Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

J6. The murdered woman's children grew up in an antagonist house.


A pregnant woman is killed (and eaten). Twins are taken out of her womb, who are usually also meant to be eaten, but escape, (secretly) live in the antagonist house and take revenge on them.

Damara, Kikuyu, Masai, Iraku, Bering Strait Inupiat, Kuna, Guajiro, Yanomami, Warrau, Carinha (Orinoco), Carinha (Guyana), Lokono, Trio, Oyana, Oyampi, Kofan, Napo, Canelo, Shuar , aguaruna, huambisa, saparo, barasana, macuna, kabiyari, Vila Bela, tenetehara, urubu, tupinamba, amuesha, characterbet, yuracare, chiriguano, surui, sinta larga, waura, calapalo, cuicuru, camayura, trumai (?) , bacairi, paresi, bororo, tapirape.

SW Africa. Damara [the pregnant woman fell behind her own, sat down to rest; her daughter Aga-abes stayed with her; the cannibal called them to her house, promised to give a massage to restore the woman's strength; sent A. for water, squeezed the twins out of the woman, put them in a leather bag, ate the woman; told her daughter that her mother went to catch up with her own; the bag became small for the twins, the cannibal placed them in an ostrich egg; grew up and from there; they consider the leather bag to be their mother; A. met them, explained everything; while the cannibal was away, they brought brushwood into the house; at night they set fire to the house; they demanded the cannibal's mother's heart, she threw her mother's heart to them; they they demanded again, she gave; the cannibal's heart and herself were burned; the mother's heart was buried in warm ash, the mother came to life; married the eldest of her sons, A. took the youngest; they came from small and large Half of the damar eater called them into her house, promised to give them a massage to restore the woman's strength; sent A.]: Vedder 1923:7-8.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Kikuyu: Gagnolo 1953, No. 23 [At the festival, girls admire the handsome man, follow him; one by one, they see a second mouth on the back of his head, which he uses to catch flies; they understand that he is one of the cannibals Marimo; under various pretexts, they fall behind and leave; two sisters remain; Marimo locks them in a hut, waits for his relatives to gather for a meal; girls notice human bones, dig an underground passage, the youngest manages to get out, the eldest gets stuck, Marimo cuts off her leg, she asks her to be spared, married; he agrees; a son Manga is born, the same cannibal; the younger sister secretly visits her elder; she tells you not to stop under a certain tree on the way back; when it rains, the youngest stops under a tree, climbs it, Manga and her father come up, Manga notices a woman, pulls her down; extracts two twins from her womb, brings her mother to cook, she hides the babies, feeds her husband and son with rat meat; the brothers have grown up; the mother invites her husband and son to try on a mesh bag; if they fall ill, she will be able to carry them in it; ties them up, calls nephews, they kill cannibals and return to people with their lame aunt]: 63-66; Mwangi 1983 [at the festival, cannibals are indistinguishable from humans, the most beautiful; everything the girls followed Mangeca; when he jumped over the stream, his hair moved and his mouth was toothy underneath; the girls came back, but M. alone liked it so much that he didn't want to believe that he was an ogre; her friend Nyambura followed her; M. asked him to wait outside the house (they say, lambs should be allowed to see the sheep), and he went to warn the other cannibals not to be seen by the girls; cleaned the house, went with the other cannibals to eat a man; N. went to get a knife and an ax to cut a ram, saw M. gnawing at the skull; when she returned, the girls began to dig a passage under the wall of the house to run away; M.: What are those sounds? - We cut off the ram's head to fit into the cauldron; the girls ran away, but N. returned halfway for the forgotten necklace; tried to hide, but M. cut off one of her breasts; N. agreed to become his wife; gave birth to a son Konyeki; he is a cannibal father; her sister came to N.; she tells her to return immediately, not to stop under the Mugumo tree even when it rains, cannibals gather under it; but when it starts raining , the girl climbed this tree; K. climbed the tree, ate all the girl's fingers one by one (if he doesn't, he'll tell her father), then threw her off, the cannibals ate her; brought N. to cook those taken out of her stomach twins; she cooked two rats instead; fed the twins meat; they grew up, she begged for two swords and two spears and gave them to the tribesmen; persuaded M. to move to a new place; when M. and K. tired, carrying a heavy load, the young men killed them]: 92-99.

Sudan - East Africa. Masai [after dancing, three girls follow an unfamiliar handsome man; he goes forward, saying that he will gather the sheep; in fact, he hides the bones eaten under the bed; in fact, the ogre's mother is in the house, who remains the skeleton, says that he ate all relatives and neighbors, tells me to make a hole in the wall and run; halfway through, a girl remembers that she left her beads, returns; the cannibal refuses to call her mother, sister (he ate them a long time ago), agrees to make her wife; she gives birth to his son Konyek, he immediately grows up, leaves with his father to hunt people; the girl's mother's pregnant sister comes to her visit; the ogre's wife tells her not to hide from the rain under a lonely tree on the way back; she breaks the ban; when she sees the cannibals, she peed herself in fear; they first think that the tree is leaking, then they see they eat her; the cannibal calls the twins from her womb kidneys, gives her to K., tells her to take them to his mother, she will fry them to him; she hides the children under the bed, roasts rats for K.; the boys grow up, K. suspects deception (who eats meat, whose footprints, why does the mother ask her father to give her shields and spears?) ; she asks her husband and son to get under the skin of a cow, which she nails with pegs to the ground: she wants to see how K. gets out and repel the attackers; the first time K. gets out, the second time she cannot; a woman calls twins, they killed cannibals with spears]: Hollis 1905:143-147 (=Kipury 1983, No. 12:54-58); Iraq [three girls, two full sisters, and one from another father, entered the house during the rain; there father and son cannibals; at night, the girls dug a passage, ran away; one {probably the one from another father} forgot her mother's leather apron, came back; her cannibal son met her, asked if she should eat or marry her; she agreed to become a wife; a month later her pregnant sister visited her; when she left, she was told not to hide from the rain under a lonely tree; she climbed the tree; the cannibals stopped under it; the woman peed herself; the father said that it began to rain, but the son noticed the woman; they ate her, brought the children ("eggs") to the woman to cook; she hid the twins in a hole, cooked rats instead; raised boys; the cannibal son hears rustles, suspects something; they decided to migrate; the woman persuaded the cannibals, putting their luggage on their backs, not to pick up spears; the twins killed them with spears]: Kohl- Larsen 1963:164-170.

The Arctic. Bering Strait Inupiat [A bear kills a pregnant woman, raises a boy taken out of her womb; lies that he is the only one in the world who has no hair on her body; a young man hears how The bear thinks out loud that it is time to eat it; meets people; kills the Bear by pushing her into the fire; returns to the people]: Garber 1940, No. 28:216-233.

Honduras vs Panama. Kuna: Chapin 1989 [Olotvaligipileler secretly visits his sister Magiryay; she tells her lice, a tick, a sand flea to wake herself up; the flea wakes up, M. smears her lover's face with a genip, dries up the rivers; sees his brother's face in the morning; he runs away in shame; M. runs after him, returns to get his baskets, loses his way; on the way he copulates with many animals; brother rises to the sky for a Month, spots are visible on her face; on the river bank, old woman Mu Quelopunayai invites her into the house, hides her in a vessel; her sons are iguanas, wild pigs, tapirs, fish; they say they smell pineapple; the next day Mu hides M. under the roof; on the third day he turns it into a part of a loom; the old woman's sons find it, devour it on the river bank; Mu cooks giblets; the boiling pot splits, pops up a cockerel and seven other birds; the cockerel sings to Ibelele (the sun); eight brothers grow up, the old woman says she is their mother; while hunting, the bird tells them that the fish swallowed their mother's bones; an old woman tells them to kill birds; brothers wonder why they are so beautiful, and their mother Frog is ugly, noseless; Moo makes his nose out of clay; brothers push Mu into the river, Y. hands her out his golden staff; cuts off her fingers when she clings to it, they fall into the water, turn into frogs and toads; the old woman stays in the water, turns into a toad; brothers fish, get her mother, eight once they try to revive, but she turns into different animals; brothers bury bones]: 33-42; Holmer 1951 [the young man sleeps with his sister; she tells the lice first, then the tick, the flea to wake her up; the flea wakes her up on time, she smears his lover's face with genipa juice; asks the Master of the Rivers to dry them; in the morning the brother cannot wash off the paint, leaves in shame; the sister follows him; returns three times for his faith to fan the fire and others objects, loses his way; goes to the sound of her brother's flute, then stops hearing it; asks the cockerel and four other species of birds about the road; each points the way after she agrees to sleep with him; brother rises to heaven, becomes a Month; stains are still visible; children are told that it is a rabbit; an old woman on the river bank invites the girl into the house, turns it into a part of a loom, hides it in straw on the roof; the old woman's sons find her, drag her to the river, drown it, turn into fish, eat it; the old woman asks to leave her uterus; the boiling pot splits, the cockerel jumps to the edge, screams Ipelele (sun); then birds of the species that the woman copulated with appear from the pot; then the boy Puksu (Morning Star) and eight other stars come out; the boys grow up; hunting turkeys say that the fish was eaten by their mother; I. and P. turn into whales, kill fish, pull their mother's bones out of their belly; wash the old woman into the water with a wave, she turns into a frog; now the Sun dries her skin frogs; I. resurrects his mother eight times, she breaks up again; wants to turn into a dog, a snake, other objects; I. buries bones]: 145-155; Wassen 1934b: 5-7.

The Northern Andes. Guajiro: Wilbert, Simoneau 1986 (1), No. 24 [sister, not knowing whether she is getting pregnant from her brother's breath; gives birth to a girl; she gets pregnant by an uncle who hits her chest with his hand; leaves, twins from her womb they talk to her; ask her to make them bows and arrows; she pricks her eyes with a reed, punishes the children by slapping her stomach; they force her to come to the Jaguars; the mother of the Jaguars hides her in a vessel; her sons they find and devour it; five boys are born from pieces of her meat; three Jaguars are killed, two are kept; they offer to shoot at a man's pupils on the moon; twins replace arrows; Jaguars lose, turn arrowheads into their claws; twins steal melons and papayas from the Dove's garden; she tells them about the fate of their mother; Mako reports the same; the twins kill the Jaguar mother, cook her meat, give her her sons eat it; run away, becoming a cloud; Jaguars turn into evil spirits], 25-28 [about (24)]: 54-63, 66-84.

