K10. The fight with the bird.
A monstrous bird (bat) attacks people, heroes fight against it. See K10A - K10G motifs.
Nyanga, Tenda, Mosi, Zande, Aranda, Kurnai, Aibom, Vedau, Bargham, Gudinaf, Fiji, Tokelau, Maori, Tuamotu, Apatani, Dafla, Sedang, Karen, Asur, Santala, Senoi, Tingyan, Zoroastrianism, Forest Nenets, Dolgans, Western, Sym and Far Eastern Evenks, Udege, Chukchi, Tundra Yukaghirs, Asian Eskimos, Central Yupiat, Bering Strait Inupiat, Northern Alaska Inupiate, copper, caribou, igloolik, polar, Eskimos of Baffin Land, Labrador, West Greenland, Koyukon, Atna, Upper Tanana, Kuchin, Southern Tutchoni, Tagish, Slevi, Chipewayan, Beaver, Tlingit, Quarry, Chilkotin, shuswap, thompson, koutene, winnebago, menominee, illini, naskapi, hurons, tuscarora, mikmak, grovantre, omaha, ponka, wichita, hichiti, koasati, alabama, natchez, maidu, mountain miwok, yokutz, kawaisu, washo, Northern Payut, Western, Eastern and Northern Shoshones, Goshiyute, Southern Utah, Southern Payut, Chemewevi, Yawapai, Walapai, Havasupai, Navajo, Hicarilla, Western Apaches, Chirikahua, Mescalero, Lipan, Hopi, Zunyi, Western and Eastern Ceres, Cocopa, Pima, Papago, Yaki, Nahuatl (San Luis Potosi, Puebla), Totonaki, Cuicatec, Mazateki, Chinanteca, Chorti, Chol, Lacandons, Quiche, Terraba, Bribri, Cabecar, Bocota, Dabaiba, guajiro, cuiva, shikuani, maquiritare, yanomami, warrau, caribbean (Orinoco), pemon, arekuna, kalinha (?) , makushi, waiwai, trio, kofan, napo, shuar, aguaruna, tariana, barana, barasana, makuna, desana, kabiyari, andoke, uitoto, chikuna, mura, tenetehara, Uarochiri, chayahuita, konibo, kashibo, ashaninka, machigenga, pyro , guarazu, kamayura, vaura, trumai, nambikvara, iranshe, rikbakza, paresi, bororo, apinaye, kayapo, krajo, apaniekra, ramkokamekra, shavante, sherente, ayoreo, chamacoco, nivacle, chorote, maka, toba, mokovi, tereno, South Tehuelches.
Bantu-speaking Africa. Nyanga [King Shemwondo's wife gave birth to son Mwindo and his sister Nyamitondo; Mv. came out of his mother's womb with a scepter and a witchcraft bag; N. married Lightning, he brought her into the sky; the monstrous bird swallowed all the people and animals; climbed into the sky by the hollow of the Mv tree to ask Lightning for help; he and his sister went down with an iron weapon; the bird swallowed his sister, but she cut her stomach from the inside, the swallowed ones came out]: Knappertt 1997:219-220.
West Africa. Tenda [woman has been pregnant for several years; complains that there is no one to harvest fruits for her; Tyara answers from the womb, comes out, immediately becomes a big boy; his grandmother does not tell him to go to hers village, where a bird takes people away; he attaches a bag of ash to it from behind, follows the trail; everyone hides, T. cuts off the bird's head, puts it in a bag; the chief says he killed the bird, but he cannot show his head (the heads of a rooster, goat, ram, cow do not fit); the leader sends T. to a granary (he has the shape of a deep vessel in the ground), pours molten bullets and hot oil on top; T. puts a pumpkin vessel; sends sorrel to search; T. calls sorrel, hears an answer, refuses to go (sorrel cannot answer, it is a trap); T. tells the Sun not to shine so that the oil does not melt; the moon does not grow up so that the hyena does not eat it by the goat; they refuse, T. hides them in a bag, it's a long night; T. tells everyone to hide, releases the Sun; Guinea fowl sticks out its head, now it is burned; The Turtle and the Snail didn't hide, now their bodies are hard, dry; when the sun went down, T. released the moon; the Monkey grabbed her; the moon shows the Monkey grabbing the moon to look at it]: Ferry 1983, #49:286 -295; mosi: Anpetkova-Sharova 2010 [four hunters named "Grow up a tree-become my-toothpick", "Born to Nine Women", "Duval-for-Me-Grass" and "Iron-Staff" caught meat, according to Queues guard; every time an eagle arrives, eats everything; when J. guards, he hits the eagle with an iron staff, is swallowed, comes out from under the tail, hits again, kills the eagle; everyone takes turns following the fire, the giantess ties everyone with her pubic hair; J. touches the giantess with a staff, she loses her strength, he frees his comrades]: 142-144; Frobenius 1986 [out of nine wives, only one gave birth; the boy said his name was Son of Nine Mothers; went on a journey, met and accompanied 1) Tearing trees to pick his ear, 2) Bearded sky, 3) Speedboat (step - he's 180 km away in Mankarraga); companions queues remain to guard the prey (elephant, buffalo, antelope); each time a huge hawk carries it away; the Son of Nine Mothers knocks him out with a bow, finishes him off with a stick, a dagger]: 80-82; Sissao 2010, No. 18 [sorcerer told an infertile woman to cook porridge and not wipe a drop if she fell on her thigh; a drop fell, an abscess was swollen, a boy was born out of it, said that his name was Kegenkargen-Biga-na-Zengloanda; went wandered, met a hero like him, they began to live together; shot birds, put them in a cage, put a forest animal (unidentified) as a watchman; a huge hawk flew in and asked the watchman, whether to eat meat or man, he replied that the meat; the kite ate the birds; friends put another watchman - the same; K. himself remained guarded, replied that he was a man; the hawk swallowed him, but K. went out through the ass; same again; K. killed a hawk, his feathers gave rise to current birds]: 45-46
Sudan - East Africa. Zande [a huge Nzanginzaginzi bird sits on a rock, swallows people; Ture's wife (a spider) carries her mother's flour, puts a centipede on top, she tells the bird to let the woman pass; the mother accidentally doused a centipede with boiling water; on the way back she kept silent, the bird swallowed the woman; T. takes knives with her, lets herself be swallowed, distributes knives swallowed, they cut through the way out, go out, the bird dies]: Arewa, Shrewe 1975, No. 7:202-203.
Australia. Aranda [two eagle brothers kill humans, feed them to chicks; after all, lots of Bulbunnah's people killed and ate them and chicks]: Robinson 1956:73-75.
Melanesia. Vedau [the Kototabe and Kelokelo twins train with a sling; other boys say they'd rather throw stones at the Manubada hawk instead of them. Goodinaf; apparently not a hawk, but an osprey} who killed their father; the mother of the twins admits that this is so; the brothers leave their mother a dracaena branch - if it wilts, they are in trouble; they load slings and batons into the boat, swim to M.'s nest; when M. dives, brothers jump to the sides and dive, M.'s beak pierces the boat, gets stuck in it; brothers kill him with batons; seeing that the dracaena branch swings like the wind, mother the twins are dancing happily; M.'s body is divided between tribes; people in the mountains have got a head: now when they are shot, they dodge with their heads bent; people on the shore have got a side, they dodge side of flying arrows]: Ker 1910:61-63; bargham [cannibal corshun takes everyone away; woman masturbates, gives birth to three children; they make bows, hunt lizards; old Dilubay made a wooden vessel , the brothers split the vessel with arrows, D. could not catch up with them; the brothers grew up, began to cut out large vessels themselves; made a trap pit; split D.'s vessel, he chased them, failed, they finished it off; convinced of their strength, they built a house with a small hole in the roof; the youngest brother, Wilwil, turned into a sugarglider, the kite brought it to the nest; he overheard the kite explain to the chick that his you can only kill by hitting him in the groin and head; V. returned, told his brothers, ordered him to make a smoky fire; the kite flew in, put his paw into the hole in the roof of the house, V. hit him with an arrow in the groin; the brothers finished off with clubs hitting him on the head; the brothers' mother ordered her to be laid down, turned into a slit gong, ordered him to be beaten to summon the hidden people; people gathered, the corpse of the kite was burned, but one feather flew away, little kites appeared out of it; the Simiyangpain woman came, hid; when everyone fell asleep, V. found her, married her; the enemies took the gong mother, but V. said that their gongs would be bad and the sound The bargues will be heard far away]: Hepner 2006:142-165; Gudinaf [Manubutu (osprey) ate almost everyone who remained fled the island; a young pregnant woman and an old woman did not have room in the boat ; they hid in a cave, the young one gave birth to twins; they are called differently: Kewala and Wiwia (two species of parrots {hereinafter K. and V.}), "The one above the ground", and "The one who is underground", "Born first" and" Born second"; the old woman takes care of them, they grow up incredibly quickly; they ask why to whisper; the mother explains, usually calling the osprey "Seer"; the grandmother secretly teaches how to do various spears; taking their dog, the brothers go to look for the osprey, leave their spears in different places along the way; when they stumble upon sleeping M., they wake him up by throwing stones; he first thinks it's the wind; surprised that someone is left alive; brothers hide under an inverted boat; M. pierces the bottom of the claw, and the brothers stab him from below with spears; not sure that M. is dead, they are afraid to approach him, but tell the dog to bring it heart; let it go through the mouth, penetrate to the ass, then turn back, and only then tear the heart off, coming out again through the mouth; {the dog brings the heart}; returning to women, the brothers put M.'s heart on a raft with a sail and let them go to sea; (in some cases, brothers and women eat M.'s body at this time); the father of the twins sees a raft that has sailed to Ferguson Island, realizes that M. is dead, but decides to wait welcome back; the grandmother reports that M. has a wife Vinetauna ("The Woman Herself"), who is scarier than him; the brothers leave their spears along the way; climb a tree, throw nuts at V.; V. puts on a "combat skirt" dances, takes off his skirt, puts on another one, trying many, becoming more and more hot with anger; the brothers run, throwing their prepared spears, but they do no harm to V.; they have the last spear with a double with a tip; brothers argue who will throw it; K. ("elder") strikes V. in both eyes, V. dies; the brothers again tell the dog to bring the heart, send it back on the raft; this time the people returned, the father saw his sons, they were made leaders]: Young 1993:384-385; Fiji (Viti Levu) [the spirit of Kov married the spirit's sister Roko-ua; she was carried away by a giant bird; K. and R. sailed in search; R. wanted to stay on an island where only women lived, but K. persuaded them to swim further; they sailed to where the bird lived in the cave; found K.'s wife's little finger; a bird flew in, carrying five turtles in its beak and ten whales in its claws; K. asked the other spirits to raise the wind, from the wind feathers rose from the bird's tail, K. pierced it in the ass with a spear; K. and R. made a new sail for the boat out of the bird's feather, it was too large; then from a smaller feather; the body was pushed into the sea, it spilled to the foundations of heaven, like now]: Williams 1970 in Polinskaya 1989, No. 44:135-136.
Micronesia-Polynesia. Tokelau [a widow named Mea has sons Thunder Strike, Far Thunder, Lightning; the cannibal bird Veka flew to M. while her sons are away; M. told them this; UG, DC are going to fight V., but she covers them with its wing, they fall motionless; Lightning breaks the bird's wings with a club blow, kills them; tells the brothers to pluck and singe the bird, but they slow, Lightning does everything himself; Mea says her elders sons will now follow the youngest (thunder after lightning)]: Burrows 1923:163-164; Maori [Poua-Kai made a nest on the mountain, carried people to feed the chicks; Te-Hau-O-Tawera filled a pond under the mountain with a wicker of young trees lured the bird; it rushed after him, he went to the pond, her legs were confused, people killed her]: Steinen 1933:340; Tuamotu [when the clay boat Rata is left behind (or, on the contrary, ahead) of everyone, other children say that his father's head was swallowed by a bird and his body was eaten by a tridacna; that his mother was buried shoulder-deep in the ground to keep her alive and served as a meal stand for Chief Puna's wife; R. asks her grandmother to talk about her father; she replies that his father is in a pole at home; R. digs and does not find it; that she herself is his father and mother; R. does not believe; then reports that a Matutu bird owned by Puna took his father, bit off his head, and R.'s mother became a food holder for P.'s wife (or daughter), or was captured to sacrifice at the altar; R. cuts down a tree make a boat, it is reborn; he waits for two of the best craftsmen, boat makers, feeds them, they make him a boat; P. sends sea gods to meet (double-leaf, fish, rock- coral), R. pierces them with a spear; kills the bird M.; in the house of P. R. trickily fills his basket with crabs, taking them out of P.'s people's baskets; killing P.'s people and himself, taking P.'s daughter]: Henry 1928:495-515 (retelling in Beckwith 1970:267-268).
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Apatani [was a giant tree, you can't see the top; a huge Arii Midii bird nestled at the top, and began to feed people and animals for its two chicks; people promised Palo Talo make him king if he kills a bird, told him not to kill the chicks; he climbed to the top, shot the mother bird, wanted to kill the chicks, but then people removed the iron pins he climbed upstairs; he became feed the chicks with meat prepared by the bird; tried whether the chick would raise a stone, only picked up one, killed the other; then the chick lowered him to the ground; he killed him too; a feather from a large wing the bird became a little eagle, the other a hawk, the heart a big eagle; PT was made king, but he returned to his country]: Blackburn 2008, No. 6:81-83; duffle [huge Peta Labra birds carry women usually brides from a wedding procession; Nyu Talo placed a wooden pestle instead of a girl, tied a rope, the bird carried the pestle to a nest on a rock in the middle of the sea, NT found it on a rope, climbed a rock; his friend Poii Talo cut off the rope out of envy; NT killed adult birds, began to train the youngest chick, tied a log to it, it fell; flew on a worn one; he wanted to throw it off, but NT stabbed him in the wing above its house, the bird came down, died; this is how NT killed cannibal birds]: Bori 1995:49-52.
Burma - Indochina. Sedang [a huge vulture takes people away; Rock, whose sister took the neck, goes to the old man, who advises to chase the boar leader, the boar will throw a magic stone; whoever puts it by the cheek can walk on the water; with a stone behind his cheek, R. pulls a sword out of the whirlpool; the Oriole leads him to the vulture cave; R. kills the vulture, frees his sister and other girls]: Nikulin 1970a: 196-201; karen [as soon as pregnant the woman hung her clothes to dry, the sun disappeared behind the clouds; got angry at the Sun and he cursed her; she remained pregnant for three years and gave birth to a son Ta-ywa the size of a yuyuba fruit; he is voracious; it is being done monstrously strong; makes a bow; comes to a spring from which the children of the Sun take water, threaten them, they have to ask their father to make T. larger; the Sun sends different animals against T., but in in the end he is forced to comply with the requirement; people are afraid of the strongman, they try to get rid of him; he leaves, meets, takes as companions the Long-legged, then the Long-Handed, Big-Eared, Three-Toothed, With the Empty Chest; they quarreled while sharing fish; T. went one way with Long-armed and Long-legged and the others to the other; T. and his companions decided to cook rice, there was no fire; they came to Shie-oo for fire; he suggests fighting : the loser will support the ground; they knocked him down and drove him into the ground; when Shie-oo moves, earthquakes occur; they come to an empty house; under the floor where T. lies down, there is a girl; she stabs him with a needle; he thinks someone is biting, raised the floorboard; the girl says that the eagle ate her parents and siblings, and her parents have managed to hide her; T. hid the bamboo iron roof, the eagle could not break through the roof; T. asked for permission to shoot it with an old bamboo bow, but shot an iron bow and killed; then killed the other two eagles; T. took bones from the eagle's womb swallowed, spread out in groups (men, women, buffaloes, pigs, etc., hit each with a rope and revived them; revived the girl's parents; left Longlegged there, telling them to look at the planted plants: if wither, trouble with him; goes on; the same episode with another girl, where tigers instead of an eagle; T. kills them, leaves the Long-armed one there; with the third girl, three snakes; kills two T., the third swallows him; the plants planted by T. have dried up, Long-legged and Long-armed understand that T. is in trouble, they come, kill the snake, revive T.; he returned home and saw his brother cook live fish; he shot him in anger; repented; fired an arrow into the sky to hit him; the tenth arrow hit him; he weakened; sent a monkey-tiger (?) bring the Karen and the tupaya to him - bring the Burmese; gave the first flint to cook the shrimp quickly; the tupaye gave two pieces of bamboo: it is difficult to get fire with them, let him hesitate; but monkey-tiger decided that the shrimp was still raw, since it was red, waited, and the dumaya quickly came to the Burmese, who were the first to come to T., asked him for elephants, horses, oxen, and their dogs asked for ears of rice the size of the ends of their fluffy tails and three harvests a year; the karen came when T. had already died and was burned, with baskets and wicker fans; only a trace of the patterns remained on the ash, the karen remembered him; buffaloes and The Karen couldn't catch elephants, they only caught a pig; that's why the Karen have pigs]: Mason 1865:178-187.
