Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K100F. The young man releases fish .

A person caught an unusual fish (rarely: a bird or some aquatic creature). His son (employee) lets her go. For this, the father (king) drives him away or the one who lets go of the fish leaves himself. The rescued fish helps him.

Afara (?) , Berbers of Morocco (Fez), Arabs of Libya, Egypt, Palestinians, Bosnians, Romanians, Bulgarians, Abkhazians, Abazins, Balkarians, Stavropol Turkmens, Rutulans, Tsakhurs, Tabasarans, Georgians, Megrelians, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Talysh, Kurds, Persians, Uzbeks, Tajiks, Tajiks of Sistan, Turkmens, Baluchis, Kazakhs (Xinjiang), Karakalpaks, Kyrgyz, Uighurs.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Isanzu [Mulilwa boy released the bird from his father's trap; the bird promised to help him; his father sent him to the tree for fruit, cut off the lower branches, left him; M. sat in a tree for five days; the bird flew to the rescue, ordered her fingernail, snot, hair, some excrement to be thrown down, picked up M. on her wings, lowered it to the ground; ordered it to be cut from the back, eat it, fold the bones; M. covered the bones with a stone, a herd of bulls came out of there; the zebra refused, the bird brought him news of his salvation to his little sister; the girl told her mother, she also heard; M. came with the bulls; stabbed one, asked her father to open it his mouth threw a hot stone down his throat to put fat, his father died; a pumpkin grew on his grave; his wife (mother M.) cut it, a monster jumped out of it, ate everyone]: Kohl-Larsen, Allenbach 1937 , NO. 34:44-47.

Sudan - East Africa. Afara (?) {Arar; there is no such ethnonym} [the blind king was told that he would see the light if he caught the king of the sea, i.e. the whale; the prince found and defeated the whale, but he said that if he was killed, the king would not feel better; prince let the whale go, the king ordered him to be executed; the warriors let him go, but ordered him to leave the country; he saved the antelope from the hunters, the mouse from the children, they promised to help; the woman offers to play hide and seek; the boy has 4 attempts; if he finds it, he will kill, and if not, he will give him his palace and property; the young man hid inside that whale (found), in the grotto where the antelope took him (found); the mouse took him to the king of genies (did not find it) ; prince married this woman, all is well]: Reuss-Nliba, Reuss-Nliba 2016:190-195.

North Africa. The Berbers of Morocco (Fez) [a poor fisherman caught a donkey carcass; then a stone; then a huge fish; left his son to guard, ran for an ax; the fish cries, the young man pushed it into the water and, fearing anger father, ran away; met another young man, he is an orphan, they went together; in the city, a companion rented a fabric shop, the fisherman's son became rich; the sultan invited him to his place, he fell in love with the princess; the companion advises ask for her hand; the princess's mother gives a pearl: let the groom bring the same; the companion gives a handful of pearls; after the wedding, the young man forgot his friend and came to see him only a year later; he forgave and said that he was the fish that had been released; if necessary, he could be called again; the fisherman's son found his parents and sister, brought him to the palace]: El Fasi, Dermenghem 1926:126-138; the Arabs of Libya and Egypt [ The blind sultan will see the light if he gets the medicine - green fish; the Sultan's son and the son of the vizier catch it, but she asks her to let go and the Sultan's son lets her go; the Sultan orders him to be killed and his blood brought; the young man's mother persuaded the soldiers to bring gazelle blood to the Sultan; the Sultan's son meets a stranger and they become twins; a Jew hires the Sultan's son for business: a bird brings him to the mountain, where diamonds { obviously, he drops diamonds to the Jew, but he cannot go down}; his brother helped him out; the Jew comes for him again, tells him to get a magic ring and treasures from the treasure on the mountain; his sister makes a Jew to return the young man, while the Jew remains on the mountain; on the same mountain, the Sultan's son got the princess; the sister offers to divide everything; pretends to cut the girl in half, she regurgitated the box and in it the cure for blindness; the sister says he is that green fish; the sultan's son marries a princess and receives the throne from his healed father]: Nowak 1969, No. 53:79.

(Wed. Western Asia. Saudia [after the death of her father, the youngest of the poor man's three sons began to catch and sell fish; once he could not catch a long time, then caught a big one; she had many little ones in her stomach, including them golden; the young man put it in a bowl of water; then the fish disappeared; a young man came to him, said that he was the son of the king of fish, he was swallowed by a big fish, and the fisherman saved him; brought him to his father, told him to ask for a white chicken; someone was cooking in the house; a young man was waiting for a girl - she was a chicken; they got married; the ruler's servant reported a beauty; to take possession of her, he demanded 120 identical gold-plated reds from the young man fish; the wife created; the ruler demands a blue scarf as long as the road; the wife rafted to her father, delivered a scarf, he has no end; the ruler: a herd of red sheep and a herd of buffaloes; the young man called the ruler cattle; he demanded that 120 heads of such cattle be delivered; his wife sent 120 monsters in cages; they broke out, the ruler burned down along with the palace]: Juhaiman 1999:81-86).

