Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K107B. Prohibition to light a candle .14.-.

One of the spouses forbids the other to see himself, appears only at night. When another, willingly or unwittingly, violates the ban, the former disappears. (In the Tuscan version, the ban is violated by the woman's mother).

Berbers of Morocco, Kabilas, Tunisia, Spaniards, Portuguese, Catalans, Sicilians, Italians (Piedmont, Toscana, Campania, Calabria), Maltese, Ladins, French (Upper Brittany, Pyrenees), British, Germans (Grimms, Austria), Ancient India, Ancient Greece, Romanians, Greeks, Russians (Murmansk, Olonetskaya, Pskov, Novgorod), Ukrainians (Transcarpathia, Hutsulshchina, Bukovina, Podolia), Danes, Norwegians, Icelanders, Swedes.

North Africa. The Berbers of Morocco (Fez) [when leaving, the merchant asks his three daughters what to bring each of them; the elders ask for bracelets and shoes, the youngest asks for a "passionate garment of love" (Le caftan d'amour tacheté de passion); after a long search, the merchant met an old man; he teaches him to go to a tree by the sea; he will get 7 dishes, he must eat; then drink sea water; a man appeared from the waters: what do you want; When he learned about the caftan, he ordered to dive; the man on the throne gave a piece of sandalwood: let his daughter close herself and burn it; she did it; the servants took her to the palace of the Caftan of Love; every evening she is given drink a sleepy drink; the husband spends the night with her, but she does not see him; gets permission to see her sisters and parents; the sisters forced her to talk about everything; told her not to drink sleeping pills, and when her husband will fall asleep, light a candle; wax dripped on the man's face; he forgave her, but promised not to let her go to her parents again; but the father came and persuaded her to let his daughter go again; now the sisters persuaded her to find out her name husband; husband was silent for a long time; finally became a giant, said that his name was Kaftan el Houb (Robe of Love), threw the woman far into the desert; she dressed as a Talib and began reading under the name Si Ali in the mosque; the sultan brought the imaginary Talib closer; the sultan's daughter fell in love, fell ill with love; rabbi: to cure her, she must hang her little finger severed from Si Ali around her neck; the princess is better, but not for long; cut off her lobe ear (same); bring the brain; Si Ali was taken to a deserted place, she went to the stream and disappeared; Caftan of Love: now you've seen everything, live quietly and enjoy happiness]: El Fasi, Dermenghem 1926:225-245; kabila [everyone works in a large family; if a beggar comes, they serve him; one evening a beggar knocked, Yamina's youngest daughter brought him food, he picked it up on his shoulders and flew; said he was Thunderbird; Y. lodged in a beautiful palace with a luxurious garden, where everything is abundant; but she should not see his face; I grew up wanting to see my family; Thunderbird brought her to her house; sisters are surprised that she did not I saw my husband in the face, advised me to light a candle at night; the same pets shouted that the Y. family wanted to make her unhappy; how in my palace I lit a candle, hid it under the bed, covered it with a vessel ; when I tried to remove the vessel, a storm began, Thunderbird took Y. to my parents and disappeared; my parents died, and I avoided my siblings; end]: Grim 1983:9-21; Tunisia [Once upon a time there was a woodcutter, and he had seven daughters. Every day he bought food and clothes for his seven daughters. One day he went to cut wood, and suddenly a black genie appeared in front of him, saying that the woodcutter was preventing his master, Al-Shazili Ben Adili, from sleeping. But the woodcutter said he needed to cut wood because he should buy something for his youngest daughter Aisha today. Then the genie disappeared, and then reappeared and asked the lumberjack to marry Aisha for his master, then he would reward him with wealth and he would no longer have to work. The woodcutter came home and told me everything. Aisha cried but agreed. Then the black genie Bilyal came to pick her up, closed her eyes, and she found herself in a beautiful palace surrounded by a garden. Her husband only showed up at night and she never saw his face. One day she went for a walk in the garden and caught a pigeon and he had a letter. Her older sister wrote to her that her mother was dead. Then her husband let her go home, but warned her not to listen to her older sister's words. At home, she found out that all her sisters were married. They all started talking about their husbands and she had nothing to say. Then the older sister found out from Aisha that they had been living together for five years, but she had never seen her husband's face. She gave her a candle and matches and advised her to light it when he slept. When Aisha returned to the palace, her husband once again warned him not to listen to her sister's advice, but she did not listen and saw that he was very handsome and had a key on his chest, which read: "The key to seventh room." She took it and opened this room, went into it and found herself at the market. Every time she went to the merchant to buy something, he would say to her, "This is for Aisha, the lumberjack's daughter, if she was patient." While she was walking like this, a drop of wax fell on her husband's face and