Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K102C. After changing his appearance, the hero regains the magic item (ATU 318) .

The enemy takes possession of an item that makes the hero invulnerable and kills him. The hero is alive. After changing his appearance, he provokes the enemy to put the magic object on the ground, takes possession of it again and kills the enemy.

{ATU's 318 story also includes other versions with an unfaithful wife, so it's impossible to use Uther 2004 without referring to the original sources in this case; judging by the list of motives In EL-Shamy 2004, our K102C motif is definitely missing in Arabic versions}.

Bretons, Flemish people, Bulgarians, Russians (Arkhangelsk, Karelia, Vologda, Novgorod, Tula, Oryol, Voronezh), all Ukrainians (Ugric Russia) , Transcarpathia, Eastern Slovakia, Hutsulshchina, Ivano-Frankivsk, Pokutye, Volyn, Yekaterinoslav, Kherson, Poltava, Kharkiv), Belarusians, Poles, Georgians, Swedes, Latvians, Veps, Mari, Mordovians, Kazan Tatars, Bashkirs.

Western Europe. The Bretons [Prince Trégier went on a journey, squandered his money and his horse, stayed with a poor old woman, who sent him to the castle; there the old woman takes him as an employee, tells him not to pay attention if at night he will hear noise and moans behind the wall; the prince unlocks the door, there is a serpent; he asks him not to be afraid, tells him to carry him to another castle; when the prince gets tired, he licks the foam from the snake's mouth and gains strength; in the snake castle turns into a king; he has been bewitched for 500 years; he has three daughters, he promises any, but first gives a horse and a magic spear - let the prince, easily defeating enemies with this spear, come to the Emperor of Russia, He marries him with his daughter; she already has a lover, they will deceive him to take his spear and execute the prince; but let him ask him to put his chopped remains in a bag, tied to a horse, and let him go free; the horse will bring them back and the king will revive him with live water; this is what happened (the wife pretended to admire the prince's hunting skills and found out the secret of the spear); now the king explains what she will turn the prince into a white horse, put a bottle of live water in his ear; let him come to his ex-wife's stable; she will understand that the horse is connected to her ex-husband, tells him to cut it and burn it; we must explain to Souillon's maid which is actually of a high kind, to keep the vial; S. poured living water on the horse's blood, a cherry grew in this place; the ex-wife tells her to be cut; S. kept and poured living water on one cherry; that turned into a blue bird; the wife and her new husband began to catch it, the husband put his spear on the ground, the bird sat on the spear, turned into a prince, ordered the destruction of his ex-wife and her husband with a spear; S. the youngest daughter of the snake king; wedding]: Luzel 1887 (3), No. 6:262-276; Flemish [the shoemaker tyrannites the student, he leaves; in the forest he hears a bird talking about a wonderful sword hanging from a tree; takes a sword, it says that its owner is invincible; a young man meets a woman, they come to the castle together; there a young man kills 250 warriors who attacked him; one hides, promises a woman to take her to wife, asks to know what the strength of the young man is; he does not reveal secrets, brings an assistant lion; the lion helps to destroy 500 warriors in another castle, the young man frees the princess, she gives a ring; the warrior guessed that the strength of the young man in the sword, stole it at night, gouged out the young man's eyes; the lion threw the warrior into the well, the young man saw the light again, found the princess, showed the ring, the king made him his son-in-law; gave the warriors to return the sword; the young man pretended to be a warrior who also suffered from that sword; when a woman's lover went for wine, he grabbed a sword; the warrior and woman had their ears cut off; the young man inherited the throne]: Mürk 2012:40-55.