South Asia. Asur [a pair of vultures kill humans to feed their chicks; humans make huge onions, kill vultures with arrows, destroy the giant tree where they nest; the stump turns into rock, chicks in various evil spirits]: Leuva 1963:144-145; Santals [a pair of kites carry people away; two brothers Kara and Guja kill by shooting through a nest from below; where they fell, formed in the ground hole; K. and G. killed and ate a tiger, climbed a tree with their tiger's stomach; a wedding stopped under the tree; the brothers dropped their stomach on the raja, others thought his stomach had burst and ran away; The brothers took their property, lifted them up the tree; K. took the drum and let bees into it; the people returned, the brothers threw a drum at them, they were called Rajami]: Zograf 1971, No. 26:108.
Malaysia-Indonesia. Senoi (sakai) [a huge bird killed all people; brother and sister remained; the sister agreed to marry his brother if he killed a bird; going up to the cave where the bird lived, the young man put out a knife; a bird that arrived ran into him and died; brother and sister's children repopulated the country]: Skeat, Blagden 1906:235-236.
Taiwan - Philippines. Tingian [Sogsogot went hunting; when he went to the clearing, he was caught and carried away by the Banog bird (plays the same role in mythology as the Garuda in India); she left the man in the nest on At the top of the tree and flew away; there were two chicks and three little pigs in the nest; the man ate the piglets and fed the chicks, and then the bird brought more pigs and deer; the man fed the chicks and they were ready to fly; then he grabbed them by the legs and they lowered him to the ground; the man returned to the village and therefore the inhabitants performed a ritual in honor of the spirits; after that S. went to war, at which time his wife died ; on the way home, he met his wife, who was chasing a cow and two pigs; she said she was dead; he wanted to follow her; he tried to touch her hand, but she gave only a little finger; told me to go home and take a white chicken and then follow her footsteps; he did so and went to the river where she was swimming; she promised to hide it in the rice box and carry food there; when local people (i.e. spirits) came at night to eat it, you have to throw them white chicken feathers; they really got scared and left; so every night the feathers began to run out; his wife allowed him to leave, giving him rice on the road; when he returned, man asked about his wife and was told she died and was buried under the house]: Cole 1916:79-81.
Iran - Central Asia. Zoroastrianism [kamak is the name of the mythical bird killed by Sami; according to the Persian rivayat Sad dar Bundehesh, the giant Kamak bird was killed by Kershasp for covering the Sun with its wings and the earth, depriving it of rainwater, and devoured people and animals as if they were wheat grains]: Chunakova 2004:132; (cf. Braginsky 1980b (written sources) [hero Garchasp killed the Kamak bird, which blocked the light of the sun and moon]: 641).
Western Siberia. Forest Nenets [the nest of a minra bird, or minley (among the Mando tundra Nenets) is located on a mountain overseas; one man had a son, the other had a daughter, the children quarreled, a boy stabbed the girl; asked her father not to kill him, but to send him away; he stabbed him two knives into his groin and hit him on the back of the head; the child turned into a minley, the blades of knives into his noisy wings; into a strong snowstorm on the way, iron wings - snowy winds]: Lehtisalo 1998:23-24.
Eastern Siberia. Dolgans [an eight-headed exeque bird lives underground, hunts moose; if you take off its clothes, it becomes human; once it brought a man to his home; he bent his moose rib, did the tambourine, began to beat, E.'s children fell unconscious; E. asks not to hit the tambourine, for which he promises to return it to the ground; he woke up at his home]: Ergis 1967b, No. 55:171; Western Evenks (Angarsk) and The Sym Evenks [the Evenks sang and danced until night; the old woman heard the sound of Kerendo's wings, asked her not to sing, they did not believe her; Kerendo flew in, swallowed everyone who sang, the old woman had time to cover herself with a cauldron, was left alone; I found it, brought black grouse droppings, put it in the cradle, began to pump, the droppings fell apart; in the spring I took goose droppings, began to pump again, the droppings squeaked, it began to pump harder, formed Unyana's man; he grew up, made iron wings for himself, flew to Kerendo; they competed in a flight over the Lama (Baikal); Unyany ripped Kerendo's belly with his wing, from which some of the living fell out, partly dead Evenks; continued to compete with Kerendo's brother and sons, freed many Evenks]: Vasilevich 1950:183-184; Western Evenks (Ilimpic) [Kingit iron bird took the hunter to the mountain in a nest for his two chicks; man made a tambourine out of the skin of wild deer and talcum branches; the chicks are afraid of the sound of a tambourine; he told them to lower it from the mountain, bring it home; he sat on both, they carried it home; he continued to hit the tambourine and they flew back in fear]: Mamontova 2018, No. 7:72-76; Far Eastern Evenks (Uchursky?) [the eagle grabbed the man, brought him to the nest, and let the eagles play: if the cross-eyed man was tickled, he would laugh; the eagles tortured the man with a tickle; then he promised them to make a toy; ordered them to bring brushwood; cutting his Doha into pieces, made a belt, tied the eagles together, and tied the other end to him; set fire to brushwood; the eagles first liked it, and then they took off, carried the man, lowered to the ground; he cut off his belt, ran to the house; when he saw the eagle chasing, he fired a burning arrow; it hit the eagle, the feathers caught fire, he fell and died; since then, eagles and other birds have been afraid person]: Myreeva 2009b: 164-167.
Amur - Sakhalin. Udege people: Podmaskin, Kireeva 2010:100-105 [Akha dreams that she was carried away by a seagull of keels; Egdig's brother does not believe in danger; A. disappears; the dog's skull replies that the girl was taken away by K. tells you to shoot an arrow, it will bounce, follow the arrow; the same is the dog's bones; the skull and bones turn into two young men, go with E.; E. frees the jay entangled in branches; sees A. with two K. sisters collect blueberries; the jay lures A., she sees E., they agree to defeat K. during the campaign; E. hides in the house; A. sings, the K. brothers listen, dress K. as if dead; kingfisher, nuthatch, heron, eagle, squirrel, humpback dwarf boho - K.'s assistants, camlaat; only kingfisher and squirrel say they see E. hiding, K. banishes them; others do not want conflict, say that E. does not; when everyone falls asleep, E. tells the mouse to gnaw through the tendon straps; fights with K. and his brothers and assistants; they have a bowstring on their bow, the tip of their spear falls off, their pants fall off; E. kills K. and him brothers, beats assistants; since then, the nuthatch has a blue back, the back of the squirrel has become a frog; E. married one of K.'s sisters, the other and gave his sister to his two companions], 157-161 [Egdiga is the elder brother, Naguni, younger; Salemkoi's iron bird takes away N.'s tongue, liver, heart; E. goes to take revenge, he is carried by the beautiful copper bird Chektamkoi; C. and S. fight, E. injures S., hitting S. with an arrow in the heart; under The sight of a shaman comes to S.'s house, where her parents; tells her not to look while she heals, takes out his arrow, S. dies; S.'s father and two brothers also turn into iron birds; E. covers seven with copper boilers; birds dive, break through six boilers, E. falls into a cave where many people hunt iron birds; finds a way out, marries C.]
SV Asia. Chukchi: Bogoras 1928, No. 23 [the orphan has five strong uncles; they defeat him in circles, kick him, trample him; he pretends to be dead, catches the Raven; refuses to buy a knife, two sisters A crow, a deer; the raven promises to make him a shaman; the young man defeats his uncle, moving the land and the sea; marries the daughter of the fifth, good uncle; Dawn takes her away; the young man stands on a spear, flies to the North Star ( Cole); that wife is blind, daughter is blind in one eye; the young man makes them sighted; finds Dawn asleep, kills him, takes his wife back; now she is kidnapped by the Sun and the Month; the Sun creates a river of centipedes; the young man throws meat to him, crosses the river; the same episode with rivers of beetles of different colors; a young man enters the Sun; he lets a bloody solar disk of wood, iron, copper through the room; a young man turns into hair, into a needle, unharmed; The Sun throws him into the fire, the young man comes to life; takes his wife home again, promises the Sun to marry his sister; the Sun and the Month come for her; the young man makes a girl out of snow ; The Sun and the Month carry her to heaven; the warm wind makes her melt, kills the Sun and the Month with a blizzard], 49 [The Shaman Eagle takes the man's wife; he follows her; the Falcon gives him his combat outfit; in it a man kills Orel; returns his wife and five other kidnapped women, takes them as wives; Eagle's mother pursues them; the eagle shamanizes, cutting off her wings, the man finishes her off]: 364-367, 433-436; Kozlov 1956 [ a man takes his wife to hunt, an eagle takes her to the island; there are already many people there; a stick guides the hunter, he comes for his wife on the ice; the eagle's mother says that the eagle's father took her from the village and promises to help; tells people to hide under a huge pole; an eagle brings a whale; tries to lift a pole, it can't, its claws get stuck in a pole; people return home, no longer hunt deer, but raise pets] : 48-51; Menovshchikov 1974, No. 57 [Eagle kidnaps his wife Yenavyochgyn' a; Fox teaches how to find the kidnapper; E. kills the Guard Eagle, meets his wife by the lake; tells him to tire the Eagle in the evening, cut him off sleeping head; returns home with his wife; enemies chase them; Fox invites enemies into the house, sets fire, enemies die]: 218-221; Russified, probably tundra Yukaghirs: Bogoras 1918, No. 7 [woman -The monster makes a man marry her; he finds another wife coming out of the ice-hole to him; the monster puts him to sleep, goes to the ice-hole, fires an arrow at the woman; the husband dives, finds his wife on the verge of death; she tells three Cranes to ask for help; the husband approaches them, becoming a shrew, grabs the youngest by the leg; the Cranes agree to follow him; the youngest pulls an arrow from the woman's heart; the two-headed Eagle takes a woman; the youngest Crane takes away his prey; the spouses are happy, have many children], 22 (p. Nizhnekolymsky District Campaign) [Lala does not find his wife at home; Vulture refuses to tell, Soyka says that the kidnapper is Raven Son; L. comes to the house to find his son there, who was also kidnapped during this time; the wives of the Armed Forces explain that the aircraft is iron, he can only be killed by fire; they help to cover his house with firewood while he sleeps; the Sun burns down, L. returns his wife and son]: 21-24, 93-94; Bogoras 1902 [the steep cliffs at the top of the mountain near the mouth of the Kolyma are crowned with the nests of the giant bird Noga, which hunted deer, humans, moose and whales; sometimes it carried the fisherman away in a boat; it is full whitened bones]: 663.
The Arctic. Asian Eskimos: Menovshchikov 1985, No. 37 [The eagle kills everyone, the husband and wife remain; the husband hides in the cave, the Eagle tries to pull him out; the husband sees a bare place on the Eagle's skin, not covered with fluff; hits him with an arrow], 40 [The eagle takes a woman to heaven; her husband makes a wooden female figure; the Eagle's claws get stuck in her, the man kills him; puts on his feathers, rises to heaven; the Eagle has killed him earthly woman; he learns from Orlitsa the ritual of sealing, kills her, descends, teaches people]: 83-84, 93-97; central Yupik [thunderbirds are big eagles; made a nest at the top mountains, carried away deer and people; carried away the hunter's wife; he climbs a mountain, kills chicks first with arrows, then their father and mother; finds the remains of his wife, performs funeral rituals]: Nelson 1899:486-487 ; Bering Strait Inupiat [playing, girls marry stones and bones; one took a stone, became a stone herself; the other a whale jaw, she became a whale, the whale took the girl; her parents sailed for her; when she let his wife out of the house, her husband tied a rope to her; she ties a rope to a pole, swims away with her parents; the husband becomes a whale, pursues; her shoes are thrown at him, then her knee pads, and outerwear; every time the whale lingers to fight it; trying to continue the pursuit on the shore, the whale again turns into whale head bones; another girl husbands an eagle's wing bone; she became an eagle, he took the girl to the eaves of the cliff; began to bring birds and rabbits; she wove a rope from what she had brought; when she brought a deer, finished her work, went down, ran home; the man hit the stalking eagle with an arrow, it became an eagle bone again]: Smith 1994, No. 2:210-212; Northern Alaska Inupiate: Ostermann 1952 (Kangianek) [The eagle takes the chief's daughter; the orphan turns into a mosquito, puts Eagle and him to sleep Falcon's guard, kills both; frees captured women; brings the chief's daughter home, gets her as his wife]: 169-171; (cf. Spencer 1959 (tareumiut) [the girl does not marry; the boy turns into a bowler hat, falls into her dugout, she puts him on the fire, he pretends to boil; at night he takes the form of a human being takes possession of the mistress; turns into a bird, tells her to sit on his back, brings him to the mountain; the woman cries, her hair has fallen out; the little spider woman gives her tendons, ties them up, tells her to close eyes, descends from the mountain, shows the way to the house]: 386); copper [a huge Eagle kidnaps a girl; she weaves a rope from her tendons, goes down a cliff, runs home; an eagle flies for her; her father asks Eagle to open his wings, kills him with a club]: Jenness 1924, No. 65 [1) the man asks Eagle to dance, promising him a sister, people kill him with arrows; everyone ate meat except Eagle's ex-wife; 2) as in Rasmussen]: 77-78; Rasmussen 1932:221-222; caribou [two girls play wives and husbands; one takes a whale shoulder, says her husband will be a whale; the other finds a falcon leg, her husband will be a falcon; the shovel turns into Keith, he takes the woman away, her brother takes her back; Keith chases them, she throws him parts of her clothes, Keith stays near them, the fugitives reach home; another girl Falcon took her to a nest on a rock, wore her lemmings; she asked for her tendons; she weaved a rope out of them, went down, ran home]: Rasmussen 1930b: 94-96; igloolik (Smith Sound) [The Seagull suggests the girl marries him, takes him to a nest on a rock; while she flies overseas to bring whale meat to her wife, the girl goes down the rope, runs home; the Seagull does not have time to grab her, the man kills the Seagull shot in the wing; the same or the other girl was swallowed and regurgitated by a live narwhal]: Kroeber 1899, No. 14:175; polar (the storyteller's mother is from Baffin Land) [three girls play marriage, one wants a seagull as her husband, the other a whale bone, a third grave; the Seagull takes the first to her nest, Keith takes the second to an island in the sea; they come for the kidnapped, she bandages the tied to Keith's rope to stone, sails away with people; in the boat, Keith's wife consistently throws him parts of her clothes, strips naked; when Keith jumps ashore, he again turns into a whale bone; The seagull brings belugas to his wife's goiter; the wife makes a rope out of their tendons, descends from a cliff, runs to her father; he invites the Seagull to raise his wings, kills with an arrow; from the hip joint he makes dog kennel]: Holtved 1951, No. 39:174-179 (translated into Menovshchikov 1985, No. 205:415-416); Labrador Eskimos, West Greenland (two versions - one from Labrador, one from Greenland) [two girls play on the shore, one with eagles and the other with whale bones; the first says she would marry Eagle, the other says what kind of Whale; the first is carried away by the Eagle; she makes a rope out of the tendons of the birds they bring, descends a rock, runs to people; an Eagle arrives, offers him to raise his wings, kills him with arrows; Keith takes the second girl, tells him to collect lice (parasitic crustaceans) from him; the girl's brothers do a fast-moving boat, they come for her sister; Keith chases them; the girl consistently throws Keith her clothes; the boat manages to reach the shore; when it reaches Keith, he turns into whale bone]: Rink 1975, No. 8:126-128.
