Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

J64. To the sky in a column of smoke.


Without coming into contact with fire, without burning, the character rises into the sky or crosses the river in clouds of smoke.

Bilbil, Baruya, Gambadi, Dobu, San Cristobal, Banks Islands (Mota? Mota Lava), Tanna, Yap, Voleai, Truk, Tuvalu, Samoa, Sema, Java, Roti, Tsou, Paiwan, Eastern Sami, Chukchi, Asian Eskimos, Okanagon, Seneca, Delaware, Wichita, Mountain Miwok, Western Apache, Yanomami, Napo , letuama, iranshe, matako, toba.

Melanesia. Bilbil [a man looks at the stars, wants a woman from heaven to marry; she goes down to him; his younger brother notices them, tells his mother that his brother's wife is more beautiful than her; they have a son; he catches a grasshopper, the grandfather bakes, eats it; the grandson demands him back; the grandfather in his hearts says that his mother is from heaven; the mother confirms this; makes a smoky fire, tells his son to wrap his neck around his neck, rises from a column of smoke him to heaven]: Dempwolff 1911, No. 4:82-87; baruya [people saw a giant python in the garden, killed it, cooked it with tarot and vegetables, ate the tarot in the evening, and left the meat for tomorrow; got up first the woman finds that the meat has disappeared from her bag; the others have the same; the snake was found whole in the oven; he is consistently asked what he wants - shells and jewelry; tarot; salt; the snake does not move; a woman? the serpent straightened up and looked up at the sky; a decorated woman was brought to him; he gave her a sign to go first, but she invited him to go first; hid a white-hot stone in her bag; and went up to heaven, they found themselves in front of a big house; the woman again invited the snake to enter the house first; pressed down the door with a stone and began to descend the column of smoke she had previously climbed; halfway through she turned into Venus (evening and morning); the serpent turned around in the house and hit a stone with its nose; burned and screamed is thunder; the snake's actions also explain the rain and the appearance of the rainbow]: Godelier 2007:154-155; gambadi (kwawaru) [people lived in the roots of the wasu tree; near Tiw'r and his son Kwawar owned fire; T. promised fire if they gave his son a beautiful girl; wasu people refused in an offensive manner; T . set fire to a tree, almost everyone burned down, but some took off with smoke and scattered throughout the surrounding area where their descendants now live]: Williams 1969:386; Dobu [the fisherman does not share the catch with the wife's elder sister, who causes the wind, brings it to the land of the dead; every day, when the sun is between noon and sunset, women cook on fire, men build a house, everyone gathers in it two set fire, all go up to the clouds in clouds of smoke; a fisherman comes to the village of Closed Mouth; they put their food in a hole on the crown; a fisherman hits them in the face with a killed snake, they have mouths; In the next village, people put everything off until tomorrow (husband, wife and children sleep in the rain); for the inhabitants, the next day is night and vice versa; the next day people fly on their wings; in the next, people they sit with their long buttocks stuck in the ground; the next one they weave even in their dreams; they make boats in the next; the fisherman returns home]: Fortune 1932:182-185; San Cristobal [a pregnant woman is killed by a heavenly spirit ; Suganainoni was born to an already dead mother; to avenge her, he rises to heaven on a column of smoke; kills a spirit, returns home after an adventure]: Fox 1924:336; Banks Islands (Mota): Codrington 1891, No. 4 [During a famine, a woman finds a fruit tree in the forest; her son makes her show her where to go; finds a tree, climbs for fruit; spirits flock there, including her mother's deceased brother young men {then skip the page in my copy; obviously, my uncle helps my nephew take possession of the heavenly maiden; he marries her, she gives birth to a child}; in the garden it is enough for her to touch the yam leaf, in the hand is already a tuber; the husband does not believe that the wife and son have eaten, because there are no traces of yams dug in the garden; thinks that a man gave yams to his wife; beats her, tells her to go back to heaven; she makes a fire , rises into the sky on a column of smoke; the husband finds a crying child, asks all animals and birds to help; only the Spider makes a thread to the sky, puts a man with a child on his back, understands to heaven; there's a celebration, dancing; the son turns to his mother, she pays attention to him, agrees to return; The spider takes all three back to earth]: 379-383; François 2008 [women brought delicious fruits; the son of one of them decided to go after them himself at night; cannibal spirits flew on this tree; the Romangan spirit woman hid the young man in the hollow of a tree, told others that he had run away; he brought her to him; they son; one day the husband went to work, leaving his wife yams; she ate it, but if she wanted, a new one appeared immediately; when