Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K10C. Wrapped in giblets. .50.

The hero (twins) hangs around the animal's blood-filled intestines. The bird pierces them with its claw, blood flows, the bird thinks the prey is dead; brings the person to the nest. It kills an adult bird, kills or transforms chicks. Cf. M91A motif.

The Great Southwest. Havasupai: Smithson, Euler 1994:36-39 [people live underground; one of two brothers planted a vine near the pond, it grew in a spiral; people climbed one turn in a day, after a long time went to earth; one girl slept with all men, but no one married her; turned into a tobacco plant; when they smoked, she became a woman again, laughed, left; women noticed scars on her head; she jumped into the pond, became a frog, the water began to rise; her older brother created the moon, calling it the sun; the younger one sent the real sun to the sky; the sky was low, the sun was moving too fast; the younger brother moved the sky sixth; by this time the water in the lower world had risen, poured to the ground; people had placed a girl, water, food, birds, animals in an empty log; the rest of the people drowned; the woodpecker clung to the sky, the water soaked its tail; the water descended, the log fell to the ground at the waterfalls in Little Colorado; the girl put her vagina in the sun, then splashed at the waterfall, and gave birth to a daughter (var. : she became pregnant by a woodpecker); told her to do what she did, her daughter gave birth to a boy; he grew up; arrow reeds grew behind the crushing rocks; the young man managed to slip through, grab the reeds, slip back; smeared clothes in blood, the eagle carried him to his nest; he killed 8 big eagles, 4 eagles; blew, the rock became sand, he went down, bringing feathers for arrows; his father gave him a horse; cut it, put lightning in his son; said he was water and sun; his father showed him peace; the young man went east, his grandmother went west], 54-58 [the twins get reeds for arrows by sticking a pole between the rocks; their mother straightens arrows, shoving them into their genitals; when brothers spy, the arrows break; the owl gives him a hard tree to tip; lives in the house like their father; his brothers kill him; the bear gives a stone for tips (same episode as Owl); twins hide under deer skin; Eagle takes them to the nest; chicks say prey is alive; twins kill eight adult eagles and all chicks; do low rock, return home]; yavapai: Gifford 1932 [son of the Sun avenges his mother killed by an eagle; smears the nest with resin; eagles get stuck in it; when he drops their corpses, there is a rumble; old woman The bat lowers him off a cliff in a basket]: 244-245; 1933a (SV yavapai): 349-364 [people lived underground at the bottom of a deep dip; there was a pine tree ("dog-tail tree") wrapped in vines; people climbed it to earth, their leader is Hanyiko' (Frog); his shaman daughter made him sick; before he died, he ordered him to be burned and watched the stars; when two stars appeared before sunrise to the east are the feathers that adorn his head; in 2 months, 5 stars will appear - this is his right hand; in 3 months it will be cold, his whole body will be visible; the red star will mark 4 months; on his grave corn will grow; when a corpse is burned, everyone surrounds the fire, but the Coyote jumps over the short Badger, grabs it, takes it away, eats the heart; before that, people said that he died four days later will be reborn; Coyote: let him die forever; X. died forever; Coyote agreed; his daughter died, people refused to change their minds; it snowed; people: mountains covered with cornmeal; Coyote: snow; Therefore, snow does not consist of cornmeal; when it rained, the dry tree did not get wet; Coyote: let it get wet; because Coyote took possession of H.'s heart, from the hole from which people came to the ground, water poured in; people put all kinds of seeds and the girl in the hollowed out pine tree trunk, sealed it; after the flood, the girl went out, the others died; she lay down so that water dripped into her vagina, she shone sun; conceived and gave birth to a girl; she grew up, her mother placed her in the same place, but Water and Sun did not want to converge with her daughter; then the mother covered her with her body and the daughter became pregnant; her son Skatakaamcha; his mother took the eagle and fed it to the chicks; he interrupted the partridge's leg; when he fixed it, she spoke about the fate of his mother; S. decided to kill the monstrous bull (bison?) ; The badger dug an underground passage under him, S. stabbed the monster with a hot knife, killed him; put on a blood-filled stomach; the eagle brought it to the nest; the eagles say that the prey is alive, the eagle does not believe; the eagle flew away, the eagle