Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K117. Nesmeyana (bride), ATU 559, 571.

.11.13.-.16.27.-.32.35.36. (.38.)

A woman will marry someone who makes her laugh; a man promises a reward to whoever makes his daughter or mother laugh.

Comorians, Zaghawa, Nubians, Arabs of Egypt, Spanish, Portuguese, Basques, Aragon, Italians (Friuli, Toscana, Abruzzo, Calabria), Sicilians, Ladins, Corsicans, British, Scots, Irish, French (Upper Brittany), Flemish, Frisians, Germans (Pomerania, Grimms, Swabia, Austria), Croats, Bulgarians, Greeks, Hungarians, Moldovans, Gagauz, Czechs, Slovaks, Poles, Russians (Terek coast, Karelia, Gorkovskaya, Siberia), Ukrainians, Belarusians, Turks, Mountain Tajiks (Darvaz), Burish, Edda, Lithuanians, Latvians, Finns, Estonians, Karelians, Norwegians, Danes, Mari, Mordovians, Chuvash, Kazan Tatars, Northern Tatars Selkups, central (?) Yakuts (Japanese).

Bantu-speaking Africa. Comorians [three brothers are orphans; one has big eyes, he sees everything in the distance; the other hand can stretch as far as he wants; the third has a head like a watermelon; the first sees that On another island, the princess never laughs, the sultan promises to give her for someone who makes her laugh; the second weaves the carpet that takes her to the island; at the sight of the third, the princess begins to laugh; the servant speaks that he noticed that the princess did not laugh, the cook that he sent a servant to the princess's room; etc., everyone says they were participants; God divides the princess into thousands of princesses, everyone gets a wife; these princesses are stars in the sky]: Hatubou 2004, No. 21:94-99.

Sudan - East Africa. Zaghawa [a blacksmith with four sons hunts a lot of game; decides not to share it with fellow villagers, eat everything on the spot; they don't have fire, they don't want to go to the village for fire; youngest son sees a light, it turns out to be a devil's eyes; the father does not believe, comes, hits the line, he runs away, then comes to the parking lot; the blacksmith feeds him all the game, three sons, runs away with the youngest; sticks his head in a hollow for honey, at which time the devil appears, the blacksmith pulls his head out so quickly that he scalps off his scalp; in the village, one person's mother never laughed; her son promises a blacksmith a camel if he is hers will laugh; the blacksmith takes off his turban, the mother sees a naked skull, laughs; since then, the unfortunate blacksmith has lived begging]: Tubiana, Tubiana 2004 (2), No. 23:16-20; Nubians [the sultan promises a daughter to someone who she and her mother will make her laugh; the Sultan sees a rootless young man lying on the ground; he never worked; the sultan tells him to grow melons; he listened, the melons are ugly; he loaded them on three donkeys to give Sultan; greeted a beetle, a mouse, and a ram on the way (Schlaf: =Schaf?) , they did not respond to the greeting, he carried the melons himself, and gave everyone a donkey; he told the story, the Sultan's daughter and wife laughed, the young man got a wife; her relative said that she was actually a hyena; the young man did not sleep with her, she went to a relative; at night, the beetle crawled into his ass, crushed the ram; the next night he put a nail in his ass, but the mouse dipped his tail in oil, put it in his nose, he sneezed, a nail flew out, the beetle climbed again; the Sultan's daughter returned to the rootless young man]: Reinisch 1879, No. 9:224-229.

