Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K101A. Girl rising from the coffin, ATU 307.


A man spends several nights next to a dead girl who has become a dangerous demonic creature. As a result, the girl is divided.

Spaniards, Portuguese, Italians (Piedmont, Veneto, Tuscany, Umbria, Abruzzo, Molise, Basilicata, Calabria), Corsicans, Sardinians, Ladins, Walloons, French (Upper Brittany), Dutch, Germans (Schleswig-Holstein, Pomerania, Austria), Slovenes, Croats, Serbs, Hungarians, Romanians, Greeks, Czechs, Slovaks, Luzhitans, Poles, Russians (Arkhangelsk, Olonetskaya, Vologda, Novgorod, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Oryol, Ryazan, Voronezh), Ukrainians (Transcarpathia, Hutsulshchina, Galicia, Ivano-Frankivsk, Podolia, Kyiv, Poltava, Kharkiv, Kherson, Chernigov), Belarusians, Adygs, Danes, Norwegians (Eastern Sami - Skolts), Latvians, Lithuanians, Livonians, Estonians, Setus, Karelians, Finns, Udmurts, Mordovians, Dagurs.

Southern Europe. The Spanish [the princess was visited by a beggar gypsy, but in fact a witch; she felt unwell, asked her to be buried in church and have a guard by her side every night; at midnight the dead got up, killed the guard, put him in the coffin, walked around the church, and in the morning she lay down again in the coffin; those who came to the church did not find the guard; the father thought he had left, but the next night a new one was missing guard; one soldier decides to run away, meets an old man; he tells him to return and teaches him what to do; we must hide behind the altar and remain silent when the princess's eyes and mouth fire erupts and she begins curse your father for not keeping his promise; then you have to lie face down in her coffin; she will say, "Get up if you're a Christian!" and the spell will go away; wedding]: Camarena, Chevalier 1995, No. 307:54-56; Portuguese [childless spouses dream of a child - even if he is damn it; a daughter is born doomed to die early or be a devil ; after her death, she comes out of the grave and kills church guards; on the advice of the Mother of God, St. Antonia or others, for three nights a (cowardly) soldier hides in various holy loci inside the church, endures suffering; the princess is divided and marries her savior, devoured by her guards are alive]: Cardigos 2006, No. 307:64-65; Italians (Piedmont, Veneto, Tuscany, Umbria, Abruzzo, Molise, Basilicata, Calabria), Sardinians: Cirese, Serafini 1975, No. 307:56-57; Italians (Veneto) [the prince grieves, has no children; the master (this is the devil) promises twins if the prince gives him one of the born; a boy and a girl were born; two years later the prince persuaded the devil wait; then promised her daughter; when she was 16 years old, the priest drove the devil away, but two years later the girl fell ill and died; told her not to bury her, but to leave the coffin in the church and guard for 8 days; on the first night the girl got up and started screaming, "Where is my shameless father?" , tore the sentry; no one else dared to guard voluntarily; the choice fell on the servant of one gentleman, who always asked for help from St. Mary; the old woman promised that everything would be fine, let the young man hide behind Madonna's altar; the dead woman did not find the young man; every evening the old woman tells the young man where to hide that night; after the last night the prince and son found the girl and boy sleeping; the spell was dissipated, the girl married her savior]; Widter et al. 1866, No. 13:257-262; the Corsicans [the merchant got confused with the accounting department; a girl came up, She immediately failed all accounts; the merchant married her; one day, when he returned from Africa, he found out that his wife had fled with the captain of the ship, taking everything she could; the merchant left everything, went wherever he looked; the old woman teaches him: the captain will arrange for the merchant to be shot; let him give a rose to the guard before his execution and teach him how to revive him; coming out alive from the grave, the merchant comes to a city where there are black flags; the princess died, and those guarding her coffin are found dead in the morning; the merchant volunteered to be in church at night; the old woman at the inn teaches how to hide in the baptistery; the next night under the bell; then in altar; the princess is disgraced, the merchant gets her hand and throne; as king, inspects the troops; does not see the guard who saved him from the grave - he is in prison; the guards are returned and dressed; The king tells him to slowly put a bag of tobacco in the pocket of the captain who took the king's wife while he was still a merchant; the captain and cheating wife were torn apart by horses]: Massignon 1963, No. 101:221- 226; ladins [fearing defeat, the Spanish king buried treasures in the church; contrary to fears, he won, but was in no hurry to dig up the treasures; one of his daughters died; began to come to that one church and guard treasures; the king sent a soldier every night, but he was found dead in the morning; one young man decided to escape before the dead appeared, but he was stopped by an old man and told him to hide behind altar; seeing the young man alive in the morning, the king gave him 8 days of dismissal, but since another soldier was found dead again, the young man was sent to church again; this time the king tells him to hide in the pulpit; On the third night, the old man gave a stick: you must beat the dead until the stick breaks; in the morning a sexton came in and saw a young man beat a dead princess; the young man was imprisoned; on the eve of the execution, that old man came in and taught me to ask the king for permission to say two words before he died; you must address the tallest man; this man told me everything, he was St. Lawrence; the young man was released and he began to live in the palace]: Uffer 1973, No. 19:57-60 (=Decurtins, Brunold-Bigler 2002, No. 4:25-29).