Subarctic. Koyukon [two brothers come to the old woman and her daughters; they kill their older brother with arrows; the youngest sees a huge nest; the eagle replies that his parents bring wind, darkness, thunder; the mother carries rain, father hail; young man kills chick and adult birds]: Wright 1908:33; atna [Lynx came to the Bear; he has two daughters; Bear insists on calling Lynx his son-in-law; Lynx asks where to get it arrow material; 1) poles; The bear sends crushing trees into the forest; the lynx slips between converging trees, brings solid wood; 2) arrow feathers; on such a cliff; there are two eagles in the nest, their parents flew away to hunt people; the elder eagle promises to tell his parents about the Lynx, who kills him; tells the youngest to say that he fell asleep and fell out of the nest; the Eagle flew in, the Lynx killed him with an arrow; then the Eagle, the same; each of them brought half a man; the Lynx told the eagle to eat partridges and rabbits from now on; brought feathers; 3) a bowstring; there lies a deer as big as a mountain (moose); Lynx asks the Mouse chew hair from where the heart is; it gnaws, tells the Deer that its children are cold; The deer allows it; the Lynx pierces it in this place with an arrow, brings tendons; 4) glue to secure the bowstring; The bear sends the Lynx to where resin boils on the fir; he brings it without being burned; the Bear offers to hunt bears (these are his daughters), gives arrows with bark tips, but the Lynx uses his own kills the Bear's daughters; he chases the Lynx, the Lynx hides in the middle of the lake; the Bear is great for the Frog to drink it; the Lynx asks Sandpiper (snipe or curlew) to hole the Frog's stomach, the water pours out; The bear digs the runoff into the lower lake, but the Lynx slips, the Bear cannot catch it]: Tansy 1982:8-14; upper tanana [see motif K27; Tsaosha (Beaver) marries the Bear's two daughters; that asks for arrow feathers from cannibal eagles; C. climbs into the nest, kills a male chick; asks the female how her parents fly in; Mother with a cloud and a snowball, a father with a cloud and hail; C. kills adult eagles, tells the chick to eat gophers, squirrels and partridges from now on]: McKennan 1959:179-180; Kuchin [see motive K27; Jateaquaint marries Bear's daughter; father-in-law demands to get it cannibal eagle feathers; D. kills a female chick; asks the male how his parents will arrive; Father with rain and hail, mother with a blizzard; D. kills adult eagles with a spear, turns the chick into common eagle]: McKennan 1965:102; southern tutchoni [Äsúya (Beaver Man, Beaver Doctor) was sailing in a boat, saw a cliff, next to a tree with a nest of giant eagles, under it human bones; a chick (the size of an ordinary eagle) replies that its mother will arrive with a south wind and snow; she brings the upper half of the person, says she can feel someone's eyes, the chick replies that these are the eyes brought; A. pierces the eagle with a spear; the father will arrive with the north wind and snow, he brings the lower half of the woman; A. pierces him; A. teaches the chick what to eat from now on (rabbits, gophers, wolverine cubs), tells you to be an adult the same size as he is now]: McClelland 2007 (1), No. 11c: 68-71; tagish [see motif K27; Beaver wants a Bear's daughter to marry; he demands feathers for arrows for cannibal eagles; the Beaver climbs into the nest; the chick says that his mother brings warm and sunny weather, the father brings hail; the Beaver kills adult Eagles, turns the chick into an ordinary eagle, tells him eat gophers, rabbits, not humans]: Norman 1990:111-113; hea [Kunyan climbs into an eagle's nest to get arrow feathers; kills a female chick, asks the male how they will arrive parents; Father will bring light, mother darkness; both birds arrive with a thunderstorm; he kills them and the chick, pulls out feathers]: Petitot 1886, No. 13:141-144; go down [enemies kill everyone, grandson remains with grandmother; he marries, he needs arrows; climbs into the eagle's nest for feathers; the chick hides it under his wing, replies that the father will bring snow, the mother will bring rain; the man kills adult birds, tells the chick to eat fish, not humans; asks the Mouse to dig a passage under a huge deer lying on the ground, to gnaw the hair off the skin under the heart; kills a deer, takes tendons for the bowstring; kills a toad sitting on a piece of flint, makes tips; the wife turns into a bear, he kills her; father-in-law chases him, turns into a flying monster; the man, becoming a Beaver, hides in the lake; the monster drinks the lake; the plover makes a hole his belly, water pours out; the monster flies to the sky; the Beaver makes rapids on the McKenzie River]: Petitot 1886, No. 5:321-327; chipewyan [the hunter climbs a tree for an arrow, finds himself in the sky; comes to an old woman, marries one of her two daughters; misses her parents; goes down a rope, finds herself in the nest of a huge bird; the female brings darkness, the male brings light; the chicks do not allow killing a person, they give his wings fly across the river; tell him not to go at night; he goes, carried by another bird to its nest; asks her for a fire drill; burns a nest; saves a chick who helped him]: Goddard 1912, No. 1:46-49.
NW Coast. The Tlingits [an old woman tells the son of the Fire Drill that cannibal birds have killed his mother's brothers; he comes to the chicks, learns from them that their mother will arrive in yellow and their father in a black cloud; kills adult birds; tells children to eat marmots instead of human beings from now on]: Swanton 1909, No. 31:97.
The coast is the Plateau. Chilcotin [Lendixchuks allows two cannibal eagles to carry themselves to their nest; ties stones to their legs; when the Eagles get tired of carrying weights, kills them with their rod; the last Eagle turns into an eagle]: Farrand 1900, No. 1:12; shuswap: Boas 1918, No. 54c [see K8A motif; The eagle takes people away; Tlees allows himself to be carried away, sprinkles red and white paints, the Eagle takes them for blood and brain; T. kills Orlitsa, descends on an eagle's back]: Boas 1895, No. 1:1-4; Teit 1909a [Tliisa hides red and white paint in her mouth; when the cannibal eagle carries him away and throws him on a rock, T. releases paint from his mouth; the eagle thinks it's blood and brain; T. kills an eagle, takes its feathers, tells the eagles to let themselves down; turns them into ordinary eagles]: 649; coutene [a thunderbird takes the Coyote and his companion into its nest; the satellite kills adult birds; chicks bring both those carried away to the ground]: Boas 1918, No. 54c: 113-117.
The Midwest. Except illini; the bird takes the man to its nest; the chicks want to eat it; he kills them, puts on the feathers of one of them, and goes down. Winnebago [The hare wants to get feathers for the arrows; the eagle takes him to the nest; the hare kills four chicks, puts on the feathers of one of them, goes down to the ground, returns home to the grandmother]: Radin 1956, No. 4 : 64-65; Menominee: Bloomfield 1928, No. 100 [The Thunderbird takes the hunter to the nest on the rock; leaves the chick thinking that the prey is dead; the man kills the chick, wears its skin with feathers, flies to the ground; lives in the house of ten Thunders, marries their sister; returning from the springs or from the swamp, he brings something on his shoes; seeing this, the Thunders rejoice, leave, kill in those underground places spirits; the latter are brought something long, the person is not told to look; he peeks, his wife's brothers are like copper; they decide they will no longer take people away]: 385-393; Skinner, Satterlee 1915, No. 53 [ a thunderbird takes a man to his nest in the sky; although two chicks eat it, he kills them with a spear, puts on the skin of one of them and goes down]: 488-489; Illini [Storm Bird kills people; chief hides warriors in the bushes in front of her cave; himself stands in the open; a bird attacks him, is killed by arrows; people took an accurate picture of her]: Cunningham 1980:22 in Edmonds, Clark 1989:273-274.
Northeast. Naskapi [a man kills a beaver; a huge eagle takes it with a beaver to its nest; a man kills it with a knife; puts on its skin, flies to the ground, returns home]: Speck 1915c, No. 3: 74-76; mikmaq [the huge culloo bird carried people and animals to the nest to feed the chicks; killed people by throwing them against stones; the hunter hid the bow under his clothes, which sprung, it survived; until no birds, he feeds the chicks meat, cutting it into pieces; the chicks are happy, they ask the parent not to kill the person; the chicks grow up, the hunter kills one, goes down with his wings on; the bird pursues, but the hunter manages to escape into the forest]: Hagar 1895:41.
Plains. Grovanter [see motive K27; the hunter does not give meat to the father of his four wives; he steals some meat, the blood clot turns into a young man; he kills a hunter and three evil wives; marries; father-in-law gives difficult assignments; among them, bring feathers for arrows; a young man climbs into the Thunderbirds nest; asks the chicks how to find out when their parents are approaching]: Cooper 1975, No. 11 [Father will fly in a black cloud, the mother is in a white cloud; the birds are unable to hit the young man with lightning, he injures them with arrows himself, returns]: 482-487; Kroeber 1907b, No. 20 [birds produce lightning, blinking, and thunder when moving; Ours mother will arrive in a black storm cloud, and father in a white cloud with thunderstorm and hail; son-in-law kills parent birds, leaves chicks, brings feathers]: 82-90; Omaha, ponka [The rabbit needs feathers; he allows the eagle to carry it to its nest in the sky; the chicks reply that their father will arrive in the rain, the mother in the dark; kills first the chicks, then the adult eagles; the woman lowers him on a rope in in his bag; asks her to put an acorn in her bag when he reaches the ground; he puts his excrement there; returns to his grandmother]: Dorsey 1890:30; wichita [The vulture lives in hot and dark space on the back of the sun; covered with sharp flints; takes a person to an island, throws him into a nest in a tree; a person throws out of the nest two chicks that embody bad weather, leaves the other two, embodying the good; gets off the tree, hits the water with a string; she gives up, he returns home; the Vulture attacks again, the man kills him]: Dorsey 1904a, No. 16:122-123.
Southeast USA. Hichiti [The turkey takes people to heaven; the first ancestors began to look for someone to destroy it; the Black Snake and the Puppy agreed; as soon as the Turkey descended, the Black Snake and the Puppy attacked him, he fell, the others finished it off; people hadn't eaten turkeys before; and now, as soon as turkeys see a puppy, they immediately fly up to the tree; that's why dogs are taken to hunt - turkeys are easy to reach in trees]: Swanton 1929, No. 7:90-91; koasati [the eagle takes a man to its nest; he hides in a cave, bakes deer in the sun, which the eagle brings to the chick; makes the chick lower it down by planting it on back; the Big Eagle didn't catch up with him]: Swanton 1929, No. 31:193.
California. Maidu [The Ogre Eagle kills people; twins kill him, turn him into an eagle]: Dixon 1902, No. 3:53, 57; southern mountain mivoks: Barrett 1919, No. 9 [a scary bird takes the Eagle to heaven; wife The Frog gives the Eagle a knife; he cuts off the bird's head; Coyote makes all bushes and trees out of feathers]: 17-18; Merriam 1993 [a huge bird lived on the back of the sky; flew there through a hole in at the zenith of the sky; kidnapped a toad woman, made her wife, dragged her people to eat, but she refused human meat; Eagle is the leader of the First Men, Toad's nephew, the bird took him away; The Toad taught him how to kill the monster, gave a stone knife; the eagle pushed the bird into a vat of blood, cut off its head; the Toad weaved a rope out of the grass, they went down to the ground; the Coyote planted the bird's feathers, from which various trees and grasses grew]: 163-167; a yokutz (Gashowu) [a hawk woman lived alone; she killed deer and ate them immediately, leaving only their skin behind; the wolf and the coyote came to her; she fed them acorn porridge, made food from dried and gave venison with her; promised to continue to feed them and their children, but they should not tell anyone about it; the magpie was a healer, she found out everything, others followed; the eagle chief sent a dove to forty; she talked about a hawk woman; all the men came to her wanting to marry her, but she refused; the coyote pretended to be sick; the wind caused him to tear off the roof of the house; she had to give the coyote ropes fix the roof; the woman did not want to leave it in the house overnight, but had to; did not allow the coyote to take possession of it; at night she put a rattlesnake in her vagina; the coyote put a wooden cover over his penis, a snake broke her teeth; the woman agreed to take out the snake and they came together; they had a son; he was put in water for three days and grew up; the coyote made many beads and the son became a player; wanted to kill an owl, but he bewitched him , turning him into a condor; the coyote shouted: Kill the owl before the son finally became a condor, but he only cried; the condor flew away; the wife put the snake in her vagina again, she bit the coyote and he died; The condor began to hunt people; tried to make his mother a cannibal, but she refused; he brought two boys and a girl, told their mother to feed them; she told the boys to kill him, otherwise he would destroy them all; when the condor arrived to drink, the boys fired arrows at him, and their sister pulled them out of the condor's body and brought them back to the brothers; the condor did not feel anything; his mother hid the children in a hole in the same place herself, covered it with a stone; the condor almost flew to the top of the sky, but then fell; they burned his body; his eyes flew out of their orbits; they could not be found and the current condors arose from them; a woman and a girl went down to earth through a hole in the sky on a rope of feathers, and the brothers came to where heaven meets earth; there people without mouths feed on the smell of cooked food; the brothers showed how to eat, They cut one person's mouth; he spoke; cut the other's mouths; everyone could eat and talk; the brothers returned home]: Kroeber 1907a, No. 14:205-209.
Big Pool. Southern Utah [the eldest brother kills a huge bird (no details)]: Lowie 1924, No. 48:77; Southern Payut (Moapa) [the young man lets the bird carry himself to the rock; kills, takes feathers for arrows; The Bat brings him down to the ground; he kills her, returns home]: Lowie 1924, No. 19:187.