he woke up. She apologized for her behavior, but he did not accept it. They went back to bed, and Aisha woke up alone in a deserted place in the morning. She saw a shepherd herding his sheep and offered him all her jewelry and clothes in exchange for his clothes and flock. So Aisha disguised herself as a shepherd. One day she heard a woman lament that she could not file a complaint to the king because she had no ink and could not write. Aisha asked her to bring her coal and complained to the king. The king was surprised at this complaint and appointed Aisha as his scribe. The Queen became jealous, on the advice of the old woman, she was sick and they say that only "the healing story and tears of a slave" can cure her, and only a scribe can get this medicine. Aisha left the palace, and Bilyal with a magic carpet was already waiting for her there. She flew it to the gray-haired sheikh, who immediately greeted her as Aisha, Al-Shazili's wife Ben Adili. He told her his story. He was married and his wife brought him juice every day, and somehow he felt unwell that he couldn't even get out of bed. Then he made his wife drink this juice. She fell asleep, and he sat on a large bird that came to pick up his wife and found himself in the palace where the blind genie lived with his children. He cut off their heads and took them with him. When his wife woke up, he served her a meal. When she lifted the lid, she saw her genie husband and their children's heads on the platter. The sheikh tied her to the wall so that her tears would become a cure for the suffering. While he was telling this story, she cried a whole pitcher. He gave it to Aisha and ordered him to say to the king's wife at the end of the story: "Welcome Aisha, Al-Shazili's wife Ben Adili, when he saw me." Bilyal took her back on the flying carpet. Aisha told the cork everything, honestly admitted her deception, apologized, and left the palace where her husband was waiting for her, who was won over by her courage and loyalty to him]: Al-Aribi 2009, No. 78 in Korovkina MS.

Southern Europe. Spaniards (Ciudad Real) [the poor man has three daughters, one dress for three; he goes for brushwood, picks rosemary, hears a voice: who is dragging me by the beard? the door opens, someone asks him to bring his daughter, gives clothes, offers to eat 3 nuts and 2 figs; the father brings the eldest daughter, who eats two nuts out of three, her voice sends her; the same with the middle daughter; the youngest gives two out of three to her father, asks her to stay; her husband is with her at night, but she does not see him; she asked for time off for her sister's wedding, her husband tells her not to tell anything, not to kiss anyone; then to her father's funeral; there she kissed her aunt, who asked her, advised her to light a candle at night; a drop of wax woke her husband up, he says that in two days the spell would be broken, teaches her to find him, not to be afraid of animals along the way, choose a room by the road for the night; she gave birth, her husband's mother praised the child, her husband's crocodile skin came off, everything is fine]: Camarena, Chevalier 1995, No. 425E: 253-258; Portuguese (Algarve): Braga 2002:99-102 [the three sisters decided not to be afraid to spend the night in a house where strange noises are heard; the youngest comes last; scream from the ceiling: I'm falling! girl: well, fall; leg falls; then the rest of the body in the same way; an old man appears; when she finds out that the girl is not afraid of him, gives her an inexhaustible purse with money; if anything, you have to call him Querecas; someone goes to bed with the girl at night; she is afraid that it is old K., lights a candle, but sees a handsome man next to him; a drop of wax falls on his face, he wakes up, says that the spell is almost It was over, and now she would never see it; the girl went to that house and called K.; he gave her three balls of thread, we must go where they went; she went to the palace, persuaded the gardener to let her in gave birth to a boy; the queen said that the newborn looked like her missing son; she noticed a sign on his back, turned the key, the spell broke, a prince appeared {the key is not very clear}] 133-135 [(another text on the same story with a lit candle motif)]; Pedroso 1882, No. 20 []: 81-85; Portuguese [poor fisherman goes out to sea and hears a voice: give the one who looks at home first In your eyes, then there will be a rich catch; the fisherman decided that it would be a dog, but it turned out to be a son; the young man went to the sea, the ship sank from the day, the young man sank to the bottom, there is a palace, everything is done in it by itself; at night someone lies down with him; one day a ship appeared and a young man went up to visit his parents; asked for matches and a candle; when he returned and lit a candle, a beautiful girl was next to her; a drop of wax dripped on her ; she ordered to look for her in the Castle of Black Stones, wearing out seven pairs of iron shoes; he set off; an ant, an eagle and a lion are arguing over a dead sheep; the young man divided her, each endowed him with the ability take his form, two legs, a feather, a fur; the young man became an eagle, flew into an impregnable castle; allowed the girl to pull himself in his arms and put him in a cage; at night he got out of it as an ant, found himself with girl; she says that the giant's strength is in his hair, which grows on