flew in, S. killed her with a hatchet; told the eagles to remain silent; killed the eagle when it returned; threw the eagles out of the nest; made the rock half as low, but no more; The Bat lowered it in the basket ; he opened his eyes, the Bat fell and was injured, S. cured her; came to his grandmother, who cries; he threw eagle feathers at her, said he killed both eagles; married; Wind stole his wife; Spider warns that Wind offers to compete kills losers; S. beat him in a ball and ring game; won a competition whose hair is longer; Wind stabbed S. 4 times without causing harm; S. killed him with a knife; threw one hand to the east, the other to the south, one leg to the west, the other to the north: let the wind blow from different sides; S. brought his wife back; grandmother: there is a bad Chewasistesikkaamcha; S. came to his house, slowly throws away food for fear of being poisoned; killed C. with a knife; Bear's arrow reeds; S. invites him to marry his grandmother; he gave reeds; believes that the best tips are coal tips; S. killed him with flint; a tree for the ends of the Owl's arrows; S. and offered him his grandmother as his wife; she found the heart of the Owl, it was on the sole; S. shot there, killed the Owl; an bow tree in the canyon with converging and diverging walls; S. put a deer horn between them; went east to his father the Sun; the Sun's wife warns that the Sun will try to kill S. in the steam room; but S. is not afraid of the heat; the Sun recognized his son, let him choose a horse; a man at the cliff pushes passers-by with his foot; he grew up with his back to the rock; S. lets a chanterelle first, it dodges; then a rattlesnake, the man is afraid of it; S. disconnected him with an ax from the cliff, threw it into the abyss; below 6-7 women devour the fallen; S. threw that man's stomach into the fire, he burst into the eyes of the women, S. hacked them; there was a boy, he ran to the cave, S. did not I managed to get it, left the snakes to guard, but they fell asleep; the boy left, creating new ones like him; grandmother: you can't handle them], 402-412 (Western yavapai) [people live underground; younger brother invites the elder to illuminate the world; he makes a disc, smears ocher, hangs it, but the younger one makes a disc of white lime, smears ocher; it gets light but too hot; the younger brother asks the eldest to raise the sky with a reed pole, he did it; at night, the elder brother touches the genitals of his two daughters; they hide on the shore under the willow, where he relieves himself, and swallow his bowel movements; he begins to lose strength, tells him to be cremated after death; people sent the Coyote for fire, at which time they lit a fire, standing around; the Badger was lower than the others, the Coyote jumped over him, took his heart and ate it; the burnt heart had to lay the ground, cultivated plants would grow; and so only one corn stalk would grow; the best cobs went to the Hopi and Navajo, and the worst yavapai; people decided to get to the upper world; the hummingbird found a hole in the sky; under the guidance of their younger brother, they planted a pine tree and a vine that wrapped around it; they climbed up, but the old man and his two granddaughters stayed; when they got to the ground, from water poured in the holes; the flood was caused by those two daughters of the older brother who turned into frogs; people hollowed out a pine tree, put food inside the girl and sealed it; only the girl survived, the rest drowned; she lay down with her vagina under the rays of the sun and under drops of water, conceived, gave birth to a daughter; she grew up, tried to repeat everything, but the Sun and Water recognized their daughter, conception did not occur; then the mother covered her daughter's body with her body, the Sun and Water did not notice the substitution; the daughter gave birth to a son Matinyaupakaamcha; the eagle took her to its nest and ate it, M. stayed with her grandmother; interrupted the bird's leg with a stone; she: if you'll cure him, I'll say something; when he finds out that the old woman is not his mother, but his grandmother, killed the eagle, on the advice of his grandmother, by heating the tip of his spear; the grandmother sends him to kill the bison (ox); the badger and the gopher dug an underground passage under lying bison; the mouse plucked the hair from where the heart was, explaining that its children were cold; M. pierced the bison from below; he plunged his horn into the underground passage, but M. dodged; made a cape out of the skin, and under it bison blood; allowed the eagle to grab itself; blood gushed, the bison decided that M. was killed; the chicks see that the prey was alive, but the eagle did not believe; when it flew away, M. found out where the eagle would