Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K116. Satellite selection, (ATU 516C) .

The young man is going on a journey. His father or mother teaches him to choose a companion: not to take someone who shares bread unequally, who will not wait, etc.

Portuguese, Ladins, Socotra, Bulgarians, Kalmyks, Karachays (?) , Balkarians, Udis, Tsakhurs, Tabasarans, Georgians, Azerbaijanis, Vakhans and Uzbeks.

Southern Europe. Portuguese [a young man goes on a pilgrimage to fulfill his parents vow or to find someone willing to become a priest in his place; he determines who to choose in companions: this man took a smaller part of the pear they ate; at night, the companion lies down in the young man's place and is killed in his place; miraculously resurrects; later falls ill with leprosy; says that will be healed only with the blood of a child; a young man sacrifices his own son; he comes to life healthy]: Cardigos 2006, No. 516C: 132; ladins [the gentleman knows how to settle quarrels, so we love and need everyone; falling ill , promises to go to the hermit if he recovers; he recovered but did not keep his promise; the same for the second time; died the third time; appeared to his son; says he will avoid purgatory if the son goes to the hermit instead of him; let the mother give her three apples; the son will meet another young man who says that he is also going to the hermit; it is necessary to accidentally drop the apple; if the companion pretends not to notice, It is better to get rid of it; and if he does, you have to eat an apple in half with it and move on with it; the first person you meet did not pick an apple, the same did the second; the third was a weak old man, he picked it up; the young man took him as his companion; they stayed at the inn; the old man was sent to the stall and the young man was given a nice room; in the morning the old man asked where the young man was; the owner said he had already left; the old man became insisting that he be allowed to inspect the rooms; the young man's body was lying in bed, his head was cut off; the old man took his body and head, came to the hermit, and prayed at the altar of St. Virgins; his head grew to his body, the young man came to life; when they separated, the young man promised to fulfill the old man's every wish; married, he has two children; the old man came and asked the parents to release blood from the children and he bathes in it; they did; the old man bathed and healed, and the children came to life]: Uffer 1973, No. 12:35-40 (=Decurtins, Brunold-Bigler 2002, No. 92:241-247).

Western Asia. Socotra [to choose a friend, Sultan's son Muhammad calls the young man, offers food, leaves himself; he does not touch the food, M. rejects it; so with many; only Saleh ate everything, M. makes it their friend; they go hunting gazelles; they notice a ship carrying a beautiful girl; looking for her everywhere, finding her in a distant land; this is Einá (Eyna), the ruler's daughter; she comes to young men, but M. sleeps; so twice; the third time Saleh manages to wake M., E. teaches how to find her room; the upper floor is built from the skulls of suitors who tried to do so before; S. finds E., gets it , but gives M.; on the way home, E. and M. spend the night under one tree and S. under another; hears three birds talking; the snake will crawl up, spit on E.'s cheek, if the poison is not erased, E. will die, and if S. tells, he petrifies; S. erases the poison, M. almost killed S., thinking that he tried to kiss E.; the next night; M. will want to drink, towards a man with a bucket of milk, he is poisoned; S. knocks the vessel out of the hands of M., E. again prevents M. from attacking S.; at the third night: M. will find a golden rod, if he hits a horse with it, the horse will die; S. puts his hand, the rod breaks; at home M. arranges a trial against S., S. tells everything turns into stone; his wife gave birth, three birds told her that if a baby was slaughtered, S. would come to life; E. did so, S. came to life]: Naumkin, Kogan 2013, No. 22:186-187 (with additions in Full English translation).

