Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

J62A. Turned into trees .

The character turns people who come to him into plants (trees, flowers). The hero (heroine) remains alive, disgracing the transformed.

Portuguese [into fruit trees], Kumaoni [into trees], Marathi [into trees and stones], Tamils [into plants], Belarusians [hummock, stump, fallen tree], Kazan Tatars, Tofalars [in flowers], oirats [into trees and stones], western ojibwa, steppe crees, assiniboine.

Southern Europe. The Portuguese [the prince went on a journey and his friend Pedro was with him; one day they stopped, the prince went to look for water and disappeared; P. hears the conversation of the laundresses, they are witches, discussing this story ; one felt sorry for him, brought him to the palace, where orange and lemon trees were everywhere, but there were no people; P. began to pick the fruits and throw them on the ground, they turned into princes and princesses; the prince he serves P., also found a human form; immediately fell in love with one of the princesses; P. does not sleep at night; hears the witches talking: the princesses will see a cute mule, ride him, and he will throw her off; who hears and tells , turn into marble; the princess will see a pear tree, pick and bite the fruit, immediately die of poison; whoever reports it will become marble; the same: he will step on the bridge, the bridge will collapse; the fourth witch: at night I will turn into a ghost, enter marriage through the window, decapitate the prince and the princess; on the way, P. killed a mule, picked and buried pears, paid the workers - let them destroy the bridge; demanded permission to spend the night in the same room as the newlyweds; after striking the ghost with a sword, P. hit the princess's face, bleeding; the prince accused P. of trying to kill his wife; P. asked permission have a feast before his death; told me, turning into a stone, starting with his feet; the prince ordered to leave the statue in his room; a year later, the prince's wife gave birth to a boy; witch to the prince: to revive P., you must wash the statue with the blood of his murdered son; the prince told his wife that their son fell and died; a mausoleum was built for him; during the celebration of P.'s revival, the boy also came to life]: Pedroso 1882, No. 6:25-29.

South Asia. Kumaoni [the fakir takes the queen to the shore of the Seventh Sea; seven sons consistently come to look for their mother, the fakir turns each into a tree; the son of one of them comes to look for his father and uncle; the merchant hides it; he steals the fakir's sandal, which contains his strength; an aunt (the wife of one of the kidnapped) learns from a fakir that his life is in a parrot in an underground cage under a palace on the shores of the Sixth Sea; a young man pulls out a parrot, tells the fakir to turn trees into people, kills; the king and queen speckles the blind king and queen with the amrita brought, they see the light, get younger]: Minaev 1966, No. 10:43-48; Marathi [rani died leaving seven daughters; the youngest Balna is smarter than others; the vizier's widow comes for fire every time, throws dirt into the food; the Raja watches, summons the culprit, who persuaded her to marry her; tyrannites stepdaughters; A tree has grown in their mother's grave, the sisters feed on fruits; the stepmother pretends to be sick, tells them to uproot the tree, make a decoction; the pond at the grave is filled with bread; the stepmother tells him to fall asleep, kill his stepdaughters, bring their eyes; Raja takes her daughters to the forest, brings deer eyes to his wife; seven princes see seven sisters, marry; first the youngest, then the rest disappear; B. gives birth to a son; magician Punchkin comes to the palace, turns B. into a dog, takes him away; the boy grows up, goes looking for his father's parents and brothers; finds P.'s castle, where his mother has been locked up for 12 years; his father and uncles are turned into trees and stones; the gardener disguises the young man as his daughter; she is told to take water for B.; the son shows the ring, the mother recognizes him; he asks to know what P.'s soul is; B. pretends to be almost ready to marry P., he says that his life in a parrot under clay vessels, demons are around; a young man kills a snake that regularly eagles; a grateful eagle gives them to him; they bring the young man to the vessels, he grabs the parrot flies away again, the demons did not have time to attack; the young man returns the eagles, comes to P., orders them to first revive those turned into trees and stones, then tears off the parrot's wings, legs and head; P. died, all is well]: Frere 1868, No. 1:1-17; Tamils [Raja has two wives but no children; saw an Adivasi girl (Irula) with a big belly; decided that she would give him 16 children; bought her from her poor parents; wife began to give birth in the absence of her husband; gave birth to 15 boys and the eldest girl, but at the instigation of the other two wives, the midwife replaced them with 16 pieces of wood and buried the children in a garbage dump; Raja locked his wife in a barn; The "Queen of the Garbage Dump" (some spirit) kept the children alive; when they saw them playing, the wives pretended to feel bad for them and the Raja ordered her to be removed urgently; the Queen of the Garbage Dump moved the children to the well under supervision Ganga Devi; wives asked the raja to scoop the well; Ganga Devi handed over the children to Kali, they started playing in her temple; wives asked them to destroy the temple, Kali moved the children to the forest; when a tiger passed by, Shiva and Parvati turned the children into stones for a while; the sister told her to go to the old woman and ask for help, but the brothers answered her rude and she turned them into plants; the girl began to cry, Minister I heard that the Raja married her; a son was born and grew up, but his wife is constantly silent; the son threatened to stab himself, then she told him everything; he came to the old woman, asked his uncle to revive and she did it; sister She told the brothers to cook pieces of wood, go to town and shout, "Could Raja's wife give birth to pieces of wood; the Raja would invite her to her place, you can't eat anything, feed the crow and the dog first; they did so the crow and the dog are dead; let the brothers repeat everything the next day and demand that the woman from the barn cook the rice; the Raja told the brothers to call their sister, but she demanded that they gather first 56 Rajas; when they gathered, my sister told me everything; two wives were burned in a lime oven]: Blackburn 2005, No. 98.

