Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

J60. Sons of two fathers.

A woman conceives twins from two different fathers.

The coast is the Plateau. Okanagon [Coyote is Krotiha's husband, leaves for a long time; she falls in love first with a sun-heated stone, then with a white root; gives her eldest son the name Warmed Stone, the youngest White Root; one white, the other is tiny; Coyote comes and trains his sons (they are called his sons); people are going to choose who will be the Sun; Coyote tries, spies on those who make love suspended; his sons do not want to leave the ground; the Frog is in love with the youngest; causing rain, it extinguishes all hearths except his own; the White Root comes to warm up, she jumps on his face; it cannot be ripped off; out of shame he becomes the Month; his brother becomes the Sun; if you kill a frog and put it against the sky, the Month and the Sun hide in the clouds because they are afraid that it will demand love from them]: Guie 1990:179-184.

The Great Southwest. Navajo: Coolidge in Edmonds, Clark 1989 [The First Woman conceives one son from a ray of sunlight, the other from drops of water; replies that their father is the Sun, sends to him consistently in four sides of the world; admits that the Sun God and the God of Water live in the ocean; the Spider will help the twins; the interpreting walls of the gorge let them through; they cross the Grand Canyon, then the sea, across the rainbow bridge; come to the Turquoise House; their fathers greet them]: 85-89; Johly, B'yash 1958 [the daughter of Heaven and Earth conceives twins by putting her vagina first under the sun, then under a stream of water under a waterfall; twins find out that their father is the Sun, they come to him; both pass the tests offered to them, return to earth]: 14-22; hicarilla: Mooney 1898a [White Beads girl lags behind the tribe; The sun shines on her when she sits down, she gives birth to his son; the Month shines when she sleeps, she gives birth to the second; the former is stronger because the Sun is stronger than the Month; the mother warns not to roll the hoop to the north; The son of the Month rolls, he rolls to the Owl; he cooks, bakes the brothers, they are alive; he lets them go; the son of the Sun visits his father, receives a bow and arrow, the name Nae-naeshhuni (Monster Slayer); Frog sucks people; N. dries the lake, throwing hoops received from his father into it; makes the guards of the house (swallowed pueblo Indians, snakes, cougars) immovable, strangles the Frog with smoke, releases the swallowed ones; Gopher digs a passage under the lying monstrous Moose, gnaws hair from under the heart, supposedly for freezing children; N. pierces his heart with an arrow, disorins the Moose, blowing smoke from different sides; makes clothes for himself from moose skins, puts a wineskin with blood on a circle, takes horns as a weapon; allows the Ogre Eagle to carry himself to the nest; blood splashes from the wineskin, the Eagle says that the prey is dead; the chicks reply that the father will come with hail to the east, mother with rain from the west; N. kills both parents with a horn; the Bat lowers him off a cliff in a basket; he gives her Eagle feathers, the birds take them away from her (the origin of the plumage); children Frogs, Moose, Eagle turn into current frogs, moose, eagles; The Rock chases and swallows people; N. kills her with an arrow; the son of the Month kills flying cannibal fish with lightning received from the Sun; raises her heart has four arrows, throws at the moon (you can see her heart there); both brothers now live in a turquoise house in the West Sea]: 200-209; Russel 1898 [a woman conceives from the Sun and from the Waterfall, gives birth to two sons; the son of the Sun, Jonaaiyin, destroys monsters, the son of the Cobatsiscini Waterfall stays at home with his mother; the Lizard gives D. his clothes, Gopher digs a passage under the monstrous Moose; gnaws his wool on the skin where the heart says it will carry it to its children; D. pierces the heart with an arrow; An elk blows up the ground with