Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K10F. The chicks turn into ordinary eagles.

(.36.) .41.-.43.50.66.

The character turns the children of a flying monster into ordinary eagles or owls.

(Wed. Eastern Siberia. Far Eastern Evenks (Uchurian?) [the eagle grabbed the man, brought him to the nest, and let the eagles play: if the cross-eyed man was tickled, he would laugh; the eagles tortured the man with a tickle; then he promised them to make a toy; ordered them to bring brushwood; cutting his Doha into pieces, he made a belt, tied the eagles together, and tied the other end to him; set fire to brushwood; the eagles first liked it, and then they took off, carried the man lowered to the ground; he cut off his belt, ran to the house; when he saw the eagle chasing, he fired a burning arrow; it hit the eagle, the feathers caught fire, he fell and died; since then, eagles and other birds have been afraid person]: Myreeva 2009b: 164-167).

Subarctic. Kuchin [see motive K27; Jateaquaint marries Bear's daughter; father-in-law demands cannibal feathers; D. kills a female chick; asks the male how his parents will arrive; Father - with rain and hail, mother with a blizzard; D. kills adult eagles with a spear, turns a chick into an ordinary eagle]: McKennan 1965:102; upper tanana [see motive K27; Tsaosha (Beaver) marries two daughters of the Bear; he asks for arrow feathers from cannibal eagles; C. climbs into the nest, kills a male chick; asks the female how her parents fly in; Mother with a cloud and a snowball, a father with a cloud and hail; C. kills adult eagles, tells the chick to eat gophers, squirrels and partridges from now on]: McKennan 1959:179-180; tagish [see motive K27; Beaver wants a Bear's daughter to marry; he demands get feathers for arrows from cannibal eagles; the Beaver climbs into the nest; the chick says that his mother brings warm and sunny weather, the father brings hail; the Beaver kills adult Eagles, turns the chick into an ordinary eagle, tells him to eat gophers, rabbits, not humans]: Norman 1990:111-113; southern tutchoni [Äsúya (Beaver Man, Beaver Man, Beaver Doctor) was sailing in a boat, saw a cliff, next to a tree with a nest of giant eagles, with human bones underneath; a chick (the size of an ordinary eagle) replies that its mother will arrive with a south wind and snow; she brings the upper half of the man, says that feels someone's eyes, the chick replies that these are the eyes of the one brought; A. pierces the eagle with a spear; the father will arrive with the north wind and snow, he brings the lower half of the woman; A. pierces him; A. teaches The chick, what it should eat from now on (rabbits, gophers, wolverine cubs), tells him to be an adult the same size as he is now]: McClelland 2007 (1), No. 11c: 68-71; atna [Lynx came to the Bear; two daughters; he insists on calling Lynx his son-in-law; Lynx asks where to get material for arrows; 1) poles; Bear sends crashing trees into the forest; Lynx slips between converging trees, brings hard wood; 2) arrow feathers; on such a cliff; there are two eagles in the nest, their parents flew away to hunt people; the elder eagle promises to tell his parents about the Lynx, he kills him; tells the youngest to say that he fell asleep and fell out of the nest; the Eagle flew in, the Lynx killed him with an arrow; then the Eagle, the same; each of them brought half a man; the Lynx ordered the eagle to eat partridges and rabbits from now on; brought feathers; 3) bowstring; there lies a deer as big as a mountain (moose); Lynx asks the Mouse to gnaw the hair from where the heart is; it gnaws, tells the Deer that its children are cold; The deer allows it; the Lynx pierces it at this point, with an arrow, brings tendons; 4) glue to secure the bowstring; the Bear sends the Lynx to where resin boils on the fir; he brings it without burning; the Bear offers to hunt bears (this is his daughters), gives arrows with bark tips, but Lynx uses his own, kills the Bear's daughters; he chases Lynx, Lynx hides in the middle of the lake; The bear is great for the Frog to drink it; Lynx asks Sandpiper (snipe or curlew) hole the Frog's stomach, the water pours out; the bear digs the drain into the lower lake, but the Lynx slips, the Bear cannot catch it]: Tansy 1982:8-14; beaver [see motif I5; Tumashale comes to the beaver dam; a girl cries there; says that a giant beaver can only be pacified by people who give it to him, now they have given her away; T. kills Beaver with an arrow, cuts it into small ones parts, from which the current beavers emerge; T. puts a trap, the Sun falls into it; it becomes dark; T. cannot approach because of the heat; other animals also fail, only the Mouse gnaws through the fetters; T. meets an old man who eats lynx meat, they spend the night in the forest; T. replaces moccasins drying by the fire in advance; the old man throws his own into the fire instead of T.'s moccasins; in the morning T. gives him one moccasin from his pair; the old man gives him an arrow; T. shoots, follows her, ends up in the sky; an old woman lowers him on a rope; he thinks he has reached the ground, gives a signal, the rope falls; in fact he is in a big nest; kills two chicks; the third replies that the father will arrive with hail, the mother with the rain; T. kills adult birds, turns the chick into an ordinary bird, teaches how to fish]: Goddard 1916:232-237; go down [enemies kill everyone , grandson and grandmother remain; he marries, he needs arrows; he climbs into the eagle's nest for feathers; the chick hides him under his wing, replies that the father will bring snow, the mother will bring rain; the man kills adult birds, tells the chick to eat fish, not humans; asks the Mouse to dig a passage under a huge deer lying on the ground, gnaw the hair from the skin under the heart; kills a deer, takes tendons for a bowstring; kills a toad sitting on a piece of flint, makes tips; the wife turns into a bear, he kills her; father-in-law chases him, turns into a flying monster; a man, becoming a Beaver, hides in a lake; a monster drinks a lake; a plover His belly holes, water pours out; the monster flies to the sky; the Beaver makes rapids on the McKenzie River]: Petitot 1886, No. 5:321-327.