The Balkans. Bulgarians [the king left his pregnant wife, went to another; ordered to send a son to him if a boy is born; the mother sends her son a cake to school, sent her to bite her; sends her with another person, he did not touch; she thinks that he will be loyal to her son, sends her son to his father, giving that man as his companion; on the way, the guide tells the young man to go down to the well to get water, lets him get out for his promise give the paper and change roles; the impostor lives with the king; to get rid of the young man, he sends a matchmaker to another king who killed his daughter's suitors; on the way, the young man saves ants, eagles, storks, fish, they they promise to help; the king orders 1) to disassemble the mixed grain overnight (ants disassemble), 2) to revive a baby who died 3 years ago (the stork brings living water), to sail to the princess on the island (the eagle carries it), 4) get a ring dropped by the princess into the sea (she pulls out the fish); the prince brings the bride, the impostor hacked him down, the princess revived him with living water; the tsar executed the impostor, married his son to the princess]: Klyagina- Kondratyeva 1951:73-77.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. The Kalmyks [rich Altan örgözhik ("full of gold") lived to be 555 years old, and his old woman to 445, but no children; A. went to travel, went to a yurt, where a mánzhi boy ( the lowest level of Buddhist monasticism) is 10 years old; he asks if the one who came to know A.; he says no; Manzhi was surprised, but asked to tell A.: if he wants to have a son, let him give gifts to the poor, he will put a golden sum (idol), sacrifice to the fire and pray; his son was named Mánjin Zarlik ("the word Manzhi"), by the age of three he grew up strong and intelligent; went to trade; sees how another a man beats the body of a deceased debtor; M. paid the debt; M. returned, took the money again and went to trade again; another boy a little older than him was hired by him; M. told him to cook meat, invited him to eat; that happily began to eat; M. gave him all the meat and drove him away; the same with another boy: he refused to eat while the master was eating; M. took it; they came to A., he was happy {obviously with what his son now has reliable servant}, gave them a black dog as their companions; tells them not to spend the night near a black hill, on white sand and on a black salt marsh; then go to trade in the nomads of Kökshin Bural ("elderly with gray and gray" Khan; but they stopped just at a black hill; a black old man appeared and called to him; while M. was sleeping, the boy took his sword, went to the yurt, looked into the hole; 7 old men sharpen their daggers; each goes out to see what rustles; the boy killed them one at a time; human meat is hung in the yurt, gold, silver, and jewelry are piled up; the boy buried them, burned the rest; spent the night on white sand; an old woman hosh khubarak on goat legs with a copper snout approaches the boy, calls him to spend the night; the same: 7 old women sharpen their swords, the boy killed them one at a time; a girl fits on a black salt marsh; the same: 7 girls sharpen their swords, the boy killed them one at a time; a girl fits on a black salt marsh; the same: daggers, the boy killed them one at a time; they came to K. Khan; his son and M. became friends; one day a big cat came to eat leftovers; boys' dog: are you not enough of your own? cat: when your master marries, I will become a poisonous snake, I will bite; dog: you can't; but your bile will be a cure for your khan's daughter, who is dry; a boy killed a cat, took bile, ordered M. to offer to cure the khan's daughter; the girl recovered; the khan gave her daughter and half of the people; on the way back, they took the buried treasures of the killed demons; they began to lower the bucket into the well - every time a bucket comes off; the boy told him to let him down; there's a witch (mous emagan), a boy and a girl in front of her; that boy: is thought or wind faster? boy coming down: the wind is moving in one direction, and the thought is in four at once; that boy: the old woman kidnapped him and the girl, they are the children of Hormusta Tengria; when the water in the well is completely gone, their old woman will kill; the boy who came down killed the old woman, they all began to rise; as the body of the murdered old woman rose, the water also rose to the very top; the heavenly boy became a swan and flew to heaven, leaving his younger sister as his wife to the savior; he gave her to M.; on the wedding night, a snake crawls to bed, a boy worker killed her, blood dripped on the bride's cheek, he erased it; the girl to her husband: he kissed me on cheek; he tells M. that he is the ransom dead man; leaves; M. came to Erlik Khan for him; both of them were asked to walk on an iron wire as thick as their hair; they went and they were both released into the world alive; the boy worker took his daughter K.]: Pozdneev 1889:348-364; Karachays or Balkarians [biy is going to marry a son who is lazy and inexperienced; he needs a good partner; biy finds the guy, negotiates payment, brings him to his son; eats the food offered; in the morning both young men sleep for a long time; biy tells the servant to pick up his pay and clean; the same with the second servant; the third candidate liked: when everyone went to that one, he stayed to watch the bulls so that they did not suffer in the ice; gives food to the owner, gets up early in the morning; biy is happy; tells them not to stay overnight in the forest; biya's son is tired, demands to stop in a forest clearing; the servant watches, sees emegen, follows him; there are 9 emegenes with one to nine heads; the servant dug a hole in front of their gate, they fell into it one by one; the servant got out of the hole for their bodies, cut off their heads when they were sticking them out of the hole; biya's son was sleeping at that time; they come to the village where the girl is; her father: at night the girl will enter the room; if the groom if she wakes up, she will wake up, and if not, she will lose her head; the servant insists that there must be three trials; the first night Biya's son did not wake up, the girl