Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

J62. Petrified people.

.11.13.-.17.21.23.-.25.27.-.35. (.36.)

The character turns those who come to him into inanimate objects (usually stones). (In many cases, there is no motive in the ATU 303 plot versions; original texts are required).

Bondeis [in the hills of the earth], Swahili, Sudanese Arabs, Malgash, (Arabs and Berbers of Morocco, Arabs of Libya), Kabilas, Arabs of Tunisia, Egypt, Basques, Spaniards, Catalans, Portuguese, Italians (Veneto, Tuscany, Campania, Abruzzo), Sardinians, Corsicans, Ladins, French (Ariège, Haute-Bretagne, Lorraine, Provence, Niverne, Dordogne, Gascony), Bretons, Scots, Irish, Flemish, Frisians, Germans (Saxony-Anhalt, Hessen, Grimms, Austria), Palestinians, Syrian Arabs, Meitei, Kashmiris, Northern India (Hindi), Marathi [into trees and rocks], Bengalis, Oriya, Baiga, Agaria, Maria, Tamils, Aceh, Ancient Greece, Albanians, Montenegrins, Bosnians, Croats, Slovenes, Bulgarians, Hungarians, Romanians, Gagauz people, Greeks, Czechs, Slovaks, Poles, Russians (Terek coast, Arkhangelskaya, Olonetskaya, Pskov, Tver, Vladimir , Moscow, Tula, Yaroslavl, Vologda, Gorkovskaya, Voronezh, Kursk, Oryol, Orenburg), Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Ugric Russia, Transcarpathia, Galicia, Pokutye, Yekaterinoslavskaya), Belarusians, Ossetians, Adygs, Abkhazians, Ingush, Kumyks, Avars, Dargins, Archins, Svans, Megrels, Georgians, Armenians, Turks, Kurds, Persians, Tajiks, Uzbeks, Rushans, Estonians, Veps, Finns, Livons, Latvians, Lithuanians, Norwegians, Danes, Swedes, Icelanders, Faroese, Eastern Sami, Komi, Mari, Mordovians, Kazan Tatars, (Bashkirs), Kazakhs, Oirats [in trees and stones], Mansi, (Evens, Nanais).

Bantu-speaking Africa. Bondei [Nyange asks his father for milk, for which he chases him away; he tells Katuni's younger brother that if the pumpkin he planted dries up, he feels bad; heals the eyes of the chief's daughter, gets it in wives; father-in-law does not tell you to chase animals in the forest; N. goes to the forest for buffalo; the woman touches him with a shepherd's stick, turns him into a mound; K. sees a dried pumpkin, goes looking for N.; they look like, everyone thinks that N. has returned; he does not sleep with his wife N., tells her to bake cakes; chasing a wild bull, he meets that woman, gives her cakes; for this she shows two sticks; one K. turns her into a mound, the other revives people; N. lost his eye from being hit with a stick; people choose K. as leader; N. is offended, he is given cattle and money; brothers did not reconcile]: Woodward 1925, No. 12:367-370; Swahili [sultan orders to kill boys, leave girls; parents hide Rubiya's son; he easily defeats genies, predators; the seven-headed snake; gets beautiful brothers; the genie sultan hides his sword, he tries in vain to hit her clay swords hanging in her house; she touches R. with a black stick, turning it into stone; the brothers see that the water is cloudy, the tree has dried up; they come to the sultan of the genies, she says that You can spell R. with a white wand; they kill the Sultan, revive R.; he gives genies to everyone in the city]: Baker 1927, No. 6:195-202 (=Abrahams 1983, No. 13:78-83).

Sudan - East Africa. The Arabs of Sudan [the royal daughter is sick, she will be healed only by the voice of a nightingale living on a tree above the stream, a branch of this tree, the water from the stream; the elder, then the middle brothers Jamal and Sulaiman go to searches, despite warning, seek the source of strange sounds, turn into stone; younger Salim does not turn around, comes to the source; the old man orders to moisten the stones with this water, the enchanted ones come to life; from The medicine brought, the princess recovers]: Al-Shahi, Moore 1920, No. 4:66-68.

North Africa. Kabila [the first girl promises, if the king marries her, to bake pancakes from one grain; the second to make clothes from one wool, the third to give birth to a son and daughter with a golden forehead; king overheard and took all three, but the first two failed to fulfill their promise; when the third gave birth to wonderful children, the other two told the midwife to let them down in the chest into the sea, replaced them with puppies; the king ordered them to be abandoned his wife was imprisoned without windows and fed with breadcrumbs; a childless fisherman caught a chest, his wife raised children; they were named Aziz and Aziza; they grew up; Aziz noticed a boy, the king's son, in the palace, and called him to play with money and beat; they bought a good house; the fishermen died; Aziz hunted; the old woman came to Aziza and advised her brother to bring her lioness milk in the skin of a lion cub; if you wash yourself with such milk , you will be the most beautiful; the old man teaches you to take 8 rams to the lioness and her 7 lions; the lioness gave, Aziza washed herself and became even more beautiful; the old woman advises you to get a necklace of their pearls in a frame - the one who wears it will become beautiful; the old man tells me to cook 99 loaves, mirrors, daggers, camels; the cannibal giant is waiting for his 99 children; he must be shaved, given a mirror and a dagger around his neck; his children will be so happy that they will comply with any request; Aziz did the same to the cannibal's children; they ask them not to look at them while they were eating bread; Aziz looked, lost consciousness; the cannibal brought him to life; the old woman advises him to get it singing a golden bird; old man: none of those who tried to catch the bird returned alive; many birds will fly to the desert on the rock, the most golden; you have to answer it a third time, then you will grab it; everywhere petrified people; when Aziz replied, Yes! , the bird blew, he and the horse were also petrified; Aziza came to the old man, who directed it to the golden bird; I must not say yes, but grab the bird and let it go after promising to spell her brother; Aziza forced the bird To spell his brother and everyone else; when Aziz and Aziz returned, the king decided to kill Aziz, take the bird and marry Aziz; the bird screams about it, but the king does not understand; the old man orders all wives to be brought in, including the one in prison; she was washed and clothed; the king asked her what to do with the other two wives and the old woman; she ordered them to be tied to the horse's tail, and she would make different things out of their bones: ash scoops , hearth stands, sticks to drive away dogs; feast]: Mammeri 1996, No. 4:61-81; Tunisia [the king went for a walk in the evening, heard 3 girls talking about what they had dreamed of. The eldest dreamed that she had married a cook, the middle one dreamed that she was the king's chamberlain, the third did not want to speak, then admitted that she saw that she had married the king and had given birth to him a son and daughter. The king decided to make girls' dreams come true When it was time for the youngest to give birth, the sisters changed the boy for a kitten and left the baby by the river. A hunter picked him up and began to educate him. During the second birth, the girl was changed to a monkey. The hunter also found a girl and began to raise her. The king put his wife in the dungeon. The children grew up with a hunter; they learned from their neighbors that they were not native; the hunter told them that he had found them both by the river and had a lot of money with them. He didn't spend this money. The children asked them to build a palace on them. He complied with their request. The children looked like their mother, and the mother's sisters understood who they were. One of them went to the new palace, the girl met her and showed her the palace. She praised her, but said that there was not enough singing sparrow. My sister asked her brother to go looking for him. He gave her the ring and said that if its color changed, he was in trouble. I went to the woods. An old man met him and warned him not to turn to his voices, otherwise he would turn into a statue. The young man could not resist and turned around. The ring changed color, the girl went to rescue her brother. She did not turn to her voices, and the lion was asleep when she reached the sparrow. At the same moment, her brother came to life again, and the sparrow told them the truth about their birth. Brother and sister went to the palace, where the sparrow repeated history, the queen was released from captivity, the sisters were put to death]: Al-Arabi 2009, No. 46 in Korovkina MS; the Arabs of Egypt [king and vizier at night they walk around the city, hear three girls talking; each says what she would do to become the king's wife; the first will bake a cake for the king and all his troops; the second is a tent for the king and the army; the third will give birth a son and a daughter with golden and hyacinth hair; when they cry, thunderstorms and showers will begin, when they laugh, the sun and moon will appear; the king married them; the first two failed to fulfill their promise, sent to the kitchen with slaves; when the third wife gives birth, the other wife bribes the midwife, who replaced the children with blind puppies; the king orders that the wife be tied at the entrance, smeared with resin and that everyone spit on her; The midwife put the children in a box, threw them into the river; the fisherman found and raised them; the fisherman caught two beautiful fish, the young man (his name is Mohammed Razumny) carried them to sell them, the king bought them; ordered them to continue to be brought; wife the king understood who this young man was, the midwife promised to lime him and his sister; she sailed in a jug, persuaded the girl to bring the Arab-Zandyq singing rose; M. came to the cannibal, venerated his chest; she explained the way to the rose; meat in front of the goat, clover in front of the dog - you have to shift it; take the rose, leave without looking back, otherwise you will petrify; M. brought a rose; she does not sing; midwife: you need a mirror (same episodes); the rose does not sing again; the midwife: her mistress Arab-Zandyk is needed; the young man got to her palace, looked out the window and began to call; after two shouts, he was half petrified, but grabbed AZ by the hair, let go how she revived all the petrified; said that he was the son of the king; created a palace on the island where the fisherman lived; M. invited the king to come to his wedding with his army; the vizier advised him to stock up on food, but the warriors could not eat everything they were offered; and when M. and AZ paid a return visit, their soldiers did not fit into the city; M. threw a shawl over his mother in the palace; AZ told the whole story; the fisherman was made a vizier , and the angry wife and midwife were burned]: Spitta bey 1883, No. 11:137-151; (cf. There is no motive in Berber texts from Algeria. Whether there is a motive in Morocco and Libya is not clear on the El-Shamy sign. Arabs (?) Morocco, Berbers of Morocco, Arabs of Libya: El-Shamy 2004, No. 303:107-109).

Southern Europe. Basques: Webster 1879:176-182 [three sisters are spinning; the eldest says she would like to marry a courtier, the middle says she would like to marry a royal son-in-law, the youngest says the king himself; the king hears it, takes it the youngest wife; she gives birth twice in his absence; sisters write to the king that his wife gave birth to a kitten, puppy, bear; children (the eldest is a girl) are lowered down the river in a basket, picked up by a gardener; the king forgives his wife twice, tells him to put him in prison, starve; adoptive parents are dead; the old woman advises young men to get a singing tree, a truth-telling bird, rejuvenating water; the elder brother leaves; the old man warns not to turn to the noise, he turns around, stones; the apple he leaves rots; the same goes with his younger brother; the sister goes, does not turn around, brings water, revives the brothers, takes the tree and the bird; they invite the king to their place; the bird talks about everything; the children sprinkle water on the mother, she is young again, her sisters are burned in the square], (cf. 88-94 [the fish asks her to let go, the fisherman twice lets go, disagrees with the third; she orders to give her tail to the dog, the head of the mare, the torso to his wife; they give birth to three identical puppies, foals, sons; the eldest kills the seven-headed snake to which they gave birth princess, cuts off her tongues, shows them when a coal burner attributes a feat to himself; after the wedding, she sees the castle, goes there, the old woman offers him something to eat, he turns into a monster; water boils at home - something happened; the middle brother is coming, the princess takes him for her husband, the same is with him; the youngest is the princess is surprised that her husband asks about the castle for the third time; the old woman explains the secret of the mistress of the castle; the young man does not eat, makes the witch return the brothers to their former appearance; the witch is burned in the square, the older brother and wife get her castle]); the Catalans [the caught fish tells the fisherman to let her wife eat part, part a mare and part of a dog; each gives birth to twins: boys, foals, puppies; two swords grow out of the ground; the first brother leaves with his horse, dog, sword; kills the dragon to whom the princess must be given, takes her as his wife; comes to the castle, where he is turned into stone; another brother sees that the blood left in the bottle has changed color and goes in search; mistaken for the first, puts her next to him in bed with his wife sword; revives brother; they talk about what happened]: Otiol, Pujol 2008, No. 303:65-67; Portuguese: Shishlova 1971 [Miguel is the son of a shoemaker, the royal son became friends with him, the king told M. to leave, The prince left with him; they released the princess, who was robbed and tied up by robbers, the prince decided to marry her; M. hears three pigeons talking; if the princess bites an orange in the grove, she dies; if the prince will scoop water in the spring, he will die; if they stay alive, a seven-headed serpent will crawl into the bedroom on his wedding day and eat them both; if M. talks, he will turn into stone; the princess wants to pluck orange, M. whips her horse, he takes her out of the grove; M. splashed water, did not let the prince drink it; M. kills a snake, bloody and enters the bedroom with a sword, he is accused of intending to kill the prince; M. all says, turns into a statue; in the garden, the prince hears a voice: M. will come to life if the prince gives his life; the prince wants to be stabbed, M. comes to life, stops him]: 228-236; Cardigos 2006, No. 303 [dozens texts; after eating magic fish, a woman gives birth to twins, a dog gives birth to lions, and where some of the fish are buried, spears grow; brothers go to wander, disperse, leaving objects to learn about the owner's fate (a knife stuck in a tree will rust, etc.); the first brother goes to the Tower of No Return, the witch turns him into stone (kills) when he agrees to tie his lion to with a witch's hair (the hair becomes an iron chain); another brother follows in his footsteps, he is mistaken for the first, he leaves a sword in bed between himself and the princess, his brother's wife; he disagrees; the first thinks that the second one slept with his wife, kills him; when he learns the truth, he revives the witch with a potion; puts his brother's head backwards], 707 (many records) [the youngest of two or three sisters says that if she marries a king, gives birth to children with a gold star on her forehead; another sister wants to become a cook, etc.; the king hears and marries the youngest; older sisters replace children with puppies; the wife is imprisoned or they bury them up to the neck in the ground so that everyone spit on it; children grow up; catching a talking bird (parrot), a singing tree, living water (often a fairy or St. Virgo helps); older brothers are petrified, turned into animals, etc.; younger sister or brother goes, receives from an old woman (St. Virgos) advice or magic items, returns brothers; children are invited to the king, demand that their mother be returned; the parrot warns that the food is poisoned; the king sees stars on the children's foreheads; the bird He tells everyone; the children and their mother were returned, the liars were executed]: 60-62, 156-159; Sicilians [older sister: if I were the manager's wife, I would drink everyone from one glass and there would still be water left; middle: if she were the wife of a wardrobe manager, she would dress everyone with one piece of cloth; youngest: if she were the king's wife, she would give birth to two sons with peaches in her hands and a daughter with a star on her forehead; the king is hears, sends for sisters; the elders immediately demonstrated their skills, he married the youngest; the sisters are jealous, tell the midwife to replace the children with puppies; the king orders their mother to rotate a mill (like an ox); the children were thrown away, three fairies flew by, one gave them a reindeer to feed them, the other an inexhaustible purse, the third a ring that would darken if something happened to one of them; children grew up, settled in the palace in front of the king's palace; the midwife persuades his sister to ask the brothers to bring dancing water; one of the young men goes in search, meets a hermit, who sends to more the old one, this one is to the oldest; he teaches you to enter a house where there is water, when giants and lions have their eyes open, when the door is closed; the young man has brought water, now we have to get a singing apple; get a talking one the bird is the same; you must silently take the bird's feather, dip it in the water, sprinkle the statues, they will come to life; the bird tells the young man about the fate of his mother, he answers something, turns into stone; the same with his second brother; The sister comes, she revives the statues; the hermits disappear - they were those fairies; the king comes to visit, the bird tells everything; the king apologizes to his wife; the bird tells the midwife to throw the sisters out of the window cook in oil]: Crane 1885, No. 4:17-25; Italians: Calvino 1980, No. 58 (Tuscany) [the fisherman has no children; he caught an extraordinary fish, it asked to let it go and sent it to the pond where he was waiting for him a huge catch; but the wife demands to bring her this particular fish; the same again; the third time the fisherman brought fish to his wife; she asks the fisherman's wife to eat her meat, the mare to drink the broth, the dog eat the head, three Bury the fin in the garden and hang the gallbladder in the kitchen; children will be born and when they are in trouble, blood will trickle out of the bladder; the wife gave birth to three boys, a mare to three foals, a dog to three puppies, three swords grew out of their fins; when the brothers grew up, alone on their horse, with their dog and sword, went to look for happiness; in the city, a seven-headed dragon devours a girl every day, turn princesses; the king promised her savior as his wife; the young man cut off the dragon's heads, carved out his tongues, wrapped them in the princess's handkerchief, and went to the inn to change clothes; the coal miner picked up the heads, brought them to the king and took the victory for himself; when the young man came, he was not allowed in; he sent his dog to appear to the princess and pull the tablecloth off the laid table; so twice; the third time the young man tells the dog to bring the audience for his wedding; the young man showed his tongues, hung the coal miner; the morning after the wedding, the young man went to the forest to hunt; a thunderstorm began, he made a fire; the old woman asked permission to warm up, gave the young man, the dog, food on the horse, grease the sword - everyone turned into stone; the second brother saw blood flowing from the fish bubble, followed his older brother's trail, mistook him; at night he put the sword in bed with each other and princess; went hunting - also petrified; the third brother arrived, did not let himself be deceived, forced the old woman to get an ointment and revive the petrified ones; then the brothers chopped her into pieces; when they found out that the younger brothers slept with his wife, the elder killed them; repented and revived the old woman with ointment; the king gave noble girls to his younger brothers], 87 (Florence, options throughout Italy) [the king goes to eavesdrop on what they say subjects; older sister: if I married a royal baker, I would bake as much bread as the court needed for a year in a day; average: if I married a royal winemaker, I would give everyone a drink courtiers with one glass of wine; youngest: if I married the king, I would give birth to him three gold-haired children - two boys and a girl with a star in her forehead; the king summoned the sisters to the palace and sang them desires; the elders are jealous of the youngest; in the absence of the king, the wife gives birth to a son, then a second, then a daughter; her sisters replaced them with a monkey, a puppy and a tiger cub, each time telling the old woman to get rid of the babies; she descends everyone down the river in a basket, the ferryman picked them all up; selling golden hair, the ferryman became rich and built a palace for the adoptees; the king saw a young man and a girl, invited them to the palace; aunts ask the old woman for help; she tells the girl that she does not have enough dancing water; the older brother goes in search; the old man teaches to avoid the guards if their eyes are open, not closed; the young man brought water; the old woman: not a musical tree is enough; the old man teaches again: there are scissors above the door, you have to go if they are open; old woman: the Green Bird (l'uccel bel-verde) is missing; old man: on the same mountain there is a garden with statues; these are those who are petrified trying to get poultry; birds fly through the garden; if you don't answer a bird's questions, you'll be petrified; the bird tells its older brother who comes for it that its mother is walled up alive; "Walled up hype?" - and petrified; the same with the second brother; the sister is silent, pulled out the bird's feather, dipped it in the dancing water, revived the brothers and all the petrified ones; brothers, sister and bird come to the king's feast; bird: not one person is enough; the king ordered to remove the walled up, the daughter revived it with live water; at the feast, the bird ordered to eat only what she would try herself - the rest was poisoned; the bird tells them to coat the sisters with resin and burn and throw the old woman out the window]: 189-196, 315-322; Del Monte Tammaro 1971, No. 300 (Abruzzo) [Queen Giuseppe, after killing a 7-headed serpent, saves the princess and marries her; a sorcerer living nearby transforms J. In stone; the same with his brother Niccolo; his third brother, Francescopaolo, sees from the carnations that something has happened to others, makes the sorcerer revive the petrified, kills him]: 11; Widter et al. 1866, No. 8 (Veneto) [every year a many-headed dragon arrives, demands a girl; it's the princess's turn; the shepherd has three dogs - Forte, Potente and Ingegnoso; he kills the dragon, cuts off his tongues, promises to return in a year , a month and a day to marry a princess; the coal miner cut off the dead dragon's head, told the princess to say he saved her; she asks her father to postpone the wedding for a year, month and day; the shepherd tells dogs get the keys, comes to the wedding, the princess recognizes him, marries a shepherd, the coal miner was executed; one day in the woods, the princess's husband went into an old woman's hut, she turned him into stone; his brother went in search; the princess mistook him for her husband, but he avoided sharing a bed with her; heard another girl say: statues can be revived with the blood of an old woman; came to an old woman and as soon as she turned away, cut off her head, sprinkled the statues, they, including his brother, came to life]: 128-132; Italians (Campania, Capri) [the king forbade lighting a fire at night, but three sisters are dressmakers always worked until midnight, hide the lamps in large pots; eldest: if the king married me, I would feed his entire army with a piece of bread; medium: I would make clothes from one piece of cloth for all troops; youngest: would give birth to a son with a golden apple in his hand and a daughter with a gold star on his forehead; the spy told the king; he would marry the youngest; go to war; the queen mother told the midwife to replace children born as puppies and thrown into the river; but the maid put them in a basket; the king ordered his wife to be imprisoned in a niche at the gate, given only bread and water and that everyone spit on her; the children were caught by a fisherman; when they grew up, the fisherman's own children called them foundlings their father had caught at sea; they left home and settled in the woods in an abandoned palace; the Queen Mother sent a midwife to persuade the girl ask my brother to bring dancing healing water from the Senavalli spring; a hermit (it was St. Joseph) taught me what to do; when the young man is in the enchanted garden of the Alcina fairy, you cannot turn around, although there will be screams and roars around; the young man brought water; the midwife: now a singing apple; hermit (same); midwife: bring a talking bird; hermit: do not catch a bird, be gentle to it, it will come down from the tree on its own; gave you a wand, the young man revived those turned into stones; the king hunted I heard singing, went into the palace; the bird: I will answer him myself; the king invited them to his feast; the bird told me to let the dogs taste the meat from the table; they fell in convulsions; the bird told me everything; The Queen Mother was forced to eat meat prepared for the freed queen and she died in agony; and the talking bird suddenly disappeared]: Zschalig 1925, No. 6:32-41; ladins: Wildhaber, Uffer 1971, No. 52 [The miller found a chest of babies in the river, two boys and a girl, each with a gold star on his forehead; when they grew up, the miller admitted that they were not natural children; said that about them Only a talking bird knows the parents; the elder brother, then the younger brother went to look for it, did not return; Sister Amalia went; the old woman told her not to turn around if she heard something; A. climbed the mountain to the castle, Someone was calling her, she did not turn around; slipped between the guard's legs; entered the hall where the birds were; one shouted that she was talking; but A. took a little gray bird; with her they left the castle; the stones that A. touched turned into knights or girls; A. also revived brothers; the bird said that when the children's father went to war, his brother put the children in a box, and told the king that the queen gave birth to kittens; her uncle was torn by horses, the queen was returned from captivity, A. became queen {in another realm?} , her brothers are kings], 57 [=Decurtins, Brunold-Bigler 2002, No. 22:74-76; the king placed two daughters in a fortress on the island so no one would approach them; one man got in, both sisters gave birth for the boy; began to ask for more food; made clothes for the sons, taught them how to shoot archery and swim; sent them to the world; the brothers broke up, promising to return in a year; whose golden sword would rust, with so the trouble; the one who went to the right killed the dragon that kidnapped the princess, received her hand and throne; in the forest he met an old woman, she pretended to be looking for the lost ring; whipped the young man, turning it into stone; brother saw rust, came to the same city, mistook him for the first young man; at night he put his sword between himself and his wife; went into the forest, made the witch tell him how to revive the petrified; she gave her whip, he revived petrified by them; both brothers returned to the city]: 177-179, 203-205; Spaniards: Camarena, Chevalier 1995, No. 303 [the caught fish asks the fisherman to let it go for a year - it will grow big; in a year tells feed her head to her wife, her front body to a mare, her back to a dog, her tail buried in the garden; everyone gave birth to twins, and two swords grew in the garden; after the death of her parents, the brothers went on a journey; got lost in the forest, saw a house, the owners had a daughter, one married her, the other went on; if the person left on his sword bleeds, then the one who left was in trouble; the one who left married a princess; once noticed castle in the distance; wife: this is a castle You will go, you won't come back; but the husband went; met an old woman, who gave drops for him, the horse and the dog to take it before entering the castle; the next day, the remaining brother saw blood in his sword; went to rescue his brother; his wife mistook him for her husband, but he put a sword on the bed between them; he also went to the castle, to meet the old man: do not swallow those drops, demand others from the old woman, and when he received, kill her; he set the dog against the witch, cut off her head, revived his brother and the rest of the petrified ones with a reviving elixir; when he learned that his brother had slept with his wife, the lively one cut off his head; when he learned from his wife that There was a sword in bed, revived the victim; from the remaining scar, the princess understood who her husband was and who was his brother], 707 [three sisters sewed; eldest: if the king married me, I would make a dress that would fit in a walnut shell; medium: same (piñon shell); youngest: I would give birth to a boy and a girl with a star in their forehead; the king came up and asked what they were talking about; marry the youngest; she gave birth to wonderful children, but the older sisters replaced them with puppies, let them go in a box along the river, while the king was hunting; ordered his wife to be walled up; the miller picked up the box, his wife raised the children with his son; once the young men got into a fight and his own son, the miller, called the foster boy a foundling; he and his sister went to look for real parents; they met a gentleman who could not ajustar una cuenta; the young man helped him, stayed with his sister to work for him; after earning a lot of money, they went on and saw the palace; the king, the boy's father, lived there; the young man gathered craftsmen and built a better palace overnight royal; evil sisters recognized those who arrived by the star on their forehead; sent an old woman to tell the girl that the palace lacks teeth on the wall (las almenas repicando), they are in the castle. gives a pot, teaches: the lock will open at midnight, we must put almenas in the pot {maybe almena has a different meaning in this case, not a "tooth"?} and run; the young man brought them; old woman: there is not enough green water playing; (same); third time: there is not enough singing green bird; the old man warned that the bird will be half dead, but we must grab it and run; the young man began to wonder whether to take one, the castle closed, the young man and his horse were petrified; now his sister went; the old man gave a pot, he would revive his brother and horse; we must grab the half-dead bird, run; when they returned home, the bird turned into many birds like this; the evil sisters decided to poison brother and sister, invited them to a feast; they took the bird with them, it began to tell the whole story; the king ordered his wife to be released from dungeons; when she saw the children, she died of full feelings; evil sisters were cooked in oil]: 38-42, 709-713; Sardinians: Uther 2004 (1), No. 303:183-184; Corsicans [live six brothers and sister Milia; the youngest comes to the witch's house, she seems to accidentally drop the ring, the young man puts it on his finger, turns into a goat; the rest of the brothers consistently; the sister goes in search; frees the bird, entangled in branches; when M. comes to the witch, the bird grabs the ring and takes it away; tells her not to eat anything; when the witch falls asleep, tells her to be killed and put on her shirt, she has strength; wearing a shirt, M. revives petrified king and queen, turns goats back into brothers; M. washed her shirt, left it to dry, the thief stole it, she died out of grief, the brothers went looking and did not return]: Ortoli 1883, No. 6:31-39; ( cf. Corsicans [three sisters hear a voice demanding to climb the mountain; the youngest Catarinella goes and enters the palace; the owner shows her statues of petrified people, including a 20-year-old prince; K. must wear out 7 pairs of iron shoes and 7 iron scepters to revive him; a month later, she consistently meets hermits who give her magic pears, nuts and almonds (each serving with a musical instrument); almonds revive the deceased prince; the king asks her where his petrified son is; after wearing out his shoes and staffs, K. revives everyone, the king sees his son alive, he marries K.]: Ortoli 1883, No. 3:8-18).