Western Europe. The Wallons [Charlemagne's daughter died; some knight must guard the coffin in the church at night; the knight is found dead in the morning; the same on the second night; the one who should guard the third night did Good to the old woman, she advised her to sprinkle the deceased with holy water when she starts to approach, and if the water runs out, seek refuge in the altar; the deceased comes and retreats again and again; the water is over, The knight rushed down the altar, the rooster sang; the princess came to life; someone had to spend the night in church to get her out of the devil's power]: Laport 1932, no. *307A: 42; (cf. Bretons [the king has a daughter; a son Jean was born in old age; the king and queen died; Jean is raised by a peasant; his sister wants to kill him, but the peasant loves him; Jean grew up and left with his beloved a white lamb; the person he met persuaded him to change it to two dogs - Tearing Iron and the Incomparable; Jean was hired as a castle hunter; others are jealous, locked the dogs in the tower; Jean was surrounded by predatory animals, he called dogs , they came running, bit to death the animals; Jean left, came to another castle; there is food and bed, he sees a woman's hand; three devils smelled him, fried him and ate him, the girl revived him from the bone; says he stayed two more nights; on the second night he sees the girl's head, the devils played ball with them, threw them against the wall, he is alive again; on the third night they cut him down and ate it, the girl revived it from her fingernail; the spell was asleep, the girl appeared, and with her people, servants; she became a wife; his sister came, wanted to lime him, pretended to be sick, sent him to the mill; the witch dug a hole, Jean fell into it, the dogs pulled him out; the witch advises send Jean to a spring for water, where he will be attacked by 50 invisible knights; dogs saw them and drove them away; the witch confessed her helplessness; Jean and his wife came to Paris, the people greeted them; another witch offered to put razors in their bed; the couple's bodies were cut into pieces, buried in one coffin; the dogs were pulled out and revived; they said that they were Jean's parents, who took the form of dogs, to protect him from his sister; she must be thrown into the oven; then she will atone for her sins and end up in paradise with her parents; that's what happened]: Luzel 1879:23-38); the French (Haute-Brittany) [returning from war, a young man La Ramée (R.) comes to a castle in the forest; there is a monster with a woman's head; she will be disgraced if R. manages to spend three nights in the castle and remains silent all the time; gives a bottle of the product who heals; the little witch and demons tear R. with their claws, fry; in the morning the medicine heals him; the second night is even worse; on the third night he was torn to pieces, thrown into the well; the princess took it out and revived, became beautiful herself, they got married; his wife did not tell me to drink, the witch took the form of an orange merchant, he drank juice, died; the princess ordered him to be buried, but the servants left his body in the forest; R. comes to life, comes to hell; the raven does not know where Heures Castle is, the wind brings R. there; there the princess prepares to marry another; recognizes R. by her handkerchief; tells his father that the old key to the dresser is better than the new one, reunites with R.]: Sébillot 1894, No. 25:270-271; Germans (Pomerania) [the old woman gave the childless king herbs to insist on and drink with his wife; but the king remembered not only God, but also a devil; a black girl was born, became an adult in three years; after the first and second years she said, "Father!" , but nothing else, she did not cry or laugh; after the third, she ordered her to be left in an iron coffin in the church and let a soldier stand at the coffin every night; every soldier is dead in the morning; three days left, that's it refuse; at this time, Hans, the earl's unlucky son, agreed to join the service, but only wasted money; wrote to his father about his multiple promotions to get more money; the father came and found out that everything