Western Asia. The Palestinians [Sabir and his son Zafir caught a huge fish; she asked Z. to let her go, gives two pearls as a ransom and a hair to call it; Z. left the pearls to his father and left; killed the snake, who is going to eat eagles; a grateful eagle gives a pen to summon her; an old woman milks sheep and camels, milk and blood, pastures have been captured by a giant and a monster; Z. hired a shepherd, killed a tiger, an eight-headed snake and a giant; asks the Sultan's daughter; she will marry a groom who can hide a thousand dinars from her; Z. calls helpers; the eagle hides the fish in the sea behind the clouds; the princess knows that the money is not on earth; in for the third time Z. pours blood into her pelvis, puts gold chain mail on top, puts it under a pomegranate tree; the princess does not understand what she sees, Z. marries her]: Lebedev 1990, No. 24:130-138.

The Balkans. The Bosnians [the sultan went blind; learned in a dream that he would see the light if he rubbed the king of fish with fat; he has a crown on his head and stripes on his body; Sultan's son Rahman and his servant go to the sea, caught the king fish; he asks R. to let him go, promises to help; fearing his father's anger, R. runs away; meets a stranger, they go together, his name is Schahbas; it's time to guard R. at night; he chased a hare, that disappeared into failure, a giant jumped out; everything repeats itself, this time two warriors and a beautiful woman are in failure; they say that this is their sister, they have been sitting here for 8 years; they marry their sister R., but they tell to guard; at night she is carried away by a giant; the brothers are going to cut off R.'s head; S. asks to wait two weeks, he will return their sister; he found the giant's palace, killed him, hiding behind the door, returned the girl; the city shows shoes taken from the giant's palace, they go to the daughter of Sheikh al-Islam; the Sultan's daughter wants the same, S. returns to the giant's palace, brings another pair, for which the Sultan agreed give their daughter for R.; R. and his wife and S. go to Father R.; stay in the city; while R. and his wife are sleeping, S. hears four forks talking: 1) the Sultan father will send Rahman a horse, which will cause his death; 2) Rahman will be given a goblet if he drinks, dies; 3) Rahman will be swallowed by a dragon; 4) whoever tells will petrify; S. cut off the horse's head when it fell on the grass, the flame rushed; cuts off the hand of a Tatar who held out the goblet, it falls, the flame again; at night, in the room where R. sleeps with his wife, a spider came down from the ceiling, became a snake, the snake was a dragon, S. cut off his head, threw him into the sea; in the morning no one knows where the Sultan went ( he was that spider and dragon); S. talks about everything R. and stones; R.'s wife gave birth to a son; in a dream, a voice told her to kill the baby and smear the stone figure with his blood; S. came to life and the baby too; S. gave three left his hair to call him for help if necessary; he was the king of fish]: Schütz 1960, No. 38:278-292; Romanians [the fisherman's son agrees to let the fish king go; his father beats him, he leaves; meets a dwarf, takes him as a sister; the dwarf notices that one owner has a new employee every day; watches as he tells the employee to climb the rope to the tree, lower the basket from there gems, put the empty basket back, drops the rope, the snake swallows the worker, spews gems into the basket; the dwarf is hired by the owner, refuses to climb again, saying that he is spinning the head, the owner climbs himself, the snake swallows it, the dwarf receives gems, takes treasures for the fisherman's son from the owner's house; the princess married 99 times, the groom has only bones in the morning; the dwarf penetrates into marriage peace, at night he lies in the place of the fisherman's son, does not sleep, kills a snake that has crawled out of the princess's mouth; threatens the princess to cut her in half, she regurgitates three snake eggs, the dwarf breaks them; says that he that king is a fish; the son of a fisherman and a princess are rich and happy]: Sadetsky 1973:212-220; Bulgarians [the prince produces fish that should serve as medicine for his father; the king drives him away; the young man meets a man who becomes his companion; marries a princess whose suitors die on the first night; guards his brother with a knife, kills a snake crawling out of the mouth of a sleeping princess; on the way back Brothers cut the princess in two goodbye, snakes appear in her stomach; he explains that there is a fish saved by a young man, becoming a fish, disappears into the river]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 507C: 182.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Abkhazians: Bgazhba 2002 [the prince lets go of the goldfish, the king expels him; he meets another young man, they come to the king, each of whose daughter's 300 suitors died on the first night; friend hid under the ottoman; at midnight, three snakes crawled out of his wife's mouth one after another, each cut off their heads, hid them; the prince sees a friend with a sword, thinks he was going to kill him; a friend demands that he separated the woman; swings his sword, three decapitated snakes crawl out of her mouth; the friend turns into a goldfish again; the prince and his wife return to their father, who arranges a wedding]: 159-161; Shakryl 1975, No. 8 [the peasant caught an unusual fish, let his son keep it until his return; the fish promises to help the young man, he let it go; his father beat him and the young man left home; hid the fox from the hunters; saved a deer whose horns are entangled in the thickets; the old woman says she