K107a1. The daughter asks for a gift, ATU 425A (1), 425B (1), 425C. 11.12.14.-.17.27.-.29.31.32.
When the father leaves, the daughter asks for an object to be brought to her. This object is an unusual young man or a (bewitched) young man owns it. The girl becomes the boy's sweetheart.
Swahili (?) , Hausa, Sudanese Arabs, Nubians (?) , Berbers of Morocco (Fez), Kabiles, Arabs of Morocco, Algeria, Spaniards, Portuguese, Catalans, Italians (Campania, Abruzzo), Sicilians, Sardinians, Ladins, British, Dutch, Frisians, Flemish, Germans (Hanover, Harz, Grimms, Swabia, Austria), French, Walloons, Palestinians, Arabs of Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Bulgarians, Slovenes, Serbs, Romanians, Greeks, Russians (Murmansk, Arkhangelsk, Karelia, Vologda, Novgorod, Pskov, Orel, Ryazan, Gorkovskaya), Ukrainians (Transcarpathia, Ivano-Frankivsk, Podolia), Belarusians, Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Georgians, Turks, Latvians, Lithuanians, Estonians, Finns, Danes, Faroese, Mari, Mordovians, Komi.
{Contrary to Uther 2004 and Thompson, Roberts 1960, there is no 425C story in South Asia; the only recording is in Portuguese from Goa, the informant heard a fairy tale on her way from Lisbon to Angola; Japanese versions in Ikeda 1970, Chinese from Guangdong (Fielde 1893), Yakut (Ergis 1967b, No. 179), and Maltese (Mifsud-Chircop 1978, No. 425C: 114-116) do not meet the plot definition}.
Bantu-speaking Africa. Swahili: El-Shamy 2004, No. 425A: 251.
West Africa. Hausa [one daughter from an unloved wife, the other from a beloved; a daughter from an unloved one lives in a hut on a pile of manure, gives her father a cowrie, asks to bring King Agadez's son from the bazaar; in the bazaar, a man asks about this, he is beaten for a long time, left in the evening, the son of King Agadez promises to come on Friday; the father beats his daughter, talks about Friday; the young man arrives on Friday night, where he spits, there is silver; women found silver, out of envy they stuck needles in bed, the young man died; King Agadez tortured the girl's parents, but felt sorry for her; var.: the name of the girl Lahidi, the young man was Ba-Komi ("Nothing"); the daughter of his beloved wife stumbled into envy bed of thorns; B. has disappeared; L. goes to look for him, hears cannibal spirits talking under the tree; the latter says that if their bowel movements are given to the king's son to drink, he will recover; L. comes disguised as a doctor, B. drinks medicine, regurgitates thorns; L. takes a B ring as a reward, returns to himself; B. comes to kill L., she shows the ring, B. marries her, gives cattle to her father]: Tremearne 1913, No. 44:278-282.
Sudan - East Africa. Sudanese Arabs [Hadariya's man's wife with daughter Nayya and another with three daughters; H. died, half-sisters persuaded N. to ask his father to get a young man named Green Beans (ZB); he has 7 fathers and 7 mothers, his palace is guarded by ants, hyenas, lions, slaves; the old woman tells ants to take millet (Pennisetum glaucum) with them, something to smoke for slaves, meat for lions and hyenas; began to show different things and ask if N. was better than them; N.'s father always said that it was better; ZB wrote that it was foolish for N. to wish him as a husband that he would marry a slave; N. told the old woman sell her, ZB bought her; she went home, leaving a note: it is foolish for the ZB to hope to make N. a slave; ZB found N. and married her; the sisters persuaded N. to find out how to kill ZB; that: we must burn the seven-headed snake, spray ashes on the bed; sisters did so; ZB fell ill, his relatives took him away; N. went, met an old man, asked how to kill men in their country; old man: stab a thorn in his head ; she stabbed, put on the old man's skin and clothes, asked the birds what they ate; one said that ZB was sick, the other that if you burn their liver and wings and mix them, he would recover from this drug; N. killed birds, prepared a potion; cured ZB; asked for his sword and scourge as a reward; brought him home; ZB came, saw them, was surprised; went back; N. followed him; the sisters followed her, robbed and blinded her; the nomads picked them up; she began to weave carpets, asked them to be sold to cannibals, the carpet was exchanged for the eyes; ZB came, N. admitted; they burned the sisters, everything is fine]: Al-Shahi, Moore 1920, No. 13:91-94; the Nubians : Kronenberg in El-Shamy 2004, No. 432:211-214.