North Africa. Egyptian Arabs: El-Shamy 2004, No. 559:313

Southern Europe. Spaniards: Camarena, Chevalier 1995, No. 559 [the king promises a daughter to whoever makes her laugh; simpleton Juanito takes a guitar, goes to the palace; plays three times, gets a dog each time; gets a dog a magic tablecloth, a jug filled with wine, a guitar everyone starts dancing to; he's put in jail, he feeds everyone there; the princess buys a tablecloth for the right to look at her thumb legs; same - jug (show knee); guitar - spend the night together; Juanillo marries a princess], 571 [the king promises his daughter to whoever makes her laugh; it fails; a group of students go to the capital; only one agreed to help an old woman who was carrying brushwood {it is not clear if it helped, but at least listened}; the old woman gave her three pubic hair; they should be wrapped around a cabbage leaf, dipped into the water, from above put a cross of the reeds; the young man did so and took out a cage with three wonderful birds; spent the night in a house where three girls lived; he was given a room; one sister looked into it to see what he was doing the student touched the cage and stuck; followed by her sister, who had already taken off some of her clothes in preparation for bed; the third sister, completely naked, stuck to the second; in the morning the student carried the cage on a stick, followed by three girls; then a priest, a plowman with bulls and a plow, a mule driver stick successively; when the princess saw this, she laughed and the student married her]: 542-547, 593-595; Aragon [hero makes the princess laugh, creating an absurd situation (everyone is dancing, sticking to each other, etc.); to get for herself the magic items owned by the hero, the princess agrees to perform increasingly immodest desires on his part]: González Sanz 1996, No. 559:88; the Portuguese [the king promises a daughter to someone who will make her laugh (make her break the silence); the poor young man plays the flute, fleas are dancing {and the princess is obviously laughing}; he solves her riddles or she can't solve his riddles; (the young man is thrown into prison and) the princess is about to marry a courtier; the young man sends an ant, dung beetle, mouse to bed newlyweds; as a result, the bed is stained with sewage; the groom is driven away, the princess marries the young man (because she turned to face him at night)]: Cardigos 2006, No. 559: 139-140; Basques [the king promises to give her sick daughter to someone who makes her laugh; the elder brother carries a basket of apples, refuses to pull the old woman who has fallen into the hole, the princess refuses him apples; the same middle brother who carried flowers; the youngest pulls out the old woman, she gives him a black lamb, telling him to always be with him; the guy stops at the curé, who tries to steal the lamb, sticks to him; a guy leads a lamb with lots of people and animals stuck to it; the princess laughs, people stick off, the guy marries a princess]: Barbier 1931, No. 8:96-99; Italians (Tuscany, Abruzzo, Calabria): Cirese, Serafini 1975, No. 559:130; Italians (Friuli) [the princess is always gloomy; the king promises to pass her off as someone who makes her laugh; princess: and whoever tries fails will lose his head; the son of a shoemaker with his head in scab; on the way his father gave him bread, money, wine; he consistently gave it all to three old women; the latter turned into a beautiful woman, said that she was the one who went out to him under him looked like old women and gave a goose, to which everyone would stick to; at the inn, the owner's two daughters tried to steal a goose, stuck; the young man went on, a priest sticks along the way, then tinker; when she saw the sight, the princess burst out laughing; at the same moment the goose and everyone who stuck to him were gone; the guy was washed and dressed; the wedding; the shoemaker father was also on her]: Calvino 1980, No. 38:114- 117; Sicilians [the princess is always sad; the shepherd finds a ring wearing constantly sneezing; goes on a journey, spends the