Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

J9. Children from their mother's womb show her the way.


Before they are born, babies speak from their mother's womb, showing her the way.

The Northern Andes. Guajiro: Wilbert, Simoneau 1986 (1), No. 24 [sister, not knowing whether she is getting pregnant from her brother's breath; gives birth to a girl; she gets pregnant by an uncle who hits her chest with his hand; leaves, twins from her womb they talk to her; ask her to make them bows and arrows; she pricks her eyes with a reed, punishes the children by slapping her stomach; they force her to come to the Jaguars; the mother of the Jaguars hides her in a vessel; her sons they find and devour it; five boys are born from pieces of her meat; three Jaguars are killed, two are kept; they offer to shoot at a man's pupils on the moon; twins replace arrows; Jaguars lose, turn arrowheads into their claws; twins steal melons and papayas from the Dove's garden; she tells them about the fate of their mother; Mako reports the same; the twins kill the Jaguar mother, cook her meat, give her her sons eat it; run away, becoming a cloud; Jaguars turn into evil spirits], 25 [about like (24)]: 54-63, 66.

Guiana. Warrau: Wilbert 1970, No. 109 [The sun husband leaves his pregnant wife, goes west; she follows him; her son says from the womb that his father climbed into the sky by tree; she does not understand him; by An old woman sits in a tree, a woman makes her answer; she explains how to climb a tree, jump on a cloud; a woman turns into a moon; her children are stars from the Sun], 166 [The sun goes west, leaving feathers on the path; his wife is following the trail; the wind carries away her feathers; the child from her womb guides her; asks her to pick flowers; she is bitten by a wasp; she claps her stomach; the son thinks that his mother is hitting him, falls silent; a woman comes to an old frog; see motif J17]: 229-230, 359-360; Carinha in Orinoco: Civrieux 1974:82-84; Carinha Guyana [a woman conceives twins from the Sun, this is Pia and Makunaima; P. from her mother's womb promises to show her the way to her father; on the way she tells her to pick flowers; she falls down, blames her sons; they stop talking, she comes to the house of the Frog Kono (bo) -aru, Jaguar's mother; she hides the woman under a vessel, the Jaguar finds and kills her; K. tells them that the Crax bird killed their mother; they exterminate the birds, the latter reports that their mother killed them Jaguar; brothers kill Jaguar and K. with arrows; come to another old woman, also the Frog; returning from hunting, they find ready-made manioc cakes; they watch the old woman, see how starch falls from her stain on the shoulder; they refuse to eat cakes, put the old woman on a bast bed, set fire; since then the skin of the frogs has been wrinkled; the brothers go to look for their father, come to Tapirikha; find her fruit tree, eat the fruits ; she hits them, runs away; after many days of chasing, they throw a lasso at her; M. cuts off her leg with a rope; Tapiriha and M. turn into the Pleiades, their severed leg into Orion's Belt]: Roth 1915, No. 35- 38:133-135; curl: Magaña 1988a, No. 60, 60a, 61:107-109, 239; trio: Magaña 1987, No. 8 [twins from the mother's womb ask her to go to their father's village; tell them to pick flowers for them and fruits; she is bitten by wasps, angry with children, they stop showing the way; a woman comes to the jaguars; a weasel (comadreja) hides her under a vessel, the Jaguar finds it, she turns into a turtle, he still eats it; two boys hatch from eggs, an old woman raises them; while hunting, a dove tells them about their mother's fate; they invite the Jaguars to a party, and lightning strikes the house where they dance; turn the house into a rock, an old woman into a deer; a pair of jaguars escape]: 133; oyana: Magaña 1987, No. 43 [a pregnant woman goes in search of her child's father; a son from her womb asks her to get her banana; she is bitten by a wasp, she is angry with her son; at a fork in the road he refuses to show the way, she ends up to the Jaguar; his mother Toad hides her under a vessel; Jaguar finds and devours her; Toad preserves and raises a child; a bird tells him how his mother died; he invites the Jaguars, turns the house in which they dance into a rock; one jaguar is saved], 53 [see J16 motif; in exchange for life a man promises his sister to be married to Jaguar; she does not want to go; he makes a wooden girl, she falls out of a hammock, breaks; makes a wax, the basket sticks to her back; paints three other girls black paint, but the Jaguar learns the substitution; the man's sister is pregnant with Jaguar, goes to his village; turns to the wrong path, gets to the Possum; Jaguar's son advises not to refuse the Possum, but to put it leaves in the vagina; the woman forgets to take out the leaves, becomes pregnant with her second son; the son asks for fruit, the woman is bitten by an ant, she scolds the ant; the son thinks he is silent; she comes to the village of Jaguars; them Aunt Toad hides it under a vessel; Jaguar finds her and eats her; Opossum's son is also eaten; Jaguar's son turns into a turtle; it is eaten, but four eggs remain; two boys and two girls come out of them; a bird in the forest says that the Jaguars killed their mother; children make flutes from their mother's nails to attract Jaguars; they bring down the roof of the house on them], 97 [the opossum bothers a pregnant woman; she goes on, is eaten jaguars], 97:43, 44-45, 53; oyampi [Yaneya leaves; the pregnant wife follows him; the twins from her womb show her the way; ask her to pick flowers; she is bitten by a wasp; she refuses to collect, The twins fall silent; the woman goes to the Jaguars, the Yaguariha eats her; the Mayamayali and Wayamakale twins (is poppy a monkey?) jump on a tree; Jaguariha calls them back; A dove hunting talks about his mother's death; M. and Y. lure the Jaguars to the bridge, create piranhas in the river; V. cuts off the vine ahead of time, two jaguars they save themselves, the rest are eaten by piranhas; M. almost revives his mother, V. hugs her ahead of time, she falls apart; by the sea, their father cuts down a tree, chips turn into fish; the father tests his sons, M. does not He withstands; the father tells him that he is not his son, but the Monkey; makes a parrot out of his skin, monkeys out of flesh; in the morning the father rises to heaven; M. makes a woman out of wood; V. appears again, despite warning makes love to a woman; she turns into a hard tree, his penis becomes long, he wears it in a basket; comes to the village; while men sleep, he dances with all women; they go into a hole, disappear underground; a parrot and a monkey remain in the village; while men hunt, they take off their feathers and skins, cook; V. comes out of the hole; one woman cuts off his long penis; a piece stays in the vagina; once in the river, it turns into an eel]: Grenada 1982, No. 5:67-72.