North Africa. Moroccan Berbers (Fez): El Fasi, Dermenghem 1926 [When leaving, the merchant asks his three daughters what to bring each of them; the elders ask for bracelets and shoes, the youngest asks for "a passion-filled attire love" (Le caftan d'amour tacheté de passion); after a long search, the merchant met an old man; he teaches him to go to a tree by the sea; he will get 7 dishes, he must eat; then drink sea water; he appeared from the waters man: what do you want; when he learned about the caftan, he told me to dive; the man on the throne gave a piece of sandalwood: let his daughter close herself and burn it; she did it; the servants took her to the palace of the Caftan of Love ; every evening she is given a sleepy drink; her husband spends the night with her but she does not see it; gets permission to see her sisters and parents; sisters made her talk; told her not to drink sleeping pills, and when the husband falls asleep, light a candle; wax dripped on the man's face; he forgave her, but promised not to let her go to his parents again; but the father came and persuaded him to let his daughter go again; now her sisters persuaded her to find out her husband's name; her husband was silent for a long time; finally became a giant, said his name was Kaftan el Houb (Robe of Love), threw the woman far into the desert; she dressed as Talib and under the name Xi Ali began to read in the mosque; the Sultan brought the imaginary Talib closer; the Sultan's daughter fell in love, fell ill with love; rabbi: to cure her, she must hang Si Ali's little finger severed around her neck; the princess is better, but not for long; cut off the earlobe (same); bring the brain; Si Ali was taken to a deserted place, she went to the stream and disappeared; Love Caftan: now you've seen everything, live quietly and enjoy happiness]: 225-245; 1928 [father goes on Hajj; to find out which of his 7 daughters is the smartest, he offers them 7 eggs: if you take them with you, they will break, and if left, they will go bad; six daughters figure out how to cook eggs; the youngest offers to hang them from the ceiling - they will remain; she stayed behind the main one; the ball fell into the well; the youngest went down to get it, found an underground passage to a neighboring house, where there are 40 robbers; alone at home; she asks him to get something, cleans the stairs, takes the property; so with three; then she brings the sisters, they put the robbers to sleep with hashish in the drink, painted them as women, put radishes in the ass, they put black porridge in their pants; the next day, the sisters take the robbers to the bathhouse - they will wash themselves and surrender to them; the robbers prepare a pot of resin and butter to cook the offenders; they ask not to enter them in the steam room while they hear the cup ringing; they tied this cup to the mouse's tail; the mouse is running, the sound is heard; the sisters spread soap on the steps, got out through the hole in the wall, bribing the stoker; next time The robbers took turns sticking their heads into the sisters' yard, putting a brand on each's forehead with a hot iron; the robbers are fleeing; the younger sister sold them to the Sultan as her rebellious slaves - look stigma; when the father left, all the sisters asked for clothes and jewelry, and the youngest for the Pearl in Hand; the father brought two boxes from the guli; when the youngest daughter received them, the maids came out of one, and the other is a black servant; now she is the wife of the Pearl in Hand (JR), lives in a house where the robbers were; a black woman puts her to sleep in the evenings, then JR comes; two doves say that sisters and parents miss her; she was released and her sister found out that she was in the robbers' house; found a glass tube through which ZhR entered, broke it; when the JR appeared, he was badly injured; JR told the black woman slaughter his wife in the desert and bring her bloody shirt; when the maid brings her sword, the rooster rushes to the blade, pours his blood on the young woman's shirt, the rooster's head grows and he flies away; JR regretted that she hastened to kill; his wife pulled a lamb's stomach over her head, dressed up as a man; hears two doves talking; JR can be cured with the leaves of this tree and our blood; the woman killed doves, gained leaves; cured JR - Sultan Guley; stayed with him forever; he forgave the maid for her disobedience]: 7-32; Moroccan Arabs: El-Shamy 2004, No. 425A: 202; Kabila [daughter asks father to bring invisible pants from the market that dance themselves; he did not get it, his daughter fell ill; he was advised to go to Wuarssen (devas); dev gives pants for promising to give his daughter; father: come when it snows together, rain, thunder and lightning; he came into the storm, took the girl; her three brothers went looking for her; sheep shepherd: dev fights a ram every day, the strength is equal, if you defeat the ram, you will defeat the deva; the ram picks up brothers with horns, throws far away; the same with the bull; the rooster refuses to fight such nonentities at all; black woman: the devil drinks a buryuk of water, eats melons floating in them; brothers cannot; they come to their sister; dev offers them a lot to eat, sister throws food into the basement; offers to fight, they choose sabers; dev throws brothers into a dry well; parents go to look for sons, father searches water, mother drinks mule urine, conceives a son; they come back; M'hammed Asserdun is born, he has a mule head; incredibly strong; 99 horses broke under him; his father found him a horse born at the same time with him; MA asks her mother for boiling water, tells her to get coal out of it, puts her hand in boiling water; she has to tell me in which direction the brothers left; tells her to forge an iron club (broke the first two); easy kills a ram, a bull, a rooster; drinks water, eats melons; swallows food in a deva's house; kills him, brings his sister and brothers home; MA leaves again, meets, takes a man with giant ones lips; a man with ears wrapped in; with a beard with a herd of sheep in it; they find a home in the forest, take turns cooking; every time Luash comes, eats everything; MA fights with him, cuts off his head, hides him in the house under a pot of water; consistently sends satellites to take water, everyone is frightened, says he has stumbled; MA shows his head, breaks up with his companions the next morning]: Frobenius 1922a, No. 6:52-66; the Arabs of eastern Algeria [of the seven daughters, the king loves the youngest the most, and the sisters are jealous; when the father leaves, everyone asks for something to bring her clothes, etc., and they persuade the youngest to ask for a rose bush; on the way back, the royal camel did not budge until the king went to look for the bush; the old man orders to slaughter the ram, leave it at the entrance to the cave; if The sheep will be grabbed by a white dog, boldly enter, and if it is black, the king will die; a black but white one jumped out and took the ram away; the king came in to meet the prince, he is a rose bush; tells us to go home , and he will arrive in the form of a thunderstorm and rain; each time he leaves gold under the pillow of the younger princess, the sisters take it away; finally, the youngest notices gold; the sisters stick needles, the Rosebush is injured, flies away , saying that she will not return again; the princess goes in search; the lion and the lioness say that she fell asleep when the sky turns red and black, the moon will hide behind the clouds; the RK will cure their liver and heart; the princess waited killed lions, took her liver and heart; she sprinkled broth on the prince's body, the needles fell out; the prince recognized the girl; the wedding; all the genies were happy]: Scelles-Millie 1963:291-297.
