J58. A chain of arrows, F53. .
Characters fire arrows (darts) that pierce each other and form a chain. They usually take it to the upper world.
Hausa, Vai, Gola, Kaurna, Ualarai, Aranda, Yabim and Tami, Torres Islands, New Hebrides (Aoba, Maewo, Efate), Lepcha, Semangs, Bataks, Ngaju, Palawan, Nanai, Orochi, Udege, Nivhi, koyukon, upper tanana, tagish, inner tlingit, tlingit, hyda, tsimshian, bellacula, heiltsuk, quakiutl, nootka, makah, quarry, shuswap, thompson, lillouette, pentlatch, comox, halkomel, skagit, snohomish, clallam, Puget Sound, okanagon, kalispel, kordalen, sunpual, quinolt, quileout, vasco, clackamas, katlamet, tillamook, kalapuya, cos, alsea, klikitat, yakima, kutene, shikuani, makiritare, wawai, trio, Palicur, Hishkaryana, Oyampi, Maihuna, Coreguaje, Shuar, Napo or Canelo, Letuama, Ocaina, Yagua, Rio Jamunda, Paracana, Tenetehara, Urubu, Shipibo, Conibo, Amahuaca, Chiriguano, Guaraçu, Cumana, Camayura, vaura, iranshe, kayabi, paresi, botokudo, chamakoko, chorote, nivakle, matako, ache, chiripa, mbia.
West Africa. Hausa [three friends named the King of Fighters, the King of Riflemen, the King of Prayers come to marry the girls; after taking their wives, they see that the river has overflowed on the way back; the King of Prayers with prayer spreads the waters, brings his wife dry; Tsar Strelkov shoots a series of arrows that fall on the water, runs over them, holding his wife, behind him the arrows float with the flow (arrows fell upon the stream in a stream, strong line from one bank to the other); The King of Fighters jumped the river with his wife]: Jablow 196:101-102; vai [three twin brothers are sorcerers; one crossed the river by a stream of smoke from his pipes, the other along a thread from a loose ball, the third made a bridge of arrows, launching one after the other]: Ellis 1914, No. 8:191-192; naked [girl rejects suitors; the forest spirit borrows from other different parts of the body, comes handsome, the girl goes with him, he returns the loan, the girl is forced to live in his lair; the girl's mother has twins, goes to look for her sister; by the river one makes a bridge out of arrows, the other crosses in clouds of smoke; they come to their sister, live with her, their two big dogs guard them; while the spirit is gone, the brothers pour rice to the rooster to prevent him from picking up the spirit anxiety, they run away with their sister to their parents; the spirit again appears under the guise of a beautiful woman, one of the brothers takes her as his wife; the wife takes her husband to the forest to collect fruits; when the husband climbs a tree, accepts his true appearance, trying to knock down a tree; the husband restores the tree with witchcraft; so several times; her husband's dogs come running, killing his imaginary wife]: Westermann 1921, No. 20:101-102.
Australia. Kaurna (Adelaide District) [Monana threw darts in all directions; threw it up, he pierced the sky; others followed him, climbed into the sky]: Clarje 1997:128 (=Waterman 1987, No. 3925 (2): 101; original source: Wyatt, Woods 1878:165-166); Yualarai (NW NSW) [two wives left their husband for another man; husband told fire to chase them; lover throws darts into the sky while making a chain, rises to heaven with two wives; they are now visible among the stars]: Parker 1898:11 in Dixon 1916:294; Parker 1905 [briefly the same as Parker 1898]: 97; Adelaide and Encounter Bay [ Monana started throwing darts in all directions; when they pierced each other up, he took this chain to the sky]: Pettazzioni 1924:162-163; Narrinyeri (NSW) [man climbs into the sky , making a chain of darts that pierced one another]: Wyatt 1879:166 in Dixon 1916:294.
Melanesia. Yabim, tami (Melanesians on the coast of Huon Bay, formerly German. N. Guinea) [one brother's wife is another's mistress; a lover flees from her husband in a tree; he knocks down a tree; a lover shoots arrows into the sky, makes a chain, climbs into heaven; takes his mistress with him from toads , tami has his own wife and children, and turns into the Pleiades with them]: Zahn 1911:390 in Hatt 1949:44; Torres Islands [Dilingavuv climbed the Marawhihi people's banana; everyone is afraid of him, but M. shoots his ear with an arrow, D. falls down, goes home; carves his ear out of wood; digs and masks a deep hole; roasts chestnuts, takes out hot bones; people take turns coming up to ask for a chestnut, fall into the hole; D. throws hot bones at them, but M. tells them to sit on the other side; tells them to shoot at the banyan branch, put the next arrow at the tail of this arrow, etc.; people go up chain of arrows]: Codrington 1891, No. 1:373-375 (translated to Permyakov 1970, No. 77:183-185); Aoba: Suas 1912, No. 10a (Fr. Logan) [the wives of the Sun go down to swim; Takaro hides Baniha Mamata's wings, takes her as his wife; she has a young son with her; he turns yam leaves into tubers; mother-in-law swears thinking he is a boy digs up unripe tubers; BM and his son find wings, fly away; T. asks Stork to draw figures of participants in the events on a sheet, throw them in front of the BM; makes a chain of arrows himself, the root winds along it pandanus, T. rises to heaven; BM sends him back, cuts off the root], 10b [planting yams, Muehu Catekale sees small footprints; sees two men and a woman with a child hiding their wings on a plantation to swim; MK takes a woman's wings, marries her; working with her son on the site, they hear rain on their wings, find them, fly away; MK makes a chain of arrows in the sky hides in a tree above his wife, drops her a sheet on which he drew his figure; the son says it is the figure of his father; she sends MK back, asks her to cut off the chain; he tries to make it again, but this fails anymore]: 54-57, 57-60; Dixon 1916 (Whitsuntide Island near Maewo) [when she flew away, the wife took her son with her; T. asked the bird to find them; she sat on a tree under which T.'s wife was, scratched on the fetus threw the portrait of T. to her; the boy recognized the portrait of his father; the woman asked me to tell him what he would take T. back if he reached the sky; he started shooting, made a chain of arrows; the root descended from the sky banyan, wrapped his arrows, took root in the ground; T. and the bird climbed into the sky; T.'s wife agreed to go down, but after him; cut off the root; T. fell, his wife and son returned to heaven]: 139; Efate (New Hebrides) [heavenly maidens went down fishing, a man stole the wings of one of them, she gave birth to Maka Tafaki and Karisi Bum; her husband began to treat her badly; sons found her wings, she flew away; sons they made a chain of arrows, climbed into heaven; a blind old woman was cooking six yam tubers, the brothers slowly hid one; the old woman realized that they were her grandchildren, named them; they found the mother]: MacDonald 1898:765-767 in Lessa 196:129-130; Maewo [heavenly women came to swim, left their wings on the shore; Qat hid one pair, married a woman; when she touched a sweet potato leaf, all the sweet potatoes were dug up; touched the banana - all the bananas were ripe; K.'s mother began to scold her; the wife cried, tears washed the hole, she saw her husband's wings buried, flew away; K. began to let her into the sky arrows one in the tail of the other, forming a chain; the root of the fig tree wrapped around it, reached the sky; K. got up, took his wife, began to descend; the man in the sky dug the root of the fig tree, the chain of arrows collapsed; K. crashed, wife returned to heaven]: Codrington 1891, No. 9:397-398 (quoted in Lessa 1961:129; translated into Permyakov 1970, No. 54:137-138).
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Lepcha [at ra so pu nu (PN), king of ra zo, wife of shing ra ni pun di (PD); she washed her hair in the stream, one carried water to the land of mungs (evil spirits); hair appeared there in the form of a rainbow; the king of the mungs sent his sister to look for the mistress of the hair; she flew in as a crow, then tried to persuade PD to leave her husband as a woman; she refused; while PD was hunting, the Mung king sent warriors, they brought PD together with the room she's locked in; PN goes in search; the black monkey fights the white monkey, PD kills the black monkey; the monkey king surrounds his palace with a lake; the monkey king tells PN to shoot at wooden painting above the entrance to the palace, arrows pierce each other's tails; monkeys cross, carry PN, dismantle the bridge; the monkey king throws seed, mango grows to PD room, monkey king brings PD to her husband; Mungi warriors rush at him, he bounces, they kill each other; they catch the monkey king; he replies that you can kill him if you put his tail in oil and set him on fire; runs with the burning with his tail, the palace burns down, the monkey king extinguishes his tail in the lake; the monkeys killed all the mungs; they cursed the monkeys, they died at night, except for the king and queen; the monkeys were revived; the feast, PN awarded the monkeys] : Siiger 1967, No. 2:215-218.
Malaysia-Indonesia. Semangs [Tapern, his wife Jalang, his younger brother Bajiaig, Bajiaig's wife Jamoi fled to heaven from the war between Siamang and Mawas; they climbed a chain of darts thrown by T. into the clouds from wind gun; now all four are heavenly deities]: Evans 1937:14; Endicott 1979 (batek; same at Aring) [Gobar thunder has released a series of earthen (clay?) wind balloons; they formed a chain, using which he climbed into the sky]: 164; bataks [someone made a huge sarbakan out of hollowed out tree trunks, fired a dart out of it, piercing it sky; throwing one dart in the tail of another, made a chain to the ground]: Voorhoeve 1927:51, 142 in Fischer 1932:222, 237; ngaju: Schärer 1966:48-53 [when Panjat sowed rice on the hill, the sun It burned him when the flood took him away by the river; his mother gave him rice, he put it on a cloth to dry, the wind threw it into the water; P. went to the poisonous tree, which replied that his poison would work in half a day; another tree said that birds can't sit on its branches, animals die if they approach; P. poison it with darts, throws seven darts into the sky, they turn into a vine, he rises, Djangkarang Matanandau comes to the sun, asks him to shine and hide in the clouds regularly, not as he pleases; DM is angry, ready to fight, but P. kills a lot of him with poisonous sarbakan darts humans and animals (all of them in black means cloudy; when it's sunny, everything is red, the transition time is white); DM is frightened, promises to alternate between dry and rainy seasons; K. returns home, since then the weather has been predictable; the sun has moved away from the ground, no one else has risen to the sky], 124-138 [(the motif of the chain of arrows on p. 125-126); Ranjung Mahatala Langit told the man and his wife descend from heaven to earth ("to the bank of the river of peace" {common formula}); a man became a chief, their daughter was married by Djangga (Month, Chief of Men on the Moon), visits his wife every new moon; she is pregnant, during this time sex is limited, he is offended, says that the earth smells bad, leaves, leaving seven arrows for his son to be born; he will have to tie seven silver bamboos, climb them, release them darts from sarbakan to the sky, they form a chain, it will turn into a vine, and he will take it to the gates of heaven; D. himself rose in the same way; because his father left his pregnant wife (this is taboo) a half-son was born (vertically), his name is Silai; the mother tells us who his father is, advises him to go to his father's brother Sun first; S. comes to the orangutan leader, who sends ravens to the leader; he asks bring a boa constrictor to eat on the way; S. sits on a crow, throws pieces into its beak, which brings it to the gates of heaven; on the way, S. saves drowning ants left in a drying pond of fish, entangled in vines, a deer, a monkey stuck between branches, frees a monkey lost on land by a firefly from the web; Uncle S., the sun chief (Djangkarau Matanandau), brings him to the lunar village; Month calls S. a geek, a liar; offers tests; 1) separate water, oil, ash, sand mixed in the vessel (ants, fish separate); 2) pave a path to the forest garden without scratching (S. goes there and back on the deer's back); 3) climb a tall tree (a monkey dressed as S. climbs); 4) win boat races (a crocodile pulls S.'s boat); 5) go to the box at night in a dark house where he, Month, sleeps ( firefly shows); The month recognizes S. as a son; cuts four times, cooks, sculpts again; for the first time S. becomes a black dwarf, then red, then a rooster, then a strongman, handsome; on the contrary Way Month gives S. a treasure box, tells him not to open it on the way; he opens it, cannot put it back, asks Uncle Sun for help, promises a gift; the Sun puts the treasures back, agrees take the promised gift not from S., but from his Brother Month; the guardian of the sky lowers S. to the ground on a golden rope, he becomes the ruler of Majapahit, the ancestor of those Ngaju with lighter skin; the Sun comes to Demanding a gift for a month, he does not give when they fight, eclipses occur]; palawan [Married Sovka for a month; promised to return from fishing in a day; if he is gone for two days, then his bitten by a poisonous fish; A month comes back in two days, the wife is lying in bed, does not listen to him, repeats that the Month is dead, bitten by a poisonous fish; A month cooks and eats caught fish, shoots at the sky from the sarbakan, making a chain of darts, climbs it; seeing her husband in the sky and the fish cooked, the wife believes that it was the Month, cries; animals and birds are consistently called to deliver her by the Month, planted on its back; the hornet rises into the air, but sees the Solanum inequilaterale bush, descends to it, says that this is the sky; the monitor lizard leaves the woman on top of a dry tree; the dung beetle leaves the woman on top of a dry tree; the dung beetle in Raja's latrine; Osprey picks up for the Month; when he goes swimming, he warns his wife that if she looks and sees kuhung bulan mushrooms (below), she should not go down, they're mushrooms, not him; she looks sees mushrooms, thinks it's a Month, jumps down, crashes, turns into a scoop, screams into a full moon ever since]: Macdonald 2005:77-78.