Western Amazon. Napo: Foletti Castegnaro 1985 [the daughter is pregnant, although there are no people around; I realized that my brother, who rose to heaven, became the Month; the parents left; the girl asked the parrot to take her to people; the eagle ate all three parrots; she asked the twins about their path in her stomach; they asked her to pick a flower; she was bitten by a wasp, she hit her stomach, the twins fell silent; she came to the house Jaguars; the old woman hid her under the pot, her saliva dripped, the Jaguars jumped to get the woman, Puka Puma ("Red Jaguar") took it out; the old woman asked for giblets, went to wash, found two children , raised; these are Cuillur and Duciru; they asked them to make bows and arrows; they began to take out the lice from the grandmother, killed her, cooked her, took her jaw to the forest; her name is Jaguars, her jaw replies that it cuts firewood; brothers told the Jaguars that they ate their mother, turned into a hummingbird, flew away; they brought down the bridge with the jaguars, the pregnant female escaped; the brothers decided to cross the sea across which the bridge was on the back of the caiman; the eldest did not tells the youngest to tell Cayman that his eyes are bulging; the youngest said Cayman bit off his leg; the elder dried the pond, killed Cayman, put his brother's leg back; the elder made boats shooting at trees; the youngest broke the boat, now they are difficult to make; the brothers made a chain of arrows, went up to heaven, became the Pleiades; there is also a caiman jaw and a basket in which their mother carried parrots]: 55-60; Mercier 1979 [wife is pregnant, her month-old husband is missing; she goes looking for him, asks about the twins' journey in her stomach; she picks flowers for the twins, gets bitten by a wasp, she claps her stomach, saying they're to blame; the twins stop talking; she comes to the Jaguar grandmother; she hides her under the roof, the woman spits; Murupuma, Puka-Puma can't reach her, Wimba-puma jumps; they eat her, the grandmother asks for giblets, takes it out, hides the twins in the pot; they grow up, call her to the site where they quickly grew corn; she almost got lost in it; she tells them to bring water, they they bring a lot, the grandmother almost drowned; she asks for firewood, they bring a lot, they fill it up with firewood; they eat wood-grown mushrooms, it turned out that the grandmother's ears are still alive; the name of the brothers is Kuillurkuna ("Stars"); they they lured her into a cave with musical instruments, asked her to dance, she sat on a glued bench, stuck; she was closed, she would come out at the end of time; the brothers lured the jaguars to the bridge above the dug they brought them down in an abyss; they hid in two rubber bags, let themselves be carried away by the cannibal eagle Anga, who brought them to a nest on a rock; when he fell asleep, the eldest killed the male, the youngest did not finish off the female, she flew to sunset; The duck replied that he could not transport the brothers across the river; Cayman drove, asked what it smelled like; the eldest said he did not feel anything, the youngest that he smelled like caiman; the eldest had time to turn into a fast Suwisuwi bird, and the youngest into a slow Partridge, Cayman bit off his leg; the elder dried the pond, found that caiman, tore off his jaw, took out his leg, put it back; got up along the vine to heaven, the eldest became the Evening Star, the Younger became the Morning Star, the jaw was taken with them (Hyades)]: 28-39, 51; napo or canelo [see motif A31; the girl became pregnant by her brother; that rose to heaven, became a month; it became an ilucu bird (a nightjar? ; but then the story continues; the same below with the mother of the jaguars, who became a toad but continues to act as before) has left home; the Cuillor (younger) and Docero twins from her womb show the way; ask her to pick a flower, then a leaf, a fruit; when she picked the fruit, she was bitten by a wasp; she clapped her stomach because of you; the twins fell silent; the parrot on her shoulder began to point the road, but he was carried away by a falcon; the woman came to the mother of the jaguars; she hid her under the roof, warned her not to spit; the jaguars came, she spat, the eldest climbed, did not find it, the youngest found the woman, they spit her they were torn to pieces, the twins were given to their mother (tender meat), but they asked them not to eat; the mother of the jaguars hid them, a month later they had already grown up; the old woman asked them to prepare firewood; they collected a huge pile, told pull from below, the old woman filled up the firewood; the next time she asked for water, they directed the river, when the old woman opened the door, the water carried her; the twins told the old woman to collect corn in the middle fields, made it endless; she can't find her way back; the voice of the toad "ooh" can be heard; since then, where corn grows, the toad unculu screams; the brothers brought the old woman home; the elder brother tells the younger not throw the leftovers wrapped in leaves into the water; he threw them away, they turned into a stingray, and when he started fishing, the stingray plunged his thorn into it; the mother of the jaguars asked them to make a bridge over the river for them; brothers turned into birds, made clubs, came back; the elder told the youngest to cut off the bridge at the signal, but he said there was no need for a signal; when all the jaguars stepped on the bridge, the elder cut off his end, and the younger he fiddled for a long time and a pregnant jaguariha ran away; her traces are still visible on the river rocks; the brothers told the Old Jaguar about their adventures; he asked them to set traps and