night in a tree, hears the devils talking; one says he stole from a monk a magic tablecloth, an inexhaustible purse, a flute that everyone dances to; the shepherd gives the king a ring, everyone laughs, including the princess; the king refuses to give his daughter to the shepherd, throws him in prison; he feeds all prisoners; the king takes away a magic tablecloth; a purse; a flute too; a shepherd escapes from prison; finds dates, black ones grow horns, disappear from whites; sells black ones to the palace, from members the royal family grows horns; the shepherd gives white dates in exchange for selected items and the princess; wedding]: Gonzenbach 2004a [1870], No. 26:174-178 (=Crane 1885, No. 31:119-122); (cf. Gonzenbach 2004a [1870], 9 [the woman sent her daughter to her mother; one day she ate all the fish she had brought by her neighbor, lied that the neighbor did not give anything; her grandmother began to beat her; answered a person passing by to the prince, who beats for excessive hard work, the girl spins three balls of linen a day; the prince takes her to the palace; promises to marry if she hides 90 balls in a month; the devil (Mastru Paulo) promises to fulfill work if she says his name at the end; the king is upset that his son's fiancée is sad all the time, promises a reward to whoever amuses her; one peasant says he heard someone singing in the forest (rhymed verse) about spinning, calling herself Lignu di Scupa ("broom handle"); the girl laughed; gave the name a trait, he lost power over it; wedding]: 59-62); Corsicans [the king promises reward to whoever makes his daughter laugh; the elder, middle brothers are rude to the old woman, have achieved nothing; the youngest is kind to her, she gives him a golden bell; at the inn, the hostess tried it To steal at night, she stuck to him; her husband; then many other people; the princess saw this procession from the window and laughed]: Massignon 1984, No. 83:184-186; Ladins: Brunold-Bigler, Widmer 2004, No. 13 [the king consistently sends his three sons to the forest for firewood; when the elder breaks a chip from a tree, a man jumps out; the guy calls him crap, brings firewood in his shoulder basket, but they turn into crap; the same is with the middle brother; the younger one is polite, invites the little man to share a meal with him; he says that another king will pass off his daughter as someone to make her laugh or He would give him half the good; the little man gave him a wagon and a donkey, told him to go to that princess and pick up whoever was in need; so the young man was joined by a hungry dog, a thin man, a drunkard with a red and blue nose, a man with his pants down, who has eternal diarrhea; his ass is gagged; the princess saw, laughed, the young man demanded her hand; but the king now demands that the groom drank all the wine and ate all the food, as well as the hay; the donkey ate the hay, the drunkard drank the wine, the dog and the hungry man ate food supplies; the king and queen still do not want to give their daughter to the young man, but she ran away with him; the king sent knights; a man with diarrhea took out his plug, filled his pursuers with crap; then the young man rewarded his companions, dressed like a king, and reappeared to his wife's parents; he was recognized as a prince; wedding]: 105-116; Uffer 1973, No. 52 [the princess never laughs; whoever makes her laugh will marry her, and the loser will lose his head; the son of a poor shoemaker decided to try; on the way he gave all the bread first to the old woman, the money was the second, the wine was the third; the old woman became a young woman, explained what the young man was experiencing, gave a goose; if he gave a voice, I must say, "Stick!" ; at the inn, the owner's daughters tried to steal the goose at night, stuck; followed the boy and the goose; then the priest stuck, then the tinker with his dishes; the princess laughed; the king ordered to wash and dress up a guy who turned out to be handsome, married a princess, took his father to the palace]: 253-257 (=Decurtins, Brunold-Bigler 2002, No. 9:39-40).

