Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K115. Web at the entrance, B523.1,ATU967.


When the character hides in the shelter, the spider immediately weaves a web at the entrance. Enemies decide that no one has entered or left the cave or room for a long time.

Dabida, Swahili, Algerian Arabs, Kabila, Egyptian Arabs, Spaniards, Catalans, Portuguese, Maltese, British, Irish, Dutch, Friesians, Germans (Rhineland-Palatinate, Pomerania) Palestinians, Arameans, Saudia, Tibetans (Amdo), Khmers, Marathas, Macedonians, Bulgarians, Greeks, Hungarians, Poles, Czechs, Ukrainians (Volyn, Polesie, Chernigov), Belarusians (Brest), Karachays, Balkarians, Lacks, Tabasarans, Armenians, (Azerbaijanis), Talysh, Livs, Veps, Finns, Swedes, Western Sami, Norwegians, Latvians, Khalkha Mongols, Japanese.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Dabida [during a steppe fire, the Spider asks Antelope to carry it out on his horn, then promises to help; hunters chase the Antelope, the Spider weaved a web over the tracks, the hunters believe that the tracks old, stopped persecution]: Vinogradov 1984, No. D11:339; bast [the antelope asks the spider to save her from hunters and dogs; he hides it in a termite mound, covers it with webs; hunters believe that these are traces of another antelope that ran a month ago; hunters set fire to the forest; the antelope told the spider to get into her ear, jumped over the fire, both escaped]: Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976, No. 102:236-238; (cf. fang [god Nzame chased his son Bingo, who hid in a cave; N. asked the chameleon at the entrance if B. was there, he replied no; N. left; B. awarded the chameleon the ability change color]: Trilles 1932:128); Swahili [Swahili Muslims always kill a certain type of lizard; she sent the Prophet's pursuers when he disappeared into the cave; the Dove was demolished at the entrance an egg, and the Spider braided the entrance with a web to show that it hasn't been part of it for a long time]: Werner 1915:73.

North Africa. The Arabs of Algeria (Tiaret Plateau) [when the prophet Mohammed hid in the grotto, the spider made a web in front of him and the dove laid eggs, the pursuers did not find the prophet; therefore, the spider and the dove should not be killed ]: Aceval 2005, No. 134:154; Kabyles: Frobenius in El-Shamy 2004, No. 967:671; Egyptian Arabs: El-Shamy 2004, No. 967:671.

Southern Europe. Catalans [(1 post); fugitives hide in a cave, a spider has woven a web at the entrance, pursuers pass by; therefore, spiders should not be killed]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 967:195; Portuguese : Cardigos 2006, No. 967 [2 entries; no details]: 252; Correia 2018, No. 96 [on the way to Egypt, the Holy Virgin and Child hid in a cave; the spider braided the entrance so densely that the Jews decided not to go. convinced that no one has been in the cave for a long time]; Spaniards: Camarena, Chevalier in Uther 2004 (1), No. 967:605; Maltese [episode in the historical narrative; girl hides from pursuers deep in the cave; the spider weaved a web at the entrance, the pursuers passed by]: Mifsud-Chircop 1978, No. 967:466.

Western Europe. Irish, British, Dutch, Frisians, Germans (Rhineland-Palatinate, Pomerania): Uther 2004, No. 967:605.

Western Asia. Palestinians: El-Shamy 2004, No. 967:671; Aramaians: Uther 2004 (1), No. 967:605; Saudia [when Mohamed and Abu Bakr were on their way to Medina, they saw Quraish approaching and hid in a cave; the spider immediately covered the entrance with a web; when people from Mecia came up and saw the web, they thought no one had entered the cave for a long time and left]: Taibah, MacDonald 2016:21.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans (Amdo) [after killing a tyrant king with bull horns on his head, Bal Dorji runs, sits in a cave, the entrance to it is covered with cobwebs; or his figure is covered with pigeon droppings; pursuers they think that no one has entered the cave for a long time, they come back]: Potanin 1893:219 (retelling 1903:14-16)

Burma is Indochina. Khmers [the soothsayer told the king that only the son of a worker could threaten his power; the king wants to execute all pregnant women in the capital, but the soothsayer finds this particular firewood collector; her head was cut off, her corpse was thrown away; the baby in her womb survived, was born, vultures and crows took care of him; the bishop's cow shepherd (the head of Cambodia's Buddhists) found the child, brought it to its master; he told the shepherd to raise the boy; when the boy was 7 years old, the soothsayer told the king that he was alive and in Phnom Penh; the bishop told the shepherd to take the boy and run; he hid the boy in a stump; soldiers they drove elephants through the grass to trample him, but one elephant covered the boy with its trunk; the next time the shepherd and the boy hid in the cave, and the spider closed the entrance with a web; the warriors thought that the cave was There is no one; they returned to the city, the boy stuck a banyan branch into the ground: if he is destined to grow up, let the banyan grow up; he has grown; the king is dead, the young man reigned, and built a monastery on the site of his mother's murder ]: Nevermann 1956:100-107.

South Asia. Marathi: Dexter 1938:68-69 in Thompson, Roberts 1960, No. 967:122.

The Balkans. The Macedonians [when the Virgin and Child hid in a cave from Jewish persecutors, a spider weaved a web in front of the entrance and the dove laid an egg in it; the Jews thought that no one had been to the cave for a long time I came in, the Virgin blessed the spider (allowing him to live in the house) and the dove (allowing the chicks to hatch all year round)]: Ortenzio 2008, No. 18:111; Greeks [spider (letters. "weaver") cannot be killed; once a person was unfairly persecuted and hid in the cellar; a spider weaved a web above the door and the pursuers did not come in]: Thomas 1901:191; Bulgarians, Hungarians: Uther 2004 (1), No. 967:605.