left him two unripe apples; the same on the second night; the third time, the servant seemed to accidentally cut the groom's finger, sprinkled salt and tied a thread; when the girl came in, he pulled the thread, biya's son took the girl; the servant brought the bride and groom and the treasures of the dead emegenov; biy: I now have two sons]: Malkonduev 2017:371-375; Balkarians: Malkonduev 2017:381-386 (Western 1958) [the poor man wants to marry his son; tells him to bring a friend; he finds a companion, the father asks him to share the food, the guest divides him into equal parts; the father sends him away; the same with the second candidate; the third time the young man sees two people wanting to dig up a dead man who owes them money; a young man pays the money himself; meets a young man named Ak; he gives the best parts of watermelon and bread to the young man's father; the father tells him not spend the night in the gorge; but the young man did not listen to advice; Ak does not sleep; Emegen came up, shot, missed, How did he hit him, came in the footsteps to the cave; there is dead emegen and treasures; in the village, the daughter of a rich man gives grooms hide three times; if they find, cut off their heads, 99 people have already been decapitated; Ak replaces the young man, the fox agrees to help; hid the groom in a hole under a stone; the girl searched three times (even in heaven and at home in her hair), but did not find it; agreed to marry a young man; the dead came to life, she began; on the way back, Ak gave the young man the treasures of emegen; pretends that the girl should be divided; when he swung a knife, she has A mirror and a snake fell out of her mouth; the girl recognized what was happening on the surface of the earth with a mirror, and what was underground with a snake; Ak returned to the grave; wedding, feast], 389-391 (Western 1965 g.) [when dying, a rich merchant advises a son named Zhasharkul, if he goes on a journey, to offer his companions an apple; whoever does not eat it himself, but divides it and returns half, take it; two ate apples, the third one returned; friends met the old man, who gave them a knife to help; the boy says that his mother was taken away by emegens; friends killed emegens, returned the boy's mother; the man he met says how emegen ripped off his skin from his back; J. drove him into the ground up to his shoulders, cut off his head; freed the shackled girl, the daughter of Kilychbatyr]; the Udins [the tsar gives money to three sons for them they disposed of them cleverly; the older money was spent, the youngest saw a man hitting the grave with a stick: the deceased owed him money; the prince gives this amount, tells him to leave the deceased alone; the king scolds eldest sons, praises the youngest; advises to hire a servant who refuses the offer to share the meal; the prince goes to the bazaar, the third candidate refuses to eat with him - he will eat what will remain; advises the caravan with goods to take a short route, although none of those who went back; at night, the servant is awake, hears someone asking the dog to remain silent: the owner will kill it soon, let him will let you take possession of the goods; the dog continues to bark; the prince sold the goods profitably, the servant ordered him to return the same way; again the dog barks, the servant runs to the voice, someone runs away, hides underground; the servant tells the prince to lower him down on a rope; there are three princesses kidnapped by seven divas; the servant cut the divas into pieces, put their severed ears in a bag; the prince lifted up women, treasures and a servant, a caravan moved to the house; during this time, the king father went blind from grief, his sister went crazy, because everyone thinks that the prince is dead; the servant kills the same dog, moistens his bag with blood; says that each of the princes marries one of the rescued princesses; brings him to a fresh grave; she is just the size of the grave; gives the money that the prince paid to the defiler of the grave; tells his father to be cured by covering them with blood dogs, and the sister's mind by giving a decoction from the dives' ears to drink; let the king give the prince the throne; then the grave closed]: Dirr 1922, No. 17:88-93 (=1920, No. 17:88-93); Tsakhurs [the king became blind to old age; his only the blood of a "red fish" with a horn on its head will cure; the prince caught a fish, but it was so beautiful that he let it go; once he offended a black slave, he told the king everything, the king expelled his son; mother tells the prince how to recognize a stranger as a faithful friend; the stranger turned out to be him (he guarded the prince's peace at night, etc.); the tsar has a dumb daughter, he will pass her off as someone who can get her to talk; in the presence The companion princess tells how the tailor, the carpenter and the mullah spent the night on the road, taking turns awake; the carpenter carved the girl, dressed her tailor, the mullah revived her; who will get the girl? Everyone is silent, the princess says that the mullet; the prince gets a wife; the companion tells not to lock the bedroom door; at night she enters, kills a snake crawling into the bedroom; everyone goes to the prince's homeland; where he met companion, who tells me to divide everything in half, including his wife; the companion pretends to cut the girl, snakes crawl out of her mouth; he explains that a snake fell in love with the princess, slept with her at night; from in his breath, she became pregnant and numb; to cure her father's blindness, you must smear his eyes with earth from under the hooves of his companion's horse; the companion himself is that fish; the prince returned with his wife and property, cured his father ]: Dirr 1920, No. 18:93-96; Tabasarans [the padishah is ill, he will be cured by the blood of a marine inhabitant; son Ilyas sees how the old man caught a girl with a fish tail; she asks her to let her go, I. lets go; father expels him; his mother gives an apple - whoever divides it equally is a true friend; I. meets a young man who divides the apple equally; the padishah's daughter is numb; a friend sends I. to cure her, teaches her how; she has a mirror, carpet, necklace; I. tells