Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K10i. An open tree. .72.

The tree opens its trunk and hides a hero running away from the cannibal bird. The next monster holds the tree tightly, clutching the trunk again.

Ayoreo, chamacoco, nivakle, chorote, maca, toba.

Chaco. Ayoreo [pío (big black bird) was a heron hunter; told his grandmother he killed the Heron; grandmother: is she white? If you didn't kill, then follow a trampled path - Heron's trail; P. went and came to the Heron's children; - Where is your father? - He'll be here soon. - How do you know he's coming? - A breeze would begin to blow before he approached; when the Heron appeared, Pio ran; the tree promised to help him and his trunk opened; and the tree fell and ran over the Heron; Pio dragged the Heron's body to to my grandmother; he could not drag far, so he cut out only one feather, sharp as a knife; at first my grandmother did not believe that Pio killed the Heron; but Pio showed a machete taken from the Heron's house; everyone was happy, but not at all there were enough guns; then Heron's fluff was taken to trees that have since had white flowers; there was not enough fluff, others were given blood, their flowers are now red; watermelons also got blood, so their flesh is red ]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1989b, No. 176:246-247; Chamacoco: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987, No. 41 [Cordeu 1984, No. 6:238-239; Axnérexet (Falconidae, small eagle) cut wood, injured his leg with an ax; when bandaged, tasted a piece of meat, became an ogre; gave his son a try, he also liked it; both grew wings, both carried people away; told the grandmother to cook human for them; she asked bring a pregnant woman so that the embryo does not deteriorate; prepared a placenta, raised a boy, gave a weapon; he first met A. Son, he turned into a snail; when he ran away from his father, the trees in front of him parted, and the pursuer was stuck in the branches; the young man killed him, called his grandmother and people, it turned out that the corpse was lying on the ball court; the grandmother sang to whoever liked it and who didn't; cleared the corpse of feathers; those who liked singing received a lot of feathers with pieces of leather, who didn't get broken feathers; feathers were used to make jewelry to wear when playing ball; the man who received only three feathers pretended that he was sleeping; the birds flocked, the little Kirincho hawk pulled out his nipple and flew away; the man grabbed the heron of the best flowers; the falcon told Kirincho about it, he had to return his nipple; other people gave him feathers; Polyborus plancus gave the man a pipe and tobacco; told him not to tell, otherwise he would die; people passed the phone to each other and died before it went missing], 43 [for a man named Withara Deigab's little son; he does not want to eat honey, eels, and other fish; V. injured his leg with an ax, blood flowed, D. rushed to the wound and began to suck blood; then V. began to kill people for his son; at first he did not eat himself, but then, like D., became Anarhat (cannibal); D. asked his grandmother to cook him the unborn son of a pregnant woman; she hid the boy, D. gave the woman giblets; D. grew up; the hidden boy also quickly grew up; V. looked like an eagle; D. noticed footprints; grandmother: these are mine; V. and D. flew far away; the boy asked the old woman to make arrows for him; began to cut down trees by shooting at them; the old woman replied V. and D. that the trees fell from the weak wind; replies to the boy that his mother ate V.I., and she hid him in a vessel; invites the boy to shoot her with a bow, with a sling an arrow, the stone falls before reaching her; when gives him a gun, a bullet kills his grandmother; the boy revives her; hides in a snail's shell; V. and D. find him; he pushes D. into the hole, he became a duck and flew away; ran away from V., hid in a tree, it pinched V.; the boy found his body - it is light as a hummingbird; the boy was called Anarhat-Jurit (anarchate cannibal killer); he told his grandmother the magic word: if someone speaks ill of her, let will say; everyone snatched Anarhat's beautiful red feathers, and the man whose wife spoke ill of his grandmother could not; his son was left without feathers; then the man pretended to be dead; the vulture came down and kite; the vulture tore off a piece of meat; the kite decided to call the vulture chiefs; the man grabbed them - the vulture and the royal vulture; forced them to return and adjust back the torn flesh and bring beautiful feathers from the sky; the royal vulture made a belt and hat for man out of duck feathers, and the vulture made heron feathers; the royal vulture gave man tobacco but told no one do not show; the other saw, demanded to give it to him; both died]: 131-143, 148-151; nivacle: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987b, No. 164 [Stavuun - the royal vulture (S.) took the hunters to eat his to his wife; his children played with their bones; Ajti'ta began to train running, cutting his body; the vulture's children's place of play is the Milky Way; he used to be below, but heaven and earth changed places because he used to be below, but heaven and earth changed places because he used to be below. the sky at that time was very dirty; two bright spots in the night sky {Magellanic clouds?