Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K119A. An ungrateful host.

.11.-.16.21. (.22.) .23.27.-.32.34.

An animal saves a person, does him a favor, and he humiliates or kills him. See K119, M161 motifs.

Swahili, Laadi, aka, Ewe, Dagomba, (Guro), Twi, Sicon, Hausa, Nubians, Tigre, Sakho, Berbers Morocco, Tunisia, Spaniards, Basques, Catalans, Sicilians, Italians (Campania), French ( Limousin, Niverne, Gascony, Languedoc), Flemish, Dutch, Germans (Harz), Kuwait, Tibetans (Ladah), Bhutan, (kho), Nepalis, Condas, Konkani, Sinhalese, Macedonians, Bulgarians, Serbs, Hungarians, Albanians, Moldovans, Gagauz people, Greeks, Russians (Pskov, Tula, Moscow, Voronezh, Tambov, Samara), Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Galicia, Hutsulshchina, Ternopil, Ugric Russia, Transcarpathia, Poltava, Chernigovskaya), Belarusians, Poles, Kashubians, Crimean Tatars, Stavropol Turkmens, Abkhazians, Balkarians, Ossetians, Chechens, Nogais, Avars, Kyurins, Aguls, Georgians, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Kurds, Turks, Persians, Yazgulyam, Estonians, Seto, Finns, Lithuanians, Latvians, Norwegians, Danes, Western Sami (Sweden), Kazan Tatars, Bashkirs, Mordovians, Komi, Altaians, Khakas.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Swahili (Zanzibar) [a poor man who goes home is suspected of stealing; he is forced to eat in a garbage dump; finds 10 cents; buys a gazelle from a fellow villager; she asks to let her go feed for the day; leaves in the morning, returns in the evening; on the 6th day she finds a diamond, went with a diamond to the Sultan; presents the diamond as a wedding gift from the owner; the sultan orders to bring the groom, the gazelle takes the poor man to the Sultan; beats him in the middle of the way and leaves him in the forest; when he reaches the Sultan, asks for clothes, saying that her master was robbed on the way; brings the man to the Sultan and leaves him there on week; finds an empty city ravaged by a snake, cuts off all 7 heads of the snake and returns; takes and settles the poor man with the Sultan's daughter in the richest house in the city; the poor man does not thank; the gazelle falls ill, asks for help from the poor man; he does not show respect and does not help after the second and third requests; the poor man's wife tries to help the gazelle; the gazelle dies; the poor man does not pay tribute; the Sultan's daughter leaves her husband; the vizier and the sultan bury the gazelle with honors; the next day a person wakes up in the mud of the old city and lives like this for the rest of his days]: Bateman 1901:99-154; laadi [the crocodile is on land; asks Kundi's young man take it to the water; go deeper; is going to eat it; a cow, a bull, a horse, a donkey say that good is paid for evil; the hare pretends not to believe that K. could pick up and carry a crocodile, asks to show how it happened; tells him to kill the crocodile and his cubs - there will be meat at home; in the village, the sorcerer says that K.'s wife will recover if she is given hare skin; K. wants to grab the hare, he runs away dogs tore off his tail; var.: boa constrictor instead of a crocodile]: Koutekissa, Koutekissa 2003:65-76; aka [the hunter wants to kill the crocodile; he asks him better to take it to the river, go deeper, grab it and is going to eat; the Cephalophus callypigus antelope says the crocodile is right; the other animals are the same; the blue duyker says it is forbidden to attack the stronger ones, and since the crocodile is weak, let eats dried meat; throws dry branches; the crocodile believes it is meat, comes out of the water, and the hunter has set a meeting place for the duyker to thank him; the hunter falls ill and the healer said that he will recover if he puts a piece of duyker skin to his throat; a hunter and a witch doctor killed a duyker who came for the award; all animals remember this story when they see people]: Motte-Florac 2004, No. 34:155-160.

West Africa. Eve [see motive K119; see motive M161; a gazelle marries a man, makes a man rich; when he pretends to be sick, a person drives her away and becomes poor again]: Pozdnyakov 1990:170-186; (cf. guro [after the flood, the crocodile remained on land; begged the young man to take him to the river; said he was too weak to swim out - let him place him in the middle of the river; was going to eat it; a woman who herded cows, agreed that evil pays for good; the same one who grazed oxen; the hare pretends to understand exactly how it happened; the young man brings the crocodile back and comes with the hare to village; his brother dies there; doctor: the patient will recover if you apply the skin removed from the hare; the question is, what should I do? Let's look for the North Star waiting for the right decision]: Tououi Bi 2014:211-214); Dagomba [people are chasing a dangerous snake; she asks a man to save her; he let her crawl into his leg; refused to give it away; the snake is going to bite him; the wild dog undertakes to resolve the dispute, pretends to hear poorly; as soon as the snake sticks out its head, he bit it off; the man took the dog to the village for a reward; he he was afraid to enter, stayed on the edge of the forest; the man's wife gave birth, on death, she would be saved by a decoction of wild dog skin; her husband sent hunters to kill the waiting dog; but he was smart and left in advance]: Cardinall 1931:196-197; twi [two hunters saw a snake; one wanted to slaughter it, the other ordered it to be left alone; the snake wrapped around its savior's neck, was about to bite; the rooster, the goat, the ram answer that people themselves are not grateful; the leopard convinced the snake to let the man go; he promises to bring boiled yam to the leopard; the doctor says that a person's wife will be born if it eats the leopard's heart; man leaves boiled yam in the thicket as bait, tells hunters to shoot at this place with guns; hidden leopard: there really is no gratitude in the world; the man has returned home, his wife is dead, he shot himself]: Bellon 1914, No. 4:20-24; Sicon [snakes attacked people; the sorcerer began to destroy them; the latter asked the woman to hide her in her stomach; the crow says there is gratitude wisdom and has three eyes like a crow; the snake stuck its head out to look, the crow pulled her out and killed her; the woman gave the crow rice, grabbed it and said that she would sacrifice it; the old man bought the crow, giving it black chicken to the woman; when flying away, the crow pecked out the old man's eye; such is the gratitude]: Pinney 1973:274-277; hausa [the crocodile hides from the hunters, he is found by a firewood collector, the crocodile asks take it to the river, is going to eat it; the jackal pretends not to believe the person, wants to show how it happened, let the crocodile get into the bag; and let the man eat it; the man promises the jackal four chickens; At home, he finds out that his wife is sick, she will be cured by the jackal's skin; tells his children to take sticks and dogs, go to the place where he promised to bring chickens to the jackal; but the jackal doubted and did not come]: Klipple 1992:78, 90 -91.