Western Europe. French: Joisten 1991, No. 27.1 (Dauphine) [western 1950; the king's servant hears one girl promising to grind flour if presented as a royal miller, the other to bake bread if given for a baker, the third to give birth to the king beautiful children; the king fulfills their wishes; in the absence of her husband, the wife gives birth to a son and a daughter with a cross on her forehead, with a golden crown on her head; mother-in-law replaces the letter, writes to the son that his wife gave birth to a puppy and a kitten; he tells them to be kept, the mother-in-law replaces the letter again, supposedly her son tells her son and daughter to throw them away, lets the children go down the river in a boat; the king returns, walls his wife neck up to the wall, tells passers-by to beat her; children sail into the country of red people; grow up, they are allowed to return the ship; their mother's mother-in-law advises the girl to ask her brother to get 1) an apple tree; the old man tells the young man to go without turning, he brings an apple tree, his sister plants it; 2) a dancing bucket (the same), 3) a talking bird; the young man hears his sister's voice, he turns around, stones, the ring left to his sister turned black; the old man gives the girl a sword and oil, with their help she revives all the petrified ones, the revived brother kills the lion watchman with a sword, brother and sister return with a bird; in the forest they a hunter finds, the king calls to him, they see a woman embedded in the wall, asking not to hit her; a talking bird warns that the king's mother put poison in their food; tells the whole story; the king returns his wife, burns his mother alive]: 184-188; Delarue, Tenèze 1964, No. 707 (Ariège; also Haute-Brittany, Lorraine, Provence, Niverne, Dordogne, Gascony) [Prince hears three girls talking; one promises to have a son, then a daughter with a star in her forehead, then another son; the prince marries her, she asks to take her sisters to the palace; the prince inherited the throne, went to war; the boy was replaced a puppy; the next time the girl was replaced by a kitten; the third boy was again a puppy; the king ordered his wife to be put in an iron cage; the children were picked up and raised by an old man; advised them to find their real ones parents; the elder brother decided to find a prophetic bird; the person he meets gives a ball to follow; there is a cage with a bird on the tree, you must take it and you cannot look back; he looked back at his voice and turned into stone; the rosary he left was covered with blood; the same happened to his second brother; the sister did not look back; the bird told her to break off the branch of the singing laurel, collect living water, sprinkle the stones; all people came to life; at the king's feast, prophetic the bird told me everything; the queen was returned, her sisters were burned in the same cage]: 633-636; the French (Haute-Brittany, West 1879) [the fisherman caught fish with scales that sparkled like gold; fish: I king of fish, let go; the fisherman let go, immediately caught a lot of fish, but the wife advised the king to catch fish; the next day, the fish king ordered his brain to be eaten by the fisherman's wife, three identical boys will be born- twins; scales must be buried in the corner of the garden, three rose bushes will grow; if something happens to any of the sons, their bush will wither; the brothers grew up and learned that in some country there was a seven-headed a monster; he is given girls and the turn of the royal daughter; the elder brother killed the monster and got the princess; sees a diamond-decorated castle from the window; without telling his wife, he took the dog and went to see what was there; to meet the old woman; asked for permission to throw yarn hair on the dog; it turned into an iron chain; the old woman led and the young man did not return; the middle brother saw a wilted bush, went to searching; mistaken for the elder; the same is with him; the younger brother sees two dried bushes; did not allow the dog to be thrown over the dog, threatened to let it on the old woman; she revived the petrified ones and removed the chains from the dogs; the brothers collected treasures, came to the elder's wife, who could not distinguish them herself; feast]: Sébillot 1880, No. 18:124-130; walloons [the fisherman catches the king of fish three times and releases the king of fish twice; for his The king of fish gives liberation to the horse and then to the dog; the third time he orders to cut it into pieces and give it one to the wife (pour la famille), the second to the dog, the third to the mare, and the fourth to the garden under the rose; the next morning a fisherman finds three dogs, three horses and three boys; or Jean de Berneau's swineherd caught a fish that tells him to cut it into four pieces; they turn into a spear, a horse and two dogs; three boys grew up and consistently leave home, each on their own horse and with their dog; if any of them are in trouble, the rose bush will wither; Jean saves the princess by killing the seven-headed dragon, marries her; in the evening after the wedding, he sees some light from the window; it is a perfume castle; he went there and never returned; fell into the hands of robbers; Pierre goes in search of his brother with his two dogs; the king promises a reward for saving his son-in-law; Pierre saves Jean, who has returned to his wife, they have many children; Pierre lives in a castle]: Laport 1932, No. 303:41-42; Bretons: Luzel 1887 (2), No. 2 [Prince Caloman went on a journey, everyone spent, came to a castle in the woods; the old man advises not to go in - no one came back; the sorcerer's mother Marcou-Braz turned his parents and relatives into trees; she keeps a Spanish princess; she she read magic books, it will help; but eat nothing in the castle, although everything is seductive there; the princess tells the sorcerer that K. is her relative; he tells one to defeat 500 warriors (the princess creates their own, they kill the attackers), defeat the 7-headed dragon (this is the sorcerer's mother, the princess teaches how to cut the head and tail); defeat the sorcerer himself; K. dodges his spear, pierces him with her own; the enchanted trees became human again; leaving the castle, the princess remembered the forgotten lamp; on the way back, K. dropped it into the pond, got lost, returned to her father; attacked the army, leader it turned out to be a princess who thought K. left her; everything became clear, K. was marrying her]: 20-32; 1887 (3), No. 7 [the widow baker has three daughters; the eldest says she loves the royal gardener, the middle one says she loves the royal gardener a valet, the youngest a prince; she will have two sons with a gold star on his forehead and a daughter with a silver star; the prince walked and heard three marriages have been concluded; jealous sisters agreed with the sorceress, she told the midwife to replace the newborn with a puppy, throw him in a basket in the Seine, picked him up by a gardener; the same with her second son and daughter; the prince imprisoned his wife in a tower; the gardener and his wife died, the children were taken palace, they grew up; the old woman persuaded the girl to ask her brothers to get dancing water, a singing apple and a bird of truth; the brother goes in search, leaving the dagger: if her sister can't pull it out of its scabbard, so the brother is dead; the dagger is stuck; the second brother went to look for the first one, leaving a rosary; if one bead gets stuck on a string, then he is dead; as it happened, the sister saddles the horse and rides by herself; an old man with a long beard by a tree; calls the girl a princess, asks her beard to be cut off; she does it, he has suffered for 500 years, no one has helped him before; teaches him to climb a steep mountain under hail and wind; around a heap of land - those who could not; at the top there is a meadow of flowers and an apple tree; you have to pretend to fall asleep; the thrush will go into the cage, you have to close it, this is the bird of truth; break off the branch with the apple (it's singing), picking it from the source dancing water; drops of this water to revive brothers and other knights; in the royal palace, the sister shows a bird, etc.; the brothers finally realize that their sister saved them and got the magic things; the bird of truth says everything, the king tells no one to let anyone out; returned the queen, and her sisters and midwife were thrown into the oven]: 277-295; Scots: Kharitonov 2008:394-398 [the eldest son takes a horse, dog, falcon, goes, enters a castle in the forest; the giant consistently gives him three hair, tells him to throw a falcon on a horse, dog, falcon; beats a young man; he and his animals become numb; the same with his middle brother; the younger one throws quietly the giant's hairs into the fire; dodges the blow, the animals come running, kill the giant; his younger brother revives the elders and their animals with a truncheon], 441-445 [the widow's son takes a whole cake from his mother on the road without blessings; leaves his younger brother a blade - if he rusts, he is in trouble; cannot solve the riddles of the three-headed Red Ettin, he turns him into a stone pole; the youngest son takes half the pie with with a blessing; an old woman gives him a magic wand to fight off horned monsters; he solves riddles, cuts down RE heads, revives his brother, frees beauties]; Germans (Saxony-Anhalt or near, the author lived in Halle) [three daughters of a shepherd, the eldest are smart, the youngest is a simple man; if the king marries her, she will make new shirts for all soldiers; medium: she will sew jackets and pants; youngest: the face of three children with gold crosses on his forehead; the king heard, took the sisters to the castle and married the youngest; went to war, the wife gave birth to two boys and a girl; the sisters threw them in boxes into the water, wrote to the king that his wife gave birth to two puppies and a kitten; the king ordered her to be walled up, but given food and drink; when he returned, the king was walking in the forest, saw an unfamiliar wonderful castle and garden; it had a pond where two young men were riding horses and a girl with gold crosses on her forehead; said this to his wife's older sister; she came and persuaded the older young man to get flowing water, a talking bird and a singing tree; the young man left a handkerchief at home: if blood would come out, trouble would come out; on the way he met an old man overgrown with a beard and hair; cut his hair and he brought him to the mountain; said that it was his duty, the old man, to feed the talking bird; if he would turn around, petrify like hundreds of others; he did not turn to the voices of bears and snakes, but when he heard his brother's voice, he looked back and became petrified; the middle brother went; the old man let him shut his ears with a rag; turned to her sister's voice was also petrified; the sister did not turn around, the bird taught her to collect flowing water into the flask and break off a branch of a singing tree; they should not fall into the wrong hands; having smeared the stones with saliva, sister revived the brothers; they came to the old man, who wrote in his coffin and stone: I have lived enough; when they returned, they met the king and the bird told him everything; the king returned his wife and children; the evil sisters were torn apart horses]: Pröhle 1853, No. 3:10-16; Germans (Hessen) [the fisherman caught a huge fish, she tells it to let it go; the same the next evening; the third fish tells you to give its head to the mare, the tail is a dog, bury the bones in the garden and eat the rest with his wife; the wife gave birth to three sons, a mare three foals, a dog has grown puppies, bones have grown three flowers and their roots three swords; the fisherman has always been came back with a good catch; the brothers grew up and went on a journey; on the edge, everyone dreamed that they should part; they would meet at the same place in a year and 6 weeks; the eldest came to the castle, the princess fell in love with him; after the wedding, they went to the window, a strong fire was visible; the princess: whoever goes there will give up his life; the young man went there, and when he approached, the witch touched the rod to him, the horse and the dog, and they were petrified; the second brother came, mistaken him for the first; the same with him; the third came and said who he was; the old woman began to talk to him; to spell the brothers, he must go through the castle to the mountain where the bird is sitting on a tree, bring it to it; you do not need to pay attention to predatory animals behind; the bird teaches: old women do not give it away; cut off a branch from the tree and not put it on the ground ; collect a mug of tree juice; then tells her to moisten the stones with juice; the brothers came to life, the bird turned into a prince - the brother of the older boy's wife; a feast; the princess's younger brothers and brother also found themselves married partners; they all went to the parents of the boys and, if they did not come, they are still going]: Wolf 1845, No. 27:126-127, 134-140; Germans: Grimm, Grimm 2002, No. 60 [the rich, unkind brother was a goldsmith, a poor broom knitted; he has two twin boys; the poor man saw a golden bird, threw a stone, a golden pen fell, a jeweler brother gave a lot of money for it; then the poor found a nest birds, brought an egg; then knocked down a bird, sold it to his brother; he told his wife to fry it; whoever eats her heart and liver would have gold under his pillow in the morning; while the wife was away, nephews ran in and ate the pieces that fell out; the frightened wife fried her husband's heart and liver, and the boys found gold under the pillow in the morning; after learning about this, the rich brother advised the poor to take the boys to the forest - they contacted hell; the hunter found them, sheltered them, saved the morning gold; the brothers grew up and went on a journey; the hunter gave everyone gold, a gun and a dog; let them stick a knife at the crossroads; if it rusts, trouble with another brother; brothers hunt, feel sorry for animals, each gets a hare, fox, wolf cub, bear cub and lion cub; brothers broke up, the youngest came to the city, where all the girls were eaten dragon, royal turn; on Dragon Mountain, a young man sees three bowls: whoever drinks can get a sword from under the door threshold; the young man drank, became a strongman, took out a sword; cut off 7 snake heads, animals tore his body to shreds; the young man carved and hid dragon tongues; the queen gave him her handkerchief, divided the coral necklace between the animals, the lion got a gold lock; everyone fell asleep; the marshal cut off the hunter's head and took the princess away; she made it a condition to have a wedding in a year and one day; the animals wanted to kill a hare that did not wake them up, but he promised to get a reviving root; first, the lion put the young man's head backwards in advance, then tore it off and put it right; he argued with the owner of the tavern that he would eat bread from the royal table; the queen recognized the hare, he brought the baker to the tavern; the same with the fox (bring meat); the wolf brought vegetables, the bear sweet, the lion wine; after eating, the young man came with the animals to the castle and showed his tongues; the marshal was torn by four bulls, the young man became a young king; chased a white one in the forest deer; spent the night around the fire; the old woman asked to let her warm up and hit the animals with her twig; they became petrified, the old woman touched the king with a twig; there were many similar stones nearby; the elder brother saw that the knife was rusted; the queen mistook him for her husband, but he put his sword on the bed; in the forest he knocked the old woman off the tree with a silver bullet; made the petrified ones revive, the brothers burned the old woman in the fire; the forest became transparent and bright; when he learned that his brother was sleeping next to his wife, the king hacked him down, repented, the hare revived the uprooted; the Queen identified her husband by the golden lock that she gave him to the lion; the king learned about sword in bed]: 212-227 (=Grimm, Grimm 1987:171-187); Cerf 1992 [orphaned brother and sister came to the old people, they raised them; the young man found an old gun in the cellar; the old man does not tell him to hunt, But the young man secretly goes hunting, chasing roe deer with golden horns all day long; she hides in the thickets; the young man goes out to the hut; an old woman approaches him, touches him with a key, turning him into stone; the sister goes in search, the old man teaches her what to do; the girl does not chase roe deer, enters the cave without fear of animals threatening her; takes the stick out of the dragon's mouth; then the animals caress her; she touches the old woman with the end of the stick, she falls dead; when she touches the stones, she revives the bewitched; touches the roe deer, who turns into a prince, next to a castle; the prince explains that the witch with her dragon son they turned the kingdom into a forest, subjects into animals, and the roe prince was forced to lure wanderers; the king and queen appear - they were the foster parents of brother and sister; the prince married the girl ]: 29-36; Germans (Austria): Cerf 1992:167-174 [in the evening, the king walks around the city, hears three sisters talking; one wants to be the gardener's wife, the other is a baker, the third is a king; the king marries her. She passes her sisters off as a gardener and baker; the queen gave birth to a son; her older sister replaced him with a puppy, put the boy in a barrel, threw him into the Danube; the boy was picked up by a fisherman; and a year later, her middle sister changed her kitten; the third time the queen gave birth to a girl, the sisters put a log; the king ordered his wife to be chained to the wall, every passer-by should have spit on her; the brothers and sister grew up, the fisherman died; an old man came and told his sister about a talking bird, a singing tree, golden water; the older brother was going in search, the old man told him to go for a rolling ball, not to look back if thunder hits; the young man looked around petrified; the same second brother; sister did not look back, jumped up the mountain, took a bird, which told me to take water from the well, break off the branch, revive the brothers (and other people) with it; at home, the bird tells me to plant a branch, pour gold water; invite the king, give him poisonous grass; the king is outraged; the bird: if you can't eat poison, how could the wife give birth to a puppy, a kitten and a log; the queen was released, her sisters executed], 193-203 [a grinder with two sons went to town; sent his sons to eat; they saw a bird, caught it, brought it to his father, he saw an inscription on its head: everyone who ate my head will find it day a bag of gold; the old man told the cook to cook the bird, left; the elder brother ate it, giving the youngest a head; the old man beat his sons, found out everything, began to find gold under the younger's pillow; the brothers left, hired a miller; the maid thinks they are throwing her gold; the brothers broke up with knives stuck in the oak tree; the elder Hans does not kill, he takes a fox, a wolf, a bear as his companions; in the city they give away every year a girl to a seven-headed dragon, it's royal turn; G. kills him, cuts off his tongues, the princess gives him a ring, a chain, a handkerchief; the servant cut off the head of G., brought the dragon's heads, demands a princess for himself; the fox brought the grass of life (it was given by a white deer); the bear first put its head backwards, the fox had to bring a new blade of grass; the fox, the wolf, the bear bring the princess a ring, a chain, a handkerchief; all it is explained that G. marries a princess; sees a roe deer, chases, meets an old woman, who turns him and the animals into stones; the younger brother sees the elder's rusted knife, with him also a fox, a wolf and a bear; the princess takes him for her husband; he also sees a roe deer, chases, but cuts off the old woman's arms and legs, smears stones with ointment, animals have torn the old woman to pieces; both brothers consider the princess their own, she chooses who killed the dragon ]; Irish [the widow has three daughters; the eldest goes to look for work; the mother offers a small cake (gateau) with a blessing or a large one with a curse; the girl chooses the latter; comes to an old woman; she tells her to comb her three gray hair and not look into the chimney; as soon as the old woman fell asleep, the girl looked in, a bag of gold and a bag of money fell from above, she took them and ran; old white the horse asks her to release - she has been standing still for 7 years; the slope - to throw a stone and move another; the girl refuses because she is in a hurry; the old woman rushed in pursuit; the horse, the slope say that the girl I ran recently; the old woman caught up with the girl, turned her into stone with her magic wand, took the bags back; a year later, the same with her middle sister; the youngest chose a small cake with a blessing; running away, she also took a magic wand; took the horse to a good pasture, did what the slope asked for; when an old woman came running, the horse lies down, the slope throws stones at her; with a magic wand, a girl revived the sisters and turned the old woman herself into stone]: Muller 2006, No. 67:102-106; Flemish, friezes {not sure if there is a motive; Uther also refers to the Walloon version, but not there" petrified people"}: Uther 2004 (1), No. 303:183-184.