} - this is where two menstruating women relieved themselves; when the earth and sky changed places, the people of heaven fell into the underworld; with a stick with a fork in A. pressed the vulture's grandmother to the ground; she said that the royal vulture is very angry; but A. promised to kill him; killed his children; when the COP began to approach, it began to rain; the sound of rain was heard approaching; the COP asks the vulture grandmother where A.; that consistently points to 4 cardinal directions and at the zenith; S. rushes to these directions; from the zenith he sees that A. has gone underground; digs the ground; finding a snake, asks his grandmother - is it him? - No; then A. ran, followed by S.; A. took the form of trees; then asked the bottle tree to hide it, it opened, but said that only Palo Mataco would hide it; Palo Mataco opened, and when S. tried to enter it, it closed; therefore, when the wind blows, you can hear kuuunnn; A. killed S., who almost exterminated humans; all kinds of animals came and took a piece of flesh S.; this deer is good the flesh fit well; the birds did too; the birds also bathed in blood, took on color; some immediately shook off the blood, left only specks, others kept their red color], 165 [royal vulture ( S.; Sarcoramphus papa) hunts humans, his wife Kafók (K.), a black-headed vulture (Coragyps atratus); their daughters played with bones eaten; now these daughters are wasps; K.'s grandson, Axtitá, trained to kill S.; cut his body and ran through the fire; when the blood stopped flowing, he realized he was ready; K. lived on the ground and S. lived in the sky; K. replied that S. would come from the south, but she doesn't know exactly when; but there will be a signal: it's going to rain; S.'s children asked A. why he painted him so beautifully; A.: you have to cut off your tongue and paint yourself with your tongue; they allowed K. to cut off everyone's tongues (and theirs There were many children) and died; but A. shamanically made them look alive; asked K. to answer S. that the murderer of his children (and S. immediately realized that the children were dead) had disappeared to the north, south, east, west; A. himself dug into a hole; going up into the sky, S. realized that the murderer of children in the ground; began to dig; as he dug, different types of lizards appeared, then snakes, then grass in the dew, then butterflies; he all of them killed; now A. jumped out and ran, S. after him; palo flojo answered A. that his wood was too soft to cover A., let him hide at palo mataco; palo mataco opened to A., he went {through?} , and S. was clamped; when the wind blows, palo mataco was buzzing - it was S. moving inside him; A. attached an S pen to his head, which was like a knife, he killed people with it, came to his grandmother; told her not to eat anymore humans; all the birds raced to where S. was killed; the turtle too, but could not get over the fallen tree; the birds had long beaks, but became shorter, they broke them off on S., because they were their axes; the little woodpecker (Picumnus cirrhatus) managed to cut S.; blood gushed and the birds dyed with it; those that do not have red feathers did not spray to them; some shook off some of the blood; K. did not paint, remained black; the stork (Jabiru mycteria) only painted his neck; so all the birds took on their current appearance], 166 [the royal vulture Tabún (T.) ate people; the young Ahtitáh came, there are only T.'s children; children: the young man is so handsome, he must be eaten; they ask how he colored his cheeks; A.: cut off his tongue, painted it with blood; A. all five boys took turns cutting off their tongues, they died; flying up , T. does not hear the usual voices of children; T. Afók says her husband is angry; A.: I'm angry too; hid underground; T. saw him from the sky; Afok was blind; pointed her finger up; T. saw A. running, chasing after him; A. asks his grandmother the algarrobo tree (carob tree) cover it; she replies that its roots are weak; then another grandmother, quebracho (of the genus Schinopsis, hardwood, "quiebra-hacha"); she let A. in and T. roots; when Afok woke up tired A., he pulled out T.'s pen as proof that he was dead; Afok looked for insects from him and saw the feather; said that T. was angry; he pulled out her eyes and hung them out; he also pulled out the eyes of many others; A. began