Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K107C. Knives on the window (Finist is a clear falcon), ATU 432. .12.-.


magical spouse who arrives in the form of a bird or otherwise appears meets a girl. Envious sisters (stepmother, brother, etc.) injure him (usually with razors, shards of glass, etc.). The wounded young man disappears, the girl goes in search.

Hausa, Malgash, Nubians, Sudanese Arabs, Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, Berbers Morocco, Portuguese, Spaniards, Catalans, Italians, French, Scots, Irish, Germans (Schleswig- Holstein), Palestinians, Syria, Iraqi Arabs, Lebanon, Bahrain, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Mehri, Lepcha, Northern India (Hindi), Himachal Pakhari, Bengalis, Sinhales, Chinese (Henan), Bulgarians, Greeks, Hungarians, Slovenes, Czechs, Slovaks, Russians (Murmansk, Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Ryazan, Voronezh), Kumyks, Georgians, Armenians, Turks, Norwegians, Swedes, Danes, Finns (?) , Western Sami (?) , Lithuanians (?) , (Latvians), Bashkirs, Southern Khanty. {Uther 2004 mentions the Persians, referring to Marzolph 1984; there is no such number there, and *432 is somewhat similar, but different.}

West Africa. Hausa [one daughter from an unloved wife, the other from a beloved; a daughter from an unloved one lives in a hut on a pile of manure, gives her father a cowrie, asks to bring King Agadez's son from the bazaar; in the bazaar, a man asks about this, he is beaten for a long time, left in the evening, the son of King Agadez promises to come on Friday; the father beats his daughter, talks about Friday; the young man arrives on Friday night, where he spits, there is silver; women found silver, out of envy they stuck needles in bed, the young man died; King Agadez tortured the girl's parents, but felt sorry for her; var.: the name of the girl Lahidi, the young man was Ba-Komi ("Nothing"); the daughter of his beloved wife stumbled into envy bed of thorns; B. has disappeared; L. goes to look for him, hears cannibal spirits talking under the tree; the latter says that if their bowel movements are given to the king's son to drink, he will recover; L. comes disguised as a doctor, B. drinks medicine, regurgitates thorns; L. takes a B ring as a reward, returns to himself; B. comes to kill L., she shows the ring, B. marries her, gives cattle to her father]: Tremearne 1913, No. 44:278-282.

Sudan - East Africa. Malgashi: Haring 1982, No. 4.432A [Before dying, spouses entrust their daughter to the care of her aunts or their three wives; when a girl reaches marriageable age, she rejects a fiancé to whom The only interesting thing is her property, and accepts another; the rejected one hurts him; at his request, she delivers it to his parents, finds a cure, heals], 4.432B (bar) [all men seek love Zarutilahi ("difficult for men"; she takes Zatuvu; then others trap at the door of her house; after spending two days in bed with Zarutilahi, Zatuvu goes out of need and attacks a sharp stake (or knives); he leaves without saying goodbye to his beloved; when he sees blood on the mats, Zarutilahi goes in search, ends up in the ogre's house, his wife hides it; from a conversation between the ogre and his wife Zarutilahi, what remedy can Zatuva be cured; returning to the village, Zarutilahi climbs a tree above the spring; girls, then women, take its reflection for theirs, break their vessels {deciding it's not the case such beauties to go for water?} ; only an old woman notices her; Zarutilahi puts on the old woman's skin, comes to Zatuva, takes off her skin, heals her lover; when he sees Zarutilahi, he recovers]: 411-412, 412; Sudanese Arabs [ Hadariya's wife's man with daughter Nayya and another with three daughters; H. died, half-sisters persuaded N. to ask his father to get a young man named Green Beans (ZB); he has 7 fathers and 7 mothers, his ants, hyenas, lions, slaves guard the palace; the old woman tells ants to take millet (Pennisetum glaucum) with her, something to smoke to slaves, meat to lions and hyenas; ZB began to show different things and to ask if N. is better than them; N.'s father said it was better every time; ZB wrote that it was foolish for N. to wish him as a husband that he would marry a slave; N. told the old woman to sell her, ZB bought her; she left home, leaving a note: it is foolish for the ZB to hope to make N. a slave; ZB found N. and married him; the sisters persuaded N. to learn how to kill ZB; that: you must burn the seven-headed snake, spray the ashes on the bed; the sisters did so; ZB fell ill, his relatives took him away; N. went, met an old man, asked how to kill men in their country; old man: stab a thorn in his head; she stabbed, put on leather and the old man's clothes, asked the birds what they ate; one said that ZB was sick, the other said that if their liver and wings were burned and mixed, he would recover from this drug; N. killed the birds, prepared a potion; cured ZB; asked for his sword and scourge as a reward; brought her home; ZB came, saw them, was surprised; went back; N. followed him; sisters followed her, robbed and blinded her; the nomads picked them up; she became to weave carpets, asked to sell them to cannibals, the carpet was exchanged for the eyes; ZB came, N. admitted; they burned the sisters, everything is fine]: Al-Shahi, Moore 1920, No. 13:91-94; Nubians: Kronenberg in El-Shamy 2004, NO. 432:211-214.