Western Asia. Palestinians [the king orders the lights to be turned off for the night to test the obedience of the subjects; three sisters are spinning; left in the dark, one wants to marry the king's baker, the other wants to marry the cook, and the third for the prince to give birth to sons Aladdin and Bahaddin and daughter Šamsizzha; the king finds out about this, fulfills his wishes, the older sisters, out of envy, put a puppy on the woman in labor, then a kitten, then a stone, children are allowed in a box every time along the river, adopted by elderly spouses; the prince leaves his wife; the children grow up, the aunts send the old woman to invite the girl to wish the Nightingale the Crier; Aladdin goes in search, leaves Bahaddin a ring; the hum sends him to his brother, who to his sister, she shows the tree where the Nightingale flies; contrary to warning, A. says Nightingale, "I'm here," he turns it into stone; immediately the ring clenches B.'s finger, he follows A., also stones; the sister is silent, catches the Nightingale in a cage, he tells him to throw the earth from the molehill to the stones, the brothers come to life; the Nightingale is all tells the king, who orders the midwife and two sisters to be beheaded and burned]: Muhawi, Kanaana 1989, No. 10:102-111; Syrian Arabs: Kuhr 1993:102-107 [one sister says she would like to marry king cooks and tasty food; the second for the royal confectioner; the third for the king and giving birth to an heir; the next day the king sent for them and fulfilled their wish; the king went to war, the queen gave birth to a son and daughter; the sisters lowered the babies in the basket down the river, wrote to the king that the wife had given birth to a dead child; the king put his wife in the cellar; the childless man picked up the basket, named the children Jamil and Jamil; became sheikh, and before his death he told the children the secret of their origin; one of the evil sisters came to their palace, told Jamila that she did not have enough silver water from the mountain of miracles; old man Jamil: there is a spring on the mountain the lion guards, if his eyes are closed, then he looks, if open, he sleeps; Jamil passed by the lion and brought water; evil aunt: let him bring a golden tree; the old man gave a mirror to tell Jamila: if it will darken, trouble with his brother; on the mountain there is a peacock, Jamil grabbed him, turned into stone; old man: let Jamila grab the peacock when he sleeps; the peacock told her to sprinkle the stones with silver water, all petrified came to life; brother and sister called the king to look at the curiosities: water, wood, and a peacock who is telling the truth; the king ordered the evil sisters to be beheaded; the queen forgave them, but they soon died of gluttony] 244-247 [The fisherman caught a fish, she asks to let her go, he will have a new home, but he must not let it slip; the wife insists, the fisherman tells everything, the house disappears; so twice; the third time the fish tells cut it into 6 parts, let the wife eat two, the mare two, and bury two; the wife gave birth to twins, the mare to foals, two flowers have grown; one of the brothers leaves, chases the gazelle, finds himself empty city; meets an old woman, her dog barks, he hits her, the old woman turns it into stone; one of the flowers dries up; the second brother goes in search; the old man gives a ring, explains where to go; with this ring the young man comes to the city, from there to the old woman, she is kind, spoils his first brother, gives a magic wand if necessary to call her for help; the brothers fly home on airplane carpets].

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Meitei [collected work Funga Wari, Vol. 3; prince learns that a golden parrot lives in the land of stones; his spells make trees move and talk like animals; prince and son minister went in search; their voice stopped them at the entrance to the cave; let them answer three questions correctly, otherwise they would be petrified like the others; the prince answers correctly; the happiest person who does not have debts and illnesses; the king's valor is to act according to the wishes of his subjects, take care of the poor and treat everyone equally; the gods that a person sees with his own eyes are his parents; after that, the spirit of the tree has disappeared, The prince sprinkled water from the golden pond on the rocks and they came to life; they brought the magic parrot home]: Oinam et al. s.a.

South Asia. Kashmiris [the two eldest wives have a daughter, the youngest has been childless for a long time, then is about to give birth; the midwife says she will give birth to a crow, puts a crow, the older wives put the boy in the box, let them down into the river, he is picked up by a gardener; the same year later with his second newborn; in the third year, the youngest wife gives birth to twins, a boy and a girl; they are replaced by a pair of puppies, they are also picked up by a gardener; the king moves her youngest wife to a hut; the old woman tells the queens about the gardener's children; they persuade her to invite her sister to ask her brothers to get a singing and talking bird; the older brother, a yogi, comes gives him a pebble that will lead to the mountain, you can't turn around to the noise and roar, otherwise you will petrify; then by the lake there is a tree and a cage with a bird; the young man turns around, becomes stony; the same with his middle brother; the youngest takes the bird, she tells him to sprinkle the rocks with lake water, the petrified ones come to life; everyone comes to the gardener, the bird creates a palace and food for everyone; the king comes, the bird tells him everything; he drives him away older wives, returns the youngest and children]: Knowles 1888:397-405; Marathi [rani died leaving seven daughters; youngest Balna is smarter than others; the vizier's widow comes for fire every time, throws up dirt in the food; the Raja watches, summons the culprit, she persuaded her to marry her; tyrannitis stepdaughters; a tree has grown on their mother's grave, the sisters feed on fruits; the stepmother pretends to be sick, tells uproot a tree, make a decoction; the pond at the grave is filled with bread; the stepmother tells him to fall asleep, kill his stepdaughters, bring their eyes; the Raja takes her daughters to the forest, brings his wife deer eyes; seven princes see seven sisters, marry; first the youngest, then the rest disappear; B. gives birth to a son; the magician Punchkin comes to the palace, turns B. into a dog, takes him away; the boy grows up, goes look for his father's parents and brothers; finds P.'s castle, where his mother has been locked up for 12 years; his father and uncles are turned into trees and stones; the gardener disguises the young man as his daughter; she is told to carry water for B.; son shows the ring, his mother recognizes it; he asks to know what P.'s soul is in; B. pretends to be almost ready to marry P., he says that his life in a parrot under clay vessels is around demons; a young man kills a snake that regularly eagles; a grateful eagle gives them to him; they bring the young man to the vessels, he grabs the parrot, flies away again, the demons did not have time to attack; the young man returns the eagles eagle, comes to P., orders to revive those turned into trees and stones first, then tears off the parrot's wings, legs and head; P. is dead, everything is fine]: Frere 1868, No. 1:1-17; India (translated from Hindi) [ After changing clothes, the king goes to the city at night; hears one sister saying that if the groom married her, she would eat peas, which are fed to horses; the second, if she married the royal cook, she would have something the youngest - if the king married her, she would become a real queen; the king marries the youngest, passing the elders off as a groom and cook; the queen gave birth to a son, the sisters threw him in a jug into the river, replaced with a puppy; the second with a kitten; the daughter with a wooden doll; the king ordered the queen to be put on a donkey and driven away; the brahmana picked up the children, the boys Arun and Varun, the girl Kiranmala; the brahman died; the king got lost, got into his house; when the king left, K. advised the brothers to build a palace, they were building; the hermit says that there is not enough golden bird, silverwood and a pearl spring, all for Mount Maya; A., then V. leave, turn into stone; at home, the saber rusted, the bowstring broke; K. came to the mountain, the bird ordered the brothers to be sprinkled with water, they came to life; at home the bird ordered to invite the king to visit; the king is given gold, he says it cannot be eaten; the bird asks how a woman can give birth to a puppy; the king has returned his wife and children, the sisters have been buried alive]: Zographer 1964:302-310; northern India, Mirzapur, Hindi [the king has 7 wives, no children; the fakir gave three apples to let his beloved wife eat; the king gave them to the youngest, she became pregnant; jealous older wives convinced the woman in labor that she should be blindfolded, changed the children were put in a stone and left in a potter's furnace; the potter found and raised them; the maid noticed them, the queens handed her poisoned sweets, but the adoptive mother fed them to the dog, which died; when the adoptive parents died, the grown-up brothers and sister went to the forest, where they met that fakir; he gave them a stick, a bowler hat and a rug; where to stick a stick, a palace would appear, money was pouring out of the rug, a bowler hat he cooks himself; while hunting, the king noticed the palace; the queens understood what was going on, sent a servant to persuade her sister to ask the brothers to get a talking nightingale; fakir: who will come to this nightingale and answer his question is "Who are you?" , he would become petrified; the young man was silent and brought a nightingale; the king called his brothers and sister to him; the nightingale ordered not to eat food, but to give food to the dogs, they died; then told the king the whole story; the youngest wife, who sent crows to chase, returned them; the elders were buried waist-deep in the ground, shot with bows, fed to dogs]: Crooke 1892-1893, No. 340:83-84; Bengalis: Porozhnyakov 1990 [the king in disguise wanders around the city , overhears the conversation of three sisters; one wants to marry the royal gardener, the other wants to marry the cook, and the third wants the king; the king fulfills their wish; when the queen gives birth, the sisters replace the child with a puppy, let them down a pot along the river; the same a year later, a kitten; in the third year, a daughter, replaced with a wooden doll; the queen was driven away, the brahmana and his wife picked up their children, named Arun, Varun, Kiranmala; after the death of the adopted children Brothers and sister build a house for parents; a hermit advises going to Mount Maya for golden trees with diamond flowers; A., K. come there, turn into stone; sister learns about this when they see rust on abandoned blades; puts on men's clothes, walks without paying attention to monsters, sprinkles statues with live water, everyone comes to life; what to do, she was taught by a golden parrot; brothers and sister and parrot they return, invite the king; he says that he cannot eat the gold served to him on the plate; the parrot asks how a woman could give birth to a puppy, a kitten and a doll; everything is explained, the parrot finds and queen; sisters were buried alive]: 16-26; Devi 1915 [The king's 7 wives finally gave birth to a son; they grew up and the king decided to marry them to 7 daughters of another king; 6 sons went for brides, and the youngest stayed to watch over business and sent his sword in his place; the king led his sons along a long but safe journey to the kingdom of brides, but on the way back he chose a short path; a sorcerer came out to meet them and turned everyone to stone; however, the younger princess's palanquin was at the end of the caravan and the sorcerer did not notice it; the servants ran forward and petrified, but the princess herself escaped; she ran to the house and began to knock, but lived in the house the same sorcerer; because she called him father, the sorcerer spared her; the younger prince went to look for his missing father and brothers and came to the same house; he promised that if a man opened it to him, he would become him brother, or if woman, sister; the princess opened; although they had married, they now had to become brother and sister; when the sorcerer came, the princess turned the prince into a fly; she found out from the sorcerer, that petrified people could be revived with living water from a well in his house; then asked what the sorcerer's life was like; he replied that the egg contained a bird caged in a tree and a tree on a distant island; prince went in search; while resting under a tree, he saw a snake crawling to the nest of big eagles; hacked it; the chicks told their parents that the young man had saved them; they flew to the island and brought it to the prince a bird cage; a sorcerer appeared, but the prince tore off the bird's legs, and the sorcerer was also left without legs; then he crushed the egg and the sorcerer died; the birds brought the prince to the princess; they revived the petrified; because the princess she performed the ceremony with a sword, she stabbed it into her heart]: 117-126; (cf. Bengalis [a hermit (religious mendicant) gives the childless king a means for his wife to give birth to twins; one must be given to him when sons grow up; the eldest of the twins comes along the way takes a puppy, a young hawk; a hermit tells you not to go to the north; a young man chases a deer, he turns into a beauty; offers to play dice; the young man loses a hawk, a dog, himself; the tree he planted at home dries up; his brother goes, also takes the dog and the hawk; wins; Rakshasi gives the hidden ones, warns that the hermit kills those who serve him; there are already six skulls in Kali's temple ; if he is seventh, the hermit will gain strength; Rakshasi teaches the elder prince to pretend that he does not know how to bend down, ask the hermit to show him, cut off his head; when the young man cuts off his head hermit, those killed earlier come to life; Kali gives the young man strength]: Day 1914, No. 13:187-196); oriya (dombo) [the prince wants to marry only a girl who was kidnapped by a monster; on the way he meets, takes as companions 1) a blind man who sees everything in the distance; 2) a tall man who can quickly take him anywhere; a fat man who can dry the sea; the monster will give the girl if the prince finds a ring thrown in the forest ( the blind saw, the long one delivered it); 2) the same ring was taken out of the sea (the fat one drained the sea); the girl orders to kill the monster and sprinkle blood on the stones; the prince did so, the petrified people came to life; the prince brought his wife home]: Tauscher 1959, No. 75:144-146; baiga [three wives are childless, Raja takes the fourth; when she leaves, gives a bell; she rings idle, he promises not to come again; she gives birth to a son and daughter, a wife they let them down in a box into the sea, tell the Raja that she gave birth to a stone, he sends her to chase crows from the field; sadhus picks them up; when they leave, they leave magic; the young man creates a palace; one of the Raja's wives tries poison children with cottage cheese; then advises to get a lotus, it is guarded by rakshasa, snakes, tigers; the young man kills them; then the wife persuades his sister to advise her brother to marry the Stone Maiden; her voice turns him into stone; the young man becomes stony to the neck, but spells himself and others with a magic wand; marries; the old rakshas helps him; the wives ask the raja to arrange a party, the food is poisoned; the rakshas eats everything; a young man calls his father to his palace; his wives are buried alive, the expelled is returned]: Elwin 1944, No. 4:204-209; agaria [three witches lived in Bengal, including Dhowan Dhobnin; Guru Daugun came there, his 12 the young men tried to go to the pond, got entangled in the grass, DD turned them into stones and the GD into a cat; at home, his son broke an old woman's pot; she says that his father is the guru of the whole world, and could not avoid becoming into a cat; the boy reports this to Guru Danantar; he, becoming a fly, flies to DD, restores the cat's human appearance, throws rice at stone figures, all turned come to life; DD came, gave rice, he turned into iron sawdust, but Guru Daugun ate them and won]: Elwin 1949, No. 9:461-462; buffalo maria [Raja's seven sons decided to go look for brides; Raja asked his youngest son to stay at home; six found a raja with seven daughters, took them for themselves and for their brother, who stayed at home; they spent the night by the pond; Raxa (i.e. Rakshas) came out of it, turned the young men into stone; the girls said that they were menstruating; their younger brother went in search, found girls; became a fly when Rax came; told the girls to find out what Raxa's soul was in; in a golden bird on a banyan for the family by the seas; on the way, a young man kills a snake that devours the chicks of another bird; it brings it to the banyan, then back; the young man tells the Rakshasa to revive the brothers, then finishes off the bird; the brothers pull out the youngest's eyes; he he is hired to guard the field from birds; maidens coming out of the water play with the young man at night, give him eyes for this time, take him away in the morning; the owner and fellow villagers help drive the maidens away, the young man remains with his eyes; the young man's bride promises to marry the one who sent an arrow into the sky; the young man, under the guise of a beggar, wins, takes on his true form; the father expels six brothers, hands over the throne to the younger]: Elwin 1944, No. 13:53-56; Tamils [the rich man's wife is childless; sadhu: go to a garden where mangoes, guava and limes grow, pick 7 mangoes and have 7 daughters; but the woman picked 8, saw a cobra, she turned into a man with a snake the crown on your head is Nagentiran; if you commit this offense, you will die at 56; this is me the sadhu who sent you here and I am the eighth mango; the seventh girl will be called Nagammal, "snake girl"; all daughters have grown up and married cousins, N. gave birth to a son; mantiravati (sorcerer) lived in another kingdom; he saw N. in the magic mirror and ordered bhuta to deliver her; the sorcerer and bhuta went to his wives; the sorcerer: who is more beautiful? bhuta: none of them, but N.; but it is protected by a snake; whoever touches it will burn; but it can be approached by changing its appearance; the sorcerer appeared in the form of a sadhu; turned N. into a dog and took it away in his underground chariot; the sisters' husbands rode, but the sorcerer turned them into stone; restored N.'s human appearance, but cannot touch it, she is like out of fire; N.'s son has grown up; threatens to kill himself if his aunts do not tell the truth about N. and about their husbands; they told; Nahentiran: the end of the sorcerer is near, let the young man go free his mother; gave the young man an invincible sword; the young man reached the city where the tiger is rampant; the king will give his daughter and half the kingdom to the one who would bring the tiger's tongue and the tip of its tail; the young man did it, but the laundress found out, cut off what was left, and brought it to the king; but the minister noticed that they were not the tips of his tail and tongue; then he appeared young man, received what he promised, but said that he would return for the princess and the kingdom on his way back; at the sorcerer's palace, he saw an old woman selling flowers; he lived with her and made garlands; under the guise of the flower seller studied the palace; handed the letter to his mother; she asked the sorcerer what his life was like; in a parrot in a distant cave; the young man brought it, tore it apart, as the sorcerer's dicks fell off bodies; a young man killed a bhutu with his sword; revived the petrified; took the wife promised in the kingdom where he killed the tiger; when N.'s mother was 56, a snake bit her]: Blackburn 2005, No. 95.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Aceh [Raja Hamsoikas has two infertile wives; he marries Chah Kebandi, goes hunting, Cheka gives birth to 99 boys and a girl with golden hairs on the back of his head; older wives rush their children to a box into the river, fill the basement with stumps, tell her husband that the Cheka gave birth to a monster, he tells her to put her in a hole; giants find a box, raise children, an angel reveals to them who they are; those who went to their father's country brothers are turned into stone; witchcraft does not work on her sister; the genie brings her to him, teaches her spells; she casts them, thus frees herself from the genie and brings life back to the petrified; everything opens, Cheka freed, older wives put in a hole; heavenly leader Lila Bangguna dreams of the moon falling to his knees; marrying Raja's daughter, living in heaven with her; going to hermit; his sister hates her, pushes into the swamp; the snake swallows the woman, but returns her along with the dishes for which her sister sent her; the sister tries to marry another woman's forehead, but the ants gnaw off that ears; the forehead and his wife return to land, the wife occupies the throne of her deceased father]: Braginsky 1972:160-177; Java [the king was told that if he wanted a daughter, he must sacrifice his 12 sons; the queen negotiates with her sons ; if she raises a black flag, then she has given birth to a son, if the red flag is a daughter; the red flag rises, the brothers leave; the daughter grows up, goes to look for them, stays with the old woman; in her absence, the prince comes spirits, the princess does not answer him anything, he takes her to his palace, to the garden, offers treasures; asks in her hearts why she is silent like a dog; she becomes a dog; prince: if she agrees to be mine wife, you will regain your human form; she hears the bushes talking in the garden: these are her bewitched brothers; she has agreed to become the prince's wife, has taken on a human form, asked him to be returned to her brothers, this happened; asked where the spirit prince's soul was; in a throat in a cage behind the palace; the brothers drowned the cage, the prince rushed to the grave and died, they took possession of his palace]: Kratz 1973, No. 20:125-131.