to look for her eyes, took the first one he came across; when he began to see, Afok found her own eyes and put them in for herself; A. told people (i.e. birds) that T. he had killed was far away ; the hummingbird went in search, came back; then the dove was the same; the hawk rose high into the sky, saw; pulled out T.'s pen, blew, everyone saw feathers in the distance; went there in the morning; all night everyone tried to cut T.'s body; when everyone fell asleep again, the little woodpecker managed to cut; all night the birds ate T.'s meat; the bird was cardinal; could not make its way to the meat, screamed, dawn did not come; when the bird also gave painted her head red, dawn had come; the same happened to the second bird - although dawn, the sky was gray and it was raining; when they gave, it stopped raining; the bird now has red spots], 167 [at Stavunitáx ( royal vulture) many sons; Axtitá persuaded them to allow him to cut off their tongues and paint their faces with blood; they all died; Qafóx (black vulture, wife S.) asked what would happen to children, if you cut off his tongue; A.: nothing, just fall asleep for a while; S. chased A., he ran all over the world, asked his grandmother the quebracho tree to save him; she closed her roots around him and S. did not was able to get it], 168 [Axtitá shaman (also known as Fetajá) decided to kill Stavún (the royal vulture); he was like an eagle, but at the same time a vulture, killing people; A. began to fight him, pierced with a spear, finished it off with a club, cut off his head, took all his helper spirits], 169 [Fitskajich decided to find out where people were going, because there were only 5 young men left in the village; when he heard the sound, he came to the place where the sons of Stavunitáx (the royal vulture) played with the bones of the dead; quietly hid the fallen bone; said he knew where their baton had gone; they came to him in the thickets; he promised make them beautiful like himself; you have to cut off your tongue, dye yourself with blood; two species of wasps doubted, but the rest agreed; cutting off their tongues, F. told others that those who had undergone surgery had only lost consciousness, not killed; in the back of the hut, F. found S. Qafók's wife (black vulture); S. pulled out her eyes and kept them in calabass; F. gave her eyes back; pretended to leave and hid himself in a hole, taking snakes and a couple of butterflies with him; K.: When S. arrives, it always rains a little; this rain is the blood of young men; F. heard a sound like thunder and it rained - S. is close; S. saw his dead children, took K.'s eyes again, ordered them to say where the murderer had gone; K. pointed up and down; S. went up and down; S. went up into the sky and from there saw a hole where A.; took out a snake, killed him, showed K.: is this him? K.: no; so 10 times with 10 snakes, they are all poisonous; when two butterflies flew and S. chased them for half a day, A. ran away; palo mataco was too weak to cover him and the quebracho opened; A. came in and out, and S . clamped; A. attached his pen to his head and came to K.: let him believe that S. was killed; she looked in his head and saw a pen], 170 [the red-headed vulture It'á offered the young men to help him get it honey and killed them; appeared in the village as a man, but when people noticed blood on him, they began to suspect that he was the murderer; in the forest, I. screamed a vulture, the young man answered in the same way, I. threw a stone from his sling where the response was heard, the stone hit the young man; I. fried meat, ate, hid some in a hollow; the father of the third victim asked Fitsakajich for help; F. went with I., found buried heads and limbs; climbing into the hollow quebracho tree, screamed the vulture; I. threw a stone, but it only hit the tree; I. came up, F. got out of the hollow and killed I. with a club, tried to burn the body; but only feathers on his head burned; therefore, the red-headed vulture is bald; F. told in the village how he managed to kill I.]: 388-392, 393-398, 399-403, 404-405, 405-409, 410-415, 416-420; chorote: Wilbert, Simoneau 1985, No. 100 [Sákiti's harpy eagle lived high in the sky near vultures and an eagle; he has four chicks; when he flew to them, it noise like the wind; after killing small game, he began to kill people; his children played with their bones; Wiskilióte ("laughing falcon") lives with his grandmother, hears this knock; painted himself beautiful yellow paint, took the head of a rattlesnake with him; tells the chicks to let the snake bite for the tongue, then you will turn yellow; the chicks die; S.'s wife shows V. where he holds his spears; S. is surprised why you can't hear the children making noise; makes his wife admit where V. is; pokes there with a spear, but V. turned into many butterflies and S. does not know what kind of butterflies they