Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K11B. Reeds made from poultry bones.


bones of a huge bird turn into reeds or bamboo for making arrows or sarbacans.

Makiritare, Yanomami, Pemon, Barasana, Makuna, Mura

Southern Venezuela. Makiritare [thunder and lightning owner forbids his sister to dig cassava on his property; she digs; he kills her two sons with lightning; puts their hearts at the fork in the Kudi tree; they turn into small Dinoshi harpy eagles; grow up, they have armor on their chest, Kudi turns into a mountain; the man's wife goes to find out what's going on, D. eats her; they grab and eat people; the anaconda man Kudene creates first curare; a trumpeter bird learns that D.'s back is vulnerable to arrows; they are killed with poisoned arrows; their feathers and bones are turned into bamboo for making wind guns]: Civrieux 1960:183-184 ( about the same in 1980:85-87); Yanomami [(Cocco 1972:314-316); the owner of the Kasé-Nudu thunder hunted prey with lightning; does not tell his sister to come to his site with cassava; she came; he took her two children into the forest, killed her with thunder, put their hearts at the fork in the tree; they turned into huge Dinoshi harpy eagles; the killer was frightened; the tree became a mountain with a nest of harpies at the top; their feathers were like armor; Enneku, the murderer's wife, went after them, they ate it; began to grab and carry people away; Kudene (looked like a water snake) cooked curare; the trumpeter bird found out that D. behind them did not have armor; K. amazed them with an arrow; fallen feathers turned into bamboo for wind guns; where they fell, the best bamboo grows]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 126:222-225.

Guiana. Pemon [a man marries Thunder's daughter; he demands to cultivate the site before returning (the birds do this and other tasks); the man replaces the Thunder Club with a powerless fake; a man's younger brother turns into a tapir, Thunder kills him; a man puts the tapir's heart in a pot, it turns into a cannibal bird Mochima; birds kill M. with poisoned arrows; M. turn into huge earthworms; reeds grow on the grave, from which wind guns are made]: Armellada 1973, No. 15:61-63