The Great Southwest. If not otherwise: the eagle takes the twins away; they pretend to be dead, they kill him. Yavapai (northeastern) [people lived underground at the bottom of a deep hole; there was a pine tree ("dog-tail tree") wrapped in a vine; people climbed it to the ground, their leader was Hanyiko' (Frog) ; his shaman daughter made him sick; before he died, he ordered him to be burned and watched for the stars; when two stars appeared in the east before sunrise, they would be feathers adorning his head; 2 months later Five stars will appear - this is his right hand; in 3 months it will be cold, his whole body will be visible; the red star will celebrate 4 months; corn will grow on his grave; when the corpse is burned, everyone will surround the fire, but the Coyote jumps over the short Badger, grabs, carries, eats the heart; before that, people said that the deceased would be reborn in four days; Coyote: let him die forever; H. died forever; c The coyote agreed; his daughter died, people refused to change their minds; it snowed; people: the mountains were covered with cornmeal; Coyote: snow; so the snow does not consist of cornmeal; when it rained, it was dry the tree did not get wet; Coyote: let it get wet; because Coyote took possession of H.'s heart, water poured out of the hole from which people came to the ground; people put all kinds of seeds and the girl in the hollowed out pine tree trunk was sealed; after the flood, the girl went out, the others died; she lay down so that water dripped into her vagina, the sun was shining on her; conceived and gave birth to a girl; she grew up, her mother placed her to the same place, but Water and Sun did not want to get along with her daughter; then her mother covered her with her body and her daughter became pregnant; her son Skatakaamcha; his mother took the eagle and fed her chicks; he broke his leg partridge; when he repaired it, she told about the fate of his mother; S. decided to kill the monstrous bull (bison?) ; The badger dug an underground passage under him, S. stabbed the monster with a hot knife, killed him; put on a blood-filled stomach; the eagle brought it to the nest; the eagles say that the prey is alive, the eagle does not believe; the eagle flew away, the eagle flew in, S. killed her with a hatchet; told the eagles to remain silent; killed the eagle when it returned; threw the eagles out of the nest; made the rock half as low, but no more; The Bat lowered it in the basket ; he opened his eyes, they fell, the Bat was injured, S. cured her; came to his grandmother, who was crying; he threw eagle feathers at her, said he killed both eagles; married; The Wind stole his wife; Spider warns that Wind offers to compete, kills losers; S. beat him in a ball and ring game; won a competition whose hair is longer; Wind stabbed S. 4 times without causing harm; S. killed him with a knife; threw one hand to the east, the other to the south, one leg to the west, the other to the north: let the wind blow from different directions; S. brought his wife back; grandmother: there is a bad Chewasistesikkaamcha; S. came to him into the house, slowly throws food away for fear of being poisoned; killed C. with a knife; Bear's arrow reeds; S. invites him to marry his grandmother; he gave reeds; believes that the best tips are coal ; S. killed him with flint; the tree for the ends of the arrows at the Owl; S. and offered him his grandmother as his wife; she found the heart of the Owl, it was on the sole; S. shot there, killed the Owl; an bow tree in the canyon with converging and diverging walls; S. put a deer horn between them; went east to his father the Sun; the Sun's wife warns that the Sun will try to kill S. in the steam room; but S. is not afraid of the heat; the Sun recognized his son, let him choose a horse; a man at the cliff pushes passers-by with his foot; he grew up with his back to the rock; S. lets a chanterelle first, it dodges; then a rattlesnake, the man is afraid of it; S. disconnected him with an ax from the cliff, threw it into the abyss; below 6-7 women devour the fallen; S. threw that man's stomach into the fire, he burst into the eyes of the women, S. hacked them; there was a boy, he ran to the cave, S. did not I was able to get it, left the snakes to guard, but they fell asleep; the boy left, creating new ones like him; grandmother: you can't handle them]: Gifford 1933a: 349-364; hicarilla [woman conceives from the Sun and from the Waterfall, gives birth to two sons; the son of the Sun, Jonaaiyein, destroys monsters, the son of the Cobaziscini Falls stays at home with his mother; the lizard gives D. his clothes, Gopher digs a passage under the monstrous Moose; gnaws at his hair on the skin where the heart is, says he will carry it to his children; D. pierces his heart with an arrow; Moose blows up the ground with horns, creating mountains; four spiders of different colors on four sides the lights stop him, he dies; D. makes himself sturdy clothes out of Moose skin; a huge eagle takes D. to its nest; the chicks notice that the prey is blinking; D. asks how their parents will arrive; Mother in the afternoon with rain, father before sunset with rain and wind; D. kills adult birds with Moose's horn, turns chicks into ordinary eagles; Bat lowers D. to the ground in a basket; for this he gives she has feathers, tells her not to go to the plain, where there are many birds; she goes, the birds take all the feathers (the origin of their plumage)]: Russel 1898:255-258; Hopi: Stephens 1929, No. 7 [women masturbated eagle feathers, gave birth to Kwatoko; one of K. invites the twins to sit on his back, throws him down, takes the chicks to the nest; does not believe when the chicks say that the prey is alive; the twins kill K .-male with lightning; ask chicks how the female will appear; With light, quiet rain (and males carry heavy rain); they also kill the mother of the chicks with lightning; turn chicks into owls and crows], 10 [monster with heaven (feathered, but rather anthropomorphic) kidnaps the hero's wife; he wins competitions, frees his wife and other women]: 17-18, 21-25; Zunyi [the girl does not leave the house, does not look at the young man; rain enters her room, she gives birth to a boy; in a few days he grows up; throwing stones, hunts small game; sees men's bows; mother admits that a tree for bows and a reed for arrows They grow up near a cave in which a terrible bear; a young man goes there; his divine father closes the entrance to the cave four times when the young man wants to enter it, but then decides whether to let him do what he wants; the bear meets him, grabs the young man; he says that his mother is beautiful; the bear himself chose the material for his bow and arrow, taught him how to make a bow; they agreed that the bear would come for his wife in the evening; the young man equipped his arrows with obsidian tips; the bear says it's just black coals, allows him to try it for himself, is pierced with an arrow and killed; the young man hangs his heart outside the house; the mother admits that There are terrible lizards whose spit burns; the young man goes to them, but their spitting is harmless to him, because he has a divine nature; he himself throws a large piece of salt into the hearth, it explodes, the lizards die, he brings their hearts; the mother confesses that on the path there is a giant pushing those who walk into the abyss with his foot; under the rock, his children devour the fallen; the giant straightens his leg, but the young man jumps back; kills the giant with a club, throws him down, the giant's children ate him; the young man carved the giant's heart; going down, killed his children, leaving two; thus twisted his necks, turning him into a falcon and an owl; the mother admits that there is a huge bison or elk; the gopher made an underground passage under the lying monster, gnawed at the hair where the heart is; the young man pierced his heart with an arrow, the monster plunged his horn into the ground, but the young man ran away; brought it home heart and part of the skin; the mother admits that there is a nest of cannibal eagles at the top of Shuntekia; when he went to the nest, the young man put on a monster-skin hoodie, attached his gut with blood; the eagle brought it to his nest to the chicks, the gut bursts, blood has poured; the chicks respond that their mother arrives when there is a shadow from the clouds (actually from her wings); the father arrives when it starts to rain (actually dew ); the eagle brought the dead girl, the young man killed the eagle with an arrow; the eagle brought the killed young man, the hero killed him with an arrow; killed the chicks, took their feathers for feathers or for use during rituals; he can't go down; his bat grandmother puts him in the basket, doesn't tell him to open his eyes; he doesn't like her song and for the fourth time he opened his eyes; they both fell but didn't break; the bat leads to herself, she feeds, but she can't see well, she does not have berries, but lumps of clay, etc.; she tells me to go home, avoiding sunflowers; first she went around, then went straight; the feathers she took with her turned into summer birds - Goldfinches, Sparrows, etc.]: Cushing 1901:65-92; keres [Kremnevyke Wings; like Hopi, No. 10]: Boas 1928a: 259; Cocopa: Crawford 1983, No. 2 [all girls are in love with Coyote; Moon copulates with him when he swims; then he gets feathers, turns into an ogre eagle; devours parents and sisters; the Sea Serpent paves the Colorado canyon, puts his back out of the water; claws The eagle gets stuck in it, the Serpent drowns it; Coyote's friend pierces the Snake's testicle with a spear; water flows from there, fills the sea]: 37-55; Olmos Aguilera 2005 [all girls are in love with a handsome young man, he rejects them; Moon goes down, copulates with him when he bathes; after that he becomes feathered, turns into an ogre eagle; devours his father, many people; a friend comes to him, also becomes an ogre; Keith sails , Eagle's claws get stuck in it, Keith kills him; friend goes revenge, powerless; friend's aunt throws Keith by throwing sulfur from his ear at him]: 83-85; Pima: Russel 1908 [player turned into an eagle; hero climbs into his nest and kills a sleeper with a truncheon]: 219-221; Shaw 1968 [with a human head]: 20-26; papago [Big Brother loses to the Player; makes a mixture of corn and bird feathers; eating hers, the player turns into an ogre eagle; the Elder Brother climbs his nest on the mountain; finds a woman who gave birth to Eagle Orlenok; hides in a corpse with a fly; cuts off the heads of Eagle and Eagle who fell asleep; during Eagle's agony shudders the earth; Big Brother throws eagle feathers and fluff, they turn into clouds (white in the east, black in the west, pink in the south); revives the dead by spraying the corpses with hot water; cuts through a crack in the rock, people go down it to the ground; the last to descend is a woman]: Densmore 1929a: 39-53.
Mesoamerica Nahuatl (San Luis Potosi) [the corn god tells you to cook a pot of corn porridge, the eagle sinks (?) in it]: Croft 1957:329; Puebla Nahuatl: Heller et al. 1993 [the cannibal corshun takes people; they work with baskets covered with baskets; one person neglects it, is carried to the top of the mountain; kills the kite hits the bone when it falls asleep; on its wings it goes down; the Thunders take it as a servant; instead of five beans, he puts a lot of beans to cook, the beans pour over the edge; in the absence of Thunders opens vessels with wind, clouds, rain, puts on Thunder's cloak, flies across the sky with lightning; Thunders catch him, send him to his village]: 140-153; Rábago 2003, No. R51 [starting as in Heller et al. 1993; y Gromov man must first give them tortillas made for the Thunder by frog cooks; then he is assigned to cook beans and corn; he must put 7 grains each; once he put two handfuls, beans with everything around him filled with corn; the thunders forgave him; forbidden him to remove the lids from the pots; the man began to shoot - in one cloud, in the other the wind, in the third rain; on the ground there was a storm with a thunderstorm; opening a chest with With thunderous clothes, the man put them on and started flying across the sky - like one of the Thunders; Thunder: he put on the best clothes, and we have old ones, how do we catch him? he was taken with lightning, scolded: he wanted to be in charge, although only a servant himself]: 481-484 (similar tax No. R52:484-485); Totonaki: Arenas 2000:99-102 [the eagle takes people away; the rest, going out into the field, they cover themselves with baskets, then the eagle only grabs the basket; the orphan Juan let himself be carried away, killed the eagle and the chicks with a knife, went back; saw the machete cutting wood itself, the bundles of firewood go away by themselves; H. follows comes to 12 gods; they leave him at home, tell him only to tell him to have bananas, cook one grain of corn; H. asks for a lot of bananas, they crushed him; cooks many grains, corn falls asleep; puts on a raincoat, takes a lightning sword, flies away, causing a hurricane; only by putting 12 cloud cloaks over him, the gods manage to grab him; St. The virgin gave his hair to tie him, he became a chain; H. is waiting for her saint's day at the bottom of the sea, but he is not told when it will come, otherwise he will cause a flood], 106-108 [the orphan Aktzin (San Juan) asks his grandmother a basket of tortillas for the whole day; does not work on the site, but weaves a cage from vines, sits in it; the cage with the young man is carried away by a seven-headed eagle; the young man kills the chicks with a knife first, then the eagle itself; cuts him off wings, descends on them to the foot of the cliff; in the forest he sees how the firewood is cut down, tied, a bunch comes to the Gromov house; they leave it, tell him to cook one bean; the orphan cooks a lot, a pile of beans crushed him; the same with a grain of corn; on the third day, an orphan puts on Gromov's clothes, flies; the Thunders remove him from the tree; for the fourth time he wears clothes that will cause the end of the world; St. The Virgin of Guadalupe tells the Thunders to provoke A. to break a rock by the sea; he gets stuck in it because the rock was a cloud; St. The maiden washed her hair, gave the Thunders hair, they tied A., left it at the bottom of the sea; but they could not take away his cloak], 113-117 [people cover themselves with wicker baskets or mats so that they would not be carried away by the eagle; he takes them away Juan, a drunkard sleeping on the ground; he wakes up, cut off the eagle's head with a knife; descends from the nest, goes to the knock of an ax, the ax works by himself; the axe asks H., who shows the eagle's head cut off, proving the veracity of the story; the firewood binds themselves, moves, the Axe sends X. to the Thunders; San Miguel leaves X. to cook; he does not cook 12 beans, but a lot, they swell, crush H. to death, SM revives him; the next day the same with bananas; on the third, H. opens the chests, puts on his cloak, takes a sword, releases water and clouds, breaks into a tree, SM catches it; H. promises not to be ugly anymore; one day causes a monstrous storm again; sees a girl washing her hair in the sea, asking for her hair; this is Maria, she throws hair at H., he turns into a chain; SM puts X. on the bottom of the sea, tells him not to tell him that today is his holy day, otherwise H. will escape]; cuicateques [the old woman found two eggs, put them in a vessel, from which the Sun and Moon were born; every day she went to feed the deer, twins with corn porridge She told me to stay at home; called the deer the father of twins; when she returned, the house was a mess; once I sent them to feed my father themselves - call him, Kundo, Kundo! ; they called, the deer came, they killed him, the Moon took her right eye, the Sun took his left eye; fire was needed to cook the meat; they sent a fox to the old woman; she set fire to her tail, ran away; so that the tail would not burn, the fox