Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K116A. Nesmeyan (the king in disguise dies) .21.22. (.23.) .

The king takes or is about to pick up the poor man's wife. She finds an excuse to convince the king to wear her husband's clothes, and the king is killed by his own warriors (dogs), believing that he is poor (jester, damn).

Kachins, Viets, (Sinhales), Minahasa, Chinese (Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Guangdong), Lisu, Chuan Miao, (Ancient China), Sarykol, Kyrgyz, Uighurs, Salars, Altaians, Tuvans, Trans-Baikal Buryats, Hamnigans, Khalkha Mongols, Inner Mongolian Mongols, Japanese.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Kachiny [the young man lives with his grandmother; he catches fish, but only shrimp gets into the net; he throws it away every time; thinks she scares off the fish, wants to kill; the shrimp asks to bring it into the house and leave in a vessel of water; since then, food has been cooked every time; the young man found the girl, married her; asked her to paint his portrait to admire while working in the field; the wind carried away the portrait; his the king saw, sent the young man's wife to pick up; when she left, she tells her husband to come to the palace dressed in chicken feathers; the new queen is always silent, indifferent to dancers and jesters; when she sees a peasant dressed in feathers, cheered; the king decided to wear such clothes himself; when they saw him, the jesters decided that he was a competitor and beat him to death; the young man and wife returned home]: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 30:106-109.

Burma - Indochina. Vieta [the peasant met the girl and immediately became rich; brought her portrait to the field; the wind carried him away, the landowner picked it up, took it to the king; to take his wife away; orders to paint the hills black (the wife orders to set fire to the vegetation); weave a rope of ants (grease with honey, the ants stuck to the rope); make a rope out of ashes (burn a bunch of rags); then the king took his wife by force; she manages to give magic rice; you have to plant it, birds will arrive, take a pen from each, make a dress out of them and come to the king in it; becoming the king's wife, the peasant's wife fell ill and numb; seeing a date seller in feather dress, laughed for the first time; the king decided to wear this dress himself and began to dance; the wife called the dogs, they tore him to pieces; the peasant distributed gold to them and his wife returned to him]: Bystrov et al. 1962:98 -102.

(Wed. South Asia. Sinhales [someone asked the townsman what he thought of the local king; he was perfect; the questioner grinned; but the king knows where the center of the country is, how many stars there are in the sky, and what the king is doing the land of the gods? the man told the king that he called the provincial governors, but no one knew the answers; the king ordered them to be executed; the same happened to the ministers; the adviser remained, asking for a day to think; his goat shepherd volunteered to go with him; adviser to the king: even shepherds know the answers here; shepherd: the center is here - measure for yourself; there are as many stars as the fur on the goatskin that I wear on my shoulders; what about gods, I can't answer in my current form, I must dress up as king; sitting on the throne, the young king summoned the torturers and ordered the former king to be beheaded for killing innocent people; this is the act of the king of the gods; the young man remained to reign]: Parker 1910, No. 18:150-152).

Malaysia-Indonesia. Minahasa [Matindas cannot look at his wife Mogogunoi; she advises drawing a portrait of her, taking her with you; the storm took him away, the Raja saw him and ordered him to find a woman; Matindas suggests to run, Mogogunoy acts smarter; puts her husband in a chest, and his clothes hang on the wall; when the Raja enters, Matinda assures that she will be happy to go with him, but is afraid of her husband's relatives; let the Raja wear it clothes and his dance mask; the Raja in the form of Matinda comes out, Mogogunoy tells the Raja warriors to kill him; realizing that they have killed the master, the warriors run away, Mogoguna stays with Matinda]: Bezemer 1904:284-286.