horns, creating mountains; four spiders of different colors on four sides of the world stop him, he dies; D. makes sturdy clothes for himself out of Moose skin; a huge eagle takes D. to its nest; chicks notice that the prey is blinking; D. asks how their parents will arrive; Mother in the afternoon with rain, father before sunset with rain and wind; D. kills adult birds with Moose's horn, turns chicks into ordinary eagles; The Bat lowers D. to the ground in a basket; for this he gives her feathers, tells her not to go to a plain where there are many birds; it goes, the birds take all the feathers (the origin of their plumage)]: 255-258; Western Apaches (White Mountain) [a girl climbs to the top of the mountain, gets pregnant from the Sun, gives birth to a boy Nyenesgan; lies under dripping water, gives birth to a second, Tobaciscini; both come to the Sun, stand the test, are recognized as his sons, exterminate monsters]: Goddard 1919:93-101; Hopi: Fewkes 1895 [woman conceives twins - Young Man (Tuyu, aka P üüko ñhoya) from sunlight and Echo (Palu ñ hoya) from a stream of water; Pignon nut girls make resin a copy of the flint clothing of the Eagle Man who stole the Young Man's wife; the Spider hides in the Young Man's ear, giving advice; Hawks bring him to heaven; Young Man smears chewed berries on the sharp crossbars leading to the roof of the stairs, they become stupid, he climbs into the house, changes clothes; Eagle Man offers 1) smoke a huge pipe (The Mole pulls out the passage, along who removes smoke), 2) break the deer horn (one end is fragile, the young man gets to be allowed to choose), 3) pull out the pine tree (The mole digs up the roots), 4) eat a lot (as in "1"); 5) sit in the fire (Young man in flint clothes are unharmed, the eagle in resin burns); The young man frees his wife and other women, the Hawk and the Eagle bring everyone down to the ground; the Mole digs four cameras under the lying Huge Moose; gnaws off the wool under the heart, says that for freezing kids; twins hit Moose with lightning, who blows up three chambers with a horn, dies before destroying the fourth; the chipmunk helps to cut the carcass; for this, one of The twins run over it with blood-smeared fingers, since then the chipmunk has been striped; the twins dodge Tcaveyo lightning, he himself is killed with lightning; go to visit the Sun Father; the rocks at the entrances to heaven move and then diverge; an old man sits on a rocky cornice near the abyss into the lower world by the path; collides passers with his legs straightened; the twins bounce, magically make him sit quiet; the same with the other guards - the Bear, the Puma, the Snake; the Sun puts the twins in the oven, they are unharmed, it recognizes them as sons]: 132-137; Malotki, Gary 2001, No. 24 [girl conceives from water and from sunlight, gives birth to twins older Pöqangwhoya and younger Palöngawhoya; they go to look for their father, Old Spider brings them to the Sun; he tests them; 1) smoke a huge pipe (gopher puts reeds in their ass, removes smoke out through its hole); 2) sit in a hot steam room (The Spider gives a means to moderate the fever); 3) sit on the fire (the same); 4) stand at night without sleep (Spider puts sticks in their eyes so that their eyelids do not close); The sun gives them bows and arrows, takes them on a day trip, stops to rest at noon; brothers descend to earth on the rainbow; with arrows kill the kidnapping monster So'yoko dressed in quartz, cover his scarecrow]: 224-235; Stephens 1929, No. 4 [poor young woman lets a ray of sunshine fall on her vulva; then older women they advise her to put her vulva under the drops that ooze through the roof when it rains; she gives birth to twins Puyukanyoya and Palyunyaoya; the old Spider tells them that their father is the Sun; they come to to him, they withstand the tests, he recognizes them as his sons], 5 [the girl dreams of copulation; puts the vulva first under the rays of the sun, then under the water dripping from the cliff; gives birth to twins; Pyukanyoya is the son of the Sun, Palyunyaoya is Echo, the son of Water]: 11-14.