North Africa. The Berbers of Morocco (Fez) [the father goes to the Hajj; to find out which of his 7 daughters is the smartest, he offers them 7 eggs: if taken with them, they will break, and if left, they will go bad; six daughters are figuring out how to cook eggs; the youngest suggests hanging them from the ceiling - they will remain; she stayed behind the main one; the ball fell into the well; the youngest went down to get it, found an underground passage in the next house, where there are 40 robbers; alone at home; she asks him to get something, cleans the stairs, takes the property; so with three; then she brings the sisters, they put the robbers to sleep with hashish in the drink, they painted them as women, put radishes in the ass, put black porridge in their pants; the next day, the sisters take the robbers to the bathhouse - they will wash themselves and give themselves to them; the robbers prepare a pot of resin and butter, to cook the offenders; they ask not to enter their steam room while they hear that the cup is ringing; they tied this cup to the tail of the mouse; the mouse runs, the sound is heard; the sisters smeared soap on the steps, got out through a hole in the wall, bribing the stoker; the next time the robbers took turns trying to stick their heads into the sisters' yard, each with a hot iron put a brand on his forehead; the robbers flee; the younger sister sold their sultan was stigmatized as their rebellious slaves; when their father left, all the sisters asked them to bring them clothes and jewelry, and the youngest asked for the Pearl in Hand; the father brought two boxes from the guli; when the youngest daughter received them, one of the maids came out, the other was a black servant; now she is the wife of the Pearl in Hand (ZhR), lives in a house where the robbers were; a black woman puts her to sleep in the evenings, then she comes JR; two doves say that her sisters and parents miss her; she was released and her sister found out that she was in a robber's house; found a glass tube through which ZhR entered, broke it; when JR appeared, he was badly injured; JR told the black woman to slaughter his wife in the desert and bring her bloody shirt; when the maid brings her sword, the rooster rushes to the blade, pours his blood on the young shirt women, the rooster's head grew and he flew away; ZhR regretted that he hastened to kill; the wife pulled the stomach of a lamb over her head, dressed as a man; hears the conversation between two doves; JR can be cured with the leaves of this tree and our blood; the woman killed the pigeons, collected leaves; cured the ZhR Sultan Guli; stayed with him forever; he forgave the maid for her disobedience]: El Fasi, Dermenghem 1928:7-32; The Arabs of eastern Algeria [of the seven daughters, the king loves the youngest the most, and the sisters are jealous; when the father leaves, each asks for something to be brought to her, etc., and they persuade the youngest ask for a rose bush; on the way back, the royal camel did not budge until the king went to look for the bush; the old man orders to slaughter the ram, leave it at the entrance to the cave; if the sheep is caught by a white dog , boldly enter, and if black, the king will die; black but white jumped out and took away the ram; the king came in, meeting the prince, he is the rose bush; tells us to go home, and he will fly in uniform thunderstorms and rain; each time she leaves gold under the younger princess's pillow, the sisters take it away; finally, the youngest notices gold; the sisters stick needles in, the Rosebush hurt himself, flew away, saying that it is no longer will return; the princess goes in search; the lion and the lioness say they fell asleep when the sky turns red and black, the moon will hide behind the clouds; the RK will cure their liver and heart; the princess waited, killed lions, took liver and heart; she sprinkled broth on the prince's body, the needles fell out; the prince recognized the girl; the wedding; all the genies rejoiced]: Scelles-Millie 1963:291-297; the Arabs of Morocco, Egypt [in form of snake (serpent) the prince visits heroin and is wounded by her jealous sisters; {in specific texts, the prince does not necessarily look like a snake}]: El-Shamy 2004, No. 432:211-214.