Southern Europe. Spaniards (Extremadura) [a widow with two daughters cares for the daughter of a widower neighbor; she persuaded him to marry a neighbor; the new wife is a witch trying to harm her stepdaughter; the father asks what bring them to the girls from the fair; the wife's daughters ask for new things, the husband's daughter asks for two measures of thyme seeds; she sowed thyme in a flower pot, it has grown beautiful for sore eyes; at night she puts the pot on the windowsill, calls the prince; a beautiful bird arrives, turns into a young man; leaves a bag of money in the morning; so nightly; the stepmother sends her own daughter to spend the night in her stepdaughter's rooms; she pretends to be sleeping, everything sees; the stepmother tells her daughter to stick steel knives into the pot; the bird screams that she is mortally wounded, flies away; the aunt teaches the girl to take a healing ointment from the doctor and go to the royal palace; the prince has recovered, the girl came back, called him in the usual way; he flew in and wanted to kill her, but she testified that she was the doctor who saved him; took her to the palace; wedding]: Camarena, Chevalier 1995, No. 432:294-298; Portuguese [daughter asks her father to bring a gift; this item belongs to a monster who demands the girl herself for it; after asking for a third time off to visit her parents, the girl stays late and The return turns out that the monster is missing or is dying; after all, thanks to the girl's devotion and love, the young man turned into a monster is divided]: Cardigos 2006, No. 425C: 98-99; Catalans [to bring the promised flower to his daughter, the father tries to pick it in someone's garden; an enchanted prince appears in the form of a beast, demanding that his daughter be brought by the flower; the girl comes and lives in a wonderful palace; after a while she goes to visit her family; the prince tells her to return to a certain time; she stays and finds the prince dying; she becomes his wife, the spell is broken]: Oriol , Pujol 2008, No. 425C: 96; Ladins [=Decurtins, Brunold-Bigler 2002, No. 44:122-125; the miller's two eldest daughters are evil, the youngest is kind; in winter, the father went to town, the eldest asked for dresses, the youngest was a bouquet of wildflowers; on the way back, the miller went into the castle; the doors opened and closed themselves; the cat grinded coffee, set the table, other cats gathered; the miller was taken to the bedroom; in the morning he was in the garden saw a rose, tore it off; a snake crawled out of the well, wrapped it around it; promised to kill it if he did not give his daughter; the father brought the youngest daughter a rose; the younger ones scold her, she agreed to go to the snake; the cats met her courteous; at night someone came to her bed; on the third night she lit the light: this is a prince whom the witch turned into a snake; drops of candlefat fell on his skin, so the witch's spell did not dissipate finally; the prince disappeared, saying that the girl would find him, wearing out two pairs of iron shoes; the old woman advised to place the iron shoes in warm cow dung, they soon fell apart; the girl I came to town, stayed with the Queen, gave birth to a boy; I heard a voice: if the rooster does not scream and the bell does not ring, I will stay until morning; the queen ordered to kill all the roosters, tie everyone's tongues bells; then the Queen's son appeared, turned into a snake by a witch; married a girl]: Wildhaber, Uffer 1971, No. 53:179-182; Italians (Abruzzo) [Bellindia's third daughter, the father promises to bring a clove; when he wants to tear it off, the sorcerer demands to give him his daughter in return; one day she allows him to visit her relatives; she has a ring with her, it shows that the sorcerer is seriously ill; B. comes back and kisses him, he turns into a prince and takes B. as his wife; B.'s sisters turn into marble columns out of envy]: Del Monte Tammaro 1971, No. 425d: 32-33; Italians (Campania, Capri) []: Zschalig 1925, No. 22:113-117; Sicilians: Cirese, Serafini 1975, No. 425C: 100; Sardinians: Aprile 2000 in Uther 2004 (1), No. 425C: 252-253.
