Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K111. Animal grooms are rejected, the Sun is accepted.


The girl's mother consistently rejects birds and animals marrying to her daughter, accepts the proposal of a heavenly anthropomorphic character.

Taku, Tagish, Eyak, Tlingit, Haida, Tsimshian, Quarry.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Taku [Tahitotoa and Tahitotavau have Asina's daughter; she goes to fetch water, finch tells her to marry him, parents don't tell her to eat insects; so does the rooster; when the proposal is made Tinilau, who has descended from heaven, does, his parents tell him to agree; baskets of tarot, yams, coconuts appear with T.; one day T. goes to heaven, telling A. to guard his "women's money" (woman money; copra ropes for ransom for his wife); Asifo comes, says that T. went to his 10 wives, tells Asina to burn the money; noticing the smoke, T. goes down, but almost everything has burned down; Asifo takes Asina away; T. unnoticed follows his wife, tells him to do something different than Asifo teaches him to do; turns into a bird, Asina asks Asifo to catch her; at Asifo's house, his mother Tarinavaru notices that a bird sitting on a gun Asifo has T.'s eyes; tells her to drop her feathers, T. is exposed, he grabs Asifo's weapon, kills him, takes his wife away; asks Pasikore, who (hits with something - apparently tapa) to hide her; Tarinavara pursues, Pasikore refuses to stop hitting (so that Tarinavara can listen); then T. leaves his wife to his sisters; assumes that they, as before, will eat Asina, but they feel sorry for her; at T. Asina cleans the stone and chisel, cleans it up; T. wants to kill her, but objects stand up for her; T. kills her 10 wives in heaven, lives with Asina]: Moyle 2003:113-137.

Subarctic. Tagish [enemies killed everyone, left a mother and daughter who are menstruating; the mother asks Wolverine and other animals marrying to her daughter (the informant forgot which ones) how they will defeat enemies, everyone explains, the mother is dissatisfied, rejects them; the girl disappears into the sky, she was married by the Sun; four young men, her grandchildren, come down to help her mother; they kill attacking enemies (the informant will no longer understand)] : McClelland 2007, #54:289-290

NW coast. Eyak [as a result of the war between Alders and another group of people who were killed, left a woman and daughter; animals consistently come to marry their daughter (Frog, Bird, Snipe, Blue Jay, Magpie, Malinovka, Kingfisher, Goose, Fox, Brown Bear, Black Bear, Wolverine, Goat), the mother asks each time how the groom intends to get food, rejects him; accepts the offer Sun; he gives a woman a stick, tells her to put it on her head if he starts fire; a woman's daughter gives birth to eight sons from the Sun; the Sun makes them adults; the wife wants a daughter, the Sun creates her from the end of the bow; consistently lowers the sons in the basket, everyone asks to lift him back, for spears are pointing at him on the ground; the daughter says that these are just the tops of trees, she is not afraid of them, for she herself trees; in the fog, the children of the Sun are building a fortification on the ground, Chief Alder suspects bad things; the youngest of the sons of the Sun and his sister remained in hiding, seven went out to fight the Alders, half were shot, but and half of them are killed (then they came to life); the younger brother calls his father, he causes fever, all Alders die; contrary to the warning of the elders, the youngest says he wants to kill a colored animal, chases across the sky for an animal that is colored like a cloud; brothers return to heaven; specks on alder bark are wounds caused by the sons of the Sun]: Krauss 1970 in Johnson 1978:40-43, translated into Romanova 1997, No. 11. 2:36-39; Tlingit [enemies kill all a woman's relatives; various animals offer themselves to be her daughter's husband, she rejects them; accepts the offer of the son of the Sun; he pulls a branch out of the tree, shoves a branch out of the tree, shoves mother-in-law in the hole, puts the branch back in, turns mother-in-law into an echo]: Swanton 1909, No. 31:125; Hyda (Skidgate) [man cuts off his wife's lover's head, hangs it on the door; this young man is the son of a neighbor's chief villages; the chief sends a slave for fire, he notices his head; the leader's warriors kill everyone, the girl remains with her mother; various animals and birds come to marry her; the proposal of the son Togo-who-na-na-na-na- shining sky; son-in-law climbs a steep mountain, tells his mother-in-law not to look; she looks, he slides down; he pulls a branch out of the tree, shoves his mother-in-law into a hole, turns branches into a creak]: Swanton 1905:341-343; Haida (Masset) [enemies killed the people of the village, left mother and daughter; Deer, Grizzly, Wolf, Marten, Eagle, bird, another bird ask to marry them; mother asks what each will be her to feed, refuses; agrees when she hears a voice from heaven; from there the basket comes down, the daughter rises in it; the mother finds some food in front of her house every morning; one day they descend from the sky in the basket 9 boys and a girl are the grandchildren of an old woman; when they return, the grandmother tries to get into the basket with them, a voice from the sky forbids; grandchildren rise, the son-in-law puts the grandmother in the tree, the creaking of trees is her voice; a woman and her sons descend to earth again; sons kill the murderers of their mother's brothers by firing arrows that gnaw through the throats of enemies like caresses, return to their master; brothers become leaders villages]: Swanton 1908a, No. 77:728-741; Tsimshian [like Hyde (Skidgate); son of Heaven takes his wife and mother-in-law under his arms, rises to the sky, tells him not to open his eyes; mother-in-law opens, they fall]: Boas 1902: 221-224.

The coast is the Plateau. Quarry: Jenness 1934, No. 42 [a man cuts off his wife's lover's head, puts her on a spear at the entrance to the house; the lover is a neighboring chief, his slave notices his head; relatives of the deceased destroy village, girl and mother are saved; mother rejects the matchmaking of Rabbit, Caribou, Bear, Grizzly; gives her daughter to the Sun when he shows that she can turn the earth upside down; the Sun rises to the sky carrying his wife with his mother-in-law, but the burden is heavy; he leaves his mother-in-law in the forest, pulling the branch out and shoving it into the hole in the trunk; when the wind shakes the trees, you can hear her happy laugh uh; see motive J1], 47 [enemies of all they kill; the remaining woman cries; tears fall into her bosom, she gives birth to two sons and a lame daughter; the celestial descends, explains that the children are from him; they destroy enemies and monsters; the father raises them up everyone to the sky, but the wife breaks the prohibition to open her eyes, they fall; then her husband shoves her into a tree (as in (42); the creaking of trees is her laughter]: 215-218, 229-231.