she returned, the husband thought that another man gave his wife yams; once, out of jealousy, he scolded and beat him; she made a fire out of dry leaves, rose in the sky in a column of smoke; the old woman decided to help, weaved a rope, put her husband and son R. in a basket, took them to heaven; there spirits dance in honor of R.; son four times The mother calls, she does not hear at first, does not believe, finally sees her son; shows her mother, she brings a bag of nuts ("almonds") with her; first the husband and son climb into the basket, then R. puts the bag; feeling heaviness, the old woman thinks it was R., pulls the basket to the ground; says she can no longer help and they will never meet R.]; Banks Islands (Mota Lava) [the women went for leaves; already in the evening, she found a tree with sweet fruits alone; she brought four home to her son; he wanted to go pick these fruits immediately, his mother had to agree; he found a tree, but 10 women flew in in the dark; The first was Romangan, she hid the boy in a hollow so that others would not eat him; when the east started, the seven women flew away, and the last two R. showed the boy; they told her to marry him; he brought R. to mother, began to live with her; they have a son; one day he went on business for a long time, leaving food supplies; R. creates food by magic, the supplies remain intact; the returning husband, seeing this, beat R.; she was offended made a fire and flew to heaven in the smoke; on the occasion of R.'s return, everyone is dancing in the sky: R. finally died; the old woman promised her husband and son to help her husband and son return R.; woven a rope, tied a basket to the basket went up to heaven; agreed that when the old woman felt the third push, she would realize that all three, husband, son and R., had climbed into the basket and lowered them down; but R.'s mother gave her a full basket almonds; R. put this load in the basket, the old woman immediately lowered it back; R. stayed in the sky]: http://alex.francois.free.fr/AFtxt_mtp-romanmangan_e.htm; Tanna [two women burned dry ones on the site leaves; the little daughter of one of them went to the fire, the smoke carried her to the sky; there the blind old woman Masineruk feeds the pigs; the girl picks up food quietly; M. answers when she got to heaven; M. asks not go to a certain place; the girl tells M. to put a certain grass on her eyes, dive, she gains sight; left alone, the girl goes to a forbidden place, opens the door in the ground, sees below the ground, her house; M. found out why the girl was crying, lowered her down on the vine; she was met by her mother and sister; then M. lowered several pigs on the same rope; one of the Coal Bags was the hole in sky]: Humphreys 1926:97-99.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Voleai [supreme god Alúelap; his eldest son Lúgeileng took a wife who cannot relieve herself of the burden; A. advised his son to run a sharp shell over his wife's head, out of his head Ólefat jumped out; when he started drinking coconut juice from a nut, he lifted his head, saw his father in the sky, told his mother to make a fire, rose on a column of smoke; he took on a different appearance in the sky, bothered everyone, tired]: Krämer 1937:280; Yap: Christian 1899 [heavenly woman Legerem cut in half, buried an eel, a coconut and a banana grew; then created two types of tarot in the same way; sent an old man to heaven Galuai, he went up there on a column of smoke; the great spirit of Yalafath gave him yams in a bamboo stem, lowered him to the ground on this stem, giving him chickens; this is how cultivated plants and poultry appeared on Yap]: 288; Mitchell 1973, No. 48 [Namgey will soon give birth in a women's home; Yelfath nii gwa has a son, Yelfath nii chig; he went down to the woman, helped recover from frambesia, said that a son would be born and find his own name; that he should not drink coconut juice from a nut with his head up; the boy drinks, sees his father in the sky; the mother makes a fire, the boy goes up to his father in a column of smoke; when he reaches the sky, he shoves off a pole, so now the smoke does not rise vertically, but deviates; the young man (now his name also Yelfath grows up, marries the heavenly maiden Namgey; she returns to her father, says she no longer wants a husband; father carves a copy of her daughter out of wood; Y. understands the deception, tells the father that he helps her son revive the wooden girl; she puts on N.'s skirt, follows her husband; N. follows; Y. takes both wives; from N. she many children, but the wooden Gowrong did not give birth]: 134-138; Müller 1918:520 [(No. 37a); the woman died, told her son and daughter to dig her out of the grave seven days later; they dug her up, fed her, buried her again; so twice; the third time, the sister climbed a palm tree, the brother saw her genitals, thought it was a wound; the sister explained what it was; brother and sister got together, they liked it, they taught others; and the mother died altogether; Since then, people have not been reborn on the seventh day and have died altogether; people