K107d1. A magical wife can't wake up a young man.
.15.16.23. (.24.) .27.-.29.31.
Waiting for a magical wife, the young man falls asleep. His wife cannot wake him up and leaves (the episode is often repeated).
Italians (Tuscany), Dadins, Bretons, Germans (Pomerania), Muria, (Timor), Hungarians, Romanians, Serbs, Czechs, Poles, Ukrainians (Transcarpathia, Galicia, Kharkiv), Russians (Teresky Bereg) , Arkhangelskaya, Tverskaya, Kursk), Belarusians, Ingush, Chechens, Avars, Karelians.
Southern Europe. Italians (Tuscany) [partial retelling in Cosquin 1886:170; dreaming of her son, the princess turns to a sorcerer. He promises her a child on the condition that he spends the first 10 years of his life with his mother and the next 10 years with him; a daughter is born; the mother does not want to give her away and tells the teacher to keep an eye on the girl; the sorcerer, disguised as a merchant, suggests changing the iron rings to silver ones; an interested teacher goes outside, while the sorcerer takes the girl to his castle; another girl lives there, who helps the kidnapped person; the mother of the kidnapped asks the young man to save her daughter by promising him her as his wife; he finds the girl; her friend teaches what to do, but she is wrong and the young man falls asleep; girlfriend takes the princess's daughter to the high tower; the young man goes in search again; the magician takes the princess, her mother sends the young man to search; the lion, the eagle, the ant argue over the horse carcass, the young man shares it between them, they give him the power of seven lions, seven eagles, seven ants; becoming an eagle, a young man flies to the princess's tower; becoming an ant, he gets inside; the princess explains to uproot the tree, dry the spring, the eagle at the bottom, the egg in it; if you throw it at the sorcerer's forehead, he will disappear with his tower; strong as seven lions, the young man knocks down a tree, with the power of seven eagles defeats the eagle, breaks the egg, finds himself on the island with the princess; a sailor kidnaps the princess, pretends to be her savior, but the deception is revealed and the young man marries the princess; the sorcerer (this is the last thing he could do) made the earth absorbs the young man; the princess gives the sorcerer a glass ball and the sorcerer shows her husband; she gives her a silver ball, the sorcerer brings her husband closer to the princess; the golden ball - the sorcerer puts the young man in his palm; he becomes an eagle, flies away]: Gubernatis 1869, No. 23; ladins [the young hunter got lost, went into the house in the forest; the hostess allowed me to spend the night, took him to the room; next to her, in which the princess; she bewitched, must serve Mrs. Madrisa; when three years are over, M. will return her to her father; in the morning the lovers broke up, the hostess showed the young man the way home; he goes to look for M.; at the inn 3 girls; said that the princess's stay with M. had ended, tomorrow she would come; they gave the young man sleeping pills, the princess did not wake him up, left; so three times; each time she leaves a sign: her handkerchief, curl, ring; no longer returns; having lost hope, the young man became a hermit; the princess accidentally went to him, recognized her ring; the king gathers men for her daughter to choose her husband; the princess of all Rejects; when a hermit, dressed in rags and shoes, appears, she shows that he has her gifts; tears off rags, under him the prince's robe; wedding]: Brunold-Bigler, Widmer 2004, No. 43:254-261.