NW Coast. The Tlingits [an old woman tells the son of the Fire Drill that cannibal birds have killed his mother's brothers; he comes to the chicks, learns from them that their mother will arrive in yellow and their father in a black cloud; kills adult birds; tells children to eat marmots instead of human beings from now on]: Swanton 1909, No. 31:97.

The coast is the Plateau. Quarry [little boy doesn't want to sleep, cries; when the others fell asleep, Owl {male character} came, tore off pieces of bear fat hanging from her belts, put the boy in her ear, and took it away; in the morning the father went to look for the child, asks all the birds, they say they don't know, he shoots at each arrow with a blunt tip; hazel grouse {or partridge; grouse} promises to say if a person he will paint the corners of his eyes red; he first smeared red dust, hazel grouse is dissatisfied; then cinnabar; hazel grouse tells him to look in a dense spruce forest {more precisely in the fir thickets}; the father saw a son in the water who polishes the arrow shaft; tried to grab it; then looked up: the son in the Owl's nest; replaced his son with hemp and took it away; the owl returned, cried; led all the birds to war to return the child; they laid a bridge of hogweed stalk across the river; all the birds crossed, and then the muskrat gnawed at it; when the Owl stepped on the bridge, the birds advised, when they reached the middle, to stomp properly; the bridge broke, the Owl was carried downstream; the old man and the old woman caught her, dried her and asked her where the wet area was left on her body; Owl: under their arms; they poked hot smut in there and told Owl to be an owl, hunt only rabbits]: Munro 1946:104-107.