fly; becoming a lizard, smeared with resin the place where the male and female sit; killed the eagle; told the chicks to remain silent, otherwise they would kill; The Bat lowered M. in the basket, ordering them to close their eyes; he opened, they fell, M. broke the Bat's bones, but cured her; M. looked into the grandmother's house through a hole in the roof; called her; grandmother: the wind was whistling; when he saw her grandson, she began to dance with joy; the bald eagle took M. to an island on the lake; there were already many prisoners there; M . ordered the prisoners to eat crushed flint to the eagles and hide, digging an underground passage; the eagles died; the crane stretches its leg across the lake; people cross it like a bridge; children fall into the water, turn into ducks; M. decides to make a bow; the grandmother warns of dangers every time where to look for bow materials; onion wood where the canyon walls converge and diverge; M. shoved between they have a deer horn, took out the material; reeds for arrows owned by Owl; M.: I propose marriage to my grandmother; Owl is glad, he gave reeds himself; when Owl came, M. told his grandmother to find out where his heart was; in the sole legs; M. shot there, killed Owl; grandmother straightened her vulva with an arrow; when M. looked, the arrow broke; where the flint for the tips, sparks fly out; M. covered himself with a turtle shell, took out flint; wood for the front of the arrows owned by the Bear; M. called him to marry his grandmother; said he was making charcoal tips; The bear believed, shot M. with a coal arrow with a tip, and M. killed him with an arrow with a flintlock tip; grandmother: cut the deer in a clearing, not under a tree; M. began to cut under a tree; a naked woman came down from the tree, chased M. to get along with him; the grandmother hid it under the hearth; but the woman began to write there, M. got out; M. made penises out of blue stone, quartz, lava and clay, used it every single night, breaking off women's vaginal teeth; she became his wife; she was actually a bear; offered to drive game at him; he hung his clothes on a pole; three or four bears rushed at her, M. killed them, pulled out their fangs and claws; Spider told M. that the Wind took his wife away; let M. compete with him outside, not in his cave; who would chase the ball faster; M. won all the prisoners and the life of the Wind; who has longer hair, M. won again, killed The winds were a club; they spent the night in the Wind Cave; the wife became snakes in front of the entrance, M. jumped over them; M. went to look for his father, the Sun; spent the night with people who wanted to kill him; closed him for the night eyes with pebbles ("glass eyes"), the owners think that he is awake; the Sun's wife to her husband: your son has come; he wants to test the visitor, invites him to the steam room; M. all gives up a couple and says it's cold, The sun believes he is his son; M. tamed the horse, went home; the Sun and the Cloud began to argue over him; each painted one half of his body; M. returned east to the Sun, and the grandmother went west to the Sun, and the grandmother went west to ocean]; Navajo [kills eagle and eagle]: Haile 1938, No. 11 [chicks turn into four types of owls]: 117-121; Klah 1960 [one chick becomes an eagle, the other becomes an owl]: 15; Matthews 1994 [eldest the sister conceives Nyenezgani from the sun's ray, the youngest from the water of his younger brother; the brothers are gods of war, visit the Sun, the elder receives lightning arrows from him; the brothers kill monsters; N. goes kill a four-legged monster with deer antlers alone (his father is an antelope horn); Gopher digs an underground passage under the monster, gnaws hair from the skin under his heart, explains that wool needs to warm the cubs; N. climbs under a tunnel, kills a monster with a lightning arrow; Gopher gets a skin; N. fills his gut with monster blood, lets himself be carried away by a monstrous bird; she throws it into a nest on the rocks, but it does not break thanks to the pen given by the Spider; tears the gut with blood to make it look like he is dead; the chick says that the prey is alive, the bird does not believe; N. asks the chicks how their parents will arrive; Father with a thunderstorm and in a shower (letter with "rain-man"), mother with quiet rain ("rain-woman"); N. kills both parents with lightning arrows, turns the older chick into an eagle, the youngest into an owl; The Bat lowers him to the ground in a basket; for this he gives her feathers of monstrous birds, but they turn into all kinds of small birds]: 116-121; O'Bryan 1956 [like Klah]: 87-92; hicarilla [chicks turn into common eagles]: Goddard 1911, No. 4:197-199; Mooney 1898a: 205-207; Western Apaches (San Carlos) Goddard 1918:16-18, 40; Gould 