Western Europe. The Bretons [the eel tells a miller named Even that he is the enchanted princess of the Sun; he agrees to spend three nights in an abandoned castle; giants torment him, the princess revives him, gives him gold, arranges marriage; the witch gives E. an apple, he eats, falls asleep along the way; so three times; E. goes to look for the princess; the first hermit has not heard of the Sun Princess; the second calls wolves, but they are she has only been heard; this hermit sends to his older brother, E. goes for a rolling golden ball; the oldest hermit summons birds, the eagle says that the princess marries her son king of Portugal, brings E. (E. feeds the eagle with sheep on the way); E. sits in the way of the wedding procession, the princess recognizes the starry, moonlit, sunny scarves sent to him, asks to sell; E. sells for kisses on the feet and hand; princess announces who her true fiance is; wedding]: Luzel 1995:203-217; Germans (Pomerania) [after finishing his service, soldier Johann got lost in the forest, came to the castle; a mermaid in a barrel; asks him three evenings in a row, silently endure the torment that demons will inflict on him; J. coped, the mermaid turned into a princess with a golden crown on her head; she will make Y. husband, but first she must visit her Semiradian country; I'll be back tomorrow one hour before noon; the witch maid in the castle mixed Y. with sleeping pills in the wine; the princess did not wake up, left her handkerchief, writing that she would appear twice more, and then will fly to Semihradiye forever; on the third handkerchief there is an inscription: goodbye forever; J. hopes to see her on a glass mountain; came to the robbers' house, the maid hides it in a chest; one robber says that today he stole seven-mile boots, an invisibility cloak and an inexhaustible purse; the robbers are first going to put the wonderful items in the chest where J. is sitting, but then decided to hide them under a tree; J. in the morning theirs dug up and flew with the girl in an invisible cloak to the glass mountain; poured gold to the girl, and tried to get up himself, but too cool and slippery; went to the inn, whose owner commands animals; he whistled and the animals appeared; they do not know about Semihradiye; the owner's Schwager lives a hundred miles away, he rules the birds; the crane, just from Semihrad, was the last to appear; carried a soldier to the top of a glass mountain, but only half, from where the soldier has moved down again; hears a noise: three brothers have been fighting for a hundred years over their father's inheritance - a white horse that flies through the air; soldier: walk a hundred steps away, whoever gets faster will get a horse; jumped on him himself and climbed a glass mountain; the princess goes to church with her new fiancé; the soldier showed her three handkerchiefs; she Addresses the guests: I lost my key, ordered a new one, and now I've found which one is better; everyone thinks it's old; wedding]: Jahn 1891, No. 56:304-311.
South Asia. Muria [Raja's wife quarreled with his younger brother and he left; came to Rakshasi Jal Kaniya; said he wanted to marry her sister Bael Kaniya, who lived inside a Hungarian quince fruit ( Aegle marmelos); JK hid the young man from her husband, but he came, sniffed him out and promised not to harm him; but when he saw it, he decided to swallow it; the young man became small; when Rakshasa swallowed him, he cut him with a knife, liver, stomach, went outside; Rakshasi said that only her husband could help overcome the predatory guards around that tree; the young man revived Rakshasa; when they arrived in the forest, the Rakshasa gave the tiger a goat , the bear fruit, the snake's milk; when the fruit was picked, the Rakshasa ordered not to cut it on the way, but only at home; but the young man broke the ban; a girl came out of the fruit and began to cook; but the young man fell asleep and she could not wake him up; the underground inhabitants took her to Tarbhum Ghotul (lower world); the young man woke up six months later; heard a voice from the anthill, dug it up; the ants built an anthill on the head of a long-haired sadhu; he said he had been meditating for many years; explained that the only way to go down to TG was by weaving a rope from the bark of twelve forests; when the rope was ready, the young man lowered the sadhu , promising to pick it up if he gave a signal; the young man killed the underground inhabitants, the sadhu picked up the girl and him; BK said that she forgot the necklace below, the young man jumped after it; found the necklace, but to the ground She cannot get up; two vultures came down to peck at the corpses of the dead; the female agreed to put the young man on her back and carry him to the ground; he found Jogal Karo, the daughter of a sadhu; she said that her father had locked BK; for promising to marry her, she said that her father's life was in a bird's nest in the middle of the sea; gave a ring; the young man threw him into the sea, a frog came out, brought him to that nest, he took it; the sadhu forbid his daughter marry a young man, took him to the temple to sacrifice Chandi Devi; offered to eat rice on the floor like roosters peck; the young man asked to show, hacked down a sadha, but his blood came out of his blood a thousand of the same ones; then JK tore off that bird's legs and wings and then cut its throat; the sadhu died; the young man took BK, but JK shot him with a bow out of jealousy; the mongoose revived it; BK said: let JK too will be the young man's wife; all three returned to the boy's brother, lived well]: Elwin 1944, No. I.5:24-38.
