Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K105. A wonderful son and rat children. 11.12. (.23.)

A despised wife gives birth to wonderful children, and other wives produce animals.

Hungwe, Ronga, Zulu, Sutho, Jukun.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Hungwe [the leader's beloved wife gives birth to frogs, the unloved one gives birth to a son, a daughter, a son again, a daughter; each time the husband gives a knife, tells his wife to slaughter them; she does not cut the children, but throws them into the pond; Ndunsu them educates; children secretly do all the work in the field and in the mother's house; she tells her husband that someone is working in her field; the slave sees that they are two boys and two girls; the chief tells all children and women Leave the village, leave the men; when children come to work at the mother's house, men close the exits; the father recognizes the children, gives the inheritance; these girls brought a lot of rain to the village]: Frobenius 1931: 358-359; ronga [among the chief's wives, only Nhembane's daughter is childless; The dove makes an incision on her knee, rubs ocher, fat, ash, a boy is born from the abscess; the children of the other wives are rats; the husband believes that the son is not him, throws them on the thorns, the child's intestines fall out; the mother inserts them back, carries the child, does not trust the Gazelle, the Pig, the Elephant, the Leo, gives them to the Behemoth; he raises the boy, calls Sidiulu (S.), gives magical powers and servant Siguila; mother S. cooks rats, lets mothers eat them; the chief drives away other wives, leaves mother S.; all girls ask them to be chosen as wives, S. chooses dirty, lousy, tells her mother to pour boiling water on her, she becomes beautiful; childless, her father gives her a maid Mbangana; they go to visit her father; a hand goes along the way, M. tells her to remain silent, but S.'s wife loudly surprised, the hand jumps, sticks to her hand; so the leg, head, all members of the body; when the heart, S.'s wife dies; this was set up by rejected brides and their relatives; the father buried his daughter, gave M. to S. ]: Junod s.a., No. 11:98-112; Zulu [all the chief's wives give birth to crows, the eldest is childless; two pigeons scratch her back, tell her to place drops of blood in a vessel, where a boy and girl Tzombenzantzini appear; the mother hides them; they go to the river, they are seen by another leader's people, his son Kakaka comes to marry; fearing that the crows will kill her, Father C. immediately sends her to K.; the mother tells her not to chase the green a beast; K. and his warriors are chasing; at this time, the lizard asks C. to try on her clothes, takes her place; C. and other girls turn into birds; K. believes that C. is fainted by the sun; the birds shout that K. took a lizard; they fly to the legless old woman Khlesa, turn into girls, do all the work; K. asks H. to tell the truth, finds the girls; The lizard is lured into a hole of milk, poured with boiling water]: Snegirev 1937:94-106 (quail in Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976, No. 236:575-590); suto [the leader's eldest wife gives birth only to crows, the youngest is childless; pigeons agree to help her, make an incision on her leg, they put drops of blood in two calabasses, white and red corn kernels; Soyane and her brother are born from calebas; the mother releases them at night when the crows are asleep; one day they go out on their own, Ukakaka (son another leader) sees S., asks the leader to marry her; the leader is happy, drives away the crows; S.'s mother warns W. not to leave S. on the way to his house; he and his people go hunting; the Lizard turns S. and her maids into birds, puts on her clothes, takes her place; W.'s father is surprised that the bride is ugly; birds fly to old Uhlese every day, turn into girls, work housework; they make beer, she brings it to W.; he guesses who made the beer, finds S., kills the Lizard; wedding]: Knappert 1977, No. 3:119-126.

West Africa. Jukun [Chief Koki has 10 wives, the chief's tenth daughter herself; they have no food other than red fern porridge; all wives go to give birth to their parents in K. village; the chief's daughters have nowhere to go ; the old woman invites her to her place; the rest of the wives give birth to animals (vulture, cockroach, other insects), the leader's daughter is a handsome boy; the old woman gives her a servant and maid, tells her not to wash with others wives; she washes, another wife replaces the boy with her vulture son; but the boy tears his diapers, returns to his mother, driving the vulture away; when the children are named, they ask the Hare to give the boy a name; he says that the name Adi-sa-ka-koki ("Adi-prettier Koki"); K. tries to lime A. and his mother; 1) tells A. to shave him, then restore his hair (he suggests restoring millet on the panicle in response the grains cut off her); 2) the wife must brew beer in a day (let K. grow a mountain in a day to make a scoop); The hare tries mother K.'s beer, it is the most delicious; 3) defeat the enemy (other sons are given horses, A. - a ram; A. takes prisoners, wounds the leader with a spear, he runs); 4) return the spear (A. stumbles, stung by a snake, must cross the river; the daughters of Spotyk, the Snake, the Transporter help, ask to marry them ; the same daughter of a wounded leader, takes a spear out of her father's body, gives A.); A. breaks three eggs, a city appears; The hare says that the true leader is there; K. invites the new leader to visit the feast of the appearance of spirits, A. comes through a tunnel dug by a rat and a gopher; K. closes those who come to the house (so that women do not see the spirits), sets fire, A. and his people go through the tunnel; A. calls K., who asks the toad to dig a tunnel, that digs a dead end; by setting fire to the house, A. tells the fire to burn K.'s hair and lips, but not kill; K. turns into Thunder, his wife (not A.'s mother) into Lightning, restrains her husband's rabies]: Meek 1931:479-485.

(Wed. South Asia. The Bengalis [the king has 7 rani, but all are childless; the sweeper loses the desire to eat when he looks at his gloomy face, so he has lunch before going to sweep; when he learns about this, the king thinks to deprive life; the ascetic gives him a spine, tells him to crush him and give it to his wives; but the king must give him one of the future sons; the eldest six wives drank the powder themselves, and the youngest has diluted what was left on the stone in the water on which the spine was pushed; the elders gave birth to defective children, and the younger shell; the king drove her away; she lives in a forest hut; she dreams that a baby comes out of the sink to suck her breasts; she pretends that sleeps, grabs him; the boy says that he hid in the sinks from the ascetic, and now there will be difficulties; the mother brought her son to the palace, the king is happy; when the boy is 12, the ascetic took him away; the women advised his mother to become an admirer of the goddess Sankata Mangal Chandi; the aspect asked the boy whether he wanted to take a short but dangerous road or a long and safe one; the boy chose the first one; they came to the Kali temple; The ascetic told the boy not to look south; when he looked, he saw a pile of smiling skulls; they say that each of them was sacrificed to Kali, now it is the boy's turn; let him pretend not he knows how to bow because he is a prince; the ascetic will show when standing in front of the statue of Kali; you have to grab a sword from the statue and decapitate the ascetic, then sprinkle his skulls with blood - the dead will come to life; as it happened, prince returned to parents]: Beck et al. 1987, No. 23:79-81).