Sudan - East Africa. The Nubians [the crocodile bet Neil would drink it, but Neil threw the crocodile far on land; the man agreed to take the crocodile ashore on a camel; the crocodile grabbed a man who asks the fox for help; the fox pretends to find out everything from the very beginning; let the person tie the crocodile, take it back to its original place; tells him to take it home and eat it; the man promises to give the fox two at a time chickens a day; gives for the first time, then the wife drives the fox away; he comes back at night, strangles 6 chickens; husband and wife decide to go to live elsewhere; the fox lies down on the road, pretends to be dead; then runs go again; the man decides to go back and pick up the first dead fox; the wife waits, falls asleep; the fox eats the chickens, leaves on a camel]: Reinisch 1879, No. 4:206-211; tiger [the snake wraps around the man, threatening to kill him; he asked the fox for help, the fox told the snake to let the man go, the snake obeyed; the man promised to bring lamb to the fox, but brought the bag with the dog in it; the fox barely saved]: Littmann 1910, No. 4:5-6; sakho [the snake asks to be pulled out of the water, the man pulls it out; she begins to strangle him to eat it; the lion, the leopard, the antelope, the hyena answer that they do not take it judge this case; jackal: let the snake first slide off man to the ground; tells the man to kill the snake with a stick; the man brings a black dog, tells the jackal that it is a ram; the jackal runs away, then kills a dog; says humans have a black head and a red tongue]: Reinisch 1889, No. 17:205-207.

North Africa. The Berbers of Morocco [the snake asks a man to transport it across the river; on the other side refuses to slide off it; the camel, the horse answer that people are not grateful; the hedgehog begins to say that creatures in heaven and on earth are different laws, etc.; let the snake come down first; it comes down, the hedgehog tells the man to kill it, which he does; now man is going to take the hedgehog to his children; he asks go to his children first; leads to the hole in which the snake; the children are naughty, they will jump out, let the man grab the first one; the snake crawled out, bit the man and he died]: Leguil 1988, No. 24:157-165; Tunisia: Al-Aribi 2009, No. 4 [I bought a woodcutter for a monkey, then regretted it and started knocking it. The monkey found the jewel when it was cleaning the house. I went to the palace to borrow dishes for counting the grains, and glued the pearl to the bottom of the saa. The princess noticed this and asked the monkey. She told her that the woodcutter was actually rich, but she hid it for fear of the evil eye and envy. The governor gave gifts to the monkey. The monkey often went to see the princess, who also gave her gifts so that the monkey would introduce her to the lumberjack. The woodcutter became rich, built a palace in the city center, opened a shop, and married a princess. The monkey grew old and he wanted to get rid of it. The monkey told the whole story to the princess, who complained to her father, and he ordered the lumberjack to be beheaded. The princess returned to her father with the monkey, and they lived as long as God gave them], 63 [There was a shepherd. He herds cattle from a rich man. One day a wolf came to him and asked him for his sheep, promising to return it the next day. This went on for 2 more days. Then the owner found the shortage and expelled the shepherd. The shepherd met the wolf again and told him what had happened. The wolf invited him to his place and hosted him for 3 days, so they became friends and went to town. The wolf began to attack merchants and take away their property. So the shepherd became rich and began to say that he was a prince, the son of a sultan. The wolf decided to attract people to the shepherd. The shepherd bought paints and painted the wolf. The princess saw the wolf and called him, but he said he could not approach her without his master's permission, and if she wanted to see him, she could find him at the hotel. The next day, he won everyone over with his generosity, and the princess asked her father to marry her to a shepherd. The shepherd agreed, but on the condition that she would leave with him after the wedding. The princess agreed. They celebrated their wedding for a month, the money ran out, and they left town and set up a tent in the desert, then the husband told his wife who he really was. She said she loved him and wouldn't leave him. So the shepherd began to go hunting with the wolf. One day, the wolf decided to check whether the shepherd appreciates him. He pretended to be ill and didn't go hunting with him. The shepherd left and the wolf pretended to be dead. The wife began to cry and began to lament. When the shepherd came back and found out that the wolf had died, he laughed at his wife and was happy about the wolf's death. The wolf heard this, jumped up and tore it to small pieces] in Korovkina MS

Southern Europe. Spaniards: Malinovskaya 2002 [see motif M161; a fox saves a man from a snake, he promises her a sheep, brings a dog in a sack]: 192-194; Camarena, Chevalier 1997, No. 154 (Castilla y Leon, Asturias; then Catalans, Basques) [the peasant scolds the ox for the bear to eat you; the bear catches him at his word, the peasant asks to let the field plow; the fox promises to portray a hunter if a peasant will give her hens; fox: what is that under the cart? bear: say it's a log; peasant: log; fox: if it's a log, put it in a cart; tie it; stab an ax; bear: pretend to stab; the peasant hacked a bear; brings dogs rather than chickens in the bag; the fox suspects this is the case, but still picks it up and opens the bag; she manages to escape, she praises all parts of her body for helping; the tail also wants to be praised; fox: if I hadn't squeezed you, you the dog would grab it!] : 267-271; Basques [the wolf persuaded the man to release him from the trap, is going to eat it; the donkey confirms that there is no gratitude; the fox asks to show how it happened; the wolf climbs into the trap, man kills him; the fox came for the promised reward - two chickens, took a squirrel with them; dogs rushed at them; the squirrel climbed the tree, the dogs drove the fox (but fell behind); the fox offered it to the squirrel shove a nutshell - thorns on the road; the squirrel is happy; they came to the man, he gave them a bag, not chickens, but dogs; when the bag was opened, the savvy squirrel could not climb on the pine tree, dogs grabbed her and the fox disappeared into the hole]: Barandiaran 1961, No. 80:130-132; Catalans [see M161 motif; a fox saves a man from a wolf, he promises her a lamb, brings a dog in a sack]: Oriol, Pujol 2008 , No. 154:48; the Portuguese [1) the snake asks the man to release it, is going to eat it; the donkey confirms that people are ungrateful; the fox pretends to see how it happened, the snake is back in trap; comes for a reward, a person lets dogs at it; 2) a shark instead of a snake; a donkey, a greyhound; a fox checks a person's gratitude, pretends to be dead several times, the person is going to take it off skin; and other options]: Cardigos 2006, No. 155:42-43; Sicilians [see motive K119; a fox marries a man, makes him rich; pretends to be dead, a man tells him to throw carrion, a fox forgives him; or a man kills a fox]: Crane 1885, No. 33:127-131; Gonzenbach 2004a [1870], No. 6:41-46; Italians (Naples) [while dying, poor Calliuso left Oraziello's son a sieve and Pippo a cat; she promises to make his rich; catches fish and game, brings it to the king, talks about the owner's countless riches; the king calls Signora Calliuso to visit; the cat says that the robber servants took everything away from home; the king sends expensive clothes; at a feast, P. laments some rags in the house; the cat shines at him - he is asking for a lemon; runs in front of the royal carriage and tells all the peasants to answer that these are possessions Signora Calliuso; after marrying a princess, P. lived in a castle in Lombardy; the cat decided to test his loyalty, pretended to be dead; P. ordered him to throw away the carrion; the cat bitterly reproaches him for his ingratitude, and yourself for being stupid; leaves]: Basile 2019:193-198.