placed fire in the stone {obviously in the flint}, the twins cut fire out of it; brought the old woman roasted venison, and made a scarecrow out of the skin, filling it with wasps and other stinging insects; old woman she ate, and by the river, the frogs told her that she ate deer liver; the twins told the old woman to pour sand on the frog's ass, so it was rough; the black vulture also told the old woman that she ate deer; she accused the twins of killing their father; went to check it out for herself; the deer did not respond; she went to the scarecrow and hit him with a stick - why she did not answer; insects bit her; she returned home and promised the twins call their uncle; this is a jaguar; they dug a trap hole, the jaguar fell into it; then the old woman called the twins' aunt, an eagle with two heads; they made a cage, the eagle sat on top, they grabbed her by paws (and killed); the old woman called another uncle; this is an aquatic animal with a shell, but big; the twins ran, met Thunder, asked them to hide them behind her cheek; Thunder replied to the beast that his teeth hurt and his cheek swollen; the beast tried to get into Thunder's mouth, but the Sun asked to hit, Thunder smashed the beast to pieces; while Thunder was working, the twins opened three vessels in his house: water, wind and hail; The soaked Thunder came back, closed the vessels and drove the twins away: that's why your aunt kicked you out; they found honey, the Sun ate a little, and told the moon to eat more, she was thirsty; the Sun gave water only after how they changed their eyes; the Sun did not tell them to drink everything, but the Moon drank everything; the Sun told them to regurgitate some of the water, otherwise it would not be on earth; the moon regurgitated, but the dirty water stained her face, so she was wearing it stains; the woman has a chest; the Sun gave her ripe cherimoyi and said that there are many of them in the forest; she left, and he asked the rat to gnaw through the chest; the woman hears and asks, Sun: don't worry; the same with the woodpecker; agouti gnawed, a wheel with a rope in the chest, the Sun and the Moon rose to heaven, agouti followed; asks what to do; Sun: cut the rope above you; Aguti fell, buried in the ground; the woman managed spanking the moon; so when the moon looks like a sickle, women are menstruating; woman to the Sun: remember me when I cover your face with my underskirt]: Weitlaner 197:56-62 (=Bartolomé 1984:6-9); chorti [the man worked covered with a basket, the eagle did not notice him; the next time the eagle found a man without a basket, carried him to a cave on a rock; the man pretended to be dead; when the eagle flew away, man killed all the chicks with a knife; then the eagle itself; a tree with sticky juice grew in front of the cave; the man glued eagle feathers to himself, flew, flew to the old woman; she hid it from her thunder sons (vientos, but they they produce thunder); put it in a box, told her sons that there was garbage in it, ordered them to throw it away; the man was in his yard]: Pérez Martínez 1996:32-33; chol [eagle takes people; man He wraps his chest with a strong rope, takes a knife, lets himself be carried away; kills him and the chicks in the eagle's nest; cuts off his wings, descends on them to the ground, returns to the village]: García 1988:29-30; chooh [a man carried away by an eagle kills eagles and escapes]: Maxwell in Peñalosa 1996, No. 312:86; southern lacandons [mother leaves young son from first marriage; god takes him to heaven; eagle takes children from his second marriage and other people; the boy forgives his mother, takes the eagle to the edge of the world]: Boremanse 1986:182-185; lacandons [in the sky Hachäkyum keeps monsters like pets ; among them is a huge eagle; from time to time he would go down and carry people away; the son of H. Ak'inchob (Mr. Corn); H. agreed with him that this should not be the case; A. killed an eagle; its wing was the size of a banana leaf]: Cook 2019:329-334; quiche ("Popol-Vuh") [there was no sun, only Vicub-Caquix ("seven parrots"); he said he was the sun, light and moon, that his eyes and teeth were sparkling; Hunahpú and Ixbalanqué were really gods; when VK sat on a tree eating fruit, Hun-Hunahp ú (mistake: Hunahpú) hit him in the jaw with a blowpipe; he fell off a tree, but tore off H.'s arm and carried him away; hung him at home in the hearth above the fire; told his wife Chimalmat that his teeth now hurt ; H. and I. agreed with the old man and old woman Zaqui-Nim-Ac and Zaqui-Nimá-Tsiís (Big White Pig, jabalí, and Big White Coati) that they would go to VK and take them with them as if they were theirs little nephews whose parents died; old people told VK that they could cure his teeth, replace him with new ones made of crushed bone; but they were teeth made from corn kernels and did not cure his eyes, and crushed them, took his treasures; VK and C. died, and H. regained his hand; the old man and the old woman returned it, put it on X., it grew]: Popol Vuh 1972, cap. IV-VI: 17-25; Masateki (ohitek) [an old woman hears a voice from a tree hollow; cuts a tree, finds two eggs; returning home, finds a pogrom; discovers the Sun and Moon twins when they have left to guard the bird has fallen asleep; the twins run away, the old stalker is pushed into the river from the bridge; all forest animals emerge from her body; the twins hide in a cage from the eagle, which takes her to the rock; there many children, the eagle devours them; the brother cuts off the children's hair, weaves a rope, they strangle the eagle with it; his sparkling eyes have fallen out; the twins ask the Bat to eat fruit; a tree grows out of the excrement; a woodpecker, The squirrel is unable, Aguchi chews on the tree, it falls on the mountain; the children descend it to the ground; the sister finds the right eye, the brother finds the left eye; the sister is thirsty (hereinafter referred to as the Chinantecs)]: Portal 1986:51-54; chinantecs: Bartolomé 1984 [people hear sounds inside a tree; Comet, Thunder can't cut down, Woodpecker cuts a tree; two eggs inside; an old woman takes them; brings food to her deer husband every day; her return, the house is a mess; the sun boy and the moon girl rush to hide inside the eggs, the girl hesitates, the old woman catches them; hunting a bird: Why do you kill birds for someone who is not your mother? The sun revives dead birds, kills the Deer, the old woman's husband; fills the vessel with wasps, they buzz, he tells the old woman that this is her husband's voice; but Luna says he's gone fishing; the old woman is chasing children; they throw the comb, mountains appear several times on the way (the origin of the mountains); the twins cross the river; when the old woman is in the middle of the river, they throw bola de acuyo at her; she falls dead, turns into agouti; many animals emerge from her blood; twins shoot wind guns at interpreting rocks, they disperse; a seven- or double-headed eagle takes people to the rock; twins do the cage, the eagle carries them away; at noon he sleeps, one head is awake; the twins strangle it with a noose, at which time the earth shudders; the eagle's eyes fall out, the moon grabs the right bright, the Sun is dim on the left; The vulture is unable to lower the twins on its back, it will now eat carrion; the Bat is fed seeds, the excrement grows into a tree, twins and other people descend it to the ground; the Moon wants drink; agrees to change eyes with his brother if he creates a source (the origin of the springs); drinks without waiting for the brother to bring the Rabbit Priest to bless the water; he throws the rabbit to her in anger in the face, it sticks to her, is still visible; the Sun and Moon rise to the sky]: Bartolomé 1984 [The hummingbird advises the old woman to come back earlier; the twins punish him by making him small (he was with a chicken); the seven-headed eagle; first the Toucan, then the Bat, is fed seeds; the Toucan tree is low, the Bat tree grows to the top of the cliff]: 13-16; Weitlaner 1952 [the twins tell the Hummingbird to warn them about the arrival of an old woman; the third time he forgets; the double-headed eagle; the Bat is fed twice; the second time the root of a tree that grew at the top of the cliff descends to the ground]: 172.
Honduras-Panama. Bokota [the bat pulls the bone out of the sleeper's leg; carries the young man; he strangles the monster with smoke in the cave]: Margery Peña 1994a, No. 12, note 1:129.
The Northern Andes. Dabaiba [two birds with female heads]: Anghiera 1912 (2), dec.7, vol.10:319; guajiro [people kill an ogre bird, without details]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1986 (2), No. 102:815.
Llanos. Kuiva [the monstrous Kotera bird]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991b, No. 123 [after diving into the water, the shaman hides into a caiman; flees to the village; people kill a stalker bird], 124 [ the bird lifts the shaman into the air, the thunder hits her wing; the shaman descends in the form of a butterfly]: 184-185; shikuani [a huge eagle attacks a shaman; he dives into the water in the form of an aguchi; takes the form of an aguti; takes the form of an aguti a worm; once human, kills a bird with arrows]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 144:483.
Southern Venezuela. Makiritar: Civrieux 1960 [thunder and lightning owner forbids his sister to dig cassava on his property; she digs; he kills her two sons with lightning; puts their hearts at the fork in the Kudi tree; they turn into little Dinoshi harpy eagles; grow up, they have armor on their chest, Kudi turns into a mountain; a man's wife goes to find out what's going on, D. eats her; they grab and eat people; an anaconda man Kudene creates the first curare; the trumpeter bird learns that D.'s back is vulnerable to arrows; they are killed with poisoned arrows; their feathers and bones are turned into bamboo for making wind guns]: 183-184 ( about the same in 1980:85-87); Guss 1989 [a cannibal bat lives in a cave; people leave an old woman alive as bait, tie hot coals to her legs; a bat carries the bait; people find cave in smoke; kill a monster with poisoned arrows]: 117; Yanomami [(Cocco 1972:314-316); thunder owner Kasé-Nudu hunted by lightning; does not tell his sister to come to his own a plot of cassava; she came; he took her two children into the forest, killed her with thunder, put their hearts at the fork in the tree; they turned into huge Dinoshi harpy eagles; the killer was frightened; the tree became a mountain with a nest harpies on top; their feathers are like armor; Enneku, the murderer's wife, went after them, they ate her; they grabbed them, carried people away; Kudene (looked like a water snake) made curare; the trumpeter bird found out that D. was not behind they have armor; K. hit them with an arrow; fallen feathers turned into bamboo for wind guns; where they fell, the best bamboo grows]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 126:222-225.
Guiana. Varrau [the eagle takes children playing; the shaman fastes, tells him to tie himself up and leave him in the square; the eagle takes him to the nest; the shaman frees himself from the fetters, kills three chicks with a hatchet, then them parents who have arrived, then three more adult eagles; goes down a rope, picks up monkeys killed by eagles, puts up a hut for the night]: Wilbert 1970, No. 185:415; carinha (Orinoco) [man is jealous wife, she leaves; he comes to her father, lies down in a hammock; his son finds him dead; tobacco grows on the grave; a young man hides the wings of pigeons that have arrived; pigeons take him to heaven; there is an old man and the old woman is told to 1) make a stone bench decorated with copies of the heads of the old man and the old woman; 2) dry the pond; 3) make a bridge; everything is done by an assistant spirit; reports that these old man and old woman killed the young man's father; when the young man knocked down the trunk to make a bridge, the chips turned into piranhas; the old man and the old woman stepped on the bridge, he fell, they were eaten by piranhas, their heads remain; the old woman's head rose to heaven, became the Morning Star; tells the daughters take revenge for her; they gave the young man a drink, lifted the sleeper high up a tree; the eagle asks how he got here; a vine emerges from the eagle's bowel movements, the man descends it; the eagle wanted to kill him, but he hid in the water, returned to his mother, gave her an eagle chick; he grew up to bring deer and fish to the woman; she organized a clearing party; people came to help, one asked bring him an eagle to an old woman, the other a young woman; so the eagle began to carry people; in one village they made a trap, a bait girl was caught, killed; the woman came, an avenger feather fell on her chest: that's it his fibers became diseases; a woman blew on them, they scattered around the world]: Civrieux 1974:104-108; pemon [a man marries Thunder's daughter; he demands to process before his return plot (birds do this and other tasks); man replaces Thunder's club with a powerless fake; a man's younger brother turns into a tapir, Thunder kills him; a man puts the tapir's heart in a pot, it turns into the cannibal bird Mochima; birds kill M. with poisoned arrows; M. feathers turn into huge earthworms; reeds grow on the grave, from which wind guns are made]: Armellada 1973, No. 15:61-63; arekuna: Koch-Grünberg 1924, No. 36:119-120; kalinya (?) [The Okowpere bat takes people away, drinks their blood; they left an old woman as bait, they gave her that torch; when O. took the old woman away, people found O.'s hollow in the light of the torch, set it on fire; when O. got out, she was killed poisoned arrows]: Goeje 1943, № b26:50; tops: Roth 1915, No. 203A [the bat carried people to its nest at night, devoured; the old woman offered herself as bait; took it with her torch, when people were born to the monster's nest; the bat was killed]: 259; Soares Diniz 1971, No. 9:84; waiway: Fock 1963 [a man discovered that another hunts monkeys in the form of an eagle- harpies; tells his wife, she tells the wife of someone who takes the form of an eagle; the eagle's wife tells her husband that she will no longer eat the meat he brings because it has saliva; the husband turns himself and his son into a harpy eagle , both fly away; take people away; the old woman agrees to be a bait; a rope is tied to her; the eagle takes the old woman, the rope unwinds, people find a tree on which the eagles sit; arrows fly by; walking eagles are carried away to look for them; only the wife's brother {brother-in-law; perhaps classifying, i.e. the person from whom the story began} kills eagles with arrows; people rip off their fluff and feathers; feathers from their chest turn into hawks, wing feathers turn into eagles]: 79-81; Roe 1991, No. 4 [a man pastes harpy eagle feathers over himself and his son; both turn into cannibal eagles; people wrap a woman in bast cloth, they give her flower petals; the eagle grabs her, carries her into the nest; she throws petals along the way; people find a nest; the eagle says that only his nephew will kill him; he hits the Eagles with arrows, the Eagles disappear; a nephew asks one person to leave grilled meat for him on the trail; eagles turn into meat themselves; people find it, eat it, his nephew does not get it; at night he cannot wake up the sleepers; the Eagles kill them, the dead turn into koachi; the nephew and his companions climb a tree; the spirits of yaimo yahua come, cut the trunk with axes from turtle shells; the axes break, the spirits go away in the morning]: 94-96; trio : Magaña 1987, No. 70:145-146.
Western Amazon. Kofan [a pair of cannibal eagles own salt; people make a balsa tree doll, dress it up, put it in a boat; the male's claws get stuck in the doll, people kill him; the eagle was not so dangerous]: Cal& #237; fano, Gonzalo 1995, No. 93:146-147; Napo (Kiho): Oberem 1957:184; 1963:35; Shuar: Pelizzaro 1961, No. 31:16; Rueda 1987, No. 40:171-172; Aguaruna: Akutz Nugkai et al. 1977 (2): 157-161.