Amur-Sakhalin. Nanai [the seven Mergen Brothers have a younger sister Pudin; the brothers say that flocks of cannibal squirrels will now arrive, hide P. in a hole near the hearth, lubricate all household items with wild interior fat beast, forgot a torn fishskin sneaker; a bag of beast blood is placed on the sisters's chest; throwing arrows one in the tail of the other, they make a chain of arrows, go up to heaven; the sneaker gives out to squirrels, where P., those they pierce spears at the hearth, one is bloody, they think they killed P., they leave; P. harnesses the dog into sledges, leaves; the sledge turned its bump, the Frog came out from under it, P. asked to spend the night; complains that frogs interfere, the Frog replies that they are her relatives; two Mergen come, P. did not have time to put on her robe, turned into a red branch; the eldest M. sat on the Frog's can, the youngest took a red branch, began to cut, blood flowed; the eldest took the Frog, she put on P.'s robe; P. remained to tie the wound; the younger M. forgot the knife, came back, married P., they caught up with the Frog and the elder M., P. took his robe, gives her fish skin; before that, the Frog asks hazel, reddened, bird cherry, everyone says that she is ugly in any robe; The frog replies that he will make them kindling, toys for children, cleaning chips; Mergen's parents cover the floor with silk, the Frog walks on it, P. turns so as not to get dirty; father-in-law wants to warm up, the Frog heats the stove, sparks fly to his father-in-law; P. asks send the brothers good firewood, the bundle falls from the sky, the father-in-law is happy; The frog serves the father-in-law frog caviar, P. - porridge and butter that the brothers threw off; the father-in-law wants to see the relatives of the daughters-in-law, Frog brings frogs, brothers to P., give silk and fur clothes, return to heaven; The frog swallows spoons, ladles to simulate pregnancy, she is driven away, she jumps into the lake; P. gives birth to a son- heir]: Hodger 2011:67-77; Orochi: Arsenyev 1995 (1) [Egde hunted, broke the squirrel's leg, she promised to come for an answer; E. smeared oil on the whole tree, hid his sister (at the end she was named Bolige) in the ground under the fire, began to shoot arrows into the sky, they pierced each other's tail, E. hit them into the sky; squirrels came, all objects were silent, there was an old street in the corner, it was not smeared, he said where B. ; squirrels pricked the fire with a spear, but E. poured blood in advance; when they saw blood on their spear, the squirrels decided that they had killed B., left; B. broke the street, came to the house where Gilenyr's owner; he still laughs, she asks if she doesn't want to whether he should marry her; I agree if G. leaves a bunch of fish and fish are arranged one by one; (apparently, G. did); came to his mother; she tells him to make a seven-legged shovel out of birch bark so that she herself came home and brought birch bark; he made it, the old woman and B. made a farce out of birch bark; B. sat on a shovel, covered it with birch bark; put it on the ice, carried B. with a shovel; the frog invited B. to her bump; She drove out a lizard, a snake, and more frogs; but B. made her birch bark farce; two brothers came, the Frog said that it was just her and the dog; B. hid under the reeds; the youngest began to slaughter it, bleed; the elder took the Frog and all his possessions; the youngest said he forgot the knife, came back, B. was naked there; he repaired her frog clothes; they caught up with her older brother and the Frog; B. took her Frog's clothes; the brothers' father asks the Frog to cook chumiza, she cooks sand; tells B. to cook; she did not know where the chumiza was, went to the taiga, her seven brothers gave her chumiza, did not tell her where she got it; gave her porridge and To the frog, the porridge is hot; the father-in-law told B. to bring firewood, again the brothers gave it; the father-in-law went with B., she showed him her brothers, he was happy; they ordered not to send B. to the forest anymore; the old man and B. began to live well , The frog was driven away]: 122-125; Margaritov 1888 [knocking down pegs (a type of game) with a stick, seven brothers accidentally injure a squirrel that comes to play with them; she promises revenge by bringing other squirrels; brothers they hide their sister under the hearth, putting a bag of blood on top; they shoot arrows into the sky, they pierce each other's tail, forming a chain; they climb into the sky, the youngest is the last, picking up arrows; the old boots give the squirrels how the brothers left, where the sister is hidden; the squirrels pierce the wineskin, think they have killed the girl, leave; the sister goes to look for brothers, comes to the Frog; she takes her clothes, puts her on; the girl hides inside a stick; two brothers come, the eldest sits next to the Frog, the youngest by the stick, scolds her with a knife, blood comes on her; the eldest leaves with the Frog, the youngest returns for a knife, finds a naked girl, she does not have time to hide in the stick again, tells her story; in her older brother's house, the Frog shows his brothers' father-in-law - they are frogs; he drives away his daughter-in-law; the girl calls her brothers, Enduri sends them from heaven; they give them rich clothes, visit for three days, return to heaven; the girl is recognized as the wife of her younger brother]: 29 (quail in Voskoboynikov, Menovshchikov 1951:403-405, Sanghi 1989; 285-287); Udege people [hunter Egda broke the squirrel's leg, she promised to come for an answer; he hid his sister under the hearth, pouring blood on top, smeared the whole tree in the house oil, began to shoot arrows into the sky, which pierced one another, went up to heaven; when he saw blood, the squirrels thought they had stabbed his sister; she came to Gilenyt, he wanted to marry her, she left on the ice on a shovel; the Frog invited her to live with her, she gave her her jewelry; two brothers came, she became grass, one took the Frog, the other cut the grass, noticed blood, came back for a knife, took the girl, The frog had to give her her jewelry and clothes, take hers; The frog tramples on her father-in-law's expensive bed, the girl folds it; The frog cooks sand, brings crackling firewood, brings a lizard, a snake, a frog - his own relatives; seven brothers give their sister chumiz, cut good firewood, show themselves to their father-in-law; The frog is expelled to the swamp]: Arsenyev, manuscript in Lebedev et al. 1998, No. 107:474-476; nivkhi [poor young man lay motionless in the mud in the house; the woman called him; he got up, went breaking trees; went downstream, fell into the trap of an evil spirit, made to the size of a human figure; cilantro and steel flew to argue whose trap and whose prey; a cilantro woman took him to a house with cilantro; he was chained in iron, put two dogs to guard; next to him, in shackles, an elderly man, the son of the mountain owner, and a young man and sister - children of the master of heaven; the man put cilantro to sleep with a song, ordered the iron mouse to gnaw through the shackles, ripped open the stomach of a huge old woman, a chest in it, a snake and a lizard in the chest, the man trampled on them, there were seven eggs in it; he cilantro breaks these eggs against the bridge of the nose, they die; far into the sea, a hanging barn, in which the daughter of the master of the sea, will marry whoever gets to her; a man fires an arrow, it pierces the barn wall; then others, they pierce each other's tails; he runs across them like a bridge, taking them off with him; a woman puts a hundred needles at him, then something else, then disappears; he beat everything off, slashed it with a knife, woman appeared, he married her, returned with her to the people he had saved, took a second wife, the daughter of the master of heaven (he bit off her little finger and swallowed it, and now he regurgitated); he has one wife from heaven, the other from the sea, from both sons are still mighty than their father]: Pevnov 2010, No. 4:105-114; (cf. The Udege [Huna Ziti's seven brothers disappear one by one; she comes to the cannibal; at night she tries to pour hot lead fat into her ear; H. does not sleep, does not let; the cannibal falls asleep, H. pours fat on her, finds her brothers' bodies, revives it by mixing the same potion with water; the next time the brothers disappear into the sea one by one; the tit tells her to throw crushed birch bark into the sea; for aquatic life these are clothes, H. hears children's voices, everyone asks for clothes; a whale with human hands pops up; a tit tells them to be cut off; swallowed people come out of their sleeves; H. rips open the whale's belly, the rest of the people come out from there, inhabit the earth; brothers H. also come out; the younger one kills the squirrel, the shamanic spirit; H. tells the brothers to hide in the sky, hides in the ash herself; each brother seven times it shoots into the sky, it goes down, they climb in, the sky rises; hordes of squirrels are looking for H., old torn boots give it away (so you can't store worn shoes); squirrels have scratched H., but the ash blinded them, they left; the brothers went down, made X. winged skis, she flew them, found seven girls, brought them to their brothers as wives; H. flies away, finds her husband, gives birth to a son, gives him what he received from her brothers gifts; the boy finds his mother's brothers, they recognize him by their gifts; everything is fine]: Podmaskin, Kireeva 2010:138-141; Nanai [seven brothers go hunting; their younger sister goes to fetch water, to A hare rushes to her, she runs into the house, the hare digs into her chest, drinks blood, runs away; the girl breaks her older brother's cup so as not to forget to tell her what happened, but forgets; the next day she cuts her finger is the same; she is losing weight; her younger brother is watching, does not notice the hare; the next one hurts him; on a bloody trail comes to the old man and the old woman; they say that the hare, damn it, went to call for char other devils; brothers hide their sister in a hole under the hearth, forget to give porridge to the youngest of the Burkhans, who shows the hell where the girl is; the devils agree to leave her with the old people to feed ; they send her on sledges to a rich woman; she marries successfully]: Shimkevich 1896:67-70).
Subarctic. Koyukon [contrary to the rule, a menstruating girl leaves her little sister in the cradle for the night; goes out to the potlach participants; a baby girl kills everyone by sucking her heart sleeping and lungs, chases her sister; she crosses a river on a log; the stalker asks how the sister crossed; she shows the log, pushes it when the pursuer steps on it; the cannibal girl swallows a pike, it turns into a pike's liver; a girl comes to an empty village, gropes into the house in the dark, stumbles upon an ogre who has eaten all the inhabitants, runs away; he comes to her fire, eats up a murdered child; she sticks an awl near his head so as not to fall asleep; in the morning she puts hot coals in his shoes, mittens and park; goes for firewood, ties the rope that the cannibal tied to her to the fir; runs away; a cannibal comes up, he is cold without clothes, she hits him from behind and from the front, a blackbird and a snipe fly out, people don't eat them; a man comes up to her, says that his first wife is angry (she is a she-wolf) and he It would be better to visit her here; builds her a house; kills an angry wife, brings the girl to him; they have a son; the husband finds his wife murdered, finds only someone's footprints on a log, which means that the murderer has descended from heaven; makes arrows by splitting fir, making a chain of arrows, it turns into fir to the sky; he climbs into the sky, gives three old women ear pendants, who tell us where the killers went; kills murderers, tears off old women's pendants along with their ears, goes down to the ground, cuts down fir; his son says that he became friends with his older brother, a son from his first wife, who went to live separately when his father brought new; wolf son leaves]: Attla 1983:173-211; inner tlingits [man lost everything; wife advises him to marry the daughter of the Sun; he sees smoke over the grass, there is a door to a big house, in it Little Knowing Old Woman; she gives the man birdskin, a piece of ice, a whetstone, a bow and 8 arrows; he hears laughter in the clouds, shoots arrows, they dig into one another's tail, form a chain, he climbs it into the sky, puts on the skin of a blue jay; girls swing on a swing, chase a jay; puts on a hummingbird skin, the youngest catches a bird, takes it to bed, in the morning sisters see a man next to him; their father -The sun offers his son-in-law a test of heat; a man takes a piece of ice in his mouth, unharmed; The sun tells him not to cheat on his daughter, not to meet his ex-wife; man descends from the new earth to earth; everyone the day goes to get water; one day she meets his first wife, she scolds her; when he returns, the daughter of the Sun puts a feather in a bucket of water, the water has become cloudy, the wife returns to her father; causes terrible heat, everything people died, also a man, because he held a piece of ice and a whetstone in his mouth; he returned to heaven to the daughter of the Sun]: McClennan 2007 (3), No. 136:617-620; upper tanana [before going to bed Marten pees on a star; for this, the Stars kidnap him; his friend Lynx shoots at the sky, makes a chain of arrows, climbs into the sky, finds Marten, both go down, destroy the stairs; the Stars decide to make the Otter their own friend; when Marten is about to shoot an Otter, the Stars kill him]: McKennan 1959:211-212; tagish [8 brothers saw a mouse, began to push him into the water, the youngest saved her; he has an unloved wife- muddy; she invites him to marry the daughter of the Sun; he sees smoke on the grass, enters a tiny house, there is an old woman; he falls asleep when he wakes up in a big house, the old woman has cooked a lot of food ; she gives him a piece of ice, a whetstone, two pieces of dried fish, tells him to bring blue jay and hummingbird skins, buttercup stems, branches of various trees; in a clearing, shoot an arrow from a buttercup stalk into the sky, then the second, then fire the rest of the arrows, they form a ladder to the sky; when he climbs it, he drags the stairs with him; he hears the bell ringing, it's the daughters of the Sun swinging on a swing (before that, people did not know what a swing was); wearing a jay skin, she flies up to the daughters of the sun, drives him away; then she flies up in the form of a hummingbird, the youngest sister catches him, the eldest buys hummingbirds from her for a spoon of abalone shells; sisters wake up in the morning, the man lies between them; the Sun sends a slave to find out what the daughters are doing, who reports that they are with a man; sisters tell the person that there are many men they tried to marry them, but their father killed everyone; the Sun sends his son-in-law to bring water, there are two eagles on the way, a man throws food for them, they let him in; the sun puts the man in the cauldron, cooks for a long time, but he is safe clinging to the lid of the cauldron in the form of a hummingbird and holding a piece of ice; (hereinafter referred to as the pass in the recording; the sun sends the eldest daughter with the man to the ground, gives a pen; if the husband is not faithful, the pen will get wet); they come to boat to the man's parents; he sends his younger brother to bring his wife, but the boy sees only a ray of sunlight in the boat; the ray enters the house, then turns into a woman; the first wife is jealous, clutches when he went to get water, she was scratched; the daughter of the Sun saw that the pen was wet; it turns into a ray of sunlight, disappears; the next morning the heat intensifies; the first to die was the former wife, she jumped into the water; the world burned down; only that man, his brother and sister, and their spouses hid under the river cliff, they had that piece of ice; the Sun's daughter's husband returned to her, the rest stayed on earth]: McClelland 2007 (2), No. 53: 282-288.
