Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K10E. Rescued people. .

In the bird's habitat, the hero finds people kidnapped by it; helps them return home.

Burma - Indochina. Sedang [a huge vulture takes people away; Rock, whose sister took the neck, goes to the old man, who advises to chase the boar leader, the boar will throw a magic stone; whoever puts it by the cheek can walk on the water; with a stone behind his cheek, R. pulls a sword out of the whirlpool; the Oriole leads him to the vulture cave; R. kills the vulture, frees his sister and other girls]: Nikulin 1970a: 196-201.

SV Asia. Chukchi [a man takes his wife to hunt, an eagle takes her to the island; there are already many people there; a stick guides the hunter, he comes for his wife on the ice; the eagle's mother says that the eagle's father also took her from village, promises to help; tells people to hide under a huge pole; eagle brings a whale; tries to lift a pole, can't, its claws get stuck in a pole; people return home, no longer hunt deer, but domestic ones are raised]: Kozlov 1956:48-51.

The Arctic. Northern Alaska Inupiate: Burkher 1989 (Cape Berrow) [wife goes missing; husband leaves meat for little daughter, goes south, sees a huge tree, rope hangs from the hollow; he climbs it, there his wife and other women, they were carried away by a bird-man; the husband lowers his wife and the other woman, the tree that was set on fire is burning; the husband and wife return to their daughter; the wolf took care of her at that time, chewing meat for her]: 25-31; Ingstad, Bergsland 1987 (Anaktuvuk Pass) [the eagle takes the man's wife; he comes to the mountain, rises as a feather; carving fire, lulls the attention of the Groundhog Watchman and then the Eagle (the smell of smoldering wood dust calms them down); tells the women in Eagle's house to return to where they were stolen from, takes his wife, sets fire to the eagle skin hanging on the wall; the Eagle is unable to chase]: 240 -241; Ostermann 1952 (Kangianek) [The eagle takes the chief's daughter; the orphan turns into a mosquito, puts Eagle and his guard Falcon to sleep, kills both; frees captured women; brings the chief's daughter home, gets her as a wife]: 169-171.

Big Pool. South Payut: Lowie 1924, No. 6 (shivvitz) [carries the young man through a hole in the sky to an island in the middle of the lake; there are many prisoners; the young man covers the monster's anus with resin; the monster bursts; a young man kills his two wives with a club; he wraps a rope out of the monster's pen; he and all the prisoners descend on it to the ground]: 109-113; Sapir 1930, No. 19 (kaibab) [the boy lives with his grandmother; catches with a snare, gets everything bigger game (louse, mouse, rat, rabbit, wild cat, deer, puma, grizzly); the last is a flying monster, he took the young man to a rocky island; he was baked in coals, but he is neuridim; the other prisoners are all cripples (without an arm, leg, etc.); the young man offers to feed the monster with blood with flint fragments, hide in a hole; the monster began to fight in agony, the young man killed him, the prisoners recovered; feathers made a bridge, crossed it, everyone went home; waiting for her grandson, the grandmother went blind]: 465-471.

The Great Southwest. Hopi [a monster from the sky (feathered, but rather anthropomorphic) kidnaps women; each lives for four days, then devours her; kidnaps the hero's wife; he wins competitions, frees his wife and other women]: Stephens 1929, No. 10:21-25; Western ceres: Boas 1928a (Laguna) [The Flintlock Wing (KK) takes the wife of a young Shock-of-Hair (SH) to the top of the mountain; he sleeps at the top of the mountain Enchanted Mesa, on the fourth night, a man appears, reports where his wife tells Spider to ask for help; she tells the Wind to raise SH up the mountain; the elk and the deer guard the entrance to the KK house, SH throws this at them A spider potion, they promise to help; a spider boy catches birds in his snare, afraid of them; SH easily catches many birds, takes Spider; she gives SH one bullfinch, he eats it; The spider boy is amazed, for he ate only a piece; The spider gives SH clothes and a resin club, who comes to the kidnapped wife while KK is hunting, replaces flint things with resin ones; KK promises to return his wife if SH 1) spends the night frost (SH is covered with a blanket of rabbit skins, alive); 2) knock down the tops of four hills with a club (KK throws a resin club, it is powerless, SH knocks down the tops of the flint); 3) sit in a fire (KK in resin clothes burn, SH in flint unharmed); SH frees all abducted women; The spider lowers everyone in the web on a resin rope; when lowered, pulls the rope back]: 111-118, 258-259 [summary]; White 1932 (Akoma) [The Flintlock Bird (KP, a man dressed in flint) descends from the sky, kidnaps a woman; a spider helps her husband named Kasevat rise to heaven, falsifies him a robe made of resinous pine chips; he replaces KP clothes with them; Spider's son helps K. withstand the tests; 1) spend the night in the cold (the web closes K. from hail); 2) weed the corn field in a day (K. pulls weeds by pulling the web that covered the field); 3) K. brings chips, they turn into a huge pile of firewood; 4) KP pushes K. into the oven, he hides in a dig dug in advance by Badger; 5) KP and K. sit in fires; KP burns in his false resinous robe; K. frees his wife and other captives; Spider's son lowers them all to the ground in a basket]: 172-178; dad [Big Brother loses Player; makes a mixture of corn and bird feathers; after eating it, the player turns into an ogre eagle; Big Brother climbs his nest on the mountain; finds a woman who gave birth to Eagle Eagle; hides as a fly in corpse; cuts off the heads of Eagle and Eagle who have fallen asleep; during the Eagle's agony, the earth shudders; Big Brother throws eagle feathers and fluff, they turn into clouds (white in the east, black in the west, pink on south); he revives the dead by spraying the corpses with hot water; cuts through a crack in the rock, people descend it to the ground; the last to descend is a woman]: Densmore 1929a: 39-53.

Mesoamerica Cell; see motif A20. The Chinantecs [the Sun and Moon twins run away from the old woman; a two- or seven-headed eagle takes people away; the twins make a cage, hide in it, the eagle takes it away; at noon he sleeps, one head is awake; The twins strangle her with a noose, at which time the earth shudders; the eagle's eyes fall out, the moon grabs the bright right, the Sun is dim on the left; the Vulture is unable to let the twins down by putting the twins on his back, now carrion will eat; the Bat is fed seeds, the excrement grows into a tree, and twins and other people descend it to the ground]: Bartolomé 1984 [seven-headed eagle; first Tucana, then the Flying Eagle The mouse is fed seeds; the Toucan tree is low, the Bat tree grows to the top of the cliff]: 13-16; Weitlaner 1952 [double-headed eagle; the bat is fed twice; the second time the root of a tree that grew on top of the cliff, descends to the ground]: 172-173; Masateki (ohitek) [twins Sun and Moon run away from the old woman; they hide in a cage from the eagle, which takes her to the rock; there are already many children there, the eagle is devouring them; the brother cuts off the children's hair, weaves a rope, they strangle the eagle with it; his sparkling eyes have fallen out; the twins ask the Bat to eat fruit; a tree grows out of the excrement; Woodpecker, Squirrel is unable, Agouti a tree gnaws, it falls on a mountain; children go down it to the ground]: Portal 1986:51-53.