Western Europe. Freeza [the boy hired a farmhand and asked for one pea for a year of work; suggested to the girl: if her rooster bites a pea, it will be lost, and if not, he will take the rooster; rooster he fell asleep, the boy began to groan and cry, for this was his year's earnings; in the end, the girl's father gave him a rooster and told him to clean up; suggested that the rooster butt the goat; the goat hurt the rooster, The boy screamed again, got a goat; the girl asked for some goat hair, put her hands in, they stuck to the goat; a farmhand stuck to the girl, then many other people; the procession came to town, she was seen by a princess who had never laughed; the king promised her hand to whoever would make her laugh; when she saw the procession, the princess burst out laughing, and then everyone was detached from each other; the king gave it to the boy daughter and throne]: Mürk 2014:5-12; Englishmen [Jack lazy lived with his mother; earned a coin from a farmer, lost it while crossing the stream; mother: should have been put in his pocket; Jack put a jug in his pocket milk, it splashed; had to be carried on his head; Jack carried the cheese, it crawled, stuck to his hair; had to be carried in his hands; Jack carried the cat, he scratched it; he had to lead on a rope; Jack dragged lamb's leg with a rope; it was necessary to carry it on his shoulder; Jack dragged a donkey; seeing this, the rich man's deaf and dumb barrel laughed for the first time, spoke and began to hear; the rich man passed her off as Jack]: Shereshevskaya 1957b: 184-187; Irish [the widow has Gilla's son; she leaves him in hot ash because there are no clothes; they were given a goat, it grew up; but she was killed by the hunter's dogs; the butcher took off her skin and it began to serve as clothes G.; he goes to the forest three times for brushwood, defeats three giants, saves their lives in exchange for a pipe that makes them dance; an ointment that makes them invulnerable for a year; an invincible club; the king promises a daughter who will make her laugh; {page skipped in pdf; apparently G. makes others dance}; princess laughs; Redhead {obviously rival} suggests sending G. to defeat the terrible beast (apparently a boar); G. beats the beast half to death, brings him and people, especially the Red, to dance; the princess laughs again; Red: the mace on a chain (flail) will throw enemies who threaten from hell; {page skipped in pdf}; brings; Redhead tried to steal this weapon, but it burned his hand; the princess laughs again; after the third time, the king must give the princess; G. defeated enemies; wedding]: Kennedy 1875:103 -113; French (Haute-Brittany; also Poitou, etc.) [the princess never laughs; the king will marry her to whoever makes her laugh; old man Lé Ramaïe wanders, meets him, offers to get into his bag and takes with him a mouse, a grasshopper, a dung beetle; he gave them to the princess, she laughed; the king threw R. to the elephant, but R. put a grasshopper in his ear and the elephant fell asleep; the princess was passed off as a noble master; R. let a beetle in his ass, The bride has no time for the bride's wedding night; as a result, the princess was passed off as R.]: Delarue, Tenèze 1964, No. 559:586-588; Flemish, Scots, Germans (Austria): Uther 2004 (1), No. 559:327; Germans (Pomerania) [Stupid Hans (GG) served as a farmhand for 7 years; asked for a calculation, but nothing heavy so that his pocket would not break; the owner calmed him down, gave him barley grain tied in a handkerchief; GG stopped at the inn, where the owner asked him to keep his valuables for preservation; when he learned that GG had a 7-year salary with him, he untied his handkerchief, but found only grain; he was immediately pecked by a rooster; in the morning the owner was forced to pay a rooster for grain; the next time he received a stallion for a rooster, because the owner left the rooster in the stable, and the stallion trampled him; the stallion has a golden mane and tail; if the owner says who tried to pull out his golden hair will jump on his horse and stick; the next night, the owner's eldest daughter approached the stallion, who burst, GG woke up and told the girl to stick; then they stuck along the way a clerk, a pastor, a peasant woman with a maid, her daughters; a prince bought a stallion in town; he wanted to marry a princess who had never laughed; the king promised her to someone who would make her laugh; when he saw them stuck, the princess smiled; the king will give her daughter for the prince, but if someone does not really make her laugh in three days; GG is ready to return 1000 thalers to the prince, but get the horse again; the old woman told pick them up a dung beetle, an ant and a mouse at the crossroads, harnessed them into a tiny wagon and told GG to whip them; the whole city went out to watch, the princess laughed until she dropped; king: GG won, but by 3 a day later; let both go to bed with the princess and whoever she chooses in the morning will not marry her; GG ate almonds with sugar and slipped a dung beetle to the prince; the princess turned to GG; the king passed her off as him]: Jahn 1891, No. 43:233-238; Germans (Swabia) [widow's sons Caspar, Melchior and Baltes; studied to be a weaver, shoemaker, saddler; consistently go to look for money; the first two refuse to share food with the old woman, she sends them back; younger B. gives all her bread; the old woman gives a golden duck; if B. wishes, everyone who touches her will stick to her; at night at the stand in the yard, three girls tried to snatch the duck's feather, she groaned, B. told them to stick to her; in the morning they all set off; when they saw the naked girls, the masons rushed to them and also stuck; then the priest; bakery workers; the daughter of the Portuguese king never laughs; whoever makes her laugh marries her; when she sees the procession, she laughed, B. married and became king]: Meier 1852a, No. 17:62-66; Germans [the eldest son went to cut wood; did not share the cake and bread with the old man, hit himself with an ax on his hand; the same middle son (on the leg); the younger Fool shared; he told him to cut down a tree under the roots whose goose with golden feathers; the guy spent the night in a tavern; the owner has three daughters; the eldest went to pull out the feather at night, stuck to the goose; the middle, the youngest, stuck to her; when the guy carried the goose then, a pastor stuck to the girls, then the man from whom he was supposed to baptize the child, two peasants with hoes; the king would give her daughter to someone who made her laugh; when he saw the procession, the princess laughed; but the king is looking for an excuse to refuse; let the groom bring a man who can drink a cellar of wine; eat a mountain of bread; the fool finds such in the forest; the king wants a ship that would sail on land and water; that old man gave; Fool got the princess and then the throne]: Grimm, Grimm 2002, No. 64:236-238 (=Grimm, Grimm 1987:197-200); (cf. Bretons [the queen gave birth to a daughter, the sorceress was not invited to the party, she turned the princess into a mouse; the spell will be removed if the sorceress's sister laughs; the king went to war, the mouse daughter asked to take her with her, sits in the horse's ear, sings; the Spaniards liked it, the son of the Spanish king married the mouse princess; the Spanish king will leave the crown to the one of the three sons who brings the best canvas ; the mouse wife gives a small box, it contains a lot of better canvas, the older brothers are shamed; they offer to leave the crown to the one whose wife is more beautiful; the mouse wife secretly rides after her husband on a rooster; stops at a puddle; the sorceress's sister sees it, laughs, the mouse becomes beautiful; the king gives the throne to her husband; at a feast she hides pieces of food behind the corsage, they turn into pearls and flowers; the elders daughters-in-law do the same, dogs and cats run after them, the king drives them away]: Lopyreva 1959:42-47).