The Balkans. Bulgarians [a soldier saves a stolen princess from giants (lamia, dragon); marries her; with the help of a magic saber, one smashes enemies who attacked his father-in-law's kingdom; after learning the secret of the saber, her wife replaces and sends her husband against enemy troops; he is captured and tied to the horse's tail; the horse drags his remains to those self-divers (devils, robbers) from whom the hero received the magic item; he (animated and) receives three flowers (bouquets) from them, with the help of which he turns into a horse, fish, etc.; the wife recognizes him when he takes the form of a horse, an apple tree (rose bush), a bed and destroys him each time; when he takes the form of a duck (or fish), the wife brings her lover, i.e. an alien king, to catch a duck; but when he puts his magic sword on the ground to enter the water, the hero accepts her appearance, grabs her sword and slaughters his wife and lover; marries a maid who helped him (kept her bones, teeth, oxen, sliver, etc., when his wife destroyed the images taken by the hero)]: Daskalova- Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 590A: 218-220.

Central Europe. Russians (Arkhangelsk, Karelia, Vologda, Novgorod, Tula, Oryol, Voronezh), Ukrainians (Ugric Russia, Transcarpathia, Eastern Slovakia, Hutsulshchina, Ivano-Frankovskaya, Pokutye, Volyn, Yekaterinoslav, Kherson, Poltava, Kharkiv), Belarusians [Unfaithful wife: takes possession of her husband's wonderful shirt (flint, sword, etc.) and passes it on to her lover; after transformations into a horse, a tree, a drake, the husband kills his wife and marries his assistant; {the fact that the hero regains possession of the magic object is not said in this definition, but the transformation into a drake is given the episode involves}]: SUS 1979, No. 318:117; Russians (Arkhangelskaya, Leshukonsky district, p. Zasulye, 1928) [when he dies, the tsar gives his son Ivan the keys to all rooms, but forbids entering one room. Neither I. nor daughter Elena gives a blessing for marriage. I. unlocks the door, the wolf runs out, destroys the palace. I. and E. climb onto the balcony, they are carried away by a huge bull. The wolf catches up, eats the bull, returns the prince and the princess, forgives the escape. A thin bull appears, takes his brother and sister away, they doubt his strength. I. falls his ear to the ground, hears the chase, pulls a comb out of the bull's right ear with his right hand and throws it to the left, a dense forest grows, and detains the wolf. Ivan hears the chase again, pulls a handkerchief out of his left ear with his left hand, and a bridge across the lake appears. After moving, E. picks up the handkerchief, and the lake detains the wolf. The bull disappears, I. and E. spend the night with the old man, stay with him, I. hunts, E. cooks. The old man dies, leaves his guns and dogs Katay and Valya behind. E. sees a great fellow on the lake, throws a handkerchief, well done, goes down the bridge to her, hits the ground and turns into a wolf. She offers to surrender to him and kill her brother, she agrees. The wolf offers to pretend to be sick: I dreamed that in order to heal you need to get a nightingale, a bear and flour from under the millstone of the mill. If he dies, his golden tooth could kill I. I. gets everything, feels sorry for the crow, the nightingale and the bear along the way, the last two give him a cub. At the mill, the wolf locks I. inside and is going to eat it, he asks for permission to twist the cigarette. While twisting, the crow tells how many doors his hunt has gnawed, she breaks through and tears the wolf apart. I. reproaches his traitor sister, she hits him with the wolf's golden tooth, I. dies. Katay licks the place where the tooth hit, I. comes to life, the dog dies. The animals take turns reviving each other, dying on their own, the bear licks the nightingale, holds a frying pan in front of his forehead, the tooth flies out, falls into the pan, E. Ivan leaves her with a barrel and coals, says that if she cries for a barrel of tears, she feels sorry for the wolf, and if she eats the coals, she feels sorry for her brother. He comes to the city, settles in with an old woman, learns about the snake, the princess's turn to be eaten, with the help of his hunt I. wins the snake. She saves the second and third princess (snakes are torn apart by dogs and bears). She receives a personalized ring and towel from the girls, remembers her father's request not to marry. The water carrier forces the girls to admit that he is the winner of the snake. I. comes with animals to the wedding of the water carrier and the younger princess, the girls recognize