The Great Southwest. Navajo [kills an eagle and an eagle]: Haile 1938, No. 11 [chicks turn into four types of owls]: 117-121; Klah 1960 [one chick becomes an eagle, the other becomes an owl]: 15; Matthews 1994 [older sister Nienezgani conceives from the sun's ray, the youngest from the water of his younger brother; the brothers are gods of war, visit the Sun, the elder receives lightning arrows from him; brothers kill monsters; N. goes alone kill a four-legged monster with deer antlers (his father is an antelope horn); Gopher digs an underground passage under the monster, gnaws hair from the skin under his heart, explains that wool needs to warm the young; N. climbs under the tunnel, kills the monster with a lightning arrow; Gopher gets the skin; N. fills the gut with the monster's blood, lets himself be carried away by a monstrous bird; she throws it into a nest on the rocks, but it does not break, thanks the pen given by the Spider; vomits its gut with blood to make it appear dead; the chick says that the prey is alive, the bird does not believe; N. asks the chicks how their parents will arrive; Father with thunderstorm and rain (letter with "rain man"), mother with quiet rain ("rain-woman"); N. kills both parents with lightning arrows, turns the older chick into an eagle, the youngest into an owl; the Bat lowers it to the ground in a basket; for this he gives her the feathers of monstrous birds, but they turn into all kinds of small birds]: 116-121; O'Bryan 1956 [like Klah]: 87-92; hicarilla [chicks turn into ordinary eagles ]: Goddard 1911, No. 4:197-199; Mooney 1898a: 205-207; Russel 1898 [woman conceives from the Sun and from the Waterfall, gives birth to two sons; Son of the Sun Jonaaiyin exterminates monsters, son of the Waterfall Cobaciscini stays at home with his mother; the Lizard gives D. her clothes, Gopher digs a passage under the monstrous Moose; gnaws at the fur on the skin where the heart is, says he will take them to his children; D. pierces heart with an arrow; An elk explodes the ground with horns, creating mountains; four spiders of different colors on four sides of the world stop him, he dies; D. makes durable clothes out of Moose skin; a huge eagle carries him away D. into her nest; chicks notice that the prey is blinking; D. asks how their parents will arrive; Mother in the afternoon with rain, father before sunset with rain and wind; D. kills adult birds with a horn The moose turns the chicks into ordinary eagles; the Bat lowers D. to the ground in a basket; for this he gives her feathers, tells her not to go to the plain, where there are many birds; she goes, the birds take all the feathers ( the origin of their plumage)]: 255-258; Western Apaches (San Carlos) Goddard 1918:16-18, 40; Goodwin 1994, No. 3 (White Mountain) [the grandson consistently asks his grandmother where to get the bow tree, arrow reeds, bowstring tendons, arrow feathers; she replies every time that it is far and dangerous; he goes after the bow tree, says to the Bear, Grandma, I will be your wife; Bear laughs, allows him to take; there are crushing rocks in front of the reeds; Gopher digs a passage, brings reeds to the young man; the terrible male Antelope (Big Horns) lies on the ground; Gopher digs four underground passages, says Antelope that he needs hair for freezing kids, gnaws off the hair under his heart, the young man stabs a knife in it, the Antelope plows his horn, dies; the young man takes his tendons, fills his stomach with blood; gives himself to the Eagle carry away, thrown on a rock, blood splashes from the antelope's stomach, the Eagle thinks the young man is dead, does not believe the chicks are alive; the young man kills chicks except one; he replies that his brother, then his sister will arrive with certain types of rain; a young man kills those who have arrived; that his father will arrive with a man's rain; the same; turns the chick into an owl; the Female Bat lowers the young man in his basket; he opens eyes ahead of time, she falls, heals; the young man gives her eagle feathers, tells her not to go under the trees; she goes, the feathers have turned into all kinds of birds; the young man makes arrows; a white feather descends from the sky, turns into a girl, he marries her]: 12-16; lipan [Enemy Slayer wraps himself in horse giblets; the Eagle takes him to the nest, pierces his giblets with his claws, not his heart; I.V. asks chicks, when their parents arrive; Carrying rain, father with V., mother with Z. ; kills parents, descends on an older chick, kills him; makes the youngest an ordinary eagle; all kinds of birds emerge from the feathers of the Father Eagle]: Opler 1940, No. 1:19-21; Zunyi [girl does not go out from