there is someone who can cut it in half; they come to that man's house; he asks them to take sand fleas out of his leg; the youngest comes up, that kicks him with his foot, cutting him in half; the elder turns into a wasp, collects blood, revives the youngest from it; approaches that creature; when he tries to kick, breaks off his leg, brings it to his father; S. warns that there are dangerous wild Indians; brothers find them; the youngest turns into pirarara fish to bite off the hook, caught, fried, eaten; the elder turns into a wasp, picks up blood, revives youngest; becomes a piranha, bites off, takes the fisherman's hook, brings it to his father]: Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973:232-236; tenetehara [kill two forest spirits; steal a fishing hook from a demon]: Nimuendaju 1915:186-187; Wagley, Galvão 1949, No. 14 [Maira leaves leaving her pregnant wife; she follows him, Maira's son (SM) shows her the way from the womb; asks to disrupt him flower; a wasp bites a woman in the stomach, claps himself trying to kill a wasp; the son thinks his mother hit him, falls silent; the woman sleeps in the Opossum house; he makes a hole in the roof, rain falls on the woman, Opossum suggests to outweigh the hammock closer to him, then move into his dry hammock; this is how the woman conceives the Son of the Possum; SM is dissatisfied; the woman comes to the village of Jaguars, the old woman hides her under with a pot; the Jaguar finds her, the woman turns into a deer, runs away; the Jaguar with the dogs catches up with her; the twins taken out of the belly tries to fry, cook, pierce with a sliver, but only scalds and hurts himself; an old woman makes them her grandchildren; they turn into parrots, macaws, other animals, finally people; one day they search in an old woman's head, tear off her head, throw them to each other, then revive the old woman; a bird Jacques tells them about the death of their mother; they cry, the old woman is told that their eyes are swollen from wasp bites; they build a bridge over a dry swamp, fill the swamp with water, throw straw fans into the water for inflating the fire, they turn into piranhas; invite the Jaguars to fish, step on the bridge, bring it down; the Jaguars are eaten by piranhas; the SM mother encloses the spirit of the one who ate it in a bamboo vessel, gives Maire; he demands proof that the brothers are his children; 1) kill the female spirit Azang; SM sets fire to her long hair, dries the lakes in which Azang tries to extinguish it, Azang burns; 2) kill the male spirit Azang; he cuts down a tree to make a bow and arrows that hit all animals; SM pierces the sharp hand of the spirit into the log, leaves it to die; 3) kill Azang the fisherman; SM in the guise of a surubim fish takes the bait off his hook; brother gets hooked, caught, fried, eaten; SM asks Azang to give him the bones revives his brother; asks his father to break a rock with an arrow; he can't, SM breaks, he is stronger than his father; both are now in the Village of Gods]: 139-140; urubu: Huxley 1956 [Mair in the form of a bird flies over a rotten fruit; a woman comes out of the fetus, he takes her as his wife; she does not believe that the yams, cassava, etc. planted by her husband ripened on the same day; angry M. leaves; the wife follows in his footsteps, the unborn son from the womb shows the way; after spending the night in the Opossum house, the woman conceives a second son; Mair-Mimi (mimi - child) is offended by the mother, falls silent; a woman comes to the village of Jaguars; an old woman hides her under a vessel, the Jaguars find her, eat her; the children are thrown into boiling water, they jump out; the grandmother adopts them; the brothers cut trees into the river, they turn into piranhas and crocodiles; an island is made on the river, fruit trees are built on it, a bridge is built to the island; when the Jaguars cross the bridge for fruit, the brothers cut the bridge, the Jaguars are eaten by aquatic creatures; because Mikur-Mimi ( son of Opossum) hesitated, two were saved; brothers come to M., who gives them bows and arrows; offended by his mother, the brothers throw them into the forest, they turn into snakes; M. wants to know if his children are in front of him; 1) take the bait off Aniang's hook; Mair's son takes the bait, then pulls the forest for laughter; Opossum's son takes the hook in his mouth, is caught, eaten; in the form of an ant, Mair's son collects it bones, revives; 2) go to Grandfather Wind; he is not at home, Mair's son tickles his wife, husband hears her laughter, blows, a tree falls on the brothers; Opossum's son dies, revived by his brother; 3) pass between two converging and diverging grating stones; Mair's son passes, the Son of the Possum is crushed, revived by his brother; M. realizes that the youngest of the brothers is not his son, he tells him to go back between the stones; the son of Possum is crushed again; Mair's son rises to heaven in anger, taking the stones with him; from now on produces thunder; The son of the Possum goes up to his brother]: 217-220; Ribeiro 2002 [Maira took wives three times, each time left; turned the branch into a woman, married; she asks where the water in the vessel comes from, in flour in the pot, M. tells me not to ask; you can hear the sound of axes on the site, M. does not tell me to go there; the wife goes, sees the ax working by itself; when the axe returns home, the woman grabs it, he stops himself work; M. is angry, leaves; the child from the woman's womb tells me to follow, shows the way; the woman spends the night in Mukura's house (opossum), the roof leaks at night, she passes into Mukura's hammock, conceives her second son ; comes to the jaguar village; their mother hides her, the jaguars are found, the old woman asks for the embryos to be given to her; they jump out of the pot, the old woman raises them, the brothers grow up in a few days; Maira's son invites his brother to avenge the death of his mother; makes rivers, cuts off pieces of wood, throws them into the water, which turn into piranhas, snakes, caimans; Maira's son creates peka fruits (cariocara); leads jaguars to collect them; brothers lay the vine like a bridge, cut off on both sides when the jaguar walks along the vine; two escaped, the rest were eaten by aquatic creatures; brothers come to Meira; his {current} wife is angry that he has children from another woman; Maira decides to check if they are his children; throws a fishing rod with a hook, his son bites off the hook, Mukura's son is caught, he leaves a drop of blood; Maira's son is angry with his father, goes up to the sky becomes thunder and lightning; Maira and his wife go south]: 398-406; tupinamba [Mayre-ata goes to travel, his wife cannot accompany him due to pregnancy; follows the son from the womb shows the way; she does not give him any fruit, he is angry, falls silent; goes astray, gets to the Possum; at night he conceives his second son; the possum turns into an opossum; a woman comes to the village of Jaguars; the Jaguar eats it, the twins are thrown into a pile of garbage; one woman picks them up; the twins hunt for her; show the Jaguaram an island in the sea, where they will find many fruits; Jaguars swim there; twins cause a storm; Jaguars drown, turn into jaguars and other cats; twins come to MA, he tests them; 1) walk between crushing rocks; Opossum's son dies; MA's son dies revives him, both pass; 2) take the bait off the hook Agnen 'a; Opossum's son is caught, A. tears him apart; MA's son resurrects him, both take off the bait; the MA recognizes them as their sons]: Thevet: 914-915 in Metraux 1932:135-136.