him and tell her father the truth. I. shows snake tongues, a ring and a towel. The king orders that the water carrier's hand be cut off. I. marries a younger princess, returns for her sister, she cried a barrel of tears, I. feels sorry for her, brings her to herself, but settles separately. She enters her brother's room at night, hits him with a wolf's tooth, and I. dies. E. persuades I. not to feed or release animals. At the funeral, the animals are released without Elena's knowledge, they lick I., the tooth falls into Kataya, he dies, I. comes to life. Those present run away in horror. Animals lick each other, I. takes out a frying pan, pulls out a tooth, talks about his sister's actions and shoots her. She does not die, then she is torn apart by animals, her body is burned]: Nikiforov 1961, No. 114:290-300; Russians (Orlovskaya) [after the death of her parents, Ivan sees a girl sitting on a shovel; she asks to be taken for far away to the thirtieth kingdom; the old man shows the way; came to the house under a golden roof, where the girl's two older sisters came; one sister gave a self-shaking pouch, the other a magic shirt, and a third sword -self-report; there is an inscription on the pole: you will find money in one direction, you will take the princess in the other; I. went after the princess; married her; she has a former fiancé; he brought an army; I. beat him with his sword, pardoned the former groom; the wife asked how I. was winning; took the magic objects, gave it to the groom; I. was chopped into pieces, put them in a kul, tied to a horse and let the horse go; he came to the sisters, they they revived him with dead and living water; they gave him a cross, which would turn him into a golden stallion; the man sold the stallion to the house where his ex-wife lives with his lover; the sorceress aunt warned that it was I.; the maid warned I. that he would be slaughtered; he told her to draw his blood into an apron, bury it under an apple tree; the apples became golden; his aunt advises to cut down an apple tree; I.-The apple tree tells the maid to let the chip into the water; became a golden drake; the warrior took off his sword, left it on the shore, began to catch the drake; I. went ashore, took the magic items; cut off the head of his wife and warrior, married a maid]: Kalinnikov 2017:15-20; Western Ukrainians (Hutsulshchina) [stepmother tells her husband to take her stepdaughter and stepson to the forest; for the first time a girl sprinkles ash; a father hangs a piece of wood on a tree, she knocks in the wind as if he were cutting wood, and he left; brother and sister returned on the trail; the second time there was not enough ash, the girl took dust, the wind blew her away; the boy noticed fire from the tree; brother and sister came to the fire, there were two loaves and two eggs; Then they came to the house; there are 24 thieves, 12 come at night, 12 in the afternoon; the boy cuts off each head as they put it through the window; one is injured, asked the girl to bandage his head, married; to get rid of his brother, the sister pretends to be sick: wolf's milk will help; now you need live water; old woman: water beyond the rolling mountains, you have to run back; the old woman tells you to have living water leave her, and take the one she gives; sister: you need a sea pig; old woman: he is also over the mountains; keeps it, tells his sister to take the simple; sister: let's tie my fingers, you can whether to tear; the robber came in, chopped the young man into pieces, put it in a bag, threw it into the forest; the old woman's horse picked up the bag and brought it to her; she folded her body, revived it with live water; cooked a pig, gave to eat, the young man felt great strength; the old woman turned him into a bird, he flew to the robber, sat on a tree; the robber climbed to pick up the bird, leaving a sword on the ground; the bird flew off, became a young man, he chopped the robber; put a bag on the horse, tied his sister alive behind the horse; the horse dragged her, trampled the robber's remains]: Zinchuk 2006a, No. 91:267-272; Ukrainians (the place of recording is not specified; M. Wozniak, book 3) [parents died, Grytsko went on a journey; reached the thirtieth kingdom; the viper is in the hole, asks to pull it out, G. threw it away at the end of the whip, she turned into a beauty; asks if to be her sister or wife; G.: sister; she cut their fingers so that everyone could taste the other's blood; she shows her countless herds and endless lands; suggests removing the poker from her garden; the first twice G. cannot raise a poker; the third time he has so much strength that he raises and throws it away; the