the story of these objects, the girl screams; throws off the necklace, talks a little; this necklace is an old viper woman; I. marries, a friend demands to separate the bride, swings, the girl belches the snake, then speaks normally; the friend was the siren that I. let go; I. brings medicine to his father; feast]: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 25:264-266; Georgians (Tbilisi) [merchant sends trade the eldest son, who is afraid of losing, brings gold back; the same with the middle son; the youngest buys a dead man with his ear cut off, beaten by his lenders; erects a monument to the mono-eyed man, after spending all the money and asking the father for more; the father is happy, tells his son to take an assistant who will keep the dry crust and give him the crumb; only a one-eared Arab fulfills the condition; agrees that Divide the proceeds in half and meet its three conditions; goes ahead of the caravan through the forest, exterminating predators; the first condition: ask the king for permission to sit with the caravan in the yard in a shack; tells the young man do not look out of the shack, he goes to buy a magic bird himself; the young man looked out and saw the princess; the king will pass her off as someone who can get her to talk, failed to execute; the Arab put the bird under the pot, asks whether they clean it; the pot (i.e. the bird) replies that they do not clean it, the princess is indignant out loud; the king kills the vizier, believing that he is to blame for everything; the Arab hid the bird in the curtains (same: they do not clean me; princess : what's it like?) ; the third time the same (the bird answers on behalf of the throne); Arab to the king: I want a princess not for myself, but for a rich young man; the Arab tells the young man to celebrate only his engagement and until he returns to his father to his betrothed approach; on the way back, the Arab orders to separate the bird (tears it in half) and the princess; waves his sword, a snake crawls out of the princess's mouth; the Arab says that he is the dead man whom the young man bought; all good]: Kurdovanidze 1988 (2), No. 81:59-71; Azerbaijanis [Ilyas goes to wander; mother teaches me to choose the right companion; if she waits as long as necessary, she will share the bread equally, then it will do, and if she waits as long as she needs, she will share the bread equally, and if He will say that he will slowly go ahead, take more bread for himself, then no; a young man named Gulab passed the test; teaches how to force the princess to leave the palace; they tear the goat by the ears, not cut it; they beat the carcass with sticks, and do not take off their skin properly; once in the princess's room, they stand on their heads - they sleep like this; but the princess guessed it and drove the young men out; they went to bed in the tomb; the robbers came in with looted; were going to slaughter the dead; the brothers jumped up, the robbers ran away in horror; two came up, but G. tore off one hat - supposedly there were so many dead people that there was not enough money for everyone; during the day robbers they guessed the deception and set out to look for the young men; when they saw them, G. and I. seemed to support the pole: we are angels, and this is a pillar of heaven, the sky may fall; G. and I. are preparing for weddings; the robbers have come again ; friends told the king who robbed the treasury, the robbers were executed]: Bagriy, Zeynally 1935:566-574.

Iran - Central Asia. The Vakhans [when Khoja is 70, he wants to hand over the trade to his 10-year-old son; together with his cousins, the boy went with a caravan; paid off the debt of a dead man who was refused to bury and beaten ; the father is dissatisfied, but a year later he decided to try again; explained to his son that he needed a servant who would work himself, and not send a master (etc.; the necessary qualities were described); the son met a young man who offered to become a servant; the father allowed me to go with the caravan; the merchant's son wants to shelter the dog; the servant watches it, overhears the conversation of three peri: this dog is a dangerous werewolf; kills it, makes it out her meat is a cure for all diseases; the king promises her daughter to the one who will cure her; the servant cured her, gave the girl to the merchant's son; left, saying that he was the redeemed dead]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 45: 383-389; Uzbeks [the Shah ordered to throw the net, but the fish cannot be pulled out; when everyone left, the son of the vizier Kasym pulled out: the head is golden and the body is silver; let go of the fish, put a millstone in the net; the Shah wants it to execute, the teacher begged K. to be expelled into the desert; the mother teaches him to choose as companions someone who will reach out for small pieces of cake and leave him large ones; K. rejected one person and the other took small ones pieces, his name is Kalandar, he is a released fish; a black diva kidnapped the Shah's daughter; brothers came to the witch, killed her, freed the girl from the chest; she tells him to wait under the bridge for a yellow diva; they drove him along belt to the ground, cut off her head, took her beak, unlocked the palace, and the yellow cat had the keys to 40 rooms; the girl killed her, they unlocked the rooms; one had chained women, the other had children, the third was old, fourth man; all released; met a green diva, killed; waiting under the bridge for a black diva; he knows about them; they have been fighting for 40 days, his captive threw millet under his feet, he fell, his brothers cut off head, but the divas lived; they found the key from a black cat, opened a golden chest, in which there were 40 boxes one in the other, blue and black pigeons in the last one, they were strangled, the divas died; the Shah married his daughter to Kasym; at night, a parrot sprayed the girl's face with poison: whoever tells will petrify; Kalandar began to wash the poison, Kasym decided that he wanted his wife, he said he was petrified; the girl smeared the stone with blood from her little finger, Kalandar came to life, became He went into the water with that fish]: Afzalov et al. 1972 (2): 65-71.