Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K103A. The tree raises branches.



suddenly grown tree (vine, etc.) deviates (raises branches, etc.), preventing the antagonist from climbing on it or picking fruits.

Sakho, Kabila, Yemen, Corsicans, Italians, French (Lorraine), Germans (Grimms), Tibetans, Lhota, Angami, Burmese, Himachal plowmen, Nepali, Assamese, Pardhan, Baiga, Ho, Birkhor, Oriya, Sinhales, Makassars, Moldovans, Bulgarians, Russians (Teresky Bereg, Pskov, Gorkovskaya, Kursk), Belarusians, Poles, Tajiks, Latvians, Lutsies, Swedes, Kazan Tatars.

Sudan - East Africa. Sakho [the older brother wanted to marry his sister, the parents agreed; the sister told the sycamore to bend down, climbed on her, told her to straighten up again; the parents ask the sycamoru - she did not come to them leans down; leaned over to her younger brother, sister ran away with him; they live in the steppe, the brother warns not to let the fire go out; the fire went out, the girl came to the witch, she gave fire, followed her from ash and roasted grains; the witch's four sons found and ate the girl's brother, the eldest married her; she poisoned him, ran away, taking her brother's bones, met the Virgin Mary, who revived the young man]: Reinisch 1889, No. 21:156-162

North Africa. Kabila [Aïcha and her brother Bejliman are orphans, her stepmother especially hates A.; when A. goes, she is followed by a trail of wheat grains, when she laughs, the sun is in the sky, cries, it rains, combs her hair, gold and silver are pouring in; B. told the king about this, who asked A. for his hand; together with stepmother A. goes through the desert to the groom's country, is thirsty, her stepmother gives her a drink in exchange for her eyes; changed his ugly daughter, leaves A. under a tree; the deceived king ordered Brother A. to be tied in the stable; turtles brought leaves that restored A.'s sight; they also offered to become a turtle, she became; gorlinka sings to the peasant, then to the king about her brother's suffering; the young queen tells her to catch a turtle, then cut her throat; this is where a date palm has grown; when the queen wants to pick dates, branches they rise; she orders to cut down a palm tree, an old woman took one sliver; the next morning a girl instead of firewood; asks for a comb, gold falls; she asks for shelter in the royal palace; cries - the storm begins; with her gold falls in hair; the king recognizes A., frees her brother, and his daughter is tied to his place]: Arezki 2010:43-50.

Southern Europe. Corsicans [Mariucella is a stepdaughter who herds and spins cows; her late mother has turned into a cow, does all the work for her; her stepmother tells her to slaughter a cow; she tells M. that she has three in her stomach an apple; let him eat one, throw the other on the roof, leave the third in the garden; the third has grown an apple tree with beautiful fruits; when someone other than M. approaches it, it turns into a thorny bush; the second apple turns into a rooster; when the stepmother tries to replace M. with her daughter for the king to take her, the rooster exposes the deception]: Orioli, p. 81 in Cosquin 1886:253; Italians (Piedmont; p. 718; The pomegranate motif, the fruit of which only a girl can pick, was added from the Tuscan version of Gradi) [the peasant has three daughters; the eldest goes to take dinner to his father, sits on a stump, and a snake crawls out from there , the girl runs home; the same with the middle one; the youngest carries two servings, gives one to the snake, she asks to take it with her; lives under the girl's bed; when she grows up and crawls away, gives her the ability to cry pearls and silver, laugh at the golden pomegranate seeds that will fall out of her hair, and when she washes her hands, fish will appear in the water; the sisters are jealous, lock the youngest in the attic; the prince sees her; under her window is a pomegranate tree, which grows taller as soon as the prince tries to pick fruit; the old man says that whoever can pick the fruits will become the prince's wife; the king gathers all the girls; the sisters hide the youngest, but they find her, the wedding is announced; the youngest goes through the forest with the elders; they cut off her hands, gouge out her eyes and throw her in the forest, the older sister replaces her; the poor lumberjack picked up the crippled one; became rich by collecting her silver and pearls; the snake tells her that the new wife of the prince, who is now king, is expecting a child and wants figs; the handless tells the logger to take the figs to the palace (they grew up out of season right away) and barter for eyes; next time peaches in exchange for hands; the younger sister got her eyes and hands back, they grew; the queen gave birth to a scorpion; younger sister came to the ball, the king recognized her as his true wife: pearls and gold were falling, fish were swimming in the washbasin; the older sisters were burned at the stake along with the scorpion]: Calvino 1980, No. 12:37-40.