the brothers caught almost all birds and animals; the Old Jaguar decided to eat them; his brothers killed him, took out his spine, filled him with ash, put insects in his eyes; shouted that the jaguar wanted to eat them; the old mother of jaguars ran, hit the scarecrow with a stick, the ash blinded her, the brothers washed her eyes; the ancient Jaguar devoured everyone; the brothers made a room inside Mount Galera, put a lot of food and musical instruments there, they lured Jaguar with a game; he started playing himself, did not notice how the brothers came out; they told the hole to close; the Jaguar started rushing, one leg was left outside; there was still a roar; other jaguars brought him food; a huge harpy eagle devoured everyone; Cuillor hid in a rubber bag; the eagle could not tear it, threw it on the clouds; C. does not know how to go down; the old man Uchitican says he is also from the ground; ordered sit on his back, close his eyes, open him after the second whistle, flew; but C. opened after the first one, fell into the forest; Docero went to look for him; began to pick edible mushrooms from the trunk; scream from the trunk {apparently mushrooms are C.'s ears, but it's not directly said}; the woodpecker cut the hole; for this D. gave him a red handkerchief over his head; C. made glue, the eagle stuck, D. broke his wing with a blow of the club; the brothers turned him into stone; it is visible now - it looks like an eagle with a broken wing; a huge anaconda devoured people; the brothers made a trap, persuaded them to climb into it, turned the anaconda into stone; the thunder killed many; the brothers found him sleeping on a tree branch; they cut his neck with an ax, told him to petrify; there are thunderstones in this place now; the evil frog spirit ("devil") took the form of a mother, told the children to dance; the brothers hid, told him to become a stone; the brothers asked the caiman to transport them across the sea; when the first one sailed, he answered the caiman every time that it smelled like fragrant flowers; when he jumped ashore, he said that he was like a caiman; But when the Cayman took the second one, but he had time to bite off the young man's leg; the bees pasted his leg with wax; the brothers made a fire, the smoke rose to the sky, became a staircase, and the brothers climbed into heaven; C. became as a morning star, and D. as an evening star]: Orr, Hudelson 1971, No. 2-15:7-49; saparo [the girl smears her lover's face with genipa juice; he turns out to be her married brother; out of shame, he decided to take to heaven in the morning; made fans out of feathers to fan the fire, asked the Sara-squeak bird to help take off; wanted to say goodbye to his wife, but she hesitated; took off playing the flute; became a month, the spots are still visible; girl turned into a night bird (apparently a nightjar) singing cusa-kusa ("husband, husband") in the moon; var.: When she saw that her lover had left her, the woman fell asleep with two tame parrots; when she woke up - the house is dilapidated, the chakra is overgrown; goes, putting parrots on their shoulders; they report where her husband's mother went; then the falcons took the parrots; var.: two twins, children of the Month, indicate to the mother the road from the womb; one tells me to pick flowers, bees in flowers have bitten a woman; she claps her stomach, tells the children to remain silent, they are completely silent; a woman comes to the Mother of the Jaguars; her children are a red jaguar, black jaguar, spotted jaguar, jaguar cat, tiger, ox herd jaguar; she hides a woman under the roof in a vessel; jaguars found her, ate her; her sister (she is also her brothers' mistress) received a piece, mother - giblets; two boys were in the uterus, Jaguariha raised them; going to dig cassava, they killed the Father of the Jaguars, filled his skin with earth, ash, and crackling insects (grasshoppers?) ; they told the old woman that they were afraid of him; she came up, heard a noise (grasshoppers cracking), hit her husband with a stick; Jaguarich's ash began to suffocate; the brothers ripped off her scalp, both heads (her and hers) husband) cooked; after becoming hummingbirds, they ask the jaguars if their parents' heads were tasty; when they went hunting, the jaguars usually crossed the river by log; the hummingbird brothers asked the termite to gnaw on the log; when the jaguars stepped on him, the older brother threw his spear, the log collapsed, the jaguars were eaten by the caimans; the youngest threw it unsuccessfully, the pregnant sister of the jaguars escaped; Taita-Dios told the brothers not to kill her, otherwise some will frighten children; brothers are sailing on a boat, chewing leaves; the elder threw them into the forest, the youngest, at the request of the elder, into the water; they turned into stingrays; TD prevented them from being killed: let people be pray to me to relieve pain; the brothers wanted to kill the Month that left their mother; TD did not allow it - let it shine at night]: Reinburg 1921:12-14.

NW Amazon. Barasana: S.Hugh-Jones 1979, No. 4A: 275.

Central Amazon. Vila-Bela [when leaving, the husband tells his wife that she will find arar feathers on the way to him; the children from the mother's womb show the way; they want to eat, they cry, she hits the stomach, they stop talking; she gets caught to the Jaguars, says that she followed the trail of urubu and the feathers of the arar; one day the Jaguars return without prey and eat it; their grandmother finds eggs in the uterus, of which 7 boys and a girl are born; avenging their mother, invite the Jaguars to swim where it is deeper; they drown; the Jaguar grandmother comes, they kill her; they go up to heaven, turn into Pleiades]: Barbosa Rodrigues 1890, No. 13:261-262.