Southern Venezuela. Yanomami: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 181 [(Lizot MS); first the Yanomami ate the placentas, then they ate the newborns themselves, there are almost no people left, only the Kurare Woman survived; she hid her Moyenayoma's daughter on the roof, put a piece of her own skin in the mouth of Jaguar's sleeping son, who died; the Jaguar ate it; wanted to eat LCD (calls her mother-in-law), but she is bitter; M. peed herself, the leaves crumpled, her Jaguar saw, ate, LCD asked for a uterus, hid the Omawë twins and the older, bad, they immediately grew up; they peel the tree, invite the Jaguar to climb, made the tree tall and thick, Jaguar fell; when the LCD removed his lice, his brothers killed him with arrows], 192 [(Cocco 1972:469-474); Jaguar Ira ate Poapoama, gave the baby from the womb to his grandmother Mamokori-yoma, who raised Omawë; his eldest brother was Yoawë; when fishing, he sees two girls in the river; the next day O. saw one girl, grabbed it, brought it home; she is the daughter of the water monster Rahara-riwë (looks like a push-up bag cassava); O. took her to the site, to the seiba, ordered her to pull out the root and prepare a cassava; his wife did not eat, said that the real cassava was not like that; gave birth to a beautiful girl; asked her to marry Yarimi-riwë ;; her vagina bit his penis, there was a fish; he turned into a monkey; O.'s wife took him and YE. to her father, to the station, showed them a real cassava; at this time her father sent them a huge wave; O. and YE. turned into crickets, hid under the roof of a house where air remained; both his wife O. and his wife returned home; decided to take revenge on R.; agreed in the Sun to dry the pond; for the first time the dry season has come; O. plunged his spear into the ground, the water poured out, everyone is drunk; some of the water has risen to the sky, now pours out in the form of rain; the shamans threw the old woman into the water, the flood is over; O. ate dead fish, where he threw the dice, rivers appeared; O. stole the daughter of the morokoto fish; then left with his family, his descendants were Europeans]: 359-361, 377-382.

Guiana. Warrau: Wilbert 1970, No. 166 [Nahakoboni (Who eats a lot) carves a daughter from plum wood; The sun performs difficult tasks; the Opistho comus bird deflores the girl; the father extracts a snake from the daughter's vagina; The sun goes west, leaves a trail of feathers; the wife follows the trail; the wind carries the feathers; the son from the mother's womb shows her way; asks to pick flowers; she is bitten by a wasp; she claps on the stomach; the child is offended, falls silent; the woman enters the house of the old frog Naniobo; she asks to remove her poisonous lice, warns not to bite them; the woman bites, dies; The frog pulls twins out of her belly; teaches them how to cook fish in the sun; they see her spit out fire, cook starch, taking it out of scratches on her neck; they burn it in the garden; fire from her bodies go into fire sticks], 190 [see J17 motive; woman goes looking for her father]: 359-361, 440-441; Carinha in Orinoco: Civrieux 1974:82-84; Carinha Guyana [woman conceives from the Sun of the twins, these are Pia and Makunaima; P. from her mother's womb promises to show her the way to her father; on the way she picks flowers; she falls down, blames her sons; they fall silent, she comes to the house of the Frog Kono (bo) -aru, the mother of Jaguar; she hides the woman under a vessel, the Jaguar finds her and kills her; K. tells them that the Crax bird killed their mother; they exterminate birds, the latter reports that their mother was killed by Jaguar; brothers kill Jaguar and K. with arrows; come to another old woman, also the Frog; returning from hunting, find ready-made manioc cakes; watching the old woman, they see how starch falls from the stain on her shoulder; they refuse to eat cakes, put the old woman on a bast bed, set fire; since then, the skin of the frogs has been wrinkled; the brothers go to look for their father, come to Tapiriha ; they find her fruit tree, eat the fruits; she hits them, runs away; after many days of chasing, they throw a lasso over her; M. cuts off her leg with a rope; Tapiriha and M. turn into Pleiades, severed leg to Orion's Belt]: Roth 1915, No. 35-38:133-135; curl: Magaña 1988a, No. 60, 60a, 61:107-109, 239; trio: Magaña 1987, No. 8 [twins from the mother's womb ask her to go to their father's village; they tell them to pick flowers and fruits for them; she is bitten by wasps, angry with the children, who stop showing the way; a woman comes to the jaguars; a weasel (comadreja) hides her under a vessel, Jaguar finds it, it turns into a turtle, he still eats it; two boys hatch from eggs, the old woman raises them; while hunting, the dove tells them about their mother's fate; they invite the Jaguars to holiday, lightning strikes the house where they dance; turn the house into a rock, an old woman into a deer; a pair of jaguars escape]: 133; oyana: Magaña 1987, No. 43 [pregnant woman goes in search the father of her child; the son from her womb asks her to get a banana; she is bitten by a wasp, she is angry with her son; at a fork in the road he refuses to show the way, she ends up with the Jaguar; his mother Toad hides her under with a vessel; the Jaguar finds and devours her; the Toad saves and raises the child; the bird tells him how his mother died; he invites the Jaguars, turns the house in which they dance into a rock; alone the jaguar is saved], 53 [see motif J16; in exchange for his life, a man promises his sister to Jaguar; she does not want to go; he makes a wooden girl, she falls out of a hammock, breaks; makes a wax basket sticks to her back; paints three other girls with black paint, but the Jaguar recognizes the change; the man's sister is pregnant with the Jaguar, goes to his village; turns on the wrong path, gets to the Possum; son The Jaguara advises not to refuse the Possum, but to put the leaves in the vagina; the woman forgets to take out the leaves, becomes pregnant with her second son; the son asks for fruit, the woman is bitten by an ant, she scolds an ant; the son thinks that him, falls silent; she comes to the village of the Jaguars; their aunt Toad hides her under a vessel; the Jaguar finds her, eats her; the son of the Opossum is also eaten; the son of the Jaguar turns into a turtle; it is eaten, but four remain eggs; two boys and two girls come out of them; a bird in the forest says that the Jaguars killed their mother; children make flutes from their mother's nails to attract Jaguars; they bring down the roof of the house on them], 97 [opossum bothers a pregnant woman; she goes on, eaten by jaguars], 97:43, 44-45, 53; oyampi [Yaneya leaves; pregnant wife follows him; twins from her womb show her way; ask picking flowers; she is bitten by a wasp; she refuses to collect, the twins fall silent; a woman goes to the Jaguars, Jaguariha eats her; the Mayamayali and Vayamakale twins (from poppy, a monkey ?) jump on a tree; Jaguariha calls them back; A dove hunting talks about his mother's death; M. and Y. lure the Jaguars to the bridge, create piranhas in the river; V. cuts off the vine ahead of time, two jaguars they save themselves, the rest are eaten by piranhas; M. almost revives his mother, V. hugs her ahead of time, she falls apart; by the sea, their father cuts down a tree, chips turn into fish; the father tests his sons, M. does not He withstands; the father tells him that he is not his son, but the Monkey; makes a parrot out of his skin, monkeys out of flesh; in the morning the father rises to heaven; M. makes a woman out of wood; V. appears again, despite warning makes love to a woman; she turns into a hard tree, his penis becomes long, he wears it in a basket; comes to the village; while men sleep, he dances with all women; they go into a hole, disappear underground; a parrot and a monkey remain in the village; while men hunt, they take off their feathers and skins, cook; V. comes out of the hole; one woman cuts off his long penis; a piece stays in the vagina; once in the river, it turns into an eel]: Grenada 1982, No. 5:67-72.