cannot feed the young man: the adaui at the spring devours everyone who comes; the young man cut off the head of the adaui; the old woman: on top of the mountain there is a palace, in He is a lonely princess, she has an all-seeing mirror; she will marry someone she can't find, and executes losers, their heads are on stakes, one place is still free; the fish hid the young man across seven seas, the deer in a crack in the glacier, but the girl found it; the fox dug a hole, hid the young man under the palace, the girl did not find him, became a wife; created a new palace; the parents did not recognize their son at first; a common feast]: 28-31; Abaza [the father went blind, the witch ordered to catch the fish and anoint her eyes with liquid from her eyes; the fish was caught, the son felt sorry for it, let it go, he was driven away; he cannot wake up a sleeping man with a dagger, he woke up from a fallen tear; he is also Hasan, let the young man be called Hasan Little (HM) and he is Hasan Bolshoy (HB); HB married XM to Kara's son; at night there is a rustle, it's a twist tied in the attic; XM let him go, he grabbed his wife and disappeared; HM and HB caught up with him, cut off his head, brought the woman back; at night there is light in the window, his wife says it's the moon; then confesses that it comes from the girl Lacharkh; HM and HB come there, they stop with an old woman, build a palace for her; L.: let them hide, and if I find it, I'll cut off her head; 1) HB has become a fish, XM in his mouth; 2) (storyteller's pass); 3) HB is a button, XM is a button on a dress L .; this time L. did not find them, married XM; XM with two wives and HB come to visit their father; witch: HB is that fish, you have to squeeze out her eyes; HB teaches his wife XM what to do when his eyes are squeezed out and thrown into the river ; XM brought his father to the river, swung his dagger three times, HB came out of the river, the bird brought a leaf, HB saw the light from it, became goldfish again and disappeared into the river]: Tugov 1985, No. 38:100-104; Balkarians (zap . 1965) [khan fell ill; witch: we must catch goldfish; the prince caught it, but regretted it and let go of the fish; the servant reported this to the khan; the khan expelled his son; the man met him, they went together; another khan: all my suitors daughters died the first night; the khan's son married a girl, and the companion hid under the bed; saw a snake crawl out of the girl's mouth and began to crawl into the guy's mouth; the servant prevented it; so three nights; son Khan got a girl; when parting, her companion tells her to divide; a snake crawled out; companion: both good and the girl are yours; I was that fish; and your father died]: 394-395; Stavropol Turkmens [fisherman caught a golden carp; left his son to follow the net, went to call the Shah to see the miracle; the son felt sorry for the carp and let him go; there was no carp, the shah ordered the fisherman to put his son in a leaky boat and let him into the sea; the young man sailed to the island, met a good man there; together they learned from the shepherds that the local king would give his silent daughter to someone who could get her to talk; well done, he came to the princess, began to tell me how his older brother carved the girl out of wood, his middle brother dressed her, and he prayed to God and revived it; one maid replied that the girl should be given to her elder, the other to her younger brother; the princess first discovered mouth and said that to the youngest; they told the king that he had come, asked the young man where his brothers were; he: the eldest is you, the king, the middle one is the queen; the king gave a feast, gave his daughter; well done, invited the young man to share everything; he swung his sword to cut the princess; in fear, a snake came out of her mouth, the young man hacked her; well done, explained that he was the carp, the only son of the fish king, he was the one who supported the boat so as not to drowned; well done, went to sea, sent a big fish, she transported the young man with his wife and property to his father's house; the young man told the Shah about everything, he forgave him, arranged a wedding and gave him a house]: A.K. 1875, No. 2:14- 18; the Rutulans [the padishah is blind, the eldest sons, then the youngest went to look for a cure; the old man sends the youngest to three alims, those to another old man, he explains that it is necessary to burn the padishah of fish, anoint the father's eyes with ash; the blind padishah tells everyone to fish, the padishah of the fish is caught, the young man felt sorry for him, let him go, the father kicked his son out of the house; some old man becomes a companion; leads him to where a good story is rewarded; a young man is given money, an old man is given a girl; she agrees to go with him if he finds her sister; leaving a young man, an old man comes to a man with an owl and another bird next to him; a story men: he watched his wife come to three people, secretly decapitated people, put one head under his wife's pillow, his wife and head became birds; the old man restored the birds to their human appearance, explained that they three people were holy elders; turned into an owl is the sister they are looking for; the old man brings her ring to her father and sister, everyone is happy; the old man gives the girl he received to the son of a blind padishah; they have two children; the young man decides to return to his father; the old man stays at the spring, tells him to separate the children and his wife, swings a dagger, a snake crawls out of the girl's mouth; the old man explains that now you can live peacefully with his wife ; gives medicine to cure a blind father; {the old man was a fish