The Balkans. Croats (Karlovac) [the princess never laughs; promised to whoever will make her laugh; the young sheaf knitter went to try his luck; sees a carriage traveling alone without horses, and the carriage sounds flutes; boy: God bless you, named sisters! they ask if the guy wants to be named their brother, he says yes; they were three fairies; they gave them a carriage and a flute; if you play, the carriage goes in the direction the flute points to; the guy stopped at the inn, went to bed in the carriage; at night, the owner's three daughters noticed three golden apples on the carriage and went out naked to steal them; grabbed and stuck; in the morning the carriage went, and naked the girls ran after her; soldiers rushed to the girls and everyone stuck; the peasant woman baked bread and hit the soldiers with a bread shovel; stuck; the princess saw and began to laugh; the king married the boy to his daughter and gave half his kingdom; if the boy is alive, he still reigns]: Eschker 1992, No. 44:203-205; Bulgarians [the king promises a daughter to someone who can make her laugh; the poor young man (the youngest of three brothers) teaches animals (mouse, beetle) to play the drum; appears with them to the princess, she laughs; the poor man marries her]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 559:207; Moldovans [instead of paying the master gave it to the farmhand miserable lamb; but he is getting prettier; king: whoever makes his sad daughter laugh will marry her along with half of the kingdom; the farmhand sleeps at the priest; three priests, then the pops, the pop want to snatch golden hair, stick to the lamb; seeing the procession, the king and then the princess laugh; the farmhand gets a wife and half the kingdom]: Moldavian tales 1968:458-461; Gagauz people [the king's daughter no one can laugh; the shepherd has a caval (musical instrument), the sound of which makes everyone dance; the shepherd came to the ass, leading his sheep with silk hair; the younger popovna wanted to pinch the sheep, stuck; then two others, popadya, pop, leaving the house without pants; the man was digging manure, the shovel stuck to his ass, and his hands to the handle of the shovel; the shepherd was playing, the whole procession was dancing, the princess saw and laughed]: Moshkov 1904, No. 75a: 137-138; Hungarians [motive known: Dungbeetle]: László 1982, No. 559:461; Greeks: Uther 2004 (1), No. 559:327.