NW Coast. The Tlingits [eight brothers go to heaven when their dog is chased by a cloud; shoot down, go down a chain of arrows; younger brother goes down the river in a boat]: De Laguna 1972:876; Swanton 1909, No. 56 [a good-kind young man compares a month to his mother's labret; A month picks it up, hangs it in the chimney of his house; a young man's friend shoots a star, makes a chain of arrows, she turns into a ladder, he goes up to heaven; frees the prisoner; the old woman gives him burdock (devil's club), rose hips, whetstone; the Month pursues fugitives; young men throw objects that turn into thickets burdock, rose hips, steep cliff; old woman tells young men to think about the place where they played on earth; they wake up at home]: 209-212; Hyda (Skidgate): Swanton 1905:76-78 [sister kills one for the other seven brothers, stabbing a sharp wand in their ass at night; the youngest escapes, shoots into the sky, climbs a chain of arrows], 142-143 [the nephew takes his uncle's wife as a mistress; he causes a flood; a young man shoots arrows into the sky, climbs up a chain of arrows; turns into a hemlock needle in a pond; the leader's daughter swallows it along with the water; the old man sees her baby getting up at night, taking it out sleeping villagers eyes, eating them; the chief breaks the floor of the house, throws the child down; he, in the form of a crow, lands on a lonely pole; splits it, the waters of the flood go away], 353-355 [the woman promises to go out for a young man if he rips out his hair; then eyebrows, mustaches, etc.; finally refuses; he makes a chain of arrows, goes up to heaven; the Month is his grandfather, combs and washes him, making him beautiful; he goes back, does not look at his former lover; she dies of grief]; Tsimshian [speaking to the star, the young man says that she must be cold; the young man disappears; the woman on the mountain says to his father that the Star took his son, hung him in the chimney above hot sparks; a man shoots at the sky, makes a chain of arrows, climbs it into the sky; the counter advises to replace his son with a wooden figure; father pays for advice with tobacco, red paint, and sling stones; tries different types of trees; a yellow cedar figure hung over a fire screams the longest; the father replaces his son with a doll, takes him away; throws tobacco, paint, pebbles, the stalker rushes to pick them up; the father lowers his son to the ground]: Boas 1902:86-93; bellacula: Boas 1895, no. XXII.2 [people mock a boy without a father; that makes a chain of arrows, climbs into heaven, comes to his Sun Father; he sends him instead of himself; he goes down too low, the earth burns; his father throws him down, he turns into a hole], XXII/3 [ as in (XXII/2); Norka deliberately descends to punish those who have been cruel to him]: 246-247; 1898:69-70 [The sun sends Tecomnol and its three brothers to earth; brothers are killed; T. comes to the Sun, gives birth his son Sqol ("wasp"); the Sun sends them back to earth; the children laugh at S. as if he is ugly; he makes a chain of arrows, rises, complains to his father; the Sun tells him to go down his own eyelashes, rays; wipes his face, drops of sweat fall on the house where the offenders live, it lights up; they jump into the water, but the water boils; the sun wipes his face again, the fire stops; since then, people have treated S. respectfully], 95-97 [the girl rejects the grooms, goes to the Sun, immediately gives birth to a son named Totkoaya; he grows up quickly, wants to see his mother's parents; the Sun lowers his wife and son on the ground on his eyelashes (= rays); children tease T. that he does not have a father; T. shoots at the sky, makes a chain of arrows, goes up to the Sun; asks him to be vilified by torches; he tells him to be vilified in the morning and evening light only the little ones; T. lights everything at once, the earth burns, the water is boiling; the ermine has climbed into the hole, the tip of the tail has turned black; the mountain sheep hid in the cave, remain white; many animals have turned black, but they kept lighter hair on their bellies; the Sun threw T. on the ground, turned it into a hole; caused a sea flood, people escaped on the mountain tops; the water descended, people settled on the ground again; the Sun taught how to use meat, skins, etc., parts of different animals], 100-103 [a woman picked berries, got lost, Stump took her to her place, married her; a woman who grew into the floor of his house gives her an awl, tells her to pick them up toads that Stump has in their hair instead of lice bite their nails, pretending to bite through toads; says that Stump's night pot is his watchman; gives a urine bubble, a comb, a whetstone; a woman drills holes under the corolla; when the pot screams, its voice is weak, but the Stump still hears, rushes in pursuit; the woman throws objects, they turn into a lake, a thicket, a mountain; a woman runs to heaven to the Sun, that burns a stalker; a woman gives birth to the Sun an ugly son; wants to go home; mother and son go down the eyelashes, the rays of the Sun; the children laugh at the boy; he shoots, makes a chain of arrows, goes up to father, ask for permission to perform his duties; lights all the torches at once; the earth burns, the rocks are cracking, people are dying, only his mother's house is cool; the sun throws his son to the ground, makes him a burrow]; McIlwraith 1948 (2): 499-500 [father kicks daughter out of the house; she comes to the Sun, spends the night with him, comes back; children tease her son because he has no father; mother advises him to shoot at the sky by doing a chain of arrows; his father gives him the right to be the sun; wanting to destroy people, he descends closer to the ground, everything burns; his father breaks him into pieces, they turn into mosquitoes]; Heiltzuk: Boas 1895, No. XXI.2 [(=2002:485); a boy asks his mother about his father, she says he is far away; a boy cries; a man named Shooter gives him a bow and arrow; a boy shoots at the sky, makes a chain of arrows, climbs upstairs; the current wife of the Sun says he will come soon; the Sun is happy to his son, wants to hand over his duties to him, tells him not to go down too quickly; the son does not listen, puts on the clothes of the sun, the rocks melt, the sea dries up, the shells have turned black; the sun throws his son to the ground, turns him into a hole]: 234; 1916, No. 6 [the boy makes a chain of arrows, climbs into the sky; the Sun adopts him; tells him not to play with the sun far from home, do not walk fast wearing a sun mask; he breaks prohibitions, the world lights up; the Sun hits him, turning him into a hole]: 885-886; 1928 [like a quakiutl; Norka asks the Archer to make a chain of arrows; The sun gives his son its mask, tells him to go slowly; Mink is going faster, the world lights up]: 3-7; Quakiutl: Boas 1895, No. XVIII.1.6-7 (neveti group, tlatlasicoala subgroup) [Norka wishes for a boat with women to capsize; dives, sealing their genitals with resin; a raccoon asks who can cure women; Mink is called to do so; removes resin by copulating with each of the women; all become pregnant; he sails away with his son in a boat; pretends that his nose insert has fallen into the water, dives; the wife sees that Norka is not looking for an insert, but eats seals (Seehunde), swims away; he asks to leave him his bow and arrows; shoots at the sky, makes a chain of arrows; comes to his father, the Sun; he asks him to carry the sun disk (this is a nose pendant) instead of him; tells him not to stray above and below otherwise the earth will freeze or burn; the mink descends, the sea is boiling, the forests are burning; the Sun has thrown it to the ground, turning it into a hole]: 172-173 (=2002:381-382); 1910, No. 12 [The sun fertilizes a woman with its ray, she gives birth to Norka; Blue Jay tells him he has no father; mother explains that his father is the Sun; Mink shoots at the sky, a chain of arrows turns into a rope; Mink comes to his father; Sun says that he is tired, wants to keep his son for himself, tells him not to look straight down on the way; in the afternoon, Norka watches, the world lights up; the sun drops Norka down, he falls into the water (turns into a hole?) ; since then, the rocks are cracked, there is no good forest on the mountains]: 123-127; Wallace, Whitaker 1981 [a woman conceives from the sun, gives birth to Nork, other children call him faultless; his mother says his the father is the Sun; his uncle makes him a bow and four arrows; the mink shoots from the hill into the sky, the first arrow pierces the sky, the others into each other's tail; the chain does not reach the ground, Mink attaches a bow to it; arrows and onions turn into a rope made from cedar bark; the Sun says he is old, invites Norka to replace him, gives him his mask, tells him not to go down too quickly to the ground; hearing people complain that the sun is not enough, Norka goes down, everything burns; the sun throws it to the ground, it falls into the water; so the mink swims well, like its mother is a sea lion]: 65-68; Nootka: Boas 1895, No. XIII.12 [ a girl swims in the lake, takes her breath away with a second person on the back of her head; one of them is always watching her; she gives birth to his son; every time one of her ten brothers comes for her, the son tells her father he kills a young man; the brothers' mother cries, her tears and snot turn into a boy Anthine ("made of snot"); he kills a monster and his son with arrows; the sky was close to the ground; A. makes a chain of arrows, climbs into heaven; quietly takes food from two blind snail women; restores their sight; they help him overcome challenges and marry the daughter of a heavenly leader; see motif K27]: 116-117 (=2002:270- 274); 1916, No. 6 [see motif L40; A boy out of snot shoots arrows into the sky, climbs a chain of arrows; makes two blind Old Ducks sighted; in gratitude, they advise him to follow a narrow path leading to his father's house, not along the wide path leading to dangerous animals; on a narrow path he should not eat a dangerous woman's food; he comes to his father, who gives him salmon and candlefish; when he returns to the ground, he places fish in rivers]: 907-908; Sapir, Swadesh 1939, No. 21 [see motif J57, motif L40; after killing a cannibal, a young man shoots arrows into the sky; a chain of arrows turns into a rope; he rises to heaven; rubs his penis the eyes of blind women, making them sighted; they teach him to overcome obstacles]: 97-101; Nootka (south west coast of Vancouver) [see motive L41; after killing the cannibal and her husband, Eut-le-Ten became chief; decided marry the daughter of a heavenly leader; ordered arrows to be prepared; shooting at the sky, he made a chain; in the sky, two blind old women are preparing food, E. quietly intercepts it, they quarrel; he confesses, makes them holes in his eyes, restoring his sight; old women give him the strength to overcome challenges; turning into the puddle of tears from which he once arose, E. overcomes the lake with frogs, cod (she grabs the light in time of eclipses), two snakes; breaks the stakes he should have run into; unharmed in the fire; turns into a puddle of tears when a log rolls at him; gets a wife; later returns to earth]: Carmichael 2006:37-41; poppies [see motif L39; Snot shoots at the sky, makes a rope out of arrows; goes to marry two daughters of the Month; meets two blind women, they help carry out errands father-in-law; 1) two cods hang in the door of the house of the Month, bite the incoming ones (Snot slips through, turning into snot, becomes human again); 2) Eats lizards, snakes, frogs for a month (Snot pretends to eat also, he eats the root given by women himself); 3) He makes a large fire for a month (Snot throws the root into the fire, moderating the flame; continues to sit still; The month allows him to marry); 4) A month asks his son-in-law get a wedge out of a split log; the log closes, the Snot turns into snot; then again into a person); The month no longer tries to kill him]: Densmore 1939:212-213.