Snake suggests choosing a horse; G. puts his hand on the backs of the horses, each falls; only the horse, stuck in the swamp, withstood; The snake gives a shirt, tells me not to take it off, it has strength, and not to trust his wife if she marries; G. reached the city, there is mourning, the princess is given to the cannibal; G. killed the cannibal, the princess married G.; took a young man as a lover popovich, whom G. adopted after the death of the priest; convinced G. to take off his shirt to wash; Popovich put it on, hacked G.; became king; parts of the body were put in a bag, tied to a horse and let him into the field; horse came to the Snake, she revived G. with dead and living water; he has no former strength, but he is capable of metamorphoses; under the guise of a merchant, he stayed with the elderly; she threw out the foal from them; the old men sold it to the new king for a lot of money; he tells the maid Deer that in fact, it is not a foal, but a former king, deceived; when he is killed, let his handkerchief soak in blood, bury it, and grow an apple tree; they will cut an apple tree, let her hide a sliver and throw it into the river; the cheating wife realizes that this is not a foal, but her first husband; tells me to kill; O. does everything as taught; the sliver has turned into extraordinary bird; the new king undressed and climbed into the water for it; the bird flew ashore, turned G., he hacked the impostor; cut off his wife's head, burned it, scattered the ashes; wedding with O.]: Pankeev 1992:316-330; oriental Ukrainians (Kherson) [Ivan goes to see the world; wanted to shoot at the viper, she asks not to shoot; wrapped around her neck, tells her to take her to the destroyed castle; the cow asks his horse to tell the horse to tell I. buy her; showed the way; in the castle, the snake turned into a girl; she has two older sisters; they ask to serve every year; they give speed boots, an invisible hat, a shirt that protects against a bullet; in one hut gives him only dirty water; he covered the snake clean; I. killed the snake, buried it, put a pole on top to the sky; the king passed off his daughter as I., but she loved the snake; asked for I. (supposedly to wash), gave the snake; he put it on, tore out the pole, chopped I. into pieces, tied it, tied it to the tail of his horse; the horse came to those three sisters; the eldest revived I.; gave the trick to become a drake; the serpent saw a drake, took off his shirt, climbed into the water to catch; I. became a man again, put on a shirt, killed a snake; in another version, I. kills a snake that ate the girls; marries the rescued one]: Yastrebov 1894, No. 14: 143-145; Poles [Shcherbakov version 1980:85-89; for three nights spent in an enchanted castle, or for three services with a warlock, the hero receives a horse, a sword and a purse; thanks to this, he manages to help the king and get his daughter; the wife steals magic objects and kills her husband; the horse brings the hero's remains to the castle or he asks to be shot with a cannon; those who gave him items, they revive him and he returns to his wife; consistently turns into an apple tree, a bed, a duck; turning from a duck to a man again, he takes magic objects and kills his wife and her lover; marries a girl who helped him when he took on an inhuman image]: Krzyżanowski 1962, No. 568:188-189.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Georgians (Imereti) [an insignificant person is called to find the missing princess; the king gives him a ship, a captain, 12 sailors; on the island they come to the hut; one remains to cook, overgrown with his hair, the dwarf asks to give him lunch, when refused, kills the cook; the hero remains, kills the dwarf, finds the keys on it, unlocks the locked part of the house, there is a princess, she gives him a ring; he forgets the ring, returns with 11 sailors, the captain sails away with the princess; the boat with the sailors turns over, they sink; the demon on the island takes the hero home, at the wedding of the captain and the princess, she recognizes the hero by the ring, the captain is executed, after the death of the king, the hero reigns; the wife finds a lover, replaces the clothes and sword given by the demon with a fake, the hero is tied to the horse's tail; he brings him to the demon; the demon gives the hero the ability to turn into a horse; the queen orders him to be killed, the maid plants the horse's tooth, an apple tree grows, the chips from the felled apple tree turn into two ducks; the duck wears the clothes of a lying bather tsar, takes the form of a hero, he executes a traitor and her favorite, marries a maid]: Mashurko et al. 1904, No. 2:6-14.