his navel and girds his waist twice; after that, a dove will fly out of the giant; the young man gnawed his hair with an ant, caught a dove with an eagle; in her egg, he broke it in front of a giant who died; wedding]: Dias Marques 2019, No. 101:151-153; Portuguese [poor girl promised to the bewitched prince; the moment she lights the candle, To see him, he disappears; or they break up after his wife goes to visit her parents; she gets a ball of thread that leads her to the prince's mother's palace, where she gives birth to his son; After that, she is recognized as the prince's wife, the curse is destroyed; or the prince secretly explains to the girl what she must do to spoil him]: Cardigos 2006, No. 425E: 100; Catalans (incl. Mallorca) [{the summary is very brief}; the heroine marries the bewitched prince because she promised it to her father; sees weavers preparing clothes for the prince's son; at the moment when the spell is about to break, wax drips on his face from a candle that his wife should not have lit; the heroine gives birth to a son; her husband comes to sing him a lullaby; the heroine answers him, after which the spell is completely broken]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 425E: 97-98; Sicilians [the poor shoemaker has three daughters; he sits on a rock, exclaims, Oh! ; a young man appears, asks why his name was, takes him to an underground castle, gives him gold, tells him to marry his youngest daughter; she agrees; it was King Cardiddu; the witch bewitched him because he refused take her daughter; he forbids his wife to unlock one room; sisters come and advise her to unlock; at night she lights a candle, wax drips on K., she ends up in the woods; the king says that now she must go to the witch; she demands to sweep and not sweep, make and not make a fire, cook or make a bed; every time K. appears, teaches how to make half; teaches you how to ask birds wash a bunch of clothes; a witch sends a girl with a letter to her sister; K. teaches to praise a river where water is mixed with blood, she will calm down; take bones from the donkey, give the dog hay, and the dog's donkey hay; praise the door, it will stop opening and closing; you can't open the box along the way; run as soon as the witch reads the letter, it says that the letter that brought the letter must be eaten; girl opens the box, it starts to ring, K. comes to fix things for the last time; the witch tells the door, the dog, etc. to keep the fugitive, but they say that the girl was good to them; the river is evil against the witch, when she runs up, drowns her; the witch gives her daughter to K.; the girl is at the foot of the bed, the witch's daughter is in bed; K. asks to switch places for a while; the witch brings down the floor, her daughter, not the girl, dies; K. and his wife run away, he turns into a vegetable garden, she becomes a gardener; a church and a clerk; a pond and an eel; a witch cannot catch him; at home she crosses her arms over her head until she opens it, K.'s wife is born; K . tells the funeral bells to ring, the witch believes he is dead, takes off her hands, K.'s wife gives birth to a son; the bells ring for health, the witch smashed her head against the wall]: Gonzenbach 2004a [1870], No. 49:324- 332; Italians (Tuscany, Pratovecchio, 1876) [a man has damaged the chestnut in which the serpent lived; a father must give him one of his daughters; after becoming a snake wife, a girl opens a forbidden box and her husband bleeds; the girl's mother decides to spy on her son-in-law, for this purpose she lights a fire; the serpent disappears; the mother goes in search of him, 20 years later returns her son-in-law, who has finally accepted the human appearance]: Aprile: 2000:729; Italians: Basile 2018 (Naples) []: 498-507; Braga 2002 (Calabria) [Gubernatis in Mythologie zoologique, II, 301, nota 2 mentions a one-story text recorded by Grego in Cosenza, which also contains episodes of wax dripping on a young man and a ball of thread, followed by a girl in search of her missing lover]: 102; Calvino 1980, No. 19 (Piedmont) [the king has a pig son (King Crin), he asks to marry him one of the baker's three daughters; the eldest agreed, but expresses her disgust, was found dead in the morning; the same middle one; the youngest caressed him, at night the pig turns into young man; wife lit a splint (taper) to look at him, the coal fell, the husband woke up; said that his wife would see him if she cried 7 bottles of tears, stacked 7 pairs of iron shoes, wears 7 iron cloaks and 7 iron hats; on the way, a young woman comes to the mother of the wind (she gives a chestnut), lightning (gives a walnut), thunder (hazel nut); comes to the palace, whose mistress is going to marry the former prince a pig; breaks chestnuts and nuts, the first has diamonds, the second has silk outfits, the third breaks horses and carriages; each time she exchanges treasures from the landlady for the right to spend the night in the prince's room; the first two nights he sleeps, because the hostess gave him sleeping pills, on the third night the prince does not drink, hugs his wife, they return home]: 57-60; Italians (Calabria) []: Aprile 2000:734; Maltese [A sorcerer kidnaps a girl; a young man enters the palace, lights a candle against advice; wax drips on the girl, she disappears; to save her, you have to kill a sorcerer; three women, one older than the other, direct him to the target; the oldest is the mother of