Western Amazon. Kofan [man leaves his wife and sister in the woods; wife finds no way home, ends up with jaguars; Jaguarich's houses; Jaguars want to marry a woman, but she is only ready to marry herself small; others eat it in anger; Jaguariha finds an egg in the uterus; chicks hatch from it; asking how their mother died; how to kill Jaguariha; hit her ear; they kill her]: Calífano , Gonzalo 1995, No. 119:175-177; Napo: Foletti Castegnaro 1985 [daughter is pregnant, although there are no people around; realized that my brother, who rose to heaven, became the Month; the parents left; the girl asked the parrot take her to the people; the eagle ate all three parrots; she asked about the twins' path in her stomach; they asked her to pick a flower; she was bitten by a wasp, she hit her stomach, twins they fell silent; she went to the Jaguar house; the old woman hid her under the pot, her saliva dripped, the Jaguars jumped to get the woman, the Puka Puma ("Red Jaguar") took it out; the old woman asked for giblets, I went to wash, found two children, raised her; they were Cuillur and Duciru; they asked them to make bows and arrows; they began to take out the lice from the grandmother, killed her, welded her, took her jaw to the forest; her name is Jaguars, her jaw replies that he is cutting wood; the brothers told the Jaguars that they ate their mother, turned into hummingbirds, flew away; they brought down the bridge with the jaguars, the pregnant female escaped; the sea across which the bridge was, the brothers decided cross the caiman on his back; the elder does not tell the youngest to tell Cayman that his eyes are bulging; the youngest said Cayman bit off his leg; the elder dried the pond, killed Cayman, put his brother's leg back; the elder made boats by shooting at trees; the youngest broke the boat, now it is difficult to make them; the brothers made a chain of arrows, went to heaven, became the Pleiades; there is also the caiman's jaw and the basket in which they mother carried parrots]: 55-60; Mercier 1979 [the wife is pregnant, her month-old husband is gone somewhere; she goes looking for him, asks about the twins' journey in her stomach; she picks flowers for the twins, she is bitten by a wasp, she slaps her stomach saying it's their fault; the twins stop talking; she comes to the Jaguar grandmother; she hides her under the roof, the woman spits; Murupuma, Puka-Puma can't reach her, Wimba-puma jumps; they eat it, the grandmother asks for giblets, takes it out, hides the twins in the pot; they grow up, call her to the plot where they quickly grew corn; she almost lost her way in it; she tells bring them water, they bring a lot, the grandmother almost drowned; she asks for firewood, they bring a lot, they fill it up with firewood; they eat mushrooms grown on wood, it turned out that the grandmother's ears are still alive; the name of the brothers Kuillurkuna ("Stars"); they lured her into a cave with musical instruments, asked her to dance, she sat down on a glued bench, stuck; she was closed, she would come out at the end of time; the brothers lured The jaguars were brought down to the bridge over the abyss they had dug; they hid in two rubber bags, let themselves be carried away by the cannibal eagle Anga, who brought them to a nest on a rock; when he fell asleep, the eldest killed the male, the youngest did not finished off the female, she flew away at sunset; the duck replied that she could not transport the brothers across the river; Cayman drove and asked what it smelled like; the eldest said he did not feel anything, the youngest that he smelled caiman; the eldest managed to turn into a fast Suwisuwi bird, and the youngest into a slow Partridge, Cayman bit off his leg; the eldest dried the pond, found that caiman, tore off his jaw, took out his leg, put it back; climbed the vine into the sky, the eldest became the Evening Star, the Younger became the Morning Star, took his jaw with them (Hyades)]: 28-39, 51; napo or canelo [see motif A31; girl became pregnant by her brother; he went to heaven, became a month old; she became an ilucu bird (nightjar? ; but then the story continues; the same below with the mother of the jaguars, who became a toad but continues to act as before) has left home; the Cuillor (younger) and Docero twins from her womb show the way; ask her to pick a flower, then a leaf, a fruit; when she picked the fruit, she was bitten by a wasp; she clapped her stomach because of you; the twins fell silent; the parrot on her shoulder began to point the road, but he was carried away by a falcon; the woman came to the mother of the jaguars; she hid her under the roof, warned her not to spit; the jaguars came, she spat, the eldest climbed, did not find it, the youngest found the woman, they spit her they were torn to pieces, the twins were given to their mother (tender meat), but they asked them not to eat; the mother of the jaguars hid them, a month later they had already grown up; the old woman asked them to prepare firewood; they collected a huge pile, told pull from below, the old woman filled up the firewood; the next time she asked for water, they directed the river, when the old woman opened the door, the water carried her; the twins told the old woman to collect corn in the middle fields, made it endless; she can't find her way back; the voice of the toad "ooh" can be heard; since then, where corn grows, the toad unculu screams; the brothers brought the old woman home; the elder brother tells the younger not throw the leftovers wrapped in leaves into the water; he threw them away, they turned into a stingray, and when he started fishing, the stingray plunged his thorn into it; the mother of the jaguars asked them to make a bridge over the river for them; brothers turned into birds, made clubs, came back; the elder told the youngest to cut off the bridge at the signal, but he said there was no need for a signal; when all the jaguars stepped on the bridge, the elder cut off his end, and the younger he fiddled for a long time and a pregnant jaguariha ran away; her traces are still visible on the river rocks; the brothers told the Old Jaguar about their adventures; he asked them to set traps and the brothers caught almost all birds and animals; the Old Jaguar decided to eat them; his brothers killed him, took out his spine, filled him with ash, put insects in his eyes; shouted that the jaguar wanted to eat them; the old mother of jaguars ran, hit the scarecrow with a stick, the ash blinded her, the brothers washed her eyes; the ancient Jaguar devoured everyone; the brothers made a room inside Mount Galera, put a lot of food and musical instruments there, they lured Jaguar with a game; he started playing himself, did not notice how the brothers came out; they told the hole to close; the Jaguar started rushing, one leg was left outside; there was still a roar; other jaguars brought him food; a huge harpy eagle devoured everyone; Cuillor hid in a rubber bag; the eagle could not tear it, threw it on the clouds; C. does not know how to go down; the old man Uchitican says he is also from the ground; ordered sit on his back, close his eyes, open him after the second whistle, flew; but C. opened after the first one, fell into the forest; Docero went to look for him; began to pick edible mushrooms from the trunk; scream from the trunk {apparently mushrooms are C.'s ears, but it's not directly said}; the woodpecker cut the hole; for this D. gave him a red handkerchief over his head; C. made glue, the eagle stuck, D. broke his wing with a blow of the club; the brothers turned him into stone; it is visible now - it looks like an eagle with a broken wing; a huge anaconda devoured people; the brothers made a trap, persuaded them to climb into it, turned the anaconda into stone; the thunder killed many; the brothers found him sleeping on a tree branch; they cut his neck with an ax, told him to petrify; there are thunderstones in this place now; the evil frog spirit ("devil") took the form of a mother, told the children to dance; the brothers hid, told him to become a stone; the brothers asked the caiman to transport them across the sea; when the first one sailed, he answered the caiman every time that it smelled like fragrant flowers; when he jumped ashore, he said that he was like a caiman; But when the Cayman took the second one, but he had time to bite off the young man's leg; the bees pasted his leg with wax; the brothers made a fire, the smoke rose to the sky, became a staircase, and the brothers climbed into heaven; C. became a morning star and D. an evening star]: Orr, Hudelson 1971, No. 2-15:7-49; canelo [cannibal Inti Runa (Sun??) devours a pregnant woman, takes a baby out of her womb, he jumps into the water; grows up by himself, hunts flies; IR found him, took him, fired arrows; birds said that IR killed his mother; he found a skull mothers; revived the birds he shot; at the site turned IR's mother into a deer, killed him, fed her meat; killed him with a spear while he ate his head]: Coloma et al. 1986:89-93; shuar: Barrueco 1988 [ Tsera (monkey) climbs a vine into heaven, brings a woman, Atsuta; Ivia marries her; she always brings a lot of fish; I. watches her, discovers that she gives her fish Anaconda; out of jealousy, I. kills his wife, gutts; his (second) wife finds two eggs inside; the Duck takes them away, including the Sun brothers Etsa and the Month of Nantu; they eat all the peppers from the Heron garden; that sends them to steal from I.; I. leaves two insects as guards, catches thieves; E. takes E. as a grandson (N. is no longer mentioned); E. invents a wind gun, kills birds; Dove advises killing a murderer better mother; E. sees I. and his wife playing with his mother's skull and eye, his eye sheds tears; E. kills I.B.'s wife cuts off her head and limbs, turns his body into a deer, feeds I.; kills him with a spear, burns; tobacco grows in this place; I. comes to life but cannot kill E.]: 36-41; Pelizzaro 1993 [Ivianch (Ivia) ate the hiwaro family, married the most beautiful girl; then killed her, her children Etza ( sun) and Yanguami (star) was fed by the water goddess Tsungi (sometimes in the form of an anaconda); Y. climbed the vine into the sky, became a star; E. began to steal pepper from I.'s site, who caught it and adopted it; E. caught it there was a lot of game for I.; he was going to kill the totora bird with a wind gun, she said that I. killed E.'s mother, made a flute out of his skull, used his eyes to paint vessels; E. killed I.'s current wife, the corpse became deer; E. cut off and dismembered the head, cooked the meat, ate it with I.; seeing the head in E.'s hands, I. turned it into a tobacco plant; E. was freed from it; E. gave I. a sarbakan, ordered the birds pretend to be dead; I. picked them up, they came to life, raised him to the sky, promised to marry a huge woman who turned out to be a rock; then I. was immersed in the waters of the river, his right hand is tied by a vine, his left hand can catch some fish]: 44 (briefly 1961, No. 12:8, paraphrase in Forno 1970:42-44); Aguaruna: Akutz Nugkai et al. 1977 (1) [A predator (el Carnívoro) killed a pregnant woman, gutted, began to wash in meat in the river, found an egg in his stomach, put it on a stone to bake it later, the goose took it to his nest down the river; a boy came out of the egg, the goose raised it; the boy began to come to the site killed mother, ate hot pepper there; the boy was radiant, he was the sun; the Predator's wife noticed that on their property (they considered him their own) someone was eating all the pepper; the Predator waited for the boy, called son, brought him to him; made him a little sarbakan; wanted to shoot flies that stuck to the Predator's body, and hit each one without injuring the Predator; the Predator offered to build a house, asked him to go down a hole for to deepen it, he lowered the pole from above and threw earth at the hole; the Sun got out through the hollow core of the pillar; both pretended that nothing had happened; the Sun became a young man, the Predator made him big sarbakan on the condition that he would bring him all the game; the Sun brought birds, the Predator barely fried them, ate them raw; made rattling pendants in the Sun's ears to hear him approach; left alone, he played the flute from his mother's skull; the Sun destroyed all the birds, the dove remained; asked to shoot bird feathers from the sarbakan, the birds were reborn; the dove told everything; ordered fasten the pendants so as not to make noise, come quietly and see what the Predator was doing; he tried to hide the skull, the skull rolled under the Sun's feet, tears were dripping from his eyes; the Sun created a tree whose fruits love deer; the Predator told him to go hunting tomorrow; the Sun made him a spear out of bad wood, bewitched him not to hit the target, and the Predator made a good spear for the Sun; because the Sun hit the target, he was the one went hunting; let the Predator send his wife to the site for cassava; the Sun turned her into a deer, killed her, but the head was human; the Sun told the digging stick to be responsible for her; brought home a deer without a head; Predator eats meat, the Sun pretends to call "its mother," answers the digger stick; the Sun sent the Predator to swim, brought his wife's head, cursed all objects to rot immediately; seeing the head, the Predator wanted to kill the Sun, but everything he picked up fell to dust; the Sun pierced the Predator with a spear, nailing him to the ground; a vine grew and tied him; the Predator's back took root; a flower grew out of his penis, Hummingbirds flocked to him, the Predator caught them and ate them; once he almost ate a man, the Sun decided to move him to the end of the world; the toucan and woodpecker cut off the roots, raised the Predator into the air; the Sun created a fruit tree , many birds rushed to him; the Sun told the Predator about the tree, who did not resist, he sucked the guts of the birds gathered; he did not want to fly, but the birds carried it; they shouted "like balsa" (i.e. light), and he is "like a rock"; at the edge of the world downstream, the Predator could only grab and eat fish, catch it all; then the Sun left him only one hand free; he turned into a tree, and the three women promised to him in red, cream and gray clothes (they are actually birds) with leaves; at certain times of the year, the leaves dry out, and the wind brings birds from the lower reaches of the river; these birds bring the souls of the dead to the Predator, but themselves they say they hunt monkeys; when birds arrive, many people die; when corpses are smoked, birds are driven away]: 135-169; Chumap Lucía, García-Rendueles 1979 (1), No. 1 [Ajáim went to the site , met a pregnant woman, killed him, gutted it by the river, found an egg in her stomach, put it on a stone; a duck (Phalacrocoracidae) took it away; Etsa (sun) was born from it; one day he got out of the water, came to the site A. and began to eat hot pepper, which was sweet to him; A. sent the snake to find out who was on the site; E. ran away from the snake, but then A. caught him, brought him to his place; E. began to live with him; A. tied bells to him from seeds; when E. grew up, A. made him a small sarbakan; E. shot flies, then A. sent him to hunt for birds; E. brought them, A. ate them; made a big sarbakan for E.; E. soon shot all the birds, the last is a hummingbird; the dove tells me not to shoot, says that A. killed E.'s mother; he made a vessel (rather a wind instrument) out of her head, blows at it; E. crept up and saw that it was; the mother's skull rolled up at E.'s feet, tears are dripping from his eyes; E. calls A. to the forest: there is a fruit tree to which deer go; E. throws his spears more accurately; tells A. to send his wife to the site; he killed her himself, turned her into a deer , only the human head; E. cut it off, and told A.'s wife's digging stick to be responsible for it; A. ate the deer, and when he returned from the bath, E. gave him his wife's head; A. grabbed his spear, but it turned out to be rotten, and E. pierced A. with his spear; a flower grew out of A.'s penis, hummingbirds began to flock to it, A. caught and ate them; to take A. to move A. to where he could not eat, E. called Pauhil for help, toucan, woodpecker and peacock (Pipile cumanensis, sem. Cracidae); at first A. shouted: as heavy as a stone, the birds could not lift it; then he was promised two women and A. began to scream: light, light; he was placed on the island, but he ate all the fish; this place called Tunkín; left one hand on the ground - the same, he was fishing with one hand; you can still hear his screams when he is hungry; the Leistes militaris (Pexites militaris) bird fumigates sick people or the dead and brings A. to eat; A. sings, birds flock to him, sitting on trees]: 39-45; huambis [Ajaimpi caught people in traps like birds, devoured; once gutted a woman by the ravine, found it in in his stomach an egg the size of a turtle's egg; A. put it on a stone and began to swim; the heron carried the egg to its nest; sat out, the Sun Boy was born; began to live in the forest, ate pepper in A.'s garden; he he waited, brought it to him, called himself a father; when he saw the boy shoot flies accurately with a toy sarbakan, A. made him a real one; the Sun brought A. all the birds shot; the dove told him about killing his mother; the Sun shot birds from the sarbakan and they came to life; tying their ear pendants so as not to make noise, the Sun watched A. play an instrument made from the head of the Sun's mother; suddenly he came in, his skull rolled at his feet; the Sun asked A. to make two spears; he fell into a palm tree with his own, but A. did not fall; therefore, it was better for the Sun to follow the deer; asked him to send his wife to the site for cassava; turned it into a deer, but her head remained human; the Sun put his head on a stick and told her to answer if they called, and A. brought the deer's carcass; he ate all the meat; while he was swimming, the Sun brought his head; made all objects rotten; A. grabbed them to kill the Sun, but they crumbled; the Sun hit him with his spear; A. put his right hand behind his back and left hand free; put it on his penis the flower so that hummingbirds could flock to it, A. ate them; the vines firmly braided A.; the birds freed it, fell as if dead, and then everyone immediately came to life and lifted A. into the air, left it below the Santiago River according to Marañon; the body became a tree, the hand with which A. grabbed the fish with a branch]: Ortiz Rescaniere 1985:61-85; saparo [the girl smears her lover's face with genipa juice; it turns out to be her married brother; out of shame he decided to go up to heaven in the morning; made fans out of feathers to fan the fire, asked the Sara-squeak bird to help take off; wanted to say goodbye to his wife, but she hesitated; took off playing the flute; became a month , the spots are still visible; the girl turned into a night bird (apparently a nightjar) singing in the moonlight of kusa-kusa ("husband, husband"); var.: Seeing that her lover had left her, the woman fell asleep with two pet parrots; when she wakes up, the house is dilapidated, the chakra is overgrown; goes, putting parrots on their shoulders; they report where her husband's mother went; then the falcons took the parrots away; var.: two twins, children of the Month, show their mother the way from the womb; one tells them to pick flowers, bees in flowers have bitten a woman; she claps her stomach, tells the children to remain silent, they are completely silent; a woman comes to the Mother of the Jaguars; her children are a red jaguar, a black jaguar, a spotted jaguar, a jaguar cat, a tiger, a bull herd jaguar; she hides a woman under the roof in a vessel; jaguars found her, ate her; sister (she is also a mistress their brothers) received a piece, her mother got giblets; two boys were in the uterus, Jaguariha raised them; going to dig cassava, they killed the Father of the Jaguars, filled his skin with earth, ash, and crackling insects ( grasshoppers?) ; they told the old woman that they were afraid of him; she came up, heard a noise (grasshoppers cracking), hit her husband with a stick; Jaguarich's ash began to suffocate; the brothers ripped off her scalp, both heads (her and hers) husband) cooked; after becoming hummingbirds, they ask the jaguars if their parents' heads were tasty; when they went hunting, the jaguars usually crossed the river by log; the hummingbird brothers asked the termite to gnaw on the log; when the jaguars stepped on him, the older brother threw his spear, the log collapsed, the jaguars were eaten by the caimans; the youngest threw it unsuccessfully, the pregnant sister of the jaguars escaped; Taita-Dios told the brothers not to kill her, otherwise some will frighten children; brothers are sailing on a boat, chewing leaves; the elder threw them into the forest, the youngest, at the request of the elder, into the water; they turned into stingrays; TD prevented them from being killed: let people be pray to me to relieve pain; the brothers wanted to kill the Month that left their mother; TD did not allow it - let it shine at night]: Reinburg 1921:12-14.

