Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

J68. Old litter on the trail first, then fresh. .

Characters who have been chasing an animal for a long time see fresher droppings on the trail and finally catch up with the prey (usually the litter answers how much he lies for time); or pursuers see areas where less and less time has passed since sowing.

Siona and Sekoya, Napo, Tariana, Shipibo, Ashaninka [corn field], Kamayura, Kayabi.

Western Amazon. Siona, Sekoya [Baira creates land after the flood, helps people get out of the ground, kills his father-in-law, who turns into Tapir; B. goes to heaven, tells his nephews to pursue Tapira; they follow the trail of Tapir's excrement, it's getting fresher; Cayman carries them across the river, bites off their younger brother's leg; they kill Cayman with an ax, reach out their leg; the Pleiades brothers, the axe - Orion's Belt, Hyada - Cayman's Jaw, Milky Way - Tapir Trail]: Vickers 1989:161-167; Napo: Mercier 1979 [a man has been chasing Wagra ("tapir"), finding his excrement, asking how long ago their owner passed; they consistently answer that a year, six months, a month ago, the day before yesterday, today; this is how the person learned to count days and months; the man caught up with the tapir, cut it in half, the front part fell on land has become a tapir, the back into water, manatee; manatee ("sea cow"); its path has become a "sea cow road" in the sky, the Milky Way; in winter, during the rainy season, this road goes from west to east, and during the dry season, across the Napo River, from south to north]: 49-51; Wavrin 1979 [two brothers kill their mother's monstrous Penis, their mother's lover; go towards the Morning Star; Cayman transports them through the river, bites off the younger one's leg; they kill Cayman with an ax, reach out his leg, put it back; they follow Tapir's trail for several years, find more and more fresh droppings; the elder kills Tapir with a spear (the spear is now seen in the sky); brothers chop Tapir; the back part turns into a manatee, the front into a tapir; later the brothers turn into a constellation (Pleiades?)] : 65-66.

NW Amazon. Tariana [the woman saw a tapir on the site, wanted to reach for his liver; the next day, the tapir came up and asked if she wanted his liver; offered to put her hand in his ass and reach it; squeezed the sphincter and dragged the woman, dragged her until she died; the turtle asked the old woman where her mistress had gone; she replied that if the turtle were a man, she would avenge the tapir for her death; the turtle I came to the tapir when they were drinking chicha in his house; tapir: I'll go pour pineapple juice; turtle: I would drink it; the tapir went out and started urinating, invited the turtle to drink; she grabbed his penis; he started screaming what will kill her; turtle: I can't be killed with a stick; tapir tells me to throw it into the fire; turtle: I don't burn; when the tapir is about to throw the turtle into the water, it cried; the tapir immersed the turtle in water, but that continued to hold his penis until the tapir died]: Brüzzi 1994:178-180 (quoted in Bidou 1996:76-77).

