Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue

Ethnicities and habitats

J6B. Blinding the victim. (.

The heroes' mother is not killed, but she is losing her sight.

Seneca, chikuna, chiriguano, caduveo.

Northeast. Seneca [the eldest of six brothers gets married; his wife blinds them all; Tornadoes kidnap their younger sister; an old woman wants to eat her, a tornado boy kills an old woman, marries a girl; her two sons- twins are found by blind uncles; one of the twins comes to women making a veil decorated with human eyes; turns into a duckling; one of the women goes to fetch water, wants to catch a duckling; that disappears, she is pregnant, gives birth to a boy; the baby cries, rejects everything offered to him; when everyone falls asleep, she carries away the blanket with the eyes that covered him with; restores sight to his uncles]: Curtin, Hewitt 1918, No. 18:75-81.

NW Amazon. Chikuna [the forest spirit feeds on people's eyes; eats away the eyes of a pregnant woman; a forest woman replaces a born boy with her daughter, raises him; another daughter of a forest woman tells him who his mother is; he steals medicine from his stepmother, pours her mother's eyes, she sees the light; out of anger, a forest woman pushes her daughters into a mortar; they turn into fish and crabs]: Nimuendaju 1952:144-145.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Chiriguano [at the festival, the Battleship digs a hole under a girl sitting on the ground, makes her pregnant; she comes to the Battleship's hole, leaves her baby in it; he is no longer picked up by her ; she is taken away and dazzled by the Double-Headed Jaguar; her father catches her son with a net; a young man hunts birds, one of them advises him to look for his mother better; he kills predators from the feline family one by one; The Two-Headed Jaguar is the last to leave the house; hides under the moon's apron, eats the moon; the Battleship's son makes his mother new eyes out of clay]: Nordenskiöld 1912:271-273.

Chaco. Caduveo [Seven Stars descends from heaven, marries, returns to heaven; his pregnant wife is kidnapped by two Jaguars, married, one eye is pulled out; Frog Man raises her son; he wants to kill a pigeon, a dove brings it to its mother; a young man kills both Jaguars]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990a, No. 26:47.