NW Amazon. Barasana: S.Hugh-Jones 1979, No. 4A: 275; Barasana: S.Hugh-Jones 1979, No. 7K: 300; Torres Laborde 1969 [The Month (Muihu), Menya's son, comes to see her sister at night (her name is Mé Neri, MYA), she became pregnant; spread black paint, smeared his face; identified him in the morning; spots on the moon since then; the month drowned in shame; his body rotted on the shore; the Bat ate his flesh, since then since he became an ogre; Meni sent a shaman owl to look for his son, he did not find him (owls have big eyes since then); Adiab's three brothers (creators) found Muihu's bones; told the ants to connect them , stuck to tobacco leaves, creating a new body; Muihu came to life, but fell apart again when middle A. said that M. slept with ME; A. revived him again; ME did not recognize him; he had a monkey with him, he asked ME to get her a kaimo fruit from the top of the tree to eat; made the tree tall, I stayed in the upper world; the mochilero bird looked for it, saw a reflection; I was bitten by a wasp, a mochilero killed a wasp, brought ME water, a anklet; weaved a rope to go down; the rope broke off, I fell, returned home; Muihu told her to bring water, but the vessel filled immediately dried up; while she was trying to fill it, Meni and Muihu left; at the fork in Menya, he left a vessel decorated with turkey feathers that looked like a man; Meni told him to point out ME is the right way if I comes crying, and false if laughing; ME laughed while I was far away, and when she went to the vessel, she cried; the vessel showed the way to the Jaguars; I came to the Possumicha; she asked her to lie in her son's hammock, but he smelled badly, Mya moved on; the Jaguars had their mother Oaco, Menya's sister; the Jaguars returned from work on the site, carrying axes; Jaguar saw ME hiding in a vessel in the mirror; she spat out of disgust; the youngest of the Jaguars agreed to dance with her; starting with his fingers, he ate her; the mother gave her giblets; she carried them to wash on the river, boy Warimí Sué jumped from the womb into the water; the Jaguars tried to catch him; he became a frog; they ate a frog, but in fact he went down the river to where Menya's sons live; bathed with them; the boys did not know who he was; he did not go into the house; painted or ate butterflies; their fathers told them to lure V.; the big girl was buried in the sand, others wrote from above; butterflies flew; V. became and to paint, the girl grabbed it; V. became a little boy, began to cry; Menya thought it was the child of his eldest daughter; they passed it from one daughter to another, but V. stopped crying only on the youngest's lap; he was blew on, painted with red paint (since then they have been doing this to babies); V. quickly grew into a ten-year-old boy; Meni told him that his mother had eaten jaguars; V. Jaguar came to Maloka, became a baby again; the Jaguar who ate Menery-I touched V., licked his finger, it turned out to be bitter; V. saw how this Jaguar regurgitated his mother's blood; V. turned the Jaguars into different animals (tapir, paka, etc.), they eat each other; the Jaguars played a sounding calebas made from mother V.'s head, her voice is heard, my son; V. put a log in the hammock instead of him, the Jaguar ate it ; in the morning, the Jaguars played with Mya's skull again, V. threw him into the forest; told the water gauges to collect the husks of the Miriti palm nuts, threw it into the water, it turned into piranhas; Tapira, with whom he went to collect miriti, V. pushed it into the water, the piranhas ate it; V. made a bridge, the Jaguars walked along it, V. swung it, the Jaguars fell, the piranhas ate them; the eater held one paw above the water, was left with one paw; the house V. Jaguarov burned; came to Menya, showed him the wounds he had inflicted on himself; asked Menya to go with him against the Jaguars; they were all dead; V. asked Watsóa Wehéro to throw off the Wansoko fruit for him; he made a ladder, offered to go up, threw away the stairs, V. could not go down; in winter Herons flew in, gave him feathers, taught him to fly; on the way the trap is like scissors; V. put a log into it, everything is well flew by; fire on the site, V. caused rain, everyone flew by; ducks and other birds flew with them; flew to Romi-Kum; she fed everyone; suspects that someone was with the birds, because more was eaten ordinary; arranges a dabukuri festival; the birds came back and V. stayed with RK; she took him to her father's Rimáhinó (Serpent Venom)'s house; RK woke him up by touching a hot shard; V. became as a flea, R. took it off his back, put it in his mouth; V. jumped out through his nose when R. sneezed, took the poison; flew as a bird to his grandmother, Menya's wife; began to cook poison, tried it, lost consciousness; at this time snakes they stole it, became poisonous; V. killed Ramé the ogre eagle with a wind gun; his blood turned into various types of reeds; his feathers were taken for dance costumes, he taught many songs]: 31-45; macuna: Århem et al. 2004 [The month (Makañi ñamigaü - "Night Sun") copulated with plants in the absence of women; his leg began to swell; to cure him, his Meneriyo's sister offered to meet her on the condition that this would not happen again; but he began to come to her secretly at night; after becoming pregnant, M. smeared her lover's face with her genipa to find out who was coming to see her; he could not wash off the paint, drowned himself in the river; the father sent the owls to look for his son, they did not find it; the Ayawa brothers found, the sixth finger was missing; A. began to laugh with the stories of all the animals; the toad did not laugh (apparently, the finger it was in her throat), so people don't have a sixth between their thumb and forefinger; Bakonea (naughty little brother) ridiculed the Month, so the eldest was only able to revive him for the fourth time; his placed at the mouth of the Amazon, collected dust from his body, it turned into midges biting when the moon was in the sky; when he entered Maloka, M. did not greet his brother who had come to life, but asked the Monkey what he ate; The month said that with the fruits of caimo; M. tried to pick it off, the branch sprung, threw it into the sky; then their father went to live in another little boy, put the figure of an old woman at a fork in the roads; if M. stood over to laugh at her, the old woman will send her to the path, where the feather of the utu bird leads to the cannibal shaman ~Gãs; if not, on the path to her father's house, where the guacamayo feather; the mochilero bird saw M.'s reflection in the vessel with water, found M., cleared her body of flies, brought a rope to go down; the rope turned into a certain kind of vine; finding no one, M. asked the old woman where her father had gone, laughed at her; she sent her on the path to ~Gãs; she came to the Butterfly; his mother warns that he is not human, but M. stays; sees him suck the peel of the fruit, leaves, falls to the Opossum; goes with him to eat fruits; on the way he wants to lie down with her; she sends him to bring a leaf, leaves, comes to ~Gãs; his mother turns M. into a grillo, hides him above the entrance to Maloka; G. knows what's in the house a woman makes her laugh, blowing into a fruit, M. drops a drop of saliva, G. finds M.; arranges a holiday; M. first paints G.'s brothers, not him (he is covered with scab), dances in them, does not want to hug G., that kills her with a dance rod; G.'s mother saved her baby Ryãkomakü (son of the Month) by releasing him into the river; R. goes ashore to play, painted butterflies (they were white); three daughters of Maw ãt buried one of them in the sand, wrote on the sand, butterflies flew, R. approached them, the girl grabbed him; he stopped crying in the younger one's arms; he grew up in a day; W. had to take him from to G.'s house, talk about the death of his mother; W. tied him with bitter leaves; G. licked it, it turned out to be bitter; in the forest G. became a jaguar, but R. became a lizard, slipped away; at night R. put a deck in the hammock instead of himself, G. attacked her; in the afternoon, G. and his brothers began to throw M.'s head like a ball, and R. gave a lighter calebasa; if R. did not throw his own over the maloka, he would be eaten; R. carried the strength from his mother's head to calebass, threw his ball; since then, children have not been allowed to throw the ball over the maloka (it's like throwing their mother's head); R. threw garbage into the backwater, puño (Serrasalmus rhombeus) and piranhas appeared; He created a fruit tree on the shore, fish constipation to it like a bridge; when G. and his people went, R. told the bridge to fall apart; everyone was eaten by piranhas, but G. only ate their legs, he went up to heaven; W. suggested that R. burn from the middle, lit the plot himself around the edges; R. became a fish in a pit of water, waited out the fire; W. sent R. for Thunder's daughter; R. replaced Thunder's lightning club with a wooden fake; R. brought daughter G. to W., telling her to be unfaithful; she took the Pisces Leader as a lover; knocked on the calebass on the water, calling him; the bird told W. about it; W. killed his lover with an arrow, cut off his penis, gave it to his wife under the guise of a fish; told her that she ate, turned them into a dolphin; fish began to fight W., he defeated them, went to heaven; in the morning W. appears in the form of a rainbow]: 484-494; Trupp 1977 [Menery Yo, daughter of the Father of Peace, sees her brother Umakanö (A month) makes a vagina in the sand and inserts her penis in it (this is where papaya and cotton grow); she invites her brother into her hammock, but for the first and last time; but he continues come to her; she smears paint on his face; he cannot wash off the paint, he drowns in shame; he is revived and thrown into the sky; the sixth finger is missing, since then people have not had it; M. gets to the Jaguars, eaten, her son Umawadö (Rainbow) avenges her; the colors of the Rainbow are his feather crown]: 50-56, 63; Kabiyari [Month, Jejechu's son, began to come to his sister Meneriyo; she smeared his face genipa to find out who his lover was; in the morning, the Month could not wash himself, died; he was resurrected from his bones; when asked if he knew that M. was a sister, he broke up again, restored again; M. climbed a tree, it grew to the sky, she went down the rope; got to the Jaguars; their grandmother hid it under the roof; the Jaguars returned from the site, found M. because she looked down; the grandmother took giblets and found them the boy Mujnuyi (a name common to several brothers in other texts, see motif B7); he slipped into the water, became a fish; at the mouth of the river he began playing on the beach with Jejechu's daughters; they buried one in the sand, hands outside, wrote, butterflies flew, M. came to play with them, the girl grabbed him; he immediately became a baby; grew up in five days, shot flies, then birds, asks how his mother died; J. replies that she was bitten by a snake (M. lets herself be bitten, alive); burned down, fell from a tree, ate a jaguar, drowned; every time M. shows that this is not the case; now he has the name Pitche; he comes to the Chawine Jaguars who killed him mother; finds his mother's head; the jaguars licked his head, it is bitter (the pitchi tree on his head is bitter); P. placed his mother's head on the other side of the river, made a bridge there; the jaguar stepped on him, he collapsed, the fish ate them, one escaped, bit off his heel; then see motif K1]: Correa 1989, No. 3:53-67.