Southern Europe. The Portuguese [an enchanted prince flies to the window of the youngest of the three sisters as a bird, dips into a bowl of water; envious sisters put razors in the water; the youngest saw blood and went to look for the prince; came to the mother of the Month, she hid her; Month: I smell a man; the mother of the Month asks him, he does not know, sends him to the Wind; the mother of the Month gives a golden reel; the Wind sends to the Sun the mother of the Wind gives a gold spindle decorated with diamonds; the Sun shows the way, his mother gives a golden spindle; at the palace, a girl begins to wind yarn on a reel, the queen buys it for her right girls spend the night in the prince's room; the spinning rod is the same; the girl tells the sick prince everything, he recovers immediately; wedding; {the end is crumpled}]: Braga 2002:169-170; Portuguese (Coimbra) []: Coelho 1879, No. 27:65-66; (cf. Pedroso 1882, No. 12 [the widower's daughter goes to school; the teacher persuades the girl to advise her father to marry her; he agrees if his hat and shoes wear out; the teacher asked the girl to have them for her bring her into disrepair; the girl's father married her; she has three daughters - crooked, lame, blind; the father {apparently at the suggestion of her stepmother} bought nuts for his daughter and son and took her to the forest; they throw shells; father hangs an empty pumpkin on the tree: while he is knocking, he is in the forest; but the father is gone and the pumpkin is knocking in the wind; the children went on their shells, but it became dark and they lost track; the old woman brought them to her place; gave told the girl to put a bowl of water and flowers on the window, call the bird, she began to fly in, bring money; the stepmother's daughter is one-eyed; then limping; blind; then the one-eye comes again, throws it at the bird glass fragments; she falls into a bowl and dies; the old woman is powerless; the prince sees the girl, takes her as a wife]: 49-53); Spaniards (Extremadura) [a widow with two daughters cares for the daughter of a widower neighbor; she persuaded him to marry a neighbor; his new wife is a witch, trying to harm his stepdaughter; the father asks what to bring the girls from the fair; the wife's daughters ask for new clothes, the husband's daughter asks for two measures of thyme seeds; she sowed thyme in a flower pot, it grew up beautiful for sore eyes; at night she puts the pot on the windowsill, calls the prince; a beautiful bird arrives, turns into a young man; in the morning she leaves a bag with with money; so nightly; stepmother sends her own daughter to spend the night in her stepdaughter's rooms; she pretends to be asleep, sees everything; stepmother tells her daughter to stick steel knives into the pot; the bird screams that it is fatal wounded, flies away; aunt teaches the girl to take a healing ointment from a doctor and go to the royal palace; the prince recovered, the girl came back, called him in the usual way; he flew in and wanted to kill her, but she showed which was the doctor who saved him; brought her to the palace; wedding]: Camarena, Chevalier 1995, No. 432:294-298; Catalans (incl. Mallorca): Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 425A [the heroine pulls a thyme out of the ground, the prince appears in the form of an animal; he lives in an underground palace; the heroine, despite the ban, looks at the prince when he receives human appearance; the prince forgets everything and disappears; the wife finds him when he should remarry; she shows him a bunch of thyme, he remembers her, the couple reunite], 432 [the prince flies to a girl in the form of a bird becomes a young man, flies away in the morning; the stepmother teaches her own daughter to break the glass in the window; when he flies away, he is wounded; the girl overhears the conversation of animals, from which she learns about what happened and how to cure a prince; comes to the palace dressed as a doctor, heals the prince and says who she is; wedding]: 93-94, 98; Italians (Veneto, Tuscany): Cirese, Serafini 1975, No. 432:102-103.

Western Europe. French (Ardennes, Vendée, Quebec) [the king has Florin's daughter, his wife is dead, he married a widow; she has an ugly daughter Tritonne; T.'s godmother is the Soussio fairy; the king chooses a bride for her son; although the stepmother hid all F.'s jewelry, the king only likes her; but when the prince comes, the stepmother replaces F. with her daughter; the prince does not see her, but gives her a ring; realizing the deception, the prince refuses to marry T.; for this, the fairy turns him into a blue bird for 7 years; in this form he regularly flies to F., leaves her jewelry; after learning about his visits, his stepmother leaves razors and scissors on the windowsill; prince wounded and disappears; the wizard heals him and persuades S. to allow the prince to be human again for several months; F. goes in search, the good sorceress gives her 4 eggs to break in if necessary; after breaking the first, F. climbs ivory mountain, the second overcomes the glass valley; comes to the palace when the prince is due to marry T.; buys T. the right to spend three nights in the prince's room; for this he gives the jewelry and jewelry brought to them, which were in the third and fourth eggs; on the third night, the servant does not allow the prince to take sleeping pills; fairy S. is defeated, I. turned into a pig]: Delarue, Tenèze 1964, No. 432:112-114; Scots, Irish, Germans (Schleswig-Holstein): Uther 2004 (1), No. 432:258-259.