was a lie; the commander wanted to expel G. from the country, but the king ordered him to be sent to guard the princess's coffin; in the church, a gray-haired man (that was God) tells G. to hide in the organ and remain silent; the princess found G., but at that time the clock struck and she returned to the coffin; on the second night, the same (hide under the altar); on the third night, the man tells her to hide under the coffin, and when the princess is from it she would get out, lie in her place; when she saw that her seat was taken, the princess began to scream and threaten, but could not do anything; with the beat of the clock, she turned white and turned into a normal girl; G. slept her from her clutches trait; wedding; one day, with a large detachment of soldiers G. went to visit his father; stopped in an empty castle; it was a robber's castle; at night they returned, killed or lured the soldiers, and G. He jumped out the window and came to his father; he began to beat him, although G. shouted that he was king; he had to herd pigs; that little man came and gave a pipe to which the pigs began to dance; G. sold the dancer a pig to a peasant, but he does not dance; G.: he needs a friend; the peasant bought a second one; the pigs are losing weight because they have no time to eat; the father followed and picked up the pipe; 6 weeks later, the queen sent the knights looking for a husband; they killed the robbers, leaving only defectors, who explained that they had no choice; the Queen came to the Count, saw her husband from a distance, and when the count went to bed, she dressed G. again in the royal outfit and in the morning told the Count that the king had also come to him; ordered the pigsty to be smeared with blood and left shreds of hair there; the count believed that G. had taken away the wild beast and was happy; but when he found out king son, fell to his knees; G. said he was his own fault and invited his father to his place]: Jahn 1891, No. 16:90-100; Germans (Schleswig-Holstein, Austria), Dutch: Uther 2004 (1), No. 307:191-192.

The Balkans. Serbs (Mala Kopashnica, Leskovac; western from a factory worker born in 1927, heard from her mother) [the princess fell in love with the devil; he appeared to her in any form and disappeared for the night; the guard at the door her room does not notice anything; the king promises a daughter to marry the one who solves the mystery; the soldier undertakes to find out; one night a soldier stood outside the window and noticed a gadfly into the princess's room, and then out two gadflies flew out of the rooms; the soldier followed and watched as the gadflies flew to the house, and later the princess returned; the next night in the house, the soldier's devil hid under the bed; the devil was blind father; he tells him to bring him 12 stakes, support his eyelids - then he will see who is in the room; but the young devil and the princess only laughed; while the princess is eating, she drops pieces, a spoon, a fork; the soldier quietly everything picks it up and hides it in his pocket; before going to bed, the devil from the princess began to throw a golden apple - the soldier hid it; when they fell asleep, he hid the golden shoe; delivered everything to the king; in the morning the king demands his daughter to account; she confesses and says that she is about to die; let a soldier come to church for dinner three nights in a row; each time the old man teaches him what to do; the first evening, the princess came from the grave to eat the soldier, but did not know to look behind the altar; at midnight she lay down again in the grave and said that she was starving; the same the next evening (the soldier hid behind the door); the third evening at the bell tower, on the fourth - behind the cross on the princess's grave; when she got up, the soldier lay down in her coffin and closed the lid; when the rooster screamed, a snake crawled out of the princess's mouth and she became a lively and beautiful girl again; hand in hand they began to walk around the church; the king saw them, arranged a wedding, the soldier inherited the throne]: Eschker 1992, No. 10:61-64; Slovenes, Croats, Hungarians, Romanians, Greeks: Uther 2004 (1), No. 307:191-192.