wanted to kill the perpetrators, but they ran to the mountain, lit a fire, climbed the pandanus, and from there they rose to the sky in a column of smoke, became constellation]; Müller 1918:695-697 [a girl with skin disease was moved to the edge of the island; Yelafad came down to her, healed her, returned to heaven; she gave birth to a son; when he was eating coconut, looked up, saw father, rose to heaven on a column of smoke; J. has many children there; the youngest is more successful in everything; the elders decide to destroy him; offer to go down to the pole pit, throw a pole from above, the boy finds himself on at the top of the pole; they do not share food with him, ants bring him food; he threw the shark's shell, which gnawed, so the sharks got teeth; then the brothers told the younger one to take the fish to some dangerous to the character; he plunged his spear into the gate, thus bewitching them, entered, there was the character's naked wife, the young man got together, left the fish, left; the wife told her returning husband about it; he sent her to catch up flint and spear, they caught up and killed the young man; elder Yelafad found him seven days later, revived him, gave him the ability to cause thunder]; Truk [Olap was the chief of Uman; when he was a boy, he won in the game, others beat him; god Olfäd made him a mighty warrior; took him to the sky in a column of smoke; when he returned, told people what was in the sky]: Bollig 1927:23-24; Tuvalu: Kennedy 1931 ( Waitupu) [when Kaulealia, Tapakea's son, became a young man, his father has an abscess on his forehead; T. squeezed a lizard out of him, left it in the basket, the lizard turned into a Naleau young man; no one knows who he is; he defeats his Brother K. throwing darts; when K. throws a dart, N. finds himself in the sky; spits at kites made by local people, snakes fall; goes fishing with others, turns into fish himself, his driven into a stone trap; he drills a hole down; becoming a spider, he hides under the roof of a house in which there are four women; he goes down as a spider to each one, sitting next to her calls her by name; this is how N. recognizes them names; in the image of a man, he declares that his house; women do not know his name, and N. knows their names, women have to give the house to him; N. became friends with the leader, must compete in preparing the holiday; steals other people's coconuts, the snipe shouts about it, N. turns his tongue, continues to steal; filled his vessel from below with crap, disguised himself with food, swapped with the leader, he vomited; N. was asked to climb into the hole hold the pole from the house, covered her with earth; he made a hole in the pole, went out; he was sent to the mistress of the lightning for fire; N. deliberately calls her loudly, wakes her son Thunder, broke his arm; the hostess ordered to take fire from the stone house; when N. went inside, the exit was closed; he drilled a hole, came out with smoke, came to his father T. in the smoke; the owner of the lower world Pakeva asked T. to come with his son; K. refused to go , N. agreed; N. killed all the guards (sharks, whales), returned; T. and P. agreed to exchange sons; P. sent the Turtle, T. sent his fire son Te Afi; he is restless, Shumen; then T. placed him in all trees; people come from K., spirits from N.]: 190-195; Koch 1966 (Niutao Atoll) [Tuapa was born half-human, half-morite, his parents threw him into the lagoon; then his wife gave birth to beautiful Sina; to her they were forbidden to approach the lagoon; one day her ring of palm leaves fell into the lagoon; her moray brother said that she would only be able to pick up the ring if she stayed with him in the lagoon; then let S. bring it he ate food and ate herself; S. told his parents everything; they turned S. into a pole at home, but the moray eel brother came, recognized her, took her to the lagoon; so twice; the third time her parents made a fire, S. rose with smoke to sky; a black cloud told her not to sit on it, sent her to red, red to white; Mauimatua lived there, he promised to protect S.; when his moray brother came, he was offered to eat, S. put it in broth hot stone, said that the guest should swallow food greedily; moray brother died, M. buried his head, a coconut palm grew out of it; the coconuts fell to the ground, which are the current ones]: 108-109; Samoa [two young men went to the moon-one by tree, the other with the smoke of a fire made for this purpose]: Turner 1861:203 in Williamson 1933 (1): 93-94.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Sema [the girl talks about dowry, although no one marries her; parents find goats given for her, and she was taken as his wife by kungumi; she returns with her baby; when her the younger brother takes him in his arms, the baby dies; after that, smoke begins to flow from the big star in the sky; the mother of the deceased explains that it is her husband who tells her to return, rising on a column of smoke; Warns that if her parents look at her at this time, they won't see her again; her mother looked, her daughter didn't come back]: Hutton 1968:331-332.

