Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K108A. The man who murdered his wife loses everything. 11.14.

A man gets a magical wife. Another woman tells her to kill or divorce her, then she will be his wife. When he complies with the request, he loses everything.

Karanga, Lamba, Tunisia

Bantu-speaking Africa. Karanga [the young man caught a woman, who told her to be brought to his house; turned the hut into a European home, told her to go fishing only with her; he went alone, fished her older sister; she was angry turned the house back into a hut; the young man left, came to the old woman, the wife of the Serpent; herding goats for the Snake; the old woman advised to pay not for cattle, but for the flute; the flute fulfills the wish; the young man asked for women; therefore Blacks have many wives]: Sicard 1956:921-923; lamba: Doke 1927:No. 17 [a sick, rootless poor man fished a woman out of the river; she became his wife, forbidding her to go where he fished her from; but he went and fished another woman; she promised to marry him if he killed first; he stabbed a spear into a tree; killed a slave; but the woman knows everything, demands to kill his wife; he went and wounded his wife, and then everything was gone, he became a rootless poor man again; translated in Olderogg 1959:57-58], 118 [The chameleon was a friend of God; he gave him two wives and property; God once sent {into a pond to earth} his wife, her maid, and basket; the Chameleon fished out a huge frog; she said that she was a maid, let her fish for a hoe, a basket and a woman; God's wife said that if the Chameleon wanted her, she would kill other wives; he pierced with a spear Lombe tree {apparently with red juice}, then an ox, a sheep; every time a woman learns a deception; then killed his wives; the frog said he would lose everything now; God turned him into a chameleon], 137 [people abandoned lame in an abandoned village; he fished a Sandasanda woman in the river, then a maid and a basket; she goes with him, creates a village; he goes ashore again, catches another woman named Iwona, who tells him to kill first; he brings a spear that he plunged into the Lombe tree, she understands the deception; then she slightly hurts his wife; she is about to leave, comes back, and demands that it be the last time; everything repeats, S. and I. wrap their necks around each other, disappear into the river; the village and all property are lost]: 39, 209-211, 241-243.

North Africa. Tunisia [Once upon a time there was a woodcutter, he was poor, and he had a wife and children. Then he decided to go on a trip and saw an old man leading a bull on a leash. The bull was eager to pasture, but the old man wouldn't let him in. The woodcutter asked, "Why?" "Because if he's full, he'll start butting." The old man gave him a thin thread and said: "If you get to the sea, tie a stone to a thread and throw it into the sea." The woodcutter did so and found himself in the palace in front of a beautiful woman. He married her. One day he saw someone else in his shop and wanted to marry her, but she said, "Divorce first!" He rebuked his wife for no reason. Then she said to him: "Let's take a walk along the seashore for the last time." And when they went for a walk, she pushed him into the water and said, "If he's full, she'll start butting." Then the woodcutter woke up and said to the old man, "Hold the bull tight"] Al-Aribi 2009, No. 21 in Korovina MS.