home, does not look at the young man; rain enters her room, she gives birth to a boy; in a few days he grows up; throwing stones, hunts small game; sees bows in men; mother admits that the tree is for bows and arrow reeds grow near a cave in which a terrible bear; a young man goes there; his divine father closes the entrance to the cave four times when the young man wants to enter it, but then decides to let him does what he wants; the bear meets him, grabs the young man; he says that his mother is beautiful; the bear chose the material for his bow and arrow himself, taught him how to make a bow; they agreed that the bear would come for his wife in the evening; the young man equipped his arrows with obsidian tips; the bear says it's just black coals, lets you try it for himself, is pierced by an arrow and killed; the young man hangs his heart outside the house; the mother admits that there are terrible lizards whose spit burns; the young man goes to them, but their spits are harmless to him, because he has a divine nature; he himself throws a large piece of salt into the hearth, it explodes, lizards die, he brings their hearts; the mother admits that on the path there is a giant pushing those who walk into the abyss with his foot; under the rock, his children devour the fallen; the giant straightens his leg, but the young man jumps off; kills him with a club, throws him down, the giant's children ate him; the young man carved the giant's heart; went down to kill his children, leaving two; thus twisted his necks, turning him into a falcon and an owl; mother admits that there is a huge bison or elk; the gopher made an underground passage under the lying monster, gnawed at the hair where the heart is; the young man pierced the heart with an arrow, the monster plunged his horn into the ground, but the young man ran away; brought home a heart and part of the skin; the mother admits that there is a nest of cannibal eagles at the top of Shuntekia; when he went to the nest, the young man put on a monster-skin hoodie, attached his gut with blood; the eagle brought it to nest for their chicks, the gut burst, blood has poured; the chicks respond that their mother arrives when there is a shadow from the clouds (actually from her wings); the father arrives when it starts to rain (on actually dew); the eagle brought the dead girl, the young man killed the eagle with an arrow; the eagle brought the killed young man, the hero killed him with an arrow; killed the chicks, took their feathers for the feathers of the arrows or for use in the time of rituals; he cannot go down; his bat grandmother puts him in a basket, does not tell him to open his eyes; he does not like her song and for the fourth time he opened his eyes; they both fell but did not break; the bat leads, feeds, but it does not see well, it does not have berries, but lumps of clay, etc.; it tells you to go home, avoiding sunflower; first went around, then went straight; the feathers taken with them turned in summer birds - goldfinches, sparrows, etc.]: Cushing 1901:65-92; hopi [women masturbated with eagle feathers, gave birth to Kwatoko; one of K. invites the twins to sit on his back throws down, carries them to the nest; does not believe when chicks say that prey is alive; twins kill K. male with lightning; ask chicks how the female will appear; With light, quiet rain (and males they carry heavy rain); they also kill the mother of chicks with lightning; turn chicks into owls and crows]: Stephens 1929, No. 7:17-18; oriental ceres (Cochiti): Dumarest [girl gets pregnant from the Sun, gives birth twins; tells them that only the Ogre Eagle has arrow feathers; on the way to the eagle, the twins come to the spring; it is guarded by a monstrous Deer; the Gopher makes a hole to the heart of the lying Deer, twins They kill him with an arrow; they tie themselves in blood-filled guts; the eagle carries them away, throws them into its nest; blood splashes, the Eagle thinks they are dead; the twins kill him with arrows, tell the eagles not to be anymore cannibals; returning to their mother] in Benedict 1931:211 and in Boas 1928a: 252.

Montagna - Jurua. Chayahuita: García Tomas 1994 (3): 283-285 [The eagle takes the children who have climbed the tree; Cumpanama turns into a boy, the Eagle takes him away; leaves him to roast at home, goes for firewood ; K. defecates, Eagle's children say that "It turned into two" (Esta haciendo el dos), laugh; K. takes the form of Brother Eagle, asks for an ax to cut wood, kills him, tells eagles to eat animals (mainly iguanas) rather than humans], 286-287 [like p. 283-285; K. also kills Eagle's wife], 288-289 [as on pp. 283-285, K. also kills all eagles, except one].