Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K11. Monstrous bird eyes: metamorphosis. 48.52.

Brothers (brother and sister) kill a monstrous bird. Her eyes turn into heavenly bodies (for the Oaxaca Indians) or something else (into the current Yokutz condors).

Yokutz, Mixtecs, Zapotecs, Chatino, Tricky, Masateki, Chinantecs, (Quiche)

California. Gashowu [the hawk woman lived alone; killed deer and immediately ate them, leaving only their skin behind; the wolf and coyote came to her; she fed them acorn porridge, made food from dried venison and gave it with her; promised to continue to feed them and their children, but they should not tell anyone about it; the magpie was a healer, she found out everything, others followed; the eagle chief sent a pigeon to forty; she told about a hawk woman; all the men came to her wanting to marry her, but she refused; the coyote pretended to be sick; the wind caused him to tear off the roof of the house; she had to let the coyote rope secure the roof; the woman did not want to leave him in the house for the night, but she had to; did not allow the coyote to take possession of it; at night she put a rattlesnake in her vagina; the coyote put a wooden cover over his penis, the snake broke its teeth; the woman agreed to take out the snake and they came together; they had a son; he was put in water for three days and grew up; the coyote made many beads and the son became a player; wanted to kill the owl, but he bewitched him, turning him into condor; the coyote shouted: Kill the owl before the son finally became a condor, but he only cried; the condor flew away; the wife put the snake in her vagina again, she bit the coyote and he died; the condor became hunt people; tried to make his mother a cannibal, but she refused; brought two boys and a girl, told his mother to fatten them; she told the boys to kill him, otherwise he would destroy them all; when the condor He came to drink, the boys started shooting arrows at him, and their sister pulled them out of the condor's body and brought them back to the brothers; the condor did not feel anything; his mother hid the children in a hole, in the same place herself covered it with a stone; the condor almost flew to the top of the sky, but then fell; they burned his body; his eyes flew out of their orbits; they could not be found and the current condors arose from them; a woman and a girl went down to the earth through a hole in the sky on a rope of feathers, and the brothers came to where heaven meets earth; there people without mouths feed on the smell of cooked food; the brothers showed how to eat, cut through alone the man's mouth; he spoke; he cut the mouths of others; everyone could eat and speak; the brothers returned home]: Kroeber 1907a, No. 14:205-209.

Mesoamerica Mishteks [an old woman tells her two sons to take their food to their father in the mountains; sons meet a deer, kill him; bring home its meat, fill their skin with wasps, hornets, bees; they deny at home that this is their father's meat; the frog tells the old woman that she ate her husband's meat; the old woman has poured sand on her back, since then the frog's back is pimpled; the brothers kill the deer, the old woman's husband; the deer does not respond to the old woman , she hits him in the ear, hornets, etc., bite her; sons promise to relieve her pain in the steam room; they lock the door, the old woman dies, becomes the spirit of the steam bath; the sons left, met the snake, took her eyes, they rose to heaven with a rope; one and a half eyes became the sun, half an eye became a month]: Dyk 1959:10-16; cuicateques [the old woman found two eggs, put them in a vessel, from which the Sun and Moon were born; every day she went to feed the deer corn porridge, told the twins to stay at home; called the deer the father of twins; when she returned, the house was a mess; once sent them to feed their father themselves - call him Kundo, Kundo! ; they called, the deer came, they killed him, the Moon took her right eye, the Sun took his left eye; fire was needed to cook the meat; they sent a fox to the old woman; she set fire to her tail, ran away; so that the tail would not burn, the fox placed fire in the stone {obviously in the flint}, the twins cut fire out of it; brought the old woman roasted venison, and made a scarecrow out of the skin, filling it with wasps and other stinging insects; old woman she ate, and by the river, the frogs told her that she ate deer liver; the twins told the old woman to pour sand on the frog's ass, so it was rough; the black vulture