Baltoscandia. The Swedes [the woman ate an extraordinary fruit and gave birth to two boys; a magic sword with the younger one; when leaving, the youngest leaves the elder an object so that he knows if there is anything wrong with it will happen; he kills the dragon who kidnapped the girl and marries the girl; or the girl is extremely strong and leaves the young man in a magical forest; there he fights with opponents and finally with her, and when he wins, takes her as his wife; one day she drops her curl into the stream, water takes him away and an alien king finds it; the king sends a woman to find out who owns the curl; but when the king sends servants for the beautiful , the hero easily kills them with his magic sword; a woman comes again and persuades the hero's wife to find out what her husband's strength is; a woman steals a sword, the hero is killed, and the wife goes to someone else's king; older brother learns about the death of the baby, finds his remains and revives him with living water; the youngest turns into a horse, and the eldest sells him to the king; the woman picks up who is in front of her and tells him to stab the horse; from three drops Three trees grow of blood; they were cut down, but the sliver fell into the water and became a duck; the king undresses to enter the water and catch the duck; the hero takes his form, grabs the king's sword and kills that; punishes a woman, returns his wife]: Liungman 1961, No. GS 367:78-80; Latvians [a soldier escapes a girl from a burning haystack, but a snake wraps around his neck; the old man gives advice on how to get rid of snakes; in an old castle, a snake falls to the floor, turns into a girl, is accepted by two sisters; they give the soldier a sword, shirt and purse; a soldier defeats the king's enemies, marries a princess; she cheats on her husband, steals magic objects from him, hacks her husband and ties him to the horse's back; the horse takes the hacked soldier to his three sisters, who revive him and teach him how to transform; soldier turns into a horse, bought by his wife's lover, but the princess orders the horse to be killed; the horse learns about this from the maid and tells her to bury a drop of horse blood in the ground; an apple tree grows in that place; a sliver from a felled apple tree should be thrown into the river, the sliver turns into a duck; the wife's lover, wanting to catch a duck, takes off his magic shirt; the duck turns into a soldier, takes his shirt and sword, kills his wife and a lover and marries a maid]: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 318:276; the Veps [the princess is turned into a bear; the hero frees her from spells, takes her as a wife; she steals a magic sword; her lover goes a war on their kingdom; the hero is executed; an apple tree grows on the grave, it is cut down; the maid picks up a sliver, it turns into a drake, then into a young man; he kills an opponent, returns his wife]: Onegin, Zaitseva 1996, No. 64:206.

Volga - Perm. Marie [an unfaithful wife takes possession of her husband's shirt (cap, sword, etc.) and gives it to her lover; after turning into a horse, apple, duck, husband kills her lover, wife and marries his assistant]: Sabitov 1989, No. 318:24; Mordovians [Vanya leaves service; stopped in a forest hut, climbed onto the stove; the old man pulls out a magic mirror, but does not see it; asks to leave; he has three daughters; asks to serve a year, take care of Sivka, and he and his daughters will leave for a year; daughters flew away as doves, the old man flew away in a whirlwind; a year later, for his service, the old man gave a sword that cut down the army, his daughters - speeding boots, an invisible hat, a purse- shakes; in the city, the princess disappears every night; unsuccessful guards are beheaded; Vanya undertakes to watch; the invisible catches up with the princess, hits the face with a broom, she thinks it's hail, Vanya returns faster than her; the next night he smeared his dress with mud; on the third night he flew to the palace, where the princess would marry the prince; the footman agreed to help; Vanya took the wedding dresses and tore the rest; Vanya brings the footman with him; he confirms Vanin's story; Vanya shows wedding dresses, marries a princess; the prince went to war, Vanya destroyed his army with his sword; his wife changed her sword and gave it to the prince, who chopped Vanya, tied the pieces in the barrel to the horse's tail; the horse came to that old man; the old man and his daughters boiled them in copper, silver, gold cauldrons; the water was poured out, the apple tree grew: the trunk was copper, silver branches, golden apples; Vanya, who came to life, in the form of a falcon, flew to take revenge on the prince; settled with the old man, became a horse, ordered to sell it, the prince bought it, his wife realized that it was Vanya; the horse tells the maid to