NW Amazon. Barasana [Month (Muihu), Meni's son, comes to her sister at night (her name is Méneri-Ya, Mya), she became pregnant; she spread the black paint, smeared his face; in the morning she identified it; since then There have been spots on the moon; the month drowned in shame; his body has rotted on the shore; the Bat ate his flesh, since then he has become an ogre; Meni sent a shaman owl to look for his son, he has not found it (since then in owls big eyes); Adiab's three brothers (creators) found Muihu's bones; told the ants to put them together, stuck them with tobacco leaves, creating a new body; Muihu came to life, but fell apart again when the middle A. said that M. slept with Mya; A. revived him again; I did not recognize him; he had a monkey with him, he asked ME to get her kaimo fruit from the top of the tree to eat; made the tree tall, MYA remained in the upper world; the mochilero bird began to look for it, saw a reflection; I was bitten by a wasp, a mochilero killed a wasp, brought ME water, a anklet; weaved a rope to go down; the rope broke off, Mya fell down and returned home; Muihu told her to bring water, but the full vessel dried immediately; while she tried to fill it, Meni and Muihu left; at the Meni fork left a vessel decorated with turkey feathers that looked like a man; Meni told him to show ME the right way if I came crying, and false if laughing; I laughed while she was far away, and when she came to the vessel, she cried; the vessel showed the way to the Jaguars; I came to the Opossumiha; she asked her to lie in her son's hammock, but he smelled badly, I moved on; the Jaguars had them at home Oako's mother was Meni's sister; the Jaguars returned from work at the site, carrying axes; Jaguar saw Mya hiding in a vessel in the mirror; she spat out of disgust; the youngest Jaguar agreed with her to dance; starting with his fingers, he ate her; the giblets were given to her mother; she carried them to the river to wash them, the boy Warimí Sué jumped from the womb into the water; the Jaguars tried to catch him; he became a frog; they They ate a frog, but he actually went down the river to where Menya's sons live; bathed with them; the boys didn't know who he was; he didn't go into the house; painted or ate butterflies; their fathers told them lure V.; the big girl was buried in the sand, others wrote from above; butterflies flew; V. began to paint, the girl grabbed him; V. became a little boy, began to cry; Menya thought that this is the child of his eldest daughter; passed from one daughter to another, but V. stopped crying only on his youngest's lap; he was blown, painted with red paint (since then they have been doing this to babies); . quickly grew into a ten-year-old boy; Meni told him that his mother had eaten jaguars; V. came to Maloka Jaguars, became a baby again; the jaguar that ate Menery-I touched V., licked his finger, it turned out to be bitter; V. saw this Jaguar regurgitate his mother's blood; V. turned the Jaguars into different animals (tapir, paka, etc.), they ate each other; the Jaguars played a sounding calebass made from a head mother V., her voice is heard, My son; V. put a log in his hammock, the Jaguar ate it; in the morning, the Jaguars played me again with my skull, V. threw him into the forest; told the water gauges to collect the nut husks miriti palm trees, threw it into the water, it turned into piranhas; Tapira, with whom he went to collect miriti, V. pushed it into the water, the piranhas ate it; V. made a bridge, the Jaguars walked along it, V. swung it, the Jaguars they fell, the piranhas ate them; the one who ate MYA held one paw above the water, was left with one leg; Jaguar V. burned the house; came to Menya, showed him the wounds he had inflicted on himself; asked Menya to go with him against the Jaguars; they are all dead; Warimí asked Watsóa Wehéro to throw him the Wansoko fruit; he made a ladder, offered to go up, threw away the stairs, V. could not go down; in winter they flew in Herons gave him feathers, taught him to fly; on the way, the trap was like scissors; V. put a log into it, everything flew safely; on the site, the fire, V. caused rain, everyone flew by; ducks and other birds flew with them; flew to Romí-Kumú; she fed everyone; suspects that someone is with the birds because she ate more than usual; arranges a dabukuri festival; the birds came back, and V. stayed with the Republic of Kazakhstan; she took him to his father's Rimáhinó (Serpent Venom) house; RK woke him up by touching a red-hot shard; V. became a flea, R. took it off his back, put it in his mouth; V. jumped out over his nose when R. sneezed. took the poison; flew as a bird to his grandmother, Mení's wife; began to cook poison, tasted it, lost consciousness; at this time the snakes stole it, became poisonous; V. killed the ogre eagle Ramé with a wind gun; him blood turned into various types of cane; his feathers were taken for dance costumes, he taught many songs]: Torres Laborde 1969:31-45; macuna [Murciélago tigre married; his wife has three brothers; he goes hunting with one, kills, eats, says that he was killed at night by an animal; the same with his second brother; the wife sits down with her legs apart, the Bat laughs, the wife sees human hair in He is in his throat and on his teeth; his last brother goes with him to the forest, feeds him with fish, the bone gets stuck in the Bat's throat; pulling it out, his brother sees his hair; hits the Bat with a stone that he used to kill others; The bat turns into a bat; people wooded a tree with bats, burned it; two cubs stayed, came to a woman with three adult sons and one baby; they were left behind watch the baby, they sucked blood through his fingers, he died; the female was burned, flute reeds grew from her ashes; the male turned into a terrible eagle, killed people, he was killed with arrows]: Århem et al. 2004:509-517.

Central Amazon. Mura (Lower Purus) [the Osprey (Strix clamator) Yacurutu and his sister are giants, they ate Moore's children; shamans brought my grandfather turtle ashore; I grabbed him, his claws are stuck; my sister too stuck; when I go under water, I say that his hands will grow a tree to make onions, from... (?) - arrow glue, fat - castanha paraalisar o gomo da flecha de arco, from feathers - vine for making bowstrings, from hair - curana for arrow threads (tie?) , made of bones - bamboo for arrowheads]: Barbosa Rodrigues 1890:267-269.