padishah}]: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 30:295-298; Tsakhurs [the king became blind to old age; only the blood of a "red fish" with a horn on his head will cure him; the prince He caught a fish, but it was so beautiful that he let it go; once he offended a black slave, who told the king everything, the king expelled his son; the mother tells the prince how to recognize a stranger as a faithful friend; the stranger turned out to be him (he guarded the prince's peace at night, etc.); the king has a dumb daughter, he will pass her off as someone who can get her to talk; in the presence of the princess, the companion tells how a tailor, a carpenter and a mullah spent the night on the road, took turns awake; the carpenter slaughtered the girl, the tailor dressed her, the mullah revived her; who will get the girl? Everyone is silent, the princess says that the mullet; the prince gets a wife; the companion tells not to lock the bedroom door; at night she enters, kills a snake crawling into the bedroom; everyone goes to the prince's homeland; where he met companion, who tells me to divide everything in half, including his wife; the companion pretends to cut the girl, snakes crawl out of her mouth; he explains that a snake fell in love with the princess, slept with her at night; from in his breath, she became pregnant and numb; to cure her father's blindness, you must smear his eyes with earth from under the hooves of his companion's horse; the companion himself is that fish; the prince returned with his wife and property, cured his father ]: Dirr 1922, No. 18:93-96; Tabasarans [the padishah is ill, he will be cured by the blood of a marine inhabitant; son Ilyas sees how the old man caught a girl with a fish tail; she asks her to let her go, I. lets go; father expels him; his mother gives an apple - whoever divides it equally is a true friend; I. meets a young man who divides the apple equally; the padishah's daughter is numb; a friend sends I. to cure her, teaches her how; she has a mirror, carpet, necklace; I. tells the story of these objects, the girl screams; throws off the necklace, talks a little; this necklace is an old viper woman; I. marries, a friend demands to separate the bride, swings, the girl regurgitates the snake, then speaks normally; the friend was the siren that I. let go; I. brings medicine to his father; feast]: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 25:264-266; Georgians [the fisherman threw the net on the son's happiness, he pulled out a lot of fish, one extraordinary, red; while the father was gone, the son released her, the fish let the scales call her; the father drove the son away; then the young man hid the deer from the hunters, knocked out the eagle, which chased the crane, hid the fox from the dogs, they gave fur, a feather; the girl tells the grooms to hide, will marry someone she does not see in her mirror; the fish hides the young man at the bottom of the sea, the deer in the forest, the crane in Sitting on her back, the girl sees the sky every time; the fox digs a hole, hides the girl under the ottoman; the girl does not see him, she gets married]: Chikovani 1986:233-236 (=Dirr 1920, No. 1:1-5); megrels: Mingrelian tales of 1890, No. 3 [the young man caught a beautiful fish, regretted it, let him go; for this his father kicked him out; he met a shoemaker, a doctor; they decided to divide everything they had obtained equally; the king will give his sick daughter for that , who would cure her; the doctor came to the king, swung his sword over the girl and told the snake to go out; the serpent left the sick, the king passed her off as a doctor, he handed her over to the fisherman: I was the fish released; disappeared]: 325-326; Wardrobe 1894, No. 4 [the king is blind; doctors: he will be cured if he is brought rare fish; the eldest, middle sons cannot catch it; the youngest month sprinkles flour into the sea; the fish fattened, let them go out of gratitude that fish in the young man's net; the fish asks to let it go: it will benefit him; the young man told his father that he had caught nothing, but his friend quarreled with him and reported it; the king ordered his son to be executed, but he persuaded the torturers let him go; on the way, the prince saved a deer from a hunter, then an eagle, a jackal; everyone promised to help; crystal, dead and dying in front of him; the princess would marry someone who could hide from her; losers are thrown off the castle tower; the fish swallowed the prince and disappeared into the sea, but the princess saw it in her mirror; the same eagle, the deer; the jackal dug a hole under the chair on which the princess was sitting; she did not saw a young man, broke a mirror; wedding]: 124-129; Armenians: Harutyunyan 1986 [the ruler of Mysra is blind; Dr. Jinjjin, who was discharged from Inglisia, orders to catch golden-headed fish to cook medicine; the prince releases it, flees from his father's anger; an Arab is hired for him; the ruler of the island promises a daughter to whoever kills the dragon; an Arab kills, says that the prince killed, he marries; an Arab advises put another on the throne, go to marry the daughter of the ruler of the Franks; her suitors died; an Arab hides in the marriage chambers, kills a snake crawling out of his young wife's mouth at night; after the death of his father, a prince with two returns home with his wives; an Arab asks for his wives to be separated; hangs the daughter of the ruler of the Franks, swings his sword, a snake crawls out of her mouth, an Arab kills her; explains that he is saved prince fish]: 44-47 (=Khachatryants 1933:73-77); Tumanyan 1984 [=Harutyunyan 1986:127-129; the fisherman's worker let go of the fish, he drove him away; he met the monster; promises to give