are; V. turns into flowers, hummingbirds; is no longer able to turn, asks his grandmother to hide the bottle tree; she replies that she has only one root, let her grandson hide in the one with five roots; V. hid in a tree, S.'s head got stuck; he began to tear, four out of five roots broke off, then V. cut off his head; said S. is happy with this wife, because S. wanted to kill her; V. came to his grandmother, asked him to look for lice, she saw S.'s red feathers on him; all the people with knives went to slaughter S., Woodpeckers in front; no one's ax can punch a hole, a small piculet pierced; blood gushed; all the bird people were smeared with red, yellow, blue, green, taking on their current color; and the piculet was pushed back, he was offended and left], 101 ( the informant is a woman) [women disappear; Ahóusa explained that the Sákiti harpy eagle, the size of an ostrich, takes them to the sky; S. has four children on the ground; A. came to them with striped cheeks; S.'s children also wanted this coloring; A. told them to stick out their tongues, cut them off, they died; A. hid among butterflies, S. did not know which one A.; A. ran, climbed a tree, S. crashed into him, got stuck, died ; all the birds began to hammer his body, but only a small piculet pierced; he was pushed back, and the rest bathed in a stream of blood, took on their current color; the sun did not rise; then the piculet gave blood for coloring pages and dawn again], 102 [a tuco-tuco rodent hunter waits by the mink; the Sákiti harpy eagle dives and carries it away; one hunter disappears every day; the shaman himself took the image of the same harpy eagle , flew up to S. and killed him with a club], 103 [the Sákiti harpy eagle carried people away; the shaman took off and killed him], 104 [the black and chestnut eagle Kiliéni Thlásini was larger than an ostrich, carried away the sleepers at midnight; after eating the inhabitants of one village, he started the next; the shaman decided not to sleep; felt the wind as if a plane was approaching; while CT was eating the man taken away, the shaman came up and killed him with a club]: 194-195, 197-198, 199-200, 200, 200-201, 201-202; poppies: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991a, No. 9 [at the boy's insistence, the grandmother says that his father was killed by Sinj (y) ena'x (royal vulture); the boy is training running; paints himself red, comes to S.'s children, says that he has become handsome, pierces his tongue and smeared with blood; piercing his uncles's tongues, kills; the eldest son doubts, but the man tells the insect to move one of the bodies: look, he is alive; after killing the others, the man keeps the youngest; tells him to consistently point his father to the four sides of the world, the zenith and the nadir, when he asks where a man ran; hides in the sky among red butterflies; runs away from S., hides in trees, one of them squeezes a hollow around the stalker's neck, the man finishes S.; comes to the grandmother; all the birds are trying make a hole in S.'s body; only Little Woodpecker succeeds; inside white, yellow, red; all the birds are colored, and S. put pieces of flesh on their bodies], 10 [the grandmother does not want to tell the young man who killed his parents; a young man asks the yellow bird Quistawá who killed his parents; he says that two water snakes, a male and a female; the young man lets the male swallow himself, cuts off all the hearts in the snake's body from head to tail; then the same with the female; the snakes rushed ashore and died; the grandmother sees dead snakes: well, now all the water will dry; the grandmother admits that the young man's father was killed by Sinjenaj ( royal vulture); the young man painted himself red paint, learned to run faster than fire, came to S.'s children; they play with the bones they ate; agreed to become beautiful like a young man, let him pierce their tongue; the eldest doubts, but the young man told the moths to move the bodies of the dead; the elder agreed to pierce his tongue, also died; the youngest young man did not kill, told his father that the killer of his children ran north, south, west, east; S. flies in these directions, every time he brings a dead man; only when he rises high, he sees a young man; he asks his grandmother to hide the quebracho tree; she replies that she is too weak; then But with the rest of the trees; the carandá tree opens, and when S. rushes after him, clamps it; the young man hit S. with a stick at the place where that soul was dead; all the men (they are different birds) ran there; the little hawk was the first to fly in, took the necklace and whistle, but the others took them away; began to hammer S.'s belly to get paint; only the little woodpecker pierced; everyone swam in blood; took pieces of flesh; when k'oloj appeared, he didn't get it anymore, only his skin was left], 11 [the royal