Western Europe. The French (Lorraine): Cosquin 1886:246-247 [a woman does not love her youngest daughter, starves her; a man has given her a wand; if you touch the biggest ram, she will appear luxuriously covered table; the girl is prettier; the mother sends her middle sister, she falls asleep; the eldest - she sees everything, tells her; the mother pretends to be sick, demands that her husband slaughter the ram; that man tells the youngest daughter collect and bury bones; a golden pear grows in this place; the king promises to marry the one that will harvest fruit for him; the woman sends her elder daughters, but the branches are raised, not handed over; they go down to the youngest, the king takes her to the palace; when he went to war, the queen gave birth to two sons with a gold star in their forehead; at the same time the dog gave birth to two puppies, also with a golden star in their forehead; the king's mother did not love her daughter-in-law, wrote to her son that she gave birth to puppies; the king ordered his wife to hang, which was done], 248-250 [when dying, the Queen tells Florine's daughter to take care of the lamb; the king married on the other, the stepmother has a daughter Truitonne; the stepmother starves F., but only gets prettier: when she touches the lamb with a stick, food appears; the stepmother sends T., she fell asleep on the first day, spied on the second; stepmother demands to slaughter the lamb; he tells F. to collect its bones, leave it on the pear; bells will appear on it; if they stop ringing, then trouble; the king saw, asked to pick it for him, stepmother, etc., did not Maybe the branches lean towards F. themselves, the king marries F.; when leaving, the king asked stepmother F. to take care of her; she threw her into the river, replaced her with her own daughter; the king heard that the bells had fallen silent, hurried to the palace; saw F.'s hand in the river, pulled it out, F. woke up; the stepmother and T. were hanged]; the Germans [the woman has three daughters; the one with one eye in her forehead and the one with three eyes did not like two-eyed because it doesn't look like them; the witch taught Two-Eye to give her a table to eat every time; sisters and mother wonder why Two-Eyed is not hungry; sisters take turns they spy; One-Eyed's eye Two-eyed spoke and she fell asleep, and the third eye of the Three-Eyes did not speak, she saw everything; the mother stabbed the goat, but the witch ordered her insides to be buried; a tree grew with silver leaves and golden fruits; only Two-Eyed picks golden apples from him, sisters are not given them; a knight was driving by; his mother hid the Two-Eye and the plucked apples under the barrel; the sisters could not give to the knight of apples, the Two-Eyed rolled them out from under the barrel; the knight forced them to lift the barrel, took Two-Eye and married her; the magic tree came to the palace for her; the sisters became impoverished and one day came to ask alms; Two-eyed forgave them and they repented]: Grimm, Grimm 2002, No. 130:424-429 (=Grimm, Grimm 1987:338-343).

Western Asia. Yemen (SW corner, Khujariya region, western 2006) [sister lives with her brother and his wife; goes to the roof at night, turns to the Month; wife tells her husband that her sister has lovers; suggests look in her head, puts a lizard in her clothes, tells her brother that she gave birth to a freak; her brother tells her sister to bring him lunch to the field, lets the bulls in, they trample her; she turns into a palm tree, and coffee, which she brought into the stream; women came to wash clothes in it, asked the palm tree to bend down (to hang it and then take off the laundry), she bent down; when her brother's wife came, her clothes remained on palm tree, she did not bend back; the husband calls the woodcutter, but the palm tree asks not to cut her body; the same goes for the second; the husband brings the deaf and dumb man, who cuts down the palm tree; the old woman picked up a date, brought it home and forgot; Every day, when she comes back, she sees the house tidy; her little nieces say it's them; but one day an old woman found a young woman who told her everything; her brother sees her, does not recognize her, asks for a wife; the sister asks the old lady to demand a bed made of stone and glass, straw and wood, clay and cloth; he makes them, brings them, they say strange things; the sister explains who she is; he ripped his wife's belly open, brought my sister home]: Al-Baydhani 2008:41-49.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans [the king's three daughters reject suitors; the old maid's knee is swollen, a frog pops out of the abscess; her husband has agreed to consider him a son; he sends his mother to marry the king's daughter; her king chases; the frog comes by himself, threatens to laugh; his laughter makes the palace fall; the eldest daughter refuses; the frog cries, the flood begins; the middle daughter refuses; the frog jumps, the ground shudders, the youngest daughter agrees; the frog brought his wife, the hut became a palace; mother and sister realized that he was the son of the dragon king; he took off his frog skin for the night; the sisters pushed his wife the frog went into the well, the eldest put her clothes on, the frog did not notice the change; a walnut tree grew near the well; mother and son tried - the nuts were sweet, the sister tried them - bitter, ordered them to be cut down and burned tree, ash scattered across the field; barley grew - sweet for the mother, bitter for his wife, she ordered the grains to be thrown into the water, they became birds, one told her husband about the villainy; the frog drove out the elders sisters]: Parfionovich 1969:98-101; lhota, angami [the hunter killed a wild boar, God was inside, asked which of his two daughters he wanted; the man rejected the ugly well-dressed, took a basket with a dirty and naked beauty; the hunter left the basket by the pond, went to call neighbors; Hunchibili threw the beauty into the river, sat down ma, went to call neighbors; he wants asavitseyuh daughters; man rejected n\ ugly and hona her place; the villagers laughed that he had taken the freak; the real wife turned into a young bamboo; the husband cut it off, began to cook it at home; you can hear her screaming from the pot, Hunchibili! The husband threw away the bamboo, an orange tree grew with one fruit; when H. tried to pick it, the branch deviated when the husband bent down; the husband left the orange in the basket; someone was cleaning her husband's bed, Smears mud on H.'s bed; husband spies, sees his wife coming out of the basket; cuts off H.'s head; she was carrying brushwood at that time, this plant is now in her blood]: Hutton 1921:280-282.