a cow for three years that will provide the employee and his family have food, but then he will come, ask questions if they answer badly, take it with him; before the monster arrives, a guest appears, is called to answer instead of the owners; the monster's dialogue with Guest: Where are you from? - From the other side of the sea. - What did you drive? - Saddled a lame flea. - Is the sea small? - You can't fly over an eagle. - Is an eagle a chick? - The shadow of its wings will cover the city. - Is the city small? - You can't run across a hare. - Is the hare tiny? You can cut a sheepskin coat, hat and a pair of mittens out of the skin. - Will a dwarf wear them? - Put a rooster on his knee, he won't hear the crow. - Is he deaf? - He can hear a deer stinging grass in the mountains. The monster is gone. The guest said that he was the rescued fish]: 101-106; Azerbaijanis: Bagriy 1930 (1) (Nukha District, 1899) [=Bagriy, Zeynally 1935:133-137; the king is ill, the dervish orders to get the blood of a white snake; servants they do not dare to kill the snake, it is too beautiful; so does the prince, the king expels him; he is joined by a young man who says he heals silence; another king will give his daughter for someone to force her speak; the prince takes a talking parrot with him, the king hears the dialogue, believes that his daughter has spoken, gives her for the prince; on the way home, the young man demands that the princess be divided, pretends to cut her in half, she belches the snake that caused her silence; the young man tells the prince's father to drink blood to this snake, who will recover; says that he himself is the white snake he regretted]: 27-30; Nabiev 1988 [Shah he will see the light from the blood lotions of spotted fish from the White Sea; his son is fishing, she asks to let her go; the young man lets go, tells the fishermen to remain silent; the informer reports that the son threw the fish away on purpose; the shah expels his son; he takes a doctor as a sister; another shah promises a daughter to someone who will cure her from silence; the doctor turns to her golden candlestick, asks her to say who is more important - the carpenter who made the figure the girl who dressed her as a tailor, the doctor who revived her; the dumb says she is a doctor; she pretended to be dumb, letting dinner be silent after her mother's death; the doctor gets the girl, gives it to her son the Shah; says he was that fish; gives his blood; the Shah's son brings it to his father, who sees the light]: 33-37; Stamboliev 1896, No. 6 [Jamal-Eddin caught fish in the Nile; his father is going to give it to his son a Caliph, but DE let her go out of pity; his father drove him away; the young man Ibrahim offered to go with the Chin State; there the emperor would give his daughter off as someone who would cure her from silence; the losers would be executed; in the presence of Princess I. speaks to a parrot; three princes marry Mariam; one has learned to find out what happened in a remote place, the second has obtained a flying carpet, the third has learned to revive the dead; the princess is dying, who should I give her to? parrot: to the one who brought all three to her; princess: revived; the emperor demands that the princess speak again; the mullah, carpenter and tailor spend the night in the forest; one made the figure of a girl, the other dressed her , the third one revived; who should I give the girl? parrot: tailor; princess: mullet; I. received the princess and treasures; on the way back he offered J to divide everything; swung his sword at the princess, a lizard fell out of her mouth - the cause of the disease; I. gives all DE , says that he is the fish he saved]: 51-56 (about the same No. 7 [Tsarevich, his companion Ahmed; a snake crawls out of the princess's mouth]: 57-60); talyshi [the king has bad eyes, the dervish advises to lubricate them with the blood of a fish; the king sends Ibrahim's son with an army; he is fishing, but the rest of the fish are going to sink the ship; I. releases fish, the king finds out about it, wants to execute I., the vizier persuades him just expel; some dervish becomes a travel companion; looks for water for I., receives seven devas from a servant, tells him to put sleeping pills in the devas pilaf, kills devas; they fought with peri, she is grateful, gives a ring from which four servants come out, a flying carpet, a magic tablecloth; I. and a dervish send an old woman to marry the king's daughter; he requires 1) a hundred camels loaded with jewelry, otherwise she will kill old woman; 2) a palace made of gold and silver bricks; the servants from the ring bring everything, build everything; I. gets a wife, the dervish leaves, promising to return in 6 months; once his wife asked to explain how I. completed her father's tasks; in response, he scolds and beats her; then softened, showed magic objects; the slave overheard, took possession of the ring, the servants from the ring threw I. into the well, the palace with the royal daughter moved to the top of the mountain; the king heard moans, I. pulled it out, the dervish came, cured him; found the palace, ordered I.'s wife to give the slave sleeping pills; {the story ends}]: Miller 1930:126-142; Kurds [ the fisherman's son Ali felt sorry and released the fish his father had caught; he hit him in the face, the young man left; the young man, who called himself Ahmed, volunteered to be his companion; the shopkeeper hired Ali's son as a salesman, and A. sent him to work to a shopkeeper named Musa; M. became rich, and the son's owner Ali went bankrupt; A. told his son Ali that it was time to return; by the river he gave him everything he had earned, said that he was the fish, disappeared into the water]: Farizov, Rudenko 1959:79-81.