also told the old woman that she ate deer; she accused the twins of killing their father; went to check it out for herself; the deer did not respond; she went to the scarecrow and hit him with a stick - why she did not answer; insects bit her; she returned home and promised the twins call their uncle; this is a jaguar; they dug a trap hole, the jaguar fell into it; then the old woman called the twins' aunt, an eagle with two heads; they made a cage, the eagle sat on top, they grabbed her by paws (and killed); the old woman called another uncle; this is an aquatic animal with a shell, but big; the twins ran, met Thunder, asked them to hide them behind her cheek; Thunder replied to the beast that his teeth hurt and his cheek swollen; the beast tried to get into Thunder's mouth, but the Sun asked to hit, Thunder smashed the beast to pieces; while Thunder was working, the twins opened three vessels in his house: water, wind and hail; The soaked Thunder came back, closed the vessels and drove the twins away: that's why your aunt kicked you out; they found honey, the Sun ate a little, and told the moon to eat more, she was thirsty; the Sun gave water only after how they changed their eyes; the Sun did not tell them to drink everything, but the Moon drank everything; the Sun told them to regurgitate some of the water, otherwise it would not be on earth; the moon regurgitated, but the dirty water stained her face, so she was wearing it stains; the woman has a chest; the Sun gave her ripe cherimoyi and said that there are many of them in the forest; she left, and he asked the rat to gnaw through the chest; the woman hears and asks, Sun: don't worry; the same with the woodpecker; agouti gnawed, a wheel with a rope in the chest, the Sun and the Moon rose to heaven, agouti followed; asks what to do; Sun: cut the rope above you; Aguti fell, buried in the ground; the woman managed spanking the moon; so when the moon looks like a sickle, women are menstruating; woman to the Sun: remember me when I cover your face with my underskirt]: Weitlaner 197:56-62 (=Bartolomé 1984:6-9); zapotecs [two orphans Sun boy and Moon girl live with Sousse Lay (an infertile woman); they hunt, but she gives everything to her old husband Gol Gisa; he lives in the forest, nothing does not; St. Anton always helps children with advice; twins kill GG, let SL eat his heart under the guise of a deer's heart, stuff his scarecrow with stinging insects; when SL touches her husband, insects fly out; she and her brother Ros (worm) wants to burn the children in the steam bath; they run away, strangle SL with smoke in her house, pick up her loom parts, ring, jug, comb; Ros turns into a snake, chases twins; they throw the objects they take, they turn into different mountains; they throw hot stones down R.'s throat, he dies; the sister grabs the bright right, and the brother grabs R.'s left, dim eye; the sister is thirsty; brother makes a hole of water; offers in exchange for a bright rabbit eye; lets his sister approach the water when she puts her eyes on the ground; God assigns the boy to become the sun, the girl to become the moon]: Parsons 1932a, No. 1:281 , 283; 1936:222, 326-327; Chatino: Bartolomé 1979:25; 1984:12; Carrasco 196:46; Tricks: Cruz 1946 [The world is dark, people are burning fires; two brothers are fighting a seven-headed serpent; they kill him by throwing hot stones in his mouth; the younger brother takes his right, bright eye, the eldest gets the left eye; he makes all water sources dry, the younger one agrees to change, becomes A month; the elder becomes the Sun]: 248-230; García Alvarez 1973 in Bartolomé 1984:17; Hollenbach [see motif A20; twin brothers live in an old woman's house, kill her deer husband; the snake gathers to devour the world, the twins throw hot stones into her mouth; send a fly to check if the snake is dead; the fly defecates in her left eye; the younger brother takes a brighter right eye, the older one takes his left eye; the brothers go, the youngest is thirsty; the elder gets water as soon as the youngest agrees to change eyes; G. comes to the twins; they put her to sleep and rape her, putting stones on her penises; they run to heaven, the eldest becomes the Sun, the youngest becomes the Month; he swallows the rabbit, which is now visible on it; the birds wake up G., it is covered in blood; throws after the twins the parts of his loom (turn into a constellation Taurus) and sandals (turn into Pleiades); G. herself becomes the spirit of a steam bath] 197:143; 1980, No. 8.26-8.37:463-468; masateki (ohiteki) [the old woman