Honduras-Panama. Kuna: Chapin 1989 [Olotvaligipileler secretly visits his sister Magiryay; she tells her lice, a tick, a sand flea to wake herself up; the flea wakes up, M. smears her lover's face with a genip, dries up the rivers; sees his brother's face in the morning; he runs away in shame; M. runs after him, returns to get his baskets, loses his way; on the way he copulates with many animals; brother rises to the sky for a Month, there are spots on her face; on the river bank, old woman Mu Quelopunayai invites her into the house, hides her in a vessel; her sons are iguanas, wild pigs, tapirs, fish; they say they smell pineapple; the next day Mu hides M. under the roof; on the third day he turns him into a part of a loom; sons find and devour on the river bank; Mu cooks giblets; the boiling pot splits, the cockerel pops up, Ibelele (the sun) and seven other birds sing; eight brothers grow up, the old woman says she is their mother; when hunting, the bird tells them that the fish swallowed their mother's bones; the old woman tells them to kill the birds; brothers they wonder why they are so beautiful, and their mother Frog is ugly, noseless; Mu makes her nose out of clay; brothers push Mu into the river, I. hands her golden staff; cuts off her fingers , when she clings to him, they fall into the water, turn into frogs and toads; the old woman stays in the water, turns into a toad; brothers fish, get their mother's skills, try to revive him eight times, but she turns into different animals; brothers bury bones]: 33-42; Holmer 1951 [the young man sleeps with his sister; she tells her first, then the tick, the flea to wake her up; the flea wakes her up in time, she smears her lover's face with juice genips; asks the Master of the Rivers to dry them; in the morning the brother cannot wash off the paint, leaves shame; the sister follows him; returns three times for his faith to fan the fire and other objects, loses his way; goes to the sound of his brother's flute, then stops hearing it; asks the cockerel and four other species of birds about the road; each shows the way after she agrees to sleep with him; the brother climbs to the sky becomes the Month; spots are still visible; children are told that it is a rabbit; an old woman on the river bank invites a girl into the house, turns her into a loom part, hides it in straw on the roof; sons old women find her, drag her to the river, drown her, turn into fish, eat it; the old woman asks to leave her uterus; the boiling pot splits, the cockerel jumps to the edge, screams Ipelele (the sun ); then birds of the species that the woman copulated with appear from the pot; then the boy Puksu (Morning Star) and eight other stars come out; young men grow up; when hunting, the turkey says that the fish ate them by their mother; I. and P. turn into whales, kill fish, take their mother's bones out of the abdomen; wash the old woman into the water with a wave, she turns into a frog; now the Sun dries the skin of frogs; I. eight times resurrects the mother, she breaks up again; wants to turn into a dog, a snake, into other objects; I. buries bones]: 145-155.

Guiana. Oyampy [see motive J9; (the episode of conception itself from different fathers is missing, but follows from the following context); Yaneya leaves; pregnant wife follows him; twins from her womb show her the way; ask her to pick flowers; she is bitten by a wasp; she refuses to collect, the twins fall silent; the woman goes to the Jaguars, the Yaguariha eats her; the Mayamayali and Wayamakale twins (from poppy is a monkey?) jump on a tree; Jaguariha calls them back; A dove hunting talks about his mother's death; M. and Y. lure the Jaguars to the bridge, create piranhas in the river; V. cuts off the vine ahead of time, two jaguars they save themselves, the rest are eaten by piranhas; M. almost revives his mother, V. hugs her ahead of time, she falls apart; by the sea, their father cuts down a tree, chips turn into fish; the father tests his sons, M. does not He withstands; the father tells him that he is not his son, but the son of the Monkey; makes a parrot out of his skin, monkeys out of flesh; in the morning the father rises to heaven]: Grenada 1982, No. 5:67-72

Central Amazon. Maue [The Harpy Eagle carries the son of monkeys; he cries and wants fish; the eagle suspects that his wife has a lover bringing fish; sends a fly to watch her, kills his lover, the Soko bird, drives his son away; tells his wife to put her hand in the hollow to catch the rat; the hand gets stuck, the wife turns into the creaking of trees; the eagle asks Aram to eat the corpse, take the twins out of the womb of the victim; Soko's son eat it too, and give his son (Eagle) to his mother; she washes the baby in the river, he slips away, becoming a fish; the brothers of the killed offer Eagle to pick up a log in the middle of the water; it breaks, the Eagle falls into the water, he is killed by the Big Turtle; the grandmother asks the sisters of the killed to catch his grandson; he asks his grandmother who killed his father; answer, Wind, then Hot Summer; he scratches his aunts, they say that their father killed his father; he finds feathers, later his father's leg on the ceremony site; trains to pick up logs and stones; pulls the Turtle out of the water; the Toucan, then the Dove, can't penetrate its shell, The woodpecker pierces; these birds are colored with her blood; Jaguar and fish also color]: Ugge 1991, No. 2:130-146.