Western Europe. The French (Nivernay, Gascony, Languedoc) [a wolf, lion or snake ask a person to release them from the trap, are going to eat it; the first animals asked speak out against humans; the fox does The appearance that wants to see how it happened, the wolf (lion, snake) is trapped again; a person promises chickens to the fox, instead dogs rush at it, or a person puts a dog in a bag instead of a chicken]: Delarue, Tenèze 1976, No. 155:424-426; French (Limousin; also Nivernay, Landes, etc.) [Mr. Dickton lives in the hut but is happy because it is his own; he has three laying hens; the fox asks for the chicken to be given to her; he gives it, she promises not to remain in debt; tells the partridges that the king of everyone their tail will be gilded; let them follow her to the palace; tells the king that partridges are a gift from Mr. Dicton; asks for a second chicken, brings the king of snipes; after the third brings animals {who exactly ?} , promising to gild their horns; the king invites the generous Mr. Dicton to visit him; the fox tells the king that Mr. Dicton was robbed by robbers; the king sends new robes; the fox invites him to Mr. Dicton's castle; runs in front and tells everyone who works in the field or grazes cattle to answer that their owner is Mr. Dickton; in the castle he tells the owners to hide in a pile of straw, otherwise they will all be killed; after the feast, he offers to make a fire made of straw; Mr. Dickton settled in the castle; there are options with a cat instead of a fox; the owner promises to bury him solemnly in case of death; cat pretended to be dead, the owner threw out the carrion, the cat is outraged; he pretends again and now sees that the owner is really ready to bury him with honors]: Delarue, Tenèze 1964, No. 545:339-343; Flemish [a snake or a monster promises a reward to the liberator; a man frees a snake, it is going to kill him; a dog, a horse confirm that there is no gratitude; a fox to whom a person has promised chickens, asks the snake to get back into the trap first; when it comes for the promised chickens, it is beaten]: Meyer 1968, No. 155:27; the Dutch [the snake is crushed by a stone; she asks a peasant passing by for her release; wrapped around his neck - this is the reward; the dog, the horse answer that people are not grateful; the fox says that the question is not clear to her, asks to show how it happened; the snake is again under the stone; the peasant brought the fox to him; it began to live with him and eat chickens; the peasant killed it with a stick; the fox: this is gratitude]: Soer 1979:102-104; Germans (Harz) [the peasant picked up the stone and so freed the crushed snake; it wanted to bite him, but he persuaded him to ask the people he met if there was gratitude; the old horse says no; the fox wants to see how it was first, asks for a snake climb under the stone and crush the peasant again; he agrees to give the fox chickens, pigeons and geese; the fox came, shoved the goose into the bag, but the peasant's sons shoved it in, killed her, and ate the goose] : Pröhle 1954, No. 2:8-9.

Western Asia. Kuwait [the father brought the meat; while it was being cooked, each of the daughters pulled out the pieces; finally, the youngest grabbed the entire pot and took it away; tired, fell asleep at the palace, her dog with her; the prince saw her and got married; once she noticed that his beard looked like a broom in their house; added that the broom was gold and pearl; the dog came to the rescue and pointed the hostess to the family, in which the owner reported that he was a daughter with another wife; the prince's wife came to that family, with a broom made of gold and pearls; the dog pretended to be dead; the hostess told her to throw it away; offended, the dog told the prince everything, sent his wife to work in the kitchen; and when the dog really fell ill and died, the owner took care of her and put her body in the chest; the prince missed his wife and returned her; when they opened the chest, It turned out to be a golden dog with gem eyes; the prince and wife lived well and his wife always cared for animals, especially dogs]: Taibah, MacDonald 2016:38-39.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans (Ladah) [see motive K119; a fox marries a man, makes a man rich; when he pretends to be dead, a man tells him to throw it away]: Francke 1925:425-428; Bhutan [under 18 boy lazy, nicknamed Lazy - Pladong (P.); finally, man taught him how to grow corn; a good harvest was ripe, but the monkeys ravaged the field; P. caught only one lame monkey; she convinced her not to execute , promised to make him rich; came to the king: King Bhakho asks your daughter to marry; king: I want to see his palace first; the monkey came to the shinpo (demons), read a letter from the Chinese emperor with declaring war; the Chinese have guns; you have to hide in straw huts, the kernels will fly through without causing harm; burned the huts with the shinpo; begged for scraps of good cloth, hung it in the bushes, P . she sat on a stone in the middle of the river; tells the king that a sudden flood makes sense for the whole army; the king sent good clothes for her son-in-law; delighted with the rich palace; when the monkey was old, she pretended that died; P.: throw the carrion into the river; P. forcibly persuaded him to forgive him; later the monkey died again; P. came with a statement of condolences; the monkey laughed so much that she choked and really died]: Choden 1994:125 -131.

(Wed. Burma - Indochina. Kho [the tiger started fighting with a drink, she dodged, the tiger was tired, admitted defeat; the shepherdess saw it; for promising to remain silent, the tiger began to give him fish; parents think that his son is stealing it, to him I have to tell him; the tiger wants to eat it, the shepherdess asks for another 6 days; he tells the hare everything; he mocks the tigers, says they can't even run around the tree (tigers collide with each other and stumble); makes a stick look like a bittern's beak, pretends to swallow and regurgitate it; tigers admit defeat, leave; the shepherdess's parents invite the hare to visit, they put dogs on a chain; they forgot about one puppy, he chased a hare, bit off his tail, since then the hare's tail has been short]: Nikulin 1990:230-235).

South Asia. Nepali [see motif K119; a fox marries a beggar to a princess, pretends to be dead, the owner tells her to throw her away]: Sakya, Griffith 1980:60-64; konkani (Goa) [fox steals sweet potatoes from the field; the peasant made a scarecrow out of straw, coated it with glue; the fox hit it with his paw, stuck, then with other paws; the peasant has already raised his stick to kill the fox, but he promises to marry him to the princess; on condition to ensure he had a royal funeral; brought a hundred elephants, horses and peacocks from the forest; ordered jewelry for the princess for the jeweler; dressed in luxurious clothes and sitting on an elephant, he came to the king; said that elephants, horses and peacocks gives the king who reigns in the West; tells his forest friends to build a palace for the royal son-in-law; wanting to test the former peasant, the fox pretended to be dead; he tells his servants to throw carrion; the fox accuses ingratitude; forgives; when he really died, he was buried with honors]: Rodrigues 2020:189-191; Sinhalese [see motif K119; marries a man, makes him rich; when he pretends to be dead, the owner tells throw it away]: Volkhonsky, Solntseva 1985, No. 81:182-185; Siddiqui, Lerch 1998; Konda [the tiger starved the hare; he asked him to let him go for a couple of days to get fat, otherwise he is too thin now; ordered iron clothes for the blacksmith; the hare offered to invite a man to admire their battle; to his surprise, the tiger could not harm the hare and fled in shame; the husband and wife plowed, the tiger asked him hide it; a hare came and demanded to show where the tiger was; they showed and he ordered the tiger to be killed; after killing the tiger, the peasant also hit the hare with an ax, but the ax split and the hare safely ran away]: Tauscher 1959, No. 67:133.

