Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K10G. The chick descends to the ground .

Once in the nest of a giant bird on a tree or rock, a person descends to the ground with the help of an adult bird (attaching its feathers or wings), and more often a chick (grabbing it by its legs, sitting on horseback on the chick, attaching its feathers or wings).

Apatani [riding a chick], Tingian [clutching the legs of chicks], Karachays [climbing into the skin removed from a bird], Ossetians [on a dead eagle with crucified wings], Western Evenks [on two chicks], Far Eastern Evenks [for two (?) chicks], chipewayans [chicks give wings to go down], shuswap [chicks lower], kutene [chicks lower], winnebago [wearing feathers], menominee [wearing feathers], nascapi, mikmak, koasati [riding a chick], Puebla Nahuatl [attaching bird wings], chorti [attaching bird feathers], chol [attaching bird wings].

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Apatani [was a giant tree, you can't see the top; a huge Arii Midii bird nests at the top, began to feed people and animals for its two chicks; people promised Palo Talo make him king if he kills a bird, told him not to kill the chicks; he climbed to the top, shot the mother bird, wanted to kill the chicks, but then people removed the iron pins he climbed upstairs; he became feed the chicks with meat prepared by the bird; tried whether the chick would raise a stone, only picked up one, killed the other; then the chick lowered him to the ground; he killed him too; a feather from a large wing the bird became a little eagle, the other a hawk, the heart a big eagle; PT was made king, but he returned to his country]: Blackburn 2008, No. 6:81-83; duffle [huge Peta Labra birds carry women usually brides from a wedding procession; Nyu Talo placed a wooden pestle instead of a girl, tied a rope, the bird carried the pestle to a nest on a rock in the middle of the sea, NT found it on a rope, climbed a rock; his friend Poii Talo cut off the rope out of envy; NT killed adult birds, began to train the youngest chick, tied a log to it, it fell; flew on a worn one; he wanted to throw it off, but NT stabbed him in the wing above its house, the bird came down, died; this is how NT killed cannibal birds]: Bori 1995:49-52.

Taiwan - Philippines. Tingian [Sogsogot went hunting; when he went to the clearing, he was caught and carried away by the Banog bird (plays the same role in mythology as the Garuda in India); she left the man in the nest on At the top of the tree and flew away; there were two chicks and three little pigs in the nest; the man ate the piglets and fed the chicks, and then the bird brought more pigs and deer; the man fed the chicks and they were ready to fly; then he grabbed them by the legs and they lowered him to the ground; the man returned to the village and therefore the inhabitants performed a ritual in honor of the spirits; after that S. went to war, at which time his wife died ; on the way home, he met his wife, who was chasing a cow and two pigs; she said she was dead; he wanted to follow her; he tried to touch her hand, but she gave only a little finger; told me to go home and take a white chicken and then follow her footsteps; he did so and went to the river where she was swimming; she promised to hide it in the rice box and carry food there; when local people (i.e. spirits) came at night to eat it, you have to throw them white chicken feathers; they really got scared and left; so every night the feathers began to run out; his wife allowed him to leave, giving him rice on the road; when he returned, man asked about his wife and was told she died and was buried under the house]: Cole 1916:79-81.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Karachays [a hunter who lived in the mountains met and a hunter who lived in the steppe; began to ask each other about unusual incidents; the story of the first hunter: I was following the trail and met Forest Man (Waldmann); we said hello, he offered to stay, then brought a deer and a tree; cooked meat, fed me; we went to bed, I was scared; I threw a burka over a log, and I climbed a tree myself; when a forest man asked me my name, I told him: "My name is Last Year (Vorigesjahr)"; at midnight, a forest man attacked a log dressed in a burka; I shot and wounded him; he screamed in pain, forest people ran from all sides; asked what had happened; he replied that Last year he was shot; the forest people replied that last year could not be found, left and took a wounded man with them; the story of a second hunter: One day I was grabbed by an eagle and taken to a cave on a rock; left it there and flew away; there was a girl in the cave who said that the eagle had brought it to be eaten, and warned that if he did not find anyone else, he would eat meat in the cauldron and fall asleep for two or three days; the eagle came back without new prey, ate and fell asleep; I shot him twice, he died; then I refreshed him, we and the girl climbed inside the skin and jumped off the cliff; gently descending to the foot of the cliff, we got out of our skin; I took the girl to her house and then went to my place]: Pröhle 1909a, No. 4:278-281 ; Ossetians [a Balkarian and a Kabardian both shot at the same deer; decided to give their heads to someone who had experienced a more wonderful and dangerous adventure; the story of a Kabardian man; he killed the beast, began to grill a barbecue; a forest man (laxird) came up with an ax on his chest; the man threw a burka over the fallen tree and hid himself; the forest man cut the tree in half with his chest, began to eat a barbecue; the hunter shot him; A bloody trail came to the cave; there was a girl; the hunter shot again, killing the forest man; the girl said that he had kidnapped her, she gave birth to a son with an ax on his chest, asked him to kill him too; story Balkarian; he carried dead game on his back; the eagle picked it up and brought it to the rock; there were guns of those the eagle had eaten before; the man loaded one of them, shot the eagle; crucifying its wings, tying guns under them , descended on a dead eagle; said that the Balkan deserved the head of the deer because he was in danger out of courage, and he himself involuntarily]: Miller 1882, No. 13:150-152.