Eastern Amazon. See motive J9. Shipaya [Kunyarima is the son of Kumafari (aka Marushava, from Morubishab he is the chief); his brother Arubiata is the son of Possum; his mother came to Opossum, who climbed onto the roof above her hammock; M. tests the brothers, telling him to keep the brazier on fire; A. heats white, can't stand it anymore; K. spits on him, he turns red again, both are being tested; their bodies hissed in the water when they went swimming then]: Nimuendaju 1920:1016-1018; juruna [Jaguar inserts his penis where a woman urinates, she gives birth to Sinaa, who has a second pair of eyes on the back of his head; S.'s wife gives birth to three sons, one of them conceived by an animal; for treason, S. sends her to the site where she is killed by wild people; her sons hunt birds, guan says that it was not him, but wild people who killed their mother; wild people do not have anuses; the younger brother shows them a way to defecate, the older one makes holes; most die from it; the rest are chasing for the brothers; they bring their grandfather Jaguar the meat of wild people to eat; he tests his grandchildren to maintain a hot brazier; all three stand the test, hiss when immersed in water; the grandfather gives them names: Dubata (senior), Panharima, Urubiata]: Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973:232-240; tenetehara: Nimuendaju 1915, No. 1 [Maira grows cassava that ripens for day; the owner of the garden does not believe it; so now cassava ripens in a year; M. carves his wife out of wood; leaves; (var.: visits a woman at night; she stains his face with genipa juice, find out who is his lover; M. Leaves forever); Maira's son (SM) from his mother's womb shows her the path her father took; asks her to pick flowers for him; she is bitten by a wasp, she claps her stomach, angry at her son; he takes offense, directs her to the Opossum house; Opossum makes a hole in the roof above her hammock, rain falls on her; suggests moving the hammock closer to him, then move into his dry hammock; she conceives Son of Possum; SM sends her to the village of the Jaguars; they kill her, raise twins; they kill the Jaguars, come to Meira; he tests the brothers; they mock Azan's demons]: 282-287; Wagley, Galvão 1949, No. 14 [as in Nimuendaju; Maira leaves leaving her pregnant wife; she follows him, Maira's son (SM) shows her the way from the womb; asks to disrupt him flower; a wasp bites a woman in the stomach, claps himself trying to kill a wasp; the son thinks his mother hit him, falls silent; the woman sleeps in the Opossum house; he makes a hole in the roof, rain falls on the woman, Opossum suggests to outweigh the hammock closer to him, then move into his dry hammock; this is how the woman conceives the Son of the Possum; SM is dissatisfied; the woman comes to the village of Jaguars; Maira demands evidence that the brothers are his children; 1) kill the female Azang spirit; SM sets fire to her long hair, dries the lakes where Azang tries to extinguish it, Azang burns; 2) kill the male spirit Azang; he cuts down a tree to make a bow and arrows that hit all animals; SM pierces a sharp hand of spirit into a log, leaves it to die; 3) kill Azang - angler; SM in the guise of a surubim fish takes the bait off his hook; brother gets hooked, caught, fried, eaten; SM asks Azang to give him bones, revives his brother; asks father break a rock with an arrow; he cannot, SM breaks, he is stronger than his father; both are now in the Village of Gods]: 137-140; urubu [Mair flies over a rotten fruit in the form of a bird; from a fruit a woman comes out, he takes her as his wife; she does not believe that the yams, cassava, etc. planted by her husband ripened on the same day; angry M. leaves; the wife follows in his footsteps, the unborn son from the womb shows the way; after spending the night in the house of the Possum, the woman conceives a second son; Mair's son is offended by his mother, falls silent; the woman comes to the village of Jaguars; the old woman hides her under a vessel, the Jaguars find her, eat her; the children are thrown into boiling water, they jump out; the grandmother adopts them; the brothers cut trees into the river, they turn into piranhas and crocodiles; an island is made on the river, fruit trees are built on it, a bridge is built to the island; when the Jaguars cross the bridge for fruit, the brothers cut the bridge, the Jaguars are eaten by aquatic creatures; because the son of the Possum hesitated, two were saved; brothers come to M. , he