Western Europe. French (New Aquitaine, Creuse department) [the merchant goes to town; the eldest daughter asks for a dress, the middle daughter asks for a corsage, the youngest a rose; on the eve of his return, the merchant sees the castle in front of him rose garden; no one, he cut the rose himself, blood splashed, a monster appeared; it demands that the merchant bring his daughter to eat him two days later, otherwise he would eat him; the youngest daughter agrees; in the castle everything is at her service; at night, the monster offers marriage, the girl asks for time to think; agrees, but first would like to visit her parents; the monster allows, but let her return by 9; the girl returns; in next time by 10, then at 11; this time the sisters persuaded her to stay for the night; in the morning the girl sees a crying monster that rushed into the river to drown himself; the girl screams that she will become his wife; the monster turned into a prince who was bewitched; the girl forgave her sisters and let them live in her castle]: Delarue, Tenèze 1964, No. 425C: 81-84; Walloons [when leaving, the king promises to bring the eldest daughter is made of blue silk, the middle daughter is red, the youngest is a singing laurel; it is owned by a witch, the mother of the Good Lion; ready to give it if the king gives her son a daughter; the king does not agree, but DL himself He takes her away, leaves her in the care of the maid for a year and a day; returns her for a year and a day on the occasion of her older sister's wedding; then her middle sister; then takes her as his wife himself; a son is born; DL's mother gives him potions to drink and he forgets his wife; the princess is hired to take care of turkeys; she asks her for a blue silk dress, the princess gives her the right to spend three nights with DL, but he sleeps; the same with a red dress; when gives a singing laurel; the hunter told the Good Leo about the strange poultry house; on the last night, DL does not drink potions, finds his wife again; the sorceress was cooked in oil]: Laport 1932, № *425E: 56-57; Germans ( Hanover) [when the merchant leaves, the eldest daughter asks for a dress made of three types of silk, the middle daughter asks for a hat with feathers with three types of feathers, and the youngest a rose in three colors; the father finally saw such a rose in garden; he tore it off; a huge frog: my favorite rose; you will save your life if you give me your youngest daughter; a carriage with servants came to pick her up, brought her to the garden, followed by the palace; at midnight, lying in bed, the girl hears sweet singing; lets the frog lie down with her; in the morning she is a beautiful queen]: Colshorn, Colshorn 1854, No. 42:139-141; Germans (Harz) [when the king leaves, the eldest daughter asks for a bring she had a golden salt keg, the middle one was a golden reel, the youngest was what would hit him in the head; having bought what the elders asked for, the king returned through the forest and was hit in the head by a spruce branch; he wanted it break off, but a lion appeared and demanded that the younger princess be given to him; first the king dressed up a shepherdess; the lion asks her what time it is now; girl: at this time my father is resting with the cows; the lion took her back; the same with the daughter of a pig shepherd; the king is forced to give his daughter; she replies to the lion that at this time her parents sit down at the table, eat with golden knives and forks; in the castle, the lion tells the girl to cut him off head, prince charming appears; wedding; the young lived happily ever after]: Pröhle 1854, No. 4:10-13; Germans [the eldest daughter asks for pearls, the middle daughter asks for diamonds, the youngest the singer skylark jumper; father saw a lark in the castle, wanted to grab it, a lion jumped out; he gives a lark for promising to give what he sees first at home; the youngest daughter comes out first; she went to the forest, there is the queen , who turns into a lion during the day; she comes to her older sister's wedding; when the wedding is average, the lion does not want to go, because he will become a dove if a candlelight falls on him; so it happens; she goes for a dove that drops blood drops and feathers; when the trail disappears, the sun asks (gives a casket), a month (gives an egg), the wind (only the south wind knows that the lion is fighting the dragon, the enchanted royal); tells you to cut off the 11th vine and hit the dragon; then you must jump on the neck with your husband, he will fly; you have to throw a nut, an island will appear in the sea, the vulture will rest; but the dragon, becoming a woman, took the lion; in the casket a golden dress, a girl buys a night from the bride with her husband, who is intoxicated with sleeping pills; there is a golden chicken with chickens in the egg; this time the husband poured out a potion; they sat on the neck, throwing a nut into the sea and flew home; their son is now older]: Grimm, Grimm 2002, No. 88:292-296 (=Grimm, Grimm 1987:232-236); Germans (Swabia) [when a father goes to town, one daughter asks for a dress and the other asks for three red roses; only On his return, the father saw a garden in which a rose bush with three roses on one branch; a man came in, tore off a branch; then someone shaggy appeared: take roses, but tomorrow at such an hour bring your daughter here otherwise you will die; the father brought his daughter, the table is set in the garden; the monster showed the girl the garden and the luxurious decorations; let her go, told her to come tomorrow and not be late; when she learned about the treasures, the envious sister detained her; when the girl arrived, the monster was lying in the grave and barely breathing; she began to lament; then the monster got up, shed his shaggy skin and turned out to be a beautiful young man; wedding]: Meier 1862, No. 57:202; the British, Dutch, Friesians, Flemish, Germans (Austria): Uther 2004 (1), No. 425C: 252-253.