Western Asia. Palestinians [when going on Hajj, the merchant promises gifts to his three daughters; the elders ask for a bracelet, a dress, the youngest (from another wife) Sitt il-Husun, the Chief of the Birds; the merchant's camels stopped in Aqaba, he remembered that he had forgotten about his youngest's gift, returned to Mecca, found the house of the King of Birds, it was empty, the merchant called him three times; at home, the King of Birds began to fly to C., spent the night with her in the guise of a young man; the sisters asked S. find out what is dangerous for him; it turned out that broken glass; glass was placed, he was wounded, flew away; S. goes in search, hears one dove say to another that the King of Birds can be cured by rubbing his legs pigeon blood with feathers; S. killed a dove, found and cured her husband; her sisters tell her to 1) sweep and clean the whole city, 2) fill 10 feathers with feathers; her husband teaches her to turn to spirits, they do everything; 3) bring a wicker tray from the ghoul; the husband orders to shift barley to horses, meat to lions, fix the stone terrace in Gulya's house; she takes the tray, the wall, the lions and horses refuse to detain her; S.'s wedding with the Tsar Birds, they fly away together]: Muhawi, Kanaana 1989, No. 12:117-121; Iraqi Arabs (marsh): Yaremenko 1990, No. 3 [when the sultan goes on Hajj, his youngest daughter Fatima, whose mother is dead, asks bring her "od al-Marasi"; Od al-Marasi gives her three nuts and a mirror; F. breaks the first walnut, a palace appears; a servant comes out of the second, O. himself comes out of the mirror; he breaks the third walnut, a bath appears; the daughters of the Sultan's young wife throw pieces of glass into the bath; O. is wounded, disappears; F. arranges a bathhouse, lets the women wash for an interesting story; one talks about a boat in which A wounded young man swims; F. hears pigeons talking - they must be burned, the ashes will cure O.; F. comes under the guise of a doctor; O. recovers, lives with F. in another country], 21 [the Sultan's daughter rejects the grooms; sculpts a handsome young man out of amber and other rubbing, begs God to breathe life into him; the father agrees to marry him his daughter, his name is Sultan Ambar ("amber"); the king's daughter in a distant country sits on a vessel, arrives on it, puts the young to sleep, takes A. away, makes them forget the past, husbands; the Sultan's daughter tells her father to buy her steel boots and an iron motor, goes in search of her husband; receives a reward 1) a hen with chickens collecting pearls for finding a prince kidnapped by a black slave (the slave was burned); 2) a pearl dress with diamond threads for curing the prince (he's all time eats, she extracts snakes from him, he recovers); 3) a diamond bird with agate eyes for healing the princess from madness (witches put that potion, burned the witch house); comes to kidnapper A.; buys three nights with A. for three treasures; the first two A. sleeps; his wife's tears stain his clothes; the tailor explains what's going on; the third night he doesn't sleep, remembers everything, runs away with his wife ; the witch's vessel loses its strength, she cannot chase]: 32-35, 117-124; mehri [the man has three daughters; when he returned from the journey, he was told that his youngest daughter behaved shamefully; he sent a servant to kill her; the girl said she was innocent, the servant let her go; Prince Ahmed bin Hobsa saw her, built a palace for her, began to sail to her by ship; the envious sisters found out they had come to guests put broken glass in the bath for ablution; the prince was wounded, returned to his parents, nothing can help him; under the guise of a doctor, the wife came, gave drugs and the prince recovered; asked for gold as a reward ball and stick; once a prince saw a boy playing with them; this is his son; everything is clear, the prince stayed with his wife]: Müller 1909, No. 20:37-41; Syria, Lebanon, Bahrain, Qatar, Saudi Arabia [in form of snake (serpent) the prince visits heroin and is wounded by her jealous sisters; {in specific texts, the prince does not necessarily look like a snake}]: El-Shamy 2004, No. 432:211-214.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Lepcha [wife died leaving her four-year-old daughter; a witch came, one breast dragging along the ground, the other being thrown behind her back, became a man's wife, gave the girl coals to eat; then feeds her daughter rice, stepdaughter with rice broth; she herds three sheep; each time Le-pono-kup ("king boy") appears, feeds her delicious food; the witch puts on her clothes, goes instead of her; when L. falls asleep on her on her knees, pierces an iron spoke into his ear; the girl follows a bloody trail into the cave, gives birth there, wraps the child in the clothes of the deceased boy, puts his sword under his head; his spirit three times at night she comes for her property, she does not give it away, she says it's all for the child; he tells him to go to the country of Rot-mung, get his heart back from there; tigers, fleas, leeches will rush at her on the way; naked man and woman they will try to sew clothes from rags with their fingers, you have to give them needles; she gives them, runs across the bridge, a man and a woman bring it down before the tigers, etc., reach him; in Rot-mung, a mango tree, on it the hearts of the dead, the demons feed on them; the boy's heart is still fresh, the girl takes him away; in the cave she puts L. on his body; he is reborn, next to the palace, cattle, jewelry; the couple is happy]: Stocks 1925, № XXXV: 452-455.