Iran - Central Asia. Persians: Ottomans 1987:230-235 [a young fisherman asks an old man to help pull out the net; but the fish is too heavy; the fisherman went to call someone else; at this time the fish leaned out of the water and laughed ; the man let her go; the fisherman drove him away; met a young man named Mota; and he himself was Moti; Mota began to get meat, and Moti sold it; Mota ordered him to go to the Sultan and promise him to talk to his dumb daughter; teaches how to put the padishah's daughter behind a curtain and ask flowers to talk on the carpet; 1) the first story of flowers; instead of money, the gardener asks the vizier to promise that when his daughter marries, let her first will come to him in the garden; her husband let her go, the gardener too; on the way back she met robbers; when she found out what was going on, the robber also let her go; who is nobler? Sultan's daughter: husband; 2) second story; the sons of three viziers want to marry the Sultan's daughter; one bought a bowl, the water from which revives the dead, the second - a flying carpet, the third - an all-seeing mirror; seeing that the princess is dead, the young men flew in and brought her back to life; who should she be? princess: the owner of the mirror; Moti got the Shah's daughter; Mota tells me not to touch her for three nights; then say he should have the wedding at home; drove to the place where Moti first saw Motu; mota took out his sword and told him to share everything he had acquired equally; Moti swung his sword, and a worm fell out of his wife's mouth; Mota: take everything for yourself; if the worm stayed in your wife, you would fall ill; I'm that fish released; Mota disappeared], 365- 368; Christensen 1971, No. 2 []: 12-26; Uzbeks: Afzalov et al. 1972 (1): 243-247 [the old man caught a goldfish, went to tell the khan, his son let her go, the khan accused them of lying, ordered the young man to be tied up, let him go to sea in a boat; the boat was nailed to the island, another young man freed the bound man, he looks like him in everything; the old shepherd says that a distant khan has a dumb daughter, whoever cures her, will marry her, who does not he can, he will be executed; the young man from the island goes first, says: the elder brother carved the wooden bird as if alive, the middle brother decorated it with rare feathers, the younger one revived who owns the bird; the girl kept silent , the young man swung his sword, the girl belched the snake, the young man killed her; the girl spoke, gave a ring; the young man gave it to the fisherman, said he was that fish; returned to sea; the khan gave his daughter against his will fisherman; the fish sent the young to the young man's father, holding them in their mouths], 532-542 [=Konovalov, Stepanov 1986:234-246; elderly parents have a son Sahibjan; releases the caught fish along with the net; the father is upset; S. goes on a journey; rejects two people he meets, who offer themselves as travel companions, accepts Ahmadjan, who is a year younger than him (they are 15 and 16); they become sister cities, they agree to divide everything in half; they became famous as good workers; Padishah Karakhan orders to kill the dragon that his daughter should eat, another who eats figs that give youth, to spend channel; S. and A. perform this, S. gets the daughter of a padishah; A. hears the conversation of three crows, one will turn into a horse, throw S., he will die; the other into a colorful bird (S. will take her, die), the third into a dragon, will come out of the hearth, swallow S. and his wife; whoever tells will petrify; A. breaks the horse's back, tears off the bird's head, kills the dragon; bends down to wipe a drop of dragon blood from the face of S.'s wife, he thinks that A. wants his wife; A. tells everything, becomes stony; the old man revives him; his brothers and woman go home to S.; on the way, A. demands to divide the woman; out of fear, she regurgitates a clot of poisonous dragon saliva, now she is safe; A. says that she was that rescued fish, leaves; S.'s parents are happy]; Uzbeks [the Shah ordered to throw the net, but not pull the fish out; when everyone left, the vizier's son Kasym pulled out : the head is golden and the body is silver; he let go of the fish, put a millstone in the net; the Shah wants to execute him, the teacher begged K. to be expelled into the desert; the mother teaches to choose someone who will reach out for the little ones as his companion with pieces of cake, and he will leave large ones; K. rejected one man and the other took small pieces, his name is Kalandar, he is a released fish; a black diva kidnapped the Shah's daughter; brothers came to the witch and killed her , freed the girl from the chest; she told him to wait under the bridge of the yellow diva; they drove him waist-deep into the ground, cut off his head, took his beak, unlocked the palace, and the yellow cat had the keys to 40 rooms; the girl killed her, they unlocked rooms; one has chained women, the other has children, the third is old, the fourth is men; they have released everyone; they met a green diva, killed; waiting under the bridge for a black diva; he knows about them; 40 they have been fighting for days, his captive threw millet under his feet, he fell, his brothers cut off his head, but the divas lived; found the key from a black cat, opened a gold chest, it had 40 boxes one in the other, the last one was blue and black pigeons, they were strangled, the divas died; the Shah married his daughter to Kasym; at the night, the parrot sprayed poison on the girl's face: whoever tells will petrify; Kalandar began to wash the poison, Kasym decided that he wanted his wife, he said, petrified; the girl smeared the stone with blood from her little finger, Kalandar came to life, became that fish and went into the water]: Afzalov et al. 1972 (2): 65-71; Tajiks Sistan [the barber shaved the king and one hair stayed; the king wants to execute him; the vizier advises to give him life, or rather to