Western Asia. Palestinians: Muhawi, Kanaana 1989, No. 12 [When leaving for Hajj, the merchant promises gifts to his three daughters; the elders ask for a bracelet, a dress, and the youngest (from another wife) Sitt il-Husun, the Chief of the Birds; camels in Aqaba the merchant stopped, he remembered that he had forgotten about his youngest's gift, returned to Mecca, found the house of the King of Birds, it was empty, the merchant called him three times; at home, the King of Birds began to fly to C., spent the night with her in guise young men; sisters asked S. to find out what was dangerous for him; it turned out that broken glass; they put glass, he was wounded, flew away; S. goes in search, hears one dove say to another that the King of Birds can cure by rubbing his feet with pigeon blood and feathers; S. killed a dove, found and cured her husband; her sisters tell her to 1) sweep and clean the whole city, 2) fill 10 feathers with feathers; husband teaches her to turn to spirits , they do everything; 3) bring a wicker tray from the ghoul; the husband orders to shift the barley to the horses, meat to the lions, fix the stone terrace in Gulya's house; she takes the tray, the wall, the lions, the horses refuse it detain; S.'s wedding with the King of Birds, they fly away together]: 117-121; Shia Marsh Arabs (southern Iraq): Yaremenko 1990, No. 3 [when the Sultan goes to Hajj, his youngest daughter Fatima, whose mother died, asks for an "od al-Marasi"; Od al-Marasi gives her three nuts and a mirror; F. breaks the first walnut, a palace appears; a servant comes out of the second, O. himself comes out of the mirror; he breaks the third walnut, a bath appears; the daughters of the Sultan's young wife throw pieces of glass into the bath; O. is wounded, disappears; F. arranges a bathhouse, lets the women wash for an interesting story; one talks about a boat in which A wounded young man swims; F. hears pigeons talking - they must be burned, the ashes will cure O.; F. comes under the guise of a doctor; O. recovers, lives with F. in another country], 21 [the Sultan's daughter rejects the grooms; sculpts a handsome young man out of amber and other rubbing, begs God to breathe life into him; the father agrees to marry him his daughter, his name Sultan Ambar ("amber"); the king's daughter in a distant country sits on a vessel, arrives on it, puts the young to sleep, takes A. away, makes them forget the past, takes her husband; the Sultan's daughter tells her father to buy her steel boots and an iron motor, goes in search of her husband; receives a reward 1) a hen with chickens collecting pearls for finding a prince kidnapped by a black slave (the slave was burned); 2) a pearl dress with diamond threads for curing the prince (he's all time eats, she extracts snakes from him, he recovers); 3) a diamond bird with agate eyes for healing the princess from madness (witches put that potion, burned the witch house); comes to kidnapper A.; buys three nights with A. for three treasures; the first two A. sleeps; his wife's tears stain his clothes; the tailor explains what's going on; the third night he doesn't sleep, remembers everything, runs away with his wife ; the witch's vessel loses its strength, she cannot chase]: 32-35, 117-124; Saudia [the merchant went to Lebanon; the eldest daughter asked for a silk dress, the middle daughter asked for a colored bird, the youngest Juwana is Philfil Daru; when the merchant arrived, he was told that the FD was the ruler of their country; the merchant was allowed to see him; he ordered J. to go to the roof at night and fly to her; the FD brought J. . to her country; forbids taking the keys to three rooms; gives J. a sleepy drink every night; a friend told J. that she is probably already pregnant, let her spill a drink and encourage the FD to drink herself the rest; he fell asleep, J. took his keys, opened the rooms; in the first, the carpenter makes a cradle, in the second, the seamstress sews clothes for the boy, in the third, the cook prepares food for the child; in the morning J. tells her husband about this; in response, he tells him to take J. to the desert and kill him; the servant brings the blood of a dove; J. reaches three houses; the mistress of the first says that her brother FD and his wife will come today, let the stranger leave the house because she is unclean; the same is in the second house; the mistress of the third left J. for the night; she gave birth; the baby's belly has three keys; love has returned to the FD, he confessed to the sisters that the woman in labor is his wife, whom he wanted to show; everything is fine]: Juhaiman 1999:20-24.
The Balkans. Bulgarians: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 425C [the youngest of three (nine) daughters asks her father to bring her a rare (purple) flower; when he tries to pick it, the garden's monster Demands his daughter in return; after a while the girl gets ruined to visit her family; if she is late to return, the monster will die; sisters try to keep the girl, she returns when the monster comes back dying; her tears and caresses turn him handsome; (evil sisters punished); the influence of literary sources is noticeable], 432 [when leaving, the father asks three daughters what to bring each of them; the elders they ask for new clothes, the youngest - Finist's feather is clear to the falcon; he buys a pen from an old man for a lot of money; after his daughter receives a pen, F. flies to her every night, turns into a young man; envious older sisters put knives, needles, etc. on the window, F. is wounded and disappears; after going in search, the girl receives a gold spindle, a dish, an apple from the old woman; exchanges them from his new wife F. for the right to spend beside her he is three nights old; on the third night she woke up to him, they are reunited]: 148, 152-153; Romanians [the king asks his three daughters what to bring them from the city; the eldest two ask for outfits; the youngest is singing walnut leaf; an invisible voice promises to give him what will be the first to meet him when she returns; the youngest daughter comes out; the father brings her to a certain place and she disappears from sight; finds herself in the underworld, where the prince must spend another 6 years in fear of the dragon; a year later she gave birth to a son and came to see her family; when she comes pregnant for the fourth time, she talks about her happiness, and she gives a candle and tells her to look at her sleeping husband; he says that he has now lost three-quarters of his strength; tells his wife that she will not give birth before he puts his hand on her stomach; cloud takes him away; the wife goes to the moon (she gives a golden fork), to St. Friday (headscarf), St. Sunday (golden hen with chickens; tells us where the prince and the dragon live); the dragon buys items for permission to spend the night with the prince, adds a sleepy potion; for the third time, the prince hears a wife who gives birth to gold-haired twins; a prince brews a dragon in resin; they return home, taking older children left to the prince's sisters on the way]: Bîrlea 1966:420-422; Slovenes, Serbs, Greeks: Uther 2004 (1), No. 425C: 252-253.