(Wed. South Asia. Santala ["same idea {it is not clear whether we are talking about the characters of the story or about the ideas about the souls of the dead} by the Santals"]: Bompas 1909:168 in Hatt 1949:56).

Malaysia-Indonesia. Java: Bezemer 1903 [a poor widow finds a baby in the forest, raises her like a son; he grows up, hunts, chases a bird, goes to a lake where heavenly maidens swim; grabs one of the clothes them; takes her as his wife; one day she tells him to look after a pot of rice on the fire but not to lift the lid; he sees only one seed in the pot; the spell has broken, and his wife has had to work hard since then to cook; in empty, she finds her husband's hidden wings; tells them to put their little daughter on the roof, she will fly in and feed her; rose to heaven on a column of smoke from burned rice straw; husband raised daughter beautiful]: 162-169 in Lessa 196:358; 1904:46 f in Dixon 1916:208-209; (apparently another retelling of the same text in Rassers 1959 [at Kyai agng Ing-Kudus three sons, the youngest (he is from another wife) refuses to marry, becomes an ascetic in the forest; comes to a pond whose owner's daughter refuses to marry; they unite, the girl dies during childbirth; K. finds the baby, but leaves him in pursuit of a deer; the boy is picked up and raised by a woman; while hunting, he sees heavenly maidens bathing, hides the clothes of one of them, Dewi Nawang Wulan; she gives birth to a daughter; forbids her husband to lift the lid from the vessel where rice is cooked; he picks it up, there is only one rice; she has been left alone, since then she has to cook a lot of rice; DNV finds his clothes and returns to heaven; returns to feed her baby daughter; then rises to heaven again in a column of rice straw smoke]: 266-267); Roti [the magical wife is about to leave her husband, who revealed to their children that she is was a fish (or pig); it boils water in a coconut, sits on it, (steamed) up to the sky]: Jonker 1911:16-19, 19-21 in Lessa 196:369.

