Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K110. The reflection of the golden sword.

(.21.) .26.-.30.32.-.34.36.


character is offered to get the treasure from the bottom of the reservoir. He doesn't understand that he sees only a reflection and that the treasure is above.

(Tibetans), Nusu, Croats, Russians (Voronezh), Nogais, (Adygs), Kurds (Iraq), Bukhara Arabs, Uzbeks, Tajiks, Bashkirs, Kazan Tatars, Nogais Karagashi, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Siberian Tatars, Buryats, Evenks of Transbaikalia.

(Wed. Tibet is the Northeast of India. The Tibetans [the daughter got married, the son brought two wives into the house; then the son and mother died, and the daughters-in-law forced the father-in-law to herd cattle all day and hardly fed them; he asks the caravans to hand over to his daughter that he is happy with life, because who else has power but a shepherd; eats cheese and blood; sometimes drinks wine, but does not need barley and does not have bubbles (i.e. water) to make it; daughter everything understood and sent the precious bead to her father, placing it in a brick; the old man also understood everything, took out a bead out of the brick; showed it to each daughter-in-law, promising to leave the bead after death to her; before death he put it a bead on the rafters of the house above the pond; gave her daughter: the treasure is around the dragon's neck, and his image is in the sea; the daughter understood, saw the reflection of the bead in the water, took it]: Shelton 1925, No. 37:147-150).

China. Nusu [Gongzanlaoding wants to marry the smartest of the nine sisters; hangs a gold ring on a tree above the well; one of eight sisters comes to fetch water every day, trying to get the ring unsuccessfully out of the water; the youngest ninth guessed, took the ring; the elders, out of envy, accuse her of taking out the ring by begging; her parents drove her away, she came to the well; there with a staff, she says about what happened, he tells him to follow him, falls behind, follows the footsteps left by his golden staff; on the plain, a girl herds sheep: fat and healthy - mine, skinny with broken legs - for your family; But with a girl herding mules and horses; the ninth sister comes to the house, there is a young man who looks like that old man; says this is her and his common home]: Miller 1994:223-227.

The Balkans. Croats [used to kill old people when they reached the age of 60; the son took them to the forest and hit him on the head with a mallet; carrying his father, one son asked where to do it; he indicated the place: your son then you he will kill here; the son felt sorry for his father and hid it; the king sent young men to the land of darkness for gold; from where no one returned; when it came to the young man who felt sorry for his father, he advised him to go on the mare, and leave the foal at home; collect gold, and then the mare will take it home by itself; the young man brought gold to the king; he now demands to get out of the water a jug of gold, the brilliance of which is visible; father: jug on the tree, in the water, only its reflection; the third requirement is to bring a grain of millet the size of a nut; father: get a lump of millet seeds collected by mice in their hole; asking the young man who taught him the tricks The king came to the old man and told him to answer three questions; if he answered, he would give him life; what is more pleasant, what is more nutritious, and what is the fastest? Old man: dream, land, thought; the king told old people not to kill anymore]: Eschker 1992, No. 41:192-184.