China - Korea. The Chinese (Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Guangdong) [the poor man goes to earn money by taking a portrait of his beautiful wife with him; the wind brings a portrait to the emperor, who finds a beauty, makes him an empress; the first husband comes dressed in feathers; the Empress laughs for the first time; the emperor changes clothes with the person who comes; the Empress orders to kill the man in feathers, the former poor man becomes emperor]: Eberhard 1937, No. 195:251-253; the fox [the fortuneteller gave instructions to his three sons where and how to bury him; three years later they asked the father's spirit; the elder wished to become king, the middle one wished to become rich, the youngest was to marry a beautiful woman; wishes came true; in order to always see his wife, the youngest began to take her portrait on the field; the wind carried away the portrait, the other king saw it, sent soldiers to bring the beauty to three years; but she does not smile; three years later, the husband came wearing a feather cloak; the woman laughed; the king changed his cloak to the kingdom; when he came to his wife's bed in the form of a big bird, she cut off his head; began to reign with her husband]: Dessaint, Ngwâma 1994:404-405; Chuan miao [an orphan makes a flute, a wreath of gold and silver, with two {only one mentioned below} companions goes to marry her daughter Ntzï Ni Leo; gives jewelry to girls, who tell them to be friendly to guard dogs; these are black tigers, then striped, they let the young men in, receiving and swallowing gold and silver from them; orphan chooses a bed not made of gold, but of bamboo; NNL asks to choose a wife among many women; his daughter warns that she will be dressed like a criminal, carrying a broken pot and a basket of holes; in front of the girls an orphan plays the flute, the bride responds, repeating how she is dressed; he chooses her; the bride gives amulets, with their help knives and spears are immobilized, NNK recognizes the orphan as her son-in-law; the wife tells me to choose a bad horse; at home the Chinese landowner demands to catch 260 birds (hawk-cuckoos), otherwise he will select his wife; immediately invite the emperor to the feast; the wife makes birds out of clay, the horse immediately brings the orphan to the emperor and brings Moreover; the emperor takes his wife; the orphan appears in a birdskin suit; the wife has never laughed, now she laughs, asks the emperor to change clothes with the orphan; the wife tells the guards to kill the emperor dressed in feathers, an orphan becomes emperor]: Graham 1954:242-244; (cf. Ancient China [two dragons appeared during Xia's time; disappeared when their saliva was collected in a vessel; during Zhou's time, the last year of Li-wan's reign, the vessel was opened, saliva spread throughout the palace; Li-wan ordered the women to strip naked and scream; saliva turned into a black turtle, crawled into the back room; there with her a young maid met; when she reached adulthood, she gave birth to a girl without her husband, threw her away, picked her up by the elderly couple, fled to Bao, so the girl was named Bao-si; she grew up, Yu-wang saw her, took her wife , she gave birth to a son, Yu-wang killed his eldest wife and her heir; Bao-si did not laugh; she laughed for the first time when the signal lights were lit, the princes came to the rescue, but the enemy was not there; they began to repeat this, and When Western barbarians really attacked, no one came to help; Yu-wang died, Bao-si captured and sent west]: Sima Qian 2001: (narrated in Yuan Ke 1987:251-256).

Iran - Central Asia. Sarykoltsy [the prince goes to look for his wife, finds it, cannot take her eyes off, the wife gives her portrait, the wind brings it to the king, he finds a beautiful woman; she advises her husband to give her to the king, promises remain faithful; the husband must come to the king in a passerine fur coat turned inside out; the wife promises to marry the king when the apricots grown from the seeds bloom, when the king buys a fur coat made of passerine skins; the conditions are met, seeing a man in passerine clothing, everyone laughs; the wife asks the king to wear a fur coat; in this form he looks out of the room, the guards kill him, the woman's husband reigns]: Pakhalina 1966:228-232.