The Balkans. Macedonians [see M161 motif; a fox saves a man from a snake, he promises her chickens, his wife puts dogs in a bag instead of chickens]: Martin 1955:65-72; Bulgarians: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 154 [the bear is going to eat the ox or the ploughman himself; the priest who let the family say that the bear gave him honey; the man who deceived him when sharing the harvest; the fox agrees with the person: will speak in a false voice, pretending to be a hunter; the person replies that next to him is not a bear, but a stump; kills a bear; the rescued person promises the fox a chicken with chickens, and he lets the dogs down], 155 [a person saves a snake from a fire or a wolf from a trap; a snake or wolf is going to kill him; a horse, dog, wolf and other animals say that a person is ungrateful; a fox for promising to give it a chicken or chickens requires that she was shown how it happened; the snake (wolf) is back in the traps, the man kills them; the man or his wife puts a dog in a bag instead of a chicken, it kills the fox], 545B [the fox steals something from the miller (shepherd, etc.) .); asks not to kill, promises to marry the princess; comes to the king as a matchmaker from Tumburli Run, Dermenji Bey, etc.; asks for a loan for a measure, and when he gives it, a coin stuck there; says that on the way to the palace, its owner almost drowned (he was attacked by robbers), everything is gone, the king sends appropriate clothes; the miller looks around in unusual clothes, the fox explains this; tells the shepherds, reapers and etc., answer that these are herds, fields of its owner; in the palace, a serpent (self-martyred, robbers) tells them to hide (in a well, throws a stone from above) or flee; to check the miller's gratitude, the fox pretends to be dead; instead of the promised solemn funeral, the miller orders the carrion to be thrown into the river; the fox shames him and, when he really dies, is buried with honors; or the princess wife tells put not the promised chickens in the bag for the fox, but the dog]: 67-68, 68, 200-201; the Serbs [the fox and the miller agreed: he has a chicken a day, and she will get him a wife; the fox married the princess, saying that the groom is immensely rich; on the way to the wedding, the fox told the miller to wait by the river, ran to the king herself and said that the groom fell into the water and all his clothes were covered in mud; the king's three daughters-in-law immediately offered clothes for the future son-in-law and fox chose the best set; after the wedding, she brought the young and guests to Ali Baba's palace, and told him that Vladyka had come to destroy him - let him hide in the oven; the fox stuffed straw in it and burned Ali Baba; the guests admire the palace; the miller promises: if the fox dies, he will be buried with human honors; the fox pretended to be dead, the miller threw it on a pile of manure; the fox ran to to the king and told him everything; he took his daughter back, and the miller returned to the mill, but continued to give the fox a chicken a day because he was very afraid of her; and when she really died, he buried her as a human]: Eschker 1992, No. 56:227-229; Hungarians: Ortutai 1974, No. 61 [the poor man laughs when he sees a hare fight with a bear; an offended bear promises to eat it with his cows; a fox promises to help if the poor man gives her 9 chickens and a rooster; the poor man does not have them, but he promises; in the evening the fox blows, pretending to be hunters; the bear asks to hide it in a bag; the fox: what's in the bag? poor man: a burnt log; fox: well rubani; a man killed a bear; after bringing a fox, the poor man went into the house and began to bark: hounds; the fox ran away]: 430-432; Kovács 1987, No. 155 [the man lifted a stone, the one who crushed the snake is going to kill him, agrees to look for someone who will solve the case; a horse, a dog curse a person for ingratitude; the fox to whom the man promised a chicken wants to see how everything it was; the snake climbs under the stone again, the man crushed it; when the fox comes for the chicken, the man (or his wife, maid) hits it]: 277; Albanians [=Pedersen 1898, No. 7:49-53; a peasant saves a snake out of the fire; she is going to sting and strangle him; the horse, the ox say that the snake is right - people are also ungrateful; the peasant promises to the fox to eat chickens; wants to see everything as it was; the snake crawls onto the tree, the fox tells the peasant to run away; the wife does not give the peasant the chickens he promised the fox, tells him to put the dog in the bag; the fox refuses to get into the bag by itself, offers to open it; the dog rushes after her, she runs away; regrets that she contacted people in her old age]: Serkova 1989:264-267; Moldovans: Botezatu 1981 [an orphan boy, he has a cat, gave him the name Penesh ("pen"), promises to marry a princess; persuaded a hare Gather 50 birds with one stone to go to the king with a petition; the king believed that the cat himself caught the hares and brought him; the same with foxes; with wolves; leads the guy to the river, puts him under the bridge, throws many into the river hats and garments, tells the king that the army has drowned; the king sends luxurious clothes, gives a new army; at the wedding feast, the cat explains that the groom's clothes were better, so he looks at the new one; when it is time for young people to go home, the cat runs ahead and tells the shepherds and herdsmen that horses and cows do not belong to dragons, but to King Penesh; tells the snakes that the king is coming with guns, let everyone hide in the hay, in straw; set fire, the snakes died; a year later the cat pretended to be dead, P. ordered the dead meat to be thrown into the swamp; the cat burned down the palace, began to live among wild animals, since then there have been wild cats]: 138-146; Botezat 1981 [a man hid a wolf in a bag, which was chased by hunters; the wolf is going to eat it; the dog, the donkey answer that the wolf is right; the fox pretends not to believe: how could the wolf fit in the bag; the wolf got into the bag, the man beat him to death; promises the fox a bag of chickens, brings a dog in a bag; the fox has hardly run away, since then it has been stealing chickens to get its share of kindness]: 376-378; Gagauz people [the snake wrapped around the man's neck; the wolf refused to judge because the man sent dogs at him; the fox demands that the snake first get off the man, then tell the man to kill the snake; the man promises her chickens; the wife orders to put a dog in the bag instead of chickens; she caught up with the fox, the man took off the fox's skin]: Moshkov 1904, No. 145:214; Greeks: Legrand 1881 [cf. K119; the fox marries Triorrhogas to a princess, and when he pretends to be dead, he tells him to throw carrion away]: 15-20; Megas 1970, No. 10 [see motif M161; the fox saves a man from a snake, he promises her chickens, his wife lays in a dog bag instead of chickens]: 11-13.