Central Europe. Russians (Voronezh) [the master has three estates, in two he ate old people, in the third, the son hid his father in a dugout; complains that the master demands to come neither on a cart, nor by horse, nor sitting, nor on horseback , neither in a shirt nor naked; the father advises to ride a goat face to ass, control your tail, put on nonsense instead of a shirt; the master demands to bring a gift so that it is not; the father advises to bring a bird and release; the master demands to get a golden jug from the bottom; the father teaches that the jug is not at the bottom, but on the wind; Fetisk's son admits that his father taught him, the master decides not to kill the old man ate old men]: Korolkova 1969:283-290.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Nogais: Nogai 1979, No. 44 [Khan ordered to cut off the heads of the old people; one young man hid his father; he tells his son not to throw saddles and bridles if the horse has to be slaughtered for meat: another horse will meet and will come to someone who has a saddle and a bridle; next time you can see something shiny in the water; the young man jumps to his father for advice; the old man says it is a reflection of a shiny stone lying in a crow's nest; the young man brings the Khan's find, explains that it was not he who guessed, but his father; the khan recognizes the wisdom of the elderly, cancels the decision to kill them]: 173-175; Falev 1917 [Khan orders everyone to kill their father when turns 60; Kenji led his father to death; stopped to rest on the way, putting his father on a rock; he said he was resting on the same stone when he led his father; advised him not to kill - it will come in handy; K. hid his father in the arba; the monster Ak-Köbök-Kara-Köbök attacked; the father advises to dig a ditch and hide; in the morning the head will appear, and by noon his torso; you must hit the body , and after killing the monster, take the stones in it; K. did so; the cattle are thirsty; the father asks if the cattle gathered in one place, if they are roaring - a well must be dug there; water was found; once At the bottom of the well they saw a piece of gold and a piece of silver, no one could reach it; the father asked if there was a tree nearby; told him to cut down when everyone left, K. found silver and gold in the branches; everyone told the khan that it was they who killed the monster, but K. brought stones; also pieces of gold and silver; the khan gave him power, they stopped killing the old people]: 194-196; (cf. Adygs [decrepit old people were carried by sledges to the top of Mount of Old Age and lowered down the cliff in the basket; Badynoko carried his father Badyn to the mountain; rolling down, the basket caught on the stump; Badyn laughs: when your son dumps you, and your basket may catch on the same stump; Badynoko leaves his father alive, hides him in a cave; during a crop failure, he wants to grab 3 apples floating in the river, but they disappear ; the father advises not to look for apples in the river, but to raise your head, they hang on the branches; when cattle die, you should drive the sheep to the pasture of Amysh, the patron saint of animals; when all the millet has died, you must plow roads where Thagolej himself drove millet; sledges ask Badynoko to tell us how he found out what to do; he talks about his father, sledges abolish the custom of killing old people]: Lipkin 1951:213-217); Kurds (Iraq) [the padishah was afraid of old age, so he issued a decree to kill anyone over 60; young men began to flock to the palace with offerings to ask for their relatives; the padishah promised to pardon the father of someone who gets a golden jug that fell into the lake; 99 young men tried unsuccessfully to carry out the task, they were beheaded; one hid their father in a cave, spoke about the task; the father explained that the jug was placed on a tree on the shore and a reflection in the water; the young man took out a jug, explained who taught him wisdom; the padishah canceled the decree to kill the elderly]: Yusupova 2004, No. 13:178-179.

Iran - Central Asia. Bukhara Arabs [under Iskander people did not die, but the old people were taken to the mountain; one man hid his father in a chest, carried it with him; I. orders to get a pearl out of the river; thousands of people could not drowned; the rescued father teaches that the pearl is on the tree, and its reflection in the river; the man pulls out a pearl; I. orders to take care of the elderly]: Vinnikov 1969, No. 43:367-368; Uzbeks [Shah orders to take care of the elderly the dead were taken to the cemetery on the roofs of houses, the old man condemns him, he orders all gray-bearded people to be cut off; Zakir hid his father in a chest, took him on a hike; saw two diamonds in the river; people are of no use they dive; Zakir's father: diamonds on the tree are their reflection; Z. took diamonds out of the bird's nest and pretended to be from the bottom; the Shah demands to know why ants crawl in one place; father teaches Z. to say that there is a pot of butter at the bottom, volunteer to get it, shoot the Shah; the Shah is killed, everyone is happy]: Afzalov et al. 1972 (2): 222-225 (=Sheverdin 1984:69-73, =Rogov 1980:304-308); Tajiks (Samarkand): Kislyakov 1970:73 [(=Andreev 1963:211); old people were being killed; a gem began to shine through the city pond; the king told the young men to get it, they could not, they were executed; it was the young man's turn, he came to say goodbye to his father, who advised him to look up; the young man saw a stone in the stork's nest; confessed to the king that his father had taught him to look up; the king canceled the murder of the elderly], 74 (Jews) [Zarubin 1928:163- 164); Alexander ordered not to take old men into the army; the son hid his father in a cart of hay; light is visible in the river, A. tells the soldiers to dive, they die one by one; the old man tells his son that the light comes from the top wood; the son pulls out a bird with a jewel in its beak from the nest, brings A.; admits that his father gave him advice; A. is happy].