Taiwan - Philippines. Tsou [the Nivns and Soesokha came to the river; N. was poorly dressed, people almost forgot to transport it; after crossing, both washed themselves, and the dirt that flowed down from N. was like flowers, and the dirt that flowed down from S. was like feces doggy; N. cooked a full pot of porridge or rice, breaking and throwing the only grain into it; S. tried to imitate it, but forgot the words, said, "Let the cauldron of dog feces be full," and it happened; N. always revived the dead, only after the fifth death did man die completely; once N. was gone, S. failed to revive the deceased, buried him and mourned; since then people have been dying; N. was sad lit quinoa seeds and went up with the smoke]: Nevsky 1935, No. 6:92-93; paywan [Rungiłingan, who lived in the sky, dried clothes and fell on the house of a man named Łemud; asked for a plant a fire to rise back on a column of smoke; ordered L. to go up himself on the fifth day to become a shaman; let him stand in the yard and then hide in the middle, watch and listen; returning to land, L. taught people how to do a five-year festival]: Whitehorn, Earle 2003, No. 49:219.

Baltoscandia. Eastern Sami [a man decided to go to heaven; made a fire of chips, covered it with wet matting, and a couple rose on a pole; saw God's wet tackle for catching cod, he attached one end to the sky, began to descend; it was a little short, the man fell into the swamp, one head was sticking out; a swan made a nest on his head; the wolf ate eggs, ripped off the man's head; when he came again, the man grabbed the wolf's tail with his teeth, the wolf pulled it out; the man returned home]: Yermolov 1959:72-73.

SV Asia. Chukchi [Kitilkut's ancestor, taking his wife, child and property with him and telling another woman to keep the fire, rises from the fire on a column of smoke; enemies come, look up, little son Kitilkuta falls; K. himself and his wife reach the sky]: Bogoras 1928, No. 4:323.

The Arctic. Asian Eskimos [a girl sews a tag on her night lover's clothes; he turns out to be her father's brother's son; continues to sleep with him; her father finds out the truth; a father's brother kills his son; the girl cuts off the head of the victim, brings her to her, the head comes to life; the girl's parents and boys migrate, leaving her alone; the head asks to throw her into the fire, finds a body; the young man gets a lot of meat, his wife gives birth to a son; people come back; husband, wife and child rise to the sky on a column of smoke; people turn into stones]: Menovshchikov 1985, No. 109:263-265; Rubtsova 1954, No. 28:333-337.

The coast is the Plateau. Okanagon [Skunk and Fisherman Marten (Fisher) live together; grandmother sends two granddaughters named Chipmunk) and Tyrant Bird (King-bird, Tyrannus) to climb under Marten's clean, tidy bed Skunk's bed is dirty; Skunk came in first, the youngest giggled when he ruined the air, Skunk heard, found the girls in the chest under Marten's bed; says he's the head of the house, hiding them in his chest ; Skunk replies to Kunitsa who comes that he is the chief, Marten is forced, contrary to usual, to cook for himself; everyone puts food in his chest, Marten sees Skunk take out an empty plate; The next day, he sends Skunk to pick up the dead deer, finds the girls, sets fire to the house, flies with them to a rock above the river in a column of smoke; the Skunk sees the reflection, lets his stream into the water, realizes the mistake, He lets him up, gets into Marten's toe, he dies; the sisters pretend to be happy with Skunk; he copulates with them all day, falls asleep; they return to their grandmother, telling the rocks to grow around the Skunk; a small hole remains, the Skunk disassembles himself piece by piece, pushes them, the Raven takes his iron away; the Skunk comes to people playing ball with iron, grabs it, kills people with it]: Hill-Tout 1911:148- 150.