(Wed. Malaysia-Indonesia. {The motive does not exist in much of Asia and is probably borrowed from Europeans, although other motives in this text may be local}. Timor [seven parrots dropped their feathers, became girls, bathed; the prince hid the youngest's feathers; returned for promising to return in two days and become his wife; the prince does not sleep, falls asleep, the heavenly maiden does not he can wake him up, flies away; the awakened prince manages to grab one pen; kills and cuts the servant into pieces, believing that he has put him to sleep; goes to look for the heavenly maiden; the servant's spirit turns into a horse, lucky exhausted prince; advises to let fish on the shore go to sea; two eagles grabbed the snake by the ends, cannot divide it, the prince cuts it in half; goes to a festival, he is mistaken for a thief, local leader tells you to get the bird whose pen he owns; the eagles bring the parrot princess, her ring falls into the sea; she demands it, the chief sends the prince for the ring, the fish brings it; the princess cuts the prince to pieces, revives a handsome man; the chief wants the same, the princess turns him into a freak; he is overthrown, the prince reigns]: Correia 1973:119-125).
The Balkans. Hungarians [every night the fruits of the magic tree disappear; the owner's three sons are consistently guarded; the elders fall asleep, the mouse helps the youngest to stay awake; he grabs and marries a maiden- swan; she forbids him to tell anyone about her; the young man violates the ban, the wife flies away as a swan; the young man goes to look for his wife, but falls asleep three times when he must meet her; supernatural creatures help him achieve his goal]: Domotor 1988, No. 400A x: 458; Romanians [The king has a son, Ionita, nicknamed Fat Frumos (FF). He rides with the royal herd to herd horses at Lake Fairy. When she falls asleep, a girl comes out of the lake, hugs him and asks: "Wake up, dear friend!" The herdsman tells FF. He tries to stay awake, but falls asleep the next and third day. The sorceress cries, says she will not come again, takes off the FF ring from her finger and wears her personalized ring with the inscription "Ilyana Kosynzyan (IK), the braid is golden, the flowers in the braid are melodious, they sing wonderfully, at nine kingdoms can be heard." FF puts on his iron shoes, takes a steel staff and goes looking for it. He visits his three sons-in-law, none of them know about IC. He comes to the mountain, sees a cave on the other side of it, goes down into it, walks for a long time, turning into the light, and goes to the mill, which stands on a river with black water. He sees an old miller so ancient that his eyelids hadn't been raised anymore, and he raised them with hooks. The old man says that so far not a single resident who owns it has been to the mill, nine mighty birds come here every day, each carrying four bags of grain, and he needs everything by morning grind the grain. FF helps the old man, hides in one of the bags, the birds take him to the IC cook. FF shows the cook an IR ring and stays in his house. The cook bakes bread for IK, she doesn't take anything else in her mouth. FF helps him. IK likes lush bread, the next one turns out to be twice as good, the third time FF bakes his ring in a loaf, the cook tells IK about FF, she tells him to bring him in, orders him to be given a gold-sewn dress, they're getting married in two weeks. After the feast, FF receives IR keys to all rooms except the basement. Finally, he begs for this key, unlocks the basement. The voice from the barrel tells you to open the door wider. FF listens, opens the door, hoops fly off the barrel, the snake flies out, takes IR away ten lands. FF puts on iron shoes, takes a steel staff, and goes in search. She comes to Holy Friday and asks if he is a kind person. He gives him a