The coast is the Plateau. Quarry [a cannibal seals her children's eyes with resin, takes it away in a basket; one runs away, talks; parents cry; a woman's tear turns into something alive; she puts it under her clothes, gives birth to a boy; he goes to look for a cannibal; climbs a tree; the cannibal takes his reflection for her own, enjoys his beauty; he laughs; she promises not to eat him, but to make him a husband, leads him to herself; he promises make it beautiful; to do this, you have to put your head on a stone, hit others on top; he kills her; revives the dead from their bones; in the village he shoots arrows into the sky, they form a chain; he climbs on sky; then arrows fall down]: Jenness 1934, No. 17:164-165; shuswap [Fish and Birds, led by Black Bear and Wolverine, fight against the inhabitants of the sky; only the Wren arrow pierces the sky; the warriors of the earth climb a chain of arrows; the Bear quarrels with Wolverine, knocks him down on the ground; the earthlings are broken, the stairs fall, the Pisces and Birds jump down; Pisces and Birds who fall on the rocks maimed: the sematsai fish skull flattened, kwaak broke its jaw, tcoktcitcin bleed his mouth, sucker broke all bones (the origin of the anatomical features of fish species); those left in the sky are killed, become stars]: Boas 1895, No. 3 (ntlakyapamuk) [short version]: 17; Teit 1909a, No. 57:749; Thompson: Boas 1895, No. II.3 [(short excerpt); birds have decided to go to war against the inhabitants of the sky; steel shoot arrows into the sky to make a chain; only a wren's arrow pierced the sky; the animals climbed into the sky; then only a part of the animals were able to return]: 17 (=2002:86); Teit 1912a [inhabitants of the sky (including Grizzly, Black Bears, Moose) kidnap Swan's wife; only Wren's arrow reaches the sky, he makes a chain of arrows; the inhabitants of the earth climb up, are defeated, come back; the chain breaks, some animal people stay in the sky forever]: 212; lillouette [like Thompson]: Teit 1912b, No. 12:311; pentlatch [the young man shoots arrows, they pierce the tail alone another, he turns them into a rope, climbs it into heaven; comes to his grandmother Kalmar, who gives him tar; comes to the Ducks, they are blind, they give him roots, he splashes them with water, they see the light, they fly away; the only thing left to say is that he should not give a hand to his older, middle sisters, they have teeth in their vagina, but give him the youngest; he comes to three sisters, sleeps with the younger; the older ones give him fish bones, the youngest good food; girls' father agrees to give the youngest]: Thompson, Egesdal 2008:90-96; Comox (chatloltk): Boas 1895, No. 2 [Tar catches fish at night, his wife calls him home at dawn; one day lingers, he melts in the sun; his two sons make a chain of arrows, climb into the sky, kill the Sun with arrows; the youngest becomes the Month, the eldest becomes the Sun], 3 [two brothers make a chain of arrows, they climb into heaven and marry the leader's two daughters; they steal food from two blind old women; make them sighted, they turn into Ducks; advise you to look for a one-legged old man; he gives 1) put flat stones under themselves, to sit on the porcupine bench, 2) put rods in wives to break their vaginal teeth; brothers marry safely; women have had vaginas without teeth ever since; see motive K27]: 64-65, 65-68; chalkomel (lower reaches of Fraser) [Woodpecker and Eagle brothers, both have sons; Woodpecker's wife has teeth in her vagina; Coyote is jealous of young men, turns his wife's excrement into waterfowl; she lures her sons Woodpecker and Eagle are far upstream; they go to heaven, they are captured; various animals and birds try to climb to heaven in vain; Woodpecker's wife's uncle makes a chain of arrows, it turns into a path; the first ancestors climb into heaven, fight celestials, free young men, return; destroy the chain of arrows before the Snail descends; it jumps, has been boneless and slow ever since; Eagle and The woodpecker cut the supports of the Coyote house, the house collapsed, the Coyote and his wife died; the bear decided to avenge the Coyote; turned into a dog, came to the Robin Girl, hid; the eldest sons of Eagle and Woodpecker came to her marry, the Bear killed them; the same with the middle sons; the younger ones grow up, train; Raccoon helps them get between a quartz woman and a Grizzly woman (they start fighting); Grizzly, then also Lynx them chased; a seagull carries a boat across the river; when the Grizzly approaches, the Seagull makes a hole in the boat, water is collected, the Grizzly dies from cold water before the boat docks to the opposite bank; there are two blind women, the Duck and the Partridge, who are Norka's wives; he decided to help them; he pretended to be dying, ordered himself to be buried; when he found out that only the Partridge was loyal to him, he left only her wife; Bison - guardian of the entrance to the world of the dead; he missed the son of the Woodpecker and the son of the Eagle; the dead are playing; those who came took the brothers, brought them home, they came to life; the son of the Eagle married a Thrush woman; she cheated on him with his uncle Woodpecker; Eagle's son left; at the festival she spat in the baskets, which were filled with berries; Salmon came with his slave Thunderbird; he stole Thrush and put them in a boat; Woodpecker and Mink took the form of salmon, climbed to the top of the Thunderbird; he let the Thrush clean them; the salmon all fell off the shelf, became so dirty that the Thunderbird told them to be thrown away; the thrush went into the water, the salmon became Mink and Woodpecker , took it away; etc.]: Boas 1895, No. III.3:30-34 (=2002:111-121); Skagit: Haeberlin 1924, No. 11 [fire owners live in heaven; Fox asks Woodpecker to make a chain of arrows; Beaver pretends to be dead, blows fire away; heavy Bears tear the chain; The spider lowers animal people to the ground]: 389-391; Hilbert 1985 [a man makes a boat, picks unripe berries, they take it to heaven; terrestrial inhabitants let it in up the arrow, only Chickady manages to make a chain; she hardens, the Woodpecker makes steps on it; animals, birds, fish climb up; it's cold upstairs, Malinovka warms up by the fire, her breast turns red; Beaver distracts attention by climbing to the top; while it's fresh, others find the boat builder; everyone, including Beaver, climbs down; the chain of arrows breaks, everyone falls; fish get the current features depending from when he fell; children have since been prevented from eating raw berries]: 3-5; snohomish [a person makes boats at night, knocks; heavenly people kidnap him, tie him to the roof of a dugout; small the bird makes a chain of arrows; animal people rise up, save the boat manufacturer, steal fire (like a skagit)]: Haeberlin 1924, No. 21:411-412; clallam: Gunther 1925, 125-131 [six var.; for (2) - (6) only details other than (1); 1) the girl and her seven brothers go missing one by one; their mother cries, her snot turns into a boy; he finds her kidnapped by Puma (?) sister; she has a daughter with a second person on the back of her head; she always informs her father that another uncle is coming; the cougar pulls out his wife's brother's heart, swallows it, throws her body away; Snot puts flat stones under her clothes, The cougar breaks his claws; Snot kills him with an arrow, pulls out swallowed hearts, revives his brothers (the eldest with the greatest difficulty); Two-faced teases Snot Snot; he is angry, shoots at the sky, making a chain of arrows; goes to heaven; 2) in the forest, a young man promises to show the girl resin, turns out to be a Puma, glues her with resin to a stump; further as in (1); people throw Two-Face into the fire, but she jumps out; 3) the beast kidnaps one of the two sisters; the middle is like (1); The cougar offers to give Snot any thing; he takes his sister; the cougar turns into a cougar, cannot kill Snot, is shot by him; the woman throws Two-Face into the fire, but she does not burn; 4) ten brothers; their sister reaches maturity; mother does not tell her to swim; she goes to the river; a mind reader sits on her clothes; takes her home; a woman gives birth to a Two-Face and a son; they burn with the house, sparks turn into small animals; a two-faced mother leads to people; she kills another girl; people drown Two-Face in a boat; his younger sister Snot calls him Snot; he goes to the sky, its silhouette is visible on the moon; 5) the girl collects oysters, she is kidnapped by Queetsen, whose strength lies in his nails; 6) as in (2); the Grizzly kidnapper; Snot makes a chain of arrows, rises to the moon], 131- 134 [two girls make a boy out of resin; he comes to life, takes one of them as his wife; he catches fish at night; his wife calls him home before sunrise; once she overslept, he melted in the sun; her two sons are forced hunters tell them about their father's fate; make a chain of arrows, climb into heaven to take revenge on the Sun; restore sight to two blind old women Otter and Blue Jay; they show them the way to the Sun; two daughters of the Sun they notice their reflection in the river; take them as husbands; bring them into a house whose doors open and slam shut; the Sun requires 1) shoot ducks (sons-in-law bring ducks); 2) withstand the hot fire (sons-in-law they throw shells into the flame, the heat subsides); 3) bring berries; brothers bring a basket of berries, the Sun eats them, bursts; first the younger brother is going to become the Sun, the elder Month; they smear menstrual faces with blood; the eldest becomes weaker because of this, the youngest is not; only he can become the Month and determine women's regulations and the timing of pregnancy; the eldest becomes the Sun]; Eells 1964 [the first woman makes her husband out of resin ; he melts under the sun; his sons climb into the sky along a chain of arrows; let the Old Sun swallow magic berries; it bursts, becomes less hot] in LS 1971, No. 692:366-367; Puget Sound: Ballard 1929 [The old fire goes out; the owners of the fire live in the sky; the raven tells you to make a chain of arrows; the little bird succeeds; the Beaver comes to the owners of the fire, pretends to be dead, takes away the fire, puts it in the roots of trees]: 52-53, 53-54 [the bird fixes a ladder of arrows in the sky; real people live in the sky; now they go down and animal people turn into animals]; Lyman 1909 in Clark 1953 (puyallup) [God tells a good man to make a chain of arrows; good people and animals climb it into heaven; bad people follow them; man breaks the chain, bad people fall; rain begins; after good floods return to earth]: 31-32; Okanagon: Teit 1917c, No. 5 [the inhabitants of the earth decide to go to war against the inhabitants of the sky; only Chikady (Wren?) you manage to pierce an arrow into the sky, then shoot arrows one at the other's tail to make a chain; Black Bear and Grizzly quarrel, the chain breaks to half; the Earth's inhabitants are defeated, start to descend, see that the chain does not reach the ground; fall, break or maim; fish are particularly affected, Sucker has broken all his bones]: 85; Hill-Tout 1911 [people decide to get fire with sky; only the Tsiskakena bird manages to make a chain of arrows; when the Snake climbed, he was asked where the Frog was, he pointed to his stomach; the Beaver lets himself be caught; when it starts to fresh, the Eagle flies by, distracting the attention of the inhabitants of the sky, the Beaver blows away the fire; when they climbed down, the chain broke; the catfish fell, crushing its jaw; Sucker smashed his head to pieces, all the animals hit him to the bone to fix the head]: 146; kalispel [the inhabitants of the earth decide to go to war against the inhabitants of the sky, i.e. the Stars; Coyote does not want Wren to be allowed to shoot, but Grizzly demands that they allow it; The wren manages to plunge an arrow into the sky, then shoot arrows one at the other's tail, the result is a chain; everyone climbed into the sky, the Grizzly was the last, under its weight the chain broke; more numerous Stars won, the earthlings began to jump down and fall; the flying squirrel planned; the sucker fish crashed, it now has many small bones in its body; before the war with celestial inhabitants (i.e. stars), there were more species animals, but many died in the sky]: Teit 1917, No. 6:118; curdalen [people decided to climb into heaven, made a chain of arrows; this story is forgotten; it was a Coyote (whose arrow seems to be pierced the sky) and Eagle]: Teit 1917e, No. 16:126; Sanpual: Ray 1933, No. 11 [the fire was in the sky; the leader gathers animal people, orders them to shoot at the sky, make a ladder of arrows; arrows are not reach the sky; Woodpecker does not participate, makes a bow from an elk's rib, arrows from Canadian irgi branches (Amelanchier arborea, serviceberry); tells the Golden Eagle that the Bald Eagle says nasty things about him and on the contrary; Eagles fight, feathers fly, Woodpecker uses them to tail arrows; to make tips, grandmother sends him to Flint and Hard Stone; Woodpecker tells everyone that the other is bad about him responds; The stones fight, the fragments fly, the Woodpecker uses them; when the leader again orders to shoot at the sky, the Woodpecker hits, his arrows form a chain; everyone climbed into the sky, the Golden Eagle is in front, the last Grizzly; he took a heavy bag of food, the lower arrows broke off, the Grizzly remained on the ground; everyone in the sky found fire; the hosts chased, those who came saw that the chain of arrows was broken; the eagle ordered each bird put an animal on its back and lowered it; the woodpecker (Sphyrapicus varins, Sapsucker) did not fly off, but jumped, broke his nose, since then it has been flat; the fish slipped off Magpie's back; He had arrows with him, they pierced his body, so the fish had a lot of bones in their bodies; the chief and the Grizzly shared the fire, gave Firefly and the Hummingbird, who smashed them around the world], 12 [Grandma scolds Woodpecker that he does not hunt and does not fish; he goes hunting, finds an elk or deer who has recently been killed by someone; he needs a knife to fresh the carcass; the wolf offers to cut the carcass if the Woodpecker brings his nephews; he goes and hits them, says he didn't find it; the wolf goes by himself; the woodpecker takes the meat to the cave on the rock; throws Volka and his five tribesmen hot stones instead of meat; they die; the woodpecker skins them, makes arrows, fills every skin with arrows; kills snakes, wraps their skins around a bow made of an elk's rib, some arrows, his hands; the Coyote wants to exchange for arrows, the Woodpecker gives him those wrapped in snakeskin; the snake bites the Coyote, he falls off a cliff, breaks; the fox revives him; the woodpecker makes a chain of arrows; first, Excrement climbs into the sky for fire; dogs eat it in the sky; then Beaver is sent; he pretends to be dead, his skin is ripped off; people see the Eagle, rush after him, the Beaver comes to life, grabs coal; the Grizzly tried to climb, cut off the stairs; those in the sky jump down; Pisces's bones pierced flesh; fire owners urinate to try to put out the fire; it's raining, but people make clothes out of willow bark; the fire is kept], 13 [Coyote does not believe that Chickady, who made a bow from an elk's rib, will be able to make a chain from arrows; offers to shoot him; Chickady tells him to go far, but still shoots to death; the fox revived him; Coyote insists that Chickady play with him, wins his