the north wind; after the girl has disappeared, the young man must wear 7 pairs of iron shoes]: Mifsud-Chircop 1978, No. 425P: 117-118; frets: Uffer 1973, No. 10 [seven soldiers were returning from the war; they saw a castle with a table full of good food, seven beds; at night each was a girl; they said they were bewitched; to break the spell, soldiers should not see or touch girls for a year or two days; on the last day, soldiers go hunting and see seven swans coming to swim; guessing that they are their girls, they agreed to light a fire at night; saw that the girls had swan legs; the girls ran away, and the soldiers woke up in an unfamiliar place, the castle was gone; a year later, another soldier found the same castle and waited due date; swans became girls forever, the soldier married the one who came to him]: 10-32; Wildhaber, Uffer 1971, No. 53 [=Decurtins, Brunold-Bigler 2002, No. 44:122-125; two eldest daughters the miller is angry, the youngest is kind; in winter, the father went to the city, the elders asked for dresses, the youngest asked for a bouquet of wildflowers; on the way back, the miller went into the castle; the doors opened and closed themselves; the cat grinded coffee, set the table, other cats gathered; the miller was taken to the bedroom; in the morning he saw a rose in the garden, plucked it; a snake crawled out of the well, wrapped him around him; promised to kill him if he did not give up his daughter; the father brought the youngest daughter is a rose; the younger ones scold her, she agrees to go to the snake; the cats greeted her courteously; at night someone came to her bed; on the third night she lit the light: this is the prince, who is a witch turned him into a snake; drops of candle oil fell on his skin, so the witch's spell did not completely dissipate; the prince disappeared, saying that the girl would find him, wearing out two pairs of iron shoes; the old woman advised me to place iron shoes in warm cow manure, they soon fell apart; the girl came to town, stayed at the queen, gave birth to a boy; heard a voice: if the rooster does not scream and the bell it won't ring, I'll stay until morning; the Queen ordered all the roosters to be killed, their tongues tied to all the bells; then the queen's son appeared, turned into a snake by a witch; married the girl]: 179-182.

Western Europe. The French (Pyrenees) [a green man with one eye in his forehead; he has three daughters; the youngest is 10 years old and she is the prettiest of all; a huge raven has arrived, demands one of his daughters as his wife; all three do not want to; the raven pecked out the man's only eye; then the youngest daughter agrees; the big raven returned his eye, his crows took the girl to the castle; at night the husband is human; the sorcerer bewitched him and his people; the girl will become a real wife in 7 years; before that she should not see her husband; there is a sword between them on the bed; one day a young queen leaves the castle and comes to the laundress; she washes black clothes; the queen touches him and it turns white; laundress: my trials are over, and you will still ask me for help; the day before the end of her term, the Queen lit a candle and looked at her beautiful husband; she had to leave the castle, and the sorcerer chained the king to the top of a cliff in the middle of the sea, where a white wolf guarded him during the day and a black wolf at night; the Queen came to that laundress; she gave her iron shoes, an inexhaustible supply of bread and wine, and a golden knife to cut off the blue grass; she will find the king when her shoes wear out; the queen has come to a country where the sun always shines; one or two blue grass warns that they are not what they sing at night and in the afternoon, they break the iron; finally she found her shoes burst, she sailed in a boat to the rock, put the wolf to sleep with grass, stabbed him with a knife, broke the chain, the king is happy, the crows took human form; the king's friend Sailed for them by ships]: Carlin 1991:271-279; French (Haute-Brittany) [retired pilot is fishing; his little son Francais hid in gear and is with him; the ship comes up, asks take him to the harbor; when the pilot descended back into the boat, the ship sailed and the boy stayed there; he was kidnapped to be the husband of the Princess of the Naz Kingdom; married a princess of the same age at 18; custom countries forbid seeing his wife without a veil before she becomes a mother; F. and his wife come to visit F.'s parents; his mother advises his son to look at his wife; F. lifted the veil and a drop of hot the wax fell on the princess's cheek; she was horrified; when she returned to Us, both deny everything, but the king notices the burn mark; he drove his daughter away and told the sorcerers to make his son-in-law the ugliest man in the world; he waddled to the fairy, who saved him from the most terrible deformities and sent him to another who would make F. handsome; she corrected all the shortcomings and gave him a ball to follow and two self-piercing spears: against enemies and against predators; on the way, F. shared bread with a lion, a bear and a leopard; brought the ball to the castle; someone's hand serves food; the girls offer to dance with them, but the fairy did not warn to do this; one let her shoe call her; once three figures meet her; f. called the girl and they disappeared; so F. got to his parents; called the girl again: how