bow. FF comes to a house where crows are flying over and wolves howl around. There's a witch with horse legs, steel teeth and curved fingers. When asked by her, FF says that he has come to work to hire a horse and earn a horse. Grandma tells him to herd his mare every night. On the way to pasture, FF sees a bird with a broken paw, aims, asks not to destroy it, but to bandage its paw, and promises to be useful. FF does this, goes on, does not get off the mare to pasture, but falls asleep on horseback. The mare puts him on a rock, turns herself into a bird, flies into the forest with other birds and sings there. The bird he saved tells all birds to look for a vagrant bird among them, and it is brought to the FF. He quilts her head with a bridle and orders her to turn into a mare. The witch gets angry, hits the mare. On the second evening, FF meets a hare with a broken paw (still the same). When FF falls asleep, the mare leaves him with a bridle on the rock, turns into a hare, and jumps through the woods with other hares. The lame hare collects all the hares and finds a mare by the horse's teeth. The witch is already preparing to cook FF in the cauldron, angrily hits the mare with an iron bar. On the third evening, the mare turns into an old oak tree among the trees. A hare and a bird are advised to knock on each tree with a staff. When hit, the old oak tree starts to jump, and FF orders it to turn into a mare. From the witch, FF, on the advice of a rescued bird, chooses the seediest horse. He turns into a magic horse. He has 14 spleens so he doesn't know if he's tired. FF finds himself at the snake palace and takes IR. The serpent jumps on the horse and sets off in pursuit. IK shouts to the horse to throw them off, for which he will bathe him in milk, feed him oats and sugar. FF shouts to the snake horse that he will feed him with clover and bathe him in dew, which will throw off and trample the snake with its hooves. FF on a snake horse, and IK on a FF horse arrive at the IK Palace and celebrate their wedding]: Ilyana Kosynzyan 1989:11-38; Serbs [the king's apple tree blooms and bears fruit in one night, but the fruits disappear; two sons are guarded, fall asleep; the youngest sees 8 peacocks coming down to peck apples, the ninth turns into a girl; gives the young man two apples - for him and for the king; like this every night; envious older brothers they send an old woman, she cuts off a lock of the peacock girl's hair; the peacocks fly away; the prince tells the old woman to be tied to the horse's tail; goes to look for a girl; in the castle, the old woman offers him her daughter; gives him her daughter; gives the servant fur will blow above the prince's ear; this causes the prince to fall asleep; the peacock wife cannot wake him up three times; the prince cuts off the servant's head, the hermit sends him to the dragon city, the prince finds his wife; she orders not to unlock the twelfth room; there is a barrel in it, someone in it asks for a drink; the prince gives, the dragon flies out, takes the prince's wife; the prince saves fish, fox, wolf on the way; finds and takes his wife away, the dragon on his horse easily catches up with them, spares the prince, takes his wife away; she learns from the dragon that his horse's brother is a black foal; she gives the task of herding her mare and with the foal for three nights; from this herd is a dragon horse; the prince comes to the old woman, only one cola does not have a head yet; a fish, a fox, a wolf helps to find a mare with a foal that turned into fish, foxes, wolves; the prince chooses a lousy foal, takes his wife away; the dragon's horse says they can't catch up with the prince, throws him off, the dragon crashes, the prince's wife sits on this horse]: Karadzic 1854, No. 4:23-40 (=Mijatovies 1874:43 -58, =Ashliman 2002, =Golenishchev-Kutuzov 1991:18-25).