Burma - Indochina. Burmese [wife tells her husband that the fish caught is for their daughter (her name is the Younger Mistress, MX); the husband beats her, she turns into a turtle; the husband marries a widow who has her own daughter; MX meets with a Turtle; stepmother pretends to be sick, turtle meat will cure her; MX buries the bones of an eaten turtle; a tree with gold and silver fruits grows; a prince marries a tree owner; stepmother's daughter cannot pick fruits, to MX they fall into the hem; MX goes to visit her stepmother; she pours boiling water on her, MX turns into a bird; stepmother's daughter pretends to be MX (long nose because she wiped it); the bird weaves instead of an imaginary wife; she tells me to catch and cook a bird; the prince refused to eat it, the servant buried it; the quince grew, the fruit fell into the hem of the old woman, she put it in a pot; someone cooks in the house; the old people waited MX; test: MX with a wooden sword defeats an imaginary wife with an iron sword; the imaginary body is salted, sent to her stepmother, she eats it, finds her fingers]: Aoun 1957:83-90.

South Asia. Himachali plowmen [6 wives of a childless Raja divut in the palace, 1 in an adobe shack; the fakir tells him to give each one a mango; six wives just bite and throw away their mangoes, the seventh of them picks up, eats, gives birth to 6 sons and a daughter; 6 wives tell the old woman to prevent childbirth, she throws the newborns into a hole in the potter's field, says that the seventh wife gave birth to a piece of iron; the potter picks them up raises; 6 wives tell the old woman to lime her children; she gives them poisoned sweets, they die; the fakira, who cuts his finger, sprinkled this blood on the newborns, they came to life; the old woman poisoned them again; the fakir orders them and themselves to be buried in graves; mangoes have grown from the graves of boys, a rose for girls, a fakira a tree with fragrant flowers; only the mother of the children manages to pick fruits and flowers, others are not given them; the buried rise from the graves, 6 wives and an old woman have been executed, the seventh and her children live in the palace]: Dracott 1906:6-11; Nepalis [the wife persuaded the Raja to take her hunting; tired, asked to leave her with the spring, climbed the tree; the shoemaker's wife saw her reflection, thought it was witchcraft, then looked up, asked the woman to get down, killed her, put on her clothes and jewelry, and climbed the tree; in the evening she answered her husband that during the day she had lost weight and darkened with heat and fatigue; in the palace, the parrot shouted that the king had brought the shoemaker's wife; the liar killed him, buried him, told the king that the parrot had flown away; a fragrant flower grew in this place; no one could pick it, only the king picked it; in a dream, a real wife appeared to the king, explained that she had taken the form of a parrot, a flower; in the morning the king asked his imaginary wife where Her parents live, what is their name; she answered incorrectly; he ordered her nose, ears and hair to be cut off, drove her away; the flower turned into bamboo, ordered it to be cut in the middle, the real wife was reborn]: Heunemann 1980, No. 9:91-95; Assames [the merchant has two wives, one is childless, the other has a daughter Tejimola, her mother is dead, the stepmother hates her stepdaughter; the merchant is leaving for a long time; stepmother allows T. to go to the wedding , gives rich clothes, but tells them to be worn when he gets to the place; leaves a burning coal and mouse in clothes; ash and rags remain from the clothes; the stepmother tells T. to grind rice, crumble her arms and legs with a pestle, heads, buries the remains; pumpkin grows in this place; the beggar wants to pick it, the pumpkin does not allow it, tells her story; the stepmother cuts pumpkins, throws it away; there is a fruit tree; shepherds they want to pick fruits, the tree does not allow it, tells its story; the stepmother uproots the tree, throws it into the river, the tree turns into a water lily; her father sees her returning, she tells him everything; father: if you're true T., become a bird pecking betel on my left hand; lily becomes a bird, betel bites; father brings her home in a cage, tells me to be a girl again, and so it happened; wife merchant chased]: Borooah 1955:45-55; pardhan [of seven brothers, the youngest is still single; looks at his younger sister; brings a mushroom, promises to marry whoever eats it; sister eats it jokingly, brother seriously preparing the wedding; the sister hears the old woman calling the time Kali-Yuga, since the brother marries her sister; goes into the forest, asks the tree to lower the branches, pick it up and pick it up; the brother next, threatens to cut down the tree, it lowers the branches again, the girl jumps off, runs to the blacksmith, asks to burn it in the oven; when he hears her story, the blacksmith complies with the request; the tree raised her brother to the sky, but he jumped, ran to the blacksmith, enters the oven after his sister; the girl is unharmed, the brother is burned; the girl marries safely]: Elwin 1944, No. 8:389-391 (translated to Zograf 1971, No. 57:237-239); baiga [ six sons are married, the youngest seventh is still single; brings a mushroom, says she marries whoever eats it; the younger sister accidentally eats, her brother wants to marry her; she climbs a tree, it becomes tall; the mother asks if she should call her daughter or daughter-in-law, she replies that she does not know; so with all relatives, the latter