to take revenge on his father-in-law? she ordered 29 sailors to be taken on the ship, she would arrange the rest herself; F. sailed to Us and demanded that the city be given to him; {the last page in pdf is damaged}]: Sébillot 1880, No. 28:180-188; the British [a young wife when she does not see her husband, he only comes at night; she is told that he must be a freak; she lights a candle and sees a handsome man; he immediately turns into a bird and says she will find it again, only if she is a laundress and lasts 7 years and one day; gives three feathers that will fulfill any wish; she only orders the feathers to wash and iron the clothes themselves; one of the servants (butler) shows interest in her, gives her money; she says that she needs to remove her clothes from the ropes so that the wind does not shake it all night; he goes by himself, and she tells the feathers to prevent him from moving away from the ropes; the same with the coachman; with the footman; when they shared their impressions after a while, the girl caused a quarrel between them, remained in good standing with the owners; after 7 years and one day, her husband took her away; everything is fine]: Jacobs 1894:37-42; Germans [the eldest daughter asks for pearls, the middle daughter asks for diamonds, the youngest is a singing skylark; the father saw the lark in the castle, wanted to grab it, a lion jumped out ; he gives a lark for promising to give what he sees first at home; the youngest daughter comes out first; she goes to the forest, where the queen turns into a lion during the day; she comes to her older sister's wedding; when the wedding is average, the lion does not want to go, for he will become a dove if a candle falls on him; so it happened; she follows a dove that drops blood drops and feathers; when the trail disappears, asks the sun (gives a casket), a month (gives an egg), the wind (only the south wind knows that the lion is fighting the dragon, the enchanted royal); tells you to cut off the 11th vine and hit the dragon; then, together with her husband, you must jump on the vulture, he will fly; you have to throw a nut, an island will appear in the sea, the vulture will rest; but the dragon, becoming a woman, took the lion away; in the casket there is a golden dress, the girl buys the bride's night with her husband, he is intoxicated sleeping pills; golden chicken with chickens in the egg; this time the husband poured out the potion; they sat on the neck, throwing a nut into the sea, flew home; their son is already older]: Grimm, Grimm 2002, No. 88:292-296 (=Grimm, Grimm 1987:232-236); Germans (Tyrol) [the sorceress, taking the guise of a beautiful girl, was hired by a rich man; his son married her; before the wedding, she made it a condition never to look at her by the candlelight; the husband broke the ban, a drop of wax fell on his wife's cheek; when he woke up, his wife was not there, and a pair of iron shoes was by the bed; the note indicated that he would find her after wearing them out; he got an invisibility cloak and a chair that he carries anywhere; found a wife at the last moment when she should have married someone else; the husband brought his wife back]: Hartland 1891:274; Germans (Tyrol, Abzam) [the Countess has a beloved and faithful maid; one night someone got into bed with her, having previously thrown something heavy on the floor; he disappeared in the morning; the same the following nights; the girl told the Countess everything; she gave a precious carbuncle: it would help to see a night guest; she did this to enchant her stepson again for 7 years; the girl took a carbuncle and saw a beautiful young man next to her; he called her damned witch: now he will put on his donkey skin again and stay in it until someone splits him; jumped up, put on his skin and rode away; in the morning the girl asked the Countess what to do; Countess: let The donkey remains a donkey; the girl has heard of a forest hermit; he directed her to another who is older; the one to the oldest; each has a longer beard than the previous one; the third teaches: to a neighboring lake come bewitched; we must come, grab the donkey skin removed and throw it into the water; the girl threw donkey skin and the others into the water; as the disgraced men and women went out to shore; the young man told how the Countess bewitched him; they went back to the people and got married]: Zingerle, Zingerle 1980:163-167.

South Asia. Ancient India (Satapatha Brahman) [Apsara Urvashi seduced many ascetics and sages with beauty; Mitra cursed her by sending her to live on earth; W. agreed to marry the first king of the Moon the Pururavas dynasties on the condition that they would not see him naked; when the heavenly Gandharvas decided that it was time for W. to return to the upper world, they stole two of her favorite lambs lying at her bed at night; P. chased them, the Gandharvas flashed lightning, W. saw her husband and disappeared; P. came to the lake, where the apsars bathed in the guise of swans; W., who he recognized, told him to come a year later when she would give birth to his son; A year later, the lovers joined together after P. himself became one of the Gandharvas; to do this, he had to make a sacrifice and make a wish; to sacrifice, Gandharvas were given a brazier with heavenly fire, which P. immediately lost; but he obtained fire by friction, thereby establishing a rite of obtaining sacred fire]: Grintzer 1982b: 350-351.