Central Europe. Czechs [poor Tunda was hired for a hundred gold a month; there is no job; at the end of his term, the master takes him to the sea, hits the water with a twig, the waters part, they go dry to the castle, T. climbs through the window, master tells you to throw money, i.e. refuses, the window shrinks, closes; someone black shows 99 corpses of those whom the master lured earlier; because T. did not take the money, black leaves him to watch a pair of horses and goat; T. asks for cards, then his wife; tells him to snatch three feathers from one of the three swans who will come to swim; the swan turns into a girl; T. asks for permission to see her parents, the owner allows, but does not advise; at home, T. opens the chest he has brought, his wife grabs her feathers, flies away; T. returns, the goat takes him to the pond where the swans swim; the witch sends her daughter Amalka, who puts T. to sleep every time the swans do not wake up, they fly further and further; in the last castle, the princess (this is T.'s wife) throws the ring, T. catches it three times with her sword, each time she leaves; the princess finds, the spouses unite; T. cuts it down the heads of the black lord and the goat, they turn into king and queen]: Bogolyubova, Talova 2000:307-317; Czechs [the king wants to know the name of the tree in his garden and why it does not bear fruit; old man: the tree blooms and bears fruit before midnight, someone cuts off the fruits, so no one sees them; the king tells three sons to guard the tree; the elder sees the golden apples appear, but flew storm, it became dark, the apples were gone; the middle one was the same (frost suddenly hit); the youngest was playing the flute; Beron appeared in a golden dress, with her 50 girls; tells the young man that she is tearing apples at midnight, and he will be at noon; she lives in the Black City; after that, apples can be picked at noon, but the Queen died of love and went to look for the Black City; came to the castle, where the witch is B.'s mother; tells the servant at B. appears to play the flute to make the prince fall asleep; seeing that the young man does not wake up, B. leaves; the same again; for the third time, B. asks the servant to tell the prince to hang his hat one carnation lower ; the prince understood: he cut off the servant's head; three features are fighting for an invisible cloak, shoes that can be seen wearing, and a whip that will carry him where he needs to go; prince: I'll give it to the one who comes first; he picks it up himself and flies to the Black City; becomes B.'s husband; the devils ran for wonderful objects, the prince returned them; B. and the prince, if they hadn't died, could still live]: Nemtsova 1978:191-200; Poles [elder The king does not let Argelus's son out of the castle - so as not to blow; an apple tree has grown in the garden, flowers on it in the morning, golden apples in the evening, someone steals them at night; magician: only A. will protect them; king executed the wizard; the king's youngest son did not fear; A. father: if you do not allow me to be guarded, I will die; I had to let it; 7 swans flew in, A. grabbed one, she became royal, the rest were her ladies; they were bewitched; the swans promised to return; the servant saw everything, told the bride, she told the witch mother; she gave sleeping pills; the swans flew three times, Queen A. did not wake up; ordered the servant to tell A. outweighed his sword and looked for it in the Black City; the outweighed sword pointed to the traitor servant, A. hacked him; went to look for the Black City; three are fighting over a magic table and a horse with a saddle and a whip ( will deliver to any place); A. invites the arguers to race up the mountain, picks up the table, flies on horseback to the Black City; the Queen is preparing for her wedding with the king; her ladies, and then she recognized A.; wedding A . with the royal]: Shcherbakov 1980:66-70; Russians (Tverskaya, Kursk), Ukrainians (Transcarpathia, Galicia, Kharkovskaya), Belarusians [Tsar Maiden: the hero gets engaged to her, but put to sleep three times, wakes up a date; looks for her with animals or magic objects]: SUS 1979, No. 400 2:128; Russians (Teresky Bereg) [the queen gave birth to a son Evryukh stukolnik , and the nannies said it was a calf; the king put her in the basement; E. broke through the wall, left his mother with the old woman, went on a journey, met, took two more with him; they came to the house, there were a lot of cattle inside, slaughtered the bull , they cook meat one by one; the old man