get a brown whale, his meat is getting younger; the king sent a son for the whale; people caught black, white whales; when they saw that brown He cries, the prince let him go; he ran away from his father's anger; he drives up to the fire, a diva sits by the fire, one lip on the ground, the other in heaven; he took on a human form, telling him to be called not a brother, but a slave; the princess makes riddles and sets conditions for marriage, those who have not been executed; she easily lowers the camel into the well and then throws it on a tree, destroys and restores the rock, the prince must do everything the same, eat a huge amount of food; the divas does everything; tells the prince not to touch his wife below the navel after the wedding; the prince puts a sword on the bed, says he must bring home a virgin; on the way home, the diva demands to divide the princess, swings her sword, a dragon crawls out of the girl's mouth, the divas kills him; after that, the princess loses her inhuman power; the diva was that brown whale; gave his blood; after drinking it, the prince's father became young]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1981, No. 1:14-24; Turkmens [a fisherman catches a golden carp; his son Tair regrets and lets go of the carp; the khan comes to see the miracle, T. does not believe, tells him to let him go to sea in a boat; T. sails to the island; he is met by a young man like him (this is a carp); Khan's daughter is nema from birth, many unsuccessfully tried to cure her, they cut her off head; T. asks the girl for advice: the elder brother carved the bird, the second decorated it with feathers, the third revived it by dipping it in a spring - who should belong to the bird; the girl points to her mouth, T. wants it hack, she belches a snake, gets speechless; T. marries her; wants to go home; Carp sends fish that takes T. and his wife in her mouth, sails to his father]: Bulatova 1985:527-531; Baluchi [ Prince Nigal pays the fisherman to let go of the fish; the king drives his son away; a young man joins N.; they have been hired by another king; his fate goes away, for in the evening the king will be bitten by a snake; N. hides under a bed, kills the snake, a drop of blood falls on the sleeping queen, N. washes her, the queen wakes up; in the morning the king goes to kill N., but N.'s companion asks him to listen; tells how the falcon knocked out the king's goblet into which while hunting, he began to collect water; the king killed the falcon, and then saw that poison from the snake's mouth was dripping into the goblet from the tree; another king killed a parrot that brought him fruit from the tree of life, but the snake had time inject poison; finding the corpse of a snake under the bed, the king gave N. his daughter; on the way home, the companion demanded that the woman be separated; he swung his sword, two snakes came out of her mouth; the companion left N., saying that he was the fish whom N. saved]: Porozhnyakov 1989:40-45.

Turkestan. Kazakhs (Xinjiang) [Bai Baocha has a thousand heads in each herd; the shepherd sees another thing coming to his herd - a thousand black sheep; he tries to separate his own from those who have come; it's so hot that he stripped naked and then found no clothes; the owner of the black sheep came, but they disappeared somewhere; then they appeared, but the owner did not come again; the shepherd stabbed the sheep and pulled on its skin; three fishermen they laugh; they caught a goldfish; the shepherd gave three rams for it and released it; the shepherds took three more, laughed and left; the shepherd discovers that no matter how many sheep he slaughtered or gave away, in a flock a thousand anyway; a man came, stayed, invited him, took him to the underwater palace; the underwater king says that the shepherd saved his son, and the inexhaustible black sheep saved him; the underwater prince advises Ask his father only for the skin from the belly of a ram in the attic and a puppy; if there is trouble, you should go to the river and shout "Friend!" three times ; when the shepherd brings the herd in the evening, the yurt is tidy, the food is cooked; the shepherd waited for the girl, is going to burn the dog skin; the girl asks to wait 6 days, but on the third day the shepherd's skin is still burned; the girl became his wife, but predicts misfortune; two came; they are the king's servants, he is ill and will recover if he is brought a quail roasted in the sun; but the quail is not fried every time, but deteriorates; the shepherd's wife roasts the quail and tells these people to hold it in the sun during the day; the king will recover, but let them say that they did everything themselves; so it happened; they gave it a piece to all wives and ministers etc., everyone felt better; the Minister demanded that the envoys say who actually fried the partridge; one was beaten to death, the other let it slip; the minister came to the shepherd's wife and said that The king will arrive with 30 ministers, I must receive; the shepherd's wife: go to the river and ask my brother to help; all those who came easily fit in a yurt, a sumptuous feast; the king was so amazed at the beauty of the hostess that accidentally cut off his finger; the king demands that the shepherd migrate to his headquarters; wife to the minister: let us build a house entirely of iron; the house has been built; as soon as the king wants to enter, the shepherd's wife closes door; the minister proposes to divide the people into noble and poor and organize a competition; if the noble win, the shepherd will give his wife; the shepherd's wife's brother gave a horse, the shepherd won the races; the competition fighters; a little boy sent from the river easily defeated the royal hero; shooting at the target; his wife's brother gave a magic bow; the king lost his 6 wives and concubines and died]: Coyaud 2012, No. 73:197-212; karakalpaks [a fisherman catches three carps every day; the son caught them and a ruff, released a ruff, the old man drove