South Asia. North India (Hindi): Crooke 1892-1893, No. 633 (Mirzapur) [six daughters told the king that they believed in their father and the seventh believed in themselves; the king drove her into the forest; she found an empty house with everything necessary for life, stayed in it; the king asks his daughters what to bring them; they also sent a servant to the forest, he found that house; the princess replied that she was washing, let the servant be patient; the servant understood that the princess asks her father for patience; when the king was about to return, the ship did not move; the king remembered that he had forgotten to buy patience; an old woman sold him something wrapped in a rag; received the bundle, the princess threw it away; later she was surprised that the rag was imperishable, unfolded the bundle, there was a fan; when she put it back up, the prince appeared; they began to live together; when the prince wanted to return to her country, the wife put the fan with the back side down; the sisters came to visit the younger one, saw the prince and, out of envy, poured broken glass under his sheet; the prince ordered him to put the fan on the back side down, disappeared and did not appear again; the wife went in search, spent the night under a tree; hears a conversation between a parrot and a starling; the parrot describes her story; the starling teaches you to take their droppings, cook them in lubricate the body with oil and this ointment - the glasses will come out; the wife came disguised as a doctor, cured the prince; when she returned, turned the fan, the prince appeared; they lived happily]: 171-172; himachali plowmen [raja asks six daughters, five say that their blessed fate is in his hands, they owe him everything; sixth: in draws, what will happen; the father wants to kill her, then tells her to take her to the forest; there she is sitting in a palanquin, praying, Mahadeva heard her, sending servants to give her food; she sees a damp stain on the ground, digs the ground, finds water and lots of gold, builds a palace; the Raja learns about her, returns her, asks forgiveness; when leaving, she asks her daughters what to bring them; the sixth daughter wants a box; he buys it for an expensive price; the girl waves a fan over her, the prince comes out of the box; the sisters find out about it, pour in glass on the couch, the prince is wounded, goes into his world, does not appear from the box; the girl goes to look for him, hears an eagle talking to a parrot under a tree; eagle: the windows from the prince's body will come out if rubbed his droppings from an eagle's nest; the girl dresses a fakir, comes to the prince's father, heals him, asks for his ring, bow and arrows as a reward; the prince reappears from the box, the girl shows him a ring and a bow with arrows, everything is explained, the prince takes her as his wife]: Dracott 1906:20-30; Bengalis [a merchant asks seven daughters whose money they are going to live on; six answer that him, the seventh youngest, is his own; he tells her to be taken to the forest; the old nanny goes with her; at night a tree hides them in a hollow from wild animals, teaches them to scatter crumbs by the pond; at night, peacocks come to peck they drop their feathers, the girl makes fans, the old woman sells them, the expelled get rich; the merchant is broke; his daughter greets him, gives him money; when he goes sailing, he asks what to bring each of his daughters; the youngest answers the servant "Sobur" ("wait"; the Muslim name Shobur is "patient, persistent"), who realizes that she needs something called Sobur; the person sells Sobur, it's a box; left alone, the girl finds a fan and a mirror in her; touches the fan, Prince Shobur appears; takes the girl as his wife; envious sisters pour crushed glass on his bed; his servants take him to his country; his wife, into a man clothes, calling himself Sannyasi (sanyashi, religious devotee), goes to look for him; cuts a snake that regularly devours the chicks of the bird Bihangama and his wife Bihangani; they arrive, the chicks talk about what happened; the male explains that the prince will be cured by their crushed dry droppings; brings the woman to the prince's country; unrecognized, she heals the prince, asks for his ring as a reward; returning back on a bird, touches the fan; Sh. appears, sees his ring; everyone is happy]: Day 1914, No. 8:124-137 (=Porozhnyakov 1990:100-107); Sinhalese [the tsar goes to his stepdaughter; his own daughter told her mother about this, she cut her nails, told her to put her on the doorstep, her nails dug into the king's leg, he returned to town; the crow tells her stepdaughter to shoot a crow, make a potion out of crow fat, come disguised as a doctor, king will recover; the tsar's ulcers have healed, he gave the doctor a gold ring; he came to kill the girl (he thinks she is to blame); she tells everything and shows the ring; the tsar took her to the palace]: Volkonsky, Solntseva 1985, No. 115:280-281.

China - Korea. Chinese (Henan, Wu. Lingbao, 1988) [there are two rich men in the village, both Liu {the hieroglyphics of spelling names are different}; one has a son and the other has a daughter; they married children in infancy, but the boy's parents fell ill and died; father the girls refused to recognize the marriage; the young man went to a foreign land and died there; the girl refuses to the grooms; once she saw a vague image of her lover among the flowers; at night she dreamed that he had turned after death in a bee; soon a bee flies into her room and turns into a man; she woke up - her husband is next to her; he told how he died and became a bee; since then they have been spending time together; the girl told her father angry, then she said she was joking; but at night the father overheard the conversation; ordered sharp bamboo sticks to be secretly attached to the window frame; at night the girl waits for her lover and suddenly hears: "What you're mean! We lived happily as spouses, but you have the same cruel heart as your father; we'll see you after you tear down your iron shoes and erase your iron beads." The daughter told her father she would agree to marriage to another fiancé, if her father gave her a pair of iron shoes and iron beads; after receiving them, she went in search; came to the mountain, her iron shoes were worn out, and her beads were worn out, she fell exhausted on the grass; when I woke up, I saw that the maids were lying in the palace and serving her tea and food; she began to live there with her beloved; the queen bee is the girl from the Liu family, and the drone bees that leads the bees workers, is that young man from the Liu family; there is a saying: "Wear out iron shoes looking for what you found later"]: Bai Gengsheng 2009:249-251.

The Balkans. Bulgarians [when leaving, the father asks his three daughters what to bring each of them; the eldest ask for new clothes, the youngest asks Finist's feather is clear to the falcon; he buys a pen from the old man for a lot of money; after as a daughter gets a pen, F. flies to her every night, turns into a young man; envious older sisters put knives, needles, etc. on the window, F. is wounded and disappears; when she goes in search, the girl gets from the old woman golden spindle, dish, apple; exchanges them from F.'s new wife for the right to spend three nights beside him; on the third night she woke up to him, they reunited]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 432:152- 153; Greeks, Hungarians, Slovenes: Uther 2004 (1), No. 432:258-259.