bow, arrows, clothes; comes to the Partridges; asks about their parents, they mumble something; he bakes them in coals, leaves them planted on sticks; Chickady revives them for promising the Partridges to give him back what Coyote took; Partridge parents suddenly take off in front of Coyote, who falls off a cliff; the Fox revives him; Chickady regains his property; only he shoots to the sky and makes a chain of arrows; everyone climbed into heaven; The grizzly is heavy, breaks the chain; everyone jumped off, becoming bumps or stones; the Coyote became a leaf; Beaver, Woodpecker, Excrement and Dog remained in the sky, the Dog ate Excrement; the Beaver pretended to be dead, he became rip off; the Woodpecker flew in, everyone rushed after him, Beaver climbed into his skin again, hid the fire under his fingernails, dived; then all the lights went out, but Magpie hid the coal in the sink; the old woman passed her daughter off as a Woodpecker; lit a smoky fire; the woodpecker covered his head with his hands; it remained bright red]: 152-153, 153-157, 157-160; see motif K19B. Quinolt [two sisters want a star for their husbands, find themselves in the sky; the girls' father organizes a campaign for them; Puma, Grizzly, Moose fails, Wren makes a chain of arrows; animal people climb into the sky; it's cold there; the flycatcher is sent for fire, it stays warm; the Beaver lets himself be trapped; brings fire to the expedition members; Mice gnaw through the bowstrings of celestials, expedition members attack them, come back to earth; the chain of arrows breaks, the rest in the sky turn into stars]: Clark 1953:158-160; Quileout: Andrade 1931, No. 26 [little sister wants a dim star, the eldest is bright; the youngest wakes up with the old one, the eldest with the young husband; the girls' father makes a bow; Keith, Bear, Elk can't pull it, the Wren shoots, makes a chain of arrows; only the Snail sees an arrow that has pierced the sky; Osprey borrows her eyes, does not return it; animal people climb into the sky; the Spider lowers her younger sister on a rope, she hangs between heaven and earth, turns into a star; Snowbird in the sky, then the Dog is sent for fire; both stay warm, do not return; Rabbit kidnaps and brings fire; Rats spoil the weapons and clothes of the Stars; in battle, many Stars are killed; people- animals descend to earth, the chain of arrows breaks; those left in the sky become stars]: 71-83; Clark 1953 [a man from the sky steals the sun; Wren suggests making a chain of arrows; first The shark, then the Puma, the Kingfisher, the Hawk and others shoot successfully; the sky is cold; the wren rushes to the sun to warm up; while some treat the person to baked roots, others take the sun away; raise it to illuminate the whole world; Eagle and Hawk take Snail's keen eyes; Stingray turns into Malaya, Bear skin into Ursa Major]: 151-152; Farrand, Mayer 1919, No. 10 [sisters sleep outside; alone He wants a red star, another blue star as her husband; Stars take them to heaven; red is an old man with sore eyes, blue is young; sisters want to go home, Stars send them to earth; earthly people decide fight against the heavenly; (episodes in Wren and Snail as in Andrade); once in the sky, Raven and Stingray duel; Stingray turns sideways and Raven is wounded by a spear; a little bird asks the owners allow fire to warm up; her breast turns red; (Beaver episode like Andrade); heavenly people win, earthly people hurry back, the stairs break; the rest turn into stars, including Stingray]: 264-266; Reagan, Walters 1933 [animal people climb a chain of arrows to fight heavenly inhabitants; 1) Stingray and Raven throw spears at each other; Stingray turns sideways; pierces the Raven's beak, a hole in it still exists; 2) Stingray killed, his corpse thrown at the door of the house; someone goes out, pours garbage; now the stingray tastes like garbage]: 319; vasco [five Wolf Brothers hunt, Coyote lives with them; they agree to tell him they see two Grizzlies in the sky; the Coyote fires arrows into the sky, makes a ladder out of them; they all go up to heaven; the Coyote decides that the Grizzly and Wolves look beautiful together, leaves them in the sky, descends, breaking the stairs; the three older Wolves are the handle of the Ursa Major bucket; the oldest is the middle star, followed by the small one is his dog; the two younger Wolves are part of the bucket closer to the handle; two Grizzlies are the opposite part of the bucket; the Skylark tells the Coyote that the stars are growing, ready to fall, then the earth will die from the cold; the Coyote climbs into the sky again, arranges the stars differently; The Milky Way - Coyote's Footprint]: Clark 1953:153-155; Erdoes, Ortiz 1984 [Coyote arranged the stars beautifully, made the remaining ones the milky way]: 171-172; Hines 1996, No. 5:32-35; clackamas [see motive K23; a cannibal kidnaps a child; he grows up; a crane teaches him to kill a cannibal; she carries a young man in a basket, he cuts off the cannibal's head; climbs a spruce tree; all trees are her relatives; fleeing from them, he makes a ladder with his arrows and bow; climbs to heaven; marries the Sun]: Jacobs 1952:123; catlamet [see motif A4; the woman leaves her husband; he sings, people come to him, dance; the woman goes too, forgetting the baby; hears him crying, finds only a stick in the cradle; the child is kidnapped by Akas Shenas Shen; carries him everywhere; leaves him at home one day; her brother Crane talks gives a knife to the boy that A. is not his mother; he cuts off her head, kills a soul that has jumped out of her neck; climbs a pine tree, shoots into the sky, makes a chain of arrows; attaches it to the lower bow, climbs into the sky; meets old woman, takes her burden, opens the cork, turns dark; plugs the vessel, becomes light; then marries the Sun], No. 1:9-19; tillamook [the enemy descended from heaven, killed a man; two sons of the killed, born to a woman and a dog, they go to heaven with a chain of arrows, kill a murderer, bring their father's head to life]: Jacobs, Jacobs 1959, No. 8:26; kalapuya [the monster can't stand daylight ; The Coyote shoots at the sun, makes a chain of arrows, pulls the sun to the ground for it; the monster comes out of the cave; the Coyote releases the sun; the monster dies]: Judson 1910:116-117 in Clark 1953:101-102; alsea [like tillamook]: Frachtenberg 1920, No. 10, 11:125-149; cous: Frachtenberg 1913, No. 1 [there is only the sea; two young men wander, decide to create land; they consistently throw five into the water soot discs, earth appears; it is unstable at first; they put a mat torn in half, then two halves of the basket; stick eagle feathers into the ground, they turn into trees; create animals; see traces, they find a person, he says he is a shaman; they kill him, spray blood, future generations will see him {as a spirit?} ; one of them got pregnant for no reason, the baby can't get out; they invite a man from the north, he comes in a boat, takes out the baby, it's a girl, all people come from her; there were no waves, their young men create; shoot at the sky, making a chain of arrows, go up to the upper world]: 5-14; Jacobs 1940, No. 8 [the heavenly leader decapitated the Hawk; the two sons of the victim make a chain of arrows, rise to heaven; on the way, they ask the chief's two wives, put on their clothes, the wives promise to go to the ground with them; they come to the chief under their guise; they forgot that food should not be given to two old men (Cranes?) ; they screamed, but did not hear them; jumping into the boat, one of the "wives" slipped and said that she had a heavy luggage; the chief's younger brother notices his daughter-in-law's testicles, they did not believe him; they took their father's head, the head of the "husband" was cut off; when blood is shed, the husband's brother says that the daughter-in-law wet herself; the brothers take their wives, go down to the ground; the father's head is dry, they put the head of the murdered leader on the body; therefore, hawk small head]: 235-238; Saint Clair 1909a, No. 6 [=Frachtenberg 1913, No. 24:149-157 (Zap. Saint Clair); the older brother was making a boat, his dog was next to him; a man appeared, cut off his head, disappeared; the youngest found the body, the dog barks, pointing up; the younger one shoots at the sky, makes a chain of arrows, comes to people dancing with his older brother's head; finds out where the murderer's wife is; asks her about her behavior, kills her, puts on her skin; stumbles while jumping into her husband's boat, he is surprised; gives edible rhizomes to the old man and his wife; they are surprised, they say that this woman is from the ground; fortunately, they have not been heard; she cries when she sees her brother's head under the roof, says that she has burned her hands on a hot pot and eats smoke in her eyes; the boy notices that the woman looks like a man; the younger brother holes all but one of the boats; cuts off her husband's head at night; his mother raises the alarm because she is bleeding; the youngest takes her head away the eldest, descends to the ground; the head grows on the fifth attempt, the eldest turns into a woodpecker, his head is red with blood]: 32-34; clickitat [fire owners live in the sky; animal people do a chain of arrows; Sapsucker woodpecker manages to pierce his arrow into the sky; young chief Beaver pretends to be dead, swims down the river to the top; when skinned, his friends scare heavenly inhabitants, Borr hides the fire under his arm, runs; everyone returns to earth, destroying the stairs; the heavenly inhabitants send rain; the flood begins; the Beaver hides the fire in the trees]: Jacobs 1929, No. 1:179-181; yakima [The inhabitants of the sky own the fire; the Eagle flies for exploration; the Coyote offers to make a chain of arrows to the sky; only the Wren succeeds; everyone agrees that the Beaver will let himself be trapped; when they will fry it, the Eagle will distract attention, the Beaver will take away the fire; that's what happened]: Hines 1992, No. 6:33-40; coutene: Boas 1918, No. 50 [Muskrat's brother's widow rejects him; he kills her, lies that the unusual arrow that hit her was fired from the sky; the Coyote and the others were shooting, their arrows did not reach the sky; only the Hawk Brothers arrow pierced the sky; they made a chain of arrows; it's a little short The raven puts its beak instead of the lowest step; everyone goes up, does not wait for Wolverine; he breaks off the stairs; Muskrat builds a village in the sky, fires arrows as if there are many enemies in the village; the deception is revealed, The muskrat is killed; those who come catch the Thunderbird and kill the Thunderbird; those who then become birds get its feathers and go down; Bats and Flying Squirrels plan on blankets, Coyote on their tail; fish Sucker jumped, crashed, so it now has a lot of small bones; Little Woodpecker and some of the other warriors are returning across the horizon; Little Woodpecker has been swallowed by a water monster; Great Woodpecker summons birds to holiday; The Chief of the Birds makes it clear that the Little Woodpecker has been swallowed; the Great Woodpecker and birds are chasing the monster along the rivers; asking grandfather coutene, who crawled to create rivers, to make a stagnant lake; the monster was driven there, the Fox killed him with an ax; the Little Woodpecker and the Duck flew out of his womb, but the woodpecker became small as it is now; parts of the monster's body were scattered (different tribes arose from them); the couten was remembered when There is only a little blood left, so there are few]: 73-77 (Quail in Clark 1966:146-149); Clark 1960 [as in Boas; two Hawk brothers manage to make a chain of arrows; those who failed to descend are killed by in the sky, became stars]: 32-33; Linderman 1997, No. 10 [The muskrat dies, his widow rejects the Frog's grandson who has come to marry; he kills her, leaving an unusual arrow; no one knows whose Frog she is pretends not to know either; Wolverine says the enemy came from heaven; people shoot up, make a chain of arrows; Muskrat rises first, builds an imaginary village, people fight left-handed, consistently leaving every house; Coyote realizes that this is one person; everyone rushes down; Wolverine did not wait, she did not have time to get up, cut off the stairs; people killed a thunderbird, descended on her feathers; Pisces did not have enough feathers, they fell; Trout became flat, Sucker smashed its face; the Bat and the Flying Squirrel were the last to plan]: 108-114.
Llanos. Sicuani: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 14 [while others are dancing, an old woman goes to the river, knocks on the calebass, summons Cayman, gives him food, copulates with him; her grandson Tsamani puts it on clothes, causes Cayman with the same signal, kills him with her brothers Ivinai and Kahuyali; she finds the corpse, makes C. swallowed by big fish; his brothers take it out of her belly; he is bald, they restore his hair; they make a chain of arrows, go up to heaven; she follows them, now also in the sky; while Thunder is not at home, the brothers replace the zipper with a wooden fake; his daughter does not give her father a secret; in combat, C. kills Thunder, revives him; Thunder eats yam, his excrement can be found in the savannah], 15 [~ (14), without an episode of Thunder], 16 [~ (14); the old woman is the eldest brothers' sister], 18 [the girl has a caiman lover, she brings him food; young men from among her relatives call the caiman in the same way, kill; drink a narcotic drink, dance, let him into the sky arrows, making a chain, rise in the form of termites; a girl goes to the ends of the earth, ascends to heaven with the Moon], 19 [four brothers and sister turn into termites, rise to heaven along a chain of arrows], 20 [ while their parents Tsamani are working on the site, the children drink the juice of the fruit from the sky, dance, become lighter, ascend from the mountain to the sky; parents shoot at the sky, making a chain of arrows, becoming termites, climb into heaven; the lizard tells them that the thunder Ekonai took the children, shows the way to him; parents meet children, everyone is happy, they dance in the sky]: 97 [(note 9); family people Tsamani dance and rise to the sky; turn into small stars that set below the horizon before the Pleiades in April in the west], 44 [boy asks his grandmother to buy him in a trough; produces starch; people They tell him to swim in the river, collect starch; when angry, the boy tells his grandmother to be awake to hear a rumble; she falls asleep; only Kinkaju hears him and knows where the Kalievirne tree grew; see the G5 motive; people cut it down; after a tree falls, people are mortal; C. tells me to dance for ease and go to another world; old woman Ibarruua breaks abstinence, takes Cayman as a lover; summons him by putting an inverted calebass on the water and tapping it; people kill his lover, let I. eat his penis; I. tells the fish to swallow C.; his brothers set rapids on the river to stop fish; revive regurgitated C.; shoot up, only a virgin manages to fix an arrow in the sky and make a chain; in the form of termites, C.'s people climb into the sky; there lives the thunder Yamakhyonë; C. replaces his club, I. cannot kill people, C. kills him; his wife tells ants to collect pieces of his flesh, I. revives; I. and C. reconcile; people continue to climb the chain of arrows; Flying The mouse cuts it off, the fallen ones turn into turtles, parrots]: 77-81, 83-86, 87-91, 96-97, 98-100, 100-104, 191-199.