Central Europe. Belarusians [the princess got drunk in the garden from a crystal krinitsa and became pregnant, gave birth to twins named Avdon Avdonovich and Vadavon Vadavonovich; all horses bend under them; the old man points out to the king where horses for twins; at the crossroads, a pole with the inscription: if you go to the right, you will be married, to the left you will be killed; AA went to the right, and the stronger BB went to the left; AA married the royal daughter; BB began to live with an old woman, a tiger and a lion are with him; the old woman says that the three-headed serpent ordered the king to bring his daughter to the seashore; BB went there, the serpent got out of the sea, BB cut off his heads; next time he had a 6-headed serpent; he had heads grow back; BB told the princess to throw sand, but the serpent threw her tail away; the old woman woke up to see that the water in the glass left behind was stained with blood; released the tiger and lion, who came and became tear severed heads; BB married a princess, the king died, BB became king; flame can be seen in the forest; the wife says they do not return from there; in the forest, an old woman touched her key, turned a lion and a tiger into a bump, a bump in a stump, a horse in an eversion; AA drove up to a pole, sees that the knife is rusted, he also has a tiger and a lion; AA tells the princess that he is not her husband, but her husband's brother; his tiger and lion tore the old woman, her AA key He revived everyone; both brothers began to reign]: Vasilenok et al. 1958:143-147.

Baltoscandia. Latvians [three queens found out that there is a ring on the claw of Bulbulis's bird; whoever takes it is subject to the bird; the elder brother comes to her; B.: everyone is sleeping, does no one say, "Bird B., go to bed!" The young man utters these words, B. hits him with his wing, turns him into a birch tree; the younger brother is silent, B. fell asleep, the younger one tore off the ring, tells him to revive everyone turned into birch trees; B.: throw in every handful of sand; those who came to life began to throw sand into other birch trees; on the way home, the older brothers took the younger bird and threw it into the sea; but at home, bird B. is silent and does not listen to orders; the sea has carried out the youngest to the amber castle of the sea queen; after a while he decided to visit his father; rubbed his ring, a golden bridge appeared to his father's palace; when the youngest came, the bird B. sang; the younger one forgave brothers, took the bird and returned to his wife]: Grishina 1993:100-108.

