Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

J7A. Take dinner to my father .15.27.-.29.31.

A girl (less often a boy) brings lunch to her father or brothers who work in the field (in the forest), but ends up with a demonic character.

Sardinians, Moldovans, Belarusians, Ukrainians (Poltava, Kherson), Russians (Gorkovskaya), Dargins, Megrelians, Estonians.

Southern Europe. Sardinians [the girl took lunch to her father and brothers who worked in the fields; to meet the ogre (orco); she refuses to give him lunch; he swallowed her father and brothers, her mother died of grief; the girl gave birth to a boy; he decides to take revenge on the ogre, tells him to prepare iron armor, sword and shield; on the way he meets people; they promise him half of his property if he brings 7 cannibal languages; cannibal regurgitated those swallowed alive; the young man killed him, brought his tongues, received an award]: Aprile 2000:79.

The Balkans. Moldovans: Botezat 1981 [brothers go to work, ask their mother to send their sister to bring them lunch, make a furrow from home to the field; the Serpent falls asleep, makes another one to his house; locks the girl, tells her to work; the elder brother walks along the furrow, the Serpent cuts off his legs, throws him into the hole; the same with the younger one; the mother drinks from the well, sits on the flints, gives birth to Flint; lowering the hut on his mother, makes her admit that he has brothers; during battle, the falcon refreshes him with water, he kills the Serpent; revives his brothers with living water]: 217-225; Moldavian tales 1968 [God and St. Peter was walking by, Peter baptized the peasant's third son, who became prophetic; the godson of God (KB) plowed a furrow from the kitchen to the arable land so that his sister would walk along the furrow; the dragon recognized, held out a furrow to his home, the girl took lunch, got to the dragon; KB goes looking for her, throwing an iron core forward; the chicks say that the dragon from the well is eating them, 24 has already eaten them; KB cuts off both heads of the dragon; mother asks the chicks, where their savior is, they send her in the wrong direction so that she does not swallow KB in joy; she finds, swallows, belches, KB becomes handsome; asks the bird to find her sister; she calls her sons- Winds; Eastern self with a nail, a beard with an elbow on a lame hare; Southern tall, blind, gives hairs, if burned, will come to the rescue; KB meets Obivala, Opivala, South Wind; East and South Winds tear the dragon in half; three brothers fight for their father's inheritance - an invisible hat, a whip to fly on, an awl that lifts him to a glass mountain, where the king hides his daughter from the dragon; KB promises to throw things into the lake (who can get them faster), takes them himself; the king promises a daughter for killing the dragon; KB overhears Scaraosky (?) tells the hell that KB must spray water on them from his baptism, then he will take the treasure; to prevent KB from sprinkling water on them, the devils bring him a dragon in a barrel; KB brings a barrel to the king, kills the dragon, falls fainted; the king puts him in a barrel, sheds him; KB burns his hairs, a man with a nail on a lame hare frees him; the king demands for his daughter 1) a flower from the Flower Mountain (The man with the nail gives); 2) eat a herd of cows (Oatmeal eats); 2) drink a water well (Opivalo drinks); 3) collect all mosquitoes (South Wind collects); the king threw the awl to hell into the lake; KB again threatens them with baptismal water, those they give an awl; KYU climbs a glass mountain, marries a princess]: 185-194.

