Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

J59B. The arrow falls, the deceased comes to life. 43.-.47.50.

To revive the deceased, the character shoots an arrow into the sky (it is assumed that the deceased, fearing an arrow falling on him, will come to life and run aside).

Vasco, Menominee, Seneca, Delaware, Sarsi, Blackfooted, Koasati, Alabama, Caddo, Hicarilla.

The coast is the Plateau. Vasco [a man makes an arrow, cuts his finger, sucks blood, liked the taste, he ate himself, leaving only flesh on his back, where you can't reach it; devours people, you can't kill him; wife with little the son runs to tobacco people who feed on tobacco smoke; the old man pierces the heart of the skeleton with an arrow, which turns into a pile of bones; the boy grows up, knocks bags of tobacco off the cliff with an arrow like local people; The old man gives him his daughter; he fires an arrow into the sky, reviving the dead]: Curtin 1909b, No. 3:246-248.

The Midwest. Menominee [the old man invites the young hunter into his boat, which rushes across the lake by herself, the hunter loses strength; on the shore, the ogre's wife pierces him with her digging stick; this is how all the brothers die; the youngest becomes a feather, flies to a tree on which the hearts of cannibals lie, pierces them with arrows, both die; their daughter is good, also tells them to kill their dog, burn their bodies; the young man marries her, revives her brothers, firing arrows over them; one brother remained lame, the girl accidentally changed her bones; at home, the young men's sister did not believe that they had returned; all this time the foxes mocked her, saying that, supposedly The brother came, urinated in her eyes, she went blind; the young man's wife heals her eyes; he himself kills all but one foxes that come in with a club; therefore, there are few silver foxes]: Bloomfield 1928, No. 101:395-409.

Northeast. Seneca [Hodadeio lives in a teepee with her older sister; when she leaves, she closes the door to a leash; he plays with a raccoon's leg, throwing it up and shooting accurately; hears sounds on the bunk beds under the roof; sister: this is your brother Casheed; she scrapes a little bit of chestnut, cooks, knocks on the pot, the pot is filled with porridge; after eating, Casheed sings but is still weak; then lets you smoke tobacco; the voice is stronger; the sister leaves, X . cooks all the chestnut at once, gives all the tobacco, now Casheed is strong; sister: no more chestnuts, Casheed will die; witches have chestnuts in the east of the world; there are trees across the river, two rattlesnakes on the other side ; then a narrow passage in the mountains, two giants on both sides; then there is a hill, there is a woman; if she sees, sings, witches run out and kill; H. learns to catch bigger and bigger game: chikadi, robin, partridge, turkey, raccoon, deer, bear; sister does not tell you to go north; H. is coming; the stump has become human: I am a great sorcerer, I will rain spears on you; H. ordered the teepee to become stone, the spears did not pierce him; sister: you went north; H.: I won't do it anymore; but he let fire into that part of the forest, the sorcerer's head burst, an owl flew out of it, flew away; {H. wins and kills uncles and cannibals}; across the river, H. gave the snakes a chipmunk and told them to leave; gave a cake to the giants, gave beans to two herons, told them to leave too; told the mole to lift it up a steep mountain; grabbed half a chestnut and returned to his sister; H. hears scream; sister: it is your brother screaming; he is tied to a pole and is burned with fire; his tears turn into wampum, he is collected; and the tobacco was stolen by the great sorcerer Long Eyebrows; H. came to the village where he is tormented brother, stayed with an old woman and her grandson; their name is also called to collect wampum; two women burn their brother from different sides so that the wampum falls down continuously; H. put everyone to sleep, untied and took their brother to the old woman; did the stone teepee, where everyone slept, made it hot, everyone died; then he knocked down the tree on the bones of his relatives: get up, the tree falls; everyone came to life, bounced; leaving his brother to recover, H. came to Long Eyebrows; hits him on the head with a hammer, but he: the mice are running; finally raised his eyelashes, tied him behind his head, scraped his eyes with the sink and looked; chased H., but he hit him with arrows, took the tobacco and told the tobacco to fly to his sister; took lively people there; the old woman's grandson, although he was one of the cannibals, promised not to eat human beings anymore; marking places where must be wigwams, H. created wigwams for lively people; {on p. 343; further adventures}]: Curtin 1922:327-350; Delaware [(summary in Bierhorst 1995, No. 71:45; West 1909 in Oklahoma; the mother does not tell her six sons to go west; the youngest has the ball, the head of a lynx, digs her teeth into a tree; the eldest goes and finds a wife; she warns that the one-eyed sorcerer Red-Feather wants to kidnap her On the head; at home, the younger brother guards the elder's wife; when he is away, the sorcerer takes her away; the brothers disappear one by one; the sorcerer lets his Naked Bear at each; the younger brother goes, picks up on the road a toad, a snake (makes a pipe out of them), an otter (makes a pouch out of its skin), a weasel; a weasel jumps into the Bear's mouth, gnaws out the heart; an otter skin pouch grabs the Bear by the legs, the toad (i.e. the trumpet) puffs with fire; the younger brother kills the sorcerer, throwing a lynx ball into his eye, burns him; the head jumps out of the fire four times, Laska brings it back; the younger brother revives the elders by firing an arrow over them ]: Hitakonanu'laxk 1994:88-93.