is brother; at night she asks to be allowed into the house; only brother hears and opens; sleeps with her; kills her and himself with an ax]: Elwin 1944, No. 4:385-386; birkhor [at Raja 7 rani, everyone is childless; brahman tells you to knock down the number of mangoes from the tree and let your wives eat; but Only one mango fell; his wife shared it, and the youngest only got the peel; only she became pregnant; when she left, the Raja ordered him to beat the gold drum if a boy was born and a silver drum if a girl was born; born a boy and a girl; 6 wives replaced them with a broom and a gun, and the midwife threw the children into a hole where the potter was digging clay; the potter and his wife found them; the Raja's youngest wife was driven away; the older wives saw the children and poisoned, buried by the potter; a sycamore tree grew out of the boy's grave, and the girls a pinjār tree with beautiful flowers; when the Raja's servant tried to pick a flower, brother and sister exchanged lines and a tree pinjār took off; the same when he tried to pluck the Raja himself; the same from each wound - the tree only rises higher; then they found, washed, brought the youngest wife in the palanquin; both trees turned into a boy and a girl and sat on their mother's lap; the Raja returned them triumphantly, and for the older wives they dug a well, pushed them into them and buried them]: Roy 1925, No. 13:468-475; ho [brahman dal childless raja 7 mangoes for his seven wives; before the youngest ate hers, the mongoose bit off a piece of him; she gave birth to a beautiful boy with a mongoose face; other wives were jealous, buried the child, they put a broom and a stone in bed; the Raja drove his youngest wife away; the potter went to dig clay, found a child still alive; the boy grew up, told the potter to make a ceramic horse, which came to life; the sons of other wives they wanted the same ones, but they didn't come to life; the wives guessed what was going on, told their sons to kill that boy; they buried him, bamboo and a flowering plant grew in this place; no one could pick a flower, only Raja succeeded; he cut down the bamboo, his son came out of it, told everything; demanded that his mother be found; she was brought in, and the other wives and sons were pushed into the well]: Bompas 1909, No. 20:478-479; oriya [7 The poor brahmana's daughters ate the cakes made by their mother; the parents decided to get rid of their daughters; the father took them, supposedly, to their uncle; walked away, taking the rice bags; the girls opened their own - there was only one husk; climbed a tree; the king drove up, a tear fell on him; the older sisters promise to cook rice for the whole palace, bake cakes, etc.; the youngest promises to give birth to 7 sons and a daughter; the king married her; when she gave birth close, gave a flute, ordered him to blow to summon him; she strangled him to test; and when she actually began to give birth, the king decided that he had not come again; the wife gave birth to 7 sons and a daughter, sisters they replaced them with wooden dolls; the king sent her to the stable; the sisters buried the children in the garden, they were dug up and swallowed by a dog, belched into the pond, raised by the Goddess of Waters; the children play in shallow water with wooden horses, telling them to drink water; gardener: a wooden horse cannot drink; boys: can a woman give birth to dolls? then the Goddess of Water turned the boys' children into trees, the girl into a blooming tree; the gardener wanted to pick flowers, the brothers told her sister not to give them, the tree grew to the sky; the same minister, the king himself; only the mother brought from the stable was able to pick flowers; the king returned her and her children, the sisters were hanged]: Mohanti 1975:109-113; Sinhalese [two sisters go in search of husbands; animals they meet offer themselves; each sister asks what they eat; they reject bulls, jackals, and marry two plowman brothers (they said they eat dried fish, and the sisters said it was their food); each sister gave birth to the girl; the older sister became jealous of the younger one, because she lived well and the eldest was poor; decided to kill her; invited her to swim, pushed her into the river; became the wife of both brothers, fed both girls; the girls saw a white turtle in the river; the older sister's daughter tried to catch it, but the turtle sailed; and she sailed to the youngest's daughter and rubbed against her body; the eldest's daughter told her mother about the turtle and that said that she would eat it; the youngest daughter came to the river, called the turtle her mother and spoke about the danger; she told me to keep the bone, leave it at the canopy for cows, it would grow into a mango tree; older sister sent the men to catch the turtle; the tree grew; when the younger sister's daughter came to pick a mango, the branches leaned towards her, and when the eldest daughter rose high; when she found out what the older sister wanted cut down a mango, the tree told the youngest daughter to keep the chip; a vine with fruits grew out of it; the fruits are not given to one girl again and are given to another; vine: find the root, throw it into the river, the Blue Lotus will appear; only the younger sister's daughter can touch it; the older sister sent people to pull out the lotus, but it is not given; the king arrived; told the younger sister's daughter to pull out the lotus, took her and the lotus and took her to his place capital]: Parker 1910, No. 11:113-119 (transfer to Volkhonsky, Solntseva 1985, No. 107:263-267).