The Balkans. Ancient Greece ["About the Incredible" Palefat (probably 4th century BC): "And they tell a ridiculous story that Forkis had three daughters who had one eye for three and used it one by one. The one who was going to put it in her head and looked at it like that. And so, passing their eyes to one another, they all watched. So Perseus, coming up to them quietly from behind and taking their eyes, said he would not give it back unless they told them where the Gorgon was. (At least that's what they say.) And he cut off her head, came to Serif and, showing her head to Polydect, turned it into stone. And it is also ridiculous for a living person to become petrified when he sees the head of a dead person. What kind of power does a dead man have?" (per. V.N. Yarkho)]: Palaept. XXXI; [The Mythological Library of Pseudo-Apollodor (I-II centuries): "Perseus, led by Hermes and Athena, came to Fork's daughters Enio, Pefredo and Dino. They were descended from Keto and Fork, were Gorgon sisters, and were old women from birth. All three had one tooth and one eye and exchanged them one by one. Perseus took possession of this tooth and eye, and when they asked him to hand over the stolen goods, he promised that they would show him the way to the nymphs. These nymphs wore winged sandals and a shoulder bag called kībīsis; they also had a hat. When Fork's daughters brought him to the nymphs, he gave them his eye and tooth, and from the nymphs he got what he tried to penetrate them for. He put on his bag, attached his sandals to his ankles, and covered his head with a hat. When he put it on, he saw whoever he wanted, but others did not see it. Taking a crooked steel sword from Hermes, he flew over the ocean and found the Gorgon sisters sleeping. Their names were Steno, Evriala, and Medusa. The only mortal among them was Medusa, which is why Perseus was sent to bring her head. Gorgon's heads were covered with dragon scales and had fangs the same size as wild boars, brass arms, and golden wings on which they flew. Everyone who looked at them turned to stone. Coming close to his sleeping sisters, Perseus, whose hand was directed by the goddess Athena, turned away and, looking into the copper shield where he saw Gorgon's reflection, beheaded Medusa. As soon as the head was cut down, the winged horse Pegasus and Chrysaor, Gerion's father, jumped out of the Gorgon" (trans. V.G. Borukhovich)]: Apollod. Bibl. II. 4.2; ["The First Vatican Mythograph" (compiled at the turn of the I-II millennium by an unknown medieval compiler): "Fork had three daughters, Spheno, Eurial, Medusa, who looked with one eye and they watched, turned them into stone, why they were called gorgons, out of fear. Because the word "gorgon" means "fear" in Greek. Perseus was sent against them with a crystal shield and a harp, that is, a curved dart, and with the help of Minerva he killed them. In fact, there were three sisters of equal beauty; from here they came up with the idea that they looked with one eye" (trans. V.N. Yarkho)]: I Myth. Vat. II. 28; Albanians: Serkova 1989 [the husband is fishing, she says that another one is intended for him; the other tells him to cut it, bury two pieces (two of which have grown into cypresses), give two to a mare, a dog, to his wife; they gave birth to two foals, lion cubs, boys; the eldest goes to take the Beauty of the Earth, her mother turns him, his horse and lion into boulders, the cypress dries up; the youngest tells his lion to grab the old woman, she shows bottles of living and dead water, everyone comes to life, the cypress turns green, the older brother brings the beauty of the earth to his wife]: 125-127; Elsie 1994, No. 22 [the childless queen asks the Sun for at least a girl; when she She will be 12, promises to give her to the Sun; when she is 12, the Sun takes her away; Kulshedra lives in his house, wants to eat the queen, the Sun does not allow her; she misses her mother, cries; the Sun allows her to return, if the queen finds an animal to take her; asks Kulshedra what he will eat and drink on the way; he replies that he will eat the girl and drink her blood; then the Sun asks the deer; he answers that grass and water; the royal rides a deer; he leaves it on a tree to pinch the grass; Kulshedra comes up, tells her to get down; but the deer manages to come running, brings the Queen's mother; the young people called the queen to play; there's a gate that no one can open; the queen opens easily, the gate slams shut behind her; there's a garden and people turned into marble statues; in the king's hands a note: I'll come to life when a girl would sit next to me for three weeks, three days and three nights, marry her; the Queen bought a maid, told her to sit in her place while she slept for a while; the king had just woken up; the maid put on the hostess's clothes and passed off the hostess as her maid; the queen was allowed to herd geese; the king heard her lamentations, found out everything; the maid was chopped into small pieces] {without pagination}; Bosnians [in Istanbul, the sultan forbade lighting a fire for a month; the servants noticed a light; three sisters are spinning in the hut by candle; asking each other what they could do to make the Sultan forgive them; the eldest: I will weld hominy for the whole army; medium: a hundred fabric to dress the whole army; youngest: I face a daughter with golden hair and pearl teeth and a son with a golden hand; the sultan ordered to bring sisters; the first two are not were able to keep their promise and he sent them home and married his youngest; when she was giving birth, the other wives were afraid that they would be ignored; the eldest Badscha told the woman in labor that she should blindfolded; replaced children with puppies; everyone advised to tear the woman in labor with horses, but one person to wait for the Serbian patriarch; patriarch: bury her waist-deep in manure and starve her; she was buried at the crossroads so that everyone passing through it would spit; B. put the newborns in a chest and lowered them into the river, the miller and his wife found them; a month later they were so beautiful that the pitchfork took them to their mountain castle; the children grew up and realized that they were not pitchforks themselves, but people; ran away and asked the person they met what was the best place on earth; Istanbul; at the Sultan's palace they went to bed under a fig tree and God raised them over they have a better palace than the Sultan's; B. came and told the girl% an invincible Moor lives on the plain; if your brother kills him, the sultan will reward him; brother brought his head; B. there are 5 more Moors there; then 9; then But; on Mount Tman there is a horse Avgar, who is fed by a pitchfork; towards a giant: we were 20, but we could not take possession of the horse; another giant overheard the pitchfork talking and told us how to catch the horse: leave wineskin with water at the watering hole; when he saw the wineskin, the horse looked around, the young man grabbed it by the neck and tamed it; he gave him three hairs to summon it; B.: in Jordan, a wreath of pitchfork hangs between heaven and earth, and Jordan flows between the mountains Zmaygodia and Doxan, who are constantly beating peaks against each other; the young man summoned the horse A., slipped between the mountains, took a wreath, and on the way back, the mountains snatched a piece of meat from the horse's cereal; B. let your brother will get the princess out of the tower covered with ducats; she turns the grooms into stones; A.'s horse brought a young man there; the horse roared, the girl was frightened and did not turn them into stones; greets the young man; asks the pitchfork how quickly they can move her tower, her, the boy and the horse to Istanbul; pitchforks: 3 days; other pitchforks: 2 days; still others: in a day; chose them; when they arrived, she tells the young man to wipe his face with a handkerchief a woman buried in manure; when the Sultan sat the guest at the table, he threw a piece to the dog and she sighed; the Sultan called B., ordered to eat a piece, she also died; the young man called the Sultan to his place; on the way home freed his mother and brought her home; the Sultan came, everything was clarified; when her mother stood under a wreath from Jordan, her youth and beauty returned to her, but she died of happiness; at the wedding celebrations, 7 wives, who helped B., tied to horse tails]: Preindlsberger-Mrazovic 1905:99-116; Montenegrins [eel tells the fisherman to cut it into 4 parts, let his wife, mare, dog eat it, bury it; are born two sons, horses, dogs, two sabers appear; the first brother leaves, leaving the bottle; marries; goes to a mountain of fire, becomes stony; the water in the bottle is cloudy; the second goes in search, the wife and father-in-law accept him for the first; threatening to kill a sorceress, forces her to release her brother; revive petrified people with witch grass]: Karadzich 1856 in Golenishchev-Kutuzov 1991:26-28, in Dmitriev, Volkonsky 1956:81-84; Croats [three brothers go to look for happiness; they stab a tree with a knife: whoever will have blood will cause trouble; the youngest is a big dog; the elder sat down under a tree for dinner, went down from the tree to the fire an old gypsy woman, hit him with a rod, turning him into stone; the same with his middle brother; the youngest became a groom in the city, earned money, dreamed that the brothers were dead, went looking for them; blood on their knives; found a statue of an older brother; the dog grabbed the old woman by the throat; she asked to hit the statue with the thick end of the rod, the brother would come to life - let both take it away from the dog; the younger brother turned the old woman into stone, revived the elder; in the morning they saw many statues of people and animals, they revived everyone, including the middle brother]: Schütz 1960, No. 31:237-241; Bulgarians [tsar (who forbade lighting a fire at night) overhears the conversation of three poor sisters working at night (straight); the first two would like to marry the royal servants (blacksmith, coachman, etc.), the youngest would like to marry the king, give birth to him three wonderful children; gives birth to two boys and a girl (golden-haired, with the sun, month and star, etc.); envious sisters (mother-in-law) replace children, let them down in a chest into the sea or river; the king orders their mother to be buried waist-deep in the ground; a miller (sailor, etc.) picks up a chest, saves the children; the king's mother, the old woman persuades her sister to ask the brothers to get wonderful objects (a belting tree, a talking bird, a mirror, etc.); not following the old man's advice, the brothers turn into stone; the sister gets objects, revives the brothers (and all the petrified ones); a singing tree or a talking bird tells the king the truth; he returns his wife and children, punishes the perpetrators]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 707:240; Hungarians [the merchant got lost in the forest, promised the best of three daughters to the one who would take him out and three more bags of coins: gold, silver, copper; the hedgehog brought him out of the forest; and the king got lost, also promised a daughter and money, not bags, but carts; the hedgehog took him out of the forest; the poor man promised to adopt a hedgehog; in the evening he knocked on his door; ordered him to feed Seated him at the table, not somewhere under the bed; sent him to buy a black rooster and an old saddle; he came on a rooster for his merchant daughter, chose the middle one; took him to his place, she cries, does not want to; hedgehog: then come back, you are not worthy of me, I will only take the money; the hedgehog came on a rooster to the king; the eldest and middle princesses refused, the youngest and most beautiful agrees to do the father's will; on the way asks to change to her carriage, not a rooster: she is not afraid of a hedgehog and he does not disgust her; after that, the hedgehog turned into a prince, the rooster into a magnificent horse, the saddle turned golden; a marble palace appeared under with a copper roof and a cock's leg, all gold inside; after learning about the happiness of the younger princess and the merchant's three daughters, they were desperate; one drowned in a well, the other in a pond, the third in the river, and the fourth too committed suicide (it is not said how), but the merchant's second daughter decided to destroy the princess; taking the guise of an old woman, she was hired into the palace; when the king went to war, the wife gave birth to twins - a boy and a girl; the old woman left them in a basket in the woods, and told the queen that she had given birth to monsters and had to be thrown into the river; the white deer lifted the basket on its horns, came to the river, called the forest nymph, and she raised the children 7 years old; once she sent a girl with a mug to bring water; she saw a golden bird, ran after her, and suddenly she had only a mug handle in her hands; the same happened to the boy; the bird explained that the nymph was not theirs mother took her to her real parents; on the way we came across a pile of gold and dice; collected gold; stopped at an inn, where three gentlemen were playing dice; the boy also began to play and won all the money; one of the gentlemen said that there is a marble palace in the blooming garden; if you touch it three times with a gold stick, it will become a golden apple and can be moved wherever you want; they played this palace, the boy won and received a wand; when he reached the palace, he turned it into an apple; the bird brought the king, the boy's father and his sister, to the palace; ordered the apple to be turned into a palace again; gave a sign with a coat of arms and the names of the children on it; it can only be shown to his father; the king wanted to come to see the new palace right away, but the old woman gave him a potion and he fell ill; said that she was going off on his own; advised the boy to get a talking tree; the boy, whose name is Yanoshka, went in search; the hairy devil at the first castle asked if he was me, and sent it to his older brother, who gave him a golden stick open the stone fence; you have to go around the tree three times and run, otherwise the fence will close and I will turn into stone; I did the right thing, ignoring the beautiful dancers, ran home, and the tree is already standing in the middle of the garden; the king wants to go see the miracle again, he is poisoned again; the old woman offers to get a bird to sing on this tree; I have come the same way (three devil brothers), entered the garden I got to the ninth room, but took not a sweet bird with simple feathers, but a gold one; immediately petrified; now my sister, her name Marishka, went; the same meetings; she took a rusty cage, revived her brother with a golden stick and they both came back; the bird sang in the tree; the king is poisoned again, the old woman offers to get a silver lake with goldfish; I went, the same meetings with the devil-brothers, the same rules (run around the lake three times); this time the king did not drink coffee with poison, he came with his wife; the young man showed the king a plaque, the couple recognized the children; the old woman was burned at a sulfur stake]: Curtin 1890:517-545; Gagauz [the eldest of the shepherd's daughters: if the son of a padishah marries me, a hundred carpet that will cover the entire army; middle: I will bake bread for the whole army; youngest: I will face a boy with a month on his forehead, a girl with the sun; the son of the padishah takes the youngest; leaves with his father; the wife gives birth to a girl Gn ("sun"), a boy Ay ("month"); mother-in-law and witch grandmother write a letter that the wife gave birth to two puppies; children they let her down in a box into the river, their mother is buried waist-deep in the ground, everyone should beat her and spit on her; the poor picked up the children; they grew up, left, found a home, began to live there; the witch grandmother persuades their sister ask your brother to bring 1) an apple from Dnn Gzeli ("beauty of the world"); the old woman tells you to try bitter apples, praise the taste; drink from a spring of blood and pus, praise water; if DG has eyes open means he is sleeping; brother wraps DG hair around his arm, makes him say where the apple tree brings apples; 2) a mirror from DG; 3) brought and married DG herself; the young man forgets that when his eyes are closed, DG does not sleep, she turns it into stone; sister goes to look for him; old woman: grass in front of the wolf, bone in front of the goat, must be swapped; bitter apples, a spring of blood and pus (like with a brother); wind 99 braids of DG on hand, make her brother revive; she revives 99 men, the girl's hundredth brother, all three come back, the young man meets his father, who has already become a padishah; DG frees the mother of the children, gives the dogs food, whose mother-in-law and witch wanted to poison them; grandmother tied 40 horses to tails, 40 knives stuck in mother-in-law]: Syrf 2013:174-181; Greeks: Legrand 1881 [fisherman can't catch anything, he catches anything only one red fish; asks her to let go, promises a rich catch; the fisherman is rich; women advise his wife to find out the reason for the wealth; the fisherman tells her; women advise him to ask a fisherman bring her the fish itself; she teaches the fisherman to divide it into four parts and give it to his wife, mare, a dog, and bury the fourth in the garden; two boys, foals, puppies were born, two cypresses grew up; the eldest went to travel - if the cypress dries up, then it is in trouble; the king has a sleepwalker daughter; the young man frightened her, threatening to die, and she is cured; the king tells all men to come to identify a savior; the princess threw the apple is for a young man; the king wants to give him his daughter, but the young man asks for permission to wander around the world first; he comes to the city where the monster has closed the water sources, gives him for the girls he gives; the queue princesses; a young man killed a monster, cut off and took seven languages with him; the coal miner found the head of a monster and claimed victory for himself; the young man showed his tongues; wedding, the coal miner was expelled; in the far corner of the palace, the young man met an old woman; she turned it into a statue like many others; her brother found out, came, his dog tore the old woman apart; found living water among her property and revived the petrified ones; they made him king; brother returned to his wife, whose father had already died, and also became king]: 161-176; Hahn 1864 (2), No. 69 (Syros) [at night at work, the older sister says she would like to marry a royal cook, the middle sister says she would like to marry a royal cook, the middle sister says she would like to marry a treasurer, the youngest is for the prince and give birth to him three children, the Sun, the Month and the Morning Star; the prince in disguise stood outside the window and heard and fulfilled the wishes of his sisters; went to war, leaving his wife pregnant; mother-in-law told the midwife to throw the children into the river, replacing them with a puppy, kitten and mouse; the midwife put the babies in the basket; the shepherd noticed that one goat was returning with an empty udder; found three children, raised, put him in a tower; his mother-in-law sent his daughter-in-law to the chicken coop, but the prince did not ask about his wife again; once he saw a tower, a girl in the window, two young men taming horses near the tower; the prince thought that such should have been his children; his mother told the prince that he had seen elves; scolded the midwife and ordered the survivors to be killed; she came disguised as a beggar and told the girl that she lacked a branch that produces music; the brothers went in search; the monk he met explained that two dragons were guarding the branch; at midnight they would fall asleep and should be shot in their mouths; the brothers killed the dragons, brought a branch; when they saw young men, the king rejoiced, and the mother again said that they were elves; the midwife persuades the girl to ask her brothers to get an all-seeing mirror; the monk: he is guarded by 40 dragons, they take turns sleeping; their brothers are all killed, brought a mirror; midwife: Dikjeretto is missing; when she looks in the mirror, she talks about what all people in the world say in any language; brothers left her sister a shirt on the shirt: if they will turn black, they are in trouble; the monk refused to help - why does the girl send her brothers to death out of a whim; they went to the bird and it turned them into stone; the shirts turned black, the sister went to look for brothers; monk: you have to undress naked, go to the bird from behind and grab its legs; the caught bird told me to go for live water between the crushing rocks; the girl slipped, the rocks tore off only a piece of her dress; sister revived the brothers, they all returned, the shepherd had a feast; the prince came, the girl showed him a branch, a mirror and a bird; the prince called them to his place; the bird ordered him to take her with him and let the girl offer The prince should try what she cooked: eggplants, and diamonds inside; prince: how can eggplants contain diamonds; poultry: how can a woman give birth to a puppy, a kitten and a mouse? the bird told me everything; the prince returned his wife from the chicken coop; the midwife was beheaded, the queen was burned]: 47-58; Megas 1978, No. 21 [the old woman advises the fisherman's childless wife to catch a goldfish, divide into 6 pieces, eat 2 with her husband, 2 to the dog, 2 to the mare, 2 to bury; two brothers are born, two puppies, two foals are born, two cypresses grow up; the first brother comes to marry the princess; her father commands a sword strike tear down a giant stump (the princess wraps her sword in her hair), gallop without splashing water (gives a ring, it freezes the water), defeat the black man; the black man is the princess, she tells her horse to hit between ears; having received the princess, the young man leaves for a while; kills the monster that gave water in exchange for the girls, it was the turn of the local princess; the old woman asks for permission to touch the young man's dog with a rod, turns it into marble for a dog and a boy; the cypress has withered; the brother arrives, he is mistaken for the first young man; he tells the dog to grab the witch, forcing him to show his witchcraft; revives his brother, the dog swallows the witch; the first brother receives the first princess, the second one saved from the monster]: 37-42; Schmidt 1877, No. 15 [the king has three sons and a daughter; after the death of his parents, the sister went on a journey; came to the palace of Helios; petrified people around; the monk teaches you to enter without paying attention to the brothers' cries behind their backs, grab a vessel of living water from the table, spray the statues of princes, they will come to life; tell the giant what he is looking for just him; who took the water where it was, revived his servants; then you will be able to live with the giant and the brothers will also be able to come; the elder brother came, did not meet a monk on the way, turned into stone; the same middle brother; The younger monk teaches him to go to his sister; she takes her husband's promise not to harm her brother; he himself tells him to revive his older brothers; all three stay with his sister and her husband]: 106-109.