Turkestan. Kyrgyz [Momunjan asks his wife Olonchan to make a doll like her, takes it with her while working in the field to admire her; the wind blows the doll away, the khan sees her, tells her to get a beautiful woman; the servants take O. to the khan's house; M. comes disguised as a beggar, O. smiles for the first time; to hang his wife, the khan agrees to dress as poor, walk along the ail, begging; O. tells the servants to cut off the beggar's head, becomes a khansha]: Brudny, Eshmambetov 1963:231-233 (=197:152-153); Uighurs [khan ordered to bring him a lotoshnik's wife; she never laughs; seeing that at the sight of a lotoshnik, his wife finally laughed, the khan changes clothes with him; his wife orders the execution of the imaginary lotoshnik, her ex-husband becomes khan]: Aliyeva, Kabirov 1989:63-65; salars (Ullagil, Xunhua-Salar Autonomous county) [the orphan young man saw two snakes fighting on the road; one was black and the other was variegated; the young man threw the black snake into the bush and let the motley snake go; she brought him to his home; said to his snake father that The young man saved her from the black snake; the young man stayed there for a few days, then was about to go home; the motley snake advised: "Tomorrow my father will ask you: "Do you want more silver or a small measure of gold?" You say, "I don't want a big measure of silver or a small measure of gold. I want chicken in the yard"; the young man did so, brought the chicken home; went to mow the grass in the morning, and when he returned home, he saw that the bread and tea were ready; the next day he stayed outside the door; the chicken took off its a feather cloak, turned beautiful, cooked food, and then put her raincoat back on; the young man ate dinner and stayed on guard at the door again in the morning; when the chicken threw off his cloak, threw it into the fire; the chicken remained beautiful and became the young man's wife; an imperial hunter approached him in the mountains; he tasted the bread that the young man had given him and took a piece for the emperor; he ordered him to give it to the young man: "Let's arrange horse competition; if your horse fails, the emperor will take your wife for himself!" ; the young man told his wife about this, she told him to go to her father's house and bring a little white horse from there; the young man did this, won the contest; the emperor: "Tomorrow you level this mountain, and my army will level that mountain. If you fall behind, I will take your wife away"; the wife told me to go to her father's house and bring a white chest; the young man did it; a flock of pigeons flew out of the chest, which leveled the mountain before the imperial one army; the emperor warned the young man that he would come for his wife tomorrow; the wife: "If she comes for me, I will go. You wait seven days. Then tie your feathers with wool, make a cloak, hang a bag on your shoulders, pick up a stick and go to the imperial door to ask for bread!" ; the emperor's warriors took the young man's wife, he waited seven days and did as she ordered; his wife laughed when she saw him; the emperor: "I'm so beautifully dressed! Why don't you laugh at me?" ; the woman replied that she would laugh when he dressed like a beggar; the emperor invited the young man to come in, took his clothes and stick; then went outside and came back; the woman ordered the guards to kill him; the young man became emperor, the woman remained his wife]: Tenishev 1964, No. 54:108-109.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Altaians [father falls ill, sends daughter Torko-Cachak ("silk brush") for the old shaman Teldekpey-Kam; he demands that PM become his wife, she refuses; after the campaign, TC says that the father will recover when PM is stabbed in a barrel and lowered into the river; the young fisherman Balykchi took out a barrel, replaced the PM with a dog, threw the barrel back into the river; the TC slaves pulled it out, brought it to its owner, left; the dog he gnawed almost to death; PM painted her portrait on birch bark so that B. could always look at her; the river carried away birch bark; Kara-Kaan saw her, ordered the girl to be brought in; she lived in his tent, but not smiled; laughed when she saw a young man wearing a goat fur outward riding a bull; KK decided to put this fur coat on himself and sit on the bull; he took him away, his heart and liver burst; PM stayed with B.]: Garf, Kuciyak 1978:150-163; Tuvans: Vatagin 1971, No. 17 [Karaty Khan lived in the upper reaches of Kara-khema, a lama with two novices in the lower reaches, and a fisherman Oskus-ool in the middle; to take K.'s daughter, the llama gave him a poisonous powder; he was called to treat the sick person; the lama said that instead of khan, his daughter could be sent to the lower world; let them put him in a chest and throw him into the river; warned novices that a chest would come; O. caught chest, replaced the girl with an evil dog; she ate the llama; O. married the girl; she drew him her portrait so that he would always look at her; the wind carried away the portrait, it fell into the hands of another khan, he sent an army, took away O.'s wife; she does not laugh; O. came in a bear coat and wolf hat on a hornless bull; the woman laughed for the first time; the khan changed clothes with O.; the wife said that the khan was ill, and across the steppe the devil rides in a bear coat and a wolf hat, he must be killed; the khan was killed, O. and