Central Europe. Belarusians (Grodno Oblast) [two brothers go to plow in the forest, mark the road with straw, the sister must walk along it to bring them lunch; the seven-headed Serpent overheard, changed signs, the girl came to the Snake; one, then the second brothers come, The serpent shows its wealth, offers iron bread, hangs his brothers on a beam; their mother's pea turns into a boy Pokatypea (P.), he grows up, the blacksmith makes him a seven-pound mace, he throws it to the clouds, it falls, breaks; he orders stronger; comes to the Serpent, eats iron bread, breaks the deck without an ax, burns it without fire; P. and the Serpent drive each other into the ground, P. drives him whole, kills him with a mace; kills a horse, hides in a carcass, grabs the Crow that has descended, orders him to bring living and dead water; he brings, P. tears the Raven in two, glues, revives brought with water; revives the brothers; on the way back, the brothers tie him to the oak tree, not believing that he is their brother; he drags the oak tree to the house, leaves his parents, leaves; meets and takes Vyrvigora as a friend, Vyrvidub; P. kills a six-, seven-, nine-headed snake, brings tongues to the king; the wives of the Serpents turn into a bed, into an apple tree, P. cuts them, preventing their comrades from sitting down and eating apples; the third Snake falls from earth to heaven; P. throws three kani (stones?) into her mouth , three falcons, comrades; each time she Snake returns to drink; P. hides with blacksmiths; they tell the Snake to wipe the doors with their tongue, grab her tongue with ticks, P. kills her]: Afanasiev 1958 (1), No. 134:254- 263; Ukrainians (Poltava, Romensky district) [Two Kondrati brothers go out into the field without a cauldron, ask their sister to bring them to the field, to which they will leave a trail of the house - pinches, the snake shifts them and changes direction to their house, the girl enters house, a snake locks her inside. The brothers go to free their sister, on the way they meet an old man grazing oxen, who advises killing and eating 30 oxen to free the girl, the brothers cannot kill, the old shepherd advises killing and eating sheep 200 sheep, they can't eat, baba herds ducklings and Peta advises killing and eating 200 ducklings, they can't eat them. They come to the snake, "Beat Chi Meritza?" The brothers are hit by a snake, nothing happens, it puts them on the bone, knees in the ground and kills them. Kondratyev's brother "Cinko-Klenko" grows up at a wonderful speed, forges a chain of 20 fathoms and cannot kill 40 bulls with it on the way, orders a chain of 40, then 50 fathoms, kills and eats bulls, 200 sheep and 200 ducklings (kills with a woman). The serpent hits Cinko-Clinco, who does not move, the snake hits the bone into the ground, then knee-deep, then dies. He finds gold with his sister in cellars, lives richly and happily with her]: Gnedich 1916, No. 1485:16-17; Ukrainians (Kherson) [the elderly have three daughters; the grandfather asks to bring him lunch to the field, promises on the road to cut a stick and throw chips; the snake found out, put the chips on the path to his house; tells the girl to have dinner, salty meat is human; in the morning the snake gave the keys, forbade entering one room; she she came in, there were dead people and blood vessels; she dropped the apple given by the snake, the blood could not be washed off; the serpent cut off her head, threw it into that room; next time the youngest daughter, father, sprinkles ash, the same; middle daughter, father sprinkles potatoes; she did not drop the apple, the serpent believed that she had not looked into the forbidden rooms; she caught a crow, forced her to bring living and dead water, revived her sisters, put them in a chest, told the snake to take the gift home; a few years later she gave birth to a half-human half-snake; told the snake to take gold home; cut the child, threw it into the forbidden room, sat down in the chest itself; the snake returned - No wife]: Yastrebov 1894, No. 15:145-148; Russians (Gorkovskaya) [when leaving for arable land, the father marks the road with nuts: let his daughters bring him lunch; the bear put the nuts to his den; the eldest daughter I got to the bear; then the middle one; when the youngest went, the father began to watch; came to the den, killed the bear with a horn, took his daughters]: Eremina et al. 1979, No. 38:218-219.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Dargins [the widow has 21 sons and daughters; 7 brothers are peasants, 7 are students, 7 are robbers; the daughter carried food to the peasant brothers through the forest, they left notches in the trees, disappeared; the brothers go to searching, finding other notches, walking through them, getting to the witch, who throws them into the same hole as their sister; the same with students and robbers; the mother of the missing bit off a golden apple that fell from the sky, the rest was eaten by a mare; a hero and a horse were born; the hero drove the witch neck into the ground; she showed where the brothers were and she ate her sister; the young man cut off her head; the robber brothers threw the youngest into the hole, the witches shared the wealth; the youngest dug a way into the old woman's house; killed Azhdah, who closed the water in that village; the beggars came to the wedding of the robber brothers; no one can pull a bow, they offer this to the beggar, he kills robber brothers; their brides marry peasant brothers]: Khalilov 1965, No. 62:183-185; Megrelians [nine brothers buy a plot of land, go to work there; sister is told that on the way, they will throw garlic heads; an old Mdevi picks up garlic, scatters it on the way to her house; hungry and unable to find her sister at home, the brothers come to Mdevi, her sons defeat them, lock them up in a barn to eat at the festival; God sends the Raven to find out why the mother of the missing is crying; the crow promises to tell God if the old woman gives her eye; He tells God that she is crying for a murdered child; It's the same with the second eye; God sends a dove, he tells the truth; God curses the Raven, and with the Dove sends a handkerchief to wipe her eyes and see the light, an apple, to conceive a son; he becomes a giant, hears from his playmates that he had brothers and sister; comes to Mdevi, fights; the severed head of the younger monster grows back, the bird tells him to sprinkle ash on the wound; so the hero kills all the mdevis, frees his brothers and sister; the brothers offer to race, provoking the hero to step on the carpet that closes the hole; the hero falls at the well, the daughter of the underground king cries next to him, who is given to eaten by a dragon that has covered the water; the hero falls asleep, wakes up from a tearful beauty, kills a dragon with an arrow; a grateful king puts the hero on an eagle along with a load of meat; there is not enough meat, the hero cuts him off from his own leg, on the ground an eagle heals him; the hero returns to his mother, does not take revenge on his brothers]: Mashurko 1904, No. 1:1-6.

Baltoscandia. Estonians (Tapa) [the woodcutter told his son to bring lunch, left pieces of spruce bark on the road; the devil put the bark on the road leading to hell; began to feed well, gave the keys, one big iron from rooms that cannot be unlocked; gave a golden egg, threatened to kill if the boy lost it; he opened it, dropped the egg into a barrel of blood, had difficulty reaching it, but the devil saw blood on his hands and egg; ordered put his head on the chopping block, the boy can't put it right, the devil shows how to do it, the boy cuts off his head, runs away, his head is chasing, screams läll, läll; the boy ran home, father burned the line's head]: Järv et al. 2009, No. 30:130-131.