1921 (Mojave Apache) [people in the lower world sent a bird to look for another bird world; she flew C, B, U, Z; people sent it up, weaved climbing plants, climbed them, reached the upper world; looking down, they saw water rising; this flood caused the rest below Frog woman; people put the girl in a box, the box hit the sky four times; the girl went out to Mount Montezuma, the others drowned; lay down under the waterfall, gave birth to a girl; she also lay down, gave birth to Jesus; his mother took the eagle away; he learned it from his grandmother; the man dug an underground passage for him under a lying bull, under his heart; I. stabbed a hot knife into his heart; smeared himself with blood and brain, allowed the eagles to carry themselves mountain; asked the chicks where their mother and father were sitting, smeared the rock with resin, killed adult eagles, threw off the chicks; the old bat began to lower it in her basket; he opened his eyes, she fell; he cured her fractures]: 319-320; Goodwin 1994, No. 3 (White Mountain) [the grandson consistently asks his grandmother where to get a bow tree, arrow reeds, bowstring tendons, arrow feathers; she every time replies that it is far and dangerous; he goes for a bow tree, says to the Bear, Grandma, I will be your wife; the bear laughs, allows you to take it; there are crushing rocks in front of the reeds; Gopher digs a move, brings reeds to the young man; the terrible male Antelope (Big Horns) lies on the ground; Gopher digs four underground passages, tells Antelope that he needs hair for freezing kids, gnaws hair under his heart, the young man stabs in there, the Antelope plows his horn, dies; the young man takes his tendons, fills his stomach with blood; lets the Eagle carry himself away, is thrown on a rock, blood splashes from the antelope's stomach, the Eagle thinks the young man died, does not believe the chicks that they are alive; a young man kills chicks except one; he replies that his brother, then his sister, will arrive with certain types of rain; a young man kills those who have arrived; that his father will arrive with a man's rain; same; turns a chick into an owl; The female bat lets the young man down in her basket; he opens his eyes ahead of time, she falls, heals; the young man gives her eagle feathers, tells her not go under trees; she goes, feathers have turned into all kinds of birds; a young man makes arrows; a white feather comes down from the sky, turns into a girl, he marries her]: 12-16; lipan [Enemy Slayer wraps himself in horse giblets; the eagle takes him to the nest, pierces his giblets with its claws, not the heart; I.V. asks the chicks how their parents will arrive; Carrying the rain, the father with V., the mother with Z. ; kills parents, descends on an older chick, kills him; makes the youngest an ordinary eagle; all kinds of birds emerge from the feathers of the Father Eagle]: Opler 1940, No. 1:19-21; Chiricahua: Hoijer 1938:5- 13 [A white-colored woman lies under a stream of water, gives birth to a Son of Water; hides him from the Giant; and an adult Enemy Slayer fears the Giant; the Son of Water suggests that the Giant tries to take away from his hunted deer, shoot at each other; the Giant misses, the arrows of the Son of Water break four flint covers on the Giant's body one after another, the latter hits the heart; the Ox kills with his gaze; Gopher digs four underground passages for the Son of Water under the heart of the lying Ox; the Son of Water pierces the heart; the Ox breaks three passages with a horn, dies; the Son of Water fills his intestines with his blood, wraps them around himself; The eagle takes it away, throws it on the rock to its children, thinks that the blood of the captured person has splashed; the chicks say that the prey is alive, the Eagle does not believe it; the Son of Water kills all the chicks, leaves the youngest; he replies that father will arrive with men's rain, and mother with women's rain; Son of Water kills both; descends on an eagle, kills him; Orlov turned feathers into all kinds of birds; Gophers killed with his gaze; he blinded them by throwing them into Fire salt, then killed; created Indians, and Enemy Killer Europeans] (episode with feathers turning into birds: No. 4:12); Opler 1942 [as in Hoijer; reindeer giblets; Father arrives with a thunderstorm, mother with a slight thunderstorm by rain]: 3-13; mescalero: Hoijer 1938 [A white-coloured woman lies under a cloud, gives birth to an Enemy Killer (HC); hides him from the Giant; he tries to take meat from the HC, offers to shoot at each other; misses, UV arrows break one by one four flint covers on the Giant's body, killing him; every time UV goes to kill another monster, the mother says it's dangerous, and he replies that he himself is dangerous; Bison glances; Gopher