Central Europe. Czechs, Slovaks, Luzhitans: Uther 2004 (1), No. 307:191-192; Poles [childless king and queen dream of a child - even a monster; a ghoul daughter is born; an old woman predicts that the Queen will die at 18 but will rise beautiful; guards who come to church for the night are found dead in the morning; the last agrees to guard the coffin of soldiers; decides at the last moment run, but stumbles upon an old man; he teaches him where to hide; on the first night, put his cloak and shako on a bayonet gun (the ghoul gnaws on his gun); the second night, hide in choirs, and spread the rosary down the steps, incense, etc.; on the third, lie naked in the coffin when the ghoul comes out of it; the queen is disgraced, wedding]: Shcherbakov 1980:70-74 (retelling in Krzyżanowski 1962, No. 307:90-92); Russians ( Arkhangelsk, Olonetskaya, Vologda, Novgorod, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Oryol, Ryazan, Voronezh), Ukrainians (Transcarpathia, Galicia, Ivano-Frankovshchina, Podolia, Kyiv region, Poltava region, Kharkiv, Kherson, Chernihiv), Belarusians [The girl getting up from the coffin: at night she devours the people guarding her; the young man breaks the witchcraft spell and gets a hand free from spells girls]: SUS 1979, No. 307:110; Russians (Arkhangelskaya) [The soldier leaves the tsarist service (served as a groom), is going home to see his relatives. The king loved the soldier, but still let him go and gave him money. Before leaving, he gives a farewell feast for fellow soldiers, after which he has only five nickels left. On the way, he goes to the pub, meets the same old woman three times and gives alms, can't stand it at the last meeting and wants to hit her (he doesn't understand how she ends up in front of him without passing by, thinks, deceives). Instead of an old woman, a female appears in front of him. She thinks to throw it away, but two fellows jump out of it, promise to fulfill all wishes. The soldier asks for a table, a bed and a pipe for tobacco. By night, he sees a beautiful manor house, asks him to spend the night, the master allows it, but warns that devils live there (the master himself lives in another house) and sees off the soldier. He calls the guys well done, they set the table, the soldier treats his master, he steals a golden spoon. Well done from Sumy says he can't clean the table, because not everything is in place. The master hands over the spoon and locks the doors in the house in anger. The soldier locks the windows and doors to the other chambers, baptizes them, the devils are at the door, but cannot enter "one there shouts: push and push, and the other shouts to his place: where to push if crosses are instructed." A soldier finds a bag of weights, draws crosses on them with coal, pulls out weights, asks the devils if they can all fit in it. They say they can, he opens the door slightly, throws the devils into the bag and ties it up. He hits the devils with weights, then opens the window, unties the bag and shakes the devils out. ("What are barefoot people sitting here? Are you waiting for another bath?"). The soldier told the master that he could live in a beautiful house, but asked for money for the trip for his work. Three days from home, a soldier met a terrible old woman with a bag of knives, drank, axes, a scythe supports her, she blocks his way, he wants to hit her, she says she has come for his soul, that she death, when asked to see his relatives, does not give a delay (three months, three weeks, three days). In the next world, a soldier was not allowed to go to heaven, the devils were going to drag him to hell, he reminds them of a "manor's bathhouse", they run away, out of fear and Satan runs into the fire]: Burtsev 1897, No. 5:12-18; Russians ( Vologodskaya) [a man borrowed money from a Jew, an icon of Nicholas the Wonderworker as a guarantor; the man does not give money, a Jew beats an icon, Ivan bought the icon; a gray-haired old man came, went to trade with him on ships; The Tsar's daughter died, 20 days in church, you have to be on duty for 3 nights, and everyone is found torn to pieces; each time the old man teaches you to read a book to a certain page and buy what is first offered; this is var, cheese, candle; the one who gets up from the coffin rushes every time to get abandoned; after the third night she came to life and was healed, the Tsar gave it to Ivan; the old man orders to share what she had acquired together; cuts the princess into pieces, washed it, put it together, the princess came to life; the old man disappeared]: Smirnov 1917, No. 39:208-211; Russians (Voronezh) [The girl asks the groom to read the psalter on her after her death. The first night she gets up from her coffin and the groom hits her forehead with a book, she lies down. In the afternoon he meets an old man, who advises to take a measure of poppy seeds the next night, devils flock at midnight, but do not have time to eat the guy. On the third night, the old man advises taking two measures of sand until the devils count all the grains of sand, can not begin to gnaw on the bar on which the groom is sitting. Devils disappear when roosters start