his wife lived happily]: 149-153; Samdan 1994, No. 13 (Bai-Taiga) [Karaty Khan lives in the upper reaches of Kashpal-Kara-Khem, in the lower reaches of the Lama with two students, a middle-class fisherman Bagay-ool with an angry dog; the llama wants to marry K.'s daughter, but this contradicts his vow; gives K. a potion, he falls ill; the llama persuaded another lama to tell K. put his daughter in a chest, go down the river; he lowered it, after a laxative he immediately recovered; B. caught the chest, replaced the girl with a dog; the llama opened the chest, the dog tore it, the students killed the dog; B. does not fish, she still looks at his wife; she gives him her portrait to admire; the wind carried away the portrait, another khan saw and took B.'s wife away; three years later, having earned property from K., B. comes to the kidnapper unrecognized; the wife recognizes her husband, smiles for the first time; promises the kidnapper that if he arrives in the same funny clothes, she will be even more cheerful; tells the servants to kill whoever comes tomorrow is an evil spirit; servants Khan is being killed, B. takes his place]: 341-351; Trans-Baikal (?) Buryats [Naran-Gerelte ("radiant sun") daughter Naran-Sereg ("sun flower"); to marry her, the Lama added potions and the NS fell ill; said that the NA requires water khan Lusud; it is necessary to let her down the river in a wooden box, only then will she recover; the NS asked for her red dog; instead of the llama's servants, the shepherd accidentally pulled out the box; the NS ordered it to be lowered again, leaving the dog inside; the servants brought the box to the llama, the dog gnawed his throat; the NS gives her shepherd husband a ring, the foreign khan kidnapped her; the husband came in rags, gave his wife a ring through the old man; when the man in rags came up , the NA told Khan that she liked dirty and ragged ones; he believed it and dressed up like this himself; the NS ordered him to travel for three days (to make the rags look more believable); told the servants to push them into the hole and fill them up stones of someone who will appear in three days; returned home with her shepherd husband]: Eliasov 1959:30-35 (very similar text, Kizhinginsky District of Buryatia, 1974 in Bardakhanova, Gympilova 2008, No. 6:33-36); Trans-Baikal Buryats (Selenginsky; probably tabanguts) [the husband cannot work away from home because he misses his wife; she gives him her portrait; the husband goes to sell the owner's cattle; drops portrait in a well, cannot reach it; goes further with the cattle; residents of the city find a portrait; a rumor about this reaches the barn; when he sees the portrait, he falls in love with the depicted beauty; orders to find her ; a cattle merchant says that he has a servant who has a very beautiful wife; the husband goes to the palace and says whose portrait it is; the barn orders his wife to be brought; the husband returns home; the wife, after learning about what happened, says that they will have to break up for three years; tells them to take three hundred lan of silver from the baran and then return home; by the time they are three years old, they will have to sew a fur coat with wool up, buy gingerbread, become a peddler and start shouting outside the barn house: "Gingerbread, gingerbread!" ; the husband does so; when he becomes a peddler and sees his wife and barn sitting by the window, he shouts: "Gingerbread, gingerbread!" ; the wife rewards her husband with a smile that the barn has never seen in three years; the barn asks her; the wife says: "If you want to see me even more beautiful and my smile more charming, call me this stranger here, just so that your servants do not see, dress in his clothes, walk past your house, I won't smile so much at you and I'll be even prettier"; the amban agrees; the wife orders the servants close the gate with windows and drive the peddler away; the barn screams, tries to return to the house; the servants beat him and drive him away; he goes to prison, where he commits suicide; the beauty's husband becomes a granny Manchu city]: Smolev 1902b, No. 3:48-51; Hamnigans (Tungus-speaking, Aka and Buguntui rivers, according to "Hamnegan from Padi Tanguya Lama Danjin") [the hunter went fishing during the forest fire; saw a big snake crawling in front of the fire, took it on a stick and carried it aside; went on and met a white-clothed man sitting on a white horse; he said, "You did me a great favor, because it was not the snake that saved, but my child"; then he gave the hunter a gold box and advised him to open it only at night; warned that his daughter, who would become the wife of a hunter, was sitting in the box; a hunter he opened the box at night, his wife came out, the yurt became fun and rich; during the day everything disappeared, the hunter was still in distress, and therefore decided to sell the box, leaving his wife; warned, but he did not listen; when rumors about his wife spread, the khan sent people to take her away from the hunter; the wife left a note telling her husband to come to her secretly 25 days later; The animal farmer put on a magpie fur coat and went to the khan; his wife noticed him from a distance, invited the khan to look at the man in the forty fur coat, and went out to the balcony and laughed; the khan was surprised, because earlier never saw her laughing; ordered the man in the fortieth fur coat to be killed, but the khansha forced her to take off his fur