bury a drop of his blood when they were slaughtered; an apple tree grew, it was cut down, the maid picked up a sliver, Vanya had previously taught her to throw a sliver into the bath; the sliver became a drake, the prince undressed, began to catch it; the drake became Vanya, took possession of a sword, hacked the prince and his wife, married a maid, released the old tsar imprisoned in the tower]: Samorodov 1972:160-177; Bashkirs [orphan Umys bought from the last money an old foal; saved a girl from a burning haystack; she turned out to be the daughter of a snake king; tells her father to ask her father for old checkmen (protects from arrows), a hat (invisible), boots (speeders) and a sword (burns fire) ); the princess disappears at night; wearing an invisible hat, W. sees her being taken away by her; W. then waved his sword, eget returned the princess, the king passed her off as W.; W. defeated the Deva army; the wife asks what secret; W.: in a shovel; she tells her lover to replace the shovel; then W. tells the truth, the wife replaces wonderful objects; the devas captured W.; he asks to cut him into pieces, put him in a shroud, shroud to the saddle, the horse will take home; the king of the devas took W. his wife for himself, imprisoned his parents; the snake princess caught the crow, forced the crow to bring living and dead water, raised her dicks dead, revived her alive; taught me to turn into a drake; the drake lured the deva king, who left wonderful objects, W. flew up to them, captured and executed the Deva king and a traitor wife]: 1989, No. 5:54-61; Kazan Tatars: Zamaletdinov 2008b, No. 48 (western in Irkutsk; there are options from Novosibirsk and Tatarstan) [the padishah sees a boy playing in the dust; adopts, keeps him in a cast-iron basement with a teacher until the age of 17, gives a name Biktimer ("iron"); lets him see the city; B. finds himself in a meadow by the river; there a girl and her father make him strong, give him magic pants, a shirt and a belt; they cannot be trusted by a woman and should not be walked with wife to the bathhouse; B. came to the city where the serpent gives water in exchange for people, it is the turn of the padishah's daughter; B. killed a snake, hid 7 heads under a stone; the princess gives a handkerchief; the same with the middle, with the youngest princess (9- and 12-headed snakes); the youngest gives a ring, B. married her; the 12-headed is imprisoned in the basement; his wife found him, agreed to call her husband to the bathhouse, steal his shirt; B. asks his bones to put in a bag under his saddle the horse and let the horse go; the horse came to the girl in the meadow, she revived B.; made green, red and white snakes a padishah; B. came to live with the old man, ordered him to be sold as a horse to the padishah, but without a bridle; he sold it with a bridle; the horse asks the maid, after being torn to pieces, to pick up and bury one tooth; a flower has grown; asks the maid to throw the petal into the water when the flower is torn out; azhdaha took off a magic shirt, began to swim; chased Duck-B; she took off, grabbed her clothes and sword, B. killed Azhdaha; his wife rushed down the balcony; B. married a maid, became a padishah]: 402-413; Yarmukhametov 1957 [the horseman went to the forest, fell asleep, the snake wrapped around his neck; old woman: maybe she would bring happiness; the horseman went to the forest, there was a palace, the snake slid down, became a girl; three turtles flew in, also became girls; they all sisters; the youngest forgot how to become a throat, so she set it up so that the horseman would bring it; the eldest gave him a mare, the second gave him an invisible hat, a third sword that can stretch to the end of the world, the youngest is an impenetrable chain mail; the dzhigit demands the daughter of the padishah, smashes his army; the daughter, whose fiancé is the son of Padishah Timerjan, marries the horseman to find out his secret; replaces objects, gives her son Padishah T., who cuts the horseman into pieces, puts them in a bag, ties it to a mare, she comes to the gorlinka sisters; they revived the victim with living and dead water, restored his memory, gave a pen that turns him into any animal; the horseman stays with the old man, tells him to be sold as a golden-maned stallion to Padishah T. for gold; a prophetic old woman explains to his wife what's going on, advises him to pretend sick, demand the meat of a golden stallion; the stallion tells the maid to bury a drop of his blood; an apple tree has grown, the old woman tells him to demand a dish made of her wood; the apple tree to the maid: throw a sliver into the lake; the sliver has become with a duck, lured the padishah, became a horseman, he killed the padishah with an arrow; in his clothes he entered the palace, took possession of magic objects, killed his wife with an arrow, married a maid]: 79-90.