Central Europe. Slovaks [the widow's two sons look like drops of water; they have grown up and are preparing to go on a journey; the mother asks to go hunting and fetch meat; they hunt three times but find no game; instead they give bacon and bread to a couple of wolves, bears, lions; they bring them home; muzzles appear on the faces of predators; the brothers broke up at the linden tree, stabbing it with a knife; from which blood will flow, so trouble; the elder comes to a city where a fire-breathing 12-headed serpent demands a girl to eat every day, otherwise he does not allow her to go to the well; the princess's turn; her savior will receive her; the young man, with the help of his animals, cut off the snake's heads, but they grew again until the lion tore his neck; the young man cut off his tongues, came to the princess, she gave him half the ring; when he fell asleep, the coachman ran up, cut off the young man's head, forced the princess call him savior; the lion tells the wolf to run to the serpent, which is just about to revive another one crushed by a wagon with grass; but the wolf came across the wagon himself, frightened the people; then the lion sent a bear he took the snake's potion, the young man came to life, but his head was put backwards; the bear tore off his head again and put it right; when the young man came to town, they were preparing the princess's wedding with the coachman; the young man sent a letter and half of the ring to the princess and the bear; the princess sent back food, wine and her half of the ring, half grew together; the young man showed snake tongues; the coachman was given to the beasts to pieces; one day a young man saw an enchanted yellow forest from the window; a fox appeared, the young man chased her, found himself in a dark forest; began to fry bacon; an old woman on the tree, screaming that she was cold, gave her wand to touch her wand to the animals, otherwise she is afraid of them; the animals are petrified; the old woman began to fry the frog, not bacon; touched the young man with a stick, he was also petrified; the younger brother saw blood on the knife, went in search of the elder; his wife mistook him for her husband, but at night he put a sword between them; he did not touch the animals with an old woman's wand, but let them put them on her; made him give him a golden stick to revive his brother's animals and the ointment to revive him himself; then the beasts tore the old woman to pieces; first the older brother's beasts became knights, then they killed their younger brother's animals, and they also became knights; they were six brothers, quarreled, for it became predators; the older brother returned to his wife, and the youngest with six knights came to their domain and became king there]: Dobšinský 1970:3-10 (translated to Bogatyrev 1955:37-47); Czechs: Erben 1976 [ the old king asks his son to marry; he replies that there is no one; the king sends him to rest behind the iron door; there are live images of 12 beautiful girls; the queen chose the most beautiful and sad, she nodded to him; the king is upset, for everyone who had tried to get this girl before died; when he set off, the Queen meets and companions Long (can stretch to any height and length), Wide (can swell endlessly, drink all the water), Quick-eyed (sees everything and can destroy any object with his eyes); B. reports that the bride is being guarded by a warlock in the tower; they come there, there petrified people; a warlock with knee-length hair and three iron belts demands that the girl be found three times; each time B. sees her 100, 200, 300 miles away, she is hidden in the form of an acorn, a jewel, a ring in a shell at the bottom of the sea; the first two times D. easily reaches an acorn, a stone, brings an acorn, a stone turns into a girl, each time one hoop falls off the warlock; the third time Sh. drinks the sea so that D. can get his ring, D. returns at the last moment, when the warlock is ready to turn the Queen and others into stone; the last hoop fell off the warlock, he flew away raven; petrified ones came to life, the Queen returned with his wife]: 8-14 (transferred to Lifshitz-Artemyev 2017:135-146); Erben in Lifshits-Artemyeva 2017 [a beggar with 7 children asks for alms; the queen cries: she is childless; the beggar tells me to catch fish, cook and eat, give the leftovers to a mare, a dog, whatever they will not eat, bury it in the garden; the queen gave birth to two sons, a mare to two foals, a dog to two puppies, and grew up in the garden two rods; the brothers grew up quickly, sat on their horses, each took their dog, parted by the oak tree with a knife stuck in it; the eldest comes to the city, where every year a girl is given to the dragon to eat, Queen's turn; whoever saves her will receive her hand and half the kingdom; the young man, with the help of a horse and a dog, killed a dragon, received a queen; once noticed a light in the forest; contrary to his wife's warning, went there to An old woman came up to the fire, buttoned the man, horse and dog with a twig, they were petrified; the younger brother sees that the knife is rusted, is going in search, the eldest's wife takes him for her husband, he puts his sword on the bed, snatched it out a twig from the old woman's hands, made her revive the petrified, cut off her head; the old woman became beautiful: she is the queen of this country, and the young man broke the spell; her younger brother married her, the elder returned to wife]: 156-165; Poles: Krzyżanowski 1962, No. 707 [the king overhears three girls talking; each tells what she would do to become the king's wife; the youngest promises to give birth to three gold-haired sons with stars on their temples; the king marries her; envious sisters replace children with puppies, throw them into the river; their mother was imprisoned; children were found and raised by a miller; young men they go to look for their father; either a talking bird or living water; magically turned into marble statues; their sister receives wonderful objects from the sorceress and revives the brothers; the king notices unusual a boy and a girl and wonderful objects; a talking bird tells everything; the king recognizes the children and returns their mother, punishes her sisters]: 218; Shcherbakov 1980 [a fisherman caught a fish with a silver tail and gills; fish: let go, your happiness is ahead; the same with gold; with diamond ones; she tells you to cut it, give it a piece to your wife, mare and female; bury it in the garden along the rib, three oaks will grow; the wife will give birth to three sons, a mare - three foals, a female - three puppies; all twins are similar to each other; the eldest comes to the city, where the dragon demands a person a day, a royal queue; the young man cut off 12 heads of the dragon, cut off and hid the sting; the horse and the dog helped; the young man left, the forester told me that he was the winner of the dragon; the young man returned after a year and 6 weeks; the impostor was preparing a wedding; the young man sent his dog with a letter to queen; stings at the feast; the forester was torn by four horses; on the first night the young man put a broadsword between himself and his wife; slept with her on the second; went to the forest; an old woman came to the fire to warm up; gave a twig to whip the dog, they are all petrified; at home one oak has dried up; the middle brother, mistaken for the elder, goes to bed, puts a sword on the bed; with him the same; the youngest goes; also puts a sword on the bed; chases a deer with with golden horns; spends the night in the forest; an old woman comes; a young man grabs her, makes her younger brother revive with grass; both brothers make the middle woman revive; brothers chop the old woman, the pieces grow back; brothers they tell dogs to bury pieces; the forest has turned into a city with people; the Queen recognized her husband's older brother; the narrator was shot at the ball with a cannon]: 93-104; Russians (Arkhangelskaya, Olonetskaya, Murmansk, Pskov, Vologda, Vladimir, Moscow, Tula, Voronezh, Kursk), Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Ugric Russia, Transcarpathia, Galicia, Yekaterinoslavskaya), Belarusians [Two brothers: twin brothers are born wonderfully; one saves the princess from the snake; the witch turns him and her animal helpers into stones; the other takes away her magic twig and revives these stones]: SUS 1979, No. 303:108-109; Ukrainians (Pokutye) [mother died, pan took another; son sees a portrait of his mother and goes to look for a bride who would be just as beautiful; did not find it; y Pana is a well with good water; everyone who comes for her is shown a portrait; one person says he knows such a beauty; goes with a young man; does not sleep at night, hears three doves talking; at the king golden daughter; whoever looks her in the eye will become petrified; you have to take a straight road to her and not drink wine from her; the companion teaches the young man to look only at that girl's feet; and only after eating, but not much food offered; the young man did everything and said that in front of the girl's throne, the stones were loser grooms; the second time you can look to the waist; the third time you can drink wine and look into the face; the girl is happy, the wedding; the young man, his wife and companion go home; the healer teaches his stepmother to serve young poisoned wine, and the stepson to serve a mad horse; the companion ordered not to drink wine, not to sit on a horse; companion protects the peace of the newlyweds; killed a snake that crawled out of the crack, blood splashed on the lady's face, he erased the blood; the watchmen peeked, the stepmother said that the stepson's companion kissed the lady; the healer gave the stepmother poison: the drunk will become a stone wall; a voice from the wall: tomorrow is a christening; we must take the baby out of the stroller and put it under the wall; the child cried, the father wiped his tear and wiped his finger against the wall; the companion came to life, whole and a healthy baby in his arms]: Zinchuk 2005b, No. 48:319-325; Belarusians (Mogilev, Western 1888-1891, Ryasnyanskaya vol., Senn. u., from the local kr., recorded by G. Anikevich) [Two merchant sons of the hero Ivan and Mikita Igrivichi go to see the light after their father's death, their mother punishes them not to beat anyone and greet everyone (take off their hat); they meet in the forest an old man, an old man says how heroes can find their horses, the elder Ivan finds a birch tree, an oak tree, an iron slab under the oak tree, a crypt behind the stove, a horse in the crypt waiting for a hero; younger Mikita Igrivich walks to the far kingdom and finds a horse in the same way (the horse has been waiting 200 years); they come to the city, buy guns, meet a lion with lions in the forest, Ivan wants to kill, Mikita is against (order mothers), a lion asks for mercy and gives a lion cub as servants, they meet a bear, a wolf, animals give their cubs in exchange for life; at the crossroads, Ivan chooses the path where he will be "full", Mikita, where he will be hungry; Ivan leaves a golden saucer on the oak tree at the fork, Mikita sticks a knife, agrees that if they die, their objects will bleed; Ivan goes to a rich land, lives well; Mikita Igrivic falls into a poor city, the city is covered with black cloth, learns from a kisser where he stopped that there is a dragon ("cmok") on the Polym River that eats a person at night, today is the turn of the king's eldest daughter; Mikita Igrivich buys a bunch of hairpins, puts a candle on the table, punishes the kisser to release the animals, when the candle bleeds, the kisser falls asleep; Mikita Igrovic prays in the house with a candle and a book the river where the princess is brought, Mikita asks the princess to look in his head and wake him up, falls asleep; the dragon arrives, calls the princess, says that she is not afraid of anyone but the brothers of merchant sons, The princess wakes Mikita up with studs; opponents argue, Mikita refuses to blow, the dragon blows and builds a city 3 miles with copper roofs; Mikita summons her horse, opponents fight, Mikita cuts off 2 (out of 3) heads, the dragon hurts his leg, takes a break, Mikita cuts off his third head, throws the pike's body into the river to be eaten, his heads under a stone; the princess bandages his leg with her handkerchief, calls him to go to the king, but Mikita returns to the kisser; the king sends the servant to collect his daughter's bones, the servant finds out where the heads are hidden, makes the princess imagine him as a savior (threatens to drown him), the king thanks appoints him minister; the next day the same with the royal's middle daughter (the dragon's brother, 6-headed, blows on the city and shoots it, Mikita blows and builds, the serpent hurts Mikita's hand), the king's trusted arm gratitude for "saving" the royal daughter from the minister becomes a count, Mikita returns to the kisser, wants to cut off his head for not letting the animals in, but going to bed; on the third day of 9 the younger princess is prepared for the head dragon, Mikita puts a handkerchief on the table, a candlestick with a candle on her handkerchief, punishes the kisser when everything turns black to release the animals, goes to the house by the river; history repeats, they fight; when the dragon drives the horse knee-deep into the ground, Mikita throws her hat (removes the roof from the tavern), throws her boot (knocks out windows), the animals come to the rescue, decapitate the remaining 6 heads the dragon, the princess gives him a personalized ring; Mikita returns, repairs the tavern, forgives the kisser for feeding his animals; the royal count makes the princess imagine him as savior, the king appoints wedding; Mikita sends a lion with a princess's ring to the courtyard, the princess recognizes the ring, hands over the hotel (fruit in a handkerchief), asks her father to drive around the city before the wedding, looks for Mikita, sees a lion in at the window, tells his father the truth; the royal servant is forced to raise a stone under which dragon heads, he cannot, he is executed, tied to horse tails, let him into the field; Mikita Igrivic marries younger princess; Mikita goes to visit her brother in the capital city ("as we have Moscow, and the tsar lives in St. Petersburg"), the city has gone underground, the place is overgrown with dense forest; fishermen tell Mikita about Ivan But the story of 3 dragons and 3 royal daughters, the snake (the mother of dragons) has cursed the city, no one can drive through the forest, it will turn it into stone; Mikita goes, stops for the night, her grandmother comes ( snake), asks to spend the night by the fire, asks his cane to drive away the dogs, swings, turns everyone into stone; Ivan gets bored, he goes to the oak tree to see how his brother is doing, sees blood from a knife, goes search for the grave, sees 5 stones, reads in the book that this is his brother with a horse and servants; he sits by the fire, waits, his grandmother comes, asks him to spend the night and drive away the dogs with a cane, Ivan realizes (that it is a snake), she beats her with her servants, she brings living and dead water from her garden, revives everyone; the grandmother is beaten again to regain the city, she breaks 4 logs, crowns them, the forest goes into the ground, the city appears, the snake is killed; the brothers go after their mother, they do not find them, they return to Mikita Igrivich, he rules, his brother becomes a minister]: Romanov 1901, No. 42:382-394; Belarusians [at the end of the village, the woman has three daughters; the eldest wants for the royal key man, the middle for the royal coachman, the youngest for the royal son; the prince overheard, married her and gave her sisters for whoever they wanted; the prince left, the wife gave birth, sisters they bribed the midwife, she replaced the child with a puppy, lowered him in a box along the river, picked him up by a fisherman; the second time (a kitten); the third time, a frog instead of a daughter; the king walled up the queen in a stone pole, head outside, ordered to feed bread and water; the fisherman and his wife died, the children live alone; the sister has a garden; Satan chipped in as an old man: there is no singing tree in the garden; the elder brother came to the mountain; old man: come back and don't turn around; the guy turned around, stoned; the same younger brother; the sister wrapped her head, did not listen or look, collected living water and dug up a tree, took a bird; she revived the brothers with water; the tree sings at home, the bird on the window is talking; tells the king and queen to be called and the fried puppy, kitten and frog served; having learned the truth, the king freed his first wife, her sisters and midwife were tied to the tails of horses and let her into the field ]: Romanov 1887, No. 61:295-298; Russians (Terek Bereg) [brothers Turya and Basantiy; stepmother tells her husband to slaughter them; the worker stabbed a ram, brought blood, the stepmother drank and pretended to be healed; parting, the brothers stuck knives into the stump: whoever rusts is a disaster; both were elected kings: when they chose, their candles lit up brightly; when T. was not at home, B. arrived, his wife mistook him for her husband, but he and her did not lie down; "the stepmother sniffed that they were working as kings", decided to die out of the light; B. (he is younger) went hunting; the stepmother asked to go to the tent, froze, was afraid of the dog and the horse, gave a whip, B. hit the dog and horse with them, which turned into stone; stepmother hugo hit, he also petrified; T. saw that the knife had rusted; let a dog on his stepmother, she took the whip, T. forced his stepmother to revive the petrified ones; the brothers shot her; went to their wives, then to their father]: Balashov 1970, No. 32:104-109; Russians: Afanasiev 1958 (2), No. 288 (Tverskaya) [the tsar listens to the conversation between the three daughters of a merchant outside the windows; one wants to marry the royal baker, the other wants to marry the servant, and the third wants to marry the tsar himself, and will give birth to two sons and daughter; sisters each time let the newborn in a box into the pond, they say that the queen has given birth to a puppy; the king is advised to place the queen in the chapel so that everyone who passes by spit in her eyes; but some fed her; the royal gardener raised children; they built a house outside the city; while the brothers were hunting, the old woman persuades her sister to ask them to get a talker bird, a singing tree and living water; old man tells his older brother to go for the ice rink {ball?} , reached the middle of the mountain and disappeared; blood is dripping from the knife left; the younger brother is coming - the same; the sister is coming; the same thing, but went up the mountain; took the bird, it sent it to the tree, birds are singing on it, girl broke off a branch; collected living water and revived the brothers; brothers come to visit their father king, then receive him; he is surprised at the curiosities; the brothers confess that they are his children; the king stayed with them and returned his wife from the chapel], 289 (Orenburg) [the tsar overheard the conversation between the three daughters of the deceased merchant; the eldest wants for the royal baker, the middle wants for the cook, the youngest for the tsar himself, will give birth to two sons, whose hands are elbow deep in gold, legs knee-deep in silver, and daughter laughs, roses will fall, and pearls will cry; sisters replace children with a puppy, kitten, piece of wood, let everyone down the river in a box ; after the third time, the king slaughtered his wife in a pole; found the children, raised the general, then died; when the brothers were hunting, the old woman tells her sister that she does not have enough living water, dead water, and a talking bird; older brother goes in search; hairy old man: they go a lot, they don't come back enough; the young man hears screams, turns around, gets stony; the same younger brother; sister goes, cut the old man's hair and beard, that warned you not to turn around; you must take a talking bird, collect water from the well, sprinkle it on stones; all people have come to life; the king is going to marry a girl whose roses fall from her lips; bird: this is your daughter; she told everything; the queen was released from the pledge, her sisters were shot]: 389-390, 391-394; Russians (Arkhangelskaya, Mezen, d. Desert, 1927) [An old man and an old woman have two sons. When there was nothing to eat, the old man took them to the forest to feed themselves. The sons got lost, met the hunter, who took them to his place. When the hunter grew old, he decided to send his adopters "for their fate." Hunter: Shoot a goose with one arrow from each corner, I'll bake pies out of a goose, give you a knife, you stick it in a tree at the crossroads, whichever side rusts, that brother dies. After bringing a goose, the brothers went hunting. They caught a hare and he gave them two bunnies instead. After that, a fox was caught, and she gave her two foxes instead. It was the same with the wolf, the bear and the lion. After hunting, they reached the crossroads and stuck a knife in it. The eldest (S.) went to the left, the youngest (M.) to the right, each accompanied by his animals. M. came to the city, where there is mourning, a seven-headed serpent kidnapped girls, and they are going to take the queen to him. M. drank three kegs of wine, beer and vodka and felt strong. M. told the Queen to go to church and pray for his victory. A serpent flew in, M. (=Ivan), with the help of his animals, defeated him, cut off his heads and tongues, wrapped him in the queen's handkerchief, put him in his pocket, and ordered the queen to protect his sleep. She first watched, then wanted to sleep and asked the lion to watch, then the bear, and so it was the turn of the hare, which also fell asleep. Then a courtier came and watched from the palace, cut off M.'s head, and, under threat of death, ordered the Queen to marry him and declare him savior. The Queen has scheduled her wedding in a year. The animals that woke up wanted to tear the hare to pieces, but he volunteered to revive M. and did it with a wonderful "waste". A year later, M. came to the same city to visit the old man who spoke about the reason for the mourning. Now the city was getting ready for the wedding. M. sent a hare to the Queen for vodka, a fox for beer, a bear for a snack, and a lion for food. The bear destroyed three regiments of court soldiers, and the lion destroyed the rest of the soldiers. The king sent a servant to M., M. asked for a royal dress, carriage, horses, and came to the palace, showing his tongues. The courtier was shot, and M. married the Queen. After a while he got bored and wanted to visit S. I returned to the intersection, met a deer there, chased him and drove him until night. He lit a fire and saw a woman screaming at the spruce tree, she refused to go down, afraid of animals. The woman threw off her bars so that M. would hit the animals with them and they became stone. M. did so. Then the woman came down, hit M. herself with a rod, and he became a stone. C. I also got bored and went to look for M. Driving through the intersection, I noticed that one side of the knife was rusted. I came to see his wife M., she mistook him for her husband, he lived with her for 2 days and went to look for his brother. At the crossroads of S. He also chased the deer, drove until night, cut down the fire and saw his grandmother screaming at the spruce tree. She also refused to get off because she was afraid of his animals and offered to hit them with a rod. S. hit the hare with a rod, it became stone, S. noticed many of the same stones and guessed everything. He threatened his grandmother, who was the mother of a seven-headed serpent, that she would shoot her, and she disgraced M. and his animals. Her brothers shot her and brought the corpse to the city on their horses]: Karnaukhova 2008, No. 133:301-306; Russians (Olonetskaya) [the old man wants to test his three sons; each gives a hundred rubles and tells her to buy reason; the eldest bought a dog, the middle brother hunts a bird (their singing makes them fall asleep), the youngest paid the dead man's debt and buried the body; the older brother and the dog hunt, the middle brother shows an outlandish bird for money; then all three went into the world and left; the elder sees an inscription on the pole: there is soon, but no way back; yet he goes on; the old man hides him from Baba Yaga, turning him, the horse and the dog into stones; I killed old man, piled stones on him, sped off; the middle brother sees the inscription: you will take happiness, and you will die with him; in the lake there is a snake, every day demands a girl for food, the princess's turn; the middle one gave the bird to sing, the snake fell asleep, he killed a snake, married a princess; she leaned to the water for a drink, a snake slipped into her mouth, she died soon; the bird also died; the middle brother came to where the elder was petrified; Baba Yaga and She turned him and his horse into stones; on his younger brother's road there is an inscription: you will see a lot of wealth, but only take the dead; a man catches up, offers to divide everything equally; drove up to the iron wall, satellite gnawed at her teeth; the same is the locked door; the chains with which the old man is bound; he says that the sorceress chained him 40 years ago; they took the gems, went; the sorceress catches up; the companion gnawed at her throat, took two bottles; they come to the city where the princess married by her middle brother should be buried; the youngest has three nights to guard her in church; the companion tells her to take a book, a rooster and a harp; the rooster sang, the princess lay down again in the coffin, the younger brother was playing the harp; the same on the second night; on the third, the younger brother hides not under the throne, but in the coffin; the princess lay down beside her, the sting leaned out of her mouth, her younger brother pulled a snake out of her mouth, as her companion taught her; princess: how long have I slept; they came to see the petrified brothers, revived them and the old man with water from a bottle; the companion splashed from another on Baba Yaga , she became a snake, then a frog, a pebble, the companion put it in a bottle; the brothers returned to their father; he told how the youngest's companion, that is, that dead man, brought him gems; everything is fine]: Onchukov 2008, No. 251:447-425; Kuzmina 2008, No. 36 [the poor brother has two sons 7 and 8 years old, and the rich man is childless; the poor shot an unusual bird; the rich offered to buy it, the poor gave it back; the rich told his wife cook, and the heart, liver and lungs separately; nephews accidentally came in and ate; the rich man's wife replaced him with cockles; the rich in the morning did not find gold under his pillow, but the nephews found it; the rich speaks to the poor that his children are evil spirits; the poor did not kill them, but left them in the forest; they were picked up by a hunter, they lived with him until the age of 18; then they left; did not kill the hare, fox, she-wolf, bear, lionesses; each gave them her two young; at the fork, the eldest went to the left and the youngest to the right; the eldest came to the city, there was mourning: a 12-headed serpent takes the king's daughter; the boy cut off the snake's heads, carved out his tongues, wrapped it in a handkerchief, the princess gave him her necklace; the servant cut off the sleeping man's head, made the princess say that he was the savior; the hare ran away for the reviving root, the beasts revived the owner; he sent with hares letter to the princess; came to the wedding feast, showed the princess's necklace and snake tongues; the deceiver groom was shot; once the elder brother went hunting; the old woman in the tree: cold; afraid of animals; gave him rod; after that he and the animals became petrified; the younger brother sees that the elder's dagger has rusted; follows in his footsteps; realizing that he is mistaken for his older brother, refuses to lie down with the princess, referring to fatigue; did not take the rod, forced the old woman to revive the petrified, then the animals tore her apart; when he learned that the princess had the youngest, the eldest, her husband, cut off his brother's head; repented; revived his brother with the root that he was revived; my wife only found out who her husband was by her necklace; I was there, I drank honey beer, but it didn't get into my mouth]: 79-86; Russians (Voronezh) [elderly priest daughter drinks two bottles from the well, after 40 He gives birth to twins: Ivan and Fedor Vodychey; in three weeks they grow up, go hunting, want to shoot a hare, fox, wolf, bear, lion, tiger, falcon, etc., but the animals ask for mercy they promise that they will be useful to the brothers; after 12 days, the brothers go hunting again, gather animals, draw lots at the crossroads: Ivan is on the road where "death will be", Mikhail, where to "be rich"; brothers they divide animals and guns, agree that they will come to rescue each other; if one gun turns black, then the second brother is dead; Ivan enters a pub in the field, finds out that Serpent Gorynych eats all people in kingdom, that today is the turn of the king's eldest daughter; sends to the tower, where she is waiting for the Snake; the Serpent arrives, asks if Ivan has come to put up or fight; opponents fight on the bridge, for 2 blows Ivan cuts down three heads, buries bones, receives a personalized handkerchief from the princess; the princess sees the gypsy Chugunkin, finds out how she escaped, makes her imagine him as a savior; the same with her middle daughter; On the third day, Ivan asks the kisser he stopped at to let the animals out when the water in the glass boils; comes to his youngest daughter, asks him to look in his head, hangs them above him on a rope a three-pound stone, orders to cut down the rope if the Snake does not wake up; the princess cannot wake Ivan up, she feels sorry to cut the rope, she cries, a tear wakes up the young man; with three blows he Snake cuts off 6 heads, he waves his tail, new heads grow three times, he grabs Ivan's hand in his mouth; the kisser wakes up (the glass splits from boiling water, the fragment falls into the face kisser), sees that the water in the glass has boiled, releases animals from behind 12 doors (6 have already gnawed), they tear the Snake; the younger princess bandages Ivan's hand with her towel, gives a personalized one a ring, he hides the Snake's bones under a stone; Ivan returns to the pub, drinks vodka, orders the kisser not to sell vodka to anyone; the princess meets Chugunkin a gypsy, he makes him introduce him savior and marry him; the king is preparing for his daughter's wedding, but cannot buy vodka from the kisser, he says that he "has his own king" (Ivan), the royal daughters know who they are talking about; the king goes after Ivan, but he sleeps, the royal daughters recognize their savior, see a towel, a handkerchief and rings; they bring a "gun" (military and wind musical instruments), "hit him", well done He wakes up; finds out that they have come to him for vodka for Chugunkin's wedding, asks the gypsy to pick up the stone under which the Snake's bones lie, he cannot. Ivan picks up, throws the gypsy to the bones, covers it with a stone; marries the youngest princess, after a while goes hunting with his animals, catches and releases the golden hare (he chases all day long after the golden hare, wanders, loses her way, spends the night in the forest; an old woman comes up to him, asks him to tie the animals, because he is afraid of them, he ties him and the animals into stones; the old woman turns out to be a mother The snake, the "sorceress berry"; Mikhail Vodovich sees that his sword has turned black, follows his brother, the kisser, the tsar and the princess take him for Ivan; he goes hunting, meets the same old woman, she gives a belt and asks Mikhail to hunt him; he throws his belt into the fire, the yaga witch rushes at him, the lion and bear stop her; she brings Mikhail to his petrified brother, he takes it from the old woman a bubble, sprinkles animals, they come to life; then he digs up his brother, the animals lick his wounds, on the advice of an old woman, catches magpie, tears it up and sprinkles it with Ivan's blood, he comes to life; the old woman kills, buries it ; Mikhail Vodovich boasts that he was mistaken for a brother in the kingdom, that he spent the night with the younger princess; Ivan is jealous, cuts off his brother's head; when he returns, he learns from the princess that his brother cried all night and is not with her He talked, regrets what he did, digs up his brother, revives him; orders the falcon to catch the crow, but he persuades him to spare him and in return brings an oak apple, from the juice of which Mikhail comes to life; marries an elder princess, each brother gets his own state]: Baryshnikova 2007, No. 1:31-42; Russians (Kursk, Valuisky District) [A rich brother does not love his poor brother's family, but his wife He loves his nephews and feeds them secretly. A poor brother kills a firebird in the forest, his children show feathers to his rich brother, who tells the ass who demands to cook this bird for him. It is accidentally eaten by poor children, the wife of a rich brother changes poultry for chicken, puts in the heart and liver of a firebird. The rich brother eats, the ass says that the bird was eaten by dogs. Pop wants to cook dogs for him. On the pillows of poor children, the mother finds money, thinks they are stealing from a rich uncle. The poor brother tells the rich man about what happened, who tells his ass. Pop reports that the children have been possessed by a demon and must be killed. The father takes the children to the forest and leaves them there, they come to the dugout and stay with the old mistress, her husband adopts them and teaches them science. In 20 years, he wants to test his brothers, asks them to join the first and last bird in a flying pack, gives them a gun and a silver dagger - in case of parting, the rust on the blade will indicate that An accident happened to one of them. The brothers bury their grandfather, go hunting, animals ask for mercy and give their brothers their children - bunnies, foxes, cubs, lion cubs, etc. The brothers break up and leave a silver dagger in the oak tree at the crossroads. The first brother finds himself in a city (not allowed in immediately), cleaned with black cloth; tomorrow the princess must be given a 5-headed snake. The hunter surprises the whole city with his wealth (he orders an expensive lunch). In the morning, he sees the princess on the mountain, cuts off the snake's heads with a sword, and the animals help defeat the enemy. He hides the serpent's tongues, the princess gives him a handkerchief and ties ribbons to the animals. The hunter asks her to look after the animals and falls asleep. The butler cuts off the hunter's head, makes the princess recognize him as the snake as the winner in order to marry her and get half the kingdom. The animals find that their owner is dead, they blame the hare for death, he brings grass from the forest, chews it, lubricates the hunter's neck with it, and he comes to life. The hunter sees that the city is decorated with red cloth, learns about the princess's wedding (a year has passed) and remembers her. He writes her a note, she invites him to a feast, explains to the king that his animals are scientists. He asks for royal clothes and a carriage, she sends them. The hunter invites you to look at the snake's heads at a feast, shows the missing tongues, and proves that he is the true savior. The butler is executed, the princess is married to a hunter, and he becomes king. His wife doesn't let him hunt, he falls ill, she agrees. In the forest, he chases white deer, finding himself in an impassable thicket. She sees an old woman, a snake's mother, on the edge of a tree, asks her to go down, she says she is afraid of animals, gives him a twig. He hits animals with them, they become stony, the old woman hits them and turns them into stone. The Queen decides that her husband is missing and falls ill. The second brother lives unhappily and wants to find his brother, sees a rusted knife in an oak tree, and goes to the state where he is mistaken for a king. He finds out what happened to his brother, goes hunting in his footsteps, chases a deer, meets an old woman, shoots her, makes her brother and animals revive. She does it, he kills and burns it, blows ash down the wind. The brothers go to the queen from both sides, and she recognizes her husband by the ribbons tied to his hunt. The brothers have a feast, the second brother gets married]: Aristov, Pavlov 1939:76-84; (cf. Czechs [to become a young beauty, the witch Birka must bathe in the blood of a 20-year-old boy; to do this, she bought a 5-year-old boy Mladon from her parents; previously turned the father of newborn Viola into an eagle, and her mother a nightingale; an angel took care of V. until she was 15; M. met her; V. went to him, found herself in B.'s territory, she turned her into a rose; M. overheard the conversation of two swallows; from him found out that he should throw B. into the fire, cutting off the head of a snake crawling out of her left sleeve; throw ashes into the lake; he did so; a golden wall formed around the lake, and the reeds intertwined into The staircase that M. took to the rock where the rose was; V. and her parents regained their human form, M. married V.; everything is fine]: Němcová 1990:53-65).