Northeast. Seneca [uncle goes hunting and for wild tubers; hides his older nephew Two Fers for fear that he will be kidnapped by Sgano n hses Gowa's daughters; Oneqsas gives only bad ones to the youngest tubers; that night he spies on the uncle calling in the corner of the elder; in the morning he calls him himself; two women come by air in the boat, demanding Two Feathers; he hid, the women promise to come again; in the morning they find the young man, noticing his long hair, take him to the west; the uncle comes and cries; Q. catches up with the boat in a stream of smoke, turns back; agrees to let his brother and the women go when they allow them to be cut off they have pieces of flesh to make moccasins that give them strength and knowledge; Q. knows that women torment her brother, flies west again in a stream of smoke; stops in a clearing where an old woman, her grandson and two live granddaughters; grandson in everything like Q. becomes his brother; the old woman says that the leader's daughters brought a man, hung him on a pole, tourniquet to make him cry, his tears turn into beads; Q. gives one of moccasins to their named brother; when they stick them into the fire, the chief's daughters feel pain; Q. puts those in the house to sleep, carries their brother out, turns the house into a hot stone, everyone dies; Q. with the old woman and her He returns to his uncle with his grandchildren; foxes torment him, mocking and saying, We have come! (as if nephews had returned), throwing coals at the old man's face; Q. hangs the Fox in the chimney, the white one turns red, the nose and tip of his tail turn black; Q. lets go of the Fox, now the fox has the current coloring]: Curtin 2001:185-191; Delaware [the man announced that he can go to live with the Thunders; they don't believe him because he has no wings; he heated a large stone, pushed it into the water, climbed into the water, climbed into the the sky on a pole is a couple; then came back]: Newcomb 1956:73-74.

Plains. Wichita: Dorsey 1904a, No. 14 [the young man urinated-in-bed got his power from the Shooting Star; others are reluctant to take him to war; he secretly turns into a handsome warrior, destroys enemies, then takes the old form; the chief promises the victor a daughter; the older sister rejects the young man, the youngest agrees; he becomes Kerasavan; the eldest becomes their slave; most people turn into birds and animals according to who painted himself; the young man turns into a Hawk, other leaders into a Raven, Eagle, Black Eagle, Bald Eagle; pour water into a fire and ascend to the sky on a column of smoke/steam; Having risen into the sky, the young man helps his people], 15 [as in (14); three older sisters]: 106-114.

California. Mountain mivok [a deer with two deer came to visit a bear with a bear cub; went with her to pick berries, she killed her; the deer saw a bear bring their mother's liver; offered play the bear cub, taking turns climbing into the cave, there is a fire in front of her, blowing smoke into it until the one in the cave says that it is enough; they strangled the bear cub with smoke; they ran to their grandfather; he taught heat the stones and roll them down the mountain; when the bear chased, the stones killed her; the grandfather made several proposals to his grandchildren about their future fate, but they agreed only when he offered them to live in the sky; made a fire to take them to heaven; they danced around the fire and accidentally spilled water; together with the ferry they ascended into the sky, where they now live with their descendants; lightning is sparks from under them hooves; short sharp peals of thunder are a younger deer running, and deaf rolling ones are an older deer]: Wilson 1922:87-89.

The Great Southwest. Western (?) Apache [a yellow and white disc appeared in the dark, with the Creator (Living Above) on it; his gaze spread light; he wiped the sweat off his face, rubbed his hands, and the Parentless Girl appeared on the cloud; asked where he came from; he replied that from the east, where is the light; asked Where is the earth, he asked Where is the sky; the Creator wiped his sweat and rubbed his hands twice more, the Sun God and the Little Boy appeared; then created Tarantula, the constellation Ursa Major, the Wind, the Lightning Worker; all the gods wiped off their sweat, the Creator rubbed his hands, fell a ball the size of a bean, became earth; the Creator, followed by the first three gods he created, kicked him, he grew up; Tarantula stretched four threads from the ground in different directions, stretched the ground; the Creator rubbed his chest, rubbed his fingers, created a Hummingbird, ordered him to fly in four directions for reconnaissance; the Hummingbird returned, saying that the earth is beautiful and the water is in the west; the earth continued to swing; to secure it, the Creator made four pillars (like the threads, they are of different colors: black, blue, yellow, white), put it under in four directions of the world; the earth froze; the Creator sent the Lightning Worker, who found two girls and a young man in a turquoise shell, they had no eyes, ears, mouths, noses, hair, teeth, fingers; they were placed in the steam room, they sang spells, they became normal people; the Creator made the young man the leader of heaven, the girl the guardian of the land and the harvest; called the second girl Pollen, responsible for treating people; The Creator sent the Dove, who came back four days later, said that the water on the other side of the earth would flood the earth; the Parentless Girl put everyone in a ball, 12 days later they left; the flowing water created valleys and mountains; The Creator and his assistants waited out the flood in the sky; the Creator tells Lightning-Rumbler to watch clouds and water, Sky Youth to watch the people of heaven, Daughter Earth to watch the clouds and water plants (all crops) and people of the earth, the Pollen girl for people's health, the girl without parents for everything; together with her she lights a fire, rubbing her arms and legs, ascends to the sky on a column of smoke, the rest gods ascend on other columns of smoke]: Curtis 1976 (1): 23-35 in Edmonds, Clark 1989:101-104.

