Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K100i. An associated demon. (.15.17.)


demon is tricked into being bound and cannot act as he would like.

Latins, Old Testament.

Southern Europe. Latins: Verg. Ecl. VI. 13-26 [Virgil's Bucolic (1st century BC): "Chromide and Mnazillus, boys, /Once they peeked: Silen is lying in a cave, asleep. /In the evening he was drunk, as usual, his veins puffed up, /And slipping off heads and braids lay at a distance. /Immediately a heavy one hung and a shabby canfar on his handle./Quietly creeping up (the old man often deceived them both, /Sing to them), they put fetters on him. /To them, who were timid also, Egla comes up with an ally, /Egla, a naiad of incomparable beauty, and as soon as he opened/Eyelids, she smears her mulberry forehead and whiskey. /He, laughing at their joke: "Why are you braiding me? - says./- Children, let me go! They did it - that's enough of you./I'll sing the songs you asked for, but only you boys, /I won't find the same reward for her." He said and began" (trans. Sergey Shervinsky)]; Ovid. Met. XI. 90-96 [Ovid's "Metamorphoses" (line of er): "But he did not appear {to Bacchus} Strong: trembling with years and hangover, /He was captured by the villagers from the Thracians and brought in floral/fetters to Midas the king, to whom with the Kekropian Eumolpus/Orpheus bequeathed the sacraments of his orgies. /The king only saw him, an associate, a companion of the sacraments, /Glad to the welcome guest, arranged a solemn feast, /They had fun for ten days and nights incessantly" (per. Sergey Shervinsky)].

Western Asia. Old Testament (Book of Tobit) [Pious Tobith was taken prisoner by the Assyrians in Nineveh. He buries the executed, goes blind, prays to God. His niece Sarah offers the same prayer in Ekbatan. Sarah is loved by the evil spirit Asmodeus, who kills her suitors out of jealousy. Tobit recalls the silver he left in Mussels, sends his son Tobiah to pick it up, hiring Azariah, who is actually the angel Raphael, as a guide. When crossing the river, Tovia tries to swallow fish. He catches it, saves her heart, liver and bile. Azaria encourages Tovia to marry Sarah. Tobias burns the heart and liver of the fish, Asmodeus flees to Egypt from this smell, where Raphael binds him ("and an angel tied him up", there are no other details). Returning with his money and wife to his father, Tobiah puts fish bile on his eyes, and Tovit sees the light. Azaria refuses the award, announces who he is]: Meilah 1982:516-517.