Southern Venezuela. Makiritare [Kuamachi and his grandfather Mahanama decide to take revenge on the Stars for killing K.'s mother; lure the Stars and their leader Wlaha (Pleiades) to trees for fruit; M. says he will weave baskets to put fruits in them; K. climbs a tree, drops the fruit; water floods the forest; M. with his baskets and K. jump into the boat; M. throws baskets into the water, they turn into anacondas, caimans, piranhas; devour many Stars, which K. knocks down from trees with arrows; W. shoots into the sky, making a chain of arrows, climbs there with the remaining Stars; from the moment W. begins to climb and then they are no longer alone in the sky a character, but seven; they are a sign of union and peace; when they enter in May, it's raining time, when they rise in July it gets dry; Ihette (Orion's Belt) climbed slowly, bleeding and dragging his caiman's leg bitten off; among the stars is the Morning Star (male primacy); K. followed to chase the stars in the sky; the demon Ioróka also climbed; the cancer hesitated, the piranha had time to eat chain, Ioroka fell into the water, the fallen chain became a vine; K. (The Evening Star) is visible away from the rest of the stars for the first two hours after dusk]: Civrieux 1960:179-180; 1980:110-114.
Guiana. Waiwai: Fock 1963:38-42 [Wayam-yenna (turtle people) were like people; his husband called his wife to the forest for fruit; climbed a tree, fell again; his wife stepped on his stomach with contempt, so male turtles have a concave shell from below; the wife climbed the tree herself, the husband went home; instead of fruits, there were various kakenau-kworokjam (spirits that previously lived on earth, now on the second heavenly tier , they have the names of animals, birds, insects); they wanted to copulate, the woman covered herself with twigs; The grasshopper split the tree, copulated (he has a sharp ovipositor); the kakenau left, the woman ate the fruit, got down, went home, went from the fork not to the wayam, but to kamara-yenna (jaguar people); their grandmother hides it under a vessel; there was a giant turtle in the house, she told the jaguars about the woman, put her head under the vessel, she spat on her, the jaguars broke the shell of a turtle woman, ate it; the old woman left two eggs; she found Mawari in one, Wåshi in the other; hid it from the jaguars under a vessel for three years; on the advice of the old woman, they made the first bows and arrows (also the first axes, the stone knife, the top); the Jaguars showed M. a Brazilian walnut, he climbed onto it, they took the stairs; M. tears turned into a squirrel; M. and V. had no penises, they grew into the forest; they licked them, by morning their penises had grown; the old woman's excrement grew into cassava, they did not like it; then she let herself be burned, a real cassava appeared from the burnt bones; they sent a karau bird to On top, there was a catch; it was an otter, the brothers copulated with her in the eye; she told them to catch women in the river; shooting into the water, M. and V. pulled out women's objects (bag, mat, basket, spindle, etc.); with for the fifth time, M. pulled out a woman, the daughter of an anaconda with an anaconda child; the second one was pulled out for V., she had two dogs in her arms, when M. went up to heaven, he bequeathed people to hold dogs; V.'s descendants were unconscious, M. are Indians and Europeans (they are good); almost all of M.'s children died; he fired arrows into the sky, went to heaven along a chain of arrows with his wife], 54-55 [The month of Nuña comes to his sister at night; at this time his the spirit plays the flute outside the house so that the girl thinks that her lover cannot be her brother; his sister smears his face with a genip; in the morning he cannot wash it, covers it with his hands; his sister scolds him; he does a chain of arrows, understood to the sky, the spots remained; the sister became a star]; trio: Koelewijn, Rivière 1987, No. 3 [see motif K13; Yarawara tells the anaconda to swallow her voracious mother-in-law ; her daughter chases him; climbs into the hollow for honey, her head gets stuck, Yaravare cuts off his wife's head; her head predicts that he will hurt his leg by cutting wood, monkey meat, baker meat, etc.; he falls asleep, does not hear the name of a little fish; pierces his leg with an arrow, shooting at this fish; shoots at the sky, making a chain of arrows; rises, turns into a constellation; the chain falls]: 26-30; Riviere 1969 [He slept with his sister for a month; she smeared black paint on his face; he took to heaven in shame, making a chain of arrows; now controls women's menstruation times]: 264; palicur [wife and her brother they put the tied husband under mosquito bites for the night; the husband kills his wife, fries, gives her liver to his brother; when he finds out what he ate, the brother cuts off her husband's shin when he climbs a tree; the husband shoots into the sky, climbs on the sky along a chain of arrows, turns into Orion]: Nimuendaju 1926:90; hishkaryana [A month comes to his sister at night, she smears her lover with a genip, he makes a chain of arrows, climbs into heaven; from there said, Who dies will come back in a short time; people didn't hear, crickets heard]: Derbyshire 1965:26-27; oyampy [animal people made a chain of arrows, climbed into heaven; she cut short, they fell]: Grenada 1982, No. 7:92-93.
Western Amazon. Maihuna [the sky was in the place of the earth, the earth was in the place of heaven; the sky did not want to be like this, changed places with the earth; earthworms, centipedes were in the sky; Maineno went to heaven, there better; the sky was close to the ground; M. told Goukuko to shoot, he made a chain of arrows, it turned into a Maineno miime vine ("Maineno's vine"); people went up to see M.; worms also climbed, G. cut off vine, M. said that only the dead would come to see him; after the sky was in the place of the earth, people were crushed in the underworld; according to M., people began to climb to earth; a menstruating woman climbed in with everyone; those who climbed after her came back]: Bellier 1991b, No. 2:171-173; coreguache [when Painsao quarreled, he turned his opponent into an animal; so did he and him satellite; the sky was low; when menstruating women knocked on it, it moved away; P. and his companion made a chain of reeds (reed darts?) , sticking them one into the other; P. climbed half way, came back, told his companion to climb; he climbed into the Month; P. climbed into the vessel, where he lit the fire, ascended to heaven by the Sun]: Jimenez 1989, No. 41:91-92; Napo: Foletti Castegnaro 1985, No. Me1a [daughter is pregnant, although there are no people around; I realized that my brother, who rose to heaven, became the Month; the parents left; the girl asked the parrot to take her to people; the eagle ate all three parrots; she asked the twins about their path in her stomach; they asked her to pick a flower; she was bitten by a wasp, she hit her stomach, the twins fell silent; she came to the house Jaguars; the old woman hid her under the pot, her saliva dripped, the Jaguars jumped to get the woman, Puka Puma ("Red Jaguar") took it out; the old woman asked for giblets, went to wash, found two children , raised; these are Cuillur and Duciru; they asked them to make bows and arrows; they began to take out the lice from the grandmother, killed her, cooked her, took her jaw to the forest; her name is Jaguars, her jaw replies that it cuts firewood; brothers told the Jaguars that they ate their mother, turned into a hummingbird, flew away; they brought down the bridge with the jaguars, the pregnant female escaped; the brothers decided to cross the sea across which the bridge was on the back of the caiman; the eldest did not tells the youngest to tell Cayman that his eyes are bulging; the youngest said Cayman bit off his leg; the elder dried the pond, killed Cayman, put his brother's leg back; the elder made boats shooting at trees; the youngest broke the boat, now they are difficult to make; the brothers made a chain of arrows, went up to heaven, became the Pleiades; there is also a caiman jaw and a basket in which their mother carried parrots]: 55-60; Orr, Hudelson 1971, No. 1 (napo or canelo) [girl stains the cheek of an unknown lover with genipa juice (huitug); in the morning she brought her brother breakfast, and he was under a mosquito net; noticed spots on his face; parents in furious; out of shame, the brother began to shoot arrows into the sky, they pierced one another, he climbed into the sky; his sister climbed after him, but the skirt interfered, the arrows separated and she fell; the brother asked for ilucu birds, then arrocero birds pick it up, but they could not fly high; brother became a month old, spots are still visible; sister became an ilucu bird, singing on the new moon, grieving for her beloved]: 3-5; shuar: Karsten 1919:339; 1935, No. 8:526; Pelizzaro 1990:38-40 [(=1993:35-40); Iwia's cannibal dogs are jaguars, they are like his own children; a woman got lost in the forest, a pet parrot showed her where the fruits were; a parrot eagles ate; she came to Iwia's wife, who wants to marry her youngest jaguar son Shiáshia, hides her under the roof; the woman spits on the meat that S. eats, he finds her, marries her; I. warns not to bite through lice, gives a coal to bite it, making a sound; one day he forgets, bites through the louse, S. kills his wife, I.'s wife saves two eggs that were in the uterus; of which Y were born 225; nkuam' and Stars; when they grew up, Y.'s wife told them about their mother's fate; they collapsed the bridge that the jaguars crossed the abyss, but S. escaped because he was walking first, and the little Yaa (stars) could not detain him; therefore, there are jaguars in the forest; Yanquam pushed the large Yampinkia jaguar into the abyss; the brothers threw darts into the sky, climbed them into the sky, became stars, and Yanquam became Venus], 221-224 [ =1993:221-224; two young men sleep in the open air, want to marry stars; two stars in the form of caterpillars descend to them; one throws his own away in fear, the other brings home, she turns into girl; says that her friend was more beautiful than her; has no anus; eats food in the garden, spews cakes and chicha; mother-in-law is unhappy with the mess in the house; offended, the star returns to heaven; her sons build a raft, sail to the edge of the world, throw darts into the skyline, climb them into the sky, turn into the Pleiades; the husband does not dare to climb darts, stays on the ground]; for example, or canelo [the girl stains the cheek of an unknown lover with genipa juice (huitug); in the morning she brought her brother breakfast, and he was under a mosquito net; noticed spots on his face; parents are furious; brother out of shame began to shoot arrows into the sky, they pierced one another, he climbed into the sky; his sister climbed after him, but the skirt interfered, the arrows separated and she fell; the brother asked the ilucu birds, then the arrocero birds to pick her up, but they could not fly high; brother became a month old, spots are still visible; sister became an ilucu bird, singing on the new moon, grieving for her lover] (napo or canelo) [girl stains genips juice (huitug) the cheek of an unknown lover; in the morning she brought her brother breakfast, and he was under a mosquito net; noticed spots on his face; parents were furious; out of shame, my brother began to shoot arrows into the sky, they pierced alone in another, he climbed into the sky; his sister climbed for him, but the skirt interfered, the arrows separated and she fell; the brother asked the ilucu birds, then the arrocero birds to pick her up, but they could not fly high; the brother became a month, the spots are still visible; the sister became an ilucu bird, singing on the new moon, grieving for her lover]: Orr, Hudelson 1971, No. 1:3-5.
NW Amazon. Letuama [after a series of adventures, Aya's four brothers (first ancestors) take to heaven along a chain of arrows; she breaks, they rise in a column of smoke]: Palma 1984:70; ocaina [the mother's lover killed the father of the twins, they were born after the father's death; they ask the mother where the father is; she replies that she climbed for fruit, fell off the tree; the brothers try to fall, they are alive, they ask again; she comes up with something again; they injure a butterfly from the sarbakan, which refers to the grasshopper, he refers to the woodpecker; the woodpecker tells him to be cured first; says that on the side where the sound of the slit gong comes from, lives the one who ate them father; brothers reward the woodpecker by giving him a red hat; brothers waited for and killed Drake {the mother's lover and father's murderer; Blixen, p. 116: this is a deviation from the usual option, in which either a jaguar or a father's murderer monkey}, they made soup out of it, gave it to the mother; she tells us to make a trap, turns into a rat, falls into this trap; the brothers are leaving; their mother is now a frog, hiding in the ground, they dig there, find worm egg, decide to raise a brother; pierced an egg, got into his eye; a boy came out, remained one-eyed; two sisters saw two sparkling worms on the tree; called people, more and more worms, from them fire, a tree threatens a world fire; brothers (two and a third one-eyed) are called for help; they go to Thunder, climbing into the sky, throwing carrizos that pierce each other (var.: climbing up wood); the twins could not create a chain of darts, the younger brother created it; the dart chain turns into a vine (they argue which one is too smooth, the other is prickly); you can't approach Thunder, they they fall asleep; then they go to their snake grandmother, who gives them sleep wrapped in a sheet; The one-eyed man says he saw that the grandmother did not put anything; they open the bag, fall asleep; the grandmother reluctantly gives sleep again; Thunder falls asleep, his daughter doesn't; while One-Eyed flirts with her, the twins replace Thunder's club and mirror (causes lightning); when they came down, añuje, at their request, cut off the vine, it fell , injuring her paws; the brothers told the battleship to undermine the roots of the tree, knocked it west with the Thunder weapon; the Thunder was surprised that its former power was gone]: Blixen 1999, No. 5:113-134; yagua [the girl first period; someone visits her in her hut; mother advises to smear her lover's face with a genip; the next day at the festival he sees paint on her son's face; he asks various animals and insects to eat his skin with faces, but the paint does not disappear; asks the older sister's son to go with him, they rise to heaven on an arrow pole, the young man becomes the Month, the nephew is a star; in one version, the young man makes a chain of palm leaves pierced into one another (yagua do not use onions and arrows)]: Powlison 1993:39 -41.