him away for it; the young man began to work for the old woman; the khan will give his dumb daughter for someone to talk to her; a young man goes to the khan, takes another young man as his companions; he tells us how three brothers lived under the princess, the eldest fed the bull, the middle one cleaned the manure, the younger one cleaned the manure, it takes 6 days to walk from head to tail, brothers we met every 3 days; the bull drank the lake at the watering hole, but the catfish living in the lake swallowed it; the black bird took the catfish away, began to eat, the fox crept up and ate the bird; the hunters killed the fox, half of everyone's skin hats were sewn to the inhabitants of the village, and the other half was taken by a shepherd, but only half a hat was enough; people began to think who was bigger; princess: shepherd; khan gave his daughter to the young man's companion; on the way back he offered her to divide, held his sword, a snake jumped out of the girl's mouth, she was killed, and she prevented her from speaking; the companion said that he was that ruff, gave the girl to the young man, disappeared]: Volkov, Mayorov 1959:53-55; Kyrgyz: Kebekov, Tokombaev 2007 (p. Budzhum, Batken District, Batken Region) [Bekjan is the khan of the city; elderly spouses live on the river bank, their son Izmail; the old man caught a goldfish; ran to tell the khan; I. released it, put a stone on the net; Khan came with horsemen; for deception promised to hang the old man with his family; the mother tells her son to run, teaches him to check those he chooses as companions; do not take someone who takes more than half of the cake broken in half; along the way pretend to be relieved; if he waits, then a friend, if not, do not go with him; I. tested everyone, no one fits; a young man caught up with him near another city; he is 16, called Israel, fulfilled the conditions set by Ishmael's mother; at the bazaar, the locals mock those who came; Israel maimed them; they complained to the khan, the khan ordered the ragged men to be brought; Israel cut off the heads of five soldiers, the other 5 ran away; the vizier advises not to attack the young men, but to recruit them; only 40 horses managed to pull the wagon in which the young men boarded; every year the dragon is given one sheep and one girl, it is the turn of the khan's daughter Guljamal; Israel cut the dragon, lost consciousness himself; Ishmael washed him and he came to life; the khan gave his daughter to Ishmael; between a lake of milk and a lake of butter, he built an ak-yorgyo wedding yurt, healed well, Forgetting Israel, he appeared dressed as a dervish and cursed: "Are there any among you who have forgotten their homeland, their parents, and have settled among strangers? If so, know that they know neither conscience nor shame, they are completely lost"; G. understood everything, Israel agreed that it was time to visit their parents; Israel and G. went on a journey, spent the night in a yurt by the spring under the plane tree; Israel hears pigeons talking - these are dragon spirits; if a pigeon key touches the sleepers, they will die, and whoever tells will become petrified; Israel ran into the yurt; the pigeon's beak managed to touch G. , Israel began to lick the poison, Ishmael thought that he was kissing his wife; Israel told everything, petrified; G. caught up with one pigeon on a white tulpar, washed the stone with blood, Israel came to life; began to destroy the soldiers Khan B., who handed him the throne; Israel proposes to divide all property, including G.; when he swung his sword, G. fell, and something like a mouse jumped out of his nostrils; Israel chopped her, it was her soul dragon; he said he was that fish released]: 50-59; Sabyr uulu 2008 (p. Kara-Tekir, Toktol District, Azhalal-Abad Region) [The hero Duishebay has only son, Oskonbay; D. fell ill, lay for seven to eight years; one day a man came: if you eat goldfish, you will be cured; to catch, you have to sit by the river for 7 days; O. sat, caught a fish; she promises to cure D., and O. himself to give a long life and marry Khan's daughter; O. let go of the fish; that man came again and said that O. let go of the fish; D. wants to hang his son, his mother tells him to run; teaches him who to travel with; make friends with someone who will hold his horse while yours urinates, who will come to say hello on the left side when you meet, who will help you ride your horse and will get hooked in the saddle who, when attacked by an enemy, will swing a stick at him before you; when O. crossed the bridge, towards Akzholta's horseman of his age, by all indications the one with whom his mother advised him to make friends; in Two khan's tulpars were lost in the city; A.: they were kidnapped by the khan of Thermiz; the owner of the Tulpars: whoever returns them, I will give his daughter to him; A. bribed the watchman, brought the Tulpars to the owner, O. married the khan's daughter; O. came to D.: the disease will be cured by white camel milk and white snake venom; at this time caravans are coming, a camel died, they ask for milk; D.'s wife milked, gave him milk, he was cured; A. brought O. to his father: he is that fish that had been released and he also cured D.; having said this, he flew towards the qibla]: 226-228; Uighurs [the fisherman dreams of catching a goldfish; his son caught it and released it; the father wants To kill him, the young man leaves; the mother tells you to take as a companion someone who agrees to wait; the young man weans, the companion leaves; so twice; the third friend is faithful; friends have not paid for food, they want to kill them first, then the vizier offers to send them for the khan's daughter, who was kidnapped by the seven-headed Yalmauz; she draws in air, her companion's sword cuts her with a sword; then the companion kills her two sons; the young man was married to freed khan's daughter; they're coming back, the satellite says he's that goldfish hiding in the river]: Aliyev, Kabirov 1989:55-61.