K117D. Two in bed with a princess .
A princess between two suitors must blindly choose who she likes best. A low-born groom adjusts so that his noble rival smells (and fragrance from him). The princess turns to him.
Portuguese, Germans (Pomerania), Russians (Vologda, Gorkovskaya), Luzhitans, Turks, Mari.
Southern Europe. The Portuguese [the king promises his daughter to whoever makes her laugh (break the silence); the poor boy plays the flute, the fleas dance {and the princess obviously laughs}; he solves her riddles or she can't guess his riddles; (the young man is thrown into prison and) the princess is going to marry a courtier; the young man sends an ant, a dung beetle, a mouse to bed to the newlyweds; as a result, a bed stained with sewage; the groom is driven away, the princess marries a young man (because she turned to face him at night)]: Cardigos 2006, No. 559:139-140.
Western Europe. Germans (Pomerania) [Stupid Hans (GG) served as a farmhand for 7 years; he asked for a calculation, but nothing heavy so that his pocket would not break; the owner calmed him down, gave him barley tied in a handkerchief grain; GG stopped at the inn, where the owner asked him to keep his valuables for preservation; when he learned that the GG had a salary for 7 years, he untied his handkerchief, but found only grain; he was immediately pecked by a rooster; in the morning, the owner was forced to give a rooster for grain; the next time he received a stallion for a rooster, because the owner left the rooster in the stable and the stallion trampled him; the stallion has a golden mane and tail; if the owner tells , who tried to pull out his golden hair, will jump on his horse and stick; the next night, the owner's eldest daughter approached the stallion, who reared, GG woke up and told the girl to stick; then they stuck along the way a clerk, a pastor, a peasant woman with a maid, her daughters; a prince bought a stallion in town; he wanted to marry a princess who had never laughed; the king promised her to someone who would make her laugh; when he saw them stuck, the princess smiled; the king will give her daughter for the prince, but if someone does not really make her laugh in three days; GG is ready to return 1000 thalers to the prince, but get the horse again; the old woman told pick them up a dung beetle, an ant and a mouse at the crossroads, harnessed them into a tiny wagon and told GG to whip them; the whole city went out to watch, the princess laughed until she dropped; king: GG won, but by 3 a day later; let both go to bed with the princess and whoever she chooses in the morning will not marry her; GG ate almonds with sugar and slipped a dung beetle to the prince; the princess turned to GG; the king passed her off as him]: Jahn 1891, No. 43:233-238.
Central Europe. Russians (Vologda) [turnips do not grow; old man: to bad things and turnips; turnips have grown, the bad one has come to pull it, he does not give it; the eldest goes, then the middle son is the same; the youngest breaks the stump, suggests that a bad person get a trap (?) , knocks out a wedge; let go for promising to bring money, a pipe and a pig with piglets; Ivan plays, a pig and piglets dance; the princess wants to buy them; I. gives the first pig for being a princess she raised her dress to her knees; then to her navel; to her breasts; she has silver and gold hair under her breasts; the king will give it to someone who knows the signs; I. and the general's son both know; she was put to sleep between them: to who would turn around; I. pretended to give a damn on the window, and then ate it; the general's son really repeated; he stinks, the princess turned to I.; the king gave his daughter to a fool, he grabbed the king's mind]: Novichkova 2003, No. 6:431-433; Russians (Gorkovskaya) [a mouse, a cancer and a beetle ask a soldier for a penny, he gave it to everyone; the master will give his daughter to whoever makes her laugh; the soldier lies in the mud, the mouse, the cancer and his beetle they pull; funny; but the soldier refused to marry; he was abandoned to wild animals, but the mouse, cancer and beetle began to bite and pinch the bear and the wolf; in the morning the soldier agrees to marry, but there is another groom, the general's son; master: let the bride lie in the middle, and the grooms on the sides; the bride hugged the general's son, but the soldier's friends gnawed and mutilated his pants; in the morning the bride with the soldier; wedding]: Eremina et al. 1979, No. 36:216-217; the Luzhitans [the king promises the peasant boy a daughter if he manages to herd 300 birds with one stone for three days, bringing everyone home every night; the guy shared bread with a little man; he gave a pipe to lure hares; but the king still does not want to give his daughter; let the boy and the noble groom go to bed with the bride: whoever he turns to marry her; the guy ate almonds and fragrant seasonings, and told the noble man that he ate his own crap; he did so; the bride turned away from him, and the peasant received it]: Schulenburg 1882:41-42.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Turks [the fisherman saw the princess bathe; she fell in love with him; the padishah is ready to give his daughter if the applicant knows signs on her body; the vizier wants to marry his son's princess and advises the applicant to set a condition: 40 days to herd 40 hares; the fisherman succeeds thanks to the pipe given by the mother; the vizier's son, then the vizier himself and then the padishah try to steal, replace or buy; he stigmatizes their ass {and the pipe comes back}; the fisherman must say a bag of lies and a bag of truth; a blindfolded and naked princess must choose her fiance in the pool; a fisherman takes something fragrant in his mouth, and the vizier's son is smeared with crap; the princess chose a fisherman]: Eberhard, Boratav 1953, No. 232 IV: 279.
Volga - Perm. Marie [the peasant has three sons, the youngest is a fool; his father tells him to clear the forest (the fool uproots fir trees), plow the field (fool first of all), buy seeds that will quickly yield crops ( brothers do not know what to buy, the fool buys turnip seeds); turnips quickly degenerated; someone tears it up at night; the eldest remains to guard, the witch (osda) beats him; the same with the middle one; the youngest helped her carry turnips to her at home; hits her; she gives a horn, the sound of which makes everyone dance; the father tells the youngest to herd a pig with piglets; the popovna sees, wants to buy a pig; the fool asks to lift his skirt for it; next time burn on her chest; let himself be felt for the third time; the fool sees golden hair under her right arm, silver hair under her left; pop promises his daughter to someone who tells her what is special about her; rich landowner gives the fool a lot of money to discover the secret; the fool told, but tells him to go together; the fool talks about the hair, the landowner repeats; pop: let all three sleep in the same room, with whom the daughter will lie down, for that and will come out; popovna lay down with the landowner; the fool and the landowner both coped with the need; then the fool ate the prepared candy, and the landowner believed that he ate his crap; he ate his own and the fool too; the popovna feels stench, fool; married him; the bishop went with him, shot the hare, went to pick him up, the fool began to blow into his horn; at home, the bishop said that the priest's son-in-law hit him; they want to hang the fool, he blows into the horn again; the bishop ordered himself to be tied to a pole in advance, but the pole broke out of the ground; the fool was released]: Beke 1938, No. 50:498-514.