Central Europe. Russians (Murmansk, Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Ryazan, Voronezh) [Finist is a clear falcon: a prince in the guise of a falcon flies to a girl; envious sisters (stepmother) set up a window with knives (nails); the falcon hurts himself and flies away; the girl goes looking for him and finds him, turned into a great job]: SUS 1979, No. 432:133-134; Russians (Vologodskaya) [old man asks three daughters what to buy; the eldest asks for a dress, a medium shawl, the youngest asks for a scarlet flower; returning on the way out of town, the old man agrees to give a scarlet flower, if his daughter marries his son - Finist is clear falcon; having received a flower, the daughter locked herself in the light, opened the window, F. flew in, became a young man; promises to fly every night if she put the flower on the window; gives any outfits; wearing these outfits in a carriage the girl comes to church; no one recognizes her; after the third time she forgot to remove the diamond pin from her hair, the sisters found out everything, put knives on the window; F. hurt himself, flew away; the girl ordered to be shackled made of iron, three pairs of boots, three staffs, three hats, three swirls, went to look for F.; Baba Yaga gave a hammer and 10 diamond carnations - to exchange F. from the bride for the right to look at him; sends him to her sister; she gives a golden saucer with a diamond ball (the same); the third Baba Yaga gives a horse, he eats hot coals; the girl gave a hammer with carnations, but F.'s fiancée stuck a pin in it, and he cannot be woken up; the same with a saucer; the girl got the third night by giving a horse that feeds on the heat; found a pin and pulled it out; F. woke up; called the princes: whether to be what she sold me or from the one that bought me ? the one she sold was ordered to be hung at the gate and shot]: Gura 1965, No. 16:223-226; Russians (Vologodskaya, Kadnikovsky, from Afanasyev's collection, p. 6) [two daughters ask their father to bring updates and jewelry, the youngest is the Finist's feather, the falcon is clear; so three times; at first the father does not find it, the third time he buys a casket from the old man; the daughter pulls out a feather, it turns into a young man; the sisters overheard; the girl lets her lover out the window with a falcon, or holds a feather in a casket, their father scolds them for lying; then the sisters put knives on the window and a needle No. F. cut off his wings, ordered them to look for him far away lands in the thirtieth kingdom, and before that, trample three pairs of iron shoes, break three iron staffs and eat three stone swarms; at the end of her travels, the girl comes successively to three old sisters; one gave a silver bottom, a golden spindle - a gold thread will be spun; the second - a silver dish, a golden egg; the third - a golden hoop and a needle that embroiders itself; tells hire a virgin worker; for these items she buys 3 nights from her virgin daughter next to F.; she mixed F. with a sleepy potion and sent the girl to drive flies from him; on the third night F. woke up from who dripped tears; took the girl away, and became a feather again at her house; in the church, sisters see unknown spouses in a golden carriage; after the third time, the prince took human form forever; wedding]: Burtsev 1895, No. 7:34-44; Russians (Voronezhskaya, c. 1940, Toyda village, Anninsky District) [sisters envy the beauty and economy of their younger sister Maryushka. They ask his father to bring boots from the city, M. asks for the feather of the Finist-Yasna falcon. It is only the third time that the father finds a hotel for his youngest daughter. He buys from a grandfather he met on the road, who explained that "the pen is cherished, but for a kind person it is possible wherever it goes." The sisters laugh at the youngest, at night she throws the pen on the floor, calls the kind groom, Finista-Yasna falcon, is great, in the morning he hits the floor, turns into a falcon, flies away. On the third night, the sisters are watching M., noticing a good job. They tell my father, but he advises them to take care of themselves. They put sharp knives into the frame of their younger sister's window, F. can't get into the room, hurts his chest, M. hears F. saying that he can be found by demolishing three pairs of iron shoes, breaking three staffs, tearing three iron caps. M. asks her father to let her go in search of her fiancé. On the way through forests and mountains, animals do not touch the girl. She comes to the hut, asks to turn around, inside "Baba Yaga has a bone leg, legs from corner to corner, lips in the garden, and her nose to the ceiling has grown" reports that F. married in a kingdom far away. She gives a silver saucer and a golden egg - she rolls on a saucer herself, orders her to go to the groom's kingdom, not sell the saucer, but exchange it for the night with F. M. the cat jumps into his arms, calms him down, advises not to be afraid and move forward. The girl goes into the huts twice more, the first one receives a silver hoop and a split needle, which she embroiders herself, after which a dog runs up to her and advises her not to be afraid. In the third hut, M. receives a silver bottom, a golden spindle - she spins the gold thread herself. Wonderful items should also be exchanged for the night with F., but not sold. From the last hut, M. enters the forest, meets a wolf, tells him not to be afraid, and carries it to the kingdom of far away. M. is hired by an employee at F. Swaps magic items three times for three nights with F. Only the last night does he wake up - she finds a gold pin in his head and takes it out. He turns it into a blue dove, becomes a falcon himself, and they fly away. F. gives her his pen and flies to the sky. M. returns to his city during the festival. The sisters go for a walk, M. calls F., asks her to let her go for a walk, servants appear and dress her up. The whole city and older sisters notice an unknown beauty in the city. At home, M. changes clothes, but forgets to take off his brooch. The sisters realize that she is hiding something, watching again, inserting knives into the frame again. M. does not hear the falcon beating at night, but he hears him repeating the old formula on how to look for it. M. comes to the first hut, learns from Baba Yaga that F. is married to the mistress of the sea, receives a brocade towel and a gold ball. She predicts that the lady will go ashore to dry herself and ask to sell her wonderful things, but they should be exchanged for the night with F. In the other two huts, the girl receives 12 diamond nails and a gold hammer ("sit on gold sand, hammer carnations") and a black horse, which feeds on heat, "danders" golden eggs. The horse takes the girl to the seashore, everything happens as three Baba Yaga predicted, Marya changes objects for three nights with F., only on the last night she manages to wake him up by dropping a tear on her shoulder. The Sea Queen gathers princes and merchants to judge her husband for treason. F. asks who the real wife is - the one who loves or the one who sells her husband. Everyone agrees that F.'s wife is M. They come to their country and have a lavish feast]: Korolkova 1941, No. 5:29-37; (cf. Russians (Gorkovskaya) [daughters Vasyukha, Matryukha and younger Masha (M.); father goes to the bazaar, the elders ask for outfits, M. for a nightingale; one old man sold a cage with a nightingale; on Sunday, the elders - to the church, and M. was left to play with the nightingale; she sings, asks the nightingale to dress her up, he answers; in the church, the lordly son admired; M. called the nightingale again, ordered her to be dressed again poorly ("like a gypsy girl") , returned before her sisters; the sisters followed him, called the nightingale with the same song, dislocated her leg and wing, threw him into the weeds; M. found him, complained to her father, who unfastened his eldest daughters and locked him in the barn; the lordly son came to marry; M. says that her nightingale cannot dress her up now, but the groom brings outfits himself; M. forgives sisters; wedding]: Eremina et al. 1979, No. 3:161-165); Czechs, Slovaks: Uther 2004 (1), No. 432:258-259.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kumyks [the serpent crawls into the old man's shoe, demands to give his daughter; only the youngest agrees; the father sends her to the snake in the barn; the snake sheds its skin, becomes handsome, the barn becomes a palace; sisters they ask the youngest, out of envy, put a knife in the crack from where the serpent crawls out; he is wounded, returns to the lower world; the wife goes to look for him, puts the ring in the jug of the maid who came for water; the husband- the serpent recognizes the ring; his mother and aunt are azhdakha, their aunt's daughter wants to marry him; the mother tells the girl to sweep the way to her sister Azhdakh's house, the Serpent is happy with everything; tells her to bring yeast from her house; The serpent tells you to praise the black thorns, pin them to the chest; drink from rivers of blood and pus, praise them; close the slanting gate; take the bone from the horse, give the dog, the hay from the dog to the horse; the girl takes yeast runs away; the dog, the gate, etc. refuse to detain her, because the mistress of Azhdaha treated them badly, and the girl treated them well; the snake brought her to pieces, runs with the girl, both chases her ; The serpent throws a comb (thorny forest), salt (salt swamps), needles (turn into two trees); The serpent and the girl climb on them, Azhdaha next, the Serpent throws two spinners, they turn into millstones, crush azhdakha; the boy and the girl have achieved their wishes]: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 11:175-179; Georgians [when leaving, the king asks three daughters what to bring them; the elders ask for a dress, a necklace, the youngest for a flower krahlamaja; an old fortune teller indicates where the garden is, teaches two lions to throw sheep over the tuff to guard it; Krahlamaj is the royal son who flew to heaven; the flower grew on the day K. was born to see it , it was necessary to fill the room with shiny objects and sprinkle flowers there to., the son went down; one maid found out the secret, she was expelled; she began to serve the princess who asked for the flower; when the king gave she put his daughter in a pot, put him on the window; K. began to fly to the princess; his older sister scattered the windows out of envy; the wounded K. returned to his parents and could no longer fly; under the guise of a healer, The princess came to K., showered him with flowers, he recovered and hugged her; wedding]: Kurdovanidze 1988 (1), No. 50:199-204; Armenians [at the spring, the mother remembered that she forgot to buy her youngest daughter's dress; Vai jumped out, promised to give her a dress; the mother brought her daughter, Vai took her to marry her son; went out to visit her mother; her husband flew to her as a partridge; envious older sisters stuck razors around the window ; the husband cut himself, thought his wife was to blame, told his father to leave her in the desert, she survived; buried herself in the sand, overheard the dervishes talking, learned how to heal her wounds; prepared a potion that was unrecognized came to her husband; everything was settled]: Harutyunyan 1986:41-43 (=Khachatryants 1933:60-63); Turks [when going on business, the father asks three daughters what to bring them; the elders ask for new clothes, etc., the youngest - something strange (a green bird, a dove, a pearl, a feather, a cat, a mortar, etc.); the father forgets her request, but the ship does not move until her father gets that item; the girl uses it to summon A lover, usually flying in the form of a bird; envious sisters hurt him (usually by throwing up broken glass), he flies away; the girl looks for him until she wears out her iron shoes and staff; she unrecognized comes to the palace and heals the prince, promising him not to kill her when he sees her again; calls him the same way; everything turns out, the couple stay together]: Eberhard, Boratav 1953, NO. 102:118-121.