The Balkans. Ancient Greece [the king and queen have three daughters; the youngest is Psyche, Venus is jealous of her; tells Cupid to fall in love with the unworthy and be unhappy with him; K. himself fell in love with P.; the oracle tells her parents leave her at the top of the mountain; from there K. takes her to a beautiful palace; K. spends nights with her, she does not see him; sisters come, advise you to light a lamp at night; oil dripped on K.'s shoulder, he disappeared; P. went to look for a lover; when he came to the sisters, he took revenge on them; each one says that when he flew away, K. expressed a desire to be married to sister P., let Zephyr bring her; both sisters jump off the cliff, hoping that they will fly to K., but break; P. came to V.; she beats her, mixes 7 types of grain and tells her to divide (the ants divided it); get a piece of golden-fleece sheep wool (the reed tells her not to approach the sheep, they ferocious but collect shreds of wool from the bushes); bring Styx water (Jupiter's eagle brings); V. gives a bottle, tells you to go to Proserpine, let him put a piece of his beauty in it, bring her, V.; stone the tower shows the way to Hades, teaches you to take a copper to pay Charon, not to talk to the lame donkey driver, not to pay attention to the dead old man who will ask him to take him on the boat; give a cake to Cerberus to let him go to Proserpine; on the way back the same (a second cake to Cerberus and a second copper to Charon); when he went to the ground, P., contrary to Proserpine's warning, opened a jar of beauty and fell asleep; K. woke her up and sent her to V.; Jupiter persuaded V. to allow P. and K. to marry, gave P. a drink of immortality]: Apuleius 1959, books 5-6:167-202; Romanians [the king asks three daughters what bring them out of town; the eldest two ask for outfits; the youngest is a singing walnut leaf; an invisible voice promises to give him what he will be the first to meet when he returns; the youngest daughter comes out; the father takes her to a certain place and she disappears from sight; finds herself in the underworld, where the prince must spend another 6 years in fear of the dragon; a year later she gave birth to a son and came to see her family; when she comes pregnant again for the fourth time, she talks about her happiness, and she gives a candle and tells her husband to look at his sleeping husband; he says that he has now lost three-quarters of his strength; says to his wife that she will not give birth before he puts his hand on her stomach; the cloud carries him away; the wife goes to the moon (she gives a golden fork), to St. Friday (headscarf), St. Sunday (golden hen with chickens; tells us where the prince and the dragon live); the dragon buys items for permission to spend the night with the prince, adds a sleepy potion; for the third time, the prince hears a wife who gives birth to gold-haired twins; a prince brews a dragon in resin; they return home, picking up older children left to the prince's sisters on the way]: Bîrlea 1966:420-422; Greeks [poor the hunter returns without prey and needs to give three daughters; he says Alas and Alack (Ach-chach - ah-hah?) , a black servant of the Sun appears, says his name is Alasandalack; the youngest daughter agrees to go beyond the Sun; he does not show her his face; sisters visit her, teach her not to drink sleeping pills, at night light a candle, look at her husband; a drop of wax falls on the Sun, he wakes up, tells A. to kill the woman; he feels sorry for her, he sends her to one lamia, the sisters of the Sun; she gives birth to a beautiful boy; The sun brings her back, holiday]: Megas 1970, No. 26:57-60.

Central Europe. Russians (Murmansk, Olonetskaya, Pskov), Ukrainians (Transcarpathia, Hutsulshchina, Bukovina, Podolia) [Amur and Psyche: the girl is given to a monster that turns handsome at night; she wants look at him in the light; the husband disappears; she is looking for him]: SUS 1979, No. 425A: 132; Russians (Novgorod) [the poor man has two sons and three daughters, the youngest is the most beautiful; the poor man took his wife and children to the forest, ordered to make a hut; a polar bear got into it, promised wealth, ordered him to give him his youngest daughter; he has a huge house, comes to his bedroom for the night; his wife asked permission to see her relatives; his mother became to try, advised me to light a candle at night; the wife saw a handsome man; a drop of wax dripped, the husband said he would fly west to the sun, to the moon east; the wife goes in search; one old woman gives a golden apple , the second hoop, the third is a spinning wheel; plays with an apple, the sorceress agrees to let her see her husband if she gives the apple; but her husband does not wake up; the same with the hoop; with a spinning wheel; this time the husband did not drink sleeping pills; promises his wife to let the sorceress wash off the shirt with the wax stain; whoever washes marries; the sorceress could not, the real wife immediately washed it off; they got married, the sorceress kicked them out ]: Vlasova, Zhekulina 2001, No. 45:82-84.