Eastern Amazon. Tenetehara: Nimuendaju 1915, No. 1 [Maira grows cassava that ripens in a day; the garden owner does not believe this; so now cassava ripens in a year; M. carves his wife out of wood; leaves; (var.: visits a woman at night; she stains his face with genipa juice, to find out who his lover is; M. leaves forever); Meira's son (SM) from his mother's womb shows her the path that her father took; asks to pick flowers for him; she is bitten by a wasp, she claps her stomach, angry at her son; he is offended, directs her to the Opossum house; Opossum makes a hole in the roof above her hammock, at her rain falls; offers to outweigh the hammock closer to him, then move into his dry hammock; she conceives the Son of the Possum; SM sends her to the village of Jaguars; the old woman hides her under the basket; the Jaguars find her; SM turns her into a deer, she runs, the Jaguars catch up with her, eat her, give the babies from the womb to an old woman; they cannot be fried, cooked, chopped, crushed; the old woman adopts them; they first turn into parrots, then boys; taking out the old woman's lice, they tear off her head, play with her, put her back; the bird Jacques tells them about the death of their mother; they cry, her eyes turn red, the old woman is told that they have been bitten wasps; brothers throw wooden cassava pestles into the river, they turn into piranhas and snakes; brothers feed them meat to make them more ferocious; make a chain of arrows over the river like a bridge; tell the Jaguars that there are juicy fruits on the other side; when the Jaguars step on the bridge, the banks diverge, the river turns into a sea; (var: brothers bring down the bridge); Jaguars are eaten by aquatic creatures; brothers put Jaguar weapons in hollow reeds, thrown into the fire, the fire spreads, M. collects fire himself; tests the brothers; they mock the demons Azan]: 282-287; Wagley, Galvão 1949, No. 14 [Maíra leaves, leaving his pregnant wife; she follows him, Maíra Yra ("Son of Maira", SM) shows her the way from her womb; asks her to pick a flower; a wasp bites a woman in the stomach, claps himself trying to kill a wasp; the son thinks that his mother hit him, falls silent; the woman sleeps in the house of the Possum; he makes a hole in the roof, rain falls on the woman, the possum suggests moving the hammock closer to him, then move into his dry hammock; this is how a woman conceives Mukwura Yra (Son of the Possum, CO); SM is dissatisfied; a woman comes to the village of Jaguars, an old woman hides her under a pot; Jaguar finds her, the woman turns into a deer, runs away; Jaguar with she catches up with dogs; the twins taken out of her stomach tries to fry, cook, pierce with a chip, but only scalds and hurts herself; the old woman makes them her grandchildren; they turn into parrots, macaws, others animals are finally into people; one day they look for an old woman in her head, tear off her head, throw each other, then revive the old woman; the bird Jacques tells them about the death of their mother; they cry, the old woman is told that their their eyes are swollen from wasp bites; they build a bridge over a dry swamp, fill the swamp with water, throw straw fans into the water to fan the fire, they turn into piranhas; invite the Jaguars to fish, step on the bridge, they bring it down; the Jaguars are eaten by piranhas; the SM mother encloses the spirit of the one who ate it in a bamboo vessel, gives it to Maira; he demands proof that the brothers are his children; 1) kill the spirit- Azang woman; SM sets fire to her long hair, dries the lakes in which Azang tries to extinguish it, Azang burns; 2) kills the male spirit Azang; he cuts down a tree what to do with a bow and arrow that hit all animals; SM pierces a sharp hand of spirit into a log, leaves it to die; 3) kill Azang the fisherman; SM in the form of a surubim fish removes the bait from his hook; brother gets hooked, caught, fried, eaten; SM asks Azang to give him the bones, revives his brother; asks his father to break the rock with an arrow; he can't, SM breaks, he stronger than his father; both are now in the Village of Gods]: 137-140; urubu [Mair, in the form of a bird, flies over a rotten fruit; a woman comes out of the fruit, he takes her as a wife; she does not believe that the yams, cassava, etc. planted by her husband ripened on the same day; angry M. leaves; the wife follows in his footsteps, the unborn son from the womb shows the way; after spending the night in the house of the Possum, the woman conceives a second son; Mair's son is offended by his mother, falls silent; the woman comes to the village of Jaguars; the old woman hides her under a vessel, the Jaguars find her, eat her; the children are thrown into boiling water, they jump out; the grandmother adopts them; the brothers cut trees into the river, they turn into piranhas and crocodiles; an island is made on the river, fruit trees are built on it, a bridge is built to the island; when the Jaguars cross the bridge for fruit, the brothers cut the bridge, the Jaguars are eaten by aquatic creatures; because the son of the Possum hesitated, two were saved; brothers come to M. , he gives them bows and arrows; offended by their mother, the brothers throw them into the forest, they turn into snakes; Meir wants to know if his children are in front of him; 1) remove the bait from Anyang's hook; Mair's son takes off the bait, then pulls the forest to laugh; Opossum's son takes the hook in his mouth, is caught, eaten; in the form of an ant, Mair's son collects his bones, revives him; 2) go to Grandfather Wind; he is not at home, Mair's son tickles his wife, her husband hears her laughter, blows, a tree falls on the brothers; Opossum's son dies, revives his brother; 3) walk between two converging and diverging gratin stones; Mair's son passes, the Son of the Possum is crushed, revived by his brother; M. realizes that the youngest of the brothers is not his son, he tells him to go back between the stones; the son of Possum is crushed again; Mair's son rises to heaven in anger, taking the stones with him; they are now produces thunder; Opossum's son goes up to his brother]: Huxley 1956:217-220; tupinamba [Maire-ata goes to travel, his wife cannot accompany him due to pregnancy; follows, the son from the womb shows the way; she does not give him any fruit, he is angry, falls silent; goes astray, gets to the Possum; at night he conceives his second son; the possum turns into an opossum; a woman comes to the village of Jaguars; the Jaguar eats it, the twins are thrown into a pile of garbage; one woman picks them up; the twins hunt for her; show the Jaguaram an island in the sea, where they will find many fruits; Jaguars swim there; twins cause a storm; Jaguars drown, turn into jaguars and other cats; twins come to MA, he tests them; 1) walk between crushing rocks; Opossum's son dies; MA's son dies revives him, both pass; 2) take the bait off Anien's hook; Opossum's son is caught, A. tears him apart; MA's son resurrects him, both take off the bait; MA recognizes them for their sons]: Thevet, 914- 915 in Metraux 1932:135-136.