Central Amazon. Vila-Bela [when leaving, the husband tells his wife that she will find arar feathers on the way to him; the children from the mother's womb show the way; they are hungry, they cry, she hits the stomach, they stop talking; she gets caught to the Jaguars, says that she followed the trail of urubu and the feathers of the arar; one day the Jaguars return without prey and eat it; their grandmother finds eggs in the uterus, of which 7 boys and a girl are born; avenging their mother, invite the Jaguars to swim where it is deeper; they drown; the Jaguar grandmother comes, they kill her; they go up to heaven, turn into Pleiades]: Barbosa Rodrigues 1890, No. 13:261-262.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Chiriguano: Cipolletti 1978, No. 1 [Tatu-tunpa (Battleship) met a girl; she left him pregnant; twins from her womb each ask to pick a flower for him, put it on her chest (en su seno); when asked again, the mother replies that there is no more space on her chest; the twins fall silent, do not show the way at the fork, the woman goes to the Mother of the Jaguars; she hid her; the jaguars have come, the last Yawa with two heads, one is sleeping, the other is awake; the woman has flowed milk, the jaguars smelled her, lowered her (from under the roof); the mother of the jaguars asked for her insides, hid the twins in a vessel; When hunting, birds reproach them for feeding their mother's murderers; that the mother of the jaguars has a medallion (medallita milagrosa) that belonged to their mother; at a watering hole, the twins kill jaguars one by one; The two-headed man had only one head cut off; he jumped to the moon, the twins behind him; Luna the woman hid it under her clothes, told the twins that she did not have a jaguar; the jaguar ate it, Luna called for help ( eclipse); the twins said that one day he would eat the moon, the sun, the stars, come out from under the moon's clothes, the earth would end; one of the twins was Kembiliá (Venus), the other Yasotátobos (Orion's Belt) ]: Cipolletti 1978:48-51, 64-65 (note 11); yurakare [Sararuma, or Aima Sunye, burns the world; one person escapes by hiding in a hole; S. gives him all the seeds, of which immediately a forest grows; a man marries; his daughter falls in love with the Ole tree, it turns into a man; while hunting, W. tore a jaguar; his wife collected body parts, W. came to life, he did not have enough cheek; W. sees his reflection, ashamed, leaves, tells me to go home without looking back; the wife breaks the ban, goes to the Jaguars; they tell them to take out their poisonous ants and eat them; the mother of the Jaguars gives her pumpkin seeds for her pretended to eat; the chief Jaguar, with a second pair of eyes on the back of his head, notices a deception, kills a woman; the Jaguar mother finds a boy Tiree in her womb, hides her in a pot; he considers her his mother ; hunts for the pack, she tells him the truth; T. kills all the Jaguars except the four-eyed one; he asks trees, the Sun, the Stars, the Moon to cover him; the moon hides, his silhouette is visible on the lunar disk; from T. makes his big toenail brother Karu; the bird calls them to visit; K. overturns the pot of chicha, it floods the ground, K. sinks; T. revives him from the remains; both marry the forest turkeys, everyone has a son and daughter; the girls' breasts were first under the eyes, T. gives them their current appearance; K.'s son dies; T. says he will be resurrected, warns that K. did not eat him; Peanuts grew in the grave, K. pulled out the bush, ate the fruit; so he ate his son, since then people have been mortal; T. tells K. to eat the duck; this is his son again; K. regurgitates what he ate, parrots, toucans, and other birds fly out; T. and K. they go to see Jaguariha, see that her lips are covered in blood; she ate a man killed by a snake; they peel off her head, turn it into uruba, tell her to eat carrion; the snake makes a hole in the ground; T. tells kill her stork; people of different tribes (not Yurakare) come out of the hole; if T. wishes, arrows fall from the sky, people begin to fight; T. goes west, failing many people; old people are doing there again young]: Orbigny 1844:210-212; surui [lonely Iapeab copulates with a tree, inserting his penis into a crack in the trunk; a tree gives birth to two girls, the eldest is Cabeaud, the youngest is Samsam; I.'s mother raises them; Peshire (bird), Mokoba (owl), etc. come to I.'s party; sisters fall in love with P., laugh when M. dances; I. lies to M. as if they think he thinks they think he handsome; P. leaves his pen on the path to his house; M. replaces him with his own; sisters come to M.; his mother feeds them meat, he feeds them honey; S. realizes that these are rats and mucus from the owl's eyes, but K. eats; S. puts her fingers like a vagina where M. inserts his penis, but K. does copulate with it; the sisters run away; the redfin bird Oyo hides them in her mouth, says M. that her teeth hurt, pushes him, M. turns into an owl; at home offers eels to the sisters, K. eats; then the sisters see that O. digs up worms, calls them eels; turn him into birds; turn him into birds; come to the heron Makabe; S. again only simulates copulation, putting their fingers in V: the sisters come to the Itshiab deer, who feeds them corn; cuts the meat off his leg, gives it under the guise of game; sisters ask why is boneless meat, they scold I., he turns into a deer; they come to P., but he already has a different wife; they turn him and his mother into birds; they come to a land turtle, turn him into animals Monkey and Parrot; marry Jaguar, because only he finally feeds them real meat; S. gives birth to a son; K. is pregnant; Jaguar's mother asks her to remove the thorn from her leg, blows the wind, K. laughs; when laughs again, Jaguariha devours her; saves her uterus to eat later; S. saves it, raises her sister's baby; tells her son how her aunt died; he rises to heaven, produces thunder, making themselves and brother adults; cannot hit Jaguariha with arrows; brothers burn her; together with S. they rise to heaven (No. 25, p.82: turn into thunder), cut off the vine so that Jaguar does not follow them; the Jaguar finds and turns the mother's corpse; all the blood-sucking insects fly out of the corpse]: Mindlin 1995, No. 22:73-77; synta larga [the Kaboêp girl loved the Owl, but at the festival met a Paxit bird (blue, considered the son of a Jaguar), asks her to leave a sign on the path to his house; this is his feather; sister K. says that there is an Owl feather on the path to Owl's house; K. and his sister come to Owl {sign substitution is not mentioned, his sister is no longer mentioned before the Mutum episode}; Owl's mother says he should bring game to his wife; he brings rats; agrees to give corn; leads for honey , K. does not see bees, Owl climbs a tree, knocks out her eye (? ; quebrou olho), the liquid poured out, Owl says it's honey; K. replies that she will go for the vessel, goes to Pxit herself (took her hammock with her in advance); asks Pomi (Rolinha; bird?) , who eats fruit on a tree, do not say he saw it; comes to the Crane (Socó), who hides it in his throat; Pomi, Socó tell Sova that they have not seen his wife; Owl asks what Socó has bloating on his throat, he replies that his teeth hurt; K. sleeps under the wing of Mutum, becomes pregnant with him, K.'s sister does not get along with Mutum; K. came to Paxit, Owl demands her return, K. does not want to, Paxit kills the Owl with an arrow, he comes to life, returns home; Jaguariha's mother-in-law asks K. to remove the splinter from her leg; there is no splinter in her leg, Jaguariha kills K., sister K. saves the egg, Sunkip was born from it, grew up; his father tells him to kill Mutum so as not to scream (letters. "cried"); Mutum tells S. not to kill him, says that he is his father, that his mother killed Jaguariha; brings a snake to hide it among edible larvae; she bites Jaguariha, but she does not feel anything; then C . asks Jaguariha to catch nuts that he will throw from the tree, she catches; Mutum asks to check if Yaguariha feels the heat of the fire; advises her to get the larva thrown there out of the fire; S. pushes Jaguariha into the fire, she burns; the ashes have turned into harmful insects; S. asks the Turtle to deceive the Jaguar, who will take revenge; more about the Jaguars and the Turtle, full text in J12 motif]: Leonel Queiroz et al. 1988:63-69.