Central Europe. Russians (Murmansk, Arkhangelsk, Karelia, Vologda, Novgorod, Pskov, Oryol, Ryazan), Ukrainians (Transcarpathia, Ivano-Frankovshchina, Podolia), Belarusians [ The scarlet flower: the youngest of three daughters asks her father to bring her a rare flower; he finds it; the garden owner, a sworn prince in the form of a monster, forces the father to give him his daughter for the flower; after getting married, the monster turns into a handsome man]: SUS 1979, No. 425C: 132; Russians (Teresky Bereg): Balashov 1970, No. 52 [the peasant sends three daughters to Velvet Tsarevich, to Barkhatova's mother for a debt; the elders refused, the youngest Vasilisa the Beautiful dressed up as a man, cut her hair, went; came, she was given a room; the mother says that she is a woman, but her son is not, a man; if in the morning on a feather bed under her shoulders hump, and under her back there is a log, then a woman, and if on the contrary, a man; VP hears, shook her feather bed; went to the bathhouse, the sun put her horse, he did not let B. in, she managed to wash herself; returned to her father; that asks her daughters what to bring out of town; the eldest: a handkerchief, medium: a dress, VP: a crib with 4 doves; the father brought it only from the third trip; once the cooks did not feed two doves; at night two doves: let's take the VP to B. Tsarevich, but the other two do not want to; the next day they did not feed all the pigeons; they brought the bed with the VP to B. Tsarevich, left it there, the bed crumbled, the pigeons flew away; B. Tsarevich took it wife; she rings against the wall: until she grows up with moss, I will not talk to anyone; sometimes she talks to her husband, not to her mother-in-law; she gives her a basket and scissors, tells her to go cut her sheep; husband: sent to death, teaches what to do; sit on a tall stump, leave the basket and scissors, tell the sheep to cut their hair themselves; bears, wolves, foxes and all sorts of animals came running - they cut their hair; the stump fell, VP brought wool; mother-in-law sends her aunt for a bird; her husband teaches me what to take with him and what to do; two mountains: let's get together and disperse, we'll clamp the woman and hold the sorceress! she threw them on the whetstone; the gate (the same is resin under their heels); the dog in the hallway - meat; the pomelo - tied them with a silk belt; the broom - the same; the cat - threw him two whitefish, he began to eat them; the aunt went underground Sharpen her teeth, the VP grabbed the birdeau and ran, leaving the spits responsible for herself; when the aunt chased, all the guards say that she did not care about them, but the VP took care of them; now the mother-in-law tells me to get it whiten white clay from the fiery river; VP asks a bird with an iron nose to dive; first gives half of the wine taken with it and one and a half white bread, and when the bird takes out the clay, it gives the rest; when she returned, her husband is already marrying yaga baba; VA came, yagu-baba was shot at gate 7, VP lives with her husband], 156 []: 177-183, 411-412; Russians (Vologodskaya) [the old man asks three daughters what to buy them; the eldest asks for a dress, a medium shawl, the youngest asks for a scarlet flower; returning on the way out of town, the old man agrees to give a scarlet flower if his daughter marries his son - Finist is clear falcon; having received a flower, the daughter locked herself in the light, opened the window, F. flew in, became a young man; promises to fly every night if you put a flower on the window; gives any outfits; in these outfits in a carriage, a girl in a carriage comes to church; no one recognizes her; after the third time she forgot to take the diamond pin out of her hair, the sisters found out everything, put knives on the window; F. hurt himself, flew away; the girl ordered to be shackled out iron three pairs of boots, three staffs, three hats, three swirls, went to look for F.; Baba Yaga gave a hammer and 10 diamond carnations - to exchange F. from the bride for the right to look at him; sends him to her sister; she gives a golden saucer with a diamond ball (the same); the third Baba Yaga gives a horse, he eats hot coals; the girl gave a hammer with carnations, but F.'s fiancée stuck a pin in it, he can't be woken up; then But with a saucer; the girl got the third night by giving a horse that feeds on the heat; found a pin and pulled it out; F. woke up; called the princes: should I be the one who sold me or the one that bought me? the one she sold was ordered to be hung at the gate and shot]: Gura 1965, No. 16:223-226; Russians (Vologodskaya, Kadnikovsky, from Afanasyev's collection, p. 6) [two daughters ask their father to bring updates and jewelry, the youngest is the Finist's feather, the falcon is clear; so three times; at first the father does not find it, the third time he buys a casket from the old man; the daughter pulls out a feather, it turns into a young man; the sisters overheard; the girl lets her lover out the window with a falcon, or holds a feather in a casket, their father scolds them for lying; then the sisters put knives on the window and a needle No. F. cut off his wings, ordered them to look for him far away lands in the thirtieth kingdom, and before that, trample three pairs of iron shoes, break three iron staffs and eat three stone swarms; at the end of her travels, the girl comes successively to three old sisters; one gave a silver bottom, a golden spindle - a gold thread will be spun; the second - a silver dish, a golden egg; the third - a golden hoop and a needle that embroiders itself; tells hire a virgin worker; for these items she buys 3 nights from her virgin daughter next to F.; she mixed F. with a sleepy potion and sent the girl to drive flies from him; on the third night F. woke up from who dripped tears; took the girl away, and became a feather again at her house; in the church, sisters see unknown spouses in a golden carriage; after the third time, the prince took human form forever; wedding]: Burtsev 1895, No. 7:34-44; Russians (Pskov): Ploshchuk 2004, No. 12 [the father is going to town; one daughter asks for a dress, the other a walnut branch; on the way back, the old man broke off in the forest a twig, a bear grabbed it: now give it to her daughter; she agrees to go to the bear; the bear took her underground, to the basements, to the big city, did a great job], 30 [the grandfather went to another kingdom; the elders the daughters were asked to bring pearls and a ring, and the youngest was asked to bring him a scarlet flower; finally, the grandfather noticed it in