digs four underground passages for UV under the lying Bison; where the heart gnaws its hair, says his children are cold; UV pierces the heart; The bison breaks three turns with a horn, dies; UV fills its intestines with its blood, wraps it around itself; the Eagle takes it away, throws it on the rock to its children; UV kills three chicks, leaves the fourth, who can fly; he replies that the father will arrive when it rains, the mother is the same; UV kills both; goes down on an eagle, kills him; Orlov turned feathers into all kinds of birds; Owl killed with his gaze, Owl's house Gophers guarded; UV entered the Owl Cave, killed everyone there with a club; UV goes to the Killer Antelope; fires four arrows of different colors in four directions; each time a cloud of the same color appears and Antelope runs there; gets tired; UV tells her to become just an antelope, people will hunt her]: 183-188 (eagles episode: 186-187); Zunyi [girl does not leave the house, does not look at the young man; rain enters her room, she gives birth to a boy; in a few days he grows up; throwing stones, hunts small game; sees men's bows; mother admits that bow trees and arrow reeds grow in caves in which a terrible bear; a young man goes there; his divine father closes the entrance to the cave four times when the young man wants to enter it, but then decides whether to let him do what he wants; bear to meet him, the young man grabs; he says that his mother is beautiful; the bear himself chose the material for his bow and arrow, taught him how to make a bow; they agreed that the bear would come for his wife in the evening; the young man equipped arrows with obsidian tips; the bear says it's just black coals, allows you to try it for yourself, is pierced with an arrow and killed; the young man hangs his heart near the house; the mother admits that there is terrible lizards whose spit burns; the young man goes to them, but their spits are harmless to him, because he has a divine nature; he himself throws a large piece of salt into the hearth, it explodes, the lizards die, he brings their hearts; the mother confesses that on the path there is a giant pushing those who walk into the abyss with his foot; under the rock his children devour the fallen; the giant straightens his leg, but the young man jumps back; kills him with a club, throws him down, the giant's children ate him; the young man carved the giant's heart; went down to kill his children, leaving two; thus twisted his necks, turning him into a falcon and an owl; the mother admits that there is a huge bison or elk; the gopher made an underground passage under the lying monster, gnawed at the hair where the heart was; the young man pierced his heart with an arrow, the monster plunged his horn into the ground, but the young man ran away; brought home his heart and part of the skin; the mother admits that there is a nest of cannibal eagles at the top of Shuntekia; when he went to the nest, the young man put on a monster-skin hoodie, attached his gut with blood; the eagle brought it to the nest for his chicks, the gut bursts, blood has flowed; the chicks respond that their mother arrives when the shadow of the clouds appears (actually from her wings); the father arrives when it starts to rain (actually dew); the eagle brought a dead girl, a young man killed an eagle with an arrow; an eagle brought a dead young man, a hero killed him with an arrow; killed chicks, took their feathers for feathers or for use during rituals; he cannot go down; the bat grandmother puts him in the basket, does not tell him to open his eyes; he does not like her song and for the fourth time he opened his eyes; they both fell but did not break; the bat leads towards him, she feeds, but she can't see well, she doesn't have berries, but lumps of clay, etc.; she tells me to go home, avoiding sunflowers; first she went around, then went straight; the feathers she took with her turned into summer birds - goldfinches, sparrows, etc.]: Cushing 1901:65-92; oriental ceres (Cochiti): Dumarest [a girl gets pregnant from the Sun, gives birth to twins; tells them that only the Ogre Eagle has feathers for arrows; on the way to the eagle The twins come to the spring; he is guarded by a monstrous Deer; the Gopher makes a hole to the heart of the lying Deer, the twins kill him with an arrow; they are tied in blood-filled guts; the Eagle carries them away, throws into his nest; blood splashes, the Eagle thinks they're dead; the twins kill him with arrows, tell the eagles not to be cannibals anymore; return to their mother] in Benedict 1931:211 and Boas 1928a: 252); oriental keres (Sia) [twins wrap themselves in deer or antelope giblets; kill chicks and adult eagles; squirrel plants pine seeds; pine grows, twins descend it from a cliff]: Stevenson 1894:47-48.