vulture (CS) killed the boy's parents; he burned down from the seeds and ran; when he returned faster than the fluff could to burn out, decided that he was sufficiently trained; came to the children of the COP, they play with the bones of the dead; they want to be like a young man painted red and yellow; agree that he would pierce their tongue; the eldest son KS: Are the brothers dead? the young man puts spiders under his arms, the eldest son of the CS believes that their hands are moving; the youngest boy did not kill, asks him when his father will arrive; CS son: usually arrives at noon, at which time the strong one will go rain; young man: point your father north, south, west, east when he looks for me; the young man is covered with yellow butterflies; hiding in tree trunks; grandmother's bottle tree opened, but it's soft, CS punched through it; the carandá tree clamped the CS, its branches began to make noise; this noise in the branches of the carandá tree can still be heard; when the young man rested, the tree released the CS and the young man killed him; came to to his grandmother, a turtle, asked him to look for lice; she sees a CS pen in the young man's hair, began to dance with joy; the wives and husbands of all the other victims also began to dance]: 35-42, 43-45, 46-50; toba : Wilbert, Simoneau 1982b, No. 168 (pilaga) [Carancho hawk (a monster slayer) was told that residents of one village lure travelers and, when they eat and fall asleep, throw them into a hole where they are devoured cannibal bird; Carancho also fell asleep, but he had jaguar awls tied to his hands with ropes of human hair, he stabbed a bird with them; she screamed and now the hawk himself screams like this; Carancho got out pits, left the bird's feather at the hearth and left; when they saw that the bird was dead, the chief ordered them to chase Carancho; they thought they had surrounded Carancho three times, but they were only feather-covered stump and poles; plucked from Carancho attached feathers to his head], 169 (pilaga) [as in (168); first it refers to one person who put food to sleep and then threw it to the bird; then we are talking about all the people of the village]: 319-320, 321-322; 1989a, No. 322 (pilaga) [a bird that looks like a crested palamedea (Chauna torquata; similar to a turkey but related to a duck) killed travelers with an iron stick and carried its children to the nest; Hawk climbed into the nest, killed one chick, and told the other to point him in the different directions in which the Hawk seemed to have disappeared; then ordered him to point correctly; bird after Hawk , and he told a tree with thorns on its trunk (palo mataco) to close around the bird's neck and the bird died], 323 (pilaga) [to save people from the cannibal bird, the Hawk climbed into the hole and killed it by plunging it into thorns], 324 (western toba) [the people of the village fed the travelers, and when they fell asleep, they threw underground animals into the pit; it was maepolio (a mythical bird); when the Hawk was thrown into the pit, he killed the bird, putting a sharp jaguar bone into its mouth, which serves to scarify; plucked the bird and took feathers with him; the owner of the bird wanted to grab the Hawk, but people saw him from afar but could not catch him], 325 ( eastern toba) [the big bird is the father of all birds; the villagers threw travelers into the pit; the Hawk only pretended to be sleeping, covered his body with thorns; thorns stuck in the beaks of both big birds; in the morning people understood that the birds were dead and the Hawk was a great trickster], 326 (Western Tobas) [a bird lived in the hole near the path, devoured travelers, maybe it was Nandu; the tribe made this bird their leader; the Hawk came , pretended to fall asleep, and when he was thrown into a hole, he killed the bird with a sharp (dart?) , got out of the hole, left a bird's feather on the path; people wonder why everything is quiet; the woman noticed the feather and said that it was not the bird that killed the shaman, but the shaman killed the bird], 327 (Western Tobas) [the tribe is the leader of the bird- cannibal; she lived in a deep hole; the Hawk came, ate, pretended to fall asleep; when he was thrown into a hole, he killed the bird himself with a sharp stick; getting out of the hole, the Hawk blew so that people would not see him; left the bird's feather, the old woman saw it and said that the Hawk killed the bird; the Hawk confused his tracks, left a feather on the tree, people thought that the tree was the Hawk, but they were mistaken; the Hawk came to his He also told his son that there was a cannibal woman; passers-by were blown away by the wind into her lair; when the Hawk fell there, he pierced the woman's throat with a point; as soon as she died, the wind stopped; the Hawk returned to son]: 410, 411-412, 412-413, 414-415, 415-417, 417-420.