Central Europe. Russians (Pskov, Tula, Voronezh), Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Galicia, Hutsulshchina, Ternopil, Ugric Russia, Transcarpathia, Poltava, Chernigov), Belarusians [" Old bread and salt is forgotten": a person saves a wolf (bear, snake); when the danger passes, he wants to eat it (strangle it, sting it); turn to oncoming animal judges; the fox makes the wolf return to its previous position (in a bag); a man kills a wolf, and at the same time kills a fox]: SUS 1979, No. 155:78; Russians (Pskov, Ostrovsky y.) [the wolf asks the man to hide it in a bag from the hunters; when the man then releases him, the wolf is going to eat it; the fox volunteered to resolve the dispute, wants to know how it was; when the wolf is back in the bag, the fox tells kill him; a man killed a fox first, then a wolf]: Smirnov 1917, No. 103:332-333; Russians (Pskov) [The man cultivates the field for turnips; the bear asks for a share; they throw lots to whoever gets it the bottom and who gets the top; the bear gets the top; the next year the man sows wheat; the bear demands the bottom, gets roots; threatens to kill the man; he asks home to say goodbye, meets a fox, she promises help for the chicken and the rooster; rattles in bags of iron, pretending to be approaching hunters; the bear asks the man to cut off his paws and say he is dead; the man kills the bear; the fox demands the promised chickens ; a man brings two dogs in a bag; dogs drive the fox into the hollow; the fox asks his legs, eyes how they helped her escape; the tail replies that it was hanging out and clinging, the fox gives it to the dogs; dogs they pull the fox by the tail]: Smirnov 1917, No. 105:348-350; Russians (Moscow) [plowman wolf: I'll eat your mare; man: lie down, I'll plow, I'll give it back myself; fox: what's in between? - A stump. - If there was a stump, an ax would be stuck in it. Wolf: stick an ax; the man hacked the wolf; the man promises the fox a couple of chickens; he put two dogs in the bag himself; the fox hid in a hole, asks his eyes, ears, legs how they helped her; tail; he replies that confused and interfered; the fox stuck it out, the dogs pulled the fox by the tail, tore it]: Vedernikova, Samodelova 1998, No. 13:43; Russians (Chernoyarsky y. Astrakhan Gubernia) [the wolf runs away from the hunters, asks the man to hide it in the bag; the hunters are gone, the man untied the bag, the wolf is going to eat it: the old bread and salt is forgotten; the man suggests asking the people he meets if this is so ; mare, dog agree with the wolf; the fox pretends not to believe that the wolf could fit in the bag; asks the man to tie the bag; asks how the man threshes bread in the field; the man beat the wolf with a flail; the fox : and how did you turn it away? the man began to turn away and hit the fox with a flail, killing him to death: old bread and salt is forgotten]: Afanasiev 1958 (1), No. 27:41-42; Russians (Tambov, Lipetsk u.) [A man and a bear sow turnips together, a man asks for roots, a bear takes the tops believing that they are more valuable. When wheat is sown, the bear takes the roots, and the man takes the tops. The bear is angry and wants to eat the man, he cries, the fox sees him and promises to help him. She asks from the bushes, "Are there any biryuk wolves here, medvedev?" , the bear asks the man to say no, promises not to eat it. The fox asks what is lying by the cart, the man, at the bear's request, says that the deck, the fox says that the deck should be tied, the man ties the bear, the fox, says that the deck must be stuck an ax, a man sticks an ax at the bear's request and kills it. The man gives her a bag of white chickens as a reward, but asks her not to look, she can't stand it, opens it - dogs jump out of the bag and chase her. She hides in a hole, asks her ears, legs and tail, her ears listened, her legs ran, and her tail interfered - she sticks it out and dogs pull her out of the hole and tear her out of the hole and tear her apart]: Afanasiev (1984), No. 249 (7b) : 35-36; Russians (Samara) [the merchant's son is taken as a soldier; writes home that he has become an officer; then a general; every time he asks for money; the father has arrived - the son serves as a solbat; he gave the horses he took with him a real general, and asks his son for a wolf ticket; the son and two comrades came to the palace, where petrified people; they ate, two fell asleep, and the guy began to read a special book; at midnight three black people came out girls in wool, asking for two more nights to suffer; after the second night they are half white, after the third they are completely white; one of them, the sovereign of this kingdom, took the boy as her husband; once he rode in a carriage to his father, on the way he drank everything in the tavern, came poor, hired to herd goats; when he drives him past the balcony, the guy plays the pipe, the goats are dancing; his wife came for him, the wedding, but they are beggars {further transition to the story Kuzma Skorobogaty}; "today they were married, and tomorrow they rushed to Thomas; and Thomas has neither a stake nor a yard"; the fox told the merchant that Thomas has five herds and herds ("a horse herd, a horned herd, a herd of sheep, yes a herd of goose, yes, there is a herd of pyrino, and there is a herd of chicken"); in the village where Thomas lived, the Serpent Gorynych lived there with the Serpent Gorynovna; "these herds were theirs, and the fox boasted that they were Thomas the Rich"; "the mountain ones are coming mine", and the fox ran to Snake Gorynyvch and Zmeya Gorynovna, told them to get out of the house; Tsar Thunder and Queen Molonya are coming to your house! The king will kill and the Queen will burn!" the fox tells them to climb into a rotten deck; tells the shepherds to say that the herds of Thomas the Rich, otherwise the King will kill and the Queen will burn; when the merchant and his men arrived, the fox advised him to shoot the deck, Thomas's estate got it; after the wedding, a fox comes, asks for a lamb, then a single file; like this every day; Tom let the dog go at her, the fox in the hole; asks his eyes, legs, how they helped her escape; asks tail; "And I dragged across the floor so that the dogs would catch up with the fox and pinch"; the fox gave Serke's tail, who pulled it by the tail and tore it; Thomas the Rich began to live badly and make good money]: Sadovnikov 1884, No. 14:80 -84; Belarusians: Kabashnika 1971, No. 72 [the snake was crushed by a stone; she begged the man to push him away; she was going to eat it; the soldier, the horse, the dog confirm that there is no gratitude; the fox quietly asks if the person will reward her with chickens; he promises to give it; the fox pretends to know exactly how the snake lay under the rock; when she got there, the man was ready to release it again, but the fox did not give; the man tells his wife to give the fox chickens; she flatly refuses; the fox came up, the man killed her], 73 [the wolf is being chased, he asks the man to hide it in the bag; when the man untied the bag, the wolf I was going to eat it; the fox wants to see the wolf fit into the bag; the man beat the wolf with a flail; fox: I saved you from death, give me something; in response, the man killed the fox with a flail]: 168-169, 170; Ukrainians (Chernigov) [the wolf asks to hide it from hunters and dogs; the man hides it in a bag; when he releases it, the wolf is going to eat it; the fox pretends not to believe that the wolf could have been in a bag; the wolf gets there, the man kills him; the fox asks for chickens, put it in a "stud on wheels"; the man puts three dogs there; the fox opens, the dogs are behind her, she hides in a hole, asks parts of his body, how they helped to escape; says to his tail that he was just confused, sticks it out of the hole, dogs pull it by the tail, kill it]: Berezovsky 1979, No. 221:256-257; Ukrainians [ a man wants to know what ingratitude is; a snake is crushed by a stone, asking her to be released; he frees him, she wants to strangle him; the wolf says the snake is right; the fox to whom the man has promised a chicken, wants to know how it happened; the snake is again under the stone, the fox goes to the man's house, the man's wife killed her]: Pankeev 1992:53-54; Ukrainians (Chernigovskaya, Nezhinsky y.) [the wolf asks to hide it from hunters and dogs; the man hides it in a bag; when he releases it, the wolf is going to eat it; the fox pretends not to believe that the wolf may have been in the bag; the wolf goes there climbs in, the man kills him; the fox asks for chickens, put a stud in "on wheels"; the man puts three dogs there; the fox opens, the dogs are behind her, she hides in a hole, asks for parts of her body, how they helped to escape; says to his tail that he just got confused, sticks her out of the hole, dogs pull her by the tail, kill her]: Malinka 1902, No. 42:324-325 (=Berezovsky 1979, No. 221:256-257).