Plains. Sarsi: Curtis 1976 (18) [The husband does not tell the pregnant wife to look out of the tipi if she hears something; the wife pierces the hole with an awl, peeks; the old man comes in; refuses to eat food, offered on a tray made of wood, a dried stomach, a bark; on a woman's blanket (that's better!) , on her moccasin (even better), greed (more!) , wearing her dress (very close! ); when she puts food on her bare stomach, the person eats the offer with her flesh, pulls two babies out of her womb, throws one into the stream, the other beyond the floor of the tipi; the corpse's face puts in a fire, it wrinkles as if laughing; he leaves the corpse facing the entrance; the husband first thinks the wife is laughing, then crying; notices the prints of small legs on the ash; leaves his blanket on the hill for disguises, he flies up in the form of a pen; hears one boy calling another to come out of the river to play; next time his father grabs Domashny, Rechnaya slips away; convinces Domashny to lure Rechny ashore , he also grabs; brothers shoot arrows up above the mother's body, she comes to life; the father does not tell you to go in certain directions; the brothers go, defeat monsters; 1) the bison; 2) the bear; 3) the old man who killed them mother (Domashny searches in his head, protecting his stomach with a flat stone; the old man cannot bite into him, Rechnoy kills him with an arrow); 4) a living hill draws in and swallows people; brothers find skeletons inside ; cut off Hill's heart, make a hole in his side; revive the swallowed, go out with them; 5) Domashny tries to grab the Eagle's feather, the Eagle takes him away; the old woman finds a baby lying on eagle feathers ; only her youngest son agrees that she bring the foundling into the house; he is called Zillunna ("lousy"). The chief promises to give his two daughters to the one who will get two silver foxes; C. the old woman is ashamed to offer the leader Ts as her son-in-law, for the third time she says that he got the fox; the older sister refuses to marry C., the youngest goes out; only C. turns bison cakes into bison, gets buffalo; creates beautiful clothes for herself and his wife; the older sister turns into a mole out of envy, digs a hole under the sleeping C., who falls, she defecates on him; the old Wolf calls animals , they tear off C.; The she-wolf adopts C., she is killed, C. returns to his wife; tells the Wolves to execute her older sister; The Wolves tore her apart, Wolverine took the vulva and climbed the tree]: 136-140; Dzana-gu 1921, No. 26 [When going hunting, the husband tells the pregnant wife not to look out when she hears the sound of the bell; she looks out, the man comes in, refuses to eat from the plate, from the moccasins, from the greaves, from the dress, eats from her belly, tears it apart, pulls out the twins, throws one into the river, the other behind the floor, leaves, leaving the corpse standing; the husband mourns his wife, notices small footprints, leaves a bow and arrow, goes to the hill, sees boy; next time he leaves his cape on the hill, he comes closer imperceptibly; the boy, thrown next to the tipi, shouts to the man thrown into the river that his father is far away on the hill, he goes out, the family is enough him, calls his father; all three live together; brothers shoot arrows, tell his mother to beware, she comes to life; the father does not tell them to go to the river where their mother is murdered; the brothers go, that man suggests looking for he has parasites, one brother ties a person's hair to willows, the other puts a stone on his stomach; a man jumps up, wants to dig into his stomach, breaks his teeth, stays tied to his hair; the father warns do not go where the bear, the bison, the brothers kill them; do not go to the cave, they go, they are drawn in by the wind, they see the heart, it is an absorber monster, skeletons inside; brothers tie knives to their heads , dance, bounce, cut the monster's heart, return to their father]: 32-34; blacklegs [husband warns his wife not to look at the monster who asks Where to enter? ; she looks, enters - without legs, her insides can be seen through her body; the woman offers him food on various pieces of her clothes, he agrees to eat on her stomach; rips it open, throws one The baby in the ash is Chief Ash (Z.), the second to the outside, this is the Chief Stuck in the Back (S.); each time the hunter finds things scattered; both boys play his arrows; the father leaves while turning in a stick; grabs both boys, recognized by them; Z. tries to revive his mother by throwing arrows over her; S. revives, saying that the boiling pot will now tip over; the father does not tell the hoop to roll east; the brothers roll, the hoop rolls into the old woman's house; she tries to strangle the brothers with smoke, they scatter the smoke with a pen, return home; the father does not tell them to shoot west; their arrow hits the beavers; the brothers live beavers, they forget about home; the father sticks a row of arrows on the shore; the boys come out of the water to collect them, the father grabs them, is recognized by them; the father does not tell you to shoot at one bird; they shoot, the arrow gets stuck on tree; Z. climbs after her, disappears somewhere in the sky, his clothes and shoes fall down; S. turns into a crying baby, picked up by an old woman, she calls him Fat Tummy (J.); he regains his former appearance; the chief promises to give one of his three daughters for the one to shoot the partridge; J. shot, the arrow crow (V.) changed arrows, marries the elder, J. the younger sister; 2) who will trap the black fox; J. catches, V. puts in his own, gets his old sister; J. gives himself, his wife, a gorgeous look; turns bison cakes into bison, kills them; the snow on his leggings turns into cherries, snow V. just melts on leggings]: Josselin de Jong 1914:38-52.