Central Amazon. Rio Jamunda [sister visits her brother secretly; to find out who is sleeping with him, the young man paints her face; out of shame, her sister rises to heaven along a chain of arrows, turns into the moon; brother longs , turns into a mutum bird (Nothocrax urumutum Spix)]: Barbosa Rodrigues 1875 in Ehrenreich 1905:37.
Eastern Amazon. Paracana [men first menstruated; when the sky separated from the ground and the cultural hero went to live in heaven, the battleship shot at the moon, then, sending arrows one at the tail of the other, made a chain of arrows from heaven to earth; different animals tried to climb it, but the chain broke under the weight of a tapir; different types of living beings became inhabitants of the corresponding loci; when to the moon shot, men told women not to leave their homes; but they went out, moon blood spilled on them and had their periods]: Fausto 2012:65-66; tenetehara [see motive J9; pregnant woman they get to the Jaguars, they eat it, throw the children into boiling water, they jump out; the Jaguar grandmother adopts them, they learn about their mother's death, decide to kill the Jaguars; they throw cassava pests into the water, they turn into the water into piranhas and water snakes; make a bridge across the river in the form of a chain of arrows; show the Jaguars the fruits growing across the river; Jaguars cross the bridge for fruit; brothers tell the banks to disperse, the river turns into sea; (var.: cut the end of the bridge); Jaguars fall into the water, eaten]: Nimuendaju 1915:282-285; urubu: Huxley 1956 [after the holiday, a girl spends the night with a man (different options: knowing or not knowing that he is her brother); paints his face with paint; in the morning he runs away into the forest; firing arrows into the sky, makes a chain, rises to heaven, turns into a month; his sister follows him, turns into an Evening Star]: 165-167; Ribeiro 2002:210-215 [Maïra inserted his penis into the crack as he did not have a wife; the tree was swollen, a pregnant woman came out of it, and the baby in her womb spoke, pointing way to her father; asked his mother to pick flowers for him; one day she reached for a flower, she was bitten by a snake, she slapped her stomach, reproached her son; he fell silent; she came to Mukura's house (i.e. an opossum ); he offered to spend the night with him; it was raining at night, Mukura made a hole in the roof over the hammock, a woman who had to lie in his hammock; in the morning he told him to go left from the fork, but she turned right and hit to a jaguar village; the jaguar wives told her to leave as soon as possible, but she stayed; she was hidden under a vessel; the jaguars turned the vessel over; Maira's son turned his mother into an animal, she ran away, caught up, killed; two The embryos were given to the old woman; she began to fry them, but burned her hands; the embryos turned into agouti; the old woman began to raise them; the jaguars wanted to eat them; they became boys, ran away, went to look for Maira, stayed with him; Maira's son offered to steal the fishing hook of a forest demon; Maira's son bit off and took it away; Mukura's son was caught in piranha guise; the demon ate her, threw away the bones; Maira's son turned into ants, they collected bones, Mukura's son came to life; Mukura's son safely took the hook away from another forest spirit; Maira praised them; the brothers turned into hummingbirds, flew, set fire to the beard of the forest demon, his his head burned down; the brothers killed the hummingbird {real}, found a human being in its stomach; when they went to the wide river, they started shooting arrows one at the tail of the other, they turned out to be a bridge, and they crossed it to the other side, Many bakers killed there; called the jaguars to pick up the meat; when they crossed the bridge with arrows, the brothers destroyed it; all the jaguars drowned because they were carrying a load of meat with them].
Montagna - Jurua. Shipibo: Eakin, Lauriault, Boonstra 1986 [two brothers]: 36; Gebhaert-Sayer 1987:63 [three brothers are looking for a father or chasing a tapir; shooting at the sky, making a chain of arrows, climbing it ; the eldest turns into the Pleiades, the middle into the Hare, the youngest, whose leg was bitten off by the Cayman, into Orion; Hyades is the head of a caiman], 350-351 [(No. 2); a lonely young man uses calebas instead of his wife; she turns into a woman, gives birth to three sons; they sit on a tree and eat fruit; Tapir constantly comes and asks for fruit for themselves; they throw unripe fruit at his head; he knocks on the trunk, making it fat; brothers they go down as ants; follow the tapir's trail; ask his excrement or the trees that grew from them when the tapir passed; a year, six months, a month, ten days ago; he's here; the eldest turns into an ant, climbs into the tapir's anus, hurts the heart; the brothers freshen the carcass; everyone tries to become a pot to cook meat; only the elder can withstand the heat for a long time; they ask for Duck carry them across the river; she replies that her boat is small; Cayman asks not to step on his head; younger brother steps, Cayman grabs his leg, drags him under water; Sloth drains the river, brothers they take the youngest's corpse out of the caiman's womb; the leg is not enough; they shoot at the sky, make a chain of arrows; Termite and Little Squirrel are afraid to climb, the Big Squirrel returns, says that the sky is good; The turtle turns the chain into a ladder; the brothers take Cayman's head and brother's corpse, go up to heaven]; Girard 1958 [two brothers live at the grandmother's; decide to go to heaven; shoot up, making a chain of arrows; they send the White Squirrel; she comes back, says it's cold and windy in the sky; the Gray Squirrel likes it in the sky, she pulls the chain; brothers climb into heaven; all men and women follow them; brothers they cut off the chain; people fall, women turn into battleships]: 253; Roe 1982, No. 8 [at night, a young man masturbates to a calebass; his mother began to put him one at a time and throw him away; two came out of the broken calebas boy; they ask who killed their mother; the grandmother replies that Lightning; they killed the Lightning Spirit; they ask again, they threaten to kill the grandmother herself; she replies that Tapir killed; they found Tapir from fresh litter; the youngest became an ant, climbed Tapira into his anus, cut off his heart; the elder cut the tapir's stomach, released the youngest; the youngest turned into a pot to cook meat; the eldest puts it on fire and then in water; meat cooked; the Sloth promised to call a bird to transport the brothers across the river; the bird asks not to step on the bow of her boat; the elder listened, the youngest stepped on the shore, the boat turned into a caiman, bit off his leg; the Sloth dried the river with a magic spear, the elder cut off the caiman's jaw, took out his brother's leg; when they return to their grandmother, the brothers again ask who killed their mother; she replies that the answer is they will get it in heaven; the brothers climbed a chain of arrows, the eldest in his hands is the jaw of Caiman, Hyada]: 63-66; 1991a [husband died; wife gave two twins to their aunt; they made a chain of arrows, climbed sky; humans and animals went after them; bird people got angry, cut off stairs; women fell, became battleships]: 26; Waisbard 1958-1959:66; Konibo [by Arturo Burgas Freitas, p.38-44, Buenos Aires; Titause, Mother Moon, became pregnant by lightning; gave birth to seven sons, the youngest most powerful; the brothers climbed the tree for fruit; Tapir asked to shed fruit; without receiving it, he became hit the tree, it began to grow; the youngest became a curhuinse {leaf cutter ant?} , cut off a leaf, covered it, went down, killed Tapir; the brothers went to look for their Sun Father; they rose to heaven along a chain of arrows; the arrows were the rays of Barí, the sun; B. turned them into Pleiades]: Girard 1958:265-266; Amahuaca [three or four sons of the Month and his sisters send a squirrel along a chain of arrows; she drops a ladder from the sky; in heaven they become Pleiades]: Huxley, Capa 1964:93.
Bolivia - Guaporé. Chiriguano: Metraux 1932:154-158 [Tatu-tunpa came down from the sky, got a girl pregnant; she didn't know how it happened; T. promised her to come back in a month; her mother tells her to go to to her husband; twins from the womb show her the way; she collects flowers for them, they need more; she refuses, they stop talking; she comes to the Jaguar house; Jaguariha hides her in addition to corn; Jaguars find she is eaten; toothless Jaguariha asks for her uterus; when she cooks, the twins sit on the edge of the pot; she raised them, gave onions to hunt birds; the Jaguars ask the twins to teach them how to hunt too; not can learn; the twins lured them first to cross a shallow lake and then a deep lake; all drowned, only the double-headed Sky Jaguar escaped; the twins made a chain of arrows, went up to heaven; two-headed The Jaguar rose after them; ate the moon and the sun, their blood gave rise to a new moon and sun; these are eclipses of the sun and moon; one day they will eat, huge bats will appear, they will kill people; some will hide under leather raincoats (?) ; at night, pots, plants, stones will sing, dance, attack people; smut will turn green, there will be no fire; people will first make fire with mate, it will end, remain in the dark; it will end earthquake, everything will die; the sun will return, another era will begin], 158-165 [a woman did not let her daughter out of the house to isolate her from her men; Rei (like Aguara-tunpa, Lisa) asked her to be his wife, mother refused; he said this to his brother Tatú-tunpa (Battleship); he dug a hole under the girl, became pregnant, then went to her; the mother heard the conversation, found that her daughter was pregnant; the daughter left; the child from her womb shows the way to her father, asks to pick flowers; when the calebas is full of flowers, the mother is angry why there are so many; the son falls silent, does not show the way, the woman comes to her mother jaguars; she hid it, the jaguar sons came, one asked his mother to take out his fleas, the woman's milk dripped on him, the Jaguar found her, the jaguars ate her, gave her giblets to her mother; she hid the twins, they they shot her pigeons, told her sons that she caught birds with snare; the Jaguars do not believe, the old woman shows the twins, says she gave birth to them herself; pigeons explain to the twins that the jaguars ate them mother; twins bear fruit to the jaguars, they say they found them across the river; the Jaguars agreed to cross on a reed boat; the youngest pulled ahead of time, the boat sailed down, everyone drowned, but alone the pregnant woman escaped; the brothers started shooting at the sky, made a chain of arrows; the jaguar managed to eat the youngest; the elder returned, revived him from drops of blood; the eldest became the Sun, the youngest became the Month; sometimes the jaguar Yawarowi eats the Month; when the new moon, the Month draws women's blood; when three days are not seen, he has the Sun]; guarazu [woman invites her husband to lie in a hole; he lies down and falls asleep dead; she puts it in a basket, covers it with leaves, puts animal meat on top; her sons suspect that the father is in the basket; one leaves his eye and saliva to watch; they see and hear a woman ask her husband will he die soon; the son goes to wash his eyes, the fish takes him away, he remains with one eye; since then these fish have human eyes; brothers pour four strips of ash around the house; stepping over them, the mother falls and dies; brothers treat their father; woodpecker promises to give them a gift if they don't kill him; steals glutinous oil from the owner of a peach palm tree, lubricates their arrows with it; a toad pees on arrows, partially oil dissolves; brothers and father make a chain of arrows, go up to heaven; father becomes Thunder, scolds his wife loudly; brothers fire their lightning arrows; because the glue is partially off, lightning can be split ]: Riester 1977, No. 3:226-230; Guarai [José Cardús Franciscan, 1886; Grandfather's two sons started shooting arrows into the sky, they pierced each other's tail, along this chain both understood the sky became the Sun and the Month; the month began to descend at night to the woman; she smeared her lover's face with charcoal to identify him in the morning]: Grubb 1924:187; kumana [shamans rise to heaven, doing chain of arrows]: Metraux 1942:94-95; (cf. Siriono [while the Month was hunting, the Jaguar began to remove lice from his son's hair, could not resist eating it; the Month asks everyone, they don't say, he consistently turns them into animals; hit the Turtle , since then she has a cracked shell, a dent in her stomach; guajojo painted her face black, hit a stump, now these birds are sitting on stumps; Porcupine twisted his neck and legs, placed thorns on her back; monkeys and He drove the ants into the trees, did not allow them to go down; scattered the animals, they no longer live together; shot them in the turtledove, since then her skin around her neck has been wrinkled; she said that the son of the Month was killed by Jaguar; Month apologized for shooting her; people saw the Jaguara and his female across the river; called to cross the river by a long reed stalk (tacuara); when the male was in the middle, people swung the bridge, the Jaguar fell, was eaten piranhas; the pregnant female escaped, new jaguars from her; The month, grieving for her son, joined the reeds together, climbed this staircase to heaven; if it hadn't gone to heaven, there would be no night]: Priest, Priest 1980:8-11).