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Crimean Tatars [see motive K119; a fox marries a person, makes him rich; when he pretends to be dead, the owner throws it away]: Useinov 1992, No. 18:236-244; Stavropol Turkmens [cf. motive K119; the fox marries a man, makes him rich; when he pretends to be dead, the owner tells her to throw it away]: Bagriy 1930 (2): 74-77; Abkhazians [The fox pretends to be dead, the owner throws it away, dies]: Shakryl 1975, No. 3:16-20; Balkarians: Malkonduev 2017:566-570 [the poor miller has only 6 chickens; the fox orders to slaughter one chicken for her, then the others; then orders to heat the skewer and scorch it; I went up the hill, all the animals gathered around; fox: the whole world is burning, I hardly ran away, there is only one place to hide from the fire; brings the animals to the khan's barn, locks it with a key; asks the khan his daughter is her brother's wife; he himself is a man, but in the form of a fox; said that he had brought the remains of animals; the khan is amazed: if these are remnants, then how many of them are there; the fox tells the miller to break the bridge, undress, throw everything into the water; fox khanu: under the weight of a hundred wagons, the bridge collapsed; Khan tells tailors to sew clothes for the groom; Khan is surprised why his son-in-law looks at his clothes; fox: shy, he had a lot better; a hundred wagons with a bride and goodness, a fox takes nine giants to the castle; a fox to giants: the world is burning, we must hide under a shock of straw; the fox set fire to straw; 8 giants burned down, one half-burned ran ; later the miller drove the fox away; she brought the half-burnt giant; the miller to the fox: why are you leading a half-burnt man and not healthy; the giant smeared the fox on the ground and ran away], 630-632 []; Ossetians: Dzagurov 1973, No. 2 [the wolf tells the ploughman that while he plows, he will drag him a ram every day, but then he will have to give him a bull; without a bull, the peasant is afraid of going broke; promises a lamb to the fox in a bag; she agrees how the person should answer her; fox: hello; person: have breakfast with us; fox: I'm afraid of your dog (i.e. wolf); man: it's not a dog, it's a leather bag; fox: then tie it him to the arba; hit him; wolf: only lightly; the man crushed the wolf's head with a yoke; instead of a lamb, he puts a dog in a fox bag; the fox hardly ran away; in the fall he brought the bears, they ruined the sown oats are a man; a man regrets his betrayal], 24 [see motive K119; a fox marries a man, makes him rich; now asks to marry her bride, the man refuses]: 17-20, 51-53; Miller 1881, No. 1 ( Digors) [the wolf suggests that the ploughman bring him a lamb every day until he takes out his plow, and when he does, let him give one bull; the ploughman agreed, but then does not know what to do: It is impossible for one bull to plow; the fox promises to help; comes and asks what it is next to the plowman. - Bag. - If the bag, tie it to the arba; hit the top of the head; the wolf is dead; the fox asked for a lamb as a reward; the man put a greyhound in the bag; the fox ran away and hid, but the dog tore off its tail; the fox brought the pigs to the man's field, but they did not give it the promised pig; the fox brought people to kill the pigs; they gave she has a horse; she does not know how to kill a horse; calls a wolf, teaches her how to cut a horse correctly; to do this, let the horse and the wolf put their heads in the same loop; both are dead]: 83-87; Chechens [see motif K119; fox marries Bigaldi on the prince's daughter, pretends to be dead, he orders her to be thrown on a manure heap]: Malsagov 1983, No. 49:190-194; the Nogais [see motif K119; the fox marries a man, makes him rich; when pretends to be dead, the owner throws it away]: Nogai 1979, No. 9:33-34; Avars [see motive K119; the fox marries a man, makes him rich; when he pretends to be dead, the person says he doesn't care]: Dirr 1920, No. 12:66-70 (=Saidov, Dalgat 1965:131-137); Kyurins [fox steals pears from the pear king's garden; trapped; asks not to kill, promises to marry the daughter of King Lala; borrowed moderately, left a coin in the crack; the king agrees to give her daughter away; the fox says that the groom lost everything when crossing the river; at the feast, he explains that the groom looks around the new dress because his own was better; on the way to the groom's house, he tells him to tie thorns to the tails of animals; tells the divas that an army is coming - dust is visible; one diva hid in the forest, and 6 in an adobe; the fox set him on fire, the divas burned down; once the fox fell ill, the young wife took her by the tail and threw her into the yard; she promises revenge for her ingratitude; she went to bring the diva out of the forest; he is afraid of deception, tells the fox to agree to contact him by chain; king of pears: why only one diva out of seven? the diva ran, the fox died, his mouth was grinned; the diva first thought she was laughing; the king of pears healed happily]: Lionidze, Sultanov 1892, No. 1:165-167; aguly [the miller fed the hungry fox, and she responded decided to thank him; went to the king twice and asked for a measure to measure gold; each time a gold coin remained in the measure; the king decided that the fox served a rich man; the fox married the miller the king's daughter; when the king invited the miller to his place, she asked the king for clothes for him on the pretext that the groom's clothes were soaked in the rain; after the wedding, the fox told Azhdakha that an army was coming to kill him; Azhdaha ran away, a miller and his wife settled in his house; when the fox came again, the miller asked his wife to drive her out; the fox persuaded Azhdaha to drive the miller out of the house; they joined with a rope, and when Azhdaha scared of the miller and ran into the forest, the fox died]: Maysak 2014, No. M29:477; Georgians: Bogoyavlensky 1894a, No. 10 (Imereti) [the fox asks the miller to give her three chickens, promises to marry, gets a good one clothes, leads to the king; the young go home, the fox tells the heroes that a strong king and his entourage are coming, advises them to hide in the hay, set it on fire, the miller went to the palace; he promises after the fox dies put her in a golden coffin; the fox pretended to be dead, the miller is going to throw it into the hole; so twice; the fox told the king everything; he executed the fox for deception]: 71-73; Wardrobe 1894 [see motif K119; fox marries a man, makes him rich; when he pretends to be dead, the master throws her away; when she really dies, all wealth has disappeared]: 106-111; Armenians [the prince felt sorry for the poor man, the king is going to execute his son , but agreed to expel him; a fox, a wolf, a bear, a kite came to him, began to serve; they stole the princess as his wife; her father sent an old woman in a flying crucian carp (a large vessel); the fox drove her away, but the prince greeted her; she lured the princess into karas, carried her away; the animals returned her; the king came with an army; the beasts brought their relatives, destroyed the army, tortured the old woman; the king, who expelled his son, died, the prince returned home with his wife , reigned; the fox decided to check if he appreciated it, pretended to be dead; the tsar took the body by the tail and threw it away; but when the fox really died, she was given a lavish funeral]: Bogoyavlensky 1892b, No. 13: 130-140; Azerbaijanis [the fox promises poor Armudan-bek to marry him to the king's daughter; asked the king to measure the vessel - first pennies and then gold, each time leaving one coin as if stuck; the king agrees to marry; the fox tells the herd owners to say that they belong to A.; in the palace of the three divas he tells them that the king is going to war against them, let them hide under a haystack; set fire to the haystack; once pretended to be dead, A. ordered to throw out the carrion; the fox began to reproach A.; when she really died, A. was afraid that it was a hoax again, buried it solemnly]: Bagriy, Zeynally 1935:501-504; Turks: Stebleva 1986, No. 6 [see motif M161; a fox saves a man from a snake, he promises her chickens, brings dogs in a bag], 13 [see motif K119; a fox marries a man, makes him rich; when he pretends dead, the owner throws it away], 70 [see motif M161; carries dogs in a bag]: 25-26, 39-42, 286-287; Kurds: Jalil et al. 1989, No. 154 [see motive M156; fox helps escape from the snake, man gives it away hunter], 155 [see motive K119; the fox marries a man, makes him rich; when he pretends to be dead, the owner throws it away]: 455-457, 457-458.