the clearing, tore it off; an animal appeared; allowed him to take the flower, but for his daughter to bring it to him; the girl came to that place, brought the plucked flower, dropped it, it bloomed again; in the palace, what she plans is being done; she is horrified by the sight of the beast; asks for permission to visit the house, the beast demands to return by a certain hour; the sisters failed the clock, but the girl understood it, turned her ring and instantly found herself next to the monster; it was dead beside the flower; the girl cried, prayed for the beast to come to life - if a person is old, then be a father, if a young man is a brother, if well done, a friend named; kissed him; the beast did a great job; said that it was his mother who cursed him when he was still in the womb]: 29, 96-97; Russians (Gorkovskaya) [daughters Vasyukha, Matryukha and younger Masha (M.); father goes to the bazaar, the elders ask for outfits, M. for a nightingale; one old man sold a cage with a nightingale; on Sunday, the elders - to the church, and M. was left to play with the nightingale; she sings, asks the nightingale to dress her up, he answers; in the church, the lordly son admired; M. called the nightingale again, ordered her to be dressed again poorly ("like a gypsy girl") , returned before her sisters; the sisters followed him, called the nightingale with the same song, dislocated her leg and wing, threw him into the weeds; M. found him, complained to her father, who unfastened his eldest daughters and locked him in the barn; the lordly son came to marry; M. says that her nightingale cannot dress her up now, but the groom brings outfits himself; M. forgives sisters; wedding]: Eremina et al. 1979, No. 3:161-165; Russians ( Voronezhskaya, ca. 1940, Toida village, Anninsky District) [the sisters envy the beauty and economy of their younger sister Maryushka. They ask his father to bring boots from the city, M. asks for the feather of the Finist-Yasna falcon. It is only the third time that the father finds a hotel for his youngest daughter. He buys from a grandfather he met on the road, who explained that "the pen is cherished, but for a kind person it is possible wherever it goes." The sisters laugh at the youngest, at night she throws the pen on the floor, calls the kind groom, Finista-Yasna falcon, is great, in the morning he hits the floor, turns into a falcon, flies away. On the third night, the sisters are watching M., noticing a good job. They tell my father, but he advises them to take care of themselves. They put sharp knives into the frame of their younger sister's window, F. can't get into the room, hurts his chest, M. hears F. saying that he can be found by demolishing three pairs of iron shoes, breaking three staffs, tearing three iron caps. M. asks her father to let her go in search of her fiancé. On the way through forests and mountains, animals do not touch the girl. She comes to the hut, asks to turn around, inside "Baba Yaga has a bone leg, legs from corner to corner, lips in the garden, and her nose to the ceiling has grown" reports that F. married in a kingdom far away. She gives a silver saucer and a golden egg - she rolls on a saucer herself, orders her to go to the groom's kingdom, not sell the saucer, but exchange it for the night with F. M. the cat jumps into his arms, calms him down, advises not to be afraid and move forward. The girl goes into the huts twice more, the first one receives a silver hoop and a split needle, which she embroiders herself, after which a dog runs up to her and advises her not to be afraid. In the third hut, M. receives a silver bottom, a golden spindle - she spins the gold thread herself. Wonderful items should also be exchanged for the night with F., but not sold. From the last hut, M. enters the forest, meets a wolf, tells him not to be afraid, and carries it to the kingdom of far away. M. is hired by an employee at F. Swaps magic items three times for three nights with F. Only the last night does he wake up - she finds a gold pin in his head and takes it out. He turns it into a blue dove, becomes a falcon himself, and they fly away. F. gives her his pen and flies to the sky. M. returns to his city during the festival. The sisters go for a walk, M. calls F., asks her to let her go for a walk, servants appear and dress her up. The whole city and older sisters notice an unknown beauty in the city. At home, M. changes clothes, but forgets to take off his brooch. The sisters realize that she is hiding something, watching again, inserting knives into the frame again. M. does not hear the falcon beating at night, but he hears him repeating the old formula on how to look for it. M. comes to the first hut, learns from Baba Yaga that F. is married to the mistress of the sea, receives a brocade towel and a gold ball. She predicts that the lady will go ashore to dry herself and ask to sell her wonderful things, but they should be exchanged for the night with F. In the other two huts, the girl receives 12 diamond nails and a gold hammer ("sit on gold sand, hammer carnations") and a black horse, which feeds on heat, "danders" golden eggs. The horse takes the girl to the seashore, everything happens as three Baba Yaga predicted, Marya changes objects for three nights with F., only on the last night she manages to wake him up by dropping a tear on her shoulder. The Sea Queen gathers princes and merchants to judge her husband for treason. F. asks who the real wife is - the one who loves or the one who sells her husband. Everyone agrees that F.'s wife is M. They come to their country and have a lavish feast]: Korolkova 1941, No. 5:29-37; Poles (Mazury) [when leaving, the merchant asks his daughters what to bring them; the eldest: a sunny dress; medium: golden cap; youngest: a rose; on the very first day the ship sank during the storm; the merchant sailed to the shore, there was a house and a rose garden; it was not a wolf or a bear that came out of the house, but a monster; invited him into the house, gave a rose, but let the youngest daughter come to him at a conditional time; the ship brought her; the owner gave her a mirror showing what her relatives are doing; agreed to let her go to her relatives, but to return two days later; she returned at the last moment, the monster had already lost consciousness; she kissed him, her appearance was asleep, the prince was in front of her; the skin turned into a castle and a park; the prince's kiss disgraced]: Toeppen 1867:142-145; Czechs [father goes to the fair; older daughters ask for outfits, the youngest is a rosebud; roses have long faded; suddenly the father sees a rose bush