Montagna - Jurua. Machigenga: Baer 1984, No. 4 [Falcon descends to the girl Ya'konera, marries; before the birth of his son, he returns to heaven, tells him to follow him, the son will show the way; the son from the womb asks to collect flowers for him; I am dissatisfied; he falls silent; I am on the wrong road, comes to the Jaguars; their mother Tsi'rinpi (lizard) hides her under the roof; Jaguars come, go to bed; I spat, fall alone in ear; Jaguars demand to remove their lice; these are big mites; I. bites the coal, making a cracking sound; there is not enough coal for the last Jaguar; I gnaw the tick, makes her sick, the Jaguar devours it; C. He asks for a uterus, there are four chicks; C. throws them away, saying who ate their mother; falcons fly to the mountain, return in human form: Machai'rini, Choinka'vani, Pa'chakami, Ya'vireri; they say T., who heard her words about the death of her mother; they trap a knife in the river, call the Jaguarov to swim, they attack the knife one by one; the brothers throw their hearts into boiling water; the Jaguarikha runs away; Y. warns that there is a demon in the river; Y.'s wife says their son has been swallowed by a demon; I. catches a demon, takes my son out of his belly; he swims down the river with him]: 430-432; Pereira 1988c: 29; pyro [at Yakonero jaguar husband and 20 jaguar sons; participates in an attack on a human village; all women are killed; I. hides the young man under the jaguars in his skin; lives with people, is pregnant; returns to the scene of the massacre to pick up his own lost bracelets; Tsla and his two brothers Muichkahit from her mother's womb ask her for flowers; she gets bitten by an ant, she claps her stomach in her hearts, her sons direct her not to people, but to Jaguar trail; she hides under the roof of her former home, her jaguariha mother-in-law wants to help her; Jaguars find her, ask her to take out their lice; I can't swallow my ex-husband's louse, herself. eat; mother-in-law keeps the uterus; Tsla is the son of manacarao, M. are sons of pucacunga; they grow up, kill jaguars]: Alvarez in Roman 1985:139; apurina [someone comes to Yakonero every night; she gets her hands dirty in paint (anatto, i.e. uruku, but then the paint is black, so obviously a genipa) and touches her lover's back with them; in the morning she sees that the shaman tube is painted black; Yakonero goes to her parents , the son from her womb asks for this and the other; she claps his stomach, he guides her on the wrong path; she comes to the old woman Katsamãuteru; she hides her on the shelf and lets the calebas spit; when she overflows, men find her; she gives birth to four sons, Tsora the youngest; brothers consistently kill their mother's murderers; Tsora created different people, Apurina did everything worse than others, so their not enough]: https://pib.socioambiental.org/en/povo/apurina/1517.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Chacobo: Balzano 1984 [girl gets pregnant; paints her belt with uruku red paint to see who it's from; in the morning she discovers paint on a piece of clay that resembles a penis; her children talk to from the womb, told to go in search of their father; yellow feathers at the fork show the way to her husband, red feathers to jaguars; a woman is bitten by an ant, she claps her stomach; the children fall silent; she comes to Jaguaram; Jaguar marries her, she is pregnant; he tells him to take out his lice; the lice are big; she kills them but does not eat them; the Jaguar takes offense, kills her; the old Jaguariha finds four eggs in her stomach, including them The boys Kako and Kuracho and the girls Mashutsai and Nyanya appear; Kako climbs a tree, throws fruit to his father, Jaguar, kills him with a fruit; Grandfather Yaguar offers to put a sliver in the ass, take it out through his mouth; he dies; children leave their grandmother; Kako kills his sister M., makes rivers out of her blood; turns her second sister into a frog; climbs a tree, a mutum bird makes it grow; brother gives a pole go down; Kako makes colorful feathers for the birds]: 29-31; Kelm 1972, No. 1 [the husband went to the forest, did not return; his wife Iwa went to look for him in the forest, felt pregnant (it is not clear from whom, the husband disappeared a long time ago; var .: she made a penis out of clay and became pregnant); the baby from the womb asked for a toy; she rubbed her stomach with a leaf; at the fork, the child told me to go to his father, there are red parrot feathers scattered there; where yellow feathers went to the jaguars; the mother mixed up, went where the yellow feathers were; the mother of the jaguars came to the old woman; she warned that when she took out her son's lice, they should not be thrown on the floor; the jaguar returned from hunting, asked to take out the lice, they were big, the woman did not bite them, she threw them, they moved on the floor, the jaguar saw, killed the woman (var.: killed because she tried to eat lice); the old woman kept the uterus in it Kako and Yaña twins and their sister Masche, Uruku (var: Kako and Koratschío boys, Masche and Iwa girls); the old woman hid her uterus in a vessel, the children left three days later, grew up a few days later; the old woman promised her son that they would help him hunt; the jaguar was ferocious when he heard the noise when the children were playing; they went to the forest, ate peach palm fruits; K. played the flute, liked the jaguar, came listen; went to eat cassava to the mother of the jaguar; K. climbed a palm tree, rocked, jumped; the jaguar tried it too, K. set up a stake, the jaguar ran into, died; K. left (the mother of the jaguar drove him away for killing his son; var.: at first I decided that another jaguar killed her son, looked for a long time), the others stayed; K. met a mutuna (Crax sp.), who ate Brazil nut fruits, did not show where he was getting it; K. found it himself, climbed, the mutun made a tree high to the sky; K. threw nuts from the top to his brother and sister; shouted that he needed a hook to descend (the mutun had already made the tree lower - as it is now); they did not understand at first, they tried to give K. caiman (var.: he I asked for a caiman first, then a snake, then a hook); K. swims, the waves washed away the shore, the stream became a wide river, K. can't get out; the stork (Alcedo sp.) pulls K. behind his back; K. does not know who saved him, gives all the birds his robe, so they get colorful feathers; when the Stork admitted that he is the hero, K. only a neckerchief remained; the stork tied it, was offended, flew away; then Hebrew motives: K. made a wife for his brother out of his rib; he also made wives to other