NW Amazon. Tariana: Brüzzi 1994:122-123 [harpy eagle], 211-215 [Iauaretê's people ate their grandfather and made sure that nothing was left (i.e. they burned bones, drank some kashiri); but one by name Yeet threw something away; thunder thundered and three pirapucu fish (from the crucian carp family) appeared; his wife, the grandmother of the fish, put them in a basket of peppers; they turned into little men, "people of blood " - Diroá; grew up and matured; as birds, they flew to the field where Iauaretê worked; they tried to kill them, but did not catch them; and the birds became young men again and met I.'s girls; then again they returned home with birds; their grandmother took them to catch winged female ants (a treat); they threw fruits at the girls; the grandmother released ants from the vagina, they climbed the tree and D. fell; their grandmother revived them; they made her bitten by a spider; she died, they revived her; I. tried to cut down trees on D., but they rejected them; I. set fire to the site to burn D., but they were unharmed {it is not said how it was for them succeeded}; D. got into the boat and sailed a long distance, waving their oar only once; asking people what they were doing; - We are preparing batons to kill D.; D. killed them ourselves; they killed an anaconda elsewhere, which was on the tree and fried; went to kill the harpy eagle; his mother cooks resin; D.: why resin? - Kill D.; they killed her, made a whistle out of bone to lure harpy eagles; they flocked, D. killed them; the feathers of D.'s two dead eagles were turned into humans; when, after the holiday, I. intended to kill D. , a lot of people {warriors} came out against them; D. offered them to try eating resin, she tied their mouths, they couldn't eat D.]; Moreira, Moreira 1994 [Mahadië (some bird) started cooking Dabukuri Festival, told his two cousins to walk to him from the fork on the right road, where he would leave the pen, not to walk on the left road leading to his cousin Opossum's house; he overheard, shifted the pen on the left path; the youngest wanted to go to the right, the eldest insisted on going left; Grandma Possum put them in his hammock; he brought ants from the hunt, the girls did not eat them because of the smell; the eldest met with the Possum, the youngest refused; the sisters heard the noise of the holiday; at this time, the Opossum hit the water, trying to drown out the sounds; by the river, the sisters asked those who passed by to take them with them to the party; The crane, Diapo, refused, but the sisters jumped into D.'s boat themselves; he said they smelled like an opossum; M. ordered them to be washed, then they got into the little one and began to dance; Opossum came and demanded for M. to give him one of the girls; he was tired of ordering the Possum to be killed; when he left, Opossum warned his grandmother that if she was killed, it would rain bloody before dawn; blood dripped, grandmother told Eagles- kill M. with harpies; in the morning M. and both wives went to the river; the eldest asked him to sing, he reluctantly agreed; after the third singing, the Eagles took him to a tree; people began to ask for his long feathers, The eagles gave only their feathers, brought them to the Opossum house, ate them; Grandma M. asked the Diroá brothers to kill the Eagles; they came to his maloka, killed both birds with puçás (darts?) , gave Opossum's grandmother only their little feathers; Grandma M. is happy]: 32-34; ufaina [eagle and eagle]: Hildebrand 1975, № XXXV: 363-364; bar [hawk]: Jackson 1983:116; barasana [The cannibal eagle Rame took the man to the nest to be eaten by the chicks; the man killed the chicks, plucked the fluff to use in shamanic rituals, went down to the ground; he told Warimi; he tried to kill the eagle was poisoned with poisoned arrows, but the poison had no effect; V. went to get it from Anaconda Poison; a flock of ibises (Micteria americana) is flying; they carry ants for a symbolic exchange of food with their mother-in-law Romi-Kumu; V. calls ibis a nephew (by mother), but he replies that his nephew is flying behind; the same is the next ibis; the third agrees to take V. into his pack, although he dissuades him; V. was attached feathers and taught fly; on the way, the cassava section, where vegetation burns, the flame blocks the road; V. caused rain, the ibises liked it; then there was a strong wind on the way; the mountains were crashing; V. overcame these obstacles; When ibises fly into RK's house, Taho Yai (Pouncing Jaguar) kills and eats them, for him it's game (different kinds of game birds); with his shamanic power, V. stopped the trap to prevent it from falling again (on birds) ); Jaguar is furious: is nobody with you? ibises: no one; invisible to Jaguar and RK V.; ibises danced all night, presented RK with parcels of ants in the morning; RK and Jaguar notice that pieces of cassava are missing; ibises deny everything again; they flew away, and B . stayed; when RK swept, she felt like something was clinging to her pubic hair; this hair was a flower-covered vine (Lonchocarpus) that is used to make fish poison; V. became a green bee and drank nectar from those flowers; then began to copulate with RK and entered her body; finding no poison to poison her, he came out of her head as a poisonous lizard; now RK can't stop and continues to have sex with V. is already against his desire; took him to her house and closed the stone door so as not to go out; her father Anaconda Yada was sleeping, but RK woke him up: here's a servant to fan the fire; V. hid upstairs on the pole, and Anaconda Yada looked for it on the floor to eat; called V. to fan the fire, but V. did it from afar; V. climbed to the roof and made a hole; the ray touched Anaconda Yad's body. this is Sarbakan V.; Anaconda Yada fell asleep; as a fly, V. climbed inside Anaconda Yada through his ass, tied a rope around his heart and gallbladder; V. took poison from his gallbladder, and Anaconda Yada screamed from pain: this fool, a bunch of pubic hair, left me (alone) with V., the father of heaven; he covered his anus and mouth, but V. tickled Poison in his nose into the Anacondas and he sneezed it out; getting out through the hole in on the roof, V. became a parrot and flew away; then became an oriole (Icterus chrysocephalus), tied a bag of poison under his neck, so she had a yellow neck; when she flew over the RK garden, she threw a stick at him, but he dodged; when V. began to cook poison, he wiped off the foam, two types of burning ants appeared from it; the Lizard woman began to laugh: the poison was rather weak; V. shot her with sarbakan; inhaling poisonous vapors, V. began to cough - this is the voice of a howler; V. lost consciousness and at that time all the poisonous snakes, spiders, insects drank poison and became poisonous; when V. woke up, V. placed the poison in the vessel; the spatula with which he this was done by a scorpion, the rope with which the lid is tied - a poisonous spider, the rope around the neck of the vessel - a scolopendra, the lid itself - a hornet's nest; then V. made all kinds of sarbacans and smeared the darts with poison; started shooting at the Rame eagle; missed the first time, poisonous vines grew at the place where the dart fell; the same second time; the third dart flew into the sky, fell vertically down and pierced the eagle's neck; the eagle flew, dying and singing a song that they sing during the Rame eagle dance; each place has its own part of the song; tucano and desana took fluff from it for shamanic rituals and poison, so they have a lot of poison; tatuyo from Rame's body made the whole set of ritual items; for them, Rame has the Jaguar Eagle or the Round Jaguar Pumpkin; the feathers on the wings are ribbons of yellow feathers wrapped in He's musical instruments; themselves instruments made from his bones, called the bones of the Sun; the other bones are jaguar bones, which are tied to feather hats; from the skull, sacred calebas, calebas for wax, and calebas for tobacco; blood is made of red paint to paint initiating; Rame's shadow is a deer; it is made of tapir skin, behind which a shaman sits in the house for rituals He; Rame's brain and liver - shamanic tobacco and wax; fluff is the one used in shamanic rituals; letuama and tanimuka also got their ritual supplies from Rame's body; quartz crystals from his eyes, shamans see from them with help; and they took the fluff too]: S.Hugh-Jones 1979, No. 4F-H: 279-283; Torres Laborde 1969 [start see motif J15; Warimí asked Watsóa Wehéro to throw off his Wansoko fruit; he made a ladder offered to get up, threw away the stairs, V. could not go down; in winter Herons flew in, gave him feathers, taught him to fly; on the way there was a trap like scissors; V. put a log into it, everyone flew safely; fire, V. caused rain, everyone flew by; ducks and other birds flew with them; flew to Romí-Kumú; she fed everyone; suspects that someone was with the birds, because she ate more than usual; organizes a dabukuri festival; the birds came back and V. stayed with RK; she took him to her father's Rimáhinó (Serpent Venom) house; RK woke him up by touching a red-hot shard; V. became a flea, R . took it off his back, put it in his mouth; V. jumped out over his nose when R. sneezed, took away the poison; flew as a bird to his grandmother, Mení's wife; began to cook poison, tasted it, lost consciousness; at this time snakes they stole it, became poisonous; V. killed Ramé the ogre eagle with a wind gun; his blood turned into various types of reeds; his feathers were taken for dance costumes, he taught many songs]: 31-45; macuna [The Bat (Murciélago tigre) is married; his wife has three brothers; he goes hunting with one, kills, eats, says that he was killed at night by an animal; the same with his second brother; the wife sits down, spread legs, the Bat laughs, the wife sees human hair in his throat and on his teeth; the last brother goes with him to the forest, feeds him with fish, the bone gets stuck in the Bat's throat; pulling it out, the brother sees the hair ; hits the Bat with a stone that he used to kill others; the Bat turns into a bat; people wooded a tree with bats, burned it; two cubs remained, came to a woman who had three adult sons and one baby; they were left to watch the baby, they sucked blood through his fingers, he died; the female was burned, her ashes grew flute reeds; the male turned into a terrible an eagle, killed people, killed with arrows]: Århem et al. 2004:509-517; desana [two eagles]: Kumu, Kenhiri 1980:169-174; Reichel-Dolmatoff [abridged version] 1968:21; 1971:29; desana? [only a shaman boy managed to shoot him]: Biocca in Brüzzi 1994:144-145; Kabiyari [Mujnuyi (aka Pitchi, see motif J15) fights a cannibal eagle, knocked him down; he warns him not kill or the world will end]: Correa 1989, No. 3:71-73; uitoto: Folklor 1974 [man asks daughter to attach cassava leaves to his hands; turns into Eagle, sits on a huge cassava plant ; takes away his unfaithful wife and her lover; then becomes an ogre; he is killed, burned]: 174-177; Preuss 1921, No. 5 [(=1994:97-99); Buineizeni was punished by the Sun for creating a shaman tree; asked his brother to take him to a separate hut; he sailed as a snake to the shore where his brother's daughters were; they were able to catch her after their father had trapped them; they put the snake in a pot of water, fed cassava, the snakes grow, put them in a larger vessel, then let them into the lake; first he eats cassava, then crawls ashore to catch animals; lived in a cave, began to devour the first ancestors who went to the ground; swallowed the girl herself; her father jumped the snake into his open mouth; when the serpent was swimming near his house, cut his stomach with a sharp shell, came out bald; his daughters tied him leaves like wings, he became an eagle; his beak was an ax, bringing his daughters the heads of monkeys and sloths, then began to eat people; he wanted to eat his daughters, but they locked themselves in the house, called for help; people did trap, killed an ogre eagle; his spirit became a harpy eagle]: 64-65; Rodríguez de Montes 1981, No. 18 [Dihoma has learned to turn into any animal; contrary to warning, he went to the water from his forehead the snake fell; the sisters Nibagueño (younger, beautiful) and Ecofueyaño tried in vain to catch it, their father caught her, she was placed in a vessel, she was still growing, a pond was dug for her, the snake turned it into a big one lake; took starch only from N.'s hands; after going to Putumayo, he sailed everywhere, swallowing boats and people, then swallowed N.; D. let himself be swallowed, cuts the serpent's heart with a knife; he tells him to wait for him to return from the seas to D.'s house; there D. cut the artery, the snake came ashore from the side of the snake; the daughter (apparently E.) said that her mother had a new husband; D. told her to bring her yarumo leaves and root (apparently, make wings and claws), turned into a harpy eagle, began to carry and devour people; they made a trap, he died in it]: 144-148; Urbina 1991, No. 1 (muinane) [Diihoma is a great leader; while swimming, a snake descended from him the skin and another person touched it (? se percate de ello), turned into a snake; D.'s most beautiful daughter fed her manioc starch balls; the snake grew up, swallowed the girl; D. let him swallow himself; the snake swims into the sea, then returns; D. came out of his side; all nations were named after parts of the snake's body; D. plants cassava, the cuttings of which he extracted from the snake's womb; decided to take revenge on his unfaithful wife, turning into a harpy eagle, learning to fly from a dove; a giant tree grew out of planted cassava, an eagle's nest on its branches; the eagle fed his wife's lover to its chicks, then carries other people; the eagle was killed, from members of his body made ritual supplies]: 19-20; chikuna: Nimuendaju 1952 [bat]: 148; Pereira 1980 (2) [eagle]: 469-470.
Central Amazon. Mura (Lower Purus) [the Osprey (Strix clamator) Yacurutu and his sister are giants, they ate Moore's children; shamans brought my grandfather turtle ashore; I grabbed him, his claws are stuck; my sister too stuck; when I go under water, I say that his hands will grow a tree to make onions, from... (?) - arrow glue, fat - castanha paraalisar o gomo da flecha de arco, from feathers - vine for making bowstrings, from hair - curana for arrow threads (tie?) , made of bones - bamboo for arrowheads]: Barbosa Rodrigues 1890:267-269.
Eastern Amazon. Tenetehara [hunters kill more game than necessary; the Master of the Forest comes, examines the game, the boy sees it; warns the hunters, but only the boy's father leaves the camp with him; nocturnal animals kill others; the survivor finds a talking head; carries it in a basket; the head falls out all the time, chases the person, falls into a trap pit; turns into a huge An ogre hawk; a shaman kills her with an arrow]: Nimuendaju 1915, No. 5:291-292.
The Central Andes. Uarochiri (dep. Lima) [Huallallo Caruincho, in the guise of a bird, ran to Mount Kaki Yoka; Pariah Kaka and his four brothers hit her with lightning; Uk freed Amara's double-headed snake; PC hit her on the back with his with a golden rod, she petrified; the Criminal Code launched a toucan or parrot against the PC, but the PC broke its wing, he petrified; the Criminal Code fled to Anti {i.e. east beyond the Andes}, PC brother Karia Carco remained to guard the passage there]: Salomon, Urioste 1991, ch. 16:92-93.
Montagna - Jurua. Chayahuita: García Tomas 1994 (3): 283-285 [The eagle takes the children who have climbed the tree; Cumpanama turns into a boy, the Eagle takes him away; leaves him to roast at home, goes for firewood ; K. defecates, Eagle's children say that "It turned into two" (Esta haciendo el dos), laughing; K. takes the form of Brother Eagle, asks for an ax to chop wood, kills him, tells eagles to eat animals, especially iguanas, but not humans], 286-287 [like p. 283-285; K. also kills Eagle's wife], 288-289 [as on pp. 283-285, K. also kills all eagles except one]; shipibo, conibo: Gerhaert-Sayer 1987 [people always take an unborn child into the boat; a huge eagle grabs him, others escape; a young man makes a clay figure; an eagle grabs it but can't carry it for long, falls into the river, sinks]: 352; Roe 1982, No. 11:70-71; kashibo [eagle and eagle carry people away; people make a clay doll; eagle gets stuck in it; he gets killed, eagle disappears]: Estrella Odicio 1977, No. 1:46; Ashaninka (river camps): Anderson 1985:61-65; Fernandez 1984:130-132; Weiss 1975:409-411; Machigenga: Baer 1984, No. 13 [son warns mother not give the father more masato; he takes it himself, goes to burn the vegetation on the site, burns; the son says that the father is a shaman and will return, the mother should not look at him, let him wake her son up; at night, the father comes in the form of smoldering smut; the wife pours water on him, he falls into coals; the son is angry with his mother; the father turns into a harpy eagle; the ex-wife tells him that their little daughter is his wife; he first refuses, then takes her away; she quickly turns into a woman, gives birth to a child with her father-husband; wants only a human being; he drags her people to their nest on the mountain; people make a clay doll, put them in boat; the eagle tries to carry it away, it is too heavy, it is beaten, it falls into the water; large feathers turn into Cashibo Indians, small feathers turn into shipibo; the daughter takes Falco peregrinus as her husband; he brings her snakes her child eats them; the mother asks her daughter to look after her little brother; she eats him; seeks and does not find a father, turns into warlike Amazons; they give birth to children without husbands; they eat boys, girls they raise; the Wasp People are fighting with the Amazons; once the Amazons did not kill their sons, they went to the Wasps, but they did not defeat the Amazons together; the eagle (survivor) turned into kashibo cannibals; they were attacked Amazons, since then there are fewer cashibos and they don't eat humans]: 456-462; Ferrero 1966, No. 8, 9:430-433; Renard-Casevitz 1991, No. 15:77-89, 277; pyro [cannibal kites, male and female, lived on the rock; one the man cut off the legs of the kite, it turned into iron, died; the female went somewhere]: Matteson 1951, No. 6:63.
Bolivia - Guaporé. Guarazu [a Chuubi bird carries people; one man pretends to be dead, a pritsa takes him to the nest, he kills it there; goes down a rope; his tribesmen honor him]: Riester 1977, No. 16b: 252.
Southern Amazon. Kamayura: Münzel 1973:222-224; trumay: Monod-Becquelin 1975, No. 8:63; vaura: Schultz 1966:130-131; nambiquara [harpy eagle on a tree in the realm of death in heaven]: Pereira 1974b, No. 2:4; 1983:48 (note), No. 40 [two brothers hunt, the forest spirit brings them to him, gives them wives; sends them for nuts, an eagle attacks the brothers; they kill him, bring him to his father-in-law; he revives him; next time everything repeats itself, but the father-in-law cannot revive the eagle], 59:95-96, 121; Oberg 1953:99-100; Iranian: Pereira 1985, No. 41 [see motive K27], 64 [although the wife is menstruating, the husband climbs to a palm tree for leaves; an eagle takes it to be eaten by the chicks in a hole above the river; a man digs a tunnel, runs away; brings others to pick up the chicks; they are hidden in the house of sacred flutes for the night; the big eagle carries chicks back with the house]: 180, 230-231; Rickback [harpy eagle sitting on a tree; catches and eats beautiful women]: Pereira 1994, No. 6:82-83, note 128 [tree with fiery fruits]: 310; paresis : Pereira 1986, No. 8:153-159; Bororo: Wilbert, Simoneau 1983, No. 98 [Adúgo Édu is married to Akiguródo; Akarúio Boróge met him while hunting; he attacked him in exchange for life demanded a daughter to be his wife; Adugo explained that when the girl goes to him, she will first meet the little wolf Ókwe (each time he describes, warns not to take him for him, Adugo), then a marten- Tyra Ipočeréu, then big wolf Ríe, then puma, then leopard {apparently ocelot}, only then Adugo {i.e. jaguar}; false contenders convince the girl that they are Adugo every time ; after spending the night with the deceiver, she realizes in the morning that this is not a real groom, because he must bring tapirs, and these bring less valuable meat; finally, Adugo comes to the real; he tells his wife not laugh if an evil spirit makes her laugh; Marugódu's caterpillar laughed, the woman laughed, immediately fell dead; Adugo found two twins in her stomach, raised them; they once heard their mother the father is crying; she explained that they will have to do difficult things; without telling the father, the brothers began to train; the elder Eigáwa Áre, the youngest is Eigáwa Enawuréu; asked the father to give onions and arrows; they hunted parrots, who ate people at that time; told the remaining brothers to eat fruit; asked the father for a fishing net; fish bit people; brothers caught many, told others to eat other fish; asked their father for small arrows; shot leaf cutters and wasps, who harmed people, told them to eat leaves and flowers; asked the father to make a club; the brothers became chase Báče, entangled in vines, they killed him, since then báče have been eating fish, not people; asked a thick rope to fight the cannibal eagle; EA wrapped a rope around his brother's head, an eagle clawed her, got stuck, EA killed him; told harpy eagles to eat monkeys, not humans; the brothers scattered the eagle's fluff, the grandmother realized that the grandchildren were in danger; the brothers asked their father for a stick, came to Marugoda's house, stabbed her on a stick, threw her into the fire; his father warned her to hide, but EA went out to see, the bone flew into his eye, his father told him to rush into the water, his eye recovered; the same with his younger brother; Both skin and eyes have become beautiful; Bororo still has dark eyes], 99 [about like (98), Bakoróro and Itubóre brothers; marugoddo]: 174-179, 180-186.