Baltoscandia. The Danes [the fisherman and his son went to sea; the ship sailed, there was a woman, her face was covered; she persuaded the fisherman to give her son; brought her to a luxurious castle, where there was no one but her; at night comes to the young man, but forbids to light the lights; the young man asked to visit his father; he advised him to light a candle at night to look at the girl; the young man lit, beautiful in front of him, a drop of wax fell on her, she woke up and told the young man to leave; in the morning the castle gate was closed; while wandering, he saw a bear, an eagle and a dog arguing about how to divide the horse's corpse; the young man gives meat to a bear, giblets to an eagle, bones a dog; everyone gives him the ability to turn into an animal of the appropriate species, but 10 times stronger or faster; he flies into the castle like an eagle, lets the girl catch herself, becomes human again; the magician turned the princess's people into animals, and condemned her to loneliness; the young man advised her to find out what the wizard's life was; he told the girl that it was in the egg, it was in the dove, that in the fox, the fox in the bear for a thousand miles; a young man flew like an eagle, invited the local king to kill a bear; after becoming a bear, he fights for a long time; bear: if I had water, I would defeat you; young man: I am guilty; the servant gave him wine, he killed a bear, caught up with a fox in the form of a dog, a dove in the form of an eagle, brought an egg, smashed a wizard on the head; the bewitched became human; wedding]: Bødker 1964, No. 1:5-11; Danes [king asks daughter see what is in his hair; she takes off a big louse; they put it in oil, she grows; when the barrels are small, the louse is stabbed, the skin is removed; the king is dissatisfied that the princess rejects everyone suitors; promises to pass her off as saying which animal the skin was removed from; the wolf sniffs and tells the king that it is the skin of a lice, tells her to give her to the princess; brings her to a luxurious castle, forbids light a fire; at night the wolf turns into a man, but the princess does not see him; when she gave birth to a son, the wolf immediately took him away; allows him to return to his parents for three days on condition that you do not take anything with him their home; but the mother gives the knife to put on the bed; the husband will be scratched; if he screams, he is a troll, and if he moans, the man; he groaned; forgave his wife, but since then he limped on his right back leg; when the wife gave birth to a daughter, the wolf also took her away immediately; the wife visited her parents again; the mother gave a box of matches and a candle; the wife lit a candle; the husband said that the witch bewitched him for 7 years for refusing marry her daughter; became a wolf and ran away; she came to Sister Wolf's castle, where her son was; her second sister had a daughter with a wet nurse; the wife went to the glass mountain, saw the Wolf climb her; she slides; the old man gave iron shoes to climb the mountain and ointment, heal the cuts; on the mountain in the castle, a woman was hired in the kitchen; a local young housewife would soon marry the Wolf; a witch tells me to wash the white flannel daughter and white black (the old man performs); tells me to bring jewelry from his sister for the bride; a young man gives a ball to follow; a rod to put it in a door that slams all the time; a bag grains - give to geese; tongs - give two people who move air with their bare hands; ladles - give to girls who interfere in the cauldron with their bare hands; two loaves of bread - give to guard dogs; a pot of fat - lubricate the door hinges; the witch's sister can't eat anything, do not look back on the way back; the witch's sister gave her leg to a calf, the woman threw it under the bench, she answers from there; the second time she hid it under clothes, the witch's sister believed that the woman ate her leg; when the woman runs back, the witch's sister tells the guards to hold her, but everyone refuses because she treated them well; the witch's sister warned do not open the box on the way, but the woman opened it, the bird flew out and disappeared; the young man asked for that calf leg that remained under the woman's clothes, sent her to bring jewelry again, leg ran and brought it; having received the box, the witch allowed the woman to be present at her daughter's marriage; gave the woman two torches; she could not move, she could burn; the prince grabs them and gives in the hands of a witch and her daughter; they burned down along with the castle; a meadow on the site of a glass mountain; the couple took the children, returned to the woman's parents]: Grundtvig 1878:251-276 (=Mulley 1878:225-236); Norwegians: Asbjíørsen, Moe 1960 [the youngest of three princesses wants a wreath; no one can do one; she sees a polar bear (BM, white) he has one; agrees to marry him for a wreath, he will come in three days; the king puts guards in vain; gives his eldest daughter instead of the youngest; BM asks if she sat softer, if she saw better; she replies that the father has yes; he sends her back; the same with the middle; the youngest replies no; BM comes to his wife at night in the guise of a man; she gives birth to a daughter three times, he throws them away each time; she asks for permission to see her parents, BM tells me to listen to my father, not to do what the mother advises; the mother advises you to shine a candle on her husband at night, the father is against; she shines, the fat is dripping, the husband says that in a month he would remain human, she flies away, she she grabs his wool, then falls; goes, comes to the house, where an old woman and a girl, a girl plays with scissors that create fabrics, gives her wife BM; in the second or third houses the same (a vessel with an inexhaustible with a drink, a magic tablecloth); BM must marry a trollich; the wife buys three nights for her magic items, but the trollich puts BM to sleep; on the third night he did not drink the potion; tells him to file the bridge, a carriage with a troll falls into the river, it sinks; husband and wife are reunited, those three girls were their daughters, whom their father kept to help their mother]: 150-157; Dasent 1970 [Polar Bear (BM, white bear) colors, not polar) asks the poor man's daughter; the girl and parents agree; he brings her into the mountain, the girl does not need anything; in the dark, BM comes to her in the form of a person; she wants to see parents and brothers; he warns her not to speak to her mother in private; the wife breaks her promise; the mother teaches her daughter to light a hidden candle to look at her sleeping husband; when she returns, she saw husband, rushed to kiss him, dripped hot candle fat on him; he wakes up, disappears with the castle and all his wealth, saying that now he must return to his stepmother and marry the princess