Eastern Amazon. Tenetehara: Nimuendaju 1915, No. 1 [Maira grows cassava that ripens in a day; the garden owner does not believe this; so now cassava ripens in a year; M. carves his wife out of wood; leaves; (var.: visits a woman at night; she stains his face with genipa juice, to find out who his lover is; M. leaves forever); Meira's son (SM) from his mother's womb shows her the path that her father took; asks to pick flowers for him; she is bitten by a wasp, she claps her stomach, angry at her son; he is offended, directs her to the Opossum house; Opossum makes a hole in the roof above her hammock, at her rain falls; offers to outweigh the hammock closer to him, then move into his dry hammock; she conceives the Son of the Possum; SM sends her to the village of Jaguars; the old woman hides her under the basket; the Jaguars find her; SM turns her into a deer, she runs, the Jaguars catch up with her, eat her, give the babies from the womb to an old woman; they cannot be fried, cooked, chopped, crushed; the old woman adopts them; they first turn into parrots, then boys; taking out the old woman's lice, they tear off her head, play with her, put her back; the bird Jacques tells them about the death of their mother; they cry, her eyes turn red, the old woman is told that they have been bitten wasps; brothers throw wooden cassava pestles into the river, they turn into piranhas and snakes; brothers feed them meat to make them more ferocious; make a chain of arrows over the river like a bridge; tell the Jaguars that there are juicy fruits on the other side; when the Jaguars step on the bridge, the banks diverge, the river turns into a sea; (var: brothers bring down the bridge); Jaguars are eaten by aquatic creatures; brothers put Jaguar weapons in hollow reeds, thrown into the fire, the fire spreads, M. collects fire himself; tests the brothers; they mock the demons Azan]: 282-287; Wagley, Galvão 1949, No. 14 [Maíra leaves, leaving his pregnant wife; she follows him, Maíra Yra ("Son of Maira", SM) shows her the way from her womb; asks her to pick a flower; a wasp bites a woman in the stomach, claps himself trying to kill a wasp; the son thinks that his mother hit him, falls silent; the woman sleeps in the house of the Possum; he makes a hole in the roof, rain falls on the woman, the possum suggests moving the hammock closer to him, then move into his dry hammock; this is how a woman conceives Mukwura Yra (Son of the Possum, CO); SM is dissatisfied; a woman comes to the village of Jaguars, an old woman hides her under a pot; Jaguar finds her, the woman turns into a deer, runs away; Jaguar with she catches up with dogs; the twins taken out of her stomach tries to fry, cook, pierce her with a chip, but only scalds and hurts herself; the old woman makes them her grandchildren; they turn into parrots, macaws, others animals are finally into people; one day they look for an old woman in her head, tear off her head, throw each other, then revive the old woman; the bird Jacques tells them about the death of their mother; they cry, the old woman is told that their their eyes are swollen from wasp bites; they build a bridge over a dry swamp, fill the swamp with water, throw straw fans into the water to fan the fire, they turn into piranhas; invite the Jaguars to fish, step on the bridge, they bring it down; the Jaguars are eaten by piranhas; the SM mother encloses the spirit of the one who ate it in a bamboo vessel, gives it to Maira; he demands proof that the brothers are his children; 1) kill the spirit- Azang woman; SM sets fire to her long hair, dries the lakes in which Azang tries to extinguish it, Azang burns; 2) kills the male spirit Azang; he cuts down a tree, what to do bow and arrows that hit all animals; SM pierces a sharp hand of spirit into a log, leaves it to die; 3) kill Azang the fisherman; SM in the form of a surubim fish removes the bait from his hook; brother gets hooked, caught, fried, eaten; SM asks Azang to give him the bones, revives his brother; asks his father to break the rock with an arrow; he can't, SM breaks, he stronger than his father; both are now in the Village of Gods]: 137-140; urubu [Mair, in the form of a bird, flies over a rotten fruit; a woman comes out of the fruit, he takes her as a wife; she does not believe that the yams, cassava, etc. planted by her husband ripened on the same day; angry M. leaves; the wife follows in his footsteps, the unborn son from the womb shows the way; after spending the night in the house of the Possum, the woman conceives a second son; Mair's son is offended by his mother, falls silent; the woman comes to the village of Jaguars; the old woman hides her under a vessel, the Jaguars find her, eat her; the children are thrown into boiling water, they jump out; the grandmother adopts them; the brothers cut trees into the river, they turn into piranhas and crocodiles; an island is made on the river, fruit trees are built on it, a bridge is built to the island; when the Jaguars cross the bridge for fruit, the brothers cut the bridge, the Jaguars are eaten by aquatic creatures; because the son of the Possum hesitated, two were saved; brothers come to M. , he gives them bows and arrows; offended by their mother, the brothers throw them into the forest, they turn into snakes; Meir wants to know if his children are in front of him; 1) remove the bait from Anyang's hook; Mair's son takes off the bait, then pulls the forest to laugh; Opossum's son takes the hook in his mouth, is caught, eaten; in the form of an ant, Mair's son collects his bones, revives him; 2) go to Grandfather Wind; he is not at home, Mair's son tickles his wife, her husband hears her laughter, blows, a tree falls on the brothers; Opossum's son dies, revives his brother; 3) walk between two converging and diverging gratin stones; Mair's son passes, the Son of the Possum is crushed, revived by his brother; M. realizes that the youngest of the brothers is not his son, he tells him to go back between the stones; the son of Possum is crushed again; Mair's son rises to heaven in anger, taking the stones with him; from now on produces thunder; Opossum's son goes up to his brother]: Huxley 1956:217-220; tupinamba [Maire-ata goes to travel, his wife cannot accompany him due to pregnancy; follows, the son from the womb shows the way; she does not give him any fruit, he is angry, falls silent; goes astray, gets to the Possum; at night he conceives his second son; the possum turns into an opossum; a woman comes to the village of Jaguars; the Jaguar eats it, the twins are thrown into a pile of garbage; one woman picks them up; the twins hunt for her; show the Jaguaram an island in the sea, where they will find many fruits; Jaguars swim there; twins cause a storm; Jaguars drown, turn into jaguars and other cats; twins come to MA, he tests them; 1) walk between crushing rocks; Opossum's son dies; MA's son dies revives him, both pass; 2) take the bait off Anien's hook; Opossum's son is caught, A. tears him apart; MA's son resurrects him, both take off the bait; MA recognizes them for their sons]: Thevet, 914- 915 in Metraux 1932:135-136.

Montagna - Jurua. Amouesha: Santos-Granero 1991, No. 3 [During the ancient Yompor Pret sun, women gave birth to rotten trees, lizards, or hairy monkeys; the priest ordered that brother and sister be raised in a special home; When she went to get water, the sister found two flowers, hid them on her body, became pregnant; the priest admitted that this was due to the will of the supreme god, not from her brother; the mother of the Patonell jaguars killed her; twins from her womb threw themselves into the water, raised by fish (catfish, Loricariidae); they play, no one can catch them; the lizard said he would catch them, but he was ridiculed; he left, the priest told him to call him back, he agreed for the fifth time; the twins were caught, but they did not grow up; P. said she would raise them, she has a lot of meat; they keep dirty for themselves, P. washes them; tells them not to touch her cassava beer; finds them every time drunk, they say that their sister bee is making the drink; one day, P.'s sons returned without prey, offered to cook the twins; they gave P. a drink themselves, cooked them, scattered parts of her body in different places; hid under the roof; parts of the body respond to the jaguars from different sides, tell them to eat the brew as if there were twins; the brothers shouted to them what they were eating; the Puma and Ocelot did not eat, understood; the jaguars found their mother's head in the cauldron; They set fire to the house, the twins jumped across the lake, made a bridge of vines; the jaguars walked along it, they brought it down, one pregnant jaguariha escaped; the twins became adults, went up to heaven, the brother became the Sun, sister by the Moon], 3a [excerpt: sister went to get water, Patonell ate her, twins jumped into the water; became Sun and Moon]: 54-57, 258-259; Tello 1923a [were Yatash's brother and sister Yachur, lizards (all the creatures were then either jaguars or lizards); after going for fruits, Yachur found flowers, hid them in her bosom; when she returned home, a thunderstorm began; after a lightning strike, the flowers disappeared, and Yachur conceived; after the thunderstorm, a rainbow decorated with those flowers appeared; everyone thought that Yachur was pregnant with her brother, they wanted to kill Yatasha; the old kuraka said that she was pregnant with lightning, would give birth to the Sun and the Month; on the way to the spring Yachur met the Patonille Jaguariha; she ate her; water flowed out of Yachur's belly, forming a river; the twins born swam along it, hid under water; Yatash is accused of not following his sister; he found out where the Sun and the Moon are hiding; everyone tries to catch the twins without success, only Yatasha succeeds; P. takes them up; they annoy her with their pranks; she boils water to cook them; asks me to look in her head so that the boys do not run away; P. fell asleep, her brothers threw her into the cauldron, cut her, scattered the pieces, hid themselves on the roof, already young men; jaguar relatives met the meal, the name is P., the pieces answer from different sides; the jaguars find the boys, set fire to the hut, they run across the river; the jaguars are building a bridge, the brothers brought it down, almost all the jaguars drowned]: 128-130 (retelling in Kü hne 1967:311-314); character: Barriales 1970 [enemies kill a woman; her son is thrown into the river, turns into a turtle; comes out, kills his mother's killer with a club]: 59; Gray 1996 [man climbs on Aviruk tree (rubber), throws fruit to his wife; hears her laughter; she becomes pregnant from the spirit of the tree, goes to live in his village; her relatives come there for a party and she decides to return with them; they warn you not to follow them, because the village of Jaguars is on the way; the woman goes, the Jaguars eat her, the uterus is thrown into the river; the fish take care of the baby; the victim's brother sees the uterus, but no one can catch it; the mother of the murdered woman succeeds; the boy Marinka demands only the fruits of the Aviruk tree, quickly turns into a young man; kills many different animals, thinking that they are to blame for the death of his mother; the grandmother agrees to say that the Jaguars are to blame; M. makes a club that can split stones; kills almost all Jaguars, but one escapes and there are many jaguars again; people are afraid, wondering what to do; Turn into a tree? - They'll cut it down; Hide under the ground? - Will they trample; Hide in the rocks or the river? - They will find it; the boy offers to go to heaven; everyone is happy and in a hurry tramples on him, he turns into tobacco; the sky falls lower, M. and people climb there; M. throws an ax to his grandmother, but falls into her, she turns into curasso, sings before the storm; M. - Thunder, wields his club in the sky; those in the sky are kurudneri spirits descending to people during rituals]: 118-128.