men from long or short ribs; K. brought people cattle, horses; always lying in a hammock where the Stork pulled him out; blood drips from his back, people smear it on their foreheads so as not to die; home in different places on earth, eventually in the sky]: 211-216; chiriguano : Cipolletti 1978, No. 1 [Tatu-tunpa (Battleship) got together with a girl; she left him pregnant; twins from her womb each ask to pick a flower for him, put it on her chest (en su seno); when ask again, the mother replies that there is no more space on her chest; the twins fall silent, do not show the way at the fork, the woman gets to the Jaguar Mother; she hid her; the jaguars came, the last Yawa with with two heads, one is sleeping, the other is awake; the woman has flowed milk, the jaguars smelled her, lowered her (from under the roof); the mother of the jaguars asked for her insides, hid the twins in a vessel; birds hunting they reproach them for feeding their mother's murderers; that the mother of the jaguars has a medallion (medallita milagrosa) that belonged to their mother; at a watering hole, the twins kill jaguars one by one; double-headed only one head was cut off; he jumped to the moon, the twins behind him; Luna Woman hid it under her clothes, told the twins that she did not have a jaguar; the jaguar ate it, the Moon called for help (eclipse); The twins said that one day he would eat the moon, the sun, the stars, come out from under the moon's clothes, the earth would end; one of the twins was Kembiliá (Venus), the other Yasotátobos (Orion's Belt)], 2 [Tatú -tunpa (Battleship) got pregnant by breaking a hole under her hole; her parents scolded her, she went to the forest; the twins from her mother's belly asked her for flowers, she got angry, they stopped pointing on the way, the woman came to the blind mother of the jaguars; she hid her under the roof; milk dripped from the woman's chest, the jaguars found her, ate her, the old woman asked her insides to heal her eyes; the twins grew up quickly ; The Jaguar mother said that they kill turtles for their mother's murderers; the twins killed jaguars returning to the house one by one, cutting off their heads; the double-headed one was cut off, the other stayed, he ran away The moon hid it in her bag, told the twins that she did not have it; the Jaguar began to eat it, Luna asked the twins to come back, they refused]: 48-51, 51-54; Metraux 1932:154-158 [Tattoo tunpa came down from heaven, got pregnant with a girl; she did not know how it happened; T. promised her to return in a month; mother tells her to go to her husband; twins from the womb show her the way; she collects flowers for them, they need more; she refuses, they stop talking; she comes to the Jaguar house; Jaguariha hides her in addition to corn; the Jaguars find it, eat it; the toothless Jaguariha asks for her uterus; when she cooks, the twins they sit on the edge of the pot; she raised them, gave onions to hunt birds; the Jaguars ask the twins to teach them how to hunt too; they can't learn; the twins lured them first to go shallow and then deep lake; everyone drowned, only the double-headed Sky Jaguar escaped; the twins made a chain of arrows, rose to heaven; the double-headed Jaguar rose after them; ate the moon and the sun, their blood gave rise to a new moon and the sun; these are eclipses of the sun and moon; one day they will eat, huge bats will appear, they will kill people; some will hide under leather cloaks (?) ; at night, pots, plants, stones will sing, dance, attack people; smut will turn green, there will be no fire; people will first make fire with mate, it will end, remain in the dark; will earthquake, everything will die; the sun will return, another era will begin], 158-165 [a woman did not let her daughter out of the house to isolate her from her men; Rei (like Aguara-tunpa, Lisa) asked her to be his wife, mother refused; he said this to his brother Tatú-tunpa (Battleship); he dug a hole under the girl, became pregnant, then went to her; the mother heard the conversation, found that her daughter was pregnant; the daughter left; the child from her womb shows the way to her father, asks to pick flowers; when the calebas is full of flowers, the mother is angry why there are so many; the son falls silent, does not show the way, the woman comes to her mother jaguars; she hid it, the jaguar sons came, one asked his mother to take out his fleas, the woman's milk dripped on him, the Jaguar found her, the jaguars ate her, gave her giblets to her mother; she hid the twins, they they shot her pigeons, told her sons that she caught birds with snare; the Jaguars do not believe, the old woman shows the twins, says she gave birth to them herself; pigeons explain to the twins that the jaguars ate them mother; twins bear fruit to the jaguars, they say they found them across the river; the Jaguars agreed to cross on a reed boat; the youngest pulled ahead of time, the boat sailed down, everyone drowned, but alone the pregnant woman escaped; the brothers started shooting at the sky, made a chain of arrows; the jaguar managed to eat the youngest; the elder returned, revived him from drops of blood; the eldest became the Sun, the youngest became the Month; sometimes the jaguar Yawarowi eats the Month; when the new moon, the Month draws women's blood; when three days are not visible, it has the Sun]; guarazu [the elder Yanerykiy (Y1) and the youngest Yaneryvy (Y2) from the womb of a Yanehi woman They tell her where to go; they ask her to pick a flower every now and then, she gets angry, claps her stomach, at a fork in the trails they refuse to show her the way; she comes to the Jaguars; their grandmother hides her under the roof; all jaguars believe, the latter finds and kills a woman; Jaguars try to cook twins, they jump to the edge of the vessel; the grandmother advises raising boys; they hunt, bring the Jaguars a lot of meat; Y1 creates a river, puts a log bridge, tells Y2 to tell the Jaguars that there is something edible across the river; the brothers bring down the bridge, a pregnant woman is saved, the brothers smear her with clay (stains on the skin), they turn it into a jaguariha, from her current ones; houses throw the grandmother of the jaguars to each other like a ball; she runs, turns into jochi (aguti?) ; because she lived with jaguars, she also has a patchy skin; because she was an old woman, she has only two teeth; she collects her mother's bones, Y1 tells the partridges to revive her; they fly over her three times, reviving her; Y2 each time rushes to hug her prematurely, revived turns into bones again; brothers go west to heaven, turn into stars (unidentified)]: Riester 1977, No. 9:241-242.