Malaysia-Indonesia. Makassars [seven sisters only give the youngest a black job; she sees the fish, feeds it, the fish grows, the girl calls her every day with a song; the sisters are surprised why her sister is losing weight (she gives fish half of their food); watch it, catch fish (obviously luring it with the same song), eat it; the younger sister is shocked; the chicken tells her to bury fish bones; they grow into a giant tree with golden leaves and diamonds on the branches; one leaf falls on Java, the prince finds him, goes to look for a tree; the older sisters cannot tell him anything; the tree leans to the younger one by itself; the prince takes takes the girl as his wife to Java; sisters follow her]: Hambruch 1922:141-143 (=Bezemer 1904:373-375).

The Balkans. Moldovans [stepmother brought her own daughter a lot of nuts, and her stepdaughter alone; she planted it, a walnut tree has grown; its branches bend only to her stepdaughter to tear fruit; when she goes to church, stepmother orders to separate ash from wheat (two eagles perform; next time millet scattered around the yard is pigeons; poppy seeds are sparrows); the walnut tree opens, clothes and jewelry inside; for the third time bachelors smear resin on the threshold of the church; the shoe sticks, the girl throws a ring at her, runs away; the boyar's son finds the owner of the shoe, marries; when he leaves, the stepmother and daughter came under the guise of beggars, they cut the stepdaughter into pieces; she laughed - the flowers grew, cried - the diamonds fell down; a passer-by saw that the stepdaughter's remains were ordered to be taken to a nut; the nut revived her, she hired her husband as a worker, she herds geese, and her stepmother's own daughter puts on her jewelry, pretends to be a wife; the maid bakes bread, leaves the ring, the husband recognizes him, takes two stones of patience, tells them about what happened, goes to his wife; the old woman was tied to the horse's tail; where she kicked, ravines appeared, where gullies appeared with her back, red poppies with her head; her own daughter fell up to the neck]: Moldavian tales 1968:204-214; Bulgarians [the king meets three sisters; the first promises to feed an entire army, the second to dress an army, the youngest to give birth to two boys with golden vihras; the king marries the youngest; she gives birth to boys, the maid replaces them with two black puppies, takes the place of the queen; the king tells them to smear tar on his wife's head, send ducks "and tits" to herd {geese?} , she is called Patarena (duckling"); the children are buried, two apple trees have grown in this place, they bend down so that their mother can pick apples, they withdraw when the new queen wants to pick apples; she tells cut down apple trees, make a bed out of wood; at night, one brother says that his father is lying on him and the other that he is wearing a maid; she tells him to burn the bed; two sparks fall into the geraniums {apparently a well}; Patarena tells her story; two boys jump out of the well; the king asks the new wife if she wants two horses or two knives; she wants horses, she has been torn apart by horses; the king has returned her former wife] : Karaliychev, Valchev 1963:400-402.