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Ossetians: Britayev, Kaloev 1959 [twins Saui and Budji run away from their stepmother; they spare a pair of hares, foxes, wolves, bears, tigers; they promise to help; they divide animals, disperse, stabbing a knife into a pole; whichever side it rust, the trouble is; Aldar takes the girls, feeds the naughty Zaliag Snake; S. kills a snake, Aldara, marries a rescued girl; in the forest, an old woman turns him and his animals into stones; B. goes to look for him, mistaken for S., puts a dagger between himself and his wife S.; turns an old woman into stone with an oak leaf, splits petrified people and animals; animals have torn to pieces petrified; S. cuts off B.'s head because he was lying next to his wife; the hare revives B. with oak roots]: 99-106; Dzagurov 1973, No. 46 [Halin-Barag gives childless spouses three apples on the condition that they are one of the sons they will give it to him; when the golden-haired sons were born, three apple trees grew near the house; the eldest went with HB; the skull in the cave teaches us to pretend to be misunderstanding, let HB show himself how to fan the fire; the young man pushed HB into fire and, taking a shovel, did not allow him to get out until it burned down; the skull points to HB's armor and horse; the shepherd laughs (Aldar marries three daughters, he will be given pig tails), then cries (he must kiss the pigs in the ass); they changed clothes; Aldara's youngest daughter noticed golden curls, brought food and a glass to the imaginary swineherd; Aldar pretended to be sick - which of the son-in-law would bring doe milk; the young man called his horse, milked his doe, gave his sons-in-law milk, for which he cut off his right ears; get water that revives the dead; the young man took it out, gave his sons-in-law ordinary water, cutting off his little fingers; get the dancing and a playing fur coat; the young man slipped between the crushing mountains, took out a fur coat, gave his sons-in-law an ordinary one, for which he cut his belts from the back; brought everything to Aldar, showed marks on his sons-in-law; Aldar took everything away from his son-in-law, gave it to the young man; once At Black Rock, he chased a fox, it hit him with its tail, it became petrified; the middle brother went in search, the elder's wife mistook him for her husband, he put his sword on the bed; he also chased the fox and petrified ; the youngest first came to the skull in the HB cave, who first ordered the fox's hole to be covered with stones; the fox became a girl, whipped all the petrified; the older brother killed the younger ones for sleeping with him wife; but at night the wife put scissors in bed; the girl's face revived the dead with a whip; returning home, the girl revived the skeletons in the HB cave, the skull also became a woman; the middle brother married one of lively, and the youngest married a fox girl; she rejuvenated the brothers' parents]: 177-193; Libedinsky 1978 [when Aisana enters, Soslan's wife does not get up to greet him; every time she says that she does not does this because he did not accomplish such a feat; 1) get a tree that blooms from dusk to midnight and hangs with fruits by dawn; it is behind the crushing rocks; A.'s horse tells you to whip powerfully him, slips between the rocks; on the way back, the rocks cut off three hairs from his tail; A. brings a tree; 2) marry Saumaron-Burdzabah; the grooms call out to her, but she does not hear them in her tower, they turn into stone; A. begins to stone, the horse screams louder; S. makes A. the same, marries him; at his request, revives other petrified ones; they attack A., S. turns them into stone again; 3) bring God's fur coat; A. replies that since the fur coat is not sewn by the hands of Soslan's wife, he will not get it]: 251-252; Adygs: Aliyeva 1978, No. 29 [the eldest, middle daughters refuse to take it off their father legs, the youngest takes off; shares apples with the elders; the father digs a hole in the apple tree, masks it with a carpet, the daughters fall through; if they wish, the pit opens, food appears; the eldest promises to cook the khan clothes for one hundred riders, the middle one is to feed 50, the youngest to give birth to a son and daughter, half white gold, the other yellow; the khan leaves, the sisters replace the children with puppies, throw them into the river; the khan orders to put wife in bull skin, tied to the gate; hogouache dogs (PH, river mistress) took the children; attached mother sees her children come out of the water, sit on a stone; asks a passing woman to give her torment, does one cake with breast milk, the other on water, asks to leave it on stone; the boy gets a cake with milk, the girl gets a cake with water; when he learns that the children have eaten cakes, PH says that they cannot become her children, lets him go ashore; the poor man finds a home in the forest, the sisters of the khan's wife do not tell him; persuade his sister to ask his brother to get an unusual pigeon; PH teaches to call sour pears sweet, two take with you; call the muddy river transparent, praise the sands; the young man grabs the pigeon, the owner orders to keep the kidnapper, the sands, the river, the pear refuse; the sisters of the khan's wife persuade his sister to advise brother to marry Irish-Irish-Kahn; PH says that she turns those who come to her into stones; the young man is stony; her sister goes, A. looks around at her third shout, everyone comes to life; feast; the young man goes to Khan Father in guests on the condition that he untie the woman at the gate; angry dogs (these are the puppies thrown up) are friendly with him; the khan returns his wife, ties her sisters to horses; since then, princes and khans have not divorced wives]: 238-243; Karashev 1957 [three daughters are naughty, the father digs a hole in the forest, lures his daughters with apples, daughters fall into a hole; the prince's companions find them; the eldest promises to sew clothes for the retinue prince, middle - to feed everyone, the youngest to give birth to a son with the sun and moon on her forehead, a daughter with golden hair; Pshi marries the youngest, marries the elders to her bakols; in the absence of pshi, sisters are abandoned newborns in the river are replaced by puppies; millet tells his wife to be buried waist-deep in the ground at a crossroads, putting puppies to their breasts; the owner of the river raises children; when they grow up, sends them to the ground; millet finds them, brings them to her place; aunts persuade her sister to ask her brother to get 1) beautiful Su-Isuret's golden bird; 2) her own mirror; 3) herself; he steals objects; asks SI to marry him, she turns him into stone, he manages to call the mistress of the waters, she spells him, he takes SI away; SI sees a woman buried to the waist in the mirror; everyone goes to free her; dogs let only her children in; evil sisters are tied to the tails of seven horses]: 210-220; Huth 1987 (shapsugi) [Nogai is blind; sends three sons for a piece of land from a place where his horse's hooves did not set foot, then he will see the light; the eldest, middle the sons return soon; the youngest finds a golden pen; Pshi adopts him, gives seven pelyuans as workers; they ask the magician to help them lime it; he advises to say pshi that the young man bragged complete difficult tasks; the horse helps to do everything; 1) get a bird with golden feathers (lures millet, catches); 2) get two lion cubs; 3) a wild boar; 4) beautiful Gegulez; the horse asks to smear it with resin and sand, defeats the guard horse, he helps, tells a hundred dogs to throw lamb carcasses, a hundred eagles skins, prevent G. from taking out the whip, she turns it into stone; the young man revives this whip earlier petrified; G. promises to take millet if he dives into boiling milk, millet and seven pelyuans are cooked; the young man's father reports that he pretended to be blind for his son to get G.]: 235-248; Abkhazians: Bgabzha 2002 [Mazlow and Jacour brothers agree not to kill two birds with one stone, two foxes, two bears; they disperse with a knife stuck at a fork in the road (if it rusts, one of them is in trouble); J. and his animals come to the old woman, she turns them into stones with her key; M. kills the dragon to save the prince's daughter, the groom cuts off his sleeping head; the hare, fox and bear revive M.; the groom is tied to the horse's tail; the cannibal explains that You can spell her sister's keys turned into stones with the other end; as it happened, the witch ran away]: 197-201; Shakryl 1975, No. 16 [after the death of his father, the eldest son, contrary to his warning, went to forbidden path; under a tree she sees a table set, is going to eat, something comes down from the sky, kills him; the same is the middle one; the youngest grabs what came down is a girl; she ran a handkerchief over the bodies dead, they came to life; she became the wife of the youngest; did not give him the key to one chest; he stole it, opened the chest, from there her strength flew out; a mustachioed dwarf on a goat came, killed his younger brother, took the beauty away ; one woman gave birth to twins, left one baby in the forest; he was fed by a deer, he is as strong as a deer; he took off the handkerchief from his younger brother's face, he came to life; the old woman, sitting on the dog's tail, transports people across the river; she was given money, she sent her brothers; her younger brother began to play musical instruments, his wife recognized him, the dwarfs were going to listen; younger brother kills a dwarf, takes his wife away; brother a dwarf chases a wild boar; the wife throws three bottles one by one, there is a thorny bush, a mountain, a fire; the stalker dies], 29 [the older brother learns that if you eat the chicken meat that you have neighbors, gold will fall out of her mouth every three days; exchanged the burka for chicken, told his wife to fry; she let her two children eat her stomach; fried another chicken, ate it with the children, and her stomach she put it first with the meat; the husband ate the chicken, but saw that gold was falling from the children's mouths; together with his single younger brother, the elder wove a basket, put the children in it, left it in the forest; hunter Kaurbey I found them, the eldest was named Mazlow, the youngest was Jacur; the brothers grew up, felt sorry for two birds with one stone, two foxes, two bears while hunting; they parted at the fork, each took one of a pair of animals; J. came to old woman, with a whip she turned him and his animals into stone; M. came to the village where the girl should be eaten by Agulshapa; killed him, fell asleep; the groom cut off his head, told the girl to name him their savior; M.'s animals put his head back, revived him; the prince hung the groom, passed his daughter off as M.; at the fork, M. saw that the blade of the knife left by J. had rusted; the old woman says that J. her older sister killed her; the animals helped to take away the whip, M. revived Sh., his animals and other petrified ones, turned an old woman into stone; everything is fine], 30 [in winter, the princess saw two apples on the apple tree, one ate with husband, the other fell into the river, he was eaten by the miller and his wife, the princess and the mill gave birth to a boy, they cried so much that they took them both to the forest; when they saw each other, the boys stopped crying, the prince raised them, they asked to make balls of 60 pounds, threw them up, put their knees up, the balls crashed; then a hundred pounds each - the balls bent; the brothers went to wander; at the intersection, the younger Pycha drove along the right dangerous the road, and the elder Pycha is on the left; the old woman tells him that the adaui ate everyone, she was left alone; he cut down the head of the adaua, grew two; then three; the old woman sprinkled hot ash on his necks, he died; P. promised his sister Adaui to marry her; came to marry the sister of the seven adaua; P. defeated them, promised to marry their sister; after hunting he began to fry meat in the forest; an old woman came up, asked them to tie a horse and dog, swallowed them and P.; at the end of K.'s checker, blood appeared, he followed in P.'s footsteps; both brides take him for P.; his horse and dog pull the old woman in different directions; she has to revive P., his horse and dog, then K. killed; P. goes to his voice, this is a girl, a rap chained to an iron gate next to an iron gate; P. has been fighting sabers with a girl for many years, wins, she promises to become his wife; does not order to respond to the abuse of the arap; P. answered, the arap escaped, they began to fight, the arap prevailed; the bird: tear out the iron gate, there was a bird in it, there was paper in the bird with the soul of an arapa; P. did so, the arap died; the brothers returned, taking all the women of Pychi, He gave one to Kucha, who chose the sister of seven brothers; Pycha's wife offered to call her 6-year-old brother; he defeated P., went to a hot country, won, brought a wife]: 65-73, 148-153, 153-161; Ingush [ the stepmother did not like the three stepdaughters, the father left them in the forest; the prince found them; one said that she would sew clothes for 60 warriors overnight, the second that she would feed them wheat from a thimble, and the third that she would give birth to a boy with with the sun in his forehead, a month between the shoulder blades; the prince married his older sisters to his close associates, married the youngest; the elders sent a witch to the younger one, she put the puppies, left the boy to the sheep; then to the horses; he sucked milk, rode animals; the witch threw him in a chest into the river, picked him up by a woman; the boy's mother was placed in a chicken coop with the puppies; the witch told the prince that one boy could bring a stallion like a tiger; he pacifies the horse, the horse teaches him to fall to the chest of a deva woman, she does not eat it; the prince orders the girl to be brought; the horse warns that those who approach her are stony; he begins stone, but the girl goes with him; previously petrified ones come to life; the girl tells the prince the truth; the prince returns his wife, two sisters and a witch are tied to the tail of a tiger stallion]: Malsagov 1983, No. 4:44-47; Chechens [six brothers go to marry a girl who has the sun and a month in her forehead; cannot answer what Bainal-Busani means, turn into stones; the youngest seventh has grown up, came to a woman Jera- Baba, after the girl asks her question, she tells me to ride away to 9 Nart-Orsthoys (father and sons), ask them the meaning of the name; the young man killed 7 sledges, fought for a long time with the eighth, that agreed to explain everything; brought him to the cave, where a black dog is his wife Busani, who became a dog for treason, and he himself is Bainal; the young man comes to the girl and tells her that Bainal and Busani are her parents; the petrified come to life, the young man takes the girl as his wife]: Malsagov 1983, No. 21:119-121; Kumyks [the father agrees to take a new wife only if the leather boot under the roof decays; she finds out if the boot is rotting, gets married; tells to get rid of three stepdaughters; father digs a hole in the forest, they fall into it; dig an underground passage to the khan's stables; the khan asks what gift each has; the eldest promises to sew clothes for forty riders, the average to cook for forty guys from rice filled with eggs, the youngest to give birth to a son with a golden tuft, a daughter with a moon-like forehead; the elders cannot fulfill their promise without help the youngest; the youngest gives birth, the sisters put the children in a chest, descend the river, replace her with puppies; the khan tells her to be wrapped in skin, put at the door; the fisherman picked up the chest, the girl Suvsar and her brother Tabulda ("foundling") have grown up; the khan meets him; the sisters guess who he is, send the old woman to persuade S. to ask T. to bring a branch of a wonderful tree and wonderful water; T. comes to the palace, there is meat in front with a horse, hay in front of a dog, he changes it; praises thorns, lubricates the gate, takes away branch and water, gates, etc. refuse to hold it; a watered, wonderful tree grows; the old woman says ask T. to get the beautiful Karachach; T. calls K., begins to stone, after the third call, K. comes out, T. and the previously petrified ones come to life; in the house of T. and S. K. burned an old woman who came in the stove; T. comes to the khan, offers a wooden pigeon to eat; says that a woman cannot give birth to a puppy either; Khan comes to K., she explains everything; Khan has figured out how to take K away . from his son; K. throws him off a glass bridge; his mother T. and S. were washed, her sisters were wrapped in cow skins, T. was chosen khan]: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 53:479-488; Avars: Bulatova 1985 [(=Kapiyeva 1974: 17-23); the older sister promises to weave cloth for the tsarist army, the middle sister promises to bake bread, the youngest to give birth to a son with pearl teeth and a gold-haired daughter; the king overhears, takes the youngest; while the king is on war, sisters throw children into a nettle gorge, report that the queen gave birth to a puppy and a kitten; the king orders her to be sewn into donkey skin, chained to the city gate, spit on her; Doe feeds children with milk, leaves her in an empty castle, tells the boy to cover her mouth, the girl to cover her hair; the widow catches golden hair in the river, the evil sisters tell this woman to kill the survivors; she advises the girl to ask brother 1) bring an apple tree branch that sings and dances; he slips on horseback between the crushing rocks, the tip of the tail is cut off, brings a branch; 2) marry the beautiful Ezenzulhar; he sees at her castle petrified horsemen, E. calls, is stony himself; the sister has worn out her iron soles and staff; E. looks at her when she bares her hair, the petrified ones come to life, the brother marries E.; the king meets his children frees his wife, children take their mother to their castle]: 59-66; Mazaev, Kasumov 1997 (1): 87-91 (=Saidov, Dalgat 1965:231-239) [about the same name, the name of the beautiful Azhnagukhar; khan binds older sisters, slave, widow to the tails of horses]; Dargin residents: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 14 [everyone is afraid of strongman Ali, advise Talkhan (feudal lord) to give him difficult assignments; 1) plow the field of seven sart giants (defeated the elder, harnessed the rest instead of bulls), 2) bring firewood (brings uprooted trees on wild animals), 3) get Jami's girl; those who came to her tower froze {=stony}; Jami went to Ali herself, went with him, revived the previously frozen ones (they became their retinue), moved her palace to the site of Talkhan's palace and vice versa, Ali became a talkhan], 28 [the older sister promises to feed the village with one sakha of flour, the middle sister - sew clothes from half a meter of satin for everyone, the youngest is to give birth to a talkhan boy with a golden pigtail, the moon on one side, the sun on the other; Talkhan marries her, leaves, his first wife tells her to give birth in the chimney, replaces the boy with two puppies, throws the boy in a chest into the sea; invites the returning Talkhan to sew his new wife into the skin of a cow, put it in the doorway to wipe his feet on her; he does so; the sea grandmother raised a boy; he hunts, comes to Talkhan, his stepmother recognizes him, pretending to be sick, asks her husband to get 1) a rejuvenating honey-oil tree; the sea grandmother tells the tree throw oatmeal to snakes, bagels to Azhdaham; a young man brings a tree; 2) a cat playing the zurna; a marine grandmother says that the cat lives on crushing rocks, you have to whip the rocks; the young man brings a cat, the rocks only cut off the hairs from the horse's tail; 3) the girl Arts-Izdag ("arts" is silver); sea grandmother: whoever calls her is stony; we must first mention the golden pigtail, then the moon and the sun; AI goes with him, 40 previously petrified sledges come to life, AI carries wealth with him; a young man makes wax dolls; tells his father that like dolls they cannot eat and a woman cannot give birth to puppies; a father ties his eldest wife to a tail mares, tells them to overcook, grind the bones, the young man's mother scattered them downwind, the young man marries AI]: 182-185, 281-284; Mazaev, Kasimov 1997 (1) [one-eyed promises the childless khan the birth of three sons, if he promises to give one to him; gives an apple, the peel should be fed to the mare, the core of the dog, they will also bring three foals, three puppies; only the youngest son agrees to go to the one-eyed man; each time he asks show him how to do something; he pushes him into the taroom (to bake bread); frees the kidnapped daughter of the khan, sends her to her father, promising to return for her; on the way he pulls out a splinter from the lion, kills a snake that regularly devours eagle chicks; the eagle arrives with the wind raising its wings, the rain its tears; gives the young man one eagle to help; after changing clothes and hiring a gardener, asks the bathers Khan's daughters to comb their hair; the youngest gives it, he leaves his golden hair on it; the gardener tells the khan to give rotten, semi-rotten, fresh apples (symbols of daughters of different ages); khan's daughters throw apples at the chosen ones, the youngest chooses a poor gardener; he smashes enemies twice in his true form with the help of a horse, a dog and an eagle; the khan is sick, he will be cured by lion meat, the lioness gives the young man of one of the lion cubs, the right half is poisonous; the older sons-in-law buy meat for a stamp on the buttock; the khan chases his older sons-in-law with poisonous meat, greets the younger one; he is in true form shows his stigma on his older sons-in-law, making them slaves; lives with his wife; goes to visit his father; goes to Shirim-Shahir, whose visitors turn to stone; his brother comes for him (puts his sword on the way on the bed, spending the night with his wives), his words pity the SHH, all the stones are disgraced; all the brothers marry: the first plays an unplayed (when he was a gardener) wedding, the second at the school, the third on the one-eyed daughter]: 401-413; Archins [the father warns three sons not to go in a certain direction; they went and hunted; the eldest, then the middle one went to drink water, disappeared; the youngest found them petrified by the river; I saw a creature hidden under long hair climbing into a hole under a tree; followed; there were three girls; they say that this creature is a woman, now sleeping; you have to tie her to a pole and whip her; let go when he swears a black horse on her forehead; the young man took the treasury and the girls, revived the brothers, each received a wife]: Dirr 1908, No. 16:121-122; Swana [the king has three daughters, his wife is dead, he took another one, she told him to get rid of his scoundrels; the king found an apple tree in the steppe, brought an apple to his daughters; they asked them to be brought to the apple tree; the king dug a hole there, covered it with a carpet, the daughters failed; the sisters they ate apples, they ran out, but the youngest hid them; these were over; the eldest wanted to eat it, but the youngest turned her hands into a shovel and an iron-tipped stick; they dug a passage into the tin house; there the servants feed the royal horses boiled wheat; the sisters eat everything, the horses lose weight, the king executes servants; the healer orders to guard; the sisters are caught, the king wants one of them to marry his son; the eldest: a hundred carpet, so that the king and all subjects will have a bed and a blanket; middle: I will drink wine to the king and the people; youngest: I will give birth to a son and a daughter {then we are talking only about a son}, so that their lower and upper halves are golden; this sister will be given for prince; older sisters threw their children into the river, replaced them with puppies; the king tied the bride to a stump at a fork in three roads; let everyone spit in her eyes; the children were picked up by the priest who owned it mill; the priest raised a young man, he is the best hunter; the mother's sisters understood who he was; advised the priest to send the young man to Elbrus for a golden apple tree; on the way, the divas, petrified to the waist; says that everything they are so stony; we must remember his mother's nipples; the young man thought about them, brought an apple tree; the divas chased the young man, but that divas drove them away; the sisters advise asking the young man to bring a mirror from Elbrus; all stony, and the young man remembered his mother's nipples and brought a mirror; sisters: to kidnap the wife of the Western sovereign; the young man came to the tower, there is the king's daughter; the king will give her if the fruit in the garden is ripe by morning; the princess orders put a stick in the ground, pour water, in the morning a tree with fruits; king: jump across the sea, build churches everywhere so that all the bells ring; the princess gave a towel, it created everything; tame the horse; the horse: order an iron hammer and beat a horse with it; recognize the bride among her sisters (she will have a ring on her finger); the princess tells her to run, the king sent an army; the princess turned the young man into a monk, a horse into a church, herself into icon; arrived to the Tsar Father; the young man's mother was released, the sisters were executed]: Nizheradze 1890, No. 1:176-187; Megrels [Tsar Jiki has three daughters; he spent all his fortune on their upbringing and training and died; they went on a journey, came to Prince Kucha; he asks what each was taught; the eldest: to weave fabrics from a bundle of silk threads into a whole army; middle: from a bundle of woolen threads; weave a dress on all inhabitants of the kingdom; youngest: to give birth to golden children; K. married the youngest, went to war; his wife gave birth to a golden boy; her sisters threw him into the well, replaced him with a puppy; K. forgave his wife; the next once the wife gave birth to a girl, she was replaced by a kitten; K. ordered his wife to be buried up to the neck in the church yard, let everyone hit her on the head with sticks; the wife's sisters pulled the boy out of the well, and placed her in the box was let into the river; the box was carried out into the sea, washed to the shore; childless old people picked up; the boy was named Alexey, the girl Magdana; A. realized that the old people were not their parents; brother and sister came to the kingdom K.; M. has a handkerchief that creates a fortress, A. knows how to predict the future; K. sends to find out where the fortress came from, no one can enter; the old woman pretended to be a beggar, persuaded M. to tell her brother that I dreamed: Princess Changuri, daughter of King Changi of the Changet State, is sitting between the red and white seas in a golden cage on the sixth floor of the palace; whoever jumps over the fence and removes the cage will receive C. wives; when leaving, A. said that if he died, his dress would fall off the hanger, and if the horse died, the saddle would fall; A. reached C., but she told his horse to be petrified first and then to him; the dress and saddle fell, M. followed in her brother's footsteps; old man (this is C.'s father): you must hug your petrified brother and shout so loudly that he will come to life and C. will come out of the cage; and it happened; Father C. brought with him a box that does requests; A. came to a feast with K.; his aunts gave him poison, but he left it to the dog; the next day A. called the kings to his place, told the box to set the table; told the whole story; mother A. and M. were opened, her sisters tied to the tails of wild horses]: Gachava et al. 1890:24-32; Georgians: Mashurko 1894 (p. Kulashi on the border with Mingrelia) [the boy hired a Jew's shop, said his name was Rvi and Throw; Jew: I'm leaving, Tear and Throw; the boy destroyed everything; another time at the fruit seller - Take a bite and throw it; grew up, came to 11 robbers, whose 12th comrade had recently died; the young man is being tested, sent at midnight to the grave of the deceased; one hid behind the grave, the young man poured hot porridge on him; one robber pretended sick, the young man was sent for living water; he took the golden whip from the girl who came up, she could not turn it into stone, the young man revived the previously turned ones; the grateful girl said that she got rid of spell and flew away like a bird; brought water to the robbers, brought a whip to the king; the merchant said that his whip had been stolen; at the trial, the young man promises to bring another 12 whips in three years, left the robbers hostage; A bird arrives at the prince's coffin to torture him; the young man guards him, snatches the silver whip from the old woman; she is grateful that she got rid of the spell, flew away as a bird; the prince came to life; the young man sailed on the ship, out of the water a woman's hand leaned out to sink the ship, the young man tore off her bracelet; the young man came to the palace, where three beautiful women drink for the health of their deliverer; they gave the young man 12 golden whips; the young man received throne and marries a princess, a merchant and workers are executed]: 402-409; Chikovani 1986:73-80 [the uncle is jealous of the strength of the tribesman (the son of his older brother); offers to get God's flower; the old woman says that when beautiful B. lowers her hair off the cliff, flowers are at their ends; B. wraps her hair around the young man, throws her to Kageti (the world of Kaji spirits); the young man's sister goes to look for him; his father tries to stop her, but allows you to go, making sure that she is stronger than him; between the sea and the sky, the castle of a woman from Kageti; the girl takes her as a companion; they stumble upon a maiden, who demands to bring a lamp from Kageti, beret a kaji girl is held hostage; Kajeti's gates converge and diverge, the young man's sister on horseback slips, only the tip of the horse's tail has been cut off; there are petrified people in the palace, including a brother petrified to the waist; the sister threatens with God's sword, she shatters the petrified; Kaji was imprisoned in a tower, her sister took a magic lantern, did not give up the maiden, the girl from Kageti turned out to be an earthly girl who had previously been taken to Kageti; a dwarf kidnaps a girl; she finds out that his life in fish, that one in the sea between two seas, tells his brother and sister about it; the sister caught a fish, a box in it, released three birds, the dwarf died, brother, sister and girl returned home], 94-98 [brother and sister run away from the evil stepmother to the old woman; she asks the young man to get a branch from the Dariachanga Garden, then the whole garden will be moved here; on the way, the mother of the virgins speaks that D. turns everyone into stone; the young man brings a branch, the garden behind him; the old woman offers to get D. herself; the young man knocks on D., she turns him into stone; his dog comes running to his sister, who makes him turn stones into people, D. marries her brother; stepmother invites the king to take D. himself; he tells the young man to level the mountain across the sea; D. makes a bridge across the sea from his braids, invites the king and viziers to step on him, throws them into the sea, they drown]; Armenians: Gullakian 1983, No. 303 [the childless king ate an apple given to him by a dervish, he had two sons; one was taken away by a dervish, wanted to kill him, a young man killed him ; chased after a doe that turned into a girl; the old woman turned the young man into stone; his twin brother followed his path, turned the old woman into stone, freed his brother]: 16-17: Nazinyan 2014 [three royal sons three sisters heard a conversation; one promises her future husband to bake bread, which the king did not try, the other to weave a carpet on which the king did not sit, the third to give birth to a son with a golden little finger and a daughter with gold curls; the princes marry these girls; the older sisters did not keep their word, the youngest gave birth, the sisters, out of envy, replaced the children with puppies; after receiving the news, the younger prince orders to wrap his wife in buffalo put the skin in the square; anyone who passes by must spit on it and hit it on the head with a hammer; the children were thrown into the sea in a chest, the fisherman caught it; the children grew up, went to look for parents; brother met his father and entourage, who by that time had become king; the king calls to the palace, the sister advises not to go there; tells him to let go of the little fish caught by his brother, he released it; for this, the king of fish Genie brought he went to his palace, offered to reward him; the young man asked his daughter to marry and a ring that allowed him to understand the language of fish; D. ordered not to take his wife to sea, otherwise he would run away; the girl's sisters found out, persuaded the old woman advise her to ask her brother to get a guri peri as a maid; the old man advises to hide the clothes of one of the girls swimming in the sea, run immediately; if the stalker sprinkles water on him, he will become petrified; the young man looked around, sprayed, petrified; his sister went, did not look back, began to beat the guri peri, forced his brother to revive; the young man took his wife to sea, she swam away; the fish said that she was in his father's castle in the Blue Mountains; the young man came to her with a ring, she agreed to return; when the king came, King D.'s daughter told her husband that it was his father; taught her mother, who was still standing in the square, to put a bouquet of roses, to say that even a mule cannot give birth to puppies, and the king believed that a woman gave birth to them; the sisters were executed, the queen was returned]: 51-56; Khachatryants 1933 (Turkish Armenia) [the king builds the temple three times, the storm destroys it; the hermit: Khazaran is needed; the king's three sons are going in search; a hermit: the one who has driven along a wide road will return, on the middle road he will either return or not, on the lower one he will not return; there is a river with a nightingale Khazaran does not drink from it; you have to drink it, say, "Oh, living water"; pick the thorn, say "Flower of Paradise"; in front of the wolf, the grass, the meat in front of the lamb, must be changed; open the pretended gate leaf, opened - to pretend; the nightingale's mistress sleeps for 7 days and is awake for 7 days; the elder brother went to serve, the middle black Arab turned into stone; the youngest drove down the lower road, did everything, kissed the girl, took the nightingale away; the gate, the wolf, etc. did not detain the young man; he gave the hermit a nightingale, brought his older brother to him, turned an Arab into stone and revived his middle brother with a whip; the brothers lowered the youngest into the well, they left, taking the nightingale; but their nightingale does not sing; the girl came, put the king and older brothers in prison; the reapers released the youngest, he told the girl how it was, how he kissed her; wedding, nightingale sang]: 66-72 (=Wingate 1910, No. 4:507-511); Turks: Borovkov 1938 [the padishah forbade burning the fire for three nights, three sisters worked, lit it, the courtiers advised to eavesdrop; the eldest wants to marry an economist, eat plenty, the average for a tailor, dress well, the youngest is a padishah to give birth to children whose tears turn into pearls, and if they laugh, roses fall; sisters ask to help the old woman, she puts two puppies on the woman in labor, throws her son and daughter in a box on the river bank; the padishah tells her to bury his wife waist-deep, does not care about her; the gardener finds children, gives the padishah roses; sisters they guess, they send their grandmother, she threatens the gardener with the anger of the Shah, who takes the children to the cave, feeds them with a doe; the boy sells pearls; the old woman persuades his sister to ask his brother 1) bring a bush Dilryukyush-khanim; 2) her own mirror; 3) her own; her brother is attached to the giantess's chest, she helps; those who come to D. turn into stones, the young man has almost turned, D. revived him and others, became his wife, she is Peri's daughter; D.'s servant is a giant Of, one lip drags along the ground, the other rises to heaven; D. cured her husband's mother, told everyone what happened, the Shah kissed his wife and children, forgave his wife's sisters]: 120- 135; Stebleva 1986, No. 72 [the padishah forbade lighting a fire; three orphan sisters violate the ban, they must work; if the padishah married her, the eldest would weave a carpet on which the army would sit and that's it residents; the average would cook a pilava cauldron, it would be enough for everyone; the youngest would give birth to a boy with a month and a girl with the sun in her forehead; the padishah hears this, tells them to bring sisters; the older two admit that only wanted to marry, were sent to a goose stable; the youngest became the wife of the padishah, gave birth to the promised children; the sisters tell the midwife to lower the babies in the chest down the river, the mother to put puppies; the padishah tells bury his wife at a fork in the road, no one cares about her face; the old dervish found children; when he died, he left them a ring (wearing a willing arap), a skin and a whip (if you sit on the skin, hit them with a whip, the arap will take you anywhere or destroy what is ordered); brother and sister are transported to a fork in the roads in the country of the padishah; their mother's sisters find out about this, send a midwife to persuade their sister, so that she asks her brother to bring 1) a poplar with playing leaves; the arap brings to the borders of that country, teaches her to politely treat the half-blind Balkis Khan, she sends to the Nailan, the young man grabs the poplar, N. does not manages to turn the person who came into stone, B. does not detain him, because he was kind to her; 2) a bird from that tree (the same; you have to drink it from a source of blood and a source of pus, praise her, they do not delay kidnapper); but the tree does not play, the bird does not sing; 3) the owner of the poplar; the young man picked up the Zumranka bird that had fallen from the nest; their mother spat in the water he had prepared for him to die of poison, but the chicks explained that he helped them; Z. poured water, gave 4 feathers; N. gradually turns the young man into stone, but he burns feathers one by one; after the fourth, he is alive again; N. returns with him by his wife; calls the padishah to visit, tells him to put a golden spoon in his pocket, accuses him of stealing; just as the padishah could not steal the spoon, the woman could not give birth to puppies; the padishah tells his wife to open and buy children return, execute wife's sisters and midwife at the top of the mountain]: 293-299; Kurds: Jalil et al. 1989, No. 4 [padishah and vizier check whether everyone extinguishes the fire at night, as the padishah ordered; three girls burn light; if the padishah marries her, the older sister promises to cook, the middle sister will weave the carpet, the youngest will give birth to a golden-haired boy and girl; the padishah takes everyone, loves the younger; while he is at war, the sisters told the midwife to replace the children with puppies, throw the children in a box into the sea; the padishah told her to put his wife in a kennel on a chain, beat her with a baton; the box was washed ashore, the gazelle fed the children, their name was Hesain and Gulizar; while hunting, the padishah sees his son, admires him, does not recognize him; the midwife persuades Gulizar to ask his brother for a magic tablecloth; she is from the witch who throws her breasts by the shoulders; the old man teaches her to fall to her right breast, take soap, comb and bowl from her, steal a tablecloth; the old woman chases G., who throws soap (slippery rock), comb (prickly thicket), bowl (sea); G. brings tablecloth; the padishah sees him again; the midwife advises Gulizar that his brother marry Sharikhubar; she turns everyone who calls her into stones; sister comes, S. answers her, Honey, the petrified come to life; the brother takes S. as his wife; when the midwife comes, S. kills her with a sling; the padishah and the courtiers come to visit, S. tells the story, the mother G. and G. are released, the evil sisters are torn apart horses]: 71-80; Rudenko 1970, No. 50 [the padishah hears the conversation of three sisters; the first, if she becomes the wife of a padishah, promises to fly like a bird, the second to cook deliciously, the third to give birth to a gold-haired son and daughter; when the youngest gives birth, the sisters tell the old woman to throw her children in a box into the sea, replace them with two puppies; the padishah tells her to tie his wife with the puppies at the entrance to the palace, beat them, feed them with scraps and bones; fisherman picks up a box, the boy is called Mirza-Mamur, the girl is Golizar; when he dies, the fisherman gives a magic stick; she creates a palace; helps to catch up with the doe chased by the padishah on foot; sisters send an old woman to G., she persuades her to ask her brother to get Zardukhubar; the old man tells M. to go to the old woman in the garden, venerate her right breast; she gives Z.; Z. tells her to run, taking a comb, soap, a jar of water; the old woman pursues, the abandoned comb turns into a forest, soap into an icy mountain, water in the sea; the old woman drowns; the sister again sends the old woman to persuade her to get Khezaran-Bolbol; Z. kills the old woman with an arrow; the old man explains that the caller HB is stony, G. must come and spell; when G. calls HB for the third time, the stones will become human again; M. and G. return with HB, the old adviser becomes a young man; HB tells the padishah the truth, evil wives were torn apart by camels, mother M. and G. were returned]: 147-155.