beats the cook, hangs him by his hair from the ceiling beam; when it's E.'s turn, he beat the old man, burned it in the fire; swans flew in, became girls, began to wash in the bath; first the bro tries to close the door to the bathhouse, he is thrown out; the same with the second; E. holds the door; the girl calls E. the groom, she is Kashchei's daughter, she will come by ship in the summer; E. waits, the old woman stabs him in the head a pin, he falls asleep; so three times; E. found an old woman, burned it; found a bride; she promises to find out where her father's death was; he replies that he was in a broom (gilded a broom); in an egg; she handed the egg to Evryukha, he broke it Kashchei's forehead, he died; he came home with his wife, killed the tsar and nannies]: Balashov 1970, No. 145:394-397; Russians (1927, Arkhangelskaya, Mezen, d. Desert) [The merchant's wife died and left his nine-day-old son Ivan (I.). No one could calm him down, except for his "backyard grandmother" (B-Z). She sings a lullaby promising that he will marry Red Beauty - Debga Kosu (DK), daughter of three mothers, granddaughter of three grandmothers, sister of 9 brothers. He pauses and stays silent for a year, then the situation repeats. Only three times I. cries, between these crying intervals a year. I. grew up, his father married a second time, his stepmother married I. "looks", and I. learns from B-Z how to marry the Palace of Culture. To do this, he goes to the field, where the Palace of Culture will arrive when he falls asleep. His stepmother sends him a servant with a sleepy pin. The Palace of Culture arrives three times at night with an interval of a month: the first time on 9 ships, the second on three, and the third on one. A sleepy pin prevents I. from waking up, so matchmaking does not occur. DK is angry, but realizes about witchcraft and tells the servant to go to marry her himself. I. wakes up, pulls out a sleepy pin and becomes a hero. He cuts off the servant's head, throws her into the sea, goes to B-Z and finds out how to go to the Palace of Culture. To her kingdom, you have to go to the forest on the left side along the right path. Find a church there, serve the impoverishment, and not leave with nine and six brothers (push them), but leave with three. In their house, do not sit in a red corner, drink the first cup, wipe yourself off with a gold towel (badge), do not take mothers' gifts, take only a small box from grandmothers' gifts, tying it with a rope in 40 fathoms. I. went to marry. At the church, he was met by the Palace of Culture and 9 brothers, and the Palace of Culture mocked him. In the church, I. served a mass, left with only three brothers, did not sit in the red corner, pushing his brother who was inviting there, he was torn apart in the red corner. I did not drink the first cup, but gave it to my brother who offered it, there was poison. He didn't dry herself with a golden towel; it killed his third brother who offered. I. did not take the offered gifts, demanded a box, received it, took it away, wrapped it in a rope, out of the forest. Then the rope burst and DK came out of the box. They returned to I.'s house together and got married]: Karnaukhova 2008, No. 131:292-296; Russians (Arkhangelsk, Onega District, Savinskaya Vol.) [the soldier left the service, bothered the robbers; they have a cook girl; an old woman came to Easter, gave her an outfit; as she put it on, she died; the robbers left (the coffin) hanging on the poles; the prince found brought her home; the old woman pulled off her sundress, the girl came to life; the wedding; the soldier chased the hare; some house; a woman covered in a golden carriage arrives; asks her to "scold" for three nights leaves a book, bottles, he must read inside the circle; evil spirits rush, but then disappears; the girl's hair has fallen to her shoulders; after the next night, to the navel; after the third, everything is clean; she asks the soldier not to leave, but he wants to take a walk; if she does not return in an hour and a half, she will fly to the kingdom of far away; he returned in one and a half; slept with a Jew at night, went to the pier in the morning; there by ship That girl sailed, but a boy sent by a Jew stuck a pin into the soldier's overcoat and he fell asleep, the girl did not wake up; so three times; after the third time she left a note: to look for her in a kingdom far away; the soldier sailed to the city, where the princess in the tower, who rides, will receive her, otherwise he will be executed; three executed heroes are exhibited; where the soldier served