Southern Amazon. Vaura [son of the Bat makes the daughter of the Leguminosa tree pregnant while she is in a ritual hut; Kwamuti was born; the girl's father calls men; in the Bat tribe, everyone claims paternity; K. approaches his real father; the woman cries because his face is ugly; K. grew up, there are no women, copulated with a termite mound, two girls were born; K. went fishing near the house of the Tsumare jaguar ( now that constellation); T. grabbed him, let him go for promising to give his daughter; daughter does not want, K. made three girls out of wood; vagina made of wax, teeth from seeds, so people's teeth deteriorate; all animals want to have sex with them, they say that they will only marry T.; disappointed that T. had an ugly face; they married Jaguarundi Wau, who is handsome; he went to the square to give orders, no one listens; the girls realized that he was not the leader; T. pretended to have a headache, stayed in the village, took W.'s wives away; in the evening, the jaguar people returned with "fish" - these are K.'s murdered people; so that the girls could eat for them they caught real fish; the pregnant woman is spinning, T.'s mother blows the winds, the woman is offended, T.'s mother cuts off her head for it, runs away; the sister told their husband about it; Ant found twins in her stomach, this Sun and Month; when they were taken out, their tails were cut off; the twins went for peanuts, the birds said their mother was killed and buried; they tried to revive her, she had already begun to answer them from the grave, but aunt and father they say that there is no need to revive; the Sun asks the father to make arrows for them; they fired arrows into the ground, fumigated, they turned into people of all tribes and Brazilians; brothers killed their father and his people; the Sun offered ships and vodka to the Indians, but they refused; that's why Europeans; (pp. 36-37 - second option)]: Schultz 1966:21-33, 36-37; calapalo: Baldus 1958:45-61; Basso [Quatinga meets a jaguar Nitzuegi; he agrees not to kill K. for promising to send him daughters; K. carves five out of wood; the tapir makes them a vagina by copulating; on the way they copulate with Laska, the Kingfisher; one died after drinking poisoned water from the lake; the other was split by the tapir's penis; the third fell off a palm tree, crashed; the Seriema man says he is N.; later women realize that this is not the chief's house; they come to N.; one sister becomes pregnant; N.'s mother blows in the wind, the woman spits, chewing cotton, she kills her with her claw; twins were taken out of the victim's womb; these are Taugi (the elder) and Avlukum; the body was hidden under the roof; a forest chicken told the twins about her mother's death; Jaguariha's house is surrounded by stinging insects, T. sent birds to eat them; the brothers killed Jaguariha; T. became pregnant with his aunt by giving her an arrow; she gave birth warriors, T. gave them weapons; N.'s men fled to heaven; only Aguchi escaped by slipping between his legs] 1973:10-12; 1987:29-79; kuikuro: Carneiro 1989 [Kuantïnï decided to visit the sky where all animals are ; he was surrounded by jaguars in the forest; their leader, the black jaguar Nitsuengï, agreed not to kill him when K. promised him his two daughters; N. put K. on his bow, untwisted it, threw it from the sky to the ground; daughters K. refused to go to the jaguar and K. carved the girls out of wood; out of 8 left in hammocks, 6 came to life; made his hair first from buriti fibers, then pineapple fibers - very wet; then from algae; made teeth from chips (black), piranha teeth (ate too fast), seeds; tried different fibers for the triangle on the pubis; cut out the vaginas itself; told tifigu trees (at that time humans) to copulate; penises scratched; then lined the vaginas with cotton - good; Owl told the eldest of the girls, Itsanitsegu, that their father was going to send them to the jaguar; the battleship told the girls about the difficulties of the journey, in return demanded permission to meet one of them; forgot his penis in the village and while running after him, the girls left; he blew, spreading witchcraft to kill them on the way; then meeting the kingfisher, he gave fish , had sex with one of the girls, she put in a tampon so as not to get pregnant; the same with the howler monkey, gave fried fish; the seagull offered fried oysters, the girls refused, so the seagull could not to get along with them; another species of kingfisher; the girl who stayed with him asked him to throw the necklace over his back so as not to interfere during copulation; poured sperm on him, taking out her tampon; since then this kingfisher has white spots and necklace marks on its back; the girls sent the most beautiful one to the tree to throw off the buriti leaves; I. turned the stumps of their nails into biting flies; from their bites she climbed the tree fell, leaves pierced her, others buried it; the deer refused to copulate, although I. wanted it; she gave him salt and since then the deer have died quickly from the wound; on a slippery path, one slipped and fell and died; K. warned the girls not to drink from the poisonous river; one drank, died, she was buried; the tapir cut down trees, warned of a fork - if you go the wrong path, you will get to the wolf village; I. ordered one girl got along with him, his thick penis split her; I. hit him in anger, since then the tapirs had a narrow ass; when they saw that the split one was made of wood, the remaining two girls were upset, which means they, that's why they were sent to the jaguar; Tayra barbara gave honey, but it was strong, the girls started coughing; he got along with him, stopped coughing; at the fork in Itsanitsegu she went left to the wolf village, and Anafukuagu - to the right, into the village of the jaguar; I. climbed a tree above the river; the wife of the wolf seriema saw the reflection, decided that it was her, began to show off her beauty; then realized; threw a nail stump, he became a fly, she bit the series, she dropped the calebass with water, it crashed; the same again; then called her husband; I. followed the wolf, thinking it was a jaguar; a fish fell out of his ass, he said that the fish was in the shell of the necklace; the wolf's mother greeted I., but she realized that she was mistaken: she was treated to fruit, i.e. food for wolves; from her sister, Jaguar N. found out that I. was in the wolf's village; took her; gave her potions to drink, she regurgitated the fish, got rid of the wolf's pregnancy; when I., 8 months old, N. hid it under the roof, told her not to spit if his mother Kafisatïgo came and let the winds go; I. spat cotton seeds, Kafisatigo decided that out of disgust, she threw her claw at her, which cut off her head; sister I. raised the alarm; N. said that this was his third wife killed by his mother; Agouti told her father girls, he sent an ant into I.'s vagina, the ant said there were two boys in the womb; Quantini put them in the basket; they grew up quickly; the wild dog gave them the names Taoguiñï and Aulukumá; the grasshopper gives them the names Sun (Giti) and Month (Nune); A. asked the Sun to dig peanuts in the partridge's garden; she retaliated that A. was the Sun's aunt, and his mother killed her mother-in-law; the brothers took out their mother's body from the roofs of the house where he was put to dry; the sun sent a fly in her nose, she came to life, he spoke to her, but she cried and died again; the digging animals dug the grave, I. buried; the sun told the bird to eat wasps, hawk - snakes, anteater - poisonous ants, tapir - to trample thorns; the road to mother N. opened; the brothers came to her disguised as young children; she began to tell how she killed I.; Her sun killed; evil butterfly spirits flew out of his body; A month looked out from behind the tree, his nose was torn off; the Sun attached him, but now that the moon is in profile, you can see that there is no nose; Quantini gave A. eat the ashes of bamboo, that gave birth to Juruna, Suya and other wild Indians; took the possumiha child, N. said it was hers, he was happy; but the opossumiha took him; the wild Indians killed all the jaguars; the Sun saved father and aunt by placing them on sky, and to have what they have, he also placed tapir and deer (now constellations on the Milky Way); after making a life for wild Indians, the Sun rose to heaven]: 4-14; Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973 [Kuatungue went to get the fibers to make a net; he was surrounded by jaguars; he promised one daughter, who let him go; he has two daughters, but he carved six girls out of wood; tried different hair fibers; teeth first piranhas, they eat too fast, then from seeds; made pubic triangles (trees did not want to give fiber for this); when they heard an owl scream, the girls asked their father what was going on; he told the whole story; on the way, one got drunk from a poisonous river, died; the kingfisher showed the way, for which he met one of the girls; Tyra gave one honey, she coughed, he got along with her; the tapir showed the way, got together with the girl, she split, they realized they were wooden; the battleship showed the way, went to get an erection, the girls ran away, he said they would die on the way; one slipped in the river, hit, died; the deer warned of a fork; one climbed onto a palm tree for leaves, the other turned the nail stumps into flies, they bit the one who climbed, fell, ran into a leaf, died; two sisters at the fork climbed a tree; series - the wolf's wife saw a reflection, decided she was beautiful; they turned nail stumps into flies, they bit the series, she dropped the calebas, she crashed; so twice; series called her husband; the older sister, made from the bottom of the trunk, followed the wolf's path, the youngest followed the jaguar path; the jaguar took the wolf that had come to the wolf; she turned around, the wolf's mother's head fell off; the jaguar gave her potions to remove the wolf fruit; she became pregnant with a jaguar; spat a cotton seed, the jaguariha decided that out of contempt for her, she cut off her head with a claw; her sister picked up the boys Rit (Sun) and Une (Month); The jaguar resettled the mother, surrounding the place with snakes, wasps, thorns, and put the body of the victim on the roof of the house; the brothers grew up stealing partridge peanuts, she told them about the death of their mother; the bird ate the wasp, the snake hawk, the tapir trampled the thorns, the brothers killed her grandmother by tying stones to her legs and trampling her; they set fire to her house, her body exploded, her nose was torn off, now flat; Rit told the jaguar to eat capybaras, not people; her mother was removed from the roof, she was barely alive, Rit hugged her, crushed her, she was completely dead; the digging animals dug the grave; Rita told his father to prepare lots of bows and clubs; told her aunt to give birth in the forest, she gave birth to wild Indians, Rith gave them weapons; her aunt told her husband that she had given birth to an opossum child, but the opossumich took him away; the wild Indians killed the jaguars, and threw Rit's father and aunt into the sky on the bow; Rit divided the tribes; then Rit and Une went to Morena]: 72-88; Kamayura: Agostinho 1974:163, 172; Münzel 1973:26; Seki 2008, No. 1 [Mawutsini tries to make people from different trees, they are not they come to life; asks the Sun, who replies that M. knows himself; the lizard suggests the right tree species; M. makes many pairs of people to settle in a community home; first makes hair out of white fibers, so people turn gray; suitable trees run out, five women are left unpaired; M. sends them to marry the Jaguar; the stork (martin fisherman) shows the way, for which he copulates with one of the girls; she hangs He can still see a necklace around his neck; wipes his hands stained with sperm on his back, the marks remain; going on, the girls decide to make a belt out of the bark; one climbs a tree, the other creates a horsefly, he bites the first one, she falls in fear, attacks the dropped bark with her vagina, dies; another Stork (maguari) shows the way, for which she copulates with a girl, she smeared his feathers with sperm; Fox shows and copulates, his face is stretched out, his tail is ruffled; the same Battleship (ran to look for his penis, but the girls have already left); Tapir (penis so big that the girl he met died); the girls bent his head down; (the fifth girl is not mentioned), two climbed a tree above a pond near the jaguar village; two local women took their reflection for their own; they sent horseflies, women they dropped the calebasses with water, told Jaguar, but not the one the women had come to marry; he was covered with pendants; one woman suspects he was not the same; they finally saw his red ass; they gave him water and him mother with a drink with thorns, both turn into real jaguars; a young Jaguar meets women, this is the real groom], 2 [Mawutsini has five daughters; they warn not to go for fiber bark who makes a bowstring, the tree belongs to the jaguars; M. went, the jaguars heard the noise, went to look; when leaving, M. came across the Jaguar leader; he had to promise him daughters to marry; they refused - Jaguar's mother was theirs will eat; M. carved five girls out of tree trunks; hair from bast, not good; then he took black from a black bird; teeth from pebbles, I did not like it, black; then from seeds - white; belts made of palm leaves buriti (Mauritia flexuosa), so women's belts are still made of these leaves; two trees refused to let the bark make uluri {covers the pubis?