Southern Venezuela. Yanomami [people live in heaven; ask the Month to bring them down to earth; he puts four men and one woman in the right leg of a little bird, sends it to the ground; people are born from a leg; y men are a common wife; their son Sukhilina shoots a month, blood is shed; The month agrees to turn this blood into people; after death, a person is burned; his soul returns to heaven in a stream of smoke]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 15:47-48.

Western Amazon. Napo: Carpenter 1992 [boy and girl rise in a column of smoke from the fire; their lazy mother follows them to heaven; they rock her chest (the origin of women's breasts); she falls, turns into a small fox (Eira barbaral); children become Morning and Evening Stars]: 125-129; Mercier 1979 [son and daughter of a lazy mother rise to heaven in a stream of smoke, take with them basket and parrot; come back; rise again; this time the mother follows them; they throw a piece of cloud into her chest; her chest splits, so women have two breasts; the mother falls, turns into panda (dog-sized, eats bananas, papaya)]: 43-44.

NW Amazon. Letuama [after a series of adventures, Aya's four brothers (first ancestors) take to heaven with a chain of arrows; she breaks, they rise in a column of smoke]: Palma 1984:70.

Southern Amazon. Iranshe [man dries his body above fire; turns into Aan's forest spirit, rises to him in the land of the dead on a column of smoke; now eats the flesh of the dead]: Pereira 1985, No. 19:105- 106.

Chaco. Matako [Thunder is like a lamb; asks a man to make a fire to rise to the sky with smoke]: Alvarsson MS, No. 311:146; Toba (Argentinian): Wilbert, Simoneau 1982b, No. 14 [(Lehmann -Nitsche); lightning - a Kaso-ganga man with a small head and body, covered with hair like an anteater; if he likes a person, comes to him; appeared to a fisherman, said he fell during the storm and got stuck in tree, ordered to make a fire, send it to the sky in smoke; let the man come home right away because it will rain; since then man has been lucky to hunt], 15 [Kasogonagá - Mr. Lightning, has sight of a small animal; fell to the ground; asked a man to make a fire, went up to the sky with smoke, immediately began to rain; K. made an Indian a shaman], 16 [(Lehmann-Nitsche); the rain does not end, man tells the anteater that he will soon flood the whole earth; he asks to be put in a fire, rises into the sky on a column of smoke, the rain stops]: 62-63, 64, 65; 1989a, No. 45 [sometimes Kasogonaga falls to the ground and does not can come back; looks like a pig; asked the man to put him on the fire, got up with smoke, told him to run home right away because it would rain; another time the lake dried up and the rainbow snake was on land; man took it to the river, she promised him a plentiful catch of fish; each time the water flowed ashore, leaving the fish], 46 [Kasonaga looks like an anteater; the man put him on the fire, helped him return to heaven with smoke; the storm immediately began], 47 [Kasonaga fell to the ground, looked like an animal; asked the man to put him on the fire, got up with smoke]: 71-72, 73-74, 74.