coat first; then she put it on Khan and sent him to the army, repeating the khan's order; the soldiers did not recognize the khan and killed him, and the hunter made his way into the palace and began to rule like a khan with his wife]: Talko-Gryntsevich 1904:72-73; Khalkha-Mongols [Mongol Ardyn Ulger, ed. P.Horloo. Ub. 1969:175; the khan has a beautiful and educated daughter; hansha is ill; to take possession of her, the lama says that the disease was sent by a witch, the daughter of the khan; tells her daughter to go down the river in a chest; tells a stupid shepherd catch the chest when it swims by, but not open it; when the shepherd hears the girl's voice, he opens it, the girl tells her to place a large white dog in her place; the llama tells me to bring the chest to it; In the morning, the servants saw a white dog; they thought it was a witch, burned it; the girl became the wife of a stupid young man; she gave him her portrait; he was blown away by the wind; the portrait was brought to the khan; he ordered him to be taken a woman and kill her husband; the wife tells her husband to pretend to be dead; then dress up in rags; she will send a blue bull, he will take him to the khan; tells the khan that a witch on a bull will come; the young man was captured and threw him into a well; his wife pulled him out, hid him, threw branches into the well and set him on fire; the khan believed that the witch was dead; the girl: in order to marry according to custom, the groom must dress up in rags and walk around the city and say that he was a khan; everyone thought it was a witch and killed him; the girl dressed her husband in Khan's clothes, who became khan and then a sage]: Egubova 2012 ["Mongol Ardyn Ulger", ed. P. Horloo. - Ub., 1969, p. 175]: 15-19; Bennigsen 1912 [the tiger cub became friends with a calf; the tigress killed a cow; the tiger cub ripped open its mother's stomach with scissors, began to live with a calf; hung a bell for him to call help; when he heard the ringing, he rushed to the calf, but he just drove away the flies; next time he did not run, and the calf was killed and eaten by hunters; the tiger cub asked to kill him, bury his and calf bones together; on this Two trees grew in the place; Altan-Hu (the golden boy, the incarnation of a tiger cub) and Mungung-Hoo (a silver boy, the embodiment of a calf) began to emerge; the shepherd saw, told the khan, and caught him on his orders boys, the khan began to raise them; while AH beats off enemies, MX went to marry Kharakchi-Khan's daughter; kind to the old man he met, he gives a stick; the other gives two bones, the third gives a coal; at the palace on MX The dogs Asar and Vasar rushed, but MX threw the dice at them; the princess immediately fell in love, ordered herself to be taken away; the army surrounded them, the princess waved the wreckage of that stick, the warriors fell dead; the same for the next morning (she threw the coal, he burned the army); MX and his wife found an empty house, settled in; his wife did not let her hair loose in front of him; he spied - she had a golden strand; she gave him one hair, warning him that they were waiting for them misfortunes; the wind vomited his hair, he swam down the stream to Damba-Darji Chutkur Khan; he sent an army; MX was tied up, but they could not kill; his wife ordered him to put his knife in the hearth, MX died; ordered the ropes to be cut and, leaving the house, she waved her hands; at this time AH captured the enemy khan; went to look for MX; the horse brought him to AH's body; in the door on the right there is an inscription: take the knife out of the hearth, MX will come to life; on the left the inscription: let MX be too late in the evening he will ride in front of DD Palace on a bull covered with soot; he did so; the kidnapped khatun did not laugh for three years, but when she saw the man on the bull, she laughed; DD decided to smear himself with soot and sit down at the bull; at this time, MX's wife ran away with him; DD pursues, but the brothers shot the arrow and all the DD warriors died; DD AH himself was killed with a raw aspen stake; the brothers began to rule his kingdom]: 33-42; Mikhailov 1962:166-167; the Mongols of Inner Mongolia [Khan sent servants to take Julihe's wife Lianghua ("A Beautiful Flower"); the wife teaches him to come to the Khan's palace in a cape of chicken feathers; the wife is gloomy, but laughs when he sees such a man; the khan puts on chicken feathers himself, his wife tells his servants to execute him; the servants beat the khan, thinking he was a beggar, and threw animals to pieces in the mountains]: Coyaud 2012, No. 67: 147-148.

Japan. The Japanese [Gombeyu is in his 40s and still single; a girl came to him and became a wife; thoughts about her distracted him from working in the fields; she ordered her portrait and told her husband to hang it on a mulberry branch; the wind carried away the portrait, it fell into the prince's courtyard; he ordered to find the woman, she was found and brought to him; the wife manages to tell her husband to come to the castle on New Year's Eve to sell pine branches; before that the woman was gloomy and sad, but when she saw the twig seller, she smiled; to please the beautiful woman, the prince went outside and changed clothes with G.; the wife shouted to the servants to let the master (i.e. her real husband), but the gate would not have been opened again; the prince became poor, and G. became a prince]: Markova 1956:127-130.