Iran - Central Asia. The Persians (Hamadan, Azerbaijan and possibly other regions) [a grateful fox (he stole flour, but the miller did not kill him) gets a princess for the poor man; for this purpose she dances in her yard, she goes out to look, the bird takes it away; at the head of an army of wild animals, the fox defeats the king's army; drives demons out of the castle; to test man's loyalty, the fox pretended to be dead; he is not going to him mourn; in revenge, the fox informs the princess of her husband's low origin; the man was guilty and everything was settled; when the fox really died, he was mourned according to all the rules]: Marzolph 1984, no.*545:112-113; Yazgulyam [the orphan planted grapes, one bunch grew, the fox ate it; the orphan grabbed her, she asked not to kill her, promises to make her king; came to the king: give your daughter for the king of the Five bunches; king: let him bring five mountain goats; a fox to the goats: the king of the Five bunches has surrounded you; goats: what should we do? fox: follow me; brought them to the king, said that the king had sent five bunches; the king sent him clothes in response; the orphan dressed up as a groom, the king gave him a daughter; the fox came to the dragon: the king of the Five bunches of you surrounded; the dragon burst in fear; the orphan healed in the dragon's golden house; the fox fell ill, said to the king: give water; former orphan: go drink yourself; fox: you were an orphan in the mill, I married you the royal daughter, made king; the fox died]: Edelman 1966, No. 6:195-196.

Baltoscandia. Estonians: Jakobson 1987 [the bear was hired to guard the field, asks for what is in the ground; the wheat is ripe, the bear has roots; the following year he asked for what is above the ground; the owner sowed turnips, a bear tops; the bear told the fox that he would kill the peasant; the fox: I will help if you give chicken with chickens; the peasant agrees; the bear meets the peasant; the fox barks, the bear believes that a hunter is coming with 10 dogs; fox in a rude voice: what's dark there; bear: say it's a stump; if it's a stump, why don't you load it on the cart; bear: I'll climb it myself; fox: why don't you tie it; man: the ropes are bad; fox: I'll help you now with dogs; bear: tie it well; fox: why don't you cut a stump with an ax; bear: hit lightly; a peasant killed a bear; brought three dogs to the fox in a bag instead of a chicken; she opened the bag, rushed into hole, tail out; dogs pulled it out and killed it; fox: why did I dig a bear hole, I got into it myself]: 111-115; Kippar 2010, No. II.3 (eastern Estonia, Maarja-Magdalena) [bear to man: for I'll guard your field, my roots; the man picked oats; next time the bear wanted tops, the man picked turnips; the fox to the man: will you give two bags of chickens for not letting the bear eat you? the man agrees; the fox taught me how to answer; makes noise; man: these are the royal rangers looking for wolves and bears; bear: climb on the cart, I will say that there is a thick log; fox: why not tied; man tied up a bear; why don't they stick an ax? the man hacked the bear; brought the fox two dogs in bags; untied it, the fox disappeared into the hole; began to ask his eyes and legs how they helped to escape; tail: and I clung to the bushes; the fox stuck him out of the hole, dogs they pulled the fox by the tail and lifted it up]: 33-34; the set [the wolf was overlaid by hunters; he asks the man to hide it in a bag; when a man releases him, the wolf is going to eat it; the dog, the horse say that they do not remember good things; the fox pretends not to believe that the wolf could get into the bag; when the bag is tied, the fox tells the man to beat the wolf with a stick; he beat and then nailed the fox; the wolf skin went to the fur coat, fox on the collar]: Mägiste 1990:57-62; Finns [the bear fell into the trap of a peasant, persuaded him to let him go, then went to eat it; horse, dog confirm that good is paid for evil; fox pretends to want to know how it happened; the bear remains trapped, the peasant goes home, promising the fox chickens; she comes for the chickens, the hostess hits her with a stick; when running away, the fox says that thanks It really doesn't happen]: Goldberg 1957:53-59; Lithuanians: Kerbelite 2014, No. 9 [the man pulled a snake out of the pit; it wrapped around his neck and began to strangle him; the horse, the dog say people are ungrateful; the fox demands to show how it happened again in the hole; the man promises her a chicken; the wife persuaded her to shoot the fox instead; the fox is dying: this is how they pay for good; a total of 85 options; in 20 foxes they give a bag of dogs; at 10 she hides from dogs in a hole, but gets angry with her tail and throws it away to dogs]: 43-44; Lebite 1965 [see motif M161; a fox saves a man from a bear, he promises her chickens, brings dogs to bag]: 55-57; Latvians [the bear wants to eat a man (his horse); a fox helps a person: a bear is tied to a cart and killed; the fox does not receive the promised chickens; the fox talks to its body members ]: Aris, Meedne 1977, No. 154:259; Norwegians: Dasent 1970 [the bear is going to lift a man's horse, the fox promises to help if a person gives it a sheep; pretends to be a bear hunter; the bear asks you to say that he is a stump; the fox tells you to roll a stump on the cart, put an ax into it; the man follows the lamb, the wife tells you to put two greyhounds in the bag instead; they drive a fox]: 266-269 (briefly in Hodne 1984, 154:42); Hodne 1984, No. 155 [a man saves a snake; it is going to kill it, the other animals agree; the fox adjusts so that the snake agrees to be trapped again; when comes for a reward, a person pays her with ingratitude]: 43; the Danes [the lumberjack agreed to release the snake that was pinched by a tree; it was going to sting him, but agreed to ask people you meet, is there a reward for good; an old horse: there is no gratitude; a man promises two geese to the fox, she says that good is rewarded, has a snack on the snake's neck; the man follows the geese, the wife puts two dogs in the bag, they bitten to death a fox; she has time to think that good is still being paid for evil]: Grundtvig 1920:184-186 (=Cramer 1919:119-122); Western Sami (Sweden) [fox saves a person who pays her evil for good]: Qvigstad 1925, No. 155:11.