singing. At the funeral, an aspen stake is stuck in the sorceress and boars (hypochondrium) are broken, she moans]: Baryshnikova 2007, No. 61:213-213; Ukrainians (Transcarpathian Region, Vinogradov District, Novoselitsa) [three seminarians go to work during the holidays; the tsar hired them, gave them housing to two, sent the third philosopher Ivan Khashchu (IM) to sleep in a barn; THEY study well, are competent, knowledgeable in church affairs; at work A week goes by; the king's only daughter watches THEM; on a cold night he lay down closer to a warm pig; an old toothy witch has come, throws THEM over their bridle, turns THEM into a horse, sits on horseback and drives; THEM repeats spells until the witch loses control over him; turns her into a mare, drives her until sunrise; asks the blacksmith to shove the mare; then removes the bridle, the mare turns into the girl disappears, THEY go to bed; the comrades wake up: the royal daughter was a witch, she was shoved, she bled to death and died after ordering their father to scold her in church for three nights; an old man in a tavern teaches you to stand on the choir, sprinkle yourself with a cross around her, gives wheat to sow it around you, read and pray without paying attention to what fears there will be; she does them; at midnight the coffin opened, princess wanders around the church: "Where are you? I'll find it anyway"; in an hour she whistles, propassniki (devils) flock, even search for monks buried in the church among the bones; the princess flies over the kliros, but does not see THEM; with the first roosters she lies down in the coffin; THEM they take him out gray; now the old man tells him to bury himself in a pile of bones scattered with passers, sprinkle himself, cover himself with wheat, pray; at midnight, the princess goes to the choir, throws books, does not find it, devils, devils, bosorkani (witches) whistle, walk on bones that he did not have time to sanctify; the princess roars so much that the church trembles, lies in the coffin, the evil spirits disappear; THEY tell the king that He did not see anything, he went to the tavern; the old man advises to lie next to the coffin so that the lid falls on it when the princess gets out and runs to the bones; then lie down in the coffin, fold your hands, close your eyes and not to respond; the princess calls the evil spirits, tells me to call Lucifer; he is brought in, this is a blind old man: "Raise my eyelids so that I can search well"; two witches raise their eyelids a little; the old man looks: "I see him. He is in your coffin"; Lucifer is taken away, everyone leaves, the princess stays, asks to let her lie down until the roosters sing, promises the king's throne, begins to cry over him, the first roosters sing, she asks, after the second can't; it looks scary, the rough hair on her head begins to fall out; after the third roosters she becomes an ordinary girl: "Get up and don't be afraid, I'm already the right one"; soldiers don't enter the church, believing that HB is dead; the princess cries, raises B. with her own hands: "Get up, you're not dead"; lies down in a coffin, dies]: Zinchuk 2008b, No. 16:41-47; Ukrainians (Hutsulshchina) []: Zinchuk 2006a, No. 96:287-293; Ukrainians (ca. 1878, г. Gadyach, Poltava Province) [The poor man asks his heroic neighbor for help, says that God and Saint Mikolaj are vouching for him. The image of Nikolai says that God will return the money. The hero lends a loan to the poor man, he does not repay for a long time, he comes to him, it turns out that the poor man has died. The hero is angry, breaks and tramples on Mikolai's image. The guy asks why the hero beats the image, then begs for money from his poor father and buys an icon. He asks the merchant uncles to take it with them, they agree, he takes an image and lumps of clay with him to sell. In a foreign state, the tsar announces a reward to someone who serves for his deceased daughter (she entered the water without crossing herself, fell into the hands of evil spirits, fell ill and died), no one can cope - they take it out the next morning from the bone church. The king orders all visiting merchants to pray for the princess. The uncle asks the boy to serve, Mikola's image promises to protect him if he does not look at the girl. Mikola orders the guy to surround himself with lumps of clay and scatter pears - while the girl looks for him and picks the fruits, morning will come. At night, a girl gets up from her coffin, cannot cross a circle of clumps of clay, collects pears, and morning comes. The next night, another guy asks the guy to serve, Mikola advises to scatter nuts around the church, everything repeats itself. On the third night, Mikola advises you to cover yourself with pieces of clay again, sprinkle yourself with poppy seeds, fumigate yourself with incense and take your look with you. When the girl gets up from the coffin, the guy must climb into it and stay until the girl calls him "my friend". At night, the wind rises in the church, the images fall, the girl rushes around looking for him, the guy lies down in the coffin, covers himself with an icon, she begs him to stand up, he gets up