Central Europe. Czechs: Uther 2004 (1), No. 559:327; Slovaks [the princess does not smile; whoever makes her laugh, the king will give gold to his weight; shepherd Kubo talks about his adventures and misadventures; the princess smiled a little; each of the four guards demands from K. a quarter of what he would receive from the king; K. asks for stick punches]: Dobšinský 1970, No. 36:192-198; Poles [royal never laughs (and promised to whoever makes her laugh); three brothers go to try it; the youngest shares food with an old man and he gives him a golden goose or other object to which they stick touched him; the tavern's daughter was the first to stick, trying to snatch the pen, then many others; when she saw the procession, the queen laughed; the hero receives an additional task - eat, drink a huge amount of bread, wine, etc.; produces them thanks to assistants]: Krzyżanowski 1962, No. 571:190; Russians (Karelia, Gorkovskaya, Siberia), Ukrainians, Belarusians [ Nesmeyana Tsarevna: she never laughs; her father promises her hand to someone who makes her laugh; a "fool" succeeds; a noble groom fails]: SUS 1979, No. 559:158; Russians (Teresky Bereg) [Omelka scooped up a pike with a bucket, which promises to fulfill his wishes; he wants accordions to play on the stove; the king has a Nesmeyan daughter, everything is crying; O. came to the king on the stove, the princess hung up, the king gave her to O.; {more : O. was a worker, so he did not take the princess}]: Balashov 1970, No. 146:397-398; Russians (Gorkovskaya) [a mouse, a cancer and a beetle ask a soldier for a penny, he gave it to everyone; the master will give his daughter to the one who has her will laugh; the soldier is lying in the mud, the mouse, the cancer and the beetle are pulling him; funny; but the soldier refused to marry; he was abandoned to wild animals, but the mouse, cancer and beetle began to bite and pinch the bear and the wolf; in the morning the soldier agrees to marry, but there is another groom - the general's son; master: let the bride lie in the middle and the grooms on the sides; the bride hugged the general's son, but the soldier's friends gnawed and mutilated his pants; in the morning bride with a soldier; wedding]: Eremina et al. 1979, No. 36:216-217; Belarusians (Mogilev Gubernia, Klimovichesky U., d. Seletskoye, 1888-1891) [After serving 25 years, a soldier receives 25 rubles and leaves. The beetle asks for a ruble and promises help. The soldier gives. Same mouse. Cancer. A soldier comes to the city where the Tsar's daughter lives. She'll marry someone who makes you laugh, but the soldier doesn't know it. He gets drunk, falls into the mud, falls asleep. A mouse, a beetle and a cancer undress him, wash his clothes, and the cancer dries it on its claws. The princess sees this, laughs, tells the king, and the king announces the wedding. Three days pass, the princess complains to the king that the soldier sleeps at night and does nothing. The king replies that if things are the same in three days, he will put him in a menagerie. The soldier sleeps three nights. The king sends him to the menagerie. A soldier makes a pipe for himself and plays it under a lime tree. A lion comes to the soldier, sits down with him and keeps other animals away. The king marries the king's daughter. The king announces his wedding. The wedding night. A mouse, a cancer, and a bug appear. The cancer turns the king with claws, the beetle crawls inside and throws out different things from there, the mouse spoils both the king and the royal daughter. The princess and the king wake up, the princess scolds but forgives the king. He does not eat all day, only borsch in the evening, and does not sleep at midnight. When a mouse falls asleep, the cancer and the bug do the same thing they did the first night. The princess tells the Tsar. Tsar: Let the third night pass. The king doesn't eat or sleep until dawn. At dawn, he falls asleep, a mouse, a cancer and a beetle appear, and everything from the king is scraped out with a broom. The princess does not want to live with him anymore, the king sends him to the menagerie, and orders the soldier to be returned from there. A soldier goes to the palace and a lion guards him. The king is being slaughtered by animals. The princess rejoices at the soldier and wants to live with him]: Romanov 1901:88-90.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Turks [during the rain, Keloglan's guy took off his clothes and sat on them; Hoxha asks to reveal the secret of how he managed to keep his clothes dry, gives a magic remedy for this, thanks to which everything stick to each other; or three brothers go for firewood; the older ones don't share food with the poor and disappear; the younger Keloglan divides, gets a goose to which everyone sticks; among others, a mullah sticks, mufti on a donkey; the witch, crossing the river, raises her dress above her head and remains in this position; the princess, who never laughed, burst out laughing when she saw such a procession, K. got her married]: Eberhard, Boratav 1953, No. 182:208.