Volga - Perm. Tatars: Zamaletdinov 2008a, No. 9 [the fox promises to marry Salam-Torkhan to the daughter of bay for chicken; takes a measure from the bay - supposedly carry copper, silver, gold ST coins; leaves one each time coin; advises to repair the bridge - the groom will bring a lot of good; buy does not repair; the fox breaks the bridge, pretends that everything has drowned; ST looks at the clothes received from the bay; fox: he is used to the best; tells the shepherds horses, cows, sheep say that they are grazing ST herds; tells the merchant that an army is coming, telling her to hide in a well, drowns; ST promises the fox that it will bury her in a gold box; she pretended to be dead, ST ordered to throw it into the hole; the fox reproaches ST, he is ashamed; when he really died, he is buried with honors], 25 [the bear invites the old man to sow turnips together; chooses stems, gets one leaf; on the next year, the old man sows wheat, the bear chooses roots; promises to kill the old man; the fox tells the old man, who promises her chicken; she finds out where the den is, people killed the bear; the old man brought the fox to the village - supposedly for the chicken; lowered the dog; the fox ran to the hole; asks his front, hind legs, ears how they helped escape; asks the tail, he says he moved to be caught; dog she noticed a moving tail, grabbed a fox]: 41-45, 71-73; the Bashkirs [the boy and the fox live together; the fox marries him to the daughter of a rich man; to test the loyalty of the young man who promised to bury her under the bunk beds , if she dies, the fox pretended to be dead; the young man threw her over the fence; the fox kicked him and his wife out of the house; in the version in which the cat helps the young man marry, there is no motive for revenge]: Khusainova 2014:59-60 ; Mordovians: Yurtov 1883, No. 20 [poor Damai has only a tub of oil; the fox steals oil, Damai caught her and began to beat her; the fox promises to marry him the daughter of the Thunder King; Thunder praises power and wealth D.; advises to repair bridges, otherwise D. Bogatyr is heavy; takes D. to Thunder, on the way he tells the shepherds of geese, turkeys, cows, horses to say that they are herding the herds of not the seven-headed Karyaz, but Damai; with difficulty knocked down the Iron Bridge, told D. to undress and jump into the river; at Thunder, the fox meticulously chooses clothes for D. instead of the supposedly drowned one; tells Karyaz to hide 7 piles of oak firewood; he notices what will come to life from the ashes, so long as the ashes do not dissipate in the wind; the fox encourages Thunder to burn firewood and then scatter the ashes; asked for a chicken as a reward; instead, D. gave her a bag containing dogs; a fox untied it, they tore it apart]: 119-135 (about the same Anikin 1909: {p.?}) ; Evseviev 1964, No. 6 [old man plows; bear: eat your horse; old man: let the pen plow; bear lay under the cart; fox: old man, did you see a bear? bear: tell me you didn't see; fox: what's under the cart? bear: say that a burnt stump; fox: you would pick it up on the cart; bear: pick it up; fox: if there was a stump, you would stick an ax; bear: stick it; the old man hacked it; promises the fox a club with chickens; instead, I brought a dog in a bag; the fox hid in the hole; - Eyes - how did they take care of me? - We watched so as not to fall. - I'll buy you glasses. How did your legs run? - All go ahead. - I'll buy boots. Tail, how is my shore? - I was confused between my legs; the fox stuck it out, the dog pulled it out by the tail, ate it], 55 [the bear invites the old man to plant turnips together; chose the tops; the next year they sowed wheat, the bear chose the roots; tells the old man that when he comes for firewood, he will eat it; the old man has come for firewood; the bear threatens to eat; the fox: did you see the bear? I'm chasing to the service; bear: tell me you didn't see; fox: what's next to you? bear: say it's a stump; fox: if a stump, he would stick an ax; the old man hacked the bear; promises the fox a basket of chickens; put two greyhounds in the basket, took the chicken in his hand; the fox hid from the greyhounds in the hollow; asks their eyes and legs, what did they do; they showed the way, they ran; and the tail? He got confused between his legs; the fox stuck it out, the dogs pulled it out and ate it]: 41-42, 367-370; Komi [the fox helps the man get rid of the bear with cunning advice; instead of gratitude, the man loads the fox with a bag in which the dog is hidden; released from the bag, it immediately tears the fox (chases it); the fox hides in the hole from the chase; asks its legs, eyes, tail, who did what; the tail replies that interfered, she sticks it out of the hole, and the dogs pull the fox by the tail]: Korovina 2012, No. 154:76.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. The Altaians [the hunter was going to hit the snake, but it managed to wrap around his neck; says he will kill the hunter; the horse and the dog agree - people are selfish; fox: how did the hunter want to kill you? the snake lies down where it was, the hunter kills it; says that he wants to bow to the fox, instead grabs it, kills it; at home he tells his wife everything, but tells her to feed the horse and dog to their fill]: Sadalova 2002, No. 10: 99-101; khakas [the snake asks the bay to save her from the fire, promises to teach the language of animals; he saves, she is going to sting him; the horse, the dog say that people are ungrateful; the fox: if the snake wants to be like a bay (i.e. just as ungrateful), let her stand on the ground next to him first; bai killed the snake with a stick; bai is going to shoot the fox, it runs away]: Balter 1958:57-59.