Volga - Perm. Bashkirs: Barag 1988, No. 38 [the mare gives birth, but the foals disappear every time; the eldest, middle son goes to guard and falls asleep; the younger Kyran-Batyr rips his hair off his head with a sword, does not sleep, cuts a cloud that carries a foal; follows a bloody trail to copper, silver, golden houses; each has one of the kidnapped foals and a woman; K. consistently fights against three devas, kills them; tames the piebald mare; tries to get a golden sword from the bottom of the lake; the mare explains that there is a reflection of a sword in the water, he himself is pierced into a pine tree trunk that split the sky and goes further up; K. climbs the pine tree, squeezes to the other side of the sky (after that, a pile of stars remains in the sky), brings a sword, rolls three houses into three eggs, gives two wives to his brothers; they are jealous, hang their sword in front of the entrance to tent, shouting that enemies have attacked, K. runs out, his sword cuts off his legs; he sees a deer carrying the sun on its horns, a man runs after him; says he sees only when he is near the sun; a blind man plants legless K. on his back, walks, K. sees an armless man chasing the same deer; he explains that the deer promised to bring it to people the sun, but did not bring it, people froze, the armless man's hands froze; three they decide to get companions to a female cook, kidnap the khan's daughter, tell them not to let the fire go out; the fire goes out, the girl comes to the old woman for fire; she gives coals, finds a girl on an ash trail, asks to look in her hair, sucks her bone marrow; the girl turns yellow, the companions take turns guarding, only K. hits her so that she can not withstand the blows; K. makes her swallow and regurgitate the girl , blind, armless; regurgitated are healed; after swallowing K., does not want to regurgitate him; the former blind and armless cut it into pieces; the sparrow screams "little finger", the companions cut his little finger, K. comes out, he has it again legs; return daughter to Khan; K. marries a woman from the golden house, gives the other two to his companions, makes them servants]: 252-267; 1990, No. 38 [the king ordered to kill the elderly; one eget hid his father in dungeon; goes camping; father: you will not have enough food, you will slaughter your horses, do not throw your saddle and bridle; a white horse will appear, you have to ride it, let it down to the leader, he will make his friend; and that's what happened; once the king saw a shining object in the sea; the old man tells his son not to dive with everyone, but to get the diamond out of the nest on the tree growing on the shore; the king rewarded the father of the huntsman, ordered respect for the elderly]: 97-99; Kazan Tatars [the tsar orders to kill the elderly; the son hid his 70-year-old father; says that the tsar and the viziers came to the river, see it as a gem, dive, not reach it; old man: stone in tree nest; viziers persuade the young man to ask the young man which of the two stallions is old and which is young; father: the old will give way to the young; which log is from the top, which is from the bottom of the tree; father: a log from the bottom of the tree will go at the bottom of the tree into the water; the young man has to admit that his father taught him, the tsar canceled the order to kill the elderly]: Bashirov, Yarmukhametov 1956:90-94 (= Yarmukhametov 1957:76-78); Nogais -karagashi (Astrakhan region, 1973) [Khan ordered to kill everyone who was 60 years old because they were interfering with the migration; one young man disobeyed and hid his father; when they were in the desert, the khan ordered to find water; the father told the young man that the bull needs to be straightened, he will find a suitable place and will dig the ground with horns; the young man followed the advice, dug a well; a few days later, they migrated to the seashore; the khan went to wash his face, I saw something gleaming at the bottom of the sea; gave the order to get it; the water was deep, many brave men died; when it came to the young man's turn, his father said to him: "Son, take it with you when you go gun, there must be a nest at the top of a lonely tree, there will be one bird. You shot this bird. After that, you will understand how it was, and then you will see"; the young man shot at the bird, its nest fell; a diamond item fell out of it; the young man took it to Khan, who was happy, asked questions , from whom the young man learned from his experience; the young man admitted that he followed his father's advice; the khan canceled the order to kill the elderly]: Arslanov 1992, No. 15:98-101.