Iran - Central Asia. Mountain Tajiks (Darvaz) [the old woman gave her grandson an apricot kernel, who sold it, bought three goats, sold goats, bought three donkeys; gave one to a mole, the other to a beetle, and a third to the wind; a girl promises to marry someone who makes her laugh; the guy tells how he gave donkeys, the girl laughs, gets married]: Rosenfeld, Rychkova 1990, No. 18:94-96.

Baltoscandia. The Scandinavians [Odin, Loki and Hoenier walked for a long time, got hungry, killed and began to fry the bull. A bull does not roast at the behest of a big eagle sitting above them in a tree. The eagle promises that the meat will be ready if it is allowed to eat it. Starts to eat meat. L. hits him with a stick, which sticks one end to the eagle and the other to L. The eagle rises into the air and lets Loki go only for promising to lure Idunn and her rejuvenating apples out of Asgard. L. lures I. out of Asgard into the forest (he says he found some apples and asks him to bring her for comparison). Giant Tiazzi arrives in the form of an eagle, carries I. The aces immediately turned gray. They grabbed L., who promised to go to the giants if Freya lent him his falconry. After receiving it, he flew north to T.'s home while he was boating at sea. L. turned I. into a nut and flew back with her. In Asgard, aces set fire to the plumage of the stalker L. T.-Eagle, they killed him. His daughter Skadi wore a chain mail and helmet and went to avenge her father. She was offered a ransom: choose a husband. She saw pretty legs, thought it was Balder and that was Nyord from Noatun. The second condition is that the aces must make her laugh. L. tied the goat by the beard with a rope and the other end around his scrotum. Both were pulling and screaming. K. Loki fell to Skady's knees and laughed. O. threw T.'s eyes into the sky, made them two stars]: Younger Edda 1970:56-57; Lithuanians: Kerbelite 2014, No. 62 [grandfather and woman soaked their full for beer; the hare got into the habit of eating; he was caught in a bag, he carried his grandfather, he found himself in an unfamiliar place; puts two dogs, two roosters, two carts, rollers in the bag, which they wash themselves; the pan will reward the one who makes his daughter laugh; the old man began to take out what was put in bag, the girl finally laughed; the pan agreed to put the old people in his ear]: 141-143; Löbitte 1965 [Jurgis asks for what he gets in his ear in a year; it's three grains; goes to wander around the world; stays in the house, the rooster pecked the grains, Yu gets a rooster for them; then for the goose rooster; lamb; he brings happiness; the girls get to him, stick; to the girls the mistress, the owner, merchant, gypsy; the royal never laughed in the city; when she saw Yu at the head of such a procession, she burst out laughing; the king passes her off as Yu, to boot half the kingdom; Yu says "Lamb, let go"]: 194-197; Norwegians: Asbjíørsen, Moe 1960 [princess rejects suitors, never laughs; the king promises a daughter and half a kingdom to whoever makes her laugh, and whoever fails will cut his belts off his back; the older, middle brother fails; the younger one catches fish, changes the old woman for a golden goose, to which everyone sticks at the request of the owner; comes with a goose and a crowd of people stuck to each other; princess laughs; wedding]: 20-24; Hodne 1984, No. 571 [the king will give the princess to someone who can make her laugh; the youngest of three brothers gets a magic bird (goose); she is consistently stuck woman, blacksmith, maid, keyman, etc.; princess sees this procession and laughs]: 138-139; Estonians: Jakobson 1987 [the farmhand earned a penny in a year, threw it into the water: if it comes up, it means he worked good; a penny sank; the same in the second year; on the third, all three surfaced; the mouse, the cancer and the beetle asked for a penny in loan, promised to come if he called; the king has a non-laughing daughter, who laughs, will receive princess and half the kingdom; the farmhand calls his assistants, tells the beetle to play, the cancer and the mouse to dance; the princess laughs, followed by the king and the courtiers; the farmhand gets a wife and half the kingdom]: 34-36; Järv 2016 [ having inherited only a residential bath, the guy demolished it and sowed rye; someone poisons the crop; he began to guard, the white hare took him to the forest; he went to the place where dogs were barking, where two dog skulls were barking , he took them with him; then cock (crowing); two suede dralich mittens, and he took them; the king promises half a kingdom and a daughter if anyone makes this daughter laugh; the boy took out his skulls, mittens, they bark, crowing, fighting, the princess laughed, the guy got what he promised]: 11-13; Latvians [Nesmeyana Princess. The young man spares a beetle, a cancer, and a mouse on the road. With their help, he manages to make the princess laugh. Then the animals help the young man when he and his princess and rival sleep in the same bed]: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 559, 571 [the guy gets a goat (goose, crutch), when touched, everyone sticks; Thanks to this, it is possible to make the princess and the courtiers laugh; the young man gets the princess's hand]: 301, 304; Karelians []: Konkka 1963:286-287; Finns, Danes: Uther 2004 (1), No. 559:327; ( cf. Finns [parents raised their son in a barrel so that worldly vices would not stick to him; when released, his mother sent him to sell oil to a rich master; he will be tall and beautifully dressed; the guy sees a red milestone with a white top, filled the gap with oil, came for money the next day; the pole is silent, the guy twisted it, found a treasure under it; the mother sends meat to the pastor, such as black robe and white-collar; the guy sold meat to the dog; the next day he dragged her to court; the people came to see; the king has a daughter who does not laugh or speak; she spoke for the first time and laughed; the king gave the guy gold]: Concca 1993:120-129).