after the right words. Both start praying. The king gives the boy half the kingdom. The girl falls in love, gets sick, the father finds out the reason, calls the guy, breaks the pieces of clay he brought - there are precious stones inside, he marries the princess]: Rudchenko 1870, No. 12:27-32; oriental Ukrainians (Kherson) [the poor man borrowed money, and took St. Nicholas; died; the lender carries the body and the icon to be scolded, beats both; one guy paid the debt, buried the dead man, took an icon; merchants gathered for the goods, but the guy has no money; the old man volunteered to help, built a ship; in another country, the king orders to spend three nights in the crypt; an old man (who confessed that he is St. Nikolai) teaches you to draw a line around you by greasing honey and pouring poppy seeds, but not to look at the princess rising from her coffin; on the third night she will dismantle the roof and try to attack from above - you have to lie in her coffin; in the morning both went out, the old man blessed, the tsar neither, but did not go out to his daughter, he was frightened; brought goods with him; on the way, the princess flew into the forest and brought 4 apples; Nicholas tells me not to eat, say what she will eat after; cut apples, and they are teeming with reptiles; princess: how well I slept! the old man left, the guy started selling the imported goods]: Hawks 1894, No. 5:126-129; Czechs [the king says that since turning to God did not help and he has no children, let him have a child at least a damn thing ; the queen gives birth to a daughter Lidumila; when she is 17, she turned black and fell dead; the king ordered guards to be placed at her golden coffin; every night a sentry on duty from 11 to 12 is torn to shreds; the queue for Bohumil, the sixth son of a shepherd; he decides to leave town; sees an old man, helps him get up; old man: L. was born against God's will, so she is obsessed with the devil; tells him to go guard the princess, outline circle with holy water, do not leave it; at 11, the deceased got up from the coffin, flew around the church, returned to the coffin at 12; the same the next night; before the third, the old man tells B. to promise to give him half rewards; he must lie in the coffin instead of the princess, dawning on his head with the sign of the cross; skeletons danced around the coffin; when 12 hit, the monsters disappeared, at B.'s coffin in the guise of a girl; wedding; B. and his wife they go out of town, they meet that old man; he demands half L.; B. is going to cut L. in half; the old man stops him: it was just a test; everything is fine]: Němcová 1990:221-233.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Adyghi: Aliyeva 1986 at Uther 2004 (1), No. 307:189-190.

Baltoscandia. Danes [the childless queen is told to eat three buds from the bush; after 6 months a beautiful girl was born, says from birth; she must be given to a wet nurse; neither mother nor father should be born until the age of 14 to see her; the king violates the ban the day before the deadline; now there will be either pestilence or war, or her daughter will die and for a year someone must guard her in the church; hundreds of guards disappear without a trace; Kristjan's assistant volunteered himself, but was frightened in the church and was about to run; a dwarf met him; he teaches what to do, the girl comes to life; dead guards are found under the floor]: Grundtvig 1878:147-171 (=Cramer 1919:45-58); Norwegians [the childless king and queen have a damn daughter; before death, she becomes beautiful, asks her father to send numerous guards to her coffin in the church; every night she gets up from the coffin, swallows the guards; the young man learns from the old man what he must do to spell the girl; with the help of a shroud and a rusty sword, he makes the deceased read prayers and sing hymns at the altar; swallowed people are reborn, a young man marries a saved princess]: Hodne 1984, No. 307:68; (cf. Eastern Sami (Skolts, Neiden) [pastor and his servant agree to spend the night in church; the servant must go first; at low tide he picks up one stone and the lower edge of the water, the second in the middle of the littoral, and the third where the tide reaches; when the dead gather at midnight, at 2 am and 4 am, the servant throws first the upper stone, then the middle stone, then the lower stone, the dead run away; the pastor comes the next night; in the morning the servant sees only the intestines scattered on the benches; the pastor's widow asks to know how to him in the next world; a servant comes to the canopy of the church, asks the pastor; he replies that his work is bad; tells him to throw clothes behind the dead when he leaves; the servant returned to the pastor's widow, told her everything ]: Lagercrantz 1961, No. 287:114-120); Latvians [Girl in a coffin. A dead girl demands a person every night. One young man agrees to guard for three nights and save the girl. The old man gives advice on where to hide when the deceased runs around looking for food. On the third night, when the girl gets up from the coffin, the young man lies down in the coffin and does not let