with a long nose, they live in a castle east of the sun, west of the moon; the old woman gives her a golden apple and a horse to drive to another old woman, the golden comb, the third a golden spinning wheel and a new horse get to the East Wind, that to the West, West to the South, South to the North, the North brings to the castle; the girl consistently exchanges an apple, comb and spinning wheel from Long-nosed for the right to hold night with the prince; he sleeps two nights, before the third servant tells him about a crying girl, and does not drink a sleepy potion; the prince tells his beloved that tomorrow he will set a wedding condition: he marries someone who will wash off three stains of grease from his shirt (they are left from the candle); only a woman can do this, not a troll; the girl washes off the stains, the trolls burst, their castle disappears; the prince and his wife return, taking the riches and prisoners of the castle]: 22-35; Icelanders [the king chased the deer, the companions fell behind; the deer was gone, he saw the house, the door was ajar, there was a big dog in the room; food, wine and the horse's forage is ready, the bed is free; in the morning again; the king got on his horse and went home, but the dog stopped him; he did not even thank him for the hospitality and now let him give the one who was home first will go out to meet; this is the king's youngest daughter; three days later the dog began to cross the door; the king sent a maid instead of the princess; the dog took her away; on the way asks what time it is; she: at this time sweep the room; the dog realized that it was not a princess, tore up the maid, came back the next day; this time the princess went; replies to the dog that she was meeting her father at that time; the dog brought her into the house; at night, a man in the girl's bed; when it's time to give birth, the dog warns that the baby will be carried away immediately and that she does not cry; the princess gave birth to a girl, the kite immediately took her away; the princess did not cried and was rewarded with a golden comb; the dog tells the princess that her older sister is getting married; she can visit her, but return three days later and should not talk about herself; gave two dresses - let her sister give one, wear the other herself; all the same after the birth of her second daughter, received a precious necklace; released to her second sister's wedding; for the third time she gave birth to a boy and spilled a tear; the dog gave a mirror, but reproached that this time it did not go so well; the princess's third sister is getting married; this time the princess's mother gave a pebble and taught him how to lower it in the face sleeping to see him {incomprehensible}; the princess saw a handsome man who woke up and said that they would now have to part; he is Prince Sigurd; after the death of his mother, the king found a hut in the woods in which a woman and her daughter; the woman called herself queen, her husband died in battle, the kingdom was ruined; the king married her, but S. refused to marry her daughter and his stepmother turned him into a dog for 10, and then that's it marries her daughter equally; you can save yourself by marrying a beautiful princess, without anyone seeing him, giving birth to three children and not shedding tears; that tear is a thorn (Staar) on the boy's eye , the princess will only wash it away with her own tears; it is his father's brother who turned into a deer to lure the princess's father; let the princess go to his uncles, taking with him the comb, necklace and mirror that received it as a gift; the princess came to the prince's first uncle; he referred him to the second; his wife and three children were with him; the boy had an eyesore; she washed him away with the tears that were in her scarf knot; Uncle: Let the princess go the short way through the mountains, then she will be in time before the prince's wedding; gave a staff with an iron tip: the road will be smooth as a mirror; no one recognized the princess in the palace; she became to comb her hair with a gold comb, gave the bride for the right to spend the first night with her husband; but she could not wake him up; the same on the second night bought for a necklace; the prince's third uncle advised him unnoticed pour out the drink that will be offered for the night, containing a sleepy potion; the princess bought the third night for the mirror; she and the prince agreed; the next day a feast; the prince's three uncles introduced the princess and her children and asked if the prince knew them; he said he knew; the witch and her daughter had become a giantess, but the prince's uncles put poles in their mouths, and the servants hidden under the tables put shackles on them; the prince's wedding with the princess; soon the old king died, the prince reigned, the uncle made the Jarli]: Poestion 1994, No. 3:21-38; the Swedes [the two eldest daughters ask the king to bring expensive gifts, and the youngest three singers a leaf; the king sees a hazel tree, it has three golden leaves, music from them; he tore them off; the Underground Prince Hutt demands to give him the first living soul that will come out to meet him at home; the youngest daughter came out; the king left her under a hazel tree, she found herself in an underground hall, a prince came out to her, and left in the morning; when his wife gave birth to a son, H. allows her to go to her father, who is remarried, but to reveal the secret; the same after the birth of her second son, for the wedding of his older sister; after the birth of her daughter, for the youngest's wedding; the stepmother persuaded the princess to light a candle and look at the prince; a drop of wax fell on his chest ; the palace has disappeared, H. is blind, his wife and children went with him; he tells him to leave the eldest son with his older sister, who lives in a copper house, the youngest with the middle in a silver house, and the daughter with the youngest in gold, but he should not see the sisters himself; the younger sister went out, H. disappeared; the old trollich Bertha sends the princess to his older sister, gives a spinning wheel that spins gold; the second sister gives gold reel, sends her to her oldest sister; she gives an inexhaustible purse, sends her to the palace, where the trollich wants to marry H.; the princess was accommodated in a chicken coop, which she soon turned into a beautiful a room; buys permission to spend the night with H. for a spinning wheel, for a reel; both times the trollich gives H. a zone potion; the third time the princess gives a purse, and the trolich's stepdaughter, who was a baptized family, tells H. not to drink potions; the princess teaches the trollich to cook meat in a hot pot, pushes it into boiling water; sisters H. appear with the princess's children and a bush with singing leaves; the princess and H. live in the palace like king and queen]: Suritz 1991:112-123.