Southeast USA. Koasachi [five brothers disappear one by one; the sixth climbs a tree; a cannibal with a basket tells him to get down and fight her; he killed her with her own club, cut off her head, but every time her the dicks grew together; pulled out his heart, threw it against the tree, it became a tree mushroom; then she died; the young man brought his sister who remained at home, she put the club in the basket, they came to the cannibal's house; they began to assure her daughter, that the basket and club were not her mother; asked where the remains of the dead were; the young man threw an arrow up, the dead came to life from their bones; when they left, despite his prohibition, they looked around and turned into a lynx, a cougar, an owl, a crow; sat on an arrow, told his sister to hold his leg, but she grabbed his testicles every time; he turned it into a partridge, flew to heaven on an arrow; in similar stories he turns into thunder]: Swanton 1929, No. 10:169-170; Alabama [while five brothers are hunting, the sixth is looking for a swam tuber that has fallen into the water, finds a baby girl tied to the board; she becomes the brothers' sister; Sharp Butt comes to in their absence, with her finger in her and held it over the fire, lie on her stomach, her back serves as a plate for him; from this she dies; comes to life; so twice; the third time the brothers stay, plant fish on the sharp ass, fry, eat fish on his back, he dies, they drop the corpse down the river in a boat; the boat is spinning in one place, five brothers go one by one to find out why they are missing; the sixth climbs on The persimmon that comes up to the ogre tells her to go down and fight her; he kills her with a baton, cuts off her head; she grows, but for the fourth time the cannibal dies; he throws her heart, it turns into wood mushroom; intestines into vines; he cuts off her nose; comes to her daughters, says it's not a nose, but a smoking pipe; told her to lie down, promising to tickle, killed her with a club; throwing an arrow up, revived the dead from bones; they looked around, turned into a lynx, a crow, a hawk, etc.]: Swanton 1929, No. 13:129-131; caddo: Dorsey 1905, No. 17 [while the husband is hunting, the wife goes to fetch water, disappears; boy with a long comes to play with her son with his nose, says he is his older brother; runs away as soon as his father approaches; for the sixth time, father and son catch a wild boy, cut off his long nose, making him more obedient; contrary to the father's prohibition, the brothers hunt monstrous squirrels; the youngest is swallowed, the elder throws hot stones into the hollow, removes the brother from the squirrel's womb, revives; the brothers play with a hoop, he rolls, they follow; the pecan tree grows to the sky; first the eldest, then the youngest, rise to heaven, gain strength; each's bones fall to the ground, the other revives it by firing an arrow and screaming that it falls ; the younger voice is thunder, the elder has lightning; the brothers find the old man who hid their hoop; kill him and his people; find the mother's bones, revive them by firing an arrow; return with her to their father; after the death of their parents, they go up to heaven, now live in the clouds], 32 [ten out of nine brothers disappear one by one; the youngest comes to the old cannibal; he asks to raise a log; the young man cannot lies down on a log, the old man is ready to pierce him with the iron nose of his mask; the sun raises the young man into the air, the mask's nose gets stuck in a log; the young man finishes off the cannibal; the Sun advises to burn the ogre and his wife in them house, throw an arrow up over a pile of bones of the dead; the arrow falls, the brothers who are alive jump up; return home]: 31-36, 58-59.

The Great Southwest. Hicarilla [while the husband is hunting, a man with a spotty body comes to his pregnant wife, rips his stomach open, buries one baby in the hearth, throws the other into the stream; the husband takes his wife's corpse to the cave, Domashny finds, he grows up quickly; the father hears the son talking to another boy who asks his brother to get his father's arrows; the father tells the House to grab and hold the Discarded One; that looks like a frog, it has long claws on its arms and legs; the father cuts them off; if he hesitated, the boy would turn into a spotted frog; brothers shoot up above the mother's corpse, tell her to run away, she comes to life; they go away, their bodies are torn to shreds by a hurricane; an old woman finds a bloody leaf, puts it in a pot to cook, a boy jumps out; while the grandmother is gone, he kills the Rattlesnake with an arrow; an old woman grieves, it was her husband; the boy leaves, receives eagle clothes from the big Eagle; both go up to the upper world; there the young man meets his grandmother and other people in the form of eagles; eagles are attacked by bumblebees and hornets, many are killed; a young man kills attackers, brings his grandmother their scalps; flies back to the ground, returns his plumage; shoots an eagle, a Coyote replaces his arrow; a young man returns to his parents; marries, His wife's sister also lives with them; Spotted kills him while hunting, puts on his clothes, comes to his wife and her sister; they make a fire, he is hot, they see that it is not his husband, they rip his belly open; people they find a cave where Pyatnisty's wife, children and other relatives live, cover them with grass and brushwood, and burn all demons]: Opler 1938, No. VIIIa: 374-381.