gives them bows and arrows; offended by their mother, the brothers throw them into the forest, they turn into snakes; Meir wants to know if his children are in front of him; 1) remove the bait from Anyang's hook; Mair's son takes off the bait, then pulls the forest to laugh; Opossum's son takes the hook in his mouth, is caught, eaten; in the form of an ant, Mair's son collects his bones, revives him; 2) go to Grandfather Wind; he is not at home, Mair's son tickles his wife, her husband hears her laughter, blows, a tree falls on the brothers; Opossum's son dies, revives his brother; 3) walk between two converging and diverging gratin stones; Mair's son passes, the Son of the Possum is crushed, revived by his brother; M. realizes that the youngest of the brothers is not his son, he tells him to go back between the stones; the son of Possum is crushed again; Mair's son rises to heaven in anger, taking the stones with him; they are now produces thunder; Opossum's son goes up to his brother]: Huxley 1956:217-220; tupinamba [Maire-Ata goes to travel, his wife cannot accompany him due to pregnancy; follows, the son from the womb shows the way; she does not give him any fruit, he is angry, falls silent; goes astray, gets to the Possum; at night he conceives his second son; the possum turns into an opossum; a woman comes to the village of Jaguars; the Jaguar eats it, the twins are thrown into a pile of garbage; one woman picks them up; the twins hunt for her; show the Jaguaram an island in the sea, where they will find many fruits; Jaguars swim there; twins cause a storm; Jaguars drown, turn into jaguars and other cats; twins come to MA, he tests them; 1) walk between crushing rocks; Opossum's son dies; MA's son dies revives him, both pass; 2) take the bait off the hook Agnen 'a; Opossum's son is caught, A. tears him apart; MA's son resurrects him, both take off the bait; the MA recognizes them as their sons]: Thevet, 914-915 in Metraux 1932:135-136.

Southern Brazil. Apapokuwa [Nyanderuvusu (Our Great Father) makes a clay bowl, tells Nyandera Mbaekuaa (Our Father Who Knows Everything) to open it, underneath it to Nyandez (Our Great Mother) ); tells NM to try it; Niandesa conceives one son from N., the other from NA; N. sends her to bring corn from a field sown on the same day; she does not believe that the corn is ripe, says to her husband, that he wears not his son, but his son NA; N. leaves, leaves a wooden cross at the crossroads; Nyandesu is following the trail; the son asks to pick flowers for him from the womb; she is bitten by a wasp, she reproaches her son; he angry, shows the way to the Jaguars at the crossroads; the Jaguar grandmother hides her under a vessel; Jaguars come, finds women alone; the grandmother asks babies for herself; they do not cook in boiling water, do not fry on coals, jump out of the mortar; the grandmother adopts them; they grow up immediately; Nyanderykei is the eldest, son of Nyanderuvusu; they shoot Jacques, who tells about the fate of their mother; it's the same says the parrot; brothers cry, wash away tears from their faces; Nyanderykei revives the mother from her bones; the younger brother rushes to suck, the mother dies again; since then, women's breasts are not so beautiful; brothers create fruits to lure the Jaguars; show a small trap; Jaguars climb into it one by one, fall into the abyss; brothers send their grandmother and other female Jaguars for fruit to the other side of the stream; the banks of the stream diverge, the Jaguarikh devour aquatic creatures; the younger brother is afraid, a rope is tied to the shore; the banks stop parting, one pregnant jaguariha is saved; brothers kill forest demons Anya; Nyanderuvusu takes them home; now Nyanderykei holds the ground support at its zenith]: Nimuendaju 1914:393-399; chiripa [Ñanderú Guazú came from the west, placed land on a wooden cross (palo cruzado); with him Ñanderú Mbae Kua; they found the first woman under a clay pot, both met her; NG went to the plot, came back, told his wife to go pick corn ; she did not believe that the harvest was ripe for her; NG got angry, left, promised to forgive his wife if she found her way; from his mother's womb, their son Kuarahy (the future sun) showed her the way; asked her to collect flowers, the woman was bitten by a wasp, she scolded K., he fell silent; the woman came to the old woman, who hid her under a pot from her nephews Añag; she herself told them they killed and ate the woman; the old woman asked her to eat fruit from the womb, but