Central Europe. Ukrainians: Belova 2004, No. 645 (Volyn) [Spiders hid into the cave or barn where Our Lady hid with Jesus], 646 (Chernigov) [Our Lady hid in the barn from robbers, Spiders the entrance was closed, the robbers did not enter the barn], 726 (Volyn) [The spiders closed the entrance to the cave where the Mother of God hid with a web when Jesus was crucified], 726 (Rivne Polesie) [The spiders covered with cobwebs entrance to the cave where Christ hid from the torturers]: 324-325, 325, 357; Belarusians: Belova 2004, No. 643 (Brest) [Judas ordered to exterminate babies, Maria hid with Jesus in a cave, the Spiders closed entrance with a web], 644 (Brest) [Jews persecuted Christ, the Mother of God hid him in caves, spiders closed the entrance with cobwebs, covered the spruce with paws], 727 (Brest) [spiders covered Christ with a web, who hid from robbers]: 323-324, 324, 357; Boganeva 2010, No. 78 [The Mother of God and Child hid from their pursuers under the Christmas tree, the spider weaved a web around], 79 [the same under juniper]: 81-82, 82; Poles, Czechs: Uther 2004 (1), No. 967:605.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Karachays [the spider saved Muhammad, who was hiding from enemies in a cave, dragging her entrance with a web; the pursuers left without looking inside]: Dzhurtubayev 1991:52; Balkarians [guy shot a wolf that attacked a foal; an eagle that grabbed a swan; a mosquito fighting a spider; began to fight enemies, there were many of them, he disappeared into the cave; the spider braided the exit and the enemies thought that he would go to the cave It's been a long time since no one came in; then the guy went out and killed his sleeping enemies; the wounded horse could not be transported across the river - the swan was transported; that rescued foal brought home]: Malkonduev 2017:621-622; lucky [Muhammad hid from enemies in a cave; the spider made a web at the entrance, the pigeons made a nest, laid an egg; the enemies thought that no one had been in the cave for a long time, they left]: Ganiyeva 2011a, No. 98:240-241; Tabasarans [Muhammad fled from his enemies in a cave; the Dove made a nest at the doorstep, the Spider weaved a web; the enemies left; the prophet stroked the Dove's neck, it sparkled]: Seferbekov 2000:40; Armenians [Christ hid from the Jews in a cave; the Spider covered the entrance with a web, the Jews thought there was no one, they left]: Ganalanyan 1979, No. 119:119 {so!} ; talyshi [Prophet Muhammad tried to escape from his enemies; the tree trunk opened, M. entered, but the end of the cloak remained outside; the spider weaved the web around and the enemies did not notice anything; but the tit became squeaking, broke the web; therefore, killing a tit is a good deed]: Asatryan 2005:18.

Baltoscandia. The Lives [David hid in the cave from Saul's persecution; the spider covered the entrance with a web, the pursuers turned back]: Loorits 2000 (4): 194; the Veps (southern) [The Breadwinner God (Jesus) left pursuers, jumped into the hole; the spider braided the entrance to it, the pursuers saw a web, did not check if there was I. in the pit]: Vinokurova 2006:238; Norwegians [Jesus and the Virgin Mary hid in the cave ; the spider weaved a web, closing the entrance; the pursuers did not enter; Jesus kissed the spider, so he brings good luck]: Hodne 1984:184; Western Sami [miracles chased the man, he hid in a cave, a spider made a web, closing the entrance; miracles decided that no one was there; you can't kill a spider: Pollan 2005, No. 114:225; Latvians [The spider saves the fugitive by cobwebbing the entrance to the cave]: Aris, Copper 1977, No. 967:337; Finns, Swedes: Uther 2004 (1), No. 967:605.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Khalha Mongols (Dunsurun) [when building a monastery in Tibet, the white-sided bull worked the most, but forgot to reward him; later he incarnated as Landarma, a boy born to the khan; At the same time, Gagan was born in a simple family; at birth, it rained bloody over L. and milky over G.; becoming khan, L. began to seduce and destroy lamas; faith died; G. painted his white horse red the color, which came during the Tam festival, began to dance; when L. dozed off, hit him with an arrow (L.'s iron artery was vulnerable only during sleep); fleeing the chase, G. drove the horse into the lake, the paint came off, he came out on a white horse; but the chase continued; G. lay down on the ground, the spider weaved a web over him, and the bird sketched branches; the pursuers doubted, but still recognized G.; let him go; he left and turned to stone; the white-sided bull was reborn again, becoming the governor of the western lands of Heda-Dain; but he was executed; there will also be a third rebirth]: Benningsen 1912:133-135.

Japan. Japanese (Gempei sensui ki, 12th-13th centuries) [the first Minamotoi no Yoritomo shogun (1147-1199) hid from enemies and escaped thanks to the spider's web]: Ikeda 1971, No. 967:215.

(Wed. Southeast USA. Catawba {probably European borrowings} [The mischievous boy only has his mother alive; the white man chased him; his mother asked the Great Spirit for help; he sent a spider to make a web in front of the cave in which the boy hid; the stalker decided that no one was there]: Speck, Carr 1947, No. 2:81).