her in until she reads a prayer. A rooster sings, a girl frees herself from spells and marries a young man. An old assistant tears the girl in half, shakes out all the evil spirits - different reptiles - out of her and puts the parts together]: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 307:273; Lithuanians [59 options; beginning varies; 1) a pig chases a guy, he hits her (or cuts off her leg) - the girl dies; 2) the guy throws a rib (bridle without bits) on the girl's head - the girl turns into a mare; 3) the guy sees a girl takes off her head, combs her hair, puts her head back on - the girl dies; the daughter and mother are witches; the daughter wanted to marry one person, but he did not agree; she died; parents ask him to perform the funeral service for their daughter at night in church; the man agrees after the old man promises to help; when the deceased began to move, the old man turned the man into a log, hid it under the matitsa; the panychi appeared, began to throw coals into the deceased's mouth, it became hot; the rooster sang; the old man told him not to do anything for the deceased, no matter how much her parents asked; when they took her to the cemetery, the deceased told the man that it was his happiness, her misfortune]: Kerbelite 2014, No. 50:116-118; Karelians (Kalevalsky District) [the poor brother asked the rich man to buy a horse for 6 rubles; promised that if he did not repay the debt, Saint Miikkula would repay; after returning three rubles, he died; at the funeral, the rich began to beat the deceased and the image of the SV; the son of the third, also deceased brother, paid off his debt; met an old man who asked for a laborer, although the poor did not have jobs for a farmhand; ordered to buy nails, turned the bottom of the old boat into a golden ship; went with the young man to sell goods, agreed to divide everything in half; the rich brother sent three ships; sailed to the king's shore; the king says that his daughter needs one person in church every night to eat; if you send, you can trade; rich brother invites the guy to go; the old man tells the rich to demand one ship with goods; the old man tells you to sit on the choir, draw a book around three lines, three iron fences will appear; the girl gnaws on the fences with iron teeth; the rooster sang and she disappeared into the basement; the second night after the second the ship is the same; the third is for the third ship; old man: when the fences are gnawed, you have to hit the girl in the forehead, iron teeth will fall out; the disgraced girl explains that she refused the prince from a filthy country and his mother bewitched her; the king gives her daughter and nine ships of dowry; the old man demanded half of his wife; split her body in half, washed it, combined it, she became more beautiful than before; the old man said that he was SM, disappeared; the young man brought home 13 ships and his wife]: Onegin 2010, No. 14:160-166; Estonians: Järv et al. 2009, No. 22 (Jüri) [mother gives her son money, sends him to the bazaar, he gives everything to the poor; so three times; the old man invites him to be hired as an employee for a year; with a load of bricks, they sail to another city; all those who come bring gifts to the king; the young man brings two bricks, but the king is happy; from every ship that sails, someone must spend the night in a church, where a princess is at the mercy of evil forces behind the altar; the young man spends three nights for himself and others, does not pay attention to evil spirits; two in the morning, a puppy comes up to him, caressing him, the princess comes out on the third; the king gives her to him as his wife; they sail back on the ship; the owner demands half of his wife for help; cuts her in half, pulls her out from the inside snakes, frogs and lizards, makes them whole and healthy again; gives the ship, disappears by itself; bricks turn into gold], 23 (Suure-Jaani) [the deceased princess was taken to church; you have to spend three nights there, but no one stays alive after that; the soldier agrees, the old woman teaches where he should hide from the deceased every night; in her coffin on the last night; the soldier does not let her in until she has read the entire Father ours"; when I read and said "Amen," he became a living girl; a soldier married her, became king], 24 (Kodavere) [the merchant sees a man beating God's image, for his debtor took him as a guarantor, and he died ; the merchant pays the debt, takes the image to church; the old man tells the merchant where to get the ship, loads broken bricks and firewood; but in the city where the ship sailed, it was sold for a lot of money; the daughter of a rich man died, told her to spend three nights in church at her coffin before her death, then she will come to life; no one returns alive; the old man teaches the merchant what to do, draws three circles, then nine circles around the coffin; on the third the night gives the merchant iron nuts; when the dead woman crosses the seventh line, the merchant throws nuts, she begins to pick them up, morning comes, she does not go to the coffin; comes to life; her father gives