hears a voice from the hollow of a tree; cuts a tree, finds two eggs; returning home, finds a pogrom; discovers the Sun and Moon twins when the bird they left to guard falls asleep; the twins run away, the old stalker is pushed into the river with bridge; all forest animals emerge from her body; the twins hide in a cage from an attacking eagle, who takes her to the rock; there are already many children there, the eagle is eating them; the brother cuts off the children's hair, weaves a rope, they strangle an eagle with it; his sparkling eyes have fallen out; the twins ask the Bat to eat fruit; a tree grows out of the excrement; Woodpecker, the Squirrel is unable, Aguchi gnaws on a tree, it falls on a mountain; children they go down it to the ground; the sister finds the right eye, the brother the left eye; the sister is thirsty (hereinafter referred to as the Chinantecs)]: Portal 1986:51-54; Chinantecs: Bartolomé 1984 [people hear sounds inside trees; Comet, Thunder can't cut down, Woodpecker cuts wood; two eggs inside; an old woman takes them; carries food to her reindeer husband every day; when she returns, the house is a mess; Sun boy and Moon girl they rush to hide inside eggs, the girl hesitates, the old woman catches them; when hunting, a bird: Why do you kill birds for someone who is not your mother? The sun revives dead birds, kills the Deer, the old woman's husband; fills the vessel with wasps, they buzz, he tells the old woman that this is her husband's voice; but Luna says he's gone fishing; the old woman is chasing children; they throw the comb, mountains appear several times on the way (the origin of the mountains); the twins cross the river; when the old woman is in the middle of the river, they throw bola de acuyo at her; she falls dead, turns into agouti; many animals emerge from her blood; twins shoot wind guns at interpreting rocks, they disperse; a seven- or double-headed eagle takes people to the rock; twins do the cage, the eagle carries them away; at noon he sleeps, one head is awake; the twins strangle it with a noose, at which time the earth shudders; the eagle's eyes fall out, the moon grabs the right bright, the Sun is dim on the left; The vulture is unable to lower the twins on its back, it will now eat carrion; the Bat is fed seeds, the excrement grows into a tree, twins and other people descend it to the ground; the Moon wants drink; agrees to change eyes with his brother if he creates a source (the origin of the springs); drinks without waiting for the brother to bring the Rabbit Priest to bless the water; he throws the rabbit to her in anger in the face, it sticks to her, is still visible; the Sun and Moon rise to the sky]: Bartolomé 1984 [The hummingbird advises the old woman to come back earlier; the twins punish him by making him small (he was with a chicken); the seven-headed eagle; first the Toucan, then the Bat, is fed seeds; the Toucan tree is low, the Bat tree grows to the top of the cliff]: 13-16; Weitlaner 1952 [the twins tell the Hummingbird to warn them about the arrival of an old woman; the third time he forgets; the double-headed eagle; the Bat is fed twice; the second time the root of a tree that grew at the top of the cliff descends to the ground]: 172; (cf. quiche ("Popol-Wuh") [there was no sun, only Vicub-Caquix ("seven mako parrots"); he said he was the sun, the light and the moon, that his eyes and teeth were sparkling; Hunahpú and Ixbalanqué were really gods; when VK was sitting on a tree eating fruit, Hun-Hunahpú (mistake: Hunahpú) hit him in the jaw with a blowpipe; he fell off the tree, but tore off H.'s hand and carried him away; at home he hung him in the hearth above by fire; told his wife Chimalmat that his teeth now hurt (due to hitting a dart); H. and I. agreed with old man and old woman Zaqui-Nim-Ac and Zaqui-Nimá-Tsiís (Big White Pig ( or rather, Bakers, jabalí), and Big White Coati) that they would go to VK and take them with them as if they were their little nephews whose parents were dead; old people told VK they could cure his teeth, replace them with new ones made of crushed bone; but they were teeth from corn grains and did not heal his teeth, but crushed them, took his treasures; "7-Gaucamayo's eyes were cured; his eyes were pulled out, completely removed they have a precious metal"; VK and C. died, and H. regained his hand; the old man and the old woman returned it, put it on H., it grew]: Popol Vuh 1972, cap. IV-VI: 17-25; episode reviewed in Bassie-Sweet 2008:279; Chinchilla Mazariegos 2010a: 122-125; Russian lane in Popol-Vuh 1959:20-23).