Turkestan. Kazakhs [when the khan tells the mullah to read what awaits his newborn son, the vizier asks not to wait for predictions, let the Khan's son be happy; as an example of prediction, he talks about his life; his father khan was predicted that his son would be in danger at the age of 15; the khan places his son in a separate palace; one day the old teacher and teacher fell asleep, he went out and saw the green birds hunt saigas; tied a rope to the belt and head of a strangled saiga; the bird carries the carcass with the young man to a nest on the island; people have sailed and left the prince on the island; he explains a young man who comes down from a tree that he is destined to die that day; takes food from a knife, the young man sneezes, the knife pierces the prince; the young man hides again in the nest; the king who has come sees a jewel in the water He tells me to get it; a good man hid his 80-year-old father, although the old men were ordered to be killed; he advises to look for a stone in a nest in a tree; this is a stone in a young man's ring; the king puts him on the scales of justice, but they do not move, the young man is not guilty of the prince's death; the storm takes the young man to sea, he sails to the princess, whom the vizier hid from the encroachments of the new khan (the text ends below)]: Potanin 1916, No. 46: 155-159; Kyrgyz [a childless khan had a son; the vizier asks not to try to find out the boy's fate and talks about himself; he was also a khan's son; predictor: when the boy turns 15, he will be in danger; the khan put him on the island, with only a mullah and an old babysitter; one day they both fell asleep; the young man took a dagger, went outside, saw a green bird grab the rabbit; decided to catch him with a noose a bird; it was strong and lifted it into the air; when he sat on a tree on the island, the young man cut off his belt, went down; many people came and left another young man in the yurt, swam away themselves; he said that he is predicted to die today; the first young man gave him half an apple at the end of the dagger, sneezed, the blade pierced his throat; people came again, looked for the killer; they noticed a shiny spot in the water, no one can get it; at that time, those over the age of 80 were killed; one young man hid his father in a box and brought it with him; the old man guessed that there was a nest in the tree, and there was a shiny object in it, its reflection in the water; the object was a diamond ring on the finger of the first young man hiding in the nest; the old man's son was forced to extradite his father, both were forgiven; the first young man was taken to the khan, the father of the victim; he left him on the scales in the middle of the sea to determine whether he is guilty or not; the scales fell into the water, the young man was carried ashore; there she is beautiful, she talks about herself; the vizier brought her to a deserted place to save her from the khan who wanted marry her after the death of her father, also a khan; the young man married this girl and returned to his father; he was happy and immediately died of a broken heart]: Muchnik 1944:46-49.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Siberian Tatars [khan ordered the killing of old people; Akhmet hid his father in distant mowing; at the bottom of the lake near the khan's palace there is something white and round; whoever gets it, half a khanate and a daughter as a wife, and whoever fails - head off his shoulders; Father Ahmet: there is a nest on the shore, it has a white egg, it is reflected in the water; now Khan demands to guess which stick is made of wood and which is made of root; father: which will fall down in the water, the one from the root; which of the two stallions is old and who is young; father: the young horse walks with its head raised and the old horse with its head tilted; A. admitted that his father answered the questions - let Khan does not give up his daughter and half his kingdom, but will spare his father; Khan canceled the order to kill the elderly]: Tomilov 1995:149-151; Buryats: Khangalov 2004 [In the past, the Buryats had a custom to kill 70 year old people and old women - Ungulhe ear. Taizhi Khan learns that at the bottom of the sea lies a golden bowl that could be seen from the shore, despite the depth of the sea. Wanting to get this golden cup from the bottom of the sea, he gathers his people and orders everyone to dive into the sea one by one for this bowl; but whoever dives never returns; thus, Taizhi Khan drowns a lot people. It is the turn of a young man to dive, who hides his elderly father in a drawer for several years, not wanting to follow the custom. Then he asks his father for advice on how to get the golden cup from the bottom of the sea. A seventy-four-year-old father says to his son: "This golden bowl is not at all at the bottom of the sea, as Taizhi Khan thinks; if the golden bowl really lay on the bottom of the sea, it would not be it is visible because the sea is very deep in this place. And you have to think that this bowl is on top of a high mountain that stands on the seashore. The glitter of this bowl is reflected in the water and it feels like the bowl is lying on the bottom of the sea. Therefore, it is better to look for this golden bowl at the top of the mountain rather than in the sea. If you dive into the sea, you'll drown like the others." On the advice of his father, the young man climbs the mountain the next day, really finds a golden bowl there and brings it to Taizhi-khan. "Why did you find out," Taizhi Khan asked, "that this golden bowl is on the mountain and not at the bottom of the sea? If you knew this, why didn't you open it first?" Then the young man announces to the Khan that he has been hiding his seventy-four-year-old father for four years, not wanting to kill him, and that when it is his turn to go to sea for a bowl, he I asked my father for advice and he taught him what to do. Then Taizhi Khan strictly orders in the future not to follow the custom of the Ungulhe ear on old people and old women who are useful to young people with their advice and instructions. Since then, the custom of killing old people and old women has ceased, and they begin to live to a very old age and die of natural rather than violent death]: 32; Dugarov 1990 [on the eve of the migration Khan orders to kill the old people; Tseren hid his father in a bag; by the sea, the khan orders them to dive for a golden bowl; many die; the father tells C. that the bowl is on the mountain, its reflection in the sea; if the bowl lies on a rock, it is necessary scare the cockle, they will throw it off; C. brings the bowl; next time Father C. tells us to let the three-year-old cow go where it stops, they have to look for water; the third time people go to the fire, smut it goes out every time; the father teaches us to put the coals in the pot; C. admits that the khan cancels the order]: 102-106 {apparently, this is Khangalov's text in the West. -Siberian general ethnic language, vol. 1, v. 2:91, quoted in Potanin 1916:159}; Sharakshinova 1975 [a golden bowl was visible at the bottom of Lake Baikal and a beautiful woman near it]: 70; Evenks of Transbaikalia [a golden bowl was visible at the bottom of Lake Baikal]: 70; Evenks of Transbaikalia [a golden bowl was visible at the bottom of Lake Baikal]: 70 the bowl and next to it is beautiful]: Sharakshinova 1975:70.