at the tavern, his daughter gave an inexhaustible purse; the soldier filled three barrels of gold, the king allowed the heroes to be buried; horses consistently jump out of the graves to the soldier: in copper, silver, gold armor; the princess stamped his forehead with a ring; heroes came to life, came out of their graves, all four go to the mountain, where the soldier pulls out his shoes, a dress, a carriage; marries a princess]: Smirnov 1917, No. 9:94-108; Russians (Karelian Pomorie, Virma; brief summary text from the archive of the Karelian branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences) [the young man hides the dress of one of the swan girls; while meeting her, his uncle puts his nephew to sleep with a sleepy pin, the swan girl disappears, the hero finds her, their wedding will take place]: Razumova, Senkina 1974, No. 215:380; Russians (Arkhangelskaya, Pomors) [Ivan Tsarevich sees 12 swans coming to swim, shed their feathers, become girls; hid their clothes one; she asks for a return, promises to sail on two ships in 2 years; after 2 years, the envious uncle asked for a comrade, stuck a sleepy pin in I.; the girl did not wake up, left a note: I'll sail 3 years later on 9 ships; the same; after the third time she wrote that she would never see I.; I. ordered to tie 3 pairs of iron bast shoes, 3 staffs, hats, caftan, prospira; met, did not kill a lion, a bear, pike, everyone promises to come in handy; bast shoes and everything else wears out; there is a hut on chicken legs, birch bark heels; "Turn your eyes to the forest, my gate"; gives a ball, he rolls to her sister; the sister gives another - to the third sister; her fiancée I. comes to her once a month; her father put the longing in an egg, an egg in a box, an oak turnkey box on the island, threw the key into the sea; we must get an egg, the old woman will make scrambled eggs out of it, the bride will eat and remember I.; the lion moved I. to the island, the bear knocked down the oak tree, the pike took out the key, the old woman made scrambled eggs, Marfida (that's her name) ate, remembered I.; the old woman turned I. into a needle, stuck it into a wall, and now she took it out; I. comes to Father M. to marry her; he tells her to find a bride among the 12 sisters (a white fly will curl above her); M. tells I. to take the horses and run; turned I. into a chapel, herself a watchman; a well and an old woman with a scoop; a ruff and a pike; the king is chasing perch; pike perch: gnaw the ruff from the tail; there are thorns, the end of the perch; seeing the bride I., my uncle died with envy]: Razumova, Senkina 1987:123-128.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Ingushi: Bulatova 1985 [little Fusht-Bagg stops crying when his father promises to marry him to Jinagaz; F. grows up, goes looking for J.; catches a hare, he turns into a beautiful woman, this is and there is J.; promises to come to him in a week; stepmother sends a servant to put F. to sleep, J. cannot wake up; after the third time he leaves the ring, leaves for good; F. meets the maid J., throws it at her J.'s ring jug, she recognizes him, keeps him; forbids him to enter the last room in the palace; F. comes in, there is a chained garbash (monster), F. agrees to free his hand, the garbash breaks out, now he is the master; F. and J. are running, the three-legged horse of the garbash replies that after eating, we will catch up, and without eating; easily catches up with the fugitives, the garbash forgives F.; J. tells how the garbash got the foal; three nights it is necessary to herd the witch's mares; in the end, one necklace, the birds of prey rushed to the foal; the harbash held it with one hand, fought off the birds with the other sword, one eagle tore off the foal's front leg, but that's it the horse that has grown out of it is the fastest; F. rides, saves an eagle, a fox, a fish; herds mares, they run away, an eagle, a fox, a fish collect, F. gets a four-legged foal; the three-legged cannot catch up with him; the brothers agree to throw the harbash, he falls into a hole, covers him with earth; F. brings J. to his home]: 133-141; Chechens [elderly parents have a son; they often say that he marries Chingaz; the young man has grown up, his parents replied that they do not know where to look for C.; the old widow of Zhary-Baba tells him to give the young man a horse and a weapon, let him look for C.; he sees three doves fly in by the lake, dropped wings, became girls; he hides their wings, promises to give them back if they tell us about themselves; one of them is C., asks the