Eastern Brazil. Apinaye: Wilbert 1978, No. 171 [wanting to test the valor of Apinaye, Mebapame creates a giant harpy eagle; he sits on a Hymenaea latifolia palm tree, carries people away; the chief tells them to do a hut by the river, puts two young warriors in it, brings them food himself; two years later he builds a new hut for them at the foot of a palm tree; the warriors take turns going out, playing the flute, summoning the eagle, which dives, but warriors hide in the hut every time; when the eagle is exhausted, the warriors kill him with clubs], 172 [a huge eagle settled on a jatoba palm tree, people have fled, and a couple of old people and their grandchildren Kenkutá and Akré are left ti, the eagle ate their parents; the grandfather is surprised how easily A. catches up and kills other birds; the brothers stay in a hut by the river, the grandfather brings food there, makes them clubs; the brothers call the tapir a rat; the grandfather builds a hut at the foot of the harvester, A. lures the eagle, hides in the hut; K. does the same less quickly; the eagle is exhausted, the brothers finish him off with clubs; the grandfather plucks him, blows his feathers down the wind, they they turn into various birds; another huge bird Kukád lives on a rock, cuts people's heads off with his beak; grandfather builds a hut there, A. lures the bird, hides; K. does not have time, the bird cuts him off head; A. leaves K.'s head on a branch, can no longer lure the bird out, goes looking for people, meets people with a series, black arar people, monkey people, each group tells what it does; A. finds tribesmen, marries, brings meat (nanda ostriches) to his father-in-law and mother-in-law; calls his wife for honey, offers to put his hand in the hollow, his hand gets stuck, A. kills his wife, roasts her meat, brings her to the village; brother the victim realizes that he was given, finds his sister's head and bones; people push A. into hot coals; his ashes turn into a nest of earth termites]: 449-450, 451-454; kayapo: Wilbert 1978, No. 173 [ in front of two boys, the flying monster Ok-tí carries their father's sister; noticing that objects appear larger under water, the boys' father keeps them in a box under water; the boys gain strength, they easily catch game; they hide in a shelter under O.'s nest, repeatedly lure him out with the sounds of a horn, kill the exhausted with clubs; people eat O., his brothers scatter his feathers, they turn into birds of different kinds colors depending on which feather came from; since then, men have been making a hut in the village where they prepare weapons and wear feathers in their hair]: 456-457; Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 136 (shikrin) [Vidal 1977:224-225; in front of Kukrut-uíre and Kukrut-kako, the Okti hawk took their grandmother away; the grandfather put the boys in the pond and began to feed them well; they are growing fast; after 40 days, their legs are already stretched out for on the other side, fish and crocodiles think they are fallen trees; the grandfather made a club, a spear and a horn; the young man wiped off the mucus and painted uruku red; the grandfather made a shelter hut; one of the brothers went out and Octi teased, then hid again; Okti dived, but no one; when Okti ran out of strength, his brothers killed him; plucked feathers turned into various birds], 137 (pau d'arco) [Nimuendaju; in front of our eyes Akrët and Kenkutthe Agaikríti falcon took their grandmother away; put them in the river, leaving their heads on the shore, fed them; when they grew up so much that their feet almost reached the other side, their grandfather washed them of mucus and painted uruku red; the grandfather built a shelter under the tree, where the nest was, made a wooden club for everyone; the brothers whistled, the falcon dived, saw no one; when he was tired, the brothers killed him, the feathers became with different birds; Nyére lived in the same village; he pestled children, fried them and ate them; brothers killed him, others attacked them, but the brothers beat them]: 414-416, 417-418; crash: Wilbert 1978, No. 170 [(Schultz 1950:93-112); people lived near a tree that supported the sky; the boy was carried by a harpy eagle to a nest on a rock, fed to the chicks; nightjars flew at night, people's heads were cut off; people put a ladder to the tree, went up to a hole in the sky, went to heaven, threw away the stairs; the old man, his wife and two grandchildren accidentally stayed on the ground; A-Krey's older brother knew how to turn into animals, the youngest Kengunã did not know how; the grandfather made a platform for his grandchildren in the water, they lay in the water to become strong, to take revenge on the birds for their father's death; the brothers killed a huge emu, scattered feathers, they became current birds; the same with a large partridge (my grandfather does not believe that the brothers will be able to approach the monsters unnoticed); the grandfather took shelter under a rock where the birds lived; K. jumped out and then hid in hiding, teasing the eagle; he was exhausted, K. killed him; A. also wanted to try, but cut off his head with a nightjar; K. put it on the fork in the tree, his head became a swarm of bees; K. went to look for another tribe; saw emu, koati, monkeys, tapir burn grass and trees to extract larvae and fruits; K. himself is from the kraho tribe, i.e. paki (kraho - paka); met a girl from the Koati tribe, became her husband; he is a good hunter, everyone is happy]: 424 -446; 1984a, No. 135:411-412; apaniecra (Mehin): Wilbert 1978, No. 176 [Pompeu Sobrinho 1935:192-194; the huge Hoktí hawk devoured people; those who were still alive were afraid to leave home were weak from hunger; Kenegumã and his brother Waiitôme asked his uncle and his wife to leave them in a well-built young man's hut and feed them well; K. slipped his finger periodically; one day, an aunt saw that the finger is plump, which means that the young men became strong; they built a house near Hokti's home, their uncle gave a wooden sword; K. was dissatisfied with the sword, the uncle made another one, heavier and bigger; V. went out and hid again, hokti spent his energy trying to grab him; when he was tired, K. killed him with a sword; the carcass was brought to the village, plucked, and all the birds appeared from the feathers], 177 [Pompeu Sobrinho 1935:194-195; hokti was killed, but now at night The Kukói bird began to devastate the village; Kenegumã and Waiitôme set up a hut near its nest; V. ran outside and returned, and the bird lost its strength trying to grab it; K. threw his sword and Bird head compartment]: 466-167, 168-469; frame camera [Kokodyótómre's daughter and daughter's husband ate Hakti's giant harpy eagle; Kokodyótómre and his wife raise Akréi's grandchildren and Kenkunã; they build a hut by the river, live there, become strong; take shelter at the foot of a tree on which X.'s nest; they show themselves to him, then hide in the hut, exhausting H., killing with a club; in The cave is lived by a Kozoda, cutting off people's heads with his beak; he killed A.; Kenkunã left his brother's head at a fork in a tree where there is a nest of bees; looking for departed people, asks birds; Nandu say that A year ago, the series passed - that two or three days ago; Kenkunã finds people; Kokodyótómre and his wife were wandering around the savannah; by the mountain, the husband went to the right, told his wife to go to the left; when they separated, both turned as anteaters; Kokodyótómre was killed by hunters; wife waited, cried and left alone]: Wilbert 1978, No. 175:461-463; xavante [a huge bird carried the baby into his mother's eyes; men became fire at the nest, but the bird only grabbed one by one and carried it to feed the Ptns; then one person brought a club and, when the bird dived, hit it on the wing and killed it; the heads of the dead remained in nest]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 138:420-422; sherente [the man went to the forest with his pregnant wife; two monsters came out of the cave - bird-like but flightless, bat-like wings; man began to defend himself with a club, but they cut off his head with sharp beaks; people killed two monsters, the second couple escaped; the born son of the victim tells his mother to keep him in a basket in the stream so that he can grow quickly; burned the bones of those already killed, killed the two remaining monsters with a club]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 127:394-395.
Chaco. Ayoreo [pío (big black bird) was a heron hunter; told his grandmother he killed the Heron; grandmother: is she white? If you didn't kill, then follow a trampled path - Heron's trail; P. went and came to the Heron's children; - Where is your father? - He'll be here soon. - How do you know he's coming? - A breeze would begin to blow before he approached; when the Heron appeared, Pio ran; the tree promised to help him and his trunk opened; and the tree fell and ran over the Heron; Pio dragged the Heron's body to to my grandmother; he could not drag far, so he cut out only one feather, sharp as a knife; at first my grandmother did not believe that Pio killed the Heron; but Pio showed a machete taken from the Heron's house; everyone was happy, but not at all there were enough guns; then Heron's fluff was taken to trees that have since had white flowers; there was not enough fluff, others were given blood, their flowers are now red; watermelons also got blood, so their flesh is red ]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1989b, No. 176:246-247; Chamacoco: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987, No. 41 [Cordeu 1984, No. 6:238-239; Axnérexet (Falconidae, small eagle) cut wood, injured his leg with an ax; when bandaged, tasted a piece of meat, became an ogre; gave his son a try, he also liked it; both grew wings, both carried people away; told the grandmother to cook human for them; she asked bring a pregnant woman so that the embryo does not deteriorate; prepared a placenta, raised a boy, gave a weapon; he first met A. Son, he turned into a snail; when he ran away from his father, the trees in front of him parted, and the pursuer was stuck in the branches; the young man killed him, called his grandmother and people, it turned out that the corpse was lying on the ball court; the grandmother sang to whoever liked it and who didn't; cleared the corpse of feathers; those who liked singing received a lot of feathers with pieces of leather, who didn't get broken feathers; feathers were used to make jewelry to wear when playing ball; the man who received only three feathers pretended that he was sleeping; the birds flocked, the little Kirincho hawk pulled out his nipple and flew away; the man grabbed the heron of the best flowers; the falcon told Kirincho about it, he had to return his nipple; other people gave him feathers; Polyborus plancus gave the man a pipe and tobacco; told him not to tell, otherwise he would die; people passed the phone to each other and died before it went missing], 43 [for a man named Withara Deigab's little son; he does not want to eat honey, eels, and other fish; V. injured his leg with an ax, blood flowed, D. rushed to the wound and began to suck blood; then V. began to kill people for his son; at first he did not eat himself, but then, like D., became Anarhat (cannibal); D. asked his grandmother to cook him the unborn son of a pregnant woman; she hid the boy, D. gave the woman giblets; D. grew up; the hidden boy also quickly grew up; V. looked like an eagle; D. noticed footprints; grandmother: these are mine; V. and D. flew far away; the boy asked the old woman to make arrows for him; began to cut down trees by shooting at them; the old woman replied V. and D. that the trees fell from the weak wind; replies to the boy that his mother ate V.I., and she hid him in a vessel; invites the boy to shoot her with a bow, with a sling an arrow, the stone falls before reaching her; when gives him a gun, a bullet kills his grandmother; the boy revives her; hides in a snail's shell; V. and D. find him; he pushes D. into the hole, he became a duck and flew away; ran away from V., hid in a tree, it pinched V.; the boy found his body - it is light as a hummingbird; the boy was called Anarhat-Jurit (anarchate cannibal killer); he told his grandmother the magic word: if someone speaks ill of her, let will say; everyone snatched Anarhat's beautiful red feathers, and the man whose wife spoke ill of his grandmother could not; his son was left without feathers; then the man pretended to be dead; the vulture came down and kite; the vulture tore off a piece of meat; the kite decided to call the vulture chiefs; the man grabbed them - the vulture and the royal vulture; forced them to return and adjust back the torn flesh and bring beautiful feathers from the sky; the royal vulture made a belt and hat for man out of duck feathers, and the vulture made heron feathers; the royal vulture gave man tobacco but told no one do not show; the other saw, demanded to give it to him; both died]: 131-143, 148-151; nivacle: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987b, No. 164 [Stavuun - royal vulture (S.) took the hunters to eat his to his wife; his children played with their bones; Ajti'ta began to train running, cutting his body; the vulture's children's place of play is the Milky Way; he used to be below, but heaven and earth changed places because he used to be below, but heaven and earth changed places. the sky at that time was very dirty; two bright spots in the night sky {Magellanic clouds?} - this is where two menstruating women relieved themselves; when the earth and sky changed places, the people of heaven fell into the underworld; with a stick with a fork in A. pressed the vulture's grandmother to the ground; she said that the royal vulture is very angry; but A. promised to kill him; killed his children; when the COP began to approach, it began to rain; the sound of rain was heard approaching; the COP asks the vulture grandmother where A.; that consistently points to 4 cardinal directions and at the zenith; S. rushes to these directions; from the zenith he sees that A. has gone underground; digs the ground; finding a snake, asks his grandmother - is it him? - No; then A. ran, followed by S.; A. took the form of trees; then asked the bottle tree to hide it, it opened, but said that only Palo Mataco would hide it; Palo Mataco opened, and when S. tried to enter it, it closed; therefore, when the wind blows, you can hear kuuunnn; A. killed S., who almost exterminated humans; all kinds of animals came and took a piece of flesh S.; this deer is good the flesh fit well; the birds did too; the birds also bathed in blood, took on color; some immediately shook off the blood, left only specks, others kept their red color], 165 [royal vulture ( S.; Sarcoramphus papa) hunts humans, his wife Kafók (K.), a black-headed vulture (Coragyps atratus); their daughters played with bones eaten; now these daughters are wasps; K.'s grandson, Axtitá, trained to kill S.; cut his body and ran through the fire; when the blood stopped flowing, he realized he was ready; K. lived on the ground and S. lived in the sky; K. replied that S. would come from the south, but she doesn't know exactly when; but there will be a signal: it's going to rain; S.'s children asked A. why he painted him so beautifully; A.: you have to cut off your tongue and paint yourself with your tongue; they allowed K. to cut off everyone's tongues (and theirs There were many children) and died; but A. shamanically made them look alive; asked K. to answer S. that the murderer of his children (and S. immediately realized that the children were dead) had disappeared to the north, south, east, west; A. himself dug into a hole; going up into the sky, S. realized that the murderer of children in the ground; began to dig; as he dug, different types of lizards appeared, then snakes, then grass in the dew, then butterflies; he all of them killed; now A. jumped out and ran, S. after him; palo flojo answered A. that his wood was too soft to cover A., let him hide at palo mataco; palo mataco opened to A., he went {through?