Volga - Perm. Kazan Tatars [someone steals padishah's golden apples; the eldest, middle sons fall asleep; the youngest throws a 15-pound weight at the bird that has arrived; the bird has become human, runs away, disappears in failure; older brothers remain, younger ones go down; at the crossroads there are inscriptions: "road of death", "satiety", "road of hunger"; the young man is on the road of death; there is a girl padishah of a copper treasure; the young man finishes off A diva, the girl gives him her seal, sends a silver treasure to the padishah girl, so to the padishah girl of gold treasure, who also give seals; the older brothers pulled out the girls, left the youngest one below; he came to blind old men; they do not tell the diva to herd cattle on earth; the young man goes there, brings living water, restores sight to the old people; revives the tree-turned warriors of the old man who was padishah; he gives the young man a mare that takes him to the ground; only he gave the clothes the girls demanded; came to the wedding naked or naked, wrapped in a net; showed the seals; took it for himself a girl of a golden treasure; he gave the other two to his brothers, whom he forgave]: Zamaletdinov 2008a, No. 46:190-199.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Tofalars [the hunter disappears; his son Ulugen grows up to want to kill an owl; she tells him about his father, teaches him what to do; W. comes to the valley of flowers; at night a girl tells him at dawn go to the yellow stripe, then he will see it; W. grabs the strip immediately, it is a woman's sash; if he waited until dawn, he would be blind to the girl's beauty like other hunters; he threatens to tear the sash; the girl returns Father W. and the other bewitched; they were 77 flowers; when they turned into people, they are blind; W. burns the sash, smears ash with blind eyes, they see the light; the girl loses her witchcraft, W. takes her as his wife]: Sherkhunaev 1975:272-277 (Quail in Sanghi 1989:136-140); Oirats (Karashar's merchants) [childless Bujin-Dava Khan sends dog Hasar to hunt; he sees the house, hears an old woman asks three daughters what they have learned; one, if the DBH marries her, promises to make a dinner for 500 people from one egg, the other to make a carpet for 500 people from the wool of one goat, the youngest beautiful to give birth to a golden son and a silver daughter; H. told the khan that he married the sisters; the youngest becomes pregnant, 502 childless wives ask the tushmyl eunuch Tsok-Gyryl to help; he replaces those who have given birth to children two puppies; DHL buries his wife and puppies alive at the crossroads of three roads; CG puts real children in gold, silver, copper, iron, wooden, leather boxes (one in the other), lowers them into the river; they a fisherman catches; his old wife feeds her children; the old woman, then the old man dies; the old man tells them to come to the grave; on the third morning a young man catches a horse; hunts; the elder khatun Mani-Dara in his absence comes to his sister, persuades him to ask his brother to bring her 1) a branch of the Saikhan-Saglar tree; the horse tells the prince that three Mangyt-Khai are guarding the tree about 15, 25, 35 heads; the prince pulls out, MX only they cut off the horse's tail, the tree began to give whatever you wanted; 2) marry Saikhan-Sarane, daughter of Zandan-Tengir; the horse carries the owner through a dangerous forest, mountain, sea of fire; the prince returns from the SS, that on the way, she turns people who had previously become trees and stones back into people; the sister marries a hero; the SS orders to dig an old grave, throw away dog bones, bring human beings, revives her husband's mother; she forgives DHL; by throwing ash, SS turns CG into wild boar, 502 wives into wild pigs]: Bennigsen 1912:44-55.

The Midwest. Western Ojibwa [Nyanabushu (N.) asks his grandmother if there were other people besides them; she replies that they are all missing, including his older brother, Nyanapatam, from whose placentas N. himself appeared; N. sharpens an ax to make arrows, the whetstone repeats, Your father, your mother; N. sails in a boat, asks the Great Sturgeon to swallow it; cuts his heart from the inside, he cannot regurgitate it; Sturgeon people bury him at the bottom of the sea; N. causes a storm, Sturgeon nails to the shore; N. asks the Seagulls to open the hole; for this makes them beautiful, white; makes sturgeon from Sturgeon; returns to her grandmother; she tells how various animals came to her, saying that her grandson died or imitated the voice of her grandson; says that N.'s parents were killed by beating on his leg (B.); N. swims to a distant island, hears uniform blows; B. constantly cuts the calves of his leg; he and N. shoot arrows at each other; the bird tells B. to aim at a bundle of hair on his head; before death, he reports that the contents of the wooden bucket should be anointed the trees in the grove, collecting bark from such a place before; N. smears the trees, they turn into his parents and others; returning to grandmother, N. goes around their island with his older brother, tells him to cross the river and become the master of the dead]: Jones 1917, No. 61-63:467-501; Steppe Cree [the old man trains his grandson, he becomes strong, his The name is Kornya Pine; he overcomes two shamanic sisters, marries them; their mother is a sleepwalker; says that he will recover if her son-in-law brings her the meat of a giant beaver, deer, moose to eat; that kills animals, mother-in-law mourns their death; comes in the guise of his grandmother to turn it into a tree; he recognizes her, turns her into a tree herself, splits other trees back into people ; now the eldest sister is becoming a sleepwalker; demands that her husband spend a frosty night in a special house; his tobacco bag turns into a partridge, she screams: Summer, summer; it's getting warm, berries ripen; sisters can't eat them all, defeated]: Bloomfield 1930, No. 16:93-99.

Plains. {European borrowing, but with local motives}. Assiniboine [at the fork, two brothers drive in different directions; whoever gets rust on is in trouble; one chases bison, spends the night in the woods; an old woman comes to the fire; when a young man she falls asleep, she turns him, his horse and dog into trees; his brother comes, everything repeats himself, but he does not sleep, but snatches a stick with the potion from the old woman's hands, turns it into a tree; with the same stick He shatters his brother and all the trees; at home, the father tells the brothers to become Morning and Evening Stars]: Foustar, Blue Talk 1978:1-23.