Eastern Siberia. Western Evenks (Ilimpic) [Kingit's iron bird took the hunter to the mountain to the nest of its two chicks; man made a tambourine from the skin of wild deer and talcum branches; chicks are afraid of sound tambourine; he told them to bring it down the mountain, bring it home; sat on both, they carried him home; he kept hitting a tambourine and they flew back in fear]: Mamontova 2018, No. 7:72-76; Far Eastern Evenks (Uchurian?) [the eagle grabbed the man, brought him to the nest, and let the eagles play: if the cross-eyed man was tickled, he would laugh; the eagles tortured the man with a tickle; then he promised them to make a toy; ordered them to bring brushwood; cutting his Doha into pieces, made a belt, tied the eagles together, and tied the other end to him; set fire to brushwood; the eagles first liked it, and then they took off, carried the man, lowered to the ground; he cut off his belt, ran to the house; when he saw the eagle chasing, he fired a burning arrow; it hit the eagle, the feathers caught fire, he fell and died; since then, eagles and other birds have been afraid person]: Myreeva 2009b: 164-167.

The coast is the Plateau. Chipewayan [a hunter climbs a tree for an arrow, ends up in the sky; comes to an old woman, marries one of her two daughters; misses her parents; goes down a rope, ends up in a nest a huge bird; the female brings darkness, the male brings light; the chicks do not allow him to kill a person, give him wings to fly across the river; tell him not to go at night; he goes, carried by another bird to her nest; asks her fire drill; burns a nest; saves a chick that helped him]: Goddard 1912, No. 1:46-49.

The coast is the Plateau. Shuswap [Tliisa hides red and white paint in her mouth; when the cannibal eagle takes it away and throws it on the rock, T. releases paint from his mouth; the eagle thinks it's blood and brain; T. kills the eagle, takes his feathers, tells the eagles to let themselves down; turns them into ordinary eagles]: Teit 1909a: 649; coutenay [a thunderbird takes Coyote and his companion to its nest; a satellite kills adult birds; chicks bring both those carried away to the ground]: Boas 1918, No. 54c: 113-117.

The Midwest. Winnebago [The hare wants to get feathers for the arrows; the eagle takes him to the nest; the hare kills four chicks, puts on the feathers of one of them, goes down to the ground, returns home to the grandmother]: Radin 1956 , No. 4:64-65; Menominee: Bloomfield 1928, No. 100 [The Thunderbird takes the hunter to the nest on the rock; leaves the chick thinking that the prey is dead; the man kills the chick, wears its skin with feathers, flies to the ground; lives in the house of ten Thunders, marries their sister; returning from the springs or from the swamp, he brings something on his shoes; seeing this, the Thunders rejoice, leave, kill in those underground places spirits; the latter are brought something long, the person is not told to look; he peeks, his wife's brothers are like copper; they decide they will no longer take people away]: 385-393; Skinner, Satterlee 1915, No. 53 [ a thunderbird takes a man to its nest in the sky; although two chicks eat it, he kills them with a spear, puts on the skin of one of them and goes down]: 488-489.

Northeast. Naskapi [a man kills a beaver; a huge eagle takes it with a beaver to its nest; a man kills it with a knife; puts on its skin, flies to the ground, returns home]: Speck 1915c, No. 3: 74-76; mikmaq [the huge culloo bird carried people and animals to the nest to feed the chicks; killed people by throwing them against stones; the hunter hid the bow under his clothes, which sprung, it survived; until no birds, he feeds the chicks meat, cutting it into pieces; the chicks are happy, they ask the parent not to kill the person; the chicks grow up, the hunter kills one, goes down with his wings on; the bird pursues, but the hunter manages to escape into the forest]: Hagar 1895:41.

Southeast USA. Koasachi [the eagle takes the man to its nest; he hides in a cave, bakes deer in the sun, which the eagle brings to the chick; makes the chick lower down, putting it on its back; large The eagle didn't catch up with him]: Swanton 1929, #31:193.

Mesoamerica Puebla Nahuatl: Heller et al. 1993 [the cannibal corshun carries people; they work with baskets on their heads; one man neglects it, is carried to the top of the mountain; kills a kite with a bone blow, when he falls asleep; he goes down on his wings; the Thunders take him as a servant; instead of five beans, he puts a lot to cook, the beans pour over the edge; in the absence of the Thunders, he opens the vessels with the wind, with clouds, rain, Gromov puts on his cloak, flies across the sky with lightning; thunders catch him, send him to his village]: 140-153; chorti [the man worked covered with a basket, the eagle did not notice him; the next once the eagle found a man without a basket, carried him to a cave on a rock; the man pretended to be dead; when the eagle flew away, the man killed all the chicks with a knife; then the eagle itself; a tree with sticky sap grew in front of the cave; the man glued an eagle to himself, flew, flew to the old woman; she hid it from her Thunder sons (vientos, but they produce thunder); put it in a box, told her sons that it was garbage, told them to throw it away ; the man is in his yard]: Pérez Martínez 1996:32-33; chol [the eagle takes people away; the man wraps his chest with a strong rope, takes a knife, lets himself be carried away; in the eagle's nest kills him and the chicks; cuts off their wings, descends them to the ground, returns to the village]: García 1988:29-30.