} , and S. was clamped; when the wind blows, palo mataco was buzzing - it was S. moving inside him; A. attached an S pen to his head, which was like a knife, he killed people with it, came to his grandmother; told her not to eat anymore humans; all the birds raced to where S. was killed; the turtle too, but could not get over the fallen tree; the birds had long beaks, but became shorter, they broke them off on S., because they were their axes; the little woodpecker (Picumnus cirrhatus) managed to cut S.; blood gushed and the birds dyed with it; those that do not have red feathers did not spray to them; some shook off some of the blood; K. did not paint, remained black; the stork (Jabiru mycteria) only painted his neck; so all the birds took on their current appearance], 166 [the royal vulture Tabún (T.) ate people; the young Ahtitáh came, there are only T.'s children; children: the young man is so handsome, he must be eaten; they ask how he colored his cheeks; A.: cut off his tongue, painted it with blood; A. all five boys took turns cutting off their tongues, they died; flying up , T. does not hear the usual voices of children; T. Afók says her husband is angry; A.: I'm angry too; hid underground; T. saw him from the sky; Afok was blind; pointed her finger up; T. saw A. running, chasing after him; A. asks his grandmother the algarrobo tree (carob tree) cover it; she replies that its roots are weak; then another grandmother, quebracho (of the genus Schinopsis, hardwood, "quiebra-hacha"); she let A. in and T. roots; when Afok woke up tired A., he pulled out T.'s pen as proof that he was dead; Afok looked for insects from him and saw the feather; said that T. was angry; he pulled out her eyes and hung them out; he also pulled out the eyes of many others; A. began to look for her eyes, took the first one he came across; when he began to see, Afok found her own eyes and put them in for herself; A. told people (i.e. birds) that T. he had killed was far away ; the hummingbird went in search, came back; then the dove was the same; the hawk rose high into the sky, saw; pulled out T.'s pen, blew, everyone saw feathers in the distance; went there in the morning; all night everyone tried to cut T.'s body; when everyone fell asleep again, the little woodpecker managed to cut; all night the birds ate T.'s meat; the bird was cardinal; could not make its way to the meat, screamed, dawn did not come; when the bird also gave painted her head red, dawn had come; the same happened to the second bird - although dawn, the sky was gray and it was raining; when they gave, it stopped raining; the bird now has red spots], 167 [at Stavunitáx ( royal vulture) many sons; Axtitá persuaded them to allow him to cut off their tongues and paint their faces with blood; they all died; Qafóx (black vulture, wife S.) asked what would happen to them children, if you cut off his tongue; A.: nothing, just fall asleep for a while; S. chased A., he ran all over the world, asked his grandmother the quebracho tree to save him; she closed her roots around him and S. did not was able to get it], 168 [Axtitá shaman (also known as Fetajá) decided to kill Stavún (the royal vulture); he was like an eagle, but at the same time a vulture, killing people; A. began to fight him, pierced with a spear, finished it off with a club, cut off his head, took all his helper spirits], 169 [Fitskajich decided to find out where people were going, because there were only 5 young men left in the village; when he heard the sound, he came to the place where the sons of Stavunitáx (the royal vulture) played with the bones of the dead; quietly hid the fallen bone; said he knew where their baton had gone; they came to him in the thickets; he promised make them beautiful like himself; you have to cut off your tongue, dye yourself with blood; two species of wasps doubted, but the rest agreed; cutting off their tongues, F. told others that those who had undergone surgery had only lost consciousness, not killed; in the back of the hut, F. found S. Qafók's wife (black vulture); S. pulled out her eyes and kept them in calabass; F. gave her eyes back; pretended to leave and hid himself in a hole, taking snakes and a couple of butterflies with him; K.: When S. arrives, it always rains a little; this rain is the blood of young men; F. heard a sound like thunder and it rained - S. is close; S. saw his dead children, took K.'s eyes again, ordered them to say where the murderer had gone; K. pointed up and down; S. went up and down; S. went up into the sky and from there saw a hole where A.; took out a snake, killed him, showed K.: is this him? K.: no; so 10 times with 10 snakes, they are all poisonous; when two butterflies flew and S. chased them for half a day, A. ran away; palo mataco was too weak to cover him and the quebracho opened; A. came in and out, and S . clamped; A. attached his pen to his head and came to K.: let him believe that S. was killed; she looked in his head and saw a pen], 170 [the red-headed vulture It'á offered the young men to help him get it honey and killed them; appeared in the village as a man, but when people noticed blood on him, they began to suspect that he was the murderer; in the forest, I. screamed a vulture, the young man answered in the same way, I. threw a stone from his sling where the response was heard, the stone hit the young man; I. fried meat, ate, hid some in a hollow; the father of the third victim asked Fitsakajich for help; F. went with I., found buried heads and limbs; climbing into the hollow quebracho tree, screamed the vulture; I. threw a stone, but it only hit the tree; I. came up, F. got out of the hollow and killed I. with a club, tried to burn the body; but only feathers on his head burned; therefore, the red-headed vulture is bald; F. told in the village how he managed to kill I.]: 388-392, 393-398, 399-403, 404-405, 405-409, 410-415, 416-420; chorote: Wilbert, Simoneau 1985, No. 100 [Sákiti's harpy eagle lived high in the sky near vultures and an eagle; he has four chicks; when he flew to them, it noise like the wind; after killing small game, he began to kill people; his children played with their bones; Wiskilióte ("laughing falcon") lives with his grandmother, hears this knock; painted himself beautiful yellow paint, took the head of a rattlesnake with him; tells the chicks to let the snake bite for the tongue, then you will turn yellow; the chicks die; S.'s wife shows V. where he holds his spears; S. is surprised why you can't hear the children making noise; makes his wife admit where V. is; pokes there with a spear, but V. turned into many butterflies and S. does not know what kind of butterflies they are; V. turns into flowers, hummingbirds; is no longer able to turn, asks his grandmother to hide the bottle tree; she replies that she has only one root, let her grandson hide in the one with five roots; V. hid in a tree, S.'s head got stuck; he began to tear, four out of five roots broke off, then V. cut off his head; said S. is happy with this wife, because S. wanted to kill her; V. came to his grandmother, asked him to look for lice, she saw S.'s red feathers on him; all the people with knives went to slaughter S., Woodpeckers in front; no one's ax can punch a hole, a small piculet pierced; blood gushed; all the bird people were smeared with red, yellow, blue, green, taking on their current color; and the piculet was pushed back, he was offended and left], 101 ( the informant is a woman) [women disappear; Ahóusa explained that the Sákiti harpy eagle, the size of an ostrich, takes them to the sky; S. has four children on the ground; A. came to them with striped cheeks; S.'s children also wanted this coloring; A. told them to stick out their tongues, cut them off, they died; A. hid among butterflies, S. did not know which one A.; A. ran, climbed a tree, S. crashed into him, got stuck, died ; all the birds began to hammer his body, but only a small piculet pierced; he was pushed back, and the rest bathed in a stream of blood, took on their current color; the sun did not rise; then the piculet gave blood for coloring pages and dawn again], 102 [a tuco-tuco rodent hunter waits by the mink; the Sákiti harpy eagle dives and carries it away; one hunter disappears every day; the shaman himself took the image of the same harpy eagle , flew up to S. and killed him with a club], 103 [the Sákiti harpy eagle carried people away; the shaman took off and killed him], 104 [the black and chestnut eagle Kiliéni Thlásini was larger than an ostrich, carried away the sleepers at midnight; after eating the inhabitants of one village, he started the next; the shaman decided not to sleep; felt the wind as if a plane was approaching; while CT was eating the man taken away, the shaman came up and killed him with a club]: 194-195, 197-198, 199-200, 200, 200-201, 201-202; poppies: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991a, No. 9 [at the boy's insistence, the grandmother says that his father was killed by Sinj (y) ena'x (royal vulture); the boy is training running; paints himself red, comes to S.'s children, says that he has become handsome, pierces his tongue and smeared with blood; piercing his uncles's tongues, kills; the eldest son doubts, but the man tells the insect to move one of the bodies: look, he is alive; after killing the others, the man keeps the youngest; tells him to consistently point his father to the four sides of the world, the zenith and the nadir, when he asks where a man ran; hides in the sky among red butterflies; runs away from S., hides in trees, one of them squeezes a hollow around the stalker's neck, the man finishes S.; comes to the grandmother; all the birds are trying make a hole in S.'s body; only Little Woodpecker succeeds; inside white, yellow, red; all the birds are colored, and S. put pieces of flesh on their bodies], 10 [the grandmother does not want to tell the young man who killed his parents; a young man asks the yellow bird Quistawá who killed his parents; he says that two water snakes, a male and a female; the young man lets the male swallow himself, cuts off all the hearts in the snake's body from head to tail; then the same with the female; the snakes rushed ashore and died; the grandmother sees dead snakes: well, now all the water will dry; the grandmother admits that the young man's father was killed by Sinjenaj ( royal vulture); the young man painted himself red paint, learned to run faster than fire, came to S.'s children; they play with the bones they ate; agreed to become beautiful like a young man, let him pierce their tongue; the eldest doubts, but the young man told the moths to move the bodies of the dead; the elder agreed to pierce his tongue, also died; the youngest young man did not kill, told his father that the killer of his children ran north, south, west, east; S. flies in these directions, every time he brings a dead man; only when he rises high, he sees a young man; he asks his grandmother to hide the quebracho tree; she replies that she is too weak; then But with the rest of the trees; the carandá tree opens, and when S. follows, clamps it; the young man hit S. with a stick at the place where that soul was dead; all the men (they are different birds) ran there; the little hawk was the first to fly in, took the necklace and whistle, but the others took them away; began to hammer S.'s belly to get paint; only the little woodpecker pierced; everyone swam in blood; took pieces of flesh; when k'oloj appeared, he was gone, only his skin was left], 11 [the royal vulture (CS) killed the boy's parents; he burned down from the seeds and ran; when he returned faster than the fluff had time to burn out, decided that he was sufficiently trained; came to the children of the COP, they play with the bones of the dead; they want to be like a young man painted red and yellow; agree that he would pierce their tongue; the eldest son KS: Are the brothers dead? the young man puts spiders under his arms, the eldest son of the CS believes that their hands are moving; the youngest boy did not kill, asks him when his father will arrive; CS son: usually arrives at noon, at which time the strong one will go rain; young man: point your father north, south, west, east when he looks for me; the young man is covered with yellow butterflies; hiding in tree trunks; grandmother's bottle tree opened, but it's soft, CS punched through it; the carandá tree clamped the CS, its branches began to make noise; this noise in the branches of the carandá tree can still be heard; when the young man rested, the tree released the CS and the young man killed him; came to to his grandmother, a turtle, asked him to look for lice; she sees a CS pen in the young man's hair, began to dance with joy; the wives and husbands of all the other victims also began to dance]: 35-42, 43-45, 46-50; toba : Wilbert, Simoneau 1982b, No. 168 (pilaga) [Carancho hawk (a monster slayer) was told that residents of one village lure travelers and, when they eat and fall asleep, throw them into a hole where they are devoured cannibal bird; Carancho also fell asleep, but he had jaguar awls tied to his hands with ropes of human hair, he stabbed a bird with them; she screamed and now the hawk himself screams like this; Carancho got out pits, left the bird's feather at the hearth and left; when they saw that the bird was dead, the chief ordered them to chase Carancho; they thought they had surrounded Carancho three times, but they were only feather-covered stump and poles; plucked from Carancho attached feathers to his head], 169 (pilaga) [as in (168); first it refers to one person who put food to sleep and then threw it to the bird; then we are talking about all the people of the village]: 319-320, 321-322; 1989a, No. 322 (pilaga) [a bird that looks like a crested palamedea (Chauna torquata; similar to a turkey but related to a duck) killed travelers with an iron stick and carried its children to the nest; Hawk climbed into the nest, killed one chick, and told the other to point him in the different directions in which the Hawk seemed to have disappeared; then ordered him to point correctly; bird after Hawk , and he told a tree with thorns on its trunk (palo mataco) to close around the bird's neck and the bird died], 323 (pilaga) [to save people from the cannibal bird, the Hawk climbed into the hole and killed it by plunging it into thorns], 324 (western toba) [the people of the village fed the travelers, and when they fell asleep, they threw underground animals into the pit; it was maepolio (a mythical bird); when the Hawk was thrown into the pit, he killed the bird, putting a sharp jaguar bone into its mouth, which serves to scarify; plucked the bird and took feathers with him; the owner of the bird wanted to grab the Hawk, but people saw him from afar but could not catch him], 325 ( eastern toba) [the big bird is the father of all birds; the villagers threw travelers into the pit; the Hawk only pretended to be sleeping, covered his body with thorns; thorns stuck in the beaks of both big birds; in the morning people understood that the birds were dead and the Hawk was a great trickster], 326 (Western Tobas) [a bird lived in the hole near the path, devoured travelers, maybe it was Nandu; the tribe made this bird their leader; the Hawk came , pretended to fall asleep, and when he was thrown into a hole, he killed the bird with a sharp (dart?) , got out of the hole, left a bird's feather on the path; people wonder why everything is quiet; the woman noticed the feather and said that it was not the bird that killed the shaman, but the shaman killed the bird], 327 (Western Tobas) [the tribe is the leader of the bird- cannibal; she lived in a deep hole; the Hawk came, ate, pretended to fall asleep; when he was thrown into a hole, he killed the bird himself with a sharp stick; getting out of the hole, the Hawk blew so that people would not see him; left the bird's feather, the old woman saw it and said that the Hawk killed the bird; the Hawk confused his tracks, left a feather on the tree, people thought that the tree was the Hawk, but they were mistaken; the Hawk came to his He also told his son that there was a cannibal woman; passers-by were blown away by the wind into her lair; when the Hawk fell there, he pierced the woman's throat with a point; as soon as she died, the wind stopped; the Hawk returned to son]: 410, 411-412, 412-413, 414-415, 415-417, 417-420; mocovi [tuyango marsh bird (so in Guarani, mocovi has another word), there are no more such birds; it looked like Nanda and carried people away; Tuyango once brought two people to eat for his four chicks, and the chicks are dead; it was the Hawk who killed them with a club, hid in the nest of the bird Seiurus aurocapilla (gold-headed thrush songwriter); tuyango chased him, he flew into a cloud of smoke and so on several times; Tuyango couldn't follow him and he killed two; people were happy - tuyango disappeared]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1988, No. 214:262-263; tereno [ Koevati young man got lost in the forest; saw a dwelling; owner: come in; showed a smooth tree trunk along which animals cross the ravine, on the other side the cannibal Kuseaka - like a person, but covered with hair like monkey; the young man crossed the ravine, hid under a crooked tree, covered himself with dry leaves, the cannibal came up three times, did not find it; the young man climbed the tree to see the fire; noticed only the hornet's nest; c He saw the tops of the next tree with four branches; on it, the cannibal eagle chick Kovoero; the young man wanted to go away, but was just under the nest; the ground was covered with human bones; then the young man I came out of the forest, ended up at my parents' house; it turned out that I had been wandering for three months; at first I was timid, afraid of people]: Baldus 1950, No. 3:221-222.
The Southern Cone. South Tehuelches: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984b, No. 28 [When Elal was born, he lived with his grandmother; he is 4 years old, he shot birds with a bow; his grandmother does not believe it was him; when he was 5 years old, he went to shoot birds The condor, which carried the children; hit him with an arrow, plucked his head, brought feathers to his grandmother; she again did not believe it], 29 [Elal is the son of the daughter of the Térrguer field mouse; she died, T. raised him, E. turned her into mouse because she was misbehaving with him {tried to seduce him?} ; he left her to live in the ground, and he flew to the swans at sunrise; while he was little, he shot birds; guanaco, nandu and other people ate, E. tamed them; the condor carried the children; when E. was 4 years old, he took it out with an arrow, asked for a pen; he did not; then E. plucked it himself], 30 [insulted by his grandmother (apparently trying to get along with him), Elal left her; asked the condor for a pen, who ordered him to leave, otherwise will kill; poured his urine on him, E. lost consciousness; then E. hit him with an arrow and plucked his head], 31 [Elal is 4 years old; grandmother: How do you kill the condor, he takes the children away; E. knocked him down with an arrow, plucked him off his head feathers], 32 [Elal asked the condor for a pen, who threw his excrement at him, E. lost consciousness; E. washed it away with his urine, knocked down the condor with an arrow, plucked his head], 33 [Elal asks the condor with feathers; condor: without them, I would freeze; E. plucked his head himself], 34 [when the condor refused to give Elal a pen, he hit him with an arrow and plucked his head himself]: 49-50, 50-51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 55.