Iran - Central Asia. Persians [Hus Banu is queen of Shahabad; Prince Munir wants to marry her; Hatim Tai is a prince from Yemen; he undertakes to complete 7 HB errands, then she will marry M.; HB has completed 6; now HB has completed 6; now HB tells us to find out the secret of the baths in Bad'gard; HT has come to a city; the old man says that those who were looking for Badgard did not return; that in Qatan, King Harit orders everyone who is looking for Badgard to be brought to him; the old man shows the way; from the fork you have to follow the left road; the right one is better, but more dangerous; in one city, the dragon takes a girl every year, turning into a human for a while; HB undertakes to kill the dragon; let The dragon will be told that he is much stronger than him; the dragon chose the princess; HT offered him a potion, he lost his miraculous power; HT invited the dragon to climb into the chest - if he gets out, he will get the princess; the dragon is sure that he has strength, climbed; HT closed the lid, made a fire around, and then buried the chest; from the fork, HT accidentally walked along the right road and could not return because of the thorny bushes ; an old man appeared, told him to throw the drug, the monsters devoured each other; the same during the scorpion attack; in Q. HT made friends with the king and he gave him a letter to the guards of Badgard's baths; Saman Idrak guard missed HT; on Badgard's giant gate, King Gyomard's inscription: you will not return from there; there is a desert outside the gate; towards the barbers of the baths; as soon as we entered, the exit was bricked; the water became arrive; when HT was already swimming under the dome, the baths disappeared and he was back in the desert; then the garden, with fruits, but they do not satisfy hunger; stone statues around; the inscription: all this was created for storage the diamond that Guyomard found; to get out of here, you have to shoot a parrot; if you miss, you will also petrify; HT missed twice and petrified knee-deep, waist-deep; the third arrow hit the parrot; the spell broke, the petrified ones came to life, and a diamond appeared in front of HT; HT brought it to HB, she married M., and HT returned to Yemen and inherited his father's throne]: Christensen 1971, No. 7:69-89; Tajiks [vizier goes to look for a padishah for a wife to give birth to him; hears a conversation between the three daughters of a shepherd; if they became the wives of a padishah, the first would cook pilaf for all the inhabitants of the kingdom, the second weaved the carpet all over the world, the third gave birth to a golden-haired son and daughter; the padishah took all three; in his absence, the younger sister gave birth; the wives exchanged children for a puppy and a kitten, sent the old woman to throw the children away, she gave them to the shepherd; the padishah ordered his wife to be imprisoned; the children grew up, the padishah, not knowing who it was, took her son to his palace; the old woman, at the behest of his wives, persuaded the young man's sister to get 1) showing the whole world is a mirror; he brought it from divas; 2) a couple of talking parrots; brother comes to the garden, parrots turn it into stone; sister comes for him, calls by name, all statues come to life; parrots tell the young man and look at the padishah in the mirror; it shows wives pouring poison into all dishes and carpets; the shepherd tells the truth about the children; the children's mother has been released, her sisters have been punished]: Amonov, Ulug-zade 1957:115-121; Uzbeks [The White Shah is looking for batyrs to fight the Black Shah; the bald man offers to take him; buys a thin nag, cares, she turns into a mighty horse; the bald man asks his mother if he is left father's weapon; knife and poker; he takes them; meets a young man; he tells him to rest, turns himself into a steel-clad horse, a steel horse, a magic sword in his hand, smashes the army of the Black King, tells bald to say that he has defeated the enemies himself; the Black Shah invites the victorious batyr and promises him a daughter; at the feast, the vizier offers to give the princess to the fastest rider; that young man appears again gives a victorious horse, the bald one gets the daughter of the Black Shah; when he breaks up, the young man gives the bald man a folding knife: if you say "Vozpirahun", he will come to the rescue; the old woman tells the bald man that V. is a girl; the old man teaches how to enter her castle; in front of the dog, the straw, the bone in front of the camel must be changed; say "V.", the div guard will fall asleep; cut the cat's head, remove the bunch of keys from its neck; the old man teaches how to go down to the bottom of the river to mother V.; she teaches to tie 40 braids of sleeping V. to 40 pegs; V. recognized the bald one, they began to live together; V. gives his portrait, but the wind flew in, threw it into the river; the fishermen pulled him out and said to the king that V. wants to marry him and sent a portrait; the old woman promises to get V., tells her to give her a boat, load her with carpets and fabrics; cuts her donkey's leg, tells the bald man that he broke his leg, bald her sheltered, against the wishes of V. and her mother; the old woman persuaded her to go to the river and board a boat, took her to the king; V. sets the condition: to build three houses in 30 days; V.'s mother turned the bald man into a dervish, he came, began to drink with the king, the king fell asleep, the bald man and V. agreed to run; at night the bald man climbed the fence; the robbers threw him into the pit, and V. mistook the chieftain for bald, he took her away in a boat; she killed him, returned to the robbers, promised to marry the one who would be the first to bring her abandoned girdle; she sailed home, the bald one also returned; the king found neither gold nor V.; they arrived at the White Shah, who gave it to the bald one daughter and throne; V. promised to give birth to a son and daughter and conceived, and the daughter of the White Shah promised two sons and was infertile; when V. gave birth, children were replaced by puppies and thrown into the steppe; V. was thrown into the zindon; elder Khizrbuva picked up the children, told the goat to feed them; the boy was Sohibkurol, the girl was Sohibjamol; they live in an iron castle; the midwife guessed it; advised the girl to ask her brother to get roses over which they curl birds; Hizrbuva gives the young man a magic sword, shows the way; the young man killed divas, brought roses and nightingales; the midwife advises to ask for a white winged horse; H. taught to catch a horse; midwife: get the girl Sangil Sopoltosh; H.: drive up to the river, there are stones, they are petrified people; call the SS 3 times; you will petrify your throat, but if you shout a fourth time, all petrified people will come to life; the SS will start asking everyone who called him; when he learned that the young man had been sent by H., he would call himself his girlfriend, and turn the others into stones again; the SS ordered not to let the midwife in, the young man hacked her; while hunting he met a bald man, he had to call her guests, but how do you receive the king? H. promises to arrange everything; the pilaf from the small cauldron was enough for all the guests; H. told everything, disappeared with the iron lock; the evil wives were tied to the tail of a mare, driven through thorns; {about V. more it is not said}; the bald man gave the throne to his son; the SS gave birth to three sons; their father saw a girl in the mirror, the sons went to look for her; at the fork in three roads on the poles the inscription: 1) Maybe you'll come! 2) You'll get there, but you won't come back! 3) Don't take risks, don't go - death lies ahead! the youngest took the last road; helped the old woman get water from the house; stays with her; at night there are two moons in the sky: the second is light from the face of the daughter of the Western king; the young man went that way to meet Hizrbuva, gave a sword, the young man cut the divas with them, grabbed the winged horse, but he escaped, a piece of mane remained; then the young man gave a cake to the lion; ants; the lion gave a piece of mane, the ants allowed them to pass; other suitors were killed by a lion, died in ant possessions; the king will give his daughter to whoever throws millstones on the roof of the palace; the lion placed a millstone on the back of a winged horse, he threw it on the palace, the palace collapsed; having received a wife , a young man on a winged horse brought her to a place where he broke up with his brothers; one became a cook, the other became a stoker in a bathhouse; on the way, the brothers tied the younger hand, threw her into the hole, and said at home that they were heroes; the younger brother managed to give his wife a piece of horse mane; the wife summoned the horse, brought her husband; the elder sons were tied to the tails of mares, the youngest received the throne; then a feast with the Western king; the bald grandson began to rule two kingdoms]: Afzalov et al. 1971 (1): 174-200; Rushantsy [the king has two wives - pregnant and barren; husband went hunting, leaving a tambourine: if you feel pain, hit him; barren wife hit the tambourine, the king returned in vain and left again; the infertile woman gave the pregnant woman sleeping pills, replaced the children with puppies, and threw the girl and boy who were born into the steppes; the king left his wife and the puppies in a dungeon; the steppe turned into a garden; the daughter treated her father to fruit and told her everything; the king took the children to the palace; the old woman persuaded the girl to ask her brother to bring her a skullcap, then a dress, shalvars, shoes; then a talking parrot; whoever followed him turned into stone and wood; a parrot on the top of the tree is an arch; whoever calls him more than three times will receive it, and whoever does not will become a stone and in a tree; the young man brought a parrot; the tsar returned his wife, whom the puppies had almost completely sucked; he tied the barren and old woman to the stallion's tail and drove her along the thorns; feast]: Sokolova 1959, No. 16:60-65.