Central Europe. Russians (Teresky Bereg) [daughter Palazhenka; after the death of her mother, the father went for a walk with a berry baba; wow daughters One time, Two-eyed, Three-eyed; the cow helps P. spin; stepmother sends daughters follow; P. put each eye to sleep, and the third eye of the Three-Eyes did not fall asleep; the stepmother ordered the cow to be killed; P. buried horns and hooves under the window, there was a garden in the morning; P. tears apples, and the birds pecked their eyes to their daughters yagi-baba, only one eye of Three-Eyed remained; the merchant saw P. in the garden and got married; the stepmother cried bitterly]: Balashov 1970, No. 130:366-367; Russians (Gorkovskaya) [Baba Yaga's daughters Natasha and Ustenka; Vanyusha and Alyonushka are not native; they herd the cows every day; N. is with them; N.'s one-eyed is with them; A. put her to sleep with a song; jackdaws, crows hid everything, rolled cows on their feet; the next day Baba Yaga sent Three-eyed; M. forgot to put the third eye to sleep; Baba Yaga tells her husband to slaughter Burenka; A. cries: They want to slaughter you/Damask knives, /German boilers boil; Burenka tells her blood to pour under with a window, bury his heart in an alley; a well of sugar water became, next to an apple tree with red apples; the master goes by, asks to sell apples; Baba Yaga sent N. - the branches rose high; the master asks send A.; the branches fell, A. brought apples to the master on a golden plate; the master tells A. to dress up, she will marry tomorrow; Baba Yaga dressed W., covered the third eye, A. put under the deck; rooster: women- Yagi's daughter is sitting at the table, and A. is under the deck; the master sent the servants to get A., brought him to his place, married; Baba Yaga came, gave V. cakes on goat fat, he became a kid; dressed up W., A. threw a stone into the river - around her neck, a fierce snake to her heart; a kid by the river: German boilers are boiling, /Knives sharpen damask; A. stuck her head out, cries: the stone pulls to the bottom, the snake sucks his heart; {the master heard} ; tied W. to the horse's tail, scattered it across the field: where is the leg, where is the hand, where is the head; Baba Yaga goes to visit U., finds a leg - to her daughter on a stump; hand to her daughter for a rake; head - daughter on Pomelice; the master ordered her to restore V. to her human appearance; she fed her cakes, he became a boy; the servants pulled A. out, and Baba Yaga was tied to her tail, dispersed across the field]: Eremina et al. 1979, No. 10:179-181; Russians (Vologda) [after the death of his wife, the old man took a yaga baba; he has a daughter, yaga has three daughters: one-eyed, two-eyed, three-eyed; stepdaughter herds a cow, put a one-eye to sleep, got into the cow's ear, ate, got drunk and dressed; the lordly son came, she talked to him; then back in the cow's ear, went out, woke up the one-eyed; the same with the two-eyed; when the three-eyed went, the stepdaughter forgot to put the third to sleep eye; stepmother slaughtered a cow, stepdaughter asked for at least a horn; apple trees grew out of the horn; sir: whoever brings me apples, I will marry her; apple trees are not given to the daughters of yagi baba, the master married his stepdaughter; until There is no husband, the yaga baba wrapped her wife in a trot; the nanny told her husband that the lynx would come running, shed her skin, feed the baby he had brought; the husband went by himself, grabbed and burned the skin; the wife became a spindle, he broke it, became a woman]: Smirnov 1917, No. 41:213-215; Russians (Pskov) [stepmother has two daughters of her own, she tyrannizes stepdaughter Alyonushka; A. herds a cow, she tells her to push the tow in one ear and get it out of the other towel; the daughter's machehins spied, the stepmother tells the cow to be slaughtered; the cow tells me to plant the apple grains that she finds in her intestines; apple trees have grown quickly, but they tilt the branches only towards A., the stepmother's daughters do not are given; A. carried