not to cook it, not to bake it; K. considered the old woman to be her mother, shot butterflies, called them by the names of birds, since then the birds have names; the old woman does not tell her to hunt Blue Woe; K. goes there, finds his mother's bones, mixing them with cornmeal makes himself a brother Yacy (next month); brothers kill birds, NG sent them a parrot, who told them about his mother's fate; then K. blew on dead birds, revived them; when A. killed his mother, K. was stained with her blood, so at every solar eclipse; K. revived his mother from bones, but I. came too early, she crumbled again; so people mortal; an Inambu bird flew out of her bones; seeing that her mother could not be revived, K. made an agouti out of her bones; the brothers killed many A., luring them into traps; they created a fruit tree, a bridge to it across the river, piranhas and caimans; J. rocked the bridge too early, all A. and the old woman died, but one pregnant female escaped, jaguars from her; K. gave Y. power over cultivated plants and crops; K. created honey, but I. asked to leave some of the hollows empty; the urubu vultures had fire; K. was afraid to approach them himself, created a cururu toad, which swallowed the coals, brought them, regurgitated; K. made sugar cane, Y. imitated , a snake came out; K. created animals, and Añag was a way to hunt them; A. told K. to get off the tree, hit him with a stick, carried them in a bag, putting the koati on top of the dead; put the basket on the ground, K. ran away, putting up a rotten tree; A.'s daughters did not find game in the basket; A. returned, mistook the tree for K., knocked down, it became a deer, ran away; K. climbed the tree, A. saw its reflection in the water; Owl said where K.; A. climbed after K., who created wasps, they bit A. to death; K. and Y. saw A. fishing; K. bit off and took the hook, Y. got caught; A. caught him in the form of a bagre (first fish); K. asked for bones, Y. (moon phases); the brothers came to Saria (this is also Añag); Y. said that he had many sisters, A. asked them to marry, Y. ordered K. to ask permission; he told A. to bring fish for his wives, gave the girl, from his feet which the fish is dying; A. began to beat the girl, she turned into a timbo vine; K. gave A. a crown of feathers, it caught fire, A. burned down; a partridge flew out of his stomach, the ashes turned into mosquitoes; I. got together with a married woman; on a full moon, the Month copulates with girls, causing menstruation; K. did Venus; after copulation, Y. tells Venus to wash it, so it rains on the new moon; K. and Y. did a chain of arrows to go to heaven to my father; I wanted to climb first to become the sun, but K. was the first to climb himself]: Bartolomé 1977:16-40 (the episode with feathers at the fork at p.18-19); (cf. caigua: Telémaco Borba 1908 (West at Parana in Tibagy in 1874): 62-69 in Frič 1912:480-482, at Koch-Grünberg 1921:213-215, in Metraux 1932:138-139 [the husband told his wife to sow corn, immediately sent her for the cobs, she did not believe that she was ripe in the day, did not go; the husband sent her again, said that their unborn son wanted to eat; the wife replied that the son was not his; the husband left, the wife went looking for him; the son asked him to pick flowers and fruits for him; the woman was bitten by a wasp, she slapped her son, hitting herself in the stomach, her son stopped showing the way; she came to the mother of the Iary jaguars; she hid her under a vessel (cernidor), the last of the jaguars smelled a woman, ate her, I. asked for an embryo, there were twins; they jump off the pan, jump out of the mortar, I. kept them alive; the elder Derekey, asked I. to make him a bow and arrow to hunt birds; the younger Derevuy is only crying; the red macaw told Derekey about his mother's fate; the brothers found her bones in the excrement of the jaguars, Derekay He revived her, but the Tree rushed to suck her breast, her mother fell apart; Derekay kicked the rotten tree in anger, it turned into bees and honey; the tree ate it, stopped crying; having tied up the jaguars, the brothers went to look father, came to Ahan, Derewy married his daughter; ran away from him; they called his father from the tree, who responded from heaven; the eldest chose the day, became the sun, the youngest became night, became a month; went down to bed with his aunt, she smeared his face with genipa juice, since then there have been spots on the moon; Guarani come from Derevuy's son and his aunt's daughter]).