Volga - Perm. Mordva: Erzya Tales, pp. 193-197 in Kecskeméti, Paunonen 1974, No. 559:231; Marie [Nesmeyana-princess: never laughs; the king promises her hand to whoever makes her laugh; The worker succeeds with the help of grateful animals]: Sabitov 1989, No. 559:35; Chuvash [the man took his son for firewood, he froze in a sleigh, his father sent him to warm up in someone's hut; the owner suggested get into the barrel, for any flaws, stabbed him, carried him out into the field; a wolf came up, the guy grabbed his tail, he ran, the barrel fell apart; the guy found a singing cock head, a singing hat, an ax that himself cuts; the princess never laughs; the guy showed curiosities, the princess laughed, the tsar passed her off as a guy]: Eisin 1993:305-306 (=Sidorova 1979:212-213); Kazanskite Tatars [frog, mouse, bast they ask the young man to give them five kopecks each, they promise to marry the princess; the padishah marries her to someone who makes her laugh; the princess laughs when she sees a frog and a mouse drag her bast; the princess laughs, marries a young man; the son The vizier is jealous and wants to kill him; a mouse, a frog and a bast put a pea in his nose, he sneezed, a pea hit the padishah's forehead, who sent the vizier's son to prison; when the young went to the young man's house, the mouse, frog and bast told him to sit on his bast, not on the padishah's arba, they took a dragonfly as a coachman; the bast became a tarantas, the dragonfly became a coachman, the mouse and frog turned into horses, the young man's parents' hut - palace]: Zamaletdinov 2008b, No. 50:417-419.

(Wed. Japan. The Japanese [the only version from Aomori; most likely European borrowing]: Ikeda 1971, No. 571:153).

Western Siberia. Northern Selkups: Tuchkova, Wagner-Nagy 2015, No. 40 (zap. A.I. Kuzmina, Krasnoselkupsk, 1965) [Ichik lived with his grandmother; went to marry Tyrsha-Ko-ira's daughter; on the way he stuck to the stone out of need; the pike bit him; he hit the pike on the head, put it in the boat; T. will give his daughter to someone who makes him laugh; I. told what happened to him on the way; T. laughed and gave his daughter], 41 (L.Yu. Ioffe, Krasnoselkupsk, 1973) [about (40)], 42 (E.A. Khelimsky, Krasnoselkupsk, 1979) [Ichakychika lives with her mother/grandmother; the Nenets passes his daughter off as someone who will make her laugh; I. sailed on a boat, sat down to relieve himself on a stone, pike bit him; he killed a pike, put it in a boat; told me about this, the girl laughed, he married her, her grandmother was happy]: 183-184, 186-187, 188-189.

Eastern Siberia. Yakuts: Ergis 1967, No. 170120 (place of recording not specified; central?) [whoever makes the princess laugh marries her; with the help of a magic snuffbox, the guy makes the princess laugh and she becomes his wife; gives her husband money, but the robber takes it away from him; the guy leaves and goes down to the lower world; the abaas instructs to tame wild animals, animals die; the abaas are afraid and tells the shaman to send the boy back to earth; the wife gave birth to two sons; the boy became king]: 203; (cf. Zhukov 2008 (the place of recording is not specified) [the tsar announced to the people: whoever can cheer his daughter, he will give her to him as his wife; many tried, but to no avail; a young man came and told the tsar's wife that his name was "Red vagina" and to the king that "Horseradish Up"; they let him see their daughter; the young man told her his name was "Sweet"; began to bother her, had sex with her; she screamed: "It hurts, Sweet, it hurts"; the king I thought that my daughter ate sweets; the queen went to check it out, shouted: "The red vagina climbed on the girl!" ; the king did not understand what he was talking about; then he jumped up and ordered the soldiers: "Hold the hell up!" ; they were puzzled, asked the guy running through what the king had shouted; the guy replied: "Don't hear, orders you to keep your horseradish up"; the soldiers did so]: 42-43).