Southern Amazon. Kayabi [bridge of arrows across the river]: Pereira 1995, No. 1 [God and his children run away from enemies], 2 [twins go to find their father]: 25, 29; Iransh [cannibal Ma-myu-u and cannibal Shinkaruli kill all villagers; M. swallows them with her ass, S. hits them with stones (there are three of them), always flying at the target; M.'s sister, her three nephews, remain; boys threaten to rape and kill aunt, if she does not tell them about the fate of her parents; they make arrows; enter the anus of M. to look at the weapons and utensils swallowed lying in her womb; M.'s liver and heart are cut off, jump back; M. dies, turns into thorns; parrot, vulture, Jandainha-da-Mato are Sh.'s children; brothers tell them not to give them away; replace S. stones with ordinary ones; S. throws two stones at the brothers, misses; falls asleep ; brothers cut him to pieces, he is reborn every time; chases brothers; they shoot at the sky, make a chain of arrows; the youngest is afraid to get up, hides in a hole, becoming tejubinha (Ameiva surinamensis); the elders climb into the sky, take their aunt with them, throw a ladder of arrows; S. makes a new one, also throws arrows; they turn into a vine; all brothers and aunt turn into stars] : Pereira 1985, No. 29:127-138; paresi [four orphan brothers living with old woman Alawrir learn that Jaguar and Jaguariha ate all the men in the village, and the Eagle ate all the women; Jaguariha opened her mouth, people entered it; the brothers turn into hummingbirds, cut Jaguarihu from the inside with a knife, go out; the male Jaguar has two stone clubs in the house, the brothers swapped the dangerous and ordinary; the same - two spears; hid at Jaguar's house; on the way to it, we met various animals (alma-de-gato, Canis jubatus, Euchroma gigantea {something with antennas, flying an insect?} , Anolis punctatus, Hemidactyluc mabonia lizard); everyone asks where they are going; when answered that killing Jaguar, they join, hide in the house; The lizard stains the fire sticks with a mass peca fruits; Canis jubatus has left his bowel movements; brothers put the rat head and tail of the caiman on the threshold; the Jaguar, seeing each of the hidden or left objects, traces, perceives them as a sign of his death; brothers giggle, Jaguar grabs a club, but it is not fatal, his brothers kill him; Europeans arose from ash and coal and various groups of Indians do not paresi (listed which of which burnt objects); the brothers shot at the sky tree, climbed a chain of arrows (or a thread lowered, at A.'s request, from a heavenly tree); all animals also wanted to climb; Canis jubatus and Dusicyon those climbed, but the thread broke or the Europeans cut off the chain of arrows; the two fell; in the sky, A. and the brothers play ball with the head of the jaguariha, the tail of the caiman, the head of a rat (A. gave them to brothers with by yourself); red sunset is the blood of the jaguariha's head]: Pereira 1986, No. 8:159-169; camayura: Agostinho 1974, No. 6 [Kwat and Yaí (Sun and Month) came from their village Morená to the village where they were Chief Kamukuaka; The sun shot a hole in K.'s ear with a bow, who said it was possible to kill, showed how to hole his ears with a jaguar bone; the Sun made Ara and the Perico parrot kill K.'s people, but those the grain began to bite quietly; sister K. bathed, lost her lace from her leg, the Sun turned it into a huge snake; asked K. to give the boy, fed the snake; then two more; then K. let her swallow it logs; K. started shooting at the sky from the roof of the house, made a chain of arrows, the howler monkey was the first to climb, screaming; sister K. was afraid to go up; cut the snake to pieces; in heaven K. and his people came to the village of the Jaguars, took their women; it was impossible to touch the pigeon in the village of Jaguars, the Sun and the Moon rose there, touched them; the Jaguars came running, began to look into the men's house, the Sun and the Month killed them one; told them to make necklaces out of their claws but not to eat their meat; the Sun and the Month remained in heaven]: 182-185; Münzel 1973 [when Kwam (the Sun) came to Kamukwaká (a related group) Vaura Arawaks), he wanted to shoot through the boys' ears with arrows, but K. did not allow it, then the Sun gave a sharp jaguar bone for this purpose; the leader of the village of Morená (where the first ancestors of Kamayura) created a monkey- the howler, and the Sun, the big Amazon parrot, to attack K., but they did not attack; Sister K.'s first period, despite the ban, she went to the river, where she lost her lace from her leg; the Sun turned K.'s house into a rock; a giant snake appeared (apparently from a lost lace), began to demand that the boys be eaten; K. gave a few, then threw the pillars of the house into its mouth; these pillars screamed like boys , the snake believed that it swallowed people; K. decided to make a hole in the stone pavement of the house; Black Macaw broke his teeth, so people's teeth deteriorate; the big Amazon pierced; at first the hole was narrow, Amazon had his expanded, people began to climb to the roof; the first two shooters did not reach the sky, then pierced the sky and one into the other, forming a chain; K.'s people took to heaven in the village of Jaguars; two the leaders were the last to climb, their sister was frightened, climbed, but immediately returned; therefore, only men took to heaven (perhaps due to the predominance of male shamans among Kamayura and the idea of visiting the brothers left their sister a knife out of the sink; the sister later turned into a cicada, her song causes rain; the snake wrapped around the house, crawled inside, looked for people, the sister cut her to pieces; Month (Yaú) started his sister in a mortar, sculpted a bird from the remains singing in the evenings; The Sun threw pieces of snake into the water, they became different fish; the Sun and the Month rose to heaven; the Month painted the face of the Sun beautiful patterns, and the Sun of the Month ugly; the Jaguars were fishing, their wives took men as husbands; the chief's two wives married the Sun and the Month; told them not to touch the bird, the men plucked it, the feathers flew they ran to the Jaguars, killed old men who did not have wives; the Sun and the Moon killed the Jaguars - first one by one in the men's house, then drove them everywhere; they banned them from eating jaguar meat, allowed them to eat jaguar meat, allowed them to eat fang necklaces; The Sun and the Month descended back to Morená, K. remained in the sky]: 150-161; Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973 [Kuamucacá prepares a feast of piercing boys' ears in the village ; The Sun and the Month live in a neighboring village, come to visit, they are honored to perform a ritual (they first intended to shoot boys' ears with bows, but K. showed how to pierce holes with a bone jaguar); The sun creates howler monkeys, then parrots, tells them to attack the village, but K. calms them down; K. told his sister, who has her period, not to go to the river, but she went, forgot the lace that tied to his ankle, the Sun found it, turned it into a huge snake, covered K.'s house with everyone inside it with a layer of stone; the snake demanded that K. give her people; K. gave five boys, she swallowed them; then three more; K. threw her logs, she swallowed them, calmed down for a while; K. told Mako to punch a hole in the rock, he broke his tooth (beak?) ; so people have toothache; parots (parakeets) managed to pierce; widened the hole so that everyone could squeeze; two men started shooting at the sky, made a chain of arrows; all climbed up, first howler monkeys; the Sun was furious because it created monkeys to kill people rather than act with them; the last to climb were the two brothers K.; their sister stayed, afraid to climb; a snake climbed towards her , she cut it to pieces; the Sun turned it into a neck; the Sun and the Month threw pieces of snake into the water, they turned into all kinds of snakes; the Sun and the Month rose after people to heaven; there everyone went to Jaguar village; the Jaguars were fishing, their women married people, the chief's two wives went beyond the Sun and the Month; warned them not to touch the pigeons, but one person caught a pigeon, the feathers reached the fishermen- The Jaguars; they sent the Puma to scout; ran; five men left without wives were on the street, were immediately killed; the rest locked themselves in their homes; the Sun, the Moon, and people killed the Jaguars with arrows; therefore There are not as many jaguars as it could be; the Sun and the Moon made necklaces out of jaguar fangs, but banned eating jaguar meat; they returned to earth in their village of Morená, destroying, at the request of K., a chain of arrows into the sky]: 98-104; vaura [Kamukwaká (brother of the Sun's wife) climbed onto the roof, told people to shoot, arrows do not reach the sky; started shooting himself, made a chain of arrows; smoked, the chain turned into a vine; the Sun made a snake out of cotton fiber, told it to eat everyone in the K. family; everyone went to heaven; one woman was afraid, K. told her to hide under the pot; the woman cut The snake to pieces, threw it into the water, they turned into electric fish; she left with her son, he asked for fruit, she threw him into the forest, he became a monkey]: Schultz 1966:42-43.
SE Brazil. Botokudo [The Sun and the Moon make a chain of arrows and take it to the sky]: Krenak 2003
Chaco. Chorote [The hummingbird warns that you have to escape from the cannibal in the sky; everyone shoots to make a chain of arrows, but the arrows do not reach; only the Hummingbird has an arrow pierces the sky; he does a chain of arrows; the Spider is the first to be sent, he weaves the rope; the Parrot is the last to rise; when the cannibal climbs higher, he cuts the rope; the birds stay in the sky]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1985, No. 115:225- 226; nivacle: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987b, No. 14 [two stars descend to a young man who wishes them to be his wife; they make a chain of arrows, go up to heaven with him; an eagle lowers the young man back] 171 [woman goes with her husband to pick parrots, turns into ts'amtaj; her husband throws her chicks from the tree, he eats them raw; when he went down, his wife stole him by the testicles, ate him; at home, her son finds testicles in her bag father; she ate them in front of everyone; the youngest of three sons hears her feeling their liver at night, is going to be the first to eat the older one; they make a trap, the mother hangs in a noose; they kill her with arrows , although she does not die for a long time; they burn the body, tobacco grows from the ashes, they teach people to smoke; they shoot at the sky, making a chain of arrows, rise along it to the sky, the youngest in front; fields of corn and melons in the sky ; birdsmen come to the village; they go down to look at the tobacco, return to heaven]: 55-56, 421-425; matako [sons of the Deer or Puma make a chain of arrows, flee to heaven from the Jaguar]: Calí fano 1974 [The deer marries Jaguar's daughter; deceives his father-in-law, but eventually he kills him; brings his daughter a piece of his meat; she recognizes her husband; the Deer's two sons lure Jaguar's children into the dry grass, they set fire, they die; they give meat to a Jaguar under the guise of a boar; report it, run, make a chain of arrows, climb into heaven; the Jaguar climbs after, the chain breaks, it breaks]: 49; Wilbert, Simoneau 1982a, No. 2 [A deer marries a Jaguar's daughter; a Jaguariha mother-in-law kills a deer son-in-law, brings her daughter a piece of his meat; she recognizes her husband; two sons of a deer kill Jaguar's children, feed them meat; when they run away, they shout about this; he chases them, they shoot at the sky, making a chain of arrows; they go up to heaven, turn into the Pleiades; their mother follows them, turns into the Southern Cross (it says that we are talking about stars near the Pleiades that appear in the morning of mid-September; that is, it is not the Southern Cross)], 3 [The Deer has three sons; he has gone for honey, is gone; the boys are crying; the elder has come to the Jaguar house, found his father's head in Jaguar's bag, identified it by his face painting; the Jaguar lies that he and the Deer both hunted wild boars, the Deer has not yet come; the deer offer Jaguar's two sons to set fire to the thickets so that drive out frogs (Jaguar's children ate them); set them on fire from all sides, Jaguaryats burn; Deer turn their bodies into boar bodies, give them to Jaguar; scream that he eats his children; shoot at the sky, climb a chain of arrows; when the Jaguar climbs, the elder breaks the chain, the Jaguar falls on sharp stakes; the deer turn into the Gemini constellation (large, small and large red stars)], 4 [Jaguariha quarrels with A cougar woman, kills her; the murdered children call the murderer's children to hunt, set fire to the grass, they die; the corpse of one is wrapped in goat skin, let the mother eat; they make a chain of arrows, go up to the sky, they become a constellation; when the Jaguariha climbs, the chain is broken, the Jaguariha breaks], 195 [the old men moved the young man to the city in the middle of the sea; he began to shoot arrows one after another, making a bridge; returned back, destroyed the bridge behind him; it must have been Takwah]: 38-39, 40-42, 43-44, 313.
Southern Brazil. Ache [Sun and Moon are siblings (hermanos); to the sky along a chain of arrows; The moon is afraid; Mberendy made a chain, knocked out one eye to the Moon; the moon cries - clouds]: Godoy 1982:19-20; chiripa [cf. J8 motif; Ñanderú Guazú came from the west, placed the land on a wooden cross (palo cruzado); with him Ñanderú Mbae Kua; they found the first woman under a clay pot, both met her ; NG went to the plot, came back, told his wife to go pick corn; she did not believe that the harvest was ripe for her wife; NG got angry, left, promised to forgive his wife if she found her way to him; from his mother's womb, their son Kuarahy (the future sun) showed her the way; asked her to pick flowers, the woman was bitten by a wasp, she scolded K., he fell silent; the woman came to the old woman, who hid her under a pot from her nephews Añag; She herself told them that they killed and ate the woman; the old woman asked for fruit from the womb to be eaten, but neither cooked nor baked; K. considered the old woman a mother, shot butterflies, called them after birds, with Since then, the birds have names; the old woman does not tell me to hunt on Blue Mountain; K. goes there, finds his mother's bones, mixing them with cornmeal makes herself a brother Yacy (next month); brothers destroy jaguars and demons Añag; K. and Y. saw A. fishing; K. bit off and took the hook, Y. got caught; A. caught him in the form of a bagre (first fish); K. asked for bones, revived I. (moon phases); the brothers came to Saria (this is also Añag); Y. said that he had many sisters, A. asked them to marry, Y. ordered K. to ask permission; he told A. to bring fish for his wives, gave the girl, from his feet which the fish is dying; A. began to beat the girl, she turned into a timbo vine; K. gave A. a crown of feathers, it caught fire, A. burned down; a partridge flew out of his stomach, the ashes turned into mosquitoes; I. got together with a married woman; on a full moon, the Month copulates with girls, causing menstruation; K. did Venus; after copulation, Y. tells Venus to wash it, so it rains on the new moon; K. and Y. did a chain of arrows to go to heaven to my father; I wanted to climb first to become the sun, but K. was the first to climb himself]: Bartolomé 1977:16-40 (the episode with the chain of arrows at p.39); mbia [see motif J9; a woman gets to Mbae-ypi creatures, they eat her; the baby in her womb cannot be killed, it is Pa-i, the Sun; he grows up, lives with an old woman, makes a brother out of a leaf (next Month); brothers kill Mbae-ypi, one pregnant woman escaped, jaguars come from her; Pa-i makes a chain of arrows, brothers climb it to heaven, become the Sun and the Month]: Cadogán 1959:70-83; Cadogán, Lopez Austin 1970:74-85.