the merchant a daughter as his wife; The old man tells the ship to divide his wife, cuts it in half, cleans snakes and lizards, revives it again; says that he was God's image]: 104-107, 108-109, 110-112; setu [(story from first-person; Ivvan is the youngest of five brothers; the eldest goes to hire a farmhand; the pop promises 1000 a year, but if the farmhand swears, he will cut off his nose and drive him away without paying; and if he swears himself, he would pay twice as much and cut off his nose; three days before the end of his term, his brother grinded all day, but they did not bring him food; he swore, the pop cut off his nose and drove him away; the same with the other brothers; I. went; did not grind and went to bed; the pop swore, I. cut off his nose; the popadya offers to send I. to the swamp for hay, there are devils; I. says hell he came to measure the land to build a church; hell reported it The main feature, he suggested: let him race with I.: first overtake my younger brother around the lake; let one in and the other in his bag; when the hell ran, the hare supposedly had been here for a long time; the same is to fight; I. offered a line to fight with his grandfather, it is a bear, who ripped off the line; the same: throw a hammer; when the devil throws and the hammer falls back, he went deep into the ground; I. pretends that is going to throw the hammer on the cloud; the devil does not tell me to throw it, for the elder devil ordered the hammer to be returned; the eldest devil decided to pay off, I. asked for three bags of gold and three hay; the ass had to pay what he promised I. brought gold home; the king promises to give his daughter to someone who would cure her; I. came to heal her, asked for three decks of cards, three cast-iron cauldrons and a bucket of vodka as a reward; he waited in the princess's room; he came in hell from the swamp, I. began to play cards with him at clicks; I. lost, put three cauldrons on his head; hell clicked three times, breaking three cauldrons; the rooster sang and the hell was gone; the princess was better in the morning; told her father that I. he played cards with himself, and then the cauldrons crashed; the next night I. asked for cards and a hammer; gave the devil a drink, beat him with a hammer; the princess is even better; on the third night I. asked for 10 rolls of leather; hell won, began to beat I., but pierced only 9 skins, and then the rooster sang; in the morning the princess recovered; on the fourth night, I. got the devil drunk again, tied it to the bench, and in the morning he ran away with the bench; on the fifth night I. asked the blacksmith to make an iron man and, before starting to play cards, ordered him to tear out his tongue; the iron man closed his jaws, I. began to beat him with a hammer; the devil promised to leave the princess in Peace; I. received the princess and the kingdom; and then the war broke out, his wife and children were killed, and I., under the name of Fyodor, remarried and began to live in the village of Lytina]: Kalkun 2015:20-24; Livons, Finns: Uther 2004 (1), No. 307:191-192.

Volga - Perm. Udmurts [the young man is hired to watch the merchant's deceased daughter in the church for 3 nights; the first night he lies in the coffin, the deceased takes him for another dead; on the second night he goes under the cauldron, she does not find him; in the third plays the violin, the deceased dances, and then he throws a tow of honey into her mouth; in the morning she does not have time to lie in the coffin, remains alive and ceases to be a sorceress, the young man marries her]: Kralina 1960, No. 17:61-63; Mordovians: Essays on Mordovian dialects 1, 1961:283-286 in Kecskeméti, Paunonen 1974, No. 307:224.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Dagurs [a young man and a relative went on a journey; stayed at an inn, the young man fell ill; a relative returned home; a girl began to come to the young man at night; the owner found in in his room, the hairpin of her deceased sister, whose coffin is on the second floor; advises the young man to leave; the girl caught up with him, threatening to kill him, stayed with him; said that she would turn into a horse - let him sell it, but not a lama; he sells a lama, who almost tortured the horse, but the young llama accidentally released him; in the sheep, the one who bought it fell ill, came to order the sheep to be sacrificed, the sheep hardly ran away; they came to The young man's parents; his mother is happy with her daughter-in-law, but a relative says she is not human; she is taken to the temple, an old shaman (yadgan) defeats her, she runs away, hides in the grave; wanders around the village at night in the guise of a headless donkey, brings illness; a shaman finds a drunkard who is not afraid of anything; he must sit on the grave for three nights, keep his spirit out of her; he lasts two nights; the shaman orders the third heat the cauldron; the spirit climbs into the grave, but comes out in black haze; the shaman cuts it, throws it into the cauldron, closes it; when the cauldron is opened, there is a living girl; everyone is happy]: Stuart et al. 1994:86-87.