in the clearing with the only blooming rose; he picked a rose, a terrible beast came out from behind the bush; I agree to give the flower if a person sends him the first to meet him at home; this is the youngest daughter; she agreed to go to the beast; the earth opened and the girl was in black marble palace; the shaggy beast warns that it will be tormented by monsters, but it must remain silent; at night, the monsters attacked and then disappeared; after each night the castle turns white by a third; at the end of the third, the girl screams that she is dying; the monsters disappear, there is a beautiful young man nearby; they ride in a golden carriage to visit their father and sisters]: Nemtsova 1977:14-20; Czechs [when leaving, the father asks three daughters what they want bring them; the elders want outfits, the youngest Annushka - what will catch on his hat; he brought a walnut branch with three nuts; A. dropped nuts into the well; the frog took it out and said that each had precious things dress; when the sisters went to church, A. split the first nut: it wore a pink dress and silver shoes; the young prince noticed her; in the next nut, a white dress and shoes with diamonds; in the third, a dress, decorated with gold, and golden shoes; the prince tells the prince to line the road to the church with coniferous branches; when A. ran away, one shoe was stuck; the old woman tells the prince where the owner of the shoe lives; the mother takes a shoe, cuts off the eldest daughter's heel, dresses up, takes out the prince; the dog barks: the prince takes his fifth wife home; the prince returns, the mother takes her middle daughter out, cutting off her finger; the dog barks again ( sleepless wife); the mother has to confess that A. is in the house; she comes out in a gold dress and talks about nuts - a gift from her father; when A. left with the prince, two daughters and wife attacked her father; that I had to bring three nuts from the same tree; a snake crawled out of each, strangled the women, then they fell into the ground]: Nemtsova 1978:83-94; Slovaks: Uther 2004 (1), No. 425C: 252-253.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Georgians [when leaving, the king asks his three daughters what to bring them; the elders ask for a dress, a necklace, the youngest for a krahlamaj flower; an old fortune teller indicates where the garden is, teaches them to throw sheep over the tuff two lions guarding him; Krahlamaj is the king's son who flew to heaven; the flower grew on the day K. was born; to see it, you had to fill the room with shiny objects and sprinkle flowers there k., the son was coming down; one maid found out the secret, she was expelled; she began to serve the princess who asked for a flower; when the king gave it to her daughter, put it in a pot, put it on the window; K. began to fly to princess; the elder sister scattered the windows out of envy; the wounded K. returned to his parents and could no longer fly; under the guise of a healer, the princess came to K., showered him with flowers, he recovered and hugged her; wedding]: Kurdovanidze 1988 (1), No. 50:199-204; Turks [when going on business, the father asks three daughters what to bring them; the elders ask for new clothes, etc., the youngest - something strange (green bird, dove, pearl, feather, cat, mortar, etc.); the father forgets her request, but the ship does not move until the father gets that item; the girl uses it to summon her lover, who usually arrives in the form of a bird; envious sisters injure him (usually by throwing broken glass), he flies away; the girl looks for him until she wears out her iron shoes and staff; she comes to the palace unrecognized and heals prince, promising him not to kill her when he sees her again; calls him the same way; it turns out the couple stay together]: Eberhard, Boratav 1953, No. 102:118-121; Turks [(many options); when leaving, the father asks the three daughters what to bring them; the youngest (on the advice of the teacher) asks for a pearl brush of grapes or something else unusual (a chest in which the palace and the prince); father forgets about the promise, but the ship does not move until it finds it; or the fisherman throws a net for the happiness of each of the three daughters and catches a black man for the youngest; as a result, the youngest daughter finds beloved; but she does not see him; sisters advise not to take sleeping pills in the evening; the lover turns out to be a beautiful young man, and his body has a lock; she unlocks him and sees the masters who cook everything he needs for the wedding; then the young man chases his wife away; she comes to his first sister (seine erste Schwägerin), then to the second, both chase her away; the third takes her as a maid; once a year appears there her husband does not recognize his wife; after agreeing with the hostess, he deliberately breaks the glass (ein Glas), she scolds her terribly, and her husband intercedes; as a result, he recognizes her and remarries her]: Eberhard, Boratav 1953, № 104:123-125.
Baltoscandia. Latvians [the father buys gifts for his daughters - expensive fabrics and jewelry; the youngest asks them to bring a red rose (walnut branch, reel, gold leaf, something like that); the animal is a bear (wolf) does not give him the desired luck, his father does not promise him a daughter before]: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 425C: 284; Lithuanians, Estonians, Finns, Danes, Faroese: Uther 2004 (1), No. 425C: 252-253.
Volga - Perm. Marie [the youngest of three daughters asks her father to bring her a hazel branch with nuts as a gift; he plucks it; a sworn prince in the form of a bear forces his father to give him his daughter for a branch; after marrying, a bear turns into a handsome man]: Sabitov 1989, № 425C: 28; Mordovians []: Poetic. creative face. nar. III, Part 1:201-212 in Kecskeméti, Paunonen 1974, No. 425C: 227; Komi [older daughters ask their father to bring them jewelry and new clothes three times, and the youngest is Falcon Ashes (Pepelysty); falcon father brings only the third time; in the girl's room, the falcon turns into a young man; gives the girl a beautiful outfit; once she threw his falcon skin into the fire; he flew away, telling him to look for him beyond 9 lands, 9 by the seas; the girl took gold reels and hoop, balls of silk, walked for a long time, came to a house where the old yoma woman, her three daughters and P.; the girl consistently buys three nights from yoma for items, which yoma wants to buy; yoma solders P., but on the third night he wakes up and returns to her home with the girl]: Wichmann 1916, No. 36:105-110.