Southern Brazil. Apapokuwa [Nyanderuvusu (Our Great Father) makes a clay bowl, tells Nyandera Mbaekuaa (Our Father Who Knows Everything) to open it, underneath it to Nyandez (Our Great Mother) ); tells NM to try it; Niandesa conceives one son from N., the other from NA; N. sends her to bring corn from a field sown on the same day; she does not believe that the corn is ripe, says to her husband, that he wears not his son, but his son NA; N. leaves, leaves a wooden cross at the crossroads; Nyandesu is following the trail; the son asks to pick flowers for him from the womb; she is bitten by a wasp, she reproaches her son; he angry, shows the way to the Jaguars at the crossroads; the Jaguar grandmother hides her under a vessel; Jaguars come, finds women alone; the grandmother asks babies for herself; they do not cook in boiling water, do not fry on coals, jump out of the mortar; the grandmother adopts them; they grow up immediately; Nyanderykei is the eldest, son of Nyanderuvusu; they shoot Jacques, who tells about the fate of their mother; it's the same says the parrot; brothers cry, wash away tears from their faces; Nyanderykei revives the mother from her bones; the younger brother rushes to suck, the mother dies again; since then, women's breasts are not so beautiful; brothers create fruits to lure the Jaguars; show a small trap; Jaguars climb into it one by one, fall into the abyss; brothers send their grandmother and other female Jaguars for fruit to the other side of the stream; the banks of the stream diverge, the Jaguarikh devour aquatic creatures; the younger brother is afraid, a rope is tied to the shore; the banks stop parting, one pregnant jaguariha is saved; brothers kill forest demons Anya; Nyanderuvusu takes them home; now Nyanderykei holds the ground support at its zenith]: Nimuendaju 1914:393-399; chiripa [Ñanderú Guazú came from the west, placed land on a wooden cross (palo cruzado); with him Ñanderú Mbae Kua; they found the first woman under a clay pot, both met her; NG went to the plot, came back, told his wife to go pick corn ; she did not believe that the harvest was ripe for her; NG got angry, left, promised to forgive his wife if she found her way to him; from his mother's womb, their son Kuarahy (the future sun) showed her the way; asked her to collect flowers, the woman was bitten by a wasp, she scolded K., he fell silent; the woman came to the old woman, who hid her under a pot from her nephews Añag; she herself told them they killed and ate the woman; the old woman asked her to eat fruit from the womb, but not to cook it, not to bake it; K. considered the old woman to be her mother, shot butterflies, called them by the names of birds, since then the birds have names; the old woman does not tell her to hunt Blue Woe; K. goes there, finds his mother's bones, mixing them with cornmeal makes himself a brother Yacy (next month); brothers kill birds, NG sent them a parrot, who told them about his mother's fate; then K. blew on dead birds, revived them; when A. killed his mother, K. was stained with her blood, so at every solar eclipse; K. revived his mother from bones, but I. came too early, she crumbled again; so people mortal; an Inambu bird flew out of her bones; seeing that her mother could not be revived, K. made an agouti out of her bones; the brothers killed many A., luring them into traps; they created a fruit tree, a bridge to it across the river, piranhas and caimans; J. rocked the bridge too early, all A. and the old woman died, but one pregnant female escaped, jaguars from her; K. gave Y. power over cultivated plants and crops; K. created honey, but I. asked to leave some of the hollows empty; the urubu vultures had fire; K. was afraid to approach them himself, created a cururu toad, which swallowed the coals, brought them, regurgitated; K. made sugar cane, Y. imitated , a snake came out; K. created animals, and Añag was a way to hunt them; A. told K. to get off the tree, hit him with a stick, carried them in a bag, putting the koati on top of the dead; put the basket on the ground, K. ran away, putting up a rotten tree; A.'s daughters did not find game in the basket; A. returned, mistook the tree for K., knocked down, it became a deer, ran away; K. climbed the tree, A. saw its reflection in the water; Owl said where K.; A. climbed after K., who created wasps, they bit A. to death; K. and Y. saw A. fishing; K. bit off and took the hook, Y. got caught; A. caught him in the form of a bagre (the first fish); K. asked for bones, Y. (moon phases); the brothers came to Saria (this is also Añag); Y. said that he had many sisters, A. asked them to marry, Y. ordered K. to ask permission; he told A. to bring fish for his wives, gave the girl, from his feet which the fish is dying; A. began to beat the girl, she turned into a timbo vine; K. gave A. a crown of feathers, it caught fire, A. burned down; a partridge flew out of his stomach, the ashes turned into mosquitoes; I. got together with a married woman; on a full moon, the Month copulates with girls, causing menstruation; K. did Venus; after copulation, Y. tells Venus to wash it, so it rains on the new moon; K. and Y. did a chain of arrows to go to heaven to my father; I wanted to climb first to become the sun, but K. was the first to climb himself]: Bartolomé 1977:16-40 (the episode with feathers at the fork at p.18-19); caigua: Telé maco Borba 1908 (West at Parana in Tibagy in 1874): 62-69 in Frič 1912:480-482, in Koch-Grünberg 1921:213-215, in Metraux 1932:138-139 [the husband told his wife to sow corn, immediately sent it for on the cobs, she did not believe that she was ripe in a day, did not go; the husband sent again, said that their unborn son wanted to eat; the wife replied that the son was not from him; the husband left, the wife went to look for him; the son from asked him to pick flowers and fruits for him; the woman was bitten by a wasp, she slapped her son, hitting her stomach, her son stopped showing the way; she came to the mother of the Iary jaguars; she hid her under a vessel ( cernidor), the last of the jaguars smelled a woman, ate her, I. asked for an embryo, there were twins; they jump off the pan, jump out of the mortar, I. kept them alive; senior Derekey, asked I. to make him a bow and arrow to hunt birds; the younger Derevuy only cries; the red macaw told Derekey about his mother's fate; the brothers found her bones in the excrement of the jaguars, Derekay