} , said that they would only be used to build houses, the third agreed; M. asked the fruits of the vine to deflorize the girls; the fruits were like a penis, but without a head, because they broke; then the fruits the other vine was successful; he gave each a comb, the sisters went; one climbed to cut off the buriti palm shoot, it fell with a sharp end up; the others sent a horsefly, the bite caused the girl to lose her balance, fell with her vagina to escape, died; others ask for directions from the stork Jaburu (Jabiru mycteria Ciconidae), then the Tuiuiu stork (Mycteria americana Ciconidae), each copulates with one of the girls; the White Heron just pointed out that he did not want to copulate so as not to get his feathers dirty; then Martin the Fisherman threw his necklace on his back; the girl stained his back with sperm, wiping his hands, so his back is now speckled; the battleship ran after his penis, the girls left during this time, then he masturbated using the marks they had left; the older sister did not want the fourth went further with them; bewitched, she forgot her comb, came back for it; began to scream, call her sisters, turned into the forest spirit "queen of the forest"; Tapir copulated with his third sister, his penis huge, she died, his sisters hit him on the coccyx; climbed a tree above the lake near the jaguar village; they were playing ball (people learned this game from them); two women came to swim, saw the reflection, decided that they are so beautiful; the sisters sent horseflies, the women dropped the calebasses twice; they noticed the sisters; they rejected the first jaguar that came, went with the second, one sister says that the groom is not him, his ass is red; he does not have cassava in his house; in the morning, the Jaguar chief referred to a sore eye, did not go hunting, returned to the village, brought the girls to his place, he had good food; the first jaguar {ocelot?} and his sister gave his mother a drink with thorns, they hoarsened, turned into jaguars, ran into the forest; while Jaguar and his elder wife were on the site, the younger pregnant woman looked for lice from her mother-in-law, spit out her hair, she decided that her daughter-in-law disdained her with lice, killed her, went to the forest; the sister asked Ant to take the children out of the deceased's womb; he pulled her out behind her head, so people have two dents on their skulls; the mother was buried in the middle villages, premature babies were placed in calebasa, hung it; Jaguar and his wife see traces - children secretly go out; children do not take abandoned women's items, they take arrows, which means boys; Jaguar and his wife did The appearance that they are leaving, waiting for them, caught the boys, called them parents, called them Orphans; the brothers hunt, count the fingers of the killed Pakis, the kutias are 4, which means not our grandfather; the lizard is five fingers, so you can't eat; The battleship called himself a grandfather, gave the brothers the names Tapea Kana and Tapea Jaú (terms for turning the road); but Cicada gave the names Kwat and Jay ("sun" and "month"); brothers steal peanuts from the field Partridges (that's why people eat peanuts); she finds them, talks about their mother's fate; brothers turn her into a partridge, let her sing at the end of the rainy season (this time New Year); aunt showed where she buried her sister; the brothers opened it, began to call, the mother responded, but the voice was getting weaker, stopped; if earlier, they would revive it; but now we are dying forever; the brothers told the wasp to bury the corpse again; they found Jaguariha, that began to play with them, Quat hit her and killed her; the Jaguar father and the deer were moved to the Milky Way (α and β Centauri); they made arrows, turned them into people, they killed the inhabitants of the jaguar village; By Sun and Month]: 113-141, 151-187; Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973 [Mavutsinim's daughters warn him not to go to the jaguar village for onion fiber; he went, M. climbed a tree, the jaguars surrounded him , he had to promise his daughters to the chief of the jaguars; they refused, fearing Jaguar's mother; M. singing turned eight felled trees into girls; made his hair from buriti palm fibers, too light, then I asked the bird to be black; the teeth were first from shells, they were dark, then from mangab seeds; good, but now my teeth hurt; made fiber belts, bamboo genitals, told the vine to have sex with the girls; 5 out of 8 agreed to go to Jaguar; one forgot the comb, went back, got lost, became elf of the wood; the stork agreed to show the way when they met him; they painted his neck, to make him ugly; one climbed a tree to make a new belt, fell on a broken shoot, died; Tapir agreed to show the way if they met him; he has a big dick, the first died, two the others left, climbed a tree near the shore where the Jaguar was to come; the black bird heard them laughing, said to Jaguar, who fired whistling arrows, the girls were not caught, and the Jaguar thought they were not coming to him; they caught Wolf's arrows, who said they were looking for him; when they went with him, they caused the wind, saw that his buttocks were red under his hair; his mother said he only eats fruit; the girls went to Jaguar; he fired arrows, they caught them; The wolf and his mother turned into animals; the youngest is ready to give birth; the mother-in-law asks to look for it in her head; the girl accidentally took her hair in her mouth, spat, her mother-in-law decided that disgust, killed her daughter-in-law, ran into the forest; the mother was buried, the ants took the two boys out, put them in the basket; while the Jaguar is on the site, the brothers get out, eat fish; the Jaguar put the rags - they did not take the onions and the arrows took it; the Jaguar realized that they were boys; asked them not to hide; the brothers were stealing peanuts from the Partridge field; she said that their mother was dead; the Jaguar and the victim's sister confirmed that they also cried; the brothers they called their mother, she responded, they dug up the grave, but there was a corpse; decided that it would always be like this (death is final); the brothers killed their grandmother; the grasshopper named the brothers Kuát (Sun) and Iae (Month); Jaguar I wanted to make my sons jaguars; they turned bamboo into wild Indians, they killed the people of the Jaguar; the Jaguar and his wife went to heaven; the brothers came to their grandfather, performed a memorial ceremony for their mother]: 57-67; trumay: Murphy, Quain 1955:72-74; bakairi [good English translation Oberg 1953:77-81; Russian incomplete translation Siebert 1972:138-144; Kamushini (black, shaggy - possibly Spider) meets Jaguar Oku in the forest; he defeats him, K. promises women in exchange for life; makes them out of wood, sends the eldest two to O.; on the way, one fell off a palm tree, crashed, the other Nimagakaniro came to jaguars; jaguars attack bacairis; Oka Mero's mother (a wild chicken, Criptus noctivagus or Tinamus vrasiliensis, but has huge claws; related jaguar and wild chicken genera) ate so much that no one left; N. conceives two sons from the bacairi seeds she had swallowed; for this M. scratched her eyes, she died; Quara, Oka's brother, takes the twins out of her mother's womb; M. considers them his own grandchildren; one of them Keri (sun), the other Kame (moon; both words are from Arawak language); twins' aunt Ewake tells them about their mother's fate; the brothers killed and burned M.; they themselves also burned down, coming too close close to the fire, but reborn as human; asked Oka to make many arrows; they blew on them, they turned into Kayabi Indians; Keri killed Oku by hitting him in the knee with an arrow, who fell into the water and drowned; then the cultural acts of the twins, the motives B7B (creating rivers), B77 (separating heaven from earth), D4A (getting fire), I45 (getting sleep); then Keri taught how to build houses, fish, arrange ritual dances, divided tribes]: Steinen 1897:317-329; paresi [two brothers married two sisters; one has a son Kazalynazaré, the other has a daughter Ayryazeró; K., his father, both mothers turned into birds, swallowed by a huge fish; Father A. arranged a party; Trogonideo bird-man meets a girl; in the morning she goes to his house; Owl replaces the pen sign at a fork in the roads, a girl comes to Owl's house, everything is in mud; she runs, spends the night in a hollow, where she paints parrot chicks; they take her home; she tells me where the parrot's nest is, her brothers kill the chicks; parrots from revenge makes her get lost again; she gets to the Wolf; says that she is on her period, covers the parrot watchman's beak with dough, comes to Mãe do tucum-do-campo; to the emams; to the Forest Cockerel; refuses to sleep with him, he flies away and takes away the fire; to the Spider, he does not want to have sex, he drives her away; she comes to the Aquatic Men, their mother kills her; her soul flies away like a bird, swallowed with her soul they decide to call their cousin's fish K. and A. and take revenge on the fish; raise stones and tree trunks to then be able to raise their enemy; raise the main fish to the tree where the stones were previously brought ; eat; fallen pieces of meat and drops of blood turned into poisonous insects and snakes; scales into fish; head into stingray]: Pereira 1986, No. 16:246-261; bororo: Wilbert, Simoneau 1983, No. 98 [Adú go Édu is married to Akiguródo; Akarúio Boróge met him hunting; he attacked him, demanded his daughter as his wife in exchange for his life; Adugo explained that when the girl went to him, first he will meet the little wolf Ókwe (each time he describes, warns not to take him for him, Adugo), then the marten taira Ipočeréu, then the big wolf Ríe, then the puma, then the leopard {apparently ocelot}, only then Adugo {i.e. jaguar}; false applicants convince the girl that they are Adugo every time; after spending the night with the deceiver, she realizes in the morning that she is not a real fiancé, because she spends the night with the deceiver. he must bring tapirs, and these bring less valuable meat; finally, Adugo comes to the real one; he tells his wife not to laugh if an evil spirit makes her laugh; the Marugódu caterpillar laughs the woman laughed and immediately fell dead; Adugo found two twins in her stomach, raised them; they once heard their father's mother cry; she explained that they would have to do difficult things; not to mention father, brothers began to train; the elder Eigáwa Áre, the youngest - Eigáwa Enawuréu; asked the father to give a bow and arrow; they hunted parrots, who ate people at that time; the remaining brothers told them to eat fruits; asked their father to give a fishing net; fish bit people; brothers caught many, told the rest to eat other fish; asked the father to give small arrows; shot ants- leaf cutters and wasps, who harmed people, told them to eat leaves and flowers; asked their father to make a club; the brothers began to chase Báče, got entangled in vines, they killed him since then ; they eat fish, not people; asked a thick rope to fight the cannibal eagle; EA wrapped a rope around his brother's head, the eagle stuck its claws into it, got stuck, EA killed him; told harpy eagles to eat monkeys , not people; the brothers scattered the eagle's fluff, the grandmother realized that the grandchildren were in danger; the brothers asked their father for a stick, came to Marugoda's house, pricked it on a stick, threw it into the fire; the father warned hide, but EA went out to see, the bone flew into his eye, his father told him to throw himself into the water, his eye recovered; the same with his younger brother; both skin and eyes became beautiful; Bororo still has dark eyes] 99 [roughly like in (98), brothers Bakoróro and Itubóre; marugoddo]: 174-179, 180-186.

Araguaia. Tapirape [ancestor (name not specified) goes east, leaving his pregnant wife; she gives birth to a son Mukvur (opossum), goes with him in search of her husband; the evil M. leads her down the wrong path, one night she copulates with her, she conceives the Tomatochiri and Mukvura-ura (Son of the Possum) twins, gets to the eyeless water spirits of Anchunga-ayuma; they dance around a boiling pot and a woman is pushed into it; before that, she gives birth to twins who grow up overnight; twins kill anchunga-ayuma; a huge bird Jacques sends them to their father (in Really "grandfather", but called "father"); he gives T. a bow and arrow for tapirape, and M. gives guns for Brazilians]: Wagley 1977:179-180.