Baltoscandia. Norwegians [The Green Knight is the princess's secret lover; he sent her an object (book, fan) that can be used to summon him at any time; stepmother finds out about this, locks the princess and injures her her lover; the princess goes in search, hears a conversation along the way, from which she learns how to cure the wounded; she heals him, her stepmother is executed]: Hodne 1984, No. 432:102; Swedes: Liungman 1961, No. 432 [a prince in the form of a bird flies to his beloved; stepmother puts sharp spokes on the window, the prince hurts himself; both {prince and lover?} fly to the land of birds, the prince is healed]: 99; Danes [in England, a grandmother imprisoned her granddaughter princess in a tower; princes are trying to see her; the Spanish prince made wings, built a tower across the street, flies to English princess; grandmother stabbed needles and awls on the windowsill; the prince loses 9 drops of blood, returns to Spain, where he finds himself in a casemate; the heroine runs, comes to the palace in Spain; hearing talking three animals, learns how to enter the palace, get a magic wand, cure a sick prince; hires a dishwasher, pretends to be weak in mind; adds three drops of blood to her ear three times from eels served to the prince; he recovers; an imaginary dishwasher brings the king a mug, towel, comb (token objects); runs away three times, loses her shoe, girls try it on; the heroine appears in dress; wedding]: Cox 1893, No. 67:27-28; Danes [the queen is dead; the countess, who has a daughter of her own, tells this daughter to convince the Queen's daughter to persuade her father to marry her; after the wedding tyrannites his stepdaughter; the king leaves; the daughter talks to him about the Green Knight, referring to the cemetery, but the king understands the words literally; he finds him; the knight's servants, like himself, in green clothes, herd the wild animals; a knight gives the king a book for his daughter; when a girl opens a window and reads a book, a bird arrives and becomes a knight; the girl no longer withers, but becomes prettier; the stepmother sends the maid their own daughter, they fall asleep; she comes by herself, quietly puts scissors on the windowsill; when flying away, the Green Knight hurts himself; the girl hears the crows talking: he will be cured by snake soup living near the palace; she finds a nest of snakes, comes to Green Knight's Castle, is hired to work in the kitchen; after three times the knight recovers, sees a girl; wedding, everything is fine]: Grundtvig 1878:124-147 (=Cramer 1919:23- 37); Lithuanians (?) , Finns (?) : Uther 2004 (1), No. 432:258-259; (cf. Latvians [a bird-shaped queen visits a girl and then marries her; {the injured hero's motive is not obvious, he probably doesn't exist}]: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 432:285); Western Sami (?) : Qvigstad 1925, No. 432