young man to give time to get to know each other, tells him to return home, and after 7 days and 3 am come to oak; the witch wants to marry her daughter as a young man; sends a servant, tells the servant to stick a needle into the Circassian young man every night; he falls asleep when C. arrives; C. tells the servant to say: only the worthy will find C.; the young man cuts off the servant's head; saves an eagle whose claws are stuck in a snag, lets fish into the water, pulls the wolf out of the hole; meets the 9-headed Black Hoja's maid, who kidnapped C., who brings him to her; a young man tells C. to find out where ChH got his fast horse; 3 mares give birth to such foals, followed by Jery-Baba; she tells them to herd, the heads of those who failed (there are already 82 of them) are put on stakes; eagle, fish, wolf they bring the runaway; the young man receives and tames the foal; he asks to let him drink breast milk for the last time, then he is immensely strong; the young man takes C., jumps away, the horse Ch catches up, but the young man's horse tells him (this is his older brother) to throw off CH, the young man cuts off his heads; wedding]: Kibiev, Malsagov 1981:48-71; Avars [son refuses to lie down with Halun, chosen by his father, promises to marry Queen Gunzari, whose portrait his father showed; beauties in bird clothes fly to swim in the lake, the young man sits on G.'s clothes; she promises to marry him, but first must fly to homeland; when the young man comes to the appointed place, H. tells the servant to stick a needle into his clothes, the young man falls asleep, G. flies away, telling the servant that his master cut the stake and bolt; this is the servant and H., the young man kills the servant, drives H. away; goes with the vizier to look for G.; they stay in the house; the young man sleeps, the vizier hears the conversation between the old master and the girl; by the seashore under a brushwood stone, you have to hit her water, sea part, drive to G.'s palace; whoever gives the story to another will petrify; on the way back, the young man will die from a stallion and a snake; the vizier kills the stallion, the snake, licks a blood stain from G.'s cheeks; the young man thinks that the vizier kisses her, promising to execute the vizier, makes her tell the truth, the vizier is stony; G. gives birth to a son, kills him, smears him with the blood of a petrified vizier, both come to life]: Saidov, Dalgat 1965:198-207.
Baltoscandia. Karely: Evseev 1981 [the old woman died, the old man married Sueétar; the son of an old man and an old woman saw the swan maidens come to swim; hid the clothes of one of them, she became his bride; S. sent her daughter for him, she stuck needles in him, he fell asleep when ships with gifts came; on the ninth he was supposed to see his wife; when he went for the third time, the guy does not kill a deer, a duck, an eagle; an eagle carries him on his back across the sea, on the way he feeds the eagle meat, bread, wine; the duck brings a stone egg with the boy's mind inside; the deer brings him to the bride; she hides in the water, the pike brings it ]: 236-237; Concca 1959, No. 31 (Olonetskaya, 1886) [three girls took off their clothes, became ducks and swam; the guy saw, hid her clothes alone; he is silent when the girl promises to be a sister, gives her clothes for a promise to become a wife; the girl promises to sail on three golden ships; a woman came out of the water, stuck sleepy needles in the guy's ears, he did not wake up; the same on 6, 9 ships; the girl leaves a note: to see her, you will have to wear out 3 pairs of iron boots and 3 iron staffs; the guy goes looking, the hut is spinning on cock spurs, she is wearing a cannibal woman, her nose is a poker; she recognizes her boyfriend as her son brother; during the night she destroyed one pair of his iron boots and one staff; the same with two other women; the latter sends to hunt, the guy hid foxes from the cold, then cubs, cubs, cubs, threw pike into the sea; fox, wolf, bear, pike promise to help; a guy comes to an old woman who has 8 heads on poles, the 9th is cooked for him; the old woman tells her 9 horses to herd, they run away; a fox, then a wolf, a bear they bring; horse: we will give birth to foals at night, take the worst as a reward; the stallion tells us to go to the old widow; she says that his bride's love is in an egg inside the blue stone on the island; the horse jumped to the island , the pike took out an egg that fell into the sea; the widow fed it to her goddaughter (i.e. that girl), the guy married her]: 142-148.