apples to a rich man, he married her]: Ploshchuk 2004, No. 36:106-108; Russians (Gorkovskaya) [dying, Alyonushka's mother tells her husband to give her a black cow; stepmother has two of her own daughters; she tells A. to herd the cattle and at the same time spin and weave; the cow tells him to climb into her right ear, get out of the left ear; at this time, cows and sheep weave, spin, whiten, roll canvases; stepmother sent her own daughter to spy, she fell asleep; but the second daughter only pretended to fall asleep; the stepmother tells her husband to slaughter the cow; where A. buried her head, there was a well, where the tail grew a birch tree, where the legs were apple trees; Ivan Tsarevich ask him to pick apples; branches rose from his stepmother and her daughters, and bent over to A.; the same with the well (when the stepmother tries to get water, the water disappears); I. took A., the well , birch and apple trees followed; a boy was born; stepmother turned A. into a lynx; I. learned by ear, brings the child, the lynx runs up, sheds his skin, feeds, but immediately pulls the skin again; the servant teaches throw the skin into the fire; it will turn into a spindle, it must be broken and burned too, and A. held; stepmother was executed]: Borovik, Mirer 1939, No. 93:232-237; Russians (Kurskaya) [Little Khavroshechka remains an orphan, the hostess works; she has three daughters One-Eye, Two-Eye and Trieye; the cow tells her to get into one ear, get out of the other - all the work is done, the canvas is ready; the old woman sends One-Eye, The KX put her to sleep; the same with the Two-Eye; the Three Eye forgot about the third eye; the old woman tells her husband to slaughter the cow; she tells the KH to collect her bones, bury it in the garden, water it; an apple tree has grown; a young master rides, asks girls give him an apple, whoever gives him will marry him; the hostess's daughters cannot - the branches rise up; the farm serves, the master married her]: Afanasiev 1958 (1), No. 100:150-151; Belarusians [woman s married a grandfather and daughter as a daughter; she tyrannites her stepdaughter with work; the cow tells her to get into one ear, get out of the other, a roll of cloth appears; the stepmother wants to slaughter the cow, she tells her bones to be buried against windows towards the street; a well and an apple tree appear, one apple is golden and the other is silver; the king will take the one that scoops water and plucks the apple; no one can; the stepmother hides his stepdaughter under the trough, but the neighbor points to the hidden one; the branches bent over to the stepdaughter themselves; the stepmother calls the young queen to visit; cut off her hands, tied her newborn baby around her neck, and dressed her daughter in her clothes; the queen bent over the water, the child fell, her hands grew back; she comes to the king, tells her story; the tsar tied her stepmother to a horse's tail, her daughter's head was cut off]: Romanov 1887, No. 50:289-292; Poles (mazurians) [someone steals a golden apple from the owner every night; the eldest, middle sons go to guard, fall asleep; the youngest fool sees a black horned boar appear at midnight; killed him; The brothers are jealous; they killed the youngest and buried it; reeds grew on the grave; the old shepherd made a pipe, began to play, she sings: Play, sweet pipe, I have a stone in my heart, my older brother killed me, his middle brother killed me, his middle brother I advised, and I killed a wild boar for my father; the shepherd burned the pipe, and an apple tree with golden apples grew in this place; only a shepherd could take them, and if someone else tried, the apple tree grew immediately; the cat advised the shepherd to pick and preserve the best apple; the apple began to sing the same song; the cat ordered the apple to be given to the princess; as soon as the princess separated the apple from the cutting, she was in front of her little brother; wedding; I was also there and was drinking beer, flowing down my chin, in my mouth]: Toeppen 1867:139-140.