Baltoscandia. Estonians: Järv et al. 2009, No. 17 (Viru-Jaagupi, Ambla) [a man on the edge of the well found two boys, one named Hard and the other Soft; when they are 20 years old, their father gave 7 wolves each ; at the fork, the brothers parted, Soft went to the left; the old woman asks for permission to pet his wolves, touches him with a stick, turns them and Soft into stones; Hard comes there, hits the old woman, makes revive the transformed; both brothers come to the manor, marry two girls], 18 (Viru-Jaagupi) [=Mälk et al. 1967, No. 47:97-102; six brothers go to find seven sisters to marry for themselves and for the seventh younger brother who remains at home; the old man tells him to bring his wife too, the brothers laugh; they find seven sisters for marriage, lead them to themselves, the old man turns six brothers and their brides into stones, takes the seventh sister for herself; answers her that his heart is in the pillow, then in the door; the wife decorates the pillow, the door with flowers; the old man admits that his heart is in a bird, that in a distant church; a woman tells the youngest brother who comes about this; he walks through the forest, feeds a wild bull, a wild boar, an owl; they promise to help; a bull transports across the river, a boar breaks a wall, an owl grabs a flying in the church a bird; kills a bird, an old man dies, a young man revives the petrified with his rod; everyone marries their brides (=J.Parijõgi in Raud 2004:301-305; transfer to Yakubinskaya, Turkina 1965:245-250)], 19 (Lä Äne-nigula) [seven brothers went to look for brides, the youngest stayed at home; the old man asks to bring him a wife, the brothers promise; they return with their brides, answer the old man what they did not find for him; he He takes his younger brother's bride for himself, turns everyone else into stones; the younger brother comes to the cave; there a woman taken by the old man; shows a bird in which the old man's soul is; the younger brother tortures and kills her, the old man dies; a woman shows how to revive those turned into stones with his wand; everyone marries their brides]: 94-95, 96-97, 98; the Veps [the rich brother did gold things, and the poor brother did brooms; the poor saw a bird in the forest, threw an ax, killed it, sold it to the rich man; he saw that the bird on its right wing said "Who eats will be strong", and under the left wing, "Whoever eats, has under his pillow in the morning gold coin"; ordered his wife to fry the bird; the poor brother's children came in and ate everything; the hostess was frightened and fried an ordinary rooster; the rich did not have more strength, coins did not appear; and the poor became rich; the rich demands that he kill his children - they are devils; parents left their children in the forest; one goes to get game; the bear asks her not to kill, gave two cubs; the same is a hare; brothers at the fork parted, leaving a glass of water; if the water deteriorates, one of the brothers feels bad; the younger brother came to the city; there the serpent ate all the girls, the king's daughter's turn; the young man sees the stove: "Whoever picks it up, He will find wine and a sword under it, whoever drinks wine will take possession of the sword"; the guy cut off 10 heads of the snake, the saber broke, the remaining two were torn off by a dog, a bear and a hare; the guy burned the snake and hid his tongues; the princess gave a gold ring and a handkerchief, also tied handkerchiefs to the animals; the boy and his animals fell asleep; the royal servant cut off the sleeping man's head, told the princess to say that he had defeated the dragon; the beasts woke up, the hare brought alive and dead water, revived the owner; at first they put her head wrong; redesigned; they all came to the wedding of the royal daughter; the bride recognized the animals by the ribbon; the king asks where the ring came from, the guy he showed his tongues; the servant was beheaded, the boy married the princess; went hunting; the magician turned him and the animals into stones; the brother saw that the water was cloudy; he came to the forest, put a cross on the pool, shot the wizard, forcing his brother, horse and animals to revive; it flowed down his lips, did not fall into his mouth]: Onegin, Zaitsev 1996, No. 18:94-100; Karelians: Concca 1959, No. 7 (Olonetsky, 1936) [the fortune teller tells catch and eat fish for a childless queen, give bones to a dog, a horse's ear; the queen gives birth to three sons, a puppy dog, a foal horse; brothers go to see the world, break up at the crossroads, leave knives - whoever rusts is dead; Ivan Tsarevich comes to the city, where the girls are given to be eaten by monsters, the turn of the king's daughters; I. kills three- and six-headed; dog: I'll jump into the mouth of the 9-headed, tear it from the inside; the heroes claim that they killed the monsters, I. shows the severed tongues; I. marries the younger princess; sees fire at night; the wife tells you to sleep; I.: if you lie on the first night, as with I will live with you; goes to the fire, someone from the tree asks to throw 3 hairs, 3 dog hair and 3 horse hair; I. throws, himself, the dog, the horse become stony; the second brother sees a rusted knife, comes, him they take him for I., the same with him; the third dog tells the witch to answer that he has already thrown his hair; he grabs a witch, makes him bring living and dead water to revive the brothers, they have come to life; 3 brothers married 3 princesses, I. received the kingdom]: 39-46; Onegin 2010, No. 44 [the poor widow has three daughters in the hut; the Turkish sultan overhears; the eldest promises to give birth to the whole city if the sultan takes her wife; the middle one is to bake bread for the whole city; the youngest is to give birth to three golden children; the sultan married the youngest, sent the eldest to an obstetric school, and a secondary school to a baking school; the wife gave birth to a son: the arms are golden, the legs are silver, a month on the temples, the Big Dipper on her shoulders; the midwife lowered the boy in the basket along the river, said that the Sultan gave birth to a shirt; the miller picked up the child; the same a year later; the third time the miller picked up a girl in his hand; the Sultan enclosed his wife in a stone building with a small hole, through which to give bread and water, everyone who passes by does not care about the woman's eyes; himself married a midwife; the children grew up; the old woman says they lack a bumping spring, a ringing birch tree and a singing bird; the older brother went looking; the old man gave a ball, he rolled to where music, noise; someone came up and turned the young man into stone; the younger brother is the same; the sister has gone; the old man advises her not to open her eyes before the ball stops rolling; then collect water, break off the branch, take a cage with a bird; the girl dipped a branch in the water and sprayed it on the stones, they turned into many people, including the girl's brothers; the old man said that the brothers and sister are the Sultan's children; brothers met the Sultan, invited him to their place, told the mill to bake pies with iron beads inside; the sultan could not eat; brothers: so our mother cannot be where the Sultan placed her; woman returned, the midwife was shot]: 400-405; Danes: Holbek 1987 [parents go to the field, leaving the boy at home; when they return, the second one is the same next to them; when they grew up, the healer taught them to know who is the real son: the adopter brings the horses into the stall; he is told to leave; he leaves his brother a pot of blood: if it changes color, he is in trouble; when hunting, he spares a hare, bear, lion; each gives a pair of his own cubs; a young man comes to a city where a sea monster ate all the women, it's the princess's turn; kills a dragon with his animals; marries a princess; on the shore sees an old woman collecting dragon bones; she lures him to her ship and makes him say "Darkness is ahead, light is behind"; then he loses his orientation, finds himself on the island; the old woman, with a whip, turns animals into stones, and shackles the young man; seeing that the color of the blood has changed, the brother goes in search; the princess takes him for her husband, but he puts his sword on the bed; says "Light ahead, darkness is behind", does not lose orientations; on the island, forces an old woman to give him a wand that revives animals; frees his brother and kills an old woman; they bring the old woman's treasures; the young man stays with his wife, and the brother brings treasures parents]: 558-559; Lunding 1959, No. 303 [woman, mare, dog eat parts of a magic fish, give birth twice; first brother defeats a dragon, marries a princess; a witch turns him into stone; second brother goes in search, mistaken for the first, goes to bed with his wife, disagrees with the first]: 12; Swedes [after eating a wonderful fish (apple), a woman gives birth to twins, at the same time a dog gives birth to two puppies, a mare two foals; the youngest sets off with his animals to wander, leaving the elder an object that will show if something happens to the youngest; defeats the dragon and frees the princess; goes hunting, a witch turns him into stone; his older brother goes to save him; comes to a princess who takes him for her husband and does not understand why he puts a sword between them on the bed; kills a witch and revives her brother; the princess cannot understand which brother is her husband]: Liungman 1961, No. 303:49-50; Eastern Sami [the old man went to the forest to cut wood, found a woman with two boys; theirs they called Vasily and Ivan; they grew up heroes; they went along different paths, sticking knives at the fork: whoever rusted died; V. did not shoot at the ermine, he gave him his cub; then the same with a squirrel, a hare, a marten, a fox, a wolverine, a wolf, a bear; the animals grew and became strong; sitting on a tree, the old woman spins, dropped the spindle, asked to pick it up, V. bent down, petrified with everyone animals; I. gathered animals like V., saw a rusted knife, went to rescue his brother; his animals gnawed at a tree, tore an old woman; I. found a tank of living water, revived the petrified ones]: Yermolov 1959:65-67; Latvians : Aris, Medne 1977, No. 303 [two brothers go to wander in the white world; they feel sorry for animals and they accompany them; brothers pierce their knives into a tree: if the knife rusts, its owner is in trouble; the first brother fights the snake, saves the princess and marries her; while hunting a roe deer, he meets an old woman, she turns him and his animals into stones; the second brother goes in search of the first, the princess takes him for his husband; when he goes to bed, his brother puts a sword between him and the woman; after finding a sorceress, he frees his brother and his animals from spell and says that he spent the night with his wife; his first brother cuts off his head; in the evening, the wife asks why he put his sword in bed; the husband realizes his mistake; the second brother is revived with live water], 707 [the queen gives birth to two sons and a daughter; her angry sister throws children into the river, gardener saves and educates them; sons go in search of a playing tree and a talking bird, but they break the old man's ban: when they hear beautiful sounds, they turn around and turn into stones; the sister goes look for brothers, revives them and other bewitched ones with the help of living water; tells the king everything]: 272-273, 312; Grishina 1993 [a childless fisherman caught two fish, they turned into boys; they grew up, became hunters; animals ask not to shoot at them; now every brother has a dog, roe deer, wolf, hare; brothers disperse, everyone sticks a knife into the oak tree, if it rust, let the other help out; first came to an old woman, who turned him and his animals into stones; the second brother forged a sword, came to the king, whose wife, dying, refused three daughters to hell; the coachman brings the elder three-headed line; the second brother cut off the heads, cut out his tongues; the coachman told the queen to say that he was the savior; the same with the middle (6-headed) and younger (9-headed) queens, the youngest gave a ring; the second brother dressed up as poor, came to the youngest's wedding with the coachman, threw a ring into the goblet, showed his tongues, the coachman was torn with horses; when the second brother saw a rusty knife, found an old woman, forced her to revive the petrified, and the animals tore her apart; the first brother came to the gate in Iron Mountain, killed two devils, the mountain became a palace, the calf was beautiful, the young man married her]: 197-207; Lithuanians [the king went out into the city in the evening; hears the conversation of three seamstress sisters; if the royal footman took her, she would eat pies; medium: if the royal chef took it, she would eat various dishes; youngest: if the king took it, I would dress beautifully; king passed off his older sisters as a footman and cook, married his youngest; the king went to war; the queen had a son, his sisters threw him into the river, swaddled the dog; the gardener saved the baby; the king ordered the dog release; the same next time (kitten); the third time a daughter was born; the gardener took her as well; the king was told that his wife gave birth to a tree; he ordered her to be enclosed in a glass pole that passed by to spit on her and tease her; the gardener is dead, the children have grown up; a nun to a girl when she is alone at home: you miss a talking bird, a tree singing and playing, yellow water; you have to drive 12 months before the old man on the road, he He will say what to do next; the older brother went; the old man gave a ball, we must follow him, climb the mountain, do not turn around if they frighten him; he turned around, turned into a coal pole and rolled down the mountain; the middle brother is the same; the sister went, did not turn around, there is a bird with a long neck on the mountain, the girl threatens to strangle her, she tells her to bring water from a spring under the mountain and revive the petrified ones with it; the girl revived many people, the last brothers; the bird ordered to break off the twig - the tree will grow out of it; there will be a lot of yellow water; the king meets the brothers three times, asks them to talk to their sister, they twice they forget, he gives them three golden bullets, they fell out of their jackets, the brothers remembered; the sister tells the king to come to visit; the bird tells them to serve cucumbers, but remove the seeds from them and replace them with beads; the king is surprised; the bird in the cage: if cucumbers with beads cannot grow, then the woman cannot give birth to a dog, a cat and a tree; the king returns the queen and children to the palace; the older sisters are torn apart by horses; they started shooting cannons at the feast; they put me in a gun, shot, I flew here]: Kerbelite 2021, No. 29:204-212; Norwegians (many records) [wonderfully conceived brothers disperse, leaving an object, according to to the sight of which everyone will understand whether the other is in trouble; one saves the princess from the troll, but the Red Knight or the coal miner attributes the feat to himself; at the wedding, the young man exposes the deceiver, marries the princess himself; turned to stone by witchcraft; another brother follows in his footsteps; the first's wife takes him for her husband, but he puts his sword to bed; he saves his brother, each marries his own princess]: Hodne 1984, No. 303:64-67; Icelanders [the peasant has three daughters; saw a young king accompanied by his scribe and shoemaker; the eldest says she would marry a shoemaker, the middle one a scribe, and the youngest says she would marry himself king; the king heard and decided that it would be so; the elders envied the youngest; when she gave birth, they replaced the child with a puppy and threw it into the trash; one man pulled the baby out of the garbage dump, and the other took him out of the garbage dump picked up and raised; the second (replaced by a kitten) and the third (replaced with a log) babies, the same thing happened; the eldest was Wilhelm, the middle was Sigurd, the youngest was a girl; the queen was thrown into a cage with a lion, but he did not eat it, but shared food with her; after the teacher's death, the brothers and sister were left alone; they wanted to know their origin; one person said that there was a bird sitting on a stone, she would tell; but those who went to her turned into stone; you can't pay attention to what was happening around her; V. went; three days later, drops of blood on S.'s knife - trouble with V.; S. went, the same with him; sister went, did not turn to the brothers' voices; the bird gives live water to revive the petrified; tells the story of the mother of brothers and sisters; they freed the mother, brought them home, changed their clothes; the mother's sisters were abandoned by a lion; the brothers' sister married a prince who was revived from stone; V. inherited his father's throne, and S. inherited the king's throne, whose daughter he married]: Poestion 1884, No. 23:191-199; Faroese, Finns, Livons: Uther 2004 (1), No. 303:183-184.

Volga - Perm. Komi [three brothers went into the forest, forgot the fire; the youngest saw smoke from the top of the tree, came to the old man; he demanded to tell a fairy tale for the fire; the guy grabbed the fire, ran, the old man caught up with him, touched with a white stone, turning it into stone; the same with his middle brother; the elder tells a fairy tale, the old man interrupts it; he turned it into stone himself, disgraced the brothers]: Wichmann 1916, No. 42:117-119; Marie: Aktsorin 1984 []: 72-76; Chetkarev 1948 [father drives away sons Mikhail (12 years old) and Pavel (8 years old) because they prevented him from hunting; they do not kill a couple of bunnies, foxes, cubs, cubs; those they go with them; the brothers separate, each takes one animal from the pair with them; the princess takes M. as her husband; he goes hunting, the old man from the Christmas tree says that he is cold, afraid to go down because of the animals, gives a stick poke at a bear, it turns into a stone; the old man goes down, turns everyone into stone; P. sees that M.'s bag is rusted, comes to his wife, she takes him for M.; he lies down with her, but lies down with her turning away; in the forest he pokes the petrified bear with the other end of the stick, he comes to life; kills the old man with a gun, revives everyone turned into stone; says M. that he slept with his wife; he cuts off his head; at home, the wife wonders why the last time the husband slept with his back; M. understands everything, repents; animals revive P. with living water; first they put their heads face to back, then correctly; M. becomes king, P. - king]: 15-19; Mordovians (Erzya) [the old woman gave birth to three sons in the evening, at midnight and at dawn; they were named Evening, Midnight, Dawn; they went on a journey, met three wolves, bears, lions, each took one animal of each species; one made a fire in the forest, the old woman died, offered to look in her hair, killed him and his animals; the same happened to the second; the third held the old woman over the fire, forcing the dead to revive; then three brothers burned the old woman; the brothers broke up again; the dragon demands girls, the first brother stayed with the girl in the house on the shore; the girl persuaded the dragon to stick it through the window the head, the young man and his beasts killed him; the same with the second, with the third dragon; the young man told the beasts to hide the bodies of dragons under the stone; the soldier said that he saved the princess; he could not lift the stone, the princess cut off his head, married a young man]: Paasonen 1941:217-224; Kazan Tatars: Bashirov, Yarmukhametov 1956 [the tsar sent three sons to study; went with the queen to a distant possession, got lost, the queen was kidnapped by the king of divas; the sons returned, everyone goes in search of their mother; a white wolf comes to the elder's tent, asks who allowed him to walk in his forest; the prince answers boldly, along with turned into stone by his people; the same is average; the younger one is polite, asks permission to shoot a bird, the wolf turns into a young man, agrees to revive the petrified, but tells them to send them home; the young man tells go to a huge willow, hide on it, a stallion will come to rub against the willow, you have to jump on it, don't let it go; the stallion carried it through fire, water and forest, then promised to help, drove it to a sandy mountain near Kaf Mountains; the wolf turned to the Samrug bird, carried it further; the young man came to one, two, third abducted women, the third to his mother; she gave a wonder of water that makes them weaker, and her son from which he is strong the diva cut off 7 heads; everything is fine, the mother is back, the brothers got married]: 12-31; Tatars: Zamaletdinov 2008a, No. 45 [the padishah's wife was kidnapped by divas; the eldest son with soldiers goes in search; in the forest he is rude to white a wolf, he turns those who come into stones; the same is the middle sons; the youngest is polite; the wolf revives the petrified, teaches how to get a magic horse; he carries through fire, water, forest, stones; the bird Semrug carries over Mount Kaf; a young man meets girls, finds a mother; she replaces vessels with strong and weak water; a 9-headed diva drinks a weak one, is decapitated; a young man takes his mother; rolls the golden kingdom into an egg , then silver, copper; each has a bride; upon return, the young man's mother tells the Ifrites to build a golden bridge from the palace to the city; the padishah remarried his returned wife; the young man lives with three wives; the eldest sons also got wives], 46 [someone steals the golden apples of the padishah; the eldest, middle sons fall asleep; the youngest throws a 15-pound weight at the bird that has arrived; the bird has become human runs away, disappears in failure; the older brothers remain, the younger one goes down; at the intersection there are inscriptions: "death road", "satiety", "road of hunger"; the young man is on the road of death; there is a copper padishah girl treasure; the young man finishes off the diva, the girl gives him her seal, sends him a silver treasure to the padishah girl, so to the padishah girl of gold treasure, they also give seals; the older brothers pulled out the girls they left the youngest one below; he came to the blind old men; they do not tell the diva to herd cattle on the ground; the young man goes there, brings living water, restores sight to the elderly; revives the warriors turned into trees an old man who was a padishah himself; he gives the young man a mare that takes him to the ground; only he gave the clothes the girls demanded; came to the wedding naked or dressed, wrapped in a net; showed the seals; took a girl of gold treasure; gave the other two to his brothers, whom he forgave]: 169-189, 190-199; Yarmukhametov 1957 [poor brother saw a golden bird in the forest; brought it to a rich man who was a jeweler, first a feather, then eggs, then the bird itself; the rich man guessed that the one who had eaten his heart and liver would find gold under the pillow in the morning, told his wife to cook it; at which time two sons came in poor brother, they ate their heart and liver; their aunt told them to remain silent, changed their heart and liver to a rooster; the rich man understood what was going on when the poor man brought him gold, ordered them to take his sons to the forest; they were sheltered by a hunter, took gold, but raised it; ordered to leave a knife at the crossroads - whose side would rust, so the trouble; a hare, a fox, a wolf, a bear, a lion tell them not to kill them, each gives two cubs; brothers separate, each took one of the cubs; the youngest comes to the city, where the 7-headed ajdaha gets a girl every year, it is the turn of the padishah's daughter; the young man enters the house, where he drinks strong water and takes a heavy sword; animals helped kill Azhdakha; the princess gives her handkerchief; the young man and the animals fell asleep, the vizier cut off the young man's head, told the padishah that he killed Azhdakh; the hare brought a healing root, revived the young man; he sends a hare bring bread, meat, berries, belyashi, sorbet from the padishah's table to a fox, a wolf, a bear, a lion; seeing them, the princess realizes that the groom is alive; the padishah orders to bring the owner of the animals, he shows the animals cut off by him snake tongues; the vizier was torn by horses, the young man got a princess; once he chased a white beast; the old Ubir woman asks to hit the animals with a twig, they turned into stone, she hit the young man herself; the elder the brother sees rust, comes to the youngest's wife, who first takes him for her husband; he finds a loss, shoots her with a silver bullet, orders her brother and his animals to be revived, then throws him into the fire; younger brother angry at the elder for coming to his wife; offers to enter the city from both sides, whoever the princess recognizes will be her husband; she recognizes her husband by her ring, which is around the neck of her lion's husband; after The brothers ruled together in the padishah's death]: 106-122; (cf. Bashkirs [an old man caught a goldfish, she tells a mare to eat its head, its body to an old woman to a tail to a dog; the old woman gives birth to two sons with a golden head, a silver back, a mare - such but horses, dog puppies; the king takes the boys into care; the elder brother takes a sword, a dog, a horse, goes to save the princess, who must be eaten by Azhdaha; if blood drips from his knife, the youngest must hurry to help; a young man kills three-, six-, nine-headed ajdah; a bald man and his 40 brothers attribute victory to themselves; cannot raise their heads Azhdakhi; executed; a young man gets a princess; chases victory themselves; the Ajdazhi cannot raise their heads; executed; the young man gets the princess; et devas starlings, the last piece of optics, she brings him to the woman, she pushes him into the cellar; brother follows in his footsteps, princess takes him for her husband, he puts a sword between her and him; he goes after the bird, beats the woman, makes her brother and other batyrs revive, kills her with dead water; the elder thinks that the youngest slept with him wife, cuts off his head; the dog revives him with live water, but attaches his head backwards; the elder feels sorry, he does the right thing, repents; lives with his wife]: Barag 1988, No. 14:106-116).

Turkestan. Kazakh: Sidelnikov 1952 [from Sobolev 1940:158-165; the younger brother is rich and childless, the elder is poor, he has sons Hasen and Husain; they brought blue-strewn white bird eggs from the forest; the uncle bought them for a lot and asked me to bring the bird itself; they brought them, the uncle told his wife to cook it; the brothers saw the brew, ate the heart in half; the uncle's wife replaced it with the heart of a rooster; the uncle ate it, but in the morning he did not find gold under his pillow, but the brothers found it at home; when he learned about this, the elder brother tells the younger brother that his sons have spoiled their spirits, they must be killed; the youngest took the children to pick berries and left them in the steppe; they settled with an old man; when the brothers grew up, they no longer had new gold; the brothers left, everyone left a knife; Hasen came to a city where every day a seven-headed snake is given one girl and one hare; the turn of the khan's daughter; Hasen woke up to the girl's tear, cut off the snake's head, received a ring from the girl; the vizier said that he killed the snake; but could not move the carcass, and Hasen was easy he did, he got the khan's daughter; an old woman came to his fire, turned him, his horse and dog into stones with her wand; Husain found his brother's wife, found an old woman, pointed a gun at her, she gave her wand revive the transformed; the brothers returned to their impoverished and blind parents; the uncle was thrown into the well]: 261-269; Tursunov 1983 [when the khan leaves, the eldest wife promises to build a palace, the youngest to give birth to a daughter and son with a golden forelock ("Altyn Aydar"); the eldest threw the children into the well, replaced them with puppies, the khan kicked out his youngest wife; the bird pulled the children out of the well, the old woman raised them; after her death, A. and her sister went to live to the cave; the eldest wife found the girl, persuaded her brother to get 1) Kelmes Khan's foal ("Kelmes" - you won't return); at the crossing over the River A. took off the ring from the peri's hand; peri in the form of a cloud carried away foals; A. cut his sword, he still had her shoe; A. brought a foal; 2) a golden chest; peri turned A. into stone; his sister came for him, peri took pity, revived him; he overhears the conversation between the two Peri, they want him to be a husband, he takes him; A. met his father; he ordered his eldest wife and old sorceress to be hacked, and returned the youngest]: 162-164.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. The Oirats (Karashar's merchants) [childless Bujin-Dawa Khan sends the dog Hasar to hunt; he sees the house, hears the old woman asking his three daughters what they have learned; alone if the DBH takes her to wife, promises to make a dinner for 500 people from one egg, the other to make a carpet for 500 people from the wool of one goat, the youngest is beautiful to give birth to a golden son and a silver daughter; H. told Khan that married sisters; the youngest becomes pregnant, 502 childless wives ask Tsok-Gyryl's eunuch for help; he replaces children with two puppies; BDH buries his wife and puppies alive at the crossroads of three roads; The CG puts real children in gold, silver, copper, iron, wooden, leather boxes (one in the other), lowers them into the river; they are caught by a fisherman; his old wife feeds the children; the old woman, then the old man dies; the old man tells him to come to the grave, on the third morning the young man catches a horse; hunts; the elder khatun Mani-Dara comes to his sister in his absence, persuades him to ask his brother to bring her 1) a branch of the Saikhan-Saglar tree; the horse tells the prince that the tree is guarded by three Mangyt-Khai about 15, 25, 35 heads; the prince pulls out, MX only cut off the horse's tail, the tree began to give everything you want; 2) take it in Saikhan-Sarane's wife, daughter of Zandan-Tengir; the horse carries the owner through a dangerous forest, a mountain, a sea of fire; the prince returns from the SS, who on the way turns people who had previously become trees and stones back into people; sister marries a hero; SS orders to dig an old grave, throw away dog bones, bring human bones, revives her husband's mother; she forgives DHL; throwing ash, SS turns CG into wild boar, 502 wives into wild pigs] :Bennigsen 1912:44-55.

Western Siberia. Munsey [the older brother goes to look for his wife, hangs his arrows and bows - if they fall, he dies; comes to the old woman Tirp-Nölp-Equa; she calls the dogs, they rush at the visitor, he has turned into stone ; the same with the middle brother; the youngest hacked the dogs with an ax, caught up, hacked the old woman, revived the petrified brothers with blood from his finger]: Rombandeeva 2005, No. 9:101-108.

(Wed. Eastern Siberia. Evens [the old man has three sons; the eldest kills an elk, is fresh, the old woman comes up, asks for meat; give a sleeping bag and a gun under his head for the night; gnaws the gun in half; calls the bear in the morning and the wolf, they tore the hunter; the same with the middle son; the youngest does not give a gun, shot a wolf with a bear, pulls the brothers' bones out of their belly; beats the old woman until she leads him to a lake of living water; At first it leads to a lake of dead water, but a young man shoots a bird, it falls into the water, does not come to life; it takes off from the lake of living water again; the young man lived his brothers, they burned the old woman, buried the ash]: Novikova 1987: 60-65).

(Wed. Amur - Sakhalin. Nanais [clearly a recent borrowing, and from Russians, not from Manchus or Chinese (there are no such motives in the Far East]: Medvedev 1992:210-215; Sem, Sem 2020, No. 38:164-167).