Montagna - Jurua. Shipibo: Gebhaert-Sayer 1987, No. 2 [a single boy uses kalebasu instead of his wife; she becomes a woman, has three sons; they sit on a tree and eat fruit; Tapir comes constantly and asks for fruit for themselves; they throw the unripe fruit at his head; he knocks on the trunk, making it fat; brothers go down as ants; follow the tapir's trail; ask his excrement or the grown ones of these trees when the tapir passed; a year, six months, a month, ten days ago; he is here; the eldest turns into an ant, climbs into the tapir's anus, hurts the heart; brothers fresh the carcass; each tries to be a pot to cook meat; only the elder can withstand the heat for a long time; they ask the Duck to transport them across the river; she replies that her boat is small; Cayman asks not to step on his head; the younger brother comes, Cayman grabs him by the leg, drags him under water; the Sloth drains the river, the brothers take the youngest's corpse out of the caiman's womb; his leg is not enough; they shoot at the sky, make a chain of arrows; Termite and Little Squirrel are afraid to climb, Big Squirrel comes back, says the sky is good; the turtle turns the chain into a ladder; the brothers take Cayman's head and brother's corpse, go up to heaven]: 350- 351; Roe 1982, No. 7 [an old man (this is Tapir) makes a boat under a Guava tree; children sitting on a tree throw fruits at him; the old man kicks him with his foot, the tree grows huge; children turn into ants, they go down on leaves, then become human again; follow the old man's trail, asking for directions from the genip trees; find more and more fresh tapir droppings; one became an ant, climbed the tapir in the ass, cut his heart ; the tapir died; one turned into a pot, meat was cooked in it; everyone tasted it, but only the strongest one could withstand the fever; they had to cross the river; the man sent a boat - a caimana; sitting on his back, brothers they thought what to become, they chose birds; one decided to become a panguana bird; on the coast, the Cayman bit off both his legs; Panguana is part of Orion, without legs; all turned into Pleiades, Hyades, Orion's Belt], 8 [ at night, the young man masturbates to the calebass; his mother began to put him one at a time and throw him away; two boys came out of the broken calebas; they ask who killed their mother; the grandmother replies that Lightning; they killed the spirit- Lightning; they ask again if they threaten to kill the grandmother herself; she replies that Tapir killed; they found Tapir from fresh litter; the youngest became an ant, climbed into Tapira's anus, cut off his heart; the elder cut the tapir stomach, let the younger one go; the youngest turned into a pot to cook meat; the eldest puts it on the fire and then in the water; the meat is cooked; the Sloth promised to call a bird that will transport the brothers across the river; the bird asks not to step on her boat's bow; the eldest listened, the youngest stepped on the shore, the boat turned into a caiman, bit off his leg; the Sloth dried the river with a magic spear, the elder cut off the caiman jaw, brother's leg out; when they return to their grandmother, the brothers again ask who killed their mother; she replies that they will receive an answer in heaven; the brothers climbed a chain of arrows, the eldest is in his hands a caiman jaw - Hyades]: 62-63, 63-66; Ashaninka [Kiri is Avíveri's nephew; sister A. went fishing, leaving her daughter at home; K. tries to get along with her; she refused; he latex her eyes, ears and mouth and urinated on her face; when her mother returned, the girl's brother found her in the attic and washed her; K. ran; the girl's parents set off in pursuit; they consistently pass the chakras where the corn is less and less mature ( the last one has just been sown); K. agrees to be stabbed into the top of his head (nailed to the ground); returning to this place, the owner saw that K. had turned into a peach palm (Bactris gasipaes); person {sister A.'s husband?} He was ready to share the palm seeds with the vulture, but the vulture insisted on collecting it himself; the palm tree immediately grew to the sky; the vulture climbed the trunk, but the palm tree threw it off; it turned into an ominous bird]: Zolezzi 2014, No. 16, option 2:179-180; Ashaninka [Avéveri's sister left her son under the supervision of a childless woman; she turned him into lying in a hammock; calebasu; afraid that his mother the child will now come, turned her other children into calebasses; two of them were sitting on a palm tree and opening the pods; A. asked them to shed the fruit for him, but they shed only the peel; he turned the children into There are two types of monkeys; the sister gave A. drunk and began to offer types of death; A. rejected everyone and promised to go get the fiery bird, which would burn everything; the parrot, the son of sister A., followed him to prevent him find the bird; as he caught up with A., the corn in the plots was less and less mature; when he caught up with A., he began to reject the types of death: the Ashaninka themselves would die like this; and let him be stabbed in his head; turned into a peach paolma; the vulture secretly followed A.'s nephew and learned about a new plant with oily fruits; he could not climb it, feathered it on the trunk, and it became covered with thorns; A.'s nephew turned him into a current vulture]: Zolezzi 2014, No. 16, Variant 3:180-182.

Southern Amazon. Kamayura: Münzel 1973 [Turtle boys throw Tapira from the tree not the fruits of the genipa, but the peel; he shakes them off the tree, tramples them, leaves; some are alive, follow Tapir's trail for a year, find everything fresher excrement; ends up in the sky; they kill Tapir, cut to pieces; they decide to stay in the sky; these are the Pleiades, rising after a constellation that eats Tapir's grilled meat]: 187-190; Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973 [as in Münzel; some boys turn into turtles after falling from a tree; they don't end up in the sky, but go up there after Tapir is killed]: 171-173; kayabi [Turtles they eat fruits on the tree; Tapir asks him to drop the fruit too, but they throw only the peel; Tapir hits the trunk, the turtles fall, he tramples on them; two did not fall; followed in his footsteps, finding more and more fresh excrement; seeing Tapir sleeping, one climbed into his anus, the other down his throat, killed Tapir; they came to Jaguar to ask for fire; he does not believe that fire should be smoked for wasps, took away their meat; they secretly come to eat meat at Jaguar's house; once he spotted one of the Turtles, threw it away]: Pereira 1995, No. 10:63-64.

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