Iran - Central Asia. Tajiks [seven brothers want a sister, go hunting; a mother gives birth to a girl Gulmokh, hangs a spinning wheel on the gate, an angry neighbor replaces her with a bow; friends tell G. that her brothers are gone, when she was born; she asks her mother to give her a hot wheat with her hand, clamps her hand, makes her tell the truth; she comes to the brothers' house, they do not understand who is cleaning; only the younger brother does not fall asleep, the guard; the fire goes out, G. comes to Baba Yaga for him; she gives fire, tells him to throw wheat along the way, comes after a goat, tells herself to comb her hair, sucks G.'s blood; the brothers push Baba Yaga into a hole, fall asleep earth; dill grows there; after eating it, brothers and sister turn into pigeons, fly to their father's house; brothers turn into poplars, sister into an apple tree; they do not give apples to the prince, for he did not do good deeds; they let the old man rip off, brothers and sister get out of their trunks, hug their parents]: Amonov, Ulug-zade 1957:87-93 (=1960:98-105).

Baltoscandia. Latvians [One-eyed, two-eyed, three-eyed. A cow (goat, bull) helps her stepdaughter spin yarn. The stepmother sends her daughters to see who is helping her stepdaughter. The orphan lulls the one-eye and two-eye with singing, the third eye does not close at the three-eye and sees everything. The stepmother tells the cow to be slaughtered. Fulfilling the cow's order, the stepdaughter takes a pebble from her intestines and plants it in the ground, which grows into a golden apple tree. Only her stepdaughter can tear fruit from her. The stepmother hides her stepdaughter under a trough (tub). The prince marries his stepdaughter, the apple tree goes to the palace for her]: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 511:295; Lutsie (West 1893) [mother and daughter went to visit, lost their way, witch (tik: tige, "feisty"," feisty", est.) stole them; the mother killed and ate them; the mother from the cauldron tells her daughter to collect her bones and wrap them in a white handkerchief; on Saturday, the witch to the girl and her daughter: whoever dries her hair faster, I'll take him tomorrow to church; the devil took off her head, dried it quickly; on Sunday the witch and her daughter left; the mother tells me to go to the pigsty, where the daughter will find something to comfort her; clothes in the pigsty, gold shoes, carriage, horses; everyone in the church is surprised: where the beauty came from; the guy noticed her; the same next week; the third time the guy waited under the bridge, stopped his horses, told him to give him a golden shoe: on it recognizes the girl; the witch cut off her daughter's fingers to fit her foot into her shoe; the guy took her; golden apples on apple trees, goldfish in the lake; everything arose from the girl's mother's insides when her witch gutted; guy: whoever brings me apples, fish, I'll take it; apples, fish are not given to hell, and the girl brings them; the guy threw the hell into the lake, took the girl; after a while the witch came up to the lake, hears her daughter's voice; pulled out the reeds (pipes) that grew out of her daughter's navel; the devil was reborn; both came to the girl, the witch threw tar skin at her, she turned into a she-wolf and ran away, changed her devil; but she has no milk for the baby, the baby is crying; the shepherd saw everything, brought the baby to the forest, the she-wolf ran out, threw off her skin, fed the baby, ran away again; the same the next day; the husband saw, went to the healer; he ordered to heat the stone on which the she-wolf was throwing her skin; the skin burned down, the husband returned his wife; he cut the devil with a sword; the witch did not come to them again]: Annom et al. 2018:173-177; Swedes: Cox 1907 [When parents die, parents leave their daughter a cow; she tells her not to sell; riding a cow, a girl comes to the forest, where the leaves are silver and gold; a cow warns not to touch them, the girl touches them, wild animals immediately tore the cow to pieces; taking the heart of a cow, the girl comes to the royal castle; buries her heart, lives side by side in a hut; she has grown out of her heart an apple tree, the king tries to pick apples, the branches go up; he asks the girl's permission to eat apples, she gives it, the branches bend down; the king listens to the girl's story, marries her]: 195; Liungman 1961, No. 511 [a woman has a daughter One-Eyed, Two-Eyed and Three-Eyed and a stepdaughter whom she hates; stepdaughter is told to herd cattle (cows, goats, rams), do not feed; the witch teaches to touch with a stick one of the animals or turn the horn of one of the cows, then the food will be abundant; the stepmother sends her daughters to watch her stepdaughter; she puts the first two to sleep, and her wedge does not affect the Three-Eye { obviously forgot to say "sleep the third one"}; the cow was slaughtered; the witch tells her stepdaughter to bury the insides of the killed animal; a tree with silver leaves and golden fruits has grown, and can only pluck them stepdaughter; or stepdaughter rides a cow; they ride through a brass, then silver, golden forest; contrary to the ban, the stepdaughter plucks a leaf, and as a result, the animals tear the cow to pieces; a magic tree grows out of its buried horns; it wears expensive clothes for a girl; or a girl wears a cow's skin (transition to the donkey skin story, K33D, ATU 510B); in the main version, prince sees a tree, asks to pick its fruit, only her stepdaughter can do it, the prince marries her, the tree follows them to the palace]: 126-127.

Volga - Perm. Kazan Tatars [when she dies, the mother tells her daughter that the wishes expressed in the cow's ear will come true; if the cow dies, the intestines must be buried; the stepmother sees that the stepdaughter is well nourished, tells her husband slaughter a cow; an apple tree has grown out of her buried intestines; she falls into her stepdaughter's hands, stepmother and her daughters are not given; the padishah's son asked for an apple, only the stepdaughter could pick it; he married her; her garden followed her]: Zamaletdinov 2008b, No. 25:208-210.