revived her, but The village rushed to suck, the mother fell apart; Derekay kicked the rotten tree in anger, it turned into bees and honey; the tree ate it, stopped crying; having tied up the jaguars, the brothers went to look for their father, came to Ahan, Derevuy married his daughter; ran away from him; his father was called from the tree, who responded from heaven; the eldest chose the day, became the sun, the youngest became night, became a month; went down to bed with his aunt, she smeared him face with genipa juice, since then spots on the moon; Guarani come from Derevuya's son and his aunt's daughter]; Hanke 1956:225-226; Strelnikov 1930 [pregnant wife does not believe that corn planted in the morning, pumpkins are already ripe; still goes to the garden; at this time the husband goes to heaven; the son from the womb indicates where the father went; the woman sees the feathers of a large white bird on the path; the son confirms that the father passed here; the son asks to pick flowers for him; the woman is bitten by a wasp, she hits her stomach, punishes her son; the son falls silent; the woman goes to the Jaguars; the old Jaguariha hides her, the Jaguar finds her, eats her; Jaguariha asks unborn twins; the eldest is Nyanderike's; they are not fried, they can't be crushed in a mortar; Jaguariha adopts them; does not tell them to hunt on the other side; they shoot Jacques, the parrot; Jacques says they are fools, the Parrot talks about the death of his mother; the brothers fail to catch Jaguariha with a loop; her name is to eat fruits on the other side of the stream, put a pole across the stream; turn the pole over, Jaguariha falls into a stream that turns into a sea; brothers make their mother; they kill Anya's spirits]: 306-308; Samaniego 1968 [Rama Dad leaves his wife; she is pregnant with Pai Quara twins (Sun) and Yvangus (Month); RP tells the PC that if that son is his, he finds him; the woman goes to look for her husband, sends her to the Jaguars at the fork in the PC; they kill her, throw the twins into boiling water, those unharmed; grow up, lead the Jaguars across the river to the fruit tree; bring them to the bridge; Y. destroys it ahead of time, one pregnant jaguariha escapes; the rest turn into caimans and other aquatic animals ; Grandma Jaguarav falls into a trap set by the twins; they burn her, the ashes turn into mosquitoes; the Sun leaves Months waiting, comes to the mother]: 419-421; mbia [into a partridge trap an owl falls; a girl takes it for herself, becomes pregnant with her; the owl turns out to be the supreme deity of Pa-pa Miri; he goes to heaven, a woman promises to come to him with a son who will be born; a son from the womb shows her the way, asks her to pick a flower; she is bitten by a wasp, they quarrel, her son falls silent; a woman comes to the creatures of Mbae-ypi, an old woman hides her under a pot; the youngest grandchild finds and kills a woman; a child (Pa-i, Sun) cannot be killed, he is thrown away, he grows up, lives with an old woman, hunts, makes a brother out of a leaf (next Month); the parrot tells them about the fate of his mother, brothers release all the birds they catch; Pa-i makes a trap; confident in their invulnerability, Mbae-ypi take turns entering it, dying; to kill their women, Pa-i creates a fruit tree across the river, throws pieces of bark into the water, they turn into predatory creatures; makes a bridge; brothers must swing it according to the sign of Pa-i; he signaled prematurely, one pregnant woman escaped , jaguars come from her, the rest fell off the bridge, eaten by aquatic predators; Pa-i resurrects her mother from her bones three times, but the brother rushes to suck her breast every time, the mother dies again; Pa-i scatters bones in the forest, from which paka rodents emerge; when a hunter kills Paku, the Sun does not come out for a long time, because it repents that he left his wife alone (i.e. Pa-pa Miri is identified with the sun, like his son); Charia is fishing. Brother Pa-i dives, caught as a fish, fried, eaten; C. Pa-i gives it a taste, he revives his brother from bones (these death and resurrection are lunar eclipses); C. kills koati, then shoots Pa-i, puts it in the basket, carries it to his daughters; Pa -and leaves stone and sewage instead, runs away; the girls do not find the promised game in the basket; Brother Pa-i comes to his aunt at night; to identify her lover, she smears paint on his face; Pa-i makes a chain of arrows, his brothers climb it to heaven, become the Sun and the Month; the moon sickle is a bow in Brother Pa-i's hands; his face remains stained; he tries to wash them off, goes rain; when Pa-i's son enters the river, the fish dies and can be collected; C. asks Pa-i to lend him the boy, hits him on the head, throws him into the water; Pa-i fights Charia, their strengths are equal (solar eclipses); Pa-i gives C. a feather crown; wearing it, C. burns, mosquitoes, horseflies, gadflies appear from the ashes, a partridge from the entrails, the mistress of the fire, the soul will turn into an evil spirit; contrary to the prohibition of Pa-i, daughter of C. looks at his father's remains, dies; people have died ever since]: Cadogán 1958 [comments]: 89; 1959:70-83; Cadogán, Lopez Austin 1970:74-85; Nyandeva [Ñanderú told his wife go pick corn; she got angry, N. left, she decided to follow; her two sons replied that they did not know where their father had gone; he turned three times in the house and three times when he went outside, and his wife outside turned only twice; the children from the mother's belly began to ask for flowers; the mother was bitten by a bee; she got angry, hit herself in the stomach; came to the jaguars, where their toothless grandmother was; the jaguars ate the woman, the grandmother asked for children (they are soft); could not crush them in a mortar, kept them alive; they hunt parrots with a sling; the parrot tells about the fate of the mother; the eldest revived the mother, the youngest rushed to suck chest, mother broke up again; brothers killed grandmother; put a log across the river, made the river wide; the jaguars stepped onto the bridge, the bridge extended to fit everyone; the youngest swung too early, alone the pregnant jaguariha escaped; the trunk, falling into the water, turned into fish; the eldest began to copulate with his daughter Diablo (the informant did not remember further)]: Novaes da Mota 1992:58-62.