Volga - Perm. The Bashkirs [the old man has three daughters, his wife is dead; the old man says that he saw a cat in the forest, his daughters are asked to bring it; the cat threatens to kill the old man, demands a daughter; only Kutlubik's youngest agrees; the cat takes her, turns into a young man named Kutluyar, bewitched by his stepmother; a year later, sisters and husbands come to visit, out of envy stick a needle where Kutluyar sits, who accuses his wife turns into a snake, flies away; Kutlubika goes to the old woman's house, then the second, third, each gives an apple; Kutluyar's new wife locks her in a dark bath; light emanates from the apple; the new wife agrees show Quilujar if Kutlubika cuts off a piece of apple for her; Kutlubika puts a ring on the sleeper's finger; Kutluyar wakes up, chases his new wife away, happy with the old one]: Barag 1989, No. 24:132-136.

Western Siberia. Southern Khanty [three brothers return home - the fire is out, the food is not ready; they throw her sister into the forest; she comes to the golden palace on an iron chain; a goose flies there, takes off her skin, does it handsome; flying away, allows his wife to let her older, middle brother in, and not let his younger brother in; she let him in; he cut off her husband's legs; the wife took a staff of three arshins, boots with heels in three inches tall, went in search; the old woman gives a ball to follow, three hairs and rubbish from her husband's feet; the wife sprinkles land on the sea from a birch bark box, it freezes, she comes to the golden palace; when touched the wall with three hairs, a passage opened; three girls took her to her husband, for which they pulled her vein out of her leg; she lives in the form of a lousy devil with old people; her husband is close to death; she cooked fat, he recovered; brought the daughter of the Sun; the wife hides behind the stove, tells